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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 173 KB, 842x417, all dese items so rori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6289116 No.6289116[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

because there never seems to be enough of them

pic semi-related, I guess. I clicked a few of them because I was curious.....

>> No.6289124
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, resonates my japan desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6289144

This is slightly related, but... I often want to make an anonymous report about non-lolita goods, but I always feel to bad to do it, for whatever reason. For instance, Someone has a arpakasso purse up on the comm sales right now, and I feel like I should report it, but at the same time I feel like it would be bitchy to go out of my way to have it removed.

>> No.6289151

Personally, I'd report it. But that's because I'm bitter and I've had biased mods try to tell ME what's not "loliable" when a similar item went unnoticed in a different post.

This is fucking ugly.

>> No.6289153

Going through one right now.

Protip: If you ever do a trade, make sure that you're both on the same page on shipping you're going to do, especially when it's international.

In fact, better tip: Don't do trades at all.

>> No.6289193

Seriously. Shes been trying to trade her fat chick mall goth items in every goddamn thread. I don't understand how people think Lolitas are going to trade offbrand (nevermind if its nice or not) for brand. It just doesn't make sense!

>> No.6289198

Arkapasso is loliable? Why do you want to report it? :\ I'd understand if it was just plain offbrand heels or something but arkapasso shit gets sold on the comm all the time, as well as other cute animal purses and animal themed goods.

>> No.6289207

she is so fucking annoying none of her stuff is good quality or worth anything for a trade

>> No.6289225
File: 6 KB, 390x470, laughmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, so many items!

>> No.6289443

It isn't though, isn't it? I don't think character goods are supposed to be considered "loliable" on the comm sales, I've seen other character purses be taken down many times before. Although, maybe because it's a purse, and not a plush, that's different.

>> No.6289467


What character purses have you seen taken down? I think Arpakasso is fairly loliable :/ I'd wear it with a coord

>> No.6289471
File: 64 KB, 412x610, chai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6289481

I've only ever seen Hello Kitty taken down. Which is stupid imo because HK can be worked into plenty of coords. Whatever, mods are picky.

>> No.6289498


That IS stupid, and come to think of it I've seen that too. Booo

>> No.6289638

>browsing sales comm
>omg dream dress
>there's a missing corset loop, but it's only one, I'll lace around it
>PM seller, send payment immediately upon confirmation
>says she'll ship soon
>excitement for two weeks straight eeeeee~
>get home from school one day
>the package is in my room
>rip taped cardboard open with my bare hands, hulkmode
>the dress is beautiful holy shit
>for some reason she unlaced the bodice before she sent it
>why is the ribbon not double-faced satin like my other brand dresses? it looks like ribbon from Hobby Lobby.
>start to lace the corseting up
>holy shit. there's a huge tear. At least two of the corset loops are unusable, not mentioning the missing one actually pictured in the sales post.
>start looking closer at the dress
>cat hairs, cat hairs everywhere
>loose threads all over the place, fraying lace
>definitely not the original ribbon
>contact seller, ask for partial refund
>seller refuses because she says she doesn't have the money
>open Paypal dispute
>seller suddenly finds a full refund under her mattress
>seller claims I have to end the dispute in order for her to pay me
>don't respond
>seller insists that I have to end the dispute in order for her to pay me
>don't respond
>seller pays me (not the full amount, I settled for the partial refund I'd asked for)
>fix the lace veryvery carefully with embroidery thread
>dress has hung unworn in my closet since because the whole experience makes me feel unpleasant now. ._.

>> No.6289733



I'm sorry :( I've had bad experiences with second-hand clothes too - all I need is some time apart until I can look back and laugh at the situation. I hope this moment comes to you soon

>> No.6289807


JESUS CHRIST. Its also OPs complete lack of backing off...

"Really? I thought I showed you things in your measurements."
when the OP in the picture says she doesn't see anything.

>> No.6289821

omg I just saw her comments... and she just doesn't get the hint

ffs, the girl selling the items is really small and wants clothes in her size, but this rubicons_closet bitch insists that her LARGE clothes will fit her better?

>> No.6289850



>> No.6289854

Is it awful that I like to go on eglfb and read all the entries that are tagged with negatives and neutrals...

>> No.6289860

I do the exact same thing.

>> No.6289862



>> No.6289865

there was a secret some time ago about it...there was a hello kitty bag taken down. someone wrote a complaint to the mods for their inconsistency and never got a response

>> No.6289873

I do too! Oh god, I'm glad I'm not the only one hahaha

>> No.6289890


Its good to do that! I hated how on the old comm commented would disappear over time so if you had a neut/neg for a stupid reason people couldn't read the description to see for themselves it was nit picky.

Its also hilarious to read when people start arguing and yelling at mods in caps over negs

>> No.6289891

commented = comments

>> No.6289899


Can you link to any good ones, off the top of your head? :D

>> No.6289910

not the anon above, but I just read this


It is NOT okay to let a seller get by with a neutral if a buyer paid extra for tracking/insurance.

I guess this is my horror story.
>Paid extra for insurance+tracking+signature, the whole shabang from someone overseas
>Package was listed as "delivered" but I never signed anything
>No worries, paid for insurance. Contacted seller and asked if they could file an insurance claim
>"Claimed" to have sent one.
>Called USPS with whatever bullshit code she gave me
>Turns out there was no insurance claim
>Called the seller out. Told them they cheated me of my money.
>Opened a PayPal dispute
>Got my money, tried to write a neg feedback but the seller deleted their LJ journal

What a fucking moron of a mod.

>> No.6289917

Maybe I am reading this wrong, but it looks like the package was indeed tracked and this person wanted to leave a negative based on poor communication alone, which I don't agree with either

>> No.6289919

so, if said package got lost, and the seller didn't respond, how would the buyer know where her package is, if she didn't receive her tracking number?

>> No.6289920

Yeeeeaaah that sucks. That seller def has more angry customers than the FB shows as well. I bought something that turned out to be ripped but I couldn't leave FB for her.

I wish I could remember. One girl wrote an ALL CAPS explanation of what happened with a seller and linked to it. The mod says "I don't think yelling in caps was appropriate" or something haha. It was about a star bag.

>> No.6289925

Oh, I think I did read it wrong. I had to re-read it a couple of times to understand the situation.

What's the point of paying for tracking if you're not going to get the tracking # though?

>> No.6289932

I mean, I think a neutral would have been fair, but a negative was a bit much.

Relevant, someone once told me they saw someone leave a negative because, while cutting open the package, they accidentally cut the contents inside.


>> No.6289937

i remember that one hahah

my rant (not a horror story)
i hate how i list out all measurements and flaws, take photos of every nitty bit detail, and still receive PMs asking "hi what are the measurements of this item (that i already listed measurements of)"

>> No.6289941

>In this entry I also read is was an EGL Mod on her friends list that had advised her (not officially) to just delete her comment with the PP although *she agreed* she was going to pay me for the items in my post while she was actually planning never to pay and just stop communication. That is really .... messed up.

I need to know who that mod was.

>> No.6289944

OMG you guys I found the CAPSLOCK THUNDER post after hunting


lmfao I love it

>> No.6289945

Why is it that some comments neg/neut comments aren't shown? It really irks me.

But only because I want to know the juicy details.

>> No.6289950


In the old database they would only keep the number and not the comments if I remember correctly. They keep everything with the new system though! If someone has more/less comments than their number it usually means they carried over FB fromt he old loligothdbs

>> No.6289956

So never buy off the comm sales unless you just have to have that dress?

