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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10819973 No.10819973 [Reply] [Original]

Im going to go on a con with my friends soon enough and i was wondering, are all those stories of people doing lewd stuff with cosplayers legit?

If so what is it i should look out for if i want to meet people and get laid in a con?i wont be cosplaying btw if that matters

>> No.10819974


>> No.10819975

if you have to ask, you ain't getting laid

>> No.10819980 [DELETED] 

Actual common sense, on 4chan.
If only all the retards who fall for pua shit could internalize this

>> No.10820006

dont do it. it's not worth it. con whores are drug-addled and STD-riddled. look to getting laid at a european one if you ever travel. also, you dont want to deal with the fake rep you get if you seperate with a chick on good terms.

>> No.10820025

I will tell you your selection of women at cons
>Stuck up Instagram girls (only here for attention and money, not for you)
>FtM troons who will accuse you of rape
>Asexuals who will accuse you of rape
>Ugly fat girls
>Girls with boyfriends
>Insane BPD girls who will accuse you of rape
>Insane girls devoted to their husbandos and fanfics who will accuse you of rape
>Girls with legit trauma who will accuse you of rape
>Women who tease guys and will purposely have you fighting with 10 other guys over her in some hellish gladiator arena for her sadistic enjoyment
>Underage girls
>Radical feminists who hate you
>Lesbians who are annoyed by you
>Normal girls but who are very shy and will not put out unless you are their partner (but they are impossible to talk to because they're so shy, you'd have to be introduced to them by a friend)
>A small portion of average looking to attractive girls who will fuck you. This is less than 1% of the con and the chances you meet one are purely by luck, good luck
You will only realistically have a chance with the last two. Whores can be found by networking into the party groups and discords. But whores will fuck anyone, engage in orgies, are riddled with STDs, and also have hundreds of other guys ready to kill for some pussy. You can get laid at cons but most people who get laid already have a partner. Plus, you better find a room without roommates. It is far easier to just meet people, go on dates with them and get into a relationship. It is better to meet a girl in IKEA.

>> No.10820041

>It is better to meet a girl in IKEA.

stfu, you're going to flood the ikea pickup scene

>> No.10820047

i have no idea how to meet girls irl. the only girls i talk to are egirls i meet in overwatch and league. i think ill always be single at cons unless i can convince one of them to meet me irl but that would just be awkward as fuck

>> No.10820049
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"Nice cosplay, [c] is my favorite character]"
If she's interested she'll carry the convo if she's not she'll brush you off
Why are guys so autustic

>> No.10820059

I will break it down for you:

1. Don't be ugly
2. Brush your teeth
3. Bathe/smell nice
4. Show genuine interest in the girls cosplay/character if she's cosplaying.
5. Involve Alcohol at the earliest point possible
6. Have your own room.

Bonus tips:
>i wont be cosplaying btw if that matters

7. Cosplay, you lazy fuck.
8. Pick Flavor of the month Husbando character even if you don't care about them.
9. Follow previous tips
10. Let girls mire you

cosplay girls really are that easy.

>> No.10820060

Shit advice
You don't want to cosplay flavor of the month character you want to cosplay the type of character the types of girls you're into lust over
For me personally it's fujobait

>> No.10820069
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Not OP, but what if I only have two weeks for Ecchi Con and have absolutely no time to get some ragtag cosplay shit ready?

I'm also spending my nights at my cousin's place she got an office room I'm bunking at, are my chances of bringing someone back there a big no? Should I really get my own hotel room?

>> No.10820071

I answered your Q in >>>/adv/27775835

>> No.10820072


>> No.10820075
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OP here's the actual secret no one will tell you

Firstly you gotta lower your standards to "I think they took a showa but it's not a deal breaker"
Secondly lie your ass off about what you banged, 2/10 with some funny eye stuff. No she wasn't with a lazy eye she wasy eye'n ya ballz

That's it I've been to a ton of cons that's what I see most of the time when people brag about sex, you ain't getting a porn star but you made the hole your goal.

>> No.10820090

>are my chances of bringing someone back there a big no? Should I really get my own hotel room?

bruh, no girl is gonna wanna travel long distance from the con area with a stranger.

Hooking up at cons means hooking up at cons. If she can't do the dirty and then easily skulk away back down to the con center, it aint happening.

>> No.10820092

I think a lot of the issue is just nerves
I kinda struggle talking to anyone that's in a group
Anyway to overcome that?

>> No.10820110

wing man. hell even a wing woman or couple. they start a group conversation then you start one with the girl.

>> No.10820115

Be white, hit on asian girls.

>> No.10820117

Cosplay masked characters. A lot of girls have mask kinks nowadays. They’ll want to get to know you and then just don’t fuck up and win them with “””personality”””. If you’re ugly underneath the mask just be funny, girls love funny confident guys.

>> No.10820119

actually the Asian girls here only want other Asian guys. that only works with Asian girls back in Asia

>> No.10820122

I don't know where you live but on the east coast in the states the asian girls all spread their legs for any white guy in the vicinity sans asian supremacists.

>> No.10820124

>Don't be ugly
Welp. I'm fucked then. Sucks to get filtered on the first step.
Thanks for the advice, tho.

>> No.10820125

D-does it work with a Kamen Rider cosplay or is that too nerd?

>> No.10820147

This is a bad idea unless you're ugly
Any time I'm alone at a con I get asked out and invited indirectly to fuck by girls

>> No.10820174

>y sans asian supremacists.
I doubt that

>> No.10820175

How many more of these threads are we gonna have? I've had some luck with girls at cons and here's my advice:

If you think you're ugly, here are some changes to fix that,
- Get a hairstyle that suits you
- If you wear glasses, get stylish glasses that fits your face frame. If you think you look better without them then wear contacts
- Do a daily skin AM/PM care routine. Cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, and moisturizer is really all you need. Exfoliate once a week. Especially do this if you have acne problems.
- In addition to brushing your teeth, use mouthwash, floss, and a tongue scraper.
- Drink plenty of water and cut off sugar. It makes your skin look more smooth and shiny and less puffy and leathery.
- Workout like crazy and have a proper diet. You're in a sea with skinny/skinnyfat/fat guys and being toned allows you to stand out a lot. Losing bodyfat can bring out your jawline. If you're too poor to afford a gym, calisthenics is the way to go.
- If you're not cosplaying that day because you're a lazy, wear some stylish clothes that suits you. Streetwear is the current fashion trend.
- Fix your posture and stand up straight.
- Maintain eye contact and don't be obnoxious when talking to the girl. Learn basic social cues.
- Don't be a mouth breather and breathe through your damn nose.
- Extra: If you're over 21 years old and have a nerdy wallet, toss that shit out and get a money clip or a leather wallet.
Doing all this can really change someone from a 2 to a 7 with ease and I speak from experience. I'm 6'0"/1.82m and while I was lucky to be tall (height isn't everything), I didn't pull anyone since I was an acne ridden skinnyfat slob with a shitty haircut, poor fashion sense and a mouth breather on top of that. After years of doing all the advice I gave, more girls notices me and approach me even when I'm not at a con.

>> No.10820177

>- If you wear glasses, get stylish glasses that fits your face frame. If you think you look better without them then wear contacts
In my case, I notice that I look worse without glasses

> Skin care
Gotcha, gonna do that.

Yeah, I left sugar weeks ago.

> workout like crazy

Absolutely, I am still fat, but losing 10 kgs is definitely a improvement.

> - Extra: If you're over 21 years old and have a nerdy wallet, toss that shit out and get a money clip or a leather wallet.

My godmother gave me one, I'm definitely using it.

>> No.10820181

>Yeah, I left sugar weeks ago.
>Absolutely, I am still fat, but losing 10 kgs is definitely a improvement.
Keep it up bro, we're all gonna make it

>> No.10820183

>go to con as my favorite character
>lots of girls approach me to compliment my cosplay and chat
>one girl even asks if I can walk around the con with her, I oblige
>never break character the entire time
>never once try to hit on any women
>the idea of getting laid doesn't even enter my mind
>go home having had fun at the con
Feels good to not be a porn addicted freak.

>> No.10820184
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>> No.10820185

I would like to live such a life and open the veins in the bath.

>> No.10820203

they definitely don't want to be around you after seeing you in character for that long, let alone fuck.

>> No.10820227

I wonder if I go there to at least meet male weeb friends).

Its three hours away from my city, so IDK if its prudent to do that. Too much cost.

There are smaller cons on my current city, so I may better wait until there, then meet more male weebs until someone can taught me to do good cosplay (and I lose more weight, I need to lose another 10 KGs since now)

>> No.10820231

You leave the purity of cons alone! Conventions are for friendships and relaxation, not you heathen hanky panky fornication.

>> No.10820233

I want both friends and fornication :(

>> No.10820239
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There goes my hope and dreams.

Anon, do you think I can at least make out with some cute girls at those things that happen in the night? I've never attended one and would be satisfied just making out with someone, getting her attention or whatever.

>> No.10820241

Bring 1000 US dillars. Walk up to a hot cosplayer who maek ur pee pee hard. Say, “i can offer 500 if you wanna (want to) party in costume.”

If they say no or ew no, walk away. It they say yes, go up to the room. Then you say, I want the works/bj/anal whatever. They will haggle. I would not go above 750 bucks but youre likely a faggot so you can go up to 1000 if you need.

You will prolly go soft or cum in 3 seconds. If shes a pro e thot, she might ve able to solve hardness, but if you cum to quick just pretend you didnt and try to cum again.

Even if ur fat ugly and autistic if you try enough it will work

>> No.10820242

>>Radical feminists who hate you

Let's correct that

>>Radical feminists who hate you AND will accuse you of rape

>> No.10820253

Be attractive, don't be unattractive. Fucking women is literally impossible as a average non-fat white guy, they're chad only

>> No.10820258

funny, I'm an average kinda fat white guy and I've fucked women.

>> No.10820284

Have an instagram and start talking with people before and after the con.

>> No.10820289

No you're no, no you haven't

>> No.10820290

>Underage girls
And there you have it that's the only normal girl from that list you can pick so go for it.

>> No.10820297

Cosplay as a husbando character and be decently attractive. Then the cosplay slits will swarm to you.
There are some real horny sluts at these cons but beware the underage ones. Wherever the big saturday con afterparty is- go there. Girls get horny at cons, especially the ones who wear slutty cosplay. If you cosplay as their husband, they will come to you.
>sauce: former professional male cosplay model who got paid to go to these things
My tip this coming year is to go dressed as Lloyd Forger from Spy x Family

>> No.10820298

>go dressed as Lloyd Forger from Spy x Family
What if I have taste (and am ugly)

>> No.10820299

>Anon, do you think I can at least make out with some cute girls at those things that happen in the night? I've never attended one and would be satisfied just making out with someone, getting her attention or whatever.
Yes, as long as you aren't a spa. Go to the afterparty. That is when the sluts get drunk and wild.

>> No.10820300

This. As long ad you aren't extremely ugly and smelly, con sluts will come to you.

>> No.10820301

If you're ugly, wear a comedy cosplay, but not the kind that repels women. Or cosplay in a snorlax or pikachu onesie and go after the pokemon fetishist girls.

