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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 8 KB, 133x200, tumblr_mbr276Ve311qbcq9qo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6303708 No.6303708 [Reply] [Original]

So while we have an oldfag thread, here's something sure to catch their attention.

Kevin Lillard. Anybody who cosplayed before 2008 knows Kevin and his site, A Fan's View.
He was THE cosplay photographer back in the day. He photographed everyone, he made sure everybody got their picture up online, everybody had a photo of their cosplay waiting for them when they got home on Sunday. He was a humble man, a great service to the community, and got everyone's good side. If you've seen his Nascar and sports photos, he was a damn good photographer, even if con photos went for quantity over quality. He sadly retired from the con scene some years ago in the midst of some health problems.

Now, he's in dire straits. Homeless, jobless, struggling. There is an effort going on to pool some money together to get this man who touched so many of us back on his feet. Just how bad does he have it, read for yourself in his own words: https://www.facebook.com/kevin.lillard/posts/10152210075685574
If you would like to donate to help Kevin out, ACP had details on their livejournal: http://acparadise.livejournal.com/195941.html

>> No.6303718

I should note there's more than just a monetary effort going on, people are pooling resources to try and find him a job and a temporary place to stay as well.
If you have any such resources in the Indianapolis area to share with him, please let him know through this form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHFKVHpNVFhrZWZtRXljWFJBYUxVdXc6MQ

>> No.6303752

This guy took, bar none, the worst photos of cosplayers ever to exist, and was a confirmed molester to boot. Why would I want to help?

>> No.6303751

OP you might want to actually post this IN the oldfag thread itself; a lot of them are probably just refreshing that thread, not on /cgl/'s front page.

I'm pretty broke myself, but I'm going to see if I can't kick in some of my next check towards this. I figure I got at least $25 worth of happiness from his photos while I was a younger cosplayer, and this is just distressing. His photos were never the most flattering, but they were THERE, and I never thought I could imagine the con scene without him until he retired from it.

>> No.6303763

oh shit kevin is having trouble? back in the day he was literally the best guy ever, I even cosplayed A Fans View's mascot for the guy because he had always been so nice to me and my family. I think I have the wig still.

I have never once heard of him molesting anyone before this point. I would like to know where this came from?

>> No.6303765

>and was a confirmed molester to boot
whoooaaaaaaa, what?!

>> No.6303786

Source now. I've never heard of him molesting anyone.
He could be awkward at times but that's about it.

>> No.6303793

I'd rather burn my money than give it to him. "Humble man", are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.6303811

i just googled his name because i wasn't around at the time he was popular/active and got curious. google's first suggestion was "kevin lillard arrested". yup, seems like an awesome guy. still skimming forum and blog posts but you can go look for yourself if you don't believe me.

>> No.6303816

forgot the links, sorry

>> No.6303818

Looks like that was a different Kevin Lillard.

But here: http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=172499

>> No.6303823

The mugshots are of a different Kevin Lillard.

He doesn't seem like such a bad guy if he has this huge outpouring of support. This was six years ago, the "arrest" thread was three years later and people still cared. People still do.

>> No.6303827

I've seen his NASCAR works... they were great. I always wondered why he was no longer around the racing scene.

>> No.6303832

Not to fan flames, but do you seriously think that just because someone is liked by a lot of people, that they must be a good person?

Like, you're aware that most serial killers and serial rapists are really likeable, pleasant people?

>> No.6303848

You're really comparing an aging cosplay photographer to a serial killer and rapist just because people are fond of him?


>> No.6303859

I'm not "comparing" anything, and it's your logic that's in question - hence my post. Don't necessarily assume someone is great just because they're liked.

>> No.6303863

i never talked about the mugshots, what are you on about?
and people also cared for ted bundy and charles manson.
just sayin'.

>> No.6303878

your strawman argument fails

>> No.6304006
File: 69 KB, 718x718, 382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, as a anon who has never met him, half my facebook is blowing up in support of him.

You can't really make up bullshit chickies when this man has been living in his car for a good month or so, living off of money he has and eating from vending machines. If you want to donate, then donate. If not,then ignore it and stop stirring up bullshit.

