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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.29 MB, 729x1094, tumblr_lqw09pJTtW1qgp5ar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6270028 No.6270028 [Reply] [Original]

Last one maxed out

>> No.6270040

The thumbnail looks so cool and the actual image looks so awful.

>> No.6270044

Sadly it was the only Homestuck cosplay I had saved.

>> No.6270051
File: 68 KB, 423x750, tumblr_mb3a798rh11rp383po1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see it... it'll bug the shit out of you.

>> No.6270070

Never nude!

It's like the hilarious parody retort to all the pornstuck.

>> No.6270085
File: 217 KB, 1080x720, nudestuckfef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do feel like there's tons and tons of CP on the nudestuck tag.

>> No.6270093
File: 124 KB, 500x375, nudestuckfuckingcreepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6270118
File: 345 KB, 352x894, femkurloz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still haven't found a pair of purple creepers.

>> No.6270164

Why not just buy any coloured creepers and paint them purple?

>> No.6270187

I'm not too experienced with painting shoes. It would make matching the skirt easier but I'm worried about it looking like utter crap.

>> No.6270188

I... don't get it.
Are we looking at the door hinges?

>> No.6270196

I assume it's the printed shorts...

>> No.6270214

The gloves are on backwards you dumbass

>> No.6270235

What >>6270214 said. The gloves are on backwards. I've seen some artwork that has done the same thing and it just makes me want to flip a table.

>> No.6270262
File: 455 KB, 500x385, tumblr_m7sp97POQm1qhclrf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did somebody say Fanservice?

>> No.6270273

what is this picture even of. i dont understand.

>> No.6270278

I think it's supposed to be Equius accidentally hurting Nepeta. It's really hard to parse the angle of the shot. I think that's her butt?

>> No.6270283

oh OH okay so the black is nepeta's t-shirt, and the orange with red spots are her panties, and the bright green are her tights so she's kinda bent over upside down. got it. thanks,

>> No.6270287
File: 10 KB, 757x156, peestuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't understand what this was until I saw the tags. I don't know what to think now. Oh, being nude isn't hardcore anymore? Peestuck! Only a matter of time until Scatstuck.

>> No.6270323

Oh gross! I couldn't even tell from my quick uncomfortable eye full.

The more I look at it the more it looks like she has matcha powder on her butt.

>> No.6270349

wait what?

Is the green moldy looking stuff supposed to be her pee?

why the fuck would trolls pee their blood colour?
is this like, super bad kidney stones!stuck or something

>> No.6270350

Depends on what kind of material the shoes are but spray paint and paint designed to be used on cloth works well. Don’t apply the paint too thick at once, work it in thinner layers and let it dry a bit before adding another layer. Use a paintbrush when covering the difficult and small parts. If you are nervous you can always try the paint on a piece of similar kind of cloth first. Also, remember to use lots of newspaper to cover the inside of the shoe and the surface you are using as your workspace - especially if you are using spray paint. Plastic gloves are a great thing to have.

>> No.6270353

Uh.. I think you're thinking of that Nepeta picture. This is the Jane gifset.

>> No.6270354
File: 405 KB, 500x660, tumblr_lfphqix1dL1qetpjno1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are absolutely wonderful, anon. have a singing hamster has a thank you.

>> No.6270368

Why did I read this thread at work, I'm laughing and crying and contemplating homicide all at the same time.

>> No.6270370

oh thank god

no wait

why the fuck did i click

>> No.6270372
File: 804 KB, 519x609, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of peestuck, I don't know what's worse:

A) All the mess in that room
B) The door being wide open
C) Them pissing themselves while standing on a rug and wearing grey paint

>> No.6270379
File: 72 KB, 321x483, dying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last peestuck thing, I swear. This is just hysterical.

>> No.6270391


>> No.6270402


the first time i looked at that i didnt read your text and didnt see the piss

the second time i looked i saw it in the second picture and yelled what the fuck

the third time i looked i almost spit out my coffee after seeing the piss on the top picture and actually reading what you said

why do i keep looking at it

its such a fucking trainwreck

>> No.6270463


Nepitabread and her boyfriend posted these images, which kind of makes me uncomfortable. I had a lot of respect for them and their Nepeta and Equius cosplays- they didn't seem like the type to stoop to something stupid like this.

>> No.6270474
File: 772 KB, 1080x810, peestuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, man, I was waiting for peestuck to hit these threads. I've been watching this bizarre trend unfold on Tumblr since around July or so.

I would rather see really awful nudestuck ANY DAY over peestuck. And the peestuck people are all clothed, which leads me to believe they're like 14 or something. The whole thing is creepy as hell. Give me saggy tits asbestos covered nudestuck Jane any day over a Jane pissing her panties.

There's also a video of the Terezi cosplayer in the red shorts (>>6270372): http://semeterezi.tumblr.com/post/32515001445/you-know-i-dont-think-it-ever-states-in-canon-how It's the same person as the egotistical nudestuck Meulin from the last thread.

>> No.6270483

Noooo whyyyyyy.
This is the FIRST I've seen of this bullshit but I am already ready to never see it again. I must follow decent people on tumblr, I never see nudestuck either. I just want to see decent cosplay. Or terrible cosplay.

>> No.6270512


why would you decide to video something like that and then not pick up your floor for the duration?

>> No.6271054
File: 17 KB, 648x362, kuFv8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought there was nothing weirder than Peestuck. Then I found Dad peestuck gifs and John diaperstuck.

>> No.6271098

All interest in me every reading homestuck has left me.
What's next bloodstuck oh god. What does the dude who makes the comics say about all this shit. I heard he makes somethings stupidon purpose cuz he knows his fans will cosplay it no matter what.

>> No.6271184


I remember one time Hussie commented on the subject of people trying to put together a live-action Homestuck porn. His concern wasn't so much about the concept of up, but that the people involved "wouldn't have what it would take" to pull something of that caliber off.

Sarcasm is lost on hordes of horny and crazy attention-whores, I guess.

>> No.6271192


> Skeleton glove on the wrong way
> Baggy shorts with logo on them
> Skeleton knees twisted inward
> Flabby-flab-flab everywhere
> Belly pouch and camel toe
> Shitty makeup
> Bad wig

What EXACTLY are you referring to?

>> No.6271226

There's a massive proportion of the fandom who doesn't fucking realize hussie is fucking with them.

He could literally make a character named "myfans" and make it absolutely obnoxious and disgusting and they'd STILL not get it.

>> No.6271250

"Maifanz"; someone needs to do this, please?

>> No.6271255

Well I specifically meant the gloves. I'm used to seeing shitty Homestuck cosplay but the gloves being on the wrong way was just the final straw because of all things to fuck up, how hard is it to put your gloves on the correct way?

>> No.6271261
File: 55 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m271puOy3s1qh9u1oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw bloodstuck actually exists and has its own tumblr tag with art and cosplay

It's basically just every Homestuck person beat up and covered in bruises and blood. Surprised Asherbee isn't all over it.

>> No.6271262

to be fair, some of that IS just WIP. And the gloves being backwards is hardly that big of a deal on a test run. Dont overreact.

>> No.6271276

It didn't say WIP though. They were finished and tagged it photoshoot.

>> No.6271284


At least it all seems to be SFW and make-up.

Meanwhile, in the other corner of the internet, we have people fucking pissing their panties while wearing a shirt from a webcomic, and posting videos of it in a pale attempt of "cosplay".

>> No.6271307

You know that's not us, right?

>> No.6271309
File: 245 KB, 720x1280, justgetahelmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all the Mituna cosplayers forgoing modifying a helmet?