>> No.10820302

Alot of these con girls are shameless exhibitionists and just as big coomers as weeb guys. I believe in you anons. Ss long ad you aren't obese, getting con slutd is extremely easy. The question is do you want con sluts? I've found that so many of them that look hot in cosplay are distinctly average looking when you take it off them. That said, a lot of con girls are sexual freaks.

>> No.10820320
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>As long ad you aren't extremely ugly
>1. Don't be ugly
lol money trumps all bro.

>> No.10820324

This only applies to trophy wives and girlfriends who actually get a lot of money. No one cares about money for a con one night stand, you're not getting fucking married kek

>> No.10820362

In my experience money goes a long way and doesn't really have to be all that expensive. the hotel is the most expensive part of any con. At nearly every con you can find that girl who really can't afford to be there. She'll usually be doing a group cosplay with friends. If she talks about being in a stuffed room and coffee pot ramen that's your girl.

If you buy that plushie or wall scroll she's admiring and give it to her (don't offer just do it) and offer to pay for dinner at a decent place and drop in to the conversation about how you have your own room. It also helps if you know where there is a good room party. Artist Alley parties are usually the best.

Stay the hell away from people advertising con orgies and people who are doing drugs. The con orgies is usually one fat chick and 20+ dudes. The people getting trashed drunk and doing drugs? That's where you're going to get accused of rape/sexual assault the next day.

>> No.10820397
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Excluding the 'never braking character' and the amount of girls being greatly reduced, that's how I roll on cons. I get carried away by walking and wanting to take pictures that sex is deleted out of my mind. And to think I have a huge libido.

>> No.10820398
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>mfw I live in a shitty country to cosplay and none of that happens here

Fuck Brazil. If it wasn't enough to have the problems the country has, we can't have sex in conventions or look out for that because everyone seems to be dating. And if they're not, they're not interested in dating.

Note that I said dating. So few girls are willing to do quick fucks or friends with benefits. Often for a good reason because they're in fact scumbags or have something in their personalities that is truly unbearable.

I'm going to die alone, goddammit.

>> No.10820618

Escape to freedomistan
You already speak American

>> No.10820626

What if i can only feasibly cosplay as a Ugly Bastard?

>> No.10820627

Cosplay an ugly bastard that looks like you. My extremely fat white friend cosplayed The Major from Hellsing in 2019 and people ate him up.

>> No.10820635


I would say dont give stuff to girls unless you are guaranteed something and even when that the girl might just ran off with the free stuff and never do enought to compensate you for it.

Dont buy stuff for people I had to learn it the hard way.

>> No.10820685

Based in-character cosplayer. Granted, I know a coomer that does the same thing since he simply enjoys cosplaying and people playing along to their character, which suppresses his urges in a way.

>> No.10820700

Poorfaggots NGMI.

if you don't have spending cash for fun, including women, you'll never be able to have a wife and kid.

>> No.10820944

If you expect something in return then it's not a gift, it's prostitution. Your head and heart are in the wrong place.

I'm talking about showing a girl a good time on a bad day. That gift which is unexpected can make her day. Watching a girl squee about getting that thing she really wanted is enough for me. Same with getting a good meal when she's expecting to eat crap for dinner. I don't expect anything in return other than to see a happy face.

>> No.10820972

Good man. I hope you prosper.

>> No.10820992

>and people who are doing drugs
Pretty damn hard in the CA/west coast con scene these days. I really miss the old days when it was just drinking, shit was actually fun, now "room parties" are just a bunch of losers getting high and sitting around in a stupor.

>> No.10821032

Wife and kids are outdated and wasting money on users is an even bigger fools errand.

>> No.10821048

>Insane BPD girls who will accuse you of rape
This one happened to one of my boys

>> No.10821055

>My tip this coming year is to go dressed as Lloyd Forger from Spy x Family
Man, but Lloyd is so boring, and this is from someone that likes formal wear

>> No.10821123

Wife and kids are outdated? So what do you do?

>> No.10821124

anyone here have any advice for a woman? i kind of want to get laid at a con too, or at least asked to a room party…i don’t know if i give off the wrong vibes, though, because the only men who follow me around and try to talk to me are mega spergs…

>> No.10821125

That's why I always record my sexual encounters and make sure to get enthusiastic consent on camera and inform the woman she's being fimed. I've had a few e-thots change their mind when I bragged about fucking them for cash or drugs, and the cops backed the fuck off when my lawyers produced the video.

>> No.10821127

Get some fake tits and put on lots of makeup. The more unapproachable you look the more likely the betas get filtered and the chads respond

>> No.10821146

Post face, you must be fat or extremely off putting. Even 5/10's get to live as queens at a con

>> No.10821149

i’m decently cute and 98 lbs kek. inb4 lies, you don’t have to believe me but my face or body are not the issue. i wear lolita to most cons, so maybe that’s why i don’t get invited to parties. i won’t be taking >>10821127’s advice but maybe i do look too uptight for the room party crowd.

>> No.10821154

>i wear lolita to most cons
Nope, that ain't it at all, tons of guys like that shit. If not uptight maybe you've got RBF which most dudes will not approach

>> No.10821155

I'm not the quoted anon but wtf is that

>> No.10821156

Resting bitch face, personally I love it when a cute girl looks like she wants to fuck up the sorry shit that approaches her, but objectively it'll keep most people at bay, doubly so at a con where most dudes are passive betas

>> No.10821157

I'm fine at conversation and can talk to anybody, but how do you transition small talk into "Yo wanna go back to my room so I can clap those cheeks" without ending up on a twitlonger

>> No.10821162
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Oh, something like pic related, I get it.
Even though one can't change how their face looks when they're "regular", it's true that people looks at someone and judge if they look angry or look intimidating to some degree.

>but how do you transition small talk into "Yo wanna go back to my room so I can clap those cheeks" without ending up on a twitlonger

It's all about progression. Compliment cosplay, then their actual looks, and check for interest.

>> No.10821173

>So what do you do?
Live your life. With no financial burdens, smash a few women here and there ( make sure you get a vasectomy if you do that) and travel the world experiencing life to the fullest with the finest wines, food and a nice quiet home to go back to after the fun.

>> No.10821174
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Like that, yeah

>> No.10821183

Just don't approach guys
Nothing annoys me more than being approached
Sex is disgusting

>> No.10821192

Be a Saint just like me

>> No.10821223

I do all of that and have a wife and kid tho.

U sound upset because ur poor tbqh

>> No.10821235

I think your problem is the lolita. It's associated with a lot of fetishes and obnoxious behavior which will keep most normies steering clear hence the sperg lords being the only people who approach you. It also isn't a great conversation starter since most guys don't know anything about it.

Cosplay on the other hand is an instant conversation starter because you're waving your nerd flag high. If chat with a guy and make a quick connection ask them what they're up to next. If it sounds fun ask if you can go along. From there if the conversation goes well make plans to meet up later for food or a few drinks. Things will just flow naturally from there. However there are a few don'ts.

DON'T ask him to come with you to something he's not interested in. It's just going to get awkward and be a bad time for everyone involved.
DON'T ask him to pay for anything. This is an immediate deal breaker for most guys. Wait for him to offer and if he doesn't pay for yourself.
DON'T leave the venue unless you have a way of getting back on your own. There's just way too many things that can go wrong here.
DON'T have sex in a room that someone is sharing with multiple other people. Even if he says his roommates are cool with it, they probably aren't and this will lead to an embarrassing and awkward encounter.

>> No.10821238

>Pretty damn hard in the CA/west coast con scene these days. I really miss the old days when it was just drinking, shit was actually fun, now "room parties" are just a bunch of losers getting high and sitting around in a stupor.
This isn't just a west coast thing. I've been to cons all over the US and you'll always find this group of people at every single one. I never understood getting so drunk that they spend most of the next day recovering at a con. You can do that with your friends any weekend at home and don't have to pay for travel expenses, hotel room and con badge for the privilege to do so.

>> No.10821261

>i kind of want to get laid at a con too
Just be forward and make sure whatever guy you're being forward with is single first. Contrary to whatever incels posting here say, most guys don't want to play games they don't aren't aware they're playing, and extremely clear messages completely trump any kind of ambiguity for the sake of some weird social dance.
>or at least asked to a room party
Your best bet would be to honestly ask whatever of your friends knows someone who is a big party animal and just ask that person if they're hosting or attending a party at X con either a short while before the con or during the con. If you're a female, you could also literally just shimmy on into a loud enough room party and unless you look extremely suspect, most of the swarms of dudes hosting it will at least give you a space.
> the only men who follow me around and try to talk to me are mega spergs
Because most men who follow women around are spergs with zero social skills, so your best bet is to act rather than be a dainty little flower waiting to be plucked.

> i wear lolita to most cons
This is where your main issue is. As a big room party dude who has also had plenty of con tail, I can tell you right now that if I see a Lolita attending a con, she is the LAST person I am inviting to do anything with. Lolitas just have too much of a rep of being uptight, cold as ice, and eagerly rejecting anybody who tries to talk to them just to spread gossip and talk around behind people's backs. You can probably get a million miles further wearing a taobao cosplay of some FOTM garbage while doing the exact same things you've been doing. Nobody is going to walk up to a lolita and say "Hey me and the bros are gonna get shots and play King's Cup, you wanna come with?" .

>> No.10821271

i dont care about getting laid how do i talk to people at cons?

>> No.10821284

As a cosplayer myself I guess there are quite easy rules to increase your look

1. Font go for girls in expensive or elaborate cosplays. We won't fuck in them and probably don't have any energy left after wearing them all day. Go for the d.va jumpsuits, cat girl maid .. easy to wear and not too bad if it gets dirty.

2. Don't go for the half nude cosplayere they were already asked a shot ton of times and are highly annoyed by secual harassment. They either already fucked 20 guys and carry every std you can think of or are so annoyed the block off when you even show the littlest interest.

3. Look for the girls without friend groups. Like I won't be a slut and say yes to sex infrint of all my friends. When I'm alone I'm also looking more for someone to clinge on and walk around. There's a hole that you can fill (okay that wasn't intended)

4. Don't expect to get laid...
Seriously Noone wanna fuck a needy nerd who literally looks like please please fuck me... also your chances are not great. There might be a few girls open to having sex on cons but there the minority most of them are there for fun. Don't weird out them who are there normally and yeah there are seit ton of guys down to fuck compare to the few girls

5. Go to the aftershow party..
Like there are all over 18 in best case so it's safer for you. People are more open, the main event is over so I don't have to think about getting the cosplay back on after wards. It's literally best moment to initiate things. If the con has one.. if not yeah rather against end of von things might get easier.

>> No.10821289

cause normies have a social lufe and they dont come here or to cons

>> No.10821298

>Like there are all over 18 in best case so it's safer for you.
anon i...

>> No.10821317

Girls in basic cosplays are usually underage lol

>> No.10821326

I'm starting to become an older con goer. Do I just gotta find the daddy issue ones?

