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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 139 KB, 358x352, ohayocon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10890704 No.10890704 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the jannies have won and most of the senior staff has resigned, what's left for this con?

>> No.10890705

That it will be good since all the troons and commies left.

>> No.10890707

This year is the first in a long time I'm genuinely excited to go. No matter if it becomes a train wreck or improvement, its going to be more entertaining than the con has been in a long time.

>> No.10891382

#NOhayocon u disgusting union busting bigots

>> No.10891397
File: 89 KB, 658x608, pj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're going to have a convention. Or a disaster. Either way we're gonna have some fun huh

>> No.10891658

There's a list of J U S T cons that's been getting longer over the last few months. I'd guess this one is the most likely to go down in flames, so I might drop by for that reason alone

>> No.10891730


>> No.10891735
File: 606 KB, 673x606, 1647357725832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant keep up with the drama, will someone give me a cliffnotes of what happened

>> No.10891814
File: 631 KB, 1080x2179, Screenshot_20231117-201414_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be a shit show. The only people that are gonna run the joint are those retarded ones that treat cons as some magical safe space and think they are sworn protectors or heroes for keeping it going. They are gonna be even more anal dictators and are gonna melt down super quick. Youmacon went through the same thing.

>> No.10892314


someone else will come along, but it looks like there was "mandatory vax" mutiny.

>> No.10892760

As in revolting because the staff want to require attendees be vaxxed or they are revolting because they don't want that to be a requirement? If it's a bunch of commies my guess is the latter, in which case good riddance to them. I literally just had covid a few weeks ago and it was more or less just a persistent flu. The only people covid is really dangerous to are the elderly (who don't go to cons), the obese (who will be dead soon regardless), and the very young (who shouldn't be going to cons anyway.)

>> No.10892824

I wish. Literally it's the volunteers upset that they didn't get a pizza party and claiming that missing their panel because the next person didn't show up to releave their job of standing at a door counts as being overworked and toxic capitalism.

>> No.10892881

Glad I cancelled my plans to attend

>> No.10892892

>people still sperging about covid restrictions in 2023
Did we forget there's two wars going on?

>> No.10892918

Lel. That's it? Cause I had this exact same thing happen just two weeks ago, except I was a pretty high level staffer. Hardly a reason to quit, let alone boycott. KW(A)B

>> No.10892990

Nah you can even go on the discord and read all the posts. They claim working a 10 hour shift at a con is hard work.

>> No.10893009

If you don’t want to work why are you even volunteering? If it’s a matter of not being able to afford the con otherwise then get an actual fucking job

>> No.10893233

>pretending almost 3 years of covid lockdowns and all the bullshit didn't happen.

Haha nah not gonns forget or forgive those cunts.

>> No.10893236

They're communists and troons. They are fucking retarded and think even the tinest amount of effort is some form of evil capitalism.

>> No.10893237

Cry more bitch nigga
Or at least learn English lmao

>> No.10893341

Not gonna do either.

>> No.10893495

It's essentially that. The con started giving some volunteers money, esp. department heads and ADHs. Some senior staffers smelled opportunity and demanded more money, personal hotel rooms, fewer hours, more control over programming and seats on the board. That's as much as I got from the posts.

What I've heard from an uninvolved staffer is that the senior staff who revolted did it in a seriously ugly way- attacking other staffers, the CEO, the board... you know the kinda stuff that endears you to the people you're making demands of.

So it's just the same bullshit a lot of cons deal with, only made to seem super dramatic.

>> No.10893584

I live pretty close to this con. Should I bite the bullet and check it out this year? The last time I went was probably over a decade ago.

