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File: 11 KB, 320x180, 744B4ABB-3FBC-4857-AABD-5AD667E2CE19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10751251 No.10751251 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>10744413

>Lemonade Float among other bland releases didn’t sell out
>Newbies try to rewrite the history of the secondhand sweet market before the boom
>What will summer AP releases be like?

>> No.10751253

Why did you start this like a lolcow thread?

>> No.10751259

nta but I think it's funny

>> No.10751277

>What will summer AP releases be like?
Absolute shit?

>> No.10751880
File: 283 KB, 600x720, 12_1649819955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolly Sailor this week: OP in white, sax, black

>> No.10751881
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JSK also in white, sax, black

>> No.10751882
File: 24 KB, 500x600, whnv_1649814323-500x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor blouse in white x navy, white x black, black

>> No.10751883
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Matching beret in sax, white, black

>> No.10751884
File: 43 KB, 500x600, 13_1649897225-500x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar cotton OP also released this week, in white, pink, black

>> No.10751885
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Matching headbow in white, pink, black

>> No.10751886
File: 24 KB, 500x600, pk_1649812170-500x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logo embroidery frill headbow also, available in pink, sax, yellow, red, black. This headbow looks kind of off to me, even though I want to like it?

>> No.10751887

I wish I gave a fuck about the spring releases.

>> No.10751893

A bit too ye olde sailor for me
I guess this is cute for casual lolita idk I guess I don't care about AP's new releases anymore

>> No.10751907

It's cute, but really leaning into not lolita, isn't it? It's like, leaning into the inspirations for lolita but in a sweeter style and color palette. I like it, but also it's not why I would shop at AP. Sigh.

>> No.10751923

looks like a taobao headbow

>> No.10751933

I love this and it looks so cute and comfy for daily wear. Even if it’s not classic AP I would be way happier with them moving this direction rather than poly printed dresses.

>> No.10751936

it looks like a cheap nightgown. you have awful taste.

>> No.10751939

Wow, all of this is so bad. Actual costume tier.

So how many years are we giving AP until it completely burns itself down? I know they'll keep making money regardless because people have no taste. But it feels like posting releases and talking about them here is more and more pointless.

>> No.10751962

Might pick this up, finding a good solid color headbow is fucking hard

>> No.10752021
File: 214 KB, 600x720, 03_1649812152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not usually an ap fan but i actually like this, the details are pretty cute, might pick it up for casual summer wear

>> No.10752025

I might actually get this, the ribbons are all kind of weird though

>> No.10752052

Oh man, cotton sateen is my shit. Might pick this up just for that.

>> No.10752121

I HATED how the fabric looked it the catalog photo but it doesn't look too bad here

>> No.10752165
File: 277 KB, 1000x1415, APSS22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early summer preview in Spoon this weekend- nautical cat print!

>> No.10752168
File: 64 KB, 361x409, Blessedfish .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish this wasn't so heavily sailor themed. I don't like the cut or polyester, but I want this little fish on a ring.

>> No.10752169 [DELETED] 

Oh look, another taobao-tier print from AP made from shit fabric in a shit cut. Getting real sick of these spring/summer dresses being unbreathable poly. The hat hanging off the cat's heads make them look deformed too. Honestly this had potential but I'm more excited to see how Frilly Fix can salvage this. Wish AP would hire a competent designer again.

>> No.10752170

I'm just annoyed that it's going to be too big on me. the model is swimming in it. this ugly baggy shit is so awful.

>> No.10752171

I have to agree with you nonny. That lace looks like the most garbage shit. Imagine all the fatty chans sweating their massive tits off in this poly fabric during summer. If they can fit into the dress without mutilating it kek

>> No.10752172

Sailor stuff is only good in at least a heavy woven rayon but preferably cotton ugh

>> No.10752176

Why do the cats look like aliens. And why does AP insist on making tacky sailor shit, just leave it to Meta.

>> No.10752178 [DELETED] 

even the model is done with this dress, but at least it isn't Risa

>> No.10752185

I fucking hate this dumb fucking dress and the ugly cats and everything about it fucking sucks it is a dress for fat ugly faggots if you like this dress your moms a hoe

>> No.10752187

I'm so proud we all hate this. Thank you, anons.

>> No.10752189

why does the model look dead

>> No.10752193

where are you seeing a release this weekend? I'm seeing 4/18 everywhere

>> No.10752194

damn. you right though.

>> No.10752197

This is meta gone wrong. Can they leave the tent sized sailor cut alone thank you

>> No.10752207

I wish they’d go back to cute prints drawn by Maki

>> No.10752210

my bad, I thought the 18th was Sunday and not Monday, meaning that we’d probably see leaks on Saturday. Earliest we’d get them now is Sunday.

>> No.10752244

Same, I really like the black OP but I don’t understand what’s going on with the side ribbons. A single side-view photo would’ve been nice

The necklace!

>> No.10752246
File: 179 KB, 600x720, 282BA8DF-7B94-48E9-9DBC-E0FE4428504A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm, just spotted this photo but my lack of understanding remains

>> No.10752253

god even on the model the way this waistline sits is just plain sad. It makes her look stuffed into the dress when shes clearly a healthy weight. I can't see this looking good on anyone.

>> No.10752259

ill probably end up removing them

>> No.10752288
File: 18 KB, 333x250, 413c3326-bb1c-5028-bbcc-9efe1a149180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbf, Vanilla-chan looked the same. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it is Vanilla-chan.

>> No.10752291

vanilla chan doesn't look the same at all. those other cats have huge ugly ears, they read furry to me.

>> No.10752298

shit tier taobao knock off. ap is nothing short of crap these days. the last 2 cat prints have been god awful. this and cat lady room or whatever its called. i hate this clolita garbage. we are witnessing the demise of ap in real time. goodbye adorably cute sweet prints and pastel colors. i reject this shit with my entire being. fuck you ap. and fuck the shit-taste fags who are supporting this filth. kys if you buy this trash. you are the reason ap is shit.

>> No.10752304 [DELETED] 

Never insult Vanilla-chan like this again you fucking faggot.

>> No.10752307

Cheap ugly plastic. It doesn't even look like a cat.

>> No.10752309

Are you blind

>> No.10752318

kek. way to out yourself as a larper

>> No.10752320

I can't imagine wanting to buy this stuff over Meta's sailor release, Meta knows enough to make their sailor dresses in cotton

>> No.10752391

Vanilla Chan is one of the cutest cats AP ever put on a print you god damn shit eating newfag.