I really don't get how a helmet made out of cardboard is going to look good at all.

>> No.6271318
File: 219 KB, 600x800, SwimcapMitunaAndBunnyKurloz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6271323

Can't be any worse than >>6264644

>> No.6271326 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m7sswuaBNC1qhkxruo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yo it isn't real here's the original

>> No.6271330
File: 44 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m7sswuaBNC1qhkxruo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yo it isn't real here's the original

it was a facetious jab at nudestuck

>> No.6271369
File: 66 KB, 500x667, Have mercy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my John cosplay, (sorry it's only a head shot) I was wondering what products should I use to style the wig? and any other advice would be wonderful!! (the lighting is really horrible in this picture, I apologize.)

>> No.6271388

Look up spiking tutorials online, but generally you just need a good gel product to make it malleable, hairspray to spray spikes and keep them up, and a blowdryer to speed up the hairspray drying. Make sure your blowdryer has a cool setting, hot air damages wigs.

Also John has square glasses, and this wouldn't be an issue if there weren't so many similar looking characters with round glasses. I'd recommend changing those.

>> No.6271439


use some got2b glued blasting spray, it'll do everything you want!!

>> No.6271529


>> No.6271541
File: 94 KB, 900x450, john_egbert_test_by_sasukethecake-d4gnhh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Aussie flexible hold spray.
Just a tip: DO NOT SPIKE IT TOO MUCH. Someone I know has an overdone John wig. It looks downright fucking awful.

Go with something a little like this.

>> No.6271544

Shit, I forgot to add glasses:


Go with rectangle/square. For the love of God, don't use these:

>> No.6271577

How do I get to fuck a Homestuck cosplayer

>> No.6271598


Buy a random shirt of the series, go up to someone wearing a similar shirt, and ask to pee on them.

They'll probably want to post it on Tumblr though.

>> No.6271614

Slather yourself in grey paint and present the largest one with a bucket.

>> No.6271634

Cosplay as Eridan.

>> No.6271660

be more specific

2many fatty cosplayers would be into you for cosplaying nothing whatever the body shape slash skin colour

>> No.6271667

>Cosplay Dirk.
>Give no fucks.
>Acquire crotch itch from the uncleans through intercourse.

>> No.6271696
File: 512 KB, 1280x1707, dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dress up like dracula
like this

>> No.6271768

So this thread just came full circle.

>> No.6271816

Although I don't read Homestuck (can't get past the first 20+ pages) I love these cosplays/threads. Glad I read these too because I was thinking about doing horn commissions but don't want Rachel/Hussie up my bum. Could someone post more of the trolls with the huge horns? Ancestors I believe they're called?

>> No.6271916


Since people ask for ancestors every other thread and the same pics get posted over and over, can we all try to post ancestor cosplays that everyone HASN'T seen?

>> No.6271925

A lot of times I see ancestor cosplays they're usually like the one in the OP (and you can usually tell by the lighting, too), or there's a TON of Redglare and Mindfang. I'd actually like to see some pics of cosplayers that are definitely lesser-known.

>> No.6271928


The thing is, the same ancestor cosplays get posted over and over because it's the good ones that get noticed. The shitty ones don't. I don't think there's such thing as a really great ancestor cosplayer who's mysteriously gone unnoticed.

>> No.6271932
File: 264 KB, 1280x960, blindjokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...Alright, yeah, you got a point.

>> No.6271934
File: 1.53 MB, 1114x742, redglarehanging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6271935
File: 65 KB, 300x450, redglare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reason a lot of Redglares use pleather/plasticky materials for their costumes? I think it can be pulled off, I'm just surprised at how many I've seen.

>> No.6271941
File: 153 KB, 500x667, ancestors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably one of my favorite Homestuck cosplay photos.

>> No.6271960

I'd love to cosplay Mindfang but her costume scares me a bit, especially her shoulder armor or whatever it is.

>> No.6272011


i think in general it just looks pretty good! i made mine out of pleather for a pretty silly reason though. i have this headcanon that since terezi's flarp costume is an in-universe cosplay it'd be made out of cheaper materials than redglare's real-deal uniform, so i made my flarp terezi costume out of cottons and went for higher quality pleathers and sateens when i made redglare.

i also think the pleather provides a nice visual contrast against the material of the suit, which most cosplayers make out of stretch fabric.

>> No.6272200
File: 637 KB, 500x741, 1343872224842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming, throwing some good cosplays at this thread just to keep things interesting.

>> No.6272201
File: 234 KB, 900x675, tumblr_m7rhwpFenb1rasl3po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272202
File: 913 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m9id10VTHB1rox9lco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272206
File: 820 KB, 800x1067, tumblr_ma3rjjdEZG1r0wmx8o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272209
File: 124 KB, 600x907, witchcraft___hs_by_lucillesmiles-d5bjd4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272211
File: 234 KB, 500x336, 1345230699985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272213
File: 363 KB, 800x533, 1344619518486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272214
File: 254 KB, 600x900, tumblr_ma3wfmdjt91qhc1x7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272216
File: 126 KB, 320x480, 1334527354754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alrighty, good night /cgl/

>> No.6272219


...A good Mindfang I've never seen before? Whoa.

>> No.6272221
File: 13 KB, 472x222, tumblr_maz3mwMDpk1r76ga8o1_500hgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Mituna/Latula jumpsuit cosplays yet, or even just people planning them?

>> No.6272235


Water photos often look totally awesome but the thought of getting my wig or costume that wet makes me cringe so much.

>> No.6272251

I would just hate to put all that effort into make-up and have it melt off in a pool, unless waterproof body paint exists?

>> No.6272457

That is a REALLY good use of costume satin.

>> No.6272556


PAX is waterproof, apparently,.

>> No.6272666
File: 357 KB, 968x1296, tumblr_mb5deyPfWX1qdbk07o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272739

This Karkat pleases me.

>> No.6272772

holy balls it looks like actually them

>> No.6272776

it looks as if they're physically the characters, not people in costume
idk how well it looked irl but that picture is near perfect

>> No.6272883

Now I know why everyone only does alternate designs after someone else has done then. I'm stumped and can't think of anything that won't look like shit for an alternate Kurloz design.

>> No.6272901

Me and my boyfriend are working on it. We just put in the order for all the materials we're going to need.

>> No.6272938
File: 120 KB, 500x588, tumblr_mb5d8diGHh1qbghlao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272951


It looked even more amazing irl. I turned around and saw them behind me at Otakon and my jaw dropped.

>> No.6272965

I think I have some cool ideas for how to do Kurloz but I'm starting to lose faith in doing it... there's just so many of them out there, even more planned, and even if I sew everything from scratch and do a few things I haven't seen on any of the Kurloz cosplays yet, and I know I can do the makeup and the hair accurately, the fact that I'm a short girl with hips and that fandom has the tall lanky Makara headcanon makes me feel like it's not even worth it.

I think at this point the only reason I'm still doing it possibly is Halloween. It'd be a great Halloween costume.

>> No.6272993

Hey >>6272883 anon here. I feel your pain. The amount of cosplays or make-up tests at the least I've seen are crazy. If you really want to cosplay Kurloz then do it and put everything you got into it because even though there are a shitton of them, half won't go past WIP shots because they'll move on to other characters.

>> No.6273003

I think a good idea would just be to wait it out. I wanted to cosplay as God-Tier Jade from the moment [S] Cascade came out, but then suddenly there were a MILLION cosplayers of her so I decided to drop that idea for a while. Just wait until the Kurloz hype goes down.

