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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10853330 No.10853330 [Reply] [Original]

UK cosplay plans and unnecessary bitching thread.

Not going to post upcoming cons because I can’t be assed being told I missed some.

God save the King and what not.

>> No.10853345

Is there any britgull discords?

>> No.10853348

Not any that wouldn't implode with drama

>> No.10853349

There were a few years ago. They drifted apart over drama/people etc and became separate factions and now I have no idea which is still about if at all.

There’s generic discords for each con and some sort of “everything” discord full of the “I’m mad me nerp nerp nerp” posters with too many separate sections and topics so it’s seemingly dead.
Go outside and have a completely unrelated hobby instead.

>> No.10853353
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>> No.10853354

It is, thanks snake fren. Have a pint and cheers to you and yours. Good luck on your Jeremy Kyle appearance. Make sure to wear the nicest tracksuit you have and bling it up with that sterling solid flat chain necklace. That looks mint on you.

>> No.10853386

where the fuck is coronationcon on the list OP smfh

>> No.10853401

Nothing kills a discord faster than being anal about what goes in general chat. Makes sense when you have thousands of people, but a hundred active people? actual stupidity.

>> No.10853402

If you're not in any of them make yourself known to someone, if you're not a predator you'll get into the others. It's not a high bar.

>> No.10853431

You dont want to be around 90% of these "people". Trust me.

>> No.10853485

Please disregard.
Either predator or enabler.

Miserable worthless scum either way.

>> No.10853546

I want to put Charles and Camilla in a gas chamber together.

>> No.10853554

Hi wib

>> No.10853660

Any of you fuckers actually going to MCM?

>> No.10853667

No. Thanks for asking.

>> No.10853673

mate says he wants to go to the london anime & gaming con. anyone has any references? i've got no idea about the london con scene

>> No.10853691

Make sure it's not done by anime league, sounds liek it is, proper run by a nonce

>> No.10853714

Britgulls only frequent independent, farm to table, vegan conventions with grass reared volunteer councils

>> No.10853775
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I don't associate with London goy MCM'ers
Brum Master Race

>> No.10853833


>> No.10853838

Obviously the worst venue, of the worst city would have the worst attendees.

>> No.10853873

Fuck off Birmingham scitzo

>> No.10853906

Yeah, although noticing some in my circle getting tired of it. Rising ticket costs for the same experience every time. It's a fun weekend, but nothing at the con is particularly new or exciting.

>> No.10853911

Y'all want to get smashed together before hand?

>> No.10854085

What do you actually do at cons? I've booked to go to one in July and I'm kinda of only going to get it out of my system and I don't really like big events but I've always wanted to go to a con to say I've done it

>> No.10854115

Sit in a corner and wonder why I go at all. All my friends stopped going in 2013 ish

Basically mill around, eating sandwhich wraps and energy drinks for 3 days. Maybe buy a T-shirt.

>> No.10854117

Better than the 30 year olds who drink too much and run around like hyperactive teens trying to recreate THAT perfect con they remember oh so clearly (but spent the entire time drunk), year after year...

>> No.10854129

People having fun is cringe

>> No.10854181

MCM announce when October tickets are going on sale. People in the comments bitching it's too early. Can someone explain this?

>> No.10854183
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because people are retards that don't understand that announcing it earlier has zero downsides. it's not like it sells out in 30 minutes
already booked my room 2 months ago and now the price has shot up by £200, what a surprise

>> No.10854185

I booked an anime league con before I know about all that stuff, still going but that's depressing ngl.

>> No.10854188

I almost exclusively go to cons to get laid

>> No.10854202


>> No.10854242

Nice thread. It would be a shame if someone hijacked it and made it about /cgl/'s unofficial bong muse, Suzupoii.

>> No.10854264

My threaaaaad!
(I don’t know that person, maybe it would make the thread better.)

>> No.10854270
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>'Been going to cons since I was 13 years old'
What did this bitch mean by this in the latest MCM London shilling?

>> No.10854328

They also dont cosplay and look visibly in their late 30s.

You know who you are cunts.
And yea Im also referring to the 25+ yo here.

>> No.10854335

literally who?

>> No.10854394

Google it, you tech illiterate nonce.

>> No.10854408

fuck celposting

>> No.10854420

very nice and friendly, thank you anon
no wonder our community is shit when asking a simple question gets you called a nonce

>> No.10854426

why are you expecting nice and friendly on 4chan?
and yes, you should get insulted if you need to be spoonfed something that's easily findable with a google search

>> No.10854449


>> No.10854462

Even a Google shows up some cringe cosplayer who looks like shit

>> No.10854467

i joined the britgul discord by accident during covid (i'm not a cosplayer) and i'd just like to take this opportunity to say hello again to all my old friends who i never really spoke to or knew.

>> No.10854496

they likely meant: nobody knows them or cares, kys

>> No.10854518


>> No.10854561

Looks better than you 25-30yos that look 38 and dont even cosplay.

>> No.10854627

Fuck off coomer

>> No.10854654

Next time come over and say hello to us instead of seething on 4chan, anon. We have disposable income, so we'll even buy you a drink if you're nice.

>> No.10855154

haven't been to MCM London in several years and will be around for Saturday and Sunday. What am I in for

>> No.10855236

Yaoi paddles and glomping.

Unless I’m out of touch.

>> No.10855245

Bunch of normies, lots of fat guys, lots of people in wheelchair, lots of annoying parents dragging their kid around.
Tons of genshin and MHA teenagers.

hf anon.

>> No.10855266

I'll be there the full weekend.

For survival, here's my tips.

Avoid going in around 1-3pm on the Saturday. It is absolute hell, you can't get through anywhere. Most people hang out at the trees if you're in cosplay/wanting to get some shots/see the great cosplays. Try and stay out if you can.

Avoid The Fox. Pretty self explanatory.

Use Sunday as your shopping day if you do that kinda thing.

Don't have sex with anyone at con, should also be self explanatory.

>> No.10855291

I have a priority ticket for Saturday just because it gives me time if I need it (will be in cosplay), but I do get it though, guess nothing has changed with it being a nightmare on Saturdays. The Fox I have been to once and to be fair it wasn't a shitty experience, but being much older now, can imagine it being even more cringe

Sundays are usually quite chill though and I assume that stalls still do discounts to get rid of shit? Hope so

>> No.10855410

The Fox is a glorified school disco and the Saturday has only gotten WORSE.

Sundays discounts I don't think they do anymore because it is primarily big companies that go now.

>> No.10855431

Agree with everything here.

I don't get the appeal of The Fox. £5 minimum to get in somewhere that's usually a pub and last entry is 8pm??

>> No.10855468

Only appeal is that it's right next to the hotels and the venue itself. I'll most likely be on my own anyway so I doubt I will be going to any of those places unless coerced

>> No.10855489

Hope you have fun anon! There's other places in the area you can drink, just nobody raves about them

>> No.10855830

If you’re between 23-28 and not ugly, fat and cringe you can drink with pretty much anyone outside the fox all night.

>> No.10855838

>hes not hanging out with the 16-19s

>> No.10856048

MCM October weekend ticket price is £95
Is it actually worth it?

>> No.10856056

Fuck no, literally nothing has been improved or changed in 10 years. Even £50 is pushing it.

>> No.10856182

Nearly £120 once you include the vat handling fees and shipping. Not worth it in the slightest.

>> No.10856187

I am admittedly going this weekend. It's not worth that at all, they are getting rid of more and more each year and charging more.

£115 to stand about at the trees? I'm good. Probably go to Megacon now or even Insomnia. Plenty of other options but we still flock to MCM.

>> No.10856225

Not that it makes a huge difference but they've clarified it's £95 including VAT, but effectively £100 with delivery & fees

Seen a petition has been set up to lower prices (that's not gonna happen lol), is the community actually not going to attend anymore or instead get FOMO and buy tickets when they go on general sale? Intrigued to see if a collective 'shift' actually happens.

>> No.10856227

are the afters at MCM worth it? Tourist here, I'm debating of going but cons with just daytime events are boring as fuck

>> No.10856238

Megacon doing the Excel in January and could be considerably cheaper overall

>> No.10856269

They’ve never run afters before afaik so guess we’ll find out

>> No.10856270

If thats what they are charging atendees, I'm sure they are going to charge a shitload for tables. I bet the artist ally is going to be a ghost town and nobody except big companies and massive aliexpress importers will be able to table.

