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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10907099 No.10907099 [Reply] [Original]

Alternate title: "Eager for a New Thread After a Full Month at Bump Limit Edition"

Keep it /cgl/-related! Cosplay or J-fashion like Lolita/Brolita, Aristocrat, Kimono, Nanchatte, etc.!


ITT you may post:
- Useful guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing
- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)
- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts
- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressing

NOT allowed:
- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff
- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.; >>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for this
- Casual crossdressing without any /cgl/-context

Link collection:


Contact for suggestions or contribution: crossplay.cgl@yahoo.com


Affiliated Discord server: https://discord.gg/eBnVEtQ

Previous thread: >>10887436

>> No.10907268
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>> No.10907355

why you cryin

>> No.10907426
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No activity yet

>> No.10907469

I mean. Summer is still some distsnce away

>> No.10907546
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hi other thread died but i crossplayed scarlet witch again

>> No.10907562
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I'll share my latest crossplay, OP! I did Madoka.

>> No.10907565

Gonna crossplay again for the first time in 3 years this summer. cant wait.

Shame itll probably be scorching and glisten my makeup

>> No.10907566

Very cute! If you don't mind me asking, what was your budget?

>> No.10907569

would unironically suck his dick

>> No.10907590

I’ve got one planned for end of April, and I’m beyond afraid for my makeup at anything above room temperature

>> No.10907594

Room temperature? Da Fuq.

Anything past 25c and Im bailing. The convention centre really isnt sir conditioned and all the heat radiating from these people will murder me when Im wearing my getup.

Might have to strip down some parts

>> No.10907683
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New to this whole thing.

What you guys think about making vs buying cosplay costumes? I feel like maybe if you buy them people think it’s cheap or lazy or whatever.

Although for me I wanna do Anna Williams for Tekken as my first one and there aren’t many vendors

Either way would this be too hard to make? I am decent at art/painting but I have no experience sewing and I don’t wanna use a sewing machine as I live with my parents and it would be kinda secret what I’m doing

Pic rel

>> No.10907694

Hello, Chisato crossplayer on the thread here. This is my first time on 4chan, my friend found it and showed me...

How did my pic end up here :'>

>> No.10907696

Are you Asian or white I can’t tell

>> No.10907699

You will be making dogshit below some of the "good" chinese premades for at least 2 years.

After that youll probably be making pretty good pieces but it will take plenty of man hours to craft. Only do your own cosplays if youre like super passionate and autistic about arts and crafts

>> No.10907739
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Budget ended up being about $120? The dress and accessories was bought off taobao for $70-ish dollars, and then the wig and shoes (which I styled and made myself using leftover ribbon) were another $40. Everything else I had at the ready.

>> No.10907745
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Past threads in earlier years used to have a few lolita anons roaming around. Do they still exist or is it just cosplay anons nowadays?

>> No.10907746

Most people buy from what I hear.

That dress isn't too hard to make- I made a similar one for my second ever costume. But without a sewing machine it would take forever and be very difficult.

>> No.10907862

You're cute af

>> No.10908016
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I have a year to achieve this as a 6'0 male. What should I be focusing on in the gym?

My current routine is just pushups/rows/glute thrusts. Keep the course? My legs/calves are bulkier than I'd like due to running for my cardio, but I don't know an alternative that places more emphasis elsewhere.

>> No.10908028
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finally tried to do some substantial makeup. Hope i did good, the photos really don't do it justice it looks so real irl.

>> No.10908029 [DELETED] 
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i hate phone logic.

>> No.10908030
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>> No.10908031
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idk about the red-black lipstick thing, Very good start tho

>> No.10908032
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also i hate phone logic

>> No.10908109
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>> No.10908131

Good start. Keep practicing.

>> No.10908139

why would bulk out your frame even further if you want to crossplay lol.

Stick to thigh and butt exercises, leave all the shoulder, bicep, chest and "abs" alone.

>> No.10908167

What targets the thighs/butts but not the calves?

>> No.10908190

Youre not gonna grow big calves no matter what you do lol. Just do your leg exercises and climb up stairs.

>> No.10908263
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I wish I could get juicy (fat, not muscle) calves

>> No.10908268

only asians and half asians can have big calves for some reason.

>> No.10908286
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I'd argue my calves are disproportionately muscular compared to anything else I have, it makes me worried to continue with running as my cardio.

>> No.10908290

no one will notice or care.

calve sizes are not gendered.

>> No.10908329

Quite gewd ;)

>> No.10908367

why are you half naked...

>> No.10908384
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high heels question.
These are the heels i am using
they are exactly my shoe size (EU 39), they feel fitting, but if i walk for a few moments they feel like they are slipping.
issue is mostly solved by wearing thick or multiple layers of socks.

