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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10866895 No.10866895 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about people who sew/make their own lolita outfit? How likely is it that the coord will be ita?

>> No.10866899

I used to think sewing lolita was hard until I actually tried it. Turns out the whole time people just picked garbage fabric and trims. It's not difficult at all lol.

>> No.10866902

If you have any sort of eye for design AT ALL and are willing to buy decent fabrics and trims, lolita isn't hard to sew at all. People seem to think it's a lot more avant-garde and Extra Special than it is.

>> No.10866909

A lot of the finished projects that are posted to the lolita sewing groups miss the mark in one or two of these ways:
-the construction and/or materials are low quality. Low quality construction is common for beginners.
-it was made by someone who doesn't know what lolita looks like/hasn't developed the eye for design yet.

A lot of the people that post their projects there seem to approach it in a way that is more suitable to cosplay or halloween costumes. Examples of that would be they drew a lolita OC and then want to make the clothes irl, or they found a novelty printed fabric that doesn't work at all for lolita but they're still like "I found this cute Wendy's printed fabric, please help me make a Wendy's themed coord". A lot of the people there seem to try and use materials that aren't suitable for lolita, so even when that person is really good at sewing it still ends up looking wrong. Not just overly shiny fabrics, some people think any floral print fabric will work.

However since I noticed a lot of people in my comm can actually sew pretty well and make neatly finished alterations or decent basic stuff (bloomers, aprons, hair accessories), but they don't post to the sewing groups, I think it would be a mistake to see the train wreck hugbox that the sewing groups are and use that as being representative of people who DIY their lolita stuff.

Even beginners can make decent stuff as long as the materials and the pattern are good. I always like looking at the good stuff people have made. It seems to me if you get decent quality materials that are suitable for lolita fashion and you use a lolita appropriate pattern (for example from otome no sewing), and pick a design that isn't too over the top, then I think your chances of your project looking ita is greatly reduced.

>> No.10866928

Can we share actually good indie brands and stores for lace and fabrics? I really want a set by Wirehead but they sell out so fast.

>> No.10866967

That's true, I know a lot of people who make stuff but don't post it to the sewing groups because they are such a dumpster fire, and/or they just can't be bothered.

>> No.10867114

I love R R Memorandum, and Elegy

>> No.10867123

>RR Memorandum
Sorry for your shit taste. The fit and construction is awful, but it's also what I'd expect from a brand that caters to fat asses.

>> No.10867149

nayrt, my personal reasons why I don't buy from RR Memorandum despite being into old school;
-the price is too high for the quality and design of products. I'd rather buy new and second hand japanese brand
-she uses the ugliest lace sometimes
-she combined white and ivory in one cutsew
-the shape of the items often looks wonky, both on the mannequin and on real people. That suggests the shape of the patterns isn't right yet.
-fully elasticated skirt waistbands when comfort and size flexibility could have been achieved with a partially elasticated waist band (which looks better). I mean she does offer multiple sizes so there's no reason to still do a fully elasticated waist band
-the sharpei print items, I don't care that she thinks he's cute. A foreskin dog print is just ugly.

The formula just seems ripe for failure, I have no idea how they managed to stay afloat so long. Who is buying their stuff? Who was stupid enough to buy bloomers for over 100 pounds?

>> No.10867169

Ayrt. I'm glad it's not just me whose noticed the construction and fit issues! You're right the price is up there but iirc aren't they one of the "sustainable" brands? I think it's popular because there's a lot of fat oldschoolers who can't fit brand and oldschool was wildly popular. I'm surprised I rarely see it being sold secondhand so I also wonder who is buying it.

>> No.10867173

you all need to turn on notifs for wirehead shop's instagram

>> No.10867199

I've only ever seen two people who have it. They're youtubers (pure rae and Ellie Vyra). I've never seen it pop up second hand either. I know it's sustainably made (or at least trying to be), but I don't really care about that if I don't like the design. If I did like the design I would probably shell out the extra money for the prices they ask.
Fat or not, anyone really into old school wouldn't be into RRM. It doesn't look right for the most part. Fat old schoolers would get Maxicimam Lovely Size, or just get other japanese brand pieces with full shirring or partial shirring that happen to run large. I see plenty of fully shirred brand on mercari and fril.

>> No.10867217

Elegy just reopened at noon today, if you're looking to buff out a goth lolita wardrobe.

>> No.10867222

I am very pleased with the pieces I have from Summertales Boutique, they are custom sized and fit well. For Japanese indie brands, UF hats are very good.

