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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 121 KB, 540x960, 1404660436915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10794477 No.10794477 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of girls tend to crossplay, but I've been seeing a significant amount of men now doing it, too. Guys unironically cosplaying girl characters. I assume the cosplay con community is simply getting bigger, but I've been in cons for ages. I never seen such a high amount of guys cosplaying as girl stuff than today. Even the guys ironically getting in girl uniforms or maid outfits seem to fit this trend.

What do you guys think about guys basically acting more like women in the convention space especially when it comes to cosplay. Lots of makeup, more flamboyant outfits, etc.

>> No.10794479

If they look cute or attractive, I like it.
If they don't, ew

Simple as

>> No.10794480

how many guys do you see being cute or attractive in crossplay though

>> No.10794481

Crossplay started as something that primarily referred to men dressing as female characters. It wasn't until the tumblr generation moved into cons that it became something mostly associated with girls cosplaying as twinky boys.

That said, if they can pull it off, good for them.

>> No.10794486

Male crossplayers (actually trying) by percentage is one of my most important metrics for how to gauge a good convention and not just because I'm one of them.
>twinky boys
And yet the vast VAST majority of Jojo cosplay is from girls. Off the top of my head, I don't think I can remember seeing a single male Bruno, ever.

>> No.10794487

most what i see here in europe are awful no effort tier shit

>> No.10794489

Quiter a few, actually

>> No.10794495

With all the trans stuff, guys are getting braver to try it. Women could always cross dress with only rare blowback. Guys have hugboxes they can rely on now

>> No.10794496

>Guys have hugboxes they can rely on now
Women are the ones giving them said hugbox which is the irony

>> No.10794498

Depending on occasion and purpose, crossdressing is not that out of place. I think if they're doing it during a convention, event, or something similar it is not that bad. Effort is also important if they're actually want to crossdress. If you're doing a skit or being a fill-in member in theater club or drama, it's fine to be lax, especially if you're doing it for comedy effect. Using it on your daily life is probably the questionable zone for most people. Girls probably can get away with wearing dudes clothes but the inverse is not. I don't know.
Btw, have you guys visited any crossdress cafe?

>> No.10794499

Conventions arent theater or drama club so this activity seems far more questionable.

>> No.10794501

Well, yeah, I don't know about that.

>> No.10794506
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nothing wrong with a high effort crossplay but I saw literal dozens of ugly hairy men in the same aliexpress maid costume at the last con I went to. No makeup, no effort, just done ironically I guess. Fucking gross, nobody wants to see that

>> No.10794515

>just done ironically I guess
I personally find it funny as fuck

>> No.10794516

What if someone invests time and money and alot of sewing hours actually trying make their maid uniform look good

>> No.10794522

What if you no-effort crossplay unironically? You spend many hours sewing your costume, you wear a wig, but then you don't use makeup or do anything to make you look like a girl.

>> No.10794525

Just have a girl wear it. Or try to be Mana.

>> No.10794532

You can't just call me out like this.

>> No.10794543

And the caveat in my previous message about "(actually trying)" was in reference to this. I notice they're always hiding their legs. And yes, shaving your legs is not the most fun thing in the world, so fine I GUESS, but for God's sake at least trim the damn beards.

>> No.10794544

>but for God's sake at least trim the damn beards.
This is one thing a lot of these fags in those maid outfits never do.

>I gotta keep my beard

I'm fine with that but stop larping as a woman then

>> No.10794549

Brohous and man-maids have been common at conventions for decades.

>> No.10794575

Man Faye

>> No.10794633

Sailor Bubba too.

>> No.10794645

I think wow they finally found a way to get a lot of attention and break the ice
Good for them

>> No.10794650
File: 512 KB, 654x958, 13b7398ff78e98831200ae3dd693d66e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience you get way more compliments from girls if you do any vaguely popular twink cosplay rather than a cross play.

>> No.10794651

youve never been around girls if you think them complimenting you is that easy. When girls compliment, its different from when men do. You become competition

>> No.10794655
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Huh? Every time I've ever went to a con I've been complimented by no less than 30 girls a day. Most of the people who compliment me are girls. I'm a guy obviously.

>> No.10794656

You're not getting what Im trying to tell you. A compliment from a girl with you dressing like them is basically them demeaning you. No girl truly compliments other girls.

>> No.10794657

Whatever is behind it isn't the point, anon is saying more women compliment him than men.

>> No.10794659
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Well obviously yeah. A genuine compliment froma girl is basically just telling you that she thinks you're sexy, duh!

>> No.10794662

I’ve never seen a good Caster Gil at a western convention. They always fuck up the headdress.

>> No.10794663
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So you admit you're uglier as a girl than a guy dressing as a girl? K, got it.

>> No.10794671

Men who crossplay and

>arent on hrt
>havent completely lasered off their facial shadow
>arent of at least reasonable bodyweight
>dont groom their fucking eyebrows
>possess a gigantic jaw

Should stop grossing out everyone in the vicinity. Its disgusting.

If you want to be a meme go dress as deadpool

>> No.10794678

>tfw everything on that list done but can't do anything about the jaw
>when masks are over 'll have no excuse and be forced to stop crossplaying

>> No.10794679

there's room enough for everyone to slut it up, calm down bitch

>> No.10794688

t. Bigfoot

>> No.10794689

>but can't do anything about the jaw
plastic surgery, have you heard of it?

>> No.10794692

Anime North??? I saw a group there.

>> No.10794694

I ain't that rich

>> No.10794695
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Speak for yourself, hole.
That's literally every sizable event these days.

>> No.10794701

Tbh a guy can pull off a satsuki crossplay more than a ryuko crossplay

>> No.10794708
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>A lot of girls tend to crossplay
That's an understatement
The vast majority of genshin cosplays I've seen are all just girls crossplaying
But it's always inoffensive, unlike when a dude crossplays and has full beard and shows a bunch of hairy skin

>> No.10794731

>become a tranny just to play dress up as a cartoon character for a weekend
How about no, groomer?

>> No.10794735

Who said anything about being a tranny?

Im a male that did it for anti aging

>> No.10794739

It was funny the first guy I saw. Then got pretty pathetic

>> No.10794744

What the fuck is a hugbox?

>> No.10794746

Trannies have pretty much ruined this shit. What was once a joke is now a fucking lifestyle now

>> No.10794749

>haha I'm just on HRT for totally different reasons

>> No.10794750

you must be 18 to post on this board

>> No.10794860

Jaw line reshaping typically costs between 5500$ and 10000$ depending on how extensively you want your face changed.
You might find lower estimates if you're willing to go outside of the US and south korea.
I understand that's a lot of money but you don't have to be rich (whatever that means by your standards. And keep in mind cosplay isn't a hobby for poor people either) to save up for something like that.
That is if you want it of course, if you don't really want it it's an expensive torture session just get a more pleasing looking jaw.

An online space where everyone praises everyone else, regardless of the quality of the content/posts/costumes/whatever

For example you could post a train wreck and people will still be like "omg, this is so good!".
Also, constructive criticism is not allowed in hug boxes.

Inb4 "stop spoon feeding",, go cry about it.

>> No.10794864


>> No.10794871

So that's what it's called a uh...."hugbox"? I see this crap all the time in the real world and think how can people be so disingenuous to each other? I hate how "nice" everyone is to those who really don't deserve it these days, like the trannies thefaggots and other absolute assholes

>> No.10794872

>just spend 5-10k so some retard on 4chan won't bitch about your jawline in cosplay photos
You should not give anyone any advice on anything ever again.

>> No.10794873

enjoy your breasts lmao

>> No.10794887

I said only if you want it. Otherwise don't bother.

Some online lolita groups are huge hugboxes, for example on reddit and fb. I'm not sure how this is with cosplay groups.
I know that there's a reddit group for historical fashion that's absolutely not a hugbox and I definitely appreciate there are still some sane places.

>> No.10794892

Honestly 10k ain't bad for a huge appearance boost...

