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10749895 No.10749895 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>10742498


>> No.10749944

Is mana-sama a virgin?

>> No.10749982

maybe this is autistic of me but how the hell do people lose the waist ties to a dress ?!?

>> No.10749988

I’ve been considering buying a bonnet, but I am on the fence. What factors, in your opinion, decide whether a bonnet is go or no go?

>> No.10749989

I don’t understand this one either anon. I always keep my waist ties attached to its respective dress. Just…what happened y’all? It’s like separating your airpods, just don’t.

>> No.10749990

some people don't wear them and probably lose them that way, possibly? i don't wear them but i keep them with my headbows so i have no clue.

>> No.10750032

How long does it take for Meta to put dresses on sale? Any chance of Beau Covert going on sale? Never purchased a dress from them directly before.

>> No.10750033

I mean I don't get it but >>10749990 said. I think they are too fat or they get in the way basically, so the waist ties are moot

>> No.10750041

I'm pretty tall (170 cm) but very skinny, will skinny-ness and a small chest help with dress length? I'm scared of dresses being too short on me, especially BTSSB Babydoll JSKs. Would be heartbroken to finally buy one only to put it on and look stupid.

>> No.10750043 [DELETED] 

I know absolutely nothing about this, have no experience dressing myself and have never worn lolita, but I think people say that you should avoid high waisted dresses when you are tall. And to me the Babydoll JSKs look very high waisted.
You'll probably get a better reply from someone else, but you can use this to mentally prepare for the worst.

>> No.10750048

your weight won't do much but you're definitely not too tall for that dress

>> No.10750049

Is it distasteful to bargain on the price of a handmade item? I mean like handmade dresses on LM, not indie shops.

>> No.10750051

No, I am slightly taller but also thin and dresses look fine

>> No.10750053

Sorry I meant to say yes being skinny with a small chest helps, don't worry.

>> No.10750058

i'm your height with a small frame and torso and dresses look fine on me. it's only a huge issue for girls who are both tall and have a larger frame, because it pulls the dress higher up.

>> No.10750061

Thanks anons! I feel better now haha. Knowing im not too tall for babydoll JSKs will help since i can compare length measurements of other dresses i like.

>> No.10750072

How realistic is it to sew a dress from otome no sewing if I don't know Japanese and am only intermediate sewing level?

>> No.10750074

What are the big fashion magazines these days?

>> No.10750075

Go for it! Also MissCarolBelle has sew alongs for some OnS pieces and some others have blogs, etc. with help too. Plus Google Image translate and OnS coming with photo instructions all makes it easy.

>> No.10750079

Okay, thanks! I had one of the books before but got too intimidated to try it. I'm thinking about giving it more (well, any) effort this time.

>> No.10750085

You are not tall enough to have to worry about the majority of dresses

>> No.10750089

I think build/weight is more important than height desu, if you are fat or broad shouldered then the high waist makes your look wide but smaller girls are fine

>> No.10750110

You can use the google translate app if there's something in particular you need to read, stick your camera at it and it recognises the text, although it's not fool proof. Otherwise, there's illustrations for most steps of the process and it's pretty self-explanatory if you know how clothes are supposed to go together.

>> No.10750134

Has anyone ever tried to reapply glitter to their AP? Is it even possible?

>> No.10750164

I lost a waist tie only one(1) time. I was thrifting and had them tied, but only attached to the dress on one side, since I was trying stuff on and didn't want to keep untying and re-tying them when I was changing. Somehow they got untied, and the loose end fell off somewhere at one of the 4 goodwills I went to that day. I ended up just making a whole new pair of waist ties out of grossgrain ribbon in a coordinating colour. btw it was slippery poly, cotton would never have never did me dirty like this

>> No.10750340

Is it possible to convert thick cotton tights into socks? I got some cute Shirley Temple tights that are too short

>> No.10750351

Yes, I've done it. The trick is to replace the top hem with elastic so the socks will stay up. I like to add lace to cover the seam too

>> No.10750357

reposting since i was too stupid to realize last thread was saged: when buying online how many cm should i leave between my measurements and what the website gives me? im very bad at figuring out my sizes

>> No.10750364

Socially: Guaranteed "Mary Had A Little Lamb" comments.

Otherwise, bonnets tend to read OTT, whether or not the bonnet is plain. A bonnet on a casual coord looks stupid af, so be dressed and style your hair/wig to match the ridiculousness of it. You could always test the waters with a half bonnet though. They look more casual, but you also don't lose your hearing like a full bonnet.

>> No.10750366

Around 4 for normal clothes, 6-9cm for outerwear

>> No.10750372

ah thats a shame then. no one would happen to know if ap dresses have a little bit of give from their given measurements for shirred dresses. im in love with little strawberry bunny but my measurements are just 1 cm under those they give for it

>> No.10750387 [DELETED] 

It depends on the dress if there is more leeway. Also just because it fits doesn't mean it will flatter. Your best bet is find someone with the dress and ask them to measure it or check old sales for people who independently measured it (aka didn't use lolibrary measurements).

>> No.10750424

Thanks anon! Will try that

>> No.10750473

Is there any significant quality difference between AP + Antaina + Sosic + Secret Shop tea parties? The only comparisons I found mostly talk about bow shape and minor details, and idc about that.

And is the sizing the same as AP? I have some AP ones and I love them, but I want to get new colors without waiting 84 years for the next shoe bloodbath.

>> No.10750487

vkei guys are notorious for being fuckboys so that's doubtful. he likely fucked a ton of fangirls (or fanboys idk) back in his vkei days.

for lolita or? i believe girlism (chinese mag) is the only lolita one still going.

>> No.10750540

AP shoe quality is dogshit for the price unless you're cool with wearing them only once in a while.

90% of my shoes are Sosic and they're alright. I have one pair Antaina, but I like that pair of tea parties more than my Sosic ones, feels sturdier imo.

>> No.10750598

I'd assume the people who "lose" them are disorganized/messy in general and just can't be bothered to dig through all their stuff to find where they put the ties at the time they're selling the dress in question. Some of my blouses have waist ties that I remove when I'm wearing them under JSKs, but I put them in a labeled ziploc bag so I can find them easily later.

>> No.10750614

Not sure if there’s a better place to post this but nobody can complain if I ask here.

NYC Lolita’s where you at? I’m planning a trip to NYC from Canada in the summer and I’m looking for recommendations for cafes, afternoon tea places, cocktail bars, things like that with a nice aesthetic. Asking here because other Lolita’s tend to share similar taste and I got some cool suggestions here for Japan a couple years ago.

Aesthetic can be anywhere from sweet to classic to gothic leaning. I tend to like little hole in the wall places.

>> No.10750620

Does anyone know what Emily Temple Cute shoe sizes are? Specifically the "L" size, I can't find much info as to how big it is in cm. I'm a size 9 US so usually I write off buying shoes from Japanese brands entirely lol. But these shoes I've found are so cute and unique that I want to be hopeful they might fit...

>> No.10750622

They're the standard Japanese L size, 24.5cm. I'm a 9 too and I feel your pain!

>> No.10750630

You must not know what it is to live with other people. When I lived with roommates a bunch of peppermint fox brooches which I had left on my dresser and not locked away in my closet while I was aways for a few days were just gone without a trace when I returned. When I was in a long distance relationship my ex threw away an entire outft after we were having a fight (rip Roland jacket, Excentrique skirt, Triple Fortune hat). When my dad died and I had to move back to my mom because she was a dependent housewife all her life and I had to teach her how to survive on her own, she just threw away things away without my consent while she was on her cleaning house recovery trip, including waist ties, detachable bows etc. which I had removed from the dresses and laid aside for washing them. And that Mary Magdalene Jacket which I tossed on the couch one morning because I wanted to bring it to the dry cleaners later that day? After I came home from work *poof* it was gone - donated to the clothing drive.

