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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 459x690, 1345473929463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6259672 No.6259672[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lolita general!

Lets make it a bit more interactive:

Any coord you are working on? Halloween-themed, maybe? Got an eye on something in the market? What style do you usually dress in? Your own favorite coord? Photos appreciated!

Lets get a good, healthy loli general!

>> No.6259681
File: 44 KB, 480x640, 378211864.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this salopette genuine?

I found it on mbok, but on hellolace, the buttons are gray:


is it just.. lighting? Was a second version of this salopette released?

I really want to buy it, I just want to make sure its actually AP.

>> No.6259689

The buttons in the AP pic look gold. Brands take shitty pictures in general. The red is also muted in the stock photo as well.

>worried about lolita burando knockoffs in Japan

>> No.6259702

There has been a Sugary Carnival DOL knockoff sold on Mbok, and YahooJP has had some other AP knockoffs lately. Mbok also has about 2 sellers that are selling a ton of Candy Stripper fakes (Candy Stripper has also made a statement warning of fakes and to only buy from listed retailers). Think it's a couple of Chinese that managed to get accounts. But typically, fakes are not supported in Japan

>> No.6259710

Its happened before, which is why I was skeptical. Somebody tried to pass off a sheep garden replica on either Y! Japan or mbok, if i remember correctly (I could definitely be wrong)

>> No.6259720

That's genuine

>> No.6259860

I'd like to have a lolita halloween themed outfit this year using my current wardrobe but I have no ideas other than the same idea I've had for the past several years. I own the Trick or Treat print from Baby in black but I'm not sure how to wear it to be more halloweeny? Any ideas?

>> No.6259877
File: 202 KB, 2592x1944, petti 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post pic of said dress? im too lazy to search for it

also check out kohl's accessories, they have some super cute halloween stuff. pic related what i bought

>> No.6259911
File: 56 KB, 494x720, sailor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a sailor lolita Halloween outfit with this dress. Pairing it with a white sailor hat with black ribbon detail and a gold anchor applique, and some costume rectangle military badges to put on the collar.

>> No.6259916
File: 57 KB, 480x600, 480px-General_Martin_E._Dempsey,_CJCS,_official_portrait_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Types of badges

>> No.6259918
File: 170 KB, 480x640, 1540096070011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this Meta dress recently and I'm pretty excited for it to arrive! I doubt I'll ever wear it in a regular lolita co-ord, but it looks like it'll be great for a more vintage-type outfit! I fucking love that Meta's resale value is so low and I can get "weirder" pieces without spending a fortune.

>> No.6260161

please change the socks to something without horizontal stripes.

plainer ones with anchors or something at least.

>> No.6260183


Are they like, legit badges? If so, where do you get them?

>> No.6260188

Good for a Ms. Frizzle.

>> No.6260214
File: 73 KB, 469x700, 1346002685811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited for the chilly weather, I'm going to buy a beautiful cold weather co-ord.

>> No.6260215

Oh shit! Make this happen >>6259918

>> No.6260273

Working on making a creepy-cute coord for my local communities Halloween meet that we're playing.

>> No.6260279

Hoping that my Black Cat, Witch and Apple Tree JSK arrives in time for Halloween. I'm making a hat to match, just a basic black witch's hat with a tiny apple, some twigs, and a ribbon around the band, and that will be my Halloween outfit.

>> No.6260293
File: 58 KB, 400x600, 49093733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this if anyone's interested: http://fairy-angel.com/?pid=49093733

>> No.6260418
File: 387 KB, 340x499, 1308960268505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a problem.

There's a divide in my community - a group of girls who have been around a long time, and another group of more "mixed" experience. My friends are mostly in the former. The latter has somewhat of a bad reputation, partly because they tend to embrace new girls who are still in their ita phase, whereas the first group tends more towards trying to help new girls become better Lolitas.

Anyways, I always feel bad when a newer lolita gravitates towards the second group and I've been trying to try and make more connections between the two. I started talking to one of these girls who seems nice but has a bit of a google problem, always complains about being plus size (she's not) and won't listen when other plus size lolis give her advice on where to find things that will fit her.

I made a terrible mistake, /cgl/. I told her about a meetup that I thought was "Public" but had been set to public by mistake. She joined the meetup. That would be the end of it except for something else I wasn't fully aware of at the time. It turns out she had been saying really terrible things about one of my closest friends in the "private" facebook of the second group. In public, she always backpeddles whenever someone disagrees with her on anything, so I've only ever really seen her be apologetic.

I need to figure out how to get her to not come to the meetup. Even if it means not going myself. I want to break off ties with this girl because I've finally realized that there is no hope for her, no reaching her. I feel absolutely terrible. What do?

>> No.6260434

Why not just straight up call her out? Tell her that talking about your friend behind her back is not on and if she's gonna behave like that, she can consider herself no longer part of the comm.

If she's a noob, she should probably learn that there's no place for bitching in the community soon before somebody punches her in the face.

>> No.6260464
File: 314 KB, 500x747, 1346017964784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably the best route. And I'm sure she'll appreciate your honesty instead of starting dramu in the comm. No need to be overly rude, just tell her you don't appreciate gossip. It sounds like you have two different groups in your comm, why not split up and avoid problems?
More loli, less catty

>> No.6260557

I'm working on a coord that has the same base colors as yours, OP, but I'm having a hard time finding shoes for it.

I wear a 22.5 and I need sort of a pinkish red. It's a coord that leans more towards classic than sweet, so I was thinking somewhere between knee-high boots to ankle boots; especially since winter is coming fast.

I was going for pink/pink-red/white, but maybe a different color would work in place of white. The pink/pink-red are the dress colors, so I can't change that. Any ideas, anyone? :D

>> No.6260564
File: 228 KB, 600x900, An-Cafe-Summer-Dive-2012-09-052-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the approach I was leaning towards. I'm a grown ass woman, too old be to trying high school level subterfuge. The two groups are pretty much literally separate. The cause of the divide is old drama, from before I joined, and I was hoping that people had grown/learned since then and could put it behind them but I was clearly very wrong. It wasn't just a petty disagreement, it included physical threats, harassment and lord knows what else. I've learned my lesson, I'm just going to take the hit. I guess it doesn't really matter if the other group hates me because of this, they already hate me simply by association with my group, even though I have met one or two of them and didn't have problems with them.

disappointed and embarassed sage

>> No.6260574
File: 510 KB, 480x640, 1345930959529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's disappointing to hear that "elegant" ladies can't put down the drama, even after high school. Makes me wanna avoid comms like the plague.

>> No.6260575

Super curious as to which comm you are talking about, because it sounds incredibly similar to mine. I am sorry you're disappointed, either way, and I hope you can enjoy your lolita meets without the nasty people.

>> No.6260634

The irony is that she even said to me (in reference to Lolita culture in general) "Why do oppressed minorities always fight against one another instead of banding together?" The hilarious idea that Lolitas are a "oppressed minority aside", she had no problems joining in and calling my friends elitists and bitches after all the times they tried to help answer her stupid questions like "whur to get petticoat, i don't want to buy online"

>> No.6260926
File: 282 KB, 1000x500, SnowDotCoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be okay if I asked for some help with my coord? I finally got enough pieces together to make a full outfit, but I am lacking accessories. I would really appreciate suggestions, as well as concrit.

The Loris bag is actually a lighter pink and matches the cardigan, and I can't decide which shoes works better. I already own the white wedge, but I'm not sure if that would be to much white and not enough pink on the bottom. The dot tights I own are less sexy, that was just the first picture I could find on google that was close. I'm also thinking of wearing the bow from the dress as a headbow.

>> No.6260934

I think it's gonna look cute with either pair of shoes. The pink shoes would make a more traditionally balanced coord. The white shoes would look good too, but I'd have to see them on with everything else to make up my mind, if it were me.

>> No.6260978
File: 31 KB, 240x320, baby_jsk_halloweenalice_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the JSK version, I have the skirt.

>> No.6261094

Agree with other anon, pink is super cute but maybe white is more adventurous? I prefer pink.
This is a nice thread, I'll post some things and ask for concrit later. I've got a problem where I've gone and bought lots of skirts and dressed but don't have the accessories for them.

>> No.6261115

Depending on your preferred style, you could try hunting garage/estate sales for costume jewelry on the cheap. If you look for estate sales, you can find nice blouses sometimes, silk scarves, vintage accessories. If you don't mind the old-people smell and knowing that the previous owner is probably dead. I kind of like it, it reminds me of my grandma.

>> No.6261225
File: 124 KB, 500x750, 1343868234496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update. I went the honest route. It went so badly i wish i could commit seppuku. The worst part was when she said "What meetup?" and I realized i could have easily tricked her and it would have been so much simpler.

sage. just let me die.

>> No.6262003

Don't have any with anchhors, don't even know if I could find black OTK socks with anchors. Wanted to wear my diamond print socks, but it'd probably look funny.

