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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 20 KB, 484x192, lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6286845 No.6286845[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She lies about the littlest things.

>> No.6286851
File: 16 KB, 578x312, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the anon sent her on Tumblr. Not "hurrdurr you need to buy some how to draw books because you art is terrible!"

>> No.6286858
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>> No.6286860
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>> No.6286866
File: 16 KB, 204x320, kidsthesedays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that the fanpage creator sent her that when the person who sent it couldn't even spell the tumblr name right

>> No.6286867

is this what you guys do? Just talk about other women that you hate and try to get other people to hate them too? This board is stupid. There aren't even any tits. You guys are all fat.

>> No.6286872


>> No.6286877
File: 12 KB, 338x109, nyaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6286880
File: 82 KB, 311x311, 8jn2PmBx1qe0tyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /cgl/.

>> No.6286883

Now picturing Ashley as a Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girl.

>> No.6286908

Has she said anything else about her classes? Other than the failed test, that is.

>> No.6286911


80% of the boards are tits fuck off

>> No.6286937

Nothing except mentioning that she was trying not to laughing during class on a Tumblr reblog post.

>> No.6286945
File: 31 KB, 638x317, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this exact thing at least a dozen times in my childhood and I can still draw a straight line.

>> No.6286952

Jeeeeeeeze, no wonder everybody likes to troll this porky sausage.

>> No.6286956

>My fingers are fat because I slammed them in a door!

>> No.6286959

>I slammed a door on my fingers

Been there done that
And my hands are working fin

>> No.6286964

You have fins!? :O

>> No.6286968

Psst I'm a dolphin but don't tell anyone

>> No.6286989
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>> No.6286994
File: 65 KB, 482x541, revolt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another explanation for everything from the great Ashley mind.

>It's a good thing my brother has cancer!
>My mom said that, not me!

>Anyone who hates my nail art has to be trashy black girls or asians that hate working in nail salons.
>My friend said that, I just thought it was funny and repeated it!

>That's not toothpaste in the sink, the sink is just marbled!

>The kids back at school only hated me because they were jealous of my size-D tits!

>Those are workout lines!

>> No.6286998
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>> No.6286999
File: 134 KB, 429x381, bitch plz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked up fingers, srsly, this kid

I have an early onset of arthritis in 2 of my fingers on my right hand (middle finger and pinky). My middle finger has that trademark contracture and swelling. While it does hurts whenever I try to properly hold a pen/pencil, I can still write nicely, and draw a fucking ozm line.

>> No.6287002
File: 32 KB, 520x558, ICANT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight. She some how managed to slam the door on both of her hands in one go and because of that she now has deformed hands?

>> No.6287008

>this calls for "pics or it didnt happen"

>> No.6287010
File: 349 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m43ienAzWv1rrghhlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not fat, my hands are just deformed!

>> No.6287014

They look fine to me, just FAT.

>> No.6287012

On it. Heavens knows she has enough pictures of her nail art available to find a decent one.

>> No.6287017
File: 425 KB, 570x580, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't get enough asspats on Facebook so she copy+pasted onto Deviantart.

>> No.6287021
File: 105 KB, 900x600, dragon_tattoo_2__by_asherbeeproductions-d5aut4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fingers on my left hand go like this
THumb”:Turns inside lightly
Pointer: closer to the middle finger
Middle: Is crooked and the top joint is going farther to the left
Ring: normal
pinky: turning into the right

>> No.6287026

As a history teacher, this makes me want to cry, because I'm sure her teacher gave her the correct info. She was probably too busy browsing tumblr and just heard what she wanted. Also, there is a history portion on the GED. How the hell did she manage to pass that not knowing wtf the difference between the Constitution and Declaration of Independence was?

>> No.6287031
File: 183 KB, 900x1350, o___my_glub_38d_by_asherbeeproductions-d52255r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right hand is like this
Thumb: normal
Pointer: twisting to the left
Middle: It juts out like when you jut out your hips doing a pelvic thrust
Ring: Does the same thing as the middle
Pinky: Is shaped like a thumb instead of an actual pinky.

>> No.6287032

The only thing I'm seeing is a slightly wonky middle finger. Otherwise they just like sausage hands.

>> No.6287036
File: 9 KB, 520x222, thankyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Don't tell her about Downton Abbey! She'll watch it now just because she thinks she's missing something!

>> No.6287039

My fingers are more messed up than hers are.

>> No.6287045

Nah, I don't think she will. I watch it and I've seen the fanbase; she wouldn't want to be apart of it because there really isn't a way she could be come popular from it.

>> No.6287052

I haven't really looked into the fanbase yet but it's an amazing show. Then again Ashley doesn't seem to like any British shows, thankfully.

>> No.6287057

so sad, because I'm pretty sure that the almost all US schools shove an ass ton of the short US history down our throats for 13 or so years

>> No.6287114
File: 72 KB, 516x396, weird hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287119
File: 4 KB, 120x120, Combinehahaohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that pretty much explains why all her 'crafts' are total shit

>> No.6287125
File: 166 KB, 467x500, 1337012688348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We've been laughing at her all this time, but she's physically disabled.

>> No.6287130

So why can't you girls just ignore her?

Do you personally know her? See her often? Is she a coworker?

Why in the fuck do you care so much.

You are just giving her more of the attention she wants.

>> No.6287135

I do personally know her... I think she's a bit slow in the head, honestly.

>> No.6287140

because it's fun and funny

>> No.6287143

>there is a history portion on the GED

What? There wasn't one on mine, unless they've added history since 2008? All I remember was reading, writing, and math.

>> No.6287144

I really just want to shove my hands right in front of her face and yell at her "Look at my hands! When I was little, I've had my hands slammed in car doors, house doors, smashed between I don't know how many objects and have even had the nails come of from from how the were smashed and my hands look and work fine."
From all the pictures she's posted, her hands are fine other than they fact that she's so over weight. Bitch needs to stop making up so many stories.

>> No.6287149

You know those horrible traffic accidents you encounter on the highway every now and then? You know deep down you shouldn't look and keep your eyes on road, but you look anyways? Ashley is a lot like that.

>> No.6287154

I took mine in 2008 and I had a history portion.

>> No.6287155



Will the day where she actually get a sense of self-criticism and responsibility ever come cgl?

>> No.6287157

I took the test earlier this year and it had Math, reading, writing, science and simple social studies like stuff about presidents, but that's it.