My heel feels like it is too far infront of the shoe heel, but when i check my heel is bumped right against the back of the shoe.
Is this how it's supposed to be? am i missing something? i am walking like how the tutorials say, on the outside it looks great and nothing is being damaged, atleast i think, feels very wrong to shift all my weight onto one heel. Any tips, could the heel simply be damaged? there's no noticable difference between left and right so idk, would be crazy if they are both damaged in the same subtle way.

>> No.10908387

presently i tied them with really strong ropes so the heels hold level and i have added a really strong glue to the rim which i hope will do well enough.

>> No.10908484

Shoe size varies from brand to brand. These probably run a bit large.

Wear the socks. You'll be more comfortable and no one will know. I always wear socks with boots.

>> No.10908492

I don't have any tight fitting clothes to point out my musculature so I'm just wearing boxers.

>> No.10908499

1) the slightest amount of stubble or facial hair makes people view you as male. for turning into a guy, use artificial facial hair, maybe sideburns, waterproof eyebrow pencils. you can dye what body hair you have dark brown or black, which makes it more visible.

for guys becoming girls, use hair removal cream meant for men's faces (most males have hair that is harder to dissolve than female hair).

for wigs, there are "guy" and "gal" versions of the same hairstyle, pay good attention because a tiny difference in the sideburn area or the shape of the back of the head easily turns a male into a female and most wigs are "female" hair. if your head shape is fucked up making you look the wrong gender, try padding the inside of the wig or adjusting the hair shape with clip-on wefts.

2) you can change your voice to sound like almost anything, including another gender, mother tongue or ethnicity (look up "vocal formants" and lessons for actors and stuff). you can literally make yourself sound like a 16 year old japanese girl or some badass super manly guy. but the hard part is remembering to do it every time you speak.

3) if you need a male crotch, most of the time you can just roll up and safety pin a sock to the inside of your underwear. this would work with a swimsuit cosplay for example (even if you're swimming - no one looks that close). for some costumes, a few forms of sports cups would work. if you're paranoid about the sock falling out or want to go all the way, instead of buying some kind of stick-on dick (which will generally just be a pain in the ass), you can buy a piece of silicone underwear with a flaccid or bendable dick attached, they come in both solid shaft and hollow types for $30-50.

4) shoulder pads, super important for girls becoming guys, nowadays there are self-adhesive silicone ones.

5) don't do stuff like use a female t-shirt to cosplay a male character, the cut of the shirt is different

>> No.10908500

if you can buy one that looks great, or that would look great with some minor adjustments you can do yourself, then i would say just buy. anyone who is a busy adult fully understands the fact that not all of us have the free time and patience to make something from scratch.

if you can't find anything for your character or everything is shit, buckle down and try to make it. if you need to be silent, you can use heavy duty fabric glue and hand sew.

the bigger problem with a costume like your pic is that this kind of "chinese dress" fabric is VERY unforgiving to uneven sewing or sewing mistakes. so you gotta be prepared to fail

>> No.10908965


> for guys becoming girls, use hair removal cream meant for men's faces (most males have hair that is harder to dissolve than female hair).

Please dont fucking do this unless you wanna end up with chemical burns

Shave and use color corrector when doing makeup

>> No.10908968

boring thread
I wanted to see more cute sexy women trying to cosplay male characters but this is all men in women's outfits?

>> No.10908973

I believe you're looking for >>10859759

>> No.10908985

>you can change your voice to sound like almost anything, including another gender, mother tongue or ethnicity (look up "vocal formants" and lessons for actors and stuff). you can literally make yourself sound like a 16 year old japanese girl or some badass super manly guy. but the hard part is remembering to do it every time you speak.
I have tried, but trying to speak male for more than a sentence or two makes me cough uncontrollable.
Record low was ~130 Hz average
Also let me add:
>hide your chest efficiently
Binders are a thing, but they are fairly restrictive and you will sweat like crazy.
I prefer taping my chest with kinesiology tape (do not ever use duct tape)
It's just as effective, less hot and if you're brave enough you can wear an unbuttoned shirt

>> No.10909022

Is it possible to widen my hips/thighs as a male?

>> No.10909047

Foam padding could help you there

>> No.10909077

Uhh, not without taking meds or surgery.

You can use pads or articles of clothing that poof it up. Works great

>> No.10909079

For the love of god stop measuring how male/female a voice sounds through its pitch.

Resonance is far more important, you can sound like a woman even at 110hz and a man at 240hz. Dont go around trying to talk like minnie mouse or a chick trying to use the "deep dude voice".

>> No.10909080

literally this. If you are under 30 you can sound like some girl who smoked too much as a teenager if you just talk like a fag from wherever you are from, since they just emulate female musicality, ofc not exactly but it's a good start.
Having a girl/boy voice is nice tho i wish i could pull something like that without castrating myself.