>> No.10750632

>my ex threw away an entire outft after we were having a fight
What the fuck, good that he's your ex. Psycho behavior.

>> No.10750635

There's someone selling a dress in one the groups I'm in, and apparently when she came back for the dress that she left at a laundromat they managed to lose the waist tie. Biggest fucking oof I've ever seen. I might still buy the dress because it still looks good.
I don't even know what I would do at that point. I would be fucking livid and the poor wagie normalfags at the place wouldn't understand why because they're stupid plebians.

>> No.10750646

"who cares it's just some fabric. get over it."

>> No.10750653


>> No.10750654

yeah these things aren't all the common at all. my mom had a tendency of throwing things away when cleaning as a kid, but I got mad enough for her to finally quit and stop cleaning/throwing away my stuff. I also would never let my parents touch my valuable things as an adult, because you're an adult that should be setting boundaries

>> No.10750656

Among the taobao options, there isn't much difference but you do get a wider variety of sizes. They're also cheaper so you can maybe get more pairs for one pair of AP. I find the taobao ones more comfortable while AP is a bit hit or miss in terms of comfort. Also remember to order half a size up if you want to wear socks.

All shoes though will eventually peel though. If you are just into sweet or something, just splurge on one pair of AP and wear it with everything. If you want some variety, go with the Taobao.

>> No.10751320

Do angelic imprint shoes run small? I'm between sizes and I don't know if I should get my exact .5 measurement or a size bigger. I searched around for reviews and I'm getting mixed messages

>> No.10751321

I got a size bigger on a pair of tea parties and they're a perfect fit

>> No.10751544

Where can I buy better quality Loliable jewelry other than Bisoulovely / VW?

>> No.10751552

What substyle

>> No.10751555

Why are you stuck on getting more of the tea party design? If you have one pair already, I'd say get something else. They have loads of cute designs to choose from, tea parties are so stale.

>> No.10751562

>tea parties are so stale
same larper energy as "white blouses are ita"

>> No.10751574

How do I buy anonhats? Is there a platform to follow them for new releases? They're always sold out super quickly!

>> No.10751628

If you need realistic berry jewelry, I can hook you up, except the artist is fucking awful with deadlines. But the quality and look of the finished pieces is so worth it

>> No.10751632

nta, but the new newfag energy is advising everyone to wear tea parties. they are only good with certain coords, not all. literally, there are so many designs out there in the world that work with lolita

>> No.10751637

the OP is literally asking for them.

>> No.10751645

There are a lot of shoes I want from angelic imprint, but I've never ordered from taobao / a ss before and I heard you shouldn't order too much at a time or the package will be too heavy and you'll get a lot of fees. How many pairs should i order at a time? Like maximum amount. There are at least 8 pairs i want, and some are boots so heavier.

>> No.10751646


>> No.10751658

What kind of soap do you guys use to wash your dresses/skirts? And any suggestions on how to remove small stains from lace? I'm pretty new and I recently bought a couple of old dresses and I want to give them a (hand)wash but frankly I am feeling very anxious about ruining these beautiful and delicate articles of clothing... I want to make sure I'm using an adequate soap/detergent, I'm probably overthinking it but thought it might be good to ask.

>> No.10751672

>advising everyone to wear tea parties
no one's advising anyone, that's literally what >>10750473 asked?
>they are only good with certain coords, not all
yeah certain coords...like almost all of sweet lolita which is why they're such a popular staple shoe to have in several colors
>there are so many designs out there in the world that work with lolita
not necessarily with sweet lolita though which is why a basic shoe that comes in tons of colors and will work with almost every sweet coordinate is such a good thing to have multiple pairs of
>captcha is WWWWW

>> No.10751679
File: 690 KB, 1280x1280, 16128EC8-E187-4C35-A39A-8277061E509D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some random ones I pulled from their account. I own a strawberry set and it goes great with every berry/fruit themed, or even just vaguely summery coord - I always get compliments. Their jewelry is made of glass, so it looks very realistic and feels sturdy too.

>> No.10751683

These look great!
(I'm not the one you replied to)

>> No.10751685

I’m so bad at posing. Is there a guide or something?

>> No.10751688

eugh i hate stuff like this. it looks like craft trash, and i hate the awful proportions. imagine wanting to wear something that looks like a cheap candle holder decoration.

>> No.10751692

i ordered 4 pairs of taobao shoes recently and shipping was $70 for EMS

none of them were boots, but 3/4 pairs were chunky platforms

>> No.10751694
File: 54 KB, 750x750, 206BB33B-DEC5-4010-93A5-6FDC0D044DED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with the quality or the proportions? Genuinely curious. They look like real berries to me, imo it's the best glasswork I've ever seen. You don't have to get clusters of random stuff if you don't want to, they do custom orders with single berries which is what I got.

>> No.10751702

Okay thanks for the info ! Can i ask what ss you used? I'm thinking about using parcelup/taobao focus but I've also heard good things about bhiner.

>> No.10751720

Why are you assuming I don't have any other shoes? I have plenty of other brand shoes already, but my tea parties are ridiculously comfortable. I want more. idgaf if my shoes are passé according to some random NEET on a mongolian basket weaving forum. If I cared about trends I wouldn't be wearing lolita.

Thank you, nonnies! I'm gonna take the plunge and get a few pairs.

>> No.10751727 [DELETED] 

I blame it on ADHD

>> No.10751729

>maybe this is autistic of me
being disorganised enough to lose things like that is a sign of autism (executive function difficulties)

>> No.10751732

At events, sometimes you can send a SS there

>> No.10751733

The posted about a next event here https://www.instagram.com/p/CcMjvzQLkgQ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

>> No.10751780

If comfort is your reasoning, why do you think replicas will be just as comfortable?

>> No.10751783

yes i know, i’m ayrt and i’m an autist but i am really organized, it brings me intense discomfort to lose things or not know where they are… i associate executive dysfunction more with ADHD but i get that there’s overlap. i just can’t imagine, even if i never wore them, i’d keep them handy for the resale value.

>> No.10751800

A lot of people recommend gentle detergent/detergent made specifically for delicate fabrics. if you're washing something where you're concerned about the print running or fading, always test in an inconspicuous spot and only then do your wash.

For lace, try just a bar of laundry soap (avoid getting it elsewhere on the fabric). gently work it in and then rinse. you can also soak in oxyclean. I also really like Buncha Farmers laundry sticks, they can get all sorts of tricky stains out with little effort.

Do look in the archives for previous laundry threads, there's been some really good ones with loads of useful advice. Good luck nonny!

>> No.10751855

They’re at the Museum of Ice Cream obviously. It’s the only place they know where to plan a meet.

>> No.10751869

Kek who cares they're all cute and well-dressed

>> No.10751888

Anon please, they’re well known meitu abusers especially that j*lijuju girl. She does j*sine levels of shoop.

>> No.10751902

Most lolitas use editing tools, even cute ones, unless you count tryhard old schoolers that think they need to be ugly on purpose. Normies do too.

>> No.10751905

I'll be visiting Berlin in late Spring, about a month. Do the Berlin lolitas meet much? Are there cute places to see? Is it worth packing my petticoat?

>> No.10751912

I think mintkismet made a guide years ago on her blog

>> No.10751913

I've never owned AP tea parties but my pair from secret shop are very comfortable. I get half a size up on all my taobao shoes and that always leaves some nice wiggle room even with socks.

>> No.10751917

There is a difference between editting colors and lighting and making your face into a whole different shape. Meitu is worse because its not even subtle about the blur.

>> No.10751920

do you really think most lolitas only use lighting and photo filters? how naive.

>> No.10751955
File: 3.67 MB, 1444x1438, 1648363577754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have a release date yet for the kumya hot air balloon dress? Or not yet?