>> No.10893656

What went down;
Actual management changed the organization shape, from [giant douche] to [turd sandwich]
Staffers got upset that their favorite guy wasn't put in charge again, and have pointed at everything they remotely dislike as a reason to not go
Ohayo isn't run by any more commies or troons than usual they're just disconnected from reality just like everyone in this thread :skull emoji:
The hotel bars you entry of their own accord, and they got the mesugaki artists in attendance

I'll probably be there but who knows if anyone else will

>> No.10894424
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Pretty much exactly as stated, and only a few notes to add.
> COVEN wanted the con to be organized as a “collective” under tax code 501 C 6 so they could pocket the profit each year instead of using it to you know, pay for next year’s Ohayocon.
> this is pants on head retarded because 501 C 6 is a tax code for things like chambers of commerce, homeowners associations and THE FUCKING NFL!
>Cody, the guy that got sacked, tried to steal the “Sakura logo” from Sakura Colors, a big stationary company that SELLS PRODUCTS IN OHAYOCON’S DEALERS ROOM! He was fired because he caught the convention a C&D from Sakura Colors.
> COVEN is basically his friends and people in his weird convention patronage network, he goes they figure they’re probably going to be gone soon too.

>> No.10894508

I'll just leave this here. https://columbusbeerfest.com/

>> No.10894721
File: 292 KB, 1170x1066, IMG_2360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup sharing the venue with a beerfest and a gymnastics expo.

>> No.10895021

An anime convention and a beer festival in the same venue? Sign me up!

>> No.10895060

It lined up the same way this year. I really wish I would’ve known beforehand. I could’ve saved a lot of money on booze

>> No.10895373

COVEN made agreements with Ohayocon and had everything written up and then voted against the agreements and getting back to work HAHAHA WHAT A BUNCH OF RETARDS

>> No.10896248

who is coven

>> No.10896350

Collection of ohayocon tranny and they/them staffers made a union for volenteers that work cons. So far its done nothing but bitch about ohayocon and "negotiate" how to end the ohayocon strike. Every demand so far has been getting royal treatment for sitting on their assesfor a few hours once a year or for the board that runs the con to fire people they don't like.

>> No.10897638
File: 143 KB, 736x552, 1674497619161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to columbus and thinking about signing up to volunteer for this so i can meet people and maybe make friends. can anyone who's volunteered for ohayocon previously tell me if this is a good idea? I know i could just attend the con but it's hard to meet people if you aren't a hardcore cosplayer (which i'm not)

>> No.10897764

Well considering how most of the posts in this thread are about con staff drama, idk if that’s a good idea

>> No.10897774

I did it once ages ago and it was kind of a boring experience. I’ll be hanging around the con as Roland from Ruina & Pilot from Risk of Rain tho.

>> No.10897959

You won't meet people by taking up a volunteer role unless you want to meet other volunteers. You're gonna have to work up some courage and socialize. Just plant yourself somewhere people might mingle like the game room or bar and just go for it.

>> No.10898241

I have yet to decide if I'm gonna go to this con

>> No.10898250

see you there

>> No.10898626

hows it looking

>> No.10898969

Every person I know of who lives in Ohio outside of me seems to be freaking out about the con, but I live under a rock and don't really care about volunteers being on strike. Less people means more chances to use that light tunnel between Hilton and the suites in peace.

>> No.10899081

We doing the bare knuckle boxing at this or what? I'm trying to see some justice served. Fight club when?

>> No.10899091

>vaxxing is communist

I swear the average IQ on this website goes down 10 points every year. fucking retards.

>> No.10899137

Rumors has it that the fight is getting moved to the new Crew Stadium parking lot.

>> No.10899222 [DELETED] 

AtJap13 is gonna beat Warsies ass for cheating on them with a Klee cosplayer. Once they done they gonna fuck his ass in front of everyone.

>> No.10899258

The less people the better. Especially if it keeps the normalfags out. Plus with the beerfest next door this will be the best time to be absolutely wild and cut lose.

>> No.10899260 [DELETED] 

atjap is always posting thirst traps in reisens discord. I wouldn't be surprised if he already slid into those dms after the cheating announcement and busted those femboy CHEEKS with his circumcised BJC

>> No.10899290
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>> No.10899321

I am to old to pay attention to all these children and adult children fighting. I will go day drink and then walk around drunk and check out the cosplay. I have been doing that for the last few years since the con really offers nothing to justify the price to me.