>> No.6287171

dude, my hands got fucking plastered and run over by rollerblades and broken and shit. I draw just fine.

>> No.6287191
File: 35 KB, 368x533, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287196

So, fyeahasherbee is having a minor spat with Ashley at the moment...

>> No.6287198
File: 18 KB, 398x343, ba dum tss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually have an acute case of bowel hands.

Everything she touch turns to crap

>> No.6287203
File: 16 KB, 513x275, baaaakaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bunch of capitalized words
Definitely Ashlee.

>> No.6287224
File: 21 KB, 256x256, 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you.

>> No.6287239

She's going to use an aerosol can... to do airbrush makeup with? What

>> No.6287247

The fuck? I have shaky hands as well but I can still draw a moderately appropriate line. God, she will just give ANY excuse to any problem she might have.

>> No.6287259

Maybe it varies from state to state? I'm in California and there is a social studies portion which includes some basic US history.

>> No.6287262

>The GED Tests are a series of five tests with questions covering reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, and science.
She has no excuse; Virginia GED tests also have a social studies portion. She's just a dumbass.

>> No.6287268

Yeah that screams Ashley's writing.

>> No.6287277

>Romney you’re the biggest fucking idiot. It’s our god damn body >< So shut up you man with two penis’s!

Jesus fuck. You know she would be in the remedial English course at college if she took a useful class this semester. I can't fathom how she even passed her GED.

>> No.6287286

Wow. I went to the fyeah tumblr and read everything on the front page. Jesus Christ it all screams of Ashley trying to whiteknight herself but I'm getting a nice chuckle on how the blog-runner is handling it. Kudos to you, blog owner.

>> No.6287298
File: 130 KB, 730x1095, tumblr_mb7n8tHwtM1ri4zoro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287309

I took mine in Florida. The entire test was a joke, but the history part was pretty much reading a passage and answering questions about it.

>> No.6287321


> Typing in *actions*
> Imitating greentext
> On Facebook
> "Nyaaaaaaahhhh ><"

Holy fuck I want to slap her repeatedly in her fat face until I slap her disgusting blackhead-riddled nose and massive hippo chin right off.

>> No.6287324




>> No.6287325

Yea, too bad the 'white knight' is me and not Ashley.
I'm just getting really sick and tired of seeing all these damned threads on cgl.

I know you guys think shes a great train wreck to watch, but PT is back. Go to her.

>> No.6287326

I think I'm working her a bit guis. Sooo close to getting those facebook names's.
>omg if ashley says a thing about me I'm taking her to the police!

>> No.6287328

>I'm not a huge gaping cunt I swears
>I don't devote my time to this tumblr for /cgl/ I swears
>please like me seagulls..

>> No.6287330

I follow both PT threads and Asherbee. PT isn't an entertaining as she used to be. But why is it okay for me to go to PT and not Ashley? Why don't all the PT threads bother you? It's the same damn concept, just with another person.

>> No.6287331

You're a tad bit annoying.

>> No.6287329


A great deal of people here personally know her. The reason she's such a /cgl/ spotlight at all is because all of the people that knew her in real life came out of the woodwork to tell us horror stories about her shitty costumes and getting her mother to extort money from her "friends"

>> No.6287333

>I forgive you though because that’s what Jesus would want me to do. God bless you.

This part made me laugh so hard.

>> No.6287334

Because PT is too far to save. She seems honestly delusional.
This girl is still young, and still might be able to pull her head out of her fantasy life and become relativity normal.

I don't /like/ the PT threads either, but I don't think she can/wants to be helped either.

>> No.6287337

Oh how you do go on!
>implying everyone else isn't.
>I juss wandah feet en.

>> No.6287340

I was wondering when you were going to show up.

>> No.6287342

If you don't like a thread, remove yourself from it. Whining, bitching and miming at other seagulls just makes you look immature, and proves that you're no better than the people you're whining about.

>> No.6287346

The whole thread is whining and bitcing. Never said my posts were different. But do tell me more about how you feel, maybe ill listen to you!

Didn't mean to make you wait.

>> No.6287351

Because that would take a soul.

>> No.6287349

Wow, no, I totally get why no one likes you.
Why aren't you doing something constructive instead of this?

>> No.6287360

>not refuting my response
>must try new angle
Because these dramawhores don't want constructive. No one in this thread does.
All they want is TUFFLAHVE

>> No.6287367

I'd like you to close your laptop and find something better to do.
(I actually would like to see a lot of /cgl/ do this, but I think the asshole intent on being a pain to the rest of the board should really start first.)

>> No.6287376

this is why I come to /cgl/

>> No.6287377

Its cute how you think I'm different from anyone in this thread. but I think ill stay, they love me after all. One girl even got the diggums smacks frog tattoo in my honor!

>> No.6287381

>People have tried to help her Diggums, she just refuses to take advice.

>> No.6287387

Never assumed you were less bitchy. I think you're the one who deliberately attached a name to yourself in order to come in day after day after day to harass people in one particular set of threads.
Seriously. Think that one through.

>> No.6287391
File: 6 KB, 498x108, dawg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought her dog died? Or was that a different pet?

>> No.6287394

That was her cat.

>> No.6287396

>stuffing all those words into my post
No, y'all don't want to help her. Y'all just wanna call her fat, a liar, whatever. Which is fine, don't mind me.
But don't lie to yourselves
> a few anons tried to assist

>oh the frustration everytime I show up.
>I can taste it.

>> No.6287400


>> No.6287401


I don't know what all you fuckers are doing wrong. But I've been talking with her, and when I give her advice, she takes it to heat.

>> No.6287402

/cgl/ - Gossip Girls

>> No.6287407

Day after day? These threads aren't made that often since they get deleted. As far as harass, you may want to get off the internet mr. Sensitive if you can't handle someone disagreeing with you.
I belong in this thread just as much as slootbagels does.

>> No.6287412


>> No.6287415

I don't care if you disagree with me. I just find you to be rather pathetic, and it's rather saddening to watch someone reduce themselves to the level of a 13 year old boy in the class he doesn't like. You're allowed to be here as much as the next person, but seriously: Why?
What are you into? Cosplay? Go work on something! A wig, a costume. Lolita? Hop on Polyvore and design for coords. Sew something if you can. I've done all of this today. What have you been doing?

>> No.6287421

>design some coords
Whoopsy. Harder to type when you're in pile of thule.

