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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10827113 No.10827113 [Reply] [Original]

>bare minimum programming
>no notable guests
>100% mask mandate
>no official afterparty

Be honest: do you ever stop to think if it's actually worth going, or if you just go to be present? Do people really spend $150 for a photoshoot where they will be masked the entire time?

>> No.10827179
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I feel like going to Katsucon is a tradition for me and my friends at this point to overcome the early drab of the year. Even if there's no big events, or really any events from their listings, we'll still have fun at a place that gave us a lot of fun memories to this day. Money is a big thing for people when it comes to cons but I don't put a price on having fun with people I'm close to.

Now, if no one came and the con was actually empty like in Otakon 2021, then I'd probably stay away.

I tuess

>> No.10827182

It's a maybe right now, but even if I show up I'm not giving one red cent to these faggots. Would be to hang out + (technically) add a spot on the list of states where I've attended a convention.
Jomon supremacy

>> No.10827189

$150 is cheap, considering some photographers are charging nearly $500

>> No.10827298 [DELETED] 

>bare minimum programming
>no notable guests
>no official afterparty

Like every other katsucon for the last decade. If there is a con that deserves to be ghosted it's Katsu. It's the only out state con I feel comfortable doing it bc your badge literally buys you nothing. You get a bad game room, bad rave and a eh dealers. Unless you're getting a badge so they fund next year there isn't a point. You get nothing for your money directly from programing

>> No.10827310

>Be honest: do you ever stop to think if it's actually worth going, or if you just go to be present?

Well, everyone left Katsu to go to Magfest because there wasn't that many social media shitters around. Then the Katsu kiddies came to Magfest when they realized their heckin gazebo wasn't taken. Now Magfest is going through it's own set of issues. Personally I feel like there's way better areas to take photos and better ways to get your name out there, so there's really no reason to spend 150 dollars during a hyper inflation.

Now ghosting the convention and stealing free breakfast from the suites across the street is a different story.

>> No.10827311

You've clearly never attended a Katsucon in the last decade if these are your complaints. The only reason to buy a katsu badge is bc you want katsu to happen again next year. It's never been a "fair exchange" programming is always dog shit, shit game room, shit rave, eh dealers. So why to people go? It's one of these best hang out cons there is. The vibe is good every time. They hotel helps with that a lot.
Also "masked the entire time". It's the east coast people walk around with them but not strictly, no on yelled at anyone doing a photoshoot without a mask last year. Everyone just wants to get a long with there day. People who complain about this stuff just want boot on their face to feel alive.

>> No.10827312

Only a loser would go to magfest for just easy gazebo pictures. The point of katsu is pictures sure. But it's also to meet people from all over. It's one of the better cons that bring people together from all over

>> No.10827314

Even as someone who'd only ghost it, y'all are selling it quite well. Especially since, by all indications, it's the best venue of any convention, period.

>> No.10827317
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I'm waiting for some rich jew to take advantage of a Florida Gaylord. There are way better venues out there in general.

>> No.10827318

Word on the street is it MIGHT be the new home of Holiday Matsuri 2024, which would make way more sense than Orlando Convention Center. Gaylord is close and fits the theme way better.

>> No.10827320

Well we don't have that one yet. I could only imagine the rent would be insane

>> No.10827322

I meet more out of state people at Katsu than DMV people. It brings all the names together. If you want to keep it happening it's nice to buy a badge but I don't judge anyone for ghosting bc your money is really only going to the perpetuation fund.

>> No.10827323
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>Might be the home of Holiday Matsuri.

>The South actually has an active mecha cosplay scene
>Within driving distance from Ohio
>Weather warm enough to go swimming in


Which is why I stated either a rich jew arrives to create a new con grift or like >>10827318 stated, Holiday Matsuri 2024 happens there. Which if it does, cool, I have a reason to go down to Florida.

>> No.10827325

I say this with all due respect. Southern cosplayers culture is no different than a Halloween frat party. It's weak as hell. I'd say they are bad at crafting but the truth is nobody cares enough to try. Of you do wear a nice cosplay it's wasted on them.
If it's not a big 4 shonen they simply do not care. My last con of the year was AWA since LoL Championships we're also in Atlanta at the same time and over 4 days the only time saw non Amazon bought cosplays was for maybe 3 hours on Saturday. But you know there was a dancing circle in the main lobby the whole weekend. All I hear about Florida cons is they midwest drama in the south.

>> No.10827327
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>Of you do wear a nice cosplay it's wasted on them.

Well, cosplay to me has always been less of "how much attention can you get" and more of real recognizing real.

>If it's not a big 4 shonen they simply do not care.

That's just the modern cosplay scene in general. There's always going to be FOTM shitters, as I stated before. The South has a semi active mecha cosplay scene, and I want people I can talk to about model building or old robot shows that isn't /m/.

> My last con of the year was AWA since LoL Championships we're also in Atlanta at the same time and over 4 days the only time saw non Amazon bought cosplays was for maybe 3 hours on Saturday

I have buddies who were at DragonCon it looked kind of cringe to be dead honest. Last Southern con I went to was Momocon, ran into Terry Hall, thought to myself "Damn, Handsome Squidward still goes to cons?" and then almost laughed into orbit when I found out from a friend that he caught the fucking coof.

My point is that the con scene in general is shit, and in my case, I don't like FOTM weeb normies. So I'm not affected if I know what to expect.

> All I hear about Florida cons is they midwest drama in the south.

How to avoid con drama, see pic :

>> No.10827333
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>been attending Katsucon since 2013
>get called a faker by a seagull

Feels bad, man. Especially that I did not start collecting badges until later so I can't share my granddad status.

You're right that Katsu has always been lackluster in main features, but back then the number of anime-oriented party cons were far and in between. But since anime hit the mainstream, just about every anime convention has a great party scene. Even Anime NYC with its operation hour assholery has some great afterparties to make up for it. Katsucon can't even support a decent rave let alone an afterparty.

Also, you'd be amazed at how much mask mandates empower coofcucks. I got harassed by a literal troon at Anime Boston for taking off my mask outside of the convention space while returning to my hotel room.

