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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 102 KB, 730x1095, jessica_nigri_cosplaying_pikachu_by_villainouslydespicab_dfogug6-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10836557 No.10836557 [Reply] [Original]

Foid here,
I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive

>> No.10836558

If you actually enjoy hobbies for their own sake instead of internet clout then you don't need to be attractive

>> No.10836914
File: 68 KB, 550x825, c6e4187de49e7864076edf5cf74cec74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically many foid activities are only worth it if you're attractive.

From a guy's perspective a lot of foid attractiveness problems are pretty fixable though, generally better fitness, hygiene and dress sense go a long way towards making a girl look nice enough to dress as Beatrix or whatever

>> No.10837136

>worth it

What did they mean by this?

>> No.10837141

Shit bro I'm stuck at wondering what the fuck a foid is

>> No.10837142

Firearm Owners Identification card, everyone in Illinois knows this

>> No.10837144
File: 98 KB, 700x650, lmao0325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's femoid.

Moid is what femcels call men. OP is mixing shit up, but it's not a big deal

If the majority of men that cosplay are ugly as sin, can enjoy it, you too can enjoy it.

stop being a little bitch or at least try to work on yourself if it's so important to you.

T. incel

>> No.10837156
File: 39 KB, 528x539, abomination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plenty of plus size characters to cosplay. picrel, an abomination from world of warcraft.

>> No.10837436

At least for women all you have to do is fucking put the fork down and stay skinny
Men have to get shredded through years of hard work

>> No.10837471

To be attractive as a woman simply:
1) Don't be fat
2) Clean/groom yourself regularly

Unless you're in the 10% of women whose faces are only redeemable through surgery, that's it.
Otherwise, even being crippled will not make you unattractive. At MCM last year the hottest cosplayer I saw was this girl in a wheelchair cosplaying Lucoa with her glorious honkers in a tight black shirt.


Anyway. Just exercise and/or diet. Become a /fit/izen and even your shit-tier cosplays will attract a ton of beta-orbiters.

>> No.10837553
File: 75 KB, 960x700, 1557648218594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we have to make our own cosplays and a bunch of other shit

>> No.10837577

crazy how this was considered the hottest shit in 2009 but now you see thousands of thots doing shit like this or even skimpier at nearly every con. Shes not at all attractive in this picture by today's standard. First mover advantage is really something

>> No.10837581

>Foid here,
Stfu male

>> No.10837605

>crazy how this was considered the hottest shit in 2009
She wasnt attractive back then either. Brittney spears was the standard, and she's anything but

>> No.10837607

britney spears was way past being relevant as a sex symbol by 2009 you absolute zoomer retard

>> No.10837609


I was fapping to her when you were in your daddy's testicles

>> No.10837610

then ur a boomer either way you're out of touch and it sounds like you have been your whole life sucks to suck

>> No.10837611

>then ur a boomer

Your namecalling bores me.

>> No.10837622

i was talking about by cosplayer standards

>> No.10837684


Male wouldn't said foid, they would say femoid because they're well versed in the vernacular.

>> No.10837686

if you find the right character and the costumes has some challenge and is well made, it can still be nice.

>> No.10837688

You will never be a woman. You can't even pass on an anonymous imageboard. I'd kill myself if I were you desu

>> No.10837749

i wonder if in the history of modern man has anyone cosplayed this

>> No.10837817


>> No.10837895

maybe at a niche event

>> No.10838948

>worth it
If you're dressing up for fun's own sake, this phrase means no sense. It's intrinsically worth it. If you're dressing up to compete for attention, then it's only worth it if you get the kind of attention you want in the amount you want.

>> No.10839034
File: 292 KB, 1170x1758, 32FCE5F3-750B-434E-BC52-8A2943DD04EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.10839095

Unless you are going shirtless or picking ripped characters, not being fat is all a male body needs to look good on cosplay.

The most important part is picking characters that fit you. Don't go for effeminate boys if you aren't Asian or androgynous. Pick manly characters with an average build and you are good to go. Also basic higiene, but that should not need to be said.

>> No.10839265


Not fat is true yes, but you also have to be young-looking to succeed in cosplay. Under 40 I would say.8DJ8YG

>> No.10839268
File: 94 KB, 711x1124, zero_suit_samus_by_tniwe-d8scnp6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful women live life on easy mode.

>> No.10839270

well duh, nobody wants to look at ugly people

>> No.10839271

Lots of people do. Your obsession with being a pretty girl means youre gay and/or a tranny.

>> No.10841354

>wanting it to be easy

>> No.10841388

True. However, unnfortunately for beautiful women, that only lasts about ten years (age 20-30). After that you're only good as the virtues you hold (innocence, kindness, loyalty, motherly attributes, etc). Something most Western women do not have and are told they must discard.

Perhaps that's why there are so many women 30+ attempting suicide.

>> No.10841390

So the male suicide statistic is so high because their pattern balding is setting in at 25, interesting.

>> No.10841400


>> No.10841446

>I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive
Yes, unless it fits the character. Just look at the fat old men cosplaying as sailor moon.

>> No.10841449

>Men obsess over hot women?
So apparently even if you are straight you are a gay or tranny.

>> No.10841482 [DELETED] 

You're not obsessing over a hot woman like "oh my god she's so hot I want to fuck her." You're going, "Oh her life is so easy I'm so jealous." Being jealous of a woman is very tranny

>> No.10841503

jessica nigri was THE cosplayer back then, at least on 9gag. She probably is still quite popular on there now that I think about it. I doubt anyone except the same losers that used it 5 years ago still use that site.. Revisited it a few months ago and it was really unbearable

>> No.10841511

I didnt fap to Jessica nigri. I fapped to brittney spears. I even fapped to Sabrina the teenage witch. at the time, they had almost the same appearance, and I found out that they were good friends. Which I find hilarious

>> No.10841513 [DELETED] 

Thanks for your personal blog faggot. I'm jacking off to JNig right now. She's hto and you're a retard or liar if you disagree.

>> No.10841514

Dude even if you were, there are far better women these days to fap to.

>> No.10841515 [DELETED] 

It's fucking gay to quibble about who is hotter. If my dick is hard and I want to squirt, I jack it or I fuck. End of story.

>> No.10841521

IF thats the case, then go fap to some fat mongloid goblin looking aging woman if looks dont matter

>> No.10841524 [DELETED] 

Give me an example and I'll tell you if it gets my dick up or not.

>> No.10841526
File: 39 KB, 106x145, 1457382455258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just check any lolita thread on this board

>> No.10841590

I mean if you got all of your shit and kids taken in a divorce rape

>> No.10843339

at least ugly men can do "funny" cosplay

but no one wants to see ugly women at all

>> No.10843347

True but the bar for ugly woman is set very low among men.