No not legit ones, just a pack of costume badges. Legit ones would cost to much per badge most likely.

>> No.6262625

Thank you for the input!

>> No.6262650
File: 96 KB, 280x373, sweet_cream_house_apron_skirt_pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this, the question is, do you think I can mix mint with the skirt (probably will never wear the apron). Or should I just stick to browns/pinks for the skirt?

Also does anyone know of taobao/indie brands that make custom sized cardigans?

>> No.6262654

Trying to gather enough stuff so that I actually can coord decently. I have enough basic socks/tights, but I'm lacking in shoes, I need more blouses and I can never find cardigans that work. I also need more little accessories.

>> No.6262661

Don't let a that fake bitch bring you down. Try to ignore her like if she wouldn't exist and go on with your life.

>> No.6263103
File: 24 KB, 300x419, T2K3CzXXhXXXXXXXXX_!!770417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It might help to just search "sailor socks" or something. Also try Etsy. TejaJamilla has a lot of nautical themed tights.

Anyway, does anyone have any experience with wigs from R-Series? I'd really love to get this, but I don't want to get stuck with a head full of problem.

>> No.6263345
File: 31 KB, 250x333, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Innocent World Halloween Lps are up.
There are two to choose from:
Set A - JSK, blouse, sock set (can choose the size of the blouse but NOT the colour unlike last years)
Set B - 3 JSK set

>> No.6263354
File: 106 KB, 480x640, SweetJewelryPrincessGarnetJSK-topaz_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, Please!

What kind/style of blouse would go best with this JSK?
I prefer long sleeved(black) so what style of collar/what not.

Like http://www.fanplusfriend.com/catalog/TP00047_01.jpg
Simple like that without the huge bow and maybe a rounded collar not high one.

>> No.6263357


I only see set A; is B not up yet?

>> No.6263362

Looks like B is a set of 3 dresses. I'm wondering if they're all one size?

>> No.6263374


Both are up already, here they are for peoples' convenience:

Set A (JSK, blouse, sock set)

Set B (3 dress set)

I'm not too sure what you mean - lolita JSKs and OPs tend to come in only one size that is 'one size fits most' (they do this through shirring + waist ties.) I'm assuming that the dresses will just be a mix of whatever they have (as are most Lps.)

>> No.6263385

Wow, sorry, I'm not even sure what I meant, that last bit didn't even belong there.
>Must be bed time.

>> No.6263400

That's an OP...it would be sort of strange to wear a blouse underneath it.

>> No.6263421


Ahah, that's alright, I was just hell confused. I think bed time for me would be a good idea as well!

>> No.6263435


I've sadly never ordered a lucky pack before, but I am considering ordering one of these. Stupid question: Would these be new items, Halloween-related or...?

>> No.6263478
File: 100 KB, 400x600, tumblr_m95n6hbgKq1rx0ddro1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... I want to make it look natural, no like crazy noticeable, I got the black version of this JSK and just want longer sleeves

Picture related, I don't see much wrong wearing a blouse under an OP as long as it's not sticking out too much

>> No.6263484

That's alright, there's a first for everything!

Personally I have ordered other LPs before but never an IW Halloween LP.
I can tell you that all of these items will be brand new and as for how 'Halloweeny' they will be I can only guess, past ones of this particular LP that I have seen came with items that tied in with the theme through things such as fairytale prints, gothic styles/colours.

Hope that helped!

>> No.6263490

Not necessarily. When I ordered a Halloween LP in the past years, I got a pink puppy OP. It's just the leftover stock they have.

>> No.6263584


Really? That's a surprise!
The Halloween LP posts I went through on Lj all seemed to at least be a little thematically or stylistically related to Halloween.

>> No.6263597

This maybe the wrong place to ask but does anyone have pictures of girls wearing dresses/JSK without pettis? I want to see if that sort of thing would look okay for otome.

>> No.6263600

You might have some luck looking through http://daily-ala-mode.livejournal.com

>> No.6263604

Thank you!

>> No.6263632

She's not wearing a blouse underneath it. The Chess Chocolate OP has detachable sleeves.

>> No.6263646
File: 99 KB, 500x250, tumblr_ma2jfp9Gz01rc5rt9o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My whole life is a lie. What to do, what to do...

>> No.6263657


Thank you!

>> No.6263658

You might be able to add detachable sleeves to your op yourself. Sometimes people on the comm sell just the detachable sleeves (I think Bodyline has some, too and I'm sure other places would have them). You could sew some buttons to the inside of you OP's sleeves and then, viola! Long sleeved OP!

>> No.6263664


Wait, are they sold out now? Earlier on pack A, it was letting you make a selection, now it's just listing the sizes available and there's no option to buy.

Excuse the daft questions, I've never bought an IW lucky pack before.

>> No.6263668
File: 73 KB, 500x253, tumblr_m9wmkoSIBQ1qiqekao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! Great idea, thanks so much! I'll get to looking for them!

>> No.6263672

Same process as ordering regularly. You copy and paste the code and then put it on your order form. http://innocent-w.jp/guide/index_e.html

And wait until they tell you if you got it & invoice / if it sold out.

>> No.6263684


Ah, okay, thank you.

>> No.6263888
File: 283 KB, 333x756, FirstCoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...here's my first real coord. Sorry about the lighting; everywhere else in the apartment is super dark.

I don't think the white shoes look too off, which is good! I'm kind of iffy about my wig--I bought one because my real hair is unpredictable (it's very fine and curly) but I'm not sure if the color/style suits me.

>> No.6263898

Thats cute! Maybe find a way to add some pink near the bottom?

>> No.6263899

Wait, 3 dresses for the same as a jsk blouse and socks?

>> No.6263924

Thank you!

I do agree that more pink on the bottom would balance things out; I'm hoping to get some pink shoes, soon.

>> No.6263932


I really like this, it's a brilliant first coord! I'd like to see more accessories though. Perhaps switch the white shoes for pink, but that aside, this is really nice.

>> No.6263977


Accessories are something I have a hard time with, even with my everyday clothes, so I'm really open to suggestions. Would something like a necklace and ring help? I do agree that pink shoes would work better, so I hope to get some, soon!

>> No.6264284
File: 450 KB, 608x598, RHS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess this is a good place to ask this.

I really want to get some RHS (mostly for non-lolita outfits) but Ive only ever seen them on waif, thin girls

I am tall (5'8") and kinda fat (44" - 34" - 44"), and I wear a size 10 shoe

Will I look like a godzilla in them? I haven't seen any bigger girls wearing them

>> No.6264307

You'll probably get a bunch of pussies assuring you you'll look fine, but I'm going to be honest with you, anon.

You're going to look ridiculous.

It sucks that RHS are a no-go for you and I'm sorry, but every body type and size has things that are better off avoided.

I think you'd probably look best in slim heels, no more than 3" high. They'll slenderize your legs without making you too tall.

>> No.6264313
File: 197 KB, 250x141, differentpeople.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$270 for 3 dresses
I am literally frothy at the idea
but there's no way I can afford this now
I should have waited

>> No.6264324


Well thanks for being honest with me anon

I guess even if I lost a bunch of weight I would still look too freakishly tall in them

>> No.6264392


This is where I'm at. I just bought a bunch of shit but I wish I had waaaaaited :CC

>> No.6264422
File: 368 KB, 429x274, i'm sorry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mere, fellow anon. We'll console ourselves that it would just be boxes full of 3 Emmelina JSKs each

>> No.6264696


Happy I waited out for this! Such a good deal!

I have 2 of those god damn JSKs already
Surely they must be out of them already? They have been in 3 different types of IW LPs that I know of so far!

(Pic related- if that actually happened I think I would have to turn to drinking in order to cope)

>> No.6264745

Same height and shoe size as you, but skinnier: I've got a pair with oxford-style uppers. They look silly as fuck if I don't wear pants to break up the outline at my ankles. Shorts, skirts, tights, all NOPE.

(Damn you, ridiculous shoes! I wanted to wear you with ridiculous tall socks!)

>> No.6265733
File: 85 KB, 478x720, 133401243356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of this lolita?

>> No.6265735


Innocent World Halloween LP set B is all sold out! Only A set left now.

Anyone worried that they didn't reserve in time?

>> No.6265748


I'm a young-ish fat Lolita who loves the bright, happy colors of sweet. I see so much advice though that sweet is not flattering to my body-type, so I'm starting to look at gothic pieces. For reference, I got a ton of compliments for a darker colored sweeter coordinate (hmhm's wine chandelier base). Is there a good way to sort of merge sweet and gothic together?

>> No.6265753

aaaaahhh I LOVE her hat!
I've been looking for a cute straw brimmed one like that for AGES

sage for offtopic

>> No.6265763

I love boater hats too. I've been looking for another one so I can put interchangeable ribbons on it, as the one I currently have the ribbon is attached so firmly I can't get it off!

