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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 315 KB, 600x720, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10744413 No.10744413 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>10735540

>> No.10744438

This doesn't feel AP it feels bodyline inspired by AP

>> No.10744439

Nu-AP is an insult to Bodyline. That's how bad it is.

>> No.10744440

Even the model is disgusted

>> No.10744452

I really hate gingham. It makes me feel like a perpetual picnic.

>> No.10744459

This makes me sad

>> No.10745158

tell that to AP

>> No.10745209

I miss when AP did release annoucements on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Having to wait until Thursday makes the week really boring.

>> No.10745242

Prophet, if you're still there, have you heard any more news about the OTT solid rerelease you mentioned? It's the only thing keeping me going.

Same. And it's even more disheartening that the release announcements lately aren't worth staying up for.

>> No.10745247

gulls spoonfeed me please, I am dumb. I saw that AP SF is getting Fresh Strawberry Diner on friday. Is it a reservation/MTO or is it just a normal bloodbath-over-limited-stock sort of release?

>> No.10745261 [DELETED] 

Same. I'm hoping a lookbook releases soon to know if there's worthwhile to even wait for.

>> No.10745264

>>10745209 #
Same. I'm hoping a lookbook releases soon to know if there's anything worthwhile to even look forward to.

>> No.10745270

Not prophet but the solid is Princess in Love, it was confirmed.

>> No.10745272

use your head. why would it be a reservation or MTO? if it was either, USA would have said so. It's a normal release.

>> No.10745277

Where was it confirmed? Princess in Love was mentioned but I never saw anything making it certain. That's a big deal if so, but I feel like this is bait.

>> No.10745278

yeah and the Milky Chan cotton MTO is coming out soon too, right? kek

feels like bait because it is, stupid

>> No.10745294

Just a bloodbath (likely will be, knowing the US website).

>> No.10745297

I miss mid 2000s AP. I'm tired of prints on chiffon.

>> No.10745369

I wish the headdress was better. I love the knit strawberries, but the construction looks like shit.

>> No.10745372

what about the mid 2000s chiffon prints?

>> No.10745378

I'd rather it be Cutie Heart over Princess in Love but maybe that's just me. I really want the JSK and the blouse.

>> No.10745383

love it

>> No.10745384

Chiffon prints are fine, viyella makes me feel like I'm wearing a trash bag tho.

>> No.10745403

At this point I'm just scared that if they rerelease one of these types of solids, they'll do a major rework like they did for Candy Fairy. I have both Cutie Heart and 2009 Princess in Love, and I feel like parts of them are too complex for AP to produce now. I guess Cutie Heart is more do-able though. But I would be surprised if they rerelease the blouse because all AP's blouses now are boxy and the collars/sleeves are oddly proportioned.
I've said this all before though. I'd still buy an MTO if it was made reasonably well, just so I could get other colorways.
Twirling Ribbon or Lacy Bright would be great too.

>> No.10745408

Viella literally feels like an outdoor table cloth to me. Almost a tacky feeling to it, and kind of suffocating. I still love Happy Garland though.

>> No.10745411

Yeah the prints themselves aren't awful; I wanted bears chocolaterie but after seeing an unboxing and review I knew it wasn't worth it for the material, despite seeing Happy Garland and other poly prints in person and them looking fine. I hate the feeling and *sound* that certain poly dresses make more than the look. Maybe I'll get over it eventually for the right print. FSD is great but I only want the exclusive cut and I'll be damned if I pay scalper prices for nu-AP poly.

>> No.10745412

>Maybe I'll get over it eventually for the right print
Don't do it, anon. It's not worth it.

>> No.10745429

this. i cannot wear it.

>> No.10745456

The knit strawberries just feel like a thrown-in swinging strawberry rip-off. They don't match the rest of the dress very well at all

>> No.10745457

Depressing considering the construction BABY has been putting out recently

>> No.10745581

Swinging Strawberry was hardly the first collection to feature amigurumi strawberries. AP has had them several times in the past as well.