>> No.10843510

>but no one wants to see ugly women at all
I've seen men simp for girls with their bellies out of their sexy costumes. Men have it waaaay worse.

>> No.10843514

I hate to be that guy, but if you evaluate worth only on the shallow scale of objectification, awards, monetization and something being recognizable on the surface level then yes it is only worth it if you're attractive.

Consider I dunno, cosplay as a stepping stone to meet people into the same niche as you, finding an aspect of the craft you enjoy, or organizing events to make friends. Cosplay is a tool, and depending on how you use it, your mileage will vary.

>> No.10843515

Men have it worse, but you get a ton of mileage by just being the least creepy guy in the room. In a way, once you clear that hurdle it's actually easy mode.

>> No.10843517

>but you get a ton of mileage by just being the least creepy guy in the room

>> No.10843520

Practice smiling, positive gesturing, and making eye contact. If you're cosplaying something that prevents you from doing that consider cosplaying something else. Don't hover around girls. Do NOT hover around girls. They talk to each other and in some cases have whole group chats where they can mark you as a creep and it can cause you problems. It's a much better impression to dip then come back a few hours later and go, "Hey! It's you again! How's the con going?" ASK for permission to take a photo. Show cosplayers any photos you take after taking them and ask if it's ok to send it to them via social DMs and add them. Be observant and compliment them on something unique about their craft, or inquire where they got it. Learn to ask about their interests and make speedrunning finding common ground your#1 priority.

>> No.10843533
File: 227 KB, 360x360, Patrick-bateman-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had girls simp for me at cons when I had a dead eyed bateman stare the entire con
I'm going to say your advice is trash and the correct answer is be at least as good looking and me and just do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.10843544

I remember back in the day when it was assumed everyone here was female. Oh how times have changed.

>> No.10843783
File: 43 KB, 596x533, 1212011870784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outsider here. Never posted here before.
When i see a cosplayer i don't give a single thought about if they are enjoying, feeling part of the community or whatever.
I only care if it looks like the character (rarely) or if it's a hot enough bitch. Funny ones are interesting too but the average ugly nerd or delusional fat girl only make people roll their eyes and cringe.

>> No.10844466

>hard work
Idk the gym is actually the most fun time of my day

>> No.10844512

Also, because nobody said it yet: wear clothes that fit.
Being hot helps. Smiling helps. Being in great shape helps.
But buying clothes that fit is the single easiest way to boost your charisma, and anyone can do it.
Wearing clothes that fit will help your day-to-day social life just as much as cosplay situations.
Whether you have a normal, skinnyfat, or dump-truck ass, it will look better if you ditch the baggy jeans and wear pants that conform to your body.
Nobody will notice your gym gains if you're wearing an oversized Hawaiian shirt.
Likewise, you will always be overlooked if you're wearing an oversize hoodie. Doesn't matter if it's the most comfortable item in your wardrobe. Baggy clothes always hurt your charisma.
You can ALWAYS find clothes that are warm, comfortable, and still fit your natural body shape. You only need a couple pairs to diversify your wardrobe.
If you're bad at picking outfits, go to any brand-name retailer, look at their catalog, find a modeling photo you like, and buy that. This is literally what the catalogs are for. Embrace the marketing. Use it for its intended purpose.
Most clothes have some stretch, so err on the side of "a bit too small" rather than "a bit too big".
Shop in person whenever possible.
Looking good will boost your confidence and self-image, so you'll feel better in social situations. They literally make you better at socializing than before.
People enjoy looking at nice things. Wear nice clothes and they'll enjoy looking at you.
If you wear a nice enough outfit, you will get compliments.
A good haircut has the same charisma-boosting effect, so get a good haircut. You can also learn to cut your own hair.
You can't buy good genetics, but you can buy good clothes. It's worth it.

>> No.10844514

After a while, when it comes to cosplayers or e girls in general, it's not about being attractive, it's about being okay with behaving like a slut

>> No.10844523

i know this girl who is the most unattractive chick imaginable, personality and face-wise. big unkempt dyed afro and shark teeth, NPD to boot.
when she puts on heavy makeup, a wig and whatever cosplay, a stranger would never know how awful she is, and she does get decent attention from randos as well.

same goes for landwhales- 9/10 times they look like absolute shit because they want to wear something designed for a size Small. i have seen SOME fat cosplayers that know how to dress their unsightly bodies in a flattering way. if you think of cosmetics and clothing as art tools, you can then mold yourself into something wonderful.

it's only when fats/uggos put in no effort whatsoever that they get made fun of and make fools of themselves.
i.e. a big balloon gorilla in a plus-size chinese poorly-put-together lolita "cord", busting out of an american size 4xl dress with a buzz cut and big bow on its head, with cankles busting out of 'kawaii desu' honkin shoes, deluding itself into thinking it looks like a princess, when it really looks like a fucking roly poly circus clown

i'm a firm believer in the idea that if you can do makeup well, and dress to suit your body, you can be beautiful too.

>> No.10845334

this only applies to women
ugly men cant un-ugly themselves through makeup and clothes

>> No.10845336

Coswhoring is only worth it if you're attractive
Cosplaying is very doable when you're an uggo, A lot of characters have baggy or concealing costumes, and a little well placed makeup with a styled wig can do a world of difference for your face.

>> No.10845337

sure you can! grow a beard or glue on a fake one, that will cover up a lot of flaws

>> No.10845770

if you say this term unironically please spend some time away from the internet

>> No.10846430

Im sure there are nurgle cosplayers that come pretty close

>> No.10847474 [DELETED] 

Jessica Nigger was never hot.

>> No.10847484

who be;ieves this shit?
6ft 4 tall, handsome low body fat youth, abs, symerty white blue yes blond hair - 12 inch dick

no amount of fap or no fap will change women that women want to have sex with you or be with you

the converse is also true

>> No.10847486

also women don't give a fuck about romance - they just want to be alpha fucked

men do porn because they need a physical outlet, now.

It's like breathing, do no breathe and blm yourself

>> No.10850667

What about enbies? Thoid?

>> No.10850680


>> No.10850780

retards there is only 2 sexes

>> No.10851176

So what?
Are you jealous?

>> No.10851297

its crazy how being a non fat girl at the average anime con automatically makes you like a 7/10, the bar is so low you dont have any excuses

>> No.10851448

Maybe you wouldn't get divorce raped if your balding head didn't look so hideous

>> No.10851469
File: 124 KB, 399x450, E9A63D39-A808-4D7B-97E9-C6D8D088D11A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we all know all the male cosplayers drowning in 18year old pussy are all roided out bald acne infested gymcels and not slender but fit prettyboys.