>> No.6265772

I think you're getting referred to gothic because darker colours are more slimming (obviously) and because it tends to have a sleeker silhouette than sweet. Sweet dresses often have shortish, very poofy skirts with not so much emphasis on the waistline and shitloads of foofaraw all over everything. This makes anyone look bigger than they are and is especially unflattering on bigger (not just fat) girls. Gothic (and classic, too) tends to emphasize the waistline more and detailing is more subdued. Skirts also tend to be less foofy.
You can still wear bright, happy colours and lace and ruffles, but you need to figure out to what extent these work for you and how they are distributed. Bright pink frilly corset lacing on your stomach will just make it look bigger. Same for boobs.
Look at general tips on how to dress for bigger girls and apply those to your lolita clothing choices. Also look up vanillablitz on d_l, since she's bigger but rocks practically every style.

You can probably find them on taobao or other places, too. Just search for 'boater hat', 'can can hat', 'skimmer hat' etc. And if you're crafty:

>> No.6265773

I know her, she's in the Boston Comm~

>> No.6265778
File: 910 KB, 660x1059, 0000s075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to sell this friggin thing before Halloween. It has always been too large, and if I were to alter it, I would want a different colourway.

I have never seen it on egl_sales... Price check?

Ivory, btw

>> No.6265779


thanks for the advice!

>> No.6265800

To the anons sad about the IW pack, don't worry, lucky pack season is almost upon us.

IW usually does at least 2 packs, one expensive one that includes a coat, one cheaper one that doesn't. Meta usually does 2 packs, a skirt pack and a jsk pack.

Baby/AATP does at least 1 pack per brand, usually it's 2 per brand.

AP usually does 2-4 packs, a jsk pack and a salopette pack, then 2 different accessories packs.

If you miss those, then IW usually does their first oddment pack of the season around the same time that they do their spring clearance sale to get rid of last year's remaining stock.

The best times to buy lolita are
> August/September: Second hand only, because everyone is trying to raise money for books, school stuff, etc and selling.

>November/December:Brands have lucky pack sales.

I can't remember what month IW usually does their clearance sale but I want to say march/april.

The best times to sell lolita:

>November: Especially coats, parkas, hoodies. People want them and want them right away. People are also looking for Christmas presents for themselves (eg: "Oh mommy, please buy me this!")

March/April: Summery stuff, especially sailor. People are looking towards spring and summer meetups and want new things to wear that fit the season.

The best time to post a WTB:
- Basically, post out of season. If you want a coat or heavy velvet dresses, look around during the spring time. If you want pastel summery stuff, look around in winter.

>> No.6265806

i sold the jsk version for around 300 a year ago (or half a year, can't recall). mine was brand new, sold it cos it was too small for me :( i'll donate some of my fats to you if you want

>> No.6265821

Then could you tell me who she IS?

>> No.6265830

Here's her lj name, she goes by Kiki


>> No.6265882

Let it all out anon.
Seriously though, deets.

>> No.6265888

Thank you! <3

>> No.6265890


LOL it would be hilarious if that is the case. xD

Early this year people can still try to sell them for S100+, now that they are found in every LP they sold this year, one would be lucky to be able to sell them for more than $60 each

>> No.6265975
File: 66 KB, 250x333, DreamSkyOP-navy_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same damn person with the navy Dream OP. I can't find anything to go with it. It's so different in color scheme and texture from all my other lolita clothes.
I want to wear it this Sunday. Doesn't have to be perfect.
The colors aren't really pastels except for the yellow. The pink is a reddish pink. The blue is a lightish blue, but not pastel. Same with the purple.
Do you think that yellow chiffon wristcuffs would look cute with this? If there's the option of shimmery (not super glitzy) chiffon should I get that? I'd add a navy ribbon bow to it.
I don't know what to do with the legs. White tights with yellow or dark pink or navy tea party shoes would be adorable, but no way I'm getting new shoes for just one dress. I'm going to have to work this with white shoes. Any ideas?

>> No.6265995
File: 256 KB, 500x281, troygoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I heard, they tend to grow on you. They'll never be popular, per say, but most people seem happy to wear them as a light summer piece.
Pink seems to be the hardest to get rid of, though.

>> No.6266018
File: 354 KB, 672x896, 470070-1-05-00-2_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just curved to the left and decided to confront a person who really wasn't involved (but whose name I brought up by accident) and went all hoodrat like "If people have beef with me, they should tell me to my face instead of telling you to say it" and I had to be like "No... this is all coming from me, no one else."

"But if they didn't want me to come they shouldn't have invited me!"

"They didn't...I did, without realizing I didn't have the right."

It doesn't even matter now, half the people including the original organizer can't even come, and half the people who are coming aren't wearing Lolita.

>> No.6266035

Damn, shit like that never really goes the way you planned, especially when you're dealing with crazy types.
Do you at least feel relieved it's all out in the open?

>> No.6266041

What do your white shoes look like? Pics?

>> No.6266052


I like them too, but I won't buy them off the comm_sales yet just in case I got them in my next LP purchase.

The ones who got them and try to get rid of them on the other hand, might be pissed because they got so little bucks on it.

>> No.6266062

Such is the risk of Lucky Packs
It's also basic supply and demand that you can't flood the comm sales with a particular JSK and expect to get fully reimbursed.

>> No.6266078

I'm a bigger girl that wears sweet. I do like gothic and classic and own a few pieces, but sweet fits my personality more. I tend to go with darker colorways whenever possible. I avoid white and very, very light colors. I'll also wear occasional pastels, but I try to coord them with some darker colors (like a darker cardigan or blouse). I avoid babydolls, and try to go with things that have longer bodices that sit more at my natural waist. Also, instead of using a cupcake petticoat, I use an A-line.

>> No.6266159
File: 111 KB, 250x485, JustBeCrafty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you have in your wardrobe, but pic related is how I'd coord it.

The majority of my wardrobe is pink and white, but I do have some basic black pieces (shoes, boleros, head bands, etc), and black is a basic color, so I'm assuming you must have SOMETHING black.

That said, if it was me in your position, I'd probably find a black bolero (thrift stores, Target, etc), black shoes of some sort (Payless had basic black Mary Janes last time I checked, but it's been a couple months), and black wrist cuffs.

I'd take a trip to Hobby Lobby and Joanne's, and other craft stores to see what I could find in the way of plastic beads/black lace to add decorations to my shoes/headband/wrist cuffs (and make wrist cuffs if I didn't already have them). AP Jewelry is plastic anyway, so it's not going to look tacky if you know how to string a basic necklace/do some hot glue work.

But then, I'm a crafty person in general so I'm used to doing this. Maybe you have a problem with that or you just aren't into making things; I don't know you and your schedule/budget/whatever else.

lol I dunno, I tried, I guess.

>> No.6266229

No not really.

>> No.6266358
File: 3.00 MB, 400x225, iloveurdress.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys do about dresses/prints that you really really love... but they just don't look good on you?

I've managed to save up and slowly collect all the matching pieces to one of btssb's prints. I'm really kicking myself in the face because a) I knew it didn't look good on me when I first bought it b) why did I waste all this time hunting down auctions for matching items c) why can't I let it go


>> No.6266810
File: 384 KB, 567x892, rmmusic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for an off brand OP for a bigger loli. All the OPs I have found so far have a far too sweet appearance and I fear it will just not work no matter how much I love the print ._.
The pic is one I was considering. I tend to go for gothic/kuro in terms of style/colors. Thanks.

>> No.6267196
File: 70 KB, 550x786, Haenuli Sleeping Beauty black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how big is "a bigger loli?"
give a range.

>> No.6267198

God, I want that OP so bad. It's one of my dream dresses.

>> No.6267205
File: 102 KB, 391x700, Surface Spell Judgement Day (Queen) Long OP Green1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that was a JSK, here's an OP

>> No.6267207


She's also on tumblr too; kikiishiskitty

>> No.6267208
File: 91 KB, 455x700, Surface Spell Judgement Day Puff Sleeve OP White1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267221
File: 125 KB, 533x799, Krad Lanrete Le chuchotis de l'été Model03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267226

That's an interesting idea. I hadn't thought of going with black. My lolita wardrobe is mostly white, pink, and sax so I guess that's why I hadn't thought of it. I'll check out some places for boleros. I'll have better luck for black than white I bet. I have some lolitable blacks in my normal clothes I can play around with, too.
I was actually already going to pick up some of those mixed color star beads, like they have on the barrette that comes with the series. It's actually the Oo Jia one and the head bow's a bit janky. The interfacing's white and it looks kinda washed out, not to mention bigger than it maybe should for the dress (and my hairstyle). I'll re-do the bow, lining it in navy, making it smaller, and adding star beads.
When I was talking about wrist cuffs, I was talking about making them. I wish there was a shop in town I could drop in and get some :D But make some yellow wrist cuffs with a navy bow and a different color star bead on each one.
I have some black shoes that would be cute. I need some tights, though.