When you get it ready, I'd love to see it!

>> No.6273010

...Orrrrrrr, you can do what this anon said! I forgot that most Kurloz cosplayers are just WIP right now, or a bunch of 'makeup tests'. I don't think many have an actual costume, honestly.

>> No.6273251

This, pretty much. They'll slather on some half-arsed makeup for it but won't go past that. The majority of the ones that do will just buy skeleton zentai suit and wiggle on a pair of purple panties over it and call it a day.

>> No.6273302

Why *is* Kurloz so popular, though? I mean, I don't dislike him but...I don't totally get it?

Question for the thread: Who are your favorite alpha trolls so far? I like Meenah best, I think--I didn't at first but she has a great voice and she's been so much fun in these walkaround flashes. Plus I have massive newfound sympathy for her now that we know how awful her friends are.

>> No.6273308

Because his design is easy and he's one of the newest trolls.

>> No.6273310

I'd probably say Meulin is my favorite just because she's mad about shipping and just being crazy and out there.

>> No.6273314

I'd say Aranea or Meenah. I really cannot stand the other Alphas that much other than maybe Porrim. Meulin is cute, but it's just all shipping and screeching with her.

>> No.6273328
File: 60 KB, 500x438, tumblr_mb4c621r3q1qkk3sk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cronus. He's my patron and all the dialogue Hussie gave him killed me

>> No.6273332

Definitely Meenah, Aranea and Latula.

>> No.6273331

Meenah, hands down.

>> No.6273386

Meulin and Cronus, because Meulin's emoticons and Cronus is funny.

Fairly sure my favorite will be Damara whenever she shows up, unless her personality is hideous. My feelings for the alpha trolls seem to reflect those I have about their respective descendant beta trolls, except for Meena. I love Feferi but Meena is meh.

>> No.6273399

Meenah! I've liked her since she's been introduced, and she's personally my favorite costume I've ever worn, both with how it looks and I just have so much fun when I'm cosplaying her.

>> No.6273447

Meulin and Meenah! Meenah because I personally find her hilarious, and shes just an overall great character. And I think that Meulin is adorable, and I adore the emoticons that she uses.

>> No.6273500

My favourites as characters are Meenah, closely followed by Aranea. My favourite as a joke is Kankri. I know way too many IRL Kankris.

>> No.6273504
File: 319 KB, 488x710, roseshoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a quick makeup test for Rose (shooped my eyes purple, everything else is normal). Do you guys think I could pull her off? I'd like to do her God Tier.

>> No.6273523
File: 100 KB, 960x720, cute_cat_by_kaito_len-d5cbi3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see it...

>> No.6273529


I think you could. Would you like some makeup/wig tips? I don't want to just dig in unasked.

>> No.6273564

Well the wig is a stand-in, I know that I need a totally new one and to trim the bangs. Makeup tips would be appreciated, though!

>> No.6273573

Meenah and Cronus.
Fish people forever.

Least favourite is probably Kankri, Latula, Porrim and Kurloz... they're just whatevs to me.

>> No.6273593
File: 847 KB, 900x600, solace_by_forever_eternal-d5drf8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't crazy about Meenah at first...but after seeing all her friends, Meenah and Aranea are my favs. I'd love to cosplay Aranea or Meulin sometime, I just gotta fit them in my cosplay schedual somehow ;;

>> No.6273598

Same with Aranea and Meenah. I like Mituna as well. I think I'm going to cosplay Aranea at Katsu C:

>> No.6273609

I'm a Meenah cosplayer who secretly wants to take photos with every Aranea aaaa I hope our cosplay schedules will line up one day.

>> No.6273631

eww. datmanface.

>> No.6273645

AH YOU'RE GOING TO KATSU? I feel like I knew this but somehow forgot. Omg. If you're really doing her then I might see if I can fit Meulin at Katsu <3

>> No.6273729
File: 34 KB, 650x450, 04773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the note of alpha trolls, I need a little help. I've narrowed my Aranea wig down :

>Option 1:
>Option 2:
>Option 3:

Basically, I'm leaning a little towards #1 more because of the reviews, but...Anyone have any other imput?

>> No.6273732

....See the horrible make up or the drawn on kitty mouth?

>> No.6273739

Yes I am! I don't know if I ever told you, sorry!! Yes, that would be adorable <3 Catw1ngs is going to do Meenah and I think we'll have a Kankri. oh and Leesers wants to do Latula :D

>> No.6273754
File: 306 KB, 533x800, d0b503a3b53b7631ad9761cd9d272b2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asd;alsf This might be a 5 costume con for me, no fucks given. Super excite.

>> No.6273761

WAIT. I was going to get that wig, but from the original seller. This person stole the picture from LucailleWig on Taobao. She can sell you the wig directly with PayPal, and with the cheapest shipping it'll get there in two weeks. But it's SO worth it oh my god. Go with the first, but not with that eBay seller.

>> No.6273794

Ahh we're all gonna be so kawaii~

>> No.6273935

Oh, thank you! Although...I've never bought anything on Taobao, so I'd need to get in touch with a friend who has before I buy it.

Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.6273972
File: 29 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mb5ecjfMfm1rz6qppo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ekk. I know her.

>> No.6273978

You actually don't need a shopping service for Lucaille, though. That's what I love about her. Her email is on the side of the page, so just hit her up! Her English is a bit broken, but not terrible, so just don't make huge complex sentences when you talk to her. :D She's really nice.

>> No.6274239
File: 307 KB, 500x752, 1307412871710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a lot of people in here, I'd have to say Meenah is my favorite at this point, with Cronus as a close second because he's fucking ridiculous.
Despite that, I've fallen back in love with Karkat. His character development has just been so great lately.

>> No.6274285

Mituna, I don't know I guess I find him interesting and his dialogue is hilarious, I hope they don't kill him off soon.

>> No.6274325

Well, Gamzee got really popular after he went on his clown psycho murder spree. I think the affection for him sort of transferred over to Kurloz, who does have a very charismatic design.

I like Meenah and Mituna. Turns out Meenah was sane after all compared to her batshit friends. Most of the alpha trolls come across as annoying and tryhard to me, but at least Mituna is actually legitimately retarded of some sort, in addition to saying really funny things.

I can't tell if those are shadows under your eyes or eyeliner, but if they're the latter, I wouldn't add them. A little wingtip/cateye on the sides along with falsies would make your eyes look a little more feminine and pop out a bit more.

>> No.6274334

Tim, I had a friend who went through an entire weekend of dealing with a homofaggot middle aged lady to get a threesome out of the deal. All he learned was to ask a simple question, of which I still don't understand.

Is John pregnant yet?

>> No.6274346

No he isn't. That was a joke music album based off of I think a fandom joke I still don't quite understand.

>> No.6274384
File: 1.78 MB, 1200x800, tumblr_mb6zoaHCsV1qfu6zso1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these are just terrible, I don't understand what all the fuss is over this group.

>> No.6274396

the only ones id consider "terrible" are the DualScar and to a lesser extent the Nepetacestor.

But even they look halfway good.

Obviously a few of them are a little off, the Handmaid looks good except the awkward horns, but other than that they all look great.

>> No.6274415
File: 1.46 MB, 1200x801, tumblr_mb6zoaHCsV1qfu6zso3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meenah and Porrim. Meenah because of everything everyone already said, and to be honest I have to say that, for now, I like Porrim mostly thanks to her design.

Only Ceriene and the Dolorosa look great. The rest is kind of... Average at most.

