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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6289606 No.6289606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Come on Seagulls, I know you used to be one.
Tell me your stories!

Alternatively, if you somehow avoided that weeaboo phase, tell me about someone you knew or know. Doesn't have to be horror stories, just a general thread for general things.
I'm just super curious about everyone's experiences.

And a few questions to get us started:
What was your very first cosplay?
What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?

>> No.6289614

In high school, I once wore my Naruto headband to class because I had this weird bug up my ass that when Naruto premiered on toonami in english that there were going to be all these new fans and I needed to do something to prove that I was one of the cool kids who knew about it all along.

Luckily, I had to good sense to be embarrassed by that shit. Before the day even started I just had it hanging around my neck and by the end of the day, it was just tied to my bag instead.

Never did that shit again.

>> No.6289618

>liking Japan for its culture


>> No.6289622


> wearing Naruto headband to class

This was me in middle school, but I wore the whole damn Sasuke cosplay to class. Not once, but maybe like 5 times during 8th grade. I even attempted spiking my hair to get his duck butt hair and ugh just looked awful. I also remember wearing my soul reaper garb to our Halloween school fair, with my really shitty made captain's coat to go with.

There's this one Japanese boy I knew during middle school and actually told him "HEY CALL ME KUN, MILES. BECAUSE I'M OLDER THAN YOU AND YOU'LL BE CALLED MILES CHAN." I'm so glad I've grown from all this shit, but it's so embarrassing that this lasted until the beginning of my sophomore year in high school.

I think I still have a photo lying around of my first cosplay at AX 2007 and the Sasuke one.

>> No.6289632

Why do i have to like japan for anything other than anime? how would that make me a good anime fan?

>> No.6289631

It does have an interesting history and the contemporary culture is amusingly fucknuts. That said, when people like PT pretend that the Japanese never committed atrocities, that's just ridiculous.

>> No.6289645


I think it's just that stereotype that most weaboos who like anime think that's how Japan really is and can't appreciate the culture as a whole aside from their cartoons... or something.

>> No.6289651

I never sought an identity. I just was who I was. If I liked anime and Japan, I wasn't going to go around pretending I'm straight out of Naruto. That makes me cooooooool...

>> No.6289675
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Oh god, this will be fun..

>What was your very first cosplay?
1st cosplay... Emo 'goth lolita'... when I was like 14 Note: I didn't know jack shit about lolita back then other then it was popular in japan. And it was normal emo clothes with a frilly shirt and I wore cat ears. I wore this at my 1st con. But my 1st 'real' cosplay was one I got for my birthday of Yuki Cross: night class. I got a short wig for some dumbass reason...

What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)? Worse? Besides spazzing around like a retarded kid on acid my 1st year at NYAF? Cosplaying to school in high school for laughs. Amazing how I made friends. I also was a complete fantard (Narutard for those who know the series) in my freshmen year. So naruto headband around my neck every other day with a cat ear headband. I also got into arguments with fangirls over sasuke, and swore up and down we were married to people in my anime club back then. It was sad. Oh, and I got all of my neighbor's kids back then to be a fan of the show also. And I think the best moment of this would probably be when me and everyone on the block used to have ninja battles. Like ripping off the chunnin exam with characters we made (or the actual canon characters) and just play fight til someone won or got hurt... Though this for the most part died down when I saw death note... The weeb was still there, but it calmed down a lot, thank god.
>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage? Not really. I peek on the narutard fandom from time to time, but that's about it. It's dead to me. And I still wear cat ears in public if im with friends. People seem to like them a lot for some odd reason, as weird as that is.

I have other stories and things if people are interested...

>> No.6289680
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Fuck. I can't intogreentxt today...

>> No.6289694
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>> No.6289695
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I'm slightly grateful that I was still able to find photos of my weeb/stupid 14 year days. They help me appreciate how I've grown.

In terms of weeb I don't think I was ever worse than the standard level of someone on gaia online. It's funny though because I'm more into anime now than back when I was a weeb.

>> No.6289701

My weeb days? I was a pretty tame weeb.

>Japan was uber-desu-kawaii bitches. Everything Japan. I fucking loved it. Giggled at the silly, weird things.

>Called my sister Niichan~, called best friend Matt-chuu~. To this day, my sister still occasionally calls me Kyi-chan. Sometimes I still call her niichan just to be an obnoxious little shit.

>I watched animuuuu~, but kept it pretty tame as well. Sister got me Loveless, didn't really like it. Enjoyed mainstream shit.

Hm. Like I said, I was a pretty tame weeb, never really used broken moon speak, didn't glomp anybody, showered daily. Drew really shitty animu in class - still draw it, to this day, lol - but hm. . .

Took Chinese in community college (few years - 2 - 4 yrs +), fell in love with the language, now want to go over to China and teach English just to travel and see what it's like. Parents are asking me, "What happened to Japan? You used to be all over that like a fly on shit."

"Uhm. . ." >Can't explain how I was a weeb, or how I only liked moon land because of animu. . . :c

>> No.6289702

What's with that skirt?

>> No.6289710

Cue series of long ass posts that hopefully amuse someone out there.

>What was your very first cosplay?

Thankfully I actually never cosplayed, but I did wear all black, huge ass T shirts from hot topic with Gir shit on them ("I love the little tacos, I love them good"), ugly ass black work boots, black flare leg jeans and always a big black hoodie. Bonus: once I took a picture of Maya from LM.C to the lady my mom sent me to get my hair cut, and asked her to cut/style it like that. It ended up a giant spiky mullet. I was so stupidly proud of it I raccoon-eyed myself with eyeliner all over my eyelids and wore a black bandanna across my forehead. Shit was awful and I thought it looked SO COOL. M y first period ROTC instructor literally laughed at me, I just smiled.

>> No.6289721

Better question is why do you have to like Japan at all.

Plenty of people like American made stuff, but not the country.

>> No.6289723

I really like the skirt in the far right photo!

>> No.6289724

>mad because he can never be those little girls

>> No.6289727

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days?

I wasn't actually THAT bad outside of my group of friends. Wrote self-insert roleplay-like stories in composition books with Vampirefreaks stickers and electrical tape all over them (I had a thing for tape back then, too). The story included my self-insert OC and my friend's self-insert OC all living in the Naruto universe, and Dir en grey was there too and we were the BADDEST BITCHES. We also of course had the stupid "Dude, when we go to Japan, shit will be SOO cool and we'll be popular because we're blonde white girls! We shall have ALL the Jrockers to ourselves!" as well as "OMG, If I ever met (Jrocker), I would do (this and this, hopelessly optimistic bullshit, etc., 'awkward 14 year old girls with no idea how sex works' stuff)" conversations.

