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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 35 KB, 400x332, tsc_coffee_clowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6270018 No.6270018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Good morning /cgl/. Its 5am and I can't sleep. Who else is up?

>> No.6270021
File: 616 KB, 1440x810, You can't hide forever!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd

>> No.6270023
File: 1.95 MB, 232x300, Clown_facepaint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just for those of you who were going to bed, enjoy this gif.

>> No.6270029

What the shit? We just had a whole thread that lasted till autosage without any dramu. Don't get fangirly on me now.

>> No.6270032 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 460x351, chiiiiiiiiiiinsweat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd

>> No.6270033
File: 24 KB, 576x335, 66551_1343192959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2:13 here, thinking about more Guild Wars. CGL is mighty slow tonight.

>> No.6270037
File: 238 KB, 500x695, tumblr_ly8forNnpq1qfrzfao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up gropeey its math timee

>> No.6270039

I know. But slow is better than dead.

>> No.6270042

1: You shut up
2: Fuck Math. Its Clown Time.
4: That picture is made of d'awww

>> No.6270047

What's kept you awake, Mr Clown?

>> No.6270054
File: 77 KB, 568x318, 1346203318829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind of scary things only clown dream of?

>> No.6270055

Either too much or not enough booze. And thinking too much about stuff. Whats your excuse?

>> No.6270056
File: 25 KB, 400x325, 1346939656669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morning guys, maritime Canada here, just about to run out and grab some tims, you guys want any?

>> No.6270059
File: 410 KB, 510x1913, 1341193255599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't finished this bowl yet. And maybe one more after that.

>> No.6270060

Fuuuuuck. My grandparents live on Halifax. I would kill for some fries and gravy from TH.

>> No.6270068

Laaaaaame. Get a real habit. Like drinking, or punching the elderly.

>> No.6270069

I am up. Fairly new though, so I've only seen/heard of you in the past couple of weeks with your make up tutorials. Are there any pictures of you? Or are you not the sharing type.

>> No.6270072

I'm letting my hair dry while I browse the chins. I'd use an blow dryer but everyone is asleep and that thing is way too loud! I'll probably be going soon so goodnight, Mr Clown!

>> No.6270080

There are already pics of me floating around. Im not hard to fine.

Goodnight odd, possibly female anon. Don't catch a cold for going to bed with a wet head.

>> No.6270094

Alrighty, I will look for them.

>> No.6270097
File: 480 KB, 493x342, 1345666169258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a real habit
>like drinking
Enjoy your dependency on Uncle Sam's poison. Bet you smoke too.

>> No.6270095
File: 28 KB, 500x444, 1348776821406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually new in town, what is TH? I assume you don't mean Tim Horton's because they don't serve fries

>> No.6270105

Well that was silly to try... since I have no idea what you look like, I have no idea which of these hundreds of pictures that come up when I search are you. Haha, smooth move me.

Oh well, I enjoy your threads. Thanks for posting!

>> No.6270109

I've been to a handful that sell poutine. Some do more than donuts.

Yup. Three packs a week. Need to cut back though.

>> No.6270116

His pic is on the tripfag guide

>> No.6270127

tripfag guide with pics.

here is his pic. http://i.imgur.com/dOzz6.jpg


>> No.6270128

Eh, you'll see me eventually. Just don't be disappointed.

Why so eager to know what I look like? You're not going to sculpt my likeness in rancid butter and toilet paper, are you?

>> No.6270131

I keep my expectations non-existent, therefore I am always pleasantly surprised!

I'd rather a soggy cabbage head as a base.

Curious only because I keep seeing and reading your threads and you make me raff and raff.

Spank you.

>> No.6270135

I HATE that pic. shitty magazine shoot.

You're welcome for the "raffs". I accept payment in paypal, booze and women.

>> No.6270139

Good morning, Mr Clown!
It's 8.08pm at where I am, will be heading to bed in a few hours!

>> No.6270143

Good night then, gender neutral foreign anon!

>> No.6270145

Hey there Gropey, what do you like to do for fun at this hour?
I live in the future, so I've been up for a while.

>> No.6270146

I'm female, Mr Clown!

But, thank you! I hope you have a lovely day!

>> No.6270148
File: 247 KB, 800x2190, 1313525332522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you were on /tg/ it would be a high possibility

>> No.6270149

Typically, Im at a show: either performing or watching. Concerts, fighting at concerts, drinking at the bar, bar fights, random street performance... lots of things I usually do, but just not tonight.

>> No.6270153
File: 223 KB, 806x782, 1336914187313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i'm not, though that is my main board.

>> No.6270154

I was just reading that screencap in the /tg/thread for screencaps.

>> No.6270156

well that's my main board to, I'm just here for the costumes and tutorials, and educate people here about larping once in a while

>> No.6270168
File: 349 KB, 1280x638, 1334719948163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me! it's just now five am here though. I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come home from a magic tournament.

a really disorganized, time-wasting, cockblocking magic tournament.

>> No.6270212

chooses magic over pussy sounds totally legit

>> No.6270239

we thought it would last until three at the latest
>one more round
>one more round
>one more round
and now it's 6:30

>> No.6270288


>ITT, people who've never had a bf/gf and think couples just laze around humping all day

>> No.6270330

>implying they don't

>> No.6270409

I know who you are bro.

whacha talking about? /cgl/ are the highschool the band geeks of 4chan! More sex going on here than any other board.

>> No.6270433

>I know who you are bro.
ohh, that's... good?

>> No.6270442


When we're not at work yeah. That or vidyer games.

>> No.6271144

I meant I am familliar with who you are around 4chan. I love your threads, so yes. Its good

>> No.6271177
File: 309 KB, 460x351, chinsweat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd

>> No.6271190
File: 2.29 MB, 320x180, fuckyeah2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah, I'm internet famous \o/

>> No.6271197

Your gif...are they larping? What the hell, who just jumps up and kicks someone when you've got a sword?

>> No.6271198
File: 688 KB, 250x163, yousmellnice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a minor crush on you because your threads are always amazing.

>> No.6271199
File: 123 KB, 638x344, e^e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop that.

>> No.6271210

that's not a larp, it's just a competition. Something like battle of nations but on a smaller scale.
also if it looks stupid but it works then it wasn't that stupid to begin with.
here is something similar, although they do it with feders and sport protection

then you are the first one as far as I know

>> No.6271283

No. Polish style full contact steel. They look like russians (they love highlander burrial attacts).

Like what I do :D

>> No.6271286

No I didn't think it looked stupid, i was just taken aback that some dude in armour with a sword would just jump up and kick the other guy. It was both funny and scarey as in "Don't fuck with that guy, he'll kick your ass in armour. Literally.".