>> No.10794908

Have you seen "Let me in"? It's a plastic surgery show from South Korea where they get some people with serious appearance problems such as deformities and give them plastic surgery.
The before and after is absolutely amazing.

Check it out on youtube

>> No.10794955

i just love my waifu and i like to cosplay
dont care about tranny shit or twink boys

>> No.10794983

Go look like frankenstein in drag then

I paid 7k to have them removed. Now they cant grow no matter how much estrogen i take.

>> No.10795004

nayrt but I have frequently thought about getting my boobs removed (or drastically reduced), not because of gender issues but because having an AA cup sounds like the ultimate in comfort.
I hate bras, I hate the weight of boobs, I hate underboob sweat. I would just like to wear a t-shirt in summer and be braless.

>> No.10795005
File: 2.68 MB, 4032x3024, C1414104-459B-43DF-A7E1-03BEBDD8F3C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm. Went to both anime expo 2022 and otakon just couple days ago and the amount of fucking male faggots “crossplaying” has skyrocketed. It’s like no one is shaming them anymore. We gotta start shaming fat ugly girls and costhots more desu.

>> No.10795009

We will replace you.

>> No.10795010

You can lose all sexual pleasure from them forever.

Mine were by far the most erogenous zone and I feel nothing 6 months later(healing takes 2+ yrs).

Make sure youre prepared to lose that, even I feel a fair bit of regret despite the freedom.

>> No.10795012

>another dumbass woman falling for the jew boom removal surgery

>> No.10795017

the what?

The reason I don't get it done is because it's too likely I'll regret it because things "don't look right" or something and the chance that I won't be able to get used to the new proportions.
Women with AA cups are typically very slim with very narrow frame.
I have larger breasts but they've always been in proportion to my frame.

>> No.10795023

unironically lose weight. This isn't me calling you fat; even if you're a normal bmi getting to the lower end of healthy bmi can make a HUGE difference

>> No.10795106

I feel outed in this thread. I'll be ugly forever

>> No.10795120

No offense taken and I understand the suggestion because it can be helpful in a lot of cases.
I was at the lower end of healthy bmi last year and they were still D cups and saggy because of years of jo-jo dieting. Sorry for that mental image, just being bluntly honest here.
A boob lift is not going to be satisfactory either.

I think narrow framed slim girls with flat chests look super pretty and comfortable, and have so much fashion freedom because they don't need a bra but that will never be me because even if I get my teets yeeted I still don't have that build.

People usually say "just look for a comfortable bra, you're probably wearing the wrong size" and I will say I've searched far and wide, tried on many in store and at home and never ever encountered a comfortable bra. Not even with the influx of wireless designs and bralettes.
I'm close to start trying to make one myself, maybe its the synth fabrics that just annoy my skin. Even bras that claim to be 100% cotton still have synth material in the bra band and straps, at least the ones I've tried.

For now I wear bulky oversized garments to hide the fact that I'm not wearing a bra, but that's not fashion freedom and I can't do that when formal wear is mandatory.

>> No.10795128

>Go look like frankenstein in drag then
I'd rather see 1000 hairy men in lazy crossplay and cheap maid outfits than have a single person listen to the kind of retard who tells people to go on HRT and get jaw-shaving surgery just so they don't have to sperg out everytime they see a fun joke-y cosplay.

>> No.10795173
File: 156 KB, 822x722, 1554520572867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb question: If I'm a guy who can pretty reasonably pass as a girl when doing crossplay, who'd be the best twink for me to cosplay? For some reason I can't think of any and my brain usually goes to boring male characters instead of actually cute twinks.

>> No.10795181

take the pinkpill, sister.

>> No.10795182
File: 113 KB, 1259x811, karl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twinks =/= crossplay.

The heck are you doin m8.

>> No.10795191

xd Im doing it as well for this xD


So yeah we men are gonna be best girls soon xD

>> No.10795192

very demoralizing thread reading that people see me as a freak

>> No.10795205

I'm still going going to crossplay after reading this thread. I think I do better than 99% of males who buy that cheap maid dress.

>> No.10795208

male crossplayers have a very steep bell curve.

1% look great, 2-3% look pretty good, 5% are inoffensive. And this is mostly inhabited by gay/closet trans people who actually care.

The rest are increasingly grotesque monstrosities that should be put on a sex offender list.

just take care of yourself and put in the effort, anon.

>> No.10795235

Male cosplayers in general have a steep bell curve. First one being "don't be ugly"

>> No.10795245

It's nothing but pic related here >>10794663 seething. They'll never have the nerve to tell you to your face. And even if they did, you could just laugh them away because why take a word they say about anything seriously, ever?

>> No.10795251

whats the consensus on buff crossplay? ive been getting fit over the past two years to pull off a buff madoka because i think itd be funny

>> No.10795253

Buff crossplay is cringe. learn your fucking place

>> No.10795254

Sissies are finally being normalized. There's also the rise in "Femboy Hooters" cosplayers.

>> No.10795256

whats wrong with it? im new to cosplaying in general and i thought itd atleast be amusing

>> No.10795263

It's not amusing. (Im a guy btw). Im just letting you know, it doesnt turn on girls if youre buff in a dress. They want you in more manly outfits. If youre doing it for yourself, sure. But stop doing it, youre not using your strengths to your advantage. At most, youll just attract other gay men

>> No.10795286

that femboy shiet is just awful to see

>> No.10795345

>At most, youll just attract other gay men

this guy is telling anon that if he doesn't want to attract gay men, he should wear buff cosplays


>> No.10795346

Gay men will go after you whether you are in crossdressing or not. But at least in manly clothing you'll attract women too. unless youre gay and thats what you want

>> No.10795349

I have a trad wife and 3 kids. I only go to anime cons to fuck super feminine traps. Women, especially cosplayers, are too much effort. I'm just looking to empty my nuts.

>> No.10795350

>Im gay

Thats all you had to say

>> No.10795351

I'm not gay. Not sure why you libcucks are so obsessed with identities. I'm a Christian and confess every Sunday. I do sometimes slip up to deal with my lusts but I only want females to fuck. I am not in any way gay.

>> No.10795352

you fuck traps. youre gay

>> No.10795355

I fuck my wife twice a day every day. I've fucked over 100 women in my lifetime. Probably no more than 30 or 40 traps. So definitely not gay.

>> No.10795359

youre gay

>> No.10795362

I've provided countless pieces of evidence proving that I am not gay. You have no argument. I accept your concsession.

>> No.10795363

>I fuck men so that means Im not gay

>> No.10795364

I don't fuck men. Do you think if you fuck some tranny that you're having straight sex just because they cut a hatchet wound and pretend to be a girl? Fuck no. They're still biologically a man and I am biologically straight.

>> No.10795365

I know this is a troll but this is how monkeypox comes into the equation and exposes down low and closeted gay dudes. Might want to get tested and vaxed because the blisters that will show up on your dick and ass will be pretty damn painful.

>> No.10795366

I always wear a condom when I fuck strangers. I only go bareback with my wife and my long-term side piece. I'm not dangerous.

>> No.10795368

I know you've ate the bussy like groceries. Get tested brehs. A lot of dudes going to cons smashing this femboys and traps will still catch the gaypox.

>> No.10795369

Disgusting. I have never gone down on anyone. That's probably one of the most gay things you can do. Never gonna lick a pussy once, let alone a penis or a butthole.

>> No.10795370

You fucked something with a penis, that makes you gay Anon. You're gay.
>fucks traps
>has a sidepice
>has a wife
God, you are such a fucking slut.

>> No.10795373

>*cheating bisexual slut
Sorry, I misspelled. You're still a whore anon. I hope you get caught red-handed, no-one deserves to be with a cheating whore.

>> No.10795377

My wife won't fuck you simp. But joke's on you. My wife and god forgive me my faults. I am honest and confess and they know I have weaknesses. But I'm saved through Christ. You're trying to force yorur liberal agenda on me and try and trick me into being gay, but I see through your.tricks. Get behind me Satan.