This isn't some "hurr I'm Jnig and my "house burnt down", BUY ME A NEW XBOX" type situation. The man is HOMELESS, JOBLESS and needs support. Winter's coming, imagine having to deal with living in a metal box in the cold! Just leave it alone.

>> No.6304052
File: 53 KB, 179x195, 3433d-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al Roker is homeless?

>> No.6304055

One of the things I've learned with working with populations plagued with homelessness and a whole other slew of issues is that if there isn't a solid network of support in place to prevent homelessness from happening it, it will happen again. Once you're out on the street, that's when things are VERY dire. Money is good and all, absolutely, donate if you can/want to, but the point of the spreadsheet that Kevin will have access to is to have a nice long list of resources in place for him to get him back up again.

It's difficult for a man his age to start from scratch, especially given his physical condition what with his heart attack a few years back, so if you have time, try to look up shelters (for men) and food pantries/soup kitchen so he can at least have a roof over his head for the night and a belly full of food.

>> No.6304063

Shut up and die you dumb whore.

>> No.6304083


The people who are stirring things up, you're not needed here in this thread. This isn't about his alleged arrest or any other rumors. It's about where he is right NOW and his status right now and how we can help.

It's unnecessary and just plain rude of you to come in here to derail the purpose of why this was brought to our attention.

>> No.6304093
File: 28 KB, 405x405, 1328498197010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The maturity of this board.
Tell me, how old were you when you ~found out Soni's drama~

>> No.6304096

He was probably 8. He's probably watching South Park right now trying to figure out more troll things to say.

>> No.6304099

Hi Soni.

>> No.6304108

When did you learn that? 5 seconds ago? Please. Please donate if you can and good night, anon. Sleep is probably something better to do than insult Soni when she isn't even stirring up shit.

>> No.6304177
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1349501785274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he really was a serial killer/rapist you all paint him as, he would of done so a long time ago, not after having so many heath problems that he can't do shit to anyone

another thing: this guy loved what he did. He took photos and thas it. Now a days people want to do private shoots and be the center of attention, he didn't do any of that stuff and made EVERYONE a star and he was good at it. It saddens me that he's going through such a tough time after all the health issues he's been through the years. Look, it's rare to find quality people in this community and he is quality people, it's very sad that we've become vultures where we question things because he looks or acts awkward or he's old or not to your jiving with what your perception of what you think someone that should be hanging around the same place you are. What to say when you hit 30+ you will still be cosplaying and still be looking or acting the same? i'm 28 and shit has changed so much since I started when I was 16 during the boom of the late 90s and 00s.

I hate for this to be one of those "Back in my day..." kind of post.. but Back in My Day we didn't spend our time drinking. Maybe the older crowd did, but it wasn't the main focus. We where there to ENJOY the fucking con and people like Kevin Lillard represented that mentality of just fucking enjoying yourself. If you don't want to fucking give money, signal boost to those that do care or do remember a better time, don't do ether, don't be surprise of karma bites you in the fucking ass and no one is there to help you.

>> No.6304228

Aw that's sad to hear about. Anyone know why he's struggling?

>> No.6304260

If I had to guess, I'd imagine since the economy pretty much hard-core started to shed any jobs in remotely creative fields around the time he went off the radar, he's probably been struggling to find work and can no longer draw unemployment while seeking work.

>> No.6304258

I was a member of press at the event in '09 when Lillard was supposedly "arrested". He wasn't.

We were trying to film/photograph the cosplay performance. The con staff then put their big-ass film rigs in front of everyone, including all of the members of press, so nobody had a single decent chance to take photos of the event. We were all grumbling. Kevin was the only one to step up and try and tell the staff there that they were in the way. The staff basically gave him a verbal middle finger and kept about their business. Kevin got a little heated about it, but he went to sit back down. From what I could see, somebody (likely on con staff) had a panic attack over the thing and had cops come in. They escorted him out of the room. That was it. To the best of my knowledge, there was no arrest, and the whole thing was just plain stupid.

Any youngsters making fun of his appearance or the hard times he's fallen on need to seriously STFU. This man was just about the only source you could go to for con coverage for years. Whether you liked his photos or not, he was doing it all on his own dollar, writing extensive reports, even flying to multiple events IN A SINGLE WEEKEND if major events were happening on the same days. SOMETIMES he was on a panel or something. That's not why he did it, though. He got practically nothing out of it.

