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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 901 KB, 1080x1328, Screenshot_20221223-013843-522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10825168 No.10825168 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you will never see a haven trooper or Quiet cosplay

God-damned be Demon slayer and those trendy stuff, I want to see big tactical butts and awesome costumes.

>> No.10829585

Any of the Mortal Kombat characters from MKX

>> No.10830098

>Quiet cosplay
Where have you been? I don't think I've been to a con without MGS cosplays and Quiet is still around at plenty of them.

>> No.10830111
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TTGL was at one point the most cosplayed show

>> No.10830116
File: 200 KB, 1080x1085, 80s vibe gatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be the change you want to be OP. regain the pretisge of cosplay from FOTM normies, costhots and race-baiting pocks.

>> No.10830141
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>never see a quiet cosplayer

You had literally all of 2010’s where the fuck were you at?

>> No.10830144

Yeah, when I said above you that people still dress as Quiet? I was contrasting it in my head with how Yoko sticks out now....because she's rare these days. I don't think when I see Quiet cause it's still around.

>> No.10830159

any hellsing character that isnt alucard.

>> No.10830268

Hellraiser cosplays

>> No.10830486
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Cosplay what you want. You never know when you'll make someone's day when dressed from their favorite series. I can't really blame the people who are truly excited for FOTM, but you can tell when costhots are just jumping on it as the hot trend.

>>tfw you will never see a haven trooper or Quiet cosplay

Haven Trooper we never saw more than a couple ever in history. Quiet still gets cosplayed every other con, you might just be going to the wrong cons.

>mfw at least 2/3 of all Quiet cosplayers don't even play MGS

>> No.10830492


I think you see her every now and then cause tittys honestly, saw one last year at animenyc

>> No.10830498

one of the quiet cosplayers on the east coast is fucking nuts.

>> No.10830499

Yo mama

>> No.10831597

>not being white is race baiting
It's always the race baiting people that complain about others doing it

>> No.10831606 [DELETED] 

no, being an annoying nigger in the "cosplay community" is. no one cares about your microaggressions or that your criminal cousin deshawn got rightfully kneed on by governmental goons

>> No.10831708
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That's one of my two goto cosplays for pretty much every con I do. Feels good man.
Working on running a smoke machine through my mask next.

>> No.10831712
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x3008, Rikku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thief Rikku
It was the "sexy" cosplay back in the day that everyone did

>> No.10835879


>> No.10835888

>Quiet is still around at plenty of them
There is still hope for this world.

>> No.10835893

Cute. Reminds me of Gwen Stefani back when she was still a human being.

>> No.10836873

I saw a cute schroddy last con

>> No.10837910
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MGS4 is the most underappreciated game in the franchise
Was a big fan of the BB unit but cosplaying them would be super hard because of the amount of bulk

>> No.10837991

vash stampede.

i hope the reboot will revitalize his relevance

>> No.10838003

One of the most common 90's cosplays I see. Probably third place after Eva's and Bebop's. (Admittedly I'm being rigid and defining this as "started and ended in that decade)

>> No.10838020
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i just get so excited when i see bad ass costumes like Vash. Shoutout to gene from outlaw star too

(pic related might not be amazing, but its a welcome sight back in 2019)

>> No.10838122

I saw a vash at katsucon yesterday, the dream isnt dead

>> No.10838129

300 Spartans, those pack of frat boys used to be a con staple to show off their bodies. Nowadays they are nowhere

>> No.10838131

i'm expecting a few of the new Vash's to come around this year.

>> No.10841919

Oh i’m supposed to cosplay quiet sometimes this year/next year! As long as you follow the ig hashtag #QuietCosplay you should be able to catch it

>> No.10841946

People still do this all the time

>> No.10843569
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L from Deathnote

>> No.10844111

Death Note is one of the most consistently popular series of that entire era, for cosplayers.

>> No.10844704

Yeah because outside of actually trying to dress up as a Shinigami, every lazy austimonaut wound up cosplaying as L or Light.

>0-effort cosplay

I feel this is something that really turned me away from the hobby as a whole, it's sadly the nature of the beast that majority of cosplay is done based on whats popular at the time. The fact no one really attempts the more impressive options as often with the flavor of the week, has bled my enthusiasm.