>> No.10751982

I love this print. Some prints have a canon colorway. For Wizard of Oz prints it's sax, for Classic Fairy Tales it's green, and for this one it's sax.

>> No.10752016

Have any gulls sold stuff on the gothic circlly, if so how is it? I hate depop and dealing with scamming kids on there, and been looking for a reasonable alternative, and I like lacemarket's layout/crowd.

>> No.10752020

Is there any chance of Vierge Vampur ever doing another Alice JSK MTO? I was not paying attention to the fashion for a while and I’m heartbroken I missed the rerelease.

>> No.10752042

How would I pull off the old Japanese yankee/bikergang/delinquent look without looking weird?
As a guy

>> No.10752054

Be cool

>> No.10752056

Ugh so beautiful

>> No.10752065

Be clean and have good hair

>> No.10752082
File: 980 KB, 713x742, soleless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was casually walking outside today and both of the soles of my bodyline shoes just popped off. I like the design but don't want to risk buying a new pair. What's the best shoe glue to use in your experience? I've heard contact cement, gorilla glue, and shoe goo but it's mixed opinions on some of these. Like I've tried shoe goo and people say it's good but my shoe kept falling apart.

>> No.10752085

Take them to a cobbler

>> No.10752124

Barge Infinity cement

>> No.10752136

They melt their entire face into one blurry mess and change their face structure. As of we’re supposed to believe they don’t have a nose or a single shadow on their face. Then they tell on themselves by uploading a video kek.

>> No.10752138

Nta but why do you think brand will be more comfortable? All of my Baby shoes except the heart buckle ones are painful as sin.

>> No.10752148

Thank you!

>> No.10752183

Why is Pink House so expensive? The dresses are like 80-100k yen, way higher than lolita brands. They do have a lot of workmanship like ruffles and pintucks but I’m surprised there’s enough demand to justify those prices.

>> No.10752250

Older women with more money to spare buy it

>> No.10752262

They aren't trying to hide their appearance if they also upload videos then. It's not telling on themselves, they just don't care and edit for fun like purikura. Everyone edits their shit except self-righteous twats anyways.

>> No.10752271

>if they also upload videos then
lmao you can edit videos too. hell, some apps let you add makeup to them.

>> No.10752301


This. Also generational wealth Chinese are into it.

>> No.10752303

Because we're talking about tea parties. You know the shoe that everyone and their mom replicates.

>> No.10752328

Anon claimed they told on themselves by posting (presumably) unedited video, which implies they look worse in video than photos, but realistically they're just editing stuff to look cute and not trying to lie or trick anyone or create a false impression. Anon is just whining about editing for no reason as if every major lolita model and brand owner and literally every Japanese person or lolita doesn't edit the vast majority of their pics.

>> No.10752358

honestly this >>10752065
your hair has to be at least somewhat well-styled and not greasy so your style looks intentional and not a neckbeard weeb trying to be cool, even if that's what you are

>> No.10752471

Newfag here, Can a petti be too poofy? I bought the Aurora Ariel Super Petti and I like the look of it but do other Lolitas think it's too much? Thanks

>> No.10752478

>Newfag here, Can a petti be too poofy?
Ye, it can. There is only so much some dresses can hold.
>I like the look of it but do other Lolitas think it's too much?
Post a picture of the petti under the dress you're planning to wear it under and we'll see.

>> No.10752480

isn’t he married with a child

>> No.10752481

There’s long time rumors of him possibly being married behind the scenes but no concrete evidence of that or of any children.

>> No.10752482

literally use google

>> No.10752483

Aside from what anon said it depends how and where you're going to wear it. If you're going somewhere special in a really ott coord then you can pile on all the poof you want, but for something like daily wear a petticoat that big will
1. Get in the way of things. You want to be mindful of the space you're taking up when you're walking and be careful not to knock things over or hit people with your skirt.
2. Look unbalanced. To wear a skirt that big you need big hair and accessories to balance out the poof.
For reference I wear lolita multiple times a week and own their 12m petticoat. It's useable for daily wear when I'm feeling extra fancy, but it's not my go to daily petti because it's very big. I usually have problems tucking it under my skirt when I sit and the poof is so heavy it slides down my waist and peeks under my dress so I'm frequently adjusting it. Mind you, this is I think AA's smallest "poofy" petticoat (correct me if I'm wrong).
If this is your first petticoat I suggest you get another smaller one. A petticoat that big won't even fit under most main pieces (I'd say my 12m only fits about half my wardrobe) and even if it does you won't have the wardrobe size or coording skills to balance it. I suggest starting simple with AA's 8m petticoat. You can never go wrong with a small petti, trust me it will always have a place in your wardrobe no matter what direction your style moves in.

>> No.10752488

Well no shit, his whole image is being a crossdressing weirdo that fat girls can obsess over and pay jillions for his clothes just because MANASAMA name is on it. Can’t ruin the dream. This is life for a lot of Japanese celebrities

>> No.10752505


Most jrockers are super private about their personal lives, this is nothing new.

>> No.10752514

Absolutely. Americans tend to use big OTT petticoats for dresses that can’t hold much poof and it looks weird.

>> No.10752551

Is there any petti you might recommend?

>> No.10752705

I have a brand bag that's mostly fabric, but with PU panels that began to peel. Would it be better to find someone who can disassemble it and replicate the pleather pieces with real leather ones, which would most likely be very difficult to do as it's complex in shape, or is there a good way to prevent further peeling that will actually extend the bag's lifetime?

>> No.10752723

Has anyone here made any special requests on their Antique Beast order? If yes how did you do it exactly?
She mentions it on her website that it's possible to make minor changes to many of the items, including headdresses, but I'm curious about the best way to go about it.

>> No.10752727

What is an “anonhat” and when did it become popular? Sure as hell wasn’t 5 years ago. I’m just now getting back into the fashion.

>> No.10752765

Mana is an irrelevant old geezer with a dwindling fanbase now, the majority of girls buying Moitie these days are just buying it for the prestige brand name and old school/gothic being trendy.

>> No.10752771

They're a milliner: https://anonhat.thebase.in/
I don't know if they're popular in the West but she consistently sells out.

>> No.10752827
File: 54 KB, 342x500, 84095A7D-61DB-4D16-911D-DE2769BF9EA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the name of Lauran's friend, the one she would always post photos with on her Golden Wasteland site?

>> No.10752835

There's no b/s/t active. Does anyone have an orange dress they'd sell me that would fit 94cm bust 73cm waist? I found an AATP one on WW but the cut is ugly

>> No.10752840

She was muier_noir on LJ but would sometimes sign off as Mistress M.

>> No.10752880

I've asked her to lengthen a skirt for me by a few cm. I believe I just put it in my order notes and we corresponded over email further.

>> No.10752921

I bought a wig from dreamholic and this is my first time wearing a wig. I was gonna wear it just for lolita but I think it could be a wig I can wear regularly. It has ringlets kind of like the wigs that mana sama wears but it looks more natural. I just have two questions: should I wash the wig after every use if I choose to wear it regularly? And when I do need to wash it, how do I maintain the ringlets? I suppose I'll need to just curl them back up with a curler. Again I know nothing about wigs so sorry if this seems obvious to everyone else but me.

>> No.10752969

What are good sites for corsets usable for lolita? I'm new, i know AtePie's online store, but i would like to consider all of my options before settling on corsets that I would like.

By extension, is it better for me to only look at corsets by lolita brands, or would it also be possible to incorporate corsets from gothic or punk jfashion brands? Is there a big difference in construction/shape that I need to keep in mind?

>> No.10752985

Cheap aliexpress-tier wigs (like dreamholic) really aren't designed for that kind of regular use and washing. You can't style them with a regular curling iron because you'll melt the hair. (Some styling tools have temperature controls that will go low enough for synthetics, but MOST don't.) You have to use something like foam rollers, and because the fibers are just shitty plastic you have to be a lot more careful than you would doing ringlets in natural hair. If you fuck up and stretch/deform the fibers when they're hot, it will turn into a frizzy mess.