>> No.10827505

>Do people really spend $150 for a photoshoot where they will be masked the entire time?
Yes the average congoer is that retarded.

>> No.10828038

Highway robbery unless they're actually professional.

>> No.10828067

What’s the best way to get a hotel room this late into the game ?

>> No.10828124


I’m a happily vax’d lib, but masking in 2023 is dumb.

>> No.10828137

Are cons dead?

>> No.10828149

Get a hotel in Alexandria or Oxon Hill but you will have to Uber back and forth.

>> No.10828178

Tbh I didn't know that people actually went to Katsu for programming/guests. I've been going every year since 2015 and neither I nor my con friends have ever paid attention to the actual con itself.

>> No.10828596
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wait they're doing the mask mandate AGAIN???? are you fucking serious

>> No.10828598

I'm just going to refuse to wear a mask and I will physically fight anyone that tries to make me wear one

who's with me?

>> No.10828600

wait fuck, is the gheylord all booked up?

>> No.10828616
File: 28 KB, 171x175, hotel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your hotel bro

>> No.10828646

>Well, cosplay to me has always been less of "how much attention can you get" and more of real recognizing real.
The best description about the purpose of cosplay on this goddamn site.

>> No.10828650

the "purpose" of cosplay is subjective though.

>> No.10828695

I bought my 3-day pass at the door last year. Is it wise to do it again this year?

>> No.10828720

May not be able to go to this year due to life circumstances but don't want to just flat out cancel an atrium room someone else would want. Might be looking to sell it to a group.

>> No.10828732


email me at dusk.skittles.10@gmail.com. Me and two seagull friends really want it!

>> No.10828754

>>100% mask mandate
Is it the con or the hotel pushing the mask mandate?
I thought the state dropped it after katsucon 2022.

>> No.10828757

It's the con itself requiring masks and jabs. Prince George country dropped the mandates a while ago. Still doesn't make sense to me considering all the info that's come out over the past year. It would honestly make more sense to just have a negative test prior to the con.

>> No.10828771

>Still doesn't make sense to me
Mental illness. The answer is mental illness, and the need to flaunt power over others.

>> No.10828849

I’m going to katsu for the first time this year and I’m waaay intimidated by the groups being nothing but photographers posting rates and schedules. If I don’t book a shoot will there still be people taking hallway shots and stuff of cosplay?

>> No.10828854

If you want I can setup a shoot for you over there.

>> No.10828855

The halls and walkways are always crowded because of the amount of people stopping to take candid photos combined with others just trying to get somewhere. Katsu is just the big cosplay event of the year near DC because the venue is a popular spot for photos.

>> No.10828985

If you're good looking and have a quality cosplay then katsucon is the best. If you look like a con street-rat then don't even bother going. I've been both at various points, you feel like a loser if what you're wearing is shit quality and no one will want to interact with you. High quality? You'll network and get invited to parties and meet more people than you'd ever imagine.

It has the "elitist" reputation for a reason.

>> No.10828986

To add on to this, the breakdown of katsucon usually goes like this:

50% cosplayers, 30%% of whom are attractive girls in high quality cosplay, 5% are dumbass tweens in closet shit, 5% are shitty guy cosplayers, 5% are shitty girl cosplayers, and the remaining 5% are the rare few guys who cosplay and actually look good while doing it. The other 50% are all middle-aged men wearing stupid shirts with loose references to various nerdy shit with fancy cameras they've no idea how to operate posing as "photographers" as a platform to talk to and acquire jackoff material from aforementioned girls.

>> No.10829003
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Katsu's full of people doing impromptu photoshoots in every area of the Homosexual Nobility. If you have a half decent cosplay you'll inevitably find a middle aged man with a DSLR who'll ask you for a picture.

>> No.10829010

Wish getting a hotel in the area wasn't so annoying. The only hotels aside from these are 30 minutes away or at some weird airbnb room in the home of a potential serial killer.

>> No.10829016

How crowded is katsu? Is it even possible to get a photo without people in the background?

>> No.10829020
File: 1.15 MB, 906x586, Me and the lads on our way to.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me and the bois on our way to ghost the con and have free breakfast at the Residence Inn

>> No.10829021


>Stealing free breakfast

Nah nigga there is no such thing as stealing free breakfast. If Im staying at the Gaylord and my friends are at the Residence and have a spare key card you damn right Im going to use that key card to get inside and take advantage of free food all weekend. Aint nobody going to stop me from eating free food and getting pussy

>> No.10829022

Depends on where you are and how creative you can get with framing things.

>> No.10829060

Skip Katsucon and go to station unity. The two biggest pros of this are easier access to Gaylord rooms and the con is in the summer.

>> No.10829085

>sci-fi convention
>sweaty middle-aged men asking if you've watched Star Trek


>> No.10829126

Thats no different than the same type of dude asking if you watch anime from the 1980s while at katsu.

>> No.10829180

please respond

>> No.10829186

As opposed to Katsucon, where teenage boys ask you if you can name ten anime in a minute?

>> No.10829216

I don't know why Katsucon is pushing vaxx pass and masks since Prince Georges Co. It's like they really want to kill the con in the DMV so badly.

>> No.10829466

is there a discord

>> No.10829474

I wish I was going to Katsu. I shot at the gaylord at MAG last weekend, and the venue is pretty gorgeous. I can post some shots if anyone is interested. Just pretend it's Katsu.

>> No.10829480

You mean a convention one or a /cgl/ one?

>> No.10829481

Do it, I'll probably reference yours when scouting locations when I get there.

>> No.10829484
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They are just quick shoots in the hotel or right outside.

>> No.10829485
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>> No.10829486
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>> No.10829488
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>> No.10829489
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>> No.10829490
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>> No.10829491
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>> No.10829492
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>> No.10829494
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>> No.10829502

>CUK filename
Aside from that, these shots are wonderful. I love how you fuck with the natural lighting. I'll see what I can do at Katsu when I get there.