>> No.10899389

I’m just glad Reisen will not be going to this con. One less rapist to worry about at room parties.

>> No.10899414

Assuming that the same dude from CCTX who was selling Kamen Rider gear at retail prices shows up, I'll probably be in dealers hall for a minute. But my cosplays are coming through fine, doesn't even feel like a rush for me.

>I will go day drink and then walk around drunk and check out the cosplay

It might be cold enough this weekend that pre-gaming is a necessary evil anyways.

>> No.10899415

Reisen is for sure coming to the event he talked about it in discord already . He's just mixing up his cosplay lke that somehow changes is Identity

>> No.10899434

It will be snowing at overnight Friday and for the next three days it will be around the 20s, but since it's downtown and it's always windy as shit the wind chill will bring it down to the single digits in the day and the negatives at night. A couple good shots of liquor should do the trick for the weather this weekend.

>> No.10899441

>it’ll be snowing

Oh shit that’s perfect for a photoshoot I’m doing

>> No.10899443

It's going to snow at really early morning. You're gonna miss it.

>> No.10899558

They are literally having a drag show. The degeneracy is deep rooted in this con.
Cheers nigga. I'm there for the costumes and the ambiance. A nice break from reality. Plus Columbus has some great places to go eat.

>> No.10899564

I wonder if his girlfriend pell is going to let a black man rape her again

>> No.10899566

>They are literally having a drag show. The degeneracy is deep rooted in this con.
Almost every con I've seen in the last few years is full of trans and furries. All cons are full of degenerate monstergirl panels, and hentai panels at this point.

>> No.10899567

>All cons are full of degenerate monstergirl panels, and hentai panels at this point.
now that would be based if true and real

>> No.10899571

There's a YouTube Poop panel Saturday but I don't know who's running it, it's not us original hosts at least. I wish them luck though, hope it's a good time.

>> No.10899572

>now that would be based if true and real
Anon.... have you ever been to a con? Just go for the night panels. Colossalcon had a few last year. Ohayocon has hentai panel this year too.

>> No.10899603

I mean there’s some white here and there, it was freezing going to work the other day.


Coom Panels have existed since the beginning of time. I don’t get why people get surprised by the concept of them.

Anyone want to do the obligatory Hyatt bar meet up? I live in the area so I ain’t hosting a room party.

>> No.10899608

Unless you wanted to take pics while snowing then you would miss it, but I guess you were implying that since it would have snowed earlier the snow would still be there for you to do you pictures in which in that case forget what I said earlier.

>> No.10899613

Nah dude you’re good. If it was snowing during the con, that’s a bonus but I’m abusing the light tunnel again for pilot and doing the other half on that abandoned loading dock outside of the con center since it works for the subject.

Roland is going to be tricky since the con center isn’t exactly elegant

>> No.10899616
File: 505 KB, 853x720, Dk_a_3eXsAAVm4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making this the first Con I ever go to. Despite the drama I'm hoping for a good experience. Only a 2 hour drive from NEO so I'm deciding if I'll stay till Sunday or just overnight friday to saturday

>> No.10899620

So I have been seeing a lot of people saying panelists are refusing their panel acceptance to boycott. What are the odds I can just fill in a time slot for a free badge?

>> No.10899623

Maybe I can cobble together a panel just for the fun of it...

>> No.10899625

Looking at the schedule there are multiple times that rooms will just be empty for like 2 hours.

>> No.10899647

If you photo taking motherfuckers block me off while I'm getting to and from the con again I'm gonna make a scene.
Be polite, don't get huffy when people walk through to actually get to the con and don't have a load of shit all over the floor.
It's not everyone, but there are some self entitled bitches that like to shoot there. And I'm rooming in the Hilton this year.

>> No.10899650

Any qt Felix cosplayers attending this con?

>> No.10899666
File: 598 KB, 1080x1194, final wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last leg of the project, have to cure foam and airbrush tonight.