>> No.10752392

It looks like a shit artist poorly copied Vanilla Chan, sure. The crabs and fish on the print are really telling, looks like a kindergartener drew them. You'd think with their current profit margins they'd be able to afford an actual artist.

>> No.10752416

fuck yea.

>> No.10752425

I feel this in my bones. Nu-AP is such a fucking scam, I can't. Watching it become the Shien of lolita makes me want to claw my eyes out.

>> No.10752452

We’ve been witnessing it for years. We’re in the peak of their decline. I hope none of their recent shit tier garbage sells to teach them a lesson.

>> No.10752501

I don’t really mind the cats, I actually think they’re a little cute. But the cut and lack of details… the overall taobao feeling… wtf is ap doing?

>> No.10752506 [DELETED] 

You say that but the ring and necklace feature the deformed cat. They're going to be awful.

>> No.10752860

Placing my bet now that Candy Fairy won't be ready this month even though AP's most recent update said late April.
Also betting Nakayoshi Bunny won't be ready til July or August.
I admit all of this just feels especially drawn out because the MTOs were announced in 2020, way before reservations were actually held. Feels double-ly as long.
All I can guess is lockdowns in China might have messed with the production?

>> No.10753045

afaik ap mtos aren't usually made in china, they're made in myanmar and philippines sweatshops

>> No.10753052

no leaks from spoon yet?

>> No.10753060

It’s like 9 am in Japan, give it a few hours

>> No.10753096

Literally came here to ask the same question, spoon images when.

>> No.10753099

weibo seems to be freaking out over spoon. can anyone translate?


>> No.10753102
File: 214 KB, 1080x1440, lemon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scans are out, i don't see anything new?

>> No.10753103
File: 206 KB, 1080x1440, spoon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP's features in Spoon have always been really boring but this is one of the worst I've seen in ages. Why the hype? >>10753099

>> No.10753105
File: 257 KB, 1080x1440, spoon3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is some more colorful stuff from spoon

>> No.10753108
File: 235 KB, 1080x1440, spoon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had read on another users weibo post that this model is born in 2005? I hate that. Lolita is a style for older women, and seeing AP use an extremely young model for the cute fun looks bums me out.

>> No.10753109
File: 336 KB, 1080x1440, spoon5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bakery print, which i feel like was announced a million years ago

>> No.10753111

all the hype is probably Princess in Love

>> No.10753112

Princess in Love being re-released

idk, happy to see a model actually smiling for once

>> No.10753113
File: 226 KB, 1080x1440, spoon6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a few cute solids i guess

>> No.10753115
File: 225 KB, 1080x1440, wtfap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the really young model, the really boring/plain background and blouselessness is giving creepy gravure modeling vibes

>> No.10753117
File: 246 KB, 1080x1440, spoon7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the end

>> No.10753118

Where is confirmation on it being rereleased?

>> No.10753120
File: 281 KB, 1439x1080, apsoon9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is princess in love? that early OTT dress from 2010 with all the bows?

>> No.10753122

Soap Bubbles, Candy Pop, Bunny Pocket re release, or just a showcase?

>> No.10753123
File: 15 KB, 250x333, princessinlove1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10753125

They are rereleasing 2014 versionZ

>> No.10753127
File: 60 KB, 500x600, princessinlove2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oop @ me, i had no idea there was a 2014 version. that era of AP is my least favorite.

>> No.10753129

Candy Pop is getting a rerelease (with pink x lav as a new colorway), we've already seen photos of Risa wearing it, but where are you seeing info about Bunny Pocket and Soap Bubbles?

>> No.10753130

The caption in Spoon says there’s going to be an MTO.

>> No.10753131
File: 216 KB, 828x1096, D208621F-8992-4CE9-99C3-F14636E282B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10753133

i cant see why they would put it in there, mixed in with their 2022 SS collection, if its not being rereleased

>> No.10753135
File: 283 KB, 828x1080, C09D5C8F-AAD1-440C-AAB9-A7B5C6AD1509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10753136

They have new prices listed, slightly higher compared to the original releases. If these were just a showcase, the captions would say something like 参考商品.

>> No.10753137
File: 305 KB, 828x1093, 871FA7FB-60CB-47E8-B0A6-194FDACC68AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10753138

to compare, the according to lolibrary the original price of the soap bubbles OP (2009) was 29,190 yen and the original price of the bunny pocket OP (2008) was 26,040

>> No.10753140
File: 103 KB, 844x1440, candypoplav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so we can add black x pink to the list of colorways for candy pop rerelease. we are already getting lavender, which is a new color

original colors include

>> No.10753141

Well shiver me fuckin timbers

>> No.10753142

Please, please let these be MTOs. I'm so fucked if not. I'm shaking.

Thank fucking god. I'm ready to fork over my $600.

>> No.10753143

There’s no explicit mention of an MTO for Soap Bubbles or Bunny Pocket in Spoon, unlike Princess in Love.

>> No.10753144

Just the OP? No JSK photo? Ironically, even tho I prefer Nakayoshi Bunny in the OP, Bunny Pocket is better in the JSK.

>> No.10753146

list of series featured:

Sailor Marine Kitten
Dolly Sailor
Princess In Love
Lemonade Float
Petit Rose Garden
Sugar Cotton
Soap Bubbles
Cream Soda Mermaid
Gingham Sherbet
Strawberry Bread Bakery
Candy Striped Ribbon
Retro Cafe
Topping Heart
Candy Pop
Bunny Pocket

>> No.10753147

which one is retro cafe? i love diner themed prints

>> No.10753148

Yeah, that makes me scared. AP is pretty stupid if they recognize these dresses as being worthy of a rerelease, but resign it all to just another bloodbath over limited stock.

I really hope the JSK for Bunny Pocket and Soap Bubbles is made available. I don't like the trend of AP leaving out entire cuts/colors from rereleases. It feels a bit half-assed, if so.

>> No.10753149

Imagine being this bitter and haggard unironically, seek therapy nonny

>> No.10753150

bitter and haggard that I don't think kids should be modeling a fashion targeted at 20+ year old women?

>> No.10753151

it's been previewed in Larme & Spring Lookbook already, may also be called Retro Diner. confirmed colorways are sax, red, pink so far


>> No.10753152

oh...thats hideous. doesn't look like a diner themed series at all.