>> No.6271299
File: 728 KB, 800x737, medieval_spetsnaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, they are pretty much badass. Then again not the only people who would do badass things in armor

>> No.6271344
File: 310 KB, 1600x1200, 0729122131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an American and a Medieval Martial artist myself, and my Armoured Baton fighting group is the group that 90% of the American Team that fought their first BotN.

Since then, its really caught on around here, and I am hoping to fight BotN in 2014.

Pic related, if old. 14 gauge Stainless placard and spaulders. I started fluting everything and have a brigandine chest for the placard, and leather peturges for the spaulders, going for a 15th Century Italian In Modo Antiquo style harness.

>> No.6271349


So, I'm guessing people do get hurt while doing this? It looks like fun, but I'm imaging all the bizarre injuries you would get.

>> No.6271364

awesome, have fun and survive

well actually in the smaller competitions there are not many injuries. On the other hand Battle of Nations requires an up to date Last Will to even participate.

aaaand, I would show you the swordfish competition's injury report but it seems like it dissappeared from the net

>> No.6271368

never mind, I found a working version:

>> No.6271371

We are safer than professional American football, and Euroleague Rugby. Bruises are par for the course, and sprains, twisted ankles and other over-exertion injuries are the most common. We wear real armor, so any major injuries are usually through armor failure (nose broken from helmet chinstrap snapping, broken fingers from gauntlets failing etc)

>> No.6271392
File: 129 KB, 960x720, me11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On our 30 man team, we had only four concussions, 13 fractured or broken fingers, 6 broken noses and a single severed finger (reattached).

I dunno how we got on this subject, but damn if it isn't awesome :D

Shitty pic related. Yeah, thats me at practice.

>> No.6271412


That actually not as bad as I would have thought as far as injuries go, I was thinking people would get massive flesh wounds and stuff. However, being a 5'2" girl I would be slaughtered, but damn if it wouldn't be fun. Are there any physical requirements you guys have to meet to participate? Sorry for being OT, but this is fascinating.

>> No.6271432
File: 1.07 MB, 3664x2748, kildar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a proper armor protects you from most of the things that happens in a fight, that's the reason people used it, so it's not that surprising.

>> No.6271461
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, DSC07362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might be interested in baton fighting with the SCA (the group myself and my parents are part of). Its international, and we have men and women fighters. Its a good couple steps below full contact steel.

More shameless self posting. Im on the left in the green and white (my personal colors)

>> No.6271467
File: 108 KB, 720x540, me12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah. The whole "Severed finger"? That was from the rivet where the finger lames meet the knuckles of a mitten gauntlet popping, and the weight of falling on his hand shearded through the finger.

>> No.6271470

wtf Gropey you're hot

>> No.6271487

Thanks :D

>> No.6271498
File: 28 KB, 640x360, kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6271620

He has a boxers face. Its all rounded and lumpy.

3/10 would not fuck

>> No.6272055

Got a problem with my lumps?

>> No.6272115

gropey i finished my math.


half of it

>> No.6272134
File: 38 KB, 550x534, 1303799926137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Gropey, I've got a question- in the last thread you mentioned that you're a blacksmith and a yellow smith. Googling "yellow smith" just gets me Will Smith's kid. What the heck is a yellowsmith?

In exchange, a woman with a hair violin because I don't have any clowns.

>> No.6272148

not to be gross but I've always wanted to fuck a drunk clown

>> No.6272164

This is totally not gross. My drunk clown was a blast. Go for it, anon. Live the fantasy! <3

>> No.6272198

So, why does /cgl/ masturbate the ego of some fat fuck who comes here to hit on underage girls?

>> No.6272212

No idea. But I would masterbate anything for Gropey, figuratively or literally. Those photos above went promptly to the schlicking folder. Creeper creeping on creeps in /cgl/.

>> No.6272233

Are you obese too or what? He's one of the ugliest tripfags on /cgl/, like, no offense, but it's true. Try finding more than 5 tripping guys who are worse in the look department than him. Even smoker is handsomer.

>> No.6272241


Attraction is subjective, yo. Just because you think he's ugly doesn't mean he automatically is to everyone else.

>> No.6272244


I always imagine gropey fans being obese

Maybe because they're always crazy idk
Gropey is a cool guy doe

>> No.6272246

More handsome just sounds so much better.

I am 160 lbs and 68 inches, so sure? By seagull standards most definitely. And I think it's just a preference thing. I have always liked a variety of looks. I don't care much for smoker. Actually, he is one of the few that trip on /cgl/ that are attractive. But rest assured, anon, that I find a variety of sized people sexually appealing. It ain't a "fat thing".

>> No.6272257

>Actually, he is one of the few that trip on /cgl/ that are attractive.
>few attractive
>smoker one of them
I guess being fat really makes you change the fabrics of reality in your head.

>> No.6272286



>> No.6272323

Apologize, it's 5am here. I do not find smoker attractive. I was speaking of Gropey in that sentence. Should have clarified that after changing sentence topic five million times.

>> No.6273522
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copper alloys tend to be a brassy yellow. Iron alloys are black, tin/pewter is white, gold/silver are gold/silver.

Smiths are not an imaginative bunch.

Who hasn't? I'll post some of the emails/letters i've gotten....lots of girls send pics too. Sometimes, its flattering. Sometimes, I load my pistol and hide it under my pillow as I sleep.

High fives all around.

I don't hit on underage girls, and im actually pretty well built, with some chub around the midsection. Im getting back into shape now, as I have been disgusted with myself as of late. I am 5'11, 240 (mostly muscle), with a 40 inch waist and 44 inch shoulders. I need to get that waist back to a 38 at the least until I am happy again.

But I can benchpress probably around four times your body weight, I run two miles a day, and spend an hour a day doing pell work and drills. I know I have nice legs, neck, butt and arms, but I gained a little doughyness durring my booze and depression fueled train hopping adventure.


I agree, im not that good looking, but man- SMOKER?! Really? Thats bullshit.

Funnily enough, they tend to be really skinny, as they are wannabe burlesque girls usually (which defeats the purpose, as they lack tits and ass).
Serriously, sometimes its Aushwitz-meets-heroine-addict level thinness.
Pic is me being shamless. Im in the green.

>> No.6273532

surprisingly good looking, even with the giant nail sticking out of his nose. not bad, clown-man, not bad at all.

>> No.6273541
File: 778 KB, 245x190, 1336149874507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gropey has a pretty decent face, average to above average. I like my men a little round so he's pretty cute. Who knew clowns could be so... not scary and cute? I'd probably put up with most of your weird clown antics.

