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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10868440 No.10868440 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>10862733

>> No.10868441 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10868442
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>> No.10868443
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>> No.10868444
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>> No.10868445
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>> No.10868446
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>> No.10868447
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>> No.10868448
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>> No.10868454

not this ugly fuck again

>> No.10868456 [DELETED] 

Itsvanillabear is not ugly you jealous femcel.

>> No.10868458
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>> No.10868467

Amazon-can finally buys a 'real' lolita dress and of course it's fuckin' Diamond Honey.

>> No.10868468

is this a troon?

>> No.10868469

boy ain't nobody jealous of that horse faced sissy coord kek

>> No.10868475

ok vendetta chans

>> No.10868476

vendetta where? one's some cheap looking taobao cosplay shit and one's an ugly moid with a ratty wig, no blouse, and cheap normie accessories and socks.

>> No.10868479

it's always the same one or two troons defending that ugly moid with their lives in this thread and lacking a second X chromosome because that's the most "impressive" coomer coord troons can come up with KEK

>> No.10868480

It's just bait WKing all the troons getting posted.

>> No.10868483

her coord is okay she’s just a landwhale

>> No.10868485
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>> No.10868487
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>> No.10868489
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>> No.10868490

that haircut and bursting out of your dress is an ita offense. Other than that the coord, for as far as we can see it in that picture, is mediocre at best.
That bag doesn't go with anything. The wrist cuffs are terribly made, the blouse looks like it's made out of tissue paper. The only halfway decent thing I can see is the dress, and it has wonky bows.

>> No.10868491
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>> No.10868493

was this even called a lolita meetup? There isn't a decent coord among them. That's impressive actually.

>> No.10868494

i hate fatties too but let’s be real here, the bag is the most glaring offense and everything else about this coord would look fine on a skinny girl

>> No.10868495

A scratchy tissue paper blouse, cheap handmade wristcuffs, low quality jsk with ugly lace, mismatched hot pink normie bag, plain white tights, and zero effort into makeup and hairstyling looks okay to you?

>> No.10868496

this is cute aside from the trashy tattoos.

>> No.10868498
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>> No.10868499

The cutsew looks really awkward imo. Almost normie.

>> No.10868500
File: 406 KB, 1310x1310, IMG_2034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted with #lolitafashion #eglfashion lol

>> No.10868501

I think this has potential. She should wear some bloomers to cover up the bruises and tattoos on her legs. I like the cutsew and skirt combo, the socks, wrist cuffs and shoes are fine too. I know some people hate all tattoos with lolita fashion, I don't mind the ones on her arms. The weirdest things about this picture are the leg tats, her expression and stance.

>> No.10868502

it's btssb and no it doesn't. you're either self posting for attention or a retarded larper.

>> No.10868504

it's a really casual cutsew. I think it fits with the rest of the coord.

>> No.10868505

I’m not familiar with sweet to any degree. My bad.

>> No.10868506
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>> No.10868508
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>> No.10868510
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what is it with fatty-chans and wrinkly dresses?

>> No.10868511

This is super cute. What's her @?

>> No.10868514

judging by the outfit she's a beginner. So that's probably why.

>> No.10868517

sorry you got posted

>> No.10868518

I'm just saying the dress being wrinkled probably has nothing to do with her being fat, but rather with her being a beginner. It's quite common for beginners to take pictures of clothes they just got out of the packaging without ironing/steaming first.

>> No.10868521

she posted it as an actual coord, intending to go shopping. it wasn’t the first coord she’d posted either

>> No.10868528

this is a pretty decent attempt of trying to evenly distribute the pink and brown through the rest of the coord imo, nothing horrendous here

>> No.10868529
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this is tagged as old school lolita KEK

>> No.10868530
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death penalty

>> No.10868532
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tiktok makes me want to kill myself

>> No.10868534
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mini dump over

>> No.10868536

I'm not saying it's her first coord, I'm saying that strikes me as beginner behavior. I've never understood why people think it's a good idea to take pictures or go out in wrinkled dresses either way.

>> No.10868537
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Same nonnie

>> No.10868538

ftms are so repulsive

>> No.10868539
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reddit is too easy

>> No.10868543
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>> No.10868546

her legs are going to be amputated above the knee at this rate

>> No.10868547

is this not jack black

>> No.10868549

POV: You’re bursting out of the OP you’re wearing while singing WAP at karaoke, someone takes a picture of it all and you think it’s a good idea to post on the internet.

>> No.10868551

Did Gemma get a hair cut?

>> No.10868552

She looks like she smells

>> No.10868553
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This is photoshopped right?

>> No.10868559

he's literally wearing a blouse in all but one image. are you really this retarded?

>> No.10868560

No one forced him to include the shot with the party city gloves and nasty moid shoulders out.

>> No.10868568

Her gravitational pull is so strong it made her cane and knees buckle

>> No.10868596

Im actually genuinely concerned for her legs.

>> No.10868598

yeah look at the walking stick. still funny though

>> No.10868600 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately no. She's a munchie LARPer, I forget what she claims to have but it all stems from being fat. Those are just compression socks.

>> No.10868603
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>> No.10868607

It's really funny how much she looks like she's judging you

>> No.10868609


>> No.10868613

Aww they all look so young and happy to be wearing lolita. I can't help but find it cute and harmless even if a lot of the coords aren't great.

>> No.10868616

Nitpick. Change the tights and change the hair color (it looks like it's dyed so she could wear a wig if she didn't wanna commit to a different color entirely) and this would be fine as an OTT themed coord.

