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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 134 KB, 1200x1600, yeha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6305325 No.6305325 [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/'s opinion on creepyyeha?

>> No.6305333

I don't even understand what this is.
Please enlighten me.

>> No.6305335

she's pretty famous on tumblr, i'd say. she makes accessories like shown in the picture. that's also her in the pic.

>> No.6305338

I think that top doesn't fit properly at all.

>> No.6305341

From this I don't like her. She's already thin, so why did she make her accessory too small for even her?

Both her waist belt and thigh belt cut into her.

>> No.6305343

Yeah, definitely wouldn't fit the average person.
Maybe you could put them on stuffed animals or something?

>> No.6305342


you know, you can adjust belts by the buckle.............................................................

>> No.6305344

i agree. i find her really attractive in the photos she takes of herself, but i also find it's the way she poses in them. in photos of her on the street, she doesn't look amazing. still thin and cute, but nothing spectacular.

i was also kind of wondering what people thought of her style.

>> No.6305346
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>> No.6305351

Everything too small, except the bra, which is too big...

>> No.6305349

Then why didn't she adjust it to fit herself?

I have problems with people who squeeze into things that don't fit them just so they can go "oh yeah I fit in this at this size" I think the stuff is cute, I would buy it. And I think her body is cute, don't know her face though.

It's just that I would guess she has a bad mentality of herself thinking that looks better than wearing it where it actually fits her.

>> No.6305352

>what people thought of her style
Seems like fetish gear. I like her hair, though.

>> No.6305354
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>> No.6305366
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>> No.6305368

Idk but I want those heart ring shoe garters :(

>> No.6305375

She's not at all as cute in these.

>> No.6305377
File: 46 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m49vvjY4uN1qixxaxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6305428

omg, she's perfect, so skinny... new fav thinspo.
and now off to the bathroom, someone's got a breakfast to throw up..

>> No.6305457

...I really hope you get help...

>> No.6305565

felice fawn is better

>> No.6305621


Felice Fawn is a retard who self-pierces.

>> No.6305813

yeah but she's better at the tumblrgoth thing than this girl.. at least her clothes fit

>> No.6305821

She likes bondage. I think she deliberately makes her clothing too tight to give it that bondage look, sexy flesh oozing out of tight shorts kind of thing. I kind of like it actually, but to anyone else it just looks badly fitting.

>> No.6305874

Felice is better in what way? Photoshopping herself to look less haggard and bloated? Making a flop fashion brand "deumos" and never giving people the items they paid for? Doing coke lines on cam?

>> No.6305955

better as in... prettier. just because i think she's prettier than this chink doesn't mean i agree with everything she's done. she's only popular because she's asian. her face ain't cute.

>> No.6305970

I don't even really know what Felice looks like because she photoshops herself so much she looks different in each picture.

>> No.6305975

Her face will only get her so far, she has a wretched personality. I keep up with some of her drama because she broadcasts herself like a bad reality show. At the end of the dat Felice Fawn is a 23 year old crashing on her friends couch, living off of instant soup and bitching that her 16 year old friends/fans can't go out drinking with her.

>> No.6305977


I did used to believe Felice was pretty, but after reading about her antics online, and what she did to that girl who was under police protection... I can't look at her and find her beautiful. She's hideous on the inside and so it shines through.

Creepyeha seems like a decent girl, at least she sends out her paying customers their goods.

>> No.6305982
File: 176 KB, 911x960, tumblr_ma525a0Aga1rgpa37o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you Google something like Felice Fawn unphotoshopped you'll get a few pictures. Obviously she's not ugly, but she's not the anemic, nu-gawth princess she makes herself out to be, her features are a lot more plain. She seems to really dislike her jawline and is constantly shooping longer and more defined.

>> No.6305990

I wish I was as skinny as her so bad.

>> No.6305993

she still insists she doesn't shoop

>> No.6305997
File: 52 KB, 328x360, 1246051175738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Girl under police protection? Are you referring to the girl in livejournal/efagz? Spoony are you on efagz?

>> No.6305998

you def just copied and pasted that from efagz.

that picture is old tho

>> No.6306008


I used to be on a different account, but I shut that account down. By the time I'd made a new one and attempted to rejoin membership had already been locked.
But yeah, that entire debacle was disgusting. I was shaking with rage reading the excerpts.

>> No.6306009

ily spoony <3

>> No.6306011
File: 153 KB, 675x625, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


D'aaaaw, ily2 (。◕‿◕。)

>> No.6306012
File: 42 KB, 499x750, tumblr_m4lygxu0iH1qixxaxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's gorgeous and I love her outfits. I do find some of her attire very inappropriate to wear in public, though.

