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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 147 KB, 499x750, summonerandtavros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6261736 No.6261736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is autosaging.
Post good homestuck cosplay, bad, or anything related.

>> No.6261876

wasn't there a bunch of drama about this summoner like targeting girls or something?

>> No.6261881


yeah, i seem to recall some post going around tumblr several months back where his ex girlfriend had made him out to be a sexual predator or something like that.

>> No.6262039
File: 502 KB, 500x736, tumblr_maxhzcGjgS1r92fnro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got good AU cosplays? (Runawaystuck/Steamstuck/Skaiwall, etc.)

>> No.6262049
File: 122 KB, 229x216, tumblr_m9p2eiuQdR1qe6j5j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6262072
File: 52 KB, 325x700, 12429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrary to popular belief, there are people who do pretty good AU designs.

>It will always be better than shit this.

>> No.6262209
File: 459 KB, 450x502, YlgDn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


incase you still think that

>> No.6262251
File: 96 KB, 320x240, kurlozstitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6262254


...As in The Runaways, the marvel comic?

>> No.6262413
File: 94 KB, 730x1095, jade_harley___homestuck__by_heregoesnothing__x-d4irgul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As fucking sweet as that would be, no. That's what I first thought when I heard of it. maybe I'm just too big of a Runaways fan.

>> No.6262439
File: 627 KB, 600x900, fantasystuckfef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6262475
File: 61 KB, 250x167, fantasystuckfef2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the rest of the photoset

>> No.6262545

Sadly no. It's Runawaystuck as in "Runaway and join the circus made of freaks like half bird Dave and Dragon Terezi"

>> No.6262549

wtf is wrong with her eye?

>> No.6262583
File: 153 KB, 250x375, tumblr_mah62muZpS1qbn8b0o3_r1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea.

That aside; Cosplay Pet peeve:

>God tier John cosplayers who wear Skinny jeans/tight pants.

>> No.6262599

Oh hey, just found out something I don't like with Jade/John/Jane/Jake cosplayers. People that bite their lips to simulate an overbite and it ends up looking REALLY stupid.

>> No.6262617

ditto. It looks so forced and unnatural

>> No.6262633

I mean, I've got an overbite myself and it's NOT easy to hide, ever. So when someone with a bunch of small, straight teeth does the lip-biting, it's very, very obvious. I think that fake teeth would be a lot better.

>> No.6262666

Pet peeve: weeaboos who hit on others because "OMG DAVE" or "OMG GAMZEE".
Slight story, but me and my girlfriend cosplay Dave and Terezi together as a couple. She passes pretty well as a guy, so naturally she gets a lot of attention. I get it, she's attractive, no big deal, I trust her and all that. But if I had a dollar for every stupid fangirl that pops up and plays coy and the stupid "nyaa dave-kun can I please have a kiss/hug/makeout/whatever?" I'd be loaded. Last year we were at a homestuck meet, not a con, and this natty looking Nepeta with no wig and awful unsealed paint comes up and just mashes her lips against my gf and starts shoving her tongue down her throat. Mind you, I'm right next to her. She just shoved her away and did the usual "Um excuse you?" routine and the Nepeta called her a party pooper. Apparently this is a thing she does with most attractive people cosplaying male characters according to the others at the meetup.

>> No.6262668
File: 139 KB, 900x596, homestuck__jade_sprite_01_by_dizzyispixelated-d5fzejy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just found that out? Everyone hates that shit.

Contributing now.

>> No.6262675

Actually, I didn't. I was just reminded of it. I think I found out weeks ago but never really said anything because if you express cosplay opinions on Tumblr you get a LOT of 'no fun allowed' or 'let people do what they want' comments.

>> No.6262680
File: 144 KB, 462x436, 12931724378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should write a post about this on tumblr and tell them that whenever people mimic an overbite, they're actually being really insensitive and offensive towards people with actual overbites. I'm not making fun of you, I'm just saying it'd be a funny way to turn tumblr over on its head.

....Until some asshole reblogs it in earnest and starts an "overbite-ist" campaign or something.

>> No.6262704

hey cgl homestucks, do you want to see a photo of mine that has ~1500 notes on tumblr?

>> No.6262706

That's a pretty stupid idea and I think would just aggravate everyone needlessly. Most MSPA cosplayers already know not to try and mimic physical differences like overbites because it looks too forced, so anyone who posted that would just come off as stupid to that crowd. There would be a subset of idiots crying about how they're allowed to do anything they want and OP is a big meanie for telling them not to fuck around with their jawlines. And any SJAs who took the fight on as a legit issue would just annoy everyone and make fools of themselves.

>> No.6262712
File: 183 KB, 500x327, tumblr_lxv2toGWav1qfbqoxo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"omg plz check ur overbite privilege"
#tw: overbites #trigger warning #overbites #unckeched privilege

>> No.6262715

I completely agree. I'm so sorry if I made it sound like I was offended in any way, I just thought it looked a bit dumb when cosplayers bite their lips for it...Not to mention I'd NEVER message someone to tell them about some silly pet peeve I have involving a pic they took.

>> No.6262722

while were on the subject of awful teeth, i have a super bad overbite and i have no idea how to cancel out the zach braff chin without making a retarded face.

>> No.6262723

Holy shit. I'm sorry that happened anon. Male Karkat cosplayer, seriously, I know how your gf feels. Sometimes I just want to cry when I see another bad Nepeta crawl all the wall over to me. I wish you two luck.

>> No.6262737

sure why not.

>> No.6262759
File: 927 KB, 900x1200, cid__pose_as_a_team_by_rocket_boss-d4w5ss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seerofsarcasm's group did a really good cosplay of Cities in Dust a while back. I'll pull up the good shots off her dA.

>> No.6262761
File: 89 KB, 900x599, cid__my_shadow_by_rocket_boss-d4ll1hx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6262766

Last one of the good shots. I don't feel like combing through her or cancerously's tag to get the rest.

>> No.6262769
File: 1008 KB, 900x1200, cid__all_the_luck_by_rocket_boss-d4lvt9u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot the picture.

>> No.6262771

>dat john
>dat look
>dat coat
>dat scarf
>me gusta

>> No.6263021
File: 222 KB, 500x333, fuckyeahbearsatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bearsatan is just about my favorite Equius ever.Look at them arms.

>> No.6263373

I can't stand when cosplayers do the biting the lip thing as John/Jade/Jane/Jake

>> No.6263395

I'm one of those anons and ewwww my god I TAKE IT BACK I TAKE IT BACK I NEVER SAID IT

where did you find this? Jesus H christ

>> No.6263440

Holy shit she was on nudestuck once before they had to take her picture down.
Turns out she submitted it and she was only 15

>> No.6263472
File: 109 KB, 423x750, nicerainbows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A WIP I found

>> No.6263498

The only potentially good thing about the inevitable influx of shitty Kurloz cosplayers is that hopefully they'll all insist on acting in-character and not talk.

Unless of course, they insist on trying to recreate the deafening "HONK". Which knowing the fandom, is what will probably happen.

But even if that holds true, they won't be able to talk forever before going hoarse. The Gamzee cosplayer's horns on the other hand, will forever be one of the worst plagues to befall cons.