>> No.10909081

use pads like i did
it works really well especially if you are wearing something a bit loose over them.
Under the jersey sweatpants i am wearing a pair of tight sweatpants and under that a pair of tights to hold the pads i made from memory foam. There are plenty of tutorials online for the shape, mostly just cut two africa shaped pieces at your desired size (depends on (you)), mostly look up female hip-to-wait ratios and figure out how much more you need thru basic maths and measuring.
also chest ratio really important, the bigger your tits the less obvious your wide shoulders, and your ass is more accented, ofc all this to a point do not go full cartoony unrealistic.

>> No.10909085
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painting heels idk if this is it.
it's currently just painted electrical tape i don't want to fuck something up.

>> No.10909088

I (AFAB) can do that a bit, but my boy-voice isn't that great.
It's good enough to trick people on the phone though.

>> No.10909114

what are you going for anon?

>> No.10909149

Leg exercises can give you larger thighs but you'll also gain definition, which will make you look less feminine. There's nothing you can do to widen your hips.

Your best bet is to use hip pads, like other anons have suggested.

>> No.10909154

Thanks! Would it look weird to wear skin colored spandex over the pads? The character I'm aiming for has larger, exposed hips.

>> No.10909159

Skin colored tights or leggings look fine. Girls often wear them for cosplay.

>> No.10909229
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Nothing specific, other than "girl from my city"
Maybe more on the punk alt side, but certainly she is supposed to be the daughter of someone's son, y'know how it works?
Only goal is to look slay and aesthetic as hell.
I want to drive the eyes to specific areas, like the heels, i am not walking in them for nobody to notice.

>> No.10909247

girl from the balkans?

>> No.10909264


>> No.10910467
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What happened? It was going so well till now

>> No.10910497
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I got accepted to a college that whose mascot/theme is pirates. I have sweet vests that look antiquated but I'm missing any pirate bottoms/breeches or boots. I don't have to dress as a pirate, but I guess I can, maybe on events.
I like corsets too. I might get an overbust corset.
pic is for sure not me

>> No.10910553
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>> No.10910613

oh wow you’re hot

>> No.10910618

so where do i start? i feel like learning to do my makeup is a must, that's why i didn't bought any costumes or wigs yet, but i kinda want to see myself on dresses since i've been hitting the gym for a year now

>> No.10910630

Unironically just buy a costume, wig, and make up supplies. Don't worry if it's good enough, you should focus on just starting period. The more you actually do it, the more you'll understand how it works, what you'll want changed, and improve. Don't worry about starting perfect, just start.

>> No.10910631

sounds reasonable, guess i'll start with the good old maid/gothic dress and go from there

>> No.10910911

okay nevermind this the spray paint is already flaking from simply passively existing.

>> No.10910926
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Also make sure it's something your comfortable with wearing outside in public. My first crossplay costume was a Harley Quinn from Artifice but I've never had the confidence to actually wear it out in public. I enjoy wearing it at home, but it's never been out.

>> No.10910938

How does one achieve this build

>> No.10911636

how do you guys figure out which poses work best for your crossplay?

>> No.10911640

try some in the mirror well in advance of the con, take pictures even. come back a few days later now that the moments all passed and filter out the ones you now hate, and adjust what you think could be okay. just do practice before the con or else you'll see a picture of yourself someone took and want to die

>> No.10911644

awesome, thanks. I’m still very pleasantly surprised that two people asked to take pics, but I assume they’re not the type that post on social media for me to be able to see them. I like the ones my friend took of me with others though.

>> No.10912509
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Finally got a Catwoman cosplay that fits. I had to try it on even if I haven't received hip pads and breasts yet to fill out the suit better. I'm not worried at all about getting the makeup right, I've done makeup heavy cosplays before and there's a lot of videos on how to get 1992 Catwoman right.

>> No.10912648

something i've noticed is that it is a lot more acceptable and normie for women to crossdress than men.
Was talking with a female friend who also crossdressed a few times and idk when i was talking with her, her comments felt like she didn't have any sour interactions, or even a pleasant "watch out" from strangers.
Also when we got to talking about how to do it it felt so much weirder for me to say that i sculpted the chest and hips than for her to mention binding her chest or to paint a beard. It was a natural conversation.
In general just noticing that women get away with more weird shit.
Maybe i'm just high and brooding.
Don't have a point, just a though.

>> No.10912650

That's because it's easier for women to pass as men than vice versa.

>> No.10912652
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Have you had any bad experiences? That "also" implies you have some idea of how this goes, forgive me if I'm reading it wrong. In my dozens of times crossplaying (including on the street) I've never been insulted for it, even if there's definitely been a few flirting weirdos in the mix. Those are always guys in street clothes, might I add. What's definitely apparent at least, is girls are far more prone to crossplaying now
>just a though.

>> No.10912656
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Generally speaking, it's easier and more accepted for females to dress and style in male attire, because it is considered a move of empowerment and self-determination that contradicts the traditionalist image of females being weak and fragile. On top of that, many of the widespread modern clothing pieces that are worn by men already have female equivalents (same basis, but usually slightly different cuts), which already closes the gap between male and female fashion. So, technically speaking it becomes even harder to draw a clear line between straight up crossdressing and just having a more masculine oriented fashion sense if that makes sense.