>> No.10856283

No idea and it's only til 8pm. There's some shit about needing to get a free wristband from the merch kiosk to be in the after hours area apparently? Who knows if they'll actually give a shit.

Will go to this. The guy that runs it was an original MCM co-founder, went to Megacon Brum and it was decent.

>> No.10856328

Are megacon brum and manchesters as packed as mcm(snd mcm manc before cancelled)?

Im a northfag and I am not going to waste 700quid on hotels for a fuckin mcm.

>> No.10856375

Megacon Brum was 1/3rd the attendee size of MCM Brum, and that was including the fact that it was running Tokfest alongside it. It was nice and pleasant

>> No.10856422

They already charge over a grand for dealers tables, which to be fair most dealers make back in like an hour

>> No.10856426
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Wrong and wrong, Tokfest at Mega Brum made a lot of cosplayers pissed

>> No.10856437

Maybe i overestimate how much trash your average congoer buys, since i hardly buy anything besides a couple of keyrings, or maybe a t-shirt or poster if i like the print (and confirm it's not stolen).

Though i have to admit i do see people come out of expo carrying bags and bags, and i'm sure it's not some peoples first day of loading up on nerd shite.

>> No.10856580

wdym wrong? is it a ghost town? what about manchester? was their first megacon also a ghost town?

>> No.10856591

Nah, Megacon Brum is a good time. Far from rammed and it has old-school MCM vibes. Megacon Manchester I've not been to but it's apparently a bit small and shit, not worth attending unless you're local. Regarding Megacon London, you can probably get a well-priced (and refundable) hotel now before the chains catch on, and in around 12 hours we'll know the ticket price

>> No.10856647

What about the MCM after hours? Because it looks like they want to make some competition for Fox

>> No.10856821

Megacon London 2-day ticket is £48 and the hotel prices aren't ridiculous (for now)
How is MCM gonna compete with this

>> No.10856955

>only 2 days (so in reality only 1 day, who the fuck stays on a sunday)

I don't know anon, not very many people will want to travel and pay hotels for something that short unless you just happen to be nearby.

MCM actually gets people from all over the country and even foreigners.

>> No.10857002

What kind of foreign person would blow their money on the crapfest of MCM? Literally every country in Europe has better and bigger events.

>> No.10857087

No idea, I've seen foreigners go there for some demented reason.

Could just be part of their london visit stay though, but I still question why any foreigner would visit this shithole compared to scotland or something, if they really wanna go to the uk.

>> No.10857315
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Bit busy init

>> No.10857324

me on the left

>> No.10857373

everyone is outside because of how low budget the actual con is.

>> No.10857375

I was there, it was a nice day outside to be fair. Should have stayed out there all day

>> No.10857398

hahhahaha i got banned from a britgulls discord because it was all trannies and there were no straight normal males or females and i made fun of the trannies. it had like a 70% tranny rate and the rest were obese neckbeards, you really don't want to be around these "people".

>> No.10857401

mate the place is full of chuds.
These "trannies" youre imagining all vanished a long time ago.

>> No.10857410

imma go mcm comicon in London tomorrow (sunday), none of my friends want to go so making a thread.

join this discord if u wanna go together: https://discord.gg/ntz3Gtwz

no trannies/furries/fat people please. only normal people.

>> No.10857412

the last time i joined a discord it was all guys from midlands dressing as women, there was an irl channel on their server and it was just full of dysgenic looking trannies. i sent a bunch of pictures to my irl friends and we were having a laugh :D just wanted some autistic con friends man. I don't even care if ur a chud or a poltard. at least be a normal male/female lol.

>> No.10857413
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>mate the place is full of chuds.
Many of the chuds are the obese trannies that don't pass for the real thing but are still tranny with no fanny...

>> No.10857414

>Two guests already pulled out
>Fringe stage can-celled
Ahahahahahaha, the absolute state of London conshits

>> No.10857415


but yea im the same person posting these, if ur not a tranny or obese ill buy u a pint if u wanna hop along tomorrow to hang out.

>> No.10857417

what the fuck do you have against furries? Were the chillest dudes

>> No.10857418

nigga ur right, i went to a furry event called the "london furs" once bc i was chasing a girl and people there were actually calm. it's just that i don't want to be around a guy in a full fursuit in public :D if ur a secret furry, we can share that secret together ;) but like if ur gonna show up in a fursuit that's a big no for me.

>> No.10857585

I don't know about tranny, but I do remember that half the place called themselves non-binary but still acted like their ASAB, like it was some kind of virtue signalling copium.
And in my experience online the people pretending to be puppies tend to be the wolves.

>> No.10857589

Why is it always the fucking midlands??
North are bros, south are cool, London is based, but midlands, fucking midlands. We should shoot everyone from the fucking midlands on sight.

>> No.10857674

Where the fuck is fight club

>> No.10857712

Shit nigga, I missed this. You going in Autumn?

I can't lie MCM was dead as fuck this time. The Autumn one was miles better, but maybe that's just the first con fuzz wearing off.

>> No.10857714

Hands up if you got groped, glomped or otherwise sexually assaulted at MCM (as is tradition) because cosplay is always consent.

>> No.10857719

Post cos

>> No.10857727

i might but im not sure if ill be in the uk in autumn. ill post here again to see, but if u know any cosplay/egl event id be down just going in casual clothes/socializing.

>> No.10857735

have a fun time at toko wib :V

>> No.10857744

Probably not gonna go to anything other than autumn MCM. I'll be working so can't travel far from the South East and the only other thing I can think of is London AGC which is apparently run by paedos so prob not going to go.

>> No.10857753

Tfw want to go to more cons but cbf payin 500 for hotels

Would rather just get some new air jordans

>> No.10857917

Get PSG Jordan 6s. I had the regular version when I was 13
Got me mum to write me a note saying I’d left my shoes in my dads work van so I could wear them to school once.

>> No.10857940

Anyone get filmed by some guy yesterday? He asked for my insta to tag me in it but I don't have one so I just put some random shit down and I'm trying to find where the video ended up.

>> No.10858103

Smh worst part of post con, trying to find shit you're in

>> No.10858255

Anyone else got kokoro tickets?

>> No.10858271
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Cosplayers from the south and especially London are some of the bitchiest middle to upper class people ever. I didn't realise just how snobby and shit they were until i started going to northern cons and was surprised people actually initiated conversation with me like a person. And had actual hobbies and interests beyond being a cunt at cons. It really shook me just how shit people who go to CosXpo and MCM are in comparison.

>> No.10858332

Still didn't address the issue that midlanders are fucking scum. Fucking scum.

>> No.10858339


>> No.10858377
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Battered Chips are nice though.

>> No.10858378

Chips = shit. Replace with onion rings.

>> No.10858477

What's it like being wrong all the time?

>> No.10858491

Glad to see the midlanders are finding even better ways to clog their artaries and shorten their lifespans

>> No.10858602

This scene is shit now. No new friends coming in and every server trying otherwise is a power grab. Wish someone untouched by bullshit would make a server just for some new life in the space and make the place worth interacting with for more than a few weeks either side of a con.

>> No.10858607

say what you mean anon, a server where you can hate crime?

>> No.10858612

>the scene

you mean like 30 people here out of the tens of thousands of con goers in the uk?

>> No.10858613

A server where I was able to get in after the main server went to hell. and apparently wasn't active enough or involve significantly in any drama to get into any servers. Apparently I have to hate people for events I know nothing about to be worth of anyone's time.

>> No.10858721

Just join con specific servers and meet people through those line a normal person
Every con is doing it now

>> No.10858825

All the 'splinter' servers are just friend groups, make a new gull server or make friends on a public con server. I'm sorry you weren't able to make any gull friends during the many years gullcord was around anon

>> No.10858847

Tens of thousands is a stretch

>> No.10858991

midlanders fucked my wife

>> No.10859135

Yeah and she loved it
Tell her to text me back

>> No.10859287

Can you actually pick up girls at cons even if you go alone? British culture is a lot more reserved so I can't imagine how Americans claim they just walk up to girls at cons and talk to them. I'm a 5ft8 John Lennon lookalike

>> No.10859289

well then just be coy about it chap. make it accidental but like oh hey while were here yeah baby. slam some rizz on it chap youre good to go

>> No.10859290
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Absolutely, I picked up a qt last weekend just by being myself. It's easier if you're meeting friends at least so you can be introduced, but this was just out of the blue.
>I can't imagine how Americans claim they just walk up to girls at cons and talk to them
Confidence, plus the fact that Americans are a lot more sociable.

