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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 370 KB, 960x1281, cosplay is not consent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10869482 No.10869482 [Reply] [Original]

Did the "cosplay is not consent" movement actually improve conventions?

>> No.10869488

You'd have to ask a girl that maintained her attractiveness if anything changed before/after the movement.
Which don't exist on /cgl/ so no one can give a good answer here.
Guys dating hot girls/hanging out with hot girls can't really give an answer either since having a male presence around you alone will deter a lot of creeps.

>> No.10869494

I wouldn't know because I don't have much of a desire to grope strangers.

>> No.10869499

No it won’t. Creeps might not come up to a girl and grab her ass in front of her fuckbuddy but they will stalk her, creep shot her, try to brush past her and rub their dick on her, masturbate to her and even juxtapose her face onto similar looking pornstars, use AI to edit her nude etc.

>> No.10869523

i dont think a sign that says "don't molest people" prevents molestation but i do think the movement made people more aware of the issue and more likely to report it or intervene if they see it happen to someone

>> No.10869586

unironically the anti train groper badge in japan helped to deter train gropers because they went after middle schoolers and high schoolers because they saw them as obedient. idk if the culture is easily equated here but basically a lot of creeps are also massive pussies who can be put off by a badge that says "dont fucking molest me"

>> No.10869595

It never will because ugly cosplay girls want to be the center of attention and always have some nonexistent cause to fight for especially when it involves their sexuality, they love it

>> No.10869598

There is a bit of side culture that goes along with Japan's groping problem that's hard to get across.
In Japan, due to the insular culture and long work hours, it's not uncommon for people to be a little extra touchy feely in trains and other close contact areas. Even among the same sex, you'll see guys not necessarily groping each other but being very overtly physically friendly on trains.
Naturally with opposite sex this does take a more sexual turn to it which leads to more groping. And it's something a lot of Japanese people will consensually partake in with strangers on a train because it fills that affectionate void most of them have due to just being Japanese.

A badge like that basically says you're not interested and is an outward denial and rejecting of the somewhat not exactly cultural norm, but a rather common expression in public transport.

>> No.10869603

I don't think sexual harassment was ever a widespread problem at cons in the first place and the movement just gained traction because of bandwagoners and social media virtue signallers blowing some isolated incidents way out of proportion.
What the hell are you even talking about, train groping happens because the trains there are crowded as fuck which makes it extremely easy to get away with because even the victim can't identify the culprit a lot of times because of how many people are packed in.

>> No.10869604

Did you actually imply people like being groped on trains? Theres being a japanophile and theres being fucking retarded

>> No.10869607

are you like legitimately neurologically retarded or do you actively choose to be this way

>> No.10869609

i do know there is a big problem of non consensual photography at conventions, but that's not quite the same thing.

i've heard sometimes cosplayers get grabbed in more crowded spaces and i've heard horror stories about con after parties, but the only time i've ever personally been groped at a con was by vic mcnogna

>> No.10869617

I'm glad you're looking at Japanese culture through an objective cultural relativistic lens. Ignore the dumbasses with their ethnocentric bigotry.

>> No.10869628

The whole issue is people with autism and similar disorders don't understand social conventions. That's it.

Libtards made it into some "systemic racism" type issue and it makes no sense. There isn't a particular epidemic of predators in cons, just autists who are awkward

>> No.10869658 [DELETED] 

Please understand, he's Indian

>> No.10869662

Oversexualization of conventions was mistaken, and the prudish family friendly policies are mostly justified.

>> No.10869670

I noticed an uptick in people asking for photos before just taking them without permission. But that's all I can comment on.

>> No.10869671
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Were cons really that bad before? seems the whole thing was blown out of proportion

>> No.10869678

Honestly being from a smaller country where the con scene has never attempted to implement rules like this or even awareness campaigns sexual harassment and even just regular harassment is pretty aggressively widespread at cons just because like 80% of the attendees are autist teenagers who think a girl dressed like their waifu is as lacking in agency as the lines on a screen she was inspired by. At the height of kaguya sama hype there were people genuinely chasing Chika cosplayers at breakneck speed every con I went to and I even recall getting solicited by random strangers at cons when I was in middle school to be part of like cosplay kissing booths or whatever.

I'm sure it wouldn't stop an actual molester like anons have said but it seems to at least create an expectation where the stupidest among the crowd can't decide it's okay because it's xD so randum anime con tiem

>> No.10869679

There used to be "glomping" back in the day which was people running around hugging people by surprise
Unfortunatley "glomping" sometimes turned into "groping"
Glomping had pretty much died before these signs came out though

>> No.10869705

Reminding people that what they're thinking about doing is not normal tends to motivate most people to stop.

>> No.10869707

>Chika cosplayers
asking for it

>> No.10869708

glomping was always a girl thing though

>> No.10869778

Some people do like being groped on trains yes.

>> No.10869782

Sign me up

>> No.10869817

yo i cant wait to rape women because some women have a rape fetish

thats what you sound like, ridiculous copium
sexual assault is not about being lonely dumb fuck

>> No.10869828

It's just a cultural difference.

>> No.10869841

>sexual assault is not about being lonely dumb fuck
it's about being horny

>> No.10869842

nah its about being a power play- japan has mostly legalized sex work other than direct penetration (which many workers will do if you slip them extra). If dudes wanted to grope a lady on a train there are even chikan sex places to do that. It's primarily about hating women and wanting to assert dominance over them, and hurt them.
here's the (you) you wanted so badly

>> No.10869844

The anti drug movement never stopped anyone I knew from doing hard drugs.
No fishing license ever stopped my pa from fishing, and those "do not trespass" sign ever stopped him from shooting animals on his neighbors property either.
And when my uncle always burns his ruined tired at nighttime to avoid the police noticing the smoke.

Shit was probably blown out of proportion and only committed by Chris Chan types. Their iq is far too low to comprehend the signs, or understand the unspoken rules about socializing.

>> No.10869849

>it never stopped
that's because the people who do it were going to do it anyways. but the campaigns put it in public knowledge just how bad they are.

>> No.10869852


>> No.10869853

I have never done any drugs, and a large part of that is the knowledge taught to me by drug campaigns about how bad they are for you and how stupid people are for doing them.

Maybe if we had the same campaigns for tattoos people would stop ruining their bodies too.

>> No.10869858

>nah its about being a power play
nah this is a commonly repeated fiction with 0 evidence to back it up, you seem like a foid

>> No.10869861

There was a story some years ago about a mysterious woman train groper in Japan. Allegedly it took a long time for any of the victims to come forward because they secretly enjoyed it.
However, when the groper was eventually caught it turned out to be a man in drag.

>> No.10869862

I'm a woman and I've absolutely been groped on by other women. People act like it's just men doing it but it's not. I think female perpetrated sexual harassment should get more attention.

>> No.10869865

OK so explain why with so many other sexual outlets available they decide to specifically harass women who are minding their business then, if not for the power play and the gratification that comes with it? Idk about myth bro if people can keep their hands to themselves in every situation except one where they don't get caught that seems like they can control their horny pretty fucking well then

>> No.10869876

>Were cons really that bad before?
At a certain point it did become somewhat of an issue. Around the time that anime started becoming more mainstream (I've been going to cons since the 90s) we started getting more normies and troublemakers at cons because it was the thing to do that weekend, not because they were really into anime.
>seems the whole thing was blown out of proportion
Like with most women issues it was. For some people placing your hand on their shoulder or hips is a perfectly friendly thing to do. For others it's a massive violation of their personal space. Any event is also going have bad actors doing much worse things than that.

The signs themselves doing jack to stop the problem from happening. What did help was when con operators started sharing information about individuals that were causing incidents at their cons. That gave us more ammo to take swifter action against bad actors. Also helped us identify ghost volunteers as well.

>> No.10869886

People don't usually see women gropers being as bad, even if they get groped themselves.
Mainly because when women do it it's "just for fun" instead of sexual, often copying what they see in anime
Need to display "anime is not real" signs at cons

>> No.10869895

It did increase the amount of people that are scared to ask for pictures. There were several threads posted on how to ask to take a picture of a cosplayer.

>> No.10869903

>OK so explain why with so many other sexual outlets available
imagine being a woman and believing this.

>> No.10869905

My favorite con moment was someone taking a random unwanted photo of me right next to one of those signs.
I must say though, con staff being more explicit about not tolerating sexual harassment in recent years has made me feel a lot safer to attend. Even if it doesn’t stop the worst degenerates, the public reception around creep shots is so awful you are a social pariah if you’re caught doing it. Strangers have come up to me and informed me that people were taking upskirt photos of me on the stairs, and I appreciate it.

>> No.10869909

It really is about power and violence though. I like to read chikan rape doujins because I like to read rape and violence doujins in general. Someone being forced into a situation where they're helpless and frightened in a way that lets you completely take advantage of them sexually is just really hot. I don't actually do that stuff because I neither hate women nor do I lack a conscience, but if I did, I'd do it. You're not even a sadistic rape fetishist though, so why would you do it?
>inb4 "it's about loneliness"
I find that hard to believe. Would you really grope someone on the train just because of loneliness when you're not even into the sexual harassment aspect? That's just sad, might as well hire a sex worker.

>> No.10869910

like 99% of rape doujins end in mind break and the girl enjoying it.
as someone who does like sadistic rape, its actually really annoying. but the crowd has spoken and people like consentual rape.

>> No.10869912

Ah, you're right. I feel you, I hate that stuff so much. I only like mindbreak when the victim becomes unresponsive or something, but even then that's a bit much. But them suddenly liking it is such a turn-off, I don't get how people are into that.

>> No.10869948

You're so right. In Japan, legalized brothels, sex toy stores, love hotels you can bring chicks to, thousands of doujins, magazines, long form dvds of porn, and all the free resources on the internet aren't enough to relieve the horny. Surely grabbing a 14 year old's ass on the train is the only possible outlet. Fucking dumbass. If you have that little self control just kill yourself right now.