>> No.6273544

D'awww... thanks.

>> No.6273547

still never heard the story of how you crashed a wedding and ended up as the best man....

>> No.6273556
File: 370 KB, 819x1170, bats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please cosplay this

>> No.6273555

Maybe in a little bit! I was just about to start typing that one up for my writing!

>> No.6273618


>> No.6273625

I've regrown my sideburns and my pompadour recently! AND I LOVE BATMAN. Yes. Yes I will.

Bruce "Buch" Wayne/ The Batman is easy. I'll just have to see if I can't Borrow a Batrod....

>> No.6273651

Why did you stop posting your email? If we have your email can we still ask you questions or send you pics of smexy clown girls?

>> No.6273658

You can do both in the thread.

>> No.6273665

Too shy to ask questions or post pics... Of myself. I want gropey to critique me o\\\o

>> No.6273677
File: 8 KB, 220x220, I dream of you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I want gropey to critique me
That's one way of putting it.

>> No.6273679
File: 271 KB, 700x1100, 1335337270423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got out of the habit in effort to lower creepers. I don't think it matters, from what I've seen. email above.

On a related note, I always love fanart!

>> No.6273686
File: 438 KB, 567x762, 1335424816076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop that. I've had several people too shy to post on /cgl/ send me emails before making a debute.

I just wish they would post the finished product here! There are some talented people on /cgl/.

>> No.6273690
File: 28 KB, 401x551, 1342318165521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gropey what do you look like in full makeup? I always see you giving advice and I've finally seen your real face but what do you look like when you go full clown

>> No.6273698

Mosly because 99% of the shots of me in makeup are a blur. I have also since changed my makeup in the past year, when my character changed. I don't want to sound like some new-agey weirdo, but when a clown changes his face, its usually because of a HUGE and life-affecting event.

Gropey also isn't the name I use IRL.

>> No.6273730

I'll bite. Why and how the change?

>> No.6273766

I won't talk about why. Lets just leave it at that I got hurt very bad by someone I've spent many years with. So bad that my world came crashing down. I'm over it now.

But my old face, and the face I wore for near a decade was a tramp. He was very close to what my face is now: He was a lecherous boozehound who was always down and out of his luck. Always lamenting his "ex wife" and being pathetic and miserable. "The best worst clown you'll ever see" was his motto.

But it was all just an act.

Then some bad shit went down. The kind of bad shit that most people don't walk away from. The kind that most people would unload a shotgun into their mouth. I lost five years of sacrifice, pain, devotion and money. I lost my friends, my will to live, and what made my house a home. The entire reason I have two bullets hiding inside my abdomen and was put back together with a fucking erector set? Gone.

That lamentation and depression? I really felt it.
That waking up to a bottle of whiskey? Lived it.
Placing the guy who's trying to mug you's gun against your head and daring him to shoot? Yeah. That too.

I've always been a self destructive nihilist. This just made me even more so. I changed from being mopey, to being angry. Instead of waiting for shit to end, I went looking for it to go punch it in the fucking throat. For the months I spent hopping trains to find where my story ends, I changed my face. I didn't just play the part of the tramp clown. I lived it. I didn't pretend. I changed to a white face with less detail, and a harder exageration of my facial lines. I changed how my face dresses: no more baggy tramp clothes, but worn black slacks, a threadbare white shirt, my red suspenders and my button-beanie. Working, practical clothes of yesteryear.

The face is taking whats inside, and painting it outside. Sorry for the long post.

>> No.6273775

Wow. Rereading that, I sound even crazier than usual.

Time for more whiskey!

>> No.6273797

I'm assuming thats Gropey and your trip dropped.

Can I just say HOLY FUCK! o_o
Who hurt you Gropey? They can't hurt you anymore... I'll keep you safe.

>>mfw I have no face upset enough

>> No.6273798

Yeah. My cookies clear every time I restart firefox, and I loose my trip.

I'm fine now. Just had to find myself again.

>> No.6273803
File: 49 KB, 282x394, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it rather admirable that you held up through all that.
I suppose it's fair to say that clowning drifted from a job to a lifestyle?
Also, is this (partially) why you left /cgl/ for a while?

Congratulations on getting things back together, though.

>> No.6273808
File: 34 KB, 400x308, Clown_Funeral.ashx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its always been a lifestyle.
No, this was a while ago.
I don't want or need "congrats" I'm still a self loathing and self distructive nihilist asshole, I have just come to accept the fact.

Back to happier subjects. These spirits won't raise themselves.

>> No.6273818
File: 55 KB, 793x574, 1344132447447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good looking, intelligent AND psychologically damaged.
You're every girls wet dream. You're Edward Cullen with a red nose and balloon animals.

>> No.6273825

But you said you have anew lady friend? :o What happened?

>> No.6273832

Wow....uhhmmm... Thankyou?

New lady friend is recent. This was almost a year ago. Still worried she's getting tired of me.

>> No.6273866

D: why do you thinkthat?

>> No.6273876
File: 330 KB, 500x374, 1293471048935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>See Gropey thread
>>Expect to be amused and educated
>>Read >>6273766
>>Feel like life is meaningless and loveless

You owe me a hug for this Gropey. I started tearing up....

>> No.6273908

i know this is unrelated and you don't know me, but i am currently in a position in my life where i can't look in the mirror without thinking it's probably better if i don't exist, i can barely sleep, thoughts of my ex haunt me and alcohol for breakfast is the only reason i come out of bed at all

do you have advice?

>> No.6273945

You a guy or a girl? I'd have different advice depending.

>> No.6273989

General advice is this:

Life sucks. It does not get better. You spend your whole life slowly rotting away until eventually we die. People are selfish, abusive and manipulative from the day they are born, including you and me. Everyone has an angle and everyone has a motive. The world can, will and wants to use your back as a stepping stone while wearing golf cleats.

And thats why you shouldn't get depressed, but you should get angry.

Fight back against it. Play to the status quo of yourself vs. everyone and everything. Live to excess, as long as you don't get in the way of other people. If someone else gets in your way, go through them like a hungry pit bull through a neonatal ward. Live for yourself.

I barely sleep, and I still think of "her". I drink and smoke and pick barfights. I am a circus freak, and a goddamn clown. You know what? FUCK YEAH. I don't care what anyone thinks. I don't care what I have to do to survive, as long as again, I don't get in anyone else way, and they stay out of mine. I'll do what makes me happy, even if it drives me into the ground.

Find YOUR fuck yeah. Find what makes you happy. Find what YOU want and clear the fucking path to it with a handgrenade.

Rage against the dying light! Be the unconquered Sun! Burn bright, burn hot, and leave a void where you once were.