>> No.10867223

I'd be embarrassed to post my sewing to these groups next to the awful handiwork, and I know all I'll get back is "Wow!" non-constructive feedback that won't offer any advice on what or how to improve.

>> No.10867225
File: 411 KB, 1080x1080, 354574581_785278763370465_4876652097469792981_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was intrigued by the latest skirt but it's almost $400 and the ribbon ends aren't sealed.

>> No.10867227

the flowers on this look like ass. who wants bubble gum wad flowers?

>> No.10867235

exactly. Because so many people there are beginners (even if they don't consider themselves to be) if you post anything decent you'll get lots of empty praise and nothing helpful. There was an advanced sewing group created to be a space for people who make decent stuff but it's pretty inactive iirc and last time I checked there was some beginner quality stuff being posted there as well. I have no clue how they got in.

I stopped posting to the sewing groups a while ago, and now I'm considering no longer giving a detailed rundown of my coord items elsewhere either because (as it has happened before) inevitably someone will go "You made that? It looks amazing." and then proceed to ask me to give/link/photograph the pattern and ask me where I got the materials, for the link for the lace, etc. If I decline I'll look like an asshole. I am done being charitable. I gave advice for years, giving people the link to how to install a better invisible zipper, or how to do lining, or helped them make sense of japanese lolita sewing books, darts, french seams, etc. Whenever I asked for advice it was extremely rare for me to get any helpful advice. I had to do all of the legwork myself. So they can get their own sewing books, they can search for their own lace, etc. I did my community service, I'm done.

I'm no expert on ribbon embroidery so I'll believe you on your word. I wasn't blown away by this release. Again I wonder who is buying her stuff.

>> No.10867244

Nta but if you look at the cut ends of the ribbon bow in that pic you can see it already starting to fray a little.

>> No.10867250

yep, you're right. It will just get worse then.

>> No.10867272

Wirehead lists items at like 3 am in my time zone. I wish they would sell at different times.

>> No.10867292

A lot of her friends have dresses, wait for them or other people to sell theirs secondhand. I did see one on LM a while ago.

>> No.10867329

aside from wirehead there's antique beast, andromeo, rebellious lamb, sleepyland, starry frills (the owner only made one release and is currently mia though), summer tales boutique, anna house, majoly, roritas angel wardrobe, rusanjin room (just an fyi the owner of this one has scammed in the past but it seems her brand is legit).
if you look at the twitter account/tags for gothic and lolita market you can find more indie jp brands - it's a regularly occurring popup market that lots of them sell at.

>> No.10867344

Are you so dumb you can’t seal the edge’s yourself? Put a lighter to the ends of the ribbon anon. It’s not difficult at all retard.

>> No.10867348

For the price point, we expect sealed edges that aren't already fraying. Stop the bait.

>> No.10867381

Imagine missing the entire point of the post so hard that you type this out and think it makes sense

>> No.10867401

You are retarded lol. I'd expect unsealed ribbons on a $40 taobao dress not a $400 skirt

>> No.10867408

Will you ever stop white knighting your shitty brand on here? Don't make me post the crown embroidery kek

>> No.10867457

not for 400 dollars, also you'd have to remove the tack stitches to pull the ribbon away from the dress to do this. It's too much to ask if you're going to price these dresses like big burando.

>> No.10867507

is anna house decent, its been around forever but I don't think I've ever actually seen anyone actually wear something from them

>> No.10867521

Most hand made looks likebshit because people have no taste. The other component of that is lack of skill. A lot of people just dont have an eye for picking prints that look good. They go for the garish and kiddy cupcake prints and not the delicate florals or simple things like ginghams, polkadot, and pinstripes. Ugly lace etc. You can do a lot with plain fabrics but then your construction has to be immaculate.
I agree with the anon above, I dont post in the sewing facebook groups because I'm sick if the stupid basic questions. A lot of people could easily improve their work by picking up a book or watching a video. Its not that hard. There's so many resources around including how to find proper lolita patterns.

>> No.10867525

>garish and kiddy cupcake prints
this, exactly this. The large majority of people who post to those groups have no taste.

>> No.10867545

AP and Meta having unsealed ribbons on their dresses and accessories is fine by your logic then. It’s rare when AP DOES seal their ribbons because their quality is beyond fixing.

>> No.10867548

yes their blouses especially are pretty good, a few of my friends have dresses and say the quality is decent for those too

>> No.10867606

No self-respecting lolita is wearing AP in 2023

>> No.10867616

This looks hideous

>> No.10867631

Are you an ESL chan or a larper lmao

>> No.10867633

I sew for a living, maybe I can post my stuff on one of those groups for an easy free ego boost kek.