>> No.6287436

Oh my god I couldn't read past the sixth word. Little too preechy there dude. Its still cute that you think ill listen to you. But you may want to take a step back from the internet. You're too sensitive.
Or..are you hitting on me? Stop imagining me in the shower.


>> No.6287440


Have any of those horror stories saved?

>> No.6287439

Not sure how true that Romney post was, but I am curious.

If tampons are unnatural and not meant to be used, what are we supposed to do? Bleed all over ourselves? And if you want to use that reasoning, modern homes, electricity, and water diversion are unnatural too.

>> No.6287451

You realize you're doing exactly the opposite of what you are trying to achieve, right? You being the valiant white knight is just making people dislike her more and more which will cause more threads to spawn about her.

>> No.6287448

So cruel. But no. I just think you need to sit down. I tend to lack the preechiness on a regular basis. It's been a while since I've seen someone so intent on being an ass, though!

It's not true. I was going to fact check it, but the entire post I came across was entirely SOMEONE FACT CHECK THIS and I just can't will myself to do it when all fact checking requires is googling the fucking quote. So they can go without a fact check.
But no, it's not real. I'm unsure where the quote originally came from, however.

>> No.6287450

wait she's against TAMPONS? I thought she meant abortion or some shit.

>> No.6287456

The obvious solution is diapers. Swimming in your own mimzies.
>drooping namefag now so I can blend in again~

>> No.6287458

No no, the post was a supposed (now known to be untrue thanks to Souviet) quote from Romney saying tampons are unnatural blah blah. She reblogged the RESPONSES which were saying how stupid it is. She thinks Romney is a fucking idiot, that was the point of her post.

Ok awesome, thank you. I thought it sounded a little too absurd.

>> No.6287466

I remember originally seeing that on tumblr and a bunch of girls commented saying if they can't have tampons then they're going to roam around bleeding on everything men love until they get them back.
Pretty disgusting a mental image I had.

>> No.6287465

It really is.
For further evidence, I had a friend do the fact check...right after I posted that previous post!

Although I don't blame a lot of tumblr for thinking he did say it. He does say a lot of nonsense.

>> No.6287479

>before I go I'll answer this honestly.
If this is the first time you've seen me post.
I am not on ashleys side. I am not on seagulls side. I honestly wanted to see how seagulls would act if tables were turned.
>do unto others
Which is why I brought up the identity of her bitch friends. Who FLIPPED their shit and other seagulls got riled.
It was out of curiosity- and results were hilarious.
Don't get me wrong though, there are few things about ashlay id agree with. Things I don't agree with ill state. But then sometimes I just want to be annoying.
You all will hate ashley no matter what I do. Saying what I do makes you hate her maor is laughable

>> No.6287540
File: 129 KB, 512x697, yourfailuresarecausingmylungstobleedfromlaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287544

Seriously, why would you not double check to make sure the name is spelled correctly before making it permanent?

>> No.6287547

I almost feel bad for her because she's just so excited and proud; but then I remember that she always fucks up like this.

>> No.6287562

inb4 she claims she dyslexic

>> No.6287571
File: 128 KB, 160x128, 1316465249719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that is just almost too perfect.

>> No.6287579
File: 19 KB, 123x127, 1316486237324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come I don't actually see this in the notes?
did the person who said that delete their post already?
because for me it only has 2 notes...one of them being a like and the other being her posting it

>> No.6287583

Maybe it's because she blocked them? It was fyeahasherbee.

>> No.6287603
File: 67 KB, 410x533, spellcheck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287613

oh god

>> No.6287617

...Someone must create this.

>> No.6287622 [DELETED] 

Ahaha. The excuses and rage when somebody (who isn't blocked) paste's the link to the wikia.

>> No.6287626

Ahaha. The excuses and rage that will follow when somebody (who isn't blocked) pastes the link to the wikia.

>> No.6287632
File: 56 KB, 379x414, spellcheck2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287634

Goddamn. I know I'm late. I figured she actually had something wrong with her hands. I was born missing a lot of joints in my hands and hell, it hurts, but I manage to do anything a person with working hands does.

I fuckin wish I had simply just slammed my hand in a door.

>> No.6287670

has someone pointed this out to her

>> No.6287676
File: 535 KB, 554x475, goggles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg, who did this.

>> No.6287695

What is with her obsession with apostrophes?

>> No.6287699

It's assumed she really doesn't understand how apostrophes and 's' work. Instead of not putting them she puts them on practically every word that ends with 's'.

>> No.6287707


Most of them are up on her Encyclopedia Dramatica article.

But in short:

> Bullied and pressured her friends into getting costume commissions from her
> Literally the worst-looking piece of shit costumes you've ever seen
> Makes her mother harass these girls in order to take their money
> Traces all her art, steals other artist's designs consistently
> Steals cosplay ideas
> Makes her mother force other people into letting her room with them for Cons by attacking them online

There's the whole "Faking suicide for attention" debacle as well but I won't get into THAT.

>> No.6287711

Why does she still have friends? I would've said bye-bye to that friendship after the 1st day.

>> No.6287712

Some people put up with shitty friends. There's a variety of reasons. I've put up with one because I know the falling out would fuck up a lot of shit. Some people are too scared. Some see some good in the person. Etc, etc, etc.

>> No.6287721


Friendships end at money. Either not paying back or in Ashley's case, harassing people to buy her inferior shit. I, literally, see no benefit of being her friend.

>> No.6287768

There isn't. But some people are literally tons more patient with shitty humans than what should EVER be allowed.

>> No.6287797
File: 110 KB, 400x648, 1316456124027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao what a dumb cunt

>> No.6287875

Link to her page? I can't find it.

>> No.6287908
File: 9 KB, 300x314, 1348312142695.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My sides has left the universe.

This is proof of how she just bandwaggon every popular fandom

>> No.6287916
File: 12 KB, 468x425, 1346771475323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH my god...

>> No.6287926

Actually, she wasn't lying, guys. I told her not to start up an ask blog if she couldn't draw shit and that she should buy some how to draw books so she can figure out how to draw.

>> No.6287942

She still has friends because people feel bad for her with all the shit CGL does.

>> No.6287961

You. Do not want to see. Ashley's tits.

Plus, we're not ripping at her out of ~jealously~ like most of the other cases.
She's just damn retarded and it's funny.

