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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 67 KB, 736x736, usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10790350 No.10790350 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>10775882

>> No.10790373
File: 19 KB, 280x373, 2353099f-0194-5fda-ae85-c62f46111677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why kind of blouse do you use for halter dresses like pic related? I feel like going blouseless is cringe, but all I have are a bunch of older, AP peter pan and high neck collar blouses, and they all seem wrong.

Apologies for actual retard level question.

>> No.10790374

*what kind

>> No.10790412

Chiffon blouse, cape, cardigan

>> No.10790482

Where can I get a custom designed and custom sized (I have a simple cut in mind, I just can't find it anywhere in velveteen and in my size, I'm fat) dress made? I was impressed by Shiroi Tsubasa's work but apparently the owner is a POS. Is Midnight Atelier any good in terms of materials and construction? If not, suggestions/links would be good.

>> No.10790485

Honestly high neck is the only one I've found that looks good. I just try to find one that doesn't have a ton of neck area decoration. I think halterneck cuts are one of the few that would be acceptable to go blouseless.

>> No.10790493

Standing collar or off-the-shoulder blouses will work

>> No.10790513
File: 563 KB, 1080x1481, IMG_20220721_235322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A peter pan collar and high neck should work perfectly fine. You can see the halter straps going under the collar in picrel.

>> No.10790576

can i get away with wearing brown shoes in my black x blue gothic coord? i have better fitting shoes but the heels on those hurt so bad and i'll be walking around a con all day tomorrow, seriously do not want to do that

>> No.10790580

my moitie ribbon otks come undone a lot, what do i do?

>> No.10790593

That's not a Peter pan collar retard

>> No.10790597

Wtf are the point of petticoats they’re so uncomfortable why does pettiless get so much hate

>> No.10790601

It is a peter pan collar, but those aren't halter top jsks?

Sorry anon. Lolita without petticoats looks flat out wrong.

>> No.10790605

just wear tights or bloomers or a slip or literally anything underneath

>> No.10790620

Get a dress or skirt that looks good with less poof, and has an in built petticoat. That way you don't need to wear a petticoat to still achieve the right silhouette.

>> No.10790629

It isn't a Peter pan collar at all. Peter Pan collars lay flat, they dont go up your neck.

>> No.10790630

Are you not wearing bloomers like a retard? I pretty much never even feel my petticoat

>> No.10790631

If so, I learned something new today. Lolibrary has a bunch of old AP blouses (with standing collars) tagged as peter pan collars.

>> No.10790632

peter pan collar is the name of the cut of the collar, dumbass. it refers to the round cut, not where it sits.

>> No.10790633

No, it is a round and FLAT collar you retard

>> No.10790634

Yeah it's incorrect. Standing collars are just that: standing. And they can come in whatever shape. Peter Pan collars are specifically meant to be flat.

>> No.10790646

you're confused about what flat means. and you're using outdated terms. peter pan collars are rounded.

>> No.10790649

last year I saw some usakumya or kumya vinyl figures in the style of pop mart/blind box figures. does anybody know the name of these? even if they're sold out i would like to see the designs again

>> No.10790650

there is no universe where black, blue, and brown go together. However its a con and i doubt people will be thinking about the colors of your shoes so embrace the ita ness or don’t wear gothic lolita that day

>> No.10790656

Reposting...anyone have a source for parasols other than BtSSB and Lumiebre? Interested in knowing what indie and Taobao brands have to offer.

>> No.10790659

Lays flat refers to the folded part of the collar. It just denotes a collar that lays against the rest of the fabric on the neckline, it has nothing to do with how high up it is. Standing collars have nothing to do with this, you're confusing them with high collars, they aren't the same thing. Standing collars are collars that aren't folded and stand upright against the neck. Peter pan collars can be higher up or lower on the neck, fold, and end in a rounded shape that lays against the neck or chest bone. Peter pan denotes the shape of the folded part that lays flat, not the height or width or anything else.

>> No.10790667
File: 113 KB, 730x1093, 304EEB3A-16C0-4591-878F-B13665860661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, peter pan collars lay down flat. They can be placed higher or lower, but they are flat. Regular collars are folded. This isnt rocket science. I dont know how you can be so confidently wrong. Picrel is a peter pan collar

Literally just google it holy shit. This is easily verifiable

>> No.10790668

Regular shirt collars are not peter pan collars simply because they are round. Peter pan collars are not folded

>> No.10790670

Hell, better yet, look up any proper sewing tutorial for making peter pan collars at all. None of them have a fold. It is specifically a non-folded collar. You are blatantly wrong

>> No.10790702
File: 802 KB, 1080x1069, IMG_20220722_101841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl on the right isn't wearing a halter neck. The girl on the left is wearing the halter neck version of Milky Berry and you can see the halter neck going under her collar. I have other pictures of halter necks coorded with peter pan collars if it will help.

Stop shitting up the thread with your autism. Ayrt is right that the collar lays flat against the folded part. Even your precious google tells you you're wrong. You would know this if you were actually involved in any aspect of women's fashion and not larping based off of the little information you've scrounged online.

>> No.10790703

This. Just because it's "common" now, doesn't mean it was when lolita was in it's peak. It wasn't. Peter pan collars were impossible to find. It has nothing to do with stiffness. Infact, the flat ones are usually shitty looking in lolita. Why even look at brand when you can get poorly made collars from taobao?

>> No.10790741

Apleberute, which is basically lumiebre 2.0 (former employees of lumi) in style and quality. I can’t recommend anything else. also angelic pretty has parasols but they suck ass

>> No.10790744

...yes they are.

>> No.10790753
File: 14 KB, 225x300, 218ce326-0971-51bd-8dc2-773964a43fe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....anyway. What are some good types of pants or skirts to coord with classic lolita blouses, but isn't Lolita? I'm trying to get more use out of my clothes in everyday wear, but other than Victorian Maiden mermaid skirts and maybe some wide pants, what looks good?

>> No.10790755

You can probably look at abiletage who does more of that kind of stuff. But it is going to be more or less just tight skirts as that is the combo that works with blouses anyways.

>> No.10790756

That collar is literally folded at the back. Google does not at all show I'm wrong, it proves me overwhelmingly right. You're just too butthurt to admit it

>> No.10790757

The definition is literally a flat collar, not a folded one. Google any sewing tutorial

>> No.10790758

If you google "peter pan collar sewing tutorial", show me a single link from the first page that shows a folded collar instead of a flat one. I'll wait

>> No.10790760

You're absolutely wrong.

>> No.10790763

peter pan collar refers to a rounded collar now, it's used in normie fashion as well. using the historical definition is idiotic.

>> No.10790765

Saying it doesn't make it true. Again, google it. Do you really want me to show the pages and pages of nonfolded collars that show up? Just admit it or stfu

No, now it still refers to a nonfolded collar. which is why the Google results show that

>> No.10790767

Anon, the folded part of the collar isn't what makes it a peter pan collar. Is something wrong with you? Are you trolling or actually stupid?