>> No.10745592

But this recently after? And for these to look so slapped on? Seems suspect to me but im sure we'll never know definitively

>> No.10745665

I don't understand how polyester viyella came about. True viyella is a gorgeous blend of wool and cotton, AP's version of viyella is a grievous insult to true viyella.

>> No.10745669

Oh man, what if the rerelease solid is Soap Bubbles?

I feel like AP wouldn't have a problem with the polyester. People stopped talking about that dress though. The ones that exist either seem to be snagged or are missing the "slip"

>> No.10745704
File: 101 KB, 1024x514, りんごslide-2-1-1024x514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girly Apples is this week's release

>> No.10745732
File: 387 KB, 595x842, 93fb8c31993d6e926452e33692262e20_1648201826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, the lookbook

>> No.10745733
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>> No.10745734
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>> No.10745735
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Kyoto, Shibuya, and online exclusive

>> No.10745736
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>> No.10745737
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>> No.10745738
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>> No.10745739
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>> No.10745740
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>> No.10745741
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>> No.10745742
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>> No.10745743
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>> No.10745745
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>> No.10745754

aww fuck. my grandmother had a lapel pin of an apple that looked similar to this so i need to get this...

>> No.10745774

Looks cheap. Like something I would have had when I was 5. Actually I think I did have the heart ring in pink when I was 5...

>> No.10745777

Wow this jewelry is the cheapest shit I have ever seen.

>> No.10745780

Looks like we are gonna get a completely unknown lineup for summer prints, if this is only spring.

>> No.10745785

Anyone have any idea of how popular this will be?

>> No.10745794

It's a store exclusive so it will be popular by default. Store exclusives sell out fast no matter how bad or good they are.

It's so confusing to me though. Polyester dress, but cotton-looking sleeves? Gross.

>> No.10745800

the sleeves are still poly just has a different weight and no sheen. it's rough as fuck and all the ruffles on those sleeves are going to be serged.

>> No.10745801

I'm starved enough for an apple print that this looks cute. And at least it's their chiffon and not the shitty viyella

>> No.10745802

Don't be retarded and speak when you don't know what you're talking about. The sleeves are cotton.

>> No.10745804

they're definitely not lmao.

>> No.10745806

Check the product page you moron. I also have Bear's Chocolaterie OP in this same style. The sleeves are cotton. I don't know why you're so determined to be wrong.

>> No.10745825

Ugh I wanted an apple print for a while but this isn't doing it for me. I really should just look for Classic Fairy Tales.

Would be very cute if this were cotton and apples were maybe a brighter red.

And this if the apple was glass, but AP would never. I love apple themes though so I'm a little tempted nonetheless.

>It's so confusing to me though. Polyester dress, but cotton-looking sleeves? Gross.

I got Bear's Chocolaterie and it was a little awkward. I ended up selling because it didn't fit me though - it was huge. Online shop says this is all polyester though.

>> No.10745826

it says all poly, are you stupid?

>> No.10745827 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 1170x268, ADDCF1EF-0307-4244-89E0-8D45CCC4F0E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can read, which I more than I can say for you.

>> No.10745828
File: 71 KB, 1170x268, 377758CE-ECA7-4DFF-98DC-91AFE583BDBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can read, which is more than I can say for you.

>> No.10745839

The English says polyester and the Japanese says cotton. I can see why people are confused. I'm inclined to believe the Japanese.

>> No.10745848

anyone get anything from the US release?

I snagged that yellow blouse

>> No.10745857

I got the pink x white one. I'm surprised none of the main pieces from Fresh Strawberry Diner has sold out yet.

>> No.10745864

a print, that isn't cringe and I actually like? Unheard of, I think it's cause of the blue-red-white combination

>> No.10745865

Same. I don't mind the OP, but I have milky berry and it's far too close for me.

Feel like the OP could go well with a long sleeve blouse under.. but maybe that's just me

>> No.10745882

The product description for the OP literally says you can wear a long sleeve blouse with it.

>> No.10745890

Makes sense. I was going off of the design. Would be nice to see it with one, though

>> No.10745894

I'm surprised there isn't more hype for this print. Personally I like the pink colourway and ended up getting the jsk.