>> No.10851480

so true

>> No.10851957

That's why you do like me and treat them all as 5s. They do everything to try to validate themselves.

>> No.10851962

although i agree with the statement , i must confess that there aren't that many women worthy of connecting at a deep level , given the exposure to today culture and education , and that only reinforces the ratio , 80/20 just like for women ...

>> No.10851963

Yeah and that goes for both genders. What’s new
Cosplay IS a hobby of internet clout. Moron

>> No.10853037

Not true at all, dumb redditor, even ugly landwhales can get positive attention.

>> No.10853054

Boo fucking hoo faggot. Studies have shown that men love their kids less than women, deal with it. It's not "your stuff" if you aquired it after the marriage. Anything you make or own after marriage belongs to you and your spouse. This means your wife is entitled to half of it when she divorces you because you decided to cheat on her with a hooker and contract syphilis. >>10843339

>> No.10853061

>you see men an women should hate eachother, with a passion
>your dispair? It's men/women's fault, now fight
>t. who could it be now?

>> No.10853079

The problem with that quote, I'm certain, is the part about removing your consciousness from a root chakra of lust. The alchemical trick is total mastery and control over the strongest lust you can muster. That's the ticket. I'm 100% sure so don't fall for anyone telling you otherwise, especially ascetic abstractionists.

>> No.10853080

Projection - the post.

>> No.10853082
File: 2.93 MB, 282x500, 1682036240331782.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you're post is excellent in ideas, it's errant in that, with just the slightest discipline that beauty can be extended well into her 40s and today even 50s. Plus there's also the fact that desperate males will literally pay for female attention. Meaning they continue life on easy mode all the way through unless they become an unwashed hamplanet, because even a clean hamplanet can find someone to cuddle. Crazy bitches are an altogether different matter.

>> No.10853084

STFU retard it's an important point for young men to learn on their path towards mastery over retard females and appreciation for the rare ones that put in the effort to not be retards.

>> No.10853085 [DELETED] 
File: 774 KB, 1988x2048, 1678304822523862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy smokes you write a simple fact and triggered some weirdos.

>> No.10853090

he forgot the last part
>thanks to coomer simps

>> No.10853092

>pattern balding
Wouldn't be surprised to learn Wi-Fi is related

>> No.10853093

Lads, this exemplifies the truth that you should NEVER take relationship advice from a female. They simply don't understand us and view everything from their retarded viewpoint. Not ALL females are retarded, but most are and ALL of them give wrong advice about men.

>> No.10853094

Rich people live life on easy mode. The fact that you obsess about women and not rich people is pretty sad. Especially since you can just tax rich people.

>> No.10853095

Good call. And you're right about that retard's advice being trash.

>> No.10853096

a poor woman can become a rich woman just by showing her feet on onlyfans

>> No.10853097

R u me?

>> No.10853098

Checking those digits on a report of a very enjoyable phase. Hopefully for you it's a lasting phase and you're one of the rare few that can maintain that without motivation.

>> No.10853100

You're delusional. Even Amouranth, who is probably the wealthiest non-celebrity (i.e. Iggy Azalea, Bella Thorne) won't be able to retire on the funds she makes let alone build generational wealth like an actual rich person. You probably think people who win the lottery suddenly become rich. Class doesn't work that way. if you ain't born rich, it's almost impossible to become rich.

>> No.10853101
File: 104 KB, 720x1008, 1671409705317769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>behaving like a slut
That archetype, I think, perpetuates the species. She is evoked even in the most shy little birds within the bed chambers for the best sports.

>> No.10853104 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 740x925, 740full-vera-dijkmans (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, she's wrong.

>> No.10853106
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, MV5BZmJhNTJjNTAtNzQyNC00ZTE0LTg3YzktMzZlNTAzZTE1Njg2L2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI5NjIyMw@@._V1_FMjpg_UX1024_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you lying to him to make yourself feel better or, in attempt to make him feel better, fuck him up more? I'm going to venture a guess that you meant well but are oblivious.

>> No.10853109
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x1380, 1669676850663975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True but even if you're not blessed with all those studly features you can still get what YOU want from a woman, except of course if you want to ram it under her cervix and make her walk funny for 3 days after, that you'll need the right tool for but don't let that stop you.

>> No.10853111
File: 892 KB, 720x720, 1677198967672158.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy they want alpha fucking and romance dontchaknow? That's one reason they settle for betas.

>> No.10853113
File: 252 KB, 850x1024, 1676597095050408m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your makeup off, cow.

>> No.10853115

M8 knows some game

>> No.10853117


>> No.10853121

You can tell when you nailed the Republicanposters because they post 5 times in 15 minutes. Yeah, totally natural on this board. You didn't get shrekt by the obvious anti-rich good point someone made. WOMAN BAD RICH PEEPUL GUD

>> No.10853125 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 506x667, 1678146931755425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you're one of those psychotic retard females destined for cats or settling for some slump that allows you to walk all over him.
No, all women don't love their children more than fathers, they love them unconditionally while men love them conditionally. Which means men have lines that when crossed demand repentance before forgiveness. Mothers most often coddle to the child's detriment, like buying her fat son McDonald's because he's depressed about his weight but he likes it and it makes him happy for the time. Even Jeffrey Dahmer's mother said he was really a good person in his heart.
You unlovable cunt.

>> No.10853126


>> No.10853128
File: 209 KB, 1200x797, pigsLOLing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsess about women
What does this mean? The fact that men "obsess" about women is precisely why a penis becomes erect. Without that "obsession" for females by males there would be no human race. What, are you obsessed with limp noodles? In fact, and despite your incredulity, I've had sex at least 65,000 times, with the same woman. What's really happening here is that you're an unlovable harridan that doesn't understand how anything works that's been so utterly spoiled by simps that disgust you at a primal level and utterly rejected by wealthy alphas you desire. And fyi sweaty, many wealthy men are utterly miserable. Plus, if you really wanted to punish the filthy rich who pollute the planet carelessly you wouldn't be voting democrat since they're backed by every polluting industry, the banksters that own them, and their media outlets.
You spoiled unlovable pants-wearing unfeminine sow.

>> No.10853129

Despite the sow's rejection of your comment you're basically correct, obviously.

>> No.10853130
File: 504 KB, 1500x1167, stock-photo-very-angry-woman-76982275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amouranth doesn't make enough! She can't join the bluebloods or the financiers' class!
Talk about obsessed over materialistic wealth and clueless what richness is! Geeze I'm glad I don't have to suffer your presence irl and I pity those who do.