>> No.6267228
File: 144 KB, 533x799, Krad Lanrete ROSA Early Autumn LE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are JSKs okay? I have more jumperskirts than OPs in my library

>> No.6267234
File: 106 KB, 443x600, Surface Spell Nightwish JSK w Cutsew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267243

I'm sorry, I meant to say thank you.

>> No.6267257


How much were you hoping for from it? I'm interested.

>> No.6267294

So, I like a guy at my local comm and he's really into Classic/Gothic lolita fashion. He has made it clear on multiple occasions that he despises the popularity of sweet lolita.

I want to cater to his preference, because I was already inclined towards classic to begin with...but I'm not sure if I should waste my money buying all black coords. I'm dark skinned. It wouldn't look too great, would it?

>> No.6267364

Maybe get one thing that's gothic looking to catch his attention and try the style out, but don't go wild, all for this guy! It would be nice if your styles match, but if things don't work out between you two, think about how mad you'd get if you saw all that clothes you bought just to impress him.
But totally get something gothic and decadent to really captivate him. Try looking up a blog of an African American goth blogger (idk if that's your ethnicity.) for tips to get things to look nice with your skin tone.

>> No.6267390

You don't have to wear black to do gothic, you know. You could always use jeweltones or even ivory or white. It all depends on the styles of the garments used, the print and design motifs and the coordination overall.

>> No.6267419

Moitie has released a lot of stuff in ivory, so you could go for something like that. Classic, too, would suit you (specifically more vibrant pieces, like JetJ's painting prints, and some of AAtP's stuff). Actually, stick to classic, since that's what you seem to like more, and changing your style for somebody who might judge on appearance like that is just balls.

>> No.6267456

Any co-ordination ideas for this Halloween Print?

>> No.6267740

Herp. Completely forgot I posted in here. But anyway, I was still curious if anyone had purchased an R-Series wig?

>> No.6268026
File: 625 KB, 704x478, coordinate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I ask for some advice on my first coord? I'm undecided on the blouse and shoes, and I'm not really sure if it looks good at all.
I'm also monster tall, I wish I could wear shoes like that and not totter around like a giant.

>> No.6268030

Is wearing mint and black a good combo (including for casual lolita) for coords?

>> No.6268101

Depends on your skin tone. Seen the combo done many times, even in normalfag outfits.

>> No.6268213


I know right? It sucks, I really like them :[

I like your coord, but I think maybe that JSK is a little too busy around the bodice for a blouse. I would wear a bolero instead.

I'm also not a huge fan of wristcuffs but that is personal bias

I would also go for a black spade bag instead of a white one :]

>> No.6269018

If only, oh only I could find one. It matches my tattoo(black spade) but I don't know where to get one second hand. Now that you mention it, a bolero would look cuter, and be more practical for this time of year, thank you.

>> No.6269203


This is kind of a long shot, but maybe you could get a SS to see if this shop could make a custom spade shaped bag for you


Otherwise I think a simple black bag from there would do the trick.

>> No.6269233

i would trade black from brown personally, depends on how saturated the mint colour it (is it a pastel mint(go for brown)? or is it a bolder mint?(go for either brown or black))

>> No.6269234

>after years of searching, finally buy my dream dress a few months ago

>transitioned to new apartment, got laid off. Had interview and find out whether I get new job this coming week. Have rent, food, and car expenses covered for the month, but none after that.

>two other potential jobs lined up if the first falls through

should I sell my Dream Dress as a nest egg, or wait it through?

>> No.6269243


>> No.6269288

She's in my comm! She's so sweet.

>> No.6269307


I think you're right anon, it's just been really stressful and I needed a second opinion.

>> No.6269326
File: 430 KB, 716x900, IMGP3138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I decided to decorate a bag I found in a charity shop for this JetJ dress. Do /cgl/ lolitas like it? I felt so crafty.

My other concern is that I bought some shoes and a blouse for this dress on ebay and it's been so long. I know they were from china but I need them to come this weekend or next week.

>> No.6269335

Cute! Are they like giant stickers or something?

>> No.6269338
File: 77 KB, 400x400, plasma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6269346

Yeah they were stickers I had in the house and then I put some pva glue over them to stop the glitter from falling off/stick it down better.

>> No.6269358

Ugly and cheap like a baby's first purse.

>> No.6269384
File: 81 KB, 975x595, 1322962551125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't argue it being cheap as the materials didn't cost much.

>> No.6270181

So, I want to get my girlfriend her first lolita dress for her birthday. However, i have no idea where to look being as I'm more so of a cosplayer. Any suggestions? I know she doesn't like sweet, and I would adore to get her something sailor. Perhaps something a bit more casual sailor? Being her first dress and all i want her to be comfortable in it.
Brand doesn't matter and being poor I can only spend around $150, give or take a bit.
Help please. I hope this was the right thread to post this in.

>> No.6270411

Try browsing the comm sales, or try going to Fan+Friend. I also seem to remember Bodyline having a few sailor pieces but I don't see them now.

I just did a quick browse and here are some:




>> No.6270420

-Make sure she fits the dress, have her bust/waist/bicep/height measurements in centimeters
-Maybe try Taobao
-Don't forget a petticoat
-Make sure she likes it, anon

>> No.6270424

please don't
my boyfriend did the same thing when i was just starting out, and he got ripped off for something that fits horribly and looks like shit on me.
get her something else. give her some time to ease into lolita and find out what suits her and what doesn't. it is a very sweet thought from you but I do not recommend it to anybody ):
i won't even recommend asking her to choose a dress, especially if she were just starting out. if my bf asked me when i just started, and i picked some ita shit, i'd cry because i'd feel so horribly guilty for making him spend on something i didn't like after all.

>> No.6270451

Baby moved their main store from Daikanyama to Harajuku today. I went and checked it out, pretty cool. Got a ring and a mug for "free". They were selling Happy Sets or w/e for 10,000 yen each so I grabbed a nice pink one. The jsk is kinda cheap feeling but the blouse is nice and it came with a bow headband and those things are usually like at least 4000 yen. Got some shoes and a jsk and shit for my GF too, we're going to do halloween as lolitas together. I'm a man btw.

>> No.6270832

dont wear it with that dress, too much print going on. you want to wear plain, solid things with that dress so it stands out

>> No.6270836

tell her you want to give her lolita, and you two can look at dresses TOGETHER. When she starts wearing it more often and has a favorite style/brand/etc, go ahead and surprise her. But her first dress she should choose with you. Trust me. I've been a lolita for a short while, but my boyfriend knows all my favorite prints, styles, and colorways. I still would not trust him just going out and buying me a dress unless he KNEW that was the SPECIFIC dress I wanted.

Tldr: don't surprise her. tell her you want to give her a dress If you want the "surprise!" factor, give her a sweet card with lolita drawings and bows (do your best, it will be cute!) on it, and say that you want to buy her her first dress. DON'T GO OUT AND BUY IT WITHOUT ASKING HER.

cheap alternatives:
y! japan
replica (if shes into that) by Oo Jia, NOT dream of lolita
bodyline (but you can find better for cheaper above ^^^^)

>> No.6271110

use all dreamy horosocope items in navy

>> No.6271123

I cannot express how much I agree with this.

Give her the surprise that you are going to get her a dress, but let her do the choosing about exactly WHICH dress.

She most likely has something in her head that will make her happiest. If you want to prove that you aren't just being a lazy guy who gives a gift certificate then make a folder of stuff you have found in her price range to show her as examples, but still let her do the final choosing.

>> No.6272180


>> No.6272229

Thanks for the heads up.
I'm super curious about the AP packs ( I haven't ever bought any AP before.) I'm of to do some research then!

>> No.6272248
File: 978 KB, 500x344, tumblr_maiksfmEan1rog0jr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing sapphire/black coord.
I'm new to make up... So does anyone have any tutorials?
I know the simple eyelashes, eyeliner, mascara.
But I'm absolutely no good with eyeshadow, blush and other enhancers!

>> No.6272369

Ah, alright thank you everyone. I'm pretty confident in what she likes and doesn't seeing as we've both gushed over dresses together (before anyone asks, lesbians) but perhaps surprising her still wouldn't be a good idea. I'd like to have something to give her on her birthday, so perhaps the dress will have to wait till our anniversary and i'll just let her pick it out or something. Thanks again for all of the suggestions! Perhaps we'll come back together next time to ask for help picking something out.

and thank you >>6270411 I'll keep these bookmarked for the time being.

>> No.6272437


I saw this on tumblr and wanted to tell you that it looks really amazing but unfortunately your tumblr doesn't allow asks.

What do you used for the decoration? I think it looks good!
I agree with other anons that there are too much prints going on when paired with the dress though.

>> No.6272439

I guess this is reasonable Lolita-related...

