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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 62 KB, 638x960, MASAOANDPANTSUEUREKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6282405 No.6282405 [Reply] [Original]

Masao and Pantsu are got engaged.

Rumors say Pantsu is pregnant. Shotgun wedding is soon to follow.

This is bigger than Densha Otoko guys.

>> No.6282412

couple of the year 8888
lets make them cgl's king and queen

>> No.6282421
File: 87 KB, 762x624, 1292121064696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is...Pantsu?
Oh god. Woof.

>> No.6282430
File: 22 KB, 280x350, 1345959924225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew what Pantsu looked like..
Too bad the photo is very unflattering.

.. Good luck to them both.

>> No.6282447
File: 78 KB, 540x960, 529991_10150998131884599_1688925518_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this more flattering?
lol she's the grudge

>> No.6282479

If the camera wasn't so shaky, actually yeah.. that would be a more flattering one.
Especially since Masao has his eyes closed in OP's pic.

>> No.6282489

Is she still "Japanese"?

>> No.6282491

>Masao and Pantsu are got engaged.
>are got
What the flying fuck, OP. Go back to school.

>> No.6282504

I bet their child's name is going to be something kawaii and nippon or an amalgamation of their names.

>> No.6282510

Oh look, the pedophile and the slutty whore that toyed with men til she found a sugar daddy.

This will go GREAT.

>> No.6282512



They actually look kinda cute in OP's pic, but I just don't like Pantu's Eureka wig.

>> No.6282515 [DELETED] 


Ma pantsu ?

They actually look kinda cute in OP's pic, but I just don't like Pantu's Eureka wig.

>> No.6282518

Real names, not tripcodes.

>> No.6282524

ITT: two people are happy together, how dare they.

>> No.6282531


>> No.6282559

Theory: the less time you spend on /cgl/, the more stable your relationship status will be.

The tripfag couples that are still alive, well, and thriving are the ones that don't post here quite so often. I haven't seen Pantsu or Masao post on /cgl/ in a while. i don't even know if Pantsu posts here anymore, though Masao comes in every so often, especially if there's a thread about him because he's a MASSIVE RAEGING ATTENTIONWHORE FAGET.

It's good for them but bad for us since they ended up being decent and pretty normal people, which is a rarity in /cgl/.

>> No.6282575

not true at all
since the /cgl/ group on fb
the tripfags have moved to /cgl/ fb
because quite frankly nobody likes anon posters because they're boring and dull.

>> No.6282581

Piplup and Todd still are together right?

>> No.6282579

Pantsu is pregnant? Is that why she is looking for maternity clothes? I thought that was for her pregnant Eureka cosplay?

If she is, that kid is going to be the cutest thing ever. Can I babysit him/her?

>> No.6282589

so...is she or is she not pregnant?

>> No.6282592

Oh god they're both so ugly what the fuck.

This is why I always hide the fucking tripfag threads.

>Dat ape-face and chin
>Dat troll-nose and jowls

Now try guess who I'm referring to. You can't. Because they're both ass ugly.

>> No.6282593


>> No.6282596

they are both so ugly.

>> No.6282599

So it's true that he took her virginity like the tripfaggots spread sheet says?

>> No.6282627

I don't even know who the fuck these guys are. They are clearly not important to /cgl/

>> No.6282630

I don't know what you're talking about because only those important enough on cgl are on this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiNj4IYXyx2UdE1QSkNndmdYaHJLVFdxblp0OWx1LXc&hl=en_U
%20S#gid=0 and they clearly are on it.

>> No.6282633

hi roko jealous that you didn't give pantsu the cock before masao did?

>> No.6282637

roko will never be able to dick a girl

>> No.6282641

Oh god what

Why was I under the impression that Pantsu was pretty?
I could have sworn I'd seen photos of her where she looked adorable, I must have had her confused with someone else.

>> No.6282644

That list is so oooolldddd lol.
not to mention smoker rated everybody.

>> No.6282646

You're full of shit. This board is nothing without anon.

They haven't been together that long, though. Long for /cgl/ standards, sure. Also they've been posting less frequently as of late, unless they've changed trips/names? I don't see Todd around that much, and Piplup posts less than she used to.

>> No.6282645

well that's some...
>that toyed with men

lol, hi Roko, mad that you're too creepy to ever be in a stable relationship?