>> No.10853131
File: 130 KB, 1500x999, very-angry-woman-3588839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little harridan npc, don't fret, I addressed your errors here >>10853128
Also, in the event that your reading comprehension is as lacking as your other talents, as a matter of fact I adore women, and think every man should keep at least one of these lovely pets, for the best ones can turn a house into a home.

>> No.10853149

You can tell the mentally ill lardass has no argument when he says "what" in every thread? (Which no one asked for. Your check's in the mail by the way. $0.00, as always)

>> No.10853154

That ain't no he you're replying to

>> No.10853161

What do you do for work?

>> No.10853167

butthurt big mad

>> No.10853175

I run two different businesses but don't have to do much with them now. My 3rd has been temporarily on hiatus since 2020 and although I retain it and the inventory is in storage. I'm only rich in love, though. Well, actually even when I was completely broke I felt rich. My wife and I are genX with more grown children than you can count on one hand.

>> No.10853177

You run "businesses' huh? So you're just a richfaggot whining

>> No.10853178 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 740x914, 740full-nata-lee (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About what? The only way that response makes any sense to me is as some random adolescent comeback by someone that couldn't figure out what else to say. I really don't get angry except at anyone attempting to destroy a child's innocence or bring other harm to them or my loved ones. Well, that's not entirely true, but I haven't gotten offended by an internet comment in over a decade at least. See, I'm not the one with emo/psych issues, sweaty. I do however hope that you find sanity and prosper in all of life's riches. Unless you're a groomer, or support administering castration hormones to children, if you are or do I hope that you become miserable enough to skin yourself alive and roll in a pile of salt. Other than that though I wish you the best.

>> No.10853180

Republican meltdowns are so funny. I thought you were just a typical NPC on the 4chan Republican Defense Force, but you're actually one person so butthurt you have to respond any time someone badmouths a Republican.

>> No.10853181 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 745x1024, 1677875521075717m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shitposting and enjoying lambasting psycho spoiled brats that are clueless, like you. Yeah, 3 shitty businesses, 1 in remission and 2 that barely float but like I said, dummy, I'm not rich except in love. That's true. Right now I'm building a nice big doghouse for our 3 blue heelers made from recycled stuff, except I mismeasured the cut on the roof board and have to go buy a sheet of plywood.
What are you currently doing, knucklehead? I mean besides rageposting?

>> No.10853182

Mayhapsedly. Either way, this mentally ill lardass (who said "What?" again by the way) thinks I'm giving them all their (You)'s, when I'm really not. It's really quite amusing, this rapport we've developed. But instead of friendship it's fueled by animosity and poorly structured sentences.

>> No.10853184 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 558x800, katie-sigmond-09-29-2022-21_thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either you're a bot, or your reading comprehension is bix nood.
Projection, obv
There's only uniparty, though the entire polluting military industrial establishment is currently supporting democrats.
If you just want to fight that's cool, I'm really good at insults, but I think you might be a bot.

>> No.10853185

>u lefteded out werds n struckatured ur sentiences wrung
Yeah, guilty of that, bot, but you did too, worsely. Have a nice day.

>> No.10853186
File: 149 KB, 1312x638, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you're up against. Should be a pretty easy win desu. Hell, I win every time just by spamming the same sentence. I've won multiple times without even entering the race. And yeah, you're not supposed to help your enemy when they're losing, but if they're a braindead ESL lardass you can tell them WHY they're losing, AS they're losing. They will still lose anyway. Watch them do it again very soon. You can't even place a bet here, it's 1:1
>Captcha: MWJJJ

>> No.10853187

That was fast. Here's your next $0

>> No.10853218 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 467x348, Based Laughing Guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust this guy, he touches grass. And I WOULD say it's an obvious / common sense grindset yet it can't be. Basically no one follows it, even when they're told how easy it can be. VERY nice. Would examine business cards with over smokes in the boardroom

>> No.10853289 [DELETED] 

>Anything you make or own after marriage belongs to you and your spouse
That makes 0 sense, why do XX have such a hard time with private property?
The wives 99% of the time have nothing to do with whatever work the husband is doing or are related to it at all, which also goes the other way and if the wife has any success in her professional field that belongs to her and not her husband.
This divorce-racket is one of the main reasons the mafia that runs your homeland is completely replacing you with foreigners.

>> No.10853355

Wow u Republicans sure are sane!

>> No.10853367


>> No.10853395

That's what the mentally ill lardass says!

>> No.10853418

Hey, that's right! We agree on something! And you've done it six times in this thread alone. Your record right now is THREE times in one post. Let's see how many more points you can rack up before it's over.

>> No.10855849

Nah you are

>> No.10857506

Do you have fat tits or a fat ass. Thats all that really matters

>> No.10857617

Odd you have a pic of my saved

>> No.10857619

Pic of my hand*

>> No.10858824

Doesnt amouranth make like 7 figures a month

>> No.10858892

>plastic surgery
>gym & diet
>masked characters
>full clothed characters
>armored characters
>kigurumi mask

>> No.10858920

Being alive is only worth it if you're skinny and /fit/
fatties are a plague on themselves and society, you're not unhappy because of your hormones, you're unhappy because you're a fat slob shoveling down big macs.

You want to cosplay? why don't you cos-play some fucking sports.

>> No.10858986

Ok. Now post yourself

>> No.10858993

Shut up and post feet pics

>> No.10859011

Amoranth made zero bucks because her pimp/husband stole all her money. You fucks will hate every imaginary elite except for actual billionaires.

>> No.10859012

for sewing, knitting and embroidering you don't have to be hot.
top lel

>> No.10859267

life is only worth if you are attractive.

>> No.10859363

>she believed the phone call was real
The funniest part was watching her cry after saying she's thankful that she doesn't have to make horrible depraved content on twitch anymore and how she can finally make the seiso content she's always wanted, then cut to her 4 days later wearing a bikini and straddling an inflatable banana in a kiddie pool she set up in her room kek

>> No.10859390


You don't need to be a 10/10 in life, you just need to be someone's 10/10. Even if you're an objective 4/10 in life (usually not true, people here just hate themselves) a good way to find people who think you are 10/10 is to have unique hobbies and interests. Normies might cringe but who gives a fuck about them, you're filtering out the people who aren't interested.

I'd rather be 10/10 to a handful of people than a solid 8/10 to everyone

>> No.10859402

Oh wow abused people almost never escape the lifestyle their abusers made for them. That proves something important. I guess. No clue ehat youre implying actually.

>> No.10859458

No sympy for cosplay thots
You whore yourself out for moids you deserve all you get

>> No.10859470

Just don't be fat, and you'll run into someone eventually.
>Only worth it, if you are pretty
Do you people only dress like this for attractions sake?
I thought making the costume etc was the main focus of the hobby lol

>> No.10859478

This is stupid because if you’re a 10/10 to a handful of people then you’re probably a conventionally attractive 8/10 to most people. Therefore it’s the same thing

>> No.10859635

So Kim Kardashian deserves her billion dollars?