>> No.6263504
File: 31 KB, 640x480, image201209260001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my dave decent?

>> No.6263511

Please style your wig.

Cosplays of the kids are pretty simple, and it looks really lazy if you don't touch your wig.

Not to mention, I can't see what sunglasses you are using, and therefore can't critique them.

>> No.6263512
File: 29 KB, 640x480, image201209260001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just using some rayband knock offs i have, but i'm gonna get aviators(even though i hate aviators) sometime soon and the wig used to be a bit longer, but is this better?

>> No.6263656
File: 148 KB, 500x677, ewwidan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get some good or at least decent Eridans? Pic related, it's the only one I've found that I've ended up saving. It's not perfect but it's the best I've seen.

>> No.6263736

Is this the chick who did a set of jade nudes and sent them to hussie to be signed? Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.6263755

I bet Rachel got a kick out of that

>> No.6263762

at least she's cute

>> No.6263765

Yeah, seriously. It's because of things like this that I'm perfectly fine with her treating the fanbase like crap. You don't send your underaged nudes to someone because they make your favorite webcomic. Especially if he's already a taken man. God damn it. Sometimes I'm ashamed to like Homestuck.

>> No.6263767

Oh for fuck's sake. What the hell is it with tubby people not being able to stand up straight. They always have to stand with their legs in an awkward A shape and it doesn't look right at all. And if you're going to to a shadow shot, at least make sure that you're standing at an angle that doesn't make you look like a lumpy piece of shit. /rage

>> No.6263770
File: 102 KB, 500x375, fleefajade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6263790


No, I think I heard about that. She's a camgirl so getting naked is pretty much her life anyways, but she's not underage. No self respect, but not underage.

>> No.6263959
File: 20 KB, 500x375, tumblr_may8ozTUMC1qhb526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6263964
File: 120 KB, 500x484, tumblr_may1k4Imoy1rr8sezo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6263969
File: 167 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_maxo2jn6FL1rp9mqqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#kurloz makara cosplay

>> No.6263972

speaking of beyond fucking annoying social justice damaramegido's really on a roll with that today. sigh.

>> No.6263976
File: 406 KB, 800x600, homestuck_cosplay___eridan_ampora_by_psychonoble-d4gah5k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares.

>> No.6263989
File: 58 KB, 500x375, tumblr_maxj7x7sDa1r13i36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one looks good so far.

>> No.6263999
File: 999 KB, 320x240, meulincuddlingkurloz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6264000

boohoo anon nobody cares, care on and post cosplay please

>> No.6264022
File: 30 KB, 400x266, strideerkarkat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is really cute, but it just kind of irks me the wrong way when she cosplays people like Karkat and makes them super duper kawaii

>> No.6264065

that's hardly kurloz

>> No.6264086

Sure are a lot of trips and dubs in this thread.

>> No.6264124


i ain't even mad that you're mad.

>> No.6264151


She just has such a pretty face, she makes the male characters she cosplays look straight out of a yaoi manga.

>> No.6264154
File: 124 KB, 900x675, 64395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6264155

is that fucking lindzar as meulin, i didn't even know she cosplayed female characters, holy shit.

>> No.6264162
File: 44 KB, 632x950, 64513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6264165


Wait, is that really her? At the beginning of the gif it looks like her but when she lifts her head up I'm not so sure.

>> No.6264169


Uhhh, what is going on with the Kurloz's face in this gif? It barely moves and gets all warped and weird halfway through.

>> No.6264173
File: 1.59 MB, 352x209, kungfu dunk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when i want to cosplay dave
>plan to make the sord, get a wig, and prescription sunglasses just for the costume
>have it all figured out and ready to order
>remember i have darker than average skin
>ill just look like galo strider instead


>> No.6264175

I think so, I just checked her tumblr and those GIFs are there. Wow.

>> No.6264196

this would be so adorable if Kurloz' hair wasn't SO FUCKING WRONG. Nothing pisses me off more then getting so close to perfect and then wah-wah-waaaaaah

>> No.6264210

dude, you'll look fine
seriously that is NOT something to stop you from cosplaying dave
just get a dirty blonde wig instead of platinum/white

>> No.6264222


Is this shit the new Homestuck fad? It makes no sense

>> No.6264228

I'm black and cosplayed dave. I'm sure you'll be fine.

>> No.6264248


10/10 would bear his children

>> No.6264285


>> No.6264311


That is 3 bastardizations in a single holy shit well played Homosuck faggots

>> No.6264319

How is that belly dancing?
I had to go and watch the real dance after this shit.

>> No.6264496
File: 890 KB, 250x188, tumblr_mazcw2jxXd1r3x5j9o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and shes done it

>> No.6264500



And the make-up sucks.

Though I like their skeleton body-suit. It's far more sleek than the shitty skeleton shirts I'm seeing. Especially the hand-painted shirts.

>> No.6264517
File: 129 KB, 500x667, cronusampora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be disappointed by all these Cronus cosplayers I just know it.

>> No.6264520
File: 33 KB, 355x473, yourenotcronis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6264533
File: 282 KB, 1390x925, 1308997922926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wig is pretty nice. Props for at least trying to make a hair line.

While we're on the subject, I'm remaking Eridan's cape, and I'm trying to figure out a feasible way to keep it standing upright without flopping backwards. I feel like it's an attachment issue at the base of the collar, but I'm not sure what support I can stick down there to keep it standing up.

>> No.6264534
File: 1.51 MB, 2240x1488, DSC_3815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From GenCon this year~

>> No.6264543

I think their fins are cute. Accurate to the sprites at least.

>> No.6264544


Is there a facing where the collar attaches to the body of the cape? There should be, try interfacing that.

>> No.6264549

The one on the left kind of looks like a skinnier version of smoker

>> No.6264555
File: 39 KB, 500x667, youbetterbeaddingvolumetothatwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6264566
File: 111 KB, 500x396, 1305908123555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to check and no, there wasn't. That was probably the problem. Thank you!

>> No.6264579

Best one I've seen so far. Horns and Fins look really nice and so does the hairline on the wig.

>> No.6264581
File: 912 KB, 250x188, moosefix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6264585

forgot the reply

>> No.6264589

holy fuck who is that

>> No.6264594


>> No.6264634

Shit I remember that. And here was the breakdown:

>Tumblr posts pop up about the guy being a total
>rapist, who rapes young girls at anime-events.
>He throws parties to get underage girls drunk so he can
>have sex with all the passed-out girls. Then, some events
>actually BANNED the guy (for read) and some other Homestuck
>event got canceled because they were afraid he was
>going to show up.
>While in reality, it turned out that the guy had met girl #1,
>and they made out and dry-humped. Then he started
>dating girl #2 instead. Girl #1 got angry, decided that
>she no longer gave consent to the dry-humping,
>and changed it to a night of "rape" instead of a night
>of her lustily riding on-top of him and grabbing his junk.
>Girl #2 then posted about how she was dating the guy,
>and how the rapes couldn't have happened. Guy then
>posted his own tumblr with glorious details of what Girl #1
>did to him in the back seat of the car.
>TL:DR- Anime chicks are fucking psycho.