>> No.10859369


Can you describe the guy? Was it Comic con News?

>> No.10859419

Went to a shitty one in Leeds today, first time trying cosplay. I looked dumb and cheap but I had a lot of fun. One girl kept giving me the stink eye but everyone else was really nice. I should go to these more often.

>> No.10859482

why was that bitch mad at you?

>> No.10859484

I'm black and I'm pretty sure the bitch was racist just from the jokes she would make

>> No.10859488

Not a clue, she just gave me this weird ass looks every time we passed, was really weird. Never even spoke to her. But everyone else was nice, so eh oh well.

>> No.10859588


Probally entitled diva cosplayer

>> No.10859717

She wanted that BBC. Keep at it king.

>> No.10860224

Next con that is worth it?

>> No.10860363

Teotwawki 2025

>> No.10860373

imagine being scottish haha

>> No.10860618

There was a furry con at the NEC a few weeks back. According to the staff at Resort World you could hear them having sex in the woods. Though I'm surprised the Hilton let a furry con back in after the infamous incident. Maybe it has new management.

>> No.10860643

Went to UKGE last weekend, and walking past the Hilton there were furry stickers EVERYWHERE.
Why can't furries have the decency to have room orgies like everyone else.

>> No.10860688
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Hmm, it's almost like running your glorified circle jerk at a massive loss because you prefered focusing on the appearance of being a "serious cosplay con" and on expensive guests and venues to make your play pretend con look better would bite you in the arse in the long run.

You'll find some other con to be smug shits at but it won't be YOUR con, Kenny.

>> No.10860690
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>But muh cherry blossoms

>> No.10860758

I was at the UKGE too, the amount of furry vandalism was obscene, every available space around the pond was covered in shitty stickers, some of them very nsfw.

>> No.10860759

Remember when these fuckers went on stage at the Ame closing ceremony right after the cosplay awards were given out and said that cosplay standards at cons were shit, REAL cosplayers go to THEIR con. Top kek.

>> No.10860763

I don’t. But that sounds funny

>> No.10860772

in their defense, i’ve heard from my kita friends that since lockdown all events are suffering, people decided to reproduce in lockdown and zoomers aren’t interested in anything that lasts longer than 5 seconds

>> No.10860775

Likely different friends but yes. People “grew out” of it. 2 years of no cons, new habits were formed and people can’t be assed. Especially early on with the masking when it wasn’t worth the hassle.

I liked cons, but I cba now.

>> No.10860780

I know people shit on big events but honestly being able to turn up for a day, meet some people, have lunch with them, browse some nerd shit and piss off home is kinda nice.
But I was never really one of the con party animals so, I never really missed that.

>> No.10860783

the reality of the situation is every convention is more expensive than the one before it with no end in sight

it's cheaper and often more convenient than to go on an actual holiday than to attend a residential con

>> No.10860796
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CosXpo closed FOREVER due to aids and stingrays!

>> No.10860819

This. MCM definitely isn't getting any cheaper (despite desperate petitions to lower the prices lmao)

I'm looking at European conventions for next year because the cost to go to some of them - travel, hotel, ticket etc - works out about the same as a trip to MCM (London or Birmingham), and you can make a holiday out of it.

>> No.10861026


So the main reason was they ran out of money? Do you think anyone will pick it up?
And if they do what it would be your reaction?

>> No.10861031

They have money, they just both got promotions and can't be bothered organising it anymore, but are refusing to sell the brand or even bring in an event manager because of pride, so would rather see the event die

>> No.10861034


How do you know that?

Also in another events. People do complain about the Genshin Cosplayers a lot in here.

They seem to have pressed the destruction button now.


>> No.10861071

I remember their promotion video and it was full of the bighead cosplayers I couldn't fucking stand, so knew it was a no go for me.

It's loss, is no loss for me.

>> No.10861098
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>Wait till kokoro announces over priced venue again
>Pull out of reasonably priced uni campus venue

>> No.10861115
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I'm sure they're rolling in it after insisting on buying out a whole Hotel for their "staff" (friends), paying for expensive guests and their travel costs including flights, and doing all that with the understanding your con is a niche one with attendence onpar with any small con. Especially in terms of profitability. Not just ticket sales.

Basically Tabitha's Dad pulled out and that was the start of the death spiral. Because Kenny couldn't pay for all the stuff he needs to pretend his con is MCM. The entire opperation was a LARP for 4 years and now it's all caught up because it turns out you actually need to make a profit. I and the handful of other hopefull retards told him this over 5 years ago when we first started helping Kenny out. We quickly realized he had no interest in an actual buisness. He just wanted to play.

>> No.10861119

is anyone going to sunnycon in newcastle?

>> No.10861148


So is not worth it to pick up even the name right?


Is kokoro even worth it?

>> No.10861156

Would you spend 500gbp on a con with under 300 attendees(mostly old fucks)?

>> No.10861158


Well personally idk how famous or infamous the brand is. But is still stablished and in a business perspective would be wise to consider the option. Apply the necesary changes and see what it can bring

>> No.10861159

Kokoro is a lot of fun
People in this thread are salty cause they got banned for being cunts

>> No.10861162


I mean is 4chan the reason why people come here is to keep themselves gulls

>> No.10861170

With half of those old fucks taking up con swinging to spice up their dying relationships

>> No.10861289

the other half just stays in their room drinking alcohol all day and not even entering the con grounds, let alone attempt to cosplay or do anything anime related.

>> No.10861291

Is £500 how much Cosxpo has been valued at or is that the cost of going to Kokoro?

>> No.10861347

I'm talking travel + hotel costs.

even the shittiest cons are worth attending if you live next door.

>> No.10861370
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Well the Togs are sick of you. Normies are tired of you. While the majority hate you.

Speaking of Genshin, Megacon this year will be swimming in it with the amount of 'D' tier voice actors they keep guesting.

>Inb4 Red Dwarf con meme

>> No.10861372
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I know a lot of people shill Megacon because it's run by the people who used to run MCM and therefore are part of one or more of the cliques. But does sharing a con with chavs from Tokfest sound like a good time to anyone?

There's a less than 0% chance the chavs won't harass people for their cringe tik tok videos. It's not going to be fun. Even if they do bully the Genshin children.

>> No.10861376

TikTok creators are so cringe, I'm sure theres a handful of genuine ones, but it seems to be 90% rich kids who can pay people to set up "totally organic" situations and can wreck valuable shit or tons of food like it's nothing.

>> No.10861396

Wait what, how was Tabitha's dad even involved in all of it?

>> No.10861415

He funded a lot of it. Whether it was with his own money or the money from whoring his daughter on Only Fans I've no idea. But that's not a secret it's very well known. That's why they were able to do obnoxious shit like buy out a whole hotel. When he left. Kenny's lot couldn't fund it by themselves. It's just not profitable on it's own without a sugar daddy.

>> No.10861444


You mean Cosxpo right?

>> No.10861475
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Megacon release Birmingham 2024 tickets 9 months before the con and nobody bats an eye.
MCM release October tickets 5 months before the con and everyone loses their minds.
Someone explain this shit

>> No.10861552


MCM is asking 100£

>> No.10861561

Probably not even be MCM's fault. I'm sure the chucklekfucks who run the Excel found out that the value of their venue/property has increased exponentially and have passed that cost along to their clients like MCM, who can't take the financial hit on our behalf.

Compared to megacon using a low end bargain basement venue like NEC.

>> No.10861566

Why can't the UK have good cons like the US?

Do we simply lack mega hotels and resorts that can host a real convention like the gaylord or the kalahari resorts?

I mean, from a financial perspective we already see chumps paying 700quid for a 4 day weekend in a fucking travelodge(1k+ for the rest) around excel so it's definitely not a "congoers can't afford it" issue.

>> No.10861613
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Megacon, Cosxpo, whatever. Cosxpo is officially dead now anyway. One less con to fork out money for.

>> No.10861635

Getting the venue usually costs more than what the attendees are paying. The only decent parks we have are things like Centre Parcs, and they absolutely would not want 500 weebs running around ruining customer vacations. We're lacking the kind of megahotels that the US hold their events at too.

>> No.10861675

Also higher population density means a lot more people can just do a day trip to a convention then need to stay overnight.

