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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6269184 No.6269184 [Reply] [Original]

>24 years old
>Making 70k a year
>I watch anime, play video games, and browse /jp/ in my free time
>mfw I'd never touch any of you dirty skanks when you are in your mid/late-twenties and desperate to find a man to take care of you

I'll import a sexy young foreigner that I can easily control and force to produce many children for me.

Enjoy being poor and lonely, I hope you get lots of cats.

>> No.6269187
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>that feel when I'll never have a loving stable relationship with a nice man with a decent income after my youth leaves me

>> No.6269186

This thread is off-topic. Sage and report.

Captcha: police nservins
That's right.

>> No.6269189

mad fatty detected

>> No.6269188

You sound angry and bitter

I hope you find happiness.

Also 70k isn't that much lol. Most of my ibanking friends are making 250k+ a year with a 300-700k bonus [they started making that at age 22 btw]

>> No.6269190

I don't give a fuck. Not cosplay. Go away.

>> No.6269191
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>> No.6269193

My fiance makes more money than you.

>> No.6269195

;_; forever alone.

I knew I should have cut a hole in that condom when I let those seniors in college fuck me.

>> No.6269196

> implying you're going to get icky-sticky with your mail-order bride and not ridden for all you're worth - namely 35k/year and half your assets

>> No.6269199


Seriously stop the samefagging. It's annoying and you're not really trolling anyone.

You sound really really bitter and I honestly hope you stop and evaluate why you feel that way.

In b4 fatty landwhale etc

>> No.6269204

3 divorces? How old are you and how much are you making from the last two guys?

>> No.6269202
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>> No.6269201


i-is this really a girl posting?

i can't hold this feel

>> No.6269200

Most men get prenups in today's society. It is getting harder and harder to screw men out of money. I'm currently in the process of getting my third divorce, I might not get any money this time aside from child support. Feels bad man.

>> No.6269206

> getting harder to screw a man out of money

>> No.6269207

Sup OP. Stop bumping your own threads.

>> No.6269209


Congrats, you're a golddigging bitch.

>> No.6269214


Kill yourself. No, seriously. I'll be happier knowing you aren't alive.

>> No.6269215


Not really.

Also I'm a dude lol and I know them since I work with them in the same lob [line of business].

0/10 troll

>> No.6269216

Actually I know at least one friend of a friend who worked at Amazon and then Google right out of college. It's around 80k/year, and he and his wife met IN college.

Bonus: pretty sure she's Asian.

>> No.6269218

Ugh i hate men that is why i lesbian... :E

>> No.6269219

I got my first husbands house, it was his grandparents before they died. I sold that shit. Living in a dead person's home? How disgusting. I had to fake an orgasm whenever I got fucked in that house because it smelled like old people.

The second husband only had a 100k in the bank (he started a small business shortly before I met him). I got a large chunk of that money :)

>> No.6269220

lel OP pls


>> No.6269222

lol go to bed Hobbes

>> No.6269224

im 17 right now. when im legal how do i do this? do i need to have the guy get my preggers?

>> No.6269223
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>making 70k a year
>browses /jp/
Now that's a contradiction if I ever saw one

>> No.6269226

>I watch anime, play video games, and browse /jp/ in my free time

>implying you're a catch

No wonder you'll have to buy a girl.

>> No.6269227

> implying these aren't anti-woman trolls from /pol/

>> No.6269229

Sleep with guys who work at banks. That is where I met my first husband. :)

>> No.6269231
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dem buzzwords

>> No.6269235

The post calls for a dump of anti-woman images. Read it and creep.

>> No.6269236
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Who said anything about me not working? I just said my fiance makes more money than you.

>> No.6269239


So then you're just a superficial bitch. Congratulations.

>> No.6269240

> I ain't no golddigger!
> Yes you are!
Yeah, no way this could eat up the whole thread.

>> No.6269251


Yea, this thread was super productive before they started. It's half /pol/ trolls pretending to be vapid whores and half genuine vapid whores, and the two are indistinguishable.

>> No.6269269

And I'm going to be making 175-300k projected when I finally get out of training. Joke's on you.

>> No.6269276

>make 90k a year
>have boyfriend
>thread reported


>> No.6269280
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Oh honey, keep it. You're going to need whatever you can get your hands on to drown out the loneliness when you figure out no non-shit tier foreign woman would put up with a tiny penis and a big ego.

>> No.6269282
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Still replying to obvious troll threads, eh.

>> No.6269298

Not that I would love to make your wage, OP but that's not really a lot.

>> No.6269318

Cool thread. Mo money mo problems. I make 50k, own my 2 story (w/ finished basement), go to Europe once a year, and have the most loyal companion a man could ask for: mah puppy-dog. I'm happy with my life.

>> No.6269325

*my own home* I hate typing on this phone.

>> No.6269343

It's funny how much this thread has raged /cgl/. OP comes off as confident, happy, and self-sufficient while the girls responding are all likely lower-middle class "princesses" with at least one very noticeable facial deformity, a weight problem, and a dad that can't pay for brand. :)

>> No.6269344


>> No.6269347

Maybe because it's off-topic and non-related to the board as me posting about my monthly cramps on /v/. Seriously, mods, where the hell are you guys?

>> No.6269348

I'm laughing so hard at the sluts responding to this thread I can't stop the screen my shaking.

>> No.6269350

mod here. I posted the thread. Stay mad skank.

