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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 485 KB, 872x350, colossalcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10749018 No.10749018 [Reply] [Original]

It's happening in a few months, anyone planning on going? Any cosplay plans?

>> No.10749033
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And here I was thinking it was time to get the thread going just yesterday. I'm not planning, but guaranteed because this is the one I'm sold on for life. Even wanted to do all four until seeing Texas and North fall on the same dates. No matter, since this is the main event.

Right now, the biggest issue is figuring out where to stay. There's gonna be at least several dozen people I recognize there but one of my guys is struggling to find something and so am I. Predicted course of action is Acen -> fly down to Atlanta for Momocon -> ride up with another of my guys for Colossal. I expect only good things from this one (i.e. being wasted 95% of the time while awake and sleeping for three hours a night), as always.

>> No.10749044

If its too cold for outdoor swimming I WILL be sad.

>> No.10749045
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Pain is temporary, glory is forever. Also just noticed you got the next set of dubs to come right after mine.

>> No.10749245

I'm staying at a motel nearby and just ubering between the Kalahari. It's my first time going so I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.10749310

My kid and I wanted to go but the dates didn't line up. We're looking at Anime Ohio or Matsuricon, anyone know if those (or any other con in the area) are good?

>> No.10749345
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Hoo boy, hood luck with that. They have little to no presence in Sandusky. One guy I met there last year said he waited like an hour before one accepted.
>It's my first time going so I'm looking forward to it.
As you should. My expectations were insanely high the first time, and they were exceeded 10x over. Keep your ears to the ground for either villa stuff directly off site or a guy offering "Miku juice" if you wanna find the really good stuff.

>> No.10749362

>They have little to no presence in Sandusky
Fuck, how about normal taxis? Those still exist in America right?
>"Miku juice"
If it's anything like the shit you get offered at AX I'm all for it

>> No.10749385
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You probably have a better chance, but considering even rinky dink motels are over $200 a night that weekend, I expect taxis are no different.
Haven't been myself, but the guy who serves it never shuts up about LA. So there's a very good chance you've already had a taste.

>> No.10749444
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It's not too bad actually, around $750 for 5 nights. Split between friends and it's nice and cheap.
I'll be sure to bring my fumo too

>> No.10749720

Anyone got some advice on local beers? We'll be doing some shopping near the con and I'd like to know what to keep an eye out for.

>> No.10749724

i want fumofags to kill themselves back to /jp/

>> No.10749727
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Blessed digits even though I don't own any myself and just use my friend's for pictures. Not sure he's even going. Sad!
To be desu, I'd just go with whatever you like normally. There'll be more than enough of those to go around at parties.
Keep "wanting" all you like, hellspawn.

>> No.10749823

I'm taking the Greyhound bus from Cleveland to Sandusky. It will arrive around around 2PM. Is there any taxi or Uber around during the afternoon in Sandusky?

>> No.10749826

Met a dude named blue that had a Kamina tattoo last year. Second time at Kalahari and they invited me out to the Villa on Fri night. Keep your ears close to the ground, how i found out about a hotel party which had a dude with slack backpack carrying around 30 joints dude was super chill

>> No.10750119

>To be desu, I'd just go with whatever you like normally. There'll be more than enough of those to go around at parties.
Eh, I'm not big on poaching other people's beer. Found a market in the area that looks promising.

>> No.10750137

The whole time I was there, I only left Kalahari once, but I do know one thing: people in my group were worrying about Ubers and of them said "They'll definitely have a ton hanging around the convention center." They did not.

Is this your first Colossal? Cause if so, the event is a 4-day free for all of just hopping between random rooms and all are overstocked. In other words, they came in with the intention of handing out as much as possible.

>> No.10750173

I would stay at the Kalahari the whole time too. Just need one ride from Greyhound to Kalahari on Wednesday afternoon and then another ride from Kalahari to Greyhound on Sunday morning/noon

>> No.10750181

Bros they have the shuttle(s). They can't do this con without one. It stops right by Walmart. I wouldn't waste money on Ubers. They only run until 2am (at least last time I was there), so I did have to walk back after but it's just a mile

>> No.10750496

God,I miss this con so much

>> No.10750501

The fuck, you're still alive? I remember inviting you to a room party back when I started out on /cgl/ and then never hearing from you.

>> No.10750503

You just jogged my memory. The transportation issue was bad last year cause a lot of people showed up there and realized the shuttle wasn't running.

>> No.10750545

Why not come then
Would be great to see you again man

>> No.10750779

I live near Cleveland and have never been to a con, this seems like my chance and from what some of you guys said I guess this is one of the best around. Should be epic. Does it matter what day/days I go on? Hopefully I can make a friend there and find out about some after-parties.

>> No.10750821

Ideally Fri+Sat+Sun but you could do just two of those as well ie. Fri+Sat or Sat+Sun

>> No.10751093

Nah, I've done Prime twice and East once. I always err on the side of bringing my own alcohol. Usually I trade. Nobody likes the weebs that come off as mooches.