>> No.6273997

And that's where the truth in acting comes from(Stanislavski would punch me for this)

>> No.6273999

..Why isn't there a comic book with you as the villain? Or...chaotic neutral? SOMETHING.

>> No.6274007
File: 496 KB, 360x360, songofmypeople.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you gropey.
You're the kind of person who'd be amazing to sit down and just hear all these stories from. You've been through so much. Your fire dwindled down to an ember, and you brought it back to a roaring blaze.

>> No.6274011
File: 76 KB, 500x500, 1237316516642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Read >>6273766
>>Was sad

>>Read >>6273989
>>Wants to go start a party-riot and punch a girl and take her boyfriend, then fuck them BOTH.

Gropey confirmed for AWESOME

>> No.6274012

>"Go not quiet into that gentle night"

>> No.6274019

Go barreling through the midnight sky, covered in flames and belting out Queen lyrics, is more like it.

>> No.6274028


The Alignment grid cannot hold true humanity.

I'm more like lit fuse on a stick of dynamite. When the spark burns down, the explosion will begin.

>> No.6274031



>> No.6274040

Shit- now I'm torn between doing a marvel style villain Gropey and this. FUCK.

>> No.6274054

Actually- no..I don't want to do that without permission.
But Gropey- man. What kind of liquors you drink?

>> No.6274059

Be honest Mr. Clown...

Do girls send you nudes like all the time? How do panties not burst into flames around you?

>> No.6274065

Do whatever you want! I just said a few posts back I LOVE fan art!

My top faves are chartreuse, rum, absinth (the real deal) and whiskey.

A good amount. Some even clowned up. Im too much of a gentleman (and a hording pervert) to repost though, especially as many state they don't want them shared. I chalk it up as another kind of fanart.

>> No.6274094

>A classy gentleman sit in front of a fire. He is garbed in a leather pirate coat and converses to a shrunken head about his veritable harem of fangirls over a glass of Absinthe.
>He then leads his gang of clowns to go break shit for no reason.
>This is the Gropey who I see in my mind

You are a super villain..

>> No.6274120

Cool! So uh- any pictures of you in your clown make up?

>> No.6274138
File: 194 KB, 465x719, 25362_378931452217_331948427217_3934176_7830451_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my old face. Best I got, and its still crap. You can't even see my eyes. Next show, I'll make a point of getting a still of me in my new face.

>> No.6274145

PS, im the clown on the right. The only clown.

And the poster isn't crap, but the fact that its only a drawing makes the aspect of it as a pic of my face crap.

>> No.6274235

Bump for epic gropey thread.

>> No.6274397

Epic? No. Just more of my drunken rambling.

>> No.6274403

Fucking 4chum.

>> No.6275806

Every *fat and ugly* girl's dream.

It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

The fact that this thread has over 130 messages indicates that /cgl/ is much fatter than was originally expectational.

>> No.6275818

Dont shit up a good thread with your bullshit.

>> No.6275824

>I don't hit on underage girls,
You did, multiple times, ITT.

>and im actually pretty well built,
No, you're a deluded fat American.

>with some chub around the midsection. Im getting back into shape now, as I have been disgusted with myself as of late. I am 5'11, 240 (mostly muscle), with a 40 inch waist and 44 inch shoulders.
Just try bragging with this on /fit/.

>I need to get that waist back to a 38 at the least until I am happy again.
You need to find something other than a cosplay board that you view as "the girl board where girls like me", to fill that void in your life.

>But I can benchpress probably around four times your body weight,

>I run two miles a day
I can't believe you are actually bragging with this. I'm dying here.

>, and spend an hour a day doing pell work and drills. I know I have nice legs, neck, butt and arms, but I gained a little doughyness durring my booze and depression fueled train hopping adventure.
"hey guys I'm pretty most of the time it's just not right now"

This is what happens when a Beta male pretends to be Alpha.

I actually posted my progress here like two days ago >>6268083
you can go here and start mirin, fatty.

>> No.6275858
File: 2.82 MB, 320x240, uhhuh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so new it physically hurts.

>> No.6275866

ITT: fat people whiteknighting fat people

better to have good looking newfags than old pigs who live on the fame from back when this board was mostly ugly people

>> No.6275909

here...i went to sleep after asking that question yesterday, sorry

To answer your question i'm a guy, but i'm not happy with it. I really, really want to be a girl. I can't ever remember a time when i was comfortable in my own skin maybe on the odd occasion of a convention or when i do a crossplay in my room while trying my best with makeup, it feels like i live inside, or rather, am a piece of garbage that i keep around because i need it.
And that's if i manage to get myself drunk enough to manage to forget about my ex being happy with her new lover, which she started dating 2 months after we broke up, just two weeks after i realized i loved her. The icing on the cake is that when she told me she had someone else i thought it was probably one of her friends she sometimes talked about while we still had something, which turned out to be true.
I feel so naive for being happy that she was finally making friends she got along well with. For taking our relationship seriously and for opening up to her after years of being an emotionless robot.
Now i just have panic attacks and alcohol and barely being able to interact with people because i have so much poison in me and more things i can name because this post has already become so much larger than i intended to.
fuck this post became too long.
i don\t even like alcohol, it's just the only thing that dulls my emotions for a while
fuck we were eachothers first lovers too and i probably need proffessional help but she's the only one who i've ever been able to open up to

fuck everything

>> No.6275945

Ugly, maybe. But it's not just fat chicks that are into Gropey. I'm thin and love him.
Sage because not at all relevant.

>> No.6275954
File: 43 KB, 187x207, doitfgt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, just go for it.
it sucks about your ex, I can't imagine how I would be if my boyfriend ever left me for someone else, but eventually if you let yourself feel the emotions rather than drowning them in alcohol you may be able to get over it. You gotta feel the emotions and think about stuff before they can go away, which is well and truly awful I admit. After that, why don't you see if you can make the transition. If you reeeeaalllly really really are a girl on the inside why don't you make your outside reflect it?
Yes people won't like you for it, but they are assholes anyway and you don't need them in your life.

I remember when my friend was first starting to change her body, her family were complete assholes and never supported her (even for things not half as important) now she lives in california with a job in programing and earns some crazy dosh and is happy as a clam. It is a LOT of hard work to change your body like that, and the hormones alone are horrible and can make you feel sick and your emotions go all over the place at first, my friend was pretty messed up for the first year. The various surgeries you can get are painful as well, but you would be surprised at how quickly you heal with modern surgical techniques. When my friend got her boobs she was soo hyped about them for the longest time and showed them off as much as she legally could lol. But you want to know what she said the worst most painful thing was out of all the shit she went through? Getting lazer hair removal on her face.