>> No.10862326

Not when most women cosplay just to get attention from men.

>> No.10862328

He's implying it was all fake for views

>> No.10864879

>you only look good when you dress up if you are good looking.
yeah that's kind how it works, sorry not sorry.

>> No.10868267 [DELETED] 


>> No.10868277

That’s what >>>/fa/ and >>>/fit/ would say
>they’re right of course

>> No.10868299

Yes, that is why the last time I cosplayed was 15 years ago as a Touhou character when a friend was embarrassed to be seen with me in public

>> No.10868313

and be attractive with lottery genetics

>> No.10868820

>I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive

Smart cunt.
You do get what the point of this is in the first place?

>> No.10868840

Even sometimes if you're going shirtless. I've seen plenty of Inosuke cosplayers who look fine despite not having, like, a six pack because they've got an average build - not skinny or fat.

>> No.10868842

Who the fuck has multiple kids and is getting divorced by 25? If you've fucked up that much that early in life I doubt you've got much shit to be taken anyway

>> No.10868843

There's a reason that selling pre-made cosplays is such a booming business - a lot of people prefer the dressing up and posing aspect of it. It's like modeling.

>> No.10868847

Sexiness has always been a staple part of your cosplays being successful. The filtering process of the internet has just made that more apparent to everyone now. 10+ years ago a lot of women were still under the dilusion that people cared about their craftwork, but now social media has allowed them to directly see the numbers.

>> No.10868849

Huh?? Brittney spears isn't hot?

>> No.10868850

My mom and uncle. :(

>> No.10868851

meant the girl in OP was not as hot as Brittney

>> No.10869067

A lot of people complained about Jessica back in the day desu.

>> No.10869089

Literally just don't be fat or even chubby. Fast if you have to. Being lean is 99% of good cosplay until you're purposefully cosplaying an obese character.

>> No.10871684 [DELETED] 


>> No.10871699

congrats on realizing cosplaying is a basedcially acceptable baring

>> No.10871841

This thread is obviously bait so incel anon can argue with women to make himself feel superior. It’s…sad to say the least. Damn shame losers can post a thread with the thinnest vernier of cgl relevance and mods let it stay up.

>> No.10873393

find friends who enjoy your hobbies, stop trying to get hobbies to make friends. you'll be much more satisfied in life when you surround yourself with people who genuinely enjoy the things you do
oh youre a tranny, ok

>> No.10873395


Male here. I dont think being attractive makes a difference. Id imagine just as much people would come up to me asking for pictures at cons as long as my costume was well made

>> No.10873420

exactly. jnig isn't even attractive. neither is yaya, both just marketed themselves heavily and aren't ogre tier ugly. and even if you're ugly you just need to waste money lying and paying for visibility like momokun did.

>> No.10873430

The pretty foids make fun of the average & ugly cosplayers behind their backs. The whole cosplay community is heavily toxic and it's better not to ever get involved with most cosplayers.
Don't ever post your cosplay online if you're average unless you're an eceleb. They get made fun of in secret Discords by Chads and Stacy's.
>t. used to run a discord cosplay server and gave it up since everyone I had to deal with was a vapid cunt or pathetic coomer

>> No.10873563

>cosplay what you like
>people who also like it will have a common ground to talk to you
>you make friends

Stop being the shallow piece of shit you're complaining about.

>> No.10874267 [DELETED] 
File: 2.75 MB, 300x532, 1660863550241464.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always only about attractive women getting attention/money from desperate nerds

>> No.10875415 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 460x596, 1692478187399010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's art

>> No.10875516 [DELETED] 

>Foid here,
>I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive

As a moid, I agree
Never in the shape and look I want to be in for the cosplay
Who wants to see a skinny fat guy cosplaying
Get called autistic regarded ir creepy. Granted same shit with girls but no one says it out loud

Hopefully next year.

>> No.10875518 [DELETED] 

Moomer actually

>> No.10875541

what is j-nig up to these days anyway?

>> No.10876661
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, 1661252021677835.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a hoe

>> No.10876664

>I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive

>> No.10876666

>I only care if it looks like the character (rarely) or if it's a hot enough bitch

>> No.10876672
File: 306 KB, 640x480, vlCHADsnap-2023-08-26-13h38m38s103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your cosplay fits your body type then the cosplay can make you attractive, actually.
Haruhi cosplay for example can add 4 points easily

>> No.10879559 [DELETED] 


>> No.10879586


the last remaining haruhi cosplayers are 40

>> No.10881125 [DELETED] 

No hairline is gonna save a guy from the starter husbands type of scam that women pull at the vehest of the state.
>men love their kids less than women
Women are the ones committing infanticide by the millions, and when people want to not even put a stop to it but simply put small restrictions they march like their lives depend on it. How can you say you are the sex that loves kids when you are the ones killing them and fight so hard to defend this infanticide privilege?
>dude works
>a person that has nothing to do with you is entitled to steal from your work
Yeah it's so clear you are a man-hating feminazi. The logic behind these backward ass laws wasn't that but that women "depended from the husband" and were "unable to fend for themselves", which is a complete fantasy since workplaces even prefer to hire them nowadays.
I hope you never get to ruin the life of a dumb enough guy to take you.
Not sure if you are being serious here but getting together with a person and building a family is perfectly reasonable at that age, the fact that you put that as a fuck up speaks volumes about the kind of person you are.

>> No.10884431 [DELETED] 


>> No.10884461

>> Women are the ones committing infanticide by the millions
>> you are a man-hating feminazi
I can’t imagine being such an obvious republican anti-abortion man. Your stupid no basis in reality hot takes aren’t changing the facts.

>> No.10884463

why do you even call him or her a republican for having views that are against yours?

>> No.10884467

you can visit /pol/ by scrolling up and clicking the link on the header

>> No.10884469

okay, schizo

>> No.10884626


>> No.10884629 [DELETED] 

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294
Lunar Rabbit Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.10884947

Sewing, reading books, plush collecting (?), instruments,

This just sounds like a lazy excuse to give a pass to girls who completely lack a redeemable personality

>> No.10885277

It used to be mediocre women dressing up in home made outfits, now it's 10/10 women shilling their only fans to forever alone nerds.
You can still go but you'll look like a lump of shit, they even have costumes professionally made.

>> No.10885344

>Cosplay IS a hobby of internet clout. Moron
You must be a zoomer. Maybe this is a zoomer thing. Zoomers can't imagine a life without social media it seems. Sad. I suggest you find a group of like minded friends that like cosplaying/going to cons.