>> No.6287977
File: 134 KB, 405x461, j90234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6287980

I think that the term "unnatural" is aiming at how you're shoving something inside you to plug up a natural process.
But there are certain situations when you don't want to use a pad....

There's a lot of unnatural things that humans use, so this isn't a valid thing to screech about anyway.

>> No.6287986

>harassed people into letting her stay during cons
Didn't that only happen once? Also, what cosplay ideas did she steal? That is new news to me.

>> No.6287992

So, basically, the /cgl/ way of dealing with things.

>> No.6288015
File: 210 KB, 656x1080, NYANNEKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me.

>> No.6288066

I like Downton, I love Upstairs Downstairs (the original one, haven't seen the revival series, but it doesn't seem as good). The first season is in B&W and a bit hard to get into, but they cover stuff Downton only glosses over like WWI, Women's Suffrage etc.....many of the storylines are the same.

>> No.6288068



>> No.6288161
File: 64 KB, 640x960, 431765_532436950115347_830791451_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her floor..

>> No.6288176

That's a satire site.

>> No.6288185

looks like you'd catch hepatitis walking around it barefoot.

>> No.6288191

Yeah right.

>> No.6288233

Too skinny. Put more shit in her ruptured colon.

>> No.6288234 [DELETED] 


>> No.6288235

I felt sick to my stomach upon looking at that...

>> No.6288261


its evident in your posts you can't stay focused or read past a few words without giving up, but oh well, i'll try.

you heavily come off as some sort of RPfag, what from the way you write your posts and shit. you've got the huge unnecessary ego going on followed by the "oh hurr hurr im one of my badass anime characters, im such a jerk you guys, i'm definitely right 'cause some fat whale tattooed an overstretched frog on her cankles." oh lord, and the way you "TAHK" "EEZ" RAH-TURDEED", which probably means youre ashley. dont think a troll goes that far and uses faggot talk... only a fat girl.
don't expect a paradigm shift, man, 'cause honestly, noone here cares about AsherCunts or PugTits's feelings. it's either eat or be eaten. this is a jungle of bitchy cougars.

maybe your selena, idk. leave us to indulge in hate threads.

>> No.6288285
File: 27 KB, 600x528, 375032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which probably means youre ashley
Now that I think about it, I believe I've only seen diggums post in Asherbee threads...

>> No.6288300

It's fun isn't it?

>> No.6288317

>thinking the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are the same fucking thing
>Confusing arguably the most important fucking documents in all of American history
>"I know my history!!1!"

SHE LIVES IN FUCKING AMERICA. If I ever see her I will personally bitch slap her upside the head. She does not deserve a college education.

>> No.6288331

Touche. Making it even faker.

>> No.6288335


>> No.6288409

I find it amusing that she doesn't know the difference between the two when she sits there and says stuff like "I LOVE HISTORIE GAIS!" "I KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT HISTORY!" "I FOR SURE KNOW MY HISTORY!" If she loved and knew history like she claims, she should at least know about The Declaration of Independence, but she doesn't.

I wonder if she knows the difference between The Underground Railroad and The Trail of Tears. Some make my day and ask her. Please.

captcha: Let there be ntughly

>> No.6288428
File: 84 KB, 865x480, 1312991814564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell, she's probably one of the bunch that thinks The Underground Railroad was a train that ran underground.

>> No.6288446


It happened AT LEAST once that we know about.

As for stealing costume ideas, an artists on DeviantArt had drawn a Pirate AU of several Hetalia characters, Ashley had seen it, and then she "Designed" a Pirate Latvia cosplay for herself that was a complete ripoff of this other Artist's Pirate Latvia drawings.

She only admitted it when seagulls called her out on it.

>> No.6288461
File: 701 KB, 1016x3257, thief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288476

That was too funny. Really, encore! Wanna know why I don't read these posts? Because you take shit too seriously.
You're so damn guillible its hilarious.
Its like its your day job to sit on your computers and get angry. Want me to pretend to be ashley again for you? Will that excite you?
But no, I won't leave. Ill stay thankyou.
>you did not just believe the tattoo thing..did you?

>> No.6288480

Yea, its the only time I namefag. No point outside of them really.
>I'm the spirit of ashley threads!
I've also already posed as ashley and you guillible dramacunts ate it up.

>leave ashley alone you evil bitch's

>> No.6288490

Oooh, who is Selena?

>> No.6288504

Is reponse to~

Pos phone

>> No.6288546

SelenaScreams is some name/tripfag who came on /cgl/ and created a thread asking what she should cosplay as a way to get attention and asspats. She was also a complete cunt in doing so. Instead of going to the cosplay suggestion thread, like many seagulls told her to and even linked her, she stayed in her thread and tried to prove how much of a bad bitch (aka retard) she could be. You know, so she could totally show us how she was just like us! It appears that she currently shows up in threads and gives a rather dumb opinion on whatever topic it is.

It doesn't help that at the same time her attention whore thread was going a thread helping a polite girl asking for make up advise was happening. Selena being the butthurt cunt that she is, seeing that seagulls like to help polite people and not ugly attentionwhore decided to shit up the polite girl's thread.

To conclude Selena is just a buttmad fat failure who will never be accepted here. She will likely become the new Frances.

Sage for not on topic.

>> No.6288598
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>> No.6288613
File: 124 KB, 948x770, 1344790543039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand the mindset of people trying SO HARD to be an artist/craftsperson but instead of actually trying, just steal other people's ideas. I swear it's a personality trait of people like Ashley in general, especially when the only thing they even mention is "This is MAH OWN ORIGINAL design."

>> No.6289069

Do any of you honestly believe this girl will change?

>> No.6289084

The fyeahasherbee tumblr was bawwwleeted.

>> No.6289091



>> No.6289093


>> No.6289096

Time to make another. Any volunteers?

>> No.6289108


>> No.6289119

Oh wow, haven't used Goggles in forever.
>Added poop.

>> No.6289126

I for one weigh 121 lbs, silly tard. If you want tits go to /b/

>> No.6289172

Does this chick have a ED? Trying to figure out whats going on and 'Asherbee' pulls nothing up.

>> No.6289178


>> No.6289179

search for "luvmonkeys"

>> No.6289182 [DELETED] 

please refer to

>> No.6289226

What do you think Ashlee did with the poop brooch? She never use it in a costume, right?

>> No.6289245

Probably tossed it on the ground with everything else. She only seems to do costumes that will put her with the cool crowd of people so chances are, she never cosplayed with it because she wasn't going to get the attention she craves.