>> No.10869951

>you could just buy some porn dude
>that's totally the same as a real person

>> No.10869959

I'm certain that has stopped absolutely zero actual instances of sexual harassment, molestation, outright rape, etc. that happens during cons, in and off of the con center. However I've also seen a massive uptick in people being outed for these things, which is definitely not related to the "Cosplay is not consent" """movement"""", but rather people feeling more comfortable with calling out predators and abusers. This is both good (in that it legitimately has helped out many actual active threats in the community and put a stop to a lot of touchy-feely behavior with strangers) and bad (in that it has also led to massive amounts of false claims which have utterly butchered friend groups worldwide and caused undesired friction in tons of active con scenes), so it's definitely something of note.

>> No.10869976

i do not believe rape porn is a good source of information on the motivations behind rape in real life.

>> No.10869982

Go to a soapland retard. Fuck off.

>> No.10870003

Not to defend the tismos but you'd expect cosplayers to dress like a character they find endearing and thus act a bit in character. At least to humour fellow fans.

>> No.10870040

You don't believe psychologists who interview and specifically study rapists/assaulters saying it either so wtf do you believe then?

>> No.10870046

>consensually partake
MS/HS girls (which make up the majority of victims) cannot consent to anything involving adults so no. Can you just... not try to justify pedos?

>> No.10870049

"no trespassing" signs are different from the others, in that if you could have reasonably seen them, the consequences are worse. the others you get the consequences regardless of whether you were warned

>> No.10870153
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>> No.10870327

This is the right mindset about these things. It's just mostly innocent awkward dudes getting crucified by roasties that find them undesirable.
To the demented foids: if you want protection from these alleged creeps: get a man, best deterrent there is.

>> No.10870357

Wow! Now this based and I can attest to that.

>> No.10870361

I'm a lesbian, i don't want a man. So fuck off. Stop protecting chrischan weirdos you moid

>> No.10870441

Why is saying no not enough, we literally have to be "taken property" to be taken seriously. A dude only respects another dude. Disgusting.

>> No.10870450

Hmmm.... what about orbiters? Surely you have an orbiter that you use and can job as a "bf"
Ideally it would be this way and I agree completely, it should be enough, but the overwhelming majority of women are pathological liars, and the few women that mean the words they say suffer for this.
It might feel demeaning due to your institutionalized brainwashing but you gotta know that these males that you have already rebuked advances from and persist are majority cowards and the overwhelming majority of them would not try anything if they saw you with another man.

>> No.10870452

Lose weight.

>> No.10870468

Lying about what? Not being interested in you? No one is lying about that, take them at their word. It's why you're still single

>> No.10870491

no, now it just makes men scared to talk to women and the women didn't actually want to not be hit on, they just wanted you to think they didn't want to be hit on. so now theyre not happy either. though the fatties that weren't going to be hit on anyway are happy because the cute ones are just as lonely as they are.

>> No.10870529

>the majority of women are lying about wanting me, I swear!
Mald harder, no "most women" are not pathological liars what are you on about

>> No.10870560

"I don't like the thing so I'm just going to separate the thing from the cultural effects it had"

>> No.10870562

I don't think these signs actually had cultural effects. In fact I'd argue they were simply riding a wave that was already there. The era of glomping and yaoi paddles and all of that inappropriate touching was on the way out long before this became a thing. Most congoers were already sharply against this kind of behavior in 2014, and for the assholes who would grope congoers anyways, they weren't swayed by any of these signs or stickers or so-on.

>> No.10870772

>cannot consent
Consent != Legal consent.

>> No.10870773

are these signs still up in places or has the meme died?

>> No.10870774

>vic mcnogna

I assume based on this that you're joking but just incase.
>big problem of non consensual photography at conventions
I fail to see that that would be a "big problem".
For starters, anytime you go out in public you are effectively consenting to being recorded. As in it's legally allowed.

>> No.10870776

Upskirts are illegal tho

>> No.10870777

Shit you're right.
I just checked the california penal code (since that's where AX is) actually.

To quote:

California Penal Code §647(j)(2)

A person who uses a concealed camcorder, motion picture camera, or photographic camera of any type, to secretly videotape, film, photograph, or record by electronic means, another identifiable person under or through the clothing being worn by that other person, for the purpose of viewing the body of, or the undergarments worn by, that other person, without the consent or knowledge of that other person, with the intent to arouse, appeal to, or gratify the lust, passions, or sexual desires of that person and invade the privacy of that other person, under circumstances in which the other person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. For the purposes of this paragraph, “identifiable” means capable of identification, or capable of being recognized, meaning that someone, including the victim, could identify or recognize the victim. It does not require the victim’s identity to actually be established.

>> No.10870778

It's considered disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor

>> No.10870783

So what about taking a candid video of, for example, a Cammy cosplayer who already has her butt out in public? Is that a crime?

>> No.10870785

no, because she's intending for her ass to be out. same with bikinis, if a girl is wearing a bikini you can take video/pics of that, but if a girl is wearing a skirt with her bikini top, upskirt would be illegal. which is totally fair, people should be able to determine their own privacy.

>> No.10870786

I don't think 674 bans it
See here


>Every person who willfully and lewdly, either:
>1. Exposes his person, or the private parts thereof, in any public place, or in any place where there are present other persons to be offended or annoyed thereby; or,
>2. Procures, counsels, or assists any person so to expose himself or take part in any model artist exhibition, or to make any other exhibition of himself to public view, or the view of any number of persons, such as is offensive to decency, or is adapted to excite to vicious or lewd thoughts or acts,
>is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Might. I'm not a lawyer

>> No.10870788
File: 693 KB, 1072x1389, Screenshot_20230726-104751_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike other people, I think that's the point.

I don't think the idea is that rapists and gropers will suddenly learn the error of their ways. I think the point is that the average person is more aware of it and willing to call it out, and that con security is more aware of it and willing to take the right precautions. Just wrapped up in a social justicey sounding package. There's also a better chance the con you're at has a list of troublemakers and bans them appropriately instead of letting them fuck around for years like it was in the early 00s cons.

I'm also of the belief that a lot of inappropriate touching was done in the dumb weeb glomping/sperg with no boundaries way, and that's gone way way down since this started (for better or worse).

And I say this as someone who didn't really care about it in the first place. I experienced all that without a lot of strong negative feelings towards it (autism maybe).

>I don't think these signs actually had cultural effects. In fact I'd argue they were simply riding a wave that was already there. The era of glomping and yaoi paddles and all of that inappropriate touching was on the way out long before this became a thing.
>Most congoers were already sharply against this kind of behavior in 2014

You have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe normies, but cons were still autist/pervert central until 2015 or so. I definitely got groped/glomped a lot less after this stuff started (but I was a really small, young looking girl at the time and very autistic so I never made a fuss about anything). It was still pretty common up until then, even if it wasn't like the hell of the 00s (which was unbelievable looking back, the stuff we were okay with and just put up with).

Doesn't happen basically at all anymore (but I look more like a woman than a child now, which helps), besides creepshots that only I notice when people are kind enough to warn me.

>> No.10870794


I collect the red ones

>> No.10870802

>Maybe normies, but cons were still autist/pervert central until 2015 or so.
I don't know what cons you were going to where 2015 was the cutoff for this shit, but in early 2012 in the West Coast there were already extremely harsh reactions to people still doing this uninvited. I distinctly remember because a group of friends of mine broke apart because a few of them got accused of unwanted touching which spiraled out of control into a series of accusations of rape and so-on. I was always against the creepers even before all of this happened, and when the signs started showing up at AX, ALA, Fanime, and PMX, there was already an understanding at large to call out creepers. This wasn't some kind of "shift" where 2014 rolled around and suddenly people woke up to this kind of behavior, it was already well-known that assholes were being assholes and to explicitly out them when they got out of control.

If this is some kind of Midwest or East Coast con culture thing where this behavior wasn't already fiercely discouraged by the community at large, then I apologize for being uneducated on how things were at the time for your region, but in the SoCal con community, being a creepy rapist was never regarded as "okay", but definitely as early as 2012 and 2013 was something people would be ousted for. The only reason I severely doubt the efficacy of these signs is because I remember the first time me and my friends saw them was after literal years of broken friendships and bonds over arguments of this exact same topic "finally" showing up when at the time people were being identified by name and face to get them banned permanently from cons in the state, and to this day there is STILL far too much unwanted thirsting and aggressive behavior anywhere that isn't literally the main lobby.

>> No.10870819

>distinctly remember because a group of friends of mine broke apart because a few of them got accused of unwanted touching which spiraled out of control into a series of accusations of rape
>because I remember the first time me and my friends saw them was after literal years of broken friendships and bonds over arguments of this exact same topic
Holy shit why are women so neurotic and batshit insane

Then you wonder why so many men think men and women can't be "just friends"

>> No.10870829

A lot of the predators and groomers you worry about don't actually go after cosplyers like that. They go after the shy, slightly chubby girl that stays to herself. They avoid the cosplayers who show skin as they are confident and will rightfully rip them a new one if a creep tried them.

>> No.10870874

East Coast (more southeast), so it might have been a cultural thing? I've actually never been to the West Coast but it makes sense that the culture there is probably a lot different (especially in Southern California!), so I apologize as well for assuming. In my area, the only people going to cons for a long time were weebs and outcasts. Anime was still something you got bullied for liking. I asked my cos friends and they also said it felt like cons weren't normie friendly here until 2015ish at the earliest. We were still dealing with the average autist outcast weirdo for most of that time. I guess the biggest cons like Dragoncon were different but every other con wasn't.