On the other hand, males dressing up in female clothings is considered the exact opposite for the broad public in most places, due to the same traditional views. A man liking to wear extremely feminine fashion is seen as a sign of weakness, an act that contradicts the ideal of embracing the "males need to be strong and show it" image. From a mere technical POV, for most males it's also harder to pass as feminine simply due to phycial characteristics. Many east and south-east asians are pretty lucky here since they tend to be not as tall and bulky or have strong chiseled features like for example many caucasians do.

>> No.10912681
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I am so fucking pissed. And in despair.
Decided to finally try cosplaying as a guy again after I gave up on that because of my baby face, but a few friends encouraged me and I knew I had the contacts I needed.
Turns out, I go to get them for a costest and they have disappeared from their usual spot, and my mother who is constantly entering my room without knocking SWEARS she does not remember moving them. We have searched in my entire damn room and nothing. Con is this weekend. Bought new ones but they are only arriving next week. Fml... I hate doing non accurate cosplays but I guess it will have to be green contacts for this one.

>> No.10912699

true but i pass well enough.
Enough to confuse a guy who tried to hit on me. His face got so fucking red lmao
Not yet, but i keep getting told that i will (in good spirit) from strangers and i mean village yokel country is all around me.
There's this feeling that i shouldn't be surpised if it leads to violence.
true but where i live women are also chiseled, moreso than in neighbouring countries.
I've lost "friends" over this, though mostly even the straight up neo-nazi far right guys i know don't care cause i've been able to dig up my niche of "local artist" which just lets me get away with so much so long as the social distinction is maintained, sometimes it does suck being othered but i love being able to do and say anything and have someone listen and see.

Also friends telling me i should crossdress for fiume or even venice carneval, not a bad idea, beyond that to get there i have to go through the mountains (inhabited by the worst kind of village idiots) and i don't think the female friend is parsing that i can't just go through there dressed like that.

>> No.10912706

People dont care about passing or at the very least semi-attractive looking cross dressers and trannies. Thats literally his point.

Religion and the patriarchy pretty much wont allow men to be anything more than creatively and emotionally retarded drones for the most part.

They also dont like what women are doing but unlike men, women as a whole actually have each others backs and have fought back from men trying to control and shame their actions.

>> No.10912709

nayrt, but pretty much this. Women in the west fought for the right to be able to wear trousers. There is no widespread successful equivalent of men fighting for the right to wear dresses/skirts in the west. For women trousers were a garment that made it safer to do all kinds of jobs, so it was a case of practicality and increased freedom. Most men don't want to wear dresses/skirts just for the aesthetics alone, and in most cases dresses and skirts aren't as practical as trousers. The only times I hear about men wanting to wear skirts is when companies/schools require men to wear long trousers during hot weather. So without the excuse of practicality men generally don't have any reasons other than aesthetics to wear skirts/dresses. Men wanting to wear dresses/skirts because they like what they look like is considered a bad thing because of patriarchal values. If a guy wants to win the fight for the right to wear dresses/skirts he will have to find other men to join his cause otherwise it will never happen.
The enemy isn't women, it's anyone who cares about preserving traditional values.

>> No.10912719
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you make it sound like i am refering to casual crossdressing, like wearing a skirt to work, which is against thread rules (!!!)

No but i mean strictly in the costume sense, women can get away with way weirder shit than men.
Don't get how traditional values play into something where the point is artistic expression. Granted most woman costumes are just being half naked with a vague theme.
yeah i guess...
still sucks man i feel like i have to carry a knife every time just to be safe.

>> No.10912723

I was explaining why you may encounter prejudice when crossplaying. That's not against thread rules, I'm not giving you advice on how to cross dress in general.
You can't separate cosplay from general society because people into cosplay and people who attend conventions are also people who are out and about in society. So someone who has a lot of issues with seeing men crossdressing in general is also going to have a problem with men crossplaying unless you make it clear it's obviously a gag (like man faye or an obese bearded guy wearing a sailor moon costume). If you approach crossplay with any level of seriousness and effort/craft these guys will have a problem with you. For your sake I hope you don't encounter them.

"women can get away with way weirder shit than men" it has already been explained by several anons why this is. It's because of general norms related to which garments which sex is allowed to wear, women aren't automatically assumed to be a threat/sex pest. Women crossplaying aren't given special treatment/leeway over men just because they're female. Men crossplaying are just judged more harshly because of patriarchal beliefs and because men crossdressing in general is considered perverted. The few bad apples that sexually harass people and/or flash people whilst crossdressing/crossplaying just strengthens those views.
You passing enough, to the level that some guy actually thought you were a woman first, actually does not work in your favor regarding your safety. We know some guys get violent if they think you're a woman and they try to hit on you and then they discover you're a guy.