Could he have taken better care of himself as his life was starting to fall through the cracks? Yeah, maybe. But nobody knows the whole story. And it doesn't matter because right now there's no time to waste because otherwise thinking about, "Does he deserve the help or doesn't he?" will be doing nothing but wasting time when he's out of funds and it's getting cold in the north. Human beings don't deserve that treatment. Even IF you don't like the way he takes PICTURES.

Priorities... Christ, you seagull bitches.

>> No.6304261

that was ikkicon and it was some douchebag staffer who had Kevin Lilliard thrown out. That staffer was rightfully fired later.

>> No.6304282

Thankfully there are enough good people that are seagull assholes that are going to be willing to help this man.

These kids trolling don't understand what an impact in the cosplay community he had, he is missed in the community.

>> No.6304301

the problem is that only people over the age of 30 even remember the guy, and we all know the average seagull is like 15-20

>> No.6304309


And most of them don't even cosplay. They're just here for the dramus.

>> No.6304310

I'm 26, not 30, and I'm the one who posted >>6304258

You didn't have to be old. You just had to be there at all. You clearly weren't.

>> No.6304313

>only people over the age of 30 even remember the guy

I'm 22, been cosplaying since 2004 and haven't even encountered him in real life. Even I know who he is. Age doesn't matter here, it's how long you've been a part of the community.

>> No.6304315

All of this.

>> No.6304320


He stopped doing cons in what, 2009? So anyone over the age of probably 23, from the midwest at least, should at least have an awareness of fansview. (estimating of course)

...that's still older than the dang seagull majority though -.-;

>> No.6304346

I don't understand. Why can't he use his photog skills? He can take pictures of weddings or something.

>> No.6304347
File: 22 KB, 264x396, img8447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with the Worst of Kevin Lillard. I mean that in the most loving way possible. Goddamn that man found the best train wrecks.

>> No.6304351
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>> No.6304355


Probably a combo of Indianapolis kind of sucking, the bad job market, and it being really hard to actually get back on your feet when you're homeless

>> No.6304359
File: 17 KB, 288x384, 0216b044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, that was a Cosplay.com photo. Sorry Kyle. Back to Kevin

>> No.6304380

But he wasn't homeless until recently... Let's just say 6 months ago, he saw his dwindling resources, did he not think to do something different; like sell his photos to image galleries or something?

>> No.6304377
File: 18 KB, 288x384, 0211a022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Oldfags, here's some vintage Sailor Bacon

>> No.6304388
File: 22 KB, 266x399, 0312a064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6304393

This This, and This.

I could always rely on Kevin to get a picture of me, one I could actually find after the convention. I remember scrolling his site on dial up looking for my pictures, and then wincing when I saw how unflattering it was, especially those hallway shots at huge conventions.

When I couldn't be at a convention, I'd scroll through his pictures every night and look for my friends, smile, and wish that I could be there with them.

He'd always take the time to talk to you, and get extra pictures so you could buy some to take home. I always made sure to get a few at every convention. I'd look for him (along with Al and Lionel) as soon as I hit the con in my costume.

Dems memories. I'm happy to see so many people reaching out. I know money can't help much, but it'll help put gas in his car to find jobs, money to make calls, and food and medicine to keep him going. It's the least I can do.

>> No.6304401
File: 23 KB, 266x399, 021403c045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what this is a cosplay of? I had it saved for years just because I had no idea.

>> No.6304406

We can't possibly know how he got this way. Maybe it was poor judgement on his part. Maybe it really is that everything he tried wasn't enough. Maybe he DID do everything you just stated. Maybe he sold any remaining possessions that didn't get taken from him over the course of these years. Maybe he CAN'T take photos 'cause he likely doesn't even have that equipment anymore.

He is usually a VERY private dude, and I can imagine that publicly stating he lost every last cent trying to get work was an incredible blow to his pride. From what I can see (and again, we can't see much because he has be INCREDIBLY private) his biggest downfall is perhaps his pride in not wanting to look like he needs help. He probably tried a lot of outlets already, and then when he spent the remainder of his money on peanuts and that's what he was worried about being his last meal, he probably goes, "Alright, gotta let go of that pride now."