>> No.10753153

yeah, I'm a bit disappointed too. reminds me of Belladonna's Ice Cream Shop

>> No.10753157

I kind of like this. How trash am I?

>> No.10753173

its a perfectly cute solid JSK

>> No.10753188

>I guess
Tell me you’re a newfag without telling me you’re a newfag. The solids getting re-released in Spoon are amazing and I haven’t been this excited for AP releases in years. Just say you’re a covidlita who only likes sweet prints and go.

>> No.10753189

God they better re-release the OP and not mess up the pink colorway.

>> No.10753190

you are taking the use of "i guess" far too seriously anon. i think (some of) the solids are cute. i'm not a covidlita and you need to calm down.

>> No.10753191

You need to calm down if you’re defending yourself point by point lmao.

>> No.10753194

It really is, but at least she's smiling

>> No.10753196

I don't mind young models as long as younguns realize that everyone ages eventually. There are young kids in the local comm and one or two have decent coords. I like to see alt fashion remaining vibrant and cool. I got into it during college and felt "old" which is really silly looking back

>> No.10753209

The other model AP has been using lately, Myla, is also born in 2005. And there was another model used in spoon last year, Tia, who is born in 2006 (she was not yet 15 at the time of the shooting).

>> No.10753210

Kokoa, this girl, is born 2007. Myla is born 2005.

>> No.10753226 [DELETED] 

I wish I could snap my fingers and make AP re-release every dress in its catalog, just so hypebeast lolitas would stop using AP in thier clout wars.
I'm already seeing chinese lolitas getting frantic about Soap Bubbles and I'm so over it all being a prop to flex on each other.
Please let the MTOs rain down.

>> No.10753227

I wish I could snap my fingers and make AP re-release every dress in its catalog, just so hypebeast lolitas would stop using AP in their clout wars.
I'm already seeing chinese lolitas getting frantic about Soap Bubbles and I'm so over it all being a prop to flex on each other.
Please let the MTOs rain down.

>> No.10753228

are they upset or happy about soap bubbles? pls translate

>> No.10753269

Why would they be mad about it?

Use Google translate.

>> No.10753275

they literally look like bodyline but go off

>> No.10753337

reminder that bodyline created real replicas of AP

>> No.10753364

Newfriends continue to be embarrassing >>10753275

>> No.10753365

Yep, didn't they used to have a very similar or straight up replica of Bunny Pocket at one point?

>> No.10753383

Those aren't the same. >>10753364 is right. we need you shits to lurk or google, first before talking about things you have no clue about

>> No.10753431

>Lolita is a style for older women
where? in china, which ap's main demographic right now, it's very much a zoomer girl fashion

>> No.10753455

most zoomers are 21+. extremely young lolitas under the age of 18 is rare, they've always been rare.

>> No.10753478


>> No.10753483

Not really, there have always been lolitas who started out as teenagers and there's still teens in this day and age who are trying to start out. So while it's not exactly the norm, it's not very rare either. If anything it's easier than ever before to get started on a limited allowance/first job budget.

>> No.10753522

>not knowing old AP dresses
Way to out yourself as a newfag.

>> No.10753553

early-mid 20s is not "older women" though... anon sounds like she's 30+ and salty

this. late teens-mid 20s has always been the most common age for lolitas, with many abandoning it as they get married or have kids later in life. just how it is esp in asian cultures

>> No.10753560

>extremely young lolitas under the age of 18 is rare
This is completely false and always has been. But they are more lolita at hearts, than they are actual lolitas. If you look at some of the newbie discords out there, they are flooded with teenagers.

>> No.10753577

>the really young model
she's probably 29 desu but I hear what yer sayin anon

>> No.10753591

she's 15

>> No.10753692

14, will be 15 in June.

>> No.10753714

>lolitas at heart
so, not lolita

>> No.10753744

this would be perfect if it weren't for the shitty lace. ap bring back thick nice lace pls

>> No.10753746

I'm sad the ruffles look too flat compared to the original version.

>> No.10753752

it's complicated. some of these kids get one piece and they show up to meets. but yes historically, we've had a lot. so to disregard the fact you're either 1) new or 2) never have gone to a meet, in the first place or interacted with the community outside of our anonymous kids on this board. which at this point, there are a lot.

>> No.10753754

but regardless, they are not the ones dumping money historically - but to say we don't have lolitas under 18 is 180% false. There's a reason why we're continually pushing for making these spaces safe for kids, because we have a SHIT ton of kids that we attract to the fashion.

>> No.10753844

Fuck, this is so much more hideous

>> No.10753849

>spaces safe for kids
Nta, but I personally don't care about making lolita safe for kids. I just want it to be safe for women. I don't actually want 14 and 15 year olds hanging around.

>> No.10753854

this. kids shouldn't be hanging around with adults anyway. why do you think normal activities for kids have age ranges. 15 and 21 year olds have less in common than 21 and 30 year olds

>> No.10753880

doesn't matter what you think, the reality is that you don't get to choose and it's historically been like this forever despite whether or not you want it

>> No.10753881

so, yes, keep including the sexual predators -- just see where you're about to make the community end up. we banned them for a reason, because I'd rather have a kid in our community than a sexual predator (troons/sissies obvi)

>> No.10753898

yes you do get to choose. my comm bans everyone under 19(drinking age) because they're a liability. having minors at meets means the parents can hold you responsible if they get injured or anything. troons should also be banned but woke admins won't allow for that unfortunately.

>> No.10753955

unfortunately, you're going to have to pick one. there's one major proponent sexualizing our fashion as well

if I have to hear about *~*MuH GeNdEr EuPhOrIA*~* from one more man trying to pose as a woman in our community, I'm going to abandon this shit entirely honestly. It's disgusting that we allow people who openly talk about this.

>> No.10754003

Kids have been at meets as long as I can remember. It’s not a new or weird thing.

For fucks sake, can these new covidlitas eat tide pods and off themselves already? They tell on themselves and make up stories about how meets and releases went. I’m fed up.

>> No.10754004

Kids are actually a liability as someone else mentioned. If they get injured, drunk or anything, the adults there are responsible for them. I don't ever remember any meets with kids who were under 18 and I'm 34 and been in lolita since 2009

>> No.10754007

>They tell on themselves and make up stories about how meets and releases went. I’m fed up.
This is exactly how I've been feeling. They keep making up shit that doesn't exist about the past.