Hilton's on the other side of the light bridge, you have no reason to go to that hotel, you'll be fine. I'm pretty patient with people crossing through or do my shit around like 1700~1800 when I know there's basically no one there. It was fine for Galaxycon last month, it'll be fine for this con if it's as 'empty' as they claim to be.
Cobble up a panel if you got a laptop, free badge for dicking around is an okay trade.
Salem / PA-ish area isn't a bad drive for a day con. It really depends on what you have to do that day and how much money you have to blow. If you can afford the hotel room, getting it for a day isn't a bad idea for the drive itself. Otherwise I would suggest just waking up early on Saturday and getting there by like noon.

>> No.10899695

>What are the odds I can just fill in a time slot for a free badge?
Panel signup deadline ended last month. You're shit out of luck.

>> No.10899721

Yeah but Nahri already has dibs, better luck next year

>> No.10899735
File: 76 KB, 1200x675, AEBio_Hogan_ShocksTheWorld_DigitalPromo_Still1--83f8e33634621578c667631a1ed44167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say that word here brother

>> No.10899741

The idea is that they would be so desperate for panels that they would just let me do it for a badge. I don't know anyone on staff any more though and I sure as hell don't want to deal with staff after reading up on them.

>> No.10899748

I thought compass would be the one busting trap cheeks

>> No.10899782
File: 13 KB, 580x314, nostalgia-critic-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be cosplaying as nostalgia critic, if you see me, say hi please.

>> No.10899784
File: 762 KB, 1613x2200, Mark_David_Chapman,_NYPD_mugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be cosplaying as Mark David Chapman. If see me, please tell me where the nostalgia critic cosplayer is.

>> No.10899798

I'll be cosplaying as whoever the fuck these discord retards are, please care about me

>> No.10899811

Who at ikki? It's slow as fuck (yes I know it's Thursday)

>> No.10899812

I'm retard this is not the Texas thred

>> No.10899815

I'm not cosplaying anymore

>> No.10899830

>get drunk on premises
sounds fucking sweet

>> No.10899831


>> No.10899863

i was raped by the ohayocon union busters

>> No.10899865

Anyone who gets drunk at a con should be kicked. I am so tired of people going uhhh lemme smell like shit and be annoying. No one thinks you're cool you're just coping

>> No.10899869

Sounds like someone who doesn't have any friends to drink with. We were doing Jaeger bombs by 8.

>> No.10899871

Authoritarian faggot proving once again why they deserve no power over anyone, ever. Nothing new there

>> No.10899872


>> No.10899874

Just for that comment, I'm going to get extra hammered just to spite you.

>> No.10899876

i think anyone who gets drunk in any context should be shot its fucking embarassing for any adult to be inebriated

>> No.10899877

Are you like 13? That would make sense.

>> No.10899881

Go back to the nursing home grandma. Prohibition is over

>> No.10899906

Goddamn it actually is pretty barren at this con this year. Pretty interesting.

>> No.10899910

either you are a pro at baiting or you literally have no friends and need to kill yourself immediately

>> No.10899911

On another board, I would call it bait. On this one, I doubt it

>> No.10899912

Despite how dead it is, this is pretty solid. Panels still suck balls but that's par for the course. Gonna miss anime hell though, that was a good panel.
Up yours n'wah, I'll drink all I want. And I smell great.

>> No.10899913

All but one panel no showed lmao. I might unironically cobble up a panel for tomorrow if it continues.

>> No.10899914

so is it pretty much a dead convention? I'm about to head over there. anyone got photos? if it's as depressing as you say I might just check it out and leave early

>> No.10899915

Get your day badge, enjoy a decent dealers room and just laugh at the general emptiness. Better with friends.

>> No.10899917

It is shoot pissing me off at the panelists who no showed. I get it if you want to boycott the con, but don't sign up for a panel if you are not going to show up. It's rude to the convention goers and it wastes our time for showing up to the panel and looking forward to what you advertised to discuss. Kudos to the Symphogay fag who did his panel. It was very swell even if there were only six people in the room.

>> No.10899936

I'll head over in a bit and take some photos of the area. No cosplay tonight since I got other errands to run.

