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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 298 KB, 800x1200, searching_by_dana_weise pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6302304 No.6302304 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>6296984

>> No.6302319

I've heard one is a total sweetheart and completely genuine, while the other is in everything for the attention, even their relationship.

capcha: yeenif disgrace

>> No.6302325

Okay, Homestuck general, can someone explain to me how Dave's captchalogue (sylladex?) works? I don't understand the numbers. Like, right now, it says, "You try to grab the BETA (6). . ."
And BETA is blue, red, blue, red. So far, his is the only one I don't get.

>> No.6302331
File: 853 KB, 1236x1788, rifle-kind jane heroicbrawn dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6302340

>"Dad" not having a smoothly shaved face.
Just sayin

>> No.6302341

It's been a while since I actually sat to think on it since it pisses me off, but it's how things are worded and certain letters (I think vowels are red) have colors associated with them (just red and blue) and the colors have numbers... It takes a lot of staring and hair pulling before it makes sense.

>> No.6302387


Who are these?

>> No.6302393


I think when he picked that up, vowels were worth 2, consonants were worth one (he's also used Scrabble values)

So BETA was 1-2-1-2, adding up to 6.

>> No.6302395
File: 103 KB, 960x640, tumblr_mbpq8wjnJ41r9jq27o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The impression I've got from them both is that they're really stuck up/think they're better than everyone else. But referring to people as your "fans" usually makes me think you're a conceited douche.

Picture not related.
>That hair. Why.

>> No.6302414

What really gets me is how they seemed to milk for attention after they got engaged. Now, I don't know them personally, but it seems like they're getting engaged for attention. And it's really sad because cosplay engagements have become a trend in the Homestuck fandom. I remember seeing a few on Tumblr and then going to Otakon and there were two in just that weekend during the Homestuck photoshoots. I don't get the appeal of making what's supposed to be a serious lifetime commitment for the sake of cosplaying your kawaii OTPS

>> No.6302415


>> No.6302440
File: 441 KB, 250x188, ro5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6302446
File: 118 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mbph7ius2m1r9jq27o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know them or anything. I met them once at a convention but didn't really get a chance to get a good feel for them, all I know is what they're like online.

Neither of them have jobs (probably because they're not willing to apply to places with their legal names) so whenever they're short on rent, they beg their followers to donate money or (more recently) to commission things from them so they can pay their bills. But all the while they're buying new cosplay pieces and then whining. I don't buy that "we totally just altered these things we had lying around" or "I ordered this thing-- but I ordered it months ago so I'm not spending the money now!!!" thing.

The vindictive part of me hopes they get evicted if they can't figure out how to be the adults they claim to be.

Picture still not related.

>> No.6302461
File: 1.18 MB, 800x1200, mke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who are we drama-ing on now?

unrelated cosplay.

>> No.6302470
File: 110 KB, 402x585, tumblr_mbp8pjqp0U1r2cxqp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it's more bitching about than drama-ing right now, just because I don't have any real drama on them, though I'd love some.

tumblr users squeakchic and sleeplock, I believe, unless they've changed their URLs since the last time I saw them.

>> No.6302475


Why is it that none of the cosplaying dudes in this fandom are actually dudes

>> No.6302493
File: 76 KB, 500x416, tumblr_mbq2zyQj7i1ql15ud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long til someone cosplays this?

>> No.6302502

why would you want to? what's the point of this?

Not a lot of people cosplay canon (or similar to canon) dreamer designs in the first place, why would they want to do ones with shitty color palettes?

>> No.6302510

Because it's a joke and Homestuck likes to run joke cosplays into the ground.

Speaking of dreamers, can I request pictures of dreamer costumes with accurate/close to accurate colors?

>> No.6302525

The people who run the jokes into the ground are the ones that can't sew (LMFAOstuck) and this would require sewing.

>> No.6302550
File: 44 KB, 500x448, tumblr_mbpr5cIVxL1r9jq27o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found this picture on the homestuck cosplay tag
>can't stop laughing

>> No.6302552

I have mixed feelings about them, I've spoken with them and they seem really nice... but they're constantly going to cons and shit, and I know for a fact they were willing to pony up over $200 for AWA before officially dropping out of it.

Their friends give them whatever they ask for too. Need a room? Here, free of charge.

>> No.6302575

I feel kind of bad for them, because they're getting everything handed to them and eventually that's going to end and they're going to crash and burn because they have no real world experience.

>> No.6302579

What's their story? Haven't seen them mentioned on cgl before.

>> No.6302590

chose it forever ago when i still cosplayed Norway

>> No.6302598
File: 378 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mbpprtUHuh1re1c3qo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with that. Fancy dreamers far outweigh the canon ones.
That said, have this cute set that popped up on Tumblr yesterday~

>> No.6302603
File: 118 KB, 500x444, tumblr_mbqnqcoHdF1r8bryzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dem Dirk shades
A new contender for largest Dirk shades has appeared, I see. Good colors though.

>> No.6302620

Don't insult them now! They're TOTALLY DUDES YOU GUYS.
They're not just attention whoring wimminz who trend-hop the FTM bandwagon.

>> No.6302624


I have no idea who those people are, but I love that Gamzee's horns

Since the Official horn-maker got shut down, has anyone taken up the job again yet? Or are there just no "Hussie Approved" horn makers at all now?

>> No.6302631
File: 311 KB, 900x1344, my_darling_by_anmanda-d5fqqb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't had time to sit down and find those horrendous ones yet, but just you wait hsg
I liked their outfits, but their wigs/makeup needs some work.

But I'll have to catch up later because I used horns to distract myself from sleeping and now I'm going to pass out.

Lambency's back on, it was announced a couple threads ago that Rachel finally got back to her and stated it'd be a while before they could get the mass produced ones out.

>> No.6302641
File: 98 KB, 900x600, tehyaoiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha like these two
they get a ton of attention because they are
~*~ teh real lifez davejohn yaoiz ~*~

>> No.6302649

I don't even focus on that aspect because they really don't act like the stereotypical fake boi, shouting their gender choices to the sky and crying about their feelings. As far as I've seen, they haven't really shamed real ftms, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. For now.

I don't usually mind a little bit of fanservice, but. Stop.

>> No.6302653


i feel like i see these people a lot

like constantly whored out on amazinghomestuckcosplay

the costumes are good tho js
the dave doesnt pass as a boy to me idk shes got such a prett femininey face

>> No.6302678

Wow, what a stunning Kanaya!!
This on the other hand...

>> No.6302687
File: 37 KB, 400x400, pusheen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What >>6302624
was kind enough to say!

Rachel did finally get back to me and have allowed me to do the horns until they're ready to bring out their mass produced ones. She told me it would be probably within a year's time until everything's sorted and ready for wide release. I'm grateful they've allowed me to it once again since the money from there goes towards my physical therapy and my mother's various surgeries from recent complications.

I've had some people message me again and again about 'scamming' Hussie and how he hates people who make money off of his things and how I can't be a true fan because I'm selling things he said not to sell so I've asked him to mention me on his twitter, tumblr or mspaint page but so far, I've heard no reply from either him or Rachel.

I know there are a lot of amazing other ways people do their horns too! so if you're ever looking for some, they're always willing to help and guide you or you can message me and I'd also be more than happy to offer any help.

>> No.6302743

http://www.youtube.com/user/PistolsAndPonies that's them, right?
i'm pretty sure squeakchic had another group before, but they broke up for whatever reasons.
i think all characters had their own channel too, but i'm too lazy to search for it now.

>> No.6302757

Certainly looks like them. Didn't know about the old group breaking up, I wonder what happened.

>> No.6302760

Where can I contact you to commission some horns? I LOVE yours and you seem so genuine and patient with this whole ordeal that I really think you deserve the money for them.

>> No.6302798
File: 61 KB, 375x375, tumblr_ln1l2dnoDF1qindnxo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my goodness thank you so much!
I really wish I could do more texture for the horns like some of my custom commissions but with the quantity I get I usually have to sacrifice quality so I can just sculpt them all in one go.

My dA has all the ordering information and it says I have no slots open but I've had three drop outs so I have three spots open if you're interested! http://lambentworld.deviantart.com/ And, since I usually always mention as a precaution but, Hussie does get 40% of every set of horns sold.

And again, thank you so much for your compliment!

>> No.6302887

It seems to came from the stupid Derse vs. Prospit feud that was going on. Which happened between Ruminov being asked about which was better and some field day a group of cosplayers did recently.

>> No.6302895

I saw photos of that. I'm surprised a lot of them could even run let alone do sports. Not to mention I heard LuvMonkies was there.

>> No.6302900

>inb4 this becomes an ashley thread

>> No.6302930

Whoops, the second reply was supposed to be to >>6302895

>> No.6302929

Actually, the field day was completely unrelated to the "feud", just had unfortunate timing.

Why would it be surprising? By the photos, the majority of them looked like they were fit/in shape.