>> No.10861683

As someone with a massively lower than average social battery, day tripping is the superior experience those long weekend cons just drain me, by day 3 I'm so done, by day 4 I just cease to exist.

>> No.10861690


Basically like Gulls have explained time and time again, lack of event space.

Meanwhile other countries try to scale down to what they can instead of getting as many people as they can the Uk has not learnt that there is more power on supporting your local cons than having to hammer a monthly rent or more for just being closeby MCM.


I would press a mega doubt on this one. More cons are dissapearing next year and simply its what is happening


Depending on the con. I think is more about the experience nad the social interaction when you spend an entire weekend out in a place.

I would say the most disgusting thing in the end is by this point it would be more advisable and recommendable for people tring to get their con needs satisfy to either plan to go to America and spend the money there since they will already pay almost the same for going to a con there, or risk it and go to europe where you will need to see who speaks English and can communicate with you.

Personally I would say is much better to Look foward the bigger events in Germany , France and Spain. I have a lot of commons who are going to go to Japan Expo Paris and it seems like they will pay the same as mcm.

>> No.10861760

all very true.

also only the old fags are willing to help run cons. all the 18-25 year olds see conventions as paid services. Help run one? pffft, that’s what i’m paying my £60-70 for.

Finally the audience is the issue, germany and france have a much bigger audience, anime has been standard on regular tv there for decades.

MCM works because of it’s location and it’s wide audience range, star wars to dragonball to doctor who. Also MCM is a day trip (hate to break it to you, but if you’re doing multiple days you’re the minority), londoners rock up, head in for the day, buy shit and leave. I personally find MCM soulless, it’s a big dealers room, it’s the best pace i spend the least time at when at kita.

the europe cons are more like a cross between mcm and kita/ame. big dealers space, but multiple halls for panels and events (i’ve only been to one german con).

>> No.10861762

I've personally only been to one event years ago in France and even with that I would recommend people travel out there. Not only is it usually pleasant to visit the country, the events are better organized

>> No.10861778

Animecon today, anyone there who can comment on how it is?
MCM have opened creator pass applications for October, how many people who have been very vocal about the issues are going to shut up now in hopes of getting one?

Aye, which is disgraceful, but before the price announcement they were flooded with complaints of "it's too early to start selling tickets" which makes no sense to me. Megacon does it even earlier and nobody gives a fuck.

I don't doubt that running events is now more expensive. Excel let NHS use the venue for free during covid for a Nightingale. I imagine it now costs more to hire it than pre-covid, and MCM ofc passes the cost onto those who attend, but it's a shame they don't improve the event.

At this rate I'm on a Wizz Air flight to a European con before I set foot in the NEC again

>> No.10861791

Maybe the Zoomers will be into cons if they are a paid subscription £20 a month for con pass plus and we get a way to run ads before people are allowed to enter a panel.

>> No.10861793

and all the cons drop on the same weekend with high speed rail between them

>> No.10861831

Exhibition/expo style cons are 100% guaranteed to be garbage. This also applies to ghetto uni campus style cons.

Small hotel cons (under 1500) are generally shit unless youre a boomer if its on the lower end capacity.
Large hotel or resort cons are guaranteed to be great.

>> No.10861869

but those don’t exist in the uk

>> No.10861886

its 50 quid for a return flight in most of europe bruv (plus an extra 100 for the suitcase for your costumes/makeup)

>> No.10861889


The problem is like many said. Zoomers they see cons as a service not as something that has to be made. Millenials see them as something that they helped out to make them a reality but now they are all falling into capitalism and growing fees for everything. Boomers see them as money makers.

If you want to make a change


I would highly not encourage to think like this. Event the smallest con can be fun. Ive been in cons myself where we had like 40 50 people we were in a youth centre or a school and we were justh aving like a small cosplay contest some videogames here and there and a small panel and they can be as enjoyable.

But yeah most modern congoers nowadays they are big show offs of either their talent or the money they have to get stuff. Sadly, is not about the social interaction that much anymore but more on how much you can put in your socials later to keep the appearance.

Mostly I would say it takes a HUGE social education on how cons work for people to realize once for all that at some point cons are going to dissapear if people dont do anything about it.

We will only be left with the Megacons & MCM.
And probally Animeleague because those guys wont dissapear.

One thing even tho Animeleague is the Voldemort of Conventions is that in the end something they are doing right to keep themselves afloat and in the end people will keep going to them.

You never know until you start doing stuff, so to anyone that has aspirations and can do better I encourage them to do. It doesnt matter if its small and is just like 30 40 people in a school but just do it. Who knows where you might be ending.

>> No.10861907

>All UK cons are shit

You're absolutely right anon, especially about cons disappearing if nobody wants to make the effort anymore. That social education is going to come too late, many of the zoomers want cons to revolve around them but won't make the slightest effort to improve the congoing experience for themselves or help the con scene in any capacity. Hopefully they'll grow up and come to their senses, but some never do.

The scene is in a dire state and I'm wondering if Reedpop will even run MCM Brum next year. If it isn't profitable, why would they bother? They're running Brum this year in December which has led to an absolute shitfit in the comments

>> No.10861944

I suppose the thing for a lot of us millenials, is cons were often the only place to meet other nerds in our teens and early 20s, and now zoomers can find that easily online. There's a lot less 'I want to go to this con but tickets expensive, so I'll stand for 8 hours straight as a volunteer steward to get free entry', or at least that's what it feels like.

>> No.10861950

Then we have to take covid into account, a lot my nerdy friends ended up living on discord and then VR, and theres quite a lot of VR events now... and i know people dismiss VR here, but on steam theres like 30-40k average users, even post-pandemic, and thats just steam, it's probably double that counting the Quest.

>> No.10861952

Thread #1049 of anons bitching they want a con with expo resources but small con feels.

>> No.10861979


I would say that the future aint going to be cons anymore for this people but smaller meetups all around. Which is not bad because thats how big cons started in the first place.

Is going to be a pain on the ass to do it all over again for them but if they want to go that route they will go.

But yeah nowadays there is easier ways to meet up with nerds weebs gamers or whatever you want to call yourself. The internet made it waaay easier.

Plus lets not forget but most Zoomers are getting now into the working age and as soon as they see they need to afford their own expenses to go to events.... Its going to be a harsh reality shock for them.

But ill say. There is an excess on people and attention nowadays. Its not the same, people do not invest the same amount of time in relationships anymore, friendships or even lovers.... we have become even more self centered and thats the reality we will have to live. To whoever is going to be the smart one to take advantage of everyone´s money by this point.

Is going to be sad, but I salute you. Because in the end you saw the chance and you became the real one who is beneffiting in the end for all of this.


Yes exactly Vr is a thing... why do you want to travel for long periods of time to other cities to meet people and engage with them when you can be yourself in a VR setting. The bad part of it is you cant really see them IRL.

In the end IRL meeting beats everything over the Internet. And our lives have been sterring into being more at home / work than being out to enjoy leasure.

I used to see back in the day some people casually cosplaying around in groups and I asked them if a con was around and they said no that it was just a meetup. In a sense, that kind of makes me a lil happy the "normalization" of it. But well also with everything becoming mainstream it has its issues.

>> No.10861982


Just one thing after im done. If you feel inspired by anything I say just dont forget, even if its small. It might touch someone.

It doesnt matter if its a meetup for your favourite game / anime / comic. It can be in a restaurant, somewhere cool like a church, a School or even on the park.

Dont bother about how many people might come or not. If its just 1 person then its cool as well. Never forget that maybe that 1 person might end up being someone special in your life.

I love the movie mulan and there it was one thing the emperor said.


>> No.10861998

>VR events

you cant be serious, only literal incels go there.
VR events ended up being a massive flop no matter how hard the world tried to push it.

>> No.10862006

I wanted to add something that I forgot.

Creator Passes. Specially for cosplayers because at least the people that they make videos about it they contribute somehow but..

What does a cosplayer with + 10k actually do for the event aside presence?

I think they have become the modern I want this.

MCM is notorious for their kind of exclusivity in giving those out and also random. So if we keep telling people that "its fine if you are big in social media" they will not want to contribute either way.

>> No.10862086

It's also just bullshit. People with 400 followers got accepted last time, they clearly have only published these 'restrictions' to get fewer less serious applications

>> No.10862105


Which restrictions I may ask? Because I even saw people from overseas getting them. Sometimes I do believe that MCM wants to increase their reputation outside because they know inside people are just going to sneak into Excel.