>> No.10829955

should I get my badge today, or should I wait to get it at the door? PLEASE respond

>> No.10829956

Why wouldn't you get it now if you could? Why is this even a question? Are you stupid?

>> No.10829960
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Is it worth going last minute? First time going as well.

>> No.10829962

Last year, the line to get a pass at the doors was MUCH shorter than the line for pregistered people

It's the best con i've been to

>> No.10829981

Sounds exactly like how it is at events in Japan lol

>> No.10829983

Last year the line to for prereg was insane, people who didn't prereg were able to just walk up to get their badges and walk out

>> No.10829987

>Last year, the line to get a pass at the doors was MUCH shorter than the line for pregistered people
>Last year the line to for prereg was insane, people who didn't prereg were able to just walk up to get their badges and walk out

This is news to me. This year will be my first.

Is this a ribbon con? I'm trying to decide if I should order some, so far I've only seen them at ALA and Holiday Matsuri.

>> No.10830002

Probably, I know my friends were preparing ribbons for something. I don't know what though.

>> No.10830004

What is a "Ribbon Con"?

>> No.10830005
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Alright, dope. I think I'll design and order some just for fun

>What is a "Ribbon Con"?

Ribbons are exchanged and attached to your badge, Anime Los Angeles seems to have the biggest community for it but I've heard very little of them exchanged at other cons.

>> No.10830072

Anyone have recommendations for where to get ribbons printed? Thinking of printing some to match my cosplays.

>> No.10830079
File: 1.72 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230116_132420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be doing photoshoots this year again so if you see me show me this post and I'll get you some photos if I'm not busy.

>> No.10830121

Ribbon's Galore.

>> No.10830216
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I'm bringing tons of drugs. Who wants to party.

>> No.10830255


Bringing LSD mate so count me in and I can hook you up with some

>> No.10830516

How does this compare to otakon? Which one is more fun, which is more of a party con...

What are the differences?

>> No.10830526

Well, enough people are going to the point that all of the hotels in the harbor are sold out. Ther was a time where you could walk up to any hotel the day of con and get a room but those days are over now.

>> No.10830529

One of you faggots need to drop so I can check in on Thursday

>> No.10830530

This sounds incredibly try hard and self serious

>> No.10830531

Katsu has been over stuffed for almost 5 years so even with a photographer you'll be fighting for space if you want photos. Just don't be polite and shoulder your way in

>> No.10830532

Pre reg line is normally pretty bad. At this point you'd be saving... $5? Don't crucify me if I'm wrong but I'm waiting to just do at door bc the line might be better

>> No.10830533

I'm so happy anime went mainstream and I have all these new friends around who make booking any con a hunger games you have to do instantly when the room block is announced. No one really liked cons when they had a niche culture with their own internal politics. I'm so happy they all got swept away in a tie of normies, wannabe influencers and OF girls.

>> No.10830549

Its actually moneyed up millennials trying to relive their con days circa 2008. Seriously check the age of some of these Katsu con goers. I bet you will run into plenty of 30+ people. They now have the money to afford a hotel room to themselves without stuffing up with 5 other weebs anymore.

Get ready for that Millenial nostalgia to hit cons hard.

>> No.10830557

All of the people in these photos look grey like they are dying

>> No.10830577

The number of genshin teens cuts against this point

>> No.10830584

You have no idea how many Genshin millennials there are. The last official photoshoot I went to had about a 40/60 split of old/young.

>> No.10830586

Gross and disappointing

>> No.10830680

Get used to it youngblood. We're not going anywhere.

>> No.10830884

Hopefully, there'll be a photographer meetup even with the staff members.

>> No.10831245

I blame DC desu

>> No.10831470


This tea shop, formerly in Georgetown, just moved to ALX. They’re doing a soft opening this week. I bet a sufficient volume of lolitas could get it for Katsu Friday.

>> No.10831879

I'm pretty new to the con scene, especially the DC con scene. Is Katsucon worth going to if I'm not a serious cosplayer? From reading this thread it seems like the answer is no.

>> No.10831979

Fuck off we're full

>> No.10832172

It's not really worth going. Do Otakon or MAGfest. Katsu is full of 30+ cosplayers who are aging like milk and clinging on desperately to any last bit of clout they have, like this anon >>10831979

>> No.10832179

Katsu is a cosplayer centric con so the other aspects of it kinda suck. If you want good dealers hall/AA, go to Otakon. If you just want to vidya and party go to magfest.

>> No.10832195

Don't listen to those other fags, katsu is the funnest con I've been to

>> No.10832216

>implying I have clout
Thanks anon :') I will agree that it's not worth going to though

>> No.10832229

Take down as many cucks with you

>> No.10832283


>> No.10832828

I might turn up for a day depending on if my friend still wants to go, I've been to a con before but it'll be my first katsu

>> No.10832926
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I'm gonna have a lot of coke and ketamine

>> No.10833066

Katsu is fine, they hardly enforced the mask shit last year anyways. Honestly /cgl/ might quite literally be the worst place to discuss cons after the coof.

Go if
>you live close enough or got a cheap hotel around it
>party+vibe is a must over panels
>you are cosplaying
>no other cons on the horizon for a while

It's head and shoulders over Otakon IMO for location and time of year, fucking DC in summer really?

>> No.10833340

What about the vaxx passes will they drop it soon.

>> No.10833358

Dunno I'm vaxed so not following the shit of that.

>> No.10833424

Rooms are available at the Gaylord right now for the con rate. Somehow got a room.

>> No.10833471

Double vaxxed or boosted?

>> No.10833515

Katsu is a heavily cosplay centric con. If you want to look at impressive cosplays, Katsu is for you.

Mag is much better (even if you're not a gamer/music fan), vibes are better, people are nicer, much more things to do (massive arcade/game room + music performances). The only things Katsu has that Mag doesn't is better cosplay and a better dealer's/AA (which, IMO, is a retarded selling point; you can buy the same shit online for likely cheaper prices)

>> No.10833573

I want to go this year but I keep hearing about the mask shit. How enforcing were they last year

>> No.10833805

Any anons want to room with me for Katsu? I have a Gaylord room but so far its just me and a rando

>> No.10833807

nta but thanks for this.