>> No.10790771

Literally just being rounded and nothing else doesn't make it a Peter pan collar. Fucking. Google. It.

>> No.10790773

It literally does. I am not arguing with a moron anymore. If you're too stupid to understand what collars are I can't help you.

>> No.10790775
File: 17 KB, 250x333, f645d889-79cc-5bfd-a473-9c42d3a933ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon. I see it now. I'm dumb and didn't know Milky Berry had a halter cut.
The kinds of blouses I have are pic related (didn't mean to start a huge fight about terminology).
Maybe I'll try to coord a halter top cut with one again. In the past it never looked right on me, but it looks fine in the pictures you posted.

>> No.10790777

pic related is a peter pan collar despite what crazy anon says.

>> No.10790779

>wtf are the point of petticoats
what kind of crusty petticoats are you buying? literally every petticoat i've ever seen that isn't from a damn costume shop comes with a slip built in. If you hate big poof, just get a small one. We are blessed with plenty of options these days

>> No.10790780
File: 40 KB, 448x450, 1A0062B9-B6A3-4ED1-82AA-86CF931E2920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go 60s retro it looks cute. Retro looking pants like tweed flare ones, look nice with lolita blouses. I’ve also worn my lolita blouses with retro miniskirts. You really just want a vintage vibe to pull it off.

>> No.10790837
File: 38 KB, 560x840, 0F361790-AFE8-49E8-8FC1-E950772A860D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flared. Corduroy. Pants.
Go full 70s funky victorian romanticism revival, if you're into it - blouses with jabots, standing collars and frilly sleeves will look great in that style! Also, seconding >>10790780 on 60s style suits, pants and mini skirts.

If you'd like some inspo, check out @BlackXjs on Twitter - he posts tons of 60s and 70s Japanese fashion magazine scans.

>> No.10790838
File: 585 KB, 2048x2048, 1972年 ブラウスカート so-en eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing some cute scans I had saved, I think all of these would look great with the kind of blouse you posted

>> No.10790839
File: 625 KB, 2048x2048, 1972年 ブラウスカート so-en eye (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10790840
File: 730 KB, 2048x2048, 1971年〜1972年 ファッション・モデル シェリー石塚さん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10790842
File: 733 KB, 2048x2048, 1971年ファッション・モデル シャーロン中村さん (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10790852

if someone was caught dead wearing this shit, they would be ridiculed so hard. 80s disaster clown

>> No.10790857

You’re right anon, it’s way more clown looking that sugary carnival or milky planet.

>> No.10790858

the person who asked for help is trying to look normie. not to look like an outdated middle aged woman

>> No.10790859

you should look up palazzo pants. high waisted pants and skirts in general really make these look good with normie shit, since they make the blouse into an accent rather than the bulk of the outfit.

>> No.10790861

She didn’t say she wanted to look normie, and you can’t look normie anyway with a lolita blouse.
she said everyday clothing. skirt and blouse is pretty everyday. I don’t see you contributing to the thread, if you have better ideas why don’t you tell her how she can wear her clothes then?

>> No.10790879

nta but everything you posted is hideous.

>> No.10790881
File: 288 KB, 1079x1360, Screenshot_20220722-182240_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the "huge sleeves + fitted pants" silhouette.

>> No.10790891

People do wear 70s style outfits, with or without modern additions, and nobody's ridiculing them. Get some taste.

>> No.10790892
File: 40 KB, 500x600, D3576F69-F92D-4025-8C67-48B7364A669F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super dumb question, but does anyone know where I could get a wig similar to the one AP uses for stock pictures? The colors and style are so cute to me

>> No.10790893

Maybe on you. Wackier clothing looks good on girls who don’t have busted faces

>> No.10790910
File: 49 KB, 480x640, CO6jrbXIJ8ZwNnUhKOLZJGTBCP477Y9trah6Zekl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any hair styling tips to wear with bonnets? My hair doesn't look good down with a bonnet like in the stock image. Pulling out the sides next to the fringe just makes it look messy.

>> No.10791006
File: 42 KB, 512x599, 3249AF10-13D0-4D83-BEFA-CD00DAB6CB8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can you wear with a blouse that has a pattern like pic related? Any full coordinate pictures using patterned/polka dot/gingham/tiled/etc blouses would be appreciated.

>> No.10791024

no, you could put anyone in that dump dowdy shit and they would look like a retard.

yeah because it's actually in fashion right now

>> No.10791039

what's the best shopping service for mercari japan now that neokyo's not around?

>> No.10791042
File: 639 KB, 1080x1571, IMG_20220723_020702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't apologize anon. You were just looking for help and it's not your fault the other anon is stupid.
Making the collar sit right with the neck ties can be tricky at first. I'm not sure how it didn't look right on you, but when I first attempted it I tied the neck ties too tight and it made my collar stand up. Maybe you need to tie it a bit looser? It might take a bit of fidgeting and a few tries to get right.

>> No.10791044

Kikagoods. I bought some and they're nice.

>> No.10791050

Bonnets look like cringe ageplayer shit regardless of hairstyle.

>> No.10791053

All of it looks like ageplayer shit to pornsick normies. Get over it

>> No.10791089
File: 185 KB, 871x1280, E0N9zNjVEAQnSUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me see what i have

>> No.10791090
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>> No.10791091
File: 73 KB, 640x640, 29095187_634214136926084_3934217230278983680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10791094
File: 224 KB, 1080x1080, 129644322_199188081855920_3460618032874207835_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10791096
File: 155 KB, 1080x1079, 247729664_196798849161747_8267424130973807262_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10791103

I stopped wearing panties in Lolita especially longer dresses and skirts and why do gulls frown upon that? It’s so much more comfortable

>> No.10791108
File: 155 KB, 720x2048, FWkDerJUsAEN8yH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10791110

this is either an agp tranny or a scrote fetish bait post

>> No.10791133
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 281797021_410748540674764_1698910901748412598_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10791205

God, I love her coords so much

>> No.10791206

How do people feel about mixing major brands? Like, I know some purists would dislike the clash between a baby bag and an AP jsk. Should I aim to have one major brand for the main pieces in a coord?

>> No.10791210

Nobody cares, as long as you look good

>> No.10791211

That's how I feel about >>10791133

There's nothing wrong with mixing brands, people do it all the time. The only time people might think it's odd is if you're at a tea party for one brand wearing a coord with a main piece or major accessories from a competing brand.

>> No.10791216

A very good point about the brand specific tea party. I suppose on the whole it doesn't matter much, but I feel like specific mascots like kumya or lyrical bunny need more consideration when pairing during a coord - it could just be me overthinking it.

>> No.10791240

I agree on that, they're best for unprinted or kumya-specific coords imo.

>> No.10791244
File: 464 KB, 1080x1442, IMG_20220723_202928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brand purists don't bother anyone and people have been pairing plushie bags with different brands since they were created. Lolita is just clothes and it's expensive. No one is going to expect you to have a different wardrobe for each brand. Do whatever as long as it looks cohesive.