Anon, even if you've been a lolita since '09, at least if you were INVOLVED with the community online then you'd know that it's always had children. It's not that fucking hard to figure out. Also, some people live not in bumfuck no where and have children that come to meets.

It's ALWAYS been a thing.

>> No.10754009

okay larper

>> No.10754014

Sweet usually looks like shit on older women (of course there are exceptions) so that’s probably why they choose young models.

>> No.10754015

anon, just because both of us called you out for being full of shit doesn't mean we're the larper in this. you need to lurk fucking more, newfag.

>> No.10754019

We’re trannies/sissies always a thing at meets too? Genuine question

>> No.10754022

The fucking projection, kek. Tell me more about how you’ve never been to an event or meet once in your life.

>> No.10754030

underage faggots

>> No.10754034

Sure Jan. Come back when you’ve bought your first dress sweetie.

>> No.10754039

NTA but most comms have always had an 18+ rule. It's only been in very very very recent years that it hasn't. I have lived in 3 metropolitan cities in different countries and have never seen children.

>> No.10754045

That's just simply not true, once again. I feel like you joined in the last 5 years

>> No.10754046

No. We banned sissies on site. We looked at men more as brolitas. However, people like Linda were ?

>> No.10754047

Which ones? I’ve never seen it and I’m in an area with one large comm and several small ones. 21 and up meets are common if the meet happens to be at a venue with alcohol but never 18 and up.

>> No.10754050

No? Where? That’s ageist and you know the SJWs would howl over an 18+ rule.

>> No.10754052

In 2005, I first got into lolita at 14. At the time a lot of the lolitas were in university, so they were only a few years older than I was. I went to meetups regularly at 16 for sure. It was really rare for someone back then to be above 25. But in no way was it 18+ only. And we were in a major metropolitan area in the US.

>> No.10754054

i'm not any of the anons in the argument or even a lolita but do lolitas not realize that minors are indeed a liability for them to include in meetups and online communities in general? like a real legal one? anything happens to that minor the parents can sue.

>> No.10754070

Sue who exactly?

>> No.10754075

You must enjoy repeating yourself over and over. If you don’t have a comm, try shutting up next time.

>> No.10754081

anyone who is "in charge". if a parent leaves a child with other adults, they're acting as a babysitter which means that if anything happens to the kid, it's the adult's responsibility. same with in online communities, like a discord. if a kid is exposed to inappropriate content or is harassed the person in charge of the group is liable for it happening.

>> No.10754082

no? sorry but it's obvious to other people. again i'm not a lolita, you guys are batshit.

>> No.10754084

Can everyone shut up and talk about AP instead?

>> No.10754103

I’m not hanging out with kids dipshit. Even outside of meets kids still join the same discussion and outfit sharing groups as us and there’s no reason to exclude them when we’re just talking about fashion.

>> No.10754105

So it's okay for minors to be sexually harassed in discords?

>> No.10754112

>I’m not a lolita
We already knew. Now fuck all the way off of this board.

>> No.10754113

i'm a cosplayer you sperg. sorry. go cry to your fellow pathetic tranny fetishist/sjw fashion enthusiasts.

>> No.10754115

Why did you bring up sexual harassment? Minors have been in Discords, Facebook groups and on LJ for over a decade. Joining a discussion doesn’t automatically mean they get SAed wtf?

>> No.10754120

are you retarded? don't you know what's been going on in lolita comms lately?

>> No.10754125

Did you hit your head, costhot? Why are you in the Angelic Pretty thread?

>> No.10754127

not every anon who types like this is the same anon, you retard. go to the farm and

>> No.10754129

wut lmao

>> No.10754134

AP threads have never been about discussing AP, they’re about accusing eachother of being a larper over the most mundane shit. You’re a larper for not knowing this.

>> No.10754136

Next week is the last week of April.
I'm going to lose it if Candy Fairy is delayed another month.

>> No.10754145

Are you fucking okay nonny?

>> No.10754164

Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.10754182

Anon, she's referring to the fact that online comms are full of sissy pedos, one recently accused of showing inappropriate pictures to minors.

>> No.10754197

agree, but I think this is a troon not realizing that their fucking sexual fetish shit should not be in this community and they should go somewhere else.

There's the liability I can see in this situation, guys.

>> No.10754202

Anon, just let it be a pleasant surprise if it actually shows up. If we don't get an update bu the end of next month I'm doing a charge back. The bank account I used is being closed shortly and I don't want to take that risk.

>> No.10754206

God you sound nuts. Children don't belong in communities with adults. Are you a pedo?

>> No.10754220

Um AP will not just take your money and run? Chargebacks are so nasty when you use them in this way.

>> No.10754225

shut up newfag. you're making it more obvious you're also a fucking scrote/troon. you add nothing to this conversation. don't join our community.

>> No.10754229

Yikes, they should have just capped the MTO limit so you crazy, entitled karen newfags don’t do shit like this. AP mtos are usually delayed especially if they have a massive flood of orders. I doubt international supply chain issues are making things any easier either. People like you are probably why AP hasn’t rereleased absolutely everything chinese lolitas are crying for as an MTO yet

>> No.10754233

Anybody know what else chinese lolitas want/is popular in their community? Because then we know what AP might rerelease in the future

>> No.10754241

I wouldn't do a charge back against AP. That would likely result in getting blacklisted and not being able to buy from them again. I know it's frustrating, but we just have to wait.

>mtos are usually delayed
They usually aren't though. What recent MTO was delayed two months like this? Maybe a week or two is normal, but this was supposed to be ready in February.
Candy Fairy probably had less orders than Sugary Carnival, which was on time. A lot of people didn't place an order because there was no jsk and they didn't include the pink colorway. Also don't forget Sugary Carnival's MTO included more items in more colorways (4 items, at least 4 colorways per item), and Candy Fairy's was just the headbow and one cut of the dress (2 items, 3 colorways).
I know covid means everything is unpredictable, but two months is pretty bad.

>> No.10754243

I'm pretty sure you'd get permanently banned from shopping or attending special events for doing that?
I know at least AP USA has that policy if you bought through them.

>> No.10754252

Being this entitled because a manufacturing company is having delays, during a worldwide pandemic/supply shortage? Acting like AP can even do anything, it's out of their hands and it's up to the factory now.
AP has communicated about MTOs and the delays that they are experiencing getting them out. Why the panic? You think they're just taking the money and running or something?