>> No.10834450

Literally no one inside cares so it's another case of the con virtue signaling online.

>> No.10834979

Last year it was 50/50 enforced at doors to vendor halls and what not. The lobby was full of no mask people not giving a shit.

>> No.10835035

I did hear of screaming staff

>> No.10835068

>I did hear of screaming staff
You see that virtual every thread here about staff "screaming and ree'ing" but I rarely ever see it unless you're specifically going up to staff and going "hurr durrr covid not real I no wear mask XD". Just don't walk around being a fucking karen about it and you'll go unnoticed.

Katsu last year they only had people telling you to put masks on at the doors to events, after that people largely dropped them.

>> No.10835084

How does Katsu compare to Awesome con?

>> No.10835085

>Just don't walk around being a fucking karen about it and you'll go unnoticed.
funny how you say this when the entire two years the covid screamers were literally doing this

>> No.10835086

are you joking? they were extremely anal about it

I had pounds of makeup on after a show and wanted to remove it before putting on the one mask I brought with me. Some con staff retard started reeing at me over it. I had to explain "look, I just want to wash my face".

>> No.10835098

Dunno most anons and others have stated they were relaxed last year which I also noticed, outside of the panel rooms and places where security often parks their fat asses masks were a optional thing.

I really don't see it being much this year so that's why I am going.

>> No.10835126

This is the cosplay version of "they spit on us after coming home from Vietnam"

This is entirely fake memory or one blown out of proportion by what was likely a 5 second interaction due to your own anxiety

>> No.10835274

>at a con earlier this year
>anon in our group tags along won't buy a badge because 'supported mental jannies'
>won't shut up about masks, covid, and drags in politics to the entire con whenever they see a sign or staff
>ends up drawing more attention to our group that isn't doing much more than maybe carrying a mask in our bag
>always got the attention of staff for being a moron
>staff then would ask us to mask up

I can't tell if these people genuinely don't realize that just walking around like normal and "forgetting" your mask on basically will get you through most the con scott free.

>> No.10835448

>I can't tell if these people genuinely don't realize that just walking around like normal and "forgetting" your mask on basically will get you through most the con scott free.
Eh, I tried that a lot before this year and staff still gave me shit. There was only small instances where I did get away with it but it was still insufferable.

>> No.10835529

So is it worth it/possible to go one day and buy tickets at the door? I don’t wanna drive all the way just to get fucked

>> No.10835533

I'm going for the weekend and I'm buying my badge at door. the line is regularly shorter than the pre reg line. That said you need to rush to get it. It's not like there are check points or anything. As long as you aren't in a rush to go to dealers or some particular panel you can just wait until the line is short.

>> No.10835546

thanks, I was just wondering if any shenanigans like tickets at the door being gone if you don't get there soon enough or something

>> No.10835616

The schedule looks abysmal. We went from having no jfashion panels to having so many it’s obnoxious.

>> No.10835664

Did it leak? Where?

>> No.10835666

It’s on Guidebook but I don’t think it’s finalized. Not holding my breath though.

>> No.10836537

At least it won't be freezing cold for Katsu weekend.

>> No.10836567

Saturday looks a little cool but who cares, gaylord is mostly indoors anyways.

>> No.10836577

can't get the funny outside wind shots

>> No.10836578


>> No.10836647

mb i forgot to turn it off from another board

>> No.10836648

its too late. the filter remembers your ip

>> No.10836687

>katsu this week
>thread dead
what happened

>> No.10836699

Con crunch

>> No.10836948

New photographer here, my first Katsu. Any tips? I have business cards to hand out and I'm planning to offer shoots on the cheap but idk what else to do

>> No.10836960
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I will probably be dressed as a Chinese soldier, say hi if you see me bros

>> No.10837003
File: 1.67 MB, 4898x3265, DSCF2746-DeNoiseAI-standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you looking for compositional advice or networking advice?

>> No.10837015

Networking. Composition is something that even if you tell me I'll have to learn through practice

>> No.10837082

Anyone coming who does shibari? It's been forever since I've gotten to do rope. Would trade your time/skills for baked goods.

>> No.10837091

I'm an amateur but I've done it once

>> No.10837094

Basically act like a psychopath and judge everyone you spend your time interacting on at the con in terms of what type of connections they have and what favors they can pull for you. Suck up to the people who can do that and spend less time on people who don't.

>> No.10837095

I did shibari photography for a bit last year but I'm incredibly rusty at actually tying the ropes.

>> No.10837096

Do post where/when it's going to happen. I missed the one last year.

>> No.10837159

What time does prereg start and end Thursday? I know the line will be hell at the start so I plan on showing up towards the end.

>> No.10837184

Anyone still need a room ?

>> No.10837193

are masks still required?
Seeing people already at the hotel without masks.

>> No.10837197

I'm learning, but I only know the basics, kinda kicking myself for not really pushing myself to get out there and learn.
There's a guy who used to do it, but he listened to the mainstream media too hard and mind broke.

>> No.10837283

Day 0 who ready

>> No.10837285

Bruh you’re actually so right for this room cramming just isn’t a thing anymore. I ain’t even moneyed up but I’m already grumpy at 23 preferring to book my own private room with partner than with a bunch of people because being 5 in front of the same mirror is not worth saving 100$

So since now the average is 2 ppl per rooms instead of 6 no wonder the hotels are sold out fast

>> No.10837304

>all the DMV cons are too close for me to justify a hotel but to far for it to be worth going multiple days
The eternal struggle

>> No.10837306

>day 0 and haven’t decided what to bring, let alone started packing

>> No.10837312

Anyone know around what time is best to go buy at door tickets? I'm only going for saturday, and don't wanna wait in line for super long if possible.

>> No.10837350
File: 358 KB, 1920x1080, 1663793363102065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's at katsu?