>> No.10795379

No, no, no. What I am saying is, if you cheat on your wife with a sidepeice and men, and told her yet won't even consider NOT cheating on her. You are a cheating whore. A slut, you will burn in the pits of hell.

>> No.10795381

do you at least let your wife fuck other guys if you're so content with being unfaithful to her? it's only fair anon.

>> No.10795383

Fuck no. I'm not a cuck. I am the husband and the husband is beneath the wife.

I would be going to hell for my lust, whether I acted on it or not. But this keeps some of my worse demons at bay. When I don't empty my balls as fast as possible things get ugly. I can be violent and have used drugs. I know I'm flawed and sinful. I am rightfully ashamed of it, but I know that Christ forgives me when I ask for it.

>> No.10795384

>Fuck no. I'm not a cuck. I am the husband and the husband is beneath the wife.
So, let me get this straight... If you cheat on your wife it is fine and you still continue to be unfaithful to her? If she were to do the same, that's unforgiveable?

>> No.10795385

Ur obiously not a Christian. Even Catholic Christians know divorce is evil and women should never stray from their husbands.

>> No.10795386

No I am not. But, please. Yes or no. If you cheat it's completely fine and completely fine to continue cheating but if your wife does the same, it's an unforgiveable act?

>> No.10795387

>whether I acted on it or not
didn't you just admit that you're a whore who cheats on his wife times two though? both with cosplay con traps and a sidepiece?

>> No.10795389

Hey look! An egg in the wild outside of /lgbt/!

>> No.10795390
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>When I don't empty my balls as fast as possible things get ugly. I can be violent and have used drugs
Imagine having this little self control as a man, literal coombrain teir, I'd fucking kill myself to be honest.

>> No.10795392

I fully believe he will somehow give his wife an STD than blame it on her instead of his gay homolust escapades, a tale as old as time.

>> No.10795399

I think it's retarded but as long as they don't do shit like try to go into the female bathrooms then whatever I guess, I just stay away from them.

Honestly I'd rather the fat ugly girls than troons and sissies.

>> No.10795400

>I think it's retarded but as long as they don't do shit like try to go into the female bathrooms then whatever I guess
Already happens.

>> No.10795403

I do sin, yes. I freely admit that. But I am also reborn every Sunday in the sacrifice of the son of god.

This is the method I have used to regulate my life.

>> No.10795404

Some women feel 0 sexual pleasure in their breasts.

Nonny, don't get them removed, consider settling for a reduction. It can cause hormone disturbances, phantom pains and it straight up looks ugly. Just bare in mind that it's a very difficult surgery and it's not something you should consider unless you are desperate. You will probably still have to wear bras and have tit sweat no matter what. If you are not a skinny woman with h cups in general you should probably not be getting reductions at all. I know smaller boobs look better in lolita, but sometimes it's better to just cope.

>> No.10795406
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>When I don't empty my balls as fast as possible things get ugly. I can be violent and have used drugs
I thank mana everyday that i am born a woman.

>> No.10795408

So you use God and his religion as an excuse to cheat continuously on your wife, being unfaithful and a whore? You're scum.

>> No.10795409

I agree, it is suffering to be a man like me, with such a high sex drive. Thank you for the sympathy.

>> No.10795410

There is no excuse. You don't understand Christianity.

>> No.10795411

>acts like an oh-so holy Christian.
>doesn't even capitalize God.
kek, I hate fakers like you.

>> No.10795413

Yes it is. It would be like if I beat my wife constantly, but then confessed my sins, and still continued to beat my wife. You're still continuing to sin, meaning you haven't learned anything, you don't truly repent, you feel no repentance, you use God and his forgiving nature as an excuse for your own sinful nature. You are a whorish man.

>> No.10795414
File: 799 KB, 1000x1000, 1534882612489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread derailed by the most obvious low-effort troll in existence
>STILL raking in (You)'s
If only mods had banned him for his retarded "I want to cheat on my wife" thread from the other day

>> No.10795416

Imagine being a man, imagine being as retarded as the man you replied to. I would consider self euthanasia .

>> No.10795418

Anyway back to crossplaying guys

>> No.10795421

if wife and god forgives, the habitual doesn't make it a worse crime. Each sin is individual. You are being to "rational" without realizing you don't get god's plan.

>> No.10795428
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>You are being to "rational" without realizing you don't get god's plan

No you fucking retard, that's wrong.

>Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. - Hebrews 13:4
>Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight. - Proverbs 12:22
>He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself. - Proverbs 6:32
>“You shall not commit adultery." - Exodus 20:14
>You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.’” - Mark 10:19
>Whoever commits adultery with a woman is out of his mind; by doing so he corrupts his own soul. - Proverbs 6:32
>Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. - Hebrews 13:4
>But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. - 1 Corinthians 7:2

You are committing adultery Anon, a grievous sin in the eyes of God.

>To desire to continue in sin shows a misunderstanding of this abundant grace and a contempt for Jesus' sacrifice - Romans 6:2
>For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. - Hebrews 10:26-27

You choose to continue committing adultery despite knowing this and even after saying you've repented. When you repent, you change for the better, not continue to sin and use God as a scapegoat. You will rot in hell for your corrupted, lustful, unfaithful and immoral ways. I cannot believe I have seen someone so sacrilegious using God's name in vain and self pleasure.

>> No.10795430

>without realizing you don't get god's plan
Says the cheating whore sinner

>> No.10795431
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A wasted effort, unfortunately. He's gonna shit up other threads like this until people stop falling it for it (never), he's banned (never) or gets bored.

>> No.10795435

Yeah okay anon. My pastor has already told me I am okay but I am sure you know more than a trained pastor of Christ’s church. Keep casting stones at the faithful loser

>> No.10795437
File: 492 KB, 1200x1697, cedb3d8c9fd4a9c405fed8c802dbe003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it crossplaying to cosplay as a crossdresser

>> No.10795447

That's extremely disgusting anon, like, I guarantee you that almost all men and women will find you repulsive outside of like, the odd gay dude or something.

Just do a proper character for your cosplay and you'll have 1000x more positive reception.

The absolute buffest a crossplayer should be is like, maybe professional swimmer level of muscle or some fujoshi bait twink.

>> No.10795449

>Keep casting stones at the faithful loser
Don't you cheat on your wife?

>> No.10795451

>Yeah okay anon
Did you even read any of the things from the Bible I sourced, do you even read the Bible?

>> No.10795454

Anon, he's obviously trolling stop falling for the bait.

>> No.10795456

I read the Bible every Sunday and every major holiday. We pray before every meal in my house.

Saul murdered Christians before he became Paul. My pastor told me something about "the fortunate fall" and the doctrine of grace. He said that we all sin and are tainted, but with enough faith god can save us. Did you go to divinity school? I rest my case kid.

>> No.10795457

But you still cheat on your wife, and continue to cheat on your wife. That's adultery and against God's holy ways.

>> No.10795459

Yes. Human beings sin every single day, nearly every single moment. Do you think it's possible ot live a sinless life? That's heresy. Only Christ can do so. Even Mary, the mother of God, needed to be purified by the holy spirit because she was a sinner. Every Saint ever born, every apostle, everyone except Adam and Eve was born a sinner. And even Adam and Eve sinned. This isn't the gotcha you think it is.

>> No.10795460

Cross play is creepy

>> No.10795461

Attractive traps and trannies arent going to be around some disgusting chaser in drag.

You know what a chaser is? You exude that aura 10000%, the entire self-aware crossplay community wants to disassociate with you.

>> No.10795462

I'm not saying you can live without sin, that's impossible, but the fact that you continue to sin, adultery no less, actively and don't try to change your adulterous ways but instead cry forgiveness to continue sinning with a faux peace of mind is concerning in terms of asking for forgiveness and claiming that you have a place in God's holy kingdom. How would you feel if your wife consistently and repeatedly cheated on you, begged for forgiveness and after giving she gives you her trust that she will not cheat on you again, she goes on and cheats on you. You're being unfaithful which wrong and against God's plans and ways.