>> No.10753087

Does anyone have recommendations for good shape wear? I know it might seem counterintuitive to wear it with lolita, but I've found that it alleviates a lot of the discomfort I experience when layering a lot of elasticated garments over my waist.

>> No.10753139

What other shops are good to get lolita stuff? I know Wunderwelt and LM but people here hate places like Devil Inspired.
Also, brands focused on Classic Lolita? I know MMM but I would like more recs.

>> No.10753198

Anon, I...
Open wide for the spoonfeeding:
>Victorian Maiden
>Mary Magdalene
>Juliette et Justine
>Innocent World

In terms of Japanese brands, there are also some smaller, indie brands if you squint. Looking through the /cgl/ archives of the Classic Lolita General will also give you a good idea of what brands are important to classic lolitas.

>> No.10753199

Forgot to mention, VM is on hiatus until April, if you want to buy their stuff, you should go through Wunderwelt

>> No.10753299
File: 853 KB, 1564x1564, IW_KC_AliceBand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a tutorial for these type of IW headbows? I want to make some of my own in colors they don't sell.

>> No.10753426

This is a pretty retarded question but can you get banned from buyee? I can't figure out what is going on - I cant access their website anymore on my internet connection but I can on my phone's mobile connection. I guess I am just feeling paranoid because I have a couple of expensive packages I need to ship

>> No.10753433

most taobao brands are focused on classic. you can look through sites like lolitawardrobe for those, and either buy through a ss site like that or directly from taobao shops

>> No.10753439

Their website gives me a '403' when I'm connected via VPN, but works fine once I turn it off

>> No.10753441
File: 84 KB, 402x536, EE47E74B-AA9C-4A82-8237-078724C5922F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link to this girl's blog? I love her edits and want to see more, but I feel like the images that randomly appear across various platforms aren't everything she had posted

>> No.10753460
File: 47 KB, 427x640, 7433397670_a7f9f5363c_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the Taobao thread, but does anyone know where I could get a Swimmer style round biscuit bag? I keep missing out on them second hand.

>> No.10753521

How would you coord a summer lolita, Anons? I know using jsks as a summer dress is frowned upon but I sorta could see that working if you still have a petitcoat and other stuff.

>> No.10753530

HARBS in Chelsea is a nice quiet Japanese style tea room/bakery, would be good for afternoon tea.

>> No.10753531
File: 2.43 MB, 750x1334, BA82C584-9DE9-465C-877F-AE7A73BB3B16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Etsy shops:
TheSnowBall (picrel)
November Secret

All these lean sweet, TheSnowBall has a few that would work for classic.

>> No.10753532

A light lace shawl or bolero, or sheer blouse. Personally I think it looks fine to wear a JSK with no blouse (in a casual coord) as long as the straps have something on them. When they're just plain thin straps it's obvious they're meant to be worn over something and looks odd.

>> No.10753612

An absolute chad such as mana probably has hella groupies

>> No.10753615

Call me ita, I live in ye old south so sometimes you have to go blouseless, but if that's not for you,there are a few options, something made from linen is always a wardrobe must for anyone, its breathable sweat an stank absorbing fabric, taobao has some light weight flowy tops. I would also find a JSK with thinner straps, that's the main thing (imo) that makes going blouseless look so bad, is because the dress is cut to accommodate a blouse.

>> No.10753629

There are some dresses that work better without a blouse than others - as the other anons mentioned, some designs look ok in a blouseless coordinate and others look like you are missing a blouse underneath. You can also go for the skirt and blouse or cutsew combo, although skirts are rarer to see these days from brands.

There's one in otome no sewing somewhere. I'll see if I can track it down.

Usually the more gothic/punk corsets aren't always very good with lolita as they are often too long for the correct silhouette (flare from the waist rather than lower hip). Excentrique used to do corsets but you can only find them second hand.

Have you tried the basic uniqlo body shaper?

>> No.10753644
File: 241 KB, 800x800, H7e4116737b054376b5253466ef601a8e8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also been looking for a corset. I browsed through the stock at AtePie, Mr Corset, and Abilletage. Another anon advised me that AtePie's corset have plastic boning, so I probs won't buy one of those, but I might buy one of the short corsets from Abilletage in the future. They use various kinds of boning, including steel.

if you're looking at western brands, try to find one that's shorter on the bottom so it doesn't interfere with your skirt. Short underbust corsets and boned waist cinchers/corset belts are also an option. I was gonna get this one as a secondary one, the store is called Annzley and the only seem to have an aliexpress storefront, but I keep hesitating bc $60 + shipping is a bit pricy for an experiment lol. I like the look of it though.

>> No.10753674

imo dresses with halter necks/neck straps look really cute blouseless for casual coords

>> No.10753817

Stupid PayPal question:
I live in Russia and I NEED to send money to my relatives in Ukraine so that that they can live and move away from regions close to active shootings. Every way of sending money is banned right now.
Is it legal in PayPal system to sell my stuff, ship it from Russia but receive payment to Ukrainian PayPal?

>> No.10753838

Literally what does this have to do with jfash. Why would you choose to go to this board for advice, of all places

>> No.10753848

You shouldn't have any issues doing that. I've paid with my boyfriend's PayPal account (he's a burger) and had things shipped to my Russian address.

>> No.10753870
File: 294 KB, 794x779, A74F3BBA-4C63-4451-9672-D8F428253F12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it acceptable to use one of these parasols in a classic coord? I have a proper btssb parasol, but it's in ivory, whereas the lace parasol could be used for white coords. Too risky/ita?

>> No.10753885

I personally think they'll always be ita, they look too cheap and bulky

>> No.10753891

That parasol is an ita staple

>> No.10753892

Well heck, to the secondhand market it goes.

>> No.10753900
File: 246 KB, 1000x1316, 86E1C516-D537-48DD-9FEB-70312DFC8954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find patent leather bow clips? I have a pair of boots I'd like to make more loliable, but Google translate is failing me when I try to search for them on Taobao.

>> No.10753913

ask antaina they'll probably sell you some

>> No.10753929
File: 355 KB, 320x500, shiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me id this shiro ap jsk? (if not then what magazine this picture is found in)

>> No.10753934

Off topic but man I hate when boots gape like that on the calves. It sucks that there's only foot sizes and no calf sizes on boots.

>> No.10753937

I’m not sure of the JSK, but I’m pretty sure the magazine is GLB.

>> No.10753941

Thanks so much anon! I have a lot of volumes so if you know which one(s) I can double-check my collection or buy the volume that has it.

>> No.10753942

Samefag, it’s GLB 4.

>> No.10753972

I tend to patronize places that check both boxes of "nice ambiance" and "makes things that taste as good as they look." Some of their aesthetics are more readily paired to a Lolita substyle than others, but all of them are generally Instagrammable.

Harney & Sons (also a massive tea store)

Afternoon tea:
The Pembroke Room (if it's re-opened by then)
King's Carriage House

Lillie's Victorian Establishment
Hi-Collar (also good for brunch)
1803 NYC
The Black Hound
Il Fiorista
The Cauldron NYC (never actually been yet, pretty gimmicky, might be fun and tasty)

>> No.10754049

Anon, every ita and their grandma uses that parasol

>> No.10754114

Angelina Paris

>> No.10754138
File: 1.11 MB, 2504x1828, IMG_20220420_210306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OnS 6.

>> No.10754143

Thanks anon!

>> No.10754195

All MR corset uses plastic boning, and most Abilletage corsets do too fyi

>> No.10754199

i think dearmylove sells shoe bow clips on their website if i’m not mistaken

>> No.10754274

Good idea, thanks! I just ordered a pair of shoes from them too, hate that I didn't think to ask
Thank you, anon! They look lovely and I like the size. I'll ask my SS to get them for me, but sadly won't be able to receive them anytime soon

>> No.10754293

Just checking back here, thanks for the suggestions

This place isn't really my thing, but not sure if I should go anyway just because I've never been. I don't have a social media presence and seems like there would be kids running around everywhere.