Yeah, that's too late, for certain. But again, you and I know NOTHING. We really have no room to speculate. The fact is he needs the help now and we can do something now.

>> No.6304423
File: 36 KB, 720x480, snapshot20090513140856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out site
>Hey, wouldn't it be crazy if he actually took a picture of my first cospl--
>He did
>My first cosplay was really awful but he still took a really nice picture of me
>Feel guilty for being too broke to give him anything

>> No.6304432
File: 14 KB, 640x480, hippiees2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hippie from the SNES game Earthbound.

>> No.6304426

Not anon you were replying to but I kinda think >>6304260 is on to something. A lot of non-service/industry type jobs got scaled back I'd even say as early as 2007 so what jobs did remain, they were few and far between and as the years rolled on, more and more jobs got pruned.

Even if he was ok with employment until, say this year, it's still hard for people from all fields to get new jobs considering the number of applicants per job plus the fact that he's not exactly a young dude. Experience is all well and good but sometimes, people get hired for being a fresh, pretty face even without the experience. It's unfortunate but true. In creative industries, it's also kind of tricky navigating to change up your "venue" so to speak, so to go from what he did to say, wedding or portrait photography it is kind of a tricky transition. You have to totally rebrand yourself.

>> No.6304436
File: 66 KB, 480x640, 18akon03-1194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. With the horrible way he was treated and abruptly exited the convention community, I think this is a great opportunity for us to show him that we really did (and do) care for all the years he helped the community grow.

>> No.6304434

Fragments of his site still exist in the Wayback Machine. - http://web.archive.org/web/20080509143110/http://www.fansview.com/pastcons.htm

>> No.6304446


There's also this.

I found a photo of a friend of mine from 10 years ago in one of his albums.

>> No.6304447

The problem I have with these donations is how will this help him in the long term? He needs long term shelter or we'll just be doing this again a few months down the road. I'm NOT against helping him, it's just that he needs more than that.

>> No.6304444

>>Feel guilty for being too broke to give him anything
Well, even if you don't have anything monetary to donate, even connections etc. can help him. If you know someone or some company that might be hiring, that's a valuable "donation".

I'm going to check my alum directory tomorrow to see if any of my classmates are in his area and hiring.

>> No.6304448
File: 1 KB, 82x118, NewAgeRetroHippie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cross-legged version, to be specific.

>> No.6304450


>> No.6304453
File: 14 KB, 266x399, 0327j0130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my "thank you" reaction

>> No.6304464
File: 16 KB, 265x398, an24b006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present you with Lactating Cloud, with udders and a bra

>> No.6304467

Yea, I know what you mean. I think it's wonderful that people are so willing to help him out, even though time has passed since we last saw him in the con scene.

I can totally see the value investing in getting him some new interview clothes and shit if that's what he needs, a tank of gas to get to said interview etc. but it would be more helpful to give him a starting point instead of a cash bandaid. Maybe if more people can pool resources such as >>6304444 suggested? Job leads, maybe an apartment lead for income-based housing and the like, it would help him rebound in a more long-term way.

>> No.6304478
File: 15 KB, 288x384, 0726e052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a personal favorite

>> No.6304483

What about his family? Does anybody know if he has anyone?

>> No.6304491

Send him to some free/low cost health clinics. Maybe he should check out his health first.

>> No.6304498

I don't have any connections in his area, unfortunately--the few paltry professional connections I have are all social media marketing people, and they're mostly based in California, too. But I'll try to see if I can scrape up some cash for him or something...

>> No.6304507
File: 24 KB, 289x385, chibimoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ha oh wow! I was going through some of his stuff and check out is great picture of 12 year old me! That right there is Fanime Con 2000

>> No.6304522

holy fuck Sailor Bacon, totally forgot about him.

>> No.6304530
File: 18 KB, 265x398, an24b034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you see it....

>> No.6304541

I don't know if CA necessarily is a deal-breaker. When you're in such dire straits, a job is a job. Companies can move mountains if they want an employee in their state too, so, might not hurt to ask. The worst your connections can say is "It wouldn't work out" and that hasn't really left him worse off than before.