Sorry about your friend group. That never happened with ours. Most of us have dealt with con groping in some form but, again, we weren't in a position where we felt safe to talk about it for years afterwards. And during that time, it felt like it was just expected to happen (like getting your breasts grabbed as a "joke" like in eechi anime) and never felt like we could make a big deal about it, if that makes sense? Shut in retarded autistic girls (and I guess guys, but we handled any issues with them in private and grew up) and didn't really get it wasn't normal or okay. So in our case it did help a lot with lessening that behavior, especially for young autistic girls who had problems speaking up about it and con security was more proactive about banning "misunderstood" creepers. The typical normie is also called out a lot more often. Again, I'm older now and not as young want clueless looking so I probably don't look like a good target anymore.

I actually never thought about the cultural differences between the US regional con scene like this. Thanks for bringing it up.

>> No.10870875


quantify improve in some way

>> No.10870913

First of all, all is forgiven

Primarily though, it's also one of those things where a place where people gather can completely form its own culture year after year, and beyond that a lot of those cultures grow and shrink over time. Something as sprawling as an anime convention housing tens of thousands of people will always have outliers in the cracks, just as much as "mainstays" may vanish over time and be replaced with new bodies. I'd say honestly the West Coast has always been more on the forefront of the more Lefty/Liberal mindset, which means that we've always been pretty knee-deep in concepts like Rape Culture and the like, and translating those concepts to cons where creepy fuckers are like weeds was just natural. I would similarly say that people on our side of the park had far less problems speaking up about it and ousting people very vocally and loudly (well, as loud and vocal as social media """drama""" counted for), so when these signs came up, there was a lot of "Yeah, no shit." as the mindset.

Again, I'm sorry to make a sharp statement and not preface locales, but that's why some of us (particularly Left Coast/SoCal Con Scene denizens) generally received these signs with a bit of either distaste or just disillusionment. It was made worse when we had high profile cases like Momokun and Vic McNuggets still going around indulging themselves long after this movement was in full swing.

>> No.10871023
File: 57 KB, 850x400, quote-it-is-playing-safe-that-we-create-a-world-of-utmost-insecurity-dag-hammarskjold-12-23-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

safe spaces are unsafe spaces

the person doesn't dress appropriately according to the sign
you have to conclude that the sign is wrong and dismantle it

there was that women who was shot at an university campus that had gun control in place
conservatives argued that it's because of the gun control in place that she couldn't defend herself

there was no danger sign in place that showed a gun forbidden symbol and a figure holding a gun next to it
she wouldn't have entered the campus alone at evening if she would have known that she can't carry a gun but that rulebreakers can wear them

>> No.10871047
File: 3.97 MB, 314x175, table flipped.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never enter such a place as a man alone
with such a biased view any women could turn the tables on me afterward no matter what actually happened

the women in the picture is not safe either since rulebreakers don't care about rules
rulebreakers would look for a way to the turn the tables on someone

in her case someone could assume that the table is already flipped over on some level
it makes her a more attractive target for whatever activity they have in mind

could also be the opposite case with the way she points at the sign and how she is dressed
you can't really look inside someone and guess their intentions
but you can imagine an upside down table

>> No.10873131
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>> No.10873202

>Don't look at me
>Please look at my cosplay
KEK The absolute state of modern women

Stupid whores shouldn't be allowed to vote or have a voice. We don't need your pathetic "consent" to look. You went out in PUBLIC cosplaying as an anime slut. You went to a con cosplaying as an anime slut. You clearly wanted people to see in you that slutty cosplay. I hope a based anon took down that stupid sign. Don't care. Gonna look, & there is nothing you can do to stop us. Don't want us to look? Then don't dress like a whore in public. Simple as.

Feminist cunts tongue my anus

>> No.10873204

Cons are cool if you disregard the cosplay whores, weebs, bronies, & furfags that show up. The real reason I would go to them is to meet VAs, actors, & buy rare memorabilia. When I go to cons, I completely ignore all the cosplay whores.

>> No.10873207
File: 385 KB, 960x1276, CosplayIsNotConsentUpdated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discard any opinion from women, & do the opposite of what they say.

>> No.10873212

Can;t you read? The sign is about unwanted touching, not looking.

>> No.10873306

I know this is bait but I'm gonna bite anyway. They are not saying you're not allowed to look, they are saying that you are not allowed to grope them or take purposeful creep shots of them. Stop purposefully misrepresenting what they are trying to say, it's very dishonest.

>> No.10873618
File: 73 KB, 570x537, 1602484030932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please keep your hands to yourself.
>If you would like to take a picture with or of another NYCC Fan, always ask first and respect that person's right to say no.

>>Don't look at me
>We don't need your pathetic "consent" to look
>You clearly wanted people to see in you that slutty cosplay
>Gonna look
>Don't want us to look?
I'm not sure why, but it seems like every chud on this website is either simply illiterate or otherwise suffering from some other kind of vision-related disability.

>> No.10873654

Wow. Sounds based.

Incredibly based.

>> No.10873655
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yeah didnt read ha.

>> No.10873659

Didn't read

>> No.10873665

We can, will, and are going to punch you in the teeth and keep punching until your throat is a piece of abused pepperoni sticking out the back of what could be charitably described as you neck.

>> No.10873669


>> No.10873674

Try it bitch.

>> No.10873743

actually not kidding, friend and i attended a con as teenagers (little over a decade ago) and got stealth butt squeezed during a meet and greet. we didn't come forward or anything but it was a major kek when all the more recent drama happened.

>> No.10873904

nope. not in the 10+ years of going to cons and seeing near naked thots smiling and taking pics with people (hugging, putting their arms around the girls waists, etc). no announcements or leaflets concerning this 'problem'.

>> No.10873944

I propose a counter movement called "Conventions are Not Consent" for the benefit of individuals such as myself who just want to enjoy going to cons without being involuntarily exposed to the naked bodies of giga-sluts like OP pic.
Whores should gtfo conventions and go find a street corner somewhere to exhibit their wares.

>> No.10873945
File: 3.08 MB, 576x1024, NonnyBlock.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You see a post
>You wonder who could be behind it

>> No.10874002

>finally find a woman who is interested in you and makes you cum
>turns out it's man
Such is life in Japan

>> No.10874016

>if she would have known that she can't carry a gun but that rulebreakers can wear them
Isn't that always the case? Criminals by definition break the rules.

>> No.10874036

>t. OF whore subscriber

>> No.10874198

fuck no, the pretty costhots are gonna get approached regardless and fuck whales, and meanwhile it makes it even less likely that people are willing to approach girls like me who are genuinely lonely and wanna meet new friends

>> No.10874210

So if there was a s9rt of blur filter, or you chopped filming off from to hide face, it'd be totally legal.
Fucking lmaoing

>> No.10874211

Wait I just realized it's even more rarted.
Upskirts are totally legal if they don't have tatoos or some mark or such

>> No.10874282

Real women do not dress like this just because, they want to be ogled and harassed (by Chad of course) they do not wear cammy's cosplay that explicitly shows their entire ass and a bit of their asshole or cosplay as a random gacha slut just because. They are exhibitionists.

>> No.10874283

Looking is fine
Touching is not
Why do moidcels struggle with this concept?

>> No.10874286

Nobody going to be touching your ugly ass, fat bitch I make take a peek if your butthole is showing and post it for my discord buddies tho

>> No.10874288

because men can't handle the idea that women existing in public aren't their property.

>bbut the costumes are lewd!!!

who do you think designed most of these lewd characters? fucking men. but when a woman dresses up as that character suddenly it's simultaneously a crime and permission to harass her?

classic male mental gymnastics at work

>> No.10874339

that's why you should always wear bike shorts under your skirt

>> No.10874445

I like bike shorts.

>> No.10874477

The girl in the pic also used to work as a camgirl
No joke
She then turned into a "feminist" afterwards
No idea what she is currently up to

>> No.10874496

so if you're a former boxer everyone should be allowed to knock you out whenever they feel like it?

>> No.10874547

Not a former boxer, but they could try

>> No.10874614

someone's career or former career has no impact on their rights. the same way you can't punch an off duty boxer or harass ask an off the clock cashier to check you out, camgirls are not exempt from the right to decline photos and touching, and are free to be as feminist as they want in their free time.

also: you're an idiot if you think sex work won't wake you up to feminism. you're dealing with the worst moids alive

>> No.10874659

>also: you're an idiot if you think sex work won't wake you up to feminism. you're dealing with the worst moids alive
Poor girls getting paid six figures from oilers by having to MASTURBATE in their air conditioned bedrooms. Those heckin MOID tradesmen have it so easy. Won't someone think of the internet prostitutes??


>> No.10874687

nta- Average Earnings from OnlyFans is $180/month. They all have jobs or are in school. Try again. Only the very top make actual moola.

>> No.10874710

Yes, 2 million gullible women out there ruining their reputation thinking they'll be the next Belle Delphine

>> No.10874716

Most are Russians or Bulgarians or ehatever. They have no reputation to ruin. Nonhuman scum

>> No.10874915

Then $180 is a lot of money to some slav living in a shithole

>> No.10874916

I mean, an extra 180 per month is decent especially with the cost of living nowadays
As long as it was for just lewd pics (no porn or full nudity) its worth it

>> No.10874923

They just waste it on krokodyl or vodka or brutal oppression. Silly dlavs.

>> No.10874955

This post was likely written by a girl. No, that isnt the problem.

Once again, girls continue to pretend they arent the reason the guys are doing these things when they choose to dress in slutty outfits asking for attention. Were this happening more to modest women or even the lolitas that everyone dreads, I'd be with you on this, but it has less to do with harrassment and more to do with women dressing a certain way.

Even us men received it from girls when we dress suggestive. Just accept it's a you problem.

>> No.10875240
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They don't do it for YOU, chud!

>> No.10875345

The tsun is off the charts!

>> No.10875388 [DELETED] 

No makes you horny for nothing then regret that you got a boner over a made up 4

>> No.10875389 [DELETED] 

>badge that says "dont fucking molest me"
Well that’s a legit sign

>> No.10875390 [DELETED] 

Is ass and feet ok?

