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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 950x649, mmc-home-video-poster-950x649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10744691 No.10744691 [Reply] [Original]

Well, not new - Just a different section of the GWCCA.

Thoughts on how it's going to be this year? Cosplay plans? You have a room?!

>> No.10744750

Guess the youth jew summer camp paid more money to get the nice section. This is going to be a hilarious year. Hide yo women because these little boys gunna be raping yo cosplay women in the halls.

>> No.10744783

This will be my first Momo ever, as I got an invitation from somebody at a lot last year. It'll be interesting since it's so close to my first time ever being exposed to cosplay by pure coincidence, back at DragonCon 2000. (I was going to go to that one too but San Japan is now the top priority and it's the same weekend)
>Guess the youth jew summer camp paid more money to get the nice section

>> No.10744784

Guess that's what I get for waiting till I'm in bed and forgetting to respond like a retard. Just meant to say that this could prove excellent fodder for trolling

>> No.10744792

It’ll be my first year. Buddy’s keep hyping up Mary Mac’s and we got a dude from my group flying in from Ireland so I gotta figure out the true “welcome to America” experience for him. I’m doing a bit of Vocaloid, a bit of Ace Combat and maybe some Elden Ring if I can find an armor that calls out to me. Been kind of uninspired in the crafting department lately.

>> No.10745016

Never forget Katsucon/BBYO...

>> No.10745280

BBYO are amatuers compared to this group.

>> No.10746153


Guess I don't really understand the joke here.

>> No.10747447

Google katsu bbyo

>> No.10749468


Wait isn't building B larger?

>> No.10750082

Quality over quantity. Prepare to sweat like the goyim you are because the ventilation system is under renovation.

>> No.10751048

Where are you getting this insider info?

Are they really not going to have functioning AC by the time the con rolls around?

What makes building B worse?

>> No.10753699

This'll be my first year going, third con over all. Very excited to party with some anons.

>> No.10753906

Would it be cringe to go by myself? I would like to go but my friends are all either too poor or too lame.

Last time I went to Mary Mac's was like 15 years ago. I don't remember what I thought about it but the fried green tomatoes are kino.

>> No.10753921

Just hang out with seagulls, anon.

>> No.10753944

Not even him, but the lack of activity in this thread (especially compared to Acen or AX) has me thinking there won't be too many. This one's been on my radar since Anime Weekend Atlanta, and I even know a couple going but the snail's crawl pace honestly has me reconsidering.

>> No.10753960

I don't understand. Atlanta is not near the ocean

>> No.10753965


I'll at least be there with a group of friends but I'm always of the mind the more the merrier.

>> No.10753967

Every con has a discord now, so these threads are kinda pointless. Its why I don't post in con threads here anymore at least.

>> No.10753968

It's a matter of convenience too. Acen -> Momo -> Colossal might not go so great. Still up for grabs, just not sure anymore.
Never bothered with a California server, since I'm not going to any there soon, yet I'm sure the "community" must be enormous. Ya know, considering the ALA thread brought the entire board to a screeching halt for at least two weeks after it ended. The AX thread will no doubt reach bump limit before it starts too.

>> No.10754245

just bought my ticket
shouldnt have waited this long to starve myself dammit

>> No.10755684

Gonna crossplay at Momocon and want to hook up with a guy who doesn’t have STDs, never done it before but the idea of being fucked in crossplay at a con is a turn on

>> No.10755688

Oh also, am femboy, have never been clocked before from voice/body/mannerisms

>> No.10755813

It'll be my first time going. I'm coming in from the Midwest since my buddies wanted to meet up here.

>> No.10756307

lol jannies deleted your thread. Just practice safe sex, wear a condom and wash your ass

>> No.10756427

Does anyone know if the CNN center is actually open? I can't find a solid y/n and it's basically the most convenient place for food.

>> No.10756428

I stopped in for a little after AWA. It was basically a ghost town, but open

>> No.10756430

it'll likely be open during con, and not late. I think previous years it closed around 9-10pm.

also can't have weapons / props in there of any kind.