I also went to a mostly redneck school so I often had instances where they would pick on me and piss me off so much I would insult them in what little Japanese I knew ("baka yaro! ecchi teme! ecchi baka!") which only made them laugh harder. "Ecchi baka" to them was "Chewbacca" and that was my nickname for a while.

>> No.6289730


After that I became OBSESSED with Yoshiki of X Japan/Violet UK. I convinced myself that because I didn't know who my dad was and I was the only person in the family with brown eyes, I was really half Japanese and he was secretly my father. Which was worsened by my friends going on about how I "look SOOO MUCH LIKE HIM OMG!" When the only possible similarities to be seen are that I have small eyes, big nose, and.... that's it. Throw on some sunglasses, strike a Yoshiki-esque pose, "IT'S UNCANNY!".

Oh, I almost forgot, My last year of middle school I met a girl that put my weeb level to shame. She actually believed we were both ninjas, both reincarnated Japanese kunoichi, and our favorite Naruto characters AND Jrockers came to us at night and took our reincarnated Japanese souls out of our boring American bodies and spirited us away to Japan where we had adventures and sex. She was fucking loony. I invited her to my house for a sleepover and she ended up begging my mom to let her stay for 3 more days, during this time she did not bathe or change her clothes ONCE. it was horrible and after day 3 my mom got fed up with it and told her "Sweetie, if you don't take a shower, you can't come back. You have to keep up with your hygiene." Something like that.

>> No.6289734

My friends and I aren't socially retarded so this has never been an issue.
But holy shit at cons and when you go to anime stores do you meet those people...

>> No.6289739
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I turned into a horrific Narutard when I started highschool, god damn my boyfriend still makes fun of me for it.
Here, have some terrible art from 2007.
(If you want to read the cancerous desc, be my guest. http://xdeidei-chan.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=96#/dzyqom))

I only ever cosplayed one thing, and it was that one lady Akatsuki member, Konan or something?
I tried to dye my hair blue, but it just turned more black. Not to mention, I only showered like once a week so my hair was usually super greasy, hwaaah. And I had rampant dandruff.
My mum sewed the cloak for me, and I never thanked her for it. I was a selfish little twat.

I tried to be into all that Japanese culture stuff, but I didn't like the food.
I tried instant ramen once, and thought it was fucking disgusting.
I also didn't like sushi, because gross, raw fish. (Don't know why, sushi is fucking delicious.)

I'm pretty sure I only watched/read entry level animu/mango back then, like Naruto and Bleach. I traced anime screenshots to be a better artist, ugh.
I still read manga and watch anime all the time, but it's usually less well-known stuff.

I was never a glomper, or a hambeast (just around 10kg fatter than I am now), so that's good.

>> No.6289740

> Best thing (if any)?

Back then when me and my friends were hopelessly obsessed with anime and Jrock and fanfiction and Visual Kei were basically the best and happiest years of my life. Aside from the teasing and shit from the "normies", I was really and truly happy because for once, I had a tight-knit group of friends who shared my interests. Shit all fell apart in High school, though. Now my then-bestie is a huge fucking Koreaboo and everyone else in the group save for one person don't ever talk to me anymore. Now they're all about Adventure Time and Regular Show.

>> No.6289750

>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?

I'm fairly sure I'm still secretly in my weeb phase. Except now I know how to dress myself and hide my powerlevel. But I don't watch/read Naruto, I no longer own any manga (I collected all of 5 out of order Naruto mangas, I was a major poorfag), I don't follow Jrockers obsessively, I don't squeal over yaoi (tbh, yaoi wasn't ever my thing, I didn't really get the appeal of it but I wanted to fit in so I was "ALL ABOUT TEH YAOIIZ!"). I still occasionally watch some anime.Not much though. I still try to half-assedly study Japanese every few months, though.

>> No.6289757

I never really went full-on inappropriate. I talked about Japan too much and dressed like a train-wreck, but in general I was considerate of social cues and personal space, and I never watched anime, had any "ships" I supported vehemently, wrote fanfiction, etc. I liked to read manga, study Japanese, collect fashion magazines, and travel in Japan. I was intensely into those things, though, so I was probably in between the good and the bad.

>> No.6289782

Oh, and to fill out the form...

What was your very first cosplay?

Never cosplayed, but I got my first Lolita dress when I was 17. I was soooo excited. Even wore it to school once, although poorly.

What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days?
Because I was shy, the only thing that got me excited enough to speak out was talking with one friend about our respective trips to Japan. And thus, I became known for liking Japan, in spite of the fact that I actually had a lot of other serious interests (English literature, Tae Kwon Do, piano, etc...). When I realized that this was people thought of me, I was a little embarrassed.

Best thing (if any)?
I really loved just loving things. Everything was SO NEW. Japanese fashion absolutely immersed me, and when I first visited Harajuku I was so incredibly happy to be standing in the same places where all the photos I'd looked through a million times had been taken.

Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
Yep. Finished Fruits Basket a year ago (after abandoning it mid-High School), and plan to finish Ouran High School soon.

>> No.6289813

>What was your very first cosplay?
Sanzo from Saiyuki.
I also wore that costume to school :<
.. Often, too.

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
There are no best things here.
I used to be the typical obnoxious weaboo bitch. Involved anime in every school project, grabbed boobs, watched hentai cause SO EDGY. I was fluent in japanese cause I watched anime, my dream was to become a mangaka, and I even applied for a scholarship in Japan (Thankfully I was rejected. That would have been the end of me). I was a massive retard, and there are no good memories from those years. Only embarrassment.
When I started to drift out of that awful phase, my mom would still brag to my friends about how I was amazing at japanese and drawing kawaii anime and stuff. She would often parade friends who visited over to me, so I could teach them japanese.
I really really love both of my parents, and this stuff was pretty ego-inflating when I was caught in those delusions. But as I grew out of it, without them realising, it just turned into a bit of a nightmare.

>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
My biggest obsession in those days was Fruits Basket. I will admit that I don't think it's an awful anime, like all of my other friends think (and I honestly thought the manga was terribad, oops, whoops, guilty pleasures here don't mind me), I don't give two shits about it anymore though.
I think that was the only ~big~ thing I was ever into. Oh, also Inuyasha, but I lost interest in that as soon as I gained it.
I also loved Saiyuki. Today, everything after the first manga series is still on my to-read list. I could never hate that manga.