>> No.10791245

Yeah there's no reason to care unless you want to idk show off or show respect at a brand event by wearing a coord of all their brand.

But in everyday wear mixing brands doesn't matter at all.

>> No.10791249


>> No.10791274

I bought a handmade lolita cupcake skirt except it’s 3 inches too small on the waist (size was mislabelled) and i can’t return it because it’s from japan.
If i add more fabric to the waistband, will it fuck up the shape of the skirt?
I really like the print on the skirt so I want to try and fix it

>> No.10791310

Thank you for the inspo, dump anon!

>> No.10791436

Who is this? I love this coord so much.

>> No.10791460
File: 29 KB, 290x387, 57b3f788-a14c-51ad-9736-255729f04190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have other pictures of halter necks coorded with peter pan collars if it will help.
NATRYT but I'd love halter neck inspo, please!

I'll post some shamelessly low res ideas I pulled from lolibrary for >>10790373 in the meantime. Btw Nonna, are you willing to post a pic of how it looks with the "wrong" blouses that you have?

>> No.10791461
File: 17 KB, 250x333, e0162871-0725-5c4b-bc63-45dfa1a2b81b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791463
File: 57 KB, 480x640, 5f3a7ac0-5414-4960-9f01-2e38ce748d3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791464
File: 66 KB, 500x600, 709d0e9d-fb24-4116-b283-e5d583b58437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791467
File: 13 KB, 240x320, cc813fa9-2858-5909-a982-63727c180d77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791468
File: 65 KB, 500x600, b68e980e-6458-5105-bed8-abefe57af2a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791469
File: 19 KB, 250x333, adf8528b-dd56-58ea-8381-568e375bd764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791472

OT but what is this model's name? Does she have social media?

>> No.10791473
File: 55 KB, 600x411, 2oHnb7zJbQQJnpMaCJoHWmL65MysP54YicQtcfaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791475
File: 57 KB, 360x480, 71cca831-afca-5e3a-96bd-9b1369c19089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure! She's the quintessential IW model tho, I'm sure someone will know.

>> No.10791476
File: 64 KB, 480x640, 6441f884-77dd-59fa-a7a1-79166c9b3d70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791478
File: 61 KB, 450x570, 6d97db48-fda6-54f8-81fa-8707c68070e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791479
File: 41 KB, 462x650, 4c327d9a-c16f-572a-83a6-26922b87369c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791480
File: 46 KB, 350x525, 60a40b6a-b759-5599-a2bc-d08402bcfd1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791481

I like wearing wigs with my bonnets for this reason (and also stability - easier to clip/pin through the wig itself) but if that’s not an option, try curls, twin tails, fluffed out braids, or other textured hairstyles to get your hair to have some volume behind where the bonnet sits.

>> No.10791482
File: 27 KB, 290x387, 64ee2f8f-398e-59b9-ac4c-6c0fd4a8fad5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791483

@sweeetcold on Twitter

>> No.10791501


>> No.10791524


In the west it's all about shoving as many brands in your coord as possible - more brands, more tags to use, more audience. Just check the picture of any popular IG post, it is littered with brand account tags.

Brand purity is more of a jp lolita thing, where it used to be easier to access the stores themselves and be able to purchase whole sets at once.

Anyways the short answer is that it doesn't matter much. It's more important for the substyles to match or at least be somewhat coherent.

>> No.10791529

brand purity is a jp thing because it's culturally japanese to have brand loyalty. the idea is that you pick one and don't buy from competitors so they will flourish. it's pretty hardwired into japanese people culturally to do this with everything, especially for household items like food and appliances.

>> No.10791538

have seen zero brand loyalty in japanese lolitas i follow, personally

>> No.10791550

You arent looking much then. The Ap clones, the vm dress meets, most of these are head to toe 1 brand. Even brand reps going to cons talk about how we mix more.

>> No.10791557

ap clones are an outdated trend

>> No.10791586

She and her sister are German, working for a modeling agency while their family is in Japan. Think they were both quite young so maybe no SNS.

>> No.10791712


Personally I've seen it in the VM lolitas, i'm mainly classic so I don't really follow AP brand followers.

There's that too. Personally I've tried because I've always wanted to support the brands I wear, but the foot wear from brands is just so mediocre I can't bring myself to justify the price.

>> No.10791714

Clolita died in the early 2010s when sweet dropped in popularity. Twinning has replaced it.

>> No.10791717

clolita is cheap chinese lolita.

>> No.10791728

imagine being so triggered over being called a cheap tacky cunt you try to redefine the word clolita kek

>> No.10791911

How high or how low is the chance I'll find the Cherry Berry Bunny kc in pink? I've searched for a really long time and I'm starting to lose hope. If I had a dream acessorie that would be it. I am venting and hoping for some comfort

>> No.10791923

Anyone here participated in that trend some year or two back where you wore two OPs layered? I remember some stunning looks where people pinned one skirt up to reveal the other dress underneath. It looked so pretty and elegant, draped like a fine curtain window.

I tried to achieve that look today, but the skirt I pulled up couldn't look sleek. It just bunched up and made ugly standing out lumps instead of hanging down neatly. Was it because my dress was made of cotton? Does this trickery only work in polyester or such fabrics?

>> No.10791960

Do you have some example pics anon? I imagine it's all about how you pin the fabrics, with lighter ops/jsk working better than ones made with heavier fabrics

>> No.10792297
File: 636 KB, 1079x1036, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these older VW necklaces?
Are they legit???

A few dots are closer to some words than the new ones..
The engravings aren't even near resemblance to the engravings on a new store bought one directly from VW site.

I'm thinking they're getting really good at making replica

>> No.10792352

Thoughts on dearmylove? I adore their look so I went and ordered a jumper skirt and shirt from them

>> No.10792362

they're fine. they're a cheap fast fashion brand so don't expect amazing quality. and they swap styles based on popularity, so be aware they will change quickly.

>> No.10792374
File: 490 KB, 1079x1091, Screenshot_20220728-000127_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured as much.
Any brands you'd recommend for this kind of look? I'm not really sure what exactly this style is called if I'm being perfectly honest

>> No.10792476


>> No.10792524

Does anyone have any examples of dresses made of velvet as opposed to velveteen?

>> No.10792527

Velveteen is literally just cotton velvet. Other velvets are polyester or silk. I've sewn with silk velvet and it's a lot more drapey

>> No.10792534

Thanks you! I thought the difference was just in pile length.

>> No.10792568

Velvet can be made from cotton although it rarely is. Velveteen has a shorter pile than velvet. That's the basic difference.
Because of that difference it does drape much differently from velvet.

>> No.10792851

Stupid question here:
What are Closet Child's shipping rates like? Do I need a SS for it? The prices are just too good to be true, there's gotta be a catch.