>> No.10756431

Thanks anon, I'm sure it'll be crowded with the con right there. But hey as long as the restaurants are open!

>> No.10757076

Been looking at the website and looks to me like it's gonna be a good time. As for cosplay gonna be going as a FFXIV Viera in basic starting gear. Extra excited because I haven't cosplayed or been to a con in a few years so if any seagulls see a Viera with a bow feel free to say hi, miss chatting with fellow dress up enthusiasts.

>> No.10757086

Same. Been busy doing irl shit but I should be running around in Elden Ring gear or doing Vocaloid stuff again.

I hope the vendors room isn’t just state fair anime pawnshop stuff.

>> No.10757089

My last trip to Momocon was 2018 but from what I remember most of the vendors had some pretty high quality stuff. So as long as the con has kept up its rep in the time I've been missing I don't expect to see any different.

>> No.10757374

That's rad. Yeah, my buddy was telling me about how big the game room was, and I have not touched a DJMAX Technika or a Groovecoaster Machine in over half a decade so I'm pretty excited about that. Hopefully dealers room has some Ace Combat stuff since it is a Kotobukiya kit but I'm not crossing my fingers on it. It kind of sucks that he told me last minute that Ted Turner's sex compound doesn't allow props, since thats what I primarily work on, but I'll figure out where to walk as I get there.

I'm kind of excited, roughly 3-4 weeks left til the con.

>> No.10757411

So they cancelled the rave. I'm not big on Raves anyway but still a bit bummed. Outside raves should be fun tho.

(First momo btw)

>> No.10757414 [DELETED] 

>>10757411 (checked)
Unless you're going to a monster sized event, a con rave is utterly pointless. You can only watch people clapping in a circle while one guy break dances for a few seconds before it gets tiresome. I need to feed off a crowd's energy to feel anything, and there's fun to be had when 99% of people aren't even trying

>> No.10757415

>>10757411 (checked)
Unless you're going to a monster sized event, a con rave is utterly pointless. You can only watch people clapping in a circle while one guy break dances for a few seconds before it gets tiresome. I need to feed off a crowd's energy to feel anything, and there's no fun at all to be had when 99% of "participants" don't even care to try

>> No.10757509

>Rave got cancelled

I'm sure this will disappoint the B-boy's larping as anime fans.

>> No.10757521

I've been to one con rave and it was boring af. They're literally just jumping in place

>> No.10757704

That's what they do at the "good" ones. Not like you have much choice when there's no room to even fully stretch your arms in any direction

>> No.10758793

why did they cancel the rave

>> No.10758813

I warned you. its jew dance time.

>> No.10758814

Unironically would be more entertaining than any con rave they could try cooking up

>> No.10758816
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true. lets bust out the yarmulke

>> No.10760982

Can't decide on hotel, should i do the Garden Inn down the street or something like the holiday inn or westin downtown. Not really concerned with quality or price just room size, walking distance to the actual entrance of the con, and safety.

>> No.10761058

As someone who lives in Atlanta, I’d advocate for a hotel near the MARTA line. It’s safe because absolutely no one uses it, I get home shitfaced riding it all the time because my apartment is a five minute walk from one of the blue line stations.

>> No.10761077
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The con hotel portal through Passkey appears to allow you to enter a hotel loyalty number when checking out.

Has anyone used their number for previous years through the Momocon portal, for which chain (Omni, Marriott, Hilton, etc), and did you get credits on your loyalty account for the con nights stayed?

(If you've done this for AWA before, but not Momo, please let me know your experience as well)

>> No.10761083

Bunch of unaware japanophiles about to get robbed

>> No.10761084

One note to a hotel accessible by MARTA is the train does not run 24 hours. If you find yourself at the con as midnight approaches, double check the train operating hours for that particular day before you get stuck hailing a rideshare

>> No.10761120

I remembered Im a Yankee who can't handle the heat so i went with the Hilton garden inn. AC was too small and the Westin looks like a real gamble on getting a good view out the tower. Its either gonna be less crowded this year or ATL has an oversatuaton of hotels to get it so cheap so late.

