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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10802146 No.10802146 [Reply] [Original]

I went to matsuricon all by myself. It was a very fun and isolating experience. I had some conversations with some people for about 10 min. and then they went off to do their own thing. The panels were fun but I felt like that weird guy walking around alone with a cat shirt on. Any advice? Anyone else go to cons by themselves?

>> No.10802148

Its impossible to give advice to someone who doesn't know what they want.

>> No.10802150

I guess I just wanted a better con experience. how was I supposed to talk to people and potentially make friends?

>> No.10802155

The one time I went to a con alone I got a panic attack I did have fun for a bit when I just started making conversation with people while I was in line. Someone else who was alone become my anchor for a bit til they had to meet up with people..

>> No.10802156 [DELETED] 

that's good to know, I had a short conversation with another person in line too for a rave. He kept on showing me pictures of cats holding french fries and kept belly laughing. I loved that man and we raved so much together. I wish I had gotten his number

>> No.10802157

that's good to know, I had a short conversation with another person in line too for a rave. He kept on showing me pictures of cats holding french fries and kept belly laughing. I loved that man and we raved so much together. I wish I had gotten his number *oops forgot to add something*

>> No.10802158

ur a man but use a woman picture

>> No.10802159

Does that matter?

>> No.10802161

you need to cosplay if you want to go to a con alone and not want to kill yourself.

>> No.10802162

The short-term answer for how to find people to hang with is asking around this board before or even during an event. That, or join a community Discord server, whether it be the convention's (would not recommend) or a regional one.
>I felt like that weird guy walking around alone with a cat shirt on
Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but it certainly sounds like the classic case of "I feel like random strangers are looking at / making fun of me." Since I'm not sure what other reason there'd be to feel "weird". If it is, that's be where I go with the long-term advice. Would rather confirm first, however.

>> No.10802163

Make a plan on what you wanted to go see at the con. If you really wanted to meet some celebrity, go to their panels and meet ups. you can then make small talk with people wanting the same thing as you, while queuing or seating. It’s like anywhere else in the world. There’s no point to talking to someone who you don’t have a reason to talk to, there has to be a common point to begin the the talk.
Now the other thing about finding someone who you can hang out with, unfortunately it’s not very easy. Small talks are a good start but in no way means a reason to be together the whole day. It’s like someone was asking you the direction and then they end up going with you the whole day. In my last con, a girl asked me to help her take photo and I did, told her how to pose too and where to look. She asked me if I was going to the event alone, I actually was, but I met nice people earlier as well who I tend to go back to when I felt like talking to and socialising. She said she was alone as well and asked if she can come with me. I said fine. She did follow me around as I went back to forth to the multiple people I made small talks with.

>> No.10802164
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...Ok, already unsure how I feel about this now.

>> No.10802177

You probably passed a thousand other solo con-goers and didn't even realize it. That isolation you feel is because you are by yourself, but also because you are being way too self-conscious and thinking that everyone is paying attention to you when they aren't.

If you want to make friends, you're going to have the most trouble doing it while walking around. If people are walking around that means they are going somewhere or they have somewhere they need to be. The best place to actually talk to people at cons is when they aren't going anywhere at all. When they're hanging out in the arcade or just sitting down charging their phone or waiting in line for a panel or event. No one is going to latch onto you after a few minutes of small talk.

>> No.10803485

I honestly love the aspect where you can move around and do you own thing without having to worry about a partner/group. What sucks is mostly not getting pics with cosplayers, selfies are pretty wack.
You could always join groups and communities where they do meet ups. Other than that, you could hunt for loners and strike up a convo to see whether they would be interested in pairing up.

>> No.10803508

Already did better than me. I have been to 5 or 6 cons alone and have never spoken a single word to anyone

>> No.10804075

just about every con will have a discord/FB group. there's usually some sort of 21+ group and they're pretty chill. I'd find them and just start chatting with peeps, some people will throw up meetups (even if it's casual "let's meet in the hotel lobby and chill") that you can go to to break the ice.

please for the love of fuckin god control your autism in these, because I've seen so many people that straight up sperg out and alienate themselves.

