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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6271341 No.6271341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever cosplayed a character from a work you did not experience first hand? From a game you haven't played / a movie you haven't seen / a novel you haven't read (...well this one's probably close to nonexistent)?

If yes, what was your thought process behind it?

Please don't say things like "imma strong independent cosplayer who do what (s)he wants" or get otherwise frustrated by me *obviously* daring to imply that it's wrong.

I just want to know your reasoning. Why have you done that? What were you thinking? How do you feel about that?

Picture non sequitur.

>> No.6271348

>My friends were doing a group
>I like the character design XDD
>It's a popular series and I'd like to ride the hype train

>> No.6271351

Wouldn't the rest of the group members dislike if one of them had no idea what they're even cosplaying?

>> No.6271357

Hot guy friends do the rest of the group
I'd be surrounded by males
Costume shows no skin but is form fitting
Get more guys
I actually like the series now

>> No.6271361

That's a complete shit reason to dislike anyone when they're doing something on account of the group.

When I say group I mean a group of friends, not an already formed group she joined just because.

>> No.6271386

Huh, that's confusing.

Anyhow, I wasn't asking why people think others do it, but why those that done it already made such decision.

>> No.6272167

please respond

>> No.6272176

The only time I've done it was for the sequel to a game I'd already played and loved.
My friends and I were so hyped at the new designs that we just cosplayed those we liked best before the game came out.

I wouldn't do that any more... But it's still the only form of "not knowing/experiencing source material and still cosplaying it" that I find acceptable.

>> No.6272193

I am going anon for this post because this is very embarrassing.

Years ago, when I was still just a newbie, I fell in love with a certain flash video known as 'Marisa Stole the Precious Thing".
I didn't know the source, and quite frankly had no idea that more existed out there. I made an Alice Margatroid costume for a Halloween event.
Everyone liked it, no Touhou fans were there to call me out on the atrocity that I had no idea I had committed.
I uploaded the pictures of the costume online, and then the fans started coming.
Some guy complimented me and asked me why I didn't have a Shanghai or Hourai with me, and me, having zero ideas what he was talking about, responded that none of my friends were fans, so I couldn't find anyone to cosplay with me.

Later I realised my horrible mistake, when I figured out what Touhou was, and that aforementioned Shanghai and Hourai were dolls. Needless to say, I no longer cosplay from things I don't know/don't love. I never want to make an idiot out of myself like that ever again.

>> No.6272215

Because some friends of mine really needed a "Sakura" for a complete group they were doing, I owed one of them a favor, and from what I could tell from fan sites/wikis/etc, "Sakura" was a good fit for me. It was out of love for my friends and wanting them to be happy with a more complete group, and later I ended up experiencing the source material firsthand. I vastly prefer cosplaying characters I'm familiar with, but I'll make one or two exceptions. It's always better with cosplayers who know everything, but sometimes if you want a full group, you're going to have to find someone who's willing to just read up on poses and interactions and shove them in an outfit. It's up to you if that's worth it or not.

Maybe it's just me but I don't think that is the same sort of thing. You know the characters already; you're just making new outfits for them. I'd also lump the "I read the book/the manga and now I'm cosplaying the upcoming anime design" sort of thing in that category, too.

>> No.6273303 [DELETED] 


>> No.6273347

Yes. I guess?

I cosplayed as Enrico Pucci from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It's a series I know about, but I've not read the series or at the very least the part that Enrico is from (Stone Ocean). I've played the fighting game and that's about it.

In the end I just did research on the character. Hanyaan was making the costume for me so I was suggested manga chapters to read, I read some wiki pages, looked at some manga panels, images, and figures, to get personality and posing references.

Does that count?

>> No.6273359

Old show where I thought one of the characters was really cute and I had the looks to pull it off and I liked to look cute for a few days in public.
Tried to actually watch it and thought it was kind of boring. Nice music by yoko kanno tho

>> No.6273361

If you had all that trouble, why not fucking read the manga already?

>> No.6273364

I've never done this, but one of the girls in our group does it quite a lot, and she's a bit of an attention whore. I have to say I don't really understand it, as the reason I cosplay things is that I really like the character. But some people genuinely just want to look a certain way, and eh - fair enough.

I have, however, cosplayed as characters I don't like that much to be in a group/for the sake of a couple cosplay..

>> No.6273365

No, it doesn't count because you did everything but READ THE FUCKING THING.

It's the difference between reading a book for class and fucking Cliff's Notes. Yeah you get the answers, but you kind of miss the point and actual experience by not actually reading the material.

You can't say 'Oh I've read Romeo and Juliet' if you've only read the notes and a few paragraphs.

>> No.6273371

lolk why are french ppl so mad?

>> No.6273370

I will always cosplay for love of the character or series, but the few times I have done things for friends I read the manga and/or watch the anime first. If I like it and like the character, sure I'll do it. If not, I'm not comfortable wearing the outfit- but most of my friends know me pretty damn well enough not to suggest anything that wouldn't work well for me.