>> No.6289250

Flushed it down the toilet?

Though with how cleanly Assley is, she probably let it fester in the filled toilet bowl for days until flushing.

>> No.6289257

She used it as a dildo.

>> No.6289392
File: 245 KB, 500x335, n70932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6289439

Not sure if this is agreeing with me or not, but like, I legit know someone who is only her friend out of pity for dealing with CGL.

>> No.6289470
File: 319 KB, 218x123, tumblr_lxycmieAK01qkc0d3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry me.

>> No.6289485

Huh, I kind of like playing iSpy with her room cluster. Just seeing how many things I can list off and name.

Needless to say, she is one disgusting slob.

>> No.6289491

NOOOO. PLEASE. NO ONE ASK HER. It will not even be funny. It will be sad and it will make me cry.

>> No.6289499

Isn't this the dog that "broke" her Feferi horns and she threw a huge tantrum at it and hated it? She just seems to get caught up in the moment and never THINKS before she types anything. Which probably explains a lot of the massive back peddling she ends up doing in a lot of her replies.

She's eve had the PT method of trying to get the last word in then go "Blocked~"

>> No.6289512

She was also chasing this dog down the hall and stepped in its shit.

>> No.6289532

liek dis if u cri everytiem

>> No.6289535

Maybe my browser is being retarded, but it looks like she disabled all asks, anon or not.

>> No.6289539

Shows up disabled for me too. It's Ashley so I give less than a week for her to turn them back on. She's loves the attention, even though it's negative.

I actually wonder what would happen if she turned them back on and nobody asked her anything. Like would she make another account and anon herself to get attention and so she can baw?

>> No.6289545

Most people assume she already does this.

>> No.6289703

...and i feel bad for not vacuuming my floor today.

excuse me guys, i think i will go vacuum my floor.

>> No.6289718

I'm getting the same feel... Despite the fact that there's only a small scrap of fabric and a piece of string on the floor.

>> No.6289732

Has anyone told her or brought it up to her that her floor looks disgusting?

>> No.6289745
File: 519 KB, 511x662, ouijasrsbsns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derp, made a thread about this by accident, I'll post it again here.
So now it seems poor Ashley has been haunted by ghosts and spirits.
Someone please ask her about her paranormal experience.

>> No.6289749

She was once afraid of sleeping in her room because she thought it was a portal to hell.

>> No.6289754

>inb4 "I used a Ouija once and a ghost, (like, a naughty one) came to my house and thats why all my costumes's are like, a total fail"

>> No.6289758

What the fuck? Please tell me this is not true.

>> No.6289770

Oh, that one is very true. It was after she "got out of the hospital".

>> No.6289775

After she "tried" to "kill herself" ?
Please tell me it wasn't that time, please tell me she was like 6 years old.

>> No.6289784

Nope. It was after that, Anon. She refused to go in her room to sleep because her room might be the portal to hell or something stupid.
Anyone have a cap?

>> No.6289789

More like she summoned a skeleton that hides in her closet every night now.

>> No.6289796

Somebody should Skeleton Protective Services due to the horrid and unclean conditions that skeleton is living in. I can see the poor skeleton living in closet filled with used rotting fem products, mt. dew cans, with soiled underwear stuck to unfinished and forgotten cosplays.

>> No.6289818

No wonder it's furious at her.

>> No.6289851

Yeah, all of this happened after her hospital visit. She didn't feel safe at all in her room because there was bad juju in there and considered it a portal to hell. This was on top of her trying to gather more sympathy from others after she made the "I REALLY DID IT GUYS" posts and what not.

>> No.6289936
File: 193 KB, 1042x604, 10 years worth of shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only cap I have when it comes to her talking about her room, sorry. But I know as a fact she did talk about how she didn't want to go to her room because it had like a portal to evil shit or something; and that because of that she was sleeping on the couch. (She probably just had so much filth piled up on her bed and didn't want to be bothered with cleaning it off)

>> No.6289974

Is one of her parents a hoarder? Because nobody should be 18 and still have a substantial amount of little kid junk stuffed in their room. No wonder it's a mess.

>> No.6289981

She herself could be bordering on a hoarder. But she could also be stretching the truth.
Example: I just moved recently, and when I went through my bedroom that I had been living in for 9 1/2 years, I found 10-12 year old sketchbooks and notebooks and old holiday stuffed toys and that kind of thing. Tons of them. I threw a lot of shit away. But my room was always fairly organized and clean. So... That may not be what is exactly causing the issue in her bedroom.

>> No.6290023

>replacing some sentimental time honored furniture with made in China crap

>> No.6290024

Clean mind. Clean room. Her room is as disorganized and messy as her mind.

>> No.6290025

Anyone got that pic of the wig she used acrylic paint to color, after it was washed out?

>> No.6290031

EVERY time I see this, I want to throw up a little bit.

>> No.6290088

the thing is.. it's not just childhood memorabilia clogging up ashley's room. it's dirt and trash. i understand people not giving away their old dolls or notebooks for sentimental reasons or because they're just not bothered by them, but i seriously start wondering if ashley ever throws ANYTHING away. those empty cans of mt. dew for example, or those threads on the floor. dust, food wrappers, pieces of paper and hair and fabric and crumbs and ugh. her room isn't messy, her room's filthy. i don't want to imagine what it's like to walk across her carpet. with all those leftovers on the floor you would probably have dinner and a new t-shirt stuck to the soles of your feet if you walked across the room twice.

>> No.6290097

She reads a book or two a day, every year?

>> No.6290112

Of course she does! She's making wonderful progress on Step-In-Reading books. She'll soon be at a second grade level. Just having a bit of trouble with those pesky apostrophes.

>> No.6290165

/cgl/ = Catty Gossiping Lunatics
damn are yall entertaining

>> No.6290258


Some anons and I actually did some math and worked out that her claim was pretty much impossible in a thread ages ago.

Does she think it makes her sound intelligent or some shit? Reading isn't difficult. It's not hard to get through a book.

>> No.6290403
File: 92 KB, 500x362, 1347223108916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with Ashley's obsession with poop?
She stepped in her dog's shit and told the internet about it.
She allegedly has IBS
She likes the idea of ramming objects into a male's shithole ( and possibly her own )
The reason she's so fat is apparently because she's filled with shit
She made a brooch that looked like bubbly shit
She probably has shit on her bedroom floor.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she has a scat fetish.