I mean, most of my alum network is loaded with business people but even if they don't have anything, they know people I don't.

>> No.6304544

Fuck I love all the nostalgia in this thread. And so many fond memories of A Fans View and Kevin in general. Nice guy. All you youngfags are the cancer fucking up this hobby... seriously, other than some old school divas, this sort of ridicule and shit was absent from the community back in the old days. Just seriously, fuck you kids and your lack of respect for anything.

>> No.6304592

I found this from ACP paradise:

If there were perfect time for the community to show it has a big heart, now would be that time. Donations to Kevin's paypal can be sent to khl@indy.net


full message:

I would like reach out to the kindness of the anime and manga community. Kevin Lillard needs our help! Currently Kevin is living out of his car and has no money for food, gas, and possibly medication. He has reached the end of his rope, a
ny attept at jobs has turned up nothing, and the weather here in Indiana is starting to turn rather unpleasant.

Kevin has helped promote many conventions, photographed many cosplayers, and reported for many industry guests on his website, "A Fans View". I personally know Kevin paid out of pocket to cover events. Kevin was so dedicated to his reporting he would even go as far as dividing up his convention attending if con dates fell on the same weekend and different states. I, as a guest and organizer of conventions remember when Kevin's Fansview was one of the earliest and referenced sites that promoted anime/manga conventions.

If there were perfect time for the community to show it has a big heart, now would be that time. Donations to Kevin's paypal can be sent to khl@indy.net

I am actually going to find Kevin and see how he is doing. If there is ANYONE in the Indianapolis area that can help him or has a place for him to stay. Please let me know. Thank you in advance.

>> No.6304602

He was a photographer for the Indianapolis Star. I'm guessing he just got laid off and couldn't find anything more.

>> No.6304620
File: 22 KB, 240x360, 083102b065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, new requirement for this thread: If Kevin took a picture of your first cosplay at the first con you wore it, you must post that picture.

Good ol AXNY/BAAF 2002

>> No.6304626

Wow. This is heart breaking...I donated a little bit today. I can donate more next week.
I just-...wow how did it even get like this?

I really wish this turns out like the law suit in the oatmeal (guy got THOUSANDS in donations which went towards charity)

>> No.6304671

>All you youngfags are the cancer fucking up this hobby

All of this. Youngfags are so entitled nowadays I can't deal with it.

Cosplay used to be for fun, and not for professional level photoshoots looking like a model and trying to one-up each other. When people wore the same costume they'd get excited and not pissed off. When people had a photo taken and uploaded on a site somewhere, they'd be happy and not complaining about the flaws in it.

I hope the fansview guy can get back on his feet, he was a sweetheart from what I remember and his site was the only way you could really see all costumers at a con without fail and without shoop.

>> No.6304685

not to sound like a grumpy old lady, but I agree. It's sort of like watching the nice neighborhood you grew up in turn into a crime filled shit hole.

>> No.6304708
File: 31 KB, 289x386, kasumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first cosplay was before 1999 which is when the photo albums start, but I can find a few gems I am sure.


>> No.6304734
File: 91 KB, 433x650, fce76d5d8ff7f3dd490758cb8a465840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't at the first con I cosplayed at--it was Kakkoicon 2008, super small--but I wore this about a month afterward at my local con, NanDesuKan, and he got this picture of it.

I bought it off the internet from another cosplayer. the wig was in pretty bad shape (my friends did their best to repair it) and I thought the shorts that came with the cosplay would fit me but didn't, so I had to quickly throw together an replacement that didn't really work. I had a cummerbund that I borrowed from an out-of-town friend at Kakkoicon but she wasn't at NDK, so I had to (badly) improvise with a black scarf since I didn't have the time or money to replace it at NDK. And i constantly forgot to remove my glasses for pictures and stupidly chose not to put on some sort of makeup. and obviously I needed to lose weight and can't really pull off a crossplay, so the whole costume makes me cringe.

...But finding this photo in his gallery tonight still made me sort of happy, despite how crappy my costume was. It's a good picture.

>> No.6304793

Hi fellow NDK'er. I think it looks good.