This place looks cute, thanks! Reminds me of a cafe I used to have nearby that closed down. And there's also a Soho location which is where my hotel is. Is the Chelsea one better?

Thanks for the list! I checked a few of these and they look promising.

This one looks nice too - I'd like to try the pastries.

>> No.10754356

This!!! One time I found bodyline boots at a thrift store for around 10$ and felt so lucky until i put them on and the calves gaped like crazy. Literally unwearable. I'll never buy long lolita boots online because of this issue.

>> No.10754371

Is meta's "go go lolita chan" page gone? I can't find it on their website or in the archives

>> No.10754374

>most Abilletage corsets do too
You can just ask for custom if you want something specific.

>> No.10754409

How do you keep track of brand restocks? I've never purchased directly from a brand and wanted to get pieces like socks and accessories but most colorways are out of stock. Talking about IW specifically if it makes any difference.

>> No.10754410
File: 116 KB, 640x640, 781AAEEA-F698-49AD-94CE-383CF64E84E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dress is this? Saved the pic from a CoF thread like 5 years ago.

>> No.10754481

I need help choosing a taobao shopping service, I know there's a taobao thread with resources but it seems pretty inactive so I thought I'd ask here instead, plus I'd like advice based on personal experience.

I'm hesitating between superbuy, bhiner and parcelup (previously taobao focus), and I'll be buying mainly antaina shoes so possibly heavy packages but I can separate them between a few orders. Would like to hear about people's experience with those 3 ss, please and thanks in advance!

>> No.10754484

Do you follow them on social media? that's how i keep up with other brands restocks.

>> No.10754492

How fat is too fat for lolita in your opinion?

>> No.10754522

i think it depends on the individual items the person is wearing the most. if the clothes just don't fit it looks really bad.
some really noticeable things are:
>full shirring completely stretched out
>tightness around the arms or legs. like you can see the fat being squished by the sleeves or socks
>waist of dress not hitting at waist anymore

obviously certain people just look bad even if something fits. like obese people will never look good in anything in general, outside of lolita too. and personally i hate big boobs in lolita. even if a girl isn't really fat big boobs will make her look so much bigger in lolita, most things are just a really unflattering cut for someone chesty.

>> No.10754527

>stupid questions
I found the right thread then.

Considering we're a shitty startup non-Japanese emo punk rock band with a member that has a rich family what kinda jfash and how much jfash would be right on the border between cool and cringe?
We obviously can't go full over the top vkei cause it doesn't go with our music. We can't be overly edgy either cause our music is somewhat grounded in reality and about real issues and shit. We're 2 female and 2 male members
My pinterest is giving me a headache

>> No.10754529

Was away for a while and now I see "clolita" being used. What does it mean?

>> No.10754534

Chinese lolita, it's meant to represent the style that most taobao brands have. Which is relatively distinct and a lot of copied patterns/styling between clolita brands.

>> No.10754539

Thanks, that makes sense.

>> No.10754553

I use superbuy almost exclusively, they have no SS fee but will instead fold it into other costs, so shipping with them can be quite expensive. Their customer service is good though. And while it does it pricy they have many options for shipping, including couriers.

>> No.10754572

I think I recognise her as someone who sews, maybe she made it herself?

>> No.10754643

It’s pronounced ‘clo-lita’ and it’s short for a cloning lolita look. Cloning is when friends wear the exact same items, compared to twinning where you and a friend wear the same print and similar accessories.

>> No.10754654

bait or not, this is really retarded.

>> No.10754657


>> No.10754663

bmi over 20

>> No.10754682

Think Amy Lee wearing h.naoto

>> No.10754687

I've never bought anything on lace market. is there a generally agreed on buyers' etiquette, specially regarding auctions? should I check in with the seller before bidding, or only if I end up winning?

>> No.10754692

It's pretty similar to most second-hand sales sites. Check the buyer's ToS before bidding/buying, contact them if that's in their rules or if it's international and you need to make sure they're willing to ship to you/you're willing to pay shipping costs, etc. It's also good manners to message someone before buying/bidding if you have low or no feedback, with external sources of sales feedback if possible.

>> No.10754693

Oops, not buyer's ToS, seller's ToS obviously

>> No.10754726

Does Baby let you know when they're about to start reservations for new releases or do they just randomly drop them?

>> No.10754733

Normally they do, but that Floating Sky Tea Party release came out of nowhere, it seems like. I only caught it because Baby SF sent out an email about taking in-store reservations for it earlier in the week, so I started checking the JP site more often.

>> No.10754734

Correction, I subscribed to email notifications of Baby SF's blog. It's not a direct email.

>> No.10754735

I can't decide whether to have my recent haul shipped out via seamail or to just wait? It could be years until Japan Post ship to Europe again (I can't trust Japan ever since their barring foreigners out).

>> No.10754737

>Floating Sky Tea Party
Oh it exists in black! I thought the light colours maybe looked a bit too childish so it'd be embarrassing to wear but the black version solves that problem. Still won't buy it though cause I don't wear lolita.

>> No.10754741


>> No.10754743

If you don't even wear lolita, why do you care if you find it embarrassing? It only matters what the person wearing it thinks.

>> No.10754744

I thought so!

Sorry why are you here?

>> No.10754745

i hate men

>> No.10754746

this is the stupid questions thread, not the stupid responses thread

>> No.10754773

Two things: does BTSSB usa send update emails like AP does? Also how long after they release something, does it appear on the US site?

>> No.10754944

When do brands release Lucky Packs for the summer? I know they might do some promotions for Golden Week coming up, are LPs a part of that?

>> No.10754971

You can sign up for Baby SF updates via their blogspot, but their emails take a few days to arrive. Their new releases always line up with the Japanese store's anyways. Baby SF will open lottery entries for new series the day after the Japanese shop announces new releases, but reservations placed with them tend to arrive about 1-2 months after Japanese reservations. The webshop itself updates with extras whenever the staff feel like updating it once every blue moon.

>> No.10754979

t. poorfag
anyone from UK have any experience with buyee? mercari jp has a lot of good deals but i dont want to get blindsided with ridiculous shipping+service fee. if i were to do a big order would it run up very expensive? halp plz

>> No.10754982

Don't use Buyee, they will fuck you over and charge insane fees + shipping. They're apparently awful to deal with for the sellers as well, so some just outright refuse to deal with them.

>> No.10754985

How do I sign up for their mailing list? I think I might be blind

>> No.10754986

did not know that. thank you for the heads up anon.

can any UK anons recommend shopping services for mercari?

>> No.10755001

You're going to get fucked on shipping and customs no matter who you choose right now. At least the yen is weak, so that's helping a bit.

>> No.10755014

I'm stuck on this

>> No.10755016

I've been waiting for my seamail packages for 140+ days at this point, I'd say it's just not worth the wait and additional risk

>> No.10755023

Oh shit that's scary. I would think that there's a massive backlog as most of Europe and some other countries are trying to ship

>> No.10755217

WHERE THE HELL DO I FIND ACTUALLY CUTE RAINBOOTS!? Every pair I look at is ugly as all fuck. I just wanna be cute in the rainy season. Looking for blkxwht sweet, but I will take any evidence that cute rainboots exist.

>> No.10755218
File: 275 KB, 600x720, 22RA05d001-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F i.n.t.

>> No.10755219

Honestly? If you want a true shapewear corset in lolita, I've found the by far best option is to just talk to a corsetmaker and get something custom. Abilletage is beautiful, but it is made for asians. It will not conform to your body in a flattering way if you a) have a wide hipspring, b) are taller, c) torso is long etc. on top of perhaps not being the silhouette you prefer.