>> No.6282647
File: 76 KB, 467x700, masaoandpantsustocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think those characters in OP don't flatter them at all.

>> No.6282661
File: 178 KB, 1435x627, eurekarenton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, way to choose possibly the worst pic of us from that entire con. Here's a couple better ones with decent lighting that aren't candids.

God no, and she's not pregnant.

Seemed pretty virginal to me, mad!anon.

Right on all counts, Tim.

We'd probably look better in most of our Eureka/Renton pictures if we hadn't messed them up after we left the cosplay show right after we got off stage. Kinda fucked up our wigs and our outfits got wrinkled.

And lol @ all the anons referring to a certain someone. I think we all know what that person's buzzwords are, and judging from the posts in this thread, they've dropped trip more than a few times in this thread.

>> No.6282687
File: 2.95 MB, 308x401, 1348594156364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. Hahaha, how do two disgusting individuals even meet?

>> No.6282697

Sane way you tug your dick at night Roko.

>> No.6282700


Do you even get the point of 4chan you fucking idiot

>> No.6282708
File: 3 KB, 125x106, 1349296775633s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, since I know you fat nerds like to gossip and shit, let's here it. Who are these people and who is this Roko you guys keep mentioning?

Also can we get a picture of the guy?

>> No.6282713
File: 2.02 MB, 352x288, 1334130143908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did the two tripfags from cgl meet? I WONDER! Try harder faggot your butt devastation is showing

>> No.6282712

Yeah, they're both rather homely.
But if they're happy then it's whatever. Hopefully they'll be preoccupied with their spawn and won't spam up /cgl/ with their bullshit as much.

>> No.6282718
File: 1.31 MB, 284x160, 1349042251962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't know they were tripfags, nerd.

I seent it on the frontpage and just had to ask.

Anyway, I don't even care. /cgl/ sucks dick get mad you disgusting fat whale

>> No.6282725

Hi Roko

>> No.6282737
File: 533 KB, 1440x1455, rokogottold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6282738

If you think anyone who isn't jelly of this couple is a samefag y'all are delusional

5/10 couple would not jelly

>> No.6282743 [DELETED] 

Can we talk for just 5 seconds that they've only been dating for 7 months.

And that' she's still in high school.

>> No.6282756
File: 2.00 MB, 250x158, 1349037799000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh fuck thaaank you, Anon. He looks like THE MOST stereotypical beta male.

So other than telling this Smoker dude off, what's his deal? Is he lusting over horse face too?

I need deets, girls.

>> No.6282761

what buzzwords?

>> No.6282763

>mfw all you singles try to justify why you shouldn't be happy for them

Stay mad bitches.

>mfw that samefag is all over this damn thread

>> No.6282764

your gf's face is jacked up dude

>> No.6282766

Ugly people shouldn't procreate.

>> No.6282768

All the pictures they took show her with gross face, I'll bet she just takes shitty pictures but looks fine or decent in person. This happens to me sometimes :|

>> No.6282769


>> No.6282774
File: 39 KB, 380x380, 1349292117039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, man. Look at her fucking face. It's just weird.

He's not much better lookin'. That... disgusting cartoon nose.

>> No.6282776

You're 3/10 yourself, babe.

>> No.6282778

he tends to use fiasco and pedophile a lot, and throws them around all the time so we usually know it's him.

>> No.6282785
File: 27 KB, 495x521, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blame the costume and wig all you want

>> No.6282791
File: 1.18 MB, 307x244, 1349303038795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6282792
File: 33 KB, 640x480, pantsuhyunawig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she looks cute in some pictures, but I agree, those other pictures in this thread make her look so ugly.

>> No.6282794

but masao only dated underaged girls from /cgl/, so he kinda is a pedophile?

>> No.6282797
File: 12 KB, 200x219, 1349164456518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Good camera angles and lighting make you not look repulsive

No fucking shit, Pantsu.

>> No.6282801

>making a funny face and wearing a nice wig
one thing I learned from /cgl/: a nice wig makes a girl look better than she actually is.

>> No.6282798
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 640px-Ali_Al-Saachez_2307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as I'd love to take credit for all the anon posts I've been playing ACE all night, plus I promised Pantsu I'd play nice with you

>> No.6282799

I think it's the fact that you can't see the whites of her eyes. It makes her eyes look empty which make the whole image look bad.