>> No.6289817
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>> No.6289822
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ANNNNDDD was only able to find my Rukia cosplay with my "LOL SO RANDUMB" ms paint text I added to it. The cosplay ones were all found on my dA. I think I bought that costume from… Moon Cosplay?

I don't really have that many pictures taken of myself from this year, so just used what I found during my junior year of highschool. As you can see from the past pictures, my face and hair was really oily and I didn't know what a shower was or how to take care of myself. It’s sorta weird looking at the bottom right picture because I never imagined being able to go to prom, considering my past self hated all things girly and was going through a whole fake boi/tomboy phase.

>> No.6289892
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>The worst thing you remember about your weeb days

In highschool I had piles of manga, adored anime, was learning japanese, (Typical weeb stuff)
but I was naturally reserved and shy and never talked about it to anyone.
Also I seemed to be the only anime fan around, so I never had any "bad influence" around to encourage me to go full blast in your face weeaboo. It was pretty lonely.

>tfw im not sure what to feel

>> No.6289911

I understand your lonely weeaboo days I was the same

>> No.6289913

Why did girls like Naruto anyway? It's a shonen, you don't enjoy the endless fighting scene.

>> No.6289924

My weeb days where back in 2001-2004
I really didnt cosplay at school but my BFF and I wore renaissance faire dresses to school once in a while.
I didn't go to my 1st con until I turned 18 ( it was actually my b-day gift that year)
When California had those bad fires in 2003/2004 a different friend and I had scarfs t help with breathing since so much ash was in the air and she had also brought a Kero plushie to school that day and i woke it tied to my head for most of the day. I also drew at lot in class and generally didnt pay attention in class and yet still manged to graduate early.
The only things I still follow are Naruto and One Piece that had started during those days. I also finished Inu-yasha and Yu yu hakusho to have closure on those storylines

>> No.6289951

>Read thread
> awful memories surge back into my mind

Thanks op

>> No.6289953

I've never actually been a weeb thankfully.

I've always been a pretty normal nerdy guy that always had a bit of a thing for anime. I'm actually becoming more involved as I get older.

I'll never hit weeb status though, I'll always just be a guy that happens to like anime.

>> No.6290030

Oh god where to begin...

Well all through middle school and high school I had butt-length platinum blond hair. So naturally all my weeb friends called me Ed (more unfortunate is that the name still sticks to this day with a lot of people I know). Anyway, this hambeast I knew basically made me wear her Ed cape basically every day, because she was twice the size of me and, quite frankly, scared the hell out of me. After she graduated, a number of girls in the group turned to dressing me up in random goth clothes they'd bring (which admittedly I didn't mind because hey, why not). That went on for about a year, and I got a lot of shit in school for it, but it went in one ear and out the other because weeb blinders. I eventually became president of our anime club, which was what actually broke my weeb cycle. The previous president gave up, and spent the last 10 weeks of school or whatever playing Advent Children (which I had ZERO interest in) so I hung out outside and talked to her most of the time. Inside the club was a zoo, the teacher's things were constantly being broken, people were screaming so loud that you couldn't hear the show...it was chaos.

>> No.6290032

Fast forward to a year later, I'm running the club. I actually had plans for where I wanted to take it. I wanted to show the first episode of a show each week, and open discussion about the studio that did it, various facts about the show, and open up discussion for the club. However the first week in, another hambeast (I think she was a sophomore) started yelling "WE WANT CLOUD WE WANT CLOUD". Naturally I told her to stfu, and of course her weeb friends chimed in too. So I banned them, and things were okay for that day. The next day at lunch, hambeast-chan comes up to me and says "this is from cloud" and whacks me with full force with a yaoi paddle. How she got that thing into school is beyond me, but she got suspended for it. After that, my perspective kind of shifted a lot.

I have a lot of other stories that aren't quite as exciting just facepalm-y, if anyone is interested.

>> No.6290039

Before I really knew what cosplay was, I dressed up as Chichiri to take a friend's kid sister trick or treating once. I used blue spray-on hair color, drew the scar on with black eyeliner, used a lampshade for the hat, a throw blanket for the cape/shawl and a broken curtain rod for his staff.

It was horrible and I was so fucking proud. I am so glad that it happened before we had a digital camera, so I could just destroy the prints and negative without anyone noticing.

My friend also used that same broken curtain rod and a taped-on moon to play Princess Serenity. We were like. Fourteen during this period and fucking horribly weaboo. She used to call me Lita and I used to call her Meatball Head.

>> No.6290085


>>She was fucking loony
>>I invited her to my house

I lol'd

>> No.6290177

What kinds of weebish habits do you guys still have?
For me, I tend to accidentally say "uguu" when i trip or fall, or occasionally saying "ne" at the end of sentences. Horribly embarrassing. These are rare occurrences, but old habits die hard.

So, /cgl/, fess up. What kind of weeboo-ey things do you do?

>> No.6290204
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Uguu ERRYday.
I'm not even ashamed of it.

>> No.6290262

The blue one is only OK if you are a femboy.

>> No.6290267

I say things like "nyaaa" or "meuw" or "yay" when i get bored, i hug people or i like something i see. But my bf finds it cute so I'm not very ashamed of it but sometimes i just have to facepalm myself for doing that sounds.

>> No.6290281


Oh, in my group of loli friends, we all say "UGUU", "DESU NEEEEE", and other such things in verbal capslock, and we are absolutely shameless taking the piss when we do. It's all in good fun; we also mix in some gangsta in our Engrish.

>> No.6290286

You look really familiar and cute....
No idea where from though.


>> No.6290304

>most of the crazy ITT involves Naruto

As someone who has never watched it, what the fuck is it about this show that causes such lunacy?

>> No.6290307

Blue is never okay.

>> No.6290316

it implies that any 12-13 year old can be a ninja.
That sold it for most kids, including me. And back then the characters were 'amazing'

If your really curious, look up Naruto the abridged series. It makes jabs at the fans and all the stupid shit in it.

>> No.6290325

Worse things I do....
I call my best friend waifu once in a while (since according to my 2 friends, we act like a married couple ) I wear cat ears in public sometimes if im overly bored or with friends. And I still call one of my best guy friends Onii-san. Other then that, all the other habits died.