>> No.10875391 [DELETED] 

How many do I collect to trade in for sex

>> No.10875392 [DELETED] 

Genghis khan?

>> No.10875393 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 800x1000, 5781A5B1-ADC8-412F-9BAE-2F8598E05F47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge accepted

>> No.10875394 [DELETED] 

Bring it love to see a cosplay fight
Test the mma on the streets

>> No.10875395 [DELETED] 

Why dress like groomers in front of kids

But why do you like showing your ass tho?

>> No.10875396 [DELETED] 

>it's simultaneously a crime and permission to harass her?

Yes they are horny time clothes

But why get mad if I wear something with vulgar language or a lewd playboy type shirt

>> No.10875398 [DELETED] 

>someone's career or former career has no impact on their rights. the same way you can't punch an off duty boxer or harass ask an off the clock cashier to check you out

Actually pro and amateur fighters do get challenged. Crazy thing is even they get beaten or killed in street fights
It’s a big bragging right

>> No.10875399 [DELETED] 


But why pay them just go to a hooker

>> No.10875400 [DELETED] 

Just call her autistic

>> No.10875613


>> No.10875761

>Looking is fine
>Touching is not
makes sense to me.
Well the pedant in my wants to say that maybe you could argue the electromagnetic force is maybe touching. But then did you touch their eyes with you're tits? Did it need to be observed first? If all particles are entangled from a point in the universes past light cone, which came first?
T. Drunkard.
This honestly sounds like a falseflag.

>> No.10875762

>So if there was a s9rt of blur filter, or you chopped filming off from to hide face, it'd be totally legal.
>Wait I just realized it's even more rarted.
Anon who posted penal code.
I remember thinking something like that, But I also think I might have been wrong. Don't really remember I'm drunk RN frankly. Also it's important to note that just because somethings not b& via one law doesn't even it's not via another. Especially if the lawmakers are being sneaky or zionistic. Also legal precedent matters alot. From what I hear judges can say whatever they want largely, but what they WILL say largely depends on previous court decisions from that level of court and higher.

>> No.10875763

Also cops can (illegally) make illegal arrests, and you are still supposed to comply.

>> No.10875764

Also also jury nullification.
Basically if people really hate you you're fucked.

>> No.10875770
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"People of the court I did it. I killed them. They deserved it. Everyone hwre agrees. Jury nullification. Thanks."
Just be likeabke you ugly shmuck

>> No.10875942

I've been attending conventions as a cosplayer since 2001, 2001-6/7 cons where fine, I'd feel safer in a sexy costume at a con than a equally revealing outfit at say a club.

Around 2008 the problem started where cons like Dragon con and other big ones started to get a big influx of casual fans who heard that "Con girls and easy"
And the harassment started to pick up, men slapping your ass as they walked by, a guy asking for a photo and trying to kiss me on the lips or grab my ass. It was honestly a problem. I work the convention circuit professionally from 2009-2015, a lot of times in costume, and it was bad for a bit there. It started calming down in 2013/14 as these guys started to see repercussions ans other creepers made an example of.

I haven't been super active in the con scene since then but I still go to a couple a year and haven't had any issues recently. I also may have just gotten old. The last time I wore a "Sexy" costume was 2019 and I didn't have anyone try anything inappropriate, but also I'm in the Seattle area now, and things where always way worse in the south/east coast.

>> No.10875955

So it was normies who were the problem and not the autismal nerds who keep getting blamed
That makes sense normies ruin everything

>> No.10875980

Unironically this only became an issue once cons became mainstream and normalfagots start comming. The real creeps and molesters are normies because they are just there to party and get laid which means they are more agressive when it comes to sex and flirty. Autismos don't understand or want sex, they are just there to enjoy their hobby and that is it. Normalfags aren't there for the hobby, they want sex and attention so of course they are going to make an issue.

>> No.10876238

This. God I hate both normie men and women since the lot of them are not real fans of the show and just there for their dicks and vaginas. Hell Witch of Mercury is the biggest fake fans since they are not fans of Gundams, not even caring for robots even and just there for their yuri shit pairing.

>> No.10876275

Ex-Con staffer here: Yes.

I was upper management at a mid sized con for a while, and was the person who wrote our harassment policies and made signs/etc. The signage didn't necessarily decrease harrassment with statistical significance, but it DID drastically improve what happened after an incident took place.

Incidents were reported more quickly and more accurately, with more identifying information and more witnesses filing reports independently. That means we were able to find offenders and kick them out reliably, instead of spending all con telling our security teem "Well, there may be a creeper somewhere in this general vicinity, just keep an eye out"

It's less about telling the creeps to not molest people, and more about creating highly visible signage that tells victims & witnesses that we have people and a policy to help them, with a handy link or QR code to make reporting easy and fast.

>> No.10876305

Part of the Witchfags metastasized from Turn A where they'd gush over the trap mc and the various ships. They explicitly hate mecha. Speaking of Witch, there's a bitter lesbian from /cgl/ attending the /a/ threads.

>> No.10876417

lol not around me. I'm not violent at all but guys would have to be retarded to mess with girls next to guys that look like me.

>> No.10876424

>autistic people don't understand or want sex
Tell me you don't understand what autism is without telling me you don't understand what autism is. Not all autistic people are permastuck 12 y/os and often have even weirder and more extreme fetishes than normies statistically. Pair that with not understanding or caring about social cues but wanting to get your dick wet when you see your waifu irl and harassment still happens. A lot of autistic men are incels. Normies aren't the only issue. If they were, con horror stories would just cease to exist before 2010 or whatever year you wanna claim cons were "ruined".

>> No.10876431
File: 322 KB, 1280x1769, tumblr_b11a39c20f55439cc393a08d47a24528_406839c1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who do you think designed most of these lewd characters? fucking men
>but when a woman dresses up as that character...
Kek, nobody put a gun on their heads to dress up like a coomer waifu fantasy created by men for men.
Still, yeah I get it, look but don't touch.

>> No.10876521

>It's less about telling the creeps to not molest people, and more about creating highly visible signage that tells victims & witnesses that we have people and a policy to help them, with a handy link or QR code to make reporting easy and fast.
This ALWAYS comes back to bite you. It increases the power of false accusations, which does happen at a higher rate.

>> No.10876524

>Autismos don't understand or want sex
Yeah, anon, about that...

>> No.10876525
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>> No.10876580

That hasn't been my experience. When we got a report in, we had a staffer watch them or have the line control staff keep an eye on them, and just wait for them to repeat the behavior. Most of the time they do, and then we have staff confirmation of the behavior and kick them out.

I'm not talking about like, full blown rape accusations. That's something for law enforcement. I'm talking about gropers, people taking upskirt photos by the escalators, adult men stalking preteens with minor badges, drunken assholes catcalling outside of the rave, that kind of thing.

>> No.10877017

Chris chan is a individual, he does represent every group he's apart of, and you are stupid for thinking he does.

>> No.10877063

being born with autism comes with 50/50 odds of either being compelled to a wierd fictional fetish or the libido of a sack of bricks

>> No.10877073

>guys that look like me
I, too, would be intimidated by a guy that looks like quasimodo.

>> No.10877701

chris chan isn't autistic

>> No.10877704

when hookers have top notch costumes, let me know

I love this post so much. I am cooming because of this post. Imagine a convention where you have to be prude and on the waiting line you must provide proof that your costume covers you entirely and is not slutty.

oh yesssssssssssssssss.

>> No.10877709

She points to the sign with that smirk as if she's in a position of respect. Girl, if you're dressed like a whore in public, don't expect people to act like you're anything other than that.
It's hard to defend when people go to conventions this much risqué

>> No.10877716

I think it's both, because I'm >>10870874 and I definitely also got harassed many times by awkward nerds but it was usually in the context of kind of weird anime style stuff like oogling and eechi boob groping and glomping (which seemed fine and normal to me at the time, as I was an awkward autismal weeb myself). Flirting and stalking, too, but that was not as common. It definitely got much worse with normies and they were actual molesters and sex pests but don't act like autistic shut in nerd guys were innocent all along.

One incident I remember distinctly was when I went to a con with the 11 year old girl I was babysitting. I was 23 at the time and we ran into a weird autist who I stayed and talked with while watching her look at an artist booth for an anime she liked. The guy says something along the lines of, "you guys are in middle school still right?" And I just panicked and said yes because I was really socially awkward and was put on the spot. We finished our conversation, and we left. I thought he was nice, until he stalked us and tried to corner us later on. I managed to twist away and run to one of the con staffers and he got kicked out (for the day). And this was the mid 00s, back when cons were "still good" and "normie free".

>Autismos don't understand or want sex, they are just there to enjoy their hobby and that is it.
Are you being sarcastic? Horny weird nerds have been a thing at cons since the 80s and they've caused their own problems. I definitely got harassed/molested/propositioned by outcast autist guys (and I've always cosplayed chaste or inoffensive characters due to my religion), and I am not attractive at all, I just looked very young.

I stand by what I said originally: the signs weren't made to stop harassment, they were made to make good people more aware and make people who would do those things more paranoid. And I feel like it worked, in that way.

>> No.10877845


Notice how this wasn't an issue when cons where just autistic neck beards and actual fans of anime. Only when normal fags came in. I wonder why a con focused on anime shifted to focusing on if people are groping each other? It's totally not because of normal fagot men being pigs or normal fagot women using rape to cancel people for clout. It's almost like autistic people don't go to cons to fuck cause they are too autistic ro care about pussy and clout.

>> No.10877850

Oh, you're baiting. Sorry, I thought you were only retarded. Carry on.