>> No.10804107

>locate people cosplaying a series you like
>ask for photo
>talk about the series
>start talking about the con
>share socials

>> No.10804115

This is a weird order
If I ask for a photo I'm going to immediately ask for socials after it since why would I be bothering to take photos with my dslr if I'm not even going to send it to them
Like frfr

>> No.10804118
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If you want people to be interested in you wear an interesting cosplay and have zero inhibitions
I've only been arrested at cons a couple times

>> No.10804470

If you're not a cute single girl don't think randoms at cons will care about you at all no matter how charming you are.

>> No.10804471

Lots of women pay call me over and ask for pictures when I crossplay, also dudes as well.

Any non fat chick or a cute "boy"(and probably chads too) in cosplay can solo and get lots of interaction and fun.

>> No.10804474

You're responding to someone who's, at best, engaged in /r9k/-tier demoralization and at worst, spreading intentional lies because they're a bitter lardass landwhale (many such cases). Not someone worth giving a serious answer to, either way.

>> No.10804486

Cute girls get more IRL attention at cons than average men do. You don't have to be an Arcanine to see that.

>> No.10804494

...which is not the same as saying 'be a cute girl or no one will care'

>> No.10804497

It's basically the same, autist.

>> No.10804502

You are an incel. Just give up and fuck off.

>> No.10804589

Taking pictures of a cosplay is different than coming up and wanting to fuck

>> No.10804675

I've been to cons solo and gotten blown off when trying to approach groups. I've also been with friends and inadvertently blown off people who tried to strike up conversations. A cute shy girl came up to me and complemented my shirt, tried to chat us up, but my group got pulled away. it happens, and it's not intentional sometimes. You'll have better luck chatting up singles, and people who are in line. You don't even have to join the line, just walk down it, find the people having the loudest conversation and strike up a conversation about what they're lining up for.

>> No.10804710

Are you fucking stupid? If you look good and cosplay you can easily find someone to have sex with. What does attending a con alone have anything to do with it?

No amount of friends will get your fat incel ass laid.

>> No.10804768

I go to cons alone all the time. Sometimes I do it just to shopfag, or to get nice photos of cosplays, or panels, or use it as a vehicle to enjoy the local area and restaurants.

Cons are what you make them. It's entirely possible to go to cons with friend groups and still have a shit time. I've made friends that I've only seen a handful of times over the period of years (albeit still communicate over social media) from my solo trips. And sometimes I go to go bars with them to drink and go over our life and con drama and shit.

Again, it's what you make it.

>> No.10804960

I only go to shopfag and walk around for cosplay photos. I wish I had friends that cosplay, but I don't have the skill for making my own cosplays.

>> No.10804965
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I intentionally blow everyone off and pretend I'm just dense and don't understand they want to talk to me. I know the only reason they compliment me and try to talk to me is they think I'm ugly enough to be approachable. It makes me sick, it makes me want to puke. I wish they'd die.

>> No.10805034

What is even the point of making friends though? People are close to friends they've had since middle or highschool, even if you put in effort you'll never be good friends with someone unless they were a lonely loser when you met them. I just do my own thing.

>> No.10805262


For the people who don't know you're trolling, that's not true, you can make good friends at any time. And with tons of people becoming anime and cosplay fans because of the pandemic, there are more chances to make friends at cons now than ever before.

>> No.10805263
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Yeah and you can sit there and pretend to give a shit about their job or thwith bullshit or their hobbies or whatever. Wow sounds great. I'd rather die. Cons are full of normies, talking to noemies makes me suicidal. Occasionally I'll meet some nice cute depressed girl or depressed twink and they're okay to talk to but otherwise yuck.