>> No.6264644
File: 49 KB, 960x720, 246420_440025796044259_1725382758_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a work in progress but... my god.

>> No.6264685
File: 66 KB, 640x480, $T2eC16RHJGYE9nooh75vBQN!)i0-3!~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, figure you guys would be the best to ask,
What's your opinion on me modifying this helmet for my Mituna cosplay?

I'm going to replace the visor-glass to make it more accurate, and be drilling holes in it to feed the horns through.

I know that having a flip-up visor is inaccurate, but I'm only planning ahead, knowing I'm going to be spending a lot of time staring through red and blue, which can really start to hurt your eyes. I figured having a flip up visor would solve that problem. Plus it gives the option of having some nice face makeup, and white mesh contacts for the dead eye look.


>> No.6264700

For ease of mobility, I like the idea of keeping the flip up visor.
I honestly don't see how people are fucking up on his helmet. I got a ton of hits for helmets of this style, and they're not that expensive if you know where and what to look for.

>> No.6264744
File: 512 KB, 250x188, cronus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this person is cosplaying him this weekened.
Keep your eyes open seagulls.

>> No.6264764

eyemake up tho

>> No.6264770
File: 42 KB, 640x480, tumblr_maz8bzJzcH1re8oemo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This look so wrong.

>> No.6264783

I've never understood why everyone is so insistent on putting freckles all over the characters...

>> No.6264789

i think it's ok. it's a bit kitty-like

>> No.6264792

I can understand a headcanon, but the freckles just look really over the top when done like that. Same with that blush. At least TRY to make it look blended with the skin color...

>> No.6264797

Are those Yaya's ears painted over?

>> No.6264798


>> No.6264807

Just noticed that

>> No.6264810
File: 89 KB, 960x720, 544345865656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6264815
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 875465465656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6264816

at least they have some potential...?

>> No.6264818
File: 767 KB, 432x324, 1348470819599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kurloz looks really fun to do

>> No.6264821

oops, didn't mean to quote

>> No.6264827

I have a weak chin and overbite; when my mouth is closed, I jut out my chin a bit and fake a slight underbite (or align my upper and lower rows of teeth directly on top of each other). It can help for photos if you figure out a flattering way of doing it.

>> No.6264833
File: 101 KB, 638x960, thatsunfortuante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's worse faces you could have anon
sage because I can't help much

>> No.6264859


That drama made me mad.


Especially as someone who actually got sexually assaulted by a Homestuck cosplayer.

He's not a prominent person by ANY means though, but I still feel a bit freaked out knowing that girls are probably going to chase after him at the next con he goes to.

It's a sad truth that sometimes the creepers in the fandom are deeply sick fuckers, and anyone who fakes such accusations is just spitting in the face of those who are actual victims. And making shit worse for everyone else, who is eventually going to grow tired of hearing these people "cry wolf".

>> No.6264914

lmao that's me
I just like putting a lot of freckles and doing makeup a way that not a lot of other people do! this was just a WIP anyway so I'll definitely keep all of your comments in mind when I do the actual makeup at AWA this weekend.

And yes, those were Yaya Han's ears painted over. They were the only thing I had on me and I can honestly not do good model magic horns for the life of me.

>> No.6264939

I thought of something that may help with the horns? Have you thought about getting two sets of those ears and gluing them together? I can't test this out myself, but it may work if you can't make them.

>> No.6264947


I met this guy in person at the last con I went to. He's a little full of himself and very flirtatious but he wasn't a creep or an asshole. Kind of a playboy if anything. He and my friend made out a little actually.

He retold that entire story, and said the first girl was really clingy and he thought she was too young for him. That's why he ended it with her. There wasn't anything fishy about his story either, it all seemed like a bunch of trumped up spiteful drama to make him seem like an actual criminal instead of just a regular guy.

Asked one of his friends about him though and he said that he "doesn't have the best track record." Don't know what that's about, but whatever. Fun to hang out with at cons at least.

Supposedly he has a crush on Adebimpe but she lives so far away it wouldn't work.

>> No.6264949

That sounds like a pretty good idea actually, but it might be too bulky. But thanks for the suggestion nonetheless! I might try that at AWA this weekend, just to see.

I feel really embarrassed getting posted to 4chan and talked about, but I guess that's par for the course when it comes to cosplay, at least now I can try to better my costume.

>> No.6264959

Just curious, would meulin have a pleated skirt or no pleats in her skirt? I've seen it go both ways, and I can't decide which version to do. Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6264961

nah I think it looks totally fab

>> No.6264963

I actually feel quite bad about my comment about your freckles, so I apologize! I'm really sorry. Honestly, I'm just glad you're not having a less than stellar response to being on here. (i.e. throwing a fit)

Yeah, that's what I was wondering. Or that that it would look like it had edges. But yeah! Trying it wouldn't hurt. Or you can ask someone to make them for you as long as they don't tell anyone.

>> No.6264972
File: 258 KB, 850x1280, 1331579495302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what would people suggest for Damara's clothing? Is it a japanese school girl esque costume or a chinese style shirt? I need to get started on this soon but I have no idea when the next flash is going to happen. I'm pretty sure those are white tights that she is wearing too.

>> No.6264974

I feel like she'd have a pleated schoolgirl-style skirt.

>> No.6264976

I'd go with Japanese school girl. Seems like most fanart of her is her wearing a school uniform. And I dunno. I think she's wearing knee-high socks, honestly, but it's hard to tell with the sprite.

>> No.6264980


i think it's a schoolgirl uniform since you can make out a little sailor collar on the leaked sprite. at least that's what i'm sewing!

>> No.6264986


Yeah I actually have a red pleated skirt for when I cosplayed Velma and some nice red shoes for this. i;m just confused on what style of shirt she's going to be wearing. I just ordered a short wig and then am going to make a bun and add in the in the front tails because I had ordered waaaay to many wefts from my Disciple cosplay.

I'm thinking of painting some knitting needles (taking off the tops) for the hair chopsticks since I believe those will be long enough. does that sound good?

>> No.6264989
File: 101 KB, 500x447, Mituna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefag from before,

What are your ideas on Mituna's actual clothing?

I was thinking about getting a black catsuit and airbrushing on the yellow parts, but I'm afraid it may crack or look wrong.

I definitely don't want to just paint it on, I've seen that done and it looks really tacky..


>> No.6264991

>purple hair
of all the things you could do wrong

>> No.6265007

If I had to guess, they reused an Eridan wig.

>> No.6265032
File: 128 KB, 568x640, Butwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with some of these Meulins and Kurloz cosplayers and the really weeaboos to japanese level sign language, when they know they should be looking up the correct ways to say things? I know it sounds a little SJW but...Are they checking to see if what they're signing is offensive or not or...?

>mfw someone said something was the "only correct" way to sign a phrase and it was actually one of many ways to.

>> No.6265034
File: 61 KB, 450x750, tumblr_mazmh5nGmI1qfyfblo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently supposed to to be the disciple...

>> No.6265036

I'd wait for an actual reference instead of cosplaying a character before their full design is revealed.