>> No.6290379

>What was your very first cosplay?
A pretty ghetto Sasuke. I borrowed khaki shorts from a friend, wore an inside-out blue tee-shirt (to hide the graphic), and dyed my hair with that shitty dye from Hot Topic that washes out after one use. Luckily, this was just at a friend's house for a "cosplay party" (she was half-assed Misa Amane with no wig).
>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days?
Wanting to be Asian so badly it actually made me a little depressed.
>Best thing (if any)?
I actually had a pretty good time being a weeaboo. I had a weeb best friend, and we had a fucking ball giving each other Naruto nicknames.
>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
I gave up on Naruto and Fruits Basket, but I still like a lot of the same anime/manga I did when I was a weeb. I never tried to cosplay after being ghetto Sasuke. Now I'm a lolita (which was essentially my life's dream when I was a weeb, other than becoming an honorary Asian).

>> No.6290385

I don't think it matters that you like Japan for anything other than anime.
What matters is when people claim to be interested in Japanese culture, but actually know jack-shit about it.

>> No.6290667


Yeah, I was 13, I didn't think it would be a bad idea . To be fair her crazy was more "you seriously can't believe that shit is real, can you?" and not physically abusive or anything. Though she did stop being friends with me when I told her about this fat neckbeard jynco wearing faggot trying to lock me in his garage when my brother wasn't around and groping me, and since he bought her tons of weeb shit from Japan and promised to totally take her there when she turned legal desu, she just called me a whore and neither of them ever spoke to me again (huzzah!). After that I devolved into a fakeboi/"gay FtM" for obvious reasons.

Also, I remembered more from reading the thread:

>I had a Japanese name, as did all my friends. I think mine was... Shishido? I had no idea what it meant, but I said it meant "skin", which I thought was sexy.
>me and my friends would copy Deidara and say "un" at the end of every sentence
>brought Pocky and Ramune to school for lunch even thought I hated Pocky (but it was Japanese desu so I pretended to love it), surprisingly lots of the non-weeb kids liked it so for weeks after that I had kids coming up to me asking me if I brought any more of "that chocolate stick candy stuff". Could never figure that one out.
>ate everything with chopsticks whenever possible
>tried to make my clothes look more "Visual Kei" by cutting lots of horizontal slits in my jeans, but I only got away with that once before I got into trouble
>I actually had a Naruto headband and a metal leaf village plate sweatband. The headband was huge and thick metal so I didn't wear it to school but once, but the sweatband was with me always

>> No.6290678


That, and it has young boys being dramatic at eachother, a loud obnoxious orphan outcast who is really the greates hero that every weeb can identify with (Naruto) a pervy sensei (Kakashi) and a girlyboy (haku), an agnsty prettyboy emo kid (Sasuke), and so much more. Now imagine if all these 14 year old kids were able to walk on walls, breathe fire, run incredibly fast, wore neon colored impractical outfits and graduated ninja school at that age. Weeaboo heaven, right there.

>> No.6290688

>rp using my avatar on gaia.
>dance to any animes with dancing
>prez of animoose club.
>cat hat
>buy/steal mangas
>neopets rping sometyms
>cyber at 13-15 even though I didn't get sex until 19...


>> No.6290701

I was eleven years old when I caught interest in all this weeaboo shit. I just read stuff at home and hanged out with my friends as usual, and I didn't even think about slapping on kawaii nekomimi and spouting bad Japanese everywhere.

I can't understand why anyone would have these loud phases for anything, even as a child, shouldn't you immediately understand how utterly retarded it is?

For OP pic, both of those are fucking retarded.

- watching anime
- not thinking that being a fucktarded elitist ~GRACEFUL~MODEST~ weeaboo is any better than the loud yaoi kimono desu weeaboo

Jesus fuck I'm out.

>> No.6290711
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Back in like, 6th grade or so, I forcibly cursed in Japanese just be omgsoexoticandcool, but it slowly stuck.
A few days ago, I let one slip in front of my friends (who didn't know of my weeb days) and I felt so mortified.

>> No.6290730
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>What was your very first cosplay?
Yukimura Sanada from Samurai Deeper Kyo. Not exactly a weeb infested anime fandom, but after going to my first cosplay meetup I discovered Naruto. It was still in it's second season in Japan and EVERYONE told me to watch it. Then I cosplayed Sasuke and became full weeaboo.

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
I wore a Naruto headband to school a few days. It didn't have a metal plate so it looked more like a hairband. Also like two people even knew it was from Naruto. I also wore a shitton of spikey arm bracelets and bands. Our school had a uniform so the bracelets reeeally stood out. A couple of them were Naruto and Bleach themed. I also have worn cosplay to... local malls, bowling, Centre Island, and the Ontario Science Centre. We had 10+ person cosplay meetups at those places lol.

>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
I still read Naruto, if only so I can see how it ends. My favourite character WAS Sasuke and now he's a massive douchenozzle so now I'm just hoping Naruto will come and bitchslap him into some sense. I stopped watching Bleach many years ago at around ep 60.

>> No.6290757

I got into anime because my sister was a weeb and she ran the anime club at her school and it was SO SUGOI and one of her friends wore a fox tail and it was SO KAWAII and i wanted to fit in with the cool older kids.
I never got any weeaboo friends at my school, there were other weebs, but they were loud and obnoxious, and I mainly kept to myself at school, drawing shitty magical girls and whatnot. Saved the lolRANDOM SPORKS ^_~ kawaii doki for the internet.
I was more of a closet weeb except for a few incidents where I talked about fanfiction or something with friends who had no idea what i was on about and then everyone thought i was weird and wouldnt talk to me

When I got to 8th grade I had started browsing 4chan (whoops) and realized how antisocial and weird as fuck I had been acting. I kind of grew to resent my sister because despite going through all of that she was still distant and refused to be friendly with me, and didn't even try until I'd given up on her entirely

>> No.6290758
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Thankfully, my weeb phase wasn't too obnoxious. I had a very short phase of speaking to people in terrible Japanese and yammering about FMA yaoi to people who didn't give a shit, but it didn't wash with any of my friends, so I stopped.

Most of my psychotic fangirl energy had gone by the time I discovered anime. Pic related.

>> No.6290761
File: 72 KB, 500x496, rMYtN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started a thread like this two days ago and got saged to hell, but anyway, i will let these speak for me in my weeb-desu days.


>> No.6290766


sorry this is the right order
1) http://pastebin.com/p3daAqTB
2) http://pastebin.com/s3tVTy1L

>> No.6290777

I always hid my power level because I was more worried about fucking girls than pretending to be sauske in school

>> No.6290795

I never had an anime weeb phase but I had a horrible Halo one where I would make up characters and imagine them screwing each other, consistently talking about Halo to my one friend (he is still my bro today), even yelling at some younglings like one of the jackals. Luckily I grew out of it after a year or so.