>> No.10821356

>I'm starting to become an older con goer. Do I just gotta find the daddy issue ones?
Not really. Most women find older men attractive and you're talking about a one night stand not a long term relationship. But there does reach a point where it becomes creepy if you're hitting on 18-20 y/o if you look older.
Depending on how well you age you could be good to hit on younger girls (make sure they're at least 18) until you're 30. After that you just need to change your approach. You can still ask for pictures, compliment their cosplays and talk to them about their favorite anime and such but you need to wait for them to make the first move. Or you could just shift your focus to more mature looking women and continue with business as usual.

>> No.10821369

yeah, i had a feeling lolita was the issue. i don’t really have RBF, or at least i think i don’t, as many people approach me at cons. it’s just that none of the men who talk to me seem to be the partying type, which is disappointing as i spend 80% of my con weekend crossed. i also attend alone, which is why i’ve been confused by the kind of people i attract & lack of invites, but this does clear things up. i have no intention of not wearing lolita just to score a lay or party invite, but the conversational tips are helpful; thank you!

>> No.10821385

>i have no intention of not wearing lolita just to score a lay or party invite
Nor should you. If that's your thing then you do you. However you know you can change your clothes right? Even if you don't have a room most cons have changing areas these days. You can still wear lolita and do all of your events, meetups and get some floor time then change into something more casual for the evening.

>> No.10821395

>who will accuse you of rape
A common trope I see

>It is better to meet a girl in IKEA.
lmao is this true?

>> No.10821401

1) bitches love buff dudes that help them move heavy shit
2) furniture implies a stable living situation/employment. it's an automatic filter for crazies.
3) but it's cheap particleboard furniture, so if you've got a bankroll, its looks like a flex.
4) if their significant other is not helping them buy furniture, then that relationship is dooooooooomed

>> No.10821404

18yo girls usually live with their parents
Why would you date older

>> No.10821406

literally taking notes

>> No.10821407

On what, how to get an old wrinkly granny?

>> No.10821408

Believe it or not, some people actually look for a mature partner who you can spend your life with.
(Not saying that I'm gonna do that right now)

>> No.10821416

NTAYRT but lots of people moving into their first apartment or house shop at IKEA. Sorry you still live with your parents and can't afford to shop there.

>> No.10821425

Bruh Ikea is shit quality for poor people
I only date girls whose parents make 6 figures, somebody's gotta support me

>> No.10821429

Man, now more than ever is the best time to be an older dude looking for younger women.

>> No.10821432

>- Do a daily skin AM/PM care routine. Cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, and moisturizer is really all you need. Exfoliate once a week. Especially do this if you have acne problems.
what kinda gay shit is this

>> No.10821433

5) furniture shopping tells you where they are on the aesthetic vs. utilitarian spectrum.
6) since it's a relatively large spend, it tells you whether she is budget conscious/wasteful (if she's wifey material or not).
7) if you are buying something, then it lets you display your sense of style without explicitly peacocking. it also gives you a warning if your tastes clash in a more meaningful (permanent) way than music or movies.

captcha STDYY (STD? Yes Yes)

>> No.10821435

Ikea is trash though
Anyone going there is poor

>> No.10821436

so what? that just means they're more "grateful"

>> No.10821437

Grateful for what
My wife makes 6 figs, I'm a househusband
You sound like a low quality fat ugly guy

>> No.10821438

>However you know you can change your clothes right?
do i seem that retarded? yes, anon, i know. kek. lolita is not cosplay; it’s not a costume, and it’s what i feel most confident in. i wear lolita to the grocery store, so why would i take it off for the evening, especially when the masquerade is usually on fridays and the rave on saturdays?

do i really have no chance of being invited to a party as a lolita? is there anything i can do to increase my chances, other than being very forward as an anon mentioned?

>> No.10821439

So if I understand this whole thread correctly, the steps are as follows:
1) Cosplay as a popular character or appealing character and keep track of hygiene and appearances. Look good in your cosplay, not like you raided the discount aisle.
2) Talk to people who are on their own. Talk about stuff they may have an interest in such as their cosplay, clothes, line that they're waiting in.
3) For guys: ask them what you want. If you want to hook up, ask them to hook up. If you want to hang, ask them to hang.
3b) for girls, idk. If you ask them outright, it can make a lot of them run. So maybe ask if they're cool with hanging at the con and then ask them after. Mileage will vary.
4) Go back to a hotel nearby or the con hotel. Those are going to be popular. If the hotel is too far from the event, you'll probably get shot down.
5) 18+ events and night time are the best times to ask around since that's when it's the party crowd. The bars at the cons are also pretty great places to hangout.

>> No.10821440

Age of consent is 16 or 17 in most states
Don't be a pussy

>> No.10821498

It's RNG. Attend enough cons or cross enough people and surely one of them will invite you or be into lolita. If you are as decent as you claim there's gonna be dozens of people wanting to lay with you. I'm gonna start propositioning every lone lolita dressed I see now.

>> No.10821503

Honestly if you're a local it's a billion times more stress-free, easier and more enjoyable to find someone at a con, get to know them, then maybe fuck around outside the con. Overall the idea of hooking up at a con seems like a fool's errand

>Only have so many hours to enjoy the con
>Pretty much any space you could have sex in is either public or shared with 3-4 other people
>If you have a whole hotel room to yourself, why the fuck are you still single and desperately trying to get laid at a con?
>The kind of nerds who go to cons are usually either hyped as fuck or socially overwhelmed by day 2
>High risk of underage weebs trying to suck your dick for a badge/alcohol/money/teenage stupidity (and do you really want to be that guy who's checking IDs on the way up to your room?)
>High risk of insane weebs who are emotionally unstable and become heartbroken when they find out it's just a hookup that goes nowhere (now you're a viral social media post being called a "predator")

I've fooled around with someone at a con before but never actually fucked. We knew each other before the convention, though. I'm sure if you find the right person at the right time at the right place it's exciting but feels like way too much work for a convention.

>> No.10821509

>If you have a whole hotel room to yourself, why the fuck are you still single and desperately trying to get laid at a con?
I'm not single my gf has a fetish for watching me fuck other girls
It would be cruel of me to deny that
It's actually really easy to get girls to do threesomes if you go with your gf
Well it's easy if you're both attractive and youngish lol
>called a predator
I don't mind people telling the truth about me, free speech is a human right

>> No.10821519

>DON'T have sex in a room that someone is sharing with multiple other people. Even if he says his roommates are cool with it, they probably aren't and this will lead to an embarrassing and awkward encounter.

This. One con I remember a roomie vaguely implying that they had sex in the room while everyone was out and I still vividly remember how afraid I was to touch any surface in the room for the rest of the con.

>> No.10821529

>I've found that so many of them that look hot in cosplay are distinctly average looking when you take it off them.

This. One of my coworkers turned out to be a big-time genshin impact cosplayer who is pretty much getting as close to posting thirst traps on tiktok as you can. Which was shocking because at work she was literally the most timid, shy and average looking girls on the planet.

>> No.10821542

Genshin is the easiest one to guess how they actually look and act just based on their choice of cosplay
Raiden cosplayers are always ugly whores, if you want a quick fuck go for it
Girls in a scaramouche cosplay are mentally ill and will file rape charges if you hookup

>> No.10821558

>If you have a whole hotel room to yourself, why the fuck are you still single and desperately trying to get laid at a con?
You need to separate the people who a are desperately trying and the people who are getting laid.
When I was younger I was heavily into the club hook-up scene. When your phone starts filling up with girls that are DTF but don't want a relationship being in a committed relationship stops being a priority.
It's a lifestyle choice that isn't for everyone and honestly I'm kind of surprised now that I never got a STD.
Since I'm further in my career and cons are vacations for me I usually room with only one other person and we both know the protocols for a con hookup. I only tend to solo room when the travel distance is enough to warrant a plane ticket and with those trips there's usually a strong reason that I want to go that not everyone shares.
Most girls looking for a one night stand prefer a guy they'll never see again. That's in general, not a con thing.
If you're looking for a long term committed relationship local cons and events are much better for meeting people that share your interests.

>> No.10821623

you can't say this and not post an example

>> No.10821702

>If you have a whole hotel room to yourself, why the fuck are you still single and desperately trying to get laid at a con?
I still haven't had a good example of how to advertise wealth as a guy without being gaudy. The cosplay advice is great though.

>> No.10821703

You buy people meals and drinks. ARe you retarded?

>> No.10821705

So I... Go up to people and offer to buy them lunch? Seems a lot more like throwing money away. Anything more permanent?

>> No.10821710

>So I... Go up to people and offer to buy them lunch?

you really are retarded. however i believe in showing retards why they are retarded so that they know i'm right to call them retarded. so i will tell you what to do. you don't walk up to people randomly and buy them stuff. that's retarded. but if you're interacting with someone, like say you are talking and buying food together, then "i got it, nah it's nothing." or if you are drinking buy drinks. etc. this only works if you have a lot of money because it's still a big waste of money. but the concept is you pay for acquaintances, not random strangers. unless those random strangers are also part of the group, in which case it would be weird to only cover some people. that's only for a shitton of disposable income though.

>> No.10821712

I assume you have no money because you're a child or a retard, so it's really a moot point.

>> No.10821715

the question was how to advertise wealth. if you’re a poorfag then it must seem like throwing away money kek.

>> No.10821720

I was primarily asking within the context of immediate impressions, but I totally get what you're talking about here, so thanks for spelling it out.
If you have any advice for immediate impressions then I'd love to hear it. Thank you.


>> No.10821726

My man, women's standards nowqdays are skewed towards men needing full-on makeup to be considered pretty thanks to hollywood, even this is a bit lite

>> No.10821769

People like you is what gives cons a bad name.

>> No.10821770


>> No.10821771

It's the opposite for me. Because I act in character, the girls throw heavy hints on me. Especially at the parties. It has led to sex. If you let yourself be more bold you can easily get some puss out of it.

>> No.10821774

Everyone in this thread will get on you but as a guy who had a few women like you, I'll give you the only advice I can.

You will have a hard time getting dick without lowering your standards a little. You're not getting the top guy. I'm one of the top guys in comparison to everyone that goes to cons on average. Girls like you always complain that you don't want to be girly or be a sex object to attract men. The truth is, the only way you are going to attract the big sharks is to show some skin and be a little sexual. At least in what you wear. Otherwise, we will think you're a prude and would be bothered. Naturally I know a lot of prude looking girls that want dick cause they barely get it. So I am more willing to prod them for it. But most men will not. So be advised you're going to have a hard time being stuck in "I'll give off wrong vibes."

Another protip: women are likely who you're worried about criticizing you. Which is a given. But men don't care. Women are always competing with each other. The question is if you're ready to play in the league too.

>> No.10821776

Don't advertise wealth. That's stupid.

>> No.10821777

invest in a nice watch. make sure your clothes or cosplay are well fitted to your measurements. look clean and well kempt.

wouldn’t recommend this if you’re a twiggy or fat guy who can’t defend yourself, though.

>> No.10821788

Exactly. That shit will get you robbed. There are plenty of stories of dudes getting set up drugged
and robbed by women.

I'm surprised that you dont see weebs with money getting robbed at cons due to some costhot seeing an easy mark to steal their wallets from. Flexing wealth is the dumbest shit you can do out here.