>> No.10753064


>> No.10754146

A little over a month to go. I got my group together. Got my massage scheduled. Looking forward to a nice binge drinking break from the world. Bunch of 30 somethings now. We have been going since 2012. Which is crazy to think about.
Cosplay is going to be sylas from league of legends and possibly zabuza.

>> No.10754742

Decided to not go. Bus line to 12:30 is shit when the swim is until 3am

>> No.10754804

drive a car

>> No.10754813

0 parking at Kalahari + being wasted

>> No.10754815


>> No.10754828

$30 Uber's for half a mile waiting an hour if you can get one at 3am that is. Have you been to colossal before?

>> No.10754833

ya, i just happen to have $$

>> No.10754843

$30 split 4 ways is nothing

>> No.10754849

Not spending $30 on quareem rabdul to drive for 2 minutes while waiting an hour, again, if there is even anyone available

>> No.10754852

okay good, sounds like you'd be annoying there anyway.

>> No.10754853

I wouldn't interact with anyone on /cgl/ anyway since most of you are smelly and autistic

>> No.10754866

so you'd rather just skip the con?

>> No.10755675

>Uh...i wasn't interested in coming anyway... Y-you guys are stupid! You're stupid and LAME!!
>picks up and ball leaves
Absolute jej moment. Thank you for already guaranteeing a much better experience with your absence. Also
>too lazy to walk half a mile
Another laugh, still.

>> No.10756129

Anyway. What are you all planning for cosplay?

>> No.10756293
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Kotaro Tatsumi from Zombieland Saga and Spamton from Deltarune
Not exactly swimsuits but comfortable regardless

>> No.10756477

Season 4 Eren Jaeger

>> No.10757375

Nah it's so close after Momocon that I won't be able to recoup PTO. I'll probably make the general for Colossalcon Texas like I did last year sometime in like, June though.

>> No.10757458

Who /sands5thfloorbalcony/ here?

>> No.10757535

Do they give you the option to choose early?

>> No.10757807

Just got home from Fan Expo Cleveland (formerly Wizard World). They put RFID chips in their badges, and now require you to sign in and out when entering or leaving the dealer's hall/artist's alley. Never seen a con do this shit to prevent ghosting, is this new or am I old? Fuck Colossal if they try to pull that shit.

>> No.10757808

AX does it, at entrances into the LACC and into artist alley / panels

>> No.10757810

Blizzcon and the DOTA International did it back when they were a thing. But they didn't really matter no one actually beeped their badges on the pillars, it was ignored

>> No.10757814

Volunteers were scanning badges here.

>> No.10758187

I dont see the point. I never buy anything at colossal. I just enjoy the venue for people watching. I pay for my week pass and then just enjoy friends.

>> No.10758895

Wouldn't miss it for the world!

I'm in the best shape of my life. First time being single at Colossal. Our group has, like, 5 or 6 rooms which is overkill, but dammit we'll be comfortable.

I'm going to try this goofy cross-over cosplay of Cher Horowitz from Clueless & your garden-variety Hufflepuff that I've wanted to do for years. Outside of that, I've got Miu Iruma - taking it a little easier this year.

Time to get shredded & then get real weird with it!

>> No.10758932

Want to meet up for some fuck and suck?

>> No.10758960

Based, I just went to fan expo cleveland it was my first con. Velvet dog afterparty was pretty lit. What do you mean by ghosting? What's wrong with what they're doing? It prevents people from entering if they didn't purchase a pass.

>> No.10758962
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>mfw I have no group to go with and will be playing on hard mode going solo attempting to make friends
It's all so lonesome bros

>> No.10758967

Did this once at Matsuricon. Shit was unbearable at the beginning of the day. Then I started drinking a bit &, and by the end of the night, I was blackout drunk with a ton of strangers, having the time of my life.

Tip: cosplay as something chaotic neutral/evil. I was the Joker & it helped a ton.

Well, well, well...

>> No.10758969

I'll hang out with you anon

>> No.10758986
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Thanks frens, I met some peeps at fan expo who will be at colossal con, even got invited to a party there by one of them so I'm hyped about making new friends. Just gotta get a cosplay ready now, is it lame to do the same cosplay the whole time? I don't know if I should just cosplay one character or a couple

>> No.10759002

Sounds like fun, enjoy it friend! I'm taking two cosplays I've worn many years before so don't worry about rewears, get your mileage out of them.
Also if anyone wants European sweets or goodies, hmu

>> No.10759005

I would like european sweets and goodies pls and thx as long as they don't have your bodily fluids or other horrors in them

>> No.10759013

Usually I bring sealed bags of stuff so it's pretty safe, lmk what stuff you want and I can get it for you

>> No.10759652

Do not trust random internet bangs anon. Thats how you get chlamydia .

>> No.10759845

Schedule dropped.