>> No.6303053
File: 2 KB, 190x302, VagabondProfile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any tips for doing a WV cosplay?

>> No.6303063
File: 216 KB, 900x1370, wayward_vagabond_by_truealaso-d4wi17d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a black zentai. This is the best WV I've seen, I'd say try to get to something like this.

>> No.6303187

Tips for hiding your hips if you're crossplaying? Not just for stupid shirtless pictures, but in general. Mine stick out a lot if I wear even slightly tight clothes.

>> No.6303215

I believe they make butt/hip binders? that will probably work the best. I'm thinking about getting one when I cosplay Eridan since my jeans are a little tight...

>> No.6303218

Compression shorts, binding them. That can only help so much though, because your hips are really based on your bone structure.

>> No.6303222

if you can, pad the rest of you to make everything flat

>> No.6303368
File: 492 KB, 346x380, tumblr_m93h3wjH3S1qdwjd1o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any good Guidestuck cosplayers?

What's your opinion on cosplaying from Guidestuck?

I'm thinking about cosplaying Bec

>> No.6303375
File: 223 KB, 1280x652, tumblr_mbr1x7WybS1qffn9yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had someone suggest that I cosplay Jaspers from Guidestuck.

I think it's about the same as any other AU: some people think it's awesome and some people will think it's stupid to waste your time on. If done well, I, personally, really enjoy AU cosplays.

Pic related is weirding me out. I guess it's a good use of costume makeup and blood but...it's really gross and feel unnecessary.

>> No.6303386

I think the sfx is good, but not realistic? As in, why the fuck would blood splatter like that across your shirt unless someone was getting slaughtered right in front of you.

Other than that I think it's a pretty neat photoset.

>> No.6303391

Why on earth is the shirt in focus but the face not?

>> No.6303398

Because the face is moving faster than the body, on account of getting punched, are you a dumb fuck or what.

>> No.6303416

i think that bloodspatter is part of the blood coming out of jake's mouth

>> No.6303420
File: 639 KB, 1280x1850, tumblr_mbr1x7WybS1qffn9yo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not.
Like I said, the effects are well done, just not necessarily done with logical sense in mind.

>> No.6303427

gosh that dirk's face is fuzzy

>> No.6303434

i don't know why but that made me laugh a lot

>> No.6303441

well they certainly jackson pollocked that shirt

>> No.6303468 [DELETED] 

Can I just ask for ONE second how things with higher production values and thought and effort put into them get torn to shreds by small crap like, "look at the placement of blood on that shirt what jokes!!" and "hey this chick has HAIR on her face in an HD photo holy shit first member of the human race with THAT."

And yet things like this >>6300138 are praised and gushed over? Hell, don't get me started on shit like this: http://ask-barfbreathturdsmirk.tumblr.com/post/27589008401/gt-dont-laugh-too-much-alright

4000 notes?
Yes I mad.

>> No.6303470

Can I just ask for ONE second how things with higher production values and thought and effort put into them get torn to shreds by small crap like, "look at the placement of blood on that shirt what jokes!!" and "hey this chick has HAIR on her face in an HD photo holy shit first member of the human race with THAT."

And yet things like this are praised and gushed over? >>6300138

Hell, don't get me started on shit like this: http://ask-barfbreathturdsmirk.tumblr.com/post/27589008401/gt-dont-laugh-too-much-alright

4000 notes?
Yes I mad.

>> No.6303475 [DELETED] 

I'm always curious about these pictures.

Do people take their pictures while they're posing so ridiculously? Or do they set the camera on a timer and get into the pose really quickly?

>> No.6303479

I'm always curious about these pictures.

Do people take their pictures while they're posing so ridiculously? Or do they set the camera on a timer and get into the pose really quickly?

>> No.6303481

>"hey this chick has HAIR on her face in an HD photo holy shit first member of the human race with THAT."
i wasnt "tearing her apart"

i think its cute

>> No.6303484

Precisely because they have higher production values. If you do something with high-quality in mind, of course people are going to be more nit-picky about it than if you do something very simple, but do it well. When it's very detailed, all the details have to be good, or you can be certain people are going to find flaws. You can't skirt edges, no matter how unimportant they may seem.
It sucks that's how it is, but, well, it is. People expect high-quality things to be perfect, even if the people doing it do not have that kind of skill. It comes with the territory.

And that photoset just has so many notes because LOL SO FUNNAY tumblr.

>> No.6303501

Who said they were tearing them to shreds? The comments weren't hostile at all, and the original person who pointed out the blood placement even said that they liked the stuff overall.

But if you want justification, "nicer" looking things are always held to a higher standard. It isn't fair at all, I agree. It's kind of like how you can sew the best fucking costume ever, but if you have a shitty wig, it'd be a let down.

>> No.6303504

That picture is hardly being torn to shreds by anonymous comments on the internet. If anything, think that with "higher production values" there are higher standards, so any small detail that deviates from those higher standards is instantly more noticeable.

Also >>6300138 was hardly gushed over (and the handful of samefag posts were pretty evident), and a stopped-in-the-concourse con photo is not at all on the same level of critique as a staging-and-sfx photoshoot picture.

>> No.6303531


I'm missing where this is "high-quality" or "higher production value".
The costumes are easy as shit and largely bought stuff. All they did was cover themselves in excessive amounts of fake blood, play up to a pairing and get someone with a decent camera to capture it.

What is hard about that. At all.

Homestuck fandom is so easily awed by anything that isn't blotchy webcam pics or has their favorite OTP.

>> No.6303542

>I'm missing where this is "high-quality" or "higher production value".
Wow, seriously? Compared to most of the shit that gets put on Tumblr, it's fucking gold. Special effects aren't something everyone can do, so, when they ARE done, you can be certain people will hold them to a higher standard.
I don't understand; are you defending this, or are you complaining about it? You seem to be doing both.

>> No.6303598
File: 394 KB, 500x667, why though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that really didnt get praised and gushed over, one or two people said it was good - a handful of others gave small critique.

on the other hand, what the hell is this.

>> No.6303602

I feel mildly guilty that my first thought was "ew''

captcha: winds agynals

>> No.6303630
File: 514 KB, 500x285, Basically me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw Homestuck Tumblr fandom gets mad when cgl discusses shitty cosplays that they lapped up like milk.

>> No.6303632

Are you going to be at Fanime next year? All of your work is amazing.

>> No.6303652
File: 1.80 MB, 291x160, moss-watches-this-thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's hilarious. They need to be knocked down a notch every now and again, they get too much positive.

>> No.6303725
File: 829 KB, 715x957, tumblr_mbp0ffx6iG1qmroqyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it looks like that magicastuck!dave from a couple threads ago is getting a group together.

>> No.6303728
File: 34 KB, 200x200, pusheen20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kindly!
I really do hope I can get the go-ahead for Fanime. I've tried to discuss with Rachel that once the horns are mass produced that I would limit my sales to conventions and Do-It-Yourself kits only since the money from Homestuck is what's helping to keep me insured for my Spinal therapy.

So, yes! I plan to go with a nice batch again to sell along with other things but mostly the horns just take up a lot of room to take up with me haha.

If not Homestuck Horns then I'm hoping to do more things like Lambo, Aries from Fairy Tale, Succubus and Incubus from Ragnarok Online and some custom favorites like our Ram Horns and Sheep Horns. If you do stop by though, please say hello! I love meeting people!

Sage cause tldr, my bad.

>> No.6303739

Something about this bugs me. I'm not sure what. Might be the skirt.

I love Magicastuck and plan to cosplay Vriska from it, just not while I'm still a beginner. It's just so easy to fuck up.

>> No.6303750
File: 360 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mbqxj6dkyk1qj7yf3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makeup job...

>> No.6303758 [DELETED] 

Doesn't look horrendous and the cosplayer themselves looks pretty young (therefore possibly inexperienced.)

The girl is cute, her costume is decent, what's your beef?

>> No.6303761 [DELETED] 

The hands, mostly. It just stuck out to me when I saw it on my tumblr feed.

>> No.6303764
File: 265 KB, 500x686, magicastuck roxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she trying to do this design? Why the cleavage hole and costume satin?

>> No.6303771


That's brilliant news!
You had been shut down before I got to buy any Horns from you. It's great to hear that you're back in the game.

I've been absent from the last few Homestuck Generals, are those Gamzee horns in the quoted pictures ones that you've made?

>> No.6303795
File: 102 KB, 600x800, canadapair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sjofdgd thank you very much, too! I'm afraid though, those aren't my horns. They did a BEAUTIFUL job with theirs and their coloring. I usually do the straight line colors but if people request a blend I will do it for free.

Here's a little conjoined preview of the Gamzee horns I do along with Nepeta and Vriska.

>> No.6303804
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x960, 1346093865780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta remind myself to get some horns off you someday, hopefully when your slots are open.

Maybe I can just stick a post-it note on my head or something.

>> No.6303814
File: 1.46 MB, 866x683, sakuraconjohn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow well regardless, those are amazing horns.
Yup, you'll be hearing from me in the future. For sure.