>> No.6265056


For Mituna I believe the artist said that he wears a one piece bodysuit.

For Damara the problem is that the convention is late next month so I'm gathering the supplies now so I know how much fabric I need. I was all ready to get started on Meulin but Damara was the only female troll left in my group open. Oh well I'm really excited to do this anyways. It might not be the best but I really am going to put some effort into this.

>> No.6265067

Sprites aren't the best reference to go by, jesus.

It's confirmed that Latula wears a one piece rather than tights or jeans under a shirt.


>> No.6265080

It's a humanized Pounce cosplay. The lusus.

>> No.6265154
File: 183 KB, 350x350, 1207165386-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, it's supposed to be this outfit apparently.

>> No.6265172

No they don't.

>> No.6265189

can we please discuss how huge that Jane's tits are? I mean they have to be fake right, they're just way too round and don't really sag in any of the pictures I've seen.

I don't really mind it on Cronus, I mean he is basically fandom's views on Eridan. He's a hipster artsy douche, all the hipster artsy douches I've seen have eyeliner on

>> No.6265199

If that >>6265034
is supposed to be >>6265080
ooooh girl you need to check your references again...

I think part of it is that she's always pushing them up against herself/someone else. They seem too doughy to not sag at all.

>> No.6265200

Shit meant to quote >>6265154

>> No.6265356
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>> No.6265360
File: 9 KB, 286x446, 1346383300027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know who this Pantskat cosplayer is? She saved me from a creeper at a con last year.

>> No.6265380

That's a sexy Eridan

>> No.6265381


>> No.6265383

How to i explain to local homestuck cosplayers that walmart face paint is not good for cosplay.
I mean, it's a step up from the acrylic paint mixed with lotion that they used last time (which ruined my hero of heart shirt :I ) but still not a good alternative to ben nye or snazzaru.

>> No.6265388

I say be upfront about it. Tell them that it's a bad idea to use that shit, that they're going to mess up someone else's costume and probably their own, mention that professional makeup is ~cool~ because hell, that could work. If they just won't listen...
you can always post them in one of these threads and let us at least laugh at their atrocities.
I wish you all the best of luck, anon.

>> No.6265423

No god dammit

Stop making Kurloz so damn attractive

It is making me feel things I never wanted to feel

>> No.6265511
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>> No.6265621

>has a crush on adebimpe

I'm sure the rumors didn't help him much either.

>> No.6265842
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>> No.6265843
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>> No.6265846
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>> No.6265847
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>> No.6265850
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>> No.6265864
File: 119 KB, 427x640, 254dcdec4218adace53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a bit of a crisis. I want to cosplay Kurloz but I've never done a Homestuck cosplay before because I'm sort of nervous because other fans can be kind of crazy. I want this to look really good but I really don't want to do the mass-cosplayed version either. I'm really inspired by this person's Gamzee and I want to do something fancy but suiting for Kurloz, incorporating his skeleton design without going the same route as everyone else.

Not really sure what to do or if it's worth it. I really want to do an alternate design but I don't want to be another 'specialsnowflake-stuck' cosplayer.

>> No.6265865

A little eyeliner is one thing but they're wearing more makeup than any given Kanaya cosplayer.

>> No.6265875

Speaking as someone outside of the fandom:
1. Unique stuff stands out more.
2. I think it would be worth pursuing that concept as long as you figure out something that really suits the character. If you go too far outside of what the character might actually wear, you may risk being unrecognizable as him.
3. There are so many Homestuck cosplayers out there that I don't feel like anyone will single you out as a "special snowflake" unless you're kind of annoying and shitty as a person.

>> No.6265880

There are a million fucking variants all over the board. Look at the 413,000,000,000 different "fancystuck", "victorianstuck" "swagstuck", etc-adjective-goes-herestuck designs if you want good examples of how to take a character design in a more ornate direction while keeping it recognizable.

Might also be helpful to check out ancestor cosplays. People take that shit in some crazy directions.

>> No.6265910
File: 89 KB, 500x718, sugizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback. I'm waiting on more updates to learn more about him so I can try and figure out what would suit him. Though I really want to do a rocker/visual kei sort of look because I've always wanted to design an outfit like that for some Homestuck characters, I don't think I will unless I can make a good design with the skeleton and the face paint. Also on the fence whether to use paint for his sewn mouth or to use actual thread.

Blah. I'm rambling, sorry. Still, thank you and I'll scrap the idea if it's too out of character in the end.

>> No.6265912

Oops. Forgot to quote this post as well.

>> No.6265932

jesus christ. fucking heartsinmyeyesgaaaaah


>> No.6266357
File: 330 KB, 600x900, s__eadww__ell__ers_by_albiinopalmu-d4uw8bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paint winds up looking a little lazy, but if you absolutely can't find a way to adhere string, and make it look realistic, then definitely go for the paint look.

Though if you can get the string, people will definitely appreciate that you went the extra mile.

>> No.6266447

Can anyone recommend a good pair of whiteout lenses? I know you're basically blind when they're in but I've seen mesh whiteout lenses and I believe you can somewhat see through those but I'm not sure? And while I'm on the topic of contacts, for the beta (or are they technically alpha now?) should I buy gray contacts or ones in the color of their blood. I remember in a past pesterlog Vriska was telling John about how the troll eye thing works but I need some input. Thanks in advance guys.

>> No.6266463

I'm actually going to buy the white mesh lenses so I can see a bit, but only for photoshoots because they obviously don't come in prescription and I have horrible eyesight. You can get them from youknowit.com. My friends also bought them and they work REALLY well!

Honestly, for the trolls, you can go either way. You can use brown contacts to simulate black eyes (if you're going for younger trolls), or you can use contacts in their blood color. I think the latter would be a lot better now.

>> No.6266517
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That's what the majority of the "dead" troll cosplayers use.

For the Post SGRUB-scratch (Karkat + co.) Trolls, I'd suggest going with Black/Brown. Nothing in canon has changed to say that their eyes have filled with the blood color yet, and unless you're going for an "older" look, I'd suggest going with Black or Brown.

>> No.6266598

that vaporeon in the back looks so cute

>> No.6266715

Just curious, why are 99% of Dave cosplayers jerks? I don't read the comic, so I don't know if it's an IC thing or what. Please enlighten a random observer.

>> No.6266733

I don't think I've honestly met a rude Dave cosplayer before? But there are a lot of them so I might just be blessed with being acquainted with the nice ones.

Canonly Dave can come off as a little standoffish but he's really not a huge asshole or anything (he can be, but he's kind of a silly kid in reality.)

>> No.6266813

Ah wow! They're just like my headcanon.
I simultaneously want to punch and feel bad for the Eridan.

>> No.6266983

If they weren't absolutely everywhere, I'd be in shock and awe.
Most of the time people think being a constant jerk is being "IC" as Dave. A vast majority of the fandom doesn't really get that he's supposed to just be kind of shy and a tryhard.

>> No.6267038
File: 272 KB, 798x532, DSCF3787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, Sawtooth here.

Posting myself here because I have no shame. Note, this was my FIRST EVER cosplay that wasn't just a bunch of commissions piled together, or bought-then-edited items (sans the mask and shoes, one cannot make shoes unless working in a sweatshop in China). I'm proud to say I recently went through old cosplays and found the mask...and laughed my ass off at what a Homestaku I once was.