I ordered a dress from Closet Child yesterday, and I got my confirmation email thing yesterday. It's my first time ordering from them, and I haven't been sent an invoice yet.

Do I have to contact them for it or do I have to wait for it?

>> No.6272441
File: 8 KB, 253x199, awww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meeting POTUS tomorrow and want to wear something egl, any ideas on what to do? I was thinking either a simple black & white coord with my silent moon skirt or do a more classic outfit with a floral printed dress I have & then do natural hair as not to seem to costume-y for the occasion

>> No.6272443

I cannot use words goodly today.

>> No.6272444
File: 163 KB, 533x799, IMG_1887ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you think of Krad Larente's newest print?

The print looks beautiful but upon closer look it doesn't look sharp... It looks rather pixelated isn't it?

Do you think it is ita? What do you think of Krad Larente's quality in general?
I am a bit worried because the shop only have 2 diamonds and the information states that the preview image is not what we will get in the end.

>> No.6272459

Dress like a normal human being, don't fuckin embarass yourself.

>> No.6272460

holy shit, would wear

>> No.6272476

Could you show us a picture of the coords you're planning to wear?
I'd say go with the floral but as I don't know what it looks like, I don't know if that's good advice.

>> No.6272535

This is everything I love rolled into one thing. I am definitely getting the teal colorway at least, debating on whether or not to get the ivory one as well.

>> No.6272560
File: 175 KB, 504x720, outfit ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have a mirror but here's the basic idea behind the dresses/outfits

How is a nice dress any less human than the jeans & t-shirts people tend to wear when they meet him? Also, its for an art show so chill the fuck out

>> No.6272599

So like two weeks ago I dropped $200 on the EGL comm sales for my dream dress. This is the print that made me get into lolita, so I practically had a heart attack when I saw it on the comm. Yesterday, I received it in the mail and the top half has been busted out of by previous owner. There was no mention of damage on the sales post, the proof photo wasn't clear enough to see this from a distance, but the seller refuses to even try to compensate because she's already spent all her money. She also immediately removed photos and description of the dress after I sent her money for it on the sales post, which seems suspicious as fuck. Is there anything I can do BESIDES leave a negative feedback post? People I've been talking to have suggested taking up a paypal dispute over it, does anyone have experience with how to do this?

>> No.6272608

How long has it been since you paid? If it's less than 46 days, open a dispute now. It's easy peasy, just go to your paypal, find the transaction and open a dispute. Describe that you received damaged goods not as described and that the seller refuses to give you a refund.

After you do this, notify the seller and say that 1. you opened a dispute which you do not intend to close until you get a full refund and 2. that she will get negative feedback for it for sure.
A possible 3. here is that you will name and shame her too, if she is being an asshole. If she does not formally respond to the dispute and refund you, you escalate it to a claim (paypal tells you how long you have to do this, I think it's around 20 days from the day a dispute is opened). Whatever you do, do not let her persuade you to drop your dispute / claim before the money is back in your paypal account.

>> No.6272609

Oops sorry, I just saw that you aid it's been 2 weeks. Yup, open that dispute.

>> No.6272623

It's been a while since I've ordered from CC, so I could be dead wrong here, but I'm pretty sure you just wait for them to invoice you.

>> No.6272650


Who is that seller so that we all know who to avoid buying from?

>> No.6272745
File: 110 KB, 700x600, happykirei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I do allow asks on that tumblr. I still haven't figured out how to really use tumblr to communicate with people.

The other pieces in the outfit are pretty plain so I thought a busy bag may be okay. Once I have everything together I will see, if not it's now just a cute bag.

There's a shop that I visited that had these sticker sheets for 2 for £1 with these vintage pictures with glitter, I bought them on a whim and wanted to use the butterfly ones on a headdress. I had a lot left over afterwards so I was like, what do I do with this? Then I thought about sticking them on a bag. I did that then brushed on some PVA glue afterwards to seal in the glitter/stick them down more. Not the most professional but I'm pretty happy the way it turned out from just a plain white bag.

>> No.6272747 [DELETED] 

Okay, I'm writing it up now. Thanks for the advice. The one thing I'm concerned about is how she removed all the information about the listing after she sold it. All it says now is 'alice jsk brown sold'. Is this going to be a problem if I actually have to escalate it to a claim?

>> No.6272753

Don't complicate matters by even mentioning the listing or the editing, I don't think it's necessary. If I were you I would say that the item arrived in a different condition than described, no flaws or damages were described but it arrived damaged etc. That should do it.

>> No.6272754

She still has items unsold on the sales post but the other dress has exactly the same small, distant photo format and lack of description. It looks like the corset lacing on that one is damaged, too, from how unevenly laced it is.

>> No.6272778


She only has two feedback. I'd say open the dispute and give her negative feedback as well as posting an "attention" post. Don't let this slip by quietly, make sure other people see that she's trouble.

I've dealt with shitty sellers in the past and it always surprised me to hear other people say they'd had the same crappy treatment but hadn't bothered to post negative feedback or make the issue public and warn others. Shit sucks.

>> No.6272802

Was this the AatP Beardsley JSK? If so, the proof photos are still on her earlier sales post for the dress - not sure if that will help your case any. Good luck! It always sucks to get items with undisclosed damage.


>> No.6272834
File: 68 KB, 400x400, 19362757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need some help picking a wig for some future coordinates I have planned, I can't decide whter to choose a rhapsody, a curly-hime wig or a classic curly wig.
I also feel insecure about what coulor would match better both my coord and my skin-tone

>> No.6272882

Okay, it's in process. This may seem like a dumb question, but do attention posts go in the sales comm?

Yes! this is exactly what I was looking for. You are a magical internet detective.

>> No.6272886



>> No.6272888

The only advice I can give you is don't buy one from Gothic Lolita Wigs.

>> No.6272941
File: 44 KB, 399x600, 1348110866554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you guys get cheap gothic loli accessories

i normally do sweet but I do love me some gothic-inspired coords

>> No.6272948


Taobao is your friend.

>> No.6272952

ebay and taobao. gothic co-ords aren't too hard, you should have an arsenal of roses and flowers in dark colours to match your outfit

>> No.6273078

You can contact the mods? They might be able to make her give some form of compensation. It's against the rules to delete pictures and descriptions.

>> No.6273081

Forever 21?

>> No.6273141
File: 1.37 MB, 1141x951, rorita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love some advice on this. I plan on using the waist bow as a headbow unless it looks ridiculous and I also have a plastic AP bow clip not pictured.
I'm not sure which socks would be best.
And will it look okay if I don't incorporate any of the blue from the skirt elsewhere? I'm not a big fan of blue.

>> No.6273164

offwhite shoes intsead of white?
or maybe these? http://productshots2.modcloth.com/productshots/0116/5935/f55e1b3dfcbee326e6f54ca4433fe8c7.jpg

if you do wear something like those ^^^ i would also suggest sheer white tights with pink or white little dots

>> No.6273196

thanks! I'll definitely think about that. I was looking for some shoes that were offwhite and pink together but I had a hard time finding any sadly.

>> No.6273571

My hand is buying on it's own. If it has a short buying period I would regret it if I didn't get it. If I don't like it on though I will probably sell it here.

>> No.6274086
File: 171 KB, 512x799, ok001-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving this, thanks so much for bringing it up! Definitely getting the long version, torn between teal & ivory (but I think ivory, I love the way it looks like old parchment paper, although the teal looks amazing too).

I've mostly heard good things about Krad Larente's quality; I don't think they've done as many releases as the bigger Taobao shops, which probably accounts for the lower rating. From what I can figure out from the translation, the changes are more to do with the print (the current version is flipped, so the final will be printed right-way around, and they're adding gold ink) rather than major changes to the overall dress design.

>> No.6274096

Oh my god, that is so fucking gorgeous.
I cannot into Taobao because it's never even occurred to me to shop there before, but is there a skirt version?

>> No.6274119

maybe i should make a new thread about this, but can we have a loli accessories discussion? i feel like im wearing the same 2 pairs of tights and the same hair accessories for each coord.

>> No.6274150

Did anyone get any haul from the Frill pop-up-shop or other Lolita tables at AWA this weekend? I couldn't go, and I'm curious to know how good the selection was and what people got.

>> No.6274163


>> No.6274168

Not yet, but they've offered skirt versions of most of their other prints, so there might be, depending on how popular it is.

>> No.6274219

Wear the lighter colored socks

cute coord

>> No.6274228

Everyone is using the rhapsody wigs now, and don't buy from GLW.

I got a wig from Galbanara that is fucking amazing.

Also for colors:
yellow skin: Natural colors look best. Depending on how yellow your skin is (I have super yellow skin so red hair makes it even more apparent). But you can pull off some colors that would look fake on pink skin, so it's not so bad (like various dirty blondes or red tinged browns)
pink skin: usually pastels or more dramatic colors look better.