>> No.6289964

WOW. That lj entry... I would be more sympathetic to the CAPSLOCK girl if the seller DIDN'T try to negotiate with her about the damages. I also like how she had to specify that she left the neutral first and had a rage fit when the seller changed her positive to a neutral lol

>> No.6290080

I've only had one seriously negative experience on LJ and it was really the Post Offices fault since the seller kept in contact with me the whole time. This is what lead me to put delivery confirmation on EVERYTHING I sent out and to ask for it in return.
>find matching headbow to super old JSK on comm_sales
>ask seller to split the headbow+JSK set and sell me only the headbow
>seller agrees, paypal money
>seller sends out bow
>1 week later still no bow
>ask seller, seller provides receipt pic of sending out the bow
>ask Post Office, seller asks Post Office
>2 weeks after shipping date still nothing
>PO can do nothing cuse no tracking/delivery confirmation on package
>headbow lost in PO space forever
I've never found the headbow again 3 years later. Delivery confirmation all the things! I've bought and sold numerous things, commissioned things, done payment plans, and that's really the only bad thing that's happened to me

>> No.6290107

Not really a horror story but just fucking annoying, just happened to me.

>See WTB for X measurements.
>Suggest certain dress from my sales
>Person in question replies back saying they like another dress (not for sale but just happens to be in the photo)
>Asks to trade that dress for a black Ichigo taobao dress
>Dress is super fucking rare as fuck burando dress
>Wtf are you insane I'm not trading taobao shit for a coveted dress.
>Inform her that the dress is not for sale
>Then she asks if I'll split a set of two dresses
>Realize she thinks that the stock photo of one dress means I have two colourways of a dress
>Tell her there's only one dress and it's been sold.
>Finally get to the dress is question and she says she doesn't like it.

So damn annoying. rubicons_closet pulled the same shit on me before at least 3 times, offering me crap for quality dresses.

>> No.6290168

I started ignoring certain people on the sales comm because their "trading offers" piss me off.
"Hey, I like your AP dress, would you give it to me in exchange for my supercute Hot Topic purse? It's only been worn 3429875 times and the straps fall off but it's really kawaii~" The hell are you smoking, woman.

>> No.6290170

Wouldn't say so. Just do your research from who you're buying from (check feedback, google screenname, etc.)

>> No.6290178


what's up?

>> No.6290244

Jesus fucking Christ, talk about awkward, pushy and persistent.... I hate people like that who can't take a hint when you are basically telling them a "no, thanks". Also on the size issue: If someone tells you "I'm afraid it may be too large for me" it's quite likely that even if you say that it can fit smaller, if they know you are bigger than them they may be afraid of the items being stretched out. It's a valid concern.

>> No.6290249

That's really unfair. The buyer was reasonable. All she asked for was to get a refund for something she paid for but never received, i.e. the tracking number. I wish people would stick to their guns when talking to mods. Mods are not police, they are just volunteer girls who don't always have the best judgement. People shouldn't let mods convince them to relinquish their rights, especially when these rights have to do with actual money.

>> No.6290266

I'm curious since this happened to me; Is it common to not contact the seller before leaving neutral feedback? I noticed recently that I had a neutral for an old sale, and I didn't know the buyer had any problems. I wish she'd said something and I'd have tried to make it up to her somehow.

>> No.6290273

For trades, I always make a 'contract', stating name and address, date shipping, what kind of shipping, and that we will keep in contact. Also I put in type of item, condition, color, and anything else relevant. That generally steers things right, though you'll always find jerks. And, of course, only trade with someone with feedback.

Once had a girl send me a dress sans the bow she said she'd include, which was annoying enough, but other than that went fine. I didn't end up ever wearing the dress, though. Went to sell it months later and discovered, when the dress was wet (light pink dress and bad light in my house), what looked like old cum stains. Nearly threw a fit.

>> No.6290287

It depends. I think if the buyer has a problem that can be fixed somehow, it is normal and expected even to contact the seller first. E.g., if a refund or partial refund or a return are needed, then instead leaving a negative or neutral, it is better to contact the seller and ask them if it can be solved amicably. However, if a buyer feels, e.g. that you were uncommunicative or you shipped the package late or something that can't really be fixed now, they can leave a neutral without contacting you. Some people hesitate to ask for partial refunds for anything less than an obviously damaged or flawed item, cause they know that others may interpret that as "oh she's just trying to make a quick buck by being a bitch", so they may prefer to leave a neutral than have to ask you for anything.

>> No.6290401

Bless this thread, maybe I'll finally get enough courage to deal with this situation, one way or another.
I'm a general costume undergarments seamstress, and have a lot of made to order pieces on sale. Some girl emailed me asking lots of questions about my lolita items, and generally being very enthusiastic about the fashion. She was obviously new to the concept, and she kind of reminded me of myself when I was her age. So being the lonely person I was, I quickly assumed the big sister role. I showed her my favorite tumblrs and albums, helped her with her dream coords, gave general financial tips. We talked a few times a week for 3 months and I quite bonded with her. She decided on her first coord and ordered a pair of bloomers and a petti from me. I used the best fabrics I had, and hand embroidered her name in white thread on both. I also threw in extra accessories I made to match her coord and a hand-drawn card wishing her all the best. I sent the package, she payed the rest, we gave each other awesome feedback.

>> No.6290402

We continued talking and I felt proud seeing how much she grew in such a short time. A few weeks later she told me she wasn't so sure about the bloomers anymore and that she'd like to send them back for a partial refund. No prob, I was sure I could easily resell them. A week later my husband picked up a rather big package. I was really happy, thinking she sent me a gift too(I knew she had interest in making plushies). I opened the box to find a big blob of packing tape and pink wrapping paper. Not the best joke, but still cute. I started gently ripping it open, layer by layer. Something smelled bad, and it only got worse. The paper looked moist in some places. I remembered the orange peel story and took the whole thing to the bathroom, not thinking much of it yet. I poured some water into the tub and my husband turned the wrapping inside out, throwing whatever was inside into the tub. Blood crusted bloomers, and two tree-shaped vanilla car fresheners, floating in our tub.
I'm ashamed to say I've been acting like this never took place, and still keep on being friendly with her. But I don't think I can keep it up. I honestly have no idea what I should say or do. It feels so surreal, she seems like a really clean and neat girl. And I still kind of feel responsible for her, and honestly like her. I really thought we could be friends. But that was just so wrong, I get teary-eyed every time I think about it. I'm such a wuss

>> No.6290407

grow some balls and tell her it was disgusting, how hard is that?

>> No.6290409

She's pretty much the only friend I have right now.
I know I should be more assertive, but I really don't want to be alone again. And I really can't think of a way to to tell her how awful it was without making her feel bad.

>> No.6290418

have to say, people like you really piss me off, stand up for yourslef or noone will
just tell her, if she's a friend material she'll understand, if not make new friends

>> No.6290436

Honestly, anon, confront her about it if it bothers you that much. That's all kinds of weird/fucked up.

If you want a friend, you have /cgl/. You have your husband. Hell, I'll be your damn friend. But for the love of God, do something for yourself - this is a lesson you should've learned much earlier in life, but don't let yourself and your feelings be taken advantage of any longer and learn that lesson now.

>> No.6290440

>orange peel story
can anyone share or link to what this story is

>> No.6290445

How is it a bit much? Buyer paid for tracking, asked for three weeks for the number, never got a reaply, then seller refused to refund. It might not be as bad as getting scammed, but it's still total bullshit and deserves negative. She paid for a service she couldn't use, despite multiple attempts.

>> No.6290447

Thank you all. I'm really scared, but somehow confident now. I'm going to write to her about it today. I already told my husband I've decided to do so, so he'll keep me from backing out. Thanks again. I've only been lurking on cgl so far, thinking you were awful people. Guess I was wrong, you do have your antics but you're honest good people when it's needed. Thank you again.

>> No.6290456

Don't have it saved, but it went something like this:
>>>anon buys burando on comm-sales
>>>burrando arrives, only grimy and smelling rotten
>>>turns out the owners boyfriend was eating oranges and mistakenly threw the peels into the bag with the burando
>>>burando got sent in that bag, peels gone rotten on the way
>>>burando causalities

>> No.6290458

someone received (i think) 2 blouses and a jsk that were covered in mold because apparently the seller's bf threw some half eaten orange + orange peels along with the items

>> No.6290461

You're wrong Anon, we are awful people.
Get out while you're still kind and cute.