>> No.10912729
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I thankfully live in a more liberal city, still would never crossdress outside of the strict legal boundary of the city center, beyond that point free expression stops and there are no cameras to record violence. Never go alone, too
>You passing enough, to the level that some guy actually thought you were a woman first, actually does not work in your favor regarding your safety.
yeah i know i was scared shitless for a moment
>it has already been explained by several anons why this is.
was just repeating my point cause i thought it got lost.
>If you approach crossplay with any level of seriousness and effort/craft these guys will have a problem with you. For your sake I hope you don't encounter them.
I also hope it never goes to thaty so far mostly only had positive, friendly or old men busting my balls type interactions. But as i said i do get warned to "watch out" a lot.
There is also the chance of getting drugged and trafficked but i prefer to not think about that.
i know crossdressing used to be way more acceptable in commie times, before the internet, but since online exists people have just gotten very reactionary and presumptuous about every little thing it's honestly crazy if you ask me.

>unless you make it clear it's obviously a gag
imo gag enough is that i am clearly dressed as a woman on carneval/haloween or whatever, but i honestly find those kinds of costumes just too bastardizing, since i put so much effort and they get all the praise cause "man in dress" or whatever.
>Men crossplaying are just judged more harshly because of patriarchal beliefs and because men crossdressing in general is considered perverted. The few bad apples that sexually harass people and/or flash people whilst crossdressing/crossplaying just strengthens those views.
i'll be honest and admit that i haven't thought of it in this way, mostly just considered that someone might think i'm a fag or a tranny.

Don't want to sound like i'm bitching or anything, just pondering.

>> No.10912744

Pretty much no one would tell a guy wearing a period-accurate toga, kimono, cowboy boots or war paint that he's not masculine because a dress, high heels or makeup. But in most countries there has been no movement whatsoever to bring back traditional clothing for men, and when it is done it's usually taken from a more recent era than the women's clothing (so the women's comes from year 1100 but the men's comes from 1900 and looks more like a modern day suit). If we all regularly saw people walking around in traditional clothing of all kinds, and had no stigma against wearing that of another country's (no bitching when a white guy wears a kimono or a Chinese guy wears a toga) - men's clothing would be really different. Females have preserved a lot of the crazy historical fashion stuff the males have lost.

>> No.10912746

i very much agree with this i want to wear crazy nobleman shit with long mexican style capes and feathers and all the facepaint and ornaments i can. My vision is unfortunately limited by the backwards society i inhabit

>> No.10912978
File: 45 KB, 408x635, GMoy2BZXcAAHll4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this honestly amazing fade rautha concept art idk if this counts as crossplay in the legalist orthodox jew sense but god damn this gives me such an idea. Already started work on a spacesuit "replica" so i'll take a little less gay and more modernist hard-scifi take but god damn can i do so much with this.

>> No.10912991
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Well it took almost 5 years but I've finally ticked off a box that every crossplayer eventually will have to: Being called "faggot" in public

>> No.10913030
File: 109 KB, 521x453, mlbe4Vj_J-OHFa6djU42ji6eJ4BIyAIwIotgVaMeJdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look the square in the face and tell them you're not an inconsiderate jerk who rides a Harley.

>> No.10913124

Happened to me first time but i just own it i mean, what are you supposed to do?

>> No.10913133

what hurt more than fag was being told I was in "drag" I felt so ashamed I retired that cosplay. like damn thats how people see me huh

>> No.10913154

what was the cosplay?

>> No.10913177

some people think drag just means cross dressing, maybe they didn't mean it that way

>> No.10913208

I present as female as it gets outside wearing skirts whenever I go to town and Ive never been called a slur, its kinda invalidating.

I do get disapproving stares and reactions in the mens bathroom though

>> No.10913213

Some people don't understand the differences between drag, crossplay, crossdressing and female impersonation. As anon said. They might not have intended an insult.

>> No.10913226

I didn't even get a look at the guy's face. Just someone rolling by really slowly in their car at night. I'm honestly not insulted, it was more amusing than anything else. Also most of the disapproving stares are from kids and the guys who see me in the bathroom are more likely to double take or crack a joke

>> No.10913389

what do you mean
>present as female

>> No.10913406

Wearing unisex stuff or even slightly girl leaning stuff (pleated shorts and tights).

I had a tiny bit of work done so a slight change of clothing and a bit of makeup makes a huge difference

>> No.10913476

i'm too much of a bonehead to be a maneless lion

>> No.10913520

Im sorry anon I dont get what youre saying. Are you bald without a wig or something?

>> No.10913655

In nature a viable mating strategy for a lion is to lose his mane and blend in with the lionesses, threatening unsuspecting males who approach.
I am simply not of that character, body? frankly maybe i could pull it off without padding, but that's not who (me) is.

>> No.10913674

eh, padding doesnt really matter much if thats what you want. I cant think of any situation where that would suddenly change how someone would percieve you

>> No.10916271
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>When no replies for 11 days

>> No.10916288

*kisses you*

>> No.10916308

Realy dumb question:
Wich toilet should I use if I'm a woman crossplaying as a man?