Is it okay to ask, since your DeviantArt currently says that you'll only be doing horns for a limited time, would it be okay to contact you for information here in the Homestuck Generals if your DA is full/unavailable?

Also, cute John to stay thread-relevant

>> No.6303828
File: 137 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mbr1vnYPZ21qivmmmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least her construction looks better than the Dave's. I know a couple people trying to put Magicastuck things together. I wonder why it's so popular.

>> No.6303833

It looked alright before I saw the design, and now I am all sorts of aw hell no. Solution off the top of my head: layers of tulle/chiffon under a clear vinyl skirt.

>> No.6303841
File: 453 KB, 469x700, 1322584495191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well just message me whenever you'd like them! You've done so much for me it's the least I can do.
Aaah again thank you! I've been having a bit of a downer because the post office has been going out of their way to destroy some of my boxes so I need to do like, hella extra packaging. And of course! I don't mind. If you mentioned you're from CGL I'll do a doodle happily for free for you, too.

>> No.6303850

Exactly my thoughts. I didn't remember what the original design looked like, so I was just thinking about the basic construction. Then I saw the design and just went 'no'.

>> No.6303857
File: 71 KB, 540x720, tumblr_m8z94zFhX11rvzdcno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat pic

>> No.6303890
File: 20 KB, 650x450, 666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is fucking ridiculous
talk about trying too hard for fangirl attention.
Wonder how long until it has 23593472947 notes on tumblr

>> No.6303893

i'm going to make jade's dead shuffle outfit, and i was thinking of using wire to give support for some of the strips. (like extend them about 6 inches from the legs.) would that look okay or is it too much?

>> No.6303913
File: 2 KB, 111x107, 1316479482562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so I don't have a dick so I don't reallyk now how it works but...wouldn't that not work with two guys?
I mean the alignment of their hips would be dirk ramming his dick into Jake's balls. since he's clearly not putting it in his ass from that angle.
not to mention they are both wearing pants.
so are they like...violently grinding against each other? Wouldn't that hurt too?

I think I'm overthinking this

>> No.6303927

cleavage whole because she has big tits so she's obviously obligated to show them off.
costume satin is because...idfk

>> No.6303932

You know they're just faking it really badly.

Not like they'd actually fuck, imagine how many people they'd trigger! The horror!

>> No.6303933

fuck I'm tired

>> No.6303936

Guys can enjoy some frottage too. But I'm pretty sure neither of those cosplayers has a dick. I hope that helps with your confusion, anon.

>> No.6303943
File: 13 KB, 371x415, tumblr_m54wwrF4uv1rtcfaqo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no I know they are faking it.
I was just pondering why they decided to do it as if replicating them having rough sex and jake having a vagina. they are really just doing it wrong/badly.
like I said, wearing pants, lined up wrong, etc.
and i know guys can get off from grinding and frottage but with how rough they are being in that gif idk it looks like it would be painful at that point haha

>> No.6303944

Neither of those cosplayers are biologically male, but "ramming dicks into balls" is a completely valid way to get off. Look up frottage if you're really curious.

>> No.6303954

> but with how rough they are being in that gif idk it looks like it would be painful
Maybe they like it that way.

>> No.6303961

Those are so cool. I don't cosplay Homestuck but this really makes me want to. What's your DA page again?

>> No.6303963
File: 326 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mbra2vBmIy1rocmtzo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a very poor choice of how to represent their characters having sex or whatever, but let's be honest,if they'd done anything differently, it would be just as stupid and awkward. I didn't look at the gif too closely, anon, it made me uncomfortable, but yeah, it does look kinda painful.

pic related is a lens test, looks pretty cute. I know everyone hates those horns but they don't really even bother me anymore.

>> No.6303975
File: 151 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mbqvb4BjZa1rf3copo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6303985
File: 1.27 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you do cosplay Homestuck just remember to have fun! My dA's http://lambentworld.deviantart.com/ and all the horns can be found in my gallery called "All things homestuck". I have some other horn commissions in "Custom Commissions". Thank you for your interest!

I sent Hussie a few pairs of our horns as a thank you and Rachel was kind enough to snag this picture for me.

>> No.6303992
File: 869 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mbr8hzt2QE1r54orjo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick of this Jake, he looks like a middle aged ex-wrestler and he's not attractive at all. Not to mention he(and his group) seem to be in the running for next biggest attention whores in the fandom. I need to quit this thread while my irritation cools.

>> No.6303993

I have to admit, this made me laugh.

>> No.6304084

Is it safe to wear whiteout lenses for an entire day at a convention? I'm going to NYCC on Saturday and I'm worried I'm going to either blind or kill myself in them.

>> No.6304112

I feel you anon. The Jake is terrible and the Roxy has a really serious problem going on with her head...

>> No.6304169

why does everyone hate those horns? they look awesome and realistic

>> No.6304182

Sure they look realistic, but thats not how her horns look. Its inaccurate.

>> No.6304183


>> No.6304184

That's nice of her, and that's a cute pic. I like the horns too.

I'll try to have fun but reading these threads for tips on how to cosplay makes me hesitant because I'm still new at cosplay and the fandom seems a bit harsh to newbies. I have nothing against making the best one can, because I believe in doing a job well, but I'd probably have to buy a lot of my costume since I'm still new at sewing.

>> No.6304187
File: 508 KB, 893x800, Aradia.Megido.full.1132976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh it is? I always see Aradia with ram horns

>> No.6304242

aradia's horns go forward and up not down and back

people keep thinking they are ram horns but they are not

>> No.6304248


first page i found where you can see which way they go pretty clearly

>> No.6304268

all that foundation and peachfuzzface really bothers me?

>> No.6304271

We had a debate about Aradia's hair a couple threads back. Her horns are so inconsistent that honestly it could go either way. I think it's pretty dumb to insist that one is right and the other isn't when they've been drawn both ways in the comic.

I've seen both of them done really well.

>> No.6304270
File: 19 KB, 650x450, Vriska_vs_aradiabot02-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a debate about Aradia's horns on tumblr once.
And apparently someone asked Hussie about it and he said that he draws her horns whichever direction is more convenient for him to draw them in so I guess they can go different ways depending on the page. Like how many sprites are flipped in many pages etc

They look like ram horns here. And its noted in her wiki that she has ram horns because she is the Aries troll.

>> No.6304275
File: 17 KB, 650x450, 02132_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6304278


I fully understand that, the problem is while she does have ram-like horns, they are supposed to look similar to her Aries symbol, much like Vriskas, Kanayas, and Tavroses. There is no debate about that, Just look at the Handmaid's horns.

>> No.6304284

ALL trolls have horns derived from their symbols

some are more obvious than others, but they all are

>> No.6304289

I wish Hussie wouldn't be so freaking lazy and just keep shit consistent.

>> No.6304292

I forgot to include etc at the end of that sentence.
Anyways, thats my point. Those demon horns or whatever people typicly use for aradias horns dont actually look like her horns unless positioned right. Not to mention the 'realistic' look they give is silly when they dont actually have that segmented look.

>> No.6304303 [DELETED] 

Have you donated to your local booru today?

>> No.6304299

That's definitely a personal preference thing. I understand why people don't like how they look, but they usually look okay if the rest of the outfit is good too.

>> No.6304329

Let me try that again.

Have you donated to your local booru today?

>> No.6304333
File: 51 KB, 350x300, 1307525664283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, personally, just don't like the obnoxiously obvious seam where the two pieces were fused together. When people sand or get rid of that seam they look pretty good and when worn nicely with a costume look nice!

I know Aradia's are one of the ones I've had the most trouble with when sculpting, especially when they come out smooth. I love the texture the party-city ones come with though I would like just a little less.

It really does boil down to personal preference.

>> No.6304445

Eh. I don't really ether other then the fact a cosplay engagement is fun to do. As long as it only involves friends. I've done it when I was a bit younger for laughs, and still call my best friend wifey from time to time. I honestly think most of the time It's just bordem and the fascination of marriage with younger people and how would the characters be like married? Meh, those were the reasons for my last cosplay group, but everyones different I suppose.

>> No.6304472

I get kinda tired of seeing her on my dash, she's applauded as the best Roxy by a lot of people, and it's just because of who she knows. Her Roxy cosplay is actually my least favorite of all of hers.

>> No.6304538

I feel bad, I was actually considering proposing at this past AWA, but two others got engaged earlier in the day so I didn't want to take it away from them.

Oh well, I didn't want a big photoshoot engagement, just something with friends at a con we get to see them at.

Maybe another day then?

>> No.6304581

Who she knows?

>> No.6304607

She's Lindzar's Roxy.

>> No.6304614

I feel like the only one who thinks she sort of has a pig-ish face.

>> No.6304656

Well that explains a lot.

Do you have any more photos/her tumblr?

>> No.6304663


>> No.6304700
File: 1.13 MB, 640x960, tumblr_m8v33cDBlX1qmroqyo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is cute but need to improve. A lot. (and yes there is something pig-ish with her face)

Also this photo will always make me laugh.