>> No.6290411
File: 2.68 MB, 480x270, chu-ni-byo-1-092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that did was make me imagine her rubbing her shitty shit all over her walls with her hands, then using the last of that fecal matter to roll all over her floor while rubbing herself in the nude. She'd rub her fat, bulbous blackhead-ridden nose, her three piggy chins, making sure to get under every fat fold that exists on her. All that garbage on the floor would get stuck to her, so she'd be a round shitty garbage monster.

I'm sorry everyone.

>> No.6290412
File: 350 KB, 500x470, 76437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized... she sounds exactly like an ex-friend of mine.
I know it's not her, but the things they talk about plus the manner of speech is similar (save for the dumbass apostrophes).


>> No.6290437
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>> No.6290443
File: 339 KB, 947x722, Animazement and portals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it. It was the holy grail of caps last time too. (It's nestled in-between the Animazement fiasco, which is why it's always so hard to find.)

>> No.6290478
File: 15 KB, 550x309, uh-huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I know from experience that sometimes near death experiences can open up a portal into other dimensions
>I know from experience

>> No.6290483
File: 23 KB, 500x313, oho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it was the poop brooch.

After she realized what an abomination she'd created, she tried to kill herself and failed. The next thing to do was destroy the offending-brooch by hurling it where it belonged: the porcelain throne.
Upon watching the whirlpool of water for the first time, Ashley realized it was a dangerous portal to an unknown dimension and swore to never open the lid of the portal ever again.

The poop brooch is still waiting for her return.

>> No.6290505

I feel disorganized and messy in my life but I keep my room PHRESHHH.

>> No.6290544

Yea ? How many pages did you account for?
Also, I bet she meant mangas. Or those mangas that are made into text books.

>> No.6290563

>I know from experience that death experiences open up portals
Holy shit, she has experience in about anything, right?
Has she said anything about being raped yet? I think she mentioned somethin like that before but I can't quite remember.

>> No.6290568

I may be completely wrong, but did she say it was her mother who tried to rape her?

>> No.6290578

I don't think so, at least I don't remember it that way...
I think it was at a con? I have no clue. Maybe I'm mixing her up with the TeaCat girl.

>> No.6290636
File: 25 KB, 366x240, 1347933930919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking the same thing. She always mentions poop.

>> No.6290651
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>> No.6290671
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>> No.6290831

Tyra had some weird people on her show.

>> No.6290856

I still miss that show. Remember that one time she had to be fat for one day? She cried and she cried about it while her actual fat guests had to console her.

>> No.6290904

I miss it too. I never got to see that episode in its entirety though.

>> No.6290923

Nope. That was another anon. After the whole "suicide attempt", when ash was being all woe-is-me, a few anons went after her. Telling her what it actually means to be suicidal. One of them brought up that she had been raped as a child and actually cutting. then ashley blocked her.

>> No.6290934


I was sort of wondering that myself but I think if she can make the mental connection that the furniture would be too big, and the emotional attachment isn't that big of a deal, it probably isn't. Hoarding is based on emotional attachment most of the time.

>> No.6290937
File: 40 KB, 100x100, 1330793471997.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember back when all of this started, I think there was a cap of her claiming it was someone she was rooming with at a con. It was either her or Amy, her ex-friend who posted all her info for the seagulls, then disappeared after a few crazy skeletons were found in HER closet as well.
Too bad Ashley hasn't been smart enough to drop off the radar like Amy did.

>> No.6290940

Haaaahaha. Holy shit. Really? How did the guests react?

>> No.6290950

Ashley's too much of an attention whore, whereas I guess Amy isn't?

>> No.6291114

I know- that's what I mean that 10 years of childhood crap isn't what is making her room filthy. It's...everything else. Unless she has cans from when she was 8?
So- she's making shit up.

>> No.6291135

any of you ever thought that the fact she makes messes is LEARNED? Mom and dad didn't put their foot down and from other photos it seems the rest of the house isn't all that organized either.

>> No.6291151

of course it's learned but she's old enough to choose to have a clean room

>> No.6291166

Exactly, she chooses not to. Just speculating that shes a hoarder ? Nah. Just a messy girl. Mom and Dad are too soft on her because shes a drama queen.
I just think these things are often over analyzed.

>> No.6291179

Aaaand it's back up, anon and all.

>> No.6291186


Ha. She really just loves the attention, doesn't she

>> No.6291193

according to cgl she'd have 3 mental disorders. not counting the ones she claims to have.
we can't just think of her as a mindless child. she is an adult and she can figure out when her room needs cleaning

>> No.6291220

I personally don't think she has any mental disorder, just that she has special snowflake syndrome and is a shit person.

>> No.6291266
File: 236 KB, 587x336, 1313107481636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really starting to think that attention whoring should be its own mental disorder.

I mean, technically it's the false mindset that you deserve certain attention when in actuality you don't. And then there's the type, such as Ashley, that makes up information for more undeserved-attention.

>> No.6291269

hows pysch class treatin ya?

>> No.6291274

Haven't taken it. I'm just thinking.

>> No.6291297

Yes you have. Don't lie. I can smell a first-timer in a psych class from a mile away.

>> No.6291295


>> No.6291303

Histrionic Personality Disorder? It's basically Attention Whoring and Regular Whoring Up to Eleven.

>> No.6291313


I wouldn't call it a mental disorder.
I would just say that attention whoring is a part of being extremely narcissistic

>> No.6291312

Nice google fu.
But yea, attention seeking has already been established as a MENT-TOOLDISAWRDER

>> No.6291315

If she does have a mental disorder, HPD is most likely. Though there's frequently a preoccupation with physical appearance, and we all know how reluctant Ashley was about doing something about her moustache.

>> No.6291351

About the mustache, I think she took so long to do it because she didn't want to give in/listen to those who were being pretty aggressive towards her.

since we're on topic about ashley, is there a mental disorder for those who feel the need to join in on bullying others? Or are we done speculating?

>> No.6291374

I wasn't actually saying Ashely has HPD. I was answering the "Is attention whoring a mental disorder?". It's not, but there are some that cause/exhibit it, HPD being the best one.

Ashley really only fits the attention whoring bit online. She's a drama queen. She just seems like one of those people that didn't get a lot of attention in high school (cause she's unattractive and annoying as all hell to be around) so now she's basically scrambling to get as much as possible. Also, according to most people who've met her in real life say she's quiet and awkward. Opposite of HPD.