Anyway, all I am saying is loose the booze, have a cry, and see a good doctor. For both your mental and physical health. You will be much better off for it.

>> No.6276123

gropey stories pls

>> No.6276452

Cry more. I'm actually pretty content with who I am, and im sorry that you have to self justify how much better than some random guy on the internet you are. I'll be dead at 35 with a liver you can pound nails in, but at least i'll have had fun while doing it.

TLDR: Yeah, im ugly and chubby, but do I give a shit? Nope.

Hey man, do what you gotta. Im the LAST fucking person to ask for advice. slowmope is prolly the guy to listen to here.

Maybe. :D

>> No.6276466


Between gropey and the fitfag I pick gropey every day. He's handsugly ;3

>> No.6276481

Why does anyone even try to troll Gropey anymore?

Sage for no contribution

>> No.6276494

Are you going to Nekocon by any chance Mr. The Clown?

>> No.6276545

Handsugly? That's a new one.

Why do you ask?

>> No.6276577

I'd be in bed right now but my tummy hurts. I have a quiz tomorrow on membranes and diffusion and can't focus on studying.

>> No.6276600

Cellular or macro-organ systems? I suck at cellular biology,.

>> No.6276607

Cellular or organs on the macro-cellular scale?

>> No.6276610


Cellular. It's pretty simple stuff for the most part, I just can't focus. I'm thinking of taking some baking soda.

>> No.6276614

Diffusion is passive transport.

>> No.6276617


Are you in a scientific field?

>> No.6276623

I just suck at the memorization of all the terms mostly. Cellular dynamics also just went over my head.

>> No.6276629


i have to remember all the individual terms for cells that have had interactions with tonicity too, like turgid, plasmolyzed, etc. Fuuuuck

>> No.6276633


I know that feel. That's mostly what I'm worried about for tomorrow. God it's the practical exams I'm most nervous about though. I can do the lab exercises easily and correctly within the time limit needed when I'm not being scrutinized at every step.

>> No.6276635

Nope, just a fan of biology, specifically medicine
"The living machine is life's greatest curiosity" -sir Issac Newton

>> No.6276651

What purpose is your studies to? What is your desired field?

>> No.6276654


I am always amazed at how complex everything is.

I think I may know how to get people to live forever now.

>> No.6276658

I hate the practicum. I can't spell. So while I know the terms in my head, when I write it, it turns to garbage and I lose points.

>> No.6276662

Actually, they've found a way to make old muscle cells act new again. It's only in rats right now though.

>> No.6276663


Resource problem solving, management, etc. A little bit engineering, biology, ag sciences, with haz training in there somewhere.

My biggest goal is to find more effective ways to conserve water and clean up humanity's messes.

I have always been interested in science though.

>> No.6276668


Have you had the oral exams too?

>> No.6276670


>> No.6276671


the end is nigh.

>> No.6276680

Wow. That is freaking noble as hell. If I had a hat on, I would tip it to you.

Science is awesome. As is obvious with my profession though, I lean to social studies and fine arts.

Im field medicine certified, and have BBP cert from working as a body modification artist, and I study medieval medicine as part of my historic reenactment hobby.

>> No.6276681


I think I'm going to have a hard tine with the Amino Acids portion.

And pH indicators with odd names. Like Phenolphthalein.

>> No.6276686

No naysaying. I am sure anon will do fine.

>> No.6276690

Christ Gropey! Is there anything you don't know or do?

>> No.6276702


It's not that noble really. I just worry about there being enough water in the future for everyone. It's finite, so they are considering deep space asteroid mining to bring water back. But there could be frozen life in that water we've never been exposed to.

If you look at the US (where I live) the Colorado River is a real red zone problem area. it's going to need a lot of work if it survives as a body of water into the future.

Another big problem I have noticed is the misuse of Aquifers in Texas. They are pumping out the water faster than it can be replaced, and 75% (approx.) of their ag uses rely on aquifer water. They are shit out of luck If they keep up at this rate.

If I had control over how the nation's water was used the first thing I would do is make desert environment homes have corresponding lawns. No more grass, that shit is wasteful. People wonder why snakes, scorpions, coyotes etc. Are moving into their homes? It's because their yards are a fucking oasis compared to the desert. No more grass in places that can't support grass naturally. Boom, huge water savings right there.

What sort of period re-enactment are you interested in? My grandfather did Civil War re-enacting and I would take along occasionally.

>> No.6276701

Yeah, good luck with that. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

>> No.6276704


Thanks anon. It's ironic because the professor who is teaching the class has a really thick accent, so he doesn't even fully pronounce things correctly in the English way lol.

>> No.6276708


Sorry, I'm a shithead. You clearly say what period of medicine you're studying right there and then I ask you anyway. My bad.

>> No.6276714


*computer sciences
*American history, post 1670.
*being a decent human being.

>> No.6276716

Need more water? Time for some dehydration synthesis, mang. If only our cars ran on hydrogen.

>> No.6276730

My main focus is 15thC Italy, specifically because it was the navel of the known world. I can take and document almost ANYTHING from there. I also fiddle around with 8th Century Norskan, 300 BC Gaulish and 16th Century Italian. I've been thinking about joining my dad to do WWI Imperial German, and I used to do Napoleonic Franc.

My study of medicine extends to the 17th century though, so I can use the Mary Rose wreck to help document some things. I also study period alchemy and metalurgy.

>> No.6276733


They are prototyping hydrogen cars right now. I vaguely remember a german manufacturer putting out a model. I wish I could remember what I'd read about it.

The amount of energy present in atoms/molecules is ridiculous.

It's extra shitty that we use nuclear power to create steam most of the time. Fucking wasteful as all hell.

>> No.6276740
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But that's not real science...

>> No.6276744


It would have been cool if my school had a better focus on world history. Instead we drilled US history to the point where most of us could pass the AP test with 4 or 5 rank.

I think I remember reading that the majority of the earth's gold deposits were collisions with metal-laden asteroids, but alchemy was an interesting premise to me. What is your favorite aspect of studying medicine?

>> No.6276747

We'll probably be getting them soon.


>> No.6276748

>Thread about a clown who can't sleep.
>Awesome tripfag, and another awesome tripfag talk about history and armor
>Gropey gives FUCK YEAH speach
>Hater Hating
>No fucks given to hater
>Discuss Science
>Dual conversations about water conservation and historic studies
>Need no other boards for anything ever
>mfw I have no face

>> No.6276752


quick! what's the amino acid with the smallest side chain, and is it polar or nonpolar?

>> No.6276759

Its chemistry before we knew what chemistry was. I study it the same reason I study historic medicine and metalurgy- because it was done with superstition, common sense and trial and error and WORKED. That blows my mind. I've been making my own black

powder for my musket for years!