>> No.10755220
File: 836 KB, 1080x1846, Screenshot_20220423-190435_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Axes Femme had some, though less cute imo, but they're out of season by now.

>> No.10755237

Nayrt but I would die for these, if only they made them in my size

>> No.10755263
File: 99 KB, 640x853, 344a09cdf5d35776eea1cbc614a11bf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the mens and womens version of the Roland coat essentially the same (barring the obviously different measurements)? If they differ, how so?

Looking to finally get one in the next release and looks like the mens version would fit my measurements better, but I want to make sure that the cut is still flattering on a woman/it would fit a petticoat/etc

>> No.10755290

OP here and same

>> No.10755902
File: 16 KB, 250x333, 28ec01d7-afe7-5530-b7bb-5a6996e06ae2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I washed my milky chan coat yesterday, and though the wool and fur are air drying nicely, the lining hasn't dried at all. Any ideas on how I can dry it? I've considered using a hairdryer, but I don't want to shrink the wool itself

>> No.10755905

The men’s is wider in the shoulders, longer in the sleeves. It will fit a petti but if you can do the L it’s better

>> No.10755907

Use a normal box fan instead of a hair dryer if you have one

>> No.10755910

Is it possible to change the settings on Lacemarket so I can see the date and time and auction ends rather than a countdown? Just missed out on something because I calculated the ending time wrong.

>> No.10755989

Does anyone know when bodyline is gonna restock their shit?

>> No.10756074

Every time I look at CCF I am tempted to buy more but I know the quality is going to disappoint specifically when it comes to shoes. I should just learn how to buy from antaina already. I go out so much even my good leather shoes are falling apart, I don't think CCF shoes can keep up with the heat, I'm so scared to even use them. Some of them are pretty, but damn. Anybody who uses their CCF shoes daily, how do they hold up and/or how do you perform maintenance on them?
Antaina is easy too right? Just email them and they'll name you a price in whatever currency?

>> No.10756076

Is fril.jp down? I'm getting a 502 bad gateway error. I'm in the USA if that helps.

>> No.10756088

Just get your Antaina shoes off Taobao, it's going to be much cheaper that way and it's not that difficult to use a shopping service

>> No.10756116

Use a dehumidifier and a regular fan

>> No.10756119

Yeah it was down.

>> No.10756120

How did you wash it? i'm scared to wash my wool coat.

>> No.10756125

I put/folded it inside out and placed it inside a pillowcase (it ended up falling out though so idk if it makes any difference), shoved it in my washing machine with one of my regular squishy capsule things and washed it on the delicate/knit cycle. It got rid of all the dirt marks and discolouration I wanted it to, it's just drying it that's an absolute pain, since all you can really do is lay it on the floor and occasionally flip it around.

Thanks, I'll try with my desk fan, especially under the bows

>> No.10756128

Ah so it's that simple? Thank you. My coat came with a cape so I might just try that first just in case.

>> No.10756131

So closet child just replied to me that there's a problem with the shipping option I chose and they gave me 2 different options.

Is this something that is supposed to be handled via back and forth emails or is there anything I need to do on the website?

>> No.10756183

It happens sometimes, just answer the emails. Did you order something oversized like a parasol? If it’s just an additional shipping fee expect a Paypal invoice link. Maybe you can add a couple more things to your order in the same parcel.

>> No.10756237

If you click on place bid, it'll show you the end date and time in UTC, just don't forget to check what that is in your own time zone, I've made that mistake in the past lol. I don't think there's an option to change how it displays the rest of the time though.

>> No.10756252

Recommendations for good mid-range (under 60$-ish) synthetic wigs? My priority is cute color combos and as matte/non shiny as possible.
I like how arda wigs look texture wise but they're usually very thick and I have a small head, so I prefer using them only for cosplay.

>> No.10756472

Does anyone know Poochan aka r0ttingdoll's IG. I want to see what she's up to. Plz help nonnies <3

>> No.10756517


big same

>> No.10756578

No, there's no rhyme or reason to bodyline.

>> No.10756582

have you tried epic cosplay wigs? they have alright wigs and fair prices

>> No.10756815
File: 61 KB, 480x640, 66bc2cdc-9e17-5aa2-95fa-d3f2d6aaf850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a blouse with a peter pan collar would look retarded with a jsk that has a bib, right? what sort of collar would look best? pic related.

>> No.10756951
File: 110 KB, 960x640, ZomboDroid 27042022212423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think a yoke and a peter pan collar are mutually exclusive (pic related), but I think with this JSK it could be cute to take off the little neck bow and instead have a high-neck blouse with a really big neckbow hang over the yoke.

>> No.10756953
File: 12 KB, 240x318, b74dc972-03aa-5467-9aba-109659e5a8fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

example of what I mean. but I don't own this exact jsk, so it's only a guess

>> No.10756996

Which wig/hair color would suit dark gothic coords the best? I normally use my own hair but it's getting very dry and I'd like to switch things up by getting a wig.
I wear 99% black or otherwise dark coords, gothic and classic, very fair skin and blond hair.

>> No.10757050

Dark reddish-brown is a good color if you want a natural look, dark enough to not stand out too much from the coord but different enough from black that the hair accessories stand out.

>> No.10757072
File: 47 KB, 480x640, 789b874b-4242-52ee-b90d-ddf4d9a403c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to buy a bonnet/hat like pic rel?
In white specifically, and offbrand because the brand ones I've found secondhand were the wrong color so at this point idc, I just want a cheap but cute one. I've looked through taobao (as best as I could), my lolita dress, lolita wardrobe, devilinspired, even aliexpress and ones in this style are either sold out or they don't have white.

>> No.10757117

I think lab de merveilles makes these

>> No.10757126

Why not just wait for AATP to rerelease one next year or search for it on the second hand markets?

>> No.10757147

hmmm that actually would be cute, tysm nonnie.

>> No.10757148
File: 351 KB, 700x404, thisorthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want the Sugar Cotton OP, but like I'm not sure how AP handles it's "plus size" releases. On the other hand, the Hidden Princess OP from Meta is pretty cute and I know it'll fit, but like, it's too fancy for me to wear casually.

IDK if I should get another causal dress or a really fancy one? Which do you think will sell out 1st?

>> No.10757195

Are enamel pins not popular in japan? I tend to only ever see can badges.

>> No.10757240

Can badges are stupidly cheap and easy to make in house. Enamel pins would require a manufacturer, making samples for each design, and shipping. It's probably not worth the high cost and risk for a clothing brand.

>> No.10757279


>> No.10757281

They're based in Russia, so they can't process international orders anymore

>> No.10757297

Ah, sucks to hear. Having a shop name might somehow help me in my search though so thanks anon >>10757117

Like I said the ones I found secondhand weren’t the color I want. Also it’s just a bonnet I dont really care to wait that long for a rerelease, I’d rather just buy a cheap one to have on hand and maybe I’ll eventually buy an AATP one whenever they do rerelease them.

Will check that out, thank you!

>> No.10757340


>> No.10757397

Is there any shopping service that works on Mercari, and is fast enough that they can buy things that are expected to sell within a few hours?
I guess that if such a service exists, the people who know about it won't share it out of fear that it gets slower when more people know about it.

But anyway, how do people fight for the popular items? Is it this shopping service that may not exist or do people have other techinques as well? Are westerners really excluded from popular items that aren't overpriced?

>> No.10757914
File: 369 KB, 500x600, B6A66F49-5A06-421E-9593-7E595508AC78 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(newfag) I'm interested in buying APs British crown in grey (I prefer their darker colours over sweet) but I haven't seen anyone post a Coord anywhere wearing it.

If I buy this dress am I on a first class ticket to being posted on the ita thread? Probably pair it with a red cardigan and ivory blouse, no idea for the shoes and socks.