She's just a stereotypical IRL loser who turns to the internet for DRAWWWMA and attention since there's not much in her real life.

>> No.6291383

Nah, that's probably just due to the fact that people like to feel good about themselves, and we do this by comparing ourselves to other people.

>> No.6291391
File: 222 KB, 450x320, tumblr_m8p2obhDjk1r5dapfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since we're on topic about ashley, is there a mental disorder for those who feel the need to join in on bullying others? Or are we done speculating?

>> No.6291525
File: 384 KB, 463x601, 2547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess.

I don't understand how someone can be narcissistic with a face like that but...
That's the world, for you.

>> No.6291532

I wasn't really looking for an answer, just saying we over analyze. Like when anons were trying to say she a disorder for liking abusive shotas.
But just repeating myself here.

>> No.6291547

I'm the ~first-time psychology student~ up there, and I'm just trying to find an explanation for her ridiculous behavior.
I don't want to believe that someone can be so disillusioned and, well, retarded, honestly.

Thank goodness Ashley's doing terrible in college, though, because she'd drive an actual Psychology professor insane.

>> No.6291553

It'd help if I used the proper term for things, but you assholes know what I meant.

>> No.6291555

Ashley (and PT, come to think of it) would be fascinating to study, speaking as a psychology student.

>> No.6291573
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 8697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to read an essay that she wrote.

>> No.6291618

There are far for interesting case studies than ashley

>> No.6291683

> Ashley's doing terrible in college

I know she failed a test in one of her two classes, and sorta weirded out her teacher. Has she said anything else about her classes sense these?

>> No.6291704

Doesn't she only have two classes though?

And two bullshit ones at that.

>> No.6291774

*far more

>> No.6291779
File: 706 KB, 1280x851, woah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, she's fuckin' huge.
Especially compared to other people, dang.

>> No.6291791


I'm sorry guys, I really am, but I've tried to understand this whole Homestuck thing. I've Googled it, tried that one website, and didn't understand the craze. What did I miss so I can understand the hate/love for the thing?

>> No.6291795

>size 10

how bout no

>> No.6291796
File: 442 KB, 1280x851, it's a whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have more pictures from this photoshoot? There was a link on the FB post on tumblr, but I think it's private.

>> No.6291798

lol she's in the very back.

>> No.6291815

I feel like she's been the kid that's always been picked last in gym class.

>> No.6291818

Reading it and deciding for yourself?

>> No.6291820

oh gosh that's a really horrifying face she's making.

Captcha: Andicka CONSUMING

>> No.6291826

1. Constant quick updates
2. Vast amount of characters
3. Easy to understand humor and writing
4. Simple art that encourages fanart interpretation
5. Encouraged audience participation/fandom
6. Expansive world/universe

If you have all six it's highly likely you'll develop a following no matter what. It'll take at least a year, but after that (provided nothing extreme happens) then something will eventually click.

>> No.6291827

Well yeah. Would you want her on your kickball team?

>> No.6291841


did she create her own tiara? because if she did i'm genuinely impressed.

>> No.6291850



only thing she did was paint on that white stuff on the jewel in the middle

>> No.6291855


Apparently it's one from Party City

>> No.6291859


I'm trying to go through the beginning again and reading it all. It's just kind of nonsensical boring-ness.

>> No.6291861


thanks, i knew it was too quality to be true. at least she didn't try to make it and end up with a pile of shit, i guess...

>> No.6291870

Yeah you can see them at Spirit Stores as well as Party City now. It's Grecian crown that she bought and bought a pink/purple looking stone that she painted[messily] the Pisces symbol on top.

>> No.6291872

Ssaaame. I tried reading it about five times now. Just had my fiance describe it. But he discourages homestuck and tells me to read hussies other stuff.

>> No.6291920
File: 205 KB, 639x960, 603326_4487287467688_1941933321_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6291926
File: 175 KB, 960x639, 523239_4487375709894_529697747_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6291930
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>> No.6291935
File: 75 KB, 960x639, 47110_4487340469013_962599357_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6291936

Dear Lord. She's so fat that she's about to completely lose her neck.

>> No.6291937
File: 225 KB, 960x639, 150101_4487353469338_1231535285_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6291940
File: 173 KB, 960x639, 254553_4487364469613_604244931_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6291942
File: 74 KB, 362x344, 1349125523923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>splotches everywhere

>> No.6291951

She's. Huge.

>> No.6291957

Oh this isn't flattering at all

>> No.6291958

Holy shit her legs are like normal sized and everything else is massive. what.

>> No.6291960

Her shirt is like a fucking dress.
Why did she ever thought that looks good?

>> No.6291973


It really is awful. Like really awful

I don't understand her body shape at all

>> No.6291981

I love the emotion from the blonde girl. Ashley just as the sense of "OUR BOOBIESS WILL TOUCCCHH" but her tummeh goes farther than her bewbs..

>> No.6291984

mm. nevermind, looking at this photo again. she looks like she wanted a high powered chest bump...ashley just jetted her tits at her..

>> No.6292023

I think if Ashley had really gone full force like the blonde girl did, poor blonde kid would be on the ground.

>> No.6292034

I wonder if she bundled her hair up to try and hide the 'typo' she made on her shirt.
The Dave looks so very awkward. I sincerely hope Ashley bathed for this meeting.

>> No.6292042

I cannot fucking tell who 50% of the cosplayers are supposed to be. And I LOVE Homestuck.

I mean yeah, definitely don't go out in public in grey paint and horns. But these are just embarrasingly terrible. Ashlee is by far the worst one there but NONE of them are any good at all anyway.

Lazy Humanized Trolls are some of the worst fucking things. I can only make educated guesses at who anyone (except the Beta & Alpha kids) is supposed to be because I already know which Trolls dream on Prospit and which dream on Derse.

This shit is bad and everyone involved in it should feel bad.

>> No.6292059

They're supposed to be cosplaying?

>> No.6292071

I love blond kid here; is it just me or is blond kid really cute and energetic? I feel bad for her being stuck there with Ashley when she seems pretty legit. More of this girl.

>> No.6292088

oh my god i feel bad for this dave..

>> No.6292094

It looks like her bra is really far down in this pic.