I also cosplayed Equius at that con. I didn't know I needed to seal. I ended up getting hugs from a few other people and fucking HUGGING A FURSUITER!

>> No.6267087
File: 299 KB, 798x532, DSCF3838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't blame myself for being shitty at AniMinne though. It was pretty much a Weebfest of Homestucks. 4/10, would not attend again.

>Half the attendance didn't seal either
>Nepeta's would randomly hugging me when I was Equius (and get covered in my sweaty man makeup)
>One Lil Cal was molesting people
>I mean seriously molesting people, rubbing their thighs and shit
>People were being loud would not listen when it came time to do the photoshoot
>They complained when they missed their character's photoshoot
>Random people not cosplaying the character we were on would join in anyway if they missed their turn
>The "Spin The Faygo" incident happened at this very con, which I missed due to being at a different hotel
>The Terezi in the picture is seriously licking her face there

>> No.6267110

what is this "spin the faygo" incident?

>> No.6267124


>> No.6267149

Can't be bothered to watch kids acting dumb.
But from the first five seconds it looked fine.

>> No.6267176

didnt seem so bad just kinda cringe-worthy

>> No.6267190
File: 6 KB, 150x148, tumblr_m68s7uYe2z1qkpphbo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were mostly 12-14, and apparently no one really asked for permission. Lot of cosplays got greyed up. Again, wasn't there for it, just kinda heard about it being a big deal. Macking on strangers isn't a good idea kids.

>> No.6267222
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>> No.6267227

12-14? Yikes.

>> No.6267350
File: 587 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mb1bu7kLei1ro73q7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again.

>> No.6267359


is... is that eyeshadow on her nipples? OH GOD WHY

>> No.6267384


Quote from this girl's tumblr:

"this is rude but pretty much every time i see nudestuck stuff my immediate thought is “well that’s cute but i’m more attractive than them”"

Woooooow. What an ego.

>> No.6267394
File: 743 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mb1bd9eK2g1ro73q7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is kinda full of herself too, here: http://semeterezi.tumblr.com/post/31478381927/this-is-rude-but-pretty-much-every-time-i-see

>> No.6267398

implying shes not for the most part true.

>> No.6267409

hahah what a fucking bitch. it's like that picture of the jane with the weird boobs that was going around, and people being serious fucking douchebags bout it.

>> No.6267410

Ops, she isn't? She is average, at most.

>> No.6267411

thats the problem

>> No.6267454

I can tell right off the bat at least 3 nudestucks that are better than hers.

>> No.6267542
File: 257 KB, 434x477, mabel2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it happen, boss.

>> No.6267616

I do have a tutorial on how to do realistic stitching. Just got to practice and hope that I don't suddenly have to cough or yawn once I've got it on.

>> No.6267652

Can I request pictures of John cosplays with the best wigs that you know of? I can't ever find a John with a wig that looks right to me.

>> No.6267669

So, after making a huge mistake and making a thread for this, I want to ask for help in here.

I need help on a Meenah wig.

>> No.6267683

>short black wig
Bam. ebay, Arda, epic, etc.

>> No.6267686
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>> No.6267688

The front of the wig would be difficult though, since the hair is pulled back.

>> No.6267695
File: 10 KB, 225x338, Apollo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long black extensions.
There ya go.

>> No.6267699

ohhhh boy

Have I seen drama about this girl before? Did I imagine that?

>> No.6267700

She doesn't really have her hair pulled back, she has Sailor Moon bangs at best.

>> No.6267722
File: 53 KB, 500x400, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.6267725


I really like most of her cosplay, though.

>> No.6267738

Something about shooping herself and then saying it was actual paint.

and then there's potato rose

>> No.6267743

She slapped another girl at the Homestuck meet at AX (the panel was cancelled and Heaven started crying, the other girl came over to check on her and Heaven slapped her). She got kicked out of the room she was staying at because of it and was generally a huge bitch about everything

A lot of people like her but they don't know about her drama and the fact that she belittles everyone and talks shit about their cosplay when they're not around.

She posted a makeup test for Meenah that was photoshopped and flipped out when people pointed it out. She went on to post photos and then GIFS of herself crying over it.

>> No.6267745
File: 65 KB, 640x480, meenahwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh no i do NOT suggest this wig. i bought it for my meenah and it was slippery and shiny and was cut horribly and looked really cheap.

i've never bought from them but all i saw were good reviews and i needed it for a con a week later so I couldn't return it. won't be buying from them again though.

>> No.6267747

The best part is that she KEEPS TALKING ABOUT IT.

>> No.6267749
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>> No.6267750

I'm sorry the wig sucked so much. Like, it was good for a last-minute wig, but it definitely doesn't look like a wig that I'd wear for more than one con if I had the choice. Ugh.

>> No.6267751

How do people get bigger horns like fef's onto their wigs ???

>> No.6267754
File: 36 KB, 210x240, char_13099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This fucking fandom.

>> No.6267755

Most people wear a headband underneath their wig feed the horns through and atatch them to that.

>> No.6267756

I think they sew them into the wig cap, for the most part. My friend actually uses a headband but uses the huge amounts of hair to cover it up, but she also sews her horns on sometimes if it's for Aradia.

>> No.6267764


God damn her tumblr is on fire. So much internet tough guy syndrome. If she wasn't attractive peopke would be shitting on her.

>> No.6267769

lol my friend will probably see this

My friend and I are dressing up for an upcoming con. She made me these super wonderful Vriska horns a year ago. Now she's going as one of the kids and I'm doing Vriska. However, I'm really not into greying myself up at all. Some people do it wonderfully, but just I don't think I'd want to. Since I'm an artist, I go to cons to speak with other artists and do not want conduct professional conversations while grey. I figured I'd do just an outfit that kind of fits and jokes on the many AUs. More like Hipster!Vriska. I'm not considering this a cosplay and I'm not attending any shootings or whatever because I'm not sticking to character.

Anyway, my big fear is that it's going to look like I was like, "oh shit nigger, I just rolled out of the closet." Can anyone give me some tips for stuff like this?

>> No.6267772
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>> No.6267778

The bad news is, you're still gonna look like you rolled out of the closet because that is essentially what Vriska wears. Unless you do a really well-known AU (say, 4Chords), it's probably gonna look like there's no effort put into it. And by the sounds of it, it looks like effort isn't what you're looking for anyway.

I guess just make the presentation as good as you can? Make yourself look decent, wear nice clothes that fit with the character but also flatter your body. I mean, tumblr will eat that shit up anyway and we're still gonna tear you up for going the casual route so at this point, it's a bit redundant to care that much.

>> No.6267780


around a 6.5/10

>> No.6267781

Looks cute to me.

>> No.6267794

Did nobody honestly read the original post? The writer was saying that they were disappointed that one photo of a chick in panties and a Homestuck shirt (to make it fandom "cosplay"-relevant) gets more notes in a night than some hard-working artists get in a month ...because she has a nice body and is Tumblr famous while the latter's quietly flying drama-free under the radar.