>> No.10862107

Animecon was solid as a vendor/shopper. I tabled and profits were pretty shit for the table price, but they treat vendors better than MCM by a landslide. They also upped the AC on the second day due to cosplayer feedback.
Spoke to organisers and they seem pretty interested in continuing to get relevant talent too so I think the (already pretty good, mind) roster of guests will improve.
Event stage was variable between embarrassing MCing and actually good acts. Would kinda like to hear from someone who attended any of the afterparty stuff.

>> No.10862125

Afterparty goer here.
A bunch of mid music acts and playing the chainsaw man theme four fucking times so I bailed.

>> No.10862199

There's a lot of really poor cosplay guests being announced a lot of the time, people who are largely forgettable because they got a reasonable number of follows on the insta or tiktok.

>> No.10862204

MCM are an enigma with creator passes. Sometimes they practically give them away, other times only cosplayers with "big" followings get them, but last MCM one cosplayer I know with 700k on TikTok got rejected a pass whilst others with under a tenth of that managed to get one.
They have absolutely become an "I want this", but who can blame anyone applying, no matter how slim the chances are, when a weekend ticket is now £100.

Thanks for sharing! The feedback seems to have generally been positive so I'll probably go next year. Their marketing put me off, felt they were bigging themselves up with no substance to it, and for fucks sake can they make their website bearable to look at for more than ten seconds

>> No.10862244


I once heard that it was on a first come basis. But I think it doesnt apply anymore.


Hmmmm I wish I could have gone but well I wasnt that lucky. Maybe next year


So is much better if you just go to the anime n chill parties in London right?

>> No.10862259

Music was ass, drink was piss poor, only a handful of cosplayers, so yea it was a shit show.

>> No.10862265


Idk but ive seen like many cosplayers being like "scared" of going to afterparties recently because they are claiming on "social anxiety" but then you can see them parading around the con in the cosplay getting stopped by strangers and engaging in conversations like normal.

Im not denying that many people suffer from these kind of things but is always something that has puzzled me a lot.

Idk what kind of expectancies people have in the afterparty that they dont have in the con.

Maybe probally because they think someone is going to hit on them or? Like it doesnt happen in cons already. Some claim they dont like loud noises and im kind of... ok... but in the end....

Idk maybe im weird

>> No.10862266

Can you prove this? The application directly says you need 15k follows and at least one video mentioning MCM with at least 1000 views. It's a very clear binary. And pretty fair. x equals y or no pass. You need a proven following to get in and can't just be given a free ticket because you sucked the dick of one of the organizers like with other cons. If they're giving people creator passes with lower followers and denying people with higher followers that should be easy to prove.

So far it just seems like people in the con cliques pissed off they can't just get their way for once.

>> No.10862271

Big difference between dealing with people during the day and drunk people after dark.

>> No.10862275

Why go to the big loser party when you can go to the cool kid room parties

>> No.10862292


True that I remember that one afterparty which is probally most of them that a girl in a bunnysuit was complaining that got groped


I guess im not the cool room kid

>> No.10862296
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Well shit.

>> No.10862298


What? Someone got groomed by stafff in Animecon? i dont understand

>> No.10862316

Nooooo Some 30 year old woman tried to say something to me in a com! Im just a le heckin' child!

>> No.10862373

If you search creator pass on twitter you can see tons of people from this springs event saying they got accepted, and you can see their social media presence for yourself

>> No.10863140

so, did anyone here go to SunnyCon?

>> No.10863269

yeah it was pretty packed, hot as fuck too

didnt bother with the sunday party, who tf books a con afterparty at an alchemist

>> No.10863298


I mean the whole Sunday party it gives the vibes that is veyr local plus it was not properly advertised. I did not go either I just went back home and thats it. Plus I get moody on sundays because is when everyone says goodbye and it feels sad

>> No.10863466

why the fuck do guys walk around shirtless in public in newcastle

>> No.10863492

You mirin?

>> No.10863549

Hello all. Want to finally act on my desire to try cosplaying but I'm getting the strong impression from this thread that the con scene in this country is kinda dire. Ah well, I'm still going to try.

>> No.10863716


Just do it for fun. Dont mind too much others in the end.



Damn he is expensive but I wish he would allow people to record videos with him

>> No.10863741

My advice is don’t take what people say in here seriously. This is where trolls are anonymous so they can bitch and moan about everything.
Conventions in the uk are very much still a thing and cosplay is still popular. I go to about 4 a year. I recommend u go, cosplay and have an opinion of your own.

>> No.10863780

You do it because you want to, simple as. I went to MCM for two days in costume on the way to the con and leaving it and it was pretty liberating. It's a lot of fun and I always recommend if people go to shit like this just have fun and go in costume

>> No.10864100

MCM London and Birmingham are the biggest, I'd suggest go to which ever is closer for a day and if you enjoy it, return next year and do more days and cosplays, seek out other cons too. See if any mates want to go as well. Whatever you do, have fun.

>> No.10864554

>friend asked if I want to go to Birmingham Comic Con
>would have to drive 3 hours
>would see 2 girls I haven't seen in 5 years
>they didn't bother getting Signal to keep in contact when I deleted Facebook
>it's only half day cons
>website still says coming soon for everything
>ugly and non white people only dead center on the banner
>they subscribed to the mandate
>no roller blades allowed, making so one can't cosplay Jet Set Radio nor Air Gear
Yeah, not going.

>> No.10864590

Wouldnt travel more than 30mins for a fuckin mcm

>> No.10864606
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>>ugly and non white people only dead center on the banner

You feel it too don't you Anon?

>> No.10864621

>Don't have sex with anyone at con, should also be self explanatory.
pffft, fucking virgin.
smash the pussy and shut the fuck up.

>> No.10864625
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>the con scene in this country is kinda dire
please remember that people like to complain. they talk about bad things a lot more and alot louder than they do good things. i will be at liverpool comic con this august, all things going to plan. I'll be cosplaying as a GLT soldier or vault dweller. it is fun and chill, i always meet lots of people and talk about nerdy shit. the social anxiety gets to me a bit but i know that is my demon to battle and so i won't let it win! i will be there!

>> No.10864626

sorry, october.

>> No.10864627

those are called chads.

>> No.10864764
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tiredness and disgust for seeing those horrible creatures everywhere? yes, yes I do

>> No.10864979
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Funny, met a guy at a Brum con recently who said he's only a cosplay photographer for non white cosplayers

>> No.10865247

Tell you what anon, you're right.

My first con was back in 2001, and I tell you what, it was fucking magical. Dealers selling stuff you couldn't get elsewhere, bootleg VHS being traded, video rooms showing the latest fansub episodes that were so crowded they were often standing room only. But what made it great was the people. You could actually talk to people IRL about anime! You made friends, recommended shows, just hung out and had fun. It might have been a tiny hotel or campus, but it was a happy break from reality.

Nowadays the scene is definitely a lot more soulless. Dealers just sell shit you can buy in a high street shop. Due to distributors clamping down video rooms now only show mainstream stuff that's been officially dubbed. Cosplay is all about gaining social media likes and attention.

Honestly I think the big cons just need to go back to their social roots. Be smaller, bring down the costs, promote the fun side. Most are just coasting by on their names and legacies, which is going to kill them if they don't bring in new fans.

>> No.10865338

nta, but I agree the social component which made cons great back in the day is gone due to online. Sure people will say it's better because you can connect quicker and easier to people, but going to any event back then was magical because it meant a lot more to travel out and meet other people like you and see a lot of exclusive shit.

>> No.10865595

>bring down the costs
Not gonna happen anon, everything is expensive in current year, its not like any con is rolling in cash, ticket prices are that high cause they gotta be

>> No.10865814

Agreed. Operating costs have gone way up.
That said, MCM Birmingham seems cheap this year? Maybe because it's first weekend of December rather than sometime in November like usual. I wonder if Reed will claim it doesn't bring in money after this year's and kill it off. Pure speculation though.

That era is gone. When was the last time there was any sort of "exclusive" at a UK con - merch, anime episodes etc
It's all online and mainstream. Crunchyroll. Aliexpress. TikTok. That's the modern community in a nutshell.

>> No.10866003

Same story but 1998.
It was 2005 when the screenings changed from fansubs to provided licensed stuff. I loved the dealers room previously, like you said there was stuff you simply couldn’t get unless you had a friend in Japan. Now it has less draw because I can just buy stuff online. The ability to find friends who liked anime was a big draw too as it was non existent in normie spaces back then. It was like seeing family once a year. As all my chums aged out/had kids/got married there became less reason to go other than habit so I stopped caring in about 2012.