>> No.10899938
File: 26 KB, 325x251, B1478356-CDAC-4F0F-9143-E2F11C7F400A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone says its going to be a horrible disaster for months

>ends up being completely normal and functional
>arcade dealers artists registration bands its all working
I was scammed

>> No.10899944

>believing the convention jannies
You had it coming.

>> No.10899946

But what about Lee McKinnis tho?

>> No.10899952

Pretty good artist alley stuff this year and some qt cosplayers. I need their @s

>> No.10899955

What is the group for finding room parties now? Something on FB or discord?

>> No.10899956
File: 1019 KB, 2048x2048, 9344A0D9-E083-46C2-A546-985D211F70DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn’t say the con is dead but between the storm and it being spread out into the actual con center now it’s appearing a lot more empty than it should be. I’ll be around tomorrow, I got my rider belt, and hung out with some eva e girls for a bit before dipping for food. So, I would say it’s an okay con for a local.

>> No.10899960
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930 at night.

>> No.10899961
File: 3.72 MB, 4032x3024, 20240119_212754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, sideways. Fuck you phone.
Probably don't again but oh well. Live pics.

>> No.10899984

I'll admit it, I was wrong. This con fuckin rocks.

>> No.10899997

No one cares you fucking fag

>> No.10900002

Hey, there was a girl handing out badges yesterday morning who was fighting with the cash register. If you are reading this I want you to know you were super cute. Keep up that bubbly attitude.

>> No.10900003

This con has been pretty boring. I hope things pick up tonight at least. I always loved sitting at the bar area in the Hyatt and meeting new people. Here’s hoping

>> No.10900007

I will be there tonight!

>> No.10900008
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like there’s enough snow to make it work. I’ll pop in later, I’m gonna take a nap.

>> No.10900039

Awww can I smell you slut

>> No.10900058

i’m having fun personally

>> No.10900066

dead con

>> No.10900068

If you think volunteers can be in a union, I have a bridge to sell you. Cope and seethe.

>> No.10900074

dead con but I'm still having fun

>> No.10900075

"unionizing" seems to be the latest trend that everyone seems to be getting in on. These days people are talking about getting into unions without even knowing what they want but just thinking that it's what they should be doing. Doesn't surprise me that a bunch of losers, freaks, and trannys decided to shitcan an entire con over an elementary school-tier tantrum.

>> No.10900078


>> No.10900088
File: 334 KB, 1444x1317, 9EEC31CE-FDBF-45E7-9CD9-C2CEC6CF25CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only downside to me so far was paying $50 for a replacement wristband but that’s on me for losing mine

>> No.10900090

Way too many fucking glowies at this con.

>> No.10900095

Aight. Saturday night has been hopping so far. See you kids ath eth Hyatt bar around 9? 830 or 9.

>> No.10900099

sure maybe, i came without friends so i might as well make some

>> No.10900100

What con are you at that's "hopping" buddy?

>> No.10900103

Bruh, are you even here? There are max 150 people actually here for the con.

Plus side, lots of seats at the bar

>> No.10900106

Just did a couple laps and hit the dealers room. Way more people than yesterday. Not.as many as peak year but that's expected. Actually looking forward to tonights dance and such.

>> No.10900108

Well of course Saturday is busier than Friday, that's a given. But compared to Any previous year, this is not much

>> No.10900110

Who is going to beerfest

>> No.10900111

I will be there! The con really turned around for today thank god. Went to some actually good vocaloid panels and there’s more people in the bar hanging out now.

>> No.10900112

the dance was sorta a let down compared to Matsuricon

>> No.10900113

last night at least

>> No.10900114

Really active thread, on this slow board (and it ISN'T about drama) is the biggest telltale sign of dead con

>> No.10900120

Why do you say that?

>> No.10900124

lots of military uniforms would be my guess

>> No.10900127

Something something it's over or something. Whatever you doomers like to talk about. Go have fun? Or just stay at home and keep posting? Idk I'm not your real dad.