>> No.10795463

I dont know what any of that means but Ive never had trouble getting head from a hot trap at a con. Once I fucked two in a threesome. You arent special tranny. Everything feminine responds to my masculine energy.

I would divorce my wife if she cheated with the support of my pastor. I am not saying I dont feel guilt for sinning. I do. But church, my wife, my pastor and god forguves because I have accepted Christ into my heart.

>> No.10795464

Your mentality is what made me leave the Church, my brothers and sisters in Christ, and our "United" States in general.

Accepting your flaws doesn't give you permission to give up. Thanks for contributing to our downfall.

>> No.10795465

>claims to reads the Bible.
>doesn't capitalize God.
>doesn't take any of the Lord's teachings to mind but actively goes against them.
lmao are you sure you're not just a "I'm catholic for the benefits" type?

>> No.10795466

I have three white children I raise in the church. My wife has never worked a day in her life. I vote Republican and tithe and go to church every Sunday. Explain how my sins undo all that work

>> No.10795469

Y r u so hung us on spellin?

>> No.10795473

>I would divorce my wife if she cheated with the support of my pastor.
So it's only okay if YOU cheat and commit adulterous acts, have some respect for your wife would you? Would you stop her if she wanted to divorce you for your adulterous acts, I mean, if your wife is a cuckold that's her life I suppose but I'm just curious as to your thought process. Why do you continue to commit adulterous acts? Why don't you try changing, giving up such whorish ways and saving your love for your wife only? Isn't the point of forgiveness to change and become a better human in the eyes of God, not continue to stagnate in sin with using forgiveness as an excuse to continue said sinning? Forgiveness means a sense of change will come about, a change of becoming good. I truly am suspicious whether or not you actually follow and believe in God's teachings, the mere fact that you actually committed adultery already tells me much.
t. religious zealot
Not capitalizing God is a sign of disrespect, any Christian would know this.

>> No.10795475

butthurt ugly moid detected

>> No.10795477

So you arent a pastor right? I accept your concession

>> No.10795479
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so wait, if I'm getting this right. I can commit as many bad things and disgusting acts as possible and as long as I seek forgiveness from some old dude in a church I can continue doing bad things? maybe I will become a christian sounds pretty good.

>> No.10795481

U dont get it atheist. Try all you want, until you accept Christ you will never know peace.

>> No.10795482

but isn't that what you're doing? why can't I do that it sounds fun

>> No.10795486

I-It’s not gay as long as the penises don’t touch r-right bros?

>> No.10795487
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I don't see what there isn't to get.
>do bad
>get forgiveness
>do same or worse bad
>get forgiveness
>repeat without change
Don't have to change or anything you can be as horrid as you want but as long as you seek forgiveness and you get absolved and continue doing bad things.

>> No.10795490

Not how it works

>> No.10795492

Isn't that what you've been doing?

>> No.10795493

congrats anon you now know why everyone follows that religion of horseshit.

>> No.10795496

It's cosplaying crossdresser. So, you're cosplaying and crossdressing simultaneously. You're cosplaying a dude that crossdresses. So, you also crossdress just like the character.

>> No.10795499

This whole thread reminds me of this episode.

>> No.10795503

Anon, if you dont fetishize how gay it is for a twink and a more feminine twink to rub dicks and do other stuff then I want none of it.

T. Male on estrogen.

>> No.10795504
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>no argument to anything I said
>no acknowledgement to anything I sad
At least answer the questions Anon, if you're so confident in your form of Christianity and faux forgiveness method for a sound sleep and peace of mind before sinning once more. Otherwise, I accept your concession and identity as a fake Christian who uses God's words and teachings for his own selfish benefit and peace of mind. I'll go ahead and answer yours at least. No, I'm not a pastor but I'm a firm believer of God and study the Bible. I did used to wish to become a nun though.

>> No.10795507

Oh wow dewd ur like a kewl atheist!!! Epuc!!

>> No.10795508

I just said I'm a firm believer in God, did you read before typing.

>> No.10795510

SEVENTY FUCKING POSTS wasted on this retard. And saying this will change nothing obviously.
That's a cool hole opinion, but I wasn't asking nor do I care what you think, hole.

>> No.10795511

bold of you to call anyone a hole when your opinion screams virgin so loudly

>> No.10795512

>but I wasn't asking nor do I care what you think
You cared enough to reply, scrote.

>> No.10795514

Ok, hole.

>> No.10795515

>still replying
Okay, retard.

>> No.10795516

Ur not. Obvious atheist

>> No.10795518

How so?

>> No.10795519
File: 344 KB, 900x676, delusional.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be 18 to post on this website

>> No.10795525

You dismiss the spiditual power of a pastor

This is a Christian website.

>> No.10795528

>You dismiss the spiritual power of a pastor
No? The pastor has his opinions, though admittedly I would not trust a pastor who forgives repeated adultery as there may be a possibility that the pastor himself may be an adulterer for such leniency on one of the most egregious and prominent sins in the Bible. The Bible encourages, preaches and praises loyalty and faithfulness, clearly you cannot follow that. Yet you call yourself a Christian, a man who worships God?
But I digress, clearly, from what I've seen you refuse to acknowledge or respond to anything that may challenge or distress you and your carefully crafted self serving view of Christianity and it's processes, as you've continued to do now.
I accept your concession as a fake Christian, and fake believer in God, a whore who is a adulterer and a selfish unfaithful lover. May your soul sway into a path of good, happiness, faithfulness and non adultery, and if not, may your wife find happiness in a different husband that doesn't wander from her eyes, doesn't cheat on her and actually respects her.

>> No.10795538
File: 97 KB, 900x636, 1553676794103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about how happy you all would be if you guys and gals just kissed each other instead of calling each other mean names. This thread devolved into shitflinging so fast
I, for one, love my cute and funny autistic sisters on this dead and abandoned board

>> No.10795545

not gay but its fun to tease and shock other guys when you pass

>> No.10795549

sounds gay

>> No.10795555

"haha look at me, i'm a manly man dressed as a frilly girl, isn't it so weird??" is probably one of the cringiest things at a con. seriously, it was funny the first time, now it's overplayed to shit. from the people that crossplay 2hu's (especially if it's one of the tism ones like cirno) to the people that do madoka, i just avoid em, because they all act like they reinvented the wheel

>> No.10795562

I just assume theyre all perverts. Which they probably are.

>> No.10795586

crossplayers who dont put any effort are fucking disgusting and are on the same level as greasy neckbeards who do "free hugs" signs and actually APPROACH YOU asking for hugs.

Also quads

>> No.10795691

What church do you go to? I told you mine. Until you are honest u have lost.

>> No.10795699

>I told you mine
No you haven't, you've just said church vaguely.

>> No.10795715

I go to Christ Fellowship Church. I won't tell you which one so I don't doxx myself.

>> No.10795810

Christ’s true church has once again silenced the atheist troll. Let this stand testament that a white Christian man can defeat anything with the Lord on his side.

>> No.10795812

male crossplayers are making the scene more degenerate because the stupid ass femboy fags are gonna be out and about being even more creepy
it's fine if they do more than the stupid maid dress and call it a day

>> No.10795813

>atheist troll
You mean the one actually reciting Bible verses and actually studied the Bible? Ironic that an adulterer is sputtering such lies.

>> No.10795817

The devil can quote scripture for his purposes.

>> No.10795820

I don't know. I think the Devil wouldn't be so vehemently against adultery. If you read the Anon's post it's clear he wasn't pulling shit out of his ass.

>> No.10795824

A sinner like me belongs in church. Maybe your a saint, bug Im not.

>> No.10795829

>A sinner like me belongs in church
See that'd be fine IF you changed your adulterous ways, but you continue to be adulterous. You do not change your sinful ways, you continue to sin. Therefore, you should live in darkness, deprived of the light of God and his greatness.