>> No.6282804

Is there seriously a /cgl/ facebook group?

>> No.6282806

By god I can smell the pretentious bull shit

>> No.6282807

no, he's a troll.

>> No.6282810
File: 100 KB, 453x352, 1349251542433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I promised to play nice

Check out this fucking omega. Lusting after a 0/10

>> No.6282815

I'm beautiful and I have a beautiful boyfriend.

>> No.6282817
File: 1.22 MB, 150x150, 1347872559497.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god, is he an avatar fag, too? This is too rich. Are there any other pictures of this nerd?

>> No.6282814

>claims to play games all night
>shows up when accused.
Oh man

>> No.6282819


>> No.6282827


I've never posted pictures and me and my bf are 10/10 thanks

>> No.6282828

Congrats Masao- you should be with your honey right now celebrating.
Not aruging with these tools.

>> No.6282832

Do they live in the same trailer?

>> No.6282840
File: 2.30 MB, 218x233, 1349073986084.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she isn't out of highschool yet, but how old is this guy?

And this other guy, Roko, how old is he?

So many unanswered questions.

>> No.6282874

I know Roko and remember this happening, but I am not he.

Play it off all you want, dating a 16 year old at your age is fucking weird and despicable. 18? A girl is fair game, but a single day before that? NO DICE.

>> No.6282891

Because the age of consent is universal and such. You should probably look that up before looking stupid. But who am I kidding, if you could actually do something with your life, you would have done something more productive than make a drama thread about 2 people who are more happier than you will ever hope to be.

>> No.6282902

Going to clarify, post in a drama thread about 2 people, not make.

>> No.6282906
File: 296 KB, 600x600, 1336907313669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masao brags about fucking 10/10 twins all the time
>he ends up with >>6282405

>> No.6282916

Did you take her purity?

>> No.6282922

man who gives a shit, you're all socially retarded

>> No.6282933
File: 139 KB, 350x245, My Summer Islander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, yeah. preach it brother!

>> No.6282936

This is hobbes. He is permabanned.

>> No.6282937

It's funny.

>> No.6282940

Doctor, while I respect your posts and I'm sure you were trying to be clever and witty, please consider the following:
-Masao started dating her at at least 20 years of age
-Pantsu was 16 when they met and dated
-The threshold on the consent is somewhere between 18 and 19
-Even with age of consent in some states being 16, they still need parents to give the go ahead on it. So no, it is still considered pedophile due to his age and the lack of parental consent

And with all do respect, I did not start the thread, I just dislike what Masao and Pantsu have done individually and wish to express my discontent among the discontented masses of cgl. The floor is yours, doctor, if you wish it.

>> No.6282946

actually the age of consent in Texas is 14-17 with parental approval or something like that, but yeah if you want more reasons to hate them I'm pretty sure Masao cheated on Claudie with Pantsu before they started dating

>> No.6282949

Lol, Tim being an expert on relationships and all
How's slowly dying alone due to being unattractive, unlikable and the most socially awkward penguin ever working out for you?

>> No.6282947


I think the fact that they are both rather disgusting looking is worse than their age.

>> No.6282955
File: 58 KB, 480x640, wat22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she legally change her name to akiyama cause of her favorite character? I found this on /a/ once.

>> No.6282956

All are true, however, in Pantsu's home state the age of consent is 17. Her parents approved of the relationship as well.

And I did rectify that you did not start the thread, my apologies. Quite honestly, nobody should care as much as they do. 2 people from this board are happy, people really shouldn't attempt to dictate the morality of the whole thing, considering how they probably don't know the full circumstances.

>> No.6282957

Also to clarify on this, no, this is her legal name. No change was necessary.

>> No.6282963

are you her real japanese dad?

>> No.6282964

I am not related to her by blood at any means.

>> No.6282968


He's just another nerd who wants at that underage bait. Fucking /cgl/ is full of fat whales and the loneliest fucking faggot you've ever seen.

>> No.6282970

I actually respect her and Masao's relationship more than that to try and do anything like that. I have no need to.