Does anyone know where I can find a skirt like pic related?

>> No.6306015
File: 117 KB, 600x800, DSCF4797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same skirt as pic related, only Yeha appears to have ironed hers.
I do believe it's from H&M, and it was callled.... "black wet look skirt"?

>> No.6306018
File: 73 KB, 553x751, tumblr_m02olu6E2G1qixxaxo1_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think she's popular because she makes cool accessories, not because she's asian.

>> No.6306019


Oh wait, the waistband is completely different. My bad.

>> No.6306022
File: 152 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lvy1tauisF1qixxaxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not quite the same, you can tell by the waistband/fabric. Thanks for the heads up about the H&M one, though.

>> No.6306023

what debacle was this? for some reason i don't remember it

>> No.6306026


Is there a Cliffnotes version for those of us who don't follow efagz drama?

>> No.6306029

I like her dark style but her light one is basicly some kind of Cult Party Kei that is currently popular in tokyo.

>> No.6306033
File: 105 KB, 494x700, tumblr_lw9gflLRRY1qixxaxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know how to achieve a hair color similar to hers? i realized her past hair color is a perfect example of what i failed to achieve recently.

>> No.6306035

so thats her face eh?

>> No.6306036

This picture is to my tastes even. How did you knoooooow \(◕ o ◕)/ You're perfect!

>> No.6306037


Felice had a Rottweiler named Rocky which she was plainly abusing. She kept it in a cramped, smokey, foul flat and appeared to hardly ever walk it, used it as a status symbol and a fashion accessory. The dog also appeared to have some painful-looking dental problems which she left untreated.
A girl from Livejournal decided to report the dogs condition to the RSPCA, or she was GOING to or something like that. I can't remember the exact details buy Felice's boyfriend Rich in a MASSIVE dick-move went and published the girls full name, address, phone number and email onto his Tumblr as revenge and refused to remove them. It turns out the girl was/is actually under police protection and living in a secret location on account of abuse, psychotic father who had harmed or attempted to grievously harm, maybe even kill her in the past (details, details).
The girl pleaded with Felice and Rich to remove them, which they refused because they were pissed that the girl had intended to report their abused dog. It eventually got to the point where hundreds of people were pleading and begging with Felice and Rich to remove them, explained the delicate situation and how they were placing the girl in immediate danger by publishing the details, they still refused. Eventually Tumblr was contacted,the details were removed, the police were called round to Riches flat where Felice was residing. Not sure what happened after that but I believe they were cautioned.

Said girl never received an apology, nothing.

>> No.6306039
File: 168 KB, 706x483, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're all perverts on /cgl/ :D

>> No.6306045

What are those things in her wall? The ones on the right side... look like some sort of creepy kawaii illustrations.

I want them.

>> No.6306049

I don't know who she is but I had this color in the past with Alfaparf Jean's (I think that's the name, googling that should get you there anyway) magenta mixed with a little bit of their purple - I did probably 80% magenta to 20% purple. I'm very partial to their dyes and I've tried many brands.

>> No.6306053


I don't know, but I just zoomed in on one of them and it reads:

>rebirth of the RETARD-WIZARD in Turd!
>harry potter? No!!


>> No.6306052

She'd look better with circle lens...

>> No.6306054
File: 301 KB, 500x707, tumblr_m62u7fGqfv1r1dojho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy, i believe

>> No.6306066

Gotta love me some engrish.

>my inbox is a useless like your daddy's dick~

Yeah, seems about right. Thanks!

>> No.6306074


They should write a novel.

>> No.6306075

and her being asian has NOTHING to do with that? yeah ok buddy

>> No.6306078

no. just no.

>> No.6306080


I don't think it does. When I originally started following her I was convinced she was Caucasian and was genuinely shocked when she posted a full body shot including her face. She has a very.... non-Asian body imo.

>> No.6306081
File: 37 KB, 338x604, tumblr_lreyucZ4ZR1qixxaxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have always wondered why she doesn't wear them

>> No.6306084
File: 32 KB, 850x514, tumblr_m28pnpb8j31qixxaxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. i want her ass/hips/thighs so badly.

>> No.6306099

I have that exact skirt she's wearing (same style and waistband) and it, too, was from H&M, but like year and a half, two years ago?

>> No.6306107

for you, maybe not. for the rest of the tumblr twats that follow her? doubtful.

her ass looks flat as fuck, ngl. it only looks that way because she's sticking it out, you can tell by the way she's standing, bro.


it's her S-line that's really nice. asians are becoming bigger/curvier now because of the introduction of dairy into the culture within the past 20 or so years. that's most likely why her boobs look the way they do (and partially because of the way she makes her tops, too big, makes your small boobs look sorta bigger than they are)

>> No.6306119

I bought a skirt that looks exactly like that from Zara last year, if that helps.