>> No.6290480

That person's on my shit list too. Wants a billion detailed pictures, measurements, and then comments that she didn't have money to buy teh damn dress back when she started asking me ALL THE QUESTIONS.

>> No.6290490

Ouch, I started feeling the Fremdschämen. Girl was desperate.

>> No.6290489

That is honestly one of the most enraging stories I have ever heard. I'm hoping one of two things are true: you're trolling or this girl has a serious mental condition that makes her unable to understand how wrong that is. Not only is that absolutely disgusting, but it's beyond insulting, shows how little respect she has, and hazardous, quite frankly. She sent you unwashed bloomers, covered in her biological waste, that's... Beyond words.

You need to make a post about this somewhere with full details, message screencaps, and photos of the bloomers. Even if you really like this girl, what she did was horrid. When something that extreme happens, it's the victim's responsibility to let people know so that others aren't put in the same position in case they're considering doing buisiness with the person in question.

I am so, so sorry she did such an awful thing to you.

>> No.6290513

I know it's on getoffegl. The title is get that mold off your shoulder, or something along those lines.

>> No.6290514

> Wants to buy my first lucky pack.
> Browse the sales and finds a user running a SS for lucky packs.
> Sends inquiry, get invoiced, paid. Really smooth so far.
> 2 weeks no communication. Emailing and asking what's going on.
> Replies that she picked up a pack and is going to ship it the next day.
> No responce again so I ask her again if she has shipped it. (Three weeks later) Yes she did two weeks earlier but wasn't given a tracking number which she promised in her post.
> SS not even remotely worried or helpful about the missing parcel. Asking for her personal info so my local postal office could help me but alas, nada.
> Two weeks later, no communication and no parcel. I threaten to leave negative feedback and open a paypal claim. Contacting a equally unhelpful mod.
> A month later, whore gives me a full refund.

>> No.6290518

The best part of the story was how terribly the seller acted, though.

>> No.6290528

Orange peel story: http://getoffegl.livejournal.com/508566.html

>> No.6290535

Your rant is pointless. You didn't reveal her.

>> No.6290552

Forgot her username, sorry!
Link to entry:
This vag.

>> No.6290571

I had some girl in San Francisco grab me a BtSSB accessories LP one time. When I got it, I noticed it was open and an item was missing. She said she would go with her sister to get two or something so it looked like she switched out items so she got the better things. I told her about the missing piece and she said her sister forgot to put it back and sent it right away. I was new so I didn't complain, but I was pretty annoyed.

>> No.6290576

I think part of it is that you can get Hello Kitty stuff EVERYWHERE. Even Wal Mart has HK shit. People don't come to the sales comm looking for Sanrio goods, unless they are brand collabs.
But stuff like Swimmer goods, Arpakasso, etc is more of a novelty and harder to find outside Japan. It's also featured in Kera mags, and popular with famous Japanese lolitas and models.
I agree it's not fair to delete one person's Hello Kitty bag, while letting another person sell an alpaca thing, but there is some reasoning behind why that happens.

>> No.6290592
File: 1.17 MB, 2592x1944, front right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always bring this one up in these threads...
>Buy dream dress, AatP Hide and Seek with Missin' Alice JSK in ivory from a girl in like Belgium I think.
>get it pretty fast, open it, and discover three horrors.
> The back lacing is missing.
>The dress smells like vile fish BO
>Every seam on the bodice was ripped. (pic included)
>horrified I contact her addressing the problems, she says sorry she forgot to include the lacing and wash it, but the ripping must have happened in the mail. Claims she can't do anything on Paypal right now since she's on family vacation, will be able to in like 5 days.
>talk to you fine folks and was given the advice to open a dispute in case she tries to close her PP
>Sure enough, once I do that she flips and is able to use Paypal.
>claims my partial refund was unreasonable (it would have made the dress $100, but the damages were so bad I wasn't sure after fixing it'd even fit me), refuses to type in English, says some shit about how she didn't stretch it, it had to be me (photo comparison easily proves otherwise), says something about how she doesn't get money from mommy and daddy (?).
>finally get to the conclusion of returning it for a full refund (minus EMS shipping QQ)

But wait... there's more.

>> No.6290598
File: 1.20 MB, 2592x1944, side2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had already given negative feedback and told the mods the situation. Now I'm watching comm_sales for this dress to get posted in case she tries her lies again.
>dress gets posted again.
>only pic of damages is very distant pic of the bodice, shows nothing.
>girl already paid for it.
>contact buyer with pics, we end up talking on cgl too. She thought of repairing it, but realized that wouldn't really work and asks for a refund like an hour after paying.
>Seller doesn't have the money. Claims I stretched the dress.
>She eventually gets her money back.

>girl pops up later saying she bought a headdress that was crushed in delivery for only being put in an envelope, but seller already deleted journal.

To this day I'm still watching for that dress. I figured she just ripped it up in a fit of rage after that.

>> No.6290605

You should really leave a negative so people will actually know about it.

>> No.6290606

Well, I think it is unfair that one person has to take down a HK bag when many weren't told to take down their HK bags.

>> No.6290652


You are not reading the story correctly

THe item was tracked per the buyer's instruction

The only problem there was shitty communication

The buyer got everything they paid for, tracking including

>> No.6290666

I agree.

A mod once told me that the reason why Swimmer items were allowed was because they were harder to get because you need a shopping service. I told them that, by this reasoning, I should be allowed to sell everything I buy from Taobao because they are "harder to get because I need a shopping service"

The bitch didn't have anything to say about that, lol

>> No.6290692

>dream bag on comm sales
>ask for amount including postage and leave my pp
>asks me to send as gift to avoid fees
>whatever, do it, there's still a public record of the transaction
>get a message asking me where the other 2.50 (fee) is
>don't have time for her shit, agree to pay it anyway but have to top up account first
>seller throws a mini-shitfit of 'are you going to pay me or what??' over 2.50
>pay next day
>seller sends out bag
>two weeks later, nothing, get in touch
>claims lost in post, no comeback
>two months later, given up
>"i got the package back, it was an attempted delivery"
>so they just sent it back to Mexico from the UK, orly, it was never delivered
>"pay me more postage money and I'll try again"
>sick of this shit, pay her the goddamn money
>four months after paying, bag finally arrives
>can't be fucked leaving feedback of any kind

I know, I should've twigged something was up early on, but it was a baby heart bag going reasonably cheap in mint condition (and arrived as such), so I gave it a shot. Never buying from her again though.

>> No.6290703

>sending payment as gift
that is where you done fucked up

>> No.6290706

Yeah, lesson learned the hard way >.<

I didn't think too much of it at the time because I'd done it for a few other sellers who were actually lovely and reputable... *sigh*

>> No.6290790

What fucking bugs the shit out of me is when sellers ask you to send payments as gift.

I offered a fair price on a dress that wasn't selling so she said "OBO" - I think I deducted only around $10 off the total price with shipping. Then she turns around and adds an extra $10 to the invoice, saying it was for PP fees (which wasn't stated anywhere). I WTF on her and cancel the invoice. Girl asks me to send it as gift instead. I decline. Girl freaks out on me and says "THIS IS WHY I DON'T DEAL WITH FLAKY SELLERS LIKE YOU". I think she tried to write me a neg feedback but the comment was deleted on my FB page lol

I will never ever send payments as gifts. And I don't care who I'm sending it to, but if I'm selling something, I will pay the few dollars out of my own pockets for delivery confirmation. I won't risk any shady business where someone claims to have never "received" the item.

>> No.6290842


As someone who sells a lot, I'll never understand this either. I have never tried to make anyone pay via gift, that just screams "scammer" to me

The option is there if they want it but I wouldnt ever try to force anyone into it, not unless I was shipping internationally and they refused insurance or tracking

>> No.6290881

I'll request gift payment if the buyer insists on international untracked shipping.