>> No.6274286

Silent Moon coord for sure!

>> No.6274297

That would be great, or even what stores to recommend for specific accessories. I bought Melty Chocolate recently, and I have no clue what to wear with that thing.

>> No.6274341

Okay so Im.... very new to this and I just now made a LJ account so I can be in on the comm sales and whatnot... How do I into livejournal though? I dont wanna be denied stuff just cause Im new an junk... but I understand that it might be hard to get started since Ive not been established yet.

>> No.6274364

lol Damn I think I sound entitled. I guess what I want to know is just... How do I fit into this community?

Im just scared someone might be like, "Nah I dont want to sell to you cause you seem shady" when Im just newbile and not well-versed in the bizz yet.

>> No.6274367

How do you lovely lolitas gain inspiration for not so popular prints or older prints? Possibly prints in unusual colors? For popular prints there are a lot of people posting pictures of co-ordinates and you might even see someone at a meet-up with a really cute co-ordinate using the print...but the less popular ones not as much.

>> No.6274484
File: 2.06 MB, 3264x2448, P1040687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ita are these shoes?

>> No.6274491

I look at the older GLBs, or ask a friend for color advice, or I just wing it. I don't really like the "popular" prints, and I've never been that into following other people's coords, so I'm pretty used to just... trying stuff on at home until I find something I like.

>> No.6274495


I have basically the same pair. As long as you're wearing Gothic and going for a more mature (vs cutesy) look, they can work.

>> No.6274497


People have no problems selling to newbies. The only thing you have to worry about, being brand new, is selling.

Also if you have an etsy or ebay account with feedback that works as well.

There are also a few facebook sales communities that arent as strict or intimidating as the comm sales



>> No.6274508

Thank you! Not gonna lie, Im really intimidated by the community.

>> No.6274507


You don't really have to try hard to fit in. Put up some kind of info page and fill in some interests on your LJ so people know you're not a troll, read the rules thoroughly on all of the comms that you plan to use, make sure you set up your feedback, and from there just be polite. You can comment on posts in EGL if you want, but no one really pays attention.
If you plan to start off with buying, most sellers don't bother checking feedback first. Do make sure and remind them to leave feedback for you after transactions, though, so you can build some up before/if you ever want to sell anything. Something like "Hi, I got the package yesterday, thank you so much! Leaving feedback for you now, can you please do the same? Here's my link: XXXXXXX"

>> No.6274615

i'm getting my first-ever bonnet, I have mixed feelings of excitement and shyness.
I'd appreciate any advice from bonnet-wering lolitas

>> No.6274649


you're going to look like a giant baby

>> No.6275325
File: 107 KB, 350x465, 03-107-wxg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any accessory ideas for this dress? I'm completely lost when it comes to finding bracelets and shit for dresses.

>> No.6275330


I am a newbie too, and it is so frustrating when sellers don't leave feedback even after I asked politely and leave the a feedback first.
I hate badgering them, but this is very frustrating because I plan to sell some stuffs later down the road and people won't buy anything from me if I have zero feedback.

>> No.6275507

Im scared of that happening to me as well. I dont think I really plan on ever selling anything, but if I end up wanting to do so sometime, I wouldnt want to have it seem like I have a bad rep cause girls are too lazy to post feedback :/

>> No.6275676

One thing you can try is make sure to give them a link to your feedback when you remind them. If you're really desperate, maybe copy and paste the form for feedback and just say "To make it super easy, here's the form so you don't have to go hunting for it." As a person who is very lazy about feedback, that would probably tip the scales in favor of me getting it over with and doing the feedback finally.

>> No.6276041

this is what I do. I leave them feedback, thank them for the transaction and ask if they have some time to leave their feedback on the link provided. I think 90% of my transactions have left me feedback with this method.

>> No.6276080

pearls and gold

>> No.6276086

>I can never find cardigans that work

>> No.6276083

yeah i think you can mix mint in, especially if you wear a mint cardi. that would be adorable

>> No.6276089

sheer off white will probably look fine, especially if it has an elaborate collar

>> No.6276120
File: 45 KB, 250x333, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the cardi's I find are dripping in bows and lace.

>> No.6276135

and all the offbrand cardis just dont fit right..

>> No.6276285

Rant: I love wearing Lolita. I feel like I have a good idea how to coord and have put together a few nice coordinates. I look good in the mirror and in person. But I look so god-damn derpy.in every single fucking photo it drives me insane. I want to show off my outfits, but I cover up my face in every picture because I had some stupid expression or my chin looks huge. It's frustrating.

Also any suggestions on some good lolita appropriate glasses? I need to schedule an appointment to get new frames. I want something I can wear everyday but will work with either sweet or classic coords well.

>> No.6276455
File: 1.01 MB, 782x672, howtogofromawkwardtoslightlylessawkward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get frames that flatter your face and that you won't get sick of.

As far as posing for photos, there's 3 simple things you can do to instantly improve photos. Try practicing with a webcam or in a mirror.

> 1. keep your shoulders down and back.
Basically, make sure your posture is good.
> 2. Angle your body very slightly away from the camera in either direction.
> 2. Angle your face away from the camera to either side, but continue looking at the camera with your eyes.
This should be very very subtle but it is a more natural look than facing straight at the camera with you body and your head. This also helps to accentuate the shape of your neck and your collar bones.
3. Stick your chin out and you may need to tilt your head down a little, it depends on your face. Practice that in the mirror as well.

Final advice, try to just feel genuinely happy when you take the picture. Think of someone you love.

Here, I'll try to take a picture to show the difference but it's black as pitch in here. I'll spare you the excuses for my haggard appearance. In the left hand photos I look awkward as fuck. In the right hand photos, not so bad. Remember, you just have to be the ~least~ awkward person in the photo.

Also notice that it sort of "hides" how square my jawline is. That didn't just happen - I picked out the features I disliked and practiced tilting and angles until I found away to make my "weakness" a "strength" and the new angle shows my cheekbones better and my extremely cute nose.

>> No.6277892

So I made probably made a pretty big mistake, and I need help figuring out what to do from here. And yes, I'm fully aware I was dumb for this.

I put up a dress for DT/DS on the comm sales. For once, I actually got a pretty good offer, A Midsummer's Night Dream skirt in black, which is a dream print of mine. The issue was that the girl who wanted to trade didn't have a feedback page, but she was a longtime member of all the loli lj pages and I figured if she's been a member for years, she probably wouldn't fuck up her chances of getting something from someone else for the sake of one trade. Since it was fairly late when I got the posts, I wasn't thinking clearly and agreed, with her giving definite proof that she owned the skirt.
It's been two weeks, and I haven't received it. That doesn't bother me as much, since it is an international package. The problem is that she hasn't responded to the messages I've sent, when she was quick to respond when I was talking about sending her my item.

If I assume that she didn't send it, I realize there's not much I can get as compensation. However, I do want to make sure no one else makes the same mistake as me. Is it possible to ban someone who doesn't have feedback?

>> No.6277909


1. Post an attn buyer/seller first. Even if the trade did not happen on EGL, you can still say "i post on egl in hope that her friends will see Thai and let her know I'm worried"
2. Post an attn on the facebook sales page too
3. Yes, the mods are able to ban someone who has no feedback
4. However. You should not follow the mods' advice completely, sometimes they make dumb decisions too.
5. If it turns out to be a scam, make a gtfo post to permanently document this incident so others will watch out too.
6. Did you send your package with a tracking number? In some countries it may be possible to intercept the sending of the package (for a fee) if the item is not yet delivered.

>> No.6277916

This* not Thai. Autocorrect derp

>> No.6279084
File: 418 KB, 532x800, 1344454684217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until now I've just worn classic lolita, but I'd like to give sweet a try. However, I have ginger hair and my skin is pale with warm yellow tones, and I find I look much better in dark, earthy colors than light pastels. (The girl in the pic isn't me but is similar to my coloration.) I'd rather not wear a wig out of personal preference, but will my hair and skin clash too much with the colors in sweet lolita without one?

>> No.6279467

Do you have friends that wear sweet and can lend you clothes to try? I feel that might be the best way to tell. Are you opposed to wearing the black colourways of sweet prints? Or are you more keen towards the old school sweet of pink? There are sweet lolita that don't wear pastels.

>> No.6279520
File: 179 KB, 416x411, Feather and Flower Fascinator Claire s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lately Claire's has been selling some actually pretty nice BPN-esque jewelry.

beaded chokers and cross necklaces and the like.

icing, the "grown-up" claire's, also has a lot of really classy stuff in black and white

both seem to have the same selection of hair stuff and a lot of it is really nice.