>> No.10792858

All my recent CC orders have been sent with DHL and cost around 3000yen. DHL is very fast so my stuff arrives in about a week

>> No.10792862

No SS? Only 3000 yen shipping? If it's so easy, why is the English market so disparate? A Moitie jsk went for $60 on CC and the same jsk is going for $300 on WW. I wonder if it's literally the exact same dress. Why is it not more ubiquitous to buy from CC? I feel like it's more common for me to see girls say to each other, "Oh look! That print you wanted is on LM/WW!" but I never see them talk about CC. I hear about Taobao more, which has the same issue of language barrier, has similar prices, and has the added hassle of needing a SS. What am I missing?

>> No.10792863

Because we don't want to give away our secrets/because we don't want to deal with repeated newb questions asking for help like they already do with taobao

>> No.10792865

That's what I've heard before, but I don't really buy it. That's like a conspiracy, and people blab. I can't imagine everyone banding together like that to keep a secret.

>> No.10792866

I mean it's not a secret, CC is a public business and tons of YouTubers and gulls and other lolitas have acknowledged their existence. Newfags and oldfags alike just want to be spoon fed options and no one spoon feeds how to use CC, you have to figure it out and most people are too lazy to do the work.

>> No.10792868

People talk about cc all the time you just are dense. It’s so known ppl talk about the timing of drops.

>> No.10792888

fucking newfag.

>> No.10793013

Is there such thing as a pretty white girl who wears lolita? I have never seen a good looking cracker, let alone in this fashion

>> No.10793014

>niggers being niggers

>> No.10793015

I’m not black, just an ugly white girl

>> No.10793124

Some of the brands use white models. Victorian Maiden and Innocent World are two that I know. They're good-looking enough to me, but it's still up to you whether you think they look good or not. I think white girls look great in classic lolita as long as they can put together a decent coord. A decent coord can't save them in OTT sweet.

>> No.10793125
File: 463 KB, 1363x2048, FVQfmooVIAAaJ_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic.

>> No.10793174
File: 17 KB, 333x500, 8A6B119B-4F96-4248-8B87-E609544C94E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any other brands besides VW and Bodyline that still manufacture rocking horse shoes? Specifically looking for some with a real wooden sole.

>> No.10793201

Vw is the only one that does wood.

>> No.10793267

how does closetchild and wunderwelt work?? like operations wise? i can see that all of the dresses are posed and placed on to similar forms for photos, so they're not done by individual vendors.

or do vendors bring them into a location that takes the photos for them? or do people sell their brand to these entities?

>> No.10793269

>falling for bait
it never ends

>> No.10793330

They buy at a reduced price from people who don't want to deal with the hassle and resell. Closet Child has physical stores in Japan where you can take your old clothes

>> No.10793397

Iirc there was also a taobao brand that made ones with wooden platforms - I recall someone posting a link, but can't find it now

>> No.10794171

What search term in Japanese should I use for fabric by the meter? (assuming Japan doesn't use yards) Or could someone point me to some fabric stores that have some cute cotton prints? Stores on rakuten would be preferable because I like their forwarding service. BTW, I'm not looking for material to make a jsk or anything. Quilting cotton type material is fine because I'm just making a speciality pillow for a surgery I'm having later this year and all the existing ones I've seen have been extremely ugly

>> No.10794229

Also I'm looking for UNCUT yardage (meterage?), I keep finding pre-cut fabric in lengths of 50-100cm. I can make precuts work, but I rather just get uncut

>> No.10794414

How do you hold lolita-related conversations at meetups with attendees who wear non lolita dresses with their pettis hanging out?

>> No.10794431

At the start of the meet you mingle/make the rounds and make some short small talk with these people. Then after you've said hi to most people you decide who you want to spend time most with (preferably not just one or two people, that would stand out too much) and then go do it. Once in a while circle back to the undesirables for a few words so they don't feel left out.

Like the whole goal imo is to get to know everyone, then maximise your time with people worth your time and minimize your time with people not worth your time without it looking like you're avoiding people or taking favorites.

As for your specific question just ask stuff like "what's your favorite brand?" "favorite brand piece?" "looking forward to any future releases?" and if they're new you can ask them who they know already and offer to make introductions. Then when you're introducing them to other people it's often that an opportunity opens up to pass them off to someone else huehuehue

>> No.10794465

The first half of this is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. This is the stupid questions thread not the stupid responses thread.
Just ask them questions or talk about lolita related topics. Are you autistic/socially awkward?

>> No.10794482

Just don't, they shouldn't even be there. Maybe being ostracized will make them leave.

>> No.10794488

this is literally not how it happens.

>> No.10794500

Normally guys look down on me for wearing lolita, but I started dating really wonderful man who is supportive of my hobby and even goes out with me when I wear OTT sweet. The only thing is though I suspect he might be into it for sexual motives. I don’t have any reasoning other than a bad vibe I get around him. What should I do? Is there any way to confirm my suspicions? I really like him but this is just one thing I can’t get over.

>> No.10794509

Have you tried asking him what he's into sexually? Maybe you're overthinking this and he would just tell you if you asked.

>> No.10794534

i don't get why people care about this desu. unless he likes it for ddlg reasons, most guys will find your clothing sexy.

>> No.10794545

That was a covidlita trend because it would not work well in real life at all.

People did all sorts of crap in isolation just for social media photos and clout.

>> No.10794546

I asked him a while ago but he changed the subject. We are waiting for a while before we do anything like that, we met because he was my youth pastor at church.

>> No.10794582


This is literally how many of the older lolitas in my comm operate when new members attend meets, and it seems to work just fine.

>> No.10794583

>he was my youth pastor at church

there's your answer, anon. even if you're over 18 now it would be weird as hell in the same way it would be weird for a teacher to date their former student

>> No.10794591

haenuli is coming back??? i just saw someone in the ap thread mention she had a panel at some con. will she be re-releasing old designs? where can i find anyone discussing the comeback, since /cgl/ seems to not give a fuck?

>> No.10794594

In Lolita Updates on FB and on IG she posted about her Kickstarter for a Winnie the Pooh series.

>> No.10794595

Most people in my comm just talk about general stuff and sometimes mention brands or lolita when relevant. When you've known each other for a while the convos aren't only lolita, and when people are new it's a good jumping off point but the topic doesn't stay exclusively on "I love x thing from x year for this brand" it's more general stuff because not everyone IRL is as autistically well-researched on lolita as oldschool wearing self proclaimed lolita historians or newb gulls trying to prove themselves.

>> No.10794625

Is An***** on LM the french ana thief?

>> No.10794630


>> No.10794631

Thanks, I thought so just wasn't sure

>> No.10794667

Why didnt you post this pictures into the kumya thread?

>> No.10794680

When a badly dressed ("attendees who wear non lolita dresses with their pettis hanging out") new member attends a meet for the first time, I assume lolita topics is what you would most want to talk about at first, of course ask them what their hobbies are and what kind of job they have too.
When you've known each other longer/talked to each other multiple times it makes sense you would talk about non lolita topics more than you did before.