>> No.6304704

Holy shit, the lighting hurts my eyes so much.

>> No.6304730

you're not the only one. I see this chick all over my dash because I'm friends with a lot of the bostonstucks and I guess she's one too. Her blog is incredibly annoying, as is her face,

>> No.6304748

Like I said, she's not too bad, and I love some of her other cosplays! But now all it is is Roxy. Roxy everywhere. Because people are applauding how perfect of a Roxy she is, she thinks she is THE Roxy cosplayer. And I KNOW it's just because of Lindzar.

>> No.6304751
File: 763 KB, 640x960, CosplayLighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look?

>> No.6304775

So much better. Now I don't need to squint to see the picture. Lighting can make all the difference.

>> No.6304781

Now I can see that she has lipstick on her teeth, thanks anon.

>> No.6304890

Just let me know if you need any other pictures with bad lighting shooped.


>> No.6305403

I've seen that Jane a lot, she's a little bit two-faced and has dragged herself in to some dramatic situations and been called racist/ect/about headcanon kid races and things like that. Bit of an asian supremacist.

>> No.6305524
File: 233 KB, 533x800, how_to_diffuse_a_situation_by_lunariven-d4hpfku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A variety of reasons. While they do fall under 'Aradia's horns make no fucking sense/are never drawn consistently', they stick far out from your head and look awkward.
It doesn't help that a lot of lazier cosplayers take them as an 'out' because you can buy them.

I got sick and blocked/savioured her url because it's easier than getting mad about how badly she butchers my favorite character.

>> No.6305550

Both her and the Roxy are really awful people and are huge elitists. They go to some of the same meets as me and the couple that the Roxy has shown up at she introduces herself as, and I quote, "Tumblr famous user psychedelicpaprika"

>> No.6305558
File: 156 KB, 500x750, sollux laughing alone with salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha, oh god that's hilarious

It's unbelievable how some people think being known on Tumblr to actual popularity in real life

>> No.6305559

*known on tumblr equates to

wow I'm not awake yet am I?

>> No.6305564

as someone who owns those horns, they can be worn going forward and down as well as back and up. they come on a thin, clear elastic. there are ways of wearing them in all different positions. Sure, the mold line is obnoxious, but the positioning of the horns is up to the cosplayer themselves.

>> No.6305692
File: 433 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mbrhqegyDI1qe4fcso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people like her are going to be so confused when Homestuck dies down and no one likes them because of their superior attitudes.

>> No.6305740

omfg I'm laughing too hard at this.

Her Roxy isn't even that GOOD.

>> No.6305741

I await gleefully for that day.

>> No.6305778


suggestions for noncrazy bostonstuckers to follow?

>> No.6305793
File: 285 KB, 500x281, battap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a strong possibility for a homestuck panel at a con that doesn't normally allow fan panels.
>depending on what slots are left
>get bitched out by the 'popular' homestuck cosplayers

I'm so fucking done with these egotistical cunts.

>> No.6305816


>> No.6305833

I don't like her Roxy too much either, but THEY'RE JOKING WHEN THEY SAY THAT. And psychedelicpaprika is only sixteen years old, leave the kid alone dude. Shes just a loud, obnoxious teen. But they're joking, its a total joke. Along with "dont touch me I'm famous" its a fucking quote from icarly. And shes not an elitist, she thinks MF is the 'perfect roxy', not herself.

She's not even Lindzar's Roxy, she's Gemiblu's. She just shoots with her sometimes because her actual Roxy lives far away. And that Asian girl isn't an "asian supremist" at all, she mimics old Asian ladies at the meetups and is just really funny?

I know you're all gossip hungry, but you guys seriously have to stop listening to a stranger on the internet and accept it as complete fact.

>a Bostonstuck who knows them a little bit

>> No.6305839

She told me "all the kids are Asian yep all Asian" and again, it was a fucking joke oh my god I'm laughing so hard are you guys serious

>> No.6305868

has anyone ever been to a meetup that WASN'T a cosplay photoshoot? hanging out with people sounds like a lot of fun but I hate being in costume in public when there's not a con going on. just wondering if it's even be worth trying to organize or if it's a doomed idea from the start

>> No.6305870


>> No.6305871

Sometimes in my area I set up actual meet ups that are just for going to the mall and playing games and shit.

Then there are times when I set up photoshoot meet ups in nice areas.

So, yeah.

>> No.6305880

Whiteknight? I can't tell from here. Everything I've seen of them, they seem to have quite the ego online. Not sure about irl though, shrug. I'll tale your word for it until something possibly blows up.

>> No.6305887

Smells whiteknight to me.

While I agree, the Jane's probably not a supremacist, and made jokes like that... it's pretty obvious the 'tumblr fame' is getting to their heads by their posts.

>> No.6305897

I'm a full time Tumblr Homestuck fandom member and I have honestly never heard of her before. 'Fandom famous'? Hahaha, no.

>> No.6305917

I've only even heard of her because I know her Equius from the Hetalia community

>> No.6305957

Not a whiteknight, I don't even know them too well tbh. I just know that the Roxy doesn't actually think highly of herself, she makes ugly faces for the camera, a lot of her friends cosplay Roxy even better than she, and those "im so famous" thing is a joke from icarly. So I'm sorry, its just not true, whiteknight or not.

I enjoy gossip, I do, but can we wait for proof, or a screencap next time? Some of you guys literally just accepted words on a screen as fact with no proof. Imo nobody here is good or bad in my eyes unless I can be provided with proof of some sort

>> No.6305983


>kids who watch icarly enough to reference it are cosplaying
>enough of them that it's expected people understand the reference as a joke

I'm getting too old for this hobby, fuck.

>> No.6306021

>she thinks MF is the 'perfect roxy', not herself.
Hahahaha she is really dumb then.

>> No.6306044
File: 336 KB, 1000x1500, dusk___kanaya_maryam__by_welcometomyworldvxi-d4y4jqc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you are one.

But anyway, on to other things bcause she's not worth it.

>> No.6306051
File: 564 KB, 320x240, tumblr_m65g22J4ov1ro0hzi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6306056
File: 39 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mbsegvW1mA1qe43kro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306058
File: 215 KB, 885x1600, kanaya_maryam_by_anmanda-d4mv76z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anmanda is by far one of my favorite Kanayas

>> No.6306061

It'll be like all 'popular' cosplayers. They'll find another fandom to jump on in attempt to reclaim that fame. Zippy and Frecklez are prime examples of this.

>> No.6306064


Her costume is really cute but what the hell is going on with that wig?

>> No.6306065
File: 365 KB, 320x240, tumblr_m5qpjtBWYe1ro0hzi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is perf!

>> No.6306069

Am I the only one who dislikes Fncyhorsekind/Kiev's Dirk cosplay? They're a decent Dave, but their Dirk just looks off to me. Everyone adores him though because he's ~IRL Bishie~

>> No.6306071

What field day was this?

>> No.6306079
File: 439 KB, 440x438, tumblr_m4ah5zq6va1ru8grjo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6306085

He's not a super serious cosplayer and he seems like a nice guy, I don't know why you brought him up.

I do like his Dirk, but I realize not a lot of effort is put into it and he mainly gets attention because of how attractive he is. But it's not like his flaunting anything, so I don't see the problem with his stuff?

>> No.6306087

I just see his stuff all over my dash, all day every day with a zillion notes and "FUCK ME" comments. I was just saying, not trying to start up a huge argument about him.

>> No.6306088

They're like every other mediocre Dave cosplayer out there, yes.

>> No.6306089

Ohh, hm. That's just tumblr for you, then, they'll eat up anyone who's moderately attractive.

>> No.6306096

Since SJ-Homestuckers are all about PoC representation in art and shit, are there any good PoC cosplayers?

Not ones that get hundreds of notes because they're a PoC with mediocre costumes, but legitimately good cosplayers.

>> No.6306102
File: 25 KB, 500x375, durk_stroder_and_rooxy_laloonde_by_whereismahsupersuit-d57ar9l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the huge Dirk glasses won't be found until someone posts new pictures w/them because I can't remember how far back in tags they were.

So have a still huge,but not as much, pair

I don't have any saved atm, but I know I've seen some!

>> No.6306112


>> No.6306113

People of Color
aka anyone who's not white as bread

>> No.6306185

For all their hubbub about being a progressive fandom, Homestuck fans really only seem to care about white cosplayers, and only prop up POC cosplayers when they wanna masturbate to how progressive they are.

>> No.6306210

My fave Aradia is black, but there are very few good photos of her.

>> No.6306280

i'd normally agree but the Jake cosplayer normally sews all her cosplays herself and's only dont two or three that required little sewing

>> No.6306330
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 3428349028374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen her around a lot, and she's obviously kidding about the racial stuff, but she just doesn't look like Jane, she looks like some out of place anime character all the time.
Pic related, favorite Jane.