>> No.10900131

Eat shit Melissa

>> No.10900136

I have arrived

>> No.10900138

First off. No.

>> No.10900146
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am in the restaurant area right now but also 19 year old zoomie so can’t sit at the bar

>> No.10900148

What's the secret signal??

>> No.10900149

Haruhi shirt!

>> No.10900151

I'm blind

>> No.10900153


>> No.10900154

I'm not literally blind. What color is your shirt?

>> No.10900158

I'm going to the Hyatt bar now. Don't be a pussy, come talk.

>> No.10900161

we already met lol but for anyone else it’s brown lol

>> No.10900165

I made 2 laps through but didn't see any haruhi shirt. So that one's on me.

>> No.10900168

I looked for him too bro nw

>> No.10900171

I think I saw Chris Chan, CWC, Venom Snake and a few other dudes there who were probably /cgl/ posters. Hyatt bar’s actively packed rn, and I dipped out for food.

>> No.10900175
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Despite how dead it was, it was a fun con. I liked how chaotic it was and literally no one was checking badges for a lot of panels. I only do meme cosplays, if you saw me, thanks for saying hi. I was the critic

I also saw to chris chans, one woman and one dude

>> No.10900185

Don't care for shibascream. His mixes have a pitch that actually hurts my ears.

>> No.10900189

yeah, i got tired and left.

>> No.10900191

You made my day dood.

Also, we managed to rizz up 2day #blessup #babygronk

>> No.10900210

Overall 7 out of 10 con. Dealers room was still pretty good. Ate out at some marvelous places nearby and went on a 48 hr bender.
There weren't any panels that interested me. But there was some really good cosplay.

>> No.10900217
File: 34 KB, 637x359, 584A2743-817B-46A4-8417-A5C2B7A1B240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let’s go day 3!

>> No.10900222

Thanks anon, were you cosplaying Chris? You rizzed? Niiiice

>> No.10900238

Well my friend was raped I can believe it but yeah that happened. She won't report the person either after I walked in on them in the middle of it. She just blocked me and told me to go away

>> No.10900240

shit, that’s awful. i’m really sorry to hear…

>> No.10900242

Whats worse is the fact she basically yelled at me during defending her attacker. When I got back to the hotel room I knew something was funny because there was a sock on the door handle like someone was trying to not leave finger prints or something.

>> No.10900253

The sock meant don't come in cause we fucking (consensual)

>> No.10900257

She is NOT that kind of person. She doesn't sleep around like a slut how fucking dare you insulate that. Women don't just fuck randos off the street you fucking pol idiot. I've known my friend sister since I was little she isn't some kind of whorebyou would find at Applebee's or having anything like that. I know this board is filled with coomers but you need to take a step back right the fuck now. an

>> No.10900260

Damn, someone's mad he wasn't doing the fucking, sheesh

>> No.10900261

She doesn't have fucking sex with randoms you fucking sleeze ball fucking beta male coomers fat neet fucking dog shit bigot pedo loser shit head. I am fucking done I don't know how we came to a place where rape culture is okay but she is a prodomiate Lolita and does not bend a knee to the likes of you. I am out of this fucking board it's nonsense coomers talk go fuck yourself.

>> No.10900262

She blocked you and doesn't want to turn the guy in... maybe she wasn't raped and you are pushing something that did not happen?

>> No.10900263

Cry harder

>> No.10900264

low effort bait. Try again

>> No.10900272

superb bait

>> No.10900280

midwest gulls prove themselves to be the worst on this board yet again...

>> No.10900281

And yet they're also the only scene with particularly active threads. Coincidence? (Honestly not sure)

>> No.10900282

quantity over quality?

>> No.10900283

This was my first con in a good handful of years, and my first with real money I can spend after getting a real job, but were the dealer's rooms of the past always this poor? Besides the specialty vendors who sold blades or expensive clothing, the room was cramped with the same mass produced figures or basic ass plushies you can find on amazon any day of the week at every other stall, or $300+ statues that only the diehard fan would want. Am I blind or is there a just no middle range on merch anymore?