Occasionally there are new members who only take a casual/lukewarm liking to lolita fashion, don't really care about doing it right, the rules/guidelines, don't care about brands (not even chinese ones), releases, dream dresses, etc. They nearly always end up either perma-itas or leave the comm.
I swear there are at least 2 in my comm who have been in it for 10+ years, have showed up to smaller local meets but have never ever had a proper full coord. Itas are better because itas are at least fucking trying most of the time.

Typical stuff that new members who are really interested in lolita fashion start bonding over (in my comm) is talking about preferred sub styles, dream dresses and lolita related hobbies.

>> No.10794706

again no. you sound annoying and autistic.

>> No.10794709

Then what do you talk about with new members, if you talk to them at all?

>> No.10794767

Do you not socialize? I've never found it hard to find random conversations with pretty much anyone. We don't have to have anything in common, even if it helps. I just hang on to curiosity to learning about them, and sharing parts about me and what I like and what I know.

Even so, if someone is there, they obviously like the fashion. So I'd take time to figure out what they like about it and their history of getting into it and in what way they engage with it.

>> No.10794840

You need the top dress to be a lightweight fabric that's designed to drape, or if it's a heavier fabric you need one that is made to be an overdress (e.g. Victorian Maiden overdresses)

>> No.10794853

Do BTSSB's JSKs with elastic straps (Hem Scallop, Babydoll, etc) have ribbons for hanging? I was gonna get one next reservation they do that I like but I don't like having to fold dresses over a hanger.

>> No.10794856

Nope, they don't

>> No.10794883


I have no problem talking about random stuff with people, I just think it's smart to also steer the conversation towards subjects that helps you learn about their level of interest in the fashion.
As harsh as it may sound (I think I should be able to say this here) I and many others don't want to invest too much time in people who will end up perma itas or who have already decided they're not going to be actual lolitas. Now, I'm not saying I'll walk up to new member and then only talk about lolita stuff with them and walk away the minute I've "gathered my information". That's fuckin weird and not a normal way to socialize.

That people attending meets like the fashion doesn't mean they intend to wear it. We can divide people who are in the online comm in the following categories;
A-lolitas (people who like the fashion and wear it)
B-fans (people who like the fashion but don't wear it yet or don't intend to wear it at all)
C-collectors (people who have lolita items but don't wear the fashion)

Some people in category B attend our meets and they don't intend to wear lolita at all. Some of them have attended meets for years. I can only guess why they're there. (perhaps friends of lolitas or comm leaders?) So if you're talking to a new member and she's like "oh, I'm really not that interested/invested in the fashion, I just like it on other people/I just like the comm and the atmosphere" then it's probably best after a short chat you move onto another new member who is actually interested in the fashion. That way you still get to know everyone a little bit but don't end up spending too much time on certain people.
If you don't mind spending a lot of time with non lolitas at lolita meets then ignore everything I've just said. But I don't see the point of doing that since, to me, I go to meets in order to socialize irl with other lolitas.

>> No.10794884

Is folding a dress and storing it on a shelf also not something you want to do?

>> No.10794923

anyone know a good wig store on ali? i would use taobao but i don't plan to do a large order for a while. most of the product photos are just stolen, but i'm wondering if any of the stores are actually reselling good wigs. most of the reviews(including good ones) are clearly garbage.

>> No.10794931

this is the stupidest shit i have ever read.

>> No.10794938

no but I share your hatred of dresses folded over hangers so I just use a pants hanger for them

>> No.10794941

You have people at meets who don't wear lolita? What comm is that?

>> No.10794940

nayrt but why the fuck are you seething so hard over this? nothing she said was unreasonable. i also avoid perma-itas, kids, or tourists when I can, in favor of getting to know older, well-dressed lolitas.

>> No.10794943

nayrt but a lot of lolita tourists will show up to meets wear either vintage normie clothing or cheap shein trash, thinking it's lolita.

>> No.10794947

she's literally telling people to act like weird robots. she needs to shut up.

>> No.10794949

how is "avoid talking to weirdos" telling someone to act like a weird robot? isn't she explaining it to some autist in plain english? this is a slow board with mostly coomer threads, stop shutting down all other discussion

>> No.10794953

If your goal is avoiding speaking to people you don't want to talk to, then just don't talk to them anon. There is no secret strategy.

>> No.10794957

because she's overexplaining shit that anyone would know.

>> No.10794965

I wouldn't like to say which comm but yeah, we have people who don't wear lolita at some of the meets.

These two people have showed up for years in just regular normie clothes, a misguided attempt at "otome", some cosplay reminiscent stuff and hellbunny dresses. And also some stuff I wouldn't know how to categorize. Like a mid thigh pleated tartan skirt with cheap synthetic lace on the hem and no room for petticoat combined with a regular short sleeve t-shirt, black opaque tights and dr martins.

They're friendly enough. One of them has a history making passive aggressive compliments that suggest that she's resentful of other people in the comm wearing stuff she wishes she was wearing. But she absolute does have the time and money to buy the stuff, she just doesn't for some reason.

>> No.10794969

if you just ignore people it will ruin your reputation and the atmosphere at the meet.

>> No.10794970

What should I put in my lacemarket terms of sale? What do you think is essential?

>> No.10794971

This exactly.

We have meets meant for new members without a dress code, but even our meets that are just for people in lolita aren't that strict. People in vintage stuff and hellbunny dresses absolutely have attended both.

>> No.10794973

I don't know about you but I go to meets to socialize with other lolitas and not spend time with creeps, perma itas or tourists.

>> No.10794974

you guys are autistic as hell.

>> No.10794976

Managing how much time you spent talking to different people to make sure you get to know everyone a little bit and you don't seem to be ignoring anyone, and making smart decisions about which topics to talk about isn't acting like a weird robot.
It's part of social skills. Which some gulls don't have and need to have it spelled out for them. Just the other day we had someone ask how she should have reacted to some girl mentioning she didn't fit into VM.

>> No.10794978

If you don't understand the difference between actively ignoring someone/pretending they don't exist and simply choosing not to have extended conversations with them, then you deserve to suffer through speaking to annoying people.

>> No.10794979

Social awareness anon, like the opposite of being an autist.

No seriously, if someone in our comm acts like she thinks she's better than everyone else and is obviously ignoring certain people then that definitely does get talked about.

>> No.10794980

Which is exactly why I suggest only making a short chat with them instead of just ignoring them.

>> No.10794981

you guys are the reason these unwanted people stick around in comms. my comm doesn't keep them or you types around.

>> No.10794982

Mods are allowing these people to stay. It's their responsibility.

>> No.10794985

well fortunately for me i have good mods. we only let men in who aren't brolita as well (ouji or ega) and even that sometimes gets revoked. i don't live in the US though so maybe that's why.

>> No.10794989

>I was impressed by Shiroi Tsubasa's work but apparently the owner is a POS.
That sucks to hear! I loved the dress I got commissioned by him so it sucks that he’s apparently a shithead. Granted wasn’t going to commission him again anyway due to him doing crypto stuff.