>> No.10745898

I personally only like the blue red white one. But to each their own.

>> No.10745927

literally Puvi tier kek

>> No.10745935

This. When I first saw the viella fabric come up I was initially super excited, then confused.

>> No.10746032
File: 583 KB, 1080x1734, Candypop2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess this is the rerelease?

>> No.10746033
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Spring catalogue is out.

>> No.10746034
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>> No.10746035
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>> No.10746036
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>> No.10746037
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>> No.10746038
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>> No.10746039
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>> No.10746040
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>> No.10746043
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I see no difference

>> No.10746044
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>> No.10746045
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>> No.10746046
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>> No.10746047
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>> No.10746049
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>> No.10746050
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>> No.10746051
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>> No.10746053
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End of catalogue.

>> No.10746054

What happened to AP? Everything looks so cheap and uninspired

>> No.10746062


>> No.10746072


>> No.10746076

Lol dress it called Sugar Cotton when it’s obviously trash bag tier poly

>> No.10746077

If the hyped re-release is supposed to be this, how disappointing. Was it that popular when it first came out?

>> No.10746086

First time I've ever seen a polka dots print that doesn't look off in lolita, noice

>> No.10746087

this could be so good, but it isn't, close though

>> No.10746097

I'm so sad this sold out in less than a minute. Did anyone manage to get anything from the JP release?

>> No.10746102

Wow a heart apron

>> No.10746109

disappointed since I have the JSK on my wishlist but I'm guessing they'll re release the OP only, otherwise it would have been featured in the lookbook.

>> No.10746111

i love this, it feels like ap hasn't made use of that kind of skirt detailing in a while

i hope these releases are a sign that ap is slowly but surely returning to form

>> No.10746112

it looks like a fucking cosplay.

>> No.10746114
File: 843 KB, 800x1000, notcosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ap has released similar, vaguely cosplay-ish/idol stuff for a long time. you don't have to like it, but it is not an indication that quality has decreased

>> No.10746118

anon, the material is what looks like a cosplay. it's shapeless and cheap looking. also nothing in your pic looks like a cosplay.

>> No.10746120

Gulls I did it. I bought Fresh Strawberry Diner from AP USA. I couldn't help myself because I know if they release matching jewelry I'm going to immediately regret not owning the dress. If it goes on sale I'm going to be kind of annoyed I didn't wait but not as annoyed as I'd be paying secondhand markups for a polyester nu-AP dress.

I tried to talk myself out of it but the print is basically strawberry Fancy Candy so I know what to expect and it's one of the better applications of AP poly.

>> No.10746127

Dude... Cotton candy/ angel floss. Of course it's gonna be poly chiffon

>> No.10746137

The silhouette they went with for this one is really confusing to me. The fabric choice is obviously super sweet but the cut and length of the dress feel more classic. Neither really works.

>> No.10746147

Nothing about the cut or length of this dress is particularly classic.

>> No.10746260
File: 391 KB, 1080x1313, ToyboxLyricalRing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it's bad when the only things worth looking forward too are fuzzy, zoomed in pictures of accessories.

>> No.10746298

This is cuter than I expected

>> No.10746337

I wish there were mermaids sitting on top of the cream soda floats, but it is indeed cuter than expected.

>> No.10746338

The hell is this jane marple shit doing in ap
That being said i’ll probably buy it anyway because it’ll still be cheaper than jane marple, kek. And it is cute for otome

>> No.10746703

The jewelry for this looks so darn cute, I can't wait.

>> No.10746732

Oh fuck, I have a pink x blue Candy Pop OP and choker set I’ve been looking to sell, will the prices of the original Candy Pop plummet if this gets released?

>> No.10746787

Yes lol

>> No.10746801

This doesn't look anything like Jane Marple you absolute retard

>> No.10746806
File: 25 KB, 458x550, a4c2fbf27f0266fc0187a55b9fedb7fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's plan af overpriced otome looking shit, lol take a chill pill sorry i insulted nu ap

>> No.10746846

This is actually kinda cute

>> No.10746911

Yeah because it's a rerelease lol

>> No.10746942

This isn't OTT at