>> No.10866022

Pity, but i suppose i'm biased but i like the NEC, especially since i can drive there in about an hour. Getting to the Excel is far more stressful. But MCM birmingham has always felt very second tier and low effort despite the venue giving them a lot of potential and scope.

As far as exclusive merch goes... nothing here is big enough, some big shows in the US or europe have limited print runs by companies, and a lot of artists or smaller vendors do something you can only buy in person that they did a limited run for, but most of them here just have a small selection and handing out cards or a QR code for their etsy shop because they can't afford a big enough table.

>> No.10866094

It's a shame I probably won't be going to MCM Brum this year because I liked the new dates. Actually a decent time away from MCM London for once. On the other hand, if they aren't keeping the dates consistent now, do the organisers care anymore? And for £50 weekend (vs £100 at London), is there going to be anything there?
I think Megacon and Animecon are going to be the new NEC cons.

If there's any con that could have exclusives, it's MCM London, but it's very clear Reedpop are complacent in what their event is and won't make any major improvements to it.

People are going to think you're taking the piss but I'm 99% sure I know who you're on about

>> No.10866164

You know a country's con scene is dead when people are complaining about ticket prices.

tbf everywhere is so dogshit you'd have to be braindead to spend money on hotels here instead of going abroad.

>> No.10866448

Facts. Everyone losing their mind over £100 for an MCM London weekend ticket (tbf, not worth it) but at the same time will happily pay £250/night on a hotel next to the Excel.

>> No.10866449

MCM increasing their price with NO CHANGES to their scheduling, guests, or capacity is just pure greed. Hotels have always been highway robbery around event times, you're paying for on-site convenience.

>> No.10866670

Thanks guys. I'm fairly nervous about scraping something together to wear so on some level part of me wants to reason myself out of going anywhere. Still, I got some buddies who will probably be going to MCM Birmingham and Doki Doki in Manchester, so I'll be tagging along with them.

>> No.10867970

I'm going to Mega Con Manchester (driving there as I live local) and have heard that there are train strikes scheduled for the Saturday - my heart goes out to anyone who can only get there via train, maybe look into buses or something.
IDC if you're fore or against train strikes, but this shit is ridiculous, we had the same problem last year and it still hasn't been resolved.

>> No.10868058
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Well shit, this will kill the con attendance for the weekend.

>> No.10868692

Did anyone go to Fantasy forest today?

>> No.10869049

I'd also like to hear what anons thought of it. I heard one of the days got cancelled due to poor weather conditions, is that correct?

>> No.10869103

I went on the Sunday, the Saturday was cancelled, it was great, had to have been a couple of thousand people there over the day, so many good costumes, I didn't dress up, was a family day out and we had never been to anything like it before, will be going again next year, going to go in costume for sure.

>> No.10870196

I kinda wanna hear about cosplayers people have met instantly hated, been friends with fir a while, got bad vibes and simply hate their cosplay abilities, and why, cos I've got some crazy ex friends or people I've at con and avoided like the plague.

>> No.10870313

I miss the days where this thread was alive with the sound of drama. Normally about a Beth since there were 3 of the fuckers causing problems.

>> No.10870538
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>> No.10870602

Nothing makes me happier than knowing this thread is dead

>> No.10870653

Anyone here go to Hyper Japan? Not a fan of Olympia as a con venue but looked decent enough from Instagram stories.

>> No.10870747
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Megacon Manc is this weekend Sweetheart! Hope to see you there! <3

>> No.10870797

I'd rather kill myself

>> No.10870928

They seemed to have an unannounced cosplay event on Sunday. The person who was randomly assigned as a judge was called Taryn cosplay. Just to ask people who met him, is he gay?

>> No.10870929

Well dammm then.

>> No.10870975

It was fun. Not too busy, good cosplays and things to do, sake taste testing was good. Needed a lot more places to sit down though.

>> No.10870987

I chose to go to fanfest instead.

>> No.10871120

I met up with people from here at MCM London a few years back - was interested in Manchester MegaCon but it doesn't look like you guys do meetups at cons anymore(?) I have nobody to go with desu

>> No.10871207

Youre 100x better off makin friends in the con or through other online communities than here brudda.

>> No.10872340
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One week till toko

>> No.10873044

What's the deal with Kokorocon, I mentioned it to one of my friends and they were saying that there was a lot of drama with it but didn't elaborate. What gives?

>> No.10873137
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Zero Fucks Given.

>> No.10873168

Can't wait to play catch the sex predator in the woods, bring your pitchforks lads!

>> No.10873213

First I’ve heard of any drama.

>> No.10873373
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where do you guys find out about cons?
also is there a definitive list anywhere?

>> No.10873439

Googling "anime con" is useful enough.

>> No.10873449

>map is blank
maybe it's just me but i don't just want anime conventions, i want general comic cons.

>> No.10873507

Then Google uk comic cons you dumb cunt

>> No.10873596
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the results were not good enough or comprehensive enough. I certainly found lots, but several cons of which i was aware, were totally missing from those results and lists.
which is why i'm asking in this thread, i want to know where you guys specifically find out about conventions.
i am aware that i can google it, you are the dumb cunt for assuming that i didn't already.

>> No.10873597
File: 365 KB, 825x639, 2022-02-22-153444_1280x1024_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I just found out about a tiny comic con in Widnes tomorrow (saturday the 12th) If any of you want to join me, I can make it there around noon. Look for the military cosplayer(s), another anon might be joining me. code word: rations.

>> No.10874075

Instagram, usually stories rather than posts - people posting cosplans for cons or asking who's going to a certain event

>> No.10874225 [DELETED] 

They didn't get me this year. Maybe near year chaps.

>> No.10874995

I see you checking

>> No.10875012

From the lack of drama posting i assume Tokonatsu was uneventful. Pity.

>> No.10875156

Some foetuses got engaged at the masquerade but that's it. It was comfy con.

Is anyone actually at Ame? I don't know anyone who bothered getting a ticket this year.

>> No.10875185

The event itself is fine but it’s fucking dead, there’s no buzz at all and the plaza is empty. Sad

>> No.10875380

The late announcement really didn't help, I know so many people who wanted to come but it was too last minute to make arrangements.

Attendance is pretty low but I'm still having a good time, the panel range is good and they're actually showing anime for fucking once. Feels more like a chibi than a full con but I'm enjoying it.

>> No.10875454

Yeah, was expecting more of a disaster but was at least functional.

>> No.10875574

Does anyone know if they've had the same issue kita had? Aparently the warwick staff has thretened to kick kita out if there is a repeat of the butt vampire incident. Last kita a few panels got censored by the commitee or self censored because of this.

Any sign of that happening at amecon this year?

>> No.10875584

>butt vampire incident
explain further

>> No.10875585

Didn't see any sort of drama, ambulances or veiled 'behave yourselves' call outs at closing ceremonies so probably not.

>> No.10875587

I can't remember the exact panel I think it was the hentai panel. As usual they were playing clips of hentai. Only this time they let the clip run long because they had time to fill. Almost the whole scene. The hentai was called something butt vampire. Apparently the venue staff saw it and were traumatised. Accused kita of breaking obscenity laws and threatened to kick them out.

Ever since then kita has been reviewing / censoring any panel with any kind of non incidental nudity etc. I wondered if ame would be forced to police panel content in the same way being at the same venue.

I wondered if panel runners at ame were being forced to get their slides approved like some at kita had.

>> No.10875597

As a panel runner, we weren't. The only limit really encountered was 'not another Name That Tune', but that may be because panel I submitted was unlikely to have that risk.

Kita seem to want to have panels pinned down before they open registration and good luck with that, pretty sure most panels are nowhere near finalised until within a week of con for my group.

>> No.10875612

Actually that might be because they have gotten flak for censoring panels at the last minuet in 2022. One poor lad had nearly every slide censored not long before the con. I think in the end he covered every image / video with faces of committee members.

>> No.10875616

I don't remember any of my mate's panels getting censored in 2022 so I expect it was only limited to things with a risk of bad shit.

>> No.10875619

>I don't remember any of my mate's panels getting censored in 2022 so I expect it was only limited to things with a risk of bad shit.
Or good shit depending on your perspective.