>> No.6290947

ichigochoco is a well known mess
she's had previous drama threads where people have reported the exact same problem
her username now is angel_adelaide

>> No.6290986

there's nothing to stop the buyer from filing a dispute and there's no way you can prove your item was delivered
also paypal side with the buyer 99.999% of the time so you're pretty much guaranteed to lose your money if your buyer is a little shit

>> No.6291713

This was Yun Mi/Yunni/sweet like candy/whatever username she has now, wasn't it?

>> No.6291763

oh man that girl is a trainwreck. reading her posts on egl makes my brain hurt.

>> No.6291776

>tfw that's my sales post

>> No.6291783

>tfw it wasn't actually my sales post, but I just wet through a similar thing, so I thought it was.

>> No.6292450

Does anyone else find it weird when mods participate in wank comm's?

>> No.6292528

Yep. My fave is when they use their mod icon and try to throw their weight around in them.

>> No.6292738

No the seller never gave her the tracking #. That's what's fucked up.

>Yes, but i always ask for tracking number well, for TRACK my package to know where is it, but in this case she don't give it to me

mod response:
>Even though the seller did not keep up good communication with you and did not tell you the tracking number, I can believe you are upset about this matter and the seller beeing incommunicative is not okay.
>did not tell you the tracking number

>> No.6292987

Anyone know anything about tablesheet? I bought a dress from her about two months ago that had pretty large, unmentioned stains on it, and was missing the waist ties and hat (Which were shown in the proof photos and was not mentioned that they weren't included) Tried contacting her multiple times but haven't heard from her since about a week before she shipped it, she hadn't even let me know what day it was shipped.

>> No.6292992

Didn't she have a sock account she was trying to use to scam people?

>> No.6293014

No idea. She had +23 on her feedback page, and only 1 negative because she didn't go through with a payment plan or something though.

>> No.6293393

I don't know who that is but you should definitely open a dispute if you still can :(

>> No.6293468

>2 months

OPEN A DISPUTE right now. You may still have a few days left.

Hahaha, I know right?

>> No.6293581

IchigoChoco. She called herself Mizuki/Mi-chan~
Kawaii name dude. I should have listened to my instinct telling me NOT to buy from someone with a weeb name.
Wish I knew that from the beginning. Sad thing is that I've been around the sales comm for years.

>> No.6293584


Would you mind leaving a negative? People really should know about this

>> No.6293618

Not at all. It was a couple of months ago but it doesn't matter right?

>> No.6293629

Nope, as long as you still have the link

>> No.6293937

I opened one last night, so I'll have to wait and see how that goes. Asking for say, a 50% refund would be alright, wouldn't it? I found out after I had bought it that the dress had been overpriced anyway.

>> No.6293961

Commission horror
>Hi, how much would it cost to make this, this, and this?
>I'll do those for X.00, Y.00 and Z.00
>Can you use this fabric, add this stuff, and do this technique?
>Sure, for this much more
>Okay, I want this one first
>Alright, I'll invoice you for the first half
>Oh no, not yet, I still have to pay off some stuff
>Oh okay, let me know then
Few months pass, so I assume she was just a window shopper. See this person buying lots of cheap stuff, and trying to haggle shipping or asking for layaway on print dresses

>Hi, me again, can you make this and this?
>Yeah, that will be this much
>And can you do all this other stuff?
>Yeah, it will look like this (sketch)
>Oooh, its so cute, I wanna get this other thing from you too
>Hey, why don't we focus on the things you want now, or the things you've asked for before?
>Okay, there's just one more thing I need to pay for, and I can pay you next week
About a month and a half go by, still popping up in egl and fb sales, no word on payment. Block communication.

>> No.6294013

Yeah Ichigochoco/Mizuki/Mi-chan is Sweetlikecandy/Yun Mi/Yunni. Girl has a different name for every day of the week!

>> No.6295356

Jfc could the mod there be a little more preachy?

>> No.6295451

Is it a bad idea to sell around $300 worth of stuff to someone without feedback?

>> No.6295463

>It is well within a sellers rights to leave you a neutral/negative feedback when you have left them a neutral/negative feedback and they feel you have spurned their attempts to remedy the situation more amicably

Da fuck? So now if you leave someone a justified neutral or negative feedback, they can just say "oh they didn't try hard enough to let me fix it" and leave you the same?

>> No.6295486
File: 481 KB, 570x622, Secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6295494

Same anon: After reading over this again, it may not sound totally horrific, but when someone dangles about $500 in front of you twice, it sucks and is a pretty dickish thing to do.

>> No.6295508


it seems like this is a clear case of retaliatory feedback, which I thought wasn't allowed? Hmm...

>> No.6295514


someone really needs to gtfo this girl, she's really pathetic :/

>> No.6295546

"New with tags, has a Rococo hip-bucket shape, zips in back"

WTF is hip-bucket shape?

>> No.6295586
File: 42 KB, 398x445, pocket_hoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's supposed to be the shape that they make with pocket hoops?

>> No.6295696

LOL. She tried to trade one of those for my AP. Uh, no.

>> No.6295701

Lately I seem to get a lot of replies to my sales posts saying things like "Hi I'm interested in xxx!" and nothing else. I never quite know what to do with them, so I usually say something like "Great! Do you have a question, or do you want to buy? If you want to buy.. blah blah blah..." But seriously, I just look at that and go 'uhh, that's nice? Your point?'

>> No.6295727

Anyone else find it fishy that m_miu is suddenly over in Japan and selling a buttload of burando?

>> No.6295734

There's a chance that some girl will think her $5 claires hello kitty bag is good enough to sell if anything hello kitty is sold.

>> No.6295737

Buying cheap from Closet Child and marking up.

>> No.6295739

Poor girls who buy from sweet rococo. That's some overpriced BL fabric shit right there.

>> No.6295741


Why is it fishy? She just moved to Japan. As another anon said, closet child.

>> No.6295767

it's not, but cover your ass.
insist on tracking, keep your receipts, and take proof photos, declare all the flaws on your items, and pack it well. padding, waterproofing, that stuff. if she refuses to pay on tracking, insist on having payment as a gift (if shipping is domestic, then absorb that few dollars for tracking yourself)
also, even if she has no feedback, snoop around a bit. look up her username, email, etc and see if you can dig up dirt about her.

>> No.6297068

:( My seller switched packages and sent me the wrong item.

I hope whoever has my package returns it back to her so I can get my blouse.

>> No.6297161
File: 145 KB, 500x500, Basic Hygiene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many sales like this. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.6297185

I have this fear that one day I'll do that as a seller...I really pride myself in my packaging/service/etc., so I'm really paranoid that one day I'll switch the addresses of two purchases on accident, even though I always triple check.

>> No.6297195

what the fuck? even if you wear deodorant, people can still sweat or leave odor or remnants. i wash my stuff in hypoallergenic detergent before sending it just in case.

>> No.6297223

Remember that thread on egl where girls talked about only washing their blouses once every few weeks or something...?! It was SOO gross.

Always wash secondhand clothes ladies... Girls are filthy.

>> No.6297228

This is why I buy replicas.
No period blood or body odor to worry about.

>> No.6297291

Ugh. These people don't realize that sweat will turn yellow if it stays on fabric long enough. FFS it's not even that hard to hand wash something with baking soda.

>> No.6298113

Yeah but with the gtfo thread dying and the mods being "BE NICE GUIZ!!1"
It'll be difficult

>> No.6298112


I don't wash my dresses all that often, but I almost always wear a cutsew or something under them, and I definitely don't sweat enough to bleed completely through a shirt onto my JSK.

But blouses, cutsews, OPs, or JSKs that I've worn without a shirt? Those get washed. Often.

>> No.6298117
File: 640 KB, 600x600, 1332298943863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6298127

When I have blouses that turn yellow, I won't dare sell them

>> No.6298337
File: 113 KB, 680x680, vomit-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a really gross stories while browsing through eglfeedback

>I gently hand-washed the blouse with Woolite and the water was incredibly murky and yellow....

