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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 70 KB, 852x468, cosplay_cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6277118 No.6277118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that /a/ and /cgl/ are the cancer killing Gangnam Style.


>> No.6277120

This is horrifying/

>> No.6277123
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I feel like she's staring into my soul.

>> No.6277130
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Sad panda is sad.

>> No.6277131

>Gangnam Style.

I'm pretty sure that's a filthy Korean invention.

>> No.6277132
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>> No.6277134


Then why do you all weeaboos drool over it?

>> No.6277133

So edgy.

>> No.6277136

>cosplay bbq

Nope, that's it. Life is over.

>> No.6277141

why does this place look so fucking dodgy??

>> No.6277144

Because all Asians rook arike.

>> No.6277147

Why /a/ if they never leave their houses or go to cons?

>> No.6277148

>Filmed on location at the famous Anime at Abbotsford BBQ lunch on September 30, 2012.
>famous Anime at Abbotsford BBQ lunch
>famous Anime at Abbotsford

>> No.6277156

Am I the only one who actually really enjoyed this video ...? And the Haruhi looked freakin' adorable to me.

>> No.6277158

That Haruhi is cute.

>> No.6277165

Yes. It's nice to hear that people are so easily amused by cameras circling around people to a korean song.

>> No.6277177

I doubt anyone actually takes that song seriously.
It's just funny ans silly to go along with it.

>> No.6277176

Gangnam Style was never good in the first place.

>> No.6277189

You'd be surprised:


>> No.6277246

>gangman style is shit
>/a/ is shit
>/cgl/ is shit
I don't see the problem.

>> No.6277315
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, 6516541651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ and /cgl/?

>> No.6277366

Lol'd hard!

>> No.6277388

Would you all please stop with the fucking "record at 60fps and play back at 30 while doing a diagonal pan" yes, we're all very impressed that you joined the ranks of neckbeards with steadicam rigs. FFS, try something unique for once.

>> No.6277440

oh god, the editing on this video is so bad

ackson-sensei, you spoil us so

>> No.6277452

man. attending that bbq must be worse than a family reunion bbq where your cousins keep making out.

>> No.6277454

gangam style is brought yo you by the guy who brought you : justin bieber, the wanted, and carly rae jepsen btw

thats why it is famous, he has the pull to make it a "trend" just like that dumbass call me maybe song

>> No.6277474

>implying Gangnam Style isn't cancerous bullshit anyway
K-Pop sucks. Memes suck. Combine them both and everything sucks.

>> No.6277498

I remember when it was at 8 million views.

Now every damn person at my university knows the song. The Friday break dancers even dance to it. Fuck that. It's been dead. Its not from /a/ or seagulls. It's from the world.

>> No.6277508

it's from scooter braun and his media hype contacts....same deal with justin bieber and carly rae jepsen same source for all that shit

he signs someone, shoots it on youtube then pays for it to be featured on tv shows

you had ellin degenress, jimmy fallon and a bunch of other crappy shows doing it too

>> No.6277512

I have this unpleasant feeling when people I know were never interested in Korea or kpop (went "eh" whenever I played other, better, songs for them) like that song.
Does that make me a kpop hipster (i.e. hurr durr I started listening in 2005)?

>> No.6277529

When pretty much anything is performed on The Today Show, it's dead.

Note the middle-aged women dancing in the crowd.


>> No.6277663


I can relate
pay is cool and all but there are so many talented artists that I feel deserve to have this attention and never will.

I also started listening to kpop in 2005 haha

>> No.6277664

*psy damn autocorrect

>> No.6277668


Don't worry man we caught /co/ and /v/ guilty as well

>> No.6277686

During a class break yesterday, some bitches started playing that song. I said
>Turn that korean shit off.
They got scared and promptly did.
I then whipped out my phone and played the joshiraku ed full blast while giving them a death stare.

>> No.6277703

am I the only one who wants to marry that deadpool?

>> No.6277709
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It's like the next Caramelldansen, except normals like it as well.

At least it puts something on the radio that isn't dubstep, at least.

>> No.6277733
File: 98 KB, 500x353, 1344748596067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that guy in the left a Donte?

>> No.6277746

Aku, why are you such a dick

>> No.6277753


Gosh, anon, middle school sure sounds hard nowadays.

>> No.6277762

I really like that Psy is breaking through here. Other kpop idols have had songs play on major shows too. Its not that its korean, but that its another language breaking into the USA. We are so used to being anti anything that is not English(accept spanish), and this seems to be paving the way for us to interact with more cultures.

>> No.6277765

So edgy.

>> No.6277769

Hardcore, man! You should let her borrow your Hetalia manga so she can know what some REAL art is.

>> No.6277770


I think that is Squall.

I've seen some Donte in pics, maybe 2 or 3 and everyone pretty much acknowledges that you have to be a special kind of DMC douche to cosplay him instead of actual Dante.

>> No.6277772

normalfags are the cancer killing gangnam style

>> No.6277776
File: 23 KB, 635x473, pizza-delivery-for-lord-of-evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord of Evil, of course

>> No.6277792

Because he's in love with his own sister. Brits, what can you do?

>> No.6277820

if i had a sister i'd hit on her too

>> No.6277821

Because its only secret nrrrrdy club property right?

>> No.6277825

no because its over played now and i cant stand it

i cant leave without hearing it

>> No.6278044

i have never read a single post you have written where you don't sound like a complete tool

just fyi

>> No.6278859


would bang

>> No.6278917

No, NORMALFAGS are killing it. I never liked it to begin with but now all my "cool" friends from high school are facebooking about it like crazy.

all of my hate

>> No.6278971

This song made me realise what a speshul snoflayq my friend is. She keeps moaning on about how she would hate for KPop to get more popular (It's already kinda shit-hot over in America I think (?) but it's only just starting to grow bigger here in England). Her excuse at first was that 'usually whenever a band or something gets majorly popular it turns crappy'. But when I assured her that the entirety of KPop isn't just going to drown in diarrhoea she then says she likes listening to music that isn't listened to by everyone else.

Not gonna lie, I used to have a similar mindset, but then I realised that no one else gives a fuck. No one's going to find out you like some other languages music and think of you as a unique, wonderful person.

Chriiiiiiist. Rant over.

>> No.6279212

>It's already kinda shit-hot over in America I think

Except for this shitty song, no, it isn't. It's only got popular because Justin Bieber liked it.

>> No.6279896
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I know him IRL. Trust me, you don't.

>> No.6279909

Honestly (and I don't know this for a fact, but this is my opinion only) I don;t think that's the case. I'm sure a lot of hits came from that, but a lot more seemed to have been "Hey dude check this funny asian dude dancing out! *share*"
At the very least, that's how I know most everyone on campus knows the song, we all heard about it through word of mouth from each other.

>> No.6280916


>> No.6280934
File: 24 KB, 366x336, gangnam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly the best part of that video

>> No.6280949


seeing Gangnam style remixes usually makes me so pissed off because damn fuckers don't know when to stop but this... I'm ok with this.

>> No.6280955


>> No.6280961

I feel like I am learning to hate you more and more every day. Thanks for proving to me (and everyone else) what a spaz you are.

>> No.6280967
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>yfw there's never been a Japanese artist that has reached this level of popularity in the U.S.

>> No.6280975

I regret nothing