>> No.10761465
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>Be prop maker
>Be convinced to stay at the Ted Turner's Cum Palace (CNN Omni)
>Find out absolutely last minute that they're anal about props.

Damn, so this is what it feels like to get pranked.

>> No.10761553
File: 15 KB, 242x242, Finland - Assburger WELP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped in there after AWA
>Ghost town
>Try to find how to reach the second floor (there is none)
>Ask the only person I can find about where their fancy restaurant is
>Oh that? We closed it down after the riots last year
Is this relevant? Don't know, but definitely worth considering

>> No.10761750
File: 168 KB, 325x369, 1601354536672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea if I'm gonna have time for Mary Macks' that weekend.

>Thursday Drive in from Ohio
>Friends want to go eat at a Sushi place on Friday
>Saturday is prime time cosplay day.

I'm pretty sure I'll figure out which hotel is the better option outside of the Omni like next year but I'm getting pretty excited about the road trip up.

>> No.10761755

>Mary Macks'
Hmmm. Never heard of it till now but it's close enough that I could walk if I wanted to and am actually showing up on Wednesday which means even more time to do it. My current lineup is not as chaotic as the last one but certainly different and wonky.
>Fly to Chicago for Acen in 6 days
>Fly down to Atlanta for Momo on the 25th
>Ride up to Ohio for Colossal the 30th
>Ride back to Chicago
Should certainly prove interesting

>> No.10761790

I was generally surprised in the Embassy/hilton/Hyatt house corridor near the Aquarium there's a better variety and value for food than closer to downtonwn. My first momocon and i'm flying in from new england. AB and ACEN vax stuf had me looking around, and I'd rather do a less crowded ccon not in Ohio.

>> No.10762026

I stopped going to Colossalcon Sandusky after you got punished actively for not camping the hotel lines. You got a line up buddy?

Yeah uh, next time you host a meet up please don't expect me to bring alcohol or people. I usually solo Q if I'm meeting up with /cgl/ people.

>> No.10762046

Most downtown areas, especially east of Peachtree St, are business or university oriented. Most activity is during weekdays working hours, and the shops and restaurant hours reflect this.

More selection probably up in Midtown Atlanta.

t. not a city of Atlanta resident but did live on Georgia State University campus as a student 2013 - 2017

>> No.10762876
File: 281 KB, 874x1280, C27154B8-F3FE-4681-889E-C942A5B83944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your guys plans for costumes? Anything new or good to show off so I can pick you out of the crowd and shame you for being from 4chan? I’m touching up my Dmitri from FE for one more go around and then retiring the thing.

>> No.10762900

>Every con has a discord now, so these threads are kinda pointless
Because not everyone wants to get onto discord. Besides 4c is easier anyone to use, you don't have to log on or look for a specific discord for a con.

>> No.10762902


>> No.10762925

Gonna cosplay as Hobo Eren this year, and maybe Question from DC. Anyone doing a meetup? Would prefer 21 an older. Me and some friends always find people at parking lots tailgating drinking, we share booze play music and chill out. It's be nice to actually have an a bunch of people hanging out. Momocon has always been more Kid friendly compared to AWA really wished Momocon would have more adult oriented events during the nights with the exception of the raid

>> No.10762933
File: 44 KB, 600x598, 980ECA32-3471-49EB-AC32-7E0D51372B1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m bringing Vagabond from Elden Ring, and a buddy wanted to duo Q vocaloid so if you see a gender swap Miku and Gumi that’s probably us. I might bring Guts if I can figure out how to get visibility out of his stupid helmet.

>> No.10762934

I'm always down. Will be there the whole weekend with one of my guys, and there's also the possibility of running into a lot of familiar faces along the way. We shall see but...
>Momocon has always been more Kid friendly
Yeah wishing I had known this earlier

>> No.10762957

also down, should we organize here because there's so few seagulls going, or should we sneak it in to the main con discord?

>> No.10762959


Pick an area and a day. I’ll drop in. I don’t use discord.

>> No.10762961

You guys say kid friendly, but Saturday night 2019 was like 200 people openly smoking pot and drinking out of flasks right outside the entrance to the Omni. The cops were powerless, it was just this debaucherous free for all with all the whore/manwhores out and prowling for attention.