>in truth the skirt I bought from her was covered in dirt and stains.

>The item I bought was a white petti. When I first opened the package, though, the petti was gray except for the waist part that was stark white. I was rather disappointed, as I felt it was not white as described, but apparently it was just very dirty, because once I washed it, it turned white.

>I took it out of the box and it literally smelled like sweat. I'm trying to get the smell out, and other than this the transaction went very well. My blouse just smells really terrible.

>I'm sorry you were unhappy with the way the blouse you bought from me smelled. I did wear it several times and did not wash it before I sent it to you. I did this because I didn't want to risk the lace shrinking or breaking, or the colour fading, and then have to send you a defective item. I know I am always disappointed when I receive a second-hand item that has been washed and had the lace quality compromised, and I did not want to disappoint you in the same way.

Fuck the !negative tag, look through !neutral - SO much worse (or better, in terms of WTF stories)

>> No.6298341

>*found really gross stories


>> No.6298356

Oh look, wonderfinch power tripping in her neg review. Mods always try to change people's neg reviews into neutral if a seller tries to contact them about the situation, but when it comes to wonderfinch?? NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

>While I won't be changing my original rating, I felt it would be more fair to update the feedback to reflect the fact that an attempt was made to contact me, both at the time of the sale and at a later date.

wat about DAMAGED AP STAR BAG girl?

>> No.6298364

Man, I love it when people get passive-aggressive about neutral/negative feedback.


>Oh you gave me a neutral feedback because I wasn't clear about HIDDEN FEES?? Why don't you give me your feedback page so I can give you one too :)))

>> No.6298372

I bought a dress a while ago, and the seller quoted me $12 for shipping fees. I pay, she ships the dress and then then tells me postage was unexpectedly twice what I'd paid for, and could I please pay half the extra postage. I did, but my question is, should I have?

>> No.6298384

I think it's reasonable for her to ask, I'm from Canada where shipping will randomly jump up for 1cm or 0.1kg difference. If the shipping is a bit more I cover it, but if it's more than 30% more than I was quoted, I ask the buyer if they want to pay the difference.

If the package arrives and the postage is, indeed, $12, ask for a partial refund on the shipping.

>> No.6298390

Not horror story, but ugh.
I listed a dress for $400. I quoted a girl $40 for shipping with insurance. She offered 300 euros including shipping with tracking. Shipping with tracking is at least $80 to where she lives...

I think maybe she made a mathematical mistake but still

Can we have some bad/hilarious/rude offers?

>> No.6298397

Suince 300 euros is $385 USD, she's asking $300 for a dress of asking price $400, it may be a hard bargain but how is this bad/hilarious/rude?

>> No.6298424

Oh no, I wasn't saying it was bad/hilarious/rude, I just felt like sharing it and then also thought I'd also like to hear some terrible offer stories.

>> No.6298427

And I'm Canadian, so the offer was closer to $377, with $80 shipping.

>> No.6298782

>I know I am always disappointed when I receive a second-hand item that has been washed and had the lace quality compromised, and I did not want to disappoint you in the same way.
What the hell, she does know that it has to be washed eventually, right?

>> No.6298909

Sounds like you have san in your vag. How are you so sure that it wasn't a mod that suggested it? All of us are on cgl. You never know until you try, bro. People need to stop complaining about lack of content when they aren't willing to do anything about it.

>> No.6298917

Because the mods suck.

How do we know you aren't a mod trying to stick up for other mods?

>> No.6298989

The mods suck because you say they do? Okay buddy. You sound super butthurt. I never said I wasn't a mod, idiot. I posted the suggestion to gtfo that girl. I'd do it myself but I don't have enough evidence of her accosting people on the sales comm, except what's been posted here as she hasn't done it to me. Someone has to be in power, seems like anyone with any kind of power is universally hated on here. Regardless, there's nothing against the rules about posting about that girl.

>> No.6298996

Diff anon but you really do sound like you have a sandy vagina. You seriously sound like a 12 year old. Get out.

>> No.6299057

Oh I sold two girls blouses. Which brand is it from and where was the seller from? Just want to make sure it isn't me!

>> No.6299144

I didn't actually know that sweat left on blouses turns them yellow, I figured people with yellowed shirts just sweated buckets and didn't shower or something.
I'll wash mine after every wear rather than trying to get away with not washing if it still smells fresh.

>> No.6299322

I may be be reading this wrong but it sounds like the seller has already gotten in touch with anon (that's how they know about the mixup) No it couldnt be you, no worries!

>> No.6299420

Then you do it. I found it funny how much she's overcharging. But it's not gtfo worthy for me lol.

>> No.6299477

If the anon has sand, then you got a desert.

>> No.6299760

Yeah, 'cause she's the one on here posting incessantly in every thread about how the mods suck and won't let the damn thing go.

girl, bye.

>> No.6299767

She said she can't because she doesn't have enough evidence. Personally, I thought it was worthy just for listing 50 separate links a damn WTB.

TBH, I think the problem of x not being worthy is why the comm has died, when in the beginning people posted about everything

>> No.6300507

I had a heart attack when I clicked OP's pic! That's my sales post and my heart sank when I thought I was being blasted on here again lol

I wouldn't have minded so much if she had it all in a single post or even a photobucket album! It was a little frustrating telling her that I wasn't interested in each comment, but she didn't get the hint :/ Not to mention barely any of the items could be considered lolita/otome.....

>> No.6300717

Don't let the door hit you on the way out

>> No.6301840

I wasn't leaving, I was saying bye to YOU, cunt. lrn2vernacular

>> No.6302835

That was probably me, honestly, and if so I apologize. I tried to make the message sound as close to "you can go either way" as possible because I knew how frustrating that would be as a buyer, but it was one of those tight months and that extra few dollars went a long way. I want you to know that I'm really appreciative that you made the decision to pay the remainder of the shipping, so thanks.

If it wasn't you, well, good for you anyway.

>> No.6303009

Oh dear. I knew she offered her stuff often in egl but I didn't know it was this bad.. Is she trust worthy? She said she was interested in buying my OP but needs to wait for her paycheck. That probably not going to happen but I rather not get scammed

>> No.6308020 [DELETED] 

And you're gonna make me leave...how?

>> No.6308041

Oh, well I guess I MUST leave because a raging bitch told me so! Oh wait.....NOPE.JPG

>> No.6308130

I'm the one who sold the shirt that made the water murky and yellow. I feel the need to defend myself so people don't think I'm some gross bitch.

I actually have no idea how all that shit happened to the shirt, because I washed it thoroughly before sending, I actually had only ever worn it once to try it on (it didnt suit me so just sat in my wardrobe) and it had yellowing only on the inside of the collar from the previous owner when I had received it and sent it on. The previous person didn't mention sweat stains to me when I had purchased it off them.

I am worried that the detergent I used ruined the shirt (weird detergent with special "oxy-ball" things that were a yellowy colour) otherwise perhaps the bleaching I did brought out sweat stains that I originally didn't even know about (chlorinated bleach can do that). I fucked up I guess in my attempt to clean the shirt and I'm guessing the heat of it travelling in a plastic package in an airplane made something react badly because it was practically white when I sent it.

>> No.6308269

>Pretty cream blouse by BTSSB
>because it was practically white when I sent it.

I'd feel for you anon cuz the stains probably were from the previous owner. But here you are backtracking saying it was pristine white when you labeled it as cream. Whut

This is why I refuse to buy anything labeled as "slight yellowing." I don't know what the fuck I'd do if I opened a package and saw sweat stains all over my clothes

>> No.6308279

Yeah, I am sorry to the girl who purchased from me. I was trying to say it seemed to be in good condition when I had sent it, so I'm just annoyed with myself for not looking over it as scrupulously as possible after having bought it. I admit my failing but I was just surprised by the state she had received it in, because none of that was visible when I had sent it, besides what I was originally aware of. She did receive a 50% refund from me, so hopefully that serves as some consolation. I had offered to give her a full refund as well. Hopefully she's been able to lift the stains since then.