>> No.6306372

Bostonstuck blogs I follow

I'm not sure if anyone is using those stupid Halloween URLs or not

>> No.6306392
File: 419 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m7zd81ZbFi1qbgdvto2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the deal with heyitspj?

>> No.6306438
File: 536 KB, 200x196, aspienumber28.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first saw this .gif I thought she was standing in front of the war memorial in my city.

I was about to be like...what. the fuck. bitch.

>> No.6306450
File: 834 KB, 500x721, tumblr_mbr2lbw5Tu1qi1xubo3_r4_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot off the shoop line

>> No.6306482

Some of the ones I follow:

>> No.6306503
File: 624 KB, 700x464, tumblr_mbr2lbw5Tu1qi1xubo2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306505
File: 584 KB, 700x464, tumblr_mbr2lbw5Tu1qi1xubo1_r2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306508

I don't know, he can be a little full of it? Overall though, he seems like a nice guy and I like his art.

But yeah, major annoyance with him and the attention he gets just for being attractive and not much else.

Does anyone know if there was a falling out between him and Bill (DJ-Stridenasty)? Because they used to be going back and forth on my dash all the time and then it suddenly stopped?

>> No.6306510

I can't get over how frizzy the John's wig is. I have this huge urge to brush it.

>> No.6306558

they got in some sort of argument at one point when they were trying to date and just fell apart after that
Kiev doesn't want anything to do with him anymore

>> No.6306601

I don't see whats wrong with it? other than John's frizzy wig, this is fine? desperate vendetta maybe?

>> No.6306610

That Jane isn't >>6304700 though.... they don't even look remotely alike.

>> No.6306615
File: 52 KB, 475x344, 1342036370492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we stop gossiping like a bunch of retarded preteens and talk about cosplay? Or at least gossip about people with actual drama? all of this is a giant, vendetta snooze fest

>> No.6306617

>Pointing out that the John's wig is frizzy

Getting posted here and being shitty aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.6306619

>implying this thread isn't already filled with vendetta and underage kids to begin with

>> No.6306623

They didn't say they were?

They just pointed out that it was their favorite Jane, rather than the Asian one.

/r/ing more actual cosplay photos

>> No.6306628

I think that anon just posted that Jane to say that they were their favorite, not posting another of the previous Jane.

>> No.6306630

I wasn't referring to your frizzy wig comment, I actually agree that it's too frizzy. I just didn't understand why they needed to post the entire set, since it's not really that bad? it seemed pointless to me, thats all

>> No.6306633
File: 50 KB, 640x360, tumblr_mbshb6AzlS1qeyvjdo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306635

My bad, didn't read the entire post. I like that jane a lot better, but I feel like her eyebrows are just the tiniest bit too thick. Other than that, perfect!

sage for shitpost

>> No.6306637

vriska looks like she downed a bottle of percs

>> No.6306642
File: 468 KB, 250x188, tumblr_m6jshlg3Rz1r8rvxqo2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captioned, mmm yeah dirk smack dat

>> No.6306647
File: 348 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mbsuus8E4V1rpdd7eo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, anon. Please make it stop.

Have this zombie Rose as tribute.

>> No.6306648
File: 466 KB, 1200x1600, 27C72A2CE2994376EAB741D60AE75585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6306655
File: 149 KB, 637x349, JENE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you've seen this already but I'll repost it for good measure:

>> No.6306656
File: 200 KB, 800x533, homestuck__aggrieve_by_pandarosi-d4uz32b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I'm the one who posted them here.
>Implying anyone said they were bad.

>> No.6306661

If you reread my comment, I never said it was you.
>I just didn't understand why they needed to post the entire set
> they needed to
> they

>> No.6306665
File: 96 KB, 640x480, 2gvt0k0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on Livejournal.

>> No.6306667
File: 768 KB, 250x188, whatwhy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dave john kawaii wedding desu
both of them are under 19 and neither of them have jobs
this fandom, lemme tell ya

>> No.6306668
File: 78 KB, 523x368, Tavros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306669
File: 59 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mbsa01aw3A1qfaczpo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decently cute Jade

>> No.6306673

what in the fuck am I even witnessing here. I'm genuinely afraid.

>> No.6306675


>> No.6306682

>both of them are under 19 and neither of them have jobs

PLEASE tell me this isn't true

>> No.6306685

WHOA thats a cool Rose

>> No.6306690
File: 544 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m9sy0ig6ot1rr018ao11_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither of them have jobs, but I'm not certain how old there are. Definitely not 20 yet.

On another note, ancestor cosplays I've never seen before.

>> No.6306742

They haven't even been dating for a year, have they?

>> No.6306745

Who is Lindzar?

>> No.6306754

From what I can tell, the John's the only one that's been looking. I never hear shit about the Dave putting in apps, it's all the John while the Dave whines about how he wishes he could contribute money.

>> No.6306784
File: 238 KB, 510x806, dave_strider___be_the_cool_kid_by_lindzar-d42c6og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe so, no. I generally think anyone who gets engaged after being together for such a short period of time is a little stupid.

I don't pay much attention to either of them, but I get the feeling that the reason they don't have jobs is because their standards are set too high. After all, right now they're getting paid by their ~kawaii internet fans~ to do commissions.

see pic related. You can also look up her tumblr and DA if you want to get an idea, same username.

>> No.6306792

They SAY they apply to a lot of places and "work so hard to find a job" but it's been over 6 months, and I seriously doubt they can't find even part time work. They beg their followers for rent money at the end of each month, spewing out some new sob story that everyone laps up. They're both 19 or under and haven't been together for even 2 years. And are now jobless, poor, while still going to conventions, and engaged.

Romantic, huh

>> No.6306796
File: 121 KB, 500x706, tumblr_m81r91ppFa1qhscy8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. I've stopped questioning what appears on my dash

>> No.6306803
File: 356 KB, 300x225, fuckingstop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, they're "poor"? Then why did they post about getting on a plane and going to New York Comic Con?

also, is this the same, unfortunate person we're talking about?

>> No.6306808

That's actually hilarious and in good humor though....

>> No.6306809

Like, I get it, finding a job is hard. It took me nearly a year of looking before I found one... but if you're really intent like I became in the final few months, and put in apps everywhere, you WILL find one.

My friend just got his first job after only even being in the states for two weeks.

>> No.6306819

Oh, no don't get me wrong, it's funny. I just said I wasn't questioning anything anymore.

>> No.6306822

because "my mom bought the ticket waah i haven't seen her in so long" and then he proceeded to fake acting hurt and emotional saying he hasn't seen his family in forever when he moved out of his own free will..

even if his mother did buy the ticket, this doesn't explain the cost of new cosplays, registration fee, food, hotel, etc.

Honestly, if I didn't have a job and was at risk to lose my fucking apartment, I'd be at my wits end trying to be professional and get a job. Not dying my hair and going to conventions and making pixel art on tumblr.

>> No.6306831

His mom bought his ticket but they had to pay for the other ticket out of pocket. Not sure where they came up with that...

They're always saying that they didn't spend money on their new costumes, they just modified some old stuff, obviously!! But it sounds like bullshit to me.

>Honestly, if I didn't have a job and was at risk to lose my fucking apartment, I'd be at my wits end trying to be professional and get a job
Yes but you're probably a real, functioning adult, not a child pretending to be a grown-up

>> No.6306839
File: 258 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_m97p6zXnEh1rz6yyro1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but female!Dave wouldn't dress like this ;__;

>> No.6306844
File: 336 KB, 300x225, tumblr_lzgy91tc8D1r8rvxqo4_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his Jake expressions make me ill. It's gross, pic related.

So if you wanna get real technical, you could say that they're using their fans for cosplay money. Because if they can afford a plane ticket, but not rent, what else does this mean?

>> No.6306854
File: 637 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mbrjy60kHJ1r4aa2io1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since female Dave doesn't exist, it's awfully hard to ask her.
I have an unnatural dislike of genderbends.

I feel like I've even seen them complaining about not having enough money for food? But they have a cat (or two, I'm not sure) and I'm actually kind of concerned about how they're keeping an animal if they have no money.

Also this Dave is scaring the shit out of me.

>> No.6306864
File: 62 KB, 464x700, tumblr_lvthpyfrlH1qhcclq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any drama on this girl? I've heard some people don't like her but never really got any stories.
>but that wig

>> No.6306872

You guys are all missing the worst fact about them.

they're both girls pretending to be boys. Not in the FtM way, I mean, the offensive lying and saying "I am a boy, I have a penis" when they don't. They talk about sucking each others dicks and stuff too. NEVER have either of them admitted they're FtM

It's one thing to call yourself a boy when you identify as one, but to pretend you're NOT a trans person is straight up offensive as hell.

>> No.6306881

...he looks exactly like Ausin Powers. That's so fucking weird.

Eh. Not really sure how legit this complaint it. Some trans people have a lot of difficulty publicly talking about their parts, it's awkward. Though it's weird that they'd outright claim to have male genitalia. At least they're not the top tier of fake bois with scene hair and still wearing female clothing.