How fucking resilient the human body is. as long as your blood keeps pumping, you can survive near anything. Half you're brain gone? You can still live a normal life! 70% organ damage? MORE LIKE POCKETBOOK DAMAGE AMIRITE?

We are tough fucks.

>> No.6276762


Lost my trip when I posted from quick reply. Thats weird.

>> No.6276772


All of my hnnnng, and money apparently. Hurry up Toyota.

I wonder how horrific an auto accident in one of those cars would be. I'd love to see the construction and testing if the fuel cells in action.

Out of curiosity, has anyone here built their own home magnetic generator? I am trying to find good plans for one that uses basic muscle power to get started instead of gas or electricity.

>inb4 go to /diy/

>> No.6276775


Uh Uh Uh fuck

I want to say glycine but I'm not for sure


and Glycine is...non polar?

>> No.6276781

Fuck that. You're in my thread, and its not a thread about makeup at that. Talk about what you like.

As for the generator, I have fiddled around with cyclic magnetic generators on a small scale, but the amount of energy the create negligible after the initial charge and consumed cycle charge.

I'll never have my cream-pie railgun at this rate :(

>> No.6276784


Truth, son. Life is ridiculously resilient. Also very malleable. Did you know that if you stick a strong enough magnet onto a specific area of the brain it fucks up your ability to problem solve using a "moral compass"?

>mfw biological computers
>mfw I learned viruses aren't considered alive

on that note, holy shit, viruses. What are they? Where did they come from? We may never know.

>> No.6276788

You a fan of Lovecraft? yeah, viruses are like that.

>> No.6276789


Use your wizardry to create one.

>all facts start up as dreams dreamt by a wizard.

>> No.6276790

Not to change the subject, but really, why was that /fit/ guy so buttmad?

>> No.6276792


I've not actually read any Lovecraft novels but now you've got me curious. As long as it's not as dry in the writing style department as Brave New World I can probably read it.

>> No.6276793

In before some asshole posts an ICP (ick) picture with "MAGNETS, HOW DO THEY WORK? IS LIKE MAGIC"

>> No.6276806


Look up "Mr. Show: The Limits of Science", I think you'll get a kick out of it.

>> No.6276815

That's why in Vegas there is so much desert landscaping.

>> No.6276825


With all the water they waste on decorative fountains it's a sound idea.

>> No.6276832


/fit/ is always buttmad.

When I was reading through the conversation he kept bringing up underage girls. All I could think of was:

>18+ site
>underage girls
>underage b&

>> No.6276837

Because you're cooler than him, and have proof of it. And he has a small dick.

>> No.6276861

I love Mr.Show!

I love Vegas, but having lived in both Vegas and Fallon, it does tick me off by how much they waste

Yup. I don't think I was hitting on anyone either, was I?

>> No.6276864

Gropey where are you based? Or I guess if you don't want people to know that where were you born?

>> No.6276865

Because most fitheads have huge egos. They feel that because "they look better than you" they must "be better than you."
Plus, fitfaggots have been shitting up this board for some time now because they think seagulls will gobble their cocks if they show some ab. (if youve ever heard of Jersey Shore, the board is basically nothing but Mike The Situation talking to himself)
I actually think its got to be some primal thing sometimes.
You're not to their /fit/ standards (whatever that is at this point) and they see girls here that would shamelessly flirt with you.
Therefor you must be destoryed. They can say its trolling, but that shit is too serious to even.

>> No.6276880

Yea... Don't remind me of that shit.
Water bills are so high here, and we can get fined by the city for watering a lawn after a certain time of day. Which is why I love my dirt patch.

Yea, we waste a shit ton of water. But I don't think I could leave here. Too much like home now. Even if I curl up and die every summer.

>> No.6276892

Im in Virginia currently. Came back here from Louisiana to stay with family until im off with the carnival next spring. I was born overseas, but had my BC stamped in Washington state (Dad was Navy, Mom was Merchant Marines).

How horrifying. Explains why he used "Alpha" and "Beta" incessantly. Humanity as a species is not a pack animal, but a troupe animal, so such things are not applicable (trouping animals have a fluctuating dominance structure based on individual interactions, rather than an overarching hierarchy).

I also don't think I was bragging. I just was saying I am not lazy.

>> No.6276911

Where did you go to college? Why aren't you teaching something man?

>> No.6276925
File: 1.64 MB, 400x230, all your jelly is a rumblin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That as well.
Also, you're not the one doing anything- girls ( or... I think girls) are complimenting YOU. You're helpful and we appreciate it since most of us don't know where to begin on some of these make up tips. Plus with all of the off topic threads it's refreshing.
Plus, we think you're bad ass as fuck so to hell with it if we cant to stroke your ego if we want to.
That alpha/beta shit belongs on /r9k/. Its just some overused faggoty jargon used for who knows why (it doesn't make a "point" more clever/witty)

gif related; shitizens jealousy is obvious.

>> No.6276926

Aside from Clown College, never went, and i don't plan to. I just read a lot.

>> No.6276928
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Northern? Close to D.C?

>> No.6276942

I plan to move to richmond, because thats were the shows are (richmond/DC). Right now, im in the historic triangle.

>> No.6276943

Gropey, one day I would like to cross paths with you. And while I might not be able to drink you under the table, I'd be damn willing to try.

>> No.6276944

As long as you're paying!

>> No.6276947

Deal, but I'll make you work for it.

>> No.6276951

Coincidence- I plan on going to Richmond this summer. I also have friends there...
Much like >>6276943
I'd love to buy you a drink or drink with you.
I can't handle my booze very well (about 7 shots is all I can do before I start getting gropey. Hide your titties ladies and germs. )

>> No.6276955

If you want me to perform, you don't need to ask. I can't help but always put on a show (honestly, it might grate on you after a while).

are you the one who asked about Nekocon?

>> No.6276956


Alpha and Beta behaviour isn't applicable to wolves any longer either after careful observation of pack structure and how each pack is pretty much an extended family.

>> No.6276963

Not the guy who asked about Nekocon, I more meant that I'd give you a run for your money when it came to knocking 'em back. Though some impromptu performances would be pretty boss.

>> No.6276968


You and your dirt patch make me proud Anon. Keep fighting the good fight, grow some succulents.

>> No.6276973

Dude, seriously, you might want to be careful with that. Its not bragging when I say I am a functioning alcoholic. Its a warning. When I actually get drinking to get drunk, you WILL be forced to drink with me, even if you feel alcohol poisoning coming on.

Just a word of caution.

>> No.6276975


my mom is an alcoholic.