>> No.10849834


>> No.10850557
File: 207 KB, 1000x1500, 1D3F8E5F-52AB-425B-8679-65E298A22A1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from Rebecca, no one ever does BRAVO team STARS. I’m sure if I googled it, I would see some. But never at a con went to.

>> No.10850791

This is really good, he looks larger than life

>> No.10850889

fuck off scrote

>> No.10850894

There's no one from Bravo team that matters anyways.

>> No.10850896

fuck off hole

>> No.10853219
File: 408 KB, 1000x870, Travis Touchdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No More Heroes cosplay in general gets no love

>> No.10853835

Not common, but I've definitely seen my fair share. Even in recent times

>> No.10853843

Doing cosplay from old shit is awesome! I went to a con to be the Kei part of a dirty pair duo cosplay and do many old photographers approached us, glad someone remembered their old fave series.

>> No.10854761

2 months late but i'm following it now.

t. OP

I only begun cosplaying in 2017.

>> No.10854803

Is Cat Noir and miraculous ladybug stuff still a thing in conventions? First thing that came on my mind on the 'cool costumes not done anymore' subject

>> No.10855597


>> No.10859333 [DELETED] 

before blacks starting becoming a olfactory and aesthetic plague at cons, there wasnt BLM and BIPOC faggotry, and everyone was at peace. you niggers have ruined most major cons for me, either by violence or identity politics. your future bauxite mine masters wont be so kindly.

>> No.10859352
File: 1.73 MB, 284x284, jim-carrey-uh-oh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to know which parts of your post tell me you don't go to cons?

>> No.10860098

how tf did he get away with that firearm?

>> No.10860132

Looks cool!

>> No.10860155

the tag is probably hidden somewhere

>> No.10860549

No. Portable Ops or Peace Walker. Maybe not Peace Walker but definitely Portable Ops. 4 sucked ass anyways
Alternate history MGS games > contemporary/future timeline MGS games

>> No.10861128
File: 88 KB, 956x646, Princess-Bride-Iocaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did Dread Pirate Roberts/Westley from The Princess Bride at Ohayoucon, that was fun. I was surprised that apparently there was a Buttercup running around, didn't bump into her though.

>> No.10864297
File: 141 KB, 640x480, DSC00098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Sailor Moon a dead franchise?

>> No.10864454

hell no

>> No.10865417

Yeah vash cosplays seem to be making a slight comeback these days. I saw a short black girl with an afro cosplaying as him recently

>> No.10865436

Newer vash i guess.
I like the 90s vash cosplays, so much more impressive to pull off

Wolfwood is wolfwood

>> No.10868338
File: 1.07 MB, 2304x3072, 100_9645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is KH still a thing? or did KH3 kill it?

>> No.10868461

This makes my snake solid hehe

>> No.10870978
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>> No.10872878
File: 394 KB, 2048x1271, 10733780_693618404079505_1391033007631356217_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queen's Blade

>> No.10873018


>> No.10874919
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>> No.10876867
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Soul Calibur

>> No.10876897
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Remember Ragnarok Online?

Naruto also fell off despite being so huge nearly everyone at AX05 was from Naruto.

Bane was popular when Dark Knight Rises was fresh so it's kind of surprising when there hasn't been any recent Bane cosplayers when Baneposting never died.

>> No.10876943

I think Lightning and Final Fantasy 13 in general

>> No.10877431

>Remember Ragnarok Online

I see how Huge FF14 is today and remember how huge ragnarok was among weeb spaces and zeitgeist

Naruto in general fell off but theres always that obligatory try hard wearing an akatsuki cloak

>> No.10879732
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old JRPGs (not FF)

>> No.10882257
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>> No.10882323


>> No.10885747
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>> No.10885840

>be the change you want to be
This has never worked for anything in the history of ever

>> No.10886878

>Amnesty International doesn't exist

>> No.10889404
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>> No.10890463

Out of nowhere I saw several Kos-Mos cosplayers back in AX 2015 and wondered what the occasion was.

>> No.10890970
File: 512 KB, 1500x1077, gtydd4r2fhd5y2rdfua8atgrua234h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My buddies and I cosplay as the Straw Hat ronins from Ghost of Tsushima. Only problem is that they're so generic-looking that we could be from anything really.

>> No.10891182

wasn't that like fujo's brony equivalent?