>> No.10916320

does it… really matter?

>> No.10916322

Pick the one that makes people double take when they walk in. *Recoil* if you will...

>> No.10916541
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if you legit look like a man in the womens bathroom then you risk getting beaten up when some 55yo menopausal terf throws a fit and a bunch of rednecks jump at an excuse to enter a female bathroom and to attack someone.

Alternatively just pick whatever will draw the most attention to yourself. I like the hostile glares I get when I enter the male bathroom in the mall whenever I just wanna be fem presenting for a change.

>> No.10916545

honestly probably womens with how many females cosplay male genshin characters its pretty normal

>> No.10916827
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I finally gattered the courage to go my first con in crossplay, i had tons of fun and can barely wait for the next one

>> No.10916963

Use the unisex / family bathroom, or if at a convention, pee in your room.

>> No.10917149

>calve sizes are not gendered.
Ask me how I know you're a hon.

>> No.10917396

Unisex isn't a thing in most places

>> No.10917433

I wouldn't quite say the size is gendered, but definitely round and smooth is more feminine than muscular and defined

>> No.10917503

nayrt, we can often see if the legs belong to a man because of what you mentioned (women's legs are rounder, smoother and softer looking), but also men's legs are often more bony around the knees and quite tapered between the ankle and calves, they also often have more definition on the shins.

>> No.10917887
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First time poster. Been crossplaying for as long as I've been cosplaying now (~1.5 years or so) and biggest issue has been dealing with godawful body hair/facial hair growth. I take a cartridge razor to both (face every 2-3 days, body I cycle through arms->chest->legs->repeat) and double down on it in the days leading up to a con but i still always feel self-conscious of it, especially the godforsaken eternal five o'clock shadow my face has which I try to counteract by wearing a mask the entire time I'm at a con. Any tips? I have a cheap epilator that understandably hurts like hell so I don't use it much, and Nair is messy as shit and has never really done anything for me, even Nair made specifically for guys. Thinking about buying something like pic related to see what happens, or investing in a safety razor since apparently those work better than my mid DSC. Should I start looking into color corrector and concealer too? The only make-up I've done before is nail polish so it makes me kinda nervous... (I've never been too concerned about fully passing, just looking good as the character, if that makes sense.)

>> No.10917905

>I have a cheap epilator that understandably hurts like hell so I don't use it much
Using an epilator on your face causes scarring.
I used to do that weekly for a few years (I'm transgender)
Don't do that anymore.

My advice would be to just shave the day of.
Using a wet/dry electric razor should work for daily shaving, after exfoliating in the shower and with shower gel.
Moisturize your face after.
If you are looking at "safety" razors I would reccomend this site leafshave.com
I have a 1 blade single edged razor from there.

The picture you posted looks like a derma-planer.
They work but they're better for light hairs I think.

It's important that you replace the razors often, especially for shaving your face.
It can be rough to shave your face daily.
Your post reminds me of a lot of pain from when I was 18 and I had no one to teach or help me.
Be gentle on your face.

>> No.10917913

i use the men's toilet as a man crossplaying women, for you there should not even be a risk of violence.

>> No.10917915
File: 26 KB, 580x580, m_581b74bd6a583094f701802b-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to make a pair of high-heels like picrel from scratch.
Yes i know this is an unecessary level of effort i just want to do it.
My idea was reinforced lego technic and some traditional woodbinding methods taught to me, but idk, what would be the best aproach to make something like this at home? Nothing fancy or long-lasting, i'd prolly only wear them once.

>> No.10917958

>Using an epilator on your face causes scarring.
Oh christ no, only on my limbs, should've clarified that, sorry. Same with Nair though I've also tried it on my chest.

I try to shave every morning at a con, face and body, though I've never exfoliated or moisturized. I'm very willing to try though, any product or brand recommendations?

>It's important that you replace the razors often, especially for shaving your face.
Yeahhhh I struggle with that, not because I forget but because I'm just overly thrifty and only change the cartridge like once a month. A bad habit I'm very aware of but stubbornness wins out. I'll start changing it more often. I use six-blade cartridges, would that be the best for the closest shave?

>> No.10917971

i really like lush's co mingle scrubs for pre-shave. for moisturiser i recommend clinique for face, mango butter everywhere else. mango butter also helps fade scarring.

>> No.10917996

I've used veet on one arm, then shaved my other arm with my Lord safety razer with my favourite shaving cream, I only got a few nicks from the razor but I really don't see the difference from the two after a day when the wounds have healed.

>> No.10918011

Never make your own shoes from scratch. You can do permanent damage to your feet in only a couple of hours wearing homemade shoes, especially heels. Start by buying a cheap shoe that resembles what you want- online or from Goodwill- cut it back to just the heel and sole, then make the strap bits on top of it. The pic looks like gold leather- I got no tips for leatherworking.