Thinking of some drinks in a bit and tonight, anyone down? Probably be the blue fairy at the Irish pub close to the gaylord

>> No.10837356

There is one.
Balcony Right at 11AM on Friday

>> No.10837378

“Required” except as of 6:30 tonight I’ve seen maybe half of attendees wearing them. I haven’t worn mine and no one is giving me shit.

>> No.10837384

Coming dressed as Jill Stingray. Say hi if you want

>> No.10837393

So it’s bullshit! Guess it maybe worth it.
So many people not wear it on instagram.

>> No.10837411

It be foggy

>> No.10837420 [DELETED] 

Me and my gf (both hot) are looking to meet a nerdy girl and see what happens. Anyone wanna hang ?

>> No.10837422

Me and my gf (both hot) are looking to meet a nerdy girl and see what happens. Anyone wanna hang ?

>> No.10837424

no we dont

>> No.10837427
File: 615 KB, 614x966, Screenshot_20230216-213502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my gf (both hot) are looking to meet a nerdy girl and see what happens. Anyone wanna hang ?

>> No.10837430

Email: gbadvanced4@gmail.com

>> No.10837441

Katsu is still a Vaxxed only con What are they in the dark ages? Its 2023 move on, the rest of the world has. And mask rules for in the building? Who runs this thing, and how many medications for paranoia are they on? FWIW be honest with yourself, the con would basically be shit if it wasn't in the gaylord. The venue is EVERYTHING to that con. It's the scenery that draws the cosplay. And the cosplay is the only reason to go.

>> No.10837450

This is how you do everything works. The venue is everything

>> No.10837456

nice try
you aren't stealing my organs this time

>> No.10837467

But candy mountain Charlie!!

>> No.10837470

We will make your pussy throb

>> No.10837574

Hmmm low energy today..... just expected.

>> No.10837657

How’s the con going

>> No.10837665

Crowded as fuck. No areas to properly do photoshoots unless you got a hotel room or are willing to deal with the outside weather.

>> No.10837676

Seems like outside con goers took over the con and probably didn't need to pay in.

>> No.10837677

its not even 6pm playboi

>> No.10837687

please post outfit pic anon I wanna see your cute bartender cosplay

>> No.10837706

Didn't someone crap in the Gazebo last year in protest to their covid rules?

>> No.10837712

I hope so. If COVID cultists want to give us shit, we may as well give it back. That being said, at a place where people need to be told to use deodorant it’s not exactly surprising for people to leave a stinky surprise.

Also stop giving money to vax cons. Vote with your dollar!

>> No.10837722

Any room parties?

>> No.10837733

Who wants to party with me and my friends tonight?

>> No.10837744

Kinda guilty in that I didn't go this year to protest their vax bullshit, like you said I voted with my dollar, the guilty part comes from two of my friends who did get vaxxed couldn't go because they couldn't afford the con for four days (we always came down early) without the three way split on all the costs (hotel, transportation, parking etc) so they dumped the room and transferred their badges over to other people. So by me not going Katsu lost three people.

>> No.10837759

Was alright, might go again tomorrow. The Jab Tag requirement was retarded. Lots of qts as usual but didn't stay very long. How's the dance and is it easy to get laid?

>> No.10837762

Why do you have to hurt me like this anon...

>> No.10837789

I love dorky white women

>> No.10837795

Who wants to hang out tomorrow
I have a lot of redeeming qualities like being a sperg weirdo

>> No.10837806

>Who wants to hang out tomorrow
Only you.

>> No.10837911

Alright sure

>> No.10837927

Just a lonely yt boy out here tryna link up with some cutie 3.14 white girls, yellow girls, white/yellow girls, light skinned black girls, white passing hispanic girls. Hmu @ the fountain if you tryna mess wit a little yt boy with a BIG(3.6 in) package

>> No.10837932

It sounds like you're a shit friend

>> No.10837934

>>10837927 Jokes on you a huge percentage of Katsu goers are trans. Hope you're into dick cause thats probably what you'll get.

>> No.10837961

This is way better than otakon already, met a cool person to guide me around as well

>> No.10837962

>yellow girls
Jump from a great height, you will never.

>> No.10837971

You sound like an absolute cunt.

>> No.10837972

I didn't know why there isn't a badge cap. We are closing in on half a decade of this issue

>> No.10837984

The cunts are the ones that won't let someone attend Katsu because they don't have a vax card. I'd love to know why staff thinks full vaccination is needed at this point. You've either been vaccinated, or have had covid at this point. Even if you think you haven't had covid, you probably did and were asymptomatic. It's so pointless. And for everyone who went despite it being a masked event, congratulations, you're just encouraging more masked events. We'll never get back to normal at this rate.

>> No.10837988

Honestly anyone who maintains a covid policy but also crams the fuck out of people and doesnt have enough volunteers to enforce masks is a dumbfuck. Half the attendees dont have masks, and everything is a bottleneck.

>> No.10838009

I'm dressed as Harry du Bois from Disco Elysium. I'm at the sports bar in the atrium if anyone wants to hang

>> No.10838011
File: 391 KB, 1242x2208, BB192EAD-3B49-408D-B77A-BDFCCA4457D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re building kits by the gamer room chudwaffen assemble

>> No.10838018
File: 110 KB, 355x199, he cant keep getting away with it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

far better experience than otakon for everything except for the merchant hall line, might go tomorrow
Met some cool people and saw a lot of sick cosplays
damn I left already, sounds fun

>> No.10838037
File: 484 KB, 750x1301, 9DCCACD8-D40F-4EFC-AEB6-13BF3DBBF6B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10838045


>> No.10838048

Just saw a vid on YouTube where a staffer at one of the doors wasn't wearing a mask as he was letting people into a room. Wow, must be nice to make arbitrary rules like must be fully vaxxed and wear a mask and then totally ignore your own rules. Great example. Makes me think it had nothing to do with covid what so ever. They clearly think of unvaxxed people as part of a group they don't want anything to do with. How very 1930's of them.