>> No.10795838

Not like they havent already gotten there

>> No.10795853

You are a terrible Christian

>> No.10795858

>wanting others to change and improve themselves positively, stop continuous sinning, learn self control, be good and faithful to their lovers like the Bible says
>that is a terrible thing to want and makes me terrible
Okay lmao.

>> No.10795865

pretty fucking gay

>> No.10796362

None of that is in the Bible. U retards thing the bible iz some self improvement book? Its not

>> No.10796452

>None of that is in the Bible
But it is, all of it. Clearly, someone hasn't been reading the Bible and doesn't actually takes in the scripture. It's okay, I'll refresh you.

>change and improve themselves positively
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge - Peter 1:5
>stop continuous sinning
No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. - John 3:6
>learn self control
A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls. - Proverbs 25:28
>be good and faithful to their lovers
You shall not commit adultery. - Exodus 20:14
He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself. - Proverbs 6:32
Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. - Hebrews 13:4
>some self improvement book?
The Bible isn't a self improvement book, but it is to teach, follow and become a good person as said in "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness - Timothy 3:16-17"

Though let's be honest, you won't improve, you don't even want to improve. You won't change for the better as the Bible and God wants, no you will continue to sin. You will continue to cheat on your wife, like a whore, making her bitter and sad on the inside, you will continue to use God and his holy religion as a scapegoat before sinning again. At least have the dignity to come to terms with it, be honest with yourself in your lack of change.

>> No.10796537
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Just don't care anon. All your problems go away when you disregard what other people think of you.

>> No.10796542

Nonsense. Where did you got divinity school? Showed this to my pastor and he said you took away all context

>> No.10796546


The problem with going outside the US, south korea and western europe is tgat there might be lower standards of care and if your surgeon fucks up its either travel back to them to get it fixed or have to pay a more expensive surgeon in your country to get it fixed.

I know someone who got a facelift in romania, surgeon fucked up and it cost her another €6000 to get it fixed back in ireland

>> No.10796549

Are you saying, actual passages from the Bible are nonsense? What context do you need for "He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself. - Proverbs 6:32" or "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. - John 3:6" I will be willing to explain the context, since clearly, you don't read the Bible. Who's your pastor? I'd be willing to chat since we seem to be under the same Church.

>> No.10796563
File: 164 KB, 578x372, 45d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. Unfortunately, you're in the wrong place if you think anyone's gonna listen to it. Maybe you'll have better luck but whenever I try, they just wanna move the goal post
>I'm not 600 ft tall with a 30 ft dick and $500 trillion in the bank!! Everyone will ALWAYS think I'm a loser! ITSOVER.JPG
As I already said here >>10795245 it's not even true and the fuming lardasses from this thread who actually are mad won't dare tell you.

>> No.10796625

Hence the "willing to go outside of" comment. Similar shit happens to people who think they're doing the right thing by saving money and going for cheaper options in Turkey.

>> No.10797506

My pastor told me to write this:
"This person has quoted all condemnations of adultery and sin. Obviously sin is bad and that's a Biblical point of view. But what this person doesn't understand is that the Bible requires all Christian to "Forgive them for they know not what they do." Paul says that truly horrible sinners should be expelled from the community of believers, but if your church and wife forgive you and you have gone through the process of purification, you are still a Christian. Repeated sinning is natural because nature is sinful in the fallen world. That's literally in the first parts of Genesis. You cannot escape sin and thinking you can shows that this person is not only an atheist, but an atheist who doesn't get the most basic facet of Christianity--forgiveness."

He also said, "By the way, tell that person I quoted several passages from the Bible. But unlike athieists I don't need to post a citation to recognize them."

Oof. He's so nice. I would have just cursed you out.

>> No.10797512 [DELETED] 

I'd report your pastor to the FBI he probably rapes his daughter every night.

>> No.10797537

I will admit, I agree and disagree with certain points made by your Pastor. Do you have your Pastor's contact? I'd love to chat with him, I'm very curious as to his viewpoints on certain things and I do have some questions for him. Especially on the concepts of cheating and adultery and the double standards that come with them. Also, why do you keep calling me an Atheist? I was born and raised on God, and still follow his teachings.

>> No.10797540

same anon as >>10797537 but the reason I added the citations is because of your deflective and almost downplaying replies in , >>10795421, >>10796542, >>10795853,etc. I had a feeling that if I hadn't quote them you'd shit post and say something like "THAT ISN'T IN THE BIBLE!!" plus, that's usually how I tend to write quotes and scriptures in the Bible in letters, forms, or posters. Not going to lie, this entire discussion kind of makes me nostalgic from when I was planning to be a nun when I was younger, so at least I can say thank you for that.

>> No.10797541

Most pastors do.

>> No.10797555

Holy shit shut the fuck up about religion. I want to discuss crossplay

>> No.10797558

Is it morally correct for women to cosplay Bridget?

>> No.10797567

but its essentially crossplay its fine

>> No.10797579


>> No.10797583
File: 42 KB, 720x530, 1660060648182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Repeated sinning is natural because nature is sinful in the fallen world
I think there's a fucking difference between things like lying than cheating on your fucking wife. one is clearly less excusable and needs to change. the shit women in oppressively catholic relationships put up with is downright astonishing and depressing. i'd kill myself and my husband out of shame if I knew my husband was not only cheating on me with women but also fucking femboys like a closeted faggot but then has the fucking GALL to be apologetic and then do it again.
most pastors are either bitter alcoholics, boy molesting fruits, or abusers and rapists, usually using their power and position in religious communities to get away with it. it's a rarity to find a morally clean pastor, goes for most catholic and heavily religious men too.

>> No.10797585

>Is it morally correct for women to cosplay

>> No.10797590

Yeah, as long as they do the cosplay well, why not?

>> No.10797596

You see why I thought the response was an atheist. Perhaps there was a decent Christian woman trying to understand but this post is racist antiwhote atheist marxist trash.

>> No.10797612

>racist antiwhote atheist marxist
not that retarded anon who you were baiting and holy buzzwords. anyways why don't go fuck a twink you faggot, if you plead hard enough i'm sure your cuck of a wife will want to watch too.

>> No.10797635

Marrying a religious man is a 70/50 chance of being a crapshoot marriage. I mean look at that Anon you replied too, if that's what being married to a chrsitian is like than I'd rather kms.

>> No.10797647

Normalization of trannies and femboys and 4chan had a good part in influencing it. A lot of millennial men have been exposed to 3d and 2d tranny and femboy shit from /b/ /d/ for years and now they either "want to be the little girl" or want to fuck a femboy/tranny while pretending to be straight. Trannies were also pushing the narrative of "Traps aren't gay" and now these dudes unironically believe that.

This place fucked a lot of people up over the course of the millennials coming of age years.

>> No.10797689

Why is no one getting this? Are the people on this site really this stupid and/or illiterate?

Wait, I just saw the 90% of the thread get derailed by an obvious troll/retard, so I already know the answer to that

>> No.10797691

the TERM crossplay can primarily refer to men dressing as women, but the PHENOMENON of women cosplaying guys is more common. Nobody's illiterate, the rest of the thread just didn't need that incredibly apparent context spelled out for them

>> No.10797699

It didnt. Thats like blaming the internet for furries. It didnt make them. It just let them express something they couldnt before the internet.

>> No.10797701

You sound like an ugly dyke or cat lady. My wife is completely happy being a stay at home wife to our three kids. Shes sexually fulfilled every morning and evening by me and never has to work. She knows God and is able to engage her hobbies like sewing and cake design.

In contrast you whine on 4chan

>> No.10797726

>Shes sexually fulfilled every morning and evening by me and never has to work. She knows God and is able to engage her hobbies like sewing and cake design.
Nice larp. Proof? Post pics of hand with ring.

>> No.10797741

Post pics of your tits with time-stamp first, bitch.

>> No.10797747

>being this aggressively deflective
It's just a picture of a ring anon, I accept your concession though. Not healthy to be so delusional.