>> No.6309769

attanariva asked me if my item was available. Isn't she super flaky or something? I remember seeing a thread about her. Should I sell to her?

>> No.6311315

Hi I was the one that bought the blouse, and I don't blame you for what happened!! I, personally, think you shouldn't have to worry about your hygiene if people read the whole review. I gave you mostly 5 stars - and mentioned the refund! - except for the accuracy of the blouse, because it was not cream and it had more older stains than I expected :(

(I've actually tea-dyed it to get rid of the discoloration and turned it into a short-sleeve blouse)

I shipped out a skirt last week and it said it was delivered, but the buyer messaged me saying she never got it..... I've never had this happen to me so I'm really worried. Am I fucked as a seller? I didn't buy insurance, just priority mail with delivery confirmation.

>> No.6311318

Maybe. She might be lying. Check with the post office.

>> No.6311328

Yeah I'm definitely going to my post office on Monday... Just not sure what to do if they confirm it was delivered to the correct address but she insists she never got it :\ Worst case scenario is if she opens a dispute or something

>> No.6311475

i have my dream dress in one colourway, that i listed for trade in my dream colourway.
somebody offers to sell me the dress in my dream colourway, but she's not interested in trading. she asked me to make an offer. i told her that i will have to sell the one i have on hand first, made an offer price, asked for proof photos, no response for 4 days.
she is not rude at all, but she is very unresponsive. i'm so afraid that once i sell the dress i have, she may decide not to sell the dream colour version to me.
this is on facebook so im quite sure it's not because she didn't log in to LJ.

>> No.6311482

she also has a lot of feedback, all positive, but all as a buyer. she has no feedback as a seller, which is really weird imo

>> No.6312410

bump please more stories

>> No.6313174

I know it sounds tempting, but I'd hold onto your dress. How expensive is your dream dress? Could you possibly save up for your fav color way and then sell your other one?

>> No.6313821

OP is offering items in every other post and not actually paying for them.

Has she put a hold on anything with anyone? Or paid for an item? She is waiting for a paycheck or something? Sounds like a flakey buyer waiting to happen.

>> No.6314168

Well heres my horror story.

Find a post selling a print I have been after for ages. I PM the seller, we discuss things, I send paypal deets. It seems to be going well.

They said they would send a funds request, so I waited it out. I waited for days, I sent messages asking if there was an issue, but I never heard from them again.

I wasn't too worried, I hadnt paid or anything. I hadn't even recived a payment request. So I didnt find it too strange, just dissapointing.

Now in this period of time I hadn't used my paypal for anything else for a long time. It was only when I got my monthly paypal report that I noticed, not just hundreds, but THOUSANDS of pounds had been transfered in and out of my account from the date I'd given my email out to this seller, who has 'mysteriously dissapeared'.

This was when I started getting hit with multiple repayment demands from other people who had lost money via my account. My paypal account is suddenly being put into the negative thousands mark and I am freaking out.

Luckily paypal were legitimatly cool with it, it was sorted within 2 weeks. Though honestly when I first started seeing this massive figures I thought I might faint. I lost a lot of sleep during this period though.

>> No.6314197

JESUS that's frightening. They were able to do that just from having your paypal address?!

>> No.6314222

You tell us if she does that. I don't want to sell OR buy from someone that pulls that bullshit.
Some people don't understand that you can't just metaphorically walk away from your online handle anymore. Social media is tied to your name, people remember.

>> No.6314227

This sellers name now please.

>> No.6314233


Yea I was really frightened too. I've always been very careful with changing passwords regularly and all that (a habit from medical jobs), so I have no idea how they managed it with just my paypal address.

I would of never used paypal again if they hadn't fixed it as quickly as they did once I alerted them to the fraud.

According to the fraud investigation officer I talked with regularly this sort of thing is actually very common and they know how to resolve it quickly.

Wasn't much comfort at the time though!

>> No.6314231

that's terrifying. Did Paypal told you how that happened? Was it the only time you used your paypal account?

>> No.6314268


Stupidly, in the time period between them not responding to me, and me not being notified that my paypal was being abused I cleaned up my livejournal inbox, I deleted the messages because I thought they were flakey, and I didn't wantto buy from someone flakey (HA).

When I found out what was going on I went back to find it but LJ has no 'deleated' category like other systems, and the sales page was also gone.

I couldn't remember the sellers LJ name off the top of my head at all.

Luckily the fraud investigation bloke at paypal didn't seem to think it relevant.


I've have used my paypal for other things, but when this happened I hadn't used it for months before hand, and it started the day I sent the seller my paypal address. It seems too coincidental to of been from another source.

The moral of the story is, is DO NOT clean up messages in LJ, just don't. No matter how messy its getting, leave it.

>> No.6314280


By 'didn't think it relevant' I mean, didn't think it would be useful at all, it was better to just contact all the banks/victims involved and just keep tracking it backwards to the source.

They never did tell me if they caught them though, I just got my paypal fund put back to zero. I never thought I'd be so happy to see an empty account in my life.

>> No.6314303

If brand new, someone may sell it for up to $300
The one I have now can sell for around $220, I have honestly never worn it in fear of staining the print :( it's white
The one I am being offered, she says she bought it second hand for around $200, claims to have worn it twice, and i offered her $170 for it.

I'm going through a very penniless patch right now, I don't imagine buying them both down at all.

>> No.6314328
File: 1 KB, 67x130, ohgodwhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just grabbed a quick screenshot of one of the 'worst' days. At the peak of the scam my account was at -£7,000ish. Apologies for cutting the picture right down to the figures, but I have a right to be paranoid.

But these numbers where, and still are, the scariest things I've ever encountered.

>> No.6314368

you still don't get it

>> No.6314381

I would have thrown up.

and called my parents shaking and crying even though I am an adult haha

>> No.6314390

I am most worried about how this occurs though. Are they professional hackers with software to crack your password? If they were, why would they target a lolita it's so obscure. Did you accidentally log in to a phishing site?

>> No.6314420
File: 1.59 MB, 2544x1696, 1346699333313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so dreadfully sorry that happened to you. I'd just about die if I managed to get my dream dress and that happened...
Oh god. That's sadlarious. ;w;
These dream dress disaster stories always tear me the fuck up.
I don't even own any brand yet and I'd never let anything like that even happen to dresses I plan on keeping forever, much less ones I'm going to sell to people...

Welcome to why I'm unwilling, or un-ready to join these online deals with the trading and the buying and the sending, aw god.

>> No.6314439

>would of

Please. It's would have.

>> No.6314591


This makes me never want to use my paypal again

How is this possible without a password? Or was the seller in question just a super hacker?

>> No.6314829

So I'm new to using the sales comm and facebook sales page (I do mostly direct or Taobao shopping, but now I'm aiming towards my secondhand wishlist), and I was wondering if any of you ladies could give me a quick rundown of people to avoid (besides the obvious banned list), their multiple aliases, and why. I've got a few names down, checked feedback pages, etc, but... I just want to make absolutely sure I'm not walking blindly into a scam/dirty clothing/busted items tornado....

>> No.6314832

oh my god I'm so glad someone called this shit out, I literally couldn't believe what I was looking at

>> No.6315494

This bitch offers her offbrand stuff on rare dresses too.

>> No.6315636

This is just a minor complaint compared to everyone else in here, but goddamn IF YOURE NOT INTERESTED JUST SAY SO. DON'T JUST DROP OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH

I especially hate when this happens and you can see them commenting on other sales posts and in the FB sales comm


>> No.6315923

I went to my post office and called paypal about my issue.