>> No.10838052
File: 139 KB, 462x591, 93D88B15-3A92-479E-9187-7698F24FFD1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless there was multiple disco elysium cosplays I think I saw you passing by on the escalator, It was really well done anon

>> No.10838056

which one of you fucks pooped the gazebo this time

>> No.10838059

>All that hot pieces of ass you'll never get.
I always have fun but then get demoralized at these things.
Was too beta to even ask that group of bunny girls near the escalator for a picture.

>> No.10838060

It’s not like you’re asking them out man, it’s a con everyone is asking them for pictures, just force yourself to go for it next time

>> No.10838068

Will there be less people on the final day?

>> No.10838069

Bruh, I was the photog there. Literally ask them and they would've let you . Were you the fucking sperg that took a phone picture by me while they weren't paying attention.

>> No.10838070

No but I did see that happen kek.

>> No.10838071

>No but I did see that happen kek.
Yeah if it was the Genshin one by the ballrooms then yeah. We had so many randos take creepshots while walking past

>> No.10838074

Will post picrel with the 2 shitty lights when I'm not blasted

>> No.10838077

I saw a lot of creepshots happening actually. There was this one woman, I don't know what she was cosplaying as but she was taking multiple photos of other cosplayers. She was using a chair to get an angle and so her entire ass was basically on display.
Took a gander, of course, like any red-blooded American, but I saw a few dudes with their phones out behind me. She had to have known the risks in doing that I mean you've got your fish-net covered ass sticking out towards the center crowd.

>> No.10838078

yeah during the entire bunny girl group shoot we had like 4 people get called out for trying to take creep shots the entire time.

>> No.10838085


>> No.10838089
File: 1.85 MB, 4000x3000, 20230219_040215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legs so damn sore from all the walking. But it was a decent time. Hopefully I don't get fucked over by passkey again next year.

>> No.10838094

It’s fucking dead for 9am on the final morning.

>> No.10838095

Yeah cuz everyone's blasted from last night.

>> No.10838100
File: 312 KB, 2400x2400, 81g1eu8g6mL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the hangover.

>> No.10838113

forgot this was happening, heard it's pretty dead, worth driving 20 minutes out?

>> No.10838134

Last night wasn't packed as hell. Goddamn I wished Katsu stopped their vaxxed passes shit.

>> No.10838139

>He wanted it to be even more packed than it was.
There wasn't parking in all of National Harbor. I had to fucking drive to a Metro parking garage and call and uber.
Waited 40 minutes in line for packed room with a tiny projector where they played cartoon openers. Waited like half an hour in line for a Mezeh bowl blocks away from the Gaylord. It was hardly that bad on friday.

>> No.10838148

>I had to fucking drive to a Metro parking garage and call and uber.
You wasted a lot of money and time for that.

>> No.10838152

Cute, would order Piano Woman from

>> No.10838153

Pray tell what you did then, walk on the highway like a bunch of people were doing?

>> No.10838159

for any lolitas who attended katsucon, did anyone attend the jfashion show? if so, how cringe was it lol

>> No.10838161

Are you kidding they will never stop vax passes. No one will speak up about it and when they do they just get dog piled on by the covid paranoid. Vaxx does not stop the spread, does not keep you from getting it, does not stop hospitalizations, does not stop death. Those were all proven lies. They now say well, it kinda, sorta, probably reduces risk, possibly a little. And after all the lies they have been told they are eager to cling to that last one for dear life. Despite the fact that its been proven that getting vaxxed or boosted can cause death or injury (even if the chances are small) At this point everyone has probably had covid, and all the people that qualify as fully vaxxed by Katsu standards are so horribly out of date without boosters that its pointless to demand it. The lack of logic boggles the mind.

>> No.10838164
File: 817 KB, 798x1000, 0q9firmd0-icon-jpg-j7pk1o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a threesome. I think I am going to have more threesomes at cons

>> No.10838165

I was there! I actually liked several indie designer showcases, but there were definitely low effort shows included. You can't expect them all to be hits.

>> No.10838176

Did someone actually fucking shit at the gazebo?

>> No.10838189

No, but the inside of 1 of the elevators looked like someone threw up when I left a few minutes ago.

>> No.10838192

>>>10838134 #
>Are you kidding they will never stop vax passes
They will stop when realize they are losing money its gonna take a year for them to see how much shit have lost among the anime community that are tired of the cons charades and bullshit. Anime Expo should have told them those Covid fearmongers to go fuck themselves eternally.

>> No.10838194

It was last year but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened again to send a strong message.

>> No.10838197

I absolutely adore plain, lanky women. Just want to give them a hug

>> No.10838210

Anyone know where the photos of the Arknights meet up will be? I saw someone do a nice Patriot cosplay.

>> No.10838226

AX was like lol we still sold out w/e

>> No.10838228

Lmao this was the busiest one yet. You're actually delusional.

>> No.10838229

100%. Saturday was a fucking fever dream.

I first got there at like 10am, thought that was already pretty late, but there was no traffic and plenty of parking. I came back 3 hours later and BAM

all the signs saying no parking available, ubers with 20 minute wait times (or just fucking stuck)

I wasted way too much time going back to snag a deal from the dealers room.

Friday and Sunday were SIGNIFICANTLY better. Idk wtf happened Saturday this year. Some kind of invasion I assumed.

>> No.10838231

They didn't lose shit, you fucking sped.

Those badges got transferred. Cash in hand.

You dumb fuck. Saturday was so busy they put up signs saying ALL the parking garages were full.

>> No.10838234

There was a bus idiot

>> No.10838247

do you have any pics? i was thinking of going as harry for animazement this year

>> No.10838248

For those dudes looking for a con gf: A lot of ya'll missed a fuckload of social cues. Some girls were throwing obvious choosing signals and the guys were missing them completely.

>> No.10838274

AX always cook attendance numbers so as Katsu and others cons to lie the public.

>> No.10838275

>Lmao this was the busiest one yet. You're actually delusional.
I bet you this was your first con.

>Those badges got transferred. Cash in hand.
Weren't they supposed to get tested to make sure a negative covid would get them in easily?