>> No.10885408

To quote Poxy Boggards.
>I find the ones who aren't so pretty are diamonds in the rough.
>Cuz pretty girls might look good, but the ugly know their stuff!

I've seen way too many cute girls at these things to think you're not one of them, though. It's like "oh boohoo my titties look funny in a corset."

>> No.10885412

It's not really necessary to be attractive, you can be an average looking chick, or guy, and still be a talented cosplayer. But ugly looking people shouldn't really bother.

>> No.10885414

We still do.

>> No.10885415

>No clue ehat youre implying actually.
That's cause you're as dense as a neutron star.

>> No.10888780 [DELETED] 


>> No.10889528

It's probably best your bloodline ends with you anon, the Chad's and Stacey's are doing the lords work

>> No.10889536

genuine question: do the lingerie/swimsuit costhots who don't have an onlyfans/patreon/whatever to promote make any money at cons? if so, how does this work? if not, what's the point?

>> No.10889540

If one of them just asked me for money I would probably give it to them.

>> No.10889577
File: 48 KB, 428x640, 1611015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been skimpy costumes at cons far longer than there has been onlyfans
Many chicks just do it for fun or they like the attention

>> No.10889624

i'm sure i'd find you cute, even if you're chubby or kinda wonky in the face. if you want to do cosplay, go for it!

>> No.10892213

women have been whoring for attention since forever. onlyfans is a recent thing and they are still seen as sluts compared to your average female cosplayer. Dont get me wrong, all of them are sluts in their own way but Im not going to pay $6.99 just to see some average girl's pussy

>> No.10892214

So then be attractive, moran.

>> No.10892219
File: 1.59 MB, 1361x1000, 110143477_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I think there should be an attractiveness tax.

People who aren't doing their part in better the beauty standards of the country should have to pay taxes for it. It can in a weighted fashion so that everyone can get the full benefits, while still encouraging the best to be better.

I propose the following solution, a graded system consisting of 3 parts.

>Weight (60%), beauty and hygiene (30%), style (10%)
>Failure to achieve a score of at least 80% will result in an additional 15% income tax that will go toward beautification of both the city and it's citizens.
>Yearly physicals will be required where grading and certification will be met along with general health check ups

A simple binary, you pass or fail and get the full 60%
You must be under the obesity rating on the BMI scale, exceptions can be given to athletes and people who have outliers in terms of muscle mass.
People who are under the obesity level but still overweight will be given 1 year to reach a healthy weight before being given a failed rating.

>Beauty and Hygiene
This ignores genetic advantages and is focused on taking care of your body and looks. This includes things such as regular washing, dental hygiene, proper hair and body care, etc... All citizens should be aware of their defects and be applying makeup and beauty care to compensate, failure to do so will result in a lower grade.

While this might be a bit nebulous, all styles are welcome. However, you should be wearing well fitting and designed clothes to not be offensive to the eyes. Sweatpants and pajamas in public will of course be banned in addition to this. Proper styling is a must, and it will be a mandatory class all middle schoolers must take before graduating to high school.
People who would like to contest their styling grade will require a certified stylist to give their supporting arguments before applying for a re-grade.

Doing this will improve the quality of life of all citizens.

>> No.10892297


>> No.10895233 [DELETED] 


>> No.10895244
File: 64 KB, 482x392, 1302142450180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The feminine urge to be a ho is inescapable and persists through all time and cultures.

>> No.10897880

Are there any ugly but successful cosplayers? Even the ones who are talented (like Yaya), usually semi hot at least

>> No.10897884
File: 62 KB, 640x126, 6AFAA2F7-2916-4263-8667-6EC3F89246A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10897919

People think this all the time, but mostly the obesity thing. These fat fucks are the biggest drags on the healthcare system and then bitch about the rest of us not paying enough for them.
Hygiene is a basic societal expectation, you're already a pariah if you don't keep up.

>> No.10897931

OP is basically proposing a fascist surveillance state, though, which is an unbelievably cringe solution to obesity. smokers are also a strain on the healthcare system, but i wouldn't call for tobacco raids or addiction tax.

if you really wanted to motivate weight loss through taxes, just tax the shit out of junk food. if chips cost as much as cigarettes maybe someone would put down the bag.

>> No.10897947

>but i wouldn't call for tobacco raids or addiction tax.

Have you not filled out the insurance forms when applying for insurance (or filling out the form you get from your job)? Smokers do get charged extra.

>> No.10897963

i've never had a job ask that, just doctors, and it's 100% voluntary information. no one's inspecting you or anything.

>> No.10897976
File: 64 KB, 680x680, 1698762965285735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day I am reminded of our Chiraqi overlords

>> No.10898233

Eewww what a butterface lmao is that some early 2000’s cosplay?

>> No.10898258

it is it's Jessica Nigri who is the pioneer of being a costhot

>> No.10898688

Your ears are below your eyeline

>> No.10901397
File: 640 KB, 2683x1080, keine macht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what a butterface lmao
>Jessica Nigri who is the pioneer of being a costhot
Keine Macht...

>> No.10901475

Kill yourself, you absolute subhuman. Why do you wish for this garbage thread to live on?

>> No.10901664
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, destinyyyyx3_0461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least for women all you have to do is develop an eating disorder

I feel like this meme is a complete self own written by a superficial women
not being fat used to be normal it doesn't make you special
the guy on the left is actually some fat out of shape pimp managing the women and bringing nothing to the table while she does all the work
she hears voices that say "don't be a whale" but it's just her pimp whispering that to her at night while she sleeps

>> No.10901676

>I feel like this meme is a complete self own written by a superficial women
>not being fat used to be normal it doesn't make you special
>the guy on the left is actually some fat out of shape pimp managing the women and bringing nothing to the table while she does all the work
>she hears voices that say "don't be a whale" but it's just her pimp whispering that to her at night while she sleeps
This meme was written by a man. And it's absolutely true in every statement on it. All women have to do is be skinny and they are considered desired. Men have to make their own path before people care about him.

>> No.10901974

I mean cosplay is always worth it if you are attractive, perfect body build, and such. I vomited once seeing a fat ass cow dressed as Mai from KOF. That was almost 15 years ago that image is still burned in my mind, oh god, she had like 20 flaps of pure fat sagging from her sides, it was both offensive and cancer-inducing cringe. fat people should not cosplay

>> No.10903432 [DELETED] 
File: 2.29 MB, 4000x3000, 20240131_071321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ovo mjesto je sada moj toalet.

>> No.10904532 [DELETED] 


>> No.10904533
File: 16 KB, 170x241, 170px-Pierce_Brosnan_Deauville_2019_(fixed_spots).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck skinny bitches I want something to squeeze.