>> No.6276984

...A friend of mine would absolutely love you.

>> No.6276989

Because im a self destructive circus freak? They have great taste.

>> No.6276999

You have my condolences. Im working on it myself, but I know how hard it is to look at yourself in the mirror and say "I have a problem".

The only person who can help her is herself. AA is a load of horse shit.

>> No.6277013

I had some lovely cactus in my back-dirt patch. With some Aloe as well because I burn faster than a sinner in church. But my bitch of a neighbor decided to over water their two flowers and kill all of my cacti.

I will re-grow them eventually.

>> No.6277026

So ARE you doing nekocon?

>> No.6277055

Maybe. Not sure If I am, and if I want to be know, if I decide I do.

>> No.6277068
File: 999 KB, 245x200, Mason persistent.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where in the triangle? I'm in the Hampton Roads area for school and I travel to Williamsburg just about every other weekend.
Are you going to Nekocon? Are you going to Howl-O-Scream? There's a clown house in Italy, and clowns with chainsaws.
I have so many questions, and they're all equally stalkerish.

>> No.6277070

Whoops, missed the last post sage for being a fuck

>> No.6277076

Yorktown/williamsburg/jamestown is the historic triangle.

I want to go to howl-o-scream. I heard it sucks this year though, and they got rid of the clowns years ago.

If you are not going to steal my toenail clippings for your clown shrine, Im sure we can talk, and maybe hang. drop me an email.

>> No.6277090

Nah, they had clowns last year running all around Italy, though I've heard they had to tone it down for kids, despite there being signs saying "hey, this shit is scary, get your kids out". A friend said they had rotting chicken in the clown scare zone to make the smells more authentic or something.

And don't be silly, a chunk of hair will suffice.

>> No.6277095

The chicken thing sounds like bullshit to me. And you're not getting any of my luxurious locks.

>> No.6277101

Hey, a few months back I came across a thread and some folks were talkin' about you. Apparently...some girls tried raping you. Is this correct?

>> No.6277103

No rape. Rob. They were trying to take some of my props. Momentos perhaps?

>> No.6277117
File: 31 KB, 504x335, GlennCampbell8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that is why I fucking love Gropey threads.

>> No.6277119

I had a girlfriend who could deep throat balloons. Hot. Hello, new desktop wallpaper.

>> No.6277124

My cell phone background. You're welcome!

>> No.6277140
File: 1.90 MB, 313x244, 1330231457975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw none of us girls have a chance because we just can't compete with kinky clown sex

Captcha also agrees: gay: artmnbu

>> No.6277142

Are you a looner?

>> No.6277149

Why not try it? I find that some girls really get into the kink.

I don't have a balloon fetish, but I can appreciate what a young lady can do with a sculptural balloon.

>> No.6277157
File: 2.14 MB, 288x160, haysxc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh? 'fraid I dont know how to go about doing that.
Guess I'm just stuck being your typical dom.

>> No.6277161

Don't get me wrong I'm a good looking gal but if a girl comes up next to me in clown makeup or can stick a balloon down her throat I just know when to admit I'm beat

>> No.6277160

Hey mr The Clown... Can I email you some questions? I recently broke up with my gf and I dont want to talk about it here...

>> No.6277169

If you can't beat'em, join'em? Or give it a shot. I'm the kind of lady who has happened upon some of my most favourite "activities", to put it broadly, by just trying anything new.

>> No.6277172
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Its mostly a subset of the heavy makeup, humiliation and objectification/dehumanization fetishes. For a sub, its the aspect of being made into a fool and degraded. For a Dom, its about being an inhuman characture, and humiliating the sub.

I also just find cute clown girls sexy.

Yeah, but im the last guy to ask. Email in the feild

>> No.6277181


please elaborate on how a dom would go about being a inhuman character and humiliating the sub...i likey.

>> No.6277180
File: 925 KB, 500x281, ohmy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wont it pop though? I mean...HOW ?

>> No.6277184


>> No.6277193
File: 112 KB, 490x640, tumblr_m1gilwuW2b1r8iemmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really high quality balloons are sturdy as hell. They have to be GOOD balloons though, because there is a very slim chance that if a balloon was to pop while in the vagina, the air could form a bubble through the vaginal wall, causing an embolism. Very slim chance though.

If you don't know the basics of inhuman Domination theory, then I don't have time to give you a lesson on something very basic.

I read.

>> No.6277196

Ah. I guess it would just be the general routine with a...clown twist? Careful Gropey, plenty of girls on /cgl/ have an S &M fetish. We may want to change subject.

>> No.6277203
File: 373 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m2cv7nj44I1r68asso1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only as routine as you make it. I have my own trade secrets, thankyou.

And no offense, but I am fairly certain that 99% of /cgl/ kinksters are fuzzy handcuff subs.

>> No.6277211

Email sent. I think you give good advise, and your kinda my hero so... ya... >_>

>> No.6277216
File: 123 KB, 463x750, tumblr_m6c8xq6nWc1qc39lno1_500-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gropey, what's your opinion on juggalos and sexy ronald mcdonald

>> No.6277218
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>fat clown thread
>not cosplay


>> No.6277221

1: Juggalos are the scum of the earth. I regularly headbutt them when they come up to me and im in my face.
2: Lol, wut?

>> No.6277223

How do you feel about people that didn't go to clown school that dress up as clowns as in halloween clown stuff. Does it make you shake your fist at them in anger or just shake your head and take another shot of whatever you're drinking?

>> No.6277226
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x768, sexy clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully it's more than your spencer purchased handcuffs.
I don't expect you to share. The fun is experimenting yourself.

>> No.6277228

Neither. Its just a costume. I care no more than when a firefighter sees someone in a fireman costume.

>> No.6277230
File: 19 KB, 400x204, female_ronald_mcdonald_20091022_2087819006-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277232

She's not a clown. I don't eat McPuke, but I also don't care.

>> No.6277234
File: 10 KB, 234x216, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up and eat

>> No.6277233

what's your opinion on the joker then

are you also bisexual

>> No.6277239
File: 177 KB, 364x343, scary_clown-3059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your Halloween costume?

>> No.6277240

I know the basics, I just meant the clown-specific stuff.

>> No.6277238
File: 222 KB, 580x773, 1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going as for halloween this year, Gropey?

>> No.6277253
File: 39 KB, 384x288, tumblr_m2hud75GK91qg0qp5o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I said before, I'm a huge batman geek, and the joker plus the over all neogothic "circus" themes in Batman really influenced me as a kid.
I also built some of the jokers weapons in case I ever need to turn to a life of clown related crime, including a .45 single-shot "BANG" flag gun, a rubber chicken sap and a squirt flower with bear mace and a how powered spray.