>> No.10868617

I feel like this is an unflattering picture of someone goofing off at a meetup and I'd need a better picture to tell if she's truly an ita or not
You mean to tell me that's NOT some Amazon lacemonster?
Guy on the far left has a good ouji coord. Other than that there's maybe three coords that are ita but could be salvaged - holy lantern girl, the one in the blue dress beside her, and the one in the red beret have potential. The girl in the tartan dress is pretty cut there's no salvaging the coord.
She looks like a twitch streamer costhot; why are people praising this? Cause she's not a landwhale?
Idiots like this are the reason that even burando animal ears that are part of a set in themed coords get so much shit.
I've never worn old school in my life and even I can tell there's nothing old school about this. Also wtf is wrong with this bitch's nose piercings? I wonder that every time she gets posted. Whatever it is is gross af
This is without a doubt the worst case of greasy-haired ita I've ever seen jesus fucking christ
There is no way this used to be a female

>> No.10868620

Also, I forgot to say, censor out the kid's face nonny. Not cool

>> No.10868633

no way. on a skinny girl this would still be not good. it's also worth remembering that this girl has been wearing lolita for 3 years and still looks like this

>> No.10868635

Didn’t notice upon first look. My mistake.

>> No.10868648 [DELETED] 
File: 343 KB, 416x579, Screen Shot 2023-07-16 at 2.10.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't ivb.. but she is ugly, even through all the filters she uses.

>> No.10868649

>I feel like this is an unflattering picture of someone goofing off at a meetup and I'd need a better picture to tell if she's truly an ita or not
Voldie will always be ita.

>> No.10868671 [DELETED] 

This is cute casual lolita, wouldn't change a thing about this outfit. Why was it posted here?>>10868447
This also seems fine? It's an OP and white OTK, I can't imagine a coord so harmless.
Are people seriously getting posted just for having tattoos now? That's stupid.

>> No.10868673

This is cute casual lolita, wouldn't change a thing about this outfit. Why was it posted here?
This also seems fine? It's an OP and white OTK, I can't imagine a coord so harmless.

Are people seriously getting posted just for having tattoos now? That's stupid.

>> No.10868689

What in the Yankee Doodle fuck

>> No.10868691

the people in this thread are genuinely suffering from prion disease. i'm not convinced anyone here has ever liked a coord, or is here to do anything but whine about womens bodies like a bunch of greasy old men

>> No.10868694
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Fuck off coomer and post itas.

>> No.10868703
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is there any hope for western lolitas

>> No.10868723

I will forever regret getting a picture of this, but I just spotted a girl wearing the lavender misty sky OP at a Dead and Co. concert. She didn’t have it zipped up all the way, and opted to have the bodice hanging off on the side. Hope she survived.

>> No.10868727

OH. I didn't even realize it was her.

>> No.10868729

then post pic??

>> No.10868738

To be fair there's some pretty bad shit in this thread, but over half is just nitpicks or because someone's fat. Like >>10868603, nothing is particularly "great" but they all look happy and like they're trying so I wouldn't think to call any of them truly "painful to look at". However it's amazing something like >>10868443 cant exist in 2023. It's like a classic lacemonster milanoo ita, but fresh. Makes me wonder if there are zoomers that knowingly wear milanoo lacemonster-type shit on purpose for the "aesthetic".

>> No.10868741

why do the fat ones always have canes

>> No.10868742

No Jack Black is an actually man

>> No.10868745

It could be that they're fat because they have some sort of condition that makes exercise difficult and they're not eating less to balance. They could also be injured and have a cane temporarily. I've seen a good number of slim "spoonie" lolitas with mobility aids that make it their whole personality too though.

>> No.10868755

here comes the fatties who just totally have metabolic issues and eat just 600 calories a day i SwEaR

>> No.10868776

Ayrt, are you trying to say I'm claiming that, or do you mean that fatties will claim metabolic issues in response to my statement that fat people with health conditions can eat less to balance the lower amount of exercise they might get?

>> No.10868778

No, she's in my comm, iirc she fakes POTS or something but it's one of those things where if she lost weight it would magically be cured. If you watch her YT channel she's always breathing like she's out of breath, it's gross

>> No.10868796

Lol what's her YouTube?

>> No.10868797

She needs to lose weight

This is a scrote

I like these, they're cute

She also needs to lose weight, she could be cute if she did

>> No.10868798

A lot of them probably have mobility issues from their weight and refuse to lose weight to solve the problem, or misdiagnose it as something else and thus think they need a cane.

>> No.10868804

Oh he’s posting again?

>> No.10868812

honestly i think we're on the same page. i think ita should actually mean "painfully bad coordinate" not just "mid coord but the wearer is fat/ugly/male/bangless/whatever" or people moaning about tattoos. whatever happened to the sticker test?

>> No.10868837

The sticker test iss for people who look unfortunate because of bad genetics and/or a weird expression. The sticker doesn't make up for poor grooming or not dressing to your body type.

>> No.10868853

I don't see any black itas yet...
did the thread become woke all of a sudden?

>> No.10868857


>> No.10868861
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>> No.10868899

I think canes are just trendy among zoomers. I really rarely saw them before on anybody younger than 35 but now every couple of weeks I seem to run into some teenager dragging a cane around theyre obviously not using

>> No.10868900

it's because if anyone is mean to them they can just fall back on "you're ableist" along with the usual "homo/transphobic" or occasional "racist" or even "antisemitic"

>> No.10868922

my comm has this 18 year old who has one but only ever uses it in instagram photos and tiktoks. never seen them use it in public or even claim to have a use for it.

>> No.10868924

jeez, most of these are pretty decent. Also the girl with the cane looks just fine in this picture. They look so happy as well.