My pet peeve I hate more than anything is someone butting into a group who doesn't know or like the canon and tries to claim someone else's favorite character for themselves. I don't care if you think her outfit is cute or you're both blonde, the character should go to the person who actually gives a shit.

>> No.6274051

Reading an entire series vs reading a couple chapters and a wiki to get into character are two different things.

wouldn't it count towards OP's post then? Since I didn't read the series, by your logic that is.

>> No.6274062

I thought it was well known that Maguma is a filthy casual. Why should his lack of reading and or cosplay skills shock you? Also, he's black. And you know those people can't do shit.

>> No.6274100
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I did a Zelda 2 Link cosplay recently and I re-played the shit out of Zelda 2 so that I could appreciate my costume more.

>> No.6274104

But zelda 2 was bad.

>> No.6274115

Zelda 2 is fucking awesome.

Did you get past the 3rd palace? or did you stop playing because it was too hard- or because it isnt like the other zeldas- despite the fact that this was the 2nd one.

>> No.6274161

I've only done it for a group.

Though I've done cosplays from a series where I've watched/read but not finished for reasons. Like, the series is to fucking long so I gave up watching or finals week happened and I just didn't pick up the series again yet. I've also did a cosplay from anime that use to be a video game and I've never played the video game (usually, because it hasn't been translated.)

>> No.6274206
File: 4 KB, 94x92, visiting ganon in the hospital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good man.

>> No.6274242

> try to reply to this thread
> end up in the Ashlee thread instead
> I don't even know what happened

ANYWAYS. If I happen to like a character's design, it is more than likely that I will want to cosplay them, but before I could actually go through with it, I would have to familiarize myself with the work they're from. I'd feel... weird and wrong otherwise. What if someone tried to talk to me about my character and I had no clue about it? I'd feel retarded.

That being said, if I just couldn't get into whatever they're from, I'd most likely give up on that particular costume.

Liiiiike there was a time I considered Mio, because why the fuck not, but I just can not get into k-on for the life of me, so I abandoned that plan.

>> No.6274837
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Contrary to popular rumor, you'd be wrong ;D

>> No.6275062

Friend's not into games or anime but wants to party and be apart of the experience, wears my costumes, doesn't know shit about anything but is having fun regardless. The only time it pissed me off was when people asked her if she made it and, she'd say yes. Her excuse to me was that she thought I made it. That feeling when it was a bought costume...

>> No.6275111

>Half ass cosplays

>> No.6275516

Please don't be racist. Not all black cosplayers are like him. If anything, he's an attention seeking whore just because he's only part black and wishes to be white.

>> No.6277491 [DELETED] 


>> No.6277496

I agreed to join a potential cosplay group with a friend before reading the material (Sandman), but I'm now reading it and love it, so I guess it worked out the same. I wouldn't have still wanted to cosplay it if I hadn't liked the comic, half the fun for me is walking around as a character I like all day. I'm really not bothered about wearing a 'sexy costume' or anything like that.

>> No.6277499

I love you Amber :3

>> No.6277758

I almost cosplayed LOL, game I don`t actually care about because my friend asked.

She did before cosplay of my favourite games, so I agree

>> No.6277760

I... possibly love you too? I have no idea who you are.

>> No.6277806

Some of you don't know shit. Maguma cosplaying Pucci wasn't because Maguma is a casual. It was because he looks a lot like Pucci and Hanyaan is a legendary tier Jojofag. If you know her well enough and look like a Jojo character she wants to see cosplayed, you too might end up in that situation.

>> No.6278164

Oh it's him again. The mysterious anon who's not Maguma, nor is he his white slut.

>> No.6278857
File: 31 KB, 560x407, 1342895633955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more about how you know without a shadow of a doubt it's Maguma or 50s. Don't you have homework to finish??

>> No.6279131

Looks like you're insecure about your identity anon. Why are you suggesting that?

>> No.6279252

Says the pot to the kettle

>> No.6279272

Way to be racist as a motherfucker, Mags.

>> No.6279335
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>> No.6279442

it's a mysterious anon who is RIGHT.

I shoved him in that outfit because I thought he looked a LOT like Pucci, I wanted to cosplay White Snake and thought it'd be cooler with my Stand user, and I was willing to do the effort for two costumes instead of one since I thought it'd be worth it to have both the Stand and its user... and obviously I could never be Pucci, lmfao.

It took me ages to talk him into it, but honestly looking at the few pics we have together and the skit video, I'm glad I did. The end result was pretty cool, and my costume stands by itself so it doesn't matter too much if he doesn't rewear it.

It's so damn hard to find people who are willing to cosplay JoJo with me, let alone people who can fill certain requirements (see: finding a local Gyro Zeppeli who can actually do the Gyro and Johnny poses with me, which I've given up on to the point I'm going to have to sew Gyro's outfit as well as my Johnny), more often than not when I'm in a JoJo group, I've had to make at least one of the other costumes that is not mine. It's really rare when I can find other JoJos to cosplay with who can make their own outfits.

I obviously way prefer when the people involved are actually JoJo fans, but on occasion I'm willing to waive that if they can portray the character well enough.