>> No.10900284
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>> No.10900288

That's across every dealer room for any anime convention. You'll find the exact same shit in west Virginia and colosalcon

>> No.10900291

I get that it's probably like that everywhere. I'm asking if shit has gone downhill with popup parade and funko becoming popular, or has it always been this way and I was just a retarded teenager back then with rose tinted glasses?

>> No.10900293

Ohhhh, yeah it's the retarded teenager effect. There was a time when ohayocon had a super packed dealers room with actual metal sword vendors but really you just realized it's all collector junk.

>> No.10900305

dealers are generally only really good at cons with an industry presence like ax/acen/nyc or if you're lucky and find a vendor selling obscure shit. 90% of booths are marked up stuff you'd find on amazon or mandarake but people buy things at cons for the novelty not for savings.

>> No.10900308

i had a great time except for car battery being dead kek but that doesn’t have anything to do with the convention

>> No.10900312

>things went swimmingly
WOW it was fucking NOTHING. Thanks Ohayojannies for nothing.

>> No.10900313

Not really a friend if you watch them got r worded. But nice shitpost bait

>> No.10900315

I wish they would have dropped the price on the badges. This would have been the perfect Ohayocon if I could have just walked the dealers room. Might start doing panels again if attendance stays this way.

>> No.10900319

Popara is good for normal people though?

If you're posting here you probably care more than the average person...//

>> No.10900361
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Just fyi next year I got a big idea, I'm going to dress as the lightbringer and find a girl to dress as the green MnM. By the way I heard apparently my coustume was seen and they started calling me all the buzzwords in the book. I think it may have been the same person making those ohayocon=dashcon posts.

By the way touhou cosplayers, fuckin halarious...had the most positive attitude at the conference.

>> No.10900367
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how did you like it? Curious how the con was to someone without anything to compare it to. I'd like to hear any thoughts you have, if you'd come back, anything like that.

>> No.10900391

It was terrible. A lot of the panels were cancelled and there was no explanation for a lot of the events/rooms. There are usually 10k+ people, but it seemed like there was only 2.5k.

>> No.10900404
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I want to say it was a cozy con. I got a decent haul out of it and made a few new local friends here and there. I’ll be back for Matsuri since I live in the area for the time being.
Dealers is usually extremely hit or extremely miss depending on what you’re looking for. I didn’t see any Project Moon or Limbus stuff in the artist alley, and my gunpla back log is pretty full so I got a few belts for example. But I’d say it was pretty generalized.

Hey it was pretty nice to not see pawn shop weapons dealers for once. I think most of the slop dealers got booked for Galaxycon that was earlier in December at the same venue.

>> No.10900414

I remember meeting you Metokur. I was the obliterated Char who thought you were the Scout at first. Hope con went well amigo.

>> No.10900428

There's more attention for a first time con that's not even in a major city (Isshocon) than there is for one of the most famous of all (Katsucon). But these days it seems like you only have two options for how a /cgl/ thread can go: a lot of shitflinging and horny troll posts, or "Hey, is anybody here?" and no one replies

>> No.10900431

Nice dude, I wanted to stay and chat more. I don't watch a bunch of anime anymore but I go for the cosplay and people watching.

I've only cosplayed as the critic twice, the first time I did it I had a person actually throw trash at me so you're not alone. this time everyone was so chill and nice at this convention. I guess it comes with the territory of dressing in a meme cosplay

That's an awesome idea, I'd join you for next year as something. My friend wants to cosplay too. Could get a cool idea together. I'm looking into other bigger Midwest cons to go, this was the most fun I had in a while.

But yeah we could do a cosplay together if you want.

I also saw Bridget from guilty gear, it made my freakin' day for the last one.

>> No.10900432
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haha yeah... these days....

>> No.10900435

I wish I had gotten a hat. I yelled "SSSSUUUUEEEEEE boghog" at you in the hall but I think you were on the phone lol

>> No.10900493

wow this con was garbage, dealers and artists sucked, empty and boring panels. drove 3 hours for nothing and left after being there for only 6 hours.