>> No.10757942

If you get posted to the ita thread while wearing a brand dress, the dress won’t be the reason. Also I know what you mean but this is still going to be considered a sweet dress even though it’s in a grey colorway.

With a red cardigan/ivory blouse (you will have to be careful to make sure the cardigan you pick can accommodate the blouse sleeves), I would recommend ivory tights, red shoes, and a gold bag like the Jane Marple gold heart bag. It seems they aren’t currently available new, but Teja Jamilla’s crown print tights would be perfect with this if you can get them on Lacemarket.

>> No.10757945
File: 435 KB, 800x800, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good place to find some platform heels? I'm thinking about getting pic related but my area has pretty shitty sidewalks so I know they'll get ruined in a day. Links appreciated since this is a little generic to search for. Thanks!

>> No.10757948
File: 395 KB, 1079x620, Screenshot_20220430-203603_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently figured out how to do a braid crown hairstyle on myself. What kind of hair accessory would I wear if I were to do my hair like this for a coord?
>t. a rectangle headdress bitch

>> No.10757952

Mercari JP has listings

>> No.10758022
File: 201 KB, 1125x1125, 6565F1BC-0899-48DC-B8A0-7D1B34A2FE61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted these from Antaina recently, they have a very forgiving size range and I believe you can ask them to make your shoes in any color/finish as well

>> No.10758029

That's how I got one in the end the other day. Thanks though Anon!

>> No.10758030

This is great, thanks anon! I swear I haven't seen these from Antaina before but I might have missed it.

>> No.10758044

You're welcome! I ordered them for myself after they were posted here, they should arrive pretty soon - I can write up a quick review, if it will be of any help

>> No.10758046

no clue. i throw mine in a drawer since i don’t use them and they stay there until i sell the respective dress. what gets me is when they sell the waist ties alone.

>> No.10758059

god shut up

>> No.10758118

white rabbit express has high fees but they mark shit down for customs, if the item is really expensive its cheaper to pay their fees instead of the customs tax

>> No.10758144

Floral hair clips (think Mary Magdalene/VM) or smaller bow clips

>> No.10758159
File: 20 KB, 400x300, ffe07330-c537-5724-b37d-63e3eacaaa31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am genuinely retarded and did not see this thread.

Would anybody know where to get utks like these? I'm also open to getting a pair of regular striped utks and attaching wristcuffs to them - it's just that I can't find utks with thin enough stripes.

>> No.10758261

Anyone have pictures of that ring challenge that happened a few years ago?
It was just pictures of lolitas putting as many rings as possible on their fingers. I miss it.

>> No.10758452
File: 407 KB, 475x568, IW beret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of getting this IW beret to match with my burgundy Orion OP and Lace Yoke Flare JSK (both in wine.) But I dunno, coordinating a beret with these pieces looks a bit off to me. Maybe it's because I'm used to seeing berets in winter-y coat and skirt coords. Anons, is my gut instinct right, or should I go for it? Lolibrary links for my pieces below

>> No.10758580

How does everybody's family and/or parents feel about lolita fashion?

>> No.10758585

My dad thought it was a costume (I do cosplay so I understand the initial confusion), my mom likes it but she freaks out about the prices sometimes.

However I've always worn alternative fashion so it wasn't like going from normie to full lolita. They're happy as long as I don't wear super revealing stuff I think.

>> No.10758594

My mom thinks it's weird but like other anon she's just glad I'm not wearing something slutty lol. My dad is actually really supportive. He was goth (until he got married lol) so he "gets" alt fashion and always compliments my coords

>> No.10758599

my mom thinks it's the cutest thing and is fully supportive of me wearing it. to the point of she learned to buy stuff online using shopping services and would surprise me with stuff. we used to look at all my magazines together too.
when i wear it tho she often says stuff like "i wish i was younger so i could wear that" or "i wish i could fit into something like that" :(

>> No.10758600

I'm so jealous! Remind her she can wear whatever she wants!

>> No.10758604

Seeing one of the newer threads made me want to ask:
Where do you all get most of your jewelry/accessories? What is / isn't acceptable, in your opinion? Can you justify brand prices, or do you prefer to get items from other sources?

>> No.10758614

No matter how many times I tell her, my mother insists that lolitas wear it for attention. I've even told her, "if I were wearing it for attention, why would I get dressed up, go to my friend's house, not leave her house for 6 hours, and then come back and take it all off? why would I wait until I get to an event to change into my coord?" and she still insists lolitas want attention :/ She likes some of the more elegant stuff that borders between classic/gothic though. She has a really good eye for colours and balance though, so sometimes I ask her for coording/purchasing advice, and she's never steered me wrong to date
Luckily I had good taste as a non-lolita and don't wear sweet, so I was able to use most of the jewelry I already had when I started wearing the fashion. As for new stuff, I make most of my jewelry, but sometimes thrift stuff as well. Every so often I find something actually cute at a fast fashion store. I think it's acceptable to wear some offbrand stuff- I think everyone needs a strand of pearls and you can find good glass pearls just about anywhere these days. Since I make stuff, I try not to buy things I could make myself easily, like pic related. I don't wear crosses for personal reasons, so I made a similar version with different charms. I also don't really buy brand jewelry at brand prices, no hate to those who do, I just have such a big collection already. I figure, if I can't find it secondhand, I don't need it. If I were to wear sweet, I probably wouldn't try to make my own deco/clay jewelry, I see so many itas running around with the shitty homemade cake/macaron stuff

>> No.10758656


My mom used to be extremely concerned about me wearing it but now she's fully supportive. She shows all the aunties my coords, lol. Just thinks I have too many dresses but eh she's not wrong.

>> No.10758660


I'm classic so I just get vintage jewelry lots from eBay for super cheap per piece. I also make my own jewelry because I like making jewelry and it's easier to coordinate specific items that way.

>What is/isn't acceptable?
Hard to say but in general you have to be careful with newer pieces particularly fast fashion jewelry. Small jewelry is also overwhelmed by coords, so that delicate looking bullshit from ana luisa is a no go. Once you're more into the fashion I think it's easier to know what will be lolita appropriate vs not.

>Can you justify brand prices, or do you prefer to get items from other sources?

Most of the time no, but I also make my own jewelry so I generally know resources and time that go into whatever costume jewelry the brand puts out. If its something very unique I might buy it, but I usually end up getting jewelry from brands secondhand if at all.

>> No.10758661
File: 59 KB, 570x700, 18D0C9D3-E598-49E6-B59B-859601572D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our fellow larpers weren't of much help, so I'll ask here too. I had my clip-in ringlet extensions from FancyNancyHairUpdos on Etsy, and they were perfect in every way, but their store seems to be gone and I can't repurchase them now. Can someone recommend another wig maker or shop where I can get similar ones?

>> No.10758663

I don't really see a problem with it.

>> No.10758692

Are there any brand-quality or better stores that make cute blouses for a more affordable price point? Id like some cute yellow & pink blouses, but I don't like the weird scratchy thick material bodyline used

>> No.10758883

It's either price or quality, choose one

>> No.10758888

Who are sneakers chan and lazy eye chan from the ita thread?

>> No.10758889

Two itas having slap fights with each other, though by this point I'm convinced lazy eye-chan is the crazier one and a genuine lolcow. There's a constant "EVERYONE WHO EVER DISAGREES WITH MY IS SNEAKERS-CHAN" mentality that makes me think someone needs to be on meds.

>> No.10758897

Is it even her? I mean, the board is anonymous

>> No.10758902

Lazy eye-chan has a really distinct typing style that's pretty ESL in its grammar. (She's Russian iirc) it's also telling in the ita thread only the picture of her was taken down and not other people.

>> No.10758906

Anon, I'm not lazy eye-chan and everytime I've confronted sneakers-chan on here, they schizo post the girl from reddit.