>> No.10762973
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Sorry for the late reply, i just came back from gym. Yea Thursday I'll be with my girlfriend early morning taking her to the botanical garden, then reach the con afternoonish, 3-4ish we can set a time around then. She and I are going to be looking at cosplay prep and 3d printing panels if we don't see any of y'all. She and I are gonna also be looking for another girl. Jungle fever is too easy at the con. I wonder how hard white/asian con sluts are?

I was there 2019 I don't remember that, but then I again I was smashing some exotic beast then.

>> No.10762982


I think I’ll dip out on meeting up, I’ll be coming in late Thursday. Driving in from Ohio and meeting up with a few friends from a diff group. Good luck meeting another girl for your orgy though.

>> No.10764040


>> No.10764641

I can arrange for that. What days will you be at the con? Post your Discord (or at least give me a hint for who you’re crossplaying so I know who to hit on)

>> No.10765344

Imagine skipping a con because there isn't going to be a rave. Kek.

>> No.10765362

>no rave
I'm assuming there's gonna be other parties outside regardless

>> No.10765546

>Things that didn't happen because this dumb fucker was high on shrooms in his room and hallucinated the whole thing.

>> No.10765630

The omni hotel bars and the space outside of it were plenty busy, not sure what you’re talking about. I spent a few hours nipping flasks with a few groups and shooting the shit that night.

>> No.10765632

>>10765344 (check)
>NOOOOOOOOO I can't survive without watching people clapping in a circle while one guy gets in the middle and breaks a few moves for 10 seconds before switching out
The amount of people who adore these raves (here or in person) is honestly unreal. I have seen *maybe* two out of dozens that were worthwhile

>> No.10765679

How did raves become intertwined with anime cons anyway?

>> No.10765684

DJ’s are weeaboos and need a place to spin. Weeaboos are plenty, and will go anywhere where there is loud music. Honestly this is fine that people are skipping the con because of no rave, I can survive a con without rave normies showing up.

>> No.10766059

What are some other good cons in Atlanta besides Dragon Con?

>> No.10766111

Wish Momocon required double vaccination proof minimum.

>> No.10766150


>> No.10766194

No plague rat filth pls

>> No.10766272

I ain’t driving through monsoon season to get gatekept by some nerd who thinks he knows my body better than I do.

>> No.10766313

Anime Weekend Atlanta is about a month later on that Halloween weekend, it's always a pretty decent time

>> No.10766403

AWA is 2 months later than DragonCon now (always Labor Day weekend, so end of Aug/beginning of Sept), it used to be 3-4 weeks after DCon in Sept but it's always on Halloween as of a few years ago

Momo, AWA and DCon are kinda the only good cons in the area

>> No.10766445

Orgy where

>> No.10766577
File: 360 KB, 1280x958, D599AF1D-D0C9-463E-B870-DDB5F0B88153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings nerds and virgins! America’s champ reporting in from the Georgia World Congress Center. Are any of you actually *at* the con?

>> No.10766582

I may or may not be walking around the venue for the next four days, yeah

>> No.10766634

So there's a black women's empowerment thing or whatever going on. They don't have to wear a mask.

>> No.10766643

I was assuming the mask thing is the convention's policy and not the center's policy. Georgia has not had mask mandates for a good bit of time now.

>> No.10766673

Anyone here wanna meet up? I'm drunk as fug

>> No.10766674

I bought a 4-day pass but idk if I wana do this whole thing alone after the first day. Anyone wana hang? Add me on discord babinx#4997

>> No.10766676

It might be case sensitive not able to add you? Tho I might a drunk retatd

>> No.10766677

Anyone want to hang out with a femboy?

>> No.10766678

Lmao just post a place and we'll meet to I don't care. I'm just find with cgl peeps in general as my lame friends left me early

>> No.10766679

Yeah sorry capital B

>> No.10766687

I’m gonna be at the Genshin thing at 1am tonight probably drunk in a pink Lain shirt.