>> No.10868926

and they always seem to have the most impractical shoes on at the same time

>> No.10868931

Its absolutely amazing how far zoomers go in embarassing themselves.
Most peoples shameful pasts are drinking too hard or a bad tattoo, simple stuff you can laugh at later in life. Kids out there really pretending they have disabilities and giving themselves hormone injections and shit while documenting it in public on the internet. Shit that is actually hard to walk back. It isn't even funny it's just fucking sad.

>> No.10868935

Same as the people who wear sneakers with lolita and justify it with "but muh -insert medical condition here-" like not every lolita shoe has to be heeled lmao; all my lolita shoes are more comfortable and easier to move around in than half of my cosplay shoes.

>> No.10868939
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>> No.10868942

I don’t known why people want to be disabled so badly. Shit sucks. It’s not some fun quirk. It’s daily pain, expensive medicine, constant doctor appointments, bloodwork all the time….it’s not fun

>> No.10868943

not the wedding dress petticoat

>> No.10868955

Pretty sure those are compression stockings/socks. A medical device.

>> No.10868956

It's almost like being disabled makes it harder to exercise and be at a reasonable weight kek

>> No.10868957

ok fatty-chan

>> No.10868960

Weight can be controlled entirely by nutrition though. And if you're disabled it's even more important to eat healthy (for energy, strength, to heal easier, etc) and make sure your weight doesn't go under or over your healthy weight range. What I see a lot is people who will blame all of their physical issues on their disability. It's a victim mentality that doesn't want to acknowledge that part of it is in their control. Like people who claim they cannot lose weight because of PCOS, thyroid problems, bad joints, etc.
Sure, they got dealt a shitty hand but it's not impossible to lose weight and maintain weight in a healthy way.

>> No.10868969

can we post jirai kei itas….

>> No.10868971

make your own thread, or better yet gb2 tiktok.

>> No.10868974

no need, all jirai kei is painful to look at

>> No.10868985

This, I was sedentary till my mid 30s and was still never fat

>> No.10868993

I kinda think this too but I assume since I am not a doctor or licensed nutritionist there are things I don't know about these people's lives.

So I assume they should have better self control but maybe they live in a food desert or are too young to have a say in what food is bought or something else they have to do to stay alive is packing on the weight.

>> No.10868994


Yeah when I see anyone clearly making it their whole schtick I immediately know they are a boring person who couldn't come up with a single skill or personality trait other than PITY ME.

It's really off-putting. I'm not avoiding you cause I'm abelist, I'm avoiding you because you don't talk about anything else but what you can and cannot eat, your pains, what happened yesterday when you felt light headed, again with what you can't eat, ect.

>> No.10869003

I think you might be right but there's still no way it's healthy to have them cutting her logs off like that

Make a new thread for it, I'd love to see some and make sure you include any cringe behaviour as well

>> No.10869007

If you're looking for exceptions then you'll always find them. That doesn't take away from the fact that people are usually in control of what goes into their mouth. And how likely is it that someone eats unhealthy because of living in a food desert, but has the money to engage in a hobby such as lolita? They clearly have money, so they can get groceries delivered. Or use the money to move out of the food desert. Health should take priority, not spending money on a hobby.
A similar thing goes for people living with their parents and the parents deciding they'll only buy junk. Use the money you would otherwise have spent on lolita to move out, or get a fridge for your room that you stock with good options. Where there's a will there's a way.

>> No.10869013

listen, i'm here for ita outfits, not acceptable outfits on ugly people. if the coord would look good on a different person, it's not ita, and this is just an uggo thread, which takes the fun out of it for me.

>> No.10869019

>Guy on the far left has a good ouji coord.

Is this a joke?

>> No.10869025

idiots that mass reply to every post usually have shit takes. best to ignore them.

>> No.10869040

nah I totally blame shit shoes for this, even the ones lolitas shill for are complete ass. A shoe being flat doesn't mean it's comfortable, fits right, or has good support. Most people would massively benefit from some custom insoles. I want to see cuter, higher quality shoes but most lolitas I've personally spoken to don't want to pay $$$ for something that isn't a main piece. It's a scourge. Appearance isn't the onlly thing that matters, but I will say it hurts to look at much more than cheap teaparties.

I've definitely met people like this and it's fucking annoying, but it's also really hard to develop a personality when >>10868942
is your daily state of being. I try to have empathy but from a reasonable emotional distance because it's exhausting, especially when dealing with my own issues.

I'm glad disabilities have become more known and understood, and in general there's a lot of crossover between lolita in particular and marginalized women. I don't want to police people because how the fuck do you tell someone their issues aren't real without possibly being a total asshole? I just hope they grow out of it.

>> No.10869055

>since I am not a doctor or licensed nutritionist there are things I don't know about these people's lives.
Don't fall for the psyop that you need 8 years of school to tell if someone is fat and lazy. You don't, you have eyes like everybody else does.

>> No.10869060

Hell they dont even listen to the doctors when they say it

>> No.10869090
File: 631 KB, 720x1214, Screenshot_20230718-155752-406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Ita behavior count? Because if I see one more DI post Im going to vomit. r/lolita needs better mods

>> No.10869111

Think the issue is the amount of lolitas shilling DI for $$. Afaik none of the r/lolita mods have sold out to DI

>> No.10869113

they would if they could.

>> No.10869116

it sucks because you totally could find a cute set of sneakers (i've got a liz lisa pair that work with sweet coords) and make it work but it's always the ugliest filthiest rattiest walmart sneakers you've ever seen

>> No.10869118

JP and better dressed western sweet lolitas often go for FILAs. With super casual fairy kei-like styling of certain kitschy prints I think it can work, but definitely not for everything.

>> No.10869191

liz lisa sneakers are a great idea. i’m surprised i haven’t seen more sweet lolitas wearing them.