>> No.10761464
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Remember, hand holding is lewd, and you have to shower with your clothes on. I don't make the rules, the Kalahari is trying to make things PG13 this year for the kids you know.

>> No.10761466

I am going to take a shit in the wave pool.

>> No.10761497
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In Current Year +7, this is the least authoritarian we can hope or expect any convention to be

>> No.10761503

Do you think masks will be required? Need to look into ordering some for my cosplays if so

>> No.10761506

Its colossal, none of their events asked for masks last year even

>> No.10761507

It's my first time so good to know

>> No.10761981

We have to enjoy it while we can before God turns it into a pillar of salt.

>> No.10762002

ill probably be going as dawn and minecraft steve, if anyone was at fanexpo cleveland on that friday you probably saw me, Does anyone here got a room anywhere for just saturday night? i would like to bring my girl friend with me but every hotel is sold out

>> No.10762008

Anyone else crash dieting to get beach bod ready by con?

>> No.10762168

no, in fact I can't stop stuffing my face

>> No.10762277
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You got this fren.

>> No.10762280

might starve myself

>> No.10762292

I believe in you friend. Don't just diet, make sure you do movement. If you are a fitizen then you probably have some type of routine, stick with it and add more arms if you can. No one gives a fuck about legs.
If not, do cardio or look into some type of body weight routine.
YOU GOT THIS BRO. Meet me at the convention center bar for a congratulation drink Thursday afternoon of you are legal. IF NOT idk. Ill still tell you I'm proud of you if you want.

I got 3 weeks to look reasonable again. Not doing it to pick up chicks, but to be better than 90 percent of the options there. LETS FUCKIN GOOOO.

>> No.10762302
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>No one gives a fuck about legs.

We all notice it when you ignore legs

>> No.10762332

Except you don't. Fit just says otherwise because of severe autism. Escape the board hive mind anon. I believe in you.

>> No.10762772

Oh this might be a place to ask. How are the room TVs for hooking in laptops? I don't remember if they had HDMI ports or not.

>> No.10762781

>going solo
When I do my best work. I don't know why, but I socialize so much better on my own.

>> No.10762809

They do. We always hook up a laptop for anime streaming.

>> No.10762850

Thank you! :)

>> No.10762866

Nothing but Keto & cardio until the con, babyyy

I've been doing body recomp for the past 3 months & my arms/back/legs have gotten way bigger. Time to cut it down a bit & live my best life out there.

Oh, & remember to make sure you drink a little too much the first night so you can get that nice emaciated look!

>> No.10763641

Haven't been to a CC before. Any recommendations for those who didn't manage to get a room at the con and have to drive to CC?

>> No.10763651

how fars the drive for you? be prepared to spent time looking for a parking spot. it gets full pretty fast but it also clears up a bit at night

>> No.10763653

Bring money. Day waterpark passes are expensive af. Foods expensive. Honestly if we don't get a room at the con then we don't go. Been easier with this covid world though.

>> No.10763659

Probably a 10 minute drive out.

>> No.10763662

how colossal is colossalcon really? is it all that big? I'm from Texas btw

>> No.10763672

Used to be fucking massive precovid. Parking overflow into all their grass. The villas were practically rave sites. The booze flowed like a flooded river.
The con center was so packed that you were shoulder to shoulder with cosplayers and normals alike.
It calmed down quite a bit last year, you had a good party batch from everyone that was cooped up and excited to be out in 2021. But overall the cosplay was good and the vibe was there. Older crowd too. Like lots of mid 20s. There were still available rooms the day of the con I believe so was not super packed.

>> No.10763727

Can you buy waterpark passes in advance?

>> No.10763736

Sure can. Go to the kalahari sandusky site and choose your dates.

>> No.10763738

thats not too bad. ive never had a room at kalahari and i still have fun. usually drive from cle and stay until 3am or so

>> No.10763988

>and stay until 3am or so
That's when you finish pregaming, not leave

>> No.10764056

kek. maybe i should try to go to the villas this year then

>> No.10764057

Wow, that was pretty weird timing since I was already in this thread then hit refresh just now. ANYWAY, that wasn't even a joke, as I was in a room that started their party at 3 AM last year. And yes, you absolutely should aim for that, it's one of my top priorities.

>> No.10764071

We doing a meet up then?

>> No.10764081

There's already a ton of confirmed gulls in attendance, so I'd say so

>> No.10764094

Thatd be neat.

>> No.10764095

If I manage to get away from my friends, I'd like to

>> No.10764098

Too soon to make any definitive plans on this front, but I can tell you I should be getting in with my guy no later than Wednesday night.

>> No.10764110

How do you get into the villas?

>> No.10764119

Considering that A) there were a ton of people inside B) it was a "low turnout" compared to other years C) they were giving wristbands at the door, it's probably as easy as just walking up...though having booze on hand doesn't hurt. The one I'm thinking of had a really lousy selection anyway.

>> No.10764166

Based, will do then.