I've been into anime since I was young but I've only been to a handful of cons (one that started up in my home state and I've been to quite a few times since then) but I never thought to cosplay during those events. I love seeing what people can make and how they bring the characters to life. I think its great he devoted so much time to this and I hope he can get back on his feet again soon.

>> No.6304854

Oh I found mine. I can't stop laughing, but I'm too embarassed to post it. I remember reading a website about cosplay and saying that all the Japanese cosplayers where shiny pantyhose, so I did it thinking it would look good.

Halloween wig, check.
Dirty shoes that are close enough, check
badly sewn on the basting stitch setting because it'll get done faster, check.
Backstitch? What's that? Check.
Fat and unflattering bike shorts with not enough coverage from the top. Check.

Oh dear god, what a trainwreck I was. Kevin was perfect at capturing it.

>> No.6304862

post it man, just do it, you know you want to.

>> No.6304936
File: 717 KB, 1600x1066, alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His story is inspirational. I always thought it would be fun to go to cons just to take cosplay pics. It's really cool that some people actually can do this, and just give it away.

But I'm broke. Most everyone I know is hurting... if I have anything to spare, I have to help the people close to me first.

It makes me think how lucky I am just to have other people. I hope he makes it out of this.

>> No.6305046

i lived overseas when i discovered his website, i remember looking at all the costumes that i saw him document and i remember wishing to be able to go to a con one day. i remember memorizing his "first-con tips" in anticipation of going to one when i would go to america.

this is absolutely heartbreaking

>> No.6305717

This is awful. Does he have any friends or family he can stay with for a while? Does anyone know?

>> No.6305748

I don't even cosplu, but seeing this thread on the first page made me cry. Seagulls, thank you for using your powers for good.

>> No.6305978

Everything seems to be better. He mentioned that he's received more than enough to be able to keep him housed for a long time and won't need anything else. He asked that if you want to make a donation now, do so for a local charity that helps homeless people who were not fortunate enough to develop a network like he had.

Hopefully he can find himself a job soon and be fully back on his feet.

>> No.6305984

That's a relief.

>> No.6305992

the same thing pretty much just happened to me. i hope good things are headed his way.

>> No.6305994

I remember you. Didn't your whole family cosplay and do panels? You guys always made me smile.

>> No.6305999

Yes, if anyone has job leads or connections for an experienced journalist in Indianapolis or nearby, use the form in the second post, or send them his LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/kevin-lillard/26/85b/5bb

He also mentioned that he'll be donating the excess he received to an agency that supports the homeless in his area, good man.

>> No.6306014
File: 61 KB, 400x600, dd5d660eceb1339ea2bdabc689dfc821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while not the earliest cosplay of mine, it's definitely early, and it's definitely bad. man. this was back from when i though cosplay was fun. nostalgic as fuck right now.
-colored hair spray
-crossplay without binding
-unmatching shoes
-unfinished seams
-just bad in general
and yet, i was so happy to have a picture taken of me. i just hope things pick up for him, he was always such a lovely man.

>> No.6306291
File: 56 KB, 480x640, 18akon03-0692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with another epic crotch shot, courtesy of Mr. Lillard.

>> No.6306360

Oh good just reading this thread broke my heart mended it. I still want to give him my best.

I was wondering if I could hire him for a gig. I was thinking of making a VN.

>> No.6306377


I'm 21 and when I started cosplaying his website was still a thing (I was one of those annoying junior high shits running around screaming at cons, glomping every one that cosplayed Sesshomaru).

I agree with you though. I, myself, have a hard time getting into the current cosplay crowd that's around my age. When you've been doing it almost half your life your expectations and experiences are very different than someone who picked it up a year or two ago.

>> No.6307133
File: 19 KB, 299x399, 0605h50131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping again with the epic of epic crotch shots. This was uploaded on his site and taken down within 2 hours of it being there. WONDER WHY. I kept it. It is here for posterity. Save it, people. For the future. I'm sorry/You're Welcome.

>> No.6307172

i cannot tell the gender of that thing

>> No.6307193

Wow, talk about a blast from the past.

>> No.6307200

is that person wearing black face.. and I can see it's balls...?!

>> No.6307232
File: 37 KB, 289x387, laputa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup we sure did, and we still do!