Turns out it was delivered to a different zip code and I FREAKED out!! Well, it just so happens that the zip code it was sent to is her university's government issued code, which differs from the city its in. The lady at the post office said it didn't matter because the addresses are the same (she tried to give me some super detailed explanation on it and I didn't really understand), and the representative at PayPal said the same thing. He even insinuated that they might be lying since they probably noticed the different zip code on the delivery confirmation and tried to play it off like it was never delivered to them....... but I'm praying to baby jesus that that's not the case!

Still not really convinced that I didn't do something wrong, he told me to google the two addresses myself. They're the same!

Anyways, if a dispute does open (which I hope it doesn't!!!), he told me not to worry. I've been worried sick all weekend and I feel soo much better now lol I hope the package does come around to her, though! It's a really rare skirt that was really hard for me to let go :(

>> No.6316217

I admit I did phone my parents, but my dads a policeo fficer so I just wanted some advice.


This is about as dodgy a site as I go to. I have paid norton and other things. No pr0n nothing unheard of.

As said with the timing and everything I'm very certain it happened via the comm sales.

>> No.6316254

I would imagine that they are a lolita themselves. With the right information anyone can phish something like a paypal password with someone's email. If you give someone your paypal email they have the potential to scam you.

>> No.6316318
File: 35 KB, 775x207, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anything scary here but...is there something wrong with this girl?? This is the second time she's commented on my one of my sales post with this sort of comment. I just can't understand.

>> No.6316327

Isn't this kind of comment against the rules now?

I would seriously flat out say, "please do not comment on my sales posts unless you are inquiring about purchasing an item."

>> No.6316367


I just checked the rules, didn't see anything like that there. I wish it was a rule though...

I replied in a friendly way to her just saying that these kinds of comments aren't appreciated on the sales comm but if she does it again I guess this can be considered spam or something, idk what the moderator's takes are on it.

>> No.6317663

more stories!

>> No.6317984


Hahahahaha seriously? Do you have a link to this? I feel like I have to read this.

>> No.6318883

Is it safe to pay with your credit card for an overseas purchase? I trust the site but I don't want to get hit with international fees. Thanks!

>> No.6318890

...what else will you pay it with? PayPal has fees. Cards do conversion and will charge for the fee.

>> No.6318894

I know you can post in the top of your sales post to please not post unrelated comments.

>> No.6318897

It's not against the community rules, but you can set your own "sales-only related comments" rules in your sale and screen comments as needed.

>> No.6318900

Selling $400 dress(without shipping included)
>oooh i love that how much is shipping.
>can I do a payment plan?
Uum sure, how does half sound?
>can you go a bit lower?
>i only have $80


>> No.6318901

This is probably a retarded question, but why do people dislike making payments as a gift?

I just contacted a seller about something and they said unless I was paying for tracked shipping, payment must be made as a gift. Can anybody tell me why that is? I didn't want to ask the seller in case I looked rude.

>> No.6318904


Im guessing the buyer is in the US

USPS has no reasonably priced means of tracking a package internationally. And it would be easy for an international customer to lie and open a dispute saying they never got the item and paypal would decide in their favor by default

>> No.6318905

Gift payments offer the buyer no protection from PayPal.

>> No.6318906


the seller is in the US I mean**

>> No.6318914

I have a horror story for you. Not personal, but about a girl who used to be in my comm.

She and I were pretty close until I found out she was batshit.

She used to buy items that she already owned which had gotten either ruined or stained etc, from girls and then started a dispute with them about the quality or lack there of of the item threatening with negative feedback, and she would always get a discount of some kind and on some occasions she would return the item replacing it with her own ruined one.

>> No.6318916

Ah, I see. That sucks because tracking is usually stupidly expensive. I suppose I'll have to pass then.

That would make me a bit hesitant to go into an arrangement like that. Hmm.

>> No.6318922

If you don't want to pay for tracking, the seller has no proof of whether you actually received the item. You could easily file a dispute with paypal and just say you never received what you paid for. In such cases, paypal will always side with the buyer unless the seller can prove that the item was sent and received by you. But if you send the payment as a gift, then you can't open a dispute. So basically, if you don't wanna pay for tracking you are asking the seller to take a risk. And in turn, they ask you to take a risk too, so that you can't screw them over. Of course this is risky too, cause then there is nothing preventing the seller from saying they sent your item and just not sending it.

>> No.6318938

Ah, that sucks. I'll probably just pass, then. Pity. The seller has like, two feedback so I'd be hesitant to be in that sort of situation.

I'm too cheap to pay for tracking; especially if postage costs pretty much half what I'm paying for the item.

>> No.6319271

sly bitch

>> No.6319290

I feel awful for the people who sold to her. I'm glad she was finally outed. She basically told our whole comm for some reason...

One instance I remember her telling me and my close friend that she bought a cream bolero to replace hers that was covered in pit stains.

>> No.6320640

I want to post in a DT thread that I will be happy to purchase a dress if the seller does not find a trade. However, I don't know how annoying this is considered to be... Advice? No one else has posted about buying it, just really crappy trades so far that this chick is never going to accept. But I figure if she can't find a trade and she can't wear the dress (it doesn't fit hence the trade)... she might consider money? Not sure if I'm over stepping my boundaries by even asking...

>> No.6320654

What's their username?

>> No.6320660

I don't think it's rude to ask unless they're specifically saying "I WILL NOT SELL THIS EVER PLEASE DON'T ASK ME", which does happen sometimes.
No harm in giving it a try!

>> No.6320663


Even better, what's her real name?
What she did can be considered crime and fraud in certain countries.

>> No.6320668

Ok, I hesitate because she does have in caps 'NOT FOR SALE' next to her trade items. I'll wait a few days and then comment.

>> No.6320811 [DELETED] 

And yet you're still responding.

>> No.6320823
File: 21 KB, 400x300, tumblr_lw0h1up9hB1r4wbxyo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actually aware what it means. I find it amusing that you're still responding.

>> No.6320864


Anyone following this? Looks like the seller might have backed out of the sale after giving in too quickly to a (kinda low, if you ask me) offer.

>> No.6320892


What. 200$ for the skirt missing the bow is ridiculous. The skirt was on sale not long ago for 150$ too, so without the bow, I'd personally pay around 130$ for it. Then again, I don't care about the stained glass print, if it came with the bow and it was my dream item I'd pay 200$ for it I guess, if I was desperate.

>> No.6321238

If you did, then why did you take it as I was telling you to leave?

You keep responding too.


>> No.6321279

People need to post names when telling these stories. Especially those that scam, cheat, and lie... Why keep them in the shadows?

>> No.6321321


Please go back to tumblr and leave us in peace. Jesus guys.

>> No.6323205

As if typing in caps is better somehow. Mkay.

>> No.6323217


You're both fucking annoying. Stop derailing the thread. You don't even have the decency to sage your retarded argument.

Can we get this thread back on track, please?

>> No.6323224

All of my what

>> No.6323231

Different anon, It's fucking cgl. There's gonna be trolls and shit everywhere. Just ignore them.

>> No.6323270

Totally OOT, but you rub me the wrong way every time I see you post, either here (when I can pick out if it's you) or on LJ. I remember when you started back right before Frill and you were all over here for some reason, then you had the secret posted about you. You have a pretty expensive collection for only being in lolita for several months. Maybe I'm jelly? Not sure, I have more expensive pieces in retrospect... Hmmm, I can't put a finger on it! sage for whatever.

>> No.6323345

who are you talking about willis

>> No.6323352

the anon quoted, I assume?

>> No.6323356

lady_enchanter is annoying as fuck that way too

>> No.6323361

What. I get you mean the anon who received that comment on their LJ, but how can you be 100% certain if it is actually that anon?