>> No.6274417

Quantity over quality, isn't that the homofaggot montra by now?

>> No.6274471

I've seen this on my dash, and yes, it is a great Karkat cosplay, but I love that no Homestuck cosplayers realize that Vantasss = Princess JJ. Are they just too young to remember?

>> No.6274505

What this JJ did anyway?

>> No.6274517

She used to be a cosplayer /cgl/ had a love/hate relationship with. She got e-famous from a picture of her wearing a naruto ninja headband over her boobs and I think she's had some drama that I'm sure someone else could explain more fully but I think it had to do with a specific circle of east-coast cosplayers.

Homestuck fans wouldn't know because for like 85% of them, this is their first exposure to cosplay ever.

>> No.6274577

I disagree, those cosplays seem pretty quality to me, apart from maybe the Dualscar and the Grand High Blood. That Signless doesn't really look like anything special, but burrenbari's pretty consistently of decent quality.

>> No.6274613
File: 494 KB, 500x374, 34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Disciple kind of looks like a goblin.

>> No.6274622

that's pretty much the sparknotes version right there. She started off as this dumpy-looking underaged brat who was friends with Usagi Kou and took the naruto boob photo, and then started getting involved in lots of drama on the east coast and winning lots of awards in masquerades, so she was lways a presence on /cgl/ up until about two years ago (when she friends-dumped her whole cosplay group and disappeared from the cosplay scene completely, until now apparently)

>> No.6274623

Please, she is wearing flats.

>> No.6274639
File: 201 KB, 900x1200, smile__by_miracle_cliv-d5gjnwp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have that photo?

>> No.6274667
File: 55 KB, 250x355, tumblr_mb6e5c87v11r5wbb5o3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Okay, so I’ve been planning and working on pulling a casual outfit like this together for Sollux and I’m really happy with the result!! I didn’t want to be lazy with it because it was casual, I wanted it to really fit the character and I think it works pretty well for that!"

Because Homestuck cosplay isn't casual enough

>> No.6274674

Somebody tell me why this have 500+ notes.

>> No.6274684
File: 674 KB, 1280x1912, 3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfffft. cosplayer here, and I have to say I totally agree, I look awkward as fuck in that picture C': I promise I've had much better pictures, haha. My costume isn't perfect, but that's definitely not the one to show it off. ;;

>> No.6274689

(not that this picture is perfect, either. it's before I revamped my costume, but I look awkward in pretty much all of my Disciple pics, haha. The best one is probably the panel recreation of me with the leggings...)

>> No.6274707

Do you have a picture of your revamped?
Because I think one of the reasons it looks so odd in the pictures posted is because your horizontal stripes are so high up and your dress poofs out right at them

If you ever find out you should share with the rest of the class

>> No.6274713

>If you want an honest opinon:
you would look so much better as redglare or maybe one of the ancestors with shorter hair. You have a pretty face, but long hair doesn't really frame the structure of it well. From these pictures, you'd definitely pull off a shorter haired character way better.

Though if you want to re-go with disciple; where the markings are on your dress makes your torso look a lot shorter. If you put them a little lower, or maybe add fewer lines?

Just words from an Anon.

>> No.6274716

Also, from >>6274713, a word of advice: Don't ever listen to Tumblr. They will asspat you into Mostflogged land.

>> No.6274718

actually, what I revamped was just getting a zentai instead of using armsocks, I didn't remake the dress;; I kind of want to do that eventually? now that I know more about sewing, I might just scrap the whole thing and piece it together instead of painting it all, since the color is off anyways. I just have to find the right color fabric first...

>> No.6274723

really? I definitely wouldn't have thought of Redglare, haha. Maybe someday!

but thank you! To be honest, I like the Disciple the most, so I'll probably cosplay her again anyways. but I'll definitely do that to make my cosplay more flattering c: I'm not terribly happy with the way the dress looks on me anyways.

>> No.6274729

Actually, I'm looking at it, and I really don't think you look like a goblin at all. I think the only thing I find a bit awkward is the teeth, but then again I've never been big on fake teeth, even for cosplay. ^^;

You're probably my favorite Nepeta cosplayer, and I usually don't care for cosplay of her. @_@;

>> No.6274730


I think my problem with your Disciple costume is that the way you made the dress makes you look incredibly dumpy. Why is it so loose starting below the bust? It doesn't look like that in the comic. The way you made it looks to me like a babydoll style dress, which when combined with the long sleeves and tights just makes you look rounder than you really are. I think you should tighten it under the bust and at the waist and let the skirt flare out like that from your hips.

>> No.6274731

Keep redglare in mind. You'd make a fantastic one.
But if you do decide to re-do your disciple dress, just be careful about the line spacing.

>> No.6274732
File: 21 KB, 408x347, 1348944098036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no you didn't

>> No.6274735

...she cosplays Nepeta. Do you know who this person even IS?

I MEANT Disciple, but I mixed up my wording. Like a complete dumbass.

>> No.6274740

> ^^;
> @_@;

We don't do that sort of thing here.

>> No.6274742
File: 111 KB, 242x290, jfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Tumblr is back that way.

>> No.6274743

I'm really bad at conveying emotion online without it. I hate sounding like I don't care. UGH.

Sorry. I'm making a huge ass out of myself.

>> No.6274745


how do you even those disciple tights? Do you buy them? dye them? I want these so bad.

>> No.6274746

ok can someone please tell me just WHAT is the deal with mostflogged. I heard she was one of the "cool" homestuck cosplayers to follow, and I tried but her blog is just all porn and her answered asks from anons kissing her ass. Is there something I'm missing that makes her so great?

>> No.6274748

ahhh, thank you so much!

it's really loose because I honestly just didn't really know what I was doing at the time! I'm learning a lot more about sewing and patternmaking in my fashion classes, so even though I only made this eight months ago, I could probably make it a lot better now. Hopefully. C:

haha, I will! I might at least ask one of my friends who have cosplayed her if I can borrow theirs just to see.

>> No.6274749


she's an awful dramabomb, avoid at all costs

doesn't pay rent so she can do cosplays

>> No.6274750


There's nothing that makes her particularly great, but at the same time there's nothing that makes her particularly awful either. I have no idea why she gets so much flack when she's really just kind of normal.

>> No.6274754

I already unfollowed her, no worries there

that was kind of the impression I got

>> No.6274755


>> No.6274759

I think she sewed them herself tbh

>> No.6274760

Then go back to Tumblr, where everyone uses emoticons, ecks dee.

Really, it's not that hard to explain your emotions online without emoticons.

>> No.6274765

I like the one where she masturbates on her friend's computer chair and gets her girl juice all over it.

>> No.6274766
File: 642 KB, 1280x857, Signless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...quietly putting this thread back on track.

This is probably one of my favorite Signless pictures, but it's a shame that the lighting is that way, even for the sake of the shot. I'd love to see the actual costume and pray it isn't actually a piece of shit in person.

>> No.6274767


She honestly did that?

>> No.6274768


if so, dayum girl.