>> No.6267795


She might not be attractive to you, but obviously a lot of other people do or they wouldn't be sucking her e-cock. I think she looks cute, but that's all the compliments I'll give her. She acts like a ho, and is a complete bitch.

>> No.6267803

Exactly. She even explained it on her profile when she got attacked by a bunch of people. Nobody read a damn thing. She even said she has no problems with nudestuck or pinups.

>> No.6267804

OP's picture not related to post. The Dave and Rose are a pair of Finnish cosplayers (the Rose did this Porrim), while "attractive" garterbelt girl is California-based.

>> No.6267805
File: 148 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mb1a5zRb8x1qe4fcso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't necessarily say that I found her unattractive. I just said "Okay". She's about a 5.5/6 out of 10.

>> No.6267806
File: 983 KB, 985x720, 68877c11f5d7cb698163bea07f7d12fa-d5ek4zp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267813


Am I missing something here? I thought that's what everyone was talking about?

>> No.6267817

First good Porrim!

>> No.6267820
File: 278 KB, 1280x859, katsu jane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm usually neutral about burrenbari and vaguely admiring of adebimpe and MF, but seeing them jump blindly into the bandwagon of supporting another cosplay name makes me think a little less of them all. The way they're automatically approbating PD's whiny self-patting posts really looks like they didn't even deign to read the post in >6267686

>> No.6267828
File: 60 KB, 600x800, grimdark_by_gypsystar-d3kq2hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't. Certain people in the fandom have a nasty habit of just glazing over someone's wrongdoings because it gives them an opportunity to asspat another ~*tumblr famous*~ cosplayer.

I'm so sick of people like that, seriously.

>> No.6267829


I loved that Katsu Jane! What a cutie.

HS cosplay fandom is so...weird and cliqueish that way. I'm not a Name in the fandom exactly but I've done a few cosplays that were super popular for a little while and it's weird because then the BNFs started talking to me and...they're nice enough and some of us are even friends but it feels odd and cliqueish, you know? I like talking to them on Twitter but it all feels a little ostentatious and LOOK AT ALL US FANDOM FAMOUS PEOPLE KNOWING EACH OTHER sometimes. It's like anyone with a popular cosplay immediately becomes a part of that group, like they just get snatched up? I like the people I'm talking to but...when HS fanom ends, I wonder if we'll have anything in common.

Rambling, sorry. But your post just sort of brings up some weird doubts I have about being on the "inside" of this group.

>> No.6267839

I can understand that. Honestly, cosplay 'cliques' just sound like bullshit to me. Once the hype dies down, I'm sure a lot of these people won't talk to each other again. They'll move on to other things. Notice how they all usually cosplay Homestuck? How much do you wanna bet that if they cosplay something else, nobody will give a shit? Sorry for sounding a bit harsh there.

>> No.6267842
File: 37 KB, 322x239, tumblr_m3mrv2ewnL1qep0v4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I can't speak for all of them but the couple of people I do know are really nice and don't even like the term tumblr famous.

I guess other cosplayers could just be internet friends and what kind of friends would they be to just go "Yeah you're a slut just don't" I guess what I'm trying to say is don't judge people too much by what you think they might be like..

>> No.6267849

Our problem is that they just zip right by to defend her. We're not saying that they should call her a slut (well, I'm not), but that they can at least acknowledge her mistakes sometimes? It also creates an enormous ego. At least, from what I've seen.

>> No.6267853
File: 739 KB, 900x627, 1d531d8df058f1fb02d3949b78383d0f-d534pph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wind up sicking their legions of brainwashed followers on whoever disagrees with them.
It usually winds up with 1001, "NO FUN! WOW ARE YOU THE FUN POLICE???" replies.

This is a result of many years of Autism and attention whoring.

>> No.6267857

That's true, and I think if someone has an ego the best people to bring them down to Earth a little would be their friends but I don't really think it's the job of said persons friends to acknowledge her mistakes for her?

But I do kind of agree that they shouldn't be so quick to act like the person is perfect and flawless and can do no wrong.

>> No.6267863

Yeah, I agree with you there. The problem is that the person will have to learn the hard way about their mistakes, when they REALLY fuck up. For now, they have a lot of their 'Tumblr famous' friends and hundreds of followers to whiteknight them. It's a bit sickening to watch it unfold on my dash.

I mean, I really do like adebimpe (she's one of my favorite Aradia cosplayers), but this just bugs me slightly. Ugh. So conflicted.

>> No.6267868


all i really left on that post was a joking comment though. heaven is actually a friend of mine and i like her a lot (it's not a blind jumping thing, or a wanting to support someone popular or whatever thing), but i'm not trying to 'glaze over' anything- i'm just sort of keeping my hands out of this drama and haven't really made any commentary on either side of it because i feel it's an argument that's been made dozens and dozens of times on tumblr before. it will probably be perpetuated forever as long as nudestuck and similar things are around so... idk. i'm just throwing my hands up in the air here.


i think people on both sides of the debate are making way too much of a deal over one cute little tease style photo.

>> No.6267871

Yup. Honestly, I just want the post to go somewhere else. I just...kinda don't like cosplay drama, or ANY drama on my dash at ungodly hours. And yet here I am on /cgl/. Christ.

Also, I saw your post about how it seems like nudestuck has been showing up a lot more and you're right. Either that, or I follow some really horny people that really like it. Hmm.

>> No.6267874


late at night on tumblr/the internet in general is like cray-cray power hour, i'm not sure why i stay up either haha.

i'm not sure what triggered the nudestuck thing either! i don't really curr what people choose to do, i just thought it was interesting that so many people are suddenly doing it after summer is over? i dunno, it definitely didn't seem like the one trend in fandom to blow up during september of all times. either way it's all over my dash too.

>> No.6267877

Like, I don't even care as long as they're over 18 because like hell I'm gonna have child porn on my dash, but it sure seems like quite a bit has been there. Like Terezi and...I think Meulin? But it was mostly stuff that wasn't very tasteful and just made me scroll down a bit faster.

Usually I never really notice these things until someone points them out, or suddenly BAM BOOBS ALL OVER MY DASH.

>> No.6267883


Yo Damara, I really respect that you answer shit here in a mature way rather than bitching about it elsewhere. You're a classy lady.

>> No.6267884

I agree with this! Wow, it just makes me really happy that she's very mature about it. That's why I respect her so much when it comes to matters like drama.

>> No.6267885

That's my problem with this. Sometimes, it's 16 year old girls running around with their asses out, and when someone says "that's CP", it suddenly becomes "you're ruining my fun!" when someone's trying to tell these girls that they're way too damn young to be doing that online.

Also, seconding >>6267883. She's being a really great sport here.