>> No.6290798

I never used broken Jappanese but I did wear a Tohru Honda cosplay on the last day of school for shits and giggles.
I also wore *super edgy* emo clothes, it was terrible. I was new so I just did what my new friends did. Everyone claimed characters from Naruto and death note so I just followed along.
I still like some anime but mostly western things now.

>> No.6290812

mine werent too bad. Everyone in my schoolhad a tablet pc thing instead of books - bad idea. i just sat drawing shitty animu or reading manga. i remember a few shouts of "KAWAII, BAKA, NEKO. Me and my friends would sit in the canteen blasting the deathnote theme and taking photos of our nendoroids (we would do kawaii ~yaoi shit with L and light.. and cake. luckily the canteen was always empty.
I think I wanted cat ears and probably would have worn them all the time. thank god that never happened

>> No.6290816
File: 910 KB, 600x1107, deargodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is my favourite picture from my weeb days.
Just... I don't even have words. I'm sure you can imagine what kind of person I was.

>What was your very first cosplay?
Chii from Chobits... it wasn't too terrible actually.
>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
uhhuhu... I mean, I was really happy, so I guess it doesn't matter... I was always really shy, so I didn't go spreading the obnoxious around. Just on my friends, who were equally as weeaboo.
>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
Sadly no. I tried to keep up with Naruto I guess, but it got boring.

>So, /cgl/, fess up. What kind of weeboo-ey things do you do?
Oh boy oh boy. I think the worst thing I do is various sound effects that I picked up from anime. Oh, and my boyfriend and I call eachother oniichan and imouto. But in my defense that started as a joke.

>> No.6290821

haha oh man. MCR and weebness.
highschool I somehow miss you

>> No.6290876
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**What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?

I once had a jealous fit when my aunt said she was *gasp* going on a trip to Japan. I think some of the things I said went along the lines of, "YOU'RE JUST DOING IT TO MAKE ME MAD. PICK YOUR OWN COUNTRY INSTEAD"

And also, in my freshman year, I got a "TOKYO ROCKS!" t-shirt from my parents for Christmas. I'm pretty sure I wore that shirt everyday for a good month.
Around the time I first hit weeb levels, our school was doing some 'cultural week' type thing, where every class did a different part of the world based on which homeroom they were in. We got Jerpan, and the teacher (knowing how much I JUST LOVED IT) allowed me to teach them what Kanji were. Not too overly weeby, but mind you, I BARELY had a grasp of romaji beginners Japanese.

**Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?

Hello Project errday errday. I'm still learning Japanese (JLPT2 at this point). Was never into animu or manga, so I don't do that.

>> No.6290890

I sort of skipped the weeaboo phase, only because weeaboo as it's known as today wasn't really around when I first started getting into this. There were people who would cross boundaries, sure. There were people who hated things that weren't from Japan. But the particular breed of weeb we have around now just wasn't quite the same.

I guess I wasn't that way because I'm pretty shy and I don't like jumping over boundaries with particular strangers. I'm quicker to cut off the contact earlier than feel like I'm being a total creeper. I'm still this way pretty much. I don't want to be obsessive or shove things in people's faces.

I did try studying Japanese for awhile, but I didn't really speak it. I was more or less learning to read the language and write it rather than speaking. I probably annoyed a few online friends a bit more than I should've, but it wasn't terrible. I gave it up after awhile.

>> No.6291899


Oh, do I? Do you live in California?

>> No.6291915

>What was your very first cosplay?
L from Death Note. It was pretty horrific.
>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
Worst thing? Probably telling people that I was "learning" Japanese when really I just picked up shit like "kawaii, neko," and "baka." I don't think I was all that bad of a weeb, though.

>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
Occasionally I'll watch an episode of Death Note or Ouran High School just for nostalgia purposes, but I don't really keep up with anything. The last anime that I watched was probably Hetalia and that was over a year ago.

>> No.6291943
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I wouldn't really say I showed my weebness at all.. I was more closet anime lover.

Whenever I was in 6th grade, me and my friend Maggie used to LARP with our anime crushes.
7th grade me and my friends had a joke Jiraiya was at our school stalking us, waiting to rape us.

From then on I didn't discuss anime much unless it was with someone who also watched the same shows. Even then I wasn't spatting random japanese words, wearing cat ears or yelling my OTP's.

Always been a laid back anime lover.
>What did you read/watch/do in your weeb stage?
Chobits, DN Angel, had a thing for watching hentai/porn with my door locked, did fandubs of vocaloid songs.
Now I barely watch that much anime, I mostly browse /a/ to see whats new.

>> No.6291961
File: 60 KB, 700x525, chuunibyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think my weeb phase wasn't that bad, just a 10 y.o. me printing out pictures of Dilandau-sama's face and sticking them on every conceivable surface, pic related

.....oh god why aaaaa

>> No.6292182
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>What was your very first cosplay?
I didn't really "discover" what cosplay was until I was 16-ish, though I'd been costuming forever.
But legitimate cosplay-wise, Kafei from Majora's Mask.
>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days?
Well, I was more of a band weeb. Shipping the members of Fall Out Boy with the members of Panic at The Disco and shit like that.
But I was extremely weeby with Inuyasha. I used to draw pictures of dragons eating Kagome and shit because I hated her because I was convinced I was going to marry Inuyasha. I also shipped Sakura and Sasuke and then started hating her when I realised I wanted to marry Sasuke as well, but not to the extent that I hated Kagome.
>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
I love the shit out of Inuyasha still. But I don't want to marry him anymore like a crazyass thank God.

>> No.6292222

CGL has made it so that when i see cute girls I call them kawaii in my head. Also if I see something not cute I say "that shit ain't kawaii" dumb stuff like that

>> No.6292227

>What was your very first cosplay?
..I don't want to talk about it boo.

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
Worst? One line roleplaying on neopets and pretending to be a dude (because there WERE no male rpers.) Kouga from Inuyasha was my hasubando and I would argue with my friends (whos hasubandos WERENT kouga) on who's was the best. Also, mispronounced kawaii. (Kah-WHEEEEEEEEEE) fuck.
Deleted my xanga a while ago. Shit was full of weeby gold.

>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
I still sing japanese songs to myself...thats it.

>> No.6292259

>What was your very first cosplay?
Juri from the Shoujo Kakumei Utena movie

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
Worst thing was being in high school and drawing myself as a mary-sue miko involved with Chichiri from Fushigi Yuugi. I never acted like he was real or whatever but he was my first anime crush.