>> No.10766700

Goddamn, is everybody this bored? I haven't been out at all cause I'm exhausted. Got a group with me but I'm down to hang out with whoever.

>> No.10766716

My group of seven is done for the night. I still wouldn't mind hanging if others are down. In plainclothes now. Or should we wait for tomorrow?

>> No.10766837

This is a pretty low energy crowd we got here, not gonna lie. Also a surprisingly low percentage of cosplayers overall. Assuming you can even get past the range ban to respond, I'm willing to hang out with whoever again. Currently dressed as the only Haruko (FLCL) you're going to find but might switch to Ryuko soon.

>> No.10766869

I'm getting late lunch/early dinner at Max's Coal Oven Pizzeria at 4. Hit me up if any of yours wanna dine with me - will be wearing a blue flamingo shirt and white shorts.

>> No.10766886

We’re already here at Max’s

>> No.10766891

Seated now scrubs. Inside, at booth by door.

>> No.10766909

I just got done running around in Elden Ring. I’m liking this con it’s pretty cozy.

>> No.10766915

Anyone here 21 and older wants to drink and hang out?

>> No.10766922

Yeah we’re probably about to make some margaritas in the red deck. Add Babinx#4997

>> No.10766928

Added you on discord but I'm heading to the deck I'm wearing all causal blue with shades on

>> No.10767186
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Have some cosplay photos while I’m waiting for my legs to heal

>> No.10767187
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>> No.10767188
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>> No.10767189
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>> No.10767190
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Bonus : Ryan Gosling cosplayer

>> No.10767240

Where the fuck do i park today

>> No.10767304

Any gulls still around? Decent turnout but not a lot of stuff to do, especially in terms of panels. So we're looking to get together anyone who wants to hang out and have some drinks. If you spot a Rei (holding a Chikita plush) and Eren, that's us

>> No.10767306

>all these mask cucks

>> No.10767314

Just saw you coming up the stairs bro. Y'all still there?

>> No.10767324

I left the con and went to the Jazz Festival in Piedmont Park.. Its maximum comfy with a better vibe.

>> No.10767326

Saw this message like 20 minutes after the fact and haven't been able to reply because of range ban. We're back again, probably not going to hang around forever in the hotel itself but we ain't going anywhere anytime soon and I'll reply whenever I can connect to Wi-Fi

>> No.10767337

Meetup at Der Biergarten and then sports bar next door after

>> No.10767355

In Meehan’s Public House if anyone’s nearby. Gonna be here for like another 30-40 mins, and buying drinks for anyone with the guts to show up!

>> No.10767365 [DELETED] 

i don’t give a bollocks m8. throw some bussy at me. dewsumthinaboutit

>> No.10767389

Too many trannies

>> No.10767396

Had fun with some cosplayers yesterday, felt nice.

>> No.10767408

Where the hell did Commander O'Neil get the Unalloyed Gold Needle from?

>> No.10767449

I hate that fatty in the exhibit halls screaming at us to put on our mask.

>> No.10767450
File: 345 KB, 599x688, mask crazy eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its always a fucking fat person doing the screaming

>> No.10767482

At this point, I hate the extreme complacency more than the enforcement, which is weak anyway. You can only see geriatrics in public with no mask so many times before you realize how weak-minded the weebs are compared to the average population. Last night I walked right past a security guard telling me to stop cause I couldn't be fucked and nothing happened. Even MORE reason to believe these are empty threats and they're powerless. Oh and I wandered vendor hall mask free, no one has bothered me even though only like 5% are resisting

>> No.10767548

Last day! At the con now. Anyone wanna get lunch?

>> No.10767550

Assuming it's not too late, sure. I saw this right when it was sent but as usual, no way to respond until now

>> No.10767551
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What the fuck, was there an O'neil there on Sunday? I had to drive back to Ohio.

Mask Janny kept screaming at my buddy to put on her mask when she was clearly in the upper areas of the Convention center, where that's free ground. Gave her the finger and showed her the face diaper she had.

I had fun hanging out with some vocaloid boomers and picking up some much needed references for Kamen Rider Zero One. I'll probably be back next year, this con scratched all the itches I wanted.

>> No.10767552

Nice! I’m in the food court, by the escalators heading down into the con. Gonna wait here til 3 for you and anyone who wants to meet up. Wearing flower print collared shirt.

>> No.10767555

Corner table between the bar and the food ordering counter.

>> No.10767560

Gonna hang out for a few more minutes in food court. Y’all have another chance to meet two (2) strangers from the internet! Don’t miss out

>> No.10767566


>> No.10767567


>> No.10767737

Any night people peeps here I'm bored

>> No.10767774

Same. I'm probably not leaving till tomorrow afternoon. Once again, I saw this message when it was sent and it had no way to let anyone know till now. If it's not too late, I'm down

>> No.10767781

was a pretty fun con but i didnt do much. anyone got stories out of it?

>> No.10767782

I'm still down but i wont get there till like 12 is it even worth it anon

>> No.10767785 [DELETED] 

We convinced a sheltered kid here for his first con to scale a light post in the courtyard and do pullups when he reached the top. Dressed as Spider-Man to boot.
There's literally fuck all right now for me cause the only option is sleeping in a car which I am NOT looking forward. I say go for it desu

>> No.10767786

the courtyard was absolutely full of people even past 2 am. people just give up sleep at these things

>> No.10767788

Well that was quick. Didn't even get to correct myself before deleting by saying that my only other option was sleeping. Cuz I'm not sleepy at all

>> No.10767794

Do you wanna hang out anon

>> No.10767798

It's what I've been doing all weekend. So I say to keep going as long as the offers are rolling in

>> No.10767802

dope ill be down there in the next hour what's a good burner email so we can exchange contacts so in case you don't get 5g service where you at

>> No.10767804

I'm in the Omni hotel and using the guest Wi-Fi so not too worried about losing signal. And I don't honestly have a burner email anyway.

>> No.10767807

how late you gonna be up for and is this byob ill throw down for some bottles

>> No.10767808

As long as anyone's interested honestly and I have an excuse to not sleep. And we don't have liquor anymore (there's another with me) but an alternative...if you will.

>> No.10767809

say less my g, my uber is on the way lets fuckin party

>> No.10767810

>its me
>eta 36 minutes

>> No.10767823

I'm almost here where do you wanna meet

>> No.10767826

Best area would probably be near the bridge that crosses between the Omni and CNN (indoors)

>> No.10767835

Whatcha look like i think I'm on the way there. I'm wearing all black wirh a shirt hoodie

>> No.10767873

Thats funny, I clearly remember you putting your mask back on and apologizing after you were told if you were caught one more time, you would be asked to leave and placed on trespassing.

>> No.10767883
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Cool story bro, sounds faker than your gender.

>> No.10767897
File: 2.79 MB, 2040x2719, 964eeb3a-4b05-40f6-9d75-fb2d86346a2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping a few I liked.

>> No.10767898
File: 1.73 MB, 1582x2109, b16ee8bf-d251-40cb-ad5d-dc5e6510f4f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10767899
File: 3.15 MB, 2268x3024, 92608d79-7275-4c13-89f9-088e9256ba9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10767954

I met one of the volunteers at the south tower in the Omni hotel. She was cute. I can imagine her glossy lips around my dick.

>> No.10767989

I walked past a person with a COCKS hat and wondered if they were /cgl/

>> No.10768012

So was there actually a rave after all or only the one across town

>> No.10768028


.... Uhhh, that doesn't quite sound right. My glasses were fogging up so I pulled down my mask once I got passed the escalator. The only ones who made a big deal about me not wearing a muzzle was either the mask tranny or up stairs security. Hell, I had a Ranni the Witch cosplayer flat out tell me that security won't fucking bust me if I have my helmet on and she was right, they didn't give a shit.

You will never be a woman btw.

Great con, driving back down next year.

Trans Rights Miku was fucking cringe dude.

>> No.10768076

Can't be as fake as you giving the finger to a staffer trying to act like your dick is big. Anyone with that much ego would have had security sitting on your ass and George floyding you.

>> No.10768077

You fucking just said upstairs didn't apply but here you are whining about it. Get your fucking story straight yo and stop samefagging

>> No.10768130
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That's some top tier copium to be so persuaded on samefagging you double post within two minutes.
Maybe next year you'll lose enough weight to get out of your chair to pull off your George Floyd fantasy. 45% chance says you won't be around otherwise.

>> No.10768137

I love how you brave renegades think you’re doing something by shedding your “muzzles” other than demonstrating to everyone around you that you either 1) are really fucking stupid and understand little about…anything really or 2) have no empathy. “Avoid me, I’m a mouth-breathing douche!” Everyone who matters thinks less of you, who likely does not matter at all.

>> No.10768139

Also who tf plans meetups on cgl? Y’all know it’s 2022 right? Seriously, y’all must be the silliest, cringelord fucks to make anonymous plans through moot’s 2000s goof site. And you’ll still get ghosted anyway, lol. I bet most of you don’t even cosplay

>> No.10768156

Where have you been captain autismo? No one besides power hungry fat gopher losers with no locus of control and retards like yourself gives a flying fuck about masks. If these shitty cons weren't making them a “requirement” 99% of the people wearing them would rip them off simultaneously. It’s like CC east 2021 where .00001% of people wore a mask, and everyone who didn’t pointed and laughed at what tools they are.

Also, no cosplayer worth a damn likes wearing masks. They’re hot, smudge makeup, look like shit and barring it being an N95 mask don’t do shit. People like you have lost the plot. Please stick to virtual cons.

>> No.10768163
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read it and weep. also learn how to type your shit in one post instead of mass sperg posting.

>> No.10768165

We’ve “lost”, yet you incels and fujos keep giving all your money to these “shitty cons” and coming anyway, pretending that you stood up to “the man” and making up stories that never happened on /cgl/

Did you really just post a Reddit screenshot to make your (someone else’s) point on 4chan?

>> No.10768187

I just find it interesting I can go through a few different airports completely maskless, go to a city that has posted everywhere that you assume the risk of Covid-19 if you enter their establishment and then go to this con where the volunteers are screeching themselves into voice loss about mask wear, yet half the attendees wear it chin diaper style a la South Park or mouth only style.

>...keep giving all your money to these “shitty cons” and coming anyway

I found it kinda funny as a first time attendee west coaster that those of you in what we consider a deep south redneck flyover state are so angry about people not wearing masks.
I did have fun meeting my friends here so it was worth spending the money. Don't really see it as a won or lost thing, and I don't think most people see the mask mandate as some sort of victory either - you can definitely tell just by the fact that no one was wearing them in the outside areas even though there were gatherings like the Genshin one where people were packed together or the nightly "raves" in the courtyard.
I get the staff want to take some precaution but at this rate sane people understand there is an assumed risk to going outside and have to measure their own discretions accordingly, just as how the city of Atlanta has stated with the dining signs. An anime convention's job is ultimately to run a convention focused on anime, they can't and shouldn't be expected to protect people from every perceived health risk, con creep, etc.

>making up stories that never happened on /cgl/
Welcome to every other post on 4chan.

>> No.10768196

Being fat only affects you, not others. Not wearing a mask and giving people the panini does. Jesus, please choose better logic next time.

>> No.10768199

Wow, that's some straight up entitled and privilege thinking.

>> No.10768292

it was nice meeting you two late at night thanks for chillin. we coulda done an all nighter but your buddy was passing out
you got my insta, hit me up when you're back in town i got a bottle of nice tequila to share

>> No.10768316

arbs fucked your hole loose, didn't he?

>> No.10768318

>>sane people

Shame that the majority of people that go to anime cons are not sane. You seen the backlash Fanime got for changing their mandates.

>> No.10768319

also shut your mouth about flyover state, califag. Your filth came here and you are also invading the state to the point the cops are yanking California plates off cars because you fuckers won't change them after moving here.

>> No.10768336

actually funny

>> No.10768338

stop being a faggot and be normal jesus christ both of you are trying so hard on an anonymous forum shut the fuck up you fucking retards BE NORMAL HAVE SOME SELF AWARENESS

>> No.10768597
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