>> No.10893753
File: 651 KB, 700x1218, si3art on DeviantArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because normies and attention whores will always goes for the easy and trendy stuff. Quiet could be a good way to justify wearing a slutty cosplay but she's not a FOTM waifu and the Haven Trooper design, or any tactical design really, is way to much work for these someone as lazy as them. Beside I don't think they'd be the kind to want to hide their face.

>> No.10894148
File: 837 KB, 1400x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couple months ago I went as an ODST and only like three dudes knew what I was. Although It was kinda cute when a family asked for a picture, that made my day.
It's amazing how Halo is pretty much a dead franchize nowadays

>> No.10894641
File: 55 KB, 230x275, odsthunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless you I'm working on a set of the armor myself. Odst is probably peak for what I look in for a cosplay

>> No.10894862 [DELETED] 

I cosplay Dok.

>> No.10894865

I cosplay the Doctor.

>> No.10894866

Attack on Titan. Dead as fuck fandom, only comes around to fling shit at each other whenever a new season releases, then dies again shortly after.

>> No.10897157
File: 75 KB, 960x1280, 10608445_811302755593411_8146798409473812700_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all KoF

>> No.10899276
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>> No.10899286

How's MSPA/Homestuck cosplay been looking? Haven't attended a con since pre-Covid, back when you could find a few trolls or God Tiers roaming the halls easily.

>> No.10899291

I see aot cosplayers all the time (mostly dressed as titans)

>> No.10899292

More people should do Anderson. I've only ever seen two of them.

>> No.10899729

You're absolutely right. To cosplay a haven trooper would take a real metal gear solid fan, and the work to reproduce the parts, get what can be purchased ready like holsters and weapons... ain't for everyone.

>> No.10902152
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>> No.10902155 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 3968x2232, 20230903_223637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rude :)
Thanks man. One of these days I'll finish hooking up my mini fog machine to it

>> No.10902156
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1912, Screenshot_20240207_143820_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rude :)
Thanks man. One of these days I'll finish hooking up my mini fog machine to it

>> No.10902160

Saw a Claude and Leon from Star Ocean: The Second Story at MAGFest 24. It was refreshing to see.

>> No.10902167


>> No.10903390 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 4000x3000, 20240214_175608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempat ieu mangrupikeun wc abdi ayeuna.

>> No.10903696

i can't remember the last time i saw a ff 8 or 9 cosplay.

>> No.10903810

I saw some one doing a really high quality cosplay of this with a girl who pulled it off really well at 2024 katsucon.

lmao this year too.

i saw a decent amount of these cosplays still being done

>> No.10903882 [DELETED] 

>no love for this otaku assassin

>> No.10904003

>I saw some one doing a really high quality cosplay of this with a girl who pulled it off really well at 2024 katsucon.
Yeah, same. FFX is one I'm always happy to see. There were a few other in there too, like Wakka and Lulu

>> No.10906079
File: 84 KB, 643x674, mejandh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10906080

I'm working peacewalker big boss rn, but I bet he's pretty cosplayed out of all the characters.

>> No.10907710

Being relevant is the worst thing that can happen to your favourite IP in current year.

>> No.10907725

jinx is trashy, trashy like that raver girl with 12 different kind of stds kind of way

>> No.10907795

I saw 3 Yuno Gasai at Anime Boston. Makes me wanna be Yuki simply because nobody else does and maybe if they act in character I might get a hug or something.

>> No.10908443

Big Boss is definitely the most-cosplayed Metal Gear character, but in my experience it's almost always the iterations from 3 or V. It's rare that I encounter PW Snake, and I don't think I've ever seen PoOps or GZ in real life.

>> No.10908455

I'm thinking about doing GZ or the sneaking suit from PW next but also wanna refine my current setup.
PW Snake is probably my favorite where he is in his life. He's independent but not totally jaded yet. I mean he gets that way over the game and then especially GZ.
Also the PSP models make things a little more forgiving and I can use my imagination to fill in parts. I gotta work on the deltoid armor.