Just as a fyi, this is what is actually happening. I have my doubts that the lazy eye girl even comes here. Everytime I confront ap sneakers-chan, she posts lazy eye girl.

>> No.10758907

if that's not schizo paranoia bullshit, then I don't know what is. also the post that got deleted wasn't lazy eye-chan, it was some other redditor that they vendetta posted. Yes, I am the one calling out ap sneakers-chan and no, I'm not 2-3 other girls that she keeps claiming me to be.

>> No.10758912

Nta but check the archive, It was the lazy eye girl that got deleted.

>> No.10758917

oh, that's ironic - well, whatever. I reported all of them, but they have ap sneaker's-chan's ip logged and can also additionally see every time she posts the girl in a thread, from that: so they know she's vendetta posting. hence why she got banned.

>> No.10758920

SHE schizo post the same coord of the girl from reddit

>> No.10758922

I think so

>> No.10758923

How to tell that an item is loliable

>> No.10758925

My socks got stained by shoes. What are some ways to make them clean again?

>> No.10758927

Try oxyclean

>> No.10758951

you're not gonna get brand quality for less than brand price. You could try second hand though, and the prices will be a bit easier to manage, although the selection just depends on random chance as people list their stuff. Even better if you're willing to buy damaged stuff for a deep discount if you know basic repairs. I bought a blouse with a missing button that was quite yellowed, all it needed was a good soak in oxyclean and the button to be sewed back on and bam, brand cotton blouse for ~$50.

>> No.10758952

soak in oxyclean for a few hours, rinse, gently rub with a bar of laundry soap afterwards, rinse. It should get most of it, esp if this is the first wear/couple of wears.

For the future, invest in those little no-show thin sock things you can put over your nice socks to avoid staining.

>> No.10758988

Just pay the brand price. Cut down on buying $200 dresses and spend $50-100 on a few blouses to round out your wardrobe. The price is seriously worth it. My brand blouses are made of really nice fabric and lace and they're much more flattering than my cheapo blouses.

>> No.10758990

If getting brand blouses for cheap doesn't work out, I also recommend stalking vintage sales until something Loliable comes up for less than 40 dollars. This is honestly going to be a bit of a crapshoot, but I do find nice peter pan collar blouses about once a month on etsy.

>> No.10759029

For old school, is there anything wrong with mixing a moitie blouse with a btssb skirt or jsk? Was that something people did?

>> No.10759059

It's fine if it works stylistically. People were more likely to mix AP/Meta/Baby due to Moitie often having a more distinctive "egl" aesthetic at that stage, but in all the old street snaps people mixed brands and non brand items as well.

>> No.10759064


I always say this but just closet child and look at more casual jfashion brands like axes femme or FINT. Most of my comfortable coordinates are built around axes femme cutsews, and the blouses, especially FINT blouses, have less detailing but are still very good for the price. (Axes femme blouses are a bit of a crapshoot tho, ngl)

>> No.10759208

What's a good a-line petticoat to get? I have a modified malco modes I'm looking to upgrade from. Mainly looking for something that won't look lumpy under some of moitie's thinner fabrics.

>> No.10759212

I love this petti from MAM. Its not as large of a poof as some people like, but if youre using it for moitie, it should be fine.

>> No.10759214

Anna house has some really good cotton blouses.

>> No.10759215

Thanks anon! I was debating on the A&A mini petti but I feel like the material MAM uses will allow the fabric to drape better. Out of curiosity, have you worn this under moitie without issue?

>> No.10759264

Yes! I have Silent Moon and Iron Gate, both are pretty thin and they lay quite nicely.
The A&A pettis are great for thicker dresses but are lumpy with thinner fabrics ime

>> No.10759427

I love axes femme for more casual stuff. I've gotten some cutsews for like $3-5 from closet child and some still had store tags on. I also got a really thin summer bolero that has a little hood on the back. It's not a functional one but it looks cute as fuck, I've never owned anything quite like it .

>> No.10759563

Hello girls. I am here for the first time and i dont really understand where i can ask for help. I want to know if anyone owns smth from the moon night theatre release by AP. I want to hear your experience of cleaning this print. Or maybe u can help me to find some kinds of reviews? Im wandering if i can wash it by washing machine on delicate program

>> No.10759601

test it somewhere inconspicuous, like a waist tie, and see if it bleeds. If you're nervous it's always safest to handwash in cold water gentle detergent, roll in a towel to absorb water and then dry flat. you can also get colour catcher sheets. Sometimes if the tag says try clean only it's fine to handwash but again if you're worried just get it dry cleaned. Alternatively you can check the archive for past threads on washing lolita, there's been a handful and there's helpful tips in there.

>> No.10759654

Belated but thank you anon! I decided to go for it since those thin Moitie OPs were precisely what I was thinking about.

>> No.10759996

For AP french cafe, if you're in the USA is there any reason you'd use an SS to get the MTO in paris/japan over waiting for it to reach the AP USA webstore?

>> No.10760020

Paris ships internationally and Japan ships to Tenso, so I don't see the point unless you want to try instore, if they're even doing that?

>> No.10760022

Yeah because Tenshi always posts 'AP MTO out! let me know if you want it! and i will SS for you' and i've been wondering why the fuck anyone would need tenshi for an mto. if Paris ships internationally now I'm even more confused

>> No.10760062

The only reason I can think of is if release time is inconvenient for whatever reason

>> No.10760115

Anyone know of any really good hair braiding tutorials? Was looking for something in the style of hairarrange_natsume on instagram. Most of the tutorials I've found through google are neither that intricate nor girly.

>> No.10760639

Meuir_noir? Mueir_noir? Something like that. She now goes by amandabear_lector on instagram and is in the indie beer scene.

>> No.10760647

Usually MTOs get delivered to Japan first, so sometimes you'll get your items a whole month before Paris/US. Also, it's cheaper. Paris/US are very marked up, and I usually wind up spending less if I use a SS for MTOs.

>> No.10761297

Damn, she looks like such a normie now, you'd never guess she was into lolita and a part of the Harajuku scene in its heyday

>> No.10762036
File: 385 KB, 1500x2000, U98d9ce5644a643258c901b65d3645080t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considered making my own thread for this because that's how desperate I am, but figured I might as well try my luck here first.

I'm looking for this specific hat in the black x red colorway (picture of it in black x purple), both versions used to be available on aliexpress from a few different stores and are now all sold out. I actually bought one of these listings but its been a while and in a few days aliexpress will (most likely) refund me and tell me the item was unavailable. Now I'm just trying to find the original brand/maker or any legit listing but so far all my leads have gone nowhere or to super shitty dubious websites.

Found an amazon listing that used the name ZUQIEE, but I can't find any brand or store with that name. And I think bodyline had their own (shittier) version along with an outfit years and years ago, if this old minkyshop store page is right. But that didn't help me either, I can't find anything on bodyline's website or taobao. Plus this is confusing me a bit, now I don't know if it could be from a japanese brand, but I do believe the version I bought is from a more recent chinese brand, even though its definitely inspired by older j-fashion (or shugo chara I think).

Almost every google image I find leads me back to the same aliexpress page, a listing from mikumn store, which is a reseller of different taobao alternative clothing brands (blood supply, morbid, nekura, etc. which i've all been able to find on taobao easily but still no hat). It's out of stock and I doubt they make anything themselves so still nothing.

Also the tiny text on the cross says twisted illusions, as far as I can tell. Which was also a dead end.

Picrel is the hat in black x purple, with what looks like a tag but I don't recognize it and there's no text on it....of course. So yeah anyone who has any info on this hat or leads on where I can search other than taobao, I am pretty desperate if that wasn't obvious by this autistic-tier infodump post.

>> No.10762041

Ah, shit. Wasted all this finger sweat typing that in a thread that's on autosage. Should've made my own post lol