>> No.6274772
File: 185 KB, 500x747, 30838145539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6274773


oh, this is me! i'm about to go to bed but a real quick summary:

>>6274759 is right, i sewed them myself but they're not too complicated. basically they're boot covers melded with leggings. i patterned out basic boot covers out of my black fabric, but extended the tops of the boot covers high enough that i could draw the tops out as a pants pattern. i sewed it together and worked on fitting the shoe thing around the shoes, etc. the waistband is just elastic, to make them easy to pull on (stretch fabric is key).

it was only after i'd already fitted the shoepants and made sure they looked right over my shoes that i added the green parts. to do that i put them on and marked where i'd want the green stripes down the legs and how wide i'd want them to be. keeping in mind that this is stretch fabric, i went for a smaller measurement (about 3 inches), knowing it would look wider once i had them on. i marked that down both sides then just cut out those long strips of black fabric from the sides. i used those as patterns to cut from the green fabric, then sewed the green fabric right back in, which pretty much completed it. i added a reinforcing sole afterwards to the bottom of the shoe but that's not always necessary.

i'm not that great at explaining things, so if you want a little sketch or something let me know and i'll try to draw you what i'm talking about when i get up in the morning.

>> No.6275094


partially, but also homestuck cosplay is so shitty in generally they don't know what quality actually looks like


case in point

>> No.6275103

Meenah and Mituna. Meenah is really genuine and you can tell she's a very driven individual who hates her stupid friends but she talks to Aranea all the time and isn't afraid to get out there and just talk to people. Also her dialogue is pretty funny.

Mituna is actually really cute and his dialogue is absolutely hysterical. He and Kronus have one of the best exchanges in the last flash game. Can't wait to see him and Latula together. He's such a cute, crude, crazy person partially because of his being retarded or mentally unsound or someshit but he's cool.

>> No.6275146


I was all set to like Mituna because he's such a sarcastic, filthy minded little spaz, but then Tumblr decided he was a preshus woobie social justice target and ruined it

>> No.6275256

I love this Signless but it's -just so- lopsided that I can't unsee it. They need to tilt the canvas in PS a bit and then it'll be perfect.

>> No.6275286


I hate that too, he's a dirty-minded spastic jerk but he's really funny. The sj shit is just people flipping their shit for no reason, which is the fandom's favorite activity.

>> No.6275310

I agree so much.

I feel as if the SJW's are grasping at straws to compromise their feelings towards him. Mituna's a spazzy vulgar fuck, regardless of his brain damage or supposed aspergers, or whatever those kids are claiming. It doesn't mean he's a bad person though, or that you're a bad person of you like him.

Either that, or the self-diagnosed fake spergs want someone to sympathize with. Which really makes no sense, because Mituna really seems like the antithesis to his overtly sensitive and fragile fans.

Homestuck in general has so many hideously flawed characters, and people really need to stop defending them.

>> No.6275562

more cosplays

>> No.6275680
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>> No.6275698
File: 193 KB, 500x750, aoq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6275706


sauce? this is awesome!

>> No.6275713

I knew I recognized the skateboard! Cosplayer is Murtunacaptor. I think he did a wonderful job on the costume, holy shit.

>> No.6275745
File: 291 KB, 900x675, m72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6275769

oh my god he is ridiculously adorable

>> No.6275845
File: 696 KB, 1268x1920, the-fairy-cake jane imsugoiandiknowit jake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know why he changed boots between the two pictures? (I'm guessing they were taken in the same day). The rainboot ones are canon but I like the look of the lace-ups, too.

Also hell yes to actually cutting holes in the helmet instead of simply attaching horns to the top.

>> No.6275857

the paint on his shoes started to fall of after a while

>> No.6275943
File: 101 KB, 500x600, tumblr_maxkimRIJI1qk1265o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bf and I plan to do full-bodysuit Latula and Mituna next year - we're a little stumped on which direction to go in though. I'd like to just purchase a catsuit of some kind and paint it (I'd like a shinier look over spandex if possible?), but I'm not sure if there's any method of doing that without it looking sloppy/paint chips ): If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear, because I have no experience with bodysuits as of right now ;;;

>> No.6275992
File: 87 KB, 1022x782, davesprite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for halloween my friend and i are cosplaying as aradiasprite and davesprite (my friend as davesprite) and i want hers to look great since it can be such a simple costume.. but she wants to cut corners by not buying orange/white pants but leggings instead and no tint of body paint.. suggestions on how the hell to get her away from this and not looking like shit?

>> No.6276117


Show her pictures of good Davesprites, and pictures of bad ones.

Also, the wings are usually what make or break quality Davesprites.

>> No.6276124

i tried that, i purchased/modified her wings, im not letting those go to shit she still insists on cutting corners and what not giving excuses like "its halloween" its still a cosplay costume that she wants to use for NYCC

>> No.6276125


Tell her straight up. If she doesn't listen, and she looks like shit, so be it. There's nothing you can do to control how she feels about her cosplay.

>> No.6276144


What are you wearing the Halloween costume for? (casual party with general people, party full of cosplayers, running around school/campus, planning any photoshoots, etc)

Depending on the circumstances, Halloween is a time where you can afford to be more lenient on costume accuracy. And in some cases, it may be good to forgo some details.

If you are going to party and/or attend class in these costumes, skipping the bodypaint may be smart. Being a sweaty mess that is turning everything into a Cheeto isn't going to be fun. Not is having a paranoid teacher hover over you with sanitizing wipes.

I'd stress good pants though, as there's no excuse for going cheap on comfy pants that look better.

And like someone else said, focus on the wings. Though if you're partying in them, they will run the risk of getting damaged.

(I'm a college student, so I usually associate Halloween with getting trashed at some party. And I remember teachers at my highschool freaking the fuck out when I went as a bloody zombie one year. Your mileage may vary, obviously.)

>> No.6276168

i myself am going partying and she may tag along or not, she wants to be "a great davesprite" but cutting corners like this doesn't sound like a good idea since she also wants to use it for NYCC which comes first before halloween, and i just know she'll get ridiculed and slumped in with the rest of the bad homestuck fans
i have no worries on body paint becoming sticky i have ways of sealing that shit to be your new skin

(i associate halloween with that too, and frankly i plan on setting another friend of mine up in our principals office as a weeping angel and not giving a fuck its our last year)

>> No.6276241

Where can I order white contacts for dead homestucks?

>> No.6276245

By which I mean, what are some reputable sources since I don't want to go blind for this.

>> No.6276252

I got these:

You can also get full white-out contacts as opposed to mesh, but those will obscure your vision 100%. The mesh ones give you at least a little bit of visibility while still providing the white eye effect.

>> No.6276273
File: 111 KB, 500x669, GElaE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The standing person is supposed to be "March Hussie."

If she's unwilling to budge on the makeup for Davesprite, you might have to let her go to NYCC as she wants and see the calibre that "great Homestuck cosplay" is held to.

>> No.6276319

that "march hussie" should stop
and well.. i might just have to but i really don't want to hear her complain to me about it, stubborn friends can be a pain

>> No.6276474
File: 102 KB, 250x334, knights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heck yes, Mur is so adorable, he was at AWA and he is a thousand times cuter in person.
Anybody got shots of good homestucks at AWA? There actually weren't nearly as many of them as last year. I remember there being a huge parade of MSPA.

>> No.6276514
File: 190 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m272w5hA7y1qknbx4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh wow you're probably my favorite Disciple out there, your tights are super nice! Here is a picture of my Disciple from SC last year, it's the only full body I have and I look dumpy in it (what is going on with my tight bottoms there???) I know I'm not the best out there but I had a lot of fun in this costume.

I think if people end up doing more complicated Homestuck designs you certainly end up learning a lot, this costume was my first homestuck cosplay and I learned how to make horns, painting techniques, makeup, wig styling (I still think my wig is not even half as large as I would like) and tons of other stuff. For my GT Feferi I learned all about those huge cellophane wings and how to work with Jersey knit. And now I'm revamping it because I don't like how some of it turned out.

Now with Damara I'm learning how to make those buns out of hair extensions, so far it's a trial and error and I get to learn how to make a sailor collar shirt.