>> No.6306143
File: 55 KB, 452x321, barfing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat abnormally wide gap
>shapeless, flat ass
fucking GROSS

>> No.6306154

Seriously loving all those tights

>> No.6306160

She's got a nice waist, though.

>> No.6306169

I'd kill for a gap like that

>> No.6306172

Same her, I only started following her because of the garter stuff she makes, not because of her looks besides there are so many asian chicks that wear this kind of style currently.

>> No.6306174

Her face simply doesn't match up to her body. I love her style, but often find the stuff she reblogs on tumblr to sometimes be quite tasteless, but of course, to each their own, and the posts follow the kind of style she goes with anyway.

>> No.6306176
File: 25 KB, 414x750, tumblr_m1ilxe6G991qixxaxo1_r3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ass doesn't look flat to me, especially for a chinese girl. have you guys seen the boxy, flat asses on other chinese chicks? and i think her gap looks like that because of the way she poses.

i don't deny that the way she poses makes her ass look a lot better, but in this picture, she's not sticking it out like she normally does.

>> No.6306191

She seems to genuinely care when things get lost in the post. I mean, no saint, but if something goes wrong she actually tries to fix things and apologise etc.
That seems rare in the tumblrfamous selling circle.

>> No.6306208

Are you insane? I'd murder kawaii asian babies for dat gap, waist, thinness and bone structure.

>> No.6306233

ITT: jealous white fatties

>> No.6306237

Does anyone know how to make accessories like this? Especially with leater? Do you buy the strips pre cut, or cut them yourself? Are there any tutorials out there?

>> No.6306241

You need quite a lot of equipment thought, working with leather isn't easy:

>> No.6306242

Tandy Leather sells leather strips pre-made for things like belts, but you could also just go buy some leather and cut it into the strips yourself.

>> No.6306297

This is awesome, definitely gonna try!

Also found this:

>> No.6306328

I just want to say, Tandy is overpriced as shit since they're a chain. If you can find local leather suppliers buy from them. All leather stores sell strips pre-cut.

>> No.6307267

she copies taobao stuff

>> No.6307322

any links to the stuff she's copied?

>> No.6307337



>> No.6307340

...fuck that cunt.

It always squicks me when I see friends of mine reblogging Fawn's pictures.

>> No.6307344

No but heels do wonders for the shape of your ass.

>> No.6307349

I think her stuff's cute, albiet a bit boring by this point. It was OMGCRAZY when it first came out but then I was just like "eh okay so straps and spikes and fake flowers and heart rings"

>> No.6307353

I would be so fucking depressed if I starved myself as much as Felice and STILL didn't look any smaller than someone who was perfectly healthy.

Felice doesn't even look that thin, like she just looks like a skinny girl. Especially in those nude photos she did, she looked perfectly normal. You can tell how much she arches and stretches in her webcam photos to get the boney look, and the photoshop to make her arms smaller.

Do like her legs though.

>> No.6307354

The Forever 21 I work at has a skirt like that in stock atm. It's shorter, though.

>> No.6307363

Meant to reply to
my bad.

>> No.6307579

Didn't she go utterly mental at someone or something for "Copying" That alice band she does with the studs and flowers?

>> No.6307597

that entire style is so overdone at this point

>> No.6307691

I was actually kinda flabbergasted why all of her accessories were so ill fitting and tight but from the OP pic, maybe it has to be that tight to hold onto her thigh? I would imagine that shit would slip off right away without tightening it.

She's not my cup of tea but I thought I might through that idea out there.

>> No.6308309

Anyone know if she uses real leather for her accessories?

>> No.6308333
File: 81 KB, 975x595, 1322962551125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This style just seems kinda cold.

>> No.6308342

Then it's not a practical or realistic accessory. If you have to sell something that's ill-fitting to make it work you're basically scamming costumers into paying for something you know will be uncomfortable or not functional.

For $42 I would expect my garter to be functional and comfortable.

>> No.6308347


That thing around her waist reminds me of the straps I used to clip to the back of my tripp pants in 7th grade.

>> No.6308487

Honestly looks like a young Yaya Han.

>> No.6308499

I like her, but I find her a bit boring. Would kill for her body type and clothing, though.
I find Hirari Ikeda a shitload more interesting.

>> No.6308509

Read the item descriptions. Says fake leather.

>> No.6308513

look at those man knees

>> No.6309127

its called slut angles

im quite shapeless (rectangle body, no boobs, skinny) but when i pose like that i look like that