>> No.10877852

Conventions are basically just excuses to have orgies and sell sex and it's been this way for a good 10+ years at this point(it's always been a thing even going back to the 80s but it was primarily a very exclusive thing outside of furry conventions which have always been hives of degeneracy). I can not take this movement seriously now that I know just how many hotel rooms fail the black light test after a convention, how many cosplayers are selling themselves and how many drugs are done. It's become such a common thing that many people are open about it on twitter and like to show off their collection of sex toys they've brought and proudly announce how many orgasms they've given.

>> No.10877855

Even if that were true and cons were full of orgies that has nothing to do with unwanted touching on the con floor
Do you not understand consent?

>> No.10877856

Whores who don't even respect themselves don't get to whine about not being respected. This isn't complicated anon.

>> No.10877865

It is because you cant assume with 100% certainty that every sailor moon cosplay will s a whore. You dont get to assault people because of a genralization. If generalizations justified violence you would have been raped and murdered years ago

>> No.10877866

Concession accepted. Too easy and (You) denied.

>> No.10877938

Idk wtf you're talking about but you seem pretty fellatious to be defending predators at cons over people not wanting to be groped. You wanna be groped by big hairy men to sate your fantasies or something? Just be gay already

>> No.10878076

No one will ever love you or find you attractive.

>> No.10878090

that should be a banner

>> No.10878406

I should cossplay as this man at a con and not give a fuck.

>> No.10878410

I'm too autistic to waste my life crying about being lonely. I'm comfortable living my life traveling, collecting plastic garbage, cosplaying and getting laid without being lonely. And if I do, my international friend group helps relieve it. Sorry you don't have friends, fag.

>> No.10879691

>meet single female cosplayer
>goes to cons alone
>is always in half naked cosplays
>gets trashed after every con
>some dude she met at a post-con rave rapes her while she’s blackout drunk
>becomes a shut-in
>starts an onlyfans
No I think just like common sense and safe practices stop problems like this more than that sign ever did, don’t be like that girl basically and you should be good.

>> No.10880136

I remember seeing a video of a woman happily taking her top off for attention, then guys around her groping her breasts, then her getting very upset followed by the same SOBs trying to console her and pretend that they didn't do it.
Not a Japanese webm though.

>> No.10880246

I notice an increase of women groping me (im male).

>> No.10880270

>here is why X happens in Japan

How about you stick to the topic instead of having a mental breakdown about some fictional scenario that crossed your Pavlov-conditioned mind when you read some words?

>> No.10880436

how about you actually read the context regarding the other comments before making a post about how I'm having a kneejerk reaction instead of literally doing the thing you're bitching about. Jesus fucking christ, have some reading comprehension.

>> No.10880447


>> No.10880454

Ok, Ms. Reason, point out where anon stated he wants to rape people instead of merely describing why it happens/why it's "natural" in Japan.
And no, saying "he is CLEARLY implying it" will not cut it, that's exactly where you're wrong and blind to your own woman moment.

>> No.10880550

I think it at least the autistic teens have become aware that spanking people with a wooden plank and tackling them on the ground isn't cute.
Creepers gonna creep but at least teach the more clueless people that boundaries still exist even in an environment such as a cosplay convention.

>> No.10880557

If you're really this retarded please get an evaluation holy shit, I'm not taking the bait anymore after this one but here I'll spoonfeed your autistic ass- I was making fun of anons weeb fantasy logic not calling him a rapist.

>> No.10880561

Ah, okay, so you had no claim and was just venting your frustration because of some words you didn't like. I hope you'll develop healthy ways of doing such in the future.

>> No.10881943

whats her goal?

>> No.10881944

to charge 2.5€ for extreme anal insertions

>> No.10882234

how about a general "dont commit crimes" sign.
It technically conveys the same message but removes the lefty consent double speak.

>> No.10882562

>It is because you cant assume with 100% certainty that every sailor moon cosplay will s a whore.
Ive been going to cons for a long long time. All Sailor Moon cosplayers are whores.

>> No.10882563

ironically, that girl is a camgirl

>> No.10882635

>Stupid comment, useless comment
>Doesn't know what doublespeak is
Average /pol/ tardlet

>> No.10882679


For the vast majority who don’t, it’s an autistic unrealistic 4chan expectation to suggest anyone would on the train

>> No.10882680


a cum brained autist view of the world isn’t objective or useful to take as advice

>> No.10882685

>cum brained

lol I love how that's your first defense. All Sailor cosplayers are whores

>> No.10882686


Because it’s common fuckin sense and you probably hear it often from people for a reason lol. Too autistic of a take to be well adjusted and normal

>> No.10882687

>crying wojak

>> No.10882689

>I am creating art.
More like creating fart.

>> No.10882927


speaking in memes, definitely not socially awkward at all. No sir

>> No.10884405

Why would anyone dress like that if they didn't want sexual attention? What do they except?

>> No.10884409

This but unironically. I know it's victim blaming or whatever but dieing that much skin anywhere is bound to draw attention. Letting anyone get away with plausible deniability was a mistake, you know exactly what you're doing.

>> No.10884410

You do realize that even if you sit on a big pile of gold in public and someone steals it, it's a crime right? Like, the police won't tell you that you should have taken better care of it? They'll just arrest the thieves and prosectute them.

>> No.10884412

nah knowing them theyd probably do both

>> No.10884413

Yeah, okay kid. Go steal Trump's golden toilet and tell the cops he was asking for it.

>> No.10884414

If you don't want people to steal your pile of gold don't show off your gold. You can't wish away assholes.

>> No.10884415

every day i see loads of sexy women and manage not to touch a single one of them without asking. you have a skill issue, and it's called having less self control than a dog.

>> No.10884416

Donald Trump does nothing but show off his wealth. He will never have anything stolen because of the fucking police and security you retard.

>> No.10884417

Are you actually comparing con staff to a billionaire's security detail?

>> No.10884419

Yes. You're welcome to say that good security is all that prevents crime. It's wrong, of course, but it's different from what you said before which was that you should take precautions to avoid crime. And then you noted that in fact billionaires do not take precautions, but rather have the power of the police and money and public opinion to protect their disgusting wealth. I accept your concession. You may leave now.

>> No.10884422

She wants to be slutty without the baggage that comes with being a slut

>> No.10884424

What baggage comes from being a slut?

>> No.10884429

>paying professional shitkickers $300 an hour to watch your back isn't a precaution
I feel like you lost the plot somewhere

>> No.10884434

It is a precaution, but it only works because they have the backing of the police and society you ESL/retard. And it's not even really a precaution. If you could get away with robbing showboating billionaires, everyone would do it.

>> No.10884436

It's almost like prevention and caution works. That aside, the context of space matters. Most billionaire showboating occurs in a controlled environment in front of pre-selected individuals. Cosplaying at a con puts you in elbowing distance of people you will never see again and didn't have to be vetted by your staff.

>> No.10884440

It doesn't though. Without the support of the state precaution wouldn't work. If the average person had the police report bilionaires do, they would be safe too. Do you think that Melania gets raped when she takes naked pics? Fuck no.

>> No.10884443
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>> No.10884453

Not a cosplayer but I can guarantee that this did absolutely nothing to improve conventions. I hate the type of people who think that men can just completely look away from women dressed like this and any man that doesn’t is labeled a weirdo or rapist. Like >>10884443 shared, these types of women take advantage of basic male biology and women clearly presenting in sexual ways as some kind of chance to say “all men are trash” or whatever liberals are saying about men these days. Any women with average iq isn’t going around anywhere looking like this if they know what’s best for them. Men aren’t the only ones looking at these girls in strange (or even sexual) ways, it’s just how human biology works. Nobody deserves to be raped and I’m not going to be the type that says “your asking for it”, but at the same time at least have common knowledge walking around like this.

>> No.10884478

You waste your time in a shitty bait thread on cgl. No one belived you even have online friends or are happy.

>> No.10884479


>> No.10884480

Every man wanting to fuck you and no pne treating you with respect.

>> No.10884484
File: 79 KB, 480x640, P1040191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wear whore's uniforms in a place of maximum autism

I can see why it'd become an issue.
You can't improve conventions because they're fundamentally about concentrating the most sexually frustrated demographic of people outside of India with the most attention hungry demographic off of TikThot.

>> No.10884488

Women and betas have never, do not and never will do shit. Calm down.

>> No.10884551


questions an autist who can’t read rooms would ask

>> No.10884552


Lmao you are the beta though, can’t even handle seeing a woman’s skin

>> No.10884557

You don't understand, men are biologically wired to have zero control around attractive women. That's why we never created society.

>> No.10884560

so does this mean I'm not supposed to just walk around a con an snap photos of cosplayers

>> No.10884572

The f— Japan. Been years since I was a regular in /cal/ before I spent the last 8yrs in /k/.

Anyone got a pic of those badges?

>> No.10884573

Wtf, do they serious hand this shot out?

>> No.10884574

literally just ask first it takes 5 god damn seconds

>> No.10884576

not gonna yell across the room

>> No.10885165

>responds a full month later
I got laid all month to a hot 20yo and went to two cons in the time it took you to respond. Also,
>online friends
I actually go outside, retard. Sorry you can't imagine what it's like not only having connections online where people can't tell how repulsive you are.
Inb4 another loser response that I won't bother replying to. See you next month. Hope your life gets better by then but I know it won't lol.

>> No.10885176

I honestly don't understand what the point of having cosplays like this is.
A bit of skin is fine, but if you're not comfortable with a grown man running around the con in a banana hammock because "THINK OF DA CHILDRUN", you shouldn't be fine with a grown woman dressing like this either, and if she's a kid, that's even more of a problem.

>> No.10885186

>Were cons really that bad before?

No, it's not like anyone was just groping on women in skanky cosplay. The real issue was people "glomping" and being too comfortable with strangers in a con setting. It got worse with fucking normies entering the fray, and as normies and retards do when they enter a community that isn't theres (and didn't gatekeep them) they invented a problem and acted like it was some widespread issue where women were getting raped in bathrooms and their chairs sniffed.