>> No.10795002

I wish that was my comm.
Our mods lack back bone and have the "everyone is valid" mindset. We've got non-lolitas attending meets, we have 1 troon and 1 middle aged AGP, too many "they/them" and "they/him" people in the comm. I haven't been asked to include my pronouns yet but we'll see.
We have all kinds of ridiculous rules about what people can talk about because even reasonable topics you would expect to see in a lolita comm make people go "waaah, I'm uncumfurtuble" to the mods.
No fucking wonder the older more experienced lolitas have mostly fucked off to wear lolita on their own and just meet with the friends they've made.

>> No.10795003

if you accept payment plans. the time limit for when the buyer is expected to pay before you relist the item. how long the buyer should expect for you to send out the item. probably just a general "i might miss stains on inspection" disclaimer, just so some autists don't find and lose their mind over an unnoticeably small mark.

>> No.10795007

brand-wearing perma-itas aren't going anywhere, and are certainly not bannable by the mods. if you're an even halfway decent person, making polite conversation with them is what is expected, even if you have no intentions of becoming good friends with them.

this. i only ever go to big events in the comm. but i can't see why anyone would attend a smaller comm meet unless you have no lolita friends and are trying to make some.

>> No.10795061

I like 7JHH wigs, they do their own designs. They're on the thinner side, but nice for the very cheap price and don't look like Party City halloween wigs. I wore one daily for a short period of time (fried my hair), and nobody noticed it was a wig - I would get compliments and surprised reactions whenever I pointed out it wasn't my real hair.

>> No.10795088

Her dresses were terrible polyester for the most part. The lace one looked ok in pictures, the scandal about that was silly

>> No.10795099
File: 89 KB, 900x698, ph8F9JZ5HHpceGTwTxWrJ3ozjkf2NgfmipdyT8qz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care, i absolutely LOVE a few of the prints and want them so bad. doesn't sound like she plans on re-releasing anything old though, boo

>> No.10795126

Which one did you get?
They look nice in the listings but they're very filtered and the lighting carefully chosen to look matter than they really are.

If you have any worn photo's I'd appreciate it.

>> No.10795132

The price is good but when I look at the customer pictures the wigs look just like any other wig brand from china that caters to lolitas. In natural light it's obviously not real hair. But we also shouldn't expect this of synthetic hair.

>> No.10795183

If you have pets or someone in your household smokes. If you're open to trades or not. If you'll hold an item (and for how long). Shipping and return policies (I always include domestic shipping in the item price).

>> No.10795185

this is hideous

>> No.10795186
File: 291 KB, 1125x907, D65D4D76-CBB7-4656-8F76-CC2C53C00259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one I wore daily - https://m.aliexpress.com/item/4000470419062.html
It looks matte in person, people legit couldn't tell it wasn't my own hair. If the bangs looked just a bit more natural, it would've been perfect, but it saved me from many a failed dye job/bang trim as is. I highly recommend it! Picrel is a poorly censored photo of it being worn.

To be fair, 90% of the reviewers don't even bother to cut or thin the bangs, let alone style the wig, and imo any synthetic wig is going to look bad if you just put it on as is. I personally like how all of my wigs from them turned out even with minimal effort put into styling.

>> No.10795195

It's really cute for what it is and what it costs. And if that's you in the picture you cut it nicely.
But it's synthetic so it's never going to be as realistic looking as real hair.
It just doesn't look like real hair to me. I'm sure some people spotted it but just didn't say anything because they didn't want to be rude. Also people who don't have wigs are less good at spotting them than people who do.

I own synthetic (both high and low quality) and human hair pieces and if I were to explain the shine difference I would like to use the paint analogy.
A good quality synthetic wig has the same shininess as a "high gloss" paint, and a human hair wig has a "satin gloss" paint amount of shine. It has a more subtle lustre.

No synthetic wig is as matte as human hair.

"Party city" wigs are in a crappy class on their own, and I wouldn't use that as a measurement in order to say how good a synthetic wig is.

>> No.10795220

I wasn't trying to argue that I personally think it looks like human hair - just sharing my experience with normies in hopes it might be helpful. I just think it's really good for a cheap synthetic wig, probably as good as money can buy around that price point - that's about it.
I've owned more expensive synthetic wigs and human hair extensions as well, and as far as synthetics go these are still my favorite to wear. Imo they look the least obviously shiny/reflective out of all of the ones I've tried.
Sorry for any confusion! And yes, that's me, so thank you.

>> No.10795222

your eye fingerprint is most likely not achieved from this picture, but a little bit closer and a little bit sharper and it would be, be careful

>> No.10795229

In all fairness, I don't think anyone will be able to decipher much from a poorly lit front camera selfie, not that you should be paranoid about that in the first place

>> No.10795233

There are a lot more shops selling these exact same wigs at similar price points (18~25$) with the exact same stock photos, so maybe they all come from the same manufacturer. Reminds me most of Alice Garden, and I don't even know if they are the original seller of these.

Then there's resellers who try to sell these for 30~50 bucks which is pretty damn sad.
But it's great if you can get these wigs for 20$ (tax and shipping included), that's a great deal. Keep spreading the word, just don't give people hope that normies won't spot the wigginess.

I've become picky with wigs and I realize that sucks the joy out of it as well so now I tell myself that synthetics are never going to look real but that's okay and I can enjoy them for what they are.

I have a bunch of dream holic wigs and they're my lowest quality wigs, and honestly what you got looks better than DH. Dream Holic sells their wigs from their own websites (they've got an international one and an US one) for like 40+$ and from their taobao for a lot less. Their taobao prices are probably still higher than what you paid.

>> No.10795313

anon you sound kind of stupid. all hair is not the same gloss/shine.

>> No.10795394

Is making an alice holic account worth it?

>> No.10795398

Afaik you still can't even sign up for the site. There's also no way to recover lost passwords.

>> No.10795554

suit urself. hard to find secondhand :(

>> No.10795725

TLDR: they don't just accept any donor hair willy nilly

Hair used in human hair wigs all get the same products to prep it for wig making, regardless of the shine level of the untreated donor hair, so the shine is as consistent as possible.
How long that initial look and feel last depends on the quality of the hair and if the cuticle is intact or not. But they all start out with similar levels of shine because of the treatment involved to prep the hair for wig making.
If the donor hair is too damaged or too thin they simply don't use it.
They don't even take dyed and fried donor hair. The only hair they accept is "virgin" (untreated, never been dyed, bleached, permed, etc)

>> No.10795728

What's the easiest way to style a medium length wig just so it doesn't look so stale?

>> No.10795734

Loose waves.

>> No.10795736

How long is "medium length" exactly?
Depending on the length you can always do an interesting updo, maybe put in some braids, a hat or a bonnet.

>> No.10796082

Is the AP Boston bag worth paying the full price brand new? I heard ap bags and shoes are shit

>> No.10796088

Isn't that just because her hair is covering where the halter straps go under the collar? Doesn't it bunch the blouse up more at the neck?