Best? Well, it's not "weeaboo" but being a fansub vhs distro as a teenager. Dual VCRs and all that shit (yes I am old). Mom was pissed off having to bring me to the post office twice a week for years. I used to draw "no da" on shit everywhere, and it's one of the ways I found a good friend I still have today.

>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
Wasn't much of a weeaboo so meh.. I don't use Japanese words at random anymore, but I wasn't that bad about that anyhow. I still like trying to teach myself Japanese. I was a few years too old to be a weeaboo... anime wasn't a "thing" yet when I was first getting into it.

>> No.6292301

Used to be a weeb learned Japanese and wanted to live over there. Now I'd rather be a Serbian and live on the cliff over looking the Drina River and drink rakija (a type of brandy seen in the Balkans) instead of sake.

>> No.6292312
File: 57 KB, 448x336, river drina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image of why I would rather be a Serb beyond the low taxes of Serbia.

>> No.6292344
File: 139 KB, 322x367, omgeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I may as well admit it now.

I try to act moe. I do small things like hold the bottom of my juice bottle in my hand, fiddle with my thumbs, (try) to sneeze cutely, and make little noises now and then. It works because I'm not PixiTeri and I'm polite and quiet most of the time, but it's still really weeby. I'm sorry, /cgl/.

>MFW when people come up and tell me I'm cute

>> No.6292354

I also use a knife and fork with pizza.

Don't ask me why people think it's cute and quirky, they just do.

>> No.6292368

>"weeb" phase in 3rd grade
>done with it before 4th grade

started so early there was nothing to even weeb about

>> No.6292394

I like to remove my cheese from my pizza with a fork and enjoy that separate.

People always look at me like I am killing something.

>> No.6292403

i'm basically still a weeaboo but as far as I know I don't really have any horrible weeb habits so I consider myself a classed weeb does that count

>> No.6292407

Oh god, I was awful. Back in middle school (keep in mind this was when Naruto was just starting on Toonami) I owned a lot of Naruto Hot Topic t-shirts and such. I wore those to class (which wasn't too bad. They were pretty casual and I didn't really draw peoples attention to them) but I do remember wearing a Naruto headband once or twice as well as a Sakura cosplay in my freshman year of highschool (which, oddly enough, a LOT of kids liked and commented on despite how shitty it was.)

I can't decide if the worst part is the fact that I never really liked Naruto, but owned those things because they were easily accessible anime items without convincing my Mom to buy me things online, or the fact that I sprayed my hair with pink hairspray for the costume.

Err, On second thought I'm going with the pink hairspray. Das just nasty.

>> No.6292409
File: 153 KB, 663x527, 1329724692039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you try to do this but fail miserably because you aren't kawaii

>> No.6292411

I oddly do this, but it's to avoid burning my mouth. I make bites too large if I didn't do this.

>> No.6292424

hello sister of my soul! yeah like i always get looked at like i have two heads, no one thinks it's kawaii

>> No.6292425

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
God in junior high I use to wear Naruto headbands and goggles in my hair and me and my friends would call each other by anime character nicknames. I think that was about as weebish as I got. I dropped all of that by high school thankfully, but hey it was fun and 'cool' at the time. Best thing was that I met some of the greatest people ever in my little group of anime friend(we've all long since moved past that stage).

>> No.6292429
File: 46 KB, 432x343, 3577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my entire sophomore year in high school I wore these cat ears

I try not to remember ohgod, how did i even make friends

>> No.6292434

ok so the first step is admitting you have a problem, which is more than a lot of people can do. I am proud of you.

Now you just have to fix the mistakes.

I will be supporting you from a far and sending prayers and shit.

>> No.6292437
File: 38 KB, 574x341, Laughing_owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crying at kahweeeee thank you for this anon

>> No.6292443

>mfw you talked to the japanese peer
bless you

>> No.6292439
File: 16 KB, 241x168, scool bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm not fixing them; I'm living the life here~

>> No.6292454
File: 117 KB, 500x370, suspic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, she just said they were from her weeb days, don't be like that

>> No.6292457

Bwahaha, I'd have loved to have you at my lunch table during high school!

>> No.6292461

oh we do it ironically, it's shameless and hilarious

>> No.6292467


>> No.6292482
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I've always done some midly weeby shit, but I've always done it in privacy because I was too ashamed.

>Do you still do any of the things from your weeb stage?
Almost all of them to be honest. I just do it in private, locked in the bedroom.

No one must ever know my secret, save for the few super-close friends I open up to (they all eventually leave) and whoever they decide to tell.
>mfw someone I half-know asks me about anime
>mfw my friend's brother mistook me for a redditor because of my autism

Are you me in the same dimension?
Is there a critical rip in space-time somewhere? I do the same thing with sandwiches too. I just can't enjoy some things together. I like simplicity.

>> No.6292500

I've always carried a healthy regarding the anime obsession. However, there was definitely a dark period in grade 9 when I would bring bentos to school and eat with chopsticks.

It was pretty authentic japanese stuff that I would cook myself too... I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse, but combined with my inability to dress myself those days it made 2006 a pretty embarrassing year nonetheless.

>> No.6292570
File: 1.34 MB, 1650x2592, Otaku's Guide to Hiragana ~ anime;hiragana;japan;language;1650x2592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much of interest to report, but I have one old habit that refuses to die - the urge to learn Japanese.

Like most, I make a few half-hearted attempts at long intervals of time, and never really get anywhere.

But I still can't give up the idea of trying.

>> No.6292578

Although I liked various things from Japan from a young age like Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Dragonball, it wasn't until Jr. High where I got into anime nerd mode. I started meeting girls who watched Toonami (and later Adult Swim) and read manga. I guess our bonding series was a mix of Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, and Yu Yu Hakusho. We were brought together by a girl I will call S. There was about 5 of us and a few other slightly removed people.

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days?
We were pretty tame as we kept most of it between ourselves, mostly because at that time we felt pretty isolated as hardcore fans and figured no one would have a clue what we were talking about.

My friend S was probably the weebiest of us all. I heard rumors that she would do the basic swearing at people in Japanese and using "baka" and broken Japanese far too often in mixed company. To her credit she had been taking actual Japanese lessons since she was like 11 or 12.

As far as myself I guess I would be influenced by characters I liked too much and try to emulate their "persona". Not enough to be acting weird in public but someone who was in the know may have been able to see through me. Oh also I would sing Japanese songs a lot when I thought I was alone, but I am sure was overheard at some point or another.