>> No.10885198

If Hollywood celebrities can't legally say crap when their picture is taken at public events and places, whta makes the cosplaying "celebrities" think they can?

>> No.10885201

That girl seems very wasted so good for her she has a friend looking out for her.

>> No.10885275

Womens brains need the dopamine rush of men looking at them, but there are so many blacks and pajeets going now they think they can grab whatever they look at.

>> No.10885349

This. I think its more the 'me too' movement that has changed things. It makes me also worried that I will end up in some retarded 'beware of this person' post and end up getting black listed or something because I accidentally brushed someone or looked at someone the wrong way. Like this shit is usually all hearsay, but because of 'me too' its more likley to be taken seriously. So while yeah it might stop a lot of bad behavior, it might also cause a lot of damage in the process.

>> No.10885353

I've kinda just decided that I'm fine with being someone who looks at people.
I remember that shit from school and it confused the fuck out of me, the idea that I couldn't look at someone, but it's literally the most basic thing humans do and why we dress up and go in costume, to attract glances and let people know we exist. Yeah maybe it's not polite if you're fixated on someone's rack, but even then some of these corset outfits are literally offering the things up like a bowl of jello. It'd be almost impolite to not acknowledge them.

Plus, I can't imagine you getting blacklisted for that, because it's such a weird complaint to make to other people.
>Oh hey I caught this guy LOOKING AT ME! I felt so unsafe!
>....No he didn't touch me....or talk to me....he did walk in my general direction though! And I'm pretty sure he was looking at my tits!
>....Fuck yeah I'm sure. My tits are great! Of course he was looking at them!
It's just weird. I don't think people are like that as a whole.

>> No.10885356

The looking at people thing was a bit of an extreme example to make, but I mostly just meant that I've seen posts calling people out for pretty minor things. They aren't always taken seriously, but it still worrisome to know that someone can try and possibly succeed at ruining your reputation for nothing.

>> No.10885364

>legalized brothels

>> No.10885366

To add a little bit of levity to this and to give you more confidence, there are definitely a plurality of people who take casual accusations of being a creep with a bucketful of salt. I've had plenty of my closest friends being accused of all manner of heinous shit over the years, as well as many of my distant friends being accused of things I would consider minor (things like literally just talking to a minor in a nonsexual way, trying to push past someone and tapping them being referred to as "unwanted touching", etc.). Even where I normally just say "Wow that's bad" and pretend I'll care, loads of others are really starting to lose their patience for this and explicitly say "That really doesn't seem like a problem" or things to that effect.

I'm starting to think the presence of actual date rapists, people literally hiding cameras in peoples' houses, motherfucking actual arson and murder because of stalking, so-on and so-forth, the bar has been raised such that minor infractions are pretty much exclusively considered serious business to the Tumblr exodite crowd and nobody else. The types who might think that literally 100% of social encounters are just men trying to find clever and expectation-defying methods of committing several tiers of rape are the only ones you might offend with basic interactions, and those types are the kind to lose all of their friends as they infuriate everybody around them.

>> No.10885367

Well, it's not so extreme, because you're right that there are people, mostly young women, who'll accuse you of "creeping" because you're looking at them.
I think what you overestimate is how much clout everyone else has, I suppose, especially when you're talking about the really populated cons and faires. You're just one guy in a sea of other people, and half the time they're not even going to recognize you after you come back in a new cosplay.

>> No.10885369

I agree with you. The only problem though is this
>the bar has been raised such that minor infractions are pretty much exclusively considered serious business to the Tumblr exodite crowd and nobody else.
anime/nerdy cultures have been appropriated by these people and they seem (to me at least, I could be wrong) to encompassed the majority or at least the loud minority of the fandom now.

But this is mostly just my thinking, and whenever I do vocalize these thoughts to people I get similar responses like yours. So maybe it really is just vocal minority that make themselves seem bigger than they actually are, and most people are sensible enough to ignore them.

>> No.10885451
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Different designs every year it seems

>> No.10885452
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>> No.10885472

Whoa Japan...bad? But le pol told le ethnostate is le gud? How dis b?

>> No.10885671

Oddly, I attended cons since 2001, primarily in Texas with a few in Oklahoma. I actually would go around and take pictures of women in cosplay, and the more true to character it looked, the better. Cammy cosplays really weren't much on the scene til around 2003-2004, and the cons started posted rules.. not on the photographers, but on the cosplayers. You could not wear anything that exposed the butt cheeks (no thongs), nor massive cleavage. It worked out well here.

>> No.10885677

People don't know you're looking at them if you're wearing a visor.

>> No.10886030

sorry you got molested during your childhood femanon that must have sucked

>> No.10886042


>> No.10886264

The main problem (for cosplayers who didn’t have tits out) was grabbing of cosplays/props/general touching. This, as you can imagine, led to broken props or in some cases, torn cosplays. It was also normally the idiots without hygiene doing this shit, getting into your personal space.

There’s been markedly less of that since this started. I don’t think I’ve had anything broken or ruined in a few years that wasn’t me being a dumbass or making it badly.

>> No.10886330

I went to prison for years because I had sex with a cosplayer but since cosplayers can't consent I was charged for statutory rape

>> No.10886412

Hello Darlik

>> No.10886424
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>> No.10886455

>rape apologia
I'm gonna file that in the cringe category

>> No.10888052

That's because Japan isn't full of n*****s.
t. American for 3 years

>> No.10888055

Why did your post just grope me nipfag?

>> No.10888080

I cherish this post, as I have similar experiences with groping and licking. Gross. For years I was a super well regarded cosplayer working for a boutique butcher shop in the Lower East Side, I won't reveal the owner's name but the shop was called Rothmans, and he/they was of a different (but similar) surname. So, for about a month Mr. Rothman paid me a generous salary and was kind enough to on occasion ask if I wanted to take home various marbled steaks and filets he was throwing out, and because the shop was certified ultra-tikkun-kosher (which is the most difficult kosher cert, not to be graphic, esp for vegans,l and I am one of you now, but this entails a literal 5' blade blessed or approved by an elder religious leader in a different country. LES butchers are nothing if not by the book, and while it sounds strange if you were born outside or are lesser educated, it is fascinating seeing all the photos dating back decades. What I was making salary for thrilled my bf/f at first, it was actually adjacent to a fetish they had. I was cosplaying as the shop's hummus steak character, she went by Lucy Humgood, and I always carry a butterfly knife, I know the city streets well, but what I did not expect were the canines attack licking me, even trying to fuck my leg, my best leg, you know. There were two instances I won't share here that proved more humiliating, until I wrote an ebook about it which allowed me to find mental health experts who I've been with ever since. It's not just the incels people, it's a cross species issue, one too many are embarrassed to bring up, and it's getting worse each year. Imho the canines' owners often train them to lick and hump us so they can live vicariously. And then there's the shame of hand cleaning the canines' fluids as we are being stared at by a dark furred feline that wants me to play with its spinning top toy, I forget what they're called.

>> No.10888084

what the fuck?

>> No.10888158

God I don't miss that.

>> No.10888161

no, it just made males more vilified instead

the more males are vilified, the more incels will appear, because men will be seen as dangerous in general

within incels you will indeed have the dangerous incels, and the whole thing will get even worse

>> No.10888174

>the more males are vilified, the more incels will appear
incels don't care about the treatment of males, they just want to get their dicks wet and blame every possible party for their lack of pussy. anything else is disingenuous coping. incels pretend that they're brothers in arms but would gladly betray anyone to be chad. incels don't need to be or feel vilified to become incels and dangerous incels would still be dangerous in other instances if they didn't become incels.

>> No.10888308

if anything it just makes me want to harass females even more.

>> No.10888312

100% right on point

>> No.10888313

Jajaja best comment here
You won it !

>> No.10888314


>> No.10888315

Possible using pronouns, have blue hair, Don't know her gender, vote Democrat , drinking lattes at Starbuck and blaming white men for her miserable cunt life

>> No.10888317

>plebbit chud
>seething incel

>> No.10888318

>when you overdose on coomer

>> No.10888329

Lmao at all of these weaboo newfags who are triggered that their view of Japan as this perfect utopia might not be accurate.
Public sexuality is ingrained in Japanese culture. Adults regularly had sex in bathhouses, even in front of children. It is a large part of the reason Japanese custom is to wash BEFORE getting in the bath.
This anon might have exagerated it, but he is not wrong. If you go on the real trains (not the touristy kind) after business hours you will see people discretely but publicly touching eachother.
There is a reason that such scenarios are so commom in Japanese pornography.

>> No.10888341

Or, hear me out- maybe people are dogpiling that comment because it sounds like someone describing their weaboo understanding of japan because they desperately want it to be true and trying to paint it as a perfectly consensual and awesome thing that the grade schoolers actually want?? Are you brain damaged?

>> No.10888718
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>> No.10889641

>fat tranny memes

>> No.10890050

you're a coomer faggot and nothing you said is correct.

>> No.10890056

There are more incels appearing exactly because of that. A guy who is, so to say, out for blood wont give a fuck anyway. A guy who is just a normal person gets uncomfortable knowing the CREEP stigma could be imposed on him at any time and everywhere is a high alert zone where any view, word or movement could be your last regardless of your intentions. So those men simply stay away because they cant be bothered to risk being falsely accused around oversexualized females.
Its basically seperating the predators from the regulars but the other way round its intended.

>> No.10890060

Incels only become incels because their mindset predisposes them to. They choose to believe things that they're predisposed to want to believe. Their minds are made up beforehand and they blindly accept anything that falls in line with the narrative they have in their head. Most people are like that, incels aren't different. Tons of incels don't look or act like creeps but have it in their head that they are and tons of gross creeps don't think they are and will die on that hill. Being an incel is about mindset more than anything and has no relation to reality.

>> No.10890072

this is spitting
if you think every woman is constantly out to get you with false accusations and thinks youre a creep youre either shadowboxing or need to think about why u give off those vibes, usually people who think that are super defensive and end up resenting all women bc of the ones they make up in their head. Touch grass and have sex.