Then again you get so much casual homestuck cosplay it's not really beneficial in the long run when you're trying to learn how to make better costumes.

>> No.6276556


i remember seeing pics of you after sakuracon- i love your disciple, as well! i really like your wig especially.

>> No.6276570


Do you perchance have a tumblr I can follow? I always need more cosplayers to gawk over.

>> No.6276590

>tfw your shirt to complete your cosplay didn't come in the mail today

>> No.6276627
File: 86 KB, 960x1280, 0326121724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any guides to make fins? I'm thinking of cosplaying Cronus.

Pic semi-related.

>> No.6276636

Here's the one I used
You look perfect for Cronus

>> No.6276639

Damara, if you're still lurking in this thread, I was just curious, how did you apply the whole Leo symbol on Disciple's whole top, and really the green designs in general? It looks abolutely AMAZING, I'm such a huge fan of your cosplays, gosh.

>> No.6276648


Thank you very much!

>> No.6276652

Welcome, sir!

>> No.6276679




the sleeve stripes and waist stripes are pieced in with a method similar to the one i used for the leggings described here >>6274773 aka i sewed the whole thing in the black fabric, marked off the sections that should be green, and used the cutouts as patterns. the leo symbol on the chest is slightly different- it has so many curves i didn't want to try sewing it in. instead it's just sewn right on top of the black fabric and satin stitched around the edges. it's a little hard to do on stretch fabric, so when i'm not wearing the top it has some warping, but once it's on the body it lays very smooth!

>> No.6276765

>Most of these are just terrible, I don't understand what all the fuss is over this group.

They're the elitist group that migrated from Hetalia and Naruto. I recognize the Psionic as a Casual England cosplayer who uses people for popularity then moves on. They use the same photographer for every photoshoot so the filters are always the same.

>> No.6276822
File: 419 KB, 700x425, tumblr_mb84a7iogb1qbwnxlo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks terrible. Again.

>> No.6276835


oh great looks like I'll have some good natured competition when you do Damara then but I only have three weeks to finish it for the convention. I just got my wig so I'll be working on it tonight. Can't wait to see how yours turns out since you have a ton more experience with Aradia designs. I hope the next flash comes out soon so I know how to do her collar, if it doesn't happen by next week then I may be in a rut.

Which cons do you happen to frequent? I'd love to see your costumes in person some time.

>> No.6277014


Oh good, I'm glad I wasn't crazy for noticing that. I REALLY don't like that filter.

Hey Damara, I hear you're having some trouble getting your Handmaid horns to work. Maybe someone here knows something that could help? Maybe post a pic?

>> No.6277083

Is it a mounting thing or balance or getting them under the wig or what.

>halfway through building a huge fucking pair of Handmaid horns
>remembers to check a reference
>....aw hell

>> No.6277099
File: 347 KB, 1600x1172, roseisfiftyyearsoldandinvegas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I'm having difficulty flats for god tier Rose in a size that would fit my feet (8.5 to 9 USA). There's one auction on ebay up with a pair that looks perfect, but, in case I don't snag 'em, do these look too gaudy? The sparkle/glitter thing isn't canon at all, but, I thought I could pull it off because of her aspect being light? Shrug.

>> No.6277107
File: 536 KB, 798x500, whatthefuckhornsstopthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i know your pain. i'm trying to finish damara for nycc- i agreed to cosplay her with an alpha trolls group a few weeks ago but i didn't predict the flash taking so long to come out, so i'm just kind of squinting at her little sprite and making a basic sailor uniform top. i hope the flash comes out soon- i'm going to feel very silly if it debuts a few days before nycc or something (which seems pretty likely considering hussie's schedule lol).

my con schedule is a little sporadic. i base my choices around which friends of mine are going where and what looks interesting. i live in canada so i wind up on both east and west coast american cons a lot.


good idea! i went and took a couple, here's hoping you guys have some ideas.

to >>6277083, it's both a mounting and balance thing. it's really frustrating me since the entire rest of the costume is done, props and all, and now this horn thing. i have to say i didn't anticipate these problems, although i should have. more reasons to never procrastinate again.

the photo on the left shows how they ought to be sitting on my wig. the photo on the right shows how they look right now. they're hanging off the wig at really odd angles. i think they're top/back heavy, so they pull on the wig a LOT. i've tried pinning my wig tight to my head and bracing the horns under the wig with tough fabric, but that's not working. i'm going to try a plastic strip screwed between the horns under the wig next, but do you guys have any ideas/experience with big horns? i am going to feel so disappointed if i wind up having a complete handmaid costume but no horns to wear it with.

>> No.6277110


maybe this is me just really liking sparkly things and little spiffed up details in costumes, but i say go for it. chances are your shoes won't even photograph in a very glittery way. you could just think of it as a cool little detail that sets your rose costume apart from others.

>> No.6277115

Damn, those horns look boss.

sage because i can't help but holy shit they look pretty damn sweet.

>> No.6277125

Gorgeous horns!

I think the plastic strip is a good idea. I used a thick plastic headband beneath the wig to hold up my Summoner horns (with screws) and I really needed that sturdiness and weight across the top of my head to hold them.

>> No.6277127

they look a little too sparkly to me, but they're not awful and you could certainly get away with it if the rest of your costume isn't crappy. if you buy them dont forget to get some matching blue elastic/stretchy fabric and make the little straps that criss-cross in the front.

>> No.6277135

screw them onto a headband that you wear under the wig. Something that big and that long will not stay on your head otherwise.

>> No.6277143
File: 544 KB, 2224x1024, handmaaaaaaaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't make my own handmaid horns, but I did help engineer the rigging for them. Here is a collage showing my horns and the rigging which actually managed to get mine to actually stay on my head. It could have used more reinforcement and some padding at the base, but it actually worked! This outfit had PROBLEMS, but this was the least PROBLEMS part overall.

I hope this helps. Your HS work is awesome and I can't wait to see your completed Handmaid!

>> No.6277153

what I didn't explain here well enough and I just realized: Having the extra band that went around my head instead of just the headband ensured that the weight was more evenly distributed across my skull and helped keep the horns from falling or sagging as much as they could have otherwise. I plan on reworking some of the rigging on these things if I ever rewear it, but considering we managed to engineer this rigging in a hotel room with fabric scraps from god knows what, a sewing machine someone had, a roll of gorilla tape, a shitload of hot glue, and a bit of e6000, someone with your skills could easily adapt this into something less ghetto and more comfortable. You may want to pop ibuprofen before you wear those horns all day though. They get heavy FAST.

>> No.6277167


Agreed here, if you aren't using an underband and instead attatching the horns by themselves then that should be your next step.

My advice is to get another plastic headband or a stonger material and make an almost helmet like band that fits around your entire head and put in extra screws in the horns other wise they will be going everywhere.The problem is some weight will need to be closer to your forehead to keep the wig up so it'll be hard to make that not show up when you are wearing it. I don't think I'm describing it well but you defiently need another band in the back to screw it while making sure it doesn't slip off. Have you tried asking other ancestor cosplayers such as Condenses and other Handmaids how they support all that weight?

Also quick question. How did you put in your chopsticks/hair sticks for your Damara? that's the only bit going to give me a bit of a hard time when I attatch the bun and can't figure out where to put in the sticks. I'm also part of a group too for my con (Akicon) and was going to do Meulin before thirty other people jumped on that chance.