>> No.10797748

KEK! This reads such like a cliché virgin's tradwife fantasy it's unreal, especially with the sewing and cake design. Does she work out in the garden barefoot and growing wheat too?

>> No.10797751

It's a cliche because it's consistent and correct.

I'm guessing that means you're a tranny.

>> No.10797752

>I'm guessing that means you're a tranny.
You'd like that wouldn't you? I'm guessing that means you're not even married, are you? Can't even show a ring pic.

>> No.10797754

I'm happy to share a pic, but I ain't gonna do it until I see tits bitch.

>> No.10797755

>more deflection.
It's okay to admit that you're not married, and just here to shitpost. This is an imageboard after all. I'd figured you'd be proud to show off the symbol of your oh-so traditional marriage.

>> No.10797756

>It's a cliche because it's consistent and correct.
No it's cliché because it literally hits off the points of a incels tradwife fantasy. Then again, it is a fantasy isn't it?

>> No.10797759

I am proud, but I'm not looking to get doxxed you tranny

>> No.10797761

>getting doxxed from a handpic
Okay, so you don't have a wife and are here to shitpost. Fair enough.

>> No.10797762

You say tranny yet you'll happily fuck boy ass at a greasy convention, it's kinda funny.

>> No.10797764

It's just because I need to empty my balls. I would just jerk off if it wasn't gay to touch penis (and also bad for my gainz. I lfit regularly)

>> No.10797765

>It's just because I need to empty my balls
It still makes you a homosexual. You CHOOSE to fuck man ass, that makes you gay.

>> No.10797766

Anon, I'm pretty sure we've established that he's a cheating homosexual with ass bent morals. In other words, your average catholic male.

>> No.10797767

I don't fuck anything remotely masculine. I only fuck or get sucked by wet holes, gotta be hairless, fat in the ass and tits, etc. If I see a fucking hair or muscle or adams apple my penis goes back in my body.

>> No.10797768

>I don't fuck anything remotely masculine.
You're fucking something with a penis, you can deny all you want and act like a Greek but that makes you gay.

>> No.10797770

Please read the thread troll. I only fuck post-op trannies. If I ever saw a penis I would probably go back into my seeing red mode and beat the shit out of whatever faggot it's attached to.

>> No.10797773

>I only fuck post-op trannies.
So you fuck gaping wounds filled with puss and shit. Honestly, that's worse, your poor wife. Still pretty fucking gay, if not more so.

>> No.10797774

>your poor wife
His wife (if she even exists) stays with a cheating faggot, I wouldn't feel bad for that level of cuck retardation.

>> No.10797775

Jesus Christ, you fucking boring ass tranny trolls.

I don't even look at genitals, but if I notice a bulge I will beat the shit out of the trap. The only thing I allow is head and anal fucking. No way I'm going near a fake puss.

>> No.10797776

So you admit you fuck man ass? You chose to fuck man ass rather than women ass, that is extraordinarily homosexual. Isn't it an counterproductive to go after traps if you know they have a penis, you're setting yourself up for assault charges. Retards, I swear.

>> No.10797779

We already went over this so I'm not going to keep responding to boring trolls, but I am biologically straight and only fuck things that are feminine. Ass, mouth, pussy, whatever. So long as it's female and hot I will use it to nut.

>> No.10797781

But if you fuck something male, even if it looks feminine that just makes you a faggot. A closet faggot, yes, but a faggot nonetheless.

>> No.10797783

Why do you go after traps instead of actual women then?

>> No.10797784

You never know, she could just being staying with him out of security? I've known women who let their faggot husbands cheat with other faggots because at the very least they get cushy lives and taken cared of financially. Personally not my cup of tea but whatever works for them.

>> No.10797785

That trolling faggot is why bussypox is spreading like wildfire. It also openly exposes down low and closeted dudes. Gonna be real interesting to see how many pox cases originate from major cons. Dragon Con is the next one up so that will be the one to watch as it has a heavy LGBT presence.

>> No.10797786

>It also openly exposes down low and closeted dudes
HIV did the same, so I'm not surprised.

>> No.10797788
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It is going to spread like wildfire.

>> No.10797803

Women get too emotionally connected, but I do fuck a side girl at work when I go on trips with her. Used to have more women on the side but they always get too attached. Too much work just to cum.

>> No.10797804

So you're just situational (ie. closet) gay, got it.

>> No.10797806

I'm zero percent gay. I have fucked well over 100 women in my life. Probably no more than 30 traps.

>> No.10797807

One drop rule, baby. If you fuck a guy, that makes you gay. Bisexual if you really want to be technical.

>> No.10797808
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>> No.10797809

So, uh, how does your wife and children feel about this? Do you still continue cheating?

>> No.10797814

My wife doesn't need to know, but she knows that I have a much higher sex drive than she does. She never questions me and I remain faithful to her.

As for my kids, I'm not some tranny groomer like you. I never mention sex to my children and never will.

>> No.10797817

>I remain faithful to her.
>Cheats on and lies to her

>> No.10797818

We got a tranny chaser from /lgbt/ that set up shop in the thread and this is how they all are over there. Dude is basically trying to cruise for sissies and trannies.

>> No.10797819
File: 120 KB, 607x1024, 1629554500084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trannies are gross

>> No.10797822
File: 109 KB, 850x637, sample-6c0bd552b6567953fea4d432d6da84ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Thread's over. This will continue in others until these fucking retards realize this is 0/10 shit tier bait. Which is to say, never. The fact that it's been going for several weeks elsewhere and he keeps coming back for more should be enough to prove it's fake, but nope.

>> No.10797825

I never lie to her. If she asks me if I've fucked other women, I've told her yes. Then I ask forgiveness and she has given it to me.

I do cheat, but as I've said, this is the best way our relationship can work. She can't have sex more often and I need to nut. If I don't cum often enough then I will usually get violent or turn to drugs and alcohol.

>> No.10797826

>I've told her yes
So you HAVE told her you cheat on her? Why don't you just fuck your wife then instead of continuing to cheat on her?
>imagine having the self control of a toddler

>> No.10797828

I don't get why you people don't read the thread? I fuck my wife twice a day and she'll often blow me if she has time. But she can't keep up because I need more than that. So she reluctantly forgives my transgressions because they keep me happy and keep us all happy.WN24T

>> No.10797829

This thread is why you should've applied for those janny positions.

>> No.10797830

>I do cheat, but as I've said, this is the best way our relationship can work
>Babe! You don't understand I NEED to cheat on you so I can COOM!!!

>> No.10797831

>So she reluctantly
So you know she dislikes it yet you continue to do it anyways? Be honest, it's not about keeping the peace of the family it's about selfishly satisfying yourself or else there will be consequences for not getting placated.

>> No.10797832

Indeed. Notice neither the baiter nor the baited will react to it being stated over and over "THIS IS BAIT THIS IS BAIT THIS IS BAIT". Fuck this idiot but fuck the idiots falling for it even harder

>> No.10797833

Hypothetically, if your wife cheated on you because you are not satisfying her sexually would you forgive her and let her to continue doing such to keep the family happy?

>> No.10797842

Did I miss the memo? Are we not allowed to troll on 4chan anymore? What a retarded post. I hope you're posting bait.

>> No.10797844

No. IF my wife needs more slamming I can take care of that. So if she cheated on me she would be violating her vows for no reason. I only fuck other women because my wife can't physically fuck or suck me anymore.

>> No.10797846

That isn't fair. I didn't say you don't fuck her enough, I was saying if you don't satisfy her. How is it fair for you to cheat because she doesn't satisfy you, but not for her?
>she would be violating her vows for no reason
You've been violating your vows though.

>> No.10797848

>violating her vows
Did you write in your vows that "I will be allowed to cheat on you if you do not satisfy me enough"? I am not joking, this is an honest question.

>> No.10797863

It is a tenant of the vows in my church that women should take care of their husband's needs.

I'm saying she's satisfied.

I know I violate my vows. But it's to preserve the marriage. As I said, I can be a violent person when my balls aren't regularly drained.