>> No.10796120

Midnight atelier is really good. The customer service is awesome, first you pay for fabric and then you pay for the sewing and shipment. The owner will ask you throw every step if everything is OK, and the quality is *chef's kiss*

Shiroi Tsubasa not only is a Pos, he is an antivaxxer, covid denier and a nazi

>> No.10796130

I haven't commissioned anything from them, but sent in a dream dress to be repaired and they did an A+ job

>> No.10796134

>Shiroi Tsubasa not only is a Pos, he is an antivaxxer, covid denier and a nazi
Based, link so I can support him?

>> No.10796137

He's going to call you a fat ugly whore behind your back and incelpost while he's working on your commission, good luck with that

>> No.10796141

Have you tried not being a fat ugly whore?

>> No.10796143

He also constantly talks shit about burando

>> No.10796149

How are you going to pay? PayPal is banned in Russia due to the war

>> No.10796198

How original. I've never given him my money or interacted with disgusting scrotes like him, just giving you some friendly advice

>> No.10796241

>FBI spy

>> No.10796281

Aww, someone hurt his feewings and inflated ego

>> No.10796514

How does it feel to be in Australia, buying summer releases in winter and winter releases in summer?

>> No.10796581

>Shiroi Tsubasa not only is a Pos, he is an antivaxxer, covid denier and a nazi
Is this person in the US or something? I wasn't aware that our culture should define people in complete other countries, using our culture

It baffles me that you guys are the same people who whine about gentrification and colonizing.

>> No.10796589

Nayrt, and while I agree that "nazi" is a pointless buzzword at this point, being an antivaxxer, covid denier, woman-hater and racist/nationalist transcends culture barriers and he is legitimately all of those combined. Or simply an antisocial egomaniac, whichever you prefer.

>> No.10796590

no, it quite literally doesn't. the majority of the things you just called out is still politically affiliated in your culture and only one side of the spectrum in the US, at that. I think is ignorant to think your affiliation is and should be an entire world view.

For anyone interested:
You can still do trade with Russia through China, obvi. But we want worry your little SJW minds about it. You can't think too far outside of your own limited world view.

>> No.10796594 [DELETED] 

>your culture
I'm literally Russian, and all these -isms can and do manifest themselves the world over in different ways. You sound either incredibly sheltered or ignorant, the world doesn't revolve around the US.

>> No.10796595

>your culture
I'm literally Russian, and all these -isms can and do manifest themselves the world over in different ways. A Russian racist/nationalist/misogynist/antivaxxer won't be the same as an American holding similar views. You sound either incredibly sheltered or ignorant, the world doesn't revolve around the US.
Nice attempt to label me as an SJW, your strawmanning was quite impressive as well.

>> No.10796629

Genuinely curious where proof of this is?

>> No.10796637

imagine being russian

>> No.10796870

Are there any okay Chinese brands, or does it all suck? I see a lot of dunking on them, but rarely any good; curious if it's all hot garbage or there's a few gems somewhere.

>> No.10796871

there were a few a decade ago but a lot of them changed styles or quality.

>> No.10796919

The very best Chinese brands only match mid-tier Japanese brands in terms of quality

>> No.10796937

Modern AP is very much taobao-tier, sadly. Chinese lolitas will buy anything and they know it.

>> No.10796941
File: 563 KB, 429x792, mystery dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me ID what skirt/JSK/OP the model is wearing? This was on the WunderWelt Fleur website modeling Moitie stockings. Wasn't able to find it on WW.

>> No.10796947


>> No.10796953

thank you anon! didn't realize they were just reusing older photos

>> No.10796954

It's actually https://lolibrary.org/items/moitie-falling-cross-print-skirt

This has the white underneath that the JSK doesn't

>> No.10797039

Is Leur Guetter still around? The link on fyeahlolita wiki gives me an error

>> No.10797074


>> No.10797103

A shopping service that will ship items with lithium/rechargable batteries? IDC about hazmat fees I'll pay them. My current one won't do it, full stop. They also refuse to ship cosmetics...

>> No.10797106

How many finished coordinates should you have/ main pieces should you own before calling yourself a lolita? I’ve admired the community from afar for about five years but just recently got into the community. I’m about a month in and have nine angelic pretty dresses with four finished coordinates and am not sure when I should consider myself lolita or go to meets.

>> No.10797109


>> No.10797113

You are a lolita.

>> No.10797147

what's your current one?

>> No.10797164

For me the bar is to wear one full coord out. The people who own several coords but don't wear them out yet don't qualufy, and the people who wear it out but their petti is still in the mail or they can't afford lolita shoes yet don't qualify either.

>> No.10797166

I know there's the "2-5 cm at least below the minimum" rule for a good garment fit, but about how many cm below the minimum before the dress starts to look baggy?

>> No.10797168

Depends on your body shape, if there is shirring or waist ties, and which measurement we are talking about.

>> No.10797173

It depends where on the dress it's too big and the cut. Having a defined waist is the most important part and as long as you're no more than 3-5 inches under the waist you should be fine, and tying your waist ties well can help with getting a better fit.
I'm usually under the bust measurements and I've found I can get away with being 4-6 cm under them for JSKs. OPs aren't a problem though, I wear OPs where I'm 10-12 cm under and it's fine as long as I define my waist. Anything that has corset lacing is also fine regardless of the cut because I can just tighten it.

>> No.10797317

Rakuten global express, which is technically a forwarding service and not a shopping service. I only use them because they don't charge any fees other than international shipping. They have a really long ass list of restrictions including some odd things like real leather. There's some perfumes I'd like to import from Japan too, but those are difficult to get sent overseas because Japan Post won't ship it and it seems like most SS won't work with carriers that handle hazmat.

>> No.10797474

You don't have to be below the minimum. But you do want to be 4-5 cm below the max or the dress will be skintight. I'm 94 cm bust and I try to leave plenty of room so I can wear nice blouses

>> No.10797609

Where can I buy those thin plastic garment bags that Japanese sellers ship things in? I stupidly threw out the ones I had stashed.

>> No.10797615

amazon, aliexpress, basically anywhere.

>> No.10797678

Just got little strawberry bunny op. I find the quality of the dress pretty good. You girls who talk shit about AP's quality also found that dress shity? Genuinely asking because I don't have a reference for AP's quality

>> No.10797679

No, most people like cotton AP like Little Bunny Strawberry, it's the polyester that's awful.

>> No.10797680

Is it still possible to buy Queen Bee shoes anywhere?

>> No.10797685

Might be able to get an*tai*na to make a replica of a pair you want or find something similar.

Don't they still reply to direct emails for custom shoe requests? If not you can order from taobao.

>> No.10797727

not for years

>> No.10797728

They never replied to mine last year

>> No.10797732

Wunderwelt fleur

>> No.10797742

All the good styles are sold out sadly. Thank you for the rec though nonny

>> No.10797758

If it's cotton, it's most likely fine.
If it's polyester like poly crepe de chine or wooly viyella, then it's probably trash.

Always check the material

Most people were praising Little Bunny Strawberry and it even got an MTO soon after the first release because it was cotton border print.

>> No.10797799

Shit tends to be relative to overall fabric choice.