>> No.10764172

I figured ill post something on Thursday. Assuming I actually want to hang with randoms that night.

>> No.10764232

You can, but it's A LOT cheaper to buy them at the venue through Colossalcon. They offer discounted day passes for $60 during the con. If you buy a day pass online it will cost you around $130, IIRC.
I'm not sure if the discounted day passes sell out, though.

>> No.10764811

I've always wanted to go to this, but it seems like a pain since I'm not local to any of them and none of them are close to an airport. Do you just have to rent a car and drive a few hours to the con?

>> No.10764829

Yeah or have a friend drive you or something

>> No.10764836

cheers. I'll hit one up this year. it seemed so dead last year i didnt bother.
ive made all my con friends post 2am. idk seems like by then everyones fully dropped their inhibitions and are fully in the con mood

>> No.10764882

It was fuckin kicking last year. All the covid fear mongers stayed home, everyone else was there to be wild. Great villa parties.

>> No.10764899

I'm flying into Toronto, train to Windsor, then a car around to Sandusky

>> No.10764907

damn. thats what i get for being lazy.
maybe I'll see you there anon. im cool with a korean manlet thats got connections. I'll prob just tag along

>> No.10764952

>roiding for this

>> No.10764980

This will be my first ever Colossalcon. If I do a shirtless cosplay what are the odds that I can get laid?

>> No.10765020


>> No.10765028
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cringe and retarded. good chances I guess if you go for horny ugly girls or have gay guys that let you fuck them or traps. will depend on your charisma and luck rolls if you are aiming for attractive-ish girls.

>> No.10765044

Nice, I'm going to hold you to this prediction. :)

>> No.10765175

Didnt you molest a 12 y/o at acen?

>> No.10765307

Bost body and lifts

>> No.10765325

So I think I am just gonna go Saturday. Would anyone be inerested in /cgl/ met up? Depending on head count I'm thinking between going to a Japanese steak/sushi house that is close by that I've done in the past or just getting pizza if we have a lot of people wanting to show up.

>> No.10765370

I'd be down

>> No.10765371

Not sure what you mean by this.

>> No.10765380

Not getting laid confirmed.

>> No.10765431
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>Not sure what you mean by this.
It's Over.

>> No.10765438

>Older crowd too. Like lots of mid 20s
>mid 20s
just kill me now

>> No.10765480

Got a double queen balcony just pay the transfer fees
Nights are June 1st to June5th

>> No.10765634

How much?

>> No.10765682

Lol. It is what it is. More preferable than teen cons. Makes me feel disgusting even looking at some girls cosplay then.
I look forward to it anon. I'm to the point I want more contacts in my life. We don't have to end up best friends, its just good to chat with and know people.

>> No.10766052

Some of you needs need to sign up for the cosplay chess game. They don't have enough apparently. I'm in it.

>> No.10766120

so what the fuck happened in 2019 that people say it was the worst year for the con
i was drunk as shit playing SDVX the whole time, I had a good time

>> No.10766126

EVERYONE was drunk. It was fucking wild style. Property damage, alcohol poisoning, full insanity. Loaded with people too. Whole place was packed full.

>> No.10766182

Friend and I are going to this this year, first con for both of us. Dude lost like 35lbs for this in a few weeks, and I've been trying to fit up a little as well considering the whole pool thing, though am already thin. Got some girl on a dating app say we could meet there. Have no idea what to expect but hopefully it's a lot of fun.

>> No.10766286
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Is my body ready to pull off a shirtless cosplay at Colossalcon?

>> No.10766331

Considering it, is it hard to do?

>> No.10766398

You just cosplay and take commands like move here or dance. Its a fun time to be silly.

>> No.10766587

Make sure you get some cowprint shorts. It is apparently popular this year.

>> No.10767392

Planning a huge day 0 party. I'll keep you all updated. We're going to light fireworks off the balcony.

>> No.10767556

how hard is it for a average trap to get laid at the con?

>> No.10767649

Probably like -2/10, but that really depends on your definition of average, and the standards of the lay.

>> No.10767915

Please don't do that you fucking sperg. That shit is how things catch fire and how they shutdown the con.

>> No.10767924

How likely is it to find someone to hold my hand as we walk around the dealers hall

>> No.10767929

depends how cute you are

>> No.10768142

Sounds degenerate as fuck. Shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.10768144

Does anyone remember, do the rooms at the Kalahari have ethernet drops, or is it wifi only? I remember the network sucking dick previous years.

>> No.10768146

All the people who've forgotten even the basics of how to conduct themselves during the pandemic are going to make this con a shitshow. I fully expect police out every day and a shitload of people being kicked out, arrested, and put on watch lists. The park still has normies in it and there is a lot of behaviour the Kalahari won't put up with.

>> No.10768149

But last year's wasn't bad

>> No.10768150

Last year's was comprised of people who were still going out and interacting with other human beings during the pandemic. This year is the one where the people who shut themselves inside are coming out of their caves. I have a feeling a lot of them don't remember how outside works.