>> No.6307242

>has natural colored skin and a beard
>omg it's black face

>> No.6307286

He loved bacon before it was cool, man.

>> No.6307294

>Just seriously, fuck you kids and your lack of respect for anything.

Yup, gonna have to join this camp.
Younger cosplayers I know have asked me why I'm nice, don't have drama, not really into drinking, and why I am so normal otherwise.

It's cause we just didn't do that shit back then.
You were SO excited to have someone be a fan of it too you made instant friends. We didn't try and one up each other, we didn't have OMG pro photoshoots, and we didn't get all catty over trivial shit.

Now that the majority of cosplayers are in high school and know of no other approach to life other than drama, that is what we have in the hobby. It's that simple.

>> No.6307317

not just that, but people have this "i'm too cool for school" Fratboy mentality and just want to get drunk/high at cons. You can do the same fucking thing at your house or somewhere else, but why SPECIFICALLY at an anime con? is it because it's easier to do shenanigans like at ALA this year to spike the water at the con? it almost comes off as these people hate the stuff they came to and they are those idiots that just make fun of the stuff.

yeah, the whole Photoshoots and be the best mentality has killed the con scene just as much as the above. Sure, it's fine that your anal about getting it right, but back in the day, if we looked just about it, it was fine. It was all about the love for the series, not about how accurate you look. I haven't cosplayed for a while since im still in that old school mentality and now the new norm is accuracy.

>> No.6307325

Sounds like nostalgia goggles with all you oldfags. Surely, you remember Usagi Kou?

>> No.6307326

>but back in the day, if we looked just about it, it was fine.

Except now it's so damn easy to find good wigs/costumes/fabrics that there's no excuse to slap together some cheap satin monster and a party city wig.

>> No.6307332

>>not just that, but people have this "i'm too cool for school" Fratboy mentality and just want to get drunk/high at cons. You can do the same fucking thing at your house or somewhere else, but why SPECIFICALLY at an anime con?

Obviously your not hanging out with the right people to drink with. I can understand the appeal of going to a con and drinking. As someone who drives I am always the designated driver in my group of friends and when I am act cons its some of my only times to actually get to drink. So ya when I go to cons I will partake in some social drinking with other adults.

>> No.6307335

Two problems with your statement: While those things are easier to find, having skill to put it all together is a whole different matter. Another problem is cost. The good stuff will cost you and poorfag college students will rarely spend more than a $200 for a costume.

>> No.6307342

not just that, but everything is in screwtney in the era of /cgl/. Unless your name is not hobbes, coffee, Dildos or any one of those asian frat boy assholes or anyone else that fits their MO, your gong to be put under the microscope and find out you brought the god damn costume and will be essentially be given the crimson letter after that.

>> No.6307348


it would be nostalgia goggles if it wasn't true.

You could name the drama starters on one hand at the end of the 90's

Now some random girl will start some rumor about you sucking 5 dicks at the same time because you had a 3 minute conversation with her boyfriend at the con.

It won't even be costume related...people talking about what medications you take, and how you are 10 lbs overweight, and how your hair looks frizzy. Teenage shit.

>> No.6307350

I find that there's really no problems with that as long as you don't say that you made it. Of course you might get more respect if you did, but otherwise, if you look like that character and spent some effort on your wig and makeup, people will still like your cosplays.

>> No.6307372
File: 69 KB, 400x600, fb67992f169b4c046b4e752192a0f48a (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I got two pages before the end of the album and got excited thinking I had gotten away with my terrible second cosplay ever. Nope. Just glad it wasn't from 2007 when I thought it was a brilliant idea to spray my hair red. Still pissed that not a single one of my friends who had been cosplaying for years stepped in and told me I was an idiot. Instead they helped me spray my damn hair.

>derp face
>super shiny cosplaycom wig
>ACE bandages
>no makeup

>> No.6307658

I don't mind drinking, I just don't like how people have made it the main thing to do and do shenanigans in drunken spurs. Go to any ALA thread and thats all it's about. Again, blame my old school mentality, but I go to a con to go to the con. Not to get wasted and act like a stupid frat boy to please the fatboy bunch that seem to be the dominant force here.

>> No.6309262

The facebook updates give me life, I'm so happy people are helping him out!