>> No.10797872

It is also a tennant of vows to be faithful (not cheat)

>> No.10797874

>It is a tenant of the vows in my church that women should take care of their husband's needs.
It goes both ways and that doesn't answer my question. Did you, or did you not tell your wife in your vows "if you do not satisfy me, it is completely valid for me to cheat on you."?

>> No.10797875

>people still think the faggot has a wife
You guys did see how aggressive and defensive he got when asked to show a ring. It's clear he has no wife and is just baiting.

>> No.10797897
File: 79 KB, 853x1280, costume542_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would have "upgraded" to bodyline chest heart kitty if they brought back pmail. I had been close to ordering before lockdown hecked with mail and got it taken away.

>> No.10797899

When will people get bored of it?

>> No.10797908

That has nothing to do with her needs.

>> No.10797910

I'm not talking about her needs. I just want to know whether or not you put it upfront to your wife before hand that you will cheat on her if she doesn't satisfy you. It is a simple question, yes or no.

>> No.10797911

Who cares? That has nothing to do with my marriage vows or the institution of marriage.

>> No.10797912

But I'm asking about your vows in relation to >>10797863 where you said you were violating them. It is a simple yes or no question, I don't see why you keep dodging it. Yes or No. Did you, in your vows, be upfront with your needs, having need to be satisfied constantly, and the consequences, being cheat on, with your wife?

>> No.10797913

anon if he told his wife upfront in vows that he would cheat on her if he didn't get his dick sucked enough he probably wouldn't be married in the first place.

>> No.10797917
File: 3.13 MB, 320x234, 1660078968823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of shit that makes me hesitant to ever marry. Literal nightmare fuel.

>> No.10797927

No I didnt but obviosuly my wife would rather me masturbate than fuck women or traps. Shes even offered her friends and cousins for threesomes, but I dont want whores or dykes in my house.

>> No.10797929

That is literally all you had to say. Now, if I may ask. If you KNEW that from the get go you would cheat on your wife if you don't get satisfied, why didn't you tell her?

>> No.10797930

Before we had our kids, my wife would suck and fuck me 6 or 7 times a day. So why would I think that wpuld change? Is my wife a liar for nit tellibg me? Of course not. I rest my case tranny

>> No.10797931

You... you're from the South, aren't you?

>> No.10797934

That doesn't answer my question. Please refrain from dodging my questions with anecdotal experiences that don't relate to anything I said. Let me ask again. If you knew and were prepared to cheat on your wife if she doesn't satisfy you, why didn't you tell her before marrying her instead of waiting after the fact and then cheating on her? Though, I admit you seem to be rather deceitful if anything.

>> No.10797935

No Ohio, why?

>> No.10797936

Sorry, you sounded like a typical inbred southerner :(

>> No.10797937

Oh nevermind. I did tell her that she gets me off the exact right amount and if she stopped I would need other ways to empty my balls. You good now?

>> No.10797938

See? Was that so hard? No need to dodge questions like an immature child. I assume by "other ways" you made it clear you would cheat on her?

>> No.10797939

>dont want whores or dykes in my house.
then why did you marry your wife?

>> No.10797940

No, why would I? SHe didn't tell me she'd stop getting my dick off when I needed. You can't say everything that should be understood.

Because I'm an upstanding Republican Christian with a trad wife and 3 white children? There are tons of us everywhere. Triggered?

>> No.10797941

My wife is neither a prostitute nor a lesbian. And if you implied such in my presence we would have hands if you're a man or I would slap you if you were a woman.

>> No.10797942

fucking kek you sound like a 12 year old
if we entertain your larp shes obviously a lesbian or a whore if shes offering up threeways and her cousins

>> No.10797943

>No, why would I?
So she would know what she was getting into before hand. Part of marriage is being transparent with needs and wants and being understanding. Why didn't you tell her you would cheat on her as means to get off in other ways?

>> No.10797945

Are you so disgusting that you can't understand what love is? My wife loves me. She's trying to take care of my needs. She would rather not do these things, of course, she's not some disgusting slut. But she will do them to help her husband manage his sinful urges.

>> No.10797946

She's more of a cuckold than whore if anything.

>> No.10797947

By your standards she wasn't transparent with me. You can't predict the future, you autist weirdo. Or worse, you atheist troll.

>> No.10797949

No because you are a
>bible humper
>ignorant to basic discussion
>put down women
You remind me of the redneck fucks I used to live with before I moved out of that hell hole

>> No.10797951

>she's not some disgusting slut

>> No.10797952

Goddamn right I'm a red neck. Proud of it. I'm sorry that Satan took you out of the best parts of America. I will pray for you.

>> No.10797953

>By your standards she wasn't transparent with me
Anon, you didn't tell her the full deal. You were vague and then cheated before using that as a vague excuse. Again, answer the question. Why didn't you tell her you would cheat on her as means to get off in other ways?

>> No.10797954

>I'm sorry that Satan took you out of the best parts of America
If what I listed was the best parts of America then praise Satan I suppose.

>> No.10797956

Why didn't she tell me she would stop fucking me as often? For that matter, we both lied to each other because we didn't explicitly say, "We will both have 3 white children and raise them in the Christian faith." Stupid.

>> No.10797957

This thread has only proven me that the XY chromosome is an absolute defect. Holy shit.
You forgot closet homosexual.

>> No.10797959

Lesbians will burn in hell. I suggest you repent soon. I'm sorry that you have hate in your heart for me, but I forgive you.

>> No.10797962

Based. I'll fuck some hot demon girls on the way then. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but you fucked traps right? You're a faggot and by your logic you'll be burning right along with me. See you there.

>> No.10797964

You're incorrect. I have Christ in my heart. His grace has saved me. If you accept Christ into your heart, get married, and have children if you're white, then you might be able to save yourself. Otherwise you are likely going to hell. I will pray for you anon.

>> No.10797965

>Lesbians will burn in hell.
ill see youre wife down there then

>> No.10797966

Again. Answer the question and stop deflecting. Answering a question with a question is ignorant. If you had in mind that you WOULD have cheated on her if you weren't satisfied before hand, why didn't you tell her you would cheat on her as means to get off in other ways?
>Why didn't she tell me she would stop fucking me as often?
Possibly because she had three kids and is busy raising them to placate you?

>> No.10797967

>You're incorrect. I have Christ in my heart. His grace has saved me
More like in his ass with how much you're sucking him off.
>get married, and have children if you're white
I'm actually getting married to the woman of my life this winter and we have plans to adopt down the line. So don't you worry your inbred Jesus' cock sucking little heart!

>> No.10797970

And Im working 10 timez as much as when we got married. Ur deflecting, not me

>> No.10797971

>Ur deflecting, not me
Okay, then answer the question.
If you had in mind that you WOULD have cheated on her if you weren't satisfied before hand, why didn't you tell her you would cheat on her as means to get off in other ways?

>> No.10797973

What are you talking about? your twisting urself in pretzels.

If you're trying to be inflammatory, it is not working ma'am. It just makes me sad to see someone from this blessed nation's heartland destroy herself. But you never know. I hope god's plan has your salvation in the end.

>> No.10797974

>I hope god's plan has your salvation in the end.
Thanks. From the looks of it, his plans so far are for me to
>Get married to this wonderful amazing woman
>Move in with this wonderful amazing woman
>Share my life together with her
>Possibly adopt one or two kids five to six years down the line

>> No.10797975

>What are you talking about?
I'm talking about you not deflecting and answering the question I have for you. Should I list it off again? f you had in mind that you WOULD have cheated on her if you weren't satisfied before hand, why didn't you tell her you would cheat on her as means to get off in other ways? It shouldn't be so hard to answer a question, unless there's something stopping you.

>> No.10797976

I shudder for your children. They will be permanently broken. But i take some solace in the fact that dykes never stay together more than 2 years.

>> No.10797977

If...would...should....might? These are crazy questions. Too complicated. Ask a simple question and I will give you a simple answer.