>> No.10867634

Acknowledging AP is shit quality now makes someone ESL? wut

>> No.10867635

You're the larper if you can't see how shitty nu-AP is kek

>> No.10867655

nayrt but I get what they're saying plenty of lolitas are wearing AP in 2023 just not new releases

>> No.10867658

But they are? Did you mean to say new AP releases?

>> No.10867670

Meta has always been kind of sloppy with their ribbons. I have had multiple items where they've attached ribbon bows by machine stitching a straight line or 2 straight lines (a diagonal cross) through the knot of the bow. And I've always thought it was ugly to attach it that way.
None of the ribbon ends frayed though, but I haven't checked if they were sealed.
All of the ribbon ends on my old AP and btssb stuff that I checked were sealed.

>> No.10867673

I have a couple blouses and they're decent. Obviously not brand quality but not horrific paper bag taobao either. I'd say a bit better than bodyline but not by a ton.

>> No.10867679

Honestly please do it would be good for people to see examples of quality handmade lolita

>> No.10867712

Sis, the skirt costs $400.

>> No.10867731

ok newfag larp bro with no money keep being salty. bet ur a pandemic lolita

>> No.10867738

I think they mean new AP.

>> No.10867745

We get it, you're old and wrinkly

>> No.10867747

FWIW, they're also having a 20% off sale right now. Info on their Instagram.

>> No.10867760

So they’re an ESL fag. Got it.

>> No.10867771

Don't be a retard, it's obvious what they meant. Use your brain

>> No.10867787

So they’re a poorfag that can’t afford AP. Got it.

>> No.10867794

Careful, you're triggering the nu-AP stans. Enjoy your pastel plastic bags.

>> No.10867867

>Use your brain
>AP stan
these are mutually exclusive

>> No.10867892

Shelling out on old AP is fine. Paying hundreds for nu-AP is retarded and embarrassing. It reveals that you're too stupid to recognize quality and think having something brand name will automatically make you look good

>> No.10867960

I have two old OPs as well as some head dresses and wrist cuffs from AP that don’t have sealed ribbons. I also have a Fantasic Balloon JSK which is more recent and the neckline ribbons on that are already fraying.

>> No.10867985

That's just sad, it shouldn't happen in lolita fashion imo. It wouldn't stop me from buying something I love but I'll be sealing them myself ASAP.

>> No.10868054

It's pretty poorly done ribbon embroidery. I've got some really pretty accessories I made, but they're all black and will photograph like shit.

But for fabrics and trims, I love Mood Fashion. I like millinery flowers too. There are these paper ones too that are really pretty, and cheap and easy to work with.

>> No.10868390
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>What do you think about people who sew/make their own lolita outfit?
based. especially if it's military lolita

>> No.10868392
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it's four hundred fucking dollars, if it's so easy then for that price it should be fucking done already, go kill yourself.

>> No.10868457

So you agree that AP should also seal ribbons on their €400+ dresses?

>> No.10868464

no one likes shit nu-ap

>> No.10868466

Everyone shits on overpriced new AP, Moitie, VM, and other brands constantly for their shit quality. Why should handmade garbage get an exception?

>> No.10868477

you can't put paper flowers on a dress

>> No.10868478

Some goober doing arts and crafts and suckering their instagram mutuals into buying it is different than decades-old fashion houses

>> No.10868488

so you're saying that RRM only continues to exist by pressuring people within their social circle to buy their stuff?

>> No.10868632

People shit on VM for not catering to fatties. Don't lump VM together with shit quality control brands like AP and Moitie.

>> No.10868655

VM is ugly as sin now, are you stupid?

>> No.10868657

Wdym, people have noticeably complained that VM has been adding less details to their dresses and getting sloppier with their pintucks, or having awkward designs that don't quite hit the mark. While the quality definitely hasn't suffered as much as other brands there is still a somewhat strong opinion (from my understanding) that a lot of releases have something wrong, or are generally not as bang for your buck as they used to be. Don't get me wrong, I still love VM, but sizing is not the only issue.

>> No.10868678

With bar pins you can. You can put them on all sorts of accessories too.

>> No.10868687

nta but I think you misunderstood her, she didn't mean literally, she meant it's retarded and will look like shit. not to mention you can't get it wet and it will get ruined from sitting.

>> No.10868841

it's depend if the people are good at sewing or not.
If it's a beginner it's not going to looe good. But if they commit and improve over time they may be able to sew something cute at some point.