>> No.10869195

i think baby and AP have released lolita-friendly sneakers as well! you just gotta go looking for something that won't look out of place.

another thing i've noticed-- a lot of sneaker itas aren't wearing the correct socks, which makes the sneakers look worse. i feel a nice lace trimmed crew sock would help tie a sneaker into the look better than plain otks or tights.

>> No.10869202
File: 105 KB, 600x750, IMG_5449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t know Liz Lisa made sneakers but I just looked them up and you’re right, they’re very cute!

>> No.10869217

the quality is actually pretty okay, too. my last pair i got in 2016 and are just now having peeling issues.

>> No.10869233

Those are great! It's not that hard to not wear ugly dirty white sneakers

>> No.10869240

As a zoomer, can confirm that this is very chronically online lmfao, i have never seen anybody act like this in highschool, college, work, etc. i only see them when i open threads like these or on tiktok/reddit. Tbh, i often see online milennials acting this way more than zoomers because i think zoomers are more ruthless bullies lol

>> No.10869247

>ugly landmine sneakers are good for lolita

>> No.10869255

Millennials mostly fall for the meme that it's inevitable to get fat and immobile after you pass 30 so they lean into it, but you're right, there are many illness faker millennials

>> No.10869263
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>> No.10869265
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>> No.10869278

shes cute and the coord is cute
smells like jealousy to me. she looks cute. kek at anon calling her a costhot when shes just an adult woman existing with tattoos and nice tatas
this is fine
their coords are fine and theyre obviously trying
this isnt my favourite but its not painful

seriously, if it doesnt make you cringe when you look at it its not ita.

>> No.10869286
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>> No.10869290

Just because you didn't cringe doesn't mean we didn't. Only 2 of the 5 you quoted are fine.

>> No.10869291

The wristcuffs and neck thing are ugly but it's more of a nitpick. Blouse and shoes look cheap but idk about ita

>> No.10869306
File: 2.64 MB, 3024x3024, 270F6144-6424-408D-9EDB-2164930FE2C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10869307

the lack of cohesion. the cheap "accessories". the fucking squalor of a home.
literally every single thing about this image sets off my OCD

>> No.10869310

I bet it smells like mildew and weed.

>> No.10869315

Can someone ID these shoes I love them

>> No.10869316

they look like platform shoes for pro wrestlers lmfao. bad taste. i wont ID them for you because i'm saving you. you'll thank me later.

>> No.10869322

I want to know too

>> No.10869324

they’re by angelic imprint, available on 42lolita

other anons are right though they are ugly

>> No.10869326

this actually isn't that bad but doesn't suit her body type at all. she needs a higher waist

>> No.10869328
File: 263 KB, 1516x1791, 1681381122721031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little did you know, but I like fat women cosplayers. Eh hn!

>> No.10869331

Do these lolita places just let anyone in now? This shit is so bizarre to witness.

>> No.10869345

AYRT, I never said they were good for lolita, I said they were cute. Obviously they’re not gonna go with every lolita coord (especially since dusty pink is a pretty hard color to match and doesn’t show up in lolita often), but they’re a tad nicer than basic running sneakers if you absolutely must wear sneakers with lolita for some reason. No need to be rude, anon

>> No.10869356
File: 193 KB, 1200x1500, C62E7216-9C6B-4E54-AD03-4B2E234D2AF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the pair i used to have. i guess the heel kind of changes things, but they served me very well for sweet coords

>> No.10869359

these are available right now, the ribbon laces i feel could coordinate well with something like the sweet best wishes OP

>> No.10869360
File: 144 KB, 600x750, B6227295-900E-4EA0-9E1D-849817AA73DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped image

>> No.10869365
File: 2.72 MB, 1440x1440, kjhfdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10869367

You must be fun at parties.

>> No.10869368

kill yourself

>> No.10869369
File: 739 KB, 1078x1081, Screenshot_20210417-100644_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10869370

imagine how putrid they both smell

>> No.10869371

she’s so fucking fat her boobs aren’t even visible. what the fuck?

>> No.10869382

V*ldie remains unfunny and fat, I see

>> No.10869384

Where is her head?

>> No.10869385
File: 2.53 MB, 1078x1081, bewbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek'd
They do show, they're just flat and down where they shouldn't be

>> No.10869387

Not planning on wearing them with lolita thank you nonny

>> No.10869395
File: 353 KB, 1080x1367, Zxycv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10869403

honestly if the print was not ugly and she wasn’t a fatty-chan this would be passable. but that print is hideous.

>> No.10869406
File: 1.89 MB, 1290x1986, IMG_5781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I thought I was going to bed but now Im too scared to sleep

>> No.10869410

Whoever's posting these, seems to almost have an obsession with this girl and I think its a little weird.

>> No.10869419

The problem isn't the coord, their race, or even their appearance per se, its that this is a MALE


>> No.10869421

this is an ita thread, not a tranny thread. don't derail.

>> No.10869423

They finally did Police Lolita?

>> No.10869429
File: 21 KB, 512x512, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10869431
File: 239 KB, 1984x2048, kinky reddit threesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average polyamorous couple

>> No.10869444

this is actually so true it's not even funny, if you feel the need to gloat on anonymous websites you probably look like a fridge

>> No.10869455
File: 1.39 MB, 1140x1468, IMG_0515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the itamobile gets a flat

>> No.10869462

Don't dig the shoes, but ngl, the photo is cool. I wish we had more pics of us doing daily things.

>> No.10869475

What the actual fuck is she doing

>> No.10869483

i mean considering how rarely you femcels actually touch grass thats kind of a tall order

>> No.10869491

maxed out shirring on its own will always look painful, then there's the print that's hideous.

furries are always cringe, but a pig is taking it to new lows.

the coord is the main problem though.