>> No.10821794

Well this is going to be a bit long form but I'll tell you how the last con I traveled to went, what my budget was and add in some tips.

Costal con 1400 miles from where I live.
>$700 for a first class plane ticket
>$300 a night for a con suite for 3 nights $900
>$300 Sponsor + Friend Tier badge
>$2000 Spending cash for whatever
So about that plane ticket and 3 nights rather than 2. The airline I was traveling charged $60 per checked bag and I had 3. For some reason flying out on Friday and back Sunday evening was $1400, but if I stayed until Monday it was only $580 and then the first class bump was only $120 and included 3 checked bags for free. The next weird part is why I went for a Sponsor + Friend badge when I knew absolutely no one at the con. It's because it had some extra swag and 5 autograph vouchers. The extra tickets for events and bringing a friend to the line skip was not what I was wanting but it came in really handy.

So I get on the con discord and ask if anyone is doing a liquor store run around lunch time and if I could get a ride. I get a bite from a group going to get lunch then stopping by the liquor store and then a grocery store for mixers and snacks. Awesome.
Friday I fly in, check into the hotel, go to the convention center and do the early badge pickup drop off my swag and meetup with the guys for the booze run. Guys are a lot of fun to hang out with. I buy the driver's lunch as thanks for giving me a ride. I get a bottle of Vodka, bottle of Sake and 2 six packs of beer. They are buying A LOT of liquor and beer. Ask them if they're throwing a room party.
"Hell yeah! we're in suite 1060 and 1059. It's gonna be from 10 to 2. You should drop on by!"
>Con hasn't even started yet and I've already secured a room party invite with some nice and chill guys as well as getting supplies for the room. This is all with knowing ABSOLUTELY no one in the area.

>> No.10821795

>gay shit
A man who takes care of his skin is ahead of 99% of all other men on this whole planet. I spoonfed my boyfriend his skincare routine and he somehow managed to get even cuter!

>> No.10821798

Get back to the con, get into cosplay and hit the con floor. Nothing is really going on until 2 so it's just people hanging out. People stop me for pictures and compliment my cosplay. Couldn't have been more than 30 minutes when I hear
"Oh my god your cosplay looks amazing! You look so good in it! Can I get a picture?"
Hottie in cosplay is asking me for a picture.
"You look amazing as well so only if I can get a picture of you too!"
We spend a bit of time chatting after taking pics. She's there with a friend who's chilling in the room and two other friends are coming later and they'll be doing a group cosplay the next day. So I use this line.
"You know the worst part about cosplaying by yourself? You don't get any pictures of yourself. Tell you what, why don't we hang out a bit and when someone asks for a picture of you, I'll take a pic, when someone asks for a picture of me, you take a pic and then we can exchange."
>I just gave her a reason to hang out with me. Most cosplayers love taking picture and it is kind of depressing when you don't have any of yourself after a con Plus were going to have to exchange information to trade the pics.
Hanging out with cosplay hottie with me taking pics of her and her taking pics of me and occasionally she asks someone to get a shot of us together. Then the Dealer room and Artist Alley open so we decide to go take a look. There's an artist there that I follow on Deviant Art so I have some poster tubes in my con bag. Take a look around, make a few purchases then we get to his booth. It's one of the guys that I went on the booze run with! She's also commenting on how good his art is. Ask which one she likes the best. She can't decide and points out 3 that she likes. The booth has prices listed as 1 print for $20, 3 for $40, 5 for $60. Start talking to him, he remembers me and brings up if I'm going to the room party.

>> No.10821803

"I'm probably going to check out the rave fist so I'll swing by around 11."
"Cool. Bring some chicks if you can. See anything you like?"
"I like everything I see. How much for 1 of everything?"
"I've got 20 prints so $200?"
Buy the prints and put most of them into one tube but put the three she pointed out in another.
"These are for you, but since you don't have a bag to carry them I'll just hold on to them for now."
Discuss what's next.
"I'm going to the opening ceremonies then the VA panel then the autograph signing."
"Don't you have to line up like an hour ahead to get into those?"
Pull out Sponsor + Friend badge
"Not if you have one of these. I can get you in too if you want."
"Sure! Let's go!"
Standing in line I ask her if there's anywhere nearby that's good for food.
>She's going to give you the name of a place she likes to eat at. This is an easy non-creepy and very appealing way to approach offering to pay for dinner.
After she gives me a suggestion I ask if that's where she's eating.
"No, we have some sandwich stuff in the room."
"You gotta get at least one good meal a day. And I don't have transport since I flew. Tell you what, if you can get us there I'll pay for your dinner."
While we wait in line, she texts some of her friends and we end up with a group of 4 going to eat and find a time where we all have a schedule gap. I call the place and make a reservation. We proceed to go to the Opening Ceremonies and VA Panel. While waiting for the VA panel I point out that one of the VAs does the character she got a print of and she could get it signed. She says she doesn't have a voucher. Pull out the five vouchers I have and tell her she can have one. Do VA panel and get some prints signed. She's about to go off to hang with her friends. I hang onto the signed print and tell her I can get it to her at dinner so she doesn't have to carry it around.
>This also makes sure she doesn't ditch

>> No.10821807

I can't get over how hot this pic is

>> No.10821809

So I spend the rest of my day doing my normal con stuff and meet up with her and two of her friends for dinner. They're not bad looking either. We go to the place, get right in due to the reservation have some pleasant chat and when it comes time to pay the check I say it's all on one and pay for her and her friends.
>Paying for only her would be sufficient but might come off as me trying too hard. Paying for everyone is a power move.
So she asks what my plans are for the rest of the evening.
>This is getting long so I'll just get to the chase
I tell them I'm going to the rave for a bit then meet up with some chill guys that invited me to a room party for a few drinks.
"Cool, we'll see you at the rave then!"
After that I go dance with them, head up to the room party and get a few drinks and play a few games. Around 1 AM I say I'm going to head back to my room. She asks if she can come with. Of course you can. So she tells her friend
"Hey I'm going to go hang out with him in his room for a bit. I'll be back to the room later."
Her friend
"Sure you are. See you in the morning!"

Sorry that went on a bit long. But the key points are my cosplay caused her to approach me first. I started chatting with her and gave her a reason to spend some time with me. I bought something she wanted and had a way to make sure she didn't run off with (not that I thought she would or really care if she did). I used my badge which I bought for personal reasons to get her into events that she was going to skip due to the lines. But most importantly was at the beginning I could tell from the vibe that she wanted to spend more time with me.

Hope that helps some of you on how to approach buying some things or offering to pay for dinner.

>> No.10821811

There's no flow chart to it. You either have it or you don't, and know "5 easy steps to getting laid" is going to work. What these anons lack is social awareness, attractiveness, and general man-vibes. By man-vibes, that means they likely act very childish or feminine.

>> No.10821816

bro this is one of the most cringe threads ive read here in a minute. desu im with the "if you cant get laid outside of a con don't bother" crowd

>> No.10821819

Go to YouTube and type in the name "Kevin Samuels". Watch as much as you can.

>> No.10821820

Christ you and your whole existence is pathetic.

>> No.10821821

>fake rep

>> No.10821835

You are correct. There's no clear cut pattern but rather a few things that tend to work but only work because of the Halo Effect. Even though I talk about getting laid at cons, I've been going to cons for over 10 years (since I was 16) and if you compare my con attendance to hookup rate, it'd probably be under 20% of the time. Sometimes things click and sometimes they don't. This story was an outlier to my normal con experience and condensed so people can't really get a good gist of how the conversation went. I was talking to her for over 2 hours outside of events and the vibe was just going smooth. She probably would have had sex with me even if I didn't buy anything for her to be honest but can't say that it hurt anything either.

>desu im with the "if you cant get laid outside of a con don't bother" crowd
NGL that's 100% true. A lot of my success I can attribute to being in the club hookup scene as I was talking about earlier. Most people never learn to catch a vibe, take a hint or read body language. What's worse is most of the time their whole friend group is in the same situation and can't wing worth shit either so when they do approach a girl their whole group is acting thirsty which is creepy and gross as fuck to a girl. Then there's the 250+ lbs chunks in a fedora that think their "charming personality" can overcome their body odor who are cringier than most other nerds. Yes those people really exist. Most of them are into Steampunk.

>> No.10821853

6 bags for one con? I guess I'm not as wealthy as I thought lmao, that or your cosplay was just really big, either way.
I mean these are some of the prices I've seen but I always thought it was because I was looking too close to the con.
I guess I just have a hard time dropping $1.3k+ baseline on an experience, your advice about having a good cosplay and just meeting a pretty cool woman and then not hesitating to throw money around makes sense enough.

I also have thought that con discords were a trap, but the strategy of "use it to get off of discord as quickly as possible" also makes sense.
Have you ever hosted a room party? Or do you basically have to have a bunch of friends at the con to party with at a baseline?

>> No.10821888

nah bro you're cringe too. you're on 4chan cgl talking about how much of a pussy slayer you think you used to be sit the fuck down

>> No.10821895 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 960x684, 17EF1F27-2455-4441-B9BF-CFE24EB39C4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl may put out for free, but you’re getting more than just sex for that offer. That being said, I’m glad all of you will develop aids in 5 years, the world doesn’t need man children.

>> No.10821897 [DELETED] 

condoms exist you fucking retard

>> No.10821904 [DELETED] 

Yeah which is why 90% of young adults in America who are sexually active have at least 1 STD right?

>> No.10821910 [DELETED] 

Sex education is a joke in the US and this is the result of it. Retards are fucking any and everybody raw out here without a care. People in this thread cry about not having sex, but you got full blown degenerates fucking crackheads for $40 for full service sex.

And then there's the closeted gay dudes out here fucking trannies on the down low.

>> No.10821912

>6 bags for one con?
I could have made due with my two carry-ons and one checked but when I upgraded to first class I grabbed another big build and one was mostly empty to bring back purchases.
This is fairly standard con rates. When a convention center books an event a lot of the nearby hotels creates a room block for the event at jacked up prices. You can usually room off site for $80-$120 a night but the room at the event is just too useful for cosplay.
>I also have thought that con discords were a trap, but the strategy of "use it to get off of discord as quickly as possible" also makes sense.
Con discords are extremely useful for getting information. I don't really use them to socialize or find friends. I more often ask about the parking situation at the different hotels and find nearby places to eat. The locals are really helpful about giving information to travelers. Also cosplay group meet-ups generally have a photog and is a great way to get a free photo shoot with a professional photographer. I also look for craft brew tasting-exchanges if I'm out of state. The craft brew crowd is always chill to drink with and the buy-in keeps any broke ass loser leeches out.
>Have you ever hosted a room party? Or do you basically have to have a bunch of friends at the con to party with at a baseline?
I'm staff at two cons and co-host some of the cosplay photo op meet-ups in my area. Plus I host some of the craft brewery board game meet-ups for the board game community. I'm pretty well known in the local cosplay and con-goer community so I have quite a few friends that get together for a few drinks and games and between all of us we always have a few new faces be it a friend of a friend or a chill person someone met at the con. So I usually stick to my friend group however the further I travel the less people I know.