>> No.10768151

I can only hope! That sounds fucking badass. Go nuts boys and girls (excluding transfags) I love hearing good stories of con chaos.

>> No.10768153

Me too, to a degree. I just don't want to find myself being pressured to fill out a police report drunk at 3am again. Kills the fucking buzz.

>> No.10768195

Seagulls better document the crazy shit they see, bonus points for pics

>> No.10768322
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Leave it to me

>> No.10768385

This is literally forced autism for high fives

Don't do that shit, you idiot.

>> No.10768413

Post a room number. No party like a Gull Party.

>> No.10768416

Is this the wildest party convention? If so sounds like I'll have to make it next year.

>> No.10768418

No that would be ALA

>> No.10768419

Anime Los Angeles?

>> No.10768453

Since this is a beach themed cosplay event, which of these shirtless cosplays would you recommend me to do? And which is likely to attract girls haha.
- Inuyasha
- Kakashi
- Kiba Inuzuka
- MK Scorpion
- Spider-Man
- Zabuza

>> No.10768518

Why is it called Colossalcon?

>> No.10768522

you'll see when the parking lot fills up and the lawn gets covered in cars

>> No.10768548

I'd skip the fireworks. It may cause concern for the Fire Marshall to come out. If rumors are true Kalahari is gonna have hella security again this year.

>> No.10768570

Give us the lore on these rumors

>> No.10768630

I heard from a former kalahari employee (house keeper) that a lot of people over the past 2 years have been arrested by police for disorderly conduct. There has also been a couple of shootings in the parking lot as well, you can google it. The big kalahari cups have also been discontinued to limit drinking due to all these police calls and shootings.

>> No.10768673

any way I can find out when the cosplay meetups are? I want to try and find an Undertale one but Facebook turned up no results

>> No.10768709

Not me

>> No.10768747

Fake and gay

>> No.10768750

I'm still bringing my big kalahari cuppa

>> No.10768774

there has never been a shooting stop lying

>> No.10768781

Of course it wasn't you.

Yep, gay AF.

Do it!
Google it. https://fox8.com/news/i-team/one-in-custody-following-shooting-outside-kalahari-resort-i-team/

>> No.10768788

Didn't see one on a casual glance

>> No.10768802

that's a month before the con retard

>> No.10768851

Alright guys. So due to budget and parking, I'm just gonna buy a bunch of hot n readys for everyone. Thinking 5pm in front of the bridge to the main entrance. If if anyone wants to brinf plates and napkins it would be nice.

>> No.10768857

Lifeguards are power tripping

>> No.10768886

hell ya hot n readys

>> No.10768900


>> No.10768908

I believe this 100%. a lot of niggers from Michigan have been coming to the Ohio Kalahari and obviously wherever they go shit starts going bad

>> No.10768913
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that is all

>> No.10768918

I'm so sleepy. I just wanna sleep and nap and sleep. Anyone wanna get some booze from me before bed? Time is now. 3rd floor

>> No.10768921

Too many blacks

>> No.10768922

Girl, just download Grindr. It will take you 15 minutes to find what you’re lookin’ for. Especially if you’re younger than 35 & are at least slightly fit.

>> No.10768924

Easy if you just ask. Or you could just ask me to be your bf.

>> No.10768950

It was legit this. The came swarming down from Michigan during covid shit when prices dropped. They lack social inhibitors so they just fight and break shit.

>> No.10768952

There is a literal sheriff posted up at the front door lmao

>> No.10768956

Yup. We'll have one for the rest of the weekend. They are expecting some stupid shit.

>> No.10768958

Guys I think my roommate is a cuck he brought three girls to the room and they kept talking about their fiancees and how they want him to meet them and become friends.

>> No.10769100

Sounds like a waste of good booze on his move.

>> No.10769110

They came to the room they're down. To cheat on him.

>> No.10769158
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Why is the dealer hall absolutely empty on day 1

>> No.10769164

Just here for a day, got my fallout cosplay in the am and my Leon Kennedy in the pm

Hope to see some of you around!

>> No.10769180

Hope to see some nice swimsuit cosplay in this thread once the weekend is over.

>> No.10769213

ok who wants to go down some waterslides with me??

>> No.10769214

Apparently there is a villa which one girl is trying to pack with 40 people and is charging everyone for it.

>> No.10769215

got the contact info? sounds like a good time

>> No.10769216

There’s a swimsuit Spider-Man cosplayer letting ppl touch his pecs in one of the Kalahari rooms.

>> No.10769224

I was thinking about going tonight!

>> No.10769227

is his peen off limits?

>> No.10769235

Anyone got ribbon tips?