>> No.10900500
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Hmm that could be arranged. Heres my 'cord, just send me a pm or whatevez and we can figure shit out @plankchan
Wouldnt that be better if I was dressed up as the gunt? (ralphamale)
Oh man its been a while, last one I went to was 2013 so it was like de-ja-vu. I definitely was worried id get beat up but honestly everyone who went was hella cool and it wasn't as sensitive as I expected.

>> No.10900501
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Oh also sidenote, I did actually have the beanie...however I went on a trip during christmas and I accidentally left it in an uber and the driver never let me know that it was there.

Oh also...my haul. I talked to someone else and I thought 100$ would be sufficient...I was dead wrong. I did pick up some cool shit tho

>> No.10900504

Great weekend overall. Was nice talking to all the various /k/ommandos I met over the weekend, as well as meeting some other new faces. I hope Columbus didn't disappoint too much, despite being cold as fuck and boring as hell, I try to like my home town. I'm a little worried for next year, but we'll see what happens.

>> No.10900508
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This the bridget? Their costume was on point.

>> No.10900509

Speaking of that, a lil birdie told me that Matsuri and Galaxy might merge into one supercon.

>> No.10900572

This con turns people gay.

>> No.10900625

It was dead as far as attendance, but I still had fun. Seems like the drama was overblown.

>> No.10900626
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>voice actor slopfest of Galaxycon
>shit tier panels from Matsuri
>no QC on dealers hall

I don’t know man. Galaxycon Columbus was an over glorified dealers hall, and not in the fun way like Momocon is. Matsuricon’s usually fun if you’re visiting Midwest friends but not something I recommend people go out of their way for.

>> No.10900637
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Based MetokurCHAD

>> No.10900641

Did anyone see the gura cosplay who shit themselves?

>> No.10900643

Lmao I remember taking this too...

>> No.10900649

Nevertheless I still hope pippa sees this, it'd be fucking halarious to see that there was a man going around shilling pippa pits

>> No.10900663


>> No.10900672

That wasn’t shit. They were just that caked up

>> No.10900679

It was shit from unprotected buttsex

>> No.10900698

I bet next year things will be completely back to normal if the con's new management manages to keep it going.

>> No.10900743
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>tfw i bitched about missing out on this con 2 years ago
Wow, bullet dodged.

>> No.10900749

that actually sounds way cooler than if it was just an anime convention with weird straight edge nerds and underaged overweight tumblrinas. This just got cool. Someone should drink and fuck a gymnast while in cosplay.

>> No.10900750

>be me blind druk at magfest
>smell like Creed Aventus
>"SIR! You can't go in there without a wristband"
>guy at door "nah I know him"
>he did not know me
you are the reason why cons suck. do you literally go to buy shitty prints in the dealers room and attend a shitty panel by a youtuber who answers the same questions every time
>how did you start? Oh I just started making videos one day then hired an editor
there I saved you a trip let people go and have fun while you be a spiteful shitty cunt at home alone where you belong.

>> No.10900764

>Someone should drink and fuck a gymnast while in cosplay
Gonna be hard to do that when the gymnasts are middle to high schoolers.

>> No.10900781

haven't been to see my friends since pre-pandemic, i thought about going but decided to work instead. was it really a dead con or is thread just biased? i'm wondering if i should bother thinking about it for next year or if its just better off to forget about ohayo

>> No.10900793

There was less attendance for sure, everyone could feel it but it was still a well populated con.

>> No.10901285

Thank god Keblo is dead.
>No blogging
That weirdo was afraid to show his face after someone cosplayed as him IRL when he was dying of cancer.
>One of the "security guard" types that knew him always takes a day off on her birthday
Maybe some of people that go to rep their groups openly should openly call out Paige for partying too hard to pay attention. Someone that met a known problem for much of the internet to fuck doesn't sound like a qualified plain clothes security person for OhayoCon.
>Just in case staff / volunteers are lurking

>> No.10903373 [DELETED] 
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Cet endroit est mes toilettes maintenant.