>> No.10821927

Don’t, most women are men

Source: I sucked off a man who thought I was a woman

>> No.10821944

>shameless exhibitionists
>big coomers
I wish this didn't make me so damn hard. Life and relationships would be a hell of a lot easier if I could be satisfied with a normal vanilla girl.

>> No.10821951

something tells me you wouldn't be satisfied even if you did get what you thought to be the girl of your dreams

>> No.10821963

Nah, I've been with girls who were into what I'm into and it was absolutely what I was looking for sexually, it's just that there wasn't really any relationship potential outside sex for one reason or another.

>> No.10822056

you also missed MtF and Gay guys. A friend of mine had an MtF experience it was quite funny ngl

>> No.10822078

>It is better to meet a girl in IKEA.
I hate their markets

>> No.10822080

>My tip this coming year is to go dressed as Lloyd Forger from Spy x Family
Was thinking that too
I might try that
Especially since Aninite 2022 had many Yors

>> No.10822081

I know that fell
I still hope I get /fit/ until next year

>> No.10822363
File: 2.02 MB, 949x949, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay as a husbando character and be decently attractive. Then the cosplay slits will swarm to you.
Definitely this, works every time. Notice how there are so many 2B, Yor Forger, Zero Two etc. waifus ot the moment at cons, they change every year. When Nier Automata came out I cosplayed 9S and the solo 2B mommies were all over me. It's that simple.
>My tip this coming year is to go dressed as Lloyd Forger from Spy x Family
Was literally thinking the same thing. I don't go to cons to get laid and I have a female cosplay partner anyway but I saw sooo many Yors at my last con. Just do this OP.

>> No.10822425
File: 357 KB, 627x606, 1667439835295428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a literal 5/10 in looks and have still hooked up at cons. Just be likable, outgoing, social, and get into some room parties. Don't be fucking boring either. Conversation is two-way, don't make it entirely one-sided.

>> No.10822427

5/10 is like 9/10 at cons. i'm a 8 or 9 to normies so i'm like a walking goddess to them lmao. always get free shit.

>> No.10822430
File: 47 KB, 1024x681, 1662343455320512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get laid at conventions or because of conventions because I look wholesome/with some sort of disability and people want to 'hug' me (as in, make sure i'll have a good experience, treat me kindly), thus rendering myself someone you never have a sexual or romantic thought.

And because I cosplay 'obscure'/not much known characters, even if they're from well known franchises.

>> No.10822431

Are you a chick or femmeboy? Let me know where you go if so. No problem letting some feminine cripple blow me in a wheelchair

>> No.10822435

i'm a dude
a hairy dude

>> No.10822437

u in a wheelchair tho? That makes you a woman basically. Even if ur not, if you shave and put on womens clothing I'll let you suck

>> No.10822441

No, i'm not in a wheelchair, but I got that 'tism look (and a half diagnosis with a neuropsychologist which strongly indicates autism signals).

>Even if ur not, if you shave and put on womens clothing I'll let you suck

I have a female character costume coming up, don't worry, i'll do it.

>That makes you a woman basically
Yeah, i'm only determined and more "manly" in my workplace, regarding work activities.

Personally speaking i'm a teddy bear in terms of behavior. I guess the "assholeness" men need to have in order to have a partner isn't in me.

>> No.10822448

>Underage girls
Here's an uncomfortable truth. Plenty of dudes are picking up underaged girls at these cons. Nobody pays attention because the type of girls these dudes pick up are shy outacsts.

>> No.10822451

My advice is get practice with a burro. After you get experience tell them you sex with burro.

Laying a con is much after burro.

>> No.10822461

For people suggesting FOTM cosplays be warned there are quite a few pitfalls you can run into with that.
>Be caught up with and familiar with the series. If a fangirl wants to squee about something and you don't know anything about it the conversation is going to go south fast.
>Make sure that you're a good fit for the character. You're going to be competing with dozens of other people doing the same thing.
>Half-assing it isn't going to work either. Make sure you pay attention to details. Cosplay is a labor of love after all.
>Cosplay is an icebreaker to start a conversation. It doesn't seal the deal. You're still on your own after that.

>> No.10822481

> My advice is get practice with a burro. After you get experience tell them you sex with burro.
>Laying a con is much after burro.
I see, is burro code for a prostitute or something?

>> No.10822490 [DELETED] 

We have sex education in America and they do tell you about STDs but if you ever talk to a dude bro or a nigger they will fucking complain and talk about how much they fucking hate condoms and won't use them

>> No.10822508 [DELETED] 

And there are plenty of women out here that will LET them fuck no condom. Some women will even see condom use as an insult to them. That shit is a two way street. Whatever happened to no condom, no sex? Just look at the retard that shrugged off STDs as a minor inconvenience in this very thread. A sizable portion of this country has that mindset of unsafe sex and it isnt just dudebros and nigras.

>> No.10822525 [DELETED] 

>A sizable portion of this country has that mindset of unsafe sex and it isnt just dudebros and nigras.
You're more likely to get stds from drug addicts and sluts. And lgbt people. Ive done it raw with safer people and neither has given me anything.

>> No.10822556 [DELETED] 

Most likely to get aids from Russians actually. Their stats are as bad as Sub Saharan Africa.

>> No.10822567
File: 16 KB, 322x265, 1670173849581336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>straight people complaining about not getting laid at cons
Try being a gay chubby chaser or a lesbian where it’s 10x as hard

>> No.10822569

>be dyke
>at con with girl I'm seeing at the time
>you-know-whats hit on me constantly even though I'm clearly with someone
>have to hold my breath or else I'll gag on the cloud of bargain bin perfume they all wear
it's hell

>> No.10822576

Anime cons have a higher proportion of fats and lesbians than other places, if you aren’t getting laid, you are doing something wrong.

>> No.10822577

>gay chubby chaser
There is no way in any hell there are not fat gay dudes everywhere at cons who are not also horny.
>or a lesbian
The only place that might have more gays or bis per locational individual is an actual pride parade. Just be actually direct and stop fucking about with half-committal flirting.

>> No.10822579

Do you think it would be a good idea to go as majima from Yakuza 0 or is he not popular enough. I've been lifting for the past year and was thinking of going with the snakeskin blazer/shirtless outfit

>> No.10822583

Most chubby dudes at cons are straight, even with the usual gay apps turned on. Also try asking every single cute chubby guy if they’re gay without getting banned from the con

>> No.10822587

>Try being a gay chubby chaser
You have GOT to be doing something wrong if you're not picking up gay chubby dudes. What cons are you going to?

>> No.10822606

Anime Expo. I heard Dragoncon and tabletop conventions are prime gay chub gathering events. Also it just sucks that a certain big bear/chub event always takes place during the week of AX

>> No.10822608
File: 479 KB, 589x616, 1669426304888202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to have sex with cosplayers, even worst, cosplayers who are women

Jesus, I get tired already from THINKING about it. All the potential drama and you'd have to tolerate someone who is likely mentally ill just for sex.

>> No.10822610

I think I would be more of a target of people like you but my costumes are unflattering and I look like i'm fucking retarded (as much as i'm quite pretty, but I got that autism aura), so no one approaches me for that.

>> No.10822613

It depends, if you wear a Soos cosplay for example, instant erection. Most of the ones I find cute are just wearing regular clothes
>look like I’m fucking retarded
Personality and good hygiene go a long way (within reason). If a chub look like The Completionist or Jesse Cox but have the personality of Nikocado Avocado, it’s a no go.

>> No.10822614

I'm mostly in my Star Wars costume. Problem is that I get int ocharacter when i'm silent, just walking, and people probably think i'm an asshole.

I'd say I have personality, it's just.... No one approaches me with that intention. The only persons who had such intentions dropped the ball too fast (after the convention).

Perhaps it's not my destiny to be sexually desired at all.

>> No.10822618

Sometimes you just gotta see the sign and hope you do something after that.

I saw a cute Asian(?) chubby guy at the Promare/Studio Trigger panel back in 2019 that kept smiling at me and I kept smiling back and forth. I should’ve just took that as a sign even if it didn’t pan out.

>> No.10822621

Nobody is gonna know who you are if you cosplay a yakuza character, I've done kiryu and majima and like 90% of people don't recognize me.

>> No.10822622

Mentally ill girls give the best head

>> No.10822623

But the problems outweigh the benefits though

>> No.10822624

>All the potential drama and you'd have to tolerate someone who is likely mentally ill just for sex.
People always say this but no one ever gives any examples of said "drama". Tell me what I'm actually in for, otherwise I see no reason to believe you. As far as I'm concerned this is a scare tactic men use to reduce their competition at cons.

>> No.10822632

I've worked with at least 32 cosplay models in my country, and almost ALL of them were bisexual, 3 being 100% unapologetic lesbians. You won't find a bigger gathering of gay people than a con, sans pride parade I guess.

>> No.10822680

This just in, girls like guys who take care of their appearances.

>> No.10822692
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, 1598558151907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's generally pretty exaggerated (especially on 4chan where incels just make shit up constantly) but there's definitely a component of drama and gossip that you attach yourself to in the con scene that's not really seen elsewhere. A vast amount of he-said she-said, the risk of being accused of being some kind of manipulator or groomer or etc. if things don't exactly lead up to marriage, way too much "my friend abandoned me because she's a slut", way too much "my dude friend was a creep and he kept pressuring my friend to have sex" even when things are mutual and consensual. There's just a plurality of unneeded highschool bullshit people willfully engage in at cons, and a lot of it is because of the cliquish nature of many congoers nowadays. It doesn't even have to do with your partner at the time, it can often just be because you guys did something at the wrong time and messed up some event one person wasn't privy to.

I can guarantee every person on /cgl/ (who has actually attended a con and isn't just some scrote outsider) knows at least one person who has had a falling out because of a hookup, regardless of if they were the one actually having sex. Whatever moronic story they want to attach to it to justify why people stopped being friends because of a horny night at a con is irrelevant, because you would almost never see this kind of bullshit anywhere else unless it involved cheating.

>> No.10822709

>My advice is get practice with a burro. After you get experience tell them you sex with burro.
>Laying a con is much after burro
Why would I give my first time to a dog?

>> No.10822854

Just go talk to a guy. It's that easy for a girl. Be attractive - don't be unattractive. Don't do what that other retard said about showing a lot of skin because you will attract too much random attention that way and still without certainty that the person you want will talk to you.

>> No.10822856

This is nonsense. You ever try talking to random girls in public? They think you are a maniac for just saying hi. This isn't 1962 anymore.

>> No.10822857

>2) Talk to people who are on their own.
That just isn't much of an option because girls are always with their friends.

>> No.10822912

>There's just a plurality of unneeded highschool bullshit people willfully engage in at cons
NAYRT but this rings the most true for me
The converse of this is, of course, that if you're not worried about highschool drama BS or are otherwise good at navigating it, that this isn't a huge downside.
If you act mature people will want to be around you specifically because things "seem to go right" when you're involved. At least, that's what I've observed. I haven't tried to fuck anyone either though.

>> No.10822914
File: 617 KB, 2048x2048, 1663492333372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go in this suit.