>> No.10904534

It's not true. It's an irrational and incorrect generalization created by fever minds. It vaguely comprehends that men have different beauty standards than women. But it's incorrect about the specifics and demands on each gender. I am a man btw.

>> No.10904544

Explain, then. What makes that pic wrong?

>> No.10904545

NTA but it's a cartoon. It takes some slight societal truths and amplifies them for the sake of humor. It shouldn't be used as fact in an argument of human sexual behavior.

>> No.10904546

Humor follows truth.

>> No.10904547

Somewhat as I said but you can't look at a cartoon from the 50s of a black guy picking watermelons and say that's all black people.
If you didn't realize the lack of sex and relationships isn't just happening to men it's also happening to women too. There's more factors at play than just either parties preferences. Human sexuality has always changed depending on material conditions the present is no different.

>> No.10904548

>If you didn't realize the lack of sex and relationships isn't just happening to men it's also happening to women too.
Difference is that women "choose" to avoid sex. Women can get sex quickly and easily. She can make an account on tinder and she will get easy access to sex within an hour. A man doesn't have that luxury, nor is it equivalent.

>> No.10904549

If women can do that why aren't they?

>> No.10904550

Who says they aren't or haven't? Every woman, even the most average or ugly, has someone hitting up their feed or dms. Even if they don't use tinder, there is a guy wanting to get into her pants anywhere.

The difference is that woman can choose to avoid sex, because they have the luxury of being picky.

>> No.10904551

I wouldn't call a bunch of fat gremlins wanting to fuck you a luxury. I mean do you want some ugly bastards cock in you?
There's different scenarios and challenges for both sexes that can't be summarized into a green text or meme.

>> No.10904552

>I wouldn't call a bunch of fat gremlins wanting to fuck you a luxury. I mean do you want some ugly bastards cock in you?

kek, imagine agreeing with me and yet exusing it with the standards that literally explains the point

>> No.10904554

Do you want a wrinkly old man in you? I don't think anyone disagrees men have generally a higher sex drive and are less selective. But to say all human sexuality can be explained in a cartoon is foolish.

>> No.10904556
File: 19 KB, 283x390, 1480199262224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But to say all human sexuality can be explained in a cartoon is foolish.

>> No.10904559

Whatever man. I still get sexually frustrated but I don't blame it all on women. If you really wanted to get laid you could, there's women out there with low standards. I'm in a dry spell now but I know that'll break. I don't think vague posting your hate of women will do.

>> No.10904560

>hate of women


>> No.10904586

>If you really wanted to get laid you could, there's women out there with low standards.
You can't say this when you don't know the facts. You're just guessing that there might be a woman somewhere out there whose standards are low enough (you don't know what that anon looks like). It's not based on evidence.

>> No.10904613

Literal retarded people have sex. If a retard can get laid this guy can.

>> No.10904726

"you say youre hungry but you refuse to eat the hot dog off the floor? ungrateful bitch"

>> No.10904772

you keep proving the memes point

>> No.10904846

People who are starving to death would love a floor dog.

>> No.10907254


>> No.10907257

Would you eat a floor dog?

>> No.10907360

as a fellow /fit/izen that actually works out PPL 6/7 days a week
there is no appreciable difference between
>it being easy
>having the characteristics to minimize the challenge and succeed
t muscles bellies aren’t good, and has average test, benches lmao 2pl8 for 15 reps
my attractive friend looks stronger than me, with less effort, despite being weaker

>> No.10907366

there are three worst things about being ugly
>having your day ruined because you accidentally saw a mirror/a picture of yourself
>having people constantly asking you if you got enough sleep last night/saying you look tired
>you, as well as the people in your league, are still primarily attracted to attractive people. thus everything moves slowly/reluctantly as that “natural spark” isn’t there, thus you slowly need personality to break down barriers.

>> No.10907401

Women always ruin everything. Bitches should learn to stfu

>> No.10907402

Based opinion anon

>> No.10907404

Fuck off bitch go to your of account and post your pics. That's all you're worth

>> No.10907407

>you, as well as the people in your league, are still primarily attracted to attractive people. thus everything moves slowly/reluctantly as that “natural spark” isn’t there, thus you slowly need personality to break down barriers.

Huh this is why slow dating never works for me.

>> No.10907412

It's funny! It wasn't even me this time. I'm the one you usually whine about calling you a Republicanposter. You can tell because I sleep at night and post during American daylight times. Republicans are so pathetic.

>> No.10907622

>you, as well as the people in your league, are still primarily attracted to attractive people.

This is the real rub. This sucks. Why can't you just be happy with your own league :/

Rhetorical question, I know why, but it still sucks.

>> No.10908453

>>you, as well as the people in your league, are still primarily attracted to attractive people. thus everything moves slowly/reluctantly as that “natural spark” isn’t there, thus you slowly need personality to break down barriers.

I actually like somewhat reasonable average girls.
And I don't meean "le 10/10 with glasses", I mean a bit of acne scaring, some messed up proportions, dorky looking face, etc.
I actually think I'm a league up from them, but I just find that nerdy autism look to be really cute even though I can objectively see all the flaws.

Shame the feeling isn't mutual though, and apparently minimum wage workers who are 4/10 think they deserve a 10/10.

>> No.10908458

You're clearly just overestimating your own appearance.

>> No.10908459

>dress sense
We don't care. Just don't be fat or greasy.

>> No.10908460

I actually think rather low of it, but I'm not dumb enough to ignore reality.
Even outside of that, pretty much any reasonable trait you could list as something you look for in a man I'd have.

I'm not perfect, but I'd be as good as anyone could expect to get.

>> No.10908472
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1701982354546760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in a dry spell now

>> No.10908938

>Just don't be fat or greasy
I don't even mind if someone's greasy, but I've tried dating a fat girl before and I think she could tell how not interested I was in her.

>> No.10910416 [DELETED] 


>> No.10910424

based beatrix merry me

>> No.10910610

The vernacular is uninspired derivation from the original male term femoid
Men are familiar with it because you never stop bitching at us but also because foid is the obvious counter-derivation from moid.

>> No.10911460
File: 71 KB, 320x208, welldone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not attractive and into cosplay, make tailored costumes for local Onlyfan Thots. They'll pay huge premium and you don't have to leave your parent's 2nd floor to do so.

You get the simp $$$ without having to shake your ass and undergo years of permanent damage. Plus you gain skills.