>> No.6267895


thank you- i appreciate the compliments, guys! i lurk here and post cosplay and advice in these threads as anon now and then, so i thought adopting a little trip for moments like these wouldn't be a bad idea. i like addressing problems face to face, because everyone gets a clean answer that way. i know the homestuck threads here can get crazy but i think the people in them are generally pretty reasonable, we all just go off the deep end sometimes because of the truly stupid shit this fandom can pull.

also, to >>6267885's point about the underage girls: i totally agree. i am a pretty huge advocate for 'your body, your decisions', but that really goes out the window when you're under 18. even if you're posing in a bra and underwear that shit can still be illegal depending on where you are and i don't wanna see that scrolling down my dash. it's not about 'ruining fun', it's about, you know, not wanting to see an underaged girl with her boobs spilling out of her bra. that legit counts as child porn in some places. once that same 16 year old girl turns 18 then i think she's free to prance through the internet being naked all she wants, but not a moment before that. i don't know why there are so many young girls chomping at the bit to show off their bodies like that on tumblr. it's really nothing that can't wait a little longer, and there are other ways to garner healthy/positive attention online.

>> No.6267904

I hate saying this, but coming onto /cgl/ gives me a chance to vent about things I otherwise can't say anywhere else. I'll never go into anything too horrible, but it's usually things that'll get me a huge "NO FUN ALLOWED" sign on Tumblr. But I try to be as civil about it as possible.

EXACTLY. It just makes me so uncomfortable to see a girl on my dash that may possibly be underage and then she's got just a bra and panties on or something. It's illegal to send those kinds of pictures through phones, so why would they think it's okay to post them where so many strangers can see it? (if they're underage) I know I've never taken those kinds of pics before, but honestly it just doesn't seem as glamorous as they make it seem.

>> No.6267921
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x747, 130766787058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of anyone's age, I really don't like this "nudestuck" fad going around lately. Maybe I'm just old and no fun, but it just seems a little tacky to me to post grainy webcam photos of your tits hanging out. It would be one thing if it were something along the lines of artistic nudity but it's never the case. There are a lot of other ways to "love your body" without resorting to things like that. I also don't like the fact that if you even so much as mention that you don't like it, you get screechy fiends coming out of the woodwork to tell you to stop body shaming or some noise.
I know it's stupid to drop a series because of the fandom, because you shouldn't let other people's behavior affect how you enjoy things, but lately this fandom has really been grinding my gears. I just want to chill with people who aren't 10 years younger than me and aren't social justice harpies.

>> No.6267931


My thoughts exactly. There's two minors in particular from where I live, and as much as I want to tell them at cons that they're too young (14/15, iirc?) I had to literally sit through an entire Skype conversation where everyone called /cgl/ "Pedos" for commenting about how young they were and that Anons were being "so mean because they have hot butts, lawl". It doesn't help that the people promoting this kind of behaviour in these girls were 20+ and knew better themselves. The whole conversation, in fact, was a train-wreck of ways to promote body positivity. And circlejerking. Mostly circlejerking.

>> No.6267937

It's funny, most of the people I follow are Homestucks, but I very rarely see boobs or social justice bullshit on my dash. Maybe be more choosy with who you follow? After all, the good cosplay/art stuff is going to get reblogged anyway, even if you're not getting it straight from the (potentially obnoxious) source. Most of the Homestucks I follow are also seagulls, so I suppose that has something to do with it.

>> No.6267990

look at her face
goddammit i'm laughing like an idiot

>> No.6268002

haha this is cute

as for the nudestuck debate, if I'm completely honest, I only want to see attractive people naked on my dash. So very very few nudestucks are.

>> No.6268005
File: 378 KB, 864x545, MYEYES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I understand this is half-assed, but I don’t have makeup or horns :’D make due

I want to bleach my eyes

>> No.6268013

Why would you post that, I knew homestuck was eff up but not like this

>> No.6268022

I had to post it! I wanted you all to feel as sick as I did after seeing that

>> No.6268023
File: 319 KB, 315x534, 1326425081131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6268028

So basically it's just an excuse to show off your breasts.

>> No.6268035


What the actual fuck. How is that Karkat? This is worse than all the 4c shit. You even fail at the nude part.

>> No.6268041

why the hell is nudestruck a thing, just a poor excuse to show off your chubby bodies. I swear all the ppl i seen doing it were chubby

>> No.6268052

'Hey, mum? What did you do for fun when you were our age?'
'Well, sweetie, I dolled myself up, greased my hair back, put on men's clothes and got my tits out for horny nerds on the internet.'

Oh, they're going to be so proud of this when they're 40.


>> No.6268057

She looks like a tall midget

>> No.6268069


Is there a list of seagull homestucks? I really need more tumblrs to follow that aren't SJW circlejerks and crybaby kids

>> No.6268080

Here are some cool homestucks that I follow and very rarely see drama/faggotry from:


Not all seagulls. A list of seagull homestucks would be cool, though, there are some people on here I'd like to follow.

>> No.6268247

Not sure if you still need help, but I found an actual write up on a Meenah wig?


>> No.6268313

She isn't attractive, she looks at least 20 years older than she is.

>> No.6268321

I'm planning on cosplaying Meulin for a con in the winter, could anybody direct me to some good wigs for under 50~$?
I've been searching for some myself, but I'm not sure what to search.

>> No.6268413

she deleted it. she deleted her pinup picture too.

>> No.6268432

I'm planning on sewing two wigs together for mine, so I can get that volume that both she and disciple have. CosplayDNA sells really good heat resistant ones for a bit more than $20 there, maybe try them out? Good luck, fellow meulin cosplayer.

>> No.6268531

A lot of Vriska is about how you carry yourself in order to express her character. If people try and take photos of you, try and pose in whatever arrogant, sneaky way you imagine her posing in. Get her crazy smile right.

Also, if it isn't too ridiculous, you could also have your friend make you a robotic arm glove and wear a yellow contact lens.

>> No.6268555
File: 19 KB, 490x301, 181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pinup? I thought it was just a picture of her in a cheap garter belt with a Roxy (iirc?) shirt on.

>> No.6268597

Does anyone still have the pic?

>> No.6268655
File: 51 KB, 500x400, tumblr_mb1guqRr301qbwnxlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be better if she had taken time to put together a classy outfit. Or maybe found a good photographer.

I think people were just mad because she kind of slapped shit on and called it "pinup".

>> No.6268666

Oh, the one that godtier-rose reblogged. Thanks anon.

>> No.6268669

it's sexy, for sure, but she needs a better backdrop and such. Camera, for suresies.

>> No.6268671

she actually has a mini-muffintop on each thigh

>> No.6268673

Oh, that. She wasn't calling it a pin-up, she said something along the lines of being happy with the lace but sad that she couldn't really show it off at cons, so she put it on tumblr. I really don't think she's as bad as a lot of you are making her out to be.

>> No.6268675

Have you ever worn thigh-highs and then bent over? The muscles contract and firm up, making your thighs thicker, like when guys tense the muscles in their arms.

>> No.6268676

Why she offers prop commissions when everything she does is really shitty? Take her Porrim's horns/Meenah's glasses for example.

>> No.6268678

Did anyone miss potato rose on the bottom, or...?

>> No.6268688
File: 273 KB, 1280x851, tumblr_mb2e0pZ3m51r2d9fuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why potato rose?

>> No.6268691

Ugh, so I've decided to throw together a Dave cosplay for halloween. I have everything down and it looks pretty decent, but I'm basically another drop in the bucket of female Daves with female faces. Does anyone here have any makeup advice or such that I could use to make myself any more masculine?
I can provide pics if necessary.