>> No.10754253

well the first anon is clearly just annoyed, chargeback cunt is unreasonable as fuck. i almost think it's a troll.

>> No.10754258

The delay just sucks. I don't think that's entitlement. AP could do better by releasing the news of the delays early, and not wait until the very last moment to tell everyone. That would be the proactive thing to do. But if the factory isn't being transparent about the delays, then it's not AP's fault.
It's also bumping into Nakayoshi Bunny MTO territory pretty soon, so people are going to get worried about that too.
I'm sick of anons saying every little thing is ~entitlement~. Come on. It's the AP thread. This is better than spamming about children vs adults in comms.

>> No.10754259

>What recent MTO was delayed two months like this?
Every MTO since 2019-2020 has been delayed by a few weeks, which is basically a month.

>> No.10754261

This is a reach. A "few" is not 8+ weeks. Two months is an exception, not the norm.

>> No.10754262

The delay sucks sure but threatening a chargeback and freaking out about it? Unnecessary. And like you said, AP may not know until the last minute. It's all in the factory's hands now. And it *is* entitlement to screw AP over by filing a chargeback because you didn't get your pretty pretty princess dress fast enough.
They've never cancelled an entire MTO run before. Just don't get the panic.

>> No.10754263

Point is they've all been substantially delayed recently. I'm just glad it's a guaranteed popular print or piece, instead of a bloodbath. I can wait to pay retail for something that would have taken years and double the money to obtain in mediocre condition secondhand.

>> No.10754266 [DELETED] 

are you gulls sperging about chargeback anon retarded? she said the account is being closed, meaning they can blacklist her all they want, if she uses a different address and account in the future, they won't know it's her. if this were a normie or indie brand you'd be livid with the lack of communication. AP won't take the money and run no, but it's evident they're no longer up to par.

>> No.10754267

>she said the account is being closed, meaning they can blacklist her all they want, if she uses a different address and account in the future, they won't know it's her.

Not any of the anons complaing about blacklist anon before but names on payment method and addresses on debit/credit cards would be easy to cross check. If she isn't changing addresses by moving that's a lot of work over a late MTO. AP is never going to just not deliver on a MTO. They have never done that. So there is no logical reason to file a chargeback unless they're just so broke they want the money back to buy other things/have buyer's remorse.

>> No.10754270

>its okay to fuck AP over because she can just use a different account!
are you listening to yourself or what

>> No.10754273

the fuck is with these newfags in our community.

First we had retards shitting up the LM thread about how they can just make new accounts when they get bad feedback and now we have the newfags talking about SCAMMING brands out of money.

Fuck, what is wrong with these new people??? These are BIG corps you're stealing from, you're stealing from people like us.

Go back to filming yourselves robbing Walmart on TikTok. This shit doesn't fly in our community. We WILL dox you.

>> No.10754306

MTOs are rarely delayed you stupid fuck. Misty Sky had delays because an assload of Chinese girls ordered it. Freshly Picked Strawberries also had a short delay for who tf knows why. The point is that delays are not the norm so shut up next time you feel the need to open your uninformed maw.

>> No.10754307

What a load of shit….. I got my items from that time frame without delays except the ones >>10754306 mentioned

>> No.10754309

who cares, it's still just delayed. zoomers chargeback literally everything. you have no idea the number of complaints that small businesses make for shitty retards doing chargebacks for no reason on things.

>> No.10754311

Quite frankly, I don't want to. My bank told me I have to or else the money will be gone. My account is being forcibly moved to another bank due to contract switching. If the account closes the money is gone. I feel giving them three months to be late with a product is reasonable. It's a weird situation and I didn't expect the bank issue or AP to not give themselves room for production issues when calculating a release date.

>> No.10754313


>> No.10754314

>the money will be gone
Or you can just wait until the MTO ships and stop being an entitled cunt. You're not even entitled to get that money back, you're supposed to wait for the MTO, retard.

>> No.10754329

>why didn't AP calculate the unforseen issues they might have?
why didn't YOU calculate the issues you're having with your bank, hmm?

>> No.10754330

Most of APs models have been 20+. Misako is pushing 40. Risa is APs favorite and shes in her 30s. Back in the day, AP used Chikage who was atleast mid 20s.

>> No.10754331

this. what kind of completely irresponsible cunt is this anon. PLEASE do not hurt our brands with your stupidity. FIGURE it out.

>> No.10754332

how long would you wait for something you have no proof is even being made? Anyone who placed an order is entitled to either have the order fulfilled or a refund.

>> No.10754333

at least fucking notify them that you are being stupid

>> No.10754334

lol what kind of account is this? If a bank gets bought they don't automatically close all the checking accounts or credit cards, they move them to the new bank's platform. Sounds like a poorfag using a sketchy account and your own fault

>> No.10754335

>no proof
are you retarded?

>> No.10754337

probably fraud, based on how they are making it sound.

Imagine thinking we're going to help you screw our Brand over, anon

>> No.10754338

The money is already gone - you already paid for the item. AP already got the money when you bought the MTO. Do you think when the bank closes all transactions they ever made disappear in thin air???
>no proof is even being made
Is their 25+ years of being in business with dozens of MTO orders taken and fulfilled with a 100% success rate not enough proof for you? holy shit

>> No.10754345

Not supporting the idea of a bank charge back, but I kinda get what the anon is saying.
It's really odd that AP announced these MTOs in 2020, and they're having these issues now. They had at least 7 months from the time of announcing Candy Fairy (12/2020) til the reservations opened (7/2021). I would think AP could handle an MTO that had so much time to be figured out, and it didn't even reach the cap production.
And then there's the fact that AP continues to pump out release after release. Where are the supply chain issues there? Why wouldn't we see releases getting skipped or delayed? Did AP just choose a shit factory to make this MTO?

Being entitled means you think you deserve special treatment, or you expect something that wasn't earned. So while chargeback anon is being stupid, it's not entitlement. They paid for a good/service from a multimillion dollar company. I would expect most people ordering from the MTO to be peeved that we have very sparse updates.

Again, I'm not really trying to defend the anon, but you guys are seriously getting triggered by this. AP should actually expect some amount of deadbeats filing chargebacks if they have this bad of a delay.