>> No.10918014

I shave my arms and legs, but usually buy a sugar wax kit for my chest.

If you've got facial shadow, invest in some coverup and foundation. I use Max Factor Pan Stick for cover and Revlon Colorstay for foundation- colorstay won't rub off if you touch your face (which is a bad habit of mine...)

>> No.10918016

oops I replied to the wrong post- meant to reply to >>10917887

>> No.10918029

I dont know if this question is allowed here since it is a fairly common operation so...
Have any of you had rhinoplasty to make your nose smaller/delicate? How well did it make your crossplay pass before and after?

Just to clarify i want a rhino because i dont like my big nose, not just to crossplay. Simple curiosity.

>> No.10918060

Ive had stuff done to my face EXCEPT rhinoplasty.

That shit is just a botch/revision magnet. You better have a nose that is currently worse than any possiblebbad result.

Also it barely feminizes you, just makes you more "western european" looking.

>> No.10918137
File: 39 KB, 383x480, 12915982_f520-1835276530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nose is basically this, it is also wide
I recently tried a long haired wig and is my big nose the thing that stands out the most in my face

>> No.10918153

I'll check those out, thank you!

I've heard about sugar wax and considered it, but I've already heard it pretty much destroys the growth permanently and that makes me somewhat antsy to do something irreversible. Definitely gonna start looking into coverup and foundation, Revlon seems like a good choice since I've always used their nail polish and I have no complaints

>> No.10918221
File: 653 KB, 2116x1992, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I dunno dude, my nose is also fairly big. I also have a hump and the tip is quite bulbous.

That kind of nose you posted isn't masculine at all, it's just ethnic. The sloped nose look is really getting pushed a lot for a while now.

I used to obsess over it and was spending so much time finding a good surgeon but eventually stopped cause I got semi ghosted by the receptionist of the one I wanted. After more moments of clarity I learned it's really not worth the risk the revision rates are high (15%+++), the recovery sucks and It's not even that feminizing.

I'm not gonna push shit so all I'm gonna say is the nose is never the most masculine part of any dudes face. You might be obsessing too much over nothing like I did, but ofc your self image is also valid.

>> No.10918222
File: 323 KB, 1440x2560, bangs midface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if your wig has bangs on it then they greatly accentuate your nose and lower face because everything else is covered.

Add in the selfie camera distortion and you got a recipe for disaster.
There's a reason I always expose my forehead, its very good for symmetry.

>> No.10918302

You look awesome in those photos.
My nose is definitely wider than yours and also de right entry is bigger than the left, I dont think is obsession I could live with it fine but since I could "fix it" i always thought why not

>The sloped nose look is really getting pushed a lot for a while now.
Even if indeed its getting pushed i really like that shape, cant help it

And yeah the wig had bangs because i like the himecut style maybe i should try with another one different, anyways thanks for the info

>> No.10918312
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Did you have work other than nose done, then? If so, do you have any before and afters?

I'd like to get my nose fixed as well but I'm wondering if it's just less painful/more meaningful to focus elsewhere.

>> No.10918339

post nose profile. This looks like good looking nose, I don't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.10918345
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The tip loops bulbous and I've been told the gap between my nose and lips is too large, but I've also been told that the correction surgery for that is one of the worst.

>> No.10918362

How the hell do you manage to shave daily with at least acceptable results? If I shave daily, even with a ton of preperation and an electric razor which is the most gentle way, I dont even get smooth anymore. Not talking about the shadow which is always there und whatever but I stay full of stubble and get horribly irritated. Just thinking about actual blades makes my face bleed like I'm coming straight from the set of a new hellraiser.
The best I can do is waiting at least two days before going again. Chesthair is even worse.

>> No.10918364

men have longer philtrums (the vertical space between the base of the nose and the lips) than women do. Yours looks completely normal. You describe your nose as bulbous but I would not describe it as bulbous. You have a very nice nose in the profile view. You don't have any bumps or humps or dents. Your nose isn't hooked. The height of the tip and the amount of nose tip projection are also fine. Honestly, your nose is one of the prettiest things about your face. Eyes and brows look good too.

>> No.10918365

if it's bulbous then it's not visible from these angles. Maybe if you post a head on shot I could actually see it.

>> No.10918391


I had work done on my brow bones, chin+jaw and a lip lift.

Your nose looks fine, you have nothing to gain having it worked on.

Your philtrum is normal by male standards I wouldnt bat an eyelash if I saw a dude that had that. The horrible "correcting" surgery part sounds very suspect, did some braindead troon tell you to get lefort osteotomy or something lol, thats not the fix for it.

>> No.10918392

>How the hell do you manage to shave daily with at least acceptable results?
You really don't from experience. I'm the anon who's been asking questions about shaving these past couple days, letting each section of my body (face/legs/arms/chest) go for 3 or so days before tackling it (alternated out of course) has provided the best results. If I try daily it just feels like a waste of time better spent just looking for spots i missed. You'd have to go beyond shaving for the perfection you're looking for I feel.