>> No.10912097

well just blame the nerds who've being bullied through their whole life paying for that stuff, thanks to them all these thots feel entitled enough to say whatever bullshit crosses their minds and people will laugh and call it a day

>> No.10912649

Honestly I've gotten the same impression. Most bad cosplays seem to me to be just poor ugly people, with good cosplays being from either rich attractive people who bought their stuff, or had enough spare time to make their own. It's really impressive when someone puts in that much effort and time and makes it look good, but part of me is a bit jealous when attractive people do cosplay. Not only do they get to be pretty or handsome, they can cosplay their favorite characters and make it accurate and have people swooning over them.

>> No.10912654

And women are supposed to be the empathetic gender kek

>> No.10912655

Jeff bezos never made fun of me for being short or rejected me, women on the other hand...

>> No.10912657

You sound like Chris Chan proposing his dating education class

>> No.10912658

>some women can't get chad! Therefore their life is just as hard as a man who's never had anyone ever interested in him!
Holy shit kys>>10904550

>> No.10912663

He did and he does. He says worse things about you. What's more, because he spies on you he probably laughs at your tiny cock as well.

>> No.10912688

It depends on what characters you're cosplaying as. Some are strictly meant for attractive people, many however are not.

>> No.10912691

Accuse them of being eugenicist and ableist every time they mock you for your height. Women can't stand having their progressiveness credentials questioned so it shuts them up almost instantly.

>> No.10912751

if you're that short just become a femboy crossthot

>> No.10912849

Sure it might not be ideal but that’s the thing, women are unable to grasp how unwanted the average man is and the effect that has.
I’m friends with some ugly fucking chick, fucking acne land whales with horrible hygiene, they still get hit on regularly and act as if it’s horrible.

Meanwhile even when I’m at my lowest and most depressed, as a fit successful man I’m unable to get even bottom tier pussy like them.
At any moment they could just say yes to a man’s advances. But for me to have a chance I need to win the fucking lottery.

Keep in mind I did eventually get a girl, but it was purely luck after a decade of bullshit, and it’s still me settling hard just because she’s at least thin.

>> No.10912894

you probably just have a terrible personality

>> No.10912903

nice of you to assume women can't be eugenists. I wish all manlets and dicklets would kill themselves. you're useless to society.

>> No.10912945

>you're useless to society
stop being mad just cause your vagina's depth can be measure in fathoms

>> No.10912954
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>> No.10913008
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I have literally never ever witnessed a woman being empathetic towards a man. Even the men they fall in love with or have a crush over they don’t see as human.
Meanwhile men and women alike will always feel bad for struggling women and defend them.
I’m not really complaining, women are just the way they are I guess, but this fact makes me really uncomfortable.

>> No.10913120

keep crying dicklet. even if im a loose whore i can buy a 10inch dildo but a woman will never cum on your dick.

>> No.10913155

Now that you mention it, the ones I have seen been empathetic towards men have been ftms.

>> No.10913174

a lot of ftms these days made up something called transandrophobia which is just MRA shit for ftms

>> No.10913183

Jessica isn't or wasn't particularly attractive though she was just thin and got a boob job later on

>> No.10913184

You've never seen a married couple with children in public with the mom hugging the dad? Where do you live? Russia? Gotta be some slav non-whtie shit hole. Even in Africa women love their men.

>> No.10913259

just because you grew up in a dysfunctional family and have a shitty personality not even a mother could love it doesn't mean women don't love men. if we take all violence on opposite gender, abandonment on sickness, hours spent on domestic chores statistics, I could go on forever. women do so much for men than men do for women on a daily basis. and most of the time they dont even acknowledge it. the most likely cause a pregnant woman can die is murdered by their partner and knowing that and the fact there are women out there still willing to date and marry men, you guys should be thankful.

>> No.10913483

You don't need to be overly attractive to cosplay in general, the costume/look just needs to be done well. However as a photographer I will say that shooting portraits/cosplay is absolutely 90% about how attractive you are. People don't understand how insanely easy it is when the subject is attractive. The less attractive, the more work you need to put into finding the persons good sides, helping them pose and stuff like that. Women at least have makeup to hard carry them.

>> No.10913535 [DELETED] 

unless you are some chud troon who goes to events only to try to have sex with some mediocre thots

>> No.10913569

Odd given the closest experience men can have are with their male friend they are willing to die for (examples, soldiers, gangsters) and often have some respect for the enemies they killed (theres enough interviews of old veterans who realized the people they killed were fighting for their country)

>> No.10913584

This is the final foid boss fight

>> No.10913588

men have more respect for the enemies they kill in a war than the women they leave at home raising their children, got it.
kill yourself

>> No.10918361

back then most cosplayers werre uglier so she stood out more

>> No.10918464

Balding normie just catched the simps

>> No.10919655

This only applies to modern women who were taught to hate men by jewllywood movies and degenerates on tumblr/twitter/instagram/you name it
Non-degenerate women are just as capable of love as men and also want stability. Sadly they're becoming few and far between because women tend to follow trends and conform to social norms, and modern social norms are degenerate.

>> No.10919724

>violence on opposite gender
That's because men are stronger. If you take all the behind back trashtalking women score first
>abandonment on sickness
Women score first at abandonment on becoming miserable
>hours spent on domestic chores statistics
Men score first at hours spent at work

Congratulations you just discovered there are biological differences between genders

>> No.10920486

Hardly anything isn't. Even hot accountants get ahead. Deal with it

>> No.10920517

i would breed all of that. i am a man that accepts a challenge. plus, imagine the absolute units the children would be. and the family cosplay opportunities. hmm. i so would.

>> No.10920759

Fuck cosplay I'm raising NBA and NFL kids. I'm gonna get some money from them.

>> No.10920773

i've seen quite a few who were ugly without all the makeup on. makeup is insane

>> No.10920774

sugar tax and peer pressure advertising is the solution. it's already in effect in several countries, although in some the efforts got destroyed when american tv got popular and people wanted to eat like the americans. any product that contains table sugar ends up raising in price. people end up not buying shit like candy bars and sodas because they are pissed it costs $1 or $2 more now and there are cheaper options. the majority of them lose weight and get healthier because they aren't eating a truckload of sugar every day. add to that advertising saying that a good person only eats snacks on friday or saturday and you are helping the country (patriotism) if you do so because you are saving the healthcare industry and shit

>> No.10924069 [DELETED] 


>> No.10924080
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peer pressure is good, but i don't think a sugar tax would work. there's ways around it and people will just lump it in with the failing economy.

rather than that, we just need to strictly enforce smaller portion sizes.
people are less likely to buy 2 meals for example, even if it is a smaller portion than they're used to it'll still fill them up and they'll just suck up the hunger because its embarrassing and excessive to buy twice as much.

so the government needs to enforce smaller portion sizes, maybe capping it at a certain caloric value. and ban "super sizes" and the like.

they should also promote and subsidize delicious healthier alternatives to unhealthy foods like ice cream.