>> No.10754347

>Why wouldn't we see releases getting skipped or delayed? Did AP just choose a shit factory to make this MTO?

We did, infact, see a release get skipped. No, AP is not at fault for these things. Also keep in mind they have to have QA pass for all of these dresses. MTOs are a larger quantity than what they also usually handle.

>> No.10754348

>Sounds like a poorfag using a sketchy account and your own fault
>probably fraud, based on how they are making it sound.
These are the most likely answers, wtf chargeback anon?

>> No.10754353

Yeah, my dumb/loose conspiracy theory is actually that Candy Fairy was already completed, but the QC was so bad, the factory had to go back and remake dresses.
I say that as someone who as received damaged items directly from AP. Makes me a little paranoid.

>> No.10754373

Have you been paying attention to what's going on in the world at all?

>> No.10754381

What got skipped? The strawberry OTT dress from a couple years back or do you mean a MTO?

>> No.10754391

>They paid for a good/service from a multimillion dollar company

>> No.10754397

Girly apples was supposed to come out earlier than it did.

>> No.10754398

>Why wouldn't we see releases getting skipped or delayed?
Have you not noticed that's been exactly what's been going on with some releases? Why a series' jewelry and accessories sometimes don't come out with a dress until later, why things from past fashion shows still have never shown up for sale (JCT bag, where are you...), how drops are generally much smaller than they used to be in the past?
>They paid for a good/service from a multimillion dollar company
You have no idea the actual size of AP as a company do you? They're still very much a small business.
>AP should actually expect some amount of deadbeats filing chargebacks if they have this bad of a delay.
You're acting like it's been years; the original MTO arrival date was an estimate and due to all of the shit happening in the world it's understandably delayed everything

>> No.10754404 [DELETED] 

AP is not a "small business."

>> No.10754411 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 935x584, whatisthis mémé café .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10754412 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10754414
File: 62 KB, 934x584, whatisthis mémé café.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10754418
File: 221 KB, 700x990, 9B1C1514-47E8-4C21-A1B6-8C028DF86196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very interesting.. where was the censored version posted?

>> No.10754419

>very interesting
no it isn't, it's literally just a screenshot from the old French Cafe announcement page

>> No.10754422

What’s the point of posting some janky screengrab?

>> No.10754431

why did you censor this and pretend?

>> No.10754461

Anon, these gen Z think anyone they are stealing from is 'multi-millionaires' even though this fashion is fucking grass roots...

just another example of newfags not lurking more before they get into this fashion. THIS ONE ACTUALLY REQUIRES STUDYING, YOU SHITS!

>> No.10754464 [DELETED] 

yes, that's exactly what I said. AP won't ban somebody because only a name matches, they have thousands of customers, someone's name is bound to match not to mention new customers.

nice strawman

top kek, you're so butthurt over this. people can and do just make a new LM account if they don't have enough good feedback to offset the bad, you're clearly the newfag if you don't think that's happening. i never said chargeback anon was morally correct, just pointing out that so many of you REEEEEing over her getting banned when that won't be the case if she's using a different address.

>> No.10754467

ok scammer asshole. the REE'ing is 150% in the right and if you think any of what you said is good backing then you must be some fucker that got banned from egl comm sales a long time ago.

you're a fuck face btw. condoning this behavior just really outs you as some scamming cunt

>> No.10754471

>if she's using a different address.

she didn't say she'd use a different address though just bank iirc. unless she's also moving, but that's costly and a lot of effort to escape an AP ban over a chargeback you shouldn't even be filing. Unless she's in uni and moves between semesters/years which just proves it's a broke ass kid who can't stand waiting for a MTO like a normal person and wants the money back to buy something else for more instant gratification.

>> No.10754476

If you think AP isn’t a multimillion dollar company, you’re an idiot that knows nothing about business. They couldn’t produce the volume of clothes they do, pay staff, pay rent across multiple stores without serious cash flow.

>> No.10754478

>They couldn’t produce the volume of clothes they do, pay staff, pay rent across multiple stores without serious cash flow.
Anon, you were so close of knowing what overhead is.
A multi-million dollar company means it has millions in profit, not just moving around within the company. If the overhead make it so it only has about a couple hundred grand in profit, the it's not a multimillion dollar company.
AP may possibly cost millions to run and keep afloat, but it certainly isn't cracking out millions in profit.

>> No.10754503 [DELETED] 

so am I a newfag or did I get banned from eglcommsales? the absolute state of sweetfags

some of us move around a lot for work so a new address isn't difficult to obtain, she could also have it sent to family or friends. I don't condone her behavior but it doesnt sound like shes doing it to be vicious, she's just a dumb dumb who doesn't realize AP has already charged her and doesn't need her to have an active account to mail her shit. just let her not get her dress, who cares? you work for AP or something? AP has gone downhill so fast maybe if enough ppl did this they'd get their head out of their ass.

>> No.10754506

Nayrt, but AP most definitely makes millions of dollars of revenue in current day. A million is not a lot of money.

>> No.10754520

>so am I a newfag or did I get banned from eglcommsales? the absolute state of sweetfags

i'm not the anon claiming you got banned from eglcommsales. you're a sweetfag too if you're ordering from ap, genius

>> No.10754530

you wanted me to change the insult, but apparently you couldn't take either. so you are likely a newfag scam cunt

>> No.10754531

Ugh I'm dumb. I meant profit, not revenue.

>> No.10754532

>AP has gone downhill so fast maybe if enough ppl did this they'd get their head out of their ass.
btw this is not a reason to be an absolute shit human being to a brand that we still love and do not want to die, fuckface.
>absolute state
now stop pretending you have been around this board, or dressed in AP for more than at most 4 years. you literally can't take any insult that comes at you, so I get the jist you're not 1) oldfag 2) a zoomer and 3) irresponsible with money/scammer

now fuck off and stop being an absolute shit lord and pretending chargeback anon, wasn't you.

>> No.10754595 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, 1647640243039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strawman absolutely everything
>y-you newfag scammer!! you just can't take insults!!

kek if you're mad about your clolita tier trash bag dresses, just say that nu-fags. the real AP died years ago, they can't even get their fucking MTOs right anymore. so yes, the absolute state of sweetfags.

chargeback anon, pls post pics if you end up going through with it.

>> No.10754625

>the absolute state of sweetfags.
Just say you're a newfag and off yourself. It's almost like you never heard of cgl or the fact we were nearly all sweet lolitas.