>> No.10797979

We've been together for ten years so far. We met in the first years of highschool and stuck together through college. Honestly I'm really blessed to have met her. I want to live and die with her by my side, that's how much she means to me.
>They will be permanently broken
Don't see how, I'm sure being raised by a cheating father who fucks boypussy is worse honestly.

>> No.10797980

Typical hypcorite. Libcucks love to kinkshame anyone who isn't a groomer.

>> No.10797981

Alright. You had in mind that you would cheat on your wife if not satisfied enough, when discussing needs and that you would do other things to get off, why didn't you disclose you would cheat on her as a means to do other things to get off? Are you ESL, or have poor reading comprehension?

>> No.10797982

You have to many clauses in your sentence. Ask a simple question. like this: DO you know how to ask a simple question?

>> No.10797983

Oh no, no, no. I don't mind if you want to fuck men, rather not have your wife involved, but that's just me. Also, I'm not a liberal.
>being this illiterate

>> No.10797984

You're a conservative dyke. Got it. kek. Come on down to my local bar and see if you're welcomed as a fellow conservative, you fucking sodomite scum.

>> No.10797985

Not a conservative either. Politics are for the weak willed. Aren't you a sodomite yourself if we're going by >>10795349?

>> No.10797986

No. Don't force your identity politics on me you fucking LARPer. Obvious atheist marxist liberal

>> No.10797987

No? You fucked a man, that makes you a sodomite.

>> No.10797988

Incorrect. I confess my sins every Sunday.

>> No.10797989

A sodomite by definition:
>Sodomy or buggery is generally anal or oral sex between people
You admitted you fucked trap ass and engage in oral sex. That makes you a sodoimite, don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.10797990

>Ask a simple question
Either you have poor reading comprehension or just don't want to answer the question. I will dumb it down for you.
If you would have cheated on your wife from the get go, why didn't you tell her you would have cheated on her when saying "I would need other ways to empty my balls."? A clear IF and WHY, simple as it gets.

>> No.10797991

My pastor has already responded to this line of inquiry. I refuse to dignify some dumb rug muncher with a response.

btw I know that you all love dick secretly. You might find me gross but you love cock.

>> No.10797992

no hes a proud buggerer and his wife is a lesbian
maybe shes your type?

>> No.10797993

>I refuse to dignify some dumb rug muncher with a response.
Too much for you, huh? I accept your loss.
Nah, I don't like weak willed women and I uphold the goldstar.

>> No.10797994
File: 29 KB, 236x275, 1648169381057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btw I know that you all love dick secretly
projection at it's purest.

>> No.10797995

omg he's coming out!!
how precious

>> No.10797996

I'll got get the camera! tho seriouslu what is it with an alarming amount of misogynistic married religious men being such closet homos. shit literally caused my aunt's death.

>> No.10797997

He's a troll you retard.

>> No.10797999

I know that obviously. This entire thread just reminded me of that is all.

>> No.10798000

It reminded you of a trope literally created by jewish men?

>> No.10798001

no it just reminded me that a lot of religious men tend to be closeted homos and cause others sufferings because they hate and can't accept themselves.

>> No.10798002

>shit literally caused my aunt's death.
How the fuck exactly?

>> No.10798005

Like I said, something completely fabricated and not true.
And created by jewish men.

>> No.10798007

I love women.

Jews have their place in Israel I just dint want them in the usa

>> No.10798008
File: 23 KB, 480x472, 1648336353656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like I said, something completely fabricated and not true.
no? It's happened 10+ times, you constantly hear of popes and priests being pedos, etc. It's unfortunately very common.
story time I suppose.
>aunt is getting married
>dude she is marrying is an asshole, very sexist, very rude and narcissistic
>spends all his time with male friends and tends to put male friendships on a pedestal
>says things that are literally "women bad men good"
>kind of suspicious but whatever aunt is happy and he doesn't seem to show his bad side around her and cares about her
>me and other family members start to notice aunt's husband is probably a homosexual
>try to tell aunt
>aunt is defensive and says it isn't true
>turns out aunt's husband has been cheating on her with multiple guys at a time and ends up contracting HiV
>bastard of a husband continues slutting it up
>husband, of course, fucks my aunt and gives her HiV
>aunt is unaware until it turns into full-blown AIDs
>aunt has a weak immune system
>aunt ends up dying due to aids
>husband ends up coming out and claiming that he ended up being the cause
>now lives as an openly promiscuous gay man with HIV
>fucker attributes my aunt's death as the wakeup call and courage needed for him to come out and is "grateful"
>fucker hasn't died yet
as such, I now have a vehement hatred for closeted gays or bisexuals in heterosexual relationships. as a fair warning to any youngins' in this thread, if you're in a relationship with a guy and they fuck another guy, end it. not worth the risk.

>> No.10798010

but you also like men too?

>> No.10798011

>10+ times
In a religion with literal billions of people.

>> No.10798012

You forgot the +, it happens a lot, but I assume you're arguing to cover your secretly homo ass. As such, I will not argue as I do not wish to argue with fags.

>> No.10798013


>> No.10798014

>You forgot the +, it happens a lot
No it doesn't.
The people who do it don't even make up 1 percent of christians.

>> No.10798017

I believe that about as much as I believe the rape accusations of women on Bill Cosby.

>> No.10798016

I don't argue with closet fags, sorry.

>> No.10798018

I'm not the adulterous faggot in this thread retard.
I'm someone else.
That other guy is clearly a giant faggot.

>> No.10798019

Again, I don't argue with faggots.

>> No.10798020

>is provided researched evidence with citations and confirming background info
>immediately declines it
How many boys have you molested Anon?

>> No.10798021

I mean you post on /cgl/ where a huge chunk of the women are lesbians. So I think you do.

>> No.10798022

I don't argue with faggots (male).

>> No.10798024

Again, I bet you do since a number of trannies also post here.

>> No.10798025

I don't argue with faggots (male, ywnbaw)

>> No.10798026

You post on 4chan.
So you do. Most times unknowingly.

>> No.10798027

I don't argue with faggots (male, ywnbaw, and outwardly shows their faggotry)

>> No.10798028

Well I'm none of those things so we can argue just fine.

>> No.10798029

Sorry, I don't argue with fags.

>> No.10798030

Not gay.

>> No.10798031

I don't argue with fags

>> No.10798032

I'm not a harley rider.

>> No.10798033

does not argue with fags

>> No.10798034

Bet you argue with yourself.

>> No.10798035

No, I do not argue with fags.

>> No.10798036

So then you are a fag.

>> No.10798037

No, I do not argue with fags

>> No.10798038

But you said you don't argue with yourself so then you are a fag :)

>> No.10798040

No, as I said I do not argue with fags so I don't argue with fags

>> No.10798114
File: 152 KB, 1200x1200, Mayu ded stare みょじ @10_s_n_OwO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to talk about traps

>> No.10798154

>Explain how my sins undo all that work
Yep, it's a papist

>> No.10798233


>> No.10798247
File: 943 KB, 260x173, Bmy7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, what do? i have 15 days to get a character's outfit to crossplay, are there any simpler ones? preferably one that uses a mask, as i am not that good with make up.

>> No.10798250

>I'm straight so anything that makes my dick hard is straight

>> No.10798414

I regularly cosplay Cirno as a male. But I look very masculine and am cishet so it's obvious that I'm not a girl or want to be one. It's just the only franchise I really like and there's a dearth of male characters. If I was short or looked less masculine, I wouldn't do it because I feel like I would just look creepy.

>> No.10798460

>I regularly cosplay Cirno as a male.
I hate touhou crossplayers so much

>> No.10798615

Part of this has to do with the anime industry just not producing as many lead male characters outside of shonenshit. And a lot of the shows that do, the main characters are really plain and ordinary looking, or star in average at best series.

>> No.10798710

I can see that. The anime scene really has changed.

>> No.10798817

Gotta say, this is probably my best work of derailment yet.

>> No.10801232

never, the structure and voice will never pass

>> No.10803095

This, at least try to look presentable