>> No.10890073

What he said is that they're lying about being in a relationship, not "wanting" you foid. Woman up and just call the guy a creepy incel and say it to his face you don't want him instead of pussyfooting. Of course, saying you have a bf is highly beneficial because a woman's greatest weapon is her pussy and her second greatest, her silver tongue.

>> No.10890092

as a woman when i see random men in public or at a convention i don't think about them at all, let alone think they're creepy. i'm busy thinking about what i'm doing.

this is true of most women, femcels notwithstanding. if you're not touching her, following her long distances, or offering an open container drink, she probably doesn't think you're a creep, and if she doesn't want to talk to you, it probably has more to do with being busy than anything you personally did.

incels have both an inflated sense of entitlement and no real self esteem, so they get trapped in a cycle of assuming any time a woman doesn't want to talk to them or fuck them it's because of some physical standard all women allegedly have that they don't meet (because, you know, if you blame appearance instead of attitude you don't have to take responsibility for fixing it), and it's all womens fault for having that standard. in reality, it's usually more about her than you. maybe she's not into men. maybe she's not interested in meeting new people right now. maybe she's only interested in making friends. maybe she's busy doing something else and doesn't have time. and yeah, maybe the guy doesn't suit her personal tastes: but if the incel spent less time sulking and more time talking to different women, he'd figure out that statistically any given con probably has at least a few woman present who would be interested in him.

it's all a self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.10890104
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My take on that whole movement is like >>10888161 but IMO it created volcels instead. Basically if you came of age in the early 2010's like I did and had any social anxiety, all the constant spam about how all men were evil rapists would easily get to your head, which resulted in a lot of men who basically never approach any women at all because they think every interaction with women is assault. The current soiboi archetype is a direct result of this movement; the end result of men who were taught that all their actions are evil are these weakened men whose entire lives are DoorDash-ing all their food/onions and spending all of their free time on their Nintendo Switch because they're so scared of "raping" someone by talking to them. I know because I used to be one of these men until I started realizing how often girls approached me at cons and I'd just shut the conversation down instantly because I didn't want to "rape" anyone, it's why I didn't start dating until I've already finished college and entered the workforce. Worst part is that several of my buddies are still stuck with this mindset since they're also socially anxious like me, and it's really hard to get them off of it.

This is of course a very selfish take that only takes into account how I felt and not how rape/molestation victims felt about it.

>> No.10890109

>men can put on shitty onlyfans clothes and be paraded as confident and cute
>women doing the same thing can't get any compliments cause men sound like they're hitting on them

The culture is bad but an amab I abuse it regardless.

>> No.10890139

Why cant i get pussy
Let me breed
Let me breed
Let me breed every waifu with her tits hanging out

>> No.10890156

Ngl Anon but that just sounds more like ocd than anything(which its common for people with ocd to have extreme anxiety because of their thoughts) if you have intrusive accusatory thoughts of you being a rapist if you talk to women but maybe that's just me projecting.

I don't think it has much to do with a cultural shift at all and so many people just get in their head that they're in the wrong for existing in the same space as a woman for even a slight amount of social awareness about sexual assault. That doesn't sound like a cultural shift it sounds like mental illness if you can't tell the difference between talking to someone and harassing them. Edge cases on the internet does not reality make. I've never been accused of that shit and I'm fugly.

>> No.10890170

Interesting thread. i've been back and forth in the incel line throughout my life.

>high school
>somehow be popular with girls
>had highschool sweetheart, lost virginity to her, etc
>break up around college
>still get with some female friends
>get fat
>12 year dry spell with women
>get fit again
>had a couple of flings with two women
>get fat again
>6 year dry spell currently

for reference i'm 41 years old. But slowly getting fit again.

>> No.10890173

We don't lock our doors to keep our honest people, we lock them to keep out dishonest people.
What you feel is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, because you're not the crowd to care about consent.
back to the analogy, I still lock doors even though you might not want to steal from me. There are others who will.

>> No.10890203

>There is a reason that such scenarios are so commom in Japanese pornography.
This part is so funny because it implies there's also a reason Western porn is full of stepsisters stuck in washing machines as though porn scenarios reflect those things happening often in reality instead of being a commonly fantasized about *taboo*.

>> No.10890435
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It's odd, because in my "I don't give a fuck about how fat I am" phase, I got more pussy than any of my fitness phases.
>HS, track and field incel who hated himself for not being able to approach women despite being more fit than any point in my life
>Early college, put on a ton of weight from virginal depression, built some kind of bizarre "It is what it is" confidence in me that resulted in tons of attention from ladyfriends
>Late college pre-Uni, most of those ladyfriends at this point have been pretty openly flirting with me despite me being over 230lbs, and while I flirted back, I didn't really think much of it other than "haha nice compliment to my cute friends"
>Finally graduate, getting ready to transfer to Uni but wanted to take a year-long break
>Literally one after another got routine invitations to their houses, which would turn into idle chatter, eventually I'd ask where their bf was, they'd say "Oh we broke up", take the plunge, have sex with them, and go home
>Uni starts, I've been exercising more because I've been fucking more, and as such I always wind up exhausted at work, which just wasn't a good balance at the time
>Suddenly starting to get some definition, post lots of selfies on Facebook and the like
>Inexplicably, all of the girls I was rawdogging for a year aren't returning my messages, they don't talk to me beyond small talk checkups, etc.
>Literally cannot process why I'm not getting more attention when I'm objectively (at least as far as I'm convinced) sexier
>Go back into depression mode, stop exercising, eat a lot more, shut down, return to my "It is what it is" phase
>Process repeats in Uni, lots of idle "Haha I'm being flirty but nobody really likes me" back and forths which lead to actual attention which leads to flings built around this fake confidence, etc.
Exercise actually fucked me up brutally. I've never been a bigger incel than when I was fit.

>> No.10890451

confidence is everything. girls 18-22 may fixate on looks, but outside of college a lot of women would rather have a mid or even chubby but confident/emotionally secure guy than a fit but obviously insecure guy.

it's probably because confident mid guys are usually kind of nonthreatening and approachable. insecure fitness guys always give me "this guy is going to wind up on the news someday for snapping" vibes.

>> No.10890506

that's not even what the saying is you idiot.

>> No.10890657

Stepsisters/stepmoms are common in western porn because it's a believable way for there to be an existing relationship between two non-blood related characters of the opposite sex who are not in high school (i.e. they have to be around each other for extended periods of time). Stumped on the washing machine thing but I have been told that sitting on one feels good.

>> No.10890659

>so many people just get in their head that they're in the wrong for existing in the same space as a woman for even a slight amount of social awareness about sexual assault.
It's more of a "why risk it?" I know I'm not doing anything wrong, but if someone starts crying that I made her uncomfortable is anyone actually going to care to listen to my side of the story? Of course not. The logical conclusion is just don't interact with women in a non-professional context, kind of a gender-flipped version of the old poisoned skittles argument.

>> No.10890675

the thing about this is that the logic you're suggesting is nuts. the percentage of women who do stuff like this is actually low, the stories just stick out more. think of it this way, anyone just walking down the street can call the police and accuse you of assaulting them or something and get you arrested, but most people don't do that. even most women at cons don't make accusations, it's just that usually the accused makes a huge fuss online so people are more aware of the situation. and 9 times out of 10 those men weren't simply minding their own business and were actually being creepy. honey traps are pretty rare, and women who are uncomfortable with literally everything tend to be too quiet and reserved to actually call anyone out or report to staff.

>> No.10890698

41 year old man on a SFW cosplay/lolita forum? if this isnt bait, then maybe you dont get pussy because youre a loser

>> No.10890728

I know it's uncommon, like I said this is just a gender-flipped version of the "if only 10% of the M&Ms in a bowl are poisoned, would you still eat some?" Maybe it's irrational but if i don't interact than I can't be misinterpreted.

>> No.10890731

Sounds like a kind of lonely way to live then. Definitely not women's fault like so many other guys like to suggest, as though them being incels when they think in this manner is inherently women's fault. You're entitled to live as you want to but i dont even know what youre talking about referring to this m&m shit lmao

>> No.10890753

>"if only 10% of the M&Ms in a bowl are poisoned, would you still eat some?"
no it's not, it's like saying all m&ms could possibly be poisoned so you don't buy them.

>> No.10890929

But also, we (women) can FEEL insecurity dripping off of you. Every fit but insecure guy is going to be red flag "might beat me one day cause I said I don't like oats" city, but your "it is what it is" attitude came off as you not caring if you get laid or not. That's what women want, cause if we can't trust you just be a normal bloke, we don't trust you not be weird.

So it's less your fitness making you unattractive, but the it is what it is attitude making women feel at ease with you and letting your personality shine through. Sending women thirst traps reeks as tryhard, and if a guy I was previous good with started coming off as tryhard, I'd be turned off. PUA and incel stuff is lying to you, dude. Most women just want a guy who's chill and fun to hang out with. Like
>>10890451 said, we're looking for friends we can trust and enjoy our time with. I don't really care if a guy is nonthreatening or not, I like confidence no matter how they look, but insecure/tryhard is a huge red flag. At least you learned but sorry you had to go through the ringer before realizing incels have no idea what women like.

>> No.10890930

This is the same logic. You're just giving an example that moves from certainty to possibility, but is effectively the same. If a product has a declared possibility of being poisoned, you don't consume that product, you get something else OR you test the product for poison every time to make sure.

>> No.10890946

youre all retarded for comparing women to food and products to consume like bro just talk to her and if shes psycho disengage- it's really not hard, every dude who is too desperate just ignores glaring red flags because the prospect of pussy breaks their brain so much they cant recognize the existence of a shit personality anymore

>> No.10891042

I think might be missing the point. It would be more like if a former boxer went on an anti-punching campaign after having a string of losses.