>> No.10822933

I hope you fags have your dicks fall off. This board sucks now. Imagine having to try and get pussy from the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.10823237

Try asking every single chubby guy at AX if they’re gay or not without the assistance of growlr or Grindr and see what happens.

>> No.10823240

They don't even have to be gay. In my experience if you offer to suck a fat guy's dick while he watches porn he will let you.

>> No.10823241

>implying these people don't exclusively lust over FotM husbandos

>> No.10823249

People keep saying cosplay husbando characters, who the fuck am I supposed to cosplay if I'm black? I have a few characters in mind but there's no way anyone would recognize them. Do buff black dudes even get pussy at cons consistently?

>> No.10823250
File: 53 KB, 1200x675, Maine-Cyberpunk-Edgerunners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosplay as this nigga.

or even the mc David, since he's darkskin enough you could pull it off.
really you got a shot, cause this will be the only year in a while with darker-skin anime dudes being popular.

>> No.10823253
File: 288 KB, 843x1200, Djh-3kNX0AEvIPa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would consider it, but I wouldn't want to grow my hair out and dye it blonde. I was thinking of this nigga or pocci from Jojo Stone ocean. I'm just wondering if its a waste of time considering black dudes aren't exactly popular among the weeb girl demographic.
There is no way you can't find ass as a fag or dyke, you have to be actively retarded and/or a legit 2/10 to not get any play. Hearing gay people in first world countries talk about not being able to find someone is hilarious.

>> No.10823254

Isn't every girl bisexual nowadays?

>> No.10823258
File: 545 KB, 1080x1039, kakashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is proof that cosplaying as a girl's anime husbando will get you laid.

>> No.10823261

ive thotted out at cons in the past. it's honestly not hard most guys just fucking suck.

just like, dont be a sex pest, dont be weird, and be vaguely attractive and interesting. lot of girls are going there to party, so if you dont suck you should be fine.

>> No.10823266

Yuck. Too Asian.

>> No.10823269

quit posting this.

>> No.10823289

>I heard Dragoncon and tabletop conventions are prime gay chub gathering events.
Dragoncon hosts a dedicated LGBT party where plenty of hookups happen. Also, Atlanta Black Pride Weekend would be going on at the same time as well. You have to be actively turning dudes down in order to not find a guy down there. Hell I have a chubby friend that attends both ABP and Dragoncon and he gets plenty of action.
>Try asking every single chubby guy at AX if they’re gay or not without the assistance of growlr or Grindr and see what happens.
This is exactly what gay dudes do at Dragoncon. They are direct and open about who and what they want.

>> No.10823321

fuck all y'all trying to turn cons into some kind of normie sex meetup.

>> No.10823335

I’m a 5/10 MALE and I’ve hooked up at cons. 5/10 female is basically tutorial mode kek.

>> No.10823336
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, B9C6963B-E33A-4C25-A92C-EE9A13D2E238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not the lack of “assholeness” it’s the autism/autismo-face. If people think (even incorrectly) you have autism you will never get any pussy because they just see you as a child, basically.
Most people consider fucking a (non-high functioning) autist to be borderline pedophilia.

>> No.10823337

Anime cons probably have a higher percentage of gay people than any location on earth outside of gay bars. Literally 20% of the girls and 10% of the guys are homos, how are you not getting laid?

>> No.10823338

Girls born after 1993 can’t cook, all they know is twerk, charge they phone, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie.

>> No.10823347

All those thots and your self esteem is still low enough to make this post

>> No.10823397

Gay apps are usually a good sign if someone is gay or not and if you ask too many guys if they’re gay or not could be seen as harassment.

>> No.10823537
File: 15 KB, 399x400, annoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my country can't have this kind of stuff

I spoke with a showrunner for the biggest convention in my country for three years, and still in the business with local events. He says that the problem is exactly that there are nothing that can 'support' such activities next ot the convention centers.

Usually convention centers in Brazil are built in places without hotels or airbnb-worthy places, and even if they build something to support the events, it's parking lots, not hotels. And very often conventions use local government-administrated convention centers and/or large spaces such as schools and university campuses.

The hotel business in Brazil also aren't interested in having people fill their rooms for the convention.

So stuff like what happens in US cons will never happen here. And one day i'll go to Dragoncon just to have tons of sex.

>> No.10823559

>Most people consider fucking a (non-high functioning) autist to be borderline pedophilia

Sometimes I definitely feel like i'm treated as a child. And sometimes I think I give reasons for them to be like that: sometimes my hand coordination isn't good, I don't get jokes... plus most people in my area are sympathetic to people with disabilities.

Which renders me indeed to be seen as a child - and there's no sex to a child.

definitely. doing it in third world shitty countries is horrible.

>> No.10823594
File: 480 KB, 1284x667, B7CEA873-2F11-44F4-8FB4-2B75C464570C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda wanted to “cosplay” Kanye west when he was on Jones as a Joke. But i feel like I’m going to attract some natsoc, Fuentes watching femboy. So I decided against it

>> No.10823595
File: 284 KB, 426x745, E1B633C7-1445-4B9C-9A76-ED9EC6E4E2B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be real with you sis. Cgl pretty much put me off of lolita cause it feels like everyones just itching to find someome they can explode on the moment they say hi on so they post it on 4chan or that they are hardcore man haters. (only one I know irl is nice and str8 tbf)

I generally let women show obvious interest first before trying anything but lolitas pre much goes off limits for me unless shes just thirsting.

T. Top femboy who goes for cute and not masculine ppl in cons.

>> No.10823758

>Lolitas just have too much of a rep of being uptight, cold as ice, and eagerly rejecting anybody who tries to talk to them
Years of going to cons, and I can count on one hand how many lolitas I could engage in casual conversation with, even though, despite my look, I have always had an interest in fashion and could talk shop with the best of them.

>> No.10823761

i'm pretty sure you can just whip your dick out at this point at cons and it will be fine.

>> No.10823763

lol do it please anyway.

>> No.10823778

As someone that cosplayed Lloyd in like April (and actually has the face to carry it), he's waaaay too oversaturated at cons right now. I agree that you want to cos someone made for the female gaze though; formalwear and/or pretty boy characters are usually ideal. Just look at what characters girls obsess over

>> No.10823822
File: 346 KB, 571x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're big enough, there's plenty of black male leads in anime, manga, and video games to choose from. Barret Wallace will get attention at any con you go to. Maine will still get a lot of eyes if you're beefy specifically because Edgerunners was a huge hit. Nagoriyuki will be a huge hit among a wide group of demographics, as would lots of other Fighting Game characters. If you've got the stones, you could also cosplay something niche like Blaster Knuckle as you posted or pic related.

Your issue is that you're cosplaying to get laid rather than cosplaying for fun. Nobody's gonna fuck some scrote who's visibly just here in a poor attempt to curtail some weeb tail. However if you're fun, charismatic, and attractive, girls will throw themselves at you simply because they know you're a good time and they want to have a good time.

>> No.10823957

>No one shuts up about pedos and we have rolling tab of "pedo of the week"

Nobody is talking about this

>> No.10824036
File: 27 KB, 415x673, 640B2B83-28FB-4BB7-B81D-9F389F666827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s not anime, but when I am pic related, I seem to get a lot of attention.?

>> No.10824062

Just like you, this video is disabled

>> No.10824286
File: 56 KB, 590x385, TrashTaste_590x385_webthumbnail-a201852908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to AX this year for some fun and get some chubby guy ass
>ended up spending most of that time lining up at the autograph line to get Trash Taste tickets, getting inside the trash taste 21 lounge party and the trash taste panel
Yeah, LineCon is the worst place in regards to get laid simply because you’ll be too busy. You’re better off getting laid at smaller cons like ALA where the odds are surprisingly decent

>> No.10824299

Picture? Or profile?

>> No.10824320

AX is a godawful con for hooking up for a lot of reasons. For one it's in LA and LA itself is notoriously bad for getting laid, then you've got the long distances around the con and a lack of a central social hub, the large percentage of people who are there for official con stuff or generating "influencer" content and not socializing, tons of underage people, insane hotel prices that make it hard to have a private room, way too much weed making people lethargic and disinclined to go out and socialize, and so on.
ALA is still kinda shit IMO because it's got a lot of the same SoCal problems but it's definitely an order of magnitude better than AX. The best cons for it are out of state in places that are more sane though.

>> No.10824321

Name some prime examples of hookup cons, we know of Dragoncon being one of them.

>> No.10824367

Dragoncon is the only one I'd really single out as a "hookup con." None of the others make it AS easy but pretty much anywhere is a lot better than AX or other SoCal cons, not gonna say it's guaranteed at any of them but it's way less of an uphill battle.

>> No.10824415
File: 219 KB, 500x500, karlchicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had some sexy times in cons however,

The one thing I really need to accomplish is to have some fujo/lolita ask me to throatfuck her somewhat hesitant BF.
I want the boyfriend to be a qt doormat that she just pussywhips.

Not really sure how I can accomplish this, it's kind of specific but I'm sure there are crazies like this in any big con.

>> No.10824439
File: 1.09 MB, 400x213, FBE8A57D-C810-419E-BFEB-5835539B2A17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wanting to suck him off

>> No.10824442

Then suck it real good but don't the the fatboy cum. He'll probably put it in your ass at that point and you can get your prostate rubbed. I swear to Christ, the internet has made twinks so uncreative.

>> No.10824447
File: 65 KB, 960x699, swedish bus stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends where you live. If you're in Luxemburg or something, then yeah you will look weird. But if you're in NY and are an attractive guy, you will get catcalled and given phone numbers by random women and gays. Pic related was pre-covid.

>> No.10824450

Check if there's a speed dating event. You do not need to be in cosplay. This plain looking guy without cosplay that lives with his parents had multiple women after him just from being a good conversationalist and knew what the women were cosplaying.


>> No.10824601


I was actually at this exact event (they didn't use any of my footage for the show but they were recording). I want to say this was back in 2010.

Anyway I can confirm what this poster is saying, I was in my early 20s, fit, not awkward back then, I pulled 3 cute girls numbers from that event, wound up hooking up with one but we couldn't maintain anything because of the long distance between us. Good memory though.

>> No.10824656

idk if this shit would really work the same today. I never did speed dating but I was a dude dating and hooking up in the con scene in those days and it's unbelievable how much shit has changed, I'm really not sure a guy like that would have much luck now.

>> No.10824739

so what character?

>> No.10824783
File: 1.71 MB, 640x360, 1671517450236052.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I got laid with two guys at the same time at ALA

>> No.10824852

>idk if this shit would really work the same today.
I don't know if you actually watched the video but it didn't work back then either. The guy could get girls interested but the lack of privacy prevented him from ever sealing the deal or even keeping someone interested. Even though he met girls that were way into him they were weirded out by his living situation and his attachment to his parents. That's why he decided that if it was EVER going to happen he needed to move into his own place.