>> No.10805461

just buy them 80% of people buy anyways

>> No.10805462
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The main difference between people who just buy shit and people who put effort isn't even the costume, it's the wig. It's difficult to style wigs so they look good. But if you have enough money you can commission a cosplay that looks better than 99%+ of the cosplays at even a huge convention.

>> No.10805513

Your innate beauty is 90% of the battle anyway.

Assuming you have even half decent makeup skills and cosplay.

>> No.10805516
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Yeah which is why I don't bother and just wear meme cosplays. I'll always be ugly.

>> No.10805705
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Not sure about any advice since I seem to have a similar problem, though I haven't gone alone. I will say though that I was at the same con and if you had approached my friends and I about damn near anything we probably would've jumped at the opportunity to continue a conversation with you since we mostly stuck to ourselves. Our own possible reservations about it not barring anything, we probably would have invited you to stick around with us even. Can't imagine we are completely unique in that regard either, but I don't know.

>> No.10805707
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Yeah, most people are like that. But why would I bother?

>> No.10805711

I'm going to assume you're not OP, in which case, I don't give a shit what you do.

>> No.10805835

cons were literally created for nerds, enthusiasts, and yes, autists. find someone who shares a mutual interest and sperg out. no need to waste your time with small talk. your experience is what you make of it.

>> No.10805846
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Yeah there are plenty of people who share my interests but they're uglier than me and I want to talk to a girl who shares my interests and is no uglier than me, most girls are ugly though

>> No.10807651

i went to my first con (solo)

learned of the con too short notice to do this
>find people to hang with on this board
i'm probably the only anon in my state on this board
>join a discord
couldn't find one
>make small talk with people wanting the same thing as you
there were only two lines I had to stand in which took less than 2 minutes each
>go to where people are hanging out or sitting down and not walking around
there was nowhere to sit down to just shoot the shit in the venue, i did go outside to have a sit and some fresh air but only saw other groups of friends involved in their personal conversations
>locate people cosplaying a series you like
no one was cosplaying anything I was really interested in, just marvel and genshin mostly lel. Is Saw a bloodborne cosplay walking by but i was already in the middle of something
>be a cute single girl
i'm a penis haver
>walk down a line and talk to people in it
what the fuck? no

was still pretty neat tho

>> No.10807655

>i'm probably the only anon in my state on this board
Somehow I doubt that, and even if you are, there's tons of country (or nation) hoppers here, myself included so there was still a chance.
>no one was cosplaying anything I was really interested in, just marvel and genshin mostly lel
This has me wondering-- was it explicitly advertised as "anime convention" or Comic Con / just some general media get together? If it's the latter, there was never a chance from the start. Those aren't sociable types and I avoid them for that reason.

>> No.10807660
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>Comic Con / just some general media get together
It was this

>> No.10807781

Even if you're in a smaller state, you can be all but guaranteed you'll have a better time talking to people at an anime event because it keeps the grandpas, kiddies and boring normalfags away. If this is an help / reference, people go very hard at Anime Iowa.

>> No.10807818

I went by myself for the first time this past year. There are ups and downs.
-No free photographer for my cosplay
-No one to predictably hang out with during downtime
-Hotel room costs more
-No one to help if you have a crisis or emergency of some kind
-Make new friends
-Get to do what you want when you want and move at your own pace
-More room in the hotel/bed
-Don't have to deal with messy roommates
-Get to hog the bathroom in the morning
-Don't have to help your friends carry/pack/unpack shit.
Overall, I'd recommend it unless you're a socially crippled retard or you're tight on cash. I love hanging out with my friends but sometimes they can grate on my nerves at cons.

>> No.10807819

same anon, I forgot to add the downsides are it's more unsafe and you also don't have anyone to give you more mundane help/advice (like if you should buy something or someone to help with a cosplay wardrobe malfunction; things like that).

>> No.10808109

i always go alone but i wish i was able to talk to other people though

>> No.10808620

I don't watch anime tho

>> No.10808735

Trust me, most people in the afterparty scenes don't either.