>> No.6306885
File: 7 KB, 372x241, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outright claim to have male genitalia
I wish I was kidding. pic realted.

and like I said, I understand if you don't want to talk about it or admit it. but he straight up does what you described and pretends they both have penises for the world to see.

>still wearing female clothing.
sorry to disappoint, but he still does....

>> No.6306886
File: 678 KB, 300x225, tumblr_m6crxsZSy91r8rvxqo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least they're not the top tier of fake bois with scene hair and still wearing female clothing.
Oh but they are.

>> No.6306890

this is disgusting... all of it. I feel sick. I know people who follow and love their cosplays too.

but i'm more concerned for the animals. How can they have two cats yet not afford rent? this is just irresponsible, what if one of them needs medical attention? How would they pay for that? Beg their followers? I'm downright appalled.

>> No.6306923

I meant all the time. If they consider it crossdressing, whatever. They only do it for costume, right? I haven't seen them dress in female clothing casually, for any reason other than cosplay.

I'm not exactly defending them, just peoples' right to wear whatever the fuck they want, on occasion, and not have it really mean anything. I have an ftm friend who still enjoys womens clothing (very rarely) but would never admit it or wear it out of the house for fear of people telling him he's not "a real trans person" and discounting him completely.

And because I have that friend, I try never to think of people as being real or fake unless it's the stereotypical fake boi with long hair and makeup and women's clothes, no idea what a binder or packer is, etc. You know what I'm talking about. I don't care how anybody identifies.

Mentally disturbing and I didn't need to see that. Though I have several female friends who say the same stuff, so maybe it just means less to me than if he outright said "I have a penis it's right here."

>> No.6306944

I guess we have different viewpoints then. I agree that people should dress how they want and identify as they please, but it's hard to sit there and watch a girl pretend to be a boy "crossdressing" as a girl while bragging about their "dicks". It feels disrespectful, like they're mocking transpeople. I know that not how they see it, but I just feel like it's not respectable behavior at all.

Also a lot of "FtM" people who still really enjoy wearing female clothes are actually bigender or genderfluid but don't realize it yet. Because FtM means a female that wants to pass AS A MAN. Not be seen as a kawaii yaoi scene boy.

>> No.6306973
File: 59 KB, 640x960, the_exile_and_her_charge_2_by_jayuna-d5dakhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a genderbend tho
It's and I quote, 'thigh-highstuck Dave'

The shoes are amazing but the idea is horrible.

Contributing some good cosplay before I crash

>> No.6306982
File: 344 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mapgise13Z1qkq1cqo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6306978
File: 315 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mapgise13Z1qkq1cqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this set was really cute, but then again any 'couple' cosplay with Kanaya that isn't Rosemary is really rare
And it sent my horrible shipper heart all aflitter

>> No.6306988
File: 69 KB, 900x600, raise_the_tides_by_gentlemanlyspam-d55n3cy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also 83% sure this is at Kumoricon and now I'm really sad I missed a Dolorosa

>> No.6306999
File: 158 KB, 900x675, witch_of_space_by_clockwork_eden-d4qg6g2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6307046
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1297826742877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


isn't this like the eighth or ninth homestuck proposal of kids too young and stupid to be doing so?

mfw dumb kids have essentially ruined proposing at conventions

>> No.6307052
File: 497 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mbsxybtLRq1qe347jo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree to respectfully disagree with it, anon. You have a very valid point and I appreciate it.
> It feels disrespectful, like they're mocking transpeople.
I think I understand what you mean, after reading this. I'm sorry that it upsets you to see it, because you probably see it a lot. You have my sympathy.

A lot of people get gender confused, definitely, and I think in this generation, more people will identify as genderfluid because gender lines are really being blurred. I know my friend doesn't fall into that category, he just still has an appreciation for the clothing, but feels terribly awkward in it/about it. But to each their own.

Thanks for chatting so politely with me, anon.

>> No.6307073

I thought that was a man

>> No.6307072


holy shit I recognize this girl from south park cosplay. she did a million characters and would make gifs of them all being obnoxious. jesus.

>> No.6307079

"fakeboi" and terrible person or not, could we keep to gender identities?

But yeah he and his boyfriend do shit tons of annoying cosplays of literally anything they can cosplay a pairing to.

>> No.6307080
File: 14 KB, 650x450, eyeroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of the day it's just kids desperately wanting to be with someone, so they go for the whole gender confusion thing

They'll grow out of the confused bunny stage soon enough

>> No.6307085

Ike's admitted to being FtM, but speaking as Trans myself... I really don't like being acknowledged AS trans. I talk and act like I was genetically born a boy, because that's how I should have been.

Yeah, it's kind of obvious I'm not one and all, but it's nice to pretend you were born normal, and people humor me with it enough. Really, it's only whiney tumblr assholes who want the 'I'm trans and a minority, love me and how under privileged I am' card who will flaunt their 'trans' status around.

>> No.6307086
File: 763 KB, 1280x967, good dirk glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this Dirk's wig and glasses make me happy.

>> No.6307089

Different anon here but wait... If FtM wants to 'crossdress' and wear cutesy female clothes, what's the difference between them and someone that's genderfluid or bigender? Because what you're describing sounds like the same thing, but it's not:
FtM = girl who wants to pass and be seen as a male by peers
MtF = opposite of that
Genderfluid/bigender = someone who switches between genders

But what you're saying is basically it's all the same thing. So I can identify as a man but make literally no effort to ever pass as one ever and you're saying that still makes me a man? I guess I just don't understand. Seems like a bunch of attention seeking fangirls who want to get attention to me.

>> No.6307092

Does CGL think I'm too young to want to propose to my girlfriend of 2 years? I'm 20.

Sage for no real contribution, just dumb question.

>> No.6307100

Sure, but do you plaster "BOY BOY I AM A BOY" everywhere and then dress really girly and do your makeup? Because that's what squeakchic does.

>silver frames
>too much bangs
>short as fuck
and the dirk makes you happy why?

>> No.6307103


and validate their attention seeking and disrespect of actual trans ppl?

>> No.6307107


Personally it sounds young but at 20 it probably depends more on your life situation. If you're graduated, gainfully employed and paying your bills, you're probably enough of an adult to make an adult life step like that.

19 year olds who choose to pay for "uguu yaoi" cosplay meetups over actual responsibilities and attention seek on the internet are children, and as such aren't old enough.

Just IMO

>> No.6307109
File: 139 KB, 808x539, hs__deepsea_dancing_by_beechs-d53ybsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, it's all about how you feel and how the two of you mesh together.

What they're mainly mocking/saying is that young HSers who haven't been dating for long are 'cheapening' honest proposals from people who truely love eachother, just because they want to do so as their precious otp.

tl;dr If you see the rest of your life with her, fuck what anyone'd think and propose. I wish you the best with everything!

>> No.6307114

I mean, what's the difference between him wanting to crossdress and a cis male?

Especially seeing as how CGL takes one look at pre-T, pre-Op transmen and automatically go "trans bullshit, shit cosplay as such"

I'm honestly scared shitless to cosplay because I'm afraid you guys will tear me down just because I wasn't born male.

I guess for good reason too, I'm sorry. Just no one wants their gender used as a reason to hate them.

>> No.6307115
File: 85 KB, 500x332, another good dirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because most wigs i see are overstyled (or not styled at all), and the glasses are actually the right size. Kind of refreshing. Frames and bangs dont bother me much, but i can see your point.

>> No.6307116

What I'm saying is that if someone asks to be called by a certain name/pronouns, I will do so, out of politeness. That's basically it. If you don't ever take any effort to present male, then I will probably think you're full of shit, but I'll still try to be respectful.

From what I understand, the difference between an ftm crossdressing in female clothing and someone who is bigender is that, despite whatever they're wearing, they identify as male.

>> No.6307117

I'm feeling more disrespected by you, than by them wishing to go by male pronouns....

>> No.6307121

20 years old and only spent 2 years with her... I'd say yes, I'm sorry. Not because of how old you are, but because it's still early into both of your lives and you haven't known each other for too long. You might be 100% sure of her, but she's still young too, and if she changes her mind or wants someone new, too late, you're married at 20. Just a bad idea, bro.

>> No.6307125
File: 74 KB, 482x739, tengen toppen gurren homestuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also like this crossover, it works.

>> No.6307129

okay now that Dirk is just plain awful. I'm okay with Dirk having oversized glasses (to an extent) because I imagine Bro's glasses wouldn't fit his face as well, being only 16 and all.

However, the bangs are so wrong, Dirk hardly has bangs at all, and they don't go that low.

>> No.6307137

That's dumb, so I can just "identify" as a male and do whatever the fuck as I want and actually have the right to tell people "I'm a boy and you should refer to me as such?" This whole fad is ridiculous.