>> No.10824863

Damn, for all the shit I've read in this shitshow, this man is one of the most head-to-earth guy

>> No.10825049
File: 65 KB, 858x539, 1668374931274314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a anime con with a lot of weeb related things that make you happy
>save up a ton of money to get there
>arrive there first thing
>”I wanna FUCK”

>> No.10825053


you mean biggest cuck

>> No.10825059

Tag yourself, I'm
>Women who tease guys and will purposely have you fighting with 10 other guys over her in some hellish gladiator arena for her sadistic enjoyment

>> No.10825061

That one is actually rape, lol

>> No.10825064

If you want people to know youre not uptight, just wear something cool under your lolita and randomly start undressing. Then pull out a flask. It'll correct the vibe lel

>> No.10825066

Step 1: have female friends that hang out with you that you don't try to fuck. That generally makes other women more interested, since another woman has vouched for you so you're probably not a total creep.
Other steps figure it out yourself dumbass

>> No.10825070

What's more interesting is that lesbians get more cosplay pussy than any other congoer.

>> No.10825111
File: 242 KB, 550x535, 1610651489239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread of the last desperate hope of low-esteem weebs is really illuminating.

I think most people could get laid at a con if they tried and weren't the bad autism, and yet, at what cost?

At what cost...

>> No.10825113

Cons used to be the (relatively) innocent escape for actual socially outcast nerds.

Now it just seems like another avenue for rampant degen shit. I knew cons were lost the minute the attention seeking normies started showing up in big numbers.
I went off them when simp-farming by future to-be instathots started becoming a major theme at them.

Also furries.

>Hmm I'm autistic but how can I be SO autistic I make the other autists feel disgusted?

>> No.10825116

You got it right anon

>> No.10825247


Nice. Do you have any facts to back that up?

>> No.10825272

based, i like turning down women like that because it really puts em in their place since I'm a solid 9 and I'm not interested

>> No.10825278

Know your place, I prefer men that beg :)

>> No.10825296

you aren't gonna like hearing this, but do the same stuff you'd do to get laid outside a con.

like, be nice, be someone they'd want to hang out with, if you're getting along well then gradually escalate in acceptable ways ("want to get something to eat/drink/see a panel/etc"), politely take no for an answer, don't act like buying them a drink/pizza/figure/whatever is transactional and means they 'owe you' anything, and learn how to move on. there is no magic bullet to getting laid, you will fail a lot, it will take practice to get right, and you'll probably have to change parts of how you interact with others in order to attract people. If you're worried about this making you 'fake' or 'inauthentic' just know that things like not telling your buss to fuck off when they annoy you are a basic part of existing living a normal life

>> No.10825311

Jesus Christ you gigantic fucking simp.

>> No.10825313

look on the bright side, if by chance you're crazy enough to date a cosplayer, there's less chances that you'll end up with some used up cum dumpster

>> No.10825667

Look if you have words like "simp" "cuck" "thot" and "cringe" in your vocabulary then you must be a lot of fun to hang around -_-.
Those aren't the words people who are successful at getting hook-ups use. People who are successful at these things build other people up not break them down to feed their own ego.
You guys feed into the gamma male mentality while thinking you're an alpha male.
How that works it the alpha male is concerned about the success of his pack. The beta males are also concerned with the success of the pack and will defer to the alpha male's wisdom regarding disagreements.
The gamma males however attract other gamma males. Every gamma male thinks they're an alpha and works towards failure of everyone who isn't them.
That's why gammas attract each other and work towards the failure of everyone their pack. They each think they're the leader and won't work towards and any goal that isn't their own.
We call this cock-blocking in the hook-up world. If my boy has a chance, I'm gonna do what I need to do to help that happen. The gamma male however will demean both his friend and the girl he's after so he can feel superior about himself.
After failing multiple times due to their shit friends these people often get radicalized into crazy shit about how "onions boys" and "emasculate men" are ruining their chances of ever hooking up.
Worse yet they buy into the shit "hook-up artists" spew and become increasingly bad people.
Stop being an absolute piece of shit and start being a pleasant person to be around and that meant WITHOUT getting hung up on "good guy syndrome."
Why is that so hard?

>> No.10825672

misery loves company

>> No.10825755

>people doing lewd stuff with cosplayers legit?
it's not, it's just fantasy
>i wont be cosplaying btw if that matters
only people that are noticeable are those in cosplay, but the more effort you put, the less likely it is for you to even care/want to have sex. It's alot of effort. I can ensure you that the most attractive person you will ever see in a con will stay a virgin for the entire con due to people constantly taking picture with him.

>> No.10825819

>I can ensure you that the most attractive person you will ever see in a con will stay a virgin for the entire con due to people constantly taking picture with him.
This is literally false. It sounds more like he's just a sperg who doesnt know how to flirt with women. He doesnt speak for the rest of the attractive male cosplayers.

>> No.10825848

you've never had sex

>> No.10825851

not with anyone hot thats for sure

>> No.10825878
File: 59 KB, 408x750, miho_dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to have sex at a con seems to me like trying to have sex in a shopping mall.

the only people looking to get laid there are either going to be severely mentally retarded, or otherwise be mired in problems you can't solve and don't want to be a part of.

just have fun, dont try to force seggs into your head and make it weird. this is coming from someone who's watched people hook up at cons, but never because they tried to. just kinda happened, and even then it was usually because of drugs. and trust me you dont want any part of that, its just more expenses to detract from the goal of wasting money on animu garbage.

>> No.10825879

something people itt seem to be failing to mention is that people hooking up at cons are talking on dating or hookup apps beforehand. you don't just approach someone at the con and fuck or they end up like you said.

>> No.10825939

>you don't just approach someone at the con and fuck or they end up like you said.
but this literally happened to me. granted, we talked and drank first

>> No.10825946

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Gamma males! Perhaps this is just one though making multiple comments.

>you've never had sex
>not with anyone hot thats for sure

Note how they have nothing intelligent or constructive to say and how their comments add absolutely nothing to the conversation. And just like in real life we just completely ignore them. In their minds they feel superior since they are the ones dishing out insults instead of being insulted. They're the kind of people that go to anime conventions to make fun of cosplayers and then wonder why no girls ever want to talk to them. Since they're superior everyone else talking about getting laid MUST be lying because they can't get laid themselves. They're the kind of people that post on 4chan because any other community would just kick them out for making their rude comments. No one cares what they think. No one even wants to have a conversation with them. Yet there they are trying to feel relevant by putting others down so they can feel better about their own pathetic existence.

>> No.10825947

and thats why

>> No.10825948 [DELETED] 

>>Insane BPD girls who will accuse you of rape
NO JOKE, this happened to me. Fucking bitch. I want to ever see her again. FUCK

>> No.10825949 [DELETED] 

>>Insane BPD girls who will accuse you of rape
NO JOKE, this happened to me. Fucking bitch. I DON'T want to ever see her again. FUCK

>> No.10825950

>>Insane BPD girls who will accuse you of rape
NO JOKE, this happened to me. Fucking bitch. I DON'T want to ever see her again. FUCK

>> No.10825951

Getting accused for rape

>> No.10825952

i'm a woman lmao i can smell the virgin on you.

>> No.10825954
File: 252 KB, 1479x1399, +_4565cf8586f49bc86c3e9596a08d481a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are always loaded with posts from people who have never seen the convention "underbelly". They don't even know it exists. And I get that, I used to be one of those too, but I didn't claim to be an expert either. (Point here, being I believe you entirely)
>Captcha: G000P

>> No.10825956


I get the kind of person you're thinking of and am afraid of becoming one myself but I feel like simps and cucks are a real thing that you have to avoid and are increasingly common for whatever reason, probably because of the human behavioral sink, or the inequalities inherent in a sexual "free market".

Basically "simps" and "incels" are both people who are on the losing end of the sexual free market, it's just that "simps" accept their subordinate position, whereas "incels" do not, which is why they're hated by liberals completely out of proportion to the threat they pose. For a bunch of people who posture as "rebels" liberals sure are terrified of people questioning their ideas.

>> No.10825962

>For a bunch of people who posture as "rebels" liberals sure are terrified of people questioning their ideas.
Because the libs aren't rebels if the whole culture encourages it, so when they see "true" rebels like incels, they know they're nothing in comparison and shit their pants

>> No.10825994

>I get the kind of person you're thinking of and am afraid of becoming one myself
From this comment I'd like to say that since you're aware it probably won't happen however
>whereas "incels" do not, which is why they're hated by liberals completely out of proportion to the threat they pose. For a bunch of people who posture as "rebels" liberals sure are terrified of people questioning their ideas.
Be very cautious around media sources that tell you how other people think. This is a group that is trying to radicalize you into their way of thinking. If you go too deep down that rabbit hole you'll get stuck in an echo chamber that teaches you what to think and believe.

>> No.10826004

i literally said if you want to fuck someone sane, you don't do it by randomly approaching people. never said it didn't happen. learn2read.

>> No.10826011

Drinking was the method. She was already interested before it.

A lot of con girls will do this cause they want the attention that they never got before. So theyre willing to throw a guy under the bus so she can try to signal to the community that she's desired. It's a scummy thing to do and all false reports should have women thrown in jail. But nothing happens to them while the guy gets his reputation ruined.

>> No.10826012

>i literally said if you want to fuck someone sane, you don't do it by randomly approaching people
>changes the goal post to "someone sane"

>> No.10826020

read who i replied to you faggot >>10825878

>> No.10826057


Fair enough. The millennial left media (think Huffington Post and Kotaku) has nowhere near as much power as people suppose, the fact that Huffpo lost so much money in 2020, during the fucking pandemic/Black Lives Splatter/2nd Trump election means they never had any real draw relative to their funding.

>> No.10826068

desu i want an insane BPD gf

>> No.10826095

I did, and my post still holds true
>like trying to have sex in a shopping mall
Makes it sound like this is some sterile environment, only for families and shopping is the one thing on anyone's mind. At some lame corporate con, maybe. Absolutely not with anime cons. You can use your own metric for "sane" I suppose, but speaking for myself, I'm still taken back by how big the gap is (pun intended) between average attendees of comic events and anime ones.

>> No.10826125
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I'm a boymoder and I really want to go to a resort/swim themed anime con like colossal/viencon and just be surrounded by thirsty cute boys while in my bikini.
If you're a cute boy please don't be shy and just be subtle(by male standards) about wanting things.

>> No.10826133

Any "news" station or website that pushes an agenda loses money. Look at who funds it and you can see who they are a mouthpiece for. But that's off topic and there's a reason why you don't bring up politics in polite conversation.
Then again if you're looking for a cosplayer who's conservative Christian just go to Anime Matsuri in Houston, Texas and tell people that you think Vic is innocent and a victim of the me too movement. You'll either be talking to
A: Girls that agree with you
B: Girls that have been sexually assaulted by Vic

>> No.10826178

>Incels r da reel punk rawk. Voting Republican and sounding like grandpa is reel kewl fellow kidz
I would have so many fewer laughs without infowarriors shillling this laughable and obvious lie

>> No.10826183

I mean I'm trying to wrap my head around this too. The general liberal incel is like "maybe I didn't listen enough and was too unkind. I'll try harder next time." While the conservative incel is like "I did everything I was told and still didn't get laid! TIME TO TAKE OUT MY GUN AND START KILLING PEOPLE!!!"