See you there anon

>> No.10769237


>> No.10769250

Why is everyone so fat

>> No.10769252


>> No.10769253

I’m not sure lol

>> No.10769257

what's the bussy situation looking like? might pull up

>> No.10769260

there was a cute astolfo in cosplay chess

>> No.10769269

You're in Ohio. You're not too far from the south, and everyone is fat as fuck there. Hell, Ohio's overweight percentage is 60% or some shit, and going further, 30% are obese

>> No.10769272

>The big kalahari cups have also been discontinued to limit drinking due to all these police calls and shootings.

Kek. Is anyone here actually dentheaded enough to believe this? It's yet another thing they're doing to maximize profits. They're referring to the smaller cups as "monster" cups now (kek) and charging as much as they did for the old (now discontinued) large ones.
They're doing this at the other locations as well (Poconos and Texas for sure, not sure about Wisconsin), so it has absolutely nothing to due with police calls and shootings that supposedly happened in Ohio.

>> No.10769276

I'm curious to hear what the attendance is like this year. I know it's a bit early to tell, but if anyone has any estimates in the next couple of days, I'm interested to hear.
Last year I recall they had an attendance cap of 7000, which is well below their usual attendance, and they didn't even hit that cap.
I'm wondering if they'll be a lot closer to normal this year.

>> No.10769279

Is the photo shoot schedule current? Looks like it’s from 2019

>> No.10769287

Fuck off you New York jew. Ohio is in the northern part of the U.S. It borders Kentucky which is Appalachia and not even deep southern in culture. What your describing is bog standard Midwestern girth. The same is true of Michiganders, Illinoisans, Wisconsinites, Minnesotans, ect. You need some bulk up here. You are not from here. You are not of the people of the lakes.

>> No.10769288

Based ohio defender.

>> No.10769301

It's the covidgains, no meme. I've been to this con many years in the past, always Ohio, normies and weebs alike were never this obese. I am talking real landwhales. Saw a 450 lber hit the ground today

>> No.10769303

Wednesday night had me hyped
Thursday was disapointing and killed my impression of colossal

>> No.10769306

>being fat is bog standard

>> No.10769311

how bad? im going tomorrow

>> No.10769315

Confirmed not off limits.

>> No.10769316

Its a pretty chill Thursday. Wednesday had everyone go fucking hard

>> No.10769328

alright, feel him up for me and report back, I hope it's big

>> No.10769338

Thats gay bros.

>> No.10769340

we are both girls

>> No.10769341

Any parties going on?

>> No.10769343

Thats even gayer.

>> No.10769389

shout out to the guy who just sucked me off in the parking lot, see you the same time and place tomorrow

>> No.10769406

>those hot tub hotties

>> No.10769414


>> No.10769460

Feels like 6”

>> No.10769469

Why would you do it during the cosplay contest

>> No.10769480

because people from cgl are generally stupid and don't go to cons to actually participate in the activities the convention has to offer but instead focus on partying

>> No.10769481

What's the situation like with checking water park passes? I've always just walked in before and don't want to pay for a pass

>> No.10769483

The outdoor entrance is wide open and one's checking. It was like that yesterday and when I went by an hour ago

>> No.10769490

imagine giving a shit about stuff like the cosplay contests or panels that are the same exact thing every fucking con lmao

>> No.10769495

You're on a cosplay board you bitter hag. Some people might, just possibly, care about cosplay

>> No.10769510

it really doesn't make much sense to spend hundreds of dollars to attend an event like this and then not partake in the activities. maybe you just like to check out all the underage boys and girls?

>> No.10769511

Epic projection post

>> No.10769518

Yeah the boys are cute what

>> No.10769519

You mean "no one's"?

>> No.10769521

Do I look like Kingdom Hearts to you?

>> No.10769540

Saw a fatass fem Loki walking around with her tit just all the way out lol

>> No.10769542

Why does everyone assume people are checking out underagers. Most people there are in their 20s and 30s. Christ everyone is calling each other pedos these days it's not good.

>> No.10769543


>> No.10769547

that's usually the crossboarders who show up to /cgl/ because they think they'll get a cosplay girl to suck their dick

>> No.10769579

Imagine being such a wasteoid that you continue go to cons well into your late thirties acting the same as you did when you were 22 because you don't know another way to have fun. You have no idea how to move on or develop as a human being so you continue doing the same habits over and over and over.

>> No.10769580
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just move it 2 hours later instead of being an idiot

>> No.10769581

Holy shit who cares what people do to enjoy themselves at cons. Kys's, all of you.

>> No.10769588

NTA, but there's a very significant chunk of Colossalcon attendees that don't really care about the typical con activities (panels, etc.). Honestly Colossalcon is fairly low-tier in comparison to other cons when it comes to a lot of that stuff.
Many of us just come to drink, party, fuck, and do cosplay/photography at the water park.

>> No.10769590

Neck yourself

>> No.10769591

I got the Kalahari room to myself tonight. Any girls wanna get eaten out by a fit Asian dude?

>> No.10769594

Do you ketsu wo taberu?