>> No.6268695


Don't you know that the way the elastic bites into her thighs a little is one of the sexiest things about a woman in stockings? That and the kind with seams up the back. Fuck yes.

>> No.6268704

Contouring with less highlight then usual. Thicker brows. Use foundation on your lips. That usually worked for me when I was a fakeboi, but I kinda have a face thats androgynous.

>> No.6268715
File: 247 KB, 455x700, 98d2bbcb7704e1194d0360a3dab39569-d4ejt7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone has been calling her Potato Rose for the last few HSGs.

Her face kind of looks like a potato.


>Bent at (almost) same angle, not as much muffin.

>> No.6268728

Those are fucking socks. They've got more give then stockings.

>> No.6268741

Socks or stockings, those were a little too tight for her legs.


>> No.6268747
File: 375 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m7wfugkiMI1r8qcmyo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gah, this is such a lot answer.
>I'm planning on sewing two wigs together
That's a fantastic idea! I can't believe I didn't think of that. But thanks!

>> No.6268922
File: 82 KB, 768x1024, A36RFYxCEAA1O19.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey so I have a question, I just got in the Hot Topic skeleton leggings for my Kurloz cosplay and they glow, thus are a little bit yellow. Not OH GOD SO YELLOW, but tinted. Sort of like yellow teeth.

I was originally just going to return them but I started thinking of making my entire outfit glow instead. It won't be bright pearly white, but it also won't be obviously yellow either. Mainly I want to do this because the photoshotos I have planned are all night/dark environment shoots and I think it would be very cool to have the skeleton still show where light may not be hitting my body.

Do you think that doing this and sacrificing the pearly white bones will take away from the cosplay more than it's worth to have the effect? Pic related, it's the leggings. It's only obvious that they aren't white white when they're actually next to white things.

>> No.6268924
File: 142 KB, 274x378, Screen Shot 2012-09-28 at 5.21.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow up pic, these are the leggings next to another pair I have which don't glow. Like I said, they only stick out as NOT WHITE when they're next to something that is.

>> No.6268930
File: 15 KB, 229x320, contouring ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foundation on your lips might dry the hell out of them. I would try to find a good matte nude lipstick.

>> No.6268940

Wait, do you run homestuckcosplayhelp? They just posted this picture.

>> No.6268941

http://youtu.be/uUsbjkqUVH4 This might help.

>> No.6268943

Yup, i'm seerofsarcasm. I would have asked on my tumblr, but I find the most honest opinions come from those who are anonymous and pretty much everyone on here is a cosplayer with high standards so i'll get the best answers.

>> No.6268944

Hey, so quick question here. Do you guys think meulins black shirt is a dress shirt, or is it a regular shirt with a collar?

>> No.6268962

Hey just want to let you know I love your Kanaya to bits and pieces and you are super cute

And to address your question, if you think you'll be spending some time in the dark or even having a glow-in-the-dark photoshoot, I don't think it'd be an issue to have them slightly yellow. If anything, you or your photog could edit them to become more pearly white in post-processing anyway. In person/at meetups, it probably won't matter too much either if your entire outfit is coordinated to be glow-in-the-dark and has that overall yellowish tinge to it.

>> No.6268972

>I think it would be very cool to have the skeleton still show where light may not be hitting my body.

I don't think that's going to work all that well.

Glow in the dark paint is light-activated, and unless you stand under a bright light for a bit before running out to pitch black darkness, it's not going to show up.

Though it sounds like a good idea in theory!

>> No.6268994

Oh goodness thank you! c: I'm so happy people like my Kanaya, I can't wait to get more shoots with her than the few photos I have now. Thanks for the input!
I was worried about that, but to test it I walked around in my apartment in the tights for a few hours and they glowed pretty brightly when I turned all the lights off, and my apartment just has normal lighting. Most of my photoshoots would be at night, so I think a day of walking around a well-lit con would charge them up enough if I did the shoot quickly.

>> No.6269017

That sounds like a good idea! Also, if you think the light is starting to fade from the shoot but you're still not done (I've never been in one so I have no idea for how long they last), just head inside for a bit and try to get as much light exposure on the glow in the dark paint as possible for maybe 45 minutes? I'm not sure how long it takes to absorb a decent amount of light.

Gah, probably not helping that much. I wish that I used GITD paint more than once. :l

>> No.6269032


Guys I found the base for my slutty Kurloz costume.

>> No.6269039

Ive actually heard that if you have an LED flashlight it will recharge glow in the dark stuff like woah. I'm gonna test that out later with the small one in my desk once it gets darker.

>> No.6269049

How are you doing the rest of your cosplay? Out of curiosity.

>> No.6269057

I ordered purple military boots online, then I have these leggings, then I found purple leggings to match the boots, got them in a larger size and am going to cut them off and hem them to make the shorts. For the shirt ive got a black turtleneck that's the same shade as the leggings, i'll be altering that to fit my body more snug and then making gloves out of a black knit fabric and sewing them onto the bottom of the sleeves. From there i'll be using stencils to paint on the skeleton design, then there's the makeup, dead eye contacts, and for the wig i'll be attempting to turn Arda's Nicki wig into his wild hair. For the horns I just got those party city horns that look just like his and i'll be painting those and attaching them under the wig.

I would have just gotten the zentai suit that everyone seems to be getting but it would hug me in all the wrong places up top and it would be harder to make myself look less feminine.

>> No.6269063

Yeah, men have it easy with the zentai suits. And I don't think binding would help either because even if you could make yourself flat, you still have curves. Not to mention that a lot of binders I see would probably show through the zentai suit and look like weird angles. :/

By the way, I wanted to say that you're very pretty. You pull off Vriska very well! I have to admit that I'm jealous of you. ^^;

>> No.6269073

Jesus christ you're all nice wow. Thank you! I'm actually not happy with my Vriska right now, i'm working on a god tier because I don't think I did her original outfit justice. But your compliment means a lot to me! No need to be jealous though haha there are plenty of quality Vriska's in this fandom.

I'm lucky in that because of how my weight is on my body, when I put my full-torso binder on it all but completely takes out the dip I have for my waist. But my upper body would just look...awful with a zentai suit on goodness. You could definitely be able to tell I was wearing a binder.

>> No.6269105

Seconding >>6268930
www.etsy.com/shop/CosplayMedics sells a good alternative

>> No.6269279
File: 512 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mb1l3a3zC21qe4fcso3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say that I fucking LOVE your idea. It will look really really great!

>> No.6269424
File: 229 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mb1jfiWQqP1qboohho2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about bunnystuck again?

>> No.6269509


ahhhh who is this?? source?? this is great and i want to see more.

>> No.6269534


>> No.6269543


oh wow what a cutie. thanks!

>> No.6269628

Go adebimpe go make him famous!!

>> No.6269705
File: 72 KB, 420x750, davescute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the same cosplayer

>> No.6270034


new thread

>> No.6270133

that jane is fucking precious. She looks like Selena Gomez

>> No.6271468

I would say it's definitely a dress shirt. You don't see too many regular shirts with structured dress shirt-type collars...