Sage because my contribution is kind of useless (useless useless useless) and posting in this thread is probably the stupidest thing ever and I'm 99.9% likely to really regret it.

>> No.6279657

Wow I meant to post in this thread and totally forgot! I've done it once. Last year for Sakura-Con my friend posted around this time asking if someone could be their Yuna for their FFX group. I've never played FFX but I really wanted to go to the con and wanted to help them out. Because we were planing months ahead for the con, I did take time to research her and watch a let's play on YouTube. In the end I didn't know a lot but I still knew something about the character and series so I could pose and talk about it. It was the most fun I ever had at a con and I'm really happy they let me go with them!

>> No.6281025

There's a lot of black people on /mu/ actually, you can notice by them not being virgins who listen to pitiful metal bands.

>> No.6282825 [DELETED] 


>> No.6282866
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I only cosplay characters from series I've read/watched/played. Except right now I'm working on a character from a series I used to read, but have stopped.

I don't know shit about the character except for the basics. I'm gonna be honest about the fact that I don't know if anyone asks. I just like the design and want to have fun making a cool costume. I don't really care about what anyone else thinks or expects of me.

>> No.6282880

I'm going to be cosplaying a character from a game that I played for a short time (Blanche from Hyperdimension Neptunia). I honestly tried to like the game bit the voice-acting is awful, I don't really like the personalities the characters have, fanservice fucking everywhere, and the dungeon-crawling is boring as hell. Usually I give games a chance but I couldn't with this, so I'll admit that I don't know anything about her other than that she's a total bitch and that she's one of the Goddesses. I just like her outfit.

>> No.6283071
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I cosplayed from series I hated? My ex loved K-On and I cosplayed Mio just for him.

I got asked numerous times to be in other cosplay groups of series I was unfamiliar with, and usually I straight up say I'm doing it for friends.

>> No.6285411

Yeah, I cosplayed the Tenth Doctor without having seen the show.
As impossible as it sounds, I won 1st in the cosplay contest; my second con ever. goddamn I felt good inside.

>> No.6285630

That's really retarded. Doctor Hoo is like the most casualfag show there is on TV right now.

>> No.6285701

Precisely. I just have zero desire to watch it. So long as I've absorbed enough one-liners to win contests, ai need not watch it.
I mean, unless I'm missing some great secret of the world by not watching...

>> No.6285714
File: 50 KB, 550x309, angry-anime[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once cosplayed as a character from Strongest History Disciple Kenichi for a group of friends who the person cosplaying that character couldn't go to the con or changed her mind, I don't remember. It was a key character for the performance so I agreed and had a great time, even if it was a closet cosplay.

I also cosplayed a girl from K-ON for a "friend" (I watched the show and the character is ok, but I wouldn't cosplay her on my own) and when I asked the favor to be returned this bitch refused.

>> No.6285769

I'm about to start working on an Alisa cosplay from Tekken for the sake of helping out at a friends panel. (He really needed characters and I have a few extra bucks.) I've...never played Tekken or seen the movie she's in. Nor do I have time. I feel pretty bad I guess. I'm just going to research her character and such. so I don't look too stupid when Tekken fans approach me at the panel.

>> No.6285779

you disgust me.

>> No.6286264

God, you're acting as if it was the only time he cosplayed something he didn't know shit about.

>> No.6287970

I sense a sexual backstory behind this

>> No.6288772

I'm currently making a costume from a game I haven't played.
Normally, I'm kind of against this, but I really love the character design (and the person the character is based on), plus the peeps making an english patch for the game got shut down. I don't really have the time right now to wade my way through a game full of moonrunes, so I've just downloaded all the image files (it's an H game, anyway, so that the most of it).
No one is going to recognise me, so I'm mainly doing it for self fulfilment.

>> No.6288937

J.Edgar Hoover?

>> No.6288980
File: 264 KB, 723x1920, yoko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but i sleep with a yoko body pillow even though i've never watched gurren lagann

>> No.6288982


>> No.6288986


>> No.6289930

I've cosplayed from a game I never played. Loved the art, loved the complexity of the design. From what I've heard and seen the game isn't that great, but I did a bunch of character research, trolling game guides and youtube playthroughs. I don't really care if people want to quiz me on my game knowledge; if I have to pass some "authentic fan" test then that's not a person I want to know.

>> No.6291279

You're just pulling my leg, right?

>> No.6292181

I've done this for one of two reasons.

1. I've been asked to for part of a group and I like the costume.

2. I just fucking love the costume and just want it to be on me. like whoa.

>> No.6292580

No, I'm serious.
And by no I mean yes, I'm joking.

>> No.6292588

obvious samefag is obvious. Just look at the post timing compared to the post you're quoting... someone has a vendetta.

>> No.6293348

>can't even chalk for samefag

>> No.6293363

well me and my friends like fatal frame and when they announced that 4 wasnt coming to the states we were pretty bumed. We watched some play throughs and did some cosplays and just wore them for Halloween. So I guess I never technically played it but I've played all the others

>> No.6295671

>wore them for Halloween