>> No.6307144

>he, he he

they're both chicks/fakebois

>> No.6307148
File: 445 KB, 600x900, katsucon_2012___homestuck___fancy_dreamer_dirk_by_fenyxdesign-d4somk6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of 'off' Dirks, the shades on this one made me visibly wince

oh yeah, there's a whole group of people who act like that.
I don't really care, so long as you're actually presenting yourself as male and aren't doing stupid attention grabbing shit like dressing in skirts and demanding attention.

>> No.6307150

Lil Cal needs to be dressed like Yoko.

>> No.6307151
File: 961 KB, 320x240, ask-timeonmysidestrider.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite tumblr-Dave. He's hysterical.

>> No.6307159
File: 100 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mbt34xeXgG1qew2yko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who treat it as a fad are ridiculous, yes. And I hope they grow out of it soon and realize how disrespectful they're being to people who actually have these kinds of issues. But that doesn't mean every person who says they'd like to be called by the opposite of their birth gender is just throwing a tantrum.

>> No.6307156

....it's because you don't know how the person actually feels, while yes some people are misusing the idea of what it really means to be trans, and like to throw it around for the attention (example, a person I know has straight up confided in me that they're only saying they're trans to gain more popularity as a male cosplayer), some people are telling the truth and it's an insult to them to be treated so rudely (another example is my friend who identifies as male lives under the roof of their strict, religious parents, and cannot do much of anything about it outside of graphic tees and a lot of insistence to friends)

>> No.6307160

no in that swap Yoko's Roxy

>> No.6307161

he's.... decent at best? If you liked your friends at all, you wouldn't post them on 4chan.

>> No.6307165
File: 68 KB, 421x750, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt say awful as I have seen many awful dirks in my day. (pic related)
though I do see your point I guess i just over look the bangs since Im used to seeing fanart with bangs.

>> No.6307174
File: 140 KB, 252x411, tumblr_mbqn6apDa91qfs4s4o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you, anon. I have the same fear. The internet isn't a very nice place a lot of the time, but if you're happy with your cosplay, that's really the most important thing. I'm sure eventually someone is going to say something negative about me and my cosplays because I'm not genetically male and I'm still working towards beginning hormones.But hopefully when that day comes I won't care.

>> No.6307175

The thing that makes his costume is his personality. He's actually funny as shit, and doesn't try to act like a stoic asshole like every other Dave cosplayer does.

>> No.6307184

Exactly! And he's not all about over-playing the irony angle either.

>> No.6307187

lol slowpoke but basically yeah

>> No.6307191

With me, personality is just as important as the costume.
They could have the best costume and wig ever, but have the characterization of a toaster and I would hate them.

>> No.6307205
File: 80 KB, 500x500, apparently dave egbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've got me interested now, anon - whats his URL?

>> No.6307216

His ask account is ask-timeonmysidestrider.

>> No.6307225


IME /cgl/ only shittalks trans people when they're making a giant deal out of being trans and acting like attention whores. if you don't pass in male clothing then you don't pass whether you're cis and crossplaying or trans. and usually the criticism then is 'they don't pass,' not 'they're terrible at being trans'

>> No.6307229

Bracing for a flood of Vriska/Tavros webcam gifs

>> No.6307248

Are you the one who's trying to get a fan panel at Megacon? Because I saw something about that and even I doubt that it'll happen. Ive tried for years, even knowing someone three years ago who helped run the entire con, to get a fan panel in. It doesn't work.

>> No.6307255
File: 158 KB, 500x446, tumblr_mbt3k7oedd1qcf65wo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm crossing my fingers for this.

>> No.6307280
File: 70 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mbr8qmjD5D1qim4fgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At Holiday Matsuri last year she was coosplaying Roxy and lost her bag, and because she was upset she threw down her wine glass in the pool area and shattered it. Because she was upset.

She's an overgrown child who never got out of her weaboo phase. She has a habit of throwing full scale tantrums, being stupidly obnoxiously loud, and overall acting like she's 10 years old when she's like 19 or 20 something.

I'll admit she's getting better about it though, but not by much. She also "makes" all her cosplay out of craft foam and duct tape. Pic related, it's her in progress glados cosplay.

>> No.6307295

Oh my god fucking Hanari where do I even start.

She goes on about how her cosplays are the absolute best. Ive seen her Rose. It's awful, i'll fitting and for a year it wasn't even hemmed. She acts terribly elitist when she's no where even near famous or well known for anything besides being a bitch.

One time a friend of mine was going to go to a god tier shoot at a con, I forget which, and she told her "well we already have a god tier Rose so we don't need you bye" and she has a terrible habit of downtalking other people's cosplays in favor of her own mediocre ones.

>> No.6307321

That looks like it could turn out really well.

>> No.6307336
File: 23 KB, 400x217, 182498_453624144683638_177397625_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6307356

I can look at it right now and know it's gonna look like shit up close. It may photograph well though.

>> No.6307364

Not to be a little shit or a white knight for ike and jay because hey they have their faults and i agree with their rent problem and yada yada but the shit about ftm and all that they dont actually claim to have the genitalia of a guy im pretty sure that was joking. I'm mind and soul female but even I joke about having a boner and yada yada the "proof" of ikes post was in a pretty joking matter. Also the whole "at least they dont dress as girls" and then someone saying "but they do" thats like getting mad at a girl for cosplaying a guy. Let a guy cosplay a girl if he wants to. same reason ftm cosplayers cosplay girls is the same as cis girls cosplay boys. whats the big deal. ike and jay are far from fake boiz they dont flaunt that shit at all. ive never seen them scream "im FTM TREAT ME SPECIAL"
Sorry for that but it was annoying me.

>> No.6307368

Bostonstucks I follow

>> No.6307369
File: 111 KB, 242x290, jfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6307370
File: 89 KB, 499x378, Tell-me-im-pretty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6307371

I'm upset about the fact that they've never admitted to being FTM js

>> No.6307373

Most real FTMs really hate being thought of as something other than men.

>> No.6307374


Does anyone have the link to these guys' photoshoot/blogs or anything?


>> No.6307383

But if asked nicely most will usually politely answer truthfully.

>> No.6307414

Trust me, most FtMs outside of the 'I'm special treat me like so' tumblr kind will NOT admit it. Like I said before, I talk about myself as nothing other than as if I were born a man, and even get slightly uncomfortable when FtMs discuss their female body and problems with such... I don't know why, just a thing that I don't want to think about. Respect the fact that they're not pulling the 'waaah we're FtMs, we're underprivileged, love us' shit.

I described this to a friend before, and the best way I could think of describing it to be relatable was:

Say you're overweight. There's nothing too wrong with you or anything, but you're overweight and really uncomfortable with yourself. You don't want to go out because you're afraid that most people are going to just chalk you up to being fat, fat is your personality now. They're going to assume all you do is eat fast food and sit around on your ass eating pizza and talking about food. That is who you are to them, nothing more. Regardless if any of that was true or not, they're not paying attention to who you really are.
Now you lose weight. You finally feel like you match your body, you're super comfortable and excited to get out and make friends who don't see you as a lardass.
That being said, are you going to go around saying, "hey, I'm Amy, I used to way 366 lbs" ?
How would you feel if your friends introduced you as "this is Amy, she used to be fat".
Or if someone came up to you and asked, "hey, your skin looks a bit looser, did you used to be fat?"
You're not going to like it, and it's sort of like that.

Peoples opinions of you change in a second once they find out too, I've met people as male online, met them in real life, and automatically the "I thought you were a real guy" shit happens, or the slip-ups of 'she' when addressing me.

>> No.6307420

Like you wouldn't go around broadcasting you used to eat McDonald's five times a day in fear of judgement.
I'm not going to be broadcasting I'm FtM in fear of getting punched to the face.

Not the best example, I don't suppose... because eating McDonald's five times a day would be a choice. But the best I could come up with that more people would be able to understand?

Sage for no real contribution to Homestuck talk.

>> No.6307426

No, not really. Only if there's a medical need to or something. Fully transitioned trans* generally pass perfectly, unless they started too late or had bad genetics.

Unrelated, what's with half the FTMs ever being stocky dudes with shaved heads? There are lots of thin MTFs.

>> No.6307430
File: 87 KB, 540x720, halloween_2011_aradia_by_felyndaer-d4fdiea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually contributing.

>> No.6307434

At NYCC today there was a Jade in a 3am dress that was just amazing. I didn't see how her hair was because I saw her from the back, and then I lost her in the crowd. It was in the morning, and if she paid as much attention to her hair and whatnot that she did the dress, it must have been amazing.

If anyone has pictures, I'd appreciate it. I was sad that I wasn't able to catch her.

>> No.6307459
File: 22 KB, 190x544, tumblr_matggqMlEu1qjxjr3o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys nobody really replied to this on the last thread so could you guys tell me if this design of male jade is good or not (to cosplay of course)? And what can i improve? Thanks!

>> No.6307477

Just be john or one of the other characters who already dresses exactly like that.