>> No.6277210
File: 226 KB, 350x773, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




yeah, it looks like this will be the best solution. i'll try to find a good one.


oh wow, this is SUPER helpful, thank you so much! i'm going to give this a shot and see what i can rig up. thank you so much for taking the time to explain it- i adore your handmaid so it makes my night to hear that you're looking forward to mine.


also a great idea- i think this will combine well with hanyaan's. i'm determined to make this work out- i'll update you guys once i have something together.

and regarding my damara hair sticks, i just pushed them through the bun itself. the bun is from the up-do i created with the rest of the wig layers and it's got a hair net on top to hold its shape, but it's still very soft and the hair sticks easily slide through it and stay in place. what kind of bun method did you use? did you cover styrofoam balls like in some odango tutorial or are you using an arda wigs-like bun piece? i don't have much experience with those two but if you made your own bun like i did it just takes a little fiddling to find the right spot to put them.

pic related, my damara wig.

>> No.6277247


Yeah I'm doing the odango method not much luck so far but it's my first time. I just added the wefts to the front tonight so it's slowly starting to look better.

>> No.6277309
File: 266 KB, 824x504, thetagsthough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feeling good about sharing cosplay with fellow fans.
>See quality cosplays
>Go back to Tumblr:
>This is in the Dave Strider tag.

And they wonder why people call Homestuck cosplay lazy as shit. Every Dave I've run into for the last 3 cons (excluding myself) has just done this version. It made me legitimately upset that I was the only GT!Dave with one other Tux Dave the whole con.

>Yfw you know it's a cop out and yet no matter how hard you work on them, your cosplays get lumped in with this.

>> No.6277312

Forgot to add that there were about 20 Daves. All of them did that version.

>> No.6277843

Does good March!Eridan cosplay exist? It seems like the holy grail of homestuck cosplay. Someone? Anyone!

>> No.6277958

as far as I'm aware everyone good in the fandom hates March Eridan.

>> No.6277988
File: 74 KB, 565x848, favorite_month_by_jazzyjaws-d3lag1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also found this so.

>> No.6277986
File: 72 KB, 479x720, 130352410188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I like this girl.
But I am biased because I have a crush on her.

>> No.6278233

what really? aww that's disappointing to hear. I thought it made his character so much more interesting

whoa she's cute as hell

>> No.6278237
File: 560 KB, 672x600, _foryoudarling__by_puddingpie-d5g5o7m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a really awesome shot, I have to show it to a friend who loves Eridan.
Also, slightly OT but /q/ is discussing whether or not Western stuff should be allowed on /c/. It's accepted on /cm/ so it only makes sense to me that /c/ accept it as well. Besides, Homestuck threads on /co/ are mostly discussion and the images are sparse also the threads are bumped off page 10 rather quickly. /c/ is a slower board and optimal for imagedumps.
So, if you wanna give some input to the /q/ thread it would be helpful.

>> No.6278417


I really hate how Dave ends up as the default for the ultimately lazy. I did a Dreamer version and would really like to do another costume for him, but lazydaves have built this whole stigma around doing him and adjakalakallassdkdkaka it's just a shitty situation.

>> No.6278597
File: 37 KB, 300x300, Okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it. Cosplay as Dave and just give no fucks.

The only reason I said I was legit mad was because I was told-- to my face-- by LazyDaves with awful binding, shit wigs and that stupid shirt that my cosplay was "bad" and they were the "best dave at the con lololol".

I would only ever do that version of Dave at a meetup. Cons? Hell fucking no.

>> No.6278717
File: 93 KB, 500x667, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh off of tumblr

>> No.6278718

Okay, I take it back. I like this March Eridan.

>> No.6278730

What is this........

>> No.6278739

Big beautiful strong Jade who don't need no Dave.

>> No.6278775

Ugh, it really annoys me when people use black and white striped socks/stockings for Jade. I know there's no avoiding it, but her sprite has grey/dark grey stripes. It really irks me.

>> No.6278816
File: 1.43 MB, 1000x750, 1312171470201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some old cosplay pictures I haven't really seen posted before.

>> No.6278826
File: 652 KB, 907x1355, don__t_need_no_permission_by_dangerousladies-d3hh877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a fandesign of Rose's God Tier before hers came out.

>> No.6278833
File: 275 KB, 497x587, EKT9U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal headcanon for Jade.

>> No.6278838
File: 118 KB, 400x300, the_wizard_of_oz-121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people go with white because her outfit supposedly has something to do with the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz.

>> No.6278844
File: 222 KB, 465x700, 1323305542861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6278847

I guess that's true! I just find it just sort of cheapens the cosplay, but that's only my opinion.

>> No.6278860

Aaand... I have never seen a John cosplayer I really like.

>> No.6278870
File: 524 KB, 700x700, tumblr_lqb39waYoH1qa3lhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a great group tho'.

>> No.6278873
File: 847 KB, 350x233, tumblr_m3d16dE4rc1rrv35lo1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favourite John, in my opinion, they're perfect, haha.

>> No.6278896

I need some advice.

I just started teaching and I met this kid yesterday who obviously is special needs; I don't know in what way.
He's very articulate but runs off on a tangent easily. The only problem is he's absolutely obsessed with Homestuck. Whenever I got to help him he changes the subject to Homestuck. It's like his whole world. Everything he does is Homestuck and he won't stop talking about buckets or trolls or whatever.

What the fuck do I say to this kid to get him to shut the fuck up?

>> No.6278904
File: 846 KB, 1936x1288, 1300651637593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some trolls.
I guess these are my "headcanon" cosplayers.

>> No.6278913

He is obviously autistic/has some form of asbergers and I DON'T EVEN MEAN THIS INSULTINGLY, like he might actually have these conditions.
Look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsmjwHW40ps&feature=related at this, then try to read a little on the condition and such.

>> No.6278923
File: 1.17 MB, 853x1280, tumblr_loeiabXWO01qg78mw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6278930
File: 251 KB, 1067x1600, 5906463493_677218839d_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really like this Ara.

>> No.6278935
File: 275 KB, 900x1200, tav_again_by_mridiot0o-d3lipiu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6278944
File: 694 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_3112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6278946

oh my goodness, this is probably the best Sollux I've ever seen.

>> No.6278948
File: 175 KB, 499x486, sweat_by_qpupcosplay-d3hb7go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two.

>> No.6278954
File: 861 KB, 1000x1510, kanaya_maryam_by_zillywhoooore-d4avg15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see Zillywhore posted very often, but I love her Kanaya.
What happened to her?

>> No.6278962
File: 456 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_m74xa8thTq1qcusgbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really biased about this Eridan though because it's the same person as >>6278944
and I just love them to bits.

>> No.6278970

Oh she's kind of cute. Every time I see her though for some reason her face looks off. I don't even know what's wrong or what's throwing me off, because she's attractive, but it looks awkward to me.

>> No.6278972
File: 814 KB, 900x675, 1325652610117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why, but I love this Feferi to bits.

>> No.6278975
File: 283 KB, 750x500, tumblr_m5ezonM5jM1qf5b7oo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too early to have headcanon/favorite Prescratchcestors? (Meenah or Aranea at least?) I wanna know who you guys like!

>> No.6278986
File: 99 KB, 900x598, hs__don__t_squeeze__that_ball_by_beechs-d3c8hqr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Gamzee AND Tavros are really good.

>> No.6278991
File: 608 KB, 653x824, Jadegodtier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only other thing was when Cascade first came out, in the full body image the stockings looked white and black

>> No.6278994
File: 687 KB, 960x1280, 1317853869753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever headcanon.