>> No.10769597

Nah, just interested in pleasuring a girl’s pussy with my tongue. :P

>> No.10769604

I big fat milky udders, you wanna suck them and a windsock big boy ;)

>> No.10769618

what kind of asian? hopefully not a poo

>> No.10769622

Have you been drinking?

>> No.10769623


>> No.10769625

Moo moo to you toooooooo.

>> No.10769626

I see members of the cow family have arrived. How is the herd going?

>> No.10769628

someone explain the cow shit to me

>> No.10769632

I was going to hit it up, but I dont want to make poor choices and fuck up my awesome life. Because I probably would. Cause goodamn I like cow print and cream pies. Bad combo here.

>> No.10769635

Flavor of the month, but of this year at con. Much moo. Girls wanna get railed in cowprint. Boys wanna get railed and do the railing in cowprint. Its fun.

>> No.10769636

give into temptation, milk me!

>> No.10769638

free milking in the hot tub tonight

>> No.10769639

Super tempting. Goddamn super tempting.

>> No.10769640

This sex orgy cow shit is so weird. Like what the fuck?

>> No.10769643

I would love to suck on your udders. :)

Southeast Asian kind, hint: not Chinese.

>> No.10769644

incel detected. get hip, get milked, get sucked, get fucked. moo.

>> No.10769646

Is there a Colossalcon discord channel? If so plz share.

>> No.10769648

>he's not in the cow orgy discord server

>> No.10769649

post invite, I'm the tall twink with the big bell

>> No.10769652

does anyone ahve the schedule for the con? the website is down

>> No.10769653

That sounds lit but whats your face like? Being /fit/ ain't the be all end all

>> No.10769654
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>> No.10769655

Are you villa faggots setting off fireworks?

>> No.10769656

If you’re interested we can trade pics over discord, mine is marvel#4614

>> No.10769660

Weird as fuck. I'm disgusted and embarrassed to be a weeb.

>> No.10769662

you sound like lots of fun

>> No.10769663

it's the cows

>> No.10769664

Anyone see the person puking in front of con ops?

>> No.10769667

Touch the cow. Do it now.

>> No.10769672

See you all at the night swim. I'll be the one in the cow print.

>> No.10769683

I'll be sure to touch you up anon

>> No.10769689

which one? there's too many

>> No.10769719
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>> No.10769723

You did not. I was sad.

>> No.10769742

I think that was the point. Now your job is to >>10769667 every single one

>> No.10769753

Sorry anon, guess I got the cattle mixed up, had some fun at least though. Put tags on your ears next time.

>> No.10769776

Sorry to however I just took a drunken shit in their toliet before leaving but it wouldn't flush I left 5 dollars on the counter for you. Sorry anon I warned you about putting spicy peppers on the pizza.

>> No.10769806

RIP in Pepperonis game room, all of the consoles burned right up on the highway, too funny. If this con didn't have the Waterpark, it would have nothing.

>> No.10769808

Comes to con to play videogames. Pathetic.

>> No.10769820

If you aint running offline sets while in cosplay what are you even here for

>> No.10769843

who wants to do brunch? it's mimosa time

>> No.10769853


>going to a con to play video games you can play at home

>> No.10769855
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Mein nigga.

>> No.10769856

Where at?

>> No.10769859

Still doing 5pm meet up? Im interested in seeing how ugly you all are.

>> No.10769861

5pm sahara sands

>> No.10769864

you're gonna be surprised at how sexy everyone is

>> No.10769868

Can we do a 10oclock one where everyone is hammered and we all look good?

>> No.10769874

Looks were going to be a given, true question is how many in cosplay.

>> No.10769877

>t. never has been to a /cgl/ meetup in his life

>> No.10769878

Where the fuck is that? I thought we were meeting on the bridge.

>> No.10769883

I hope the pedo guy with the gun shows up

>> No.10769884
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Anyone wants to meet up now I'm just roman the halls.

>> No.10769909

Almost time to see all you fucking losers

>> No.10769920

let's have a circle jerk in the pool

>> No.10769927 [DELETED] 

I'm going to the 10clock one.

>> No.10769929 [DELETED] 

Going to be a little late with the food. Despite putting my order in an hour ago they have yet to make any of the pizzas. Looking nore like 530 now

>> No.10769930 [DELETED] 

I’m closet cosplay loid forger

>> No.10769936 [DELETED] 

We out here, 2 people already

>> No.10769938 [DELETED] 

nigger moment

>> No.10769954 [DELETED] 
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Come and get it

>> No.10769955 [DELETED] 

Top of the bridge

>> No.10769997 [DELETED] 

Nice meet guys, miku bussy was good

>> No.10769999 [DELETED] 


>> No.10770015

wow Anon, you are a true fren.

>> No.10770020

thx for meet friens

>> No.10770022
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>> No.10770024

Good shit /cgl/ squad. Hope yall liked the zaa.