>> No.10891110

>youre all retarded for comparing women to food and products to consume
no one is doing that, dumbass, it's not a direct comparison it's a shitty risk to reward ratio comparison. my point was that anon saying that there is implied risk in talking to women is wrong. and that the risk to reward ratio in speaking to women isn't based on some stereotype. i'm a woman anyway.

>> No.10891122

I don't know but it let me know that either
A) Cons are full of rapists
B) Cons are full of cringe SJWs, or
C) More probably, both

So it kept me from ever wanting to attend any cons of any sort, ren faires, even getting into HEMA type stuff.
So overall it was a positive thing because by just ignoring and starving a few of my interests I seemingly ignored a lot of mentally ill people and their "communities".
So thank you women who want to advertise that you think men want to molest you, thank you for showing me the way.

>> No.10891129

well, first of all, we all know you're a man, because only a moid would be delusional enough to think false accusations are a big enough threat to justify resenting women instead of talking to them. if you really are a woman, your pickme brainrot is terminal, and i feel sorry for you.

considering there can be actual evidence of rape and a massive amount of people will still accuse the victim of lying i have a hard time believing these alleged false accusations you seem to think are happening left and right are going to yield any meaningful risk to men.

if anything the "risk to reward" ratio for false accusations makes no sense. the best case scenario for the accuser is some guy MAYBE being kicked from the con, and even then that doesn't usually happen unless there's a history of repeated, similar reports.

meanwhile the more likely scenario for the accuser is almost no one buying their story, their reputation being ruined instead for making the accusation at all, possibly even a lawsuit or retaliatory violence.

think of how many legitimate, substantiated claims it took for vic or any other well known sex pest to be banned from major conventions. now what makes you think one unsubstantiated false claim is going to do anything.

it's all incel delusion designed to make pathetic men feel better about being too socially inept to speak to a woman in a literal social gathering

>> No.10891133

anon can you read? i said i was the one disagreeing with the incel logic. i was saying that there the isn't implied risk when talking to women. and the reason i used the analogy about m&ms that the incel anon was using was to demonstrate the way it actually plays out. i feel like you're not actually reading what you're replying to.

>> No.10891137

>well, first of all, we all know you're a man, because only a moid would be delusional enough to think false accusations are a big enough threat to justify resenting women instead of talking to them.
NTA, but they're the one arguing against the incel. They're just telling you that the analogy you're complaining about wasn't literal. They even say in the post you're responding to that the point that the incel's analogy made isn't logical. Try not being so reactive.

>> No.10891142

i dont talk to women but when i do they always tell me to go away???

>> No.10891147

I'm almost 80% sure that anon's trolling why you're all falling for it lol

>> No.10891163

i think they're just fucking stupid.

>> No.10891179

we're agreeing so why the fuck are you only responding to the first sentence retard, I'm saying even in the .1% case a woman is a psycho there's zero negative consequence for immediately walking away and that people who don't are desperate so I don't give a fuck. >"waaah but what if she accuses me of rape!!1!!!"
congrats literally fuck all happens, your social circle shuns you? You probably don't even have one other than 4chan kek

>> No.10891180

I fucked up my greentext and want to die now

>> No.10891229

I've been to japan several times, can confirm that this is the case and it is not all that rare.

>> No.10891284

I miss glomping

>> No.10891292

Ahh yes, it's not like the accuser can make your life a living hell by trying to take over discord groups to boot you, get their friends to try to fight you, try to destroy your social group/take it over, etc. now you can naturally retaliate and if the opps are as stupid and hypocritical as wokists generally are you can definitely stab them in the neck over this.

Oh and also enjoy this tl;Dr

>> No.10891295


>think of how many legitimate, substantiated claims it took for vic or any other well known sex pest to be banned from major conventions.

You are changing your argument. The topic was rape accusations. Not the very vague and weasel word term sex pest which is being weaponized as a term for SJW purposes.

>now what makes you think one unsubstantiated false claim is going to do anything.

Given you did the motte and bailey logical fallacy just fucking here.

>congrats literally fuck all happens, your social circle shuns you?

LMAO "other than the explicit major purpose which #metoo provides, social opporibium, something women by definition are more willing to do and slanted towards, for whatever reason.

>You probably don't even have one other than 4chan kek

"Oh yea this can be used as a weapon to target people but you don't have anything worth stealing so it's ok"

Once again, admitting there is a functional strategy females can use (after all women are adult human females right) but saying it doesn't matter.

Women's suffrage was a mistake.

>> No.10891334

>reddit spacing
Didn't read kek

>> No.10891415

That guy is definitely over correcting for some past and/or present behaviour.

>> No.10891508

Take ur meds

>> No.10891527

it totally was blown out of proportion by attention seeking whores

>> No.10891547

Back then, it was just nerds who came together. In fact, it was the women who were more promiscious and touchy than the men. But the men didn't mind cause it meant getting some pussy. This is the foundation of the star trek, star wars, and ever nerd convention up until it all became mainstream. Once the normies got in, everything changed. All the politics and shitty culture of high school invaded, and now if you're not part of the clique, you're not allowed to touch anyone or else you're labaled a creep or harrasser or whatever they come up with.

No class these days in the people at these events.

>> No.10891553

it wasn't normies or whores that caused this. it's the annoying gender special tumblr sjw snowflakes. they also brought stupid political shit normies don't care about into cons. and, lot of onlyfans girls are actually snowflakes, they just feel safe behind the screen. the actual slutty cosplayers don't care about attention from creeps because they like all attention. cons used to have booth babes and sexy cosplay all the time. normies are ruining the fanservice part with their annoying kids, but sjws ruined the culture.

>> No.10891554

ironic how sex workers ended up ruining fanservice

>> No.10891620

>it wasn't normies or whores that caused this.
>it's the annoying gender special tumblr sjw snowflakes.
So normal faggots and whores.
>but normies don't care about X!
Yes they fucking do which is why this shit infested con.

>> No.10892164

>basic paragraph organization is.. le bad

>> No.10892261

I was actually at that con with here there. She was with the whole crew from Kill la Kill in those outfits, both guys and girls. They were a fun group, real nice to everyone who asked for pics. Sadly I lost my pics from everything pre-2018 in my changing of computers.

Also, lol at all the turds who are upset by this sign. I mean, no shit you shouldn't go grabbing random people regardless of how they're dressed. If you're one of the chodes upset by this sign, it's most likely you were one of those creepers this sign is warning against.

>> No.10892368

I just hate being told to do something I would have done anyways, or not to do something I wouldn't
I wouldn't make it in the married life

>> No.10892491

I offense but that's literally a child's mindset. This is something a child would think with regard to cleaning up their room. It's an embarrassingly immature mindset, anon.

>> No.10892521

yeah no shit?
where do you think we are?

>> No.10892709

That's actually not that uncommon especially in autistic people because it's a strong response to feeling like your own agency is taken away from you, funnily enough.

>> No.10892980

Whats her cam name?

>> No.10893024

yes. in the late 90s, early 00s (at least on the NA east coast) there was a lot of groping problems, I was there, it was really bad. hotel Rooms full of men (ages 19 to 25) would openly plot "hit lists" of girls they wanted to somehow make lewd photos of. they would openly discuss strategy to trip, push or outright rip their clothes off. They would brag about groping like it was deer hunting. I know youre going to think this is an exaggeration. it was not. These were undiagnosed autistic men who used movies and anime as their measure of "normalcy" Go watch American pie and apply the same horny logic to 90s weebs. This is the era that invented "for the lols" and "epeen" Chris Chan was born in this era.

now everything is hover hands, everyone is hyper aware of upskirt douches and nip slips are almost non existant due to better tape/better construction materials (that did not exist 20 years ago) Those rooms of men are now discords, where shit can used as evidence.

>> No.10893025

you and i know that these are two completely different types of cons that services two different demographics and generations. Sure they overlap. but one existed 30 years before the other one

>> No.10893484

I wish to add that that this movement has caused a lot of power to be in female's hands too. They can touch whoever they want, they can grope you, they can rub your ass, they can do all the stuff they claimed men were doing. And what is more aggravating than that is that they do a lot of teasing and taunting between each other, especially if one of them is crossdressing. Just attention seeking behavior going

>look what I can do. I can touch this girl's breasts and kiss her and you men cant ha!

>> No.10893650
File: 79 KB, 750x823, media_F_-rN4rXwAAWWOi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being creepy
Being creepy is not a crime. I'm not endorsing any behaviour, but the reality is that people are abusing the definition of assault to ban things they don't like but that don't actually cause harm. Eventually, six year olds will get quarantined for spreading cuties. Worse has already occurred. Several minors have gotten sex offender registry entries for kissing classmates.

Women are competing with other women to be offensive at ever more innocuous actions in order to impress other women. This creeping behaviour will be consequential.

>> No.10893660

North American east coast?
I was there.
Junior high may have been junior high, but nothing like what you're talking about.
Go jew somewhere else.

>> No.10893994

>consent = rape

>> No.10893996

So the "just be confident" meme is legit? Too bad anything I do to meet people feels like tryhard shit.

>> No.10895474

Convention centers have a lot of pedophilia issues, they've allowed actual sex offenders like Bram Kleiman who straight up took photos of peoples 8 year old daughters, being parents, they thought it was the cosplay, but instead, he talked about masturbating to them instead. Anime expo took a while to respond. I remember being underaged and a 26 year old man was stalking my friend, who was 13 at the time, at the con and went as far as going to her middle school play. He got arrested, but Im not sure if he's blacklisted from cons.

>> No.10895475

I do think that there should be stricter regulations with minors and adults. I remember being 14 and cosplaying as Hermione from harry potter and a man who was 28-30 hugged me when he asked for a photo. I had really bad social anxiety at the time and it was my first con ever, so I was a bit spooked. After that, I made sure to go with others, but I do think the culture was a bit worse before.