>> No.10869506

Based of her knowing how to change a tire, even if she is ita.

>> No.10869512

Is she even a lolita? Pretty sure her content revolves around her cutesy car

>> No.10869513

God she is so grossly obese. I don't know why fattychans wear this fashion if it only makes them look worse

>> No.10869515

I think she's just one of those kawaii e-girl influencers, she does own some AP iirc

>> No.10869520

thats why i said if she wasn’t a fatty-chan. other than the print her taste is fine, though she could definitely stand to find an apron that isn’t the wrong shade of white

>> No.10869524

That's a weak and uninformed bait, since most of this fashion revolves around going out with friends.

>> No.10869541

I've kinda grown to like her in a way over time, she's kind of like a pug. Hurts to look at but kind of cute, in a fucked up looking kind of way. Like a pudgy, wrinkly pastel pug with short legs.

>> No.10869576
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>> No.10869582
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>> No.10869583
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>> No.10869584

>cheap car wrap
>cheap ‘coordinate’
It’s all making sense now.

>> No.10869585
File: 34 KB, 720x960, IMG_2147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10869590

This one isn't even trying to hide that it's a fetish for him

>> No.10869591

Awww, is this olive oil-chan? She's improving. This isn't perfect but she's learning and I'm proud of her.

>> No.10869593

My friend once took a pic of me fueling up my car in lolita. I find it at least mildly amusing.

>> No.10869614

we got junie b. jones in the middle

>> No.10869619

Exactly what I imagine the sneaker lolitas to look like.

>> No.10869621

These are all so tragic. How can someone who's been involved in lolita/"ouji" as long as she has still be so incompetent at matching whites? And when did it become acceptable to wear a dress that's the length of a shirt on you so long as you're wearing bloomers underneath? Peeking is one thing but this ogre has his entire crotch out.

>> No.10869632

I don't really see the need for a higher waist. If anything we need more Lolita dresses with natural or slightly dropped waist, they're more universally flattering. Typically your thinnest point on the waist isn't right under the tits

>> No.10869642

the majority of jsks are natural waist or intended to be, wym

>> No.10869653

Right, empire waist cuts tend to look best on lolitas with narrow frames and small boobs (but they might look even better in natural waist cuts though), and on people whose smallest point really is below the bust (apple figure). They tend to be very unflattering on anyone who actually has a waist but has a larger bust or larger ribcage.

That depends on the brand. A few years ago (when I still followed chinese lolita updates) I was seeing more raised waist dresses than natural waist dresses. It was especially common with Chinese brands, but also not uncommon with Japanese brands. I'm not entirely sure if this is legit (I don't have the source) but I read somewhere that AP or btssb, but probably AP, raised the waist on most of their dresses by 3 cm (above the natural waist) or more so that the petticoat waistband is always lower than the dress waist seam. They said this gives a smoother and cuter silhouette. This amount of raised waist is unnoticeable on models with a narrow ribcage. When I read this I thought we're so used to seeing slightly raised waists and higher waists that it can be quite jarring to see a dress with an actual natural waist, like for example what IW sometimes does. Then the bodice will look too long, even though it's not a dropped waist.

>> No.10869660

A dropped waist is not more universally flattering. The few jsks that have them only look good on a certain body type. There's a reason brands don't do this very often. The only one I can even think of is https://lolibrary.org/items/ap-melty-ribbon-chocolate-low-waist-jsk

>> No.10869710
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>> No.10869713
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>> No.10869716
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>> No.10869718
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>> No.10869719
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>> No.10869720
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>> No.10869721
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>> No.10869722
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>> No.10869723
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>> No.10869725

Wow that dress just doesn’t fit. I’ve never seen such a high rate of fat women trying to fit into small garments, why is this so common? If the dress doesn’t fit then it doesn’t fit. If y oh don’t want to lose weight why even bother ruining the dress like this if it doesn’t even look good. Ffs

>> No.10869753
File: 517 KB, 1380x2048, F1laFDEXgAEhKEt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10869754

Besides the eye makeup being a little too dark and the socks kind of falling down, which are the most nitpicky nitpicks, this is totally fine? pretty cute actually

>> No.10869759

i have a very narrow rib cage which may be why i never noticed, thanks for the info

>> No.10869789

I like these, they're just not lolita.


Cankle-chan looks like she might be losing weight. She just needs to get that edema under control, especially since it can indicate a serious heart problem.

>> No.10869790

The colour matching isn't ideal. I think it's the kinda thing where you think it's going to look good in your head and in reality it does not. I don't think it's terrible either

>> No.10869791

Everytime I check this thread it gets more fatphobic and a lot more permissive with things that would have been considered sins a while ago.
Maybe I'm getting old...

>> No.10869800

nah they're fine. if you think those are ita i think you've somehow managed to skip over this entire thread because you don't seem to know what ita is

>> No.10869801

you're not very into classic, are you. natural and dropped waist cuts are pretty common in it. it's mainly sweet that has overwhelmingly the waist right under the bust.

>> No.10869803

This is always a problem with the babydoll jsk. The size range for the bodice is quite generous, but there isn't enough hem circumference in the skirt to look proportional on people who are at the upper end of the size range for the bodice. imo it's a rookie mistake to buy this jsk if you're at the higher end of the size range for it. I've never seen a max capacity lolita look good in it.

>more fatphobic

I think CGL has gotten less fatphobic over the years. And is it fatphobic to say that most overweight/obese lolitas have bad taste in the first place, and often put on clothes that don't fit right?

>> No.10869813


>> No.10869818

not every coord is going to be 1:1 perfect color balance/color matching IRL though. Not the best coord ever but it's not even bad, it's fine.