As for sexuality, there is no gay, straight or bi. If its pretty, fuck it. I prefer feminine and androgenous forms though. Tomboy girls being a favorite.

Tacobell masterrace

>> No.6277269
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I never do clown as a costume, because to me its not.

I have two things planned: A stilt walking scarecrow with a rig that holds a fiberglass pumpkin filled with flames over my head (yes, i'll post pics). This is to scare the trickertreaters.

I also might be going to a fancy masquerade ball as a special guest. My theme is "peacock" so Im throwing my 15th century stuff together (already green and black) and adding blue hosen, cape, garter straps etc, along with adding feathers to my armor. See the shitty sketch.

Sorry my drawing skills suck, but you get the idea.

>> No.6277277

So, how's the circus business? Didn't realize people still went to the circus.

>> No.6277279

If im not mistaken, is that one of John Wayne Gacey's paintings?

>> No.6277282
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The small time ones are pretty rare, but all the circuses left are doing damn fine. I havn't worked a circus in years, and tend to stick the Vaudeville and Cabbaret scenes, with some side work in touring carnivals and with the Shrine Circus.

>> No.6277287

I want to go to the circus but I just hope the animals are treated humanely. I'm conflicted.

>> No.6277290

Serriously, I REALLY need to point out that the folks who picket RB&BB use footage from shitty trainers, with no-name shows from the 80's and 70's.

Lets leave it as this: you do not abuse a three-ton tank that has the intellegence and reasoning skills of a 4 year old. Bad things happen. When was the last time you heard of a circus elephant in the US going berserk?

>> No.6277300

it's still not cool

>> No.6277303

It dosn't happen in the US though, is what I'm getting at. You can go see the elephants and horses guilt free.

You can also go see one of the animal-free circuses, of which there are many.

>> No.6277314

Did you ever have to work with animals?

>> No.6277316

Nope. Not my skill set, or my interest. I like animals, but I don't perform with them.

>> No.6277457

>TLDR: Yeah, im ugly and chubby, but do I give a shit? Nope.

>> No.6277466

Any chance of a daily dose of Gropey before I head off to class? :D

>> No.6277467

I think he refers to people calling him chubby. I think he looks fine.

Fitfag just jelly of his manlyness

>> No.6277473

I suppose. Im taking a break from a painting anyways.

yup. on all counts.

>> No.6277488

Fat people are really obnoxious. Especially with the samefagging.

>> No.6277497

I think you have a new Frankie, Gropey.

Are you still taking questions? Do you have any suggestions for makeup remover for really sensitive skin? Your guide to apply makeup worked perfectly, but every removed I've used make me all puffy and red.

>> No.6277504
File: 26 KB, 500x628, tumblr_m1rvh55al71r43riko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mehron makes a hypoallergenic remover called "feathersoft". It does work great, but is a fuck of a lot more expensive than standard stuff ($14 for a five ounce bottle rather than $6)

>> No.6277507

Thanks <3

>> No.6277516

I think Gropey is a pretty cool guy. Eh drinks booze and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.6277522 [DELETED] 

You're welcome.

Not true! After having seen an angry chimp attack a guy, they kinda scare me. Im cool with them in an exhibit or whatever, but not near me. Im not a huge fan of extreme heights either.

I'm going to have a short nap. I'll prolly be on later.

>> No.6277531
File: 35 KB, 488x604, tumblr_m2g4ubkWdI1qbzc05o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

Not true! After having seen an angry chimp attack a guy, they kind of scare me. Im cool with them in an exhibit or whatever, but not near me. Im not a huge fan of extreme heights either.

I'm going to have a short nap. I'll prolly be on later.

>> No.6277542

>I think you have a new Frankie
More like he is a new Frankie

>> No.6278690

Will someone PLEASE explain what the hell is happening in this pic?

>> No.6278704

I think it's a metaphor for Gropey dropping trip and bumping his thread.

>> No.6278722

Ye Olde Yaoi Paddle?

>> No.6278736

My my your vagina is quite sandy. Get some ointment NewFrankie

Even in the old days the had obnoxious fans

>> No.6278742

posting in fat loser thread

>> No.6278743

I had a nightmare about a clown
So....fuck you?

>> No.6278926
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I'm awake. I'll be on until 9ish my time, then im heading out.

That was the pinnacle of sophisticated socialite comedy.

I always have a frankie

Sure thing, but only if you look good in a skirt. But seriously, coulrophobia is nothing to be ashamed of, and is quite natural.

>> No.6278934
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>> No.6278978

Fatso is the new Frankie (aka shitposter) you newfag.

>> No.6279007

...how many reaction face screengrabs do you freaking have?

>> No.6279042
File: 77 KB, 600x800, Fatso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I try not to respond to troll posts, but calling me Fatso is inadvertantly an awesome compliment. I know a Fatso Da Clown, and he is one of the funniest freaking guys I have every met.

I aspire to be like Fatso Da Clown, as an excellent entertainer.

>> No.6279088

I've never had anything to do with bodypaint so I've never come to these threads,

but I've always been curious at to what kind of shows you do?
ex: carnie, parties, rodeo, circus etc

>> No.6279113
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It grows every day~

>> No.6279125

>calling people with realistic opinions trolls
And here we go, shitposter's crossed the final line.

>> No.6279145

My main focus is traditional sideshow. I am a thrid generation sideshow performer, and a clown to boot.

I don't work carnie-roust (carnies act as functionaries, running rides and games etc) but I do tour with carnivals, and smaller circuses. My main gigs are burlesque and vaudeville shows, and private exhibitions. For example, I along with several other various circus performers were hired to entertain guests at the release party for Skyy Vodka's "carnival" line of flavoured vodka, and for the debuit of Brittany Speare's "Circus" perfume. I also get work in TV and film when they need "generic sideshow performer" in the backround.

Thats flattering and creepy.

>> No.6279155


>> No.6279177
File: 81 KB, 980x758, OTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thats flattering and creepy.

>> No.6279200

But see, now that you're TRYING, its not creepy, just sad.

>> No.6279314

So we got one Hampton roads bro, and Gropey is somewhere in the triangle. Do you think we could organize some sort of meetup? What are you doing friday?

>> No.6279342

Just wait until nekocon. You guys can get together then and throw things at Ashley.

>> No.6279366

who's ashley, and who said Im 100% on Neko?

>> No.6279405

If you email me, and can prove that you're not going to steal my clothing, then I'd be happy to hang and shoot the shit with folks. Same goes to HR bro.

>> No.6279567

Still around Gropey? I need a cheap source for checkered or diamond tights for my halloween costume.