>> No.10838281

do tell, what did our fine gentlemen miss?

>> No.10838286

>>no notable guests
People go to cons for guests?

>> No.10838287
File: 138 KB, 640x1352, 20230220_080444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a hater if you want but I hate this shit. This an example of what I'm talking about when I bitch about cosplay feeling more and more like Halloween costumes. How does this feel any different than a couples costume that is a literal interpretation of a pun? It's too clever by half, "lol I'm so funny", pick me bs and all the people clapping like seals over it doesn't help their case.

>> No.10838289

You can be a beta and complain about " inconsistent covid rules :c" all you want.

But the funniest half assed policy katsu had by far was their curfews on the gazebo deck. If you're having this big of problem with crowds and nosie at night, just cap your fucking attendance. There are even more creative solutions of absolutely refuse to do that. Persecute the people with boom boxes and have a free silent disco like AWA did this last year. Like there are solutions to these problems

>> No.10838311

it was funny doe

>> No.10838313

Absolutely hate this shit. Reeks of "I wanna be cosplay famous!!!1!" When it's literally a bolt of spoonflower fabric tacked to a Amazon skirt

>> No.10838329

All because you are an idiot?

>> No.10838355

Personally I think it was extremely selfish to do such a cosplay at a crowded con.

>> No.10838359

Agree. That was a crowded AF staircase and she was there for like twenty minutes. There was plenty of room to pose with that outside and the wind had died down enough that it wouldn’t have blown away.

>> No.10838360

Alright, post con review for a first timer

The parking/road layout is garbage. Paid almost $36 dollars a day just to park in the garage.

The venue was spectacular. Place was fucking massive and looked like a MMO hubcity or something. Multiple levels, that huge main area with all the rooms on either side rising up all around you. Just watch a youtube video and you’ll get the scale of it all.

The Dealers/Artist Rooms had the worst booger yellow/lighting imaginable. It was like the Backrooms. Usual overpriced stuff, some cool art, thought I saw one booth that was trying to sell fishing lure as cute animal charms. And the place was packed to the gills. Almost impossible to go down the aisles.

The cosplay. No idea what I was getting into but I suppose Katscon must be a cosplay con/party con. Bunny girl cosplay every; suppose that’s the lunar new year thing but there was bunny girls everything and ass everywhere. MHA, Mario, Pikmin, Kill la Kill, 2B, Garfield, Genshin. I swear to god, I saw a wet floor sign bunny girl.

Also saw a topless girl step out onto their hotel balcony and look down at the crowd below; bet you didn’t think anyone would notice but I did. Also saw some dominatrix lingerie jinx cosplay whose skirt fell off, and the photobro just has her bend over the railing and takes a bunch of ass shots.

Highlight of the con was watching a muslim mom try and cover the eyes of her 4 kids as they tried to dart across the floor as if it was a warzone.

>> No.10838362
File: 3.42 MB, 1440x1800, Screenshot_20230220-155537~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wdym? lol

>> No.10838368
File: 970 KB, 2048x1365, DSCF0352-RAF_DxO_DeepPRIME 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10838379

Kinda reminds me of that dress that one girl did a few years ago on that outside con. Her dress was so big it took up a huge part of the available park space, I wish I saved the picture or the thread it was on

>> No.10838439
File: 154 KB, 308x298, 1661756990778404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some bad news: anyone that was giving clear signals and looks hot as fuck, heels and all, will wind up being ace. Without fail.

>> No.10838444

Apparently someone sharted at the gazebo this year too.

>> No.10838447


Obese. That explains the attention grabbing.

>> No.10838449 [DELETED] 

If I bought a wig and it's not at the quality I was expected and it's too late to try to get another wig should I still go to a con with a not so great wig ?

>> No.10838451 [DELETED] 
File: 2.92 MB, 3634x2420, IMG_7563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man

Getting the items was hard, DM me on insta if you want help https://www.instagram.com/a_wandering_fog/

>> No.10838461 [DELETED] 
File: 2.56 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7563(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man
Getting the items was hard, DM me on insta if you want help https://www.instagram.com/a_wandering_fog/

>> No.10838466

Is it literally just taped to the end of the dress? I see shiny silver foil at the edge of the dress hem.

>> No.10838475

Are you really surprised selfish people are at a vaccine con?

>> No.10838481

>Apparently someone sharted at the gazebo this year too.

>> No.10838483
File: 139 KB, 594x514, loli smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I c wat you did there

>> No.10838494
File: 2.92 MB, 3634x2420, IMG_7563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon


It was a real quest to put this costume together, finding the proper items. If you want some tips, you can DM me on insta

>> No.10838495

Oh, I saw them... I just ignored them. Unless they explicitly state their interest or intent, I ignore any signals, hints, or winks they throw my direction and keep it moving. We aren't kids, they can say it with their chest.

>> No.10838496

I do not actually have a double chin, the lighting and angle conspired in an awful way

>> No.10838497

indirectness is a female trait, if you don't like it you should date a man with aspergers

>> No.10838498

Imagine how much better the Gaylord would be as a venue if it had a metro station

>> No.10838503
File: 43 KB, 338x305, 555-Hyper-Come-On-Now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....And you believed them.

>> No.10838513
File: 78 KB, 1100x1007, pepe nolips eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else know a ton of hot girls with not-very-attractive guys at this con?

>> No.10838521

Have you seen a ton of hot girls going out with hot girls too right? I mean Katsucon had a ton of lesbian cosplayers for this year.

>> No.10838522

surprised no one motioned the $96 lost parking ticket fee
still pissed

>> No.10838523

That's on you faggot.

>> No.10838526

imagine thinking the real issue isnt charging x4 the maximum price just to fuck over people
anyway this katsu was a bust because I didn’t get any photos with yor cosplayers, only a bocchi and some aqours who clearly didn’t want to get a picture at the moment
was surprised that only like 2 people ever asked to take a picture with my friend who was index, probably been years since most people have seen one

>> No.10838527

>I mean Katsucon had a ton of lesbian cosplayers for this year.
Weren't most of them are trannies.