>Best thing?
We I have like hyper nostalgia for those old Jr. High days weebing it out with our group, swapping husbando stories and anime and pocky-filled sleepovers. We had a really fun group with lots of different personalities and skills. We had our resident artist, our rich friend, our tomboy on the boys wrestling team, ect. Looking back it almost felt like we could have been in some sort of weeby manga story. I really miss those days and we have all pretty much moved on and grown into very different people.

>> No.6292585

when i was a sophomore in highschool (2002-2003ish) iirc i started to get into anime. fortunately for me, the resident anime fans of the class ahead of us were the absolutely overblown loser-nerds (as opposed to the regular nerds) and seeing them at lunch RPing naruto shit - the one I can still summon to mind was "bloodline ender" special move quickly sealed my decision to keep power levels completely under wraps.

>> No.6292586
File: 157 KB, 825x982, poster_for_a_fanfic_by_nami86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we could have been in some sort of weeby manga story

you know what you need to do, right?

if you're really brave, you can send them each a copy, when you're done.

>> No.6292620

>swearing in japanese
I'm really curious about this because according to my Japanese teacher they don't really have cuss words or anything. He said that when young people (didn't specify age so I don't know if he means little kids or not) tease each other by saying things like your mother has an outtie belly button, which I guess is considered really terrible because it means your doctor isn't very good or something...

>ramble ramble

>> No.6292623

Oh my fucking god yes, I separate everything.
I'm glad to know I am not the only crazy who does this.
Everything is best separate, why do people have to combine them?

>> No.6292631

well they do have words you could translate as swear words I think, but they're really watered down compared to english. I think they only translate to words like 'shit' and 'bitch' in english because that's just the best way to translate them, although they're not near as harsh.

>> No.6292633


is that...rick moranis?

>> No.6292638

They just don't know what they are missing!

Good thing I always brought lunch in high school.

>> No.6292712

>What was your very first cosplay?
Tenpou Gensui from Saiyuki Gaiden. It was bad. Very bad. And I was so proud of it too but now I can't look at it without cringing.

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
I was a poorfag so I saved up and bought overpriced knockoff trinkets from Comics Connection (where I used to hang out almost everyday) on my birthday. Those were the best presents I ever had.
Also, I used to run around in bad yukata knock-offs that were made in Thailand, it was rtied right to left and were in really obnoxious colours.
Best thing would be that I was so happy with my best friend with our ~Japanese~ names, broken moonspeak and ~totally Japanese~ mannerisms.
It died down when I overheard some girls squealing about some keychain and thought that they sounded really retarded and realised that I sounded exactly the same.

>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
I'm still a huge fan of Minekura Kazuya's work, I've read almost everything that she's done, not just Saiyuki anymore. Speaking of Saiyuki, the characters have grown, the story is fucking awesome, the artwork is much better than it was in 2001 (Reload and Gunlock do not count). I wait for the new twice-monthly chapters eagaerly. I'm re-cosplaying Tenpou so I can do a side by side comparision pic and laugh.

>> No.6292739

But... I never cosplayed... I don't belong here

I will be leaving promptly

>> No.6292769

I never had a bad weeaboo stage. Sure, I watched Naruto, but I didn't act weird about it. And I tried to stop my friends from being weird, too.

>> No.6292773

Oh, I forgot to mention that I still actually watch Naruto. I really like to have a mindless shonen anime to watch when bored.

>> No.6292900
File: 32 KB, 600x319, yayahan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was your very first cosplay?
I tired to cosplay Auron. I like to think that I tried to be accurate, but I just didn't have the skill/knowledge I do now, so I just looked awful.

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
I didn't do anything awful really. I was shy and paranoid around most people, so that kept whatever weeb tendencies I had in check. Hygiene was average for a teen, mutated into a mallgoth, and had it in my head that I was going to be a ~*manga artist*~. I hoarded how to draw books and manga like it was going out of style. I also bought cat ears, one surprisingly nice lolita skirt, and awful lace monstery accessories to go with it. I think the best thing was that I was able to make friends with a lot of different groups of people, or at least got along with them well enough that we talked outside of class. High school was a lot less relaxed about "weird people" than junior high was; god that was a nightmare fest.

>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
I got into things like Ranma 1/2, Saiyuki, Trigun Cowboy Bebop, basically anything that was good that ran on Toonami. My tastes have changed since then, but I'd still like to get back into the fandoms that have continued. I still have the cat ears I bought years ago and wore them with a coord recently. They're pretty cute when they're not covered in beads and fur.

>> No.6293125

The MCR fandom are batshit insane. Some random fan licked Frank's face at a meet and greet. Their manager almost stopped them from ever doing meet and greet again.

I was one of the ones who was in love with Mikey, and wrote endless shitty slashfic about Mikey/Frank, Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Gerard, Mikey/Frank/Gerard... it was awful. My friend and also also did an acid-fic about them, which we still talk about because we still find it hilarious. We painted they guys as these valley girl cheerleaders cum stoners who said "duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude" and "like" in every sentence. I even handed that shit in as English homework. xD

>> No.6293130

hannah... is that you?

>> No.6293137

I would laugh at you but... I can totally relate. I actually still have a small crush on Mikey.
I mean...those cheekbones. Hubba hubba.

>> No.6293179

>what was my very first cosplay??
i only got into cosplay relatively recently, i crossplayed as hatsune miku last year, it went allright.

> worst thing about weeb days??
in all honesty i never went crazy weeb because i found Encyclopedia Dramatica when i started getting heavy into my japanese anime, turning up at college one day and telling my lecturer i would rather live in japan than here (UK) was the worst it got for me, then ED's weeaboo page scared me off.

> other than my vocaloid stuff which i'm admittedly very hardcore about i dont really follow the things i was into otherwise as a weeb naruto, bleach, FF etc. but i still occasionally go back to disgaea now and then.

>> No.6293180

> L from Death Note. It was pretty horrific.
How do you get that wrong?

>> No.6293186

Haha, I don't have crushes on them anymore, but I still think they're sweet. I saw them about a year ago - they're all getting middle aged and podgy. It's kinda adorable. :3

That said, Mikey really does have fantastic cheekbones.

>> No.6293210

Pretty sure my weeb days were in middle school and early high school. By the time I was a junior/senior in high school, I had really stopped with a lot of the anime stuff.

But my crowning weeb moment was following a guy around that I liked saying 'Chii' with panties on my head because he liked Chobits....

My first cosplay was technically Alastair Crowley from the Nightmare Creatures game. First cosplay I wore to a con was Rosiel from Angel Sanctuary, in his grey pajama thingy from the OVA.