>> No.6269352

we cant have pt threads but shit like this happens all the time?
ANYWAY op 0/10 tryhard

>> No.6269353
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>> No.6269356

op you are just as bad as any attention whore here

>> No.6269366
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>> No.6269371

didn't read the thread but just stopping by to say 70k/year isn't that much OP (unless you're a hick or something)

>> No.6269391

i'd tell you to get out of /jp/ but you're already out of it
you're too normal for us

>> No.6269393

It's on the border of being Upper-middle class. It's enough to live comfortably (note that I'm saying comfortably, not lavishly) in the DC suburbs. So, really it depends on his location, because in NYC and LA, you're right, that wouldn't be much.

>> No.6269400

>Enjoy being poor and lonely, I hope you get lots of dogs.
and I will. And then I will be mega /fit/ from walking/running with my dogs all day and I'll be raking in the cash from my cute dog blogs and each of my dogs will have their own book deals from capturing the hearts of millions over the internet and I won't even give a fuck because I'll be busy cuddling a box full of puppies.


>> No.6269408

I was really popular at conventions back when I was 19. Guys would always come up and hit on me. Now that I'm 27, guys don't even look twice.

I wish I settled down with a man back when I was still attractive.

FML :<

>> No.6269409

I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.6269415

Dude, there are women in their 50's who are attractive. I doubt you've lost anything before even hitting 30.

>> No.6269416

hahahaha this is so sad

>> No.6269421

I can't compete with girls who are in their late teens. I seriously try and flirt with guys at conventions and they don't even care anymore. The last guy I got a email address gave me a fake one. I wanted to kill myself.

>> No.6269426

kill yourself

>> No.6269427

>making 6 figures (banking)
>got my own apartment(thanks dad)
>no real friends, only "work" friends
>never had a bf or anything like that
>depressed as fuck
I guess I'm lucky that the only two things that make me happy is hoarding money like a jew and watching anime.

>> No.6269431

you an op should get married

fucking bitch

>> No.6269433

Damn, that's rough. Hang in there.

>> No.6269434

I'm just like you, but I hate people and I'm asexual and aromantic.


>> No.6269438


>> No.6269442

It's not that I hate people, I just don't wanna be around them in social situations most of the time. It really sucks because I have a romantic idea of relationships and stuff like that.

I don't like OP.

>> No.6269440

If those were the only things that made you happy, you wouldn't be depressed as fuck.

>> No.6269457

well unless you do some shit like eharmony or onlinecupid you're never going to meet anyone to get your romantic relationship.

>> No.6269459

>mom and dad are rich
>mom and dad buy me whatever I need
>need is the key word
>fiance makes less than OP- but its okay. We both are in college headed towards stable well paying jerbs.
Life is good.

>yes I know its a troll. but I dun curr.

>> No.6269477

You wanna saddle yourself down with a whole bunch of kids at 24. Enjoy your personal hell dude.

>> No.6269480
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>replying to troll threads
>not saging in all fields

shiggity diggity do

>> No.6269485
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>in college working my ass off to get high paying job
>parents are humbly well-off, offer little help and only help me around holidays or if I beg
>no boyfriend currently, in and out of user relationshits where guy is completely co-dependent because I somehow scrape money from the crevices of my sunken ass and own a car
>working part time and going to college is a living hell, won't get better when I'm in grad school and will need loans
FFS I would kill for rich parents who aren't stingy or caring husbando. Or hell, I'd love to go to college just so I could enjoy learning and not have that fucking shadow behind me of having to chisel a fuckin' career from performance and pressure.

>> No.6269487


Can I have an ibanking job so I can support one of the lovely ladies on here one day?

>> No.6269494

But seriously how do so many people here have amazing jobs?

>> No.6269516

Because they're all lying about what they do for a living. Playboy, philanthropist billionaire here.

>> No.6269583

Many of us are twenty somethings.

>> No.6269617

How else am I going to fund my shitty hobby?

>> No.6269616

>i was going to rant, but i got better things to do.
sage/report for offtopic.

>> No.6269634
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>that feel when successful business
>that feel when not bothered by friends
>that feel when genuinely happy of being alone
suck it up faggots

>> No.6269706

i hate life

>> No.6269730
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>Implying I'm not going into the energy industry
>implying they're not in the middle of a crisis trying to find new younger employees for the 30 year changeout because no one in 'Murrica goes into science
>implying I didn't have a job offer with 94k salary offered to me last week, without me even asking for a job
>implying I don't have a kept boy that I fuck with a strapon and have him clean the house in heels

I think I'll manage.

>> No.6269741
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I'm already happy with my hubby.

>> No.6269767

>Making 85k/yr without a degree.

>Get on my level bitches

>> No.6269770
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>> No.6269771

That's neat. How did you do that?

>> No.6269776

Software engineering for 6 years. I got lucky and got my foot in the door. Did web design for a small business, their Java guy walked out and they gave me the job since I knew "some Java".

Turned out I knew more than the guy they previously hired so I stayed there for 3 years, experience pays more than a piece of paper. 5 years in this field and you can get a job anywhere really that pays at minimum 70k/yr.

So who wants to be my g/f? I'm decently attractive, semi-fit, and polyamorous.

>> No.6269779

Oh, and have 2 g/f's already so I really don't think I can handle more than 3 more. You must be mostly independent I.E. not a lazy skank, have a car, and a job. Unless you're like a 9/10 then exceptions can be made.

>> No.6269781


My relationship minus the house-wife part. I get home from work a little after he does and we have a nice quiet dinner, then I become an attack-whore. I can't help it. He's just too kawaii~ Wandorufur husbando~ <3