>> No.6323398

? I don't understand. It's a screenshot of a screened comment on a sales post that the anon posted on here saying 'this is the second time she's posted on my sales post' So it has to be Lordofmustard or Godofpoop, whatever her name is now. Oh, I guess I understand... I saw that comment on the sales post before it was screened. Not sure what it is... the girl (she was lordofpoop or godofpoop back when she started) started out right before Frill and was posting pictures of her coord all over here and being generally annoying. She was warned that she was drawing attention to herself, but a secret was posted anyway. I see her posts on FB sales groups and on LJ and she just seems... I don't know, stuck up? She also has dropped a lot of money in the past couple of months since she only just started (like I said, maybe I'm just jealous, no clue) but every time I see her post on here, FB, or LJ, I just kind of grind my teeth and the way she types/comes off. And she's ALWAYS selling something for some reason, or trying to push her sales off on people. Dunno, probably all in my head, not even sure what comm she's in, or if she's even in a comm. /shrug Not trying to start anything, just getting it off my chest. Never spoken with her/interacted with her in any way. Sage for jimmies rustled

>> No.6323404


Was she the one who got all defensive when people were telling her that her username was dumb and immature? (back when it was godofpoop or whatever)

>> No.6323415

I never saw her replying to the secret made, but yes, her user name was Godofpoop and she has since changed it to godofmustard. I guess I could go back to the secret and look, but I am pretty lazy.

>> No.6323433


Found these:



>> No.6323437


Basically yeah.
I dont trust anyone who doesnt speak english as well as i do, or have experience with sudden 'shit happens' lifestyle.

>> No.6323585


Man, I hoped people had forgotten about me by now, this is really embarrassing. If it helps, I had saved a bunch of money to travel over some years but now it's been really postponed so I'm just spending it on lolita. I buy/sell a lot because I like having new stuff in my wardrobe or I actually I guess get bored really quickly. All I do is sit around all day/go to work which gets depressing so I just take it out on lolita stuff as if that would make up for my boring life, yeah not the best of motivations.

Oh yeah but I type really annoying like on FB or LJ just to conform to the general etiquette on there? Like overly friendly doofus or something. I don't doubt that I must sound ridiculous but at the same time I don't really care because I'm just trying to buy/sell, not make friends or have people like me on the internet, but I also don't like to be rubbed the wrong way so I apologize since the way I present myself is bothersome.

I guess I'm sorta in the ATL comm? I go to meets for fun sometimes but I don't really know anyone.


Yeaaaah, I'll never live those down man, I don't know what I was thinking---well besides probably not thinking to begin with ugh...

>> No.6323606


Also, just to clarify, I didn't start that thread with my picture and the pun. I did post two of my coords on here in late spring, one a thread I can't really remember what it was about, but I was saying something like, "Yeah I just started lolita and I feel unsure about my coord." Then someone asked me to post it to give me advice, which I did (stupidly) and then that spiraled into "oh ur an attention whore!!1" because I posted another coord before that earlier in a hair thread asking if my hair was fine with this coord or if I would do better with a wig. I think I posted before in a fit thread too, but that's about it.

>> No.6323618

Geez, see... why couldn't you have just let it alone? Man, I really don't like you. Back to regularly scheduled egl_comm_sales horror thread please.

>> No.6323677
File: 114 KB, 595x394, lolicruize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who brought it up in the first place, you equally annoying little shitposter.

>> No.6323728

Don't be mad, it'll be ok! Someone will buy your lief, I just know it!

>> No.6323753

God knows who you've been picking out as them on here if you think I'm godofpoop. You need to start your own thread if you're going to keep talking about her.

>> No.6323891

Wow are you annoying I'll make a note not to buy from you in future. That other person is right, you just can't let shit stop being about you.
People like you should come with a 5mg diazepam tab in a pouch around their heads for the courtesy of those around you.

>> No.6323906

Geez, I stopped posting after >>6323618 sorry to disappoint, anon. I don't have a vendetta, she just rubs me the wrong way. And I'm sure I wasn't the only one who knew that screenshot was from her Lief sale either. /shrug

>> No.6323941

Hey, so one thing I do that is good:
I don't expect a tracking number after a sale unless I've specifically asked for one. Just this week TWO people have given me tracking numbers without asking. That's hella nice of them, but when I see people asking for a refund because there isn't tracking, or whining about how tracking costs a whole lot I'm like whut da fuk?
I know the risks I take buying online, and I respect the risks a seller takes when they sell online.

>> No.6323954


That's not me. Please just drop it, there's nothing else to discuss.


I found out a while ago you can sorta get free tracking for international stuff if you use the customs number to track it. I don't know what the difference is though, paying for tracking or just using the customs number because they seem to be the same? Pretty sweet though.

>> No.6328840


Ok, so rubicons_closet really needs to back the fuck up.

>> No.6328852


It's very very different. The customs number CAN be used as a sort of tracking, but it's very hit-and-miss, and you have to specially request that the post office do a special search for it. They'll usually only do this if it's been missing for months, and at that point it's unlikely to be found. Also, this tracking cannot be used to provide proof of shipment in paypal.

>> No.6328873


I really don't understand this girl. Her inability to understand tone in an online context is mindblowing.

>> No.6328874

>not interested in any of those, sorry :/
>According to your comment to the person above you that's not true. You do have some things you're interested in outside your wishlist. I'll get you some links.
>You do have some things you're interested in outside your wishlist. I'll get you some links.
>I'll get you some links.

>> No.6328884 [DELETED] 

I can't even use the phrase socially awkward because I am and even I can take "I'm not interested." to mean "No thanks." Just... how clueless does this girl have to be? She sort of reminds me of the lolita that wanted brand for her off-brand and stuff out of pity for supposedly being raped.

>> No.6328892

Is this a new thing for her? Apparently she's been around since 2010 and is a shopping service too???

>> No.6328947

I can't wait til i post my own sales post soon, if this rubicon bitch tries this nonsense with me I'm going to rip her a new asshole.

>> No.6328957

Do you have anything even slightly rare/expensive?

>> No.6328959

Wow that's... not okay.
Someone needs to make a gtfo. God she tried to trade something to me too, provided links to like 50 items, and I see her everywhere. There's definitely enough proof to make the post.

>> No.6329000


Anyone know of any pictures of her?

>> No.6329220

53 links... 53!!

>> No.6329748

What baffles me the most is that someone actually traded with her.


>> No.6329778

Oh no, that'll only encourage her.

>> No.6329942

I reported rubicon for posting tons of spammy links with non-loliable clothing. Hope the mods actually do something about it because this is getting ridiculous.

>> No.6330055

Anyone else reading these 'secret' photos she has in her scrap book? http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/rubicons_closet/29432445/738/738_original.jpg

>> No.6330124

Wow, the things she traded are probably not even worth $40.

>> No.6330125
File: 85 KB, 480x480, qrXy9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6330310


I mean, I don't know who's-who here, but... the Katrina person seems crraaaazzzy. I mean, it looks like there was some miscommunication/screw-ups on both sides, but trying to take someone to court just because they're refusing to sell to you is pretty insane.

>> No.6330354

Yeah, I don't think rubicons sounds weird at all in these convos... how odd.
>let me get you some links
^still dying about that

>> No.6330372



I knew this sounded familiar as I was reading that screencap. Such a beautiful wank.

>> No.6330420

jesus christ, 50 shitty cheap mallgawf things now? fifty?! STOP BUYING SHIT, RUBICON, AND MAYBE YOU CAN ACTUALLY BUY SOME LOLI STUFF.

>> No.6330434

It's funny because rubicon's fat.

>> No.6330436

no it's sad because she keeps reposting horrible things trying to trade her shitty tripp blouses and pleaser skirts for brand items. im about five seconds from climbing all over that LJ sales post, since mods apparently don't give a shit or don't have the balls to tell someone off.

>> No.6330443

Oh I know, I made the getoffegl post. I'm just saying, if you look at the sizing of her items, she's fat. And that's funny.

>> No.6330597
File: 249 KB, 610x951, DSCN0060[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guys, don't you want to trade your brand for thiiiis?

I have no idea why she thinks people are gonna swap brand for this shit, most thrift stores wouldn't even take it.