>> No.10918465

Waxing or any type of epilation will eventually destroy the hair follicles and be irreversible- but that's over many cycles. Doing it a couple of times a year for a few years won't cause permanent chest hair loss.

>> No.10918466

Electrics are not necessarily the most gentle way to shave. If you use an electric, buy a high quality one and change the blades every 4-6 months. Buy the expensive blades from the manufacturer, not a third party. I bought "fits Norelco" blades off Amazon and they tore my face up.

But beyond that- if you have sensitive skin and coarse hair like I do, you may not be able to use an electric everywhere (or even anywhere) on your face. I can use mine everywhere except under my chin and on my neck.

Electric razors cut in every direction. A safety razor cuts in one direction. Shaving coarse and/or wiry hair can make it form a point, like a chisel. If it gets cut too short, that point slips under the skin and causes irritation. To prevent this, you need to shave with the direction of the hair (from the top of the face down) using a blade that doesn't cut too close. I use Schick Xtreme 3 Sensitive disposables under my chin and down my neck. I've tried a few other brands but they all cut too close.

>> No.10918498

anon nose is defo not the make or break in crossplay what's more important is hiding your neck and jawline, tho you frankly have it lucky there. you just about have the perfect face for it.
this is partly because men have smaller lips

>> No.10919480

I thought eyeliner would be easy to apply but it turns out I can't keep a steady enough hand to not fuck it up completely. I bought a liquid liner and it kills my eyes even after i tried to wash it off. Apparently I should have used a pencil liner?

>> No.10919489

>even with a ton of preparation and an electric razor
I thought it was common knowledge that electric shavers are the cause of those five o'clock shadows. I've always used the old fashioned safety razor and shaving cream to have the smoothest shaves I can get and then I"ll always get compliments for it

>> No.10919506

Both take practice to apply, but pencil is easier than liquid.

>> No.10919576

pencil is 100x easier and easily fixable. liquid ones are just so easy to fuck up and washing it of will ruin my eyemakeup.

I have -5.75 eyesight so I need all the leeway I can get.

>> No.10919631

I used to do eyeliner with an eyeliner pencil, then go over it with liquid eyeliner.

>> No.10919744
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So I've mostly taken crossplaying as something casual. Not as "haha burly man in a dress" or "cute trap UwU", just a costume preference. Now that the newest one has gotten obviously interested girls to start approaching me, I'm finally ready to step the game up and learn makeup. And here I thought going into this it would be the other way around

>> No.10919916

as someone else said, I use an electric razor first, which gets the quickest shave with least possibility of cutting myself, but it leaves stubble. i then go over it with a manual razor, which leaves no stubble. the electric razor head i use is not the one that looks like 3 circles, i use one that looks like hair clippers because the 3 circle one hurts like hell. i dont have anything fancy, just a $20 electric shaver off Temu and the cheapest manual razors (3 blade) i could find

>> No.10919977

just use tape or gauze.
women do this all the time.

>> No.10920374

don't use it based on the character you're cross playing as, just go to the women's as usual. conventions are loaded with women cosplaying as guys, trust me you're not gonna stand out in the women's room since it's such a common occurance anyways. same way guys who cosplay as girls or traps still go to the men's. the least you'll get are double take from normies but it's whatever

>> No.10921244

How to girl voice?
I can get th e tone, accent and intonation just right, but i can't ever get the ptich to last longer than a few words before my voice breaks.
Friends told me i sound like some 30yo hag who has been smoking since she's 10 when i do the accent and idk if that's honestly good enough?
Youtube tutorials don't help much, want actual advice.

>> No.10921484

What cons do you go to? Pretty sure I know you based on how you talk.

>> No.10921506
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The shoes hurt my feet terribly.

>> No.10921511

I'm always so conflicted on shoes. I hate how big my feet are so I try for the smallest looking ones possible but at the cost of comfort. Always a battle between do I want to look nicer but want to die, or look and feel worse but I can walk around all day no problem.

>> No.10921512
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This is in the uncanny valley between "/cgl/-related" and "Anything related to gender transition". Presumably not so I have to ask why you wanna do it for something temporary. Not only is it way more effort than necessary but I don't know anyone who does it for just their character. In fact "girl voice" is the only obvious hint when I'm trying to tell a crossplayer from a tranner
Looking good, anon, and I commend the dedication. It's also something to keep in mind since I'm planning a similar outfit. Also
>Only two cosplayers in frame
What happened here?

>> No.10921683

a party trick is a party trick man

>> No.10922654

How 2 order miku cosplay on Amazon when I still live with parents without getting disowned?

>> No.10922658

It's not gonna say what you ordered on the package. Or are you using their account?

>> No.10922767

Approach them and explain it nicely, I’m sure they’ll understand, Anon.

>> No.10922832

Order it to an amazon drop box nearby. I did that when I first bought a crossplay wig.