>> No.10826184
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>I'm one of the top guys

>> No.10826190

I'm one of the ten other guys

>> No.10826191

You forgot 6.) Dont be fat

>> No.10826192

>5. Involve Alcohol at the earliest point possible
this is why so many girls talk about rape at cons. please kys.

>> No.10826193

this post is incredibly true and the only ones who disagree were posted about in it.
>t. whore

>> No.10826195

I'm not surprised when rape actually happens at cons.

>> No.10826196

>Then again if you're looking for a cosplayer who's conservative Christian just go to Anime Matsuri in Houston, Texas and tell people that you think Vic is innocent and a victim of the me too movement. You'll either be talking to
>you must be a conservative christian to think that

What about us centrists who think Vic was right and women are lying bitches?

>> No.10826197
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>women should not be held accountable for their actions
>but all men should be held accountable for women actions

>> No.10826198

Then you can talk to me :)

>> No.10826199
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>there are actual fatfags in these thread
>go to an actual con
>they almost don’t exist

>> No.10826202

As a fatfag I can confirm that we are a minority. I'm working out now though, trying to lose this fat

>> No.10826212

being ugly is not an issue, be a nice person and make her laugh. ~t. an actual woman

>> No.10826214

so you're on the edge of being a poorfag if you live in any major city? kek. No wonder you're worried about a lunch tab.

>> No.10826216

I think the real issue is he realizes that it's not worth wasting money. Richest people in the world still like to cut cost and not spend a ton of material products. As for food, a common thing that happens with women is they'll go on dates with men for a free lunch and just use them for free stuff then never put out. Also as a con sex haver I can say the best strat is just having a good time

>> No.10826230

>Do buff black dudes even get pussy?
you have your answer

>> No.10826232

>As for food, a common thing that happens with women is they'll go on dates with men for a free lunch and just use them for free stuff then never put out.

Expecting this is completely coombrained. You take someone out to lunch because you enjoy their company, it helps to build a rapport. A woman is never fucking you because you took her out she's fucking you because of how you made her feel during that time, or she's trying to bust a nut too.

I don't understand any of this mentality. Just go dutch, save yourself the mental gymnastics because she wasn't going to fuck because you paid anyways.

>> No.10826234
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>make someone laugh
I don't even talk, how do I even manage to make a girl laugh with out sounding like a creep

>> No.10826273

>expecting this is coombrain
How is it coombrain? I never expect to get laid but I can tell you treating strangers out to dinner does nothing

>> No.10826318

Treating strangers out to dinner isn't meant to come with an associated reward. I don't know where this retarded mindset came from, but the entire point of this is to make a connection. If that connection works out, it may lead to further connections. Simple interactions all constitute this string of connections that defines how social functions work in a standard environment. If there is a sexual attraction between you two, either from the one singular connection or from enough over time, then it would behoove either party to try to make that known pretty early on to avoid future misunderstandings or miscommunication, and to read social cues enough to understand when and where this is either reciprocated or not desired in turn.

In all honesty the worst thing some girls do early on is flirt and tease and be sexually forward with someone all the way until that person "misinterprets" all of the sexual innuendo and directness as sexual interest and winds up feeling frustrated that they were rejected when things turn around. Conversely, incels also do themselves a phenomenal disservice by presuming that literally any act of kindness, politeness, and decorum is an open invitation for sexual interactions and that there is no point even existing without treating every single human around you as either a sperm receptor or depositor.

>> No.10826339

>bribing people for "connections"

They werent kidding when tgey said this board is 90%incel femcel.

The fuck do you think you are, a lobbyist?

>> No.10826341

I don't do charity. I don't want a reward but I feel covering the bill is more reserved for friends and stuff. I wouldn't pay for ungrateful randoms. However if I'm cooking they're welcome to eat.

>> No.10826361


Then you're a nazi fascist and nothing you say matters.

t. Antifa

>> No.10826364

Neck yourself

>> No.10826367
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>> No.10826368

I live like a king and have a mortgage in my mid-size city on that (the condo is even in the city limits too). I just don't want to spend money on things I don't need.
The advice on picking up the tab after eating out was good, I was just too autistic to follow the context.

>> No.10826380

depends, i guess. it may be that im immersed in people who go to cons to shop and see panels, and not really to socialize. mostly bc i go with existing friend groups so i have that covered already.

but i could see solos doing that i guess. never really done it so i was mostly just speaking from my experience. and i guess its not impossible since youve done it.

>> No.10826433

>What about us centrists who think Vic was right and women are lying bitches?
Because if you go to conventions in Texas (which is where Vic worked) where most people tend to be conservative to start with and Vic attends tons of anime conventions most con-going girls have a story about interacting with him and they invariably fall into those two categories. He's a very friendly (often times overly friendly) person. I've heard stories from women who were very conservative and very Christian who had stories about him making inappropriate sexual advances on them when they were underage. These people didn't really seem to be trying to gain anything from the allegations and I've heard enough stories from different people to say there's no grain of truth to them. The reason I use Anime Matsuri is because the con head is an older teenage groomer who's done many slimy things over the years such as sell Lolita dresses at the con auction that were supposed to be on loan for the fashion show and saying inappropriate things about the cosplay guests.

This is because you approach women with too much expectation. Not sure if this applies here but too many men are afraid of looking foolish in front of girls to they end up talking very little or not at all. Just act like you're talking to a female friend and not a potential love interest. Unless you're the kind of person who has no female friends because you treat every girl as a potential mate and can't talk to them like friends at all.

>> No.10826441

>How is it coombrain? I never expect to get laid but I can tell you treating strangers out to dinner does nothing
>I don't do charity. I don't want a reward but I feel covering the bill is more reserved for friends and stuff. I wouldn't pay for ungrateful randoms. However if I'm cooking they're welcome to eat.
Let's say theoretically that you're going out on a date with a woman you recently met. As you're making plans you say that you're not going to pay for anything unless you're guaranteed something in return. What do you think the chances are that you're still going on that date? When you ask a person out to dinner at a con you need to treat it like you're going on a date if you want to get the after-date treatment and just like any other date you don't expect it to necessarily happen.
To put it in another way if you enjoy spending time with her and you get to spend more time with her because you bought her dinner then what have you really lost? On the other hand if you really don't enjoy spending time with them and are only doing so in hopes of getting sex then you are wasting both your time and your money.

>> No.10826452

>Because if you go to conventions in Texas (which is where Vic worked) where most people tend to be conservative to start with and Vic attends tons of anime conventions most con-going girls have a story about interacting with him and they invariably fall into those two categories.
Most people at conventions are center at best. Some of them are crazy left, and why we have that incessive beta culture there.

> I've heard stories from women who were very conservative and very Christian who had stories about him making inappropriate sexual advances on them when they were underage.

No one is making advances on lolitas, no less CHRISTIAN LOLITAS lolz

>The reason I use Anime Matsuri is because the con head is an older teenage groomer who's done many slimy things over the years

The con head is black and is married.

> such as sell Lolita dresses

lol once again, all this outrage coming from lolita fags, who are the most dramatic group ever. We dont care about them.

>> No.10826518

Get a pencil sharpener cause you're missing the point

>> No.10826520

>Step one
Have a nice ass
>step 2
Call me

>> No.10826521

I have a nice ass

>> No.10826565

>Get a pencil sharpener cause you're missing the point
Please enlighten me to this "point" that I'm missing.

>> No.10826869 [DELETED] 

Don't do it anon, your anus will not be safe.

>> No.10826927

work on yourself (hygiene, working out). practice smiling in front of a mirror. this will probably take months to a year. be comfortable with yourself.
>find someone you like at the con
>compliment their costume and ask for a pic together
>smile and thank them
>walk around and if you see them, simply smile and do the mexican 'head tilt up'.
>don't approach
>now if you made an impact they will approach you and take it from there
>if they don't, then simply 'bump' into them at some food/merch stand. say hi again and ask what they're looking at
>tricky part. buy something for yourself and if it's relatable to something they were looking at buy a small trinket for them
>they might object, but say you're here at the con to have fun and make friends
>smile and tell her 'see ya'.
>if she comes up to you later, it's up to you. if not, then it just cost you 5 to 10 bucks (same if at a food stand)

now for 'prof' cosplayers
>same as above
>but when you tip or buy a mini poster from them make sure they see your large bills
>say oops, and take out your smaller bills to pay
>walk around and get close to her booth
>smile and do the 'head tilt'
>again, if she seeks you out it's up to you

now i've had various success with both regular attendees and 'prof' cosplayers. after a while you get to notice the girls/women that are strictly there for hookups. be careful and condoms are your friend (bring your own, never assume the girl will have her own or doesn't poke holes in them).

>> No.10826970

nayrt, I think it's good to be generous to some extent in order to create opportunities to foster connections, but there should come a point where you should realize that you're being completely taken advantage of. In other words, DON'T SIMP TOO HARD IRL!!!

>> No.10826971

meant for >>10826565

>> No.10827146

>showing money as a way to grab girls

ngmi. you guys are so cringe lol. I've paid zero dollars for sex at cons.

>> No.10827222

>nayrt, I think it's good to be generous to some extent in order to create opportunities to foster connections, but there should come a point where you should realize that you're being completely taken advantage of. In other words, DON'T SIMP TOO HARD IRL!!!
I am NOT disagreeing with you here. If there is NO connection on the first contact then DON'T try to take it to the next level. Also there is the fast hard rule of life, if you don't have the money, don't spend it!

>> No.10827591

I never got the whole poking holes into condoms thing

>> No.10827614

You really don't. The personality switch is terrifying. This is bad but the depression you will experience as this amazing person falls apart and rips into you and everyone else is painful. I like cosplay girls because they're fun and artistic. A lot of super smart women. That's addicting and a BPD one like this is a mad scientist, sadist, and psychopath all at the same time.

But a stable artistic girl who is truly comfortable with herself and has a direction is a precious gemstone. Seek that girl and fight for her ferociously. The other one will just cheat on you and leave you with herpes.

>> No.10827648

Based desu
Lolitas are really cute but I have no idea how to approach them, I feel a bit intimidated by then to be honest.

>> No.10827737

>Look if you have words like "simp" "cuck" "thot" and "cringe" in your vocabulary then you must be a lot of fun to hang around -_-.
>Those aren't the words people who are successful at getting hook-ups use.

thats a fucking falsehood, im a living example of "lol no"

>> No.10827886

I get laid by having sex. Anything else is a skill issue

>> No.10827920

i doubt it. you didnt pay for alcohol or stuff?

>> No.10827922

nigga what. I buy alcohol for me and my friends to use in my hotel room. if I find a girl who I have fun with we go back to my room and drink there. only an idiot buys alcohol at a con instead of bringing their own. whats wrong with you

>> No.10828007

1. Check
2. Check
3. Check
4. Check
5. What do you mean? Go to a bar nearby or sneak small bottle shots in?
6. I'm cheap, can I message others not to show up to the hotel during a certain time/manual lock door?
8.Oh no

>> No.10828321

New thread

>> No.10828563

Unless you are objectively ugly, most guys in general, but especially guys at cons will give you the time of day if you approach