>> No.10869821

are you actually blind? it’s not as bad as some of the coords posted here, but it’s absolutely not “fine”.

>> No.10869822

it's fine. nitpicks =/= ita.

>> No.10869823

I really wish there were more natural waists in sweet, I basically only wear skirt/blouse combos because of this in any given substyle. It's just not flattering on me- I like wearing shapewear and the high waistline gets stuck on the top of my corset. It's so annoying.

>> No.10869830

I see a lot of natural waists in classic (you're right, don't pay much attention to VM nor MM), but as many classic coords as I've seen in passing, I really don't recall drop waists. Someone should start a thread--it would be interesting to see all of the dropped waist pieces.

>> No.10869831

I'm a bit taller than what brand pieces are typically drafted for, so I also tend to wear skirt and blouse (aka separates) combos a lot as well.

>> No.10869836

some really old dresses have lower waists, maybe you'll have luck looking at pre-2010 dresses?

>> No.10869857

Most nitpicks take a coord over the edge into being ita. Stop justifying dressing like shit in a fashion dedicated to aesthetics.

>> No.10869868
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>> No.10869877

I still can't believe males walk around looking like this in public, I wonder what they think they look like

>> No.10869878

These aren't necessarily the best coords by lolita standards but they're really cute and I don't think they deserve to be here especially the first one

I'd love to see a thread too, I love drop waists

>> No.10869885

2 of these read less like failed lolita coordinates and more like mid tier attempts fairy kei, and one is just a normie business casual outfit. they're all so far removed from lolita at all that they don't even read as ita, they're more just, borderline off-topic altogether.

>> No.10869904

if you seriously think any of those can be worn as business casual you must work at mcdonald's.

>> No.10869914

and >>10869753 falls in line with expected "aesthetic", just admit you're mad she's fat and shut up

>> No.10869916

>Most nitpicks take a coord over the edge into being ita
No, they don't, that's why they're called nitpicks. Don't be such an insufferable pedant.

>> No.10869929

sorry you got posted

>> No.10869930

Holy shit she really made babydoll look like one of those mermaid VM dresses

>> No.10869931

The wig is right there, why does it insist on not wearing one? Buzz cuts will never work with lolita, especially not whatever this coord is

>> No.10869933

They do, which is why they get posted here so often. You having shit taste doesn't mean the rest of us do. I hate summer.

>> No.10869942

Can someone ID the skirt? The print intrigues me.

>> No.10869947
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>> No.10869952

Vendetta post or bait

She looks great.

>> No.10869953
File: 1.06 MB, 640x993, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10869961

If Fanny wore this, y’all would eat it up.

>> No.10869966

Fanny is cute. She’s a god tier lolita

>> No.10869967

Fanny is a whingey bitter shell of her former self that has nothing better to do than complain constantly

>> No.10869969

No we wouldn't.
Fanny barely even wears lolita, hers is more otome or vintage than actual lolita.

>> No.10869970

the coord is cute, this is an ita thread

>> No.10869975

have you ever been to an office in your fucking life?
this is absolutely some shit white girls wear to work

>> No.10869977

Men aren't cute

>> No.10869978

Is it on backwards? Why does it look like that

>> No.10869979

stop derailing

>> No.10869980

it's either on backwards or that dress is simply made for much smaller lolitas with smaller bust size. The person wearing it is fat so she probably has big boobs that are hanging out under the seam line where the skirt is attached to the bodice. The bunched up princess seams (or whatever you want to call it) suggests she can't pull the bodice down any further because it's not wide enough. This is just another case of someone wearing something that doesn't fit them.

>> No.10869981

1: she's right
2: it's a pretty shitty coord regardless.

>> No.10869984
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>> No.10869985
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>> No.10869986
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>> No.10869987
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>> No.10869988
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>> No.10869990

This is cute and matches her Pooh bag.

>> No.10869991
File: 149 KB, 902x1288, IMG_2185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loona in bg LOL

>> No.10869992

vendetta or you actually just have shit taste

>> No.10869993
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>> No.10869994
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>> No.10869996
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>> No.10869997
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blurred her face cause she looked like a kid but i later found out she was 20 in this photo lol

>> No.10869998
File: 226 KB, 1182x2048, IMG_2186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10870004

nitpick. This would have been better with brown shoes and accessories though

>> No.10870007

>coord is cute
literally an office shirt and a shitty aliexpress dress like why would you white knight for this moid? there is literally nothing in this "coord" worth defending unless you wanted to specifically wk and then act like people are derailing kek

>> No.10870008

This would be cute in an undone way if it wasn't for the random unmatching lavender wig

>> No.10870016

There's been a lot of "this is fine" posts lately. Either summerfags or b8 posting.

>> No.10870019

literal t shirt
zero color matching
why is this board actually full of itas

>> No.10870021

It’s worse
That’s her hair

>> No.10870022

no the fuck it would not

>> No.10870024

Nta but it looks like a comfortable casual coord. Why are you so angry at that? If you're not fat or unsightly you can get away with blouseless and simple looks. I'd have preferred natural colored hair too though.

>> No.10870028

are you joking? no petticoat, normie children’s socks, cheap dress, white platform sandals? this is fucking garbage

>> No.10870029
File: 2.89 MB, 2048x2009, 58AC7F55-E0F6-4329-BB5B-CC499815E2C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10870030

>cheap dress
Thanks for admitting you have shit taste, that's a JSK from Wirehead, they're one of the actually decent indie brands. The socks look like they could be AP crew socks.