F21 for hair accessories, they almost always have tons of black floral and bow motif stuff in stock there and usually have some huge ornate gothic crosses, you can coordinate a whole outfit worth of accessories for around $10.

and if you have a little more to spend on stuff, 1928 is pretty much the best brand to get vintage/victorian style accessories from. they sell them on the brand's site and at department stores like Sears and Kohl's.

i also have a few gothic friendly tights and accessory pieces from a brand called Worthington they sell at JC Penney's and have on sale quite often. picked up a gorgeous cross necklace with jet beads there during one of their holiday sales once, shit was awesome.

pic related, from the claire's website.

>> No.6279538
File: 16 KB, 611x634, westmend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an opportunity to buy this Westmend dress from a friend for $70 plus cost of shipping. The dress is new without tags.

I Googled for Westmend a bit and this seems to be a bit higher than the discount TaoBao prices, but slightly lower than the original retail prices. I'm uncertain of the original price of this specific item.

Should I get it? Any information about the original retail price of this dress?

>> No.6280628


horribly overpriced for a dress of shoddy quality. With $70++ you can get a nice, high quality, brand new dress from Innocent World (during their sale season only)

>> No.6280633

My problem:
I have broad shoulders, I look really weird in puff sleeve blouses.
When blouses are not puff sleeved, they are long sleeved (but I need blouses for summer)
Everywhere I look, loli blouses are either puff sleeved or long sleeved!

>> No.6280673


God I think it's going to look ridiculous on me because I'm tall and have a large bust (worried the waist will make it fit like a babydoll cut) but I want it so much.

>> No.6280707

I got some meta sheer chiffon short sleeve blouses. They had "puff" sleeves and I guess the "cuff" of the sleeve was just elastic. The elastic was really tight on my fat arms, so I cut it. Now they are loose almost like "butterfly" sleeves I think the term is? Much more comfortable and still looks really nice.

See if you can't find short sleeve blouses with elastic and then just snip the elastic. I don't know much about sewing but you may be able to alter non-elastic ones in a similar way.

>> No.6280734

Since when does IW ever have dresses that cheap? They have lucky packs, sure, but that's totally BS low.

>> No.6280743

Take a photo of your meta blouse after snipping the elastic please?
I will most likely commission something (don't fit into brand sizing anyway) so if you have pictures it will be helpful.

>> No.6280744


Sorry, it is my fault that I forgot to mention the extra shipping cost the other anon still have to bear on top of the $70 for the dress.
Assuming the $20 is the shipping cost, which make the total spending of $90.

In the comm sales, it is possible to see printless dress from IW Lucky pack being sold for $100-$110 including shipping. $10 extra is not much considering the quality and resale value imo.

>> No.6280754

egl is completely inappropriate for this board. you whores act like clowns whenever i see you attend anime conventions. there's nothing elegant about what you do.

>> No.6280793

>>implying cosplayers don't normally act like clowns, too.

>> No.6280796
File: 123 KB, 620x600, iwvictoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

price check.
Is this dress really that rare to be selling for 29,000 yen? I know it's a Gosick collab, but wasn't it in the oddment packs?

>> No.6280940
File: 1009 KB, 541x960, fatty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a very flattering picture but here you go.

>> No.6280945

I can't tell if you're hot or not. Take off the rest of your clothes

>> No.6281001
File: 362 KB, 810x1200, 1345885968466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a convention this month, after much consideration, I'm thinking about doing a robot themed guro lolita co-ord. My question is would that be going a bit into the ita realm? By guro I mean more in the sense of the broken doll look, except instead of just doll, it's broken robot doll. Not the kind where you shove fake blood on everything.

>> No.6281062

one very lucky person got it in an oddment pack and that was most likely deemed slightly damaged and not suited for retail sale.

It wasn't in a lot of LPs. It was very popular and in AMAZING in person.

>> No.6281142

fuckin lol'd they're called ribbons.
You can buy them at an armed forces sponsored store, IE Navy Exchange etc.

Or if you have a friend of a friend who is in the military they will buy you some, or you can google, ebay etc.

>Being that retarded

>> No.6281520

wow, thats a beautiful dress. soo worth the 30k yen price tag

>> No.6281526

simple but cute coord! try tights with it? either solid black or gray would be adorable.

>> No.6281645
File: 35 KB, 1000x1000, k2tVVUMvxMiEFustBYkGBpX7VbUWkTzW-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agh, I pre-ordered a pair of shoes from clobba online years ago (for Baby antique ribbon shoe replicas) I have no idea when they'll be ready or if they ever will, I was planning on wearing them with cinema doll but I'm getting so exasperated at this point that I'm even considering buying a pair of black Paris Hilton shoes
Anybody ordered the same model I did?

>> No.6281665


Sorta off topic...I don't understand why Secret Shop is only open to shopping services and why they require pre-ordering and months to make shoes. AnTaiNa doesn't have an issue with making shoes to order, too bad their designs aren't as nice.

>> No.6281680


>> No.6281682

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I think you're adorable.
Love what seems to be a pocketwatch(?) and your shoes with the beret.
Since I'm already posting and ^her filename reminded me, I need some pictures of beautiful lolitas. It's been too hot to wear lolita but it's finally starting to cool down.
Winter/autumn coords please!

>> No.6282144


>> No.6282160


>> No.6282193

dark brown socks. you'll be fine without highlighting the blue :)

>> No.6282197

i'm fat, does krad lanrete or whatever do fat-sizing?

>> No.6282212
File: 194 KB, 894x894, PB marce lolitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I like it when my skirts hit a /little/ higher above the knee, and whenever I have something custom made I request a slightly shorter length. Is this ita? I always wear tights underneath. I just like the way it looks :x

>> No.6282217

There's a good chance it's ita, yes. Especially if you're wearing something like milky planet. A lot of skirts go up pretty high if you wear a good petticoat.

How tall are you?

>> No.6282224

Still bumping my question
> more pics of blouses that are neither puff sleeved or long sleeved

In general they only do custom sizing for their first pre-order
Quality wise, I had the Intro Overture print and it was very worth the money. I'm thinking about the Mozarabic(sp?) print but I don't know what the arabic words on the print mean at all D:

>> No.6282232


Well I don't wear sweet, and I don't like to wear poofy petticoats. I prefer super minimal poof

I'm about 5'8"

>> No.6282257

My halloween costume is going to be Alice in Wonderland, a friend of mine might be my Mad Hatter.

Using a replica of an old school AP jsk in sax blue, white blouse with a peter pan collar, black hair bow, straight blonde wig, and warmish tights if it's cold or just white socks if it's warmer. Should I add a rabbit plush to this too? I was thinking of asking another friend of mine to go as the Cheshire Cat or the Rabbit, maybe even the Red Queen. We'll have to see!

>> No.6282268
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, 1345811612423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I prefer super minimal poof

So basically you're saying you like lolita dresses short and without the actual lolita shape? Sounds kinda ita. Unless it's a long classic/mori like outfit, casual or aristocrat I think it looks bad if you don't even bother with getting the lolita shape.

>> No.6282269

Oh, and I also ask for the length of the skirt (minus the waistband) to be about 44.5cm

>> No.6282272


The shape is still there, but it's not as exaggerated

Also I only wear casual lolita

>> No.6282281

Depends on how high above the knee. It's not ita if it's, basically, standard classic lolita length (which ends up higher than the knee on taller girls). Unless it's mid-thigh, it's honestly not a big deal. All lolita "rules" are more like beginner guidelines, and once you get the hang of it, bending or breaking some of them won't break the style itself.

>> No.6282293
File: 74 KB, 500x708, ap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask for dresses to be shortened

Post a pic. You sond pretty ita right now.

That, or you're just not lolita at all. Because the only way i can imagine this being good is if you dress otome.

>> No.6282314


Yea that's what I was thinking! But I thought it couldn't hurt to ask


I don't think so, Tim.

If I had to think of an example the best one that comes to mind is Chokelate, though they're not even as short as that on me because I'm not as tall as her

>> No.6282410

the thing about choke is that she is tall so it looks natural

altering dresses to be shorter and being average height generally looks ita

>> No.6282425


Well, I am taller than average I would say

Also it's not like the dresses come to the same height on me as they do on Chokelate. Like I said, they are actually longer than that, but that was the best example I could think of

>> No.6282577


If you're asking dresses to be shortened, you've got a problem.

I'm 5'7 and I have to sell a lot of my stuff when I get it because it's too short, the highest you should be doing in lolita is mid thigh, and AP usually hits me mid thigh or shorter with minimal poof.

I can't imagine what you must look like if you ask it to be shortened.

>> No.6282635

I'm having troubles with cordinating Sweet Jewellery Princess in ivory. I have bought a wine blouse and tights and am going to use an ivory headbow. But what kind of shoes should I use? The co-ord looks sort of classic-sweet now, and I am thinking about maybe using brown shoes. But I am not certain of how it would look altogether. Help please.

>> No.6282643

Ivory or beige would be nice for shoes. The brown may look a bit isolated on the bottom if it's too dark.