>> No.6282971
File: 117 KB, 567x599, [003371].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the prettiest couple, but good for them.
Doing a lot better relationship-wise than I am, by any means.

And for age... I'll just leave this here.

>> No.6282978

While I appreciate your mature and thought out response, I fear I must interject. Consent of a relationship is not the same as consent to physical relations, and again there is a threshold until she is an adult tha.

I apologize for my forced opinion in this late hour, however both of these people are within my social circle and while most can ignore it, I can not. Though I can claim to be in the know of the circumstances at the very least.

>> No.6282979

You're not helping.

>> No.6282985

This is bullshit, when I'm 70 I wanna be fucking 18 year olds.

>> No.6282987

Well, at her current age, she is no longer bound by her parents to tell her what to do if in fact her and Masao were having more personal physical contact. Perhaps it is a bit late to be talking about the topic and I might be missing the point, of which I apologize.

I apologize, it was not my goal to make matters worse by any means, I just thought it was cumbersome to have people on a website try to judge every single action of a couple.

>> No.6282991

Of course, there can be exceptions to this chart.
For example, if you're loaded and dating a gold miner - then by all means, suit yourself.

>> No.6283003

Why wouldn't they approve? They live in a trailer park. Pretty sure his family has more money than they do.

>> No.6283007

Pig boy and jowl girl.

>> No.6283025

this, lol

>> No.6283029

I don't wanna date anybody, I just wanna make them suck my 70yo cock and drink my cum.

>> No.6283028

Roko is 22 years old, still living with his mother.

>> No.6283032
File: 55 KB, 552x552, 1349043050616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 22 years old and still living with my family.

But not whiteknighting Roko. Fuck he's annoying.

>> No.6283041
File: 33 KB, 230x315, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's totally the reason for it champ. If it wasnt for your promise you could TOTALLY get masao told, TOTALLY.

>> No.6283043


make me some tee shirts so that i can be /fa/ ;~;

>> No.6283047

soup bb, I don't make tshirts D;

>> No.6283099
File: 1.40 MB, 360x260, 1348202696026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good thing she blocked out the weight. She looks fucking heavy for a midget troll hybrid.

>> No.6283116

Gosh, this is just one large delicious bowl of circlejerk isn't it?

>> No.6283131

judging by all the E7 porn on pantsus tumblr I bet he knocked her up in costume

>> No.6283155

wait is the one with the mio maid cosplay flashing her panties and cgl got all crazy about it? wow, i thought she was a lot hotter in that photo.

>> No.6283158
File: 81 KB, 477x720, 403272_1793108885274_1766225634_954058_1786132608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only her ass, face is still derp

>> No.6283166
File: 59 KB, 945x945, popcorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pobgorn thred

>> No.6283174

No fucking way, Falcone whiteknighting an underage girl? She's ugly and underage to boot how can you lik-- oh wait.

>> No.6283173

for some reason i remembered the photo being a lot bigger. i guess the depth of field falloff helped disguise her face too.

>> No.6283175

At least she's a poster child to use as a counterargument for those who say White-Japanese offspring are the most beautiful in the world.

Her face just looks like a really bad drawing by some elementary schooler who was trying to draw a normal face.

>> No.6283179
File: 32 KB, 300x265, 1333976715427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6283187

>dat jelly

>> No.6283216
File: 336 KB, 960x1080, areyounot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6283220

Their offspring is destined to be the partner of Desu~Desu, PT's daughter and all American heroine (when PT finally gets around to score).

>> No.6283238

I hope I never become this beta. And by beta I mean lowering myself to dating a 2/10.

>> No.6283241

she is 100% Latino, but had her name legally changed because she is a major weeb.

>> No.6283244

actually she's adopted

>> No.6283245

ITT: people mad jelly over a couple that has more sex than you get

This is why our board is shit.

>> No.6283252

So not only is she a slutty whore that toyed with men, she is a cum dumping slut?

>> No.6283255
File: 69 KB, 500x626, no-idea-what-im-doing-dog-driving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6283258

This board is filled with slutty women. I don't think sexual frequency is an issue.

>> No.6283275

Gee, just because most people on /cgl/ can't get sex doesn't mean people who can are somehow bad.

>> No.6283276

>smoker rated everybody


>> No.6283326

How long have they been dating for? Facebook says it hasn't even been a year yet..