>> No.10870038

needs a petti and different shoes, but this is otherwise cute

>> No.10870039

considering it's pulled directly from the "coords you like" thread, i'm guessing vendetta/racebait

>> No.10870068

It got shit on there too. No one cares she's black, the coord is ugly

>> No.10870074

cool, everything else still looks like shit

>> No.10870076

not liking this doesn’t make it ita nonnie, it just makes you retarded

>> No.10870077

like we gaf, she looks good and that’s what matters

>> No.10870078

Let’s talk about this one. What the fuck is she thinking? Is that even a woman?

>> No.10870081

Sorry you got posted

>> No.10870084

i don’t even post photos of myself online. lul.

>> No.10870086

This looks like it actually has some thought behind it. I give them points for creativity and altering.

>> No.10870088

The socks, shoes and hair look like ass even by normie standards.

>> No.10870089

lol black

>> No.10870112

The hair was apparently colored so well that nonnas thought it was a wig; I don't think anyone would judge the socks or shoes as a normie. The hate for this coord feels like a vendetta.

>> No.10870114

she was posted twice in, I agree with you. Someone’s got beef with this girl

>> No.10870115

She was posted 3 times, in quick succession, and the same file naming convention for each.

>> No.10870125

Just because you dont like it doesnt mean by standard its ugly. Youre not that important

>> No.10870126

Isn’t this the Austin Texas mod? Must be scammer Chan

>> No.10870129

Is catcy the scalper-chan from Austin? I just assumed all the psycho TXlitas were Dallas based.

>> No.10870135


>> No.10870145
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>> No.10870146
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>> No.10870147
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>> No.10870148
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>> No.10870149
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>> No.10870151


nope shes pretty cute you jealous hambeast

>> No.10870155

She looks like a downy kek. But her whole outfit is cheap looking which is the real issue

>> No.10870159

lol. i don’t know who the fuck this girl is, nor did i post her twice or three times. she just looks similar to another ita. but anyway, her coord really was just shit and i don’t know her in the slightest. this board has really fallen if you gulls think that disaster is cute.

>> No.10870176

There are two hidden cats in this photo

>> No.10870177


>> No.10870191

I don’t know who this absolute nobody is. She’s beyond a nitpick but ok. Keep screeching about it being a vendetta.

>> No.10870193
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>> No.10870195
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>> No.10870198

i think the left works in a sort of tacky-campy-fun way, but holy shit the right is so bad.

>> No.10870216

The thread has saged. Stop dumping and make a new one.

>> No.10870217

Lol the mod in question here. Ya it's my real hair and some of these are super super years old from my Instagram so yes someone is obviously mad at me. The socks are Shirley Temple and I'll agree I'm a heathen that loves socks with sandals. This is from my personal Instagram and literally was just to go get coffee.

>> No.10870218

i picked it off of twitter while combing tags, not instagram, fwiw. i literally do not know a fucking thing about you.

>> No.10870219

You picked a 3 year old photo off Twitter and happened to rapid post only me even tho all these photos are incredible times apart? Sure, anon.

>> No.10870220

you got some niche-ass tags, mod. what can i say? i’ve never even been to texas.

>> No.10870224

has anyone ever made sweet ouji look good? is it possible?

>> No.10870235
File: 1.22 MB, 3024x4032, 2gmxroa0irdb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ita magnet movie

>> No.10870238

those sneakers make me want to puke

>> No.10870243

Yeah I lowkey like the left one, I wish the dress was better quality.

>> No.10870244
File: 330 KB, 828x1176, Twitter_suchafairytale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re going to defend yourself don’t lie about it. This is a recent image and the anon was probably searching through tags. Call it vendetta if you want
but anon must’ve saw it and went on a ita dump.

>> No.10870248

tep, that's the post. it's not a vendetta, the coords are just shitty. at least she knows socks and sandals are absolutely fucked.

>> No.10870249

minor spelling mistake, may as well kill myself

>> No.10870253
File: 683 KB, 1640x2048, 20230723_215017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm sure it's just vendetta posting.

>> No.10870258
File: 673 KB, 503x634, moita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, you seem obsessed with this random girl. Please quit shitting up the thread with mediocre nitpicks and find some quality itas.

Why do Texas comms always try to make their local drama into everyone's business. The whole state needs to touch grass.

>> No.10870259

how'd she become a mod with coords like this lul

>> No.10870260

It's gonna be really funny when she gets really pissy at some chick in her comm thinking she's posted her coords here when it reality it's probably some rando from, idk, Malaysia

>> No.10870261

too soon anon, Texas lost all its grass in the natural disasters. there’s nothing left to touch

>> No.10870263
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>> No.10870264

kek, now everything makes sense.

>> No.10870265
File: 1.19 MB, 1125x1942, IMG_2199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you fuck up kuro?

>> No.10870266

Woof. Right looks like she smells like summer BO and toe nail clippings.

>> No.10870267
File: 354 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_2202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10870271

Nah it's v obvious it's just Ita Mod vs Scammerchan in here. The thread is saged though, let them shit it up

>> No.10870292

this one's fine

>> No.10870305

This is a VENDETTA POST. She looks fine.

>> No.10870311

I don't think the mod has even said anything else, it's just scammer-chan going at it more and more. The only weird thing is why she chose to post a mod of all people. If you check the farms there are multiple nonnas coming out of the woodwork confirming that catcy has been a manipulative scalper for a long time. Not smart to fuck yourself over like that trying to post a single person, but this is the same dumbass doing some cringe self wking and larping as a moid in the secondhand thread.
These 2 pics of the mod are multiple years older than the socks with sandals one and literally are two in a row right around the time catcy started being discussed, and were posted first, plus the other one later, and it's obvious that the same person posted them in their dump, because all of their files all have the same naming convention as >>10870115 pointed out. It can still be a vendetta even if the coords aren't good. >>10870244 ignoring that and only talking about the more recent pic, which is still 2 months old, is pretty telling.