>absolute state of newfags

>> No.10754671
File: 809 KB, 1200x602, 0977fd1562e4f2599c6e9e01df41d20d_1650609759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the bread bank

>> No.10754672
File: 183 KB, 600x720, tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP really trying to shill us a dollar store hat for like 100 bucks

>> No.10754674

The only kind of cute colourway is the green, but it's store-exclusive. I really hate the tricolour ribbons stuck everywhere, they don't really match and look so jarring to me.

>> No.10754675

My wallet can rest this week. I’ll pass on this Bodyline tier polyester fire hazard.

>> No.10754677
File: 76 KB, 1080x349, Wehateitthanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"light like cotton"
AP's really trying to convince us that polyester is great and I'm never going to buy it.

>> No.10754684

>this week
But you couldn't resist the other Bodyline-tier nightmares? Sure Jan.

>> No.10754686

I don’t know why they didn’t do it in navy. Why black??

>> No.10754689

Just say you’re poor next time, baby girl.

>> No.10754698

>implying most apfags aren't anticipating the rereleases at this point

>> No.10754710

The profit they make on most of their accessories is insane

>> No.10754729

I like the blouse but I just know it’s going to be huge and boxy because the measurements are even bigger than another blouse I tried.

>> No.10754732

AP couldn't just stop at ruining their dresses, they took good blouses away from us too.

I can't stand the nu-AP blouse cuts. I hate how they look on myself and other people. The longer sleeves and the flat collar are so dumpy looking.

>> No.10754740

the whole frumpy trend is awful

>> No.10754748
File: 175 KB, 1162x636, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-sae7zjBuFxbF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hat and gloves sold out on Paris. I fucking can't. I have seen those same netted gloves on Ali for $2.

Who is actually buying this shit? Not even rich people are frivolous enough to waste money like this.

>> No.10754751

>Not even rich people are frivolous enough to waste money like this.
kek this is cheap to most people with real money anon

>> No.10754752

>Tfw seeing new AP releases

*laughs in ebil villainey*
Please keep this up AP, you're doing a wonderful job <3

Don't make any more re release of older prints pls, thx

>> No.10754758

I'm not saying $50 or $100 is expensive. I'm saying you're stupid if you spent that much on the shit-tier gloves and hat.

If people think buying this stuff is a flex, be my guest, I guess.

>> No.10754759

you really think AP is going to design the basic base of a glove?

>> No.10754762

They have before, actually. Your new colors are showing.

>> No.10754763

lmao, i mean NOW with all their other shitty recent clolita designs.

>> No.10754765

I can't believe nu-AP has people this brainwashed. I'm sorry you wasted money on these.

>> No.10754767

i can't believe you think nu ap is going to design a glove

>> No.10754772

I don't wear gloves with lolita or think it's a flex, but rich people waste/spend tons of money on things that aren't worth it all the time. Rich people aren't rich because they pinch pennies and buy aliexpress lolita. The myth that wealthy are that way because they just shop savvy or whatever is a lie. They just have more money period and still spend a lot of it.

>> No.10754775

>The myth that wealthy are that way because they just shop savvy or whatever is a lie.
This. Anon just seems bitter.

>> No.10754777

we call this

I'm sure you haven't seen this word before, but this is you.

>> No.10754783

i call it being a dirty phoneposter who deleted a word by accident, but you keep on throwing a tantrum since you're too poor to afford fugly gloves.

>> No.10754786

>'too poor to afford fugly gloves'
you mean, because I'm too old to waste money on a drop where I already have better gloves from AP?

keep on being new, nonny

>> No.10754789

>being so new you quote greentext
>being so angry they can't afford the worst gloves

>> No.10754795

>rich people waste/spend tons of money on things that aren't worth it all the time
I agree with this, and that's why AP's trash bag dresses still sell too. I just think the hat/gloves are on a different tier of lazy design. At least the dress has an original print. Mainly, it surprised me that the hat/gloves both sold out fairly quickly when they are clearly the worst items. Maybe Paris only had 1 of each. I can only hope.

I'm bitter at modern AP for being absolute garbage. People can buy what they want, but I'm kind of shaken at the amount of people actually defending these gloves.

Are you really insulting someone over having enough taste to not buy something shitty...?

You're simping for AP so hard that you immediately jump to "Oh they must be poor. Yeah, that's it."

>> No.10754805
File: 25 KB, 500x600, 4a51e565-3801-59d1-8164-42ba50070b90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but no one is defending them, you're just getting mad that everyone isn't as upset as you. AP also has used extremely generic rose lace for most of their gloves since 2007 or sooner, check lolibrary. pic related is from 2015 and this rose lace is the same shit you can get anywhere.

>> No.10754807
File: 14 KB, 333x250, 1f3256f6-ef96-5a67-8a8e-588e9acdef94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2010 release. Same generic rose lace. Most of their other gloves are just wool with pearls sewn onto them, newfag.

>> No.10754809

fucking this. i would love to see what specialty design glove base anon claims she owns. 99% of AP gloves are this rose lace.

>> No.10754811

Both of these are still leagues better than the netted glove, and they at least attempt to be unique.

>> No.10754816

And? This is still backpedalling, even though you think you're right. Sit the fuck down and stop calling people newfags when you don't even know that most of APs gloves look exactly the same like >>10754807 with a different bow on them.

>> No.10754819

anon, both of these have slightly different lace... do you even have eyes

>> No.10754820

nta but they don't? one of them just has pearls sewn onto it. and that still wouldn't change the fact that AP's gloves have always been generic, commercially available bases with their lace and bows added on. it's not even a big deal, but the new gloves are exactly the same shit, anon clearly just hates the style and doesn't know shit.

>> No.10754825 [DELETED] 

I'm not that anon. I'm >>10754748

I know AP's gloves use fabric and bases that aren't completely ~unique~. My argument was about his shitty and not worth a second glance they are, not that AP doesn't take glove designs from elsewhere.
At least earlier designs made an attempt at still having an AP-like flair. AP really just used the cheapest shit for this iteration AND they sold out quickly. I know this isn't new, but every time it happens, it's fucking stupid.
If you guys can't see how much worse the netted gloves are versus something like >>10754807, then I really can't help you.