>> No.10908470
File: 556 KB, 1500x1090, 1508693_English_ShowDetailHeroPhone_90ef2d0d-c75d-e611-80c5-0017a4776c06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p much anything from prime KyoAni - Clannad, Haruhi, K-ON, Free!, Amagi, Lucky Star

Still see a Yoko from time to time, but nowhere near its hayday. Saw one or two this weekend actually

Fell off hard, but shockingly saw entire groups of them this weekend. Usually see one or two tops though

>> No.10908519

>p much anything from prime KyoAni - Clannad, Haruhi, K-ON, Free!, Amagi, Lucky Star
I saw a dude dressed as Yui leaving a convention last weekend. I should have said hi but was kinda in a rush. There desperately needs to be more cosplay of these characters. I saw they should mandate cosplay to uncosplayed folks and make sure all the Luckys are there.

>> No.10908522
File: 1.44 MB, 3120x4160, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a talk about this just the other day (with someone dressed as Major Ocelot, incidentally enough). He did make a good point, that Naked Snake is one of the easier characters to do. MGScon had a good showing from across the series, naturally, and I'm really glad to learn literally right now that there'll be a year two

>> No.10908524

There's an MGS con?

>> No.10908528

As of last year, yeah. It was just one day in LA but an awesome time for fans. About a dozen of the voice actors showed up, and some of them like Vanessa Marshall and Cam Clarke would mingle with the crowd. I'm already looking into booking for this year's

>> No.10908785

Of course it has to be across the country.

>> No.10909331
File: 318 KB, 2047x1391, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point, an announcer asked how many people came in from the East Coast and quite a few raised their hands, myself included. There were even a few who did when asked if anybody flew in from overseas. You should definitely look into going if you can, it was a very soulful experience

>> No.10909332

Holy shit that's fuckin kino. The whole crew. He did a good job with the deltoid armor too.
Fuck I might try to go to this.

>> No.10911582
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>> No.10914169
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>> No.10915852
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I crave women in full body tacticool gear

>> No.10919699

Your favorite IP being popular in the cosplay community is really not a good thing even if tactical butts are awesome. To give you a personal example I'm a big fan of the SCP Foundation but the cosplay community surrounding it, in my country at least, is filled with secondary who openly admit that they don't consider the official website to be canon. They don't even try to add some cool details for the specific MTF they choose to cosplay it's always the same boring all-black tacticool operator cause they don't wanna put any work. There's not a single D-Class, scientist or even any popular humanoid SCP like 049 or 035. Lack of relevancy is the price to keep the leeches out of your hobby.

>> No.10920044
File: 2.17 MB, 1000x1333, Compilation-Small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I basically exclusively do characters who are a little outdated so I stand out a bit more.

>> No.10920049

Red Hood isn't outdated but cool job on the Alex Mercer cosplay, the arm look great.

>> No.10920087

Projext X Zone 1 and 2

>> No.10920192

tactical my ass, you could take her out with a .22, no bodyarmor having loser haha

>> No.10920216
File: 148 KB, 957x1811, @DazzleTheMaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They keyword is tacticool, not tactical.

>> No.10920308

I always wanted to see a girl-take on the Doomslayer/Doomguy. The only one I saw was from this Russian cosplayer which turned out really good, but nothing else since then.

>> No.10920623

Does Doomslayer Isabelle count?

>> No.10921418

anon, this is thread is the only result for this image and I looked up the twitter and it’s some freak shit. explain yourself

>> No.10921426

are you really trying to say Gullty Gear cosplays aren’t as relevant anymore? guessing you literally have not touched a single con since Strive came out

>> No.10921435

the filename is the source, dunno what to tell ya

>> No.10921436

who is this suppose to be?

>> No.10921437

yeah basically lol, they coexisted at the same time too, and are singlehandedly responsible for cons banning nazi shit. i remember the weirdo girls in my art class looking at and trading shit like nazi germany x fascist italy yaoi

>> No.10921461

am I really even having a good life if I don't have a sexy french gal in military gear? fuck my life holy shit

>> No.10921465

>is Sailor Moon a dead franchise?

No, but it has shifted from being a "franchise" to being a brand, like Hello Kitty stuff.

>> No.10921502

Just join the marines and start taking in the butt, gaylord.

>> No.10922545

literally any pandora hearts character or case study of vanitas character outside of noe or vanitas

i know pandora hearts is a little old but was hoping for maybe a burst of popularity considering how popular a case study vanitas was

>> No.10922950

nigga did you read my post? it’s a furry latex fetish account, what are you browsing

>> No.10922952

The likes of an artist with a fetish for women in tacticool outfits on twitter (before likes became private that is)