>> No.10875643

Anyone got the dirt on that captain guy who ran games room at Amecon? Heard he's a well known sex pest

>> No.10875669

Another fake "sexpest" witch hunt. Stay classy.

>> No.10875674
File: 82 KB, 320x320, 320px-Wizarmon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on cosplaying Wizarmon this October at MCM.

>> No.10875711
File: 1.10 MB, 4032x2268, 20230528_201603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you guys and gals get from your last con?

>> No.10875768

What’s the central aliens box got in? Looks cool

>> No.10875778

Its an anime con. By normy standards most of the guys and quite a few of the girls are sex pests. Unless you have something more substantial than gossip it’s not really worth mentioning.

>> No.10875784

The figma one or the one with the big alien head shot?

>> No.10875785

Meant for

>> No.10875794

The big head one.
Also did you buy the futuristic cyber mark thing there too? Who stocks those?

>> No.10875804

Funny how they insisted all 18+ panels had to censored but Keith (whose wife is on the Kita committee) didn't have to censor his.

There was an incident on the Fri when two people fucked up the Rock Band equipment and bailed. On the Sat he lost his shit at someone trying to recalibrate the equipment thinking they were about to do the same, they weren't happy and complained about it.

>> No.10875806
File: 146 KB, 1933x1567, 20230507_230229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that mask was my cosplay.
The big headed alien box had the NECA Ultimate Xenomorph Warrior (Blue)!

>> No.10875808

You see I think Keith was probably caught between a rock and a hard place. given he's married to the same committee that would censor him. I'm sure he was aware of the drama and was self censoring before the slides were even put together. But even he, I'm told, was asked not to use video clips. Apparently by this stage there were only a handful of short clips so he just pulled them discreetly. But I did ask the committee about this so I think even he was asked to do some modification to his panel. I can't lie, it was alright .. but he has definitely done better. Not a patch on ame's 2022 have I got hentai for you quiz.

>> No.10875827
File: 302 KB, 1080x1486, 8475847w91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dealers Hall tears. Find it really hard to believe this would happen at a average sized anime con full of weebs. Just admit that your work didn't sell as much as you thought it would instead of making up some cultural appropriation bollocks to get attention. Nobody is doing to say that shite. Then there's another dealer saying a similar incident happened to them? Desperation for clout.

>> No.10875844 [DELETED] 

To be perfectly honest a lot of the sellers were selling fucking awful stuff. It's baffling how you can have one stall full of genuinely good art right next to one full of absolute dogshit. I honestly don't know how those stalls turn a profit, surely people aren't buying £10 prints of DA-tier off model OCs.

>> No.10875845

To be perfectly honest a lot of the sellers were selling fucking awful stuff. It's baffling how you can have one stall full of genuinely good art right next to one full of absolute dogshit. I honestly don't know how those stalls turn a profit, surely people aren't buying £10 prints of DA-tier off model OCs.

>> No.10875874

They don't make profit and you can tell. The artists who genuinely had a great time with business will boast about their con weekend while the ones who could barely make enough for a takeaway meal remain quiet, sarcastically post about how amazing their time was then claim drama happened all weekend with no receipts to fill in the void.

>> No.10875886

except dairy is actually a sex pest, ask him how toko went

>> No.10875900
File: 23 KB, 704x392, Anal Vampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They showed Anal Vampire (Kyuuketsuki) a few years back. I assume anon means this?

It's a 2 part OVA where the first episode is actually super tame and the second is nightmare fuel and people shitting.

Hilarious though if Warwick staff walked in on that kek.

>> No.10875901

of all the things that didn't happen, this one didn't happen the most

>> No.10875932

I did. Someone/some people submitted multiple bogus reports about him to the police a week before toko which triggered safeguarding to get involved. There's hard evidence that disproves the reports and he was told not to attend toko for his own safety. A case has been opened into the harassment. Kita and kokoro are now also under investigation for mishandling of personal data. It's a real shit show.

>> No.10875945

Wait, so GDPR has come back to bite people? Za warudo we live in.

>> No.10875954

Wut a load of shit

>> No.10875958


Hilarious considering he broke a prop of mine a few years back. The fucking twat.

>> No.10875959

Being problematic on discord is just as real as being problematic in face to face. Which is a concept some apologists like you don't seem to grasp.

>> No.10875965

Well Ame did allow a furry n0nce to be a dealer over the weekend who was also a scam artist back in the day in the UK fursuit making comms so nothing is surprising anymore.

>> No.10875966

I don't think they walked in so much as sat through almost all of it. Basically if you rent space at warwick you rent the support staff that comes with it. Tech and security etc. I imagine they had some concerns over crowed control given how popular it was. I don't know if it was someone trying to control the crowds or tech staff working the projector / PA but someone was in there for most of it and they were not happy when it was over. ... Just one more reason in my view why it's better to have a venue that will basically give you the key to the room and then leave you to get on with it.

People always forget these things tend to cut both ways, in law if not in practice. Acting on false accusations can get you in trouble, especially if your investigation was cursory / non existent.

Spreading some one else's false accusations outside your organisation takes it to a whole new level though. that can get you in a ton of trouble. GDPR, harassment, etc.

>> No.10875967

Define problematic? For example I find it very problematic when people throw random accusations online with 0 evidence.

>> No.10875985
File: 88 KB, 850x1270, 1676583368158671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how has everyone as a society forgotten "sticks and stones" it hurts yeh, but then you fucking disregard it, disregard the person and get on with your life.

>> No.10875990

oh no, n0nce gets caught in 4k, gets banned from everywhere, then tries to use GDPR to get people to stop calling him a sex pest, ah britcord, stay classy

>> No.10876010

Which dealer was this? Asking for a friend.

>> No.10876038

If GDPR was breached even for ethical reasons it’s still a violation and possible significant fine, which for a bit for profit event could have substantial impact.

>> No.10876041

Staffing isn't constant for events. I've ran two panels in the same room at different cons, one year the Warwick staff were camping in the control room, the other year there was absolutely nobody. When I spoke to the staff he admitted he was doing a 12 hour shift and was exhausted. I think staff supervision is dependent on staffing levels than actual concern.

>> No.10876049
File: 322 KB, 1080x1695, KitaGDPR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should really tell them to have a legal team look over their legal section

>> No.10876055

Yeah, was noticable that there were tech staff available rather than having to run from pillar to post to find a missing cable like last time.

>> No.10876070

I guess it could be similar to Pubwatch schemes which control personal data e.g. names or images.

But these must comply with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. If the scheme intends to store or share information such as CCTV images between its members, it should register its activity with the Data Commissioner.

And let's be honest - Kitacon doesn't do this.

>> No.10876073

Hopefully this puts kita organizers in the red.

We need less shithole "university" cons and more real cons like in the US.

>> No.10876077

idk, all I heard was Dairy didn't even touch someone physically he just got some girls discord and was drunkenly hitting on her to bang him or something in his room.

>> No.10876078


Being problematic on discord/irl just means you're not attractive/charismatic enough get away with your antics, however harmless or diabolical it may be.

In the end, we all live by the black pill.

>> No.10876081

Yes we totally need more overpriced hotel cons.

Uni cons are great and generally the staff are used to student bullshit so more forgiving.

>> No.10876082

Low production value, phoned in high school anime club-tier shit like this is why the UK con scene is beyond saving.

People on welfare actually thinking sinking down is a good thing. Just go to animeleague at this point, it's the only con that will survive the next few years anyway.

>> No.10876085

If you are wanting 100,000 attendee US tier con with actual guests you know in the UK you will never get it.

Either you go to woke low budget uni cons or cookie cutter Funko Pop selling MCM events in London.

It's that or just fly to the states / Japan or just write cons off for good.

>> No.10876088

I want big cons that are more focused on the actual community/attendees with a great venue like katsu/colossal/magfest.

And don't give me that "b-but kokorocon/kitacon are just ghetto/low attendee versions of that!" arguement. It's a self fulfilling prophecy, the more low budget/low attendee you go, the lower your future cons will be.

>> No.10876122

Just wait till AnimeLeague does it eventually. You know it's the ultimate redemption arc.

>> No.10876139

i just can't imagine attention seeking this hard over being banned from some wank conventions.
if you have hard evidence just post it so the other people will fuck off and both sides can stop shitting up the thread. at least then the thread will have some actual fucking entertainment instead vagueposting about literal whos. otherwise shut the fuck up and stop whining constantly about your irrelevant lives. fucking discord zoomers

>> No.10876175

We need anime cons with ACTUAL guests. Remember when Kita got Ellen McLain? I know she's not anime but she was pretty big.