>> No.6292102

I'm a little late to the convo, but I have a hook/grabby claw for a hand, and I can draw a fucking straight line with it. I have this nice little adapter that holds the pen for me.
So this bullshit about not being able to draw a straight line because she got her fingers caught in a door is, well, bullshit.

>> No.6292104

I think it's just fat girl tits, and she doesn't ever seem to be wearing the right bra size (or at least have the straps tightened properly).

>> No.6292116

I think you're right. I remember in every one of her Feferi pictures she took, her straps were falling down and her breasts continuously looked saggy and perched on top of her stomach.

>> No.6292120

At least her gut is stopping them from sagging further.

>> No.6292138

It looks like they actually did sports stuff. I can understand people not wanting to run around covered in paint. I don't think it was an attempt at SERIOUS COSPLAY, nor should it be judged as such.

>> No.6292206
File: 17 KB, 460x92, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a bit late to the party, Ash.

>> No.6292216

Lol damn how long ago did we say this?

>> No.6292225

Hurry, someone go ask her on tumblr if they're tampons.

>> No.6292247
File: 3 KB, 505x62, ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's because you are fat as fuck.

>> No.6292273

She says she's doing Halloween inspired make up and is asking for "idea's". I told her that I'd send her ideas after she learns to use an apostrophe. I've never sent anything to her before this. Have I finally turned?

>> No.6292274

That dave wants to be the fuck out of there.

How'd they make those really nice clean lines, anyway? Screenprinting or something?

>> No.6292281
File: 44 KB, 496x384, 130746498081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. Whoever just posted about the apostrophe thing to her tumblr: I literally just told her to be a giant apostrophe attached to an 's' for Halloween.


>> No.6292286

That was me. >>6292273

She's gettin' mad.

>> No.6292292

Sorry I didn't even see your first post I was too weirded out by the coincidence to do anything apart from post.

Are you me?

>> No.6292295

Yes. I am you.

>> No.6292296

is there any way to disable that fucking globe thing she's got on her tumblr
i'm on a shit laptop and it basically makes her everything lag to death

>> No.6292302
File: 51 KB, 522x252, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, you guys!

>> No.6292310

Any of a million firefox extensions.

>> No.6292315
File: 212 KB, 601x518, 1346711726016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6292321
File: 17 KB, 478x357, 418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6292323

>"Hey, Girl with one Eye~"

Is this a reference to something or is Ashlee trying to be deep?

>> No.6292326

It's a reference to a song by Florence and the Machine called "Girl with One Eye".

>> No.6292333

adblocker wouldnt work with it so i wasn't sure what would

>> No.6292346

This should work.

>> No.6292349
File: 22 KB, 504x424, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6292352

She's going to come out as a fakeboi soon I bet

>> No.6292356

Ahahahah oh my god. I'm pretty sure one of the main reasons she's going off about her name is because I sent her an ask saying "Wow I'm surprised you typed "asses" instead of "ass's"! I'm proud of you, Ashley. You're finally growing up. :')"

What an idiot.

>> No.6292357


Oh my god I cannot hold all of these total lies

>> No.6292360

thank you kind anon

>> No.6292361


I sent an ask almost exactly like that except mine said that she really does know how to make things plural. She never replied.

>> No.6292364

How the fuck can you be "spiritually abused"? It makes me imagine that some witch doctor put a curse on her with a voodoo doll or something.

>> No.6292370

Well, she has had experience with ouija boards and that portal in her room. She'd know what it's like to be spiritually abused more than anyone.

>> No.6292374

Are you >>6292295
Because I am >>6292281

If this is the second time we've had the same thought I will be completely convinced that we are the same person.

>> No.6292375

Who is this spookyhams that keeps noting her posts?

>> No.6292379

Yeah, that was me again. We must be the same person.

>> No.6292390

What was the point of saying that she hurt herself in front of a friend?

>> No.6292395

Okay. What. Now, this is just getting freaky.
We totally ~have~ to be besties now. We're too similar not to be.

>> No.6292404

I think we're already besties.

>> No.6292419
File: 28 KB, 171x158, 1333684415111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... don't know if I should be frightened and creeped out or feel some other sort of emotion.

>> No.6292432

Embrace it. We are one.

>> No.6292456

Well okay, if you insist.
Let's be penpals now so we can share in our love/hate for Ashley's horrible punctuation~

>> No.6292494

Oh yes, let's.~ I'm sure many great conversations will be had.

>> No.6292539

Well okay, here's my email. I eagerly await the glorious conversations that we are bound to have~

>> No.6292557
File: 69 KB, 640x960, srsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what're you doing.

>> No.6292560

Fucking hell. The images of the >>6291779
>>6291796 just showed up on my tumblr dash and all I can see now is Ashley's, sorry, Ash's gut hanging out.

>> No.6292568
File: 37 KB, 637x359, wtfno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think one out of every four kids on the internet under the age of 18 are having bullshit gender dysphoria. Is this the new ADD/aspergers?

also lol spiritual abuse

>> No.6292572

Uh, what is this masterpiece for?

>> No.6292577

Rainbow Dash.

>> No.6292593

Dear god no.
There are enough fat, awkward losers in the MLP fandom, we don't need more.

>> No.6292605

Well, she'll fit right in.

>> No.6292630

Think she'll go the shorty shorts and tank top route? Her tits and ass will be hanging out.

>> No.6292635

Should a new thread be started?

The pictures she showed of after she washed out the acrylic paint was a wig that looked barely pastel colored.

>> No.6292640

Not if she fucks up her RainbowDash cosplay, which we all know is inevitable

Seriously, she needs to just give up..

>> No.6292662

Does the MLP fandom get mad about fucked up costumes? I have no clue what they're like.

>> No.6292667

Not even bronies want to hang out with her.
That's just sad.

>> No.6292675

They love to preach about "love and tolerance" but they can be just as bitchy as the rest of /cgl/ at times.

Her RD certainly won't win her many friends I can tell you that much.

>> No.6292801
File: 93 KB, 269x329, tumblr_m65hbocUZa1qmt2s0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what stick got stuck your asses.

>> No.6293115


new thread

>> No.6293213

Goddamn, samefag, we get it.

>> No.6293557
File: 460 KB, 220x132, 1316471197702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so because she was bullied and shit and hurt herself a ton of times she's gender confused?
oh my god
I just can't even handle this bitch anymore
I've heard of some stupid excuses for becoming a fakeboi out of nowhere but this one takes the cake

>> No.6293994