>> No.10838529

>anyway this katsu was a bust
Still that's your fault going there with low attendance and paying pricely high parking tickets.

>> No.10838530

Many of these old men are looking to fuck cosplayers and not their girlfriends. Simps are everywhere and they are a problem.

>> No.10838535

>low attendance
what are you talking about

>> No.10838536

Yes, I was the not-very-attractive guy

>> No.10838539
File: 3.51 MB, 1440x1627, Screenshot_20230220-155552~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's correct. This is the rest of the cosplay that apparently took 3 years to complete

>> No.10838541

dude that shit looks 100000x better than mine

>> No.10838550
File: 189 KB, 640x1422, C4C9968A-94D3-450A-8376-8DFFB2531D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This alone made my weekend

>> No.10838582

That silent disco was lame as fuck though. Personally if music/cheering/whatever at night is going to bother me, I just don't go for a host hotel room. But I do agree that Katsucon really needs to cap attendance.

>> No.10838590

women just claim to be asexual to reject people they dont like

>> No.10838591

I would suck his dick.

>> No.10838602

Saw a future couple the making arguing about BBQ cooking methods while in the line for the dealers room. The dude looked like he runs a BBQ joint whike the girl was saying she could out cook any man in the building. Big bro, marry that woman and open up a BBQ spot in the south with her!

>> No.10838617

That would make people selfless getting a vaccine you moron.

>> No.10838622

Why doesn't katsu just block out the entire gaylord if they are worried about upsetting the normies?

>> No.10838638

Just say you’re too dumb to fake a vax pass and move on.

Im jabbed but my partner isn’t and we still attended all vax required covid cons because we faked his pass easily

If you had the braincells to do the same your friends wouldn’t have had to miss out

>> No.10838643

A friend of mine literally did a quick text edit to a google imaged jab tag and it somehow worked. They didn't even check me.

These people are either dumb or secretly think it's retarded as well.

>> No.10838644

Dont listen to the naysayers you’re right. 99% of the hot girl cosplayers are ace and autistic and theyre not actually throwing signals theyre just being friendly and spergs interpret it as signals. If they ARE “throwing signals” its most likely for their onlyfans because all hot cosplayers are paired up. I do not know a single hot cosplay girl who isnt cuffed and I know a lot of em

>> No.10838651

were you dressed as harry?

>> No.10838653

>Highlight of the con was watching a muslim mom try and cover the eyes of her 4 kids as they tried to dart across the floor as if it was a warzone.
kek. fuck muslims

>> No.10838700

no i'm >>10838247

>> No.10838723

I wonder if anyone responded to his ad. I saw him walking around the con alone on Saturday.

>> No.10838724 [DELETED] 
File: 642 KB, 954x961, 1675474982618903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This vtuber went to katsucon, denied a hololive fan of a Rushia nendo and also got freaked out in a bar of people full of dog collars and stuff. Sadly she did not take place in the con orgies.


She had Freddy Fazbear pyjamas on, maybe you saw her.

>> No.10838728

Con newfag, how do you get into the con orgies?

>> No.10838740

Autistic IDC too much about unless it’s to the point where it’d set mine off (if they need a handler then no way that’s ever gonna work), if anything it’d be slightly beneficial desu. But it’s pretty demoralizing to have that check box of yours ticked when they go through all that effort to look great down low when many others just can’t be fucked to put in a small amount of effort, only for you to realize that they’ll give little to no positive reaction if I wanted to so much as nut on their legs. And if they’re not at least a little into it, what hope have you?

>> No.10838795

dont be a sperg
t. sperg

>> No.10838813

>con orgies
I'm guessing this isn't actually a thing and it happened a handful of times and then incels heard and mythologized it into a general phenomenon

>> No.10838816

Who cares about orgies, I want advice on how to better make friends at cons

>> No.10838817

just talk to people who arent doing anything, like in line or sitting down before a panel starts

>> No.10838820


I made some buds :) but I live on the other coast so it doesn't mean much

>> No.10838983

hey photobro which digital cam did you use

>> No.10839015


along with some shitty smegma and vintage zeiss lens

>> No.10839028

Anyone who has ever worked for the Maryland Rennfest knows about the closing orgies that take place. This shit happens, you just need to be in the right circles.

>> No.10839112

It’s a high/low skirt attached to a turtleneck tee and a pair of leggings, AND it’s all knit. Give me four hours and a good server and it would be done. It’s not like the entire receipt is hand-embroidered, how TF did that take three years.

>> No.10839115

does she know how illegal this is? i hope cvs sues her.

>> No.10839152

Hope you're not serious nigger you're out there dressed up as intellectual properties Nintendo ought to send Reggie to dunk your ass

>> No.10839206

What the fuck. How did that take three years?

Exactly. Lazy fuck is why the obese didn't finish it.

>> No.10839209
File: 356 KB, 1072x1488, Weebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its literally shit like this why the conventions price hike shit. Yall bitch and bitch about the costs and refuse to respect the property that hosts you. Stay off the fucking trees and non chair furniture. And the photographers encouraging the shoots are just as bad.

>> No.10839221

I'm completely fine with the hotels raising rates to filter out the kiddies. Increased room rates will actually make it easier to get a room at the Gaylord.

>> No.10839255

I walked past the front entrance many times and hotel staff knows people do photoshoots there. It wasn't some secret affair, someone was sitting on that furniture every hour. It's tacky but not necessarily unallowed.

>> No.10839272

Just because its known doesnt mean they like it. If people fall off that thing it would be a hotel liability.

>> No.10839313
File: 1.67 MB, 449x498, C703F3C1-938E-40C0-9B9A-58A2DF520060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to onlyfans whores

>> No.10840074

Did any of you go to the jfash panels? There was alot this year.

>> No.10840294

Worst part was how she refused to pick up the train at all. She'd just walk through the crowded con with all 20ft trailing behind her. She'd also stop and stand in crowded areas for attention. She took up space on those stairs for 20 minutes.

Absolutely selfish behavior from someone desperate to go viral.