>> No.6307495


Kind of agree, but I guess if you want that personality to be the character, up the shirt length, make the hair a wild and curly mess.

>> No.6307501

I would but theres already a thousand johns. Plus my friends want to do a genderbend group and i rather not be one of those "this genderbend doesn't translate back to the original what so ever" Thanks though.

>> No.6307526
File: 25 KB, 399x600, kJNTthRoAkuTO35FiJqBBA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one worried about Hot topic selling copious amounts of "sexy skeleton" merch...?

I was looking at some of the skeleton bustiers there and noticed they only had smalls and extra smalls left...

>> No.6307530

It's the sizes that are left over that worry me.

>> No.6307533

its all really overpriced right now
hs fans are to cheap to go and buy all that stuff
but after halloween is over i sense a lot of kurloz cosplayers will definitly show up on tumblr

>> No.6307536

exactly. I do NOT need to see landwhale "sexy" Fem-Kurlozes.

What is it about landwhales and trying to cosplay sexy versions of male characters?

>> No.6307539

You forget, a lot of HS are kids using their parent's money.

>> No.6307548
File: 29 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mbfrxafTeR1r57o4jo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "Some progress shots on my genderbent Kurloz cosplay!"

>> No.6307556
File: 57 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mbejpaVlRx1r5yghio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"kurloz makeup test i got lazy and didn’t want to use a bunch tonight I’ll try again tomorrow or something"

>> No.6307557

>collarbones vaguely detectable
Well, no need to worry about that at least.

>> No.6307561
File: 26 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mbe9woMq4s1qboa02o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "My OTP <3333"

Ugh... I feel ill.

>> No.6307565
File: 23 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mbe4ixkjjy1qboa02o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

front view of that horrid couple...

>> No.6307660
File: 55 KB, 400x400, tumblr_m8vcc5G6VH1rtcfaqo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6307982
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x765, tumblr_mbtgsndLNp1qj8eluo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6308226

Are those glasses MSpainted on?

>> No.6308236
File: 509 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m8zkxhMEdU1qgzzo4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that looks like hideous VA and self proclaimed big-name-fan ClockworkVaudeville on the right.

And yes they are. This is a degrading day for Kiev, but his fangirls are going to lap that shit up.

Picture unrelated, contribution.

>> No.6308278

Two people who are shit cosplayers and have screwed me over are getting into Homestuck, I'm sobbing cgl. I thought this was my safe fandom, one of them doesn't like to read.

>> No.6308314
File: 111 KB, 461x346, tumblr_m2wzt7DmNr1rp5kako1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was nice knowing you, anon.

Unless you can convince them that Homestuck has whatever they hate the most.

>> No.6308336
File: 599 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_m7wdcwTcLX1rqm1t7o9_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seen quite a bit of this jane, her brows are a bit too fake looking, but other than that one of the best janes I've seen
>a+ for not being fat

>> No.6308414
File: 148 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mbt94cHWOE1rwsf5qo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty cute. Looks like my grandmother, it's kind of weirding me out. Personally, I usually prefer my Janes with a bit more meat on them. Not landwhale, but plump. I think it's cute.

>Aranea WIP
>that kid sitting at the table

>> No.6308622
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 1350143048368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /cgl/ it' s my first time here and i need your help
a friend of mine want to cosplay Porrim from the webcomic Homestuck and ask me how she looks dressed like her
i know nothing about cosplay or Homestuck so can you give me some tips for her
here's her pic

>> No.6308634
File: 25 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mbtqzmiNVT1rq5cjdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not nice to post your friends on /cgl/ anon. I'm going to assume that you don't actually know this girl and you just want us to tear her about.

That being said, I don't think Porrim actually has a nose ring. There's not much to say about this picture except that she looks kind of like a walrus. Post better pictures for better critique.

>> No.6308676
File: 495 KB, 1068x870, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/ i have a sewing question

I want to get my grandma to help me sew this and I have next to no knowledge about fabrics (sewing newbie haha). Anyone have any ideas about what kind of fabric I should make this out of??

>> No.6308677


Burn her costume when she's not looking

Do it for the world, anon

>> No.6308681


If you're using that as a pattern, and not just a general reference, you need a knit. Nice heavy cotton knit.

>> No.6308691
File: 22 KB, 100x100, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thank you!

>> No.6308827
File: 355 KB, 456x700, a204421310a66e5e12c6a72370f2de6c-d4obk26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6308896
File: 111 KB, 500x375, 4cpoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came accross this, a wip!4chords!Kankri cosplay on Tumblr.

I actually like 4chords. I hate PBJ but Emi's art is cute and I like her page layouts.

But all 4c cosplay needs to burn in hell like yesterday

>> No.6308905

all the piercings look like bad shoops and her paint is horrid. Plus Porrims tats are black not green right?

>> No.6308925

Is Kankri even in 4chords?
Is 4chords still around, even? I never hear about it anymore.

>> No.6308954

I thought reading was what they hated most...

I guess poor kids they can't swindle money out of? ...no, parents have money...

>> No.6308953

no he most definitely is not. 4c is really just Karkat, Gamzee and Tavros and other original trolls as side characters. ANd it hasn't updated in forever. The tag is just shitty cosplay these days. I guess Emi gave up on the whole thing after she saw what a fucking monster she'd created. Can't really blame her.

>> No.6309362
File: 28 KB, 400x442, gg__alchemize_dead_shuffle_by_xtsunnyx-d46sr0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question for you all, do you guys prefer the smooth logos for the kids, or the more pixely ones as far as cosplay goes?

>> No.6309393

I have used both kinds but i think the pixel ones look a lot better

>> No.6309410

I like them both, personally
Though I wonder why they never made a smooth version of Dave's Record, though.

>> No.6309578
File: 373 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mbu3bsjtd21qevx18o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different anon--

horns: better striped or as smooth gradients? I know striped is closer to canon but it just looks so dumb...

>> No.6309626
File: 517 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mbul9x6eCR1rtf8ndo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6309628

Its up to your own personal style. I however dont like my horns to be as smooth as butter, After they dry. I stop sanding once many of the lumps are gone, but keep alot of the imperfections.

>> No.6309641
File: 438 KB, 600x800, she__s_a_brick_house_by_jaqhnun-d3etl6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I think I'll stick with my first love of Roxy's pixeled cat for my new shirts.

And I guess because it'd look odd if it's not pixed? I've only ever seen one person make their own, and they acted like a complete douche about how great theirs was. When in reality they stole an image off of google, tossed it in gimp and made it 'broken'.
Those look off, but it's mainly because the best way to paint is half yellow, and then the other half divided evenly between orange & red

Personally, I like striped with a bit blended. So that way it's not in your face blocks of color but is definitely the correct colors.

Have a PM to go with that adorable WV

>> No.6309642

*not pixeled

>> No.6309803
File: 301 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mburtgLWaL1rwbpl3o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this on tumblr -- was there ANOTHER homestuck proposal this weekend?

I just can't imagine calling up my parents and telling them I got engaged while crossdressed as a character from a bad webcomic.

>> No.6309898
File: 551 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mbuuxeUv3s1rdu4r7o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ears bug me a little

>> No.6309908
File: 114 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mbuv9cLosw1rnwhr5o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually kind of disgusting. Is any of that makeup or...?

>> No.6309955
File: 20 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mb6d2bPVDc1qc16p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fake, apparently. Ughh.. Even though it's not really illegal (I think?), it kinda disturbs me to see this shit on my dash because she's 16 years old or something...

>> No.6309981


i dont think shes hot

if thats what shes going for

>> No.6310070

crappy yaoiz aside

I like that dirk's rocket board prop!

Related note, anyone got a Latula, Mituna or Dirk/Bro who can actually skateboard? I haven't seen any.

>> No.6310072

the lipstick bugs me. since when is Jade a character in an 80s soap

>> No.6310949

>Potato Rose
>Almost CP pictures
>Gets mad and asspatted whenever someone tell her she's too young for thiat shit.

What's new.

>> No.6310958

*That. Ugh, this being doped up on cold medicine really doesn't help my typing skills.

>> No.6310975


is that her nickname?
potato rose?

>> No.6311148
File: 109 KB, 720x960, me terezi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first cosplay. What does /cgl/ think?

>> No.6311306
File: 162 KB, 1024x1530, sup_egbert_by_recrdchaos-d4kbxoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll have a Latula and Dirk/Dave who can board at Katsu!! And they're not going to have spray painted boards so they won't lose grip and crash as he's building them from scratch explicitly for each cosplay.

Yes, she's been dubbed Potato Rose due to the unfortunate expressions she makes in a majority of her pictures

I think she was aiming for more 'canon' look? Jade's drawn ears look off to begin with, since he stuck with the way he drew them on Bec/Halley for Jade/Jadesprite.

>> No.6312217
File: 155 KB, 900x675, terezi_pyrope_cosplay_by_megelo-d4zd79x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general consensus through the threads has been that her face looks like a potato.

Or that she has really bad gas in almost every picture.