>> No.6282701

Le sigh. I think I'm in a lolita rut. I haven't worn lolita in a while since I'm busy working on a play, so I'm stuck wearing a lot of black stagecrew appropriate attire. I guess it doesn't help that I don't have a lot of lolita clothes anymore (still have to sell some shit, fuu). I usually bike to get around campus so lolita is super impractical.

I'm trying to leaf through the egl comm sales and auctions, but nothing seems interesting anymore. I don't even remember what my dream dresses were.

On a somewhat random note, are there any lolitas attending ISU, Illinois Wesleyen, or happen to be in the area? I know there are two others, but I rarely see them and I'm hoping to bring some out of the woodworks.

>> No.6282762

>you've got a problem.

Lol, a bit dramatic, aren't we?

I just ask for the skirt portion to be 44.5cm instead of whatever the standard length is

It looks similar to how dresses look on Chokelate, but coming a lil longer on me as I am 5'8"

I'm sorry that I like for my skirts to be a few cms shorter than normal(?) I'm not really sure what else to say about the matter!

>> No.6283235

Be careful, might just look like you're doing steampunk wrong.

>> No.6283274
File: 733 KB, 667x935, goggles=instant steampunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I'm not touching goggles, gears or random ash on my face.

>> No.6283339

I've been in a Lolita rut for a long time too, Anon. (Two years to be exact.) Then I lost my job and had to sell off most of my wardrobe. I've been working crappy jobs ever since that haven't allowed me to have enough left over for luxury purchases after expenses. Hopefully, I'll find something better soon because I want to get back into the style.

I'm not sure what kind of style most of my wardrobe should be, though.

I hope you find your mojo soon! Sometimes looking at really lovely outfit posts and just browsing brand websites can help re-kindle it. I find that I'm the most inspired when my presence on live journal and my local community is at a minimum. It's not that I don't like my local girls and guys or the lj comm; quite the opposite. I just enjoy Lolita most when I'm alone. It's different for everyone, though.

>> No.6283424

I agree that the white shoes tend to clash with all the cream going on. Same goes for the wrist cuffs. Instead, I'd opt for a pair of cute boots in the same cognac color as the bag. Maybe even brown. You can switch these out for pumps if you're not into boots; I just thought it would make the outfit look cute and seasonal.

I'd pair it up with ivory stockings, classic styled accessories with pink accents. Maybe go for a matching necklace and bracelet instead of wrist cuffs? It'd be especially cute if you were able to find some that matched the motifs in the dress (such as bows, poodles or chocolate). A pair of ivory fishnet gloves could replace the wrist cuffs if you'd really like. It'd also be cute if you wore a brown hat with a matching pink corsage of some sort pinned to it. Maybe even the waist bow if it doesn't look awkward?

>> No.6283532

The funny thing is, I've never really considered it that hard to adequately pull off an outfit that's heavily inspired by steam punk.

>> No.6283550

Asuka's expression is just priceless

>> No.6283566

If you really are similar to her, then no. Maybe try not to go too bright initially to check?

>> No.6284029

I have a similar problem to you. I'm super pale but have an olive undertone as well as dark hair and eyes. Pastels make me look sick or wash me out completely.

There are plenty of sweet Lolita dresses that come in muted shades, nice neutrals, darker colors, jewel tones and browns. You could try making a sweet Lolita wardrobe around those colors?

Also, I love the whole AP-with-a-hint-of-classic look when it's done well. It's my favorite.

>> No.6284333
File: 53 KB, 600x600, dfhglkjedks'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry that I like for my skirts to be a few cms shorter than normal(?) I'm not really sure what else to say about the matter!
You asked for an opinion. So you got one. Don't say "sorry", just accept that you had multiple people telling you you're ITA AS FUCK

>> No.6284381


I did ask for opinions, you're right

I guess I can still be of the opinion that shorter skirts are okay, too

Thanks guise~

>> No.6284398
File: 335 KB, 485x860, lolita_princess_bubblegum_by_nena-d4iasz2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super tall loli here, nothing wrong with short skirts as long as you get otk tights. I don't know why you'd alter them shorter, though, I have the hardest time looking for underskirts and tailors, just to lengthen them.

>> No.6284409

Does anyone know of a good petticoat that gives mid-tier poof? I have Classical Puppets' A-Line petti and I love it, but it's too big for some of my dresses/skirts. As in, it literally will not fit under some of them. So I have to layer the shit out of three really, really flat pettis whenever I want to wear those dresses and it barely even makes a difference. One that gives decent but not HUGE poof would be ideal.

>> No.6284431

I have a Hell Bunny one that's pretty good. It fits perfectly under most of my dresses (including an old AP skirt), and it was only £25. The only downside is that it's a little bit scratchy, and I imagine it would start to deflate if you wear it very regularly.

>> No.6284435

Forgot link; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-White-HELL-BUNNY-25-Petticoat-Underskirt-GOTH-6-20-/150633284588?pt=UK

The white one is the most poofy, black is the least poofy. Pink seems to be the middle ground.

>> No.6284443

Ah, thank you so much!

>> No.6284466

Not at all, glad I could help out!

>> No.6284565
File: 2.54 MB, 2304x3072, DSC02592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this AP Fantastic Dolly replica about 2 months ago, but sadly I haven't worn it out. I do want a to get a new blouse for it but current finicial situation is not allowing it.
My comm is having a Halloween meetup but I really don't know what to wear. I only have one dark colored dress but it's sweet.

>> No.6284595

i bought an a-line petti from an ebay store called petticoat princess, it was ~18 USD and pretty poofy. It might be a bit more that moderate poof, but it's very cheap so you wouldn't lose much.

>> No.6284594


I can't decide if I want this in ivory or Lavender.

>> No.6284597

Do you have an offbrand cardigan in black? You could wear that over in place of a blouse under!

>> No.6284615

i wanted that replica 2 months ago but they said it wasnt in stock
my angry face when

did you get it from DoL or a comm sale?

>> No.6284633


I'm trying to decide between the short or the long version. I'm 5'7", how long would the long be on me? To mid-calf maybe?

What shopping service are people using for the pre-order? I would like to get it custom sized, so I am curious how much the upfront charge 1 is.

>> No.6284639


Damn it's out of stock?

>> No.6284663


Does anyone have any pics of this in black/gold?

>> No.6284699

A few years back, it was only Lolita Baby Angel (or something), Qcute, Mashimaro Girl and Nana-Jun ordering from them in large quantities. When other shopping services started to get in on it and buy in large amounts, they began having issues getting pre-orders out with all of the ready-made orders that were coming in.

To deal with the demand and prevent more production errors (they had a rash of hardware and buckle issues and major workplace injuries from July to September of 2009), they switched to VIP orders only.

Now, only certain VIP TaoBao members can order shoes from them and only during pre-orders. They no longer even offer ready-made shoe stock, to prevent the problems they had before.

>> No.6284756

Sadly, no. Just in white. I'm considering getting a blouse in black but I already am planning to use blackxpink socks and black shoes.
Isn't there a rule with blouses have to worn under JSKs? *still learning*

I got it from TaoBao.

>> No.6284830
File: 36 KB, 261x260, gfhgvds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP is, at least.

Well.. DoL is on taobao, so that only half answers my question.. what shop did you get it from? Dream of Lolita, right?

>> No.6284881

Ah, sorry..I don't really remember. :(

>> No.6284888

Blouses are generally worn under JSKs, but a cardigan will do the job just as nicely in many cases. It's really more about making sure you keep your shoulders covered and generally looking put-together.

>> No.6284984

Ah, okay. Thanks!

>> No.6284993

So it looks like the average length for an AP skirt is 49.5 cm (including the lace). Will that be way the hell too short for someone who's around 5'3?

That seems really short to me, but then again that could be because I'm used to classic lolita; their skirts are usually 50 cm or longer.

>> No.6285046

I'm 5' 2" and find that to be a pretty good just above knee length for me, with petticoats. It may sit a bit shorter depending how much poof you generally go for and of course depending on your leg length

>> No.6285064

I'm 4'9". The dresses always look long on me but I guess it's cool. Sucks that I really love the socks with the lace on top because it can't show off the lace. :(

>> No.6285157

we're the same height, they're a perfect lolita appropriate length, hitting just a little above the knee.

>> No.6285399

I know how you feel. 4'11" here. ): Even under the knee socks aren't visible! I have a huge collection of socks topped with lace, ribbons, you name it -- and nobody will ever see them!

>> No.6285567

I'm not sure where to ask this, but this seems like the best place. I've just moved into a dorm room, and we're allowed posters up. I think I'd really like some lolita or lolita themed art to make it seem a bit nicer. I know brands sometimes do postcards/posters, but is there anywhere else I can get lolita/lolita inspired art from?

>> No.6285637

anybody else bought the axes femme mook? can somebody translate this please? I want to know if this can only be used in-store, and what terms and conditions there may be.