Sorry for tinfoiling but the thread is saged anyway.

>> No.10870316

Based off the naming conventions of the pictures I wonder if she possibly even posts them on other platforms to sell pretending its her even though it's not.

>> No.10870319

are you insane?

>> No.10870321

I get that you're trying to be snarky nonna but it's a reasonable guess as to what's going on given all the other info on the farms.

>> No.10870339

>These 2 pics of the mod are multiple years older
I thought the same and it's interesting only the newest one >>10870244 was posted to "prove" Olive was lying about the age of the pics. No one found her through tags and started scrolling her page because the file naming puts this rando >>10869993 in between the pics of Olive. Why would she have someone else's selfie on her page? Get real

>> No.10870388 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 1440x1440, 2AFF4905-6E56-4642-8BA2-8C2ABE3E27B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10870428

this is in no universe a successful lolita coord but it’s not bad as a normie outfit, it looks comfy although i would probably replace the yellow accessories with red or dusty pink

>> No.10870472

>serged hems fully visible with a contrasting thread
>cat ears & ring choker
>wig cap fully visible
>loops for corset lacing yet no ribbon in sight
>petticoat visible

This has to be bait

>> No.10870488

Little pumpkin pants and knickerbockers in pastel colors and prints is always going to look retarded and even more like toddler clothing than regular lolita.

>> No.10870502

It's not bait, men really are just that retarded and coomblind.

>> No.10870567

It's literally fine. What's your personal issue?

>> No.10870568

The coord is not the problem, despite the funky print. Tights match the print, which is wild to me. This one is an obvi nitpick over weight and dislike of the print.

>> No.10870570

These were probably posted by fatphobics. It's /cgl/, after all. You know anas like to low-key use this thread as thinspo, right?

>> No.10870583

I severely doubt it.

>> No.10870591

the two tone bondage choker, classic ita

>> No.10870608
File: 634 KB, 709x1210, IMG_0722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lace lmao

>> No.10870609

Thinspo isn't restricted to pics of skinnies. Anas will also keep threads of fatties (fatspo) to encourage their restrictive eating habits. Many an ita thread has devolved into fatspo.

>> No.10870645

who the fuck has been unironically complaining about fatphobia on this board recently? they definitely need to cut down on the burgers and start exercising. only fatties think fatphobia is real, lol. no fatty-chans at all on this board would be ideal, but a perfect world is unobtainable. seriously, is it so fucking hard to put the fork down for just a second?

>> No.10870674
File: 181 KB, 999x1500, cgl bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what fatspo and reverse thinspo are, I just severely doubt that anas are posting fatties in the ita thread for that purpose. All of the obese people posted here had horrible outfits, and they would have still been horrible outfits if those clothes fit them well or if they were slim. The person saying "this coord would have been fine on a thin person" is delusional.

I agree with you that it's ridiculous to complain about fatphobia on CGL, but stop with the obvious bait. I do not want this thread to derail and turn into a discussion about whether fat people deserve to wear lolita, etc. Just post more itas.

>> No.10870675
File: 97 KB, 685x839, just an innocent joke so no one will know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10870677

Why are all her coords so.. off. The random normie pieces that don't work, the big Lady Gaga paper bow, or just having nothing on her head at all, It's like she still doesn't understand what Lolita is.

>> No.10870682

>The person saying "this coord would have been fine on a thin person" is delusional
>OP thread pic would literally look fine on a thin person
lol okay

Calm down, IHOP-chan.

>> No.10870683


>> No.10870708
File: 430 KB, 1080x1071, Gremlin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10870709
File: 294 KB, 1026x1280, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10870710
File: 333 KB, 1080x1120, morebarbiemovieitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10870711
File: 376 KB, 1024x1280, 903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10870712
File: 456 KB, 1024x1280, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10870713
File: 298 KB, 1080x1080, 3536uTuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10870716
File: 215 KB, 1024x1280, 190351215065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10870717

it's not my cup of tea, but it's pink and purple and kitschy and matching a barbie, presumably for a barbie themed event. it works given the theming

>> No.10870745

>OP thread pic would literally look fine on a thin person

No it would not have looked fine. The fact that she's too big for the dress is what makes it worse, but the whole look itself (items plus hair styling) would not have resulted in a fine coord on a thin person. It would still have been bad and awkward looking.

That's a man with a fetish

>> No.10870754

Nonny, why didn't you just start a new thread with this dump?

>> No.10870759

why can't she stand lolitas? she's clearly trying to be one

are the ana-chans in the room with you right now?

it's because she's a man

>> No.10870766

It's /cgl/ lol. The ana-chans are ALWAYS in the room.

>> No.10870767

>why can't she stand lolitas? she's clearly trying to be one

I stumbled onto that specific tiktok the other day and it said "I can't stand lolitas who gatekeep". It came across as very "I buy lolita on amazon and people who prefer brand are elitist meanies".

the ana chans have better things to do than post fat lolitas to the ita thread simply for being fat. The fat people's coords here all suck in one way or another.

>> No.10870790

It was a Barbie theme coord, yes. The guy in the picture wore that to tekko, he bragged about it a discord. He said he missed the Barbie premier and that tekko was worth it.

>> No.10872839
File: 139 KB, 1169x1476, F22UQDeXUAADIpn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shein/Romwe releases a "lolita" collection, prepare for a flood of new itas in the tag on social media.

>> No.10873060
File: 613 KB, 404x909, 7675668767869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This dresss is SO BEAUTIFUL!! The print is bright and clear, my only complaint is that the material is VERY strange. Ignore my measurements. I weigh 290lbs, 5’2, 42DDD."

>> No.10873063

why would you post this in the saged thread