Best moments? Meeting people and forming lasting friendships/relationships. Hell, even the ones that didn't last were experiences. Cons now are more networking and getting professional contacts, but still tons of fun.

I will go back and watch old shows. I'm one of those "these darn kids have no idea what they missed" people and don't keep up with new stuff.

>> No.6294446
File: 128 KB, 800x505, 1327462188296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst Weaboo moment(s); I used to wear a pair of orange shades and a red trench coat to school everyday thinking I was vash the stampede

Best; Used to very well known as a community activity planner for a unnamed anime forum, we had some VERY epic parties and meet ups, but in the end everyone moved on to do their own things, get married and the like

first legit cosplay; Cid Highwind

still follow: The ah my goddess and Bleach mangas, till the very end, even if Bleach is starting to get really random and not follow a story anymore.

>> No.6294681

The worst was probably in middle school-freshman year. Had my Inuyasha bag and a jacket with Kakashi on the back for about four years.

Now, in college, it's all Avengers and X-Men and Doctor Who and Harry Potter.

>> No.6294708
File: 227 KB, 600x494, 1344739255260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was your very first cosplay?
L. With boobage, shirt that showed my asscrack when I sat, smudgy Halloween makeup, and limpy, unstyled hair. Also I was a landwhale, so that made it worse.

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
I constantly doodled animu in art class. Since I was still pretty good at art despite that, my teacher saw my potential and personally recommended me to a college art program. I went, but wasted that opportunity since I didn't care about learning foundations.

Best thing was that since I was an attention whore, I doodled constantly. Drawing almost everyday made me improve my art to be noticeable.

Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
Nope. I still read Ranma 1/2 fics, though, but for pic related now.

>> No.6294801

Ahh the weaboo phase... I think 90% of us really go though it.

I think the worst I ever had it was bringing a YuGiOh Duel Disk to school, my group played YuGiOh, so I wanted a way to keep my cards handy. I was already looked at like a nerd, so I was at the point I didn't give 2 shits about what anyone thought.

The best was probably the fact that Sailor Moon got me a pretty sexy girlfriend in Highschool, so it was worth it.

My first cosplay was Shinji Ikari... just his normal outfit... the slacks and white shirt... I actually became a rule at Atomic Comics out in Phoenix that "Plain Clothes Shinji Ikari does not count as Cosplay."

These days I barely follow Anime.. I revisit the classics, Iria: Zierim the Animation, Guyver, M.D. Giest. Macross and Mobile Suit Gundam... stuff like that. And I still love me some Sailor Moon.

>> No.6298499

bump for moar

>> No.6298521

>implying Female-Ranma/Akane isn't the best lemon.

>> No.6298533

>What was your very first cosplay?
Female Ranma, but the one from the comic, who didn't have red hair. Nobody really understood who I was, except for one person who thought I was cross-playing man Ranma. The rest of the people would just yell "HEY DUO!" ...*sigh* The costume was pretty bad...

>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
Worst thing, arm warmers. I would cut the legs off of jeans and crudely sew them so that I could run around with those flapping around on my arms. ttly lyk inuyasha, gaiz! I know, stupid. The best thing was not being alone in that, though. Having friends willing to be total weird little shits with me was awesome.

>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
Not really. I was in to pretty much any shoujo manga I could get my grubby little hands on. I don't care for them much at all anymore. Sometimes I'll flip through them for kicks, but I don't think I can handle seriously reading about kawaii air-heads anymore.

>> No.6298568

God that takes me back.

>> No.6298572

I was a really quiet and fairly mild weeb. No smelliness or loudness or poor fashion sense. But man oh man did I write a crapton of self-insert fanfics. Lucky for me, I never had the gall to post them online, so they never saw the light of day. But jeez, I had some weird-ass fics involving my mary-sue self with characters from Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Phantasia idek. I recently rediscovered them and couldn't even get past the first paragraph without feeling waves of embarrassment for my past self.

>> No.6298579
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 557556_268782073241138_653312380_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was your very first cosplay?
Light from Death note and fuck was it awful.
I dyed a blond party wig brown, and used an awful suit from the thrift shop and scrawled 'DEATH NOTE' on my notebook.
I'm cringing just thinking about it.
>What's the worst thing you remember about your weeb days? Best thing (if any)?
Oh no, this is where the crushing embarrassment comes in.
There was a Japanese transfer student at my school, and FUCK was I obnoxious to him. I remember asking him things like "Which an-eee-maaay do you like??? Do you read mauyn-guhs? WHAT?? You don't?? BUT YOU'RE JAPANESE!"
I think I asked him if he was gay too, because 'all Japanese boys are bishi yaois!!!'
>Do you still watch/read/follow things you did when you were in your weeb stage?
I dont watch any of my old weeb obsession anime, sometimes I'll rewatch an episode of Death Note or two, but that's it.
I still use "Kawaii/Itai--!/Onii-chan!/Nya~n/Itadakimasu!" totally unironically, and go outside in seifukus and cat ears.
I'm sorry, world.

>> No.6298622

I never did the "call me -chan/-kun" routine but admittedly I always wished I had a cute nickname. I think I vaguely remember that when I was around 11-12 I asked people to call me Neko because it was so kawaii~

I also spouted out insults at my bullies in broken Japanese when they made fun of me. They just stared at me with the "are you fucking kidding us" look and even after I got over my weeb phase and learned to hide my powerlevels they still made fun of me for that.

When I was like 11 I also added "oro" after my every sentence because of Kenshin, but thankfully it didn't last long. I also did the sailor moon "tsuki ni kawatte" routine in public and pissed off my friend because she was so embarrassed. I never understood why, I was just being myself! Right?

>> No.6298637

I still do shit like this too, I can't sneeze normally, and i cant drink anything hot without holding the bottom. My first text to anyone is nya~ and i always end shit with vowels (huh?=hu? wait=way no=nu) stuff like that. ...and im male....mostly

>> No.6298657

I wanted to move to Japan mostly so I'd never have to see another nigger again

>> No.6298722

>mfw I read more manga than /a/ ever can and will.


>> No.6298725

You know there are real Africans who solicit there right? You think car salesmen are bad.

>> No.6298730

Shiiit, I live near detroit hun, as long as it's not 70% niggers trying to rob me, I'll be happy

>> No.6298733

Quit being a poorfag in a shitty area weeaboo.

>> No.6298734

I'm trying t_t
any chance you'll let me stay with you?

>> No.6298736

No, I'm engaged.

>> No.6298743

What if I kill him? Then can I? But only after Youmacon, yanno.