>> No.6279037

>implying Vriska isn't fat

>> No.6279069
File: 253 KB, 468x700, 1336868297582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite Johns are Vantasss and Sodii (in the pic)

>> No.6279086

That is a terrible picture.
>stupid fake overbite
>shirt colors wrongs
>shitty hood construction
I've heard the name Sodii around before, but seeing this I'm really disappointed.

>> No.6279090
File: 103 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mah89eMqBG1qlspr9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one is vantasss. Sometimes she looks too cutesie/pretty for john but I still think she pulls him off rather well.

>> No.6279095

I hate it when people do photos like this. Is there a picture of her NOT upside-down?

>> No.6279101

I dont really mind the fake overbite myself, but that is an awful hood.

>> No.6279118
File: 93 KB, 500x750, jhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6279179

Huh. I generally like Sodii's cosplays but even my hood looks better than that and I haven't been sewing for half as long as she's been cosplaying. She really needs to fix that shirt applique, though. Dem raw edges.

>> No.6279225

...*slow clap*

>> No.6279229

dem freckles <3

>> No.6279282

Ugh, this chick. Both her and Lindzar really rub me the wrong way. I can't figure out what it is, but something about them just makes me think they're really self-absorbed, when they really don't have much reason to be.

>> No.6279295

thy ar both really nice but i know that feel, i guess is because everyone puts them as the poster child for john and dave all the time when their cosplays are ok

>> No.6279304

it might be because of how stuck-up they act at meetups and conventions. Why go to a gathering if you're just going to sit in your little cool-kid circle apart from everyone else and not talk to anyone else there?

>> No.6279361

I never got that. Both of their costumes are decent but I'm never super impressed by them. I've met/seen a lot of people who either have better constructed/more accurate costumes or pull of the character better but those two are the "headcanon" for so many people and I... don't get why.
The one thing I can say they've got going for them is good photography.

>> No.6279472

i met them both at otakon and they really arent, they were pretty chill the whole time
idk on meet ups though since im not from their area
yeah there really is better people for those charactrs to have as headcanon...
but thta is true they do have some great pictures

>> No.6279501
File: 229 KB, 500x750, teq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6279517

oh dear god thats adorable.

>> No.6279626 [DELETED] 
File: 235 KB, 960x720, Freaking Meenah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Inappropriately Cosplay at International Festival
2. Get truckloads of Thai Beaches
3. ?????????
4. Profit

you just can't explain that

>> No.6279634

have to agree with this. they usually just huddle together into this circle in the corner of the meet with the rest of their elitist friends and are generally rude to anyone who tries to interact with them.

>> No.6279642

also again proving that no one can fucking pull off the crop top for meenah so stop trying

>> No.6279648
File: 42 KB, 500x414, tumblr_mb6q8kyg9k1qdglvt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i am the hurt

>> No.6279659

That Meenah is fucking awful.

>> No.6279669

then just put on a regular t-shirt

>> No.6279679 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 364x605, what are t-shirts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do people get regular t-shirts
I don't freaking own any

>> No.6279688

I've fallen in love with Meulin, too bad most cosplays are WIP at this point. I can't wait.

>> No.6279693

>Fucking Wal*Mart.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.6279706
File: 80 KB, 960x720, 426936_2235916835086_1375397010_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

icant hear you im too busy being fabulous omg

but seriously thanks for the cosplay help
I'll have to go find one of these Wal*Mart's

>also extremely excited for quality Meulin cosplays

>> No.6279718


Except they're doing that godawful "Fancytier" bullshit.

A bunch of cheap lace and plastic beads thrown up onto an outfit does not make you 'Fancy' and looks really tecky and bad. JOhn is the DUMBEST character to do a Fancytier of, since he wear a goddamned t-shirt.

The cosplayer themself is a good John but they'd be better without that extra bullshit.

>> No.6279726


Fancytiering shit like tee shirts and Rose's capri pants is the dumbest fucking thing. Either make a formal garment or don't, don't put lace on a teeshirt.

>> No.6279770
File: 193 KB, 900x675, eridan__do_the_creep__by_qpupcosplay-d45lju1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The LOLSORANDUM xD shit only works on Tumblr.

>> No.6279832


>> No.6279839
File: 142 KB, 1280x850, gtj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. I don't even see many decent normal godtiers because it seems like most good Homestuck cosplayers go for the "fancy" designs over canon, either because they just prefer the more detailed designs or because they don't want to look all plain and simple compared to all the other fancytier shit.

>> No.6279929

I don't know about Sodii but Lindzar has always seemed pretty chill to me? I've seen her at cons and she seems like the type that's just kind of introverted and it's just hard to strike up conversation with people she doesnt know?Thats the impression I got, at least

>> No.6279967

same, haven't met sodii but i've hung out with lindzar at a con before and she's honestly just an introvert. she'd rather sit quietly at the sidelines with people she knows than jump in with a bunch of loud new people. and she already gets plenty of people coming up to her because she's popular on tumblr so i don't really blame her for not going out and talking to everyone else.

>> No.6280059
File: 84 KB, 205x199, damara1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

progress on my Damara wig but running into problems with the horns. They are made out of model magic and attatched with a head band underneathe but they are pretty insecure and the model magic doesn't stay well with the nails. Any advice?

>> No.6280133

Having met both, I agree with this about lindzar. Having met sodii briefly, seems to be a little less introverted but still kind of shy and awkward. Honestly having talked to the both of them, they aren't stuck up at all - they've both insisted that they aren't good cosplayers and its their friends who actually have talent, so they're actually pretty humble.

Their cosplays aren't my favorite, they aren't my headcanons for John or Dave. I think what gets me is that as far as quality, they pass pretty decently, but something about how they hold themselves or their faces just fails to sell the characters to me. I can look at pictures of them and think "Hmm, they're pretty well put together, their quality is halfway decent, this is clearly a person trying to cosplay John Egbert, but they don't really bring the character to life for me." The same logic applies to lindzar's Dave. I think sodii has since been using fake nails for buckteeth so she's stopped biting her lip, thank god.

>> No.6280136

can we get a brighter picture? i can barely see what's going on here

>> No.6280421
File: 77 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mbab78X3RO1r6853uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on tumblr.

>> No.6280448

I understanding wanting to punch up the visual interest but using nice fabrics and maybe something with a faint pattern for the applique and doing something that fits really well would be 100000% step up from both shitty canon designs and inappropriately fancy shit. That's require more skill than 90% of them have though

>> No.6280528


Personally, I think the Fancy Dreamers are pretty neat... the Fancy Godtiers just seem really silly though, not sure why.

>> No.6280637

Is that the same person?

>> No.6280639

i think all the designs are nice-looking and all that, but it kind of annoys me that people are taking them as the accepted canon as far as more detailed versions of the outfits go? it's mentioned a lot that the godtier and dreamer outfits are basically pajamas, so i don't get why everyone is so insistent on acting like ballgowns and crowns ad stuff make total sense.

>> No.6280653
File: 802 KB, 1918x640, fancy_tier_by_suffocation-d4xrp4v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because the designs usually look silly and impractical.

>> No.6280654
File: 198 KB, 2000x412, sadsdfsfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6280658
File: 453 KB, 1000x992, 30867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6280661

Requesting that picture of the person who legit sewed their mouth like Kurloz? Also what kind of shit storm did that bring in as far as tumblr?

>> No.6280663

I think it was just makeup.

>> No.6280667

New thread: >>6280665

>> No.6282088 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 500x400, tumblr_mb64umGLsY1qkusc2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the pic of the person who supposedly actually tried to sew their mouth shut for Kurloz.