Cotton is normally preferred. It looks better an feels better. Though It's prone to fading and running (usually reds will run). OTT sweet era AP is often faded and washed out 10+ years later. They can be a bitch to keep nice in a tight wardrobe. If you get something ridiculously wrinkled and pleated, be prepared to pin, iron, and cry.

I think most people are okay with some of the better poly choices. I personally love any chiffon release. When it comes to non-chiffon Poly, I like their Original Grosgrain the most. Viyella feels cruddy desu, like it's going to snag.

I have the original and MTO Honey Cake. I prefer the original for materials. But I've been wearing my MTO more as of late because it's less hassle.

The attention to detail and construction is still there. Although I've seen it slip. Generally though, if you were to compare construction and detail on AP to some cheap Taobao or Bodyline you'll see a drastic difference in quality in that department.

>> No.10798195

Where's a good place to get gothic or guro eyepatches?

>> No.10798290
File: 144 KB, 1161x1500, 71QcpzY9HzL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say picrel is supposed to be based on lolita or just general jfash?

>> No.10798297

>Would you say picrel is supposed to be based on melanie martinez?

>> No.10798411

Lolsurprise dolls are often based on social media influencers' likenesses who don't have money to fight back.

>> No.10798412


If I order via Clobba or their taobao shop with a SS will they actually reply or make the shoes?

>> No.10798419

honestly, handmade is the best look and the easiest to acquire

>> No.10798422

How often does Meta restock their goth platforms?

>> No.10798425


>> No.10798427

Once a week

>> No.10798432

fucking gross anon

>> No.10798441

Holy shit, really that often? Which day?

>> No.10798583

I’ve never had a petticoat before, but I want an small A-line one with very small poof, where can I get a petticoat like this? I’m interested in casual lolita

>> No.10798589

The dress was a solid with a dark lace overlay and when it shipped the lace used looked completely different. Her quality control seems bad, the dress I got had very cheap looking fabric and trimming in person but it looks ok in photos

>> No.10798752

Classical Puppets has a "daily" a-line petticoat that's lower poof and works well for low-key/casual coords. "Petticoat III" i think.

>> No.10798755

oh you swallowed that metamucil artist’s propaganda huh? another black social media youtuber called them out on their lies.

>> No.10798771

>metamucil artist
Who??? I've seen dozens of cases of rainbow vomit influencers of all races get their likenesses recreated by children's toy companies regularly. It's the same as SHEIN ripping off art of small creators. Insanely common.

>> No.10798877

Any advice for cleaning hair and head accessories, specifically? I grabbed a pair of ribbon hair combs off of WW recently, and common sense says to clean them before they go on my head for extended periods.

>> No.10798912

If you want to be careful then use sanitizing wipes on the comb part and gently wash the ribbons with soap and water. Personally though I just throw them in a garment bag in the washing machine. People will say not to do that because the metal will rust but I do this with all my secondhand hair pieces and doing it once doesn't hurt in my opinion.

>> No.10798913

An alternative to this method >>10798912
would be to remove the clip/haircomb part, wash the actual ribbon/bow in a garment bad in the washing machine and then sew the clip/haircomb back on. A little more time consuming but this prevents any rusting. For headbows, just remove the bow form the headband and wash it in the same way. Things like rectangle headdresses can just be washed normally too.

>> No.10798930

Thank youuu~~

>> No.10798932

this is retarded

>> No.10798981

No. This makes a lot of sense and is actually helpful.

>> No.10799164

water touching metal doesn't rust it.

>> No.10799239

Then why do so many people remove, for example, the metal bones from corsets before washing them?

Is this all some giant myth that a lot of people believe and act on?

>> No.10799295

Metal rusts because it oxydizes

>> No.10799297

Nta but doesn't water speed up the oxidation process?

>> No.10799299

yes, but the point is that things made of metal don't rust simply from getting wet once. if you dry them off they're fine. plus, most combs and headbands are made of stainless steel or coated metal.
this would be stupid since most corsets have metal eyelets and closures. normal people aren't unsewing and resewing clothing items.

>> No.10799308

>most corsets have metal eyelets and closures.
Fucking this. God how do lolitas survive?

>> No.10799309

I typically spot clean my corsets, and make sure they never touch bare skin in the first place.

>> No.10799330

IIRC during the edwardian era for the rare event that the corset needed to be washed the binding would be removed in order to pop out all of the metal boning before washing. Some corsets even came with features that made it easy to remove the boning without having unpick much or any stitching.

Some modern corset wearers do the same. When someone wears a corset daily even with a liner or a chemise it's sometimes still necessary to wash the corset.

Would people be doing this if water didn't rust metal?
It's a common belief that metal gets rusty sooner when it's wet. Corsets with metal boning and headbands with metal wiring dry very slowly, it's not like cutlery that you can just wash and dry quickly.

Even if people argue you're just washing it once, who really wants to take that chance?

>> No.10799343

Yeah, I know someone who had a headbow rust from washing it once so now I just unpick the end and slide the metal out. It's not that much hassle to stitch the end back and no risk of rust.

>> No.10799674

I've ordered like 3 pairs this year via a Taobao SS, so you should be fine

>> No.10799819

I've heard about it as well. I'm not taking any chances.

>> No.10799835
File: 516 KB, 750x905, 77D72DB7-1CBF-44FB-AEA9-724CE7D9513A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get away with a gothic Lolita dress as a normal party dress, no wig, no petticoat, no coord etc

I just want a pretty goth dress like pic related but don’t want to buy a cheapo Aliexpress garbage one

>> No.10800299

Where do I find good shorts for mori boy stuff? I know op shops are the usual go to but I've been looking through for months and I can't find anything that would work.

>> No.10801071

yes, lolita items can be worn in non-lolita ways. celebrities have done it plenty of times before. just don't call it lolita and no one will care

>> No.10801191

How does Misako get her hair that soft and straight? I will spend any amount to achieve that

>> No.10801675

Bust measurement for the Atelier Pierrot Ballad JSK?

>> No.10801808

super straight - by being asian. soft - who knows for sure but but getting professional conditioning treatments done at a salon every month or so would achieve that

>> No.10802727

I've owned VW rhs for a few years but I'm still pretty paranoid about falling in them. Has anyone here tripped in one? Did you twist your ankle or something or was it like tripping with any other set of shoes or platforms? Is there a type of terrain or ground you would absolutely avoid? I've gotten somewhat used to walking in them but I still feel like uneven terrain throws off my balance more so compared to other platforms.

>> No.10802832

How does Baby's reservation system work? If I make a reservation order with credit card payment, does the payment occur when the order is placed or when the item is shipped out? I'm getting conflicting information between emails and the website.

>> No.10803629
File: 1.56 MB, 1614x990, Screen Shot 2022-08-30 at 3.36.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last month Meta announced they were releasing this set for Laforet Harajuku and I have been waiting with bated breath for it to appear in their online shop. It still isn't there - will it ever be available outside of Laforet, and if so, when?