>> No.10770036

nice digits, the guy in the hat is really hot from this angle

>> No.10770037

damn you guys got the real colonel sanders?

>> No.10770076

You put your penis in that Miku right there in that picture?

>> No.10770078

is that a gun in mikus waist band?

>> No.10770080

This is about what I expected everyone to look like. Neat.

>> No.10770083
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thx for the 'roni

>> No.10770087

party in 316

>> No.10770091

No one is checking for night swim bands. You can walk right in.

>> No.10770098

I peed in the pool!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10770119

i'm nowhere near colossal but props to you bro, big pp (pepperoni pizza) energy

>> No.10770140

Yeah, I know.

>> No.10770165

Miku has the longest torso I have ever seen

>> No.10770170

he gay??

>> No.10770232

If I didn't enjoy the con, why do I still have post con depression?

>> No.10770240

probably the reason you didn't enjoy the con in the first place

>> No.10770247

God this con is the worst if you are single. Everyone here is so fucking hot, even the dudes I'd more than take.

>> No.10770269

anyone wanna get lunch?

>> No.10770287

There was a guy matching the description of “fit Asian dude” who just got arrested for sexually assaulting people at Colossalcon. Any of y’all heard about it?

>> No.10770288

Anyone got a pic of the shirtless Spider-Man sitting in the pool?

>> No.10770294


>> No.10770348

I had my hand held this year and security didn't stop me at all
Next year I will aim for a cuddle

>> No.10770353

I want to fuck Miku!!!!!

>> No.10770381

Go to the next midwestern con and happen to pick the drink he "spikes"
You'll get your wish anon!

>> No.10770440

does he really do that? no fucking way

>> No.10770463

What was the attendance like this year? Was if pretty close to normal (pre-covid) numbers?

>> No.10770618

nah, it was pretty slim compared to 2019
closer to 2015, really nice actually, not hellworld shoulder to shoulder all saturday, but pretty busy

>> No.10770661

As this was only my second one, I have no way to be sure but can say that the stuff at the villas was staggering compared to last year. It went from maybe two decent sized parties to 5 or 6 huge ones happening at once. That, plus the cow meetup. "It's gonna be like 500 people!!" they said. I assumed that was way too high of a guess (it was way too low).

>> No.10770802

Jiwhan aka jiji_joestar? Saw him in person. He's a butterface and his body isn't that impressive

>> No.10770819

Kek called it
t. >>10769653

>> No.10770823

anyone know about some cosplayer getting raped at the con? been seeing some vague stories on Instagram.

>> No.10770828

I can only compare to 2019, but it wasn't even close to as crowded as then.

>> No.10770856

it's always the same old shit with these people, I bet you NO ONE was raped or sexually assaulted at all and now this guys gonna be dragged by the mob because he touched someone's boob while they were both drunk and it was fine at the time or something equally as stupid

>> No.10770873

the midwest scene is completely insane. All it takes is someone not liking you and they'll call you a rapist or find out where you work and harass your work over the phone. I left years ago and never looked back. It's almost exclusively a midwest thing that this shit happens at. Must be something in the water

>> No.10770880

hi arby, we miss you

>> No.10770892

isn't he the fat gay fuck?

>> No.10770966

To be as objective as possible, Arby was the person who used to run the Midwest cgl discord server before deleting it last year a bit after Anime Midwest

>> No.10770968

I miss Arby. Last I heard, she got married and became trad wife

>> No.10771000 [DELETED] 

>caring about someone with a victim complex

>> No.10771024

Should have given a time and place, was stuck with a friend who kept saying everything sucked and would have been better off hanging out with retards from 4channel. Might do that next time even.

>> No.10771079

At one point I did see an asian guy being talked to by the cops in the hallways, anyone know what was up with that?

>> No.10771105

That was one of my friends. It was a case of mistaken identity, apparently a creep was wearing the exact same shirt and was doing inappropriate touching.

>> No.10772133

Anyone see that Gura crossplayer Friday night riding around on the cart in the con hall? That was weird.

>> No.10772422

I saw them. That Gura was cute.

>> No.10772535

What happened with that? I was told that some SJW literally attacked her and some other anons at ACEN a few years ago.

>> No.10772584

Arby was very confrontational and pissed off a lot of people, built up a negative reputation as a lolcow from that that extended well beyond the discord, and decided to distance herself from the group & cgl due to that. She initially transferred the server to one of the mods, but took it back over to delete it.
Not a ton I can say beyond that that doesn't delve into rumors, secrets, and opinions, if she wants to disappear then I can respect that.

>> No.10772694

>that slow post-con ride from a 2 day hangover into COVID
I'm so excited, I just started feeling normal again today.

>> No.10772707

Dunno if anybody who was selling stuff in the otaku flea market is here, but if you sold me your PS1, I finally got the last things I needed to get it set up today and it works like a charm!
Hope everyone had a good con.

>> No.10772709
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forgot pic

>> No.10774946 [DELETED] 
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