>> No.10876180

Do we even have venues for those katsu/colossal/magfest type cons in the UK?

>> No.10876185

Center Parcs maybe

>> No.10876187

>We need anime cons with ACTUAL guests. Remember when Kita got Ellen McLain? I know she's not anime but she was pretty big.
I believe fushicon got the voice actress who does flutershy.

>Do we even have venues for those katsu/colossal/magfest type cons in the UK?
In terms of numbers yes but you are looking at convention centres. For example the Birmingham NEC. (capacity is 21000) but maybe that doesn't have the feel you want

there are plenty of mega hotels (including out of town ones) that can take 2000ish sized conventions.

>> No.10876188

or go to smaller cons. 500 is a nice busy atmosphere imho.

>> No.10876190

Theyre pretty dead.
500 is "i had 3 hours free on saturday so im paying 9quid to check out animeleague"

Minimum for a hotel con is probably in the 2000 range. A few of those in europe and theyre fairly populated without feeling suffocated like in katsucon(not a bad thing, was amazing being there at 3am with the resort fully packed"

>> No.10876192

I mean ame 2022 wasn't far off 500 and I think it was great. People clearly can still run these cons successfully just the committees with experience and money don't want to if they can get a bigger venue.

So just to be clear he didn't get banned? Also they're under investigation by who?

>> No.10876196
File: 82 KB, 1200x675, come on wib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's hard evidence that disproves the reports and he was told not to attend toko for his own safety.

If you actually believe this, I feel bad for you

>> No.10876208
File: 162 KB, 1300x1384, IMG_0859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t tell you where I got this from but keep pulling the threads anon. Now I fear I must away.

I don’t know owt, I just liked your wording.

>> No.10876218

If he was banned, why is he still in tokonatsu's discord? If he was guilty, why wasn't he charged?

>> No.10876228

in fairness plenty of people are guilty who are never charged. Because you know the law cares about proof and stuff.

But I've never heard of anyone being banned from events and not the organisations social media. It's why I asked. And what about kita, ame and kokoro con?

>> No.10876268

This. Looking at attending my first Europe con next year. Maybe 'grass is greener...' and all that but even the smaller ones look way more enjoyable than anything here

Hypothetically, Resorts World/NEC. Realistically, never going to happen.

>> No.10876292

Resorts world/NEC isn't quite integrated as a venue like gaylord, though Insomnia pre-covid used one of the halls as an indoor camping ground - not sure if they still do this, since it's been a while since i went.

>> No.10876306

you don’t understand GDPR, if you’re a sex pest, events can warn other events, stop trying to protect sex pests

>> No.10876334

Is this moid a rapist or just a sex pest? Make up your mind

>> No.10876346

idk anon, I've heard multiple stories that his victim had some other beef with him and using it to get him banned from events due to prior discord drama, to him literally raping someone, and whatever else in between.

And anyone defending him is called a rape apologist and anyone against him a witch hunter so I have no fucking idea. Just avoiding the lot of them seems the simplest solution.

>> No.10876360

We truly live in a society where the average looking cishet male can be branded a sex pest just for existing

>> No.10876438

Are you genuinely that stupid or do you just not understand that shit like that takes time?

>> No.10876451

>We truly live in a society where the average looking cishet male can be branded a sex pest just for existing
tragically this is true.

There are rules and justifications to sharing ban list data. 'You consented to this when you bought your ticket' doesn't cut it because the GDPR says you can withdraw that consent after the fact. If you actually want to understand this here's a useful webpage https://decoded.legal/blog/2022/02/events-exclusion-lists-and-the-uk-gdpr

Also sharing accusations can be deformation.

>Are you genuinely that stupid or do you just not understand that shit like that takes time?
Not really. It's pretty normal to apply an interim ban on social media while some ones accusation is being investigated. Especially if the complaint relates to social media.

>> No.10877091

From what I’m reading in that article, it’s 100% kosher for the Kita and Kokoro committees to run an official ban list and to share it with each other, just not the detailed reasons for the ban?

>> No.10877108

the reason is needed, after all, what if you banned someone for being a serial room shitter, but they have been banned 5 years, seems a bit harsh to me. but if it just says gary biganus, how would they know to unban them for their dirty protest?

>> No.10877218

Given the way people talk in the scene, wouldn't the reason be known even if not officially?
Hopefully won't even be a problem once dairy and all his sex offender buddies get locked up.

>> No.10877348

> what if you banned someone for being a serial room shitter, but they have been banned 5 years

They should 100% stay banned, committees don't need to unban as a favour to the perpetrators.

Don't like it? Don't get banned.

>> No.10877374

Im not even mad at dairy or wib for being vile people anymore, I'm mad at the retards that believe them

Like have you not met wib before

Do you not understand by now

>> No.10877529

all the neigh sayers going “where’s the crime code?”, “why didn’t they go to the police”. will you ask the same when dairy doesn’t report kita for libel under gdpr? i 100% guarantee you won’t, you’ll just shrug and get offended that dairy was banned for being a sexpest

>> No.10877534
File: 53 KB, 600x338, eb9aa9c2f4b538ef-600x338[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neigh Sayers
Caught on camera, Dairy molesting underage con-goers

>> No.10877543

Honestly I thought some one said he had lodged a GDPR complaint earlier on? Anyway most people don't know they can sue for libel for this sort of thing.

My limited understanding is if, as an organisation, some one makes a potentially libellous accusation to you, you are protected from libel for spreading that accusation only as much as you have to for your own duty of care (eg to people going to your con).

Example, a secretary accuses her boss of sexual harassment. But the company doesn't just do an internal investigation they tell the bosses wife. The boss can sue the company for deformation for telling his wife because they didn't have a duty of care to his wife. Just like kita isn't responsible for safeguarding at kokorocon or vica versa. If one con was sued for defamation for telling another con something they'd probably have to argue a public interest defence and it's not at all clear if that would work.

>Caught on camera, Dairy molesting underage con-goers
You know I've never been to a residential con where attendees were under age. Even in the 00s places like kitacon still had a 16+ limit. Nowadays it's 18+ everywhere but anime league and they are not really proper residential cons. A few people may book hotels for them but they are mostly attended by locals.

>From what I’m reading in that article, it’s 100% kosher for the Kita and Kokoro committees to run an official ban list and to share it with each other, just not the detailed reasons for the ban?

More or less. Although I think they need to included certain disclaimers in their documents. The ones they are using now don't look upto code. Also the excluded party still has the right to object. Basically at any time a person on a ban list can demand to see why they are on the list and object to you retaining the information (about why they are on the list).

>> No.10877619

I ran that panel, I played butt vampire, the staff member in the tech box told us he found it hilarious. Kita staff did not tell us after we were not allowed to run further panels or advise us this caused any problems. Pretty sure we ran another panel the year after, but it's hard to beat butt vampire for grossness.

>> No.10877654

yeah, i doubt he has, where’s his solicitor letter? i call bullshit, but as he’s the actual sex pest no one is going to question the legitimacy of his claim, just evil convention trying to smear campaign a z-tier discord “celebrity” from a third rate discord channel off shoot of 4chan

>> No.10877655


Dairy is far from “normal" but seeing normal cishet men cons get fucked over by false accusations for some chicks e-fame makes me automatically go on the defensive.

But just barely. And only cause no proof.
Maybe if you cunts didmt throw so much fake slander about towers or obayed wed give you more credibility.

>> No.10877733

DESU I don't think anyone aside from the warwick lot felt you did anything wrong. So I don't see why they'd give you a hard time over it. I don't know who it was, a staff member or a convention goer, could have been multiple people ... bluntly someone narced to warwick and it became a huge issue when negotiating the next convention. That much I have from the mouths of the committee members themselves.

>> No.10878493

Are the adult panels at Ame or Kita actually any good? I hear they're always packed out but is it just a bunch of sad twats wanking each other off and giggling over stuff they could just watch at home?

>> No.10878544

Just a place for sad cishet men to release some extremely pent up energy.

>> No.10878734

actually when I go in it's the women in there who seem the noisiest and most enthusiastic.

The men are all there arms folded like "I ain't doing nothing sus" and the women are like 'yeah baby we like it like that.'

>> No.10878736

I want to meet vtuber cosplayers at cons but they're so far and few between where go

>> No.10879275

New thread