>> No.10754827

I'm not that anon. I'm >>10754748

I know AP's gloves use fabric and bases that aren't completely ~unique~. My argument was about how shitty and not worth a second glance they are, not that AP doesn't take glove designs from elsewhere.
At least earlier designs made an attempt at still having an AP-like flair. AP really just used the cheapest shit for this iteration AND they sold out quickly. I know this isn't new, but every time it happens, it's fucking stupid.
If you guys can't see how much worse the netted gloves are versus something like >>10754807, then I really can't help you.

>> No.10754830

for the last time no one was saying they're not worse, the OP was making claims that they never did that before, which is blatantly untrue. the old gloves were just made of what was popular at the time. and nu AP gloves are shit, but the materials are in line with what's popular now(like those shitty mesh tights with the bows everyone wears). OP is just an idiot trying to rewrite history.

>> No.10754913

Liking netted or rose lace gloves depends on your preference. You’re irrationally angry and new. Look up what gloves were sold in the past on Lolibrary before you make more false claims.

>> No.10754947
File: 385 KB, 1080x910, Otksugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, even Japanese lolitas make the OTKs look uncomfortable. I kind of wanted to buy the new Topping Heart socks from AP USA today, but this picture has me thinking otherwise.

>> No.10754949

Strawberry Bread Bakery didn't do too well in Paris and I'm interested to see how it does in Japan.

>> No.10754950

I suggest not getting the Topping Heart OTKs. They barely stretch and the last time they were released they had fit like UTKs.

>> No.10754964

Both the Happy Garland and Topping Heart socks suck. Bought multiple pairs and not only can I barely get them onto my damn foot, I can't stand the material. Waste of money.

>> No.10754983

I think it just did even worse...
Nothing is sold out on the JP site in any colorway except the ankle socks.
Can AP take a hint already?

>> No.10754984

>the point
>your head

>> No.10755000

Try the "princess logo" sock series (standard item they restock every few weeks/months in ankle, underknee and overknee). I'm a 125 lb. / 5'3" american with dairy farmer wife's legs and they fit me fine.

>> No.10755033

Princess logo socks are super stretchy, similar to older thick printed AP OTKs. Even with monster calves I can wear them.

>> No.10755070

125 pounds at 5’3 is a perfectly regular weight so idk why you mentioned it

>> No.10755074

>125 pounds at 5’3
I'm 5'2 and 125 is massive, unless you're a gym nut. Likelihood is you're not.

>> No.10755081

125 isn't massive, it's well within normal range. It's not skinny, but not chubby either

>> No.10755082

It's entirely average, ana-chan

>> No.10755133

Anons, 125 is bordering overweight BMI. lmao. you're on the far end. stop defending being a fat ass; chubby is fat. go touch grass, fatties.

>> No.10755144

I don’t know which possibility is worse, you being a high schooler or you being a grown woman acting like a high schooler. Either way, get over yourself.

>> No.10755147

Maybe you should step on the trend mill. Is this a cope because you're way over 125?

>> No.10755155

Bordering overweight means chubby at the absolute worst though, it's definitely not skinny at 5'3" but it's nowhere near fat. There are weights that exist between obese and underweight.

>> No.10755199

The last wave of Topping Heart OTKs are much less shitty than the others. The 2022 ones actually go over the knee and aren’t as tight.

>> No.10755211
File: 270 KB, 639x679, jackblack_lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, omg you gulls...
I just listed my height and weight to make the point that the product I'm recommending works well for me and probably for anyone a bit bigger or a bit smaller. Because there are a lot of fit issues in this fashion, I just thought a frame of reference would help. That's it. That's all. I was just trying to help.

(y'all need jesus)

>> No.10755212

fat bitch

>> No.10755235

anorexic psycho

>> No.10755238

The absolute state of this board.
I swear the shittier AP gets, the shittier this board gets too.
As if everyone's brains have deteriorated, or the bad releases are just driving us mad with pent up rage.

>> No.10755254
File: 76 KB, 650x432, hinako1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet is ageplay and AP is the worst offender

>> No.10755260 [DELETED] 
File: 799 KB, 804x1161, fatass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a man in drag btw.

>> No.10755272

I hate men

>> No.10755355


>> No.10755499

Dumb question, but has the Sugar cotton OP reservation made it to AP USA yet?

>> No.10755573

Not yet, USA just got TH and Lemonade Float last week so it’s probably next.

>> No.10755689

Well, it's officially the last week of April.
Not feeling lucky for CF.

>> No.10755695

Time to file that chargeback.

>> No.10755696

nobody likes you, horse face

>> No.10755697

How do you know what they look like? Stop shit posting.

>> No.10755736

she knows lmao

>> No.10755779

What? The cut looks like ass non. I don't see how that's larper.

>> No.10755840

I think anon is talking about how the other anon very clearly doesn't know who Risa is.

>> No.10756036

Dramatic Heart’s arrival date for the MTO was pushed back to mid May. No updates if Nakayoshi Bunny will be delayed yet and no further updates were posted about Candy Fairy.

>> No.10756064

I feel like it's almost certain at this point that Nakayoshi Bunny also won't be on time. Ugh.

>> No.10756114

Man I really hope they won't push back Candy Fairy any further, shipping is going to get even more expensive this summer

>> No.10756127

I was hoping I'd be able to wear the dreamy baby room mto at least at the end of summer, but at this rate it'll be next spring

>> No.10756171

Me too, I was really hoping I'd get it in September but I guess that probably won't happen..

>> No.10756204
File: 483 KB, 828x956, 4E9577A7-16AB-401C-ADF2-82E04345EF89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angelic pretty is apparently going to A-kon. Is it worth flying out to Texas?

>> No.10756211

Yes but be aware that Texas comm is filled with drama cows

>> No.10756222

The designers or just US shop staff?

>> No.10756245
File: 365 KB, 770x1199, CADC76F5-A429-4823-AAD0-BB2852EC8CEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasn’t announced designer

>> No.10756246

Modeling applications for the AP fashion show will be up soon! As of now fluffytori application are open.

>> No.10756267

Danke senpai

>> No.10756280

new bread >>10756279

>> No.10756298

Is it really tho or are people on cgl just perpetually seething over the Dallas comm?

>> No.10756302

No AP designers are coming. It's not really "AP." It's just AP SF.

>> No.10756400

Look at who is in the Dallas comm and tell us they’re not drama thirsty cows.

>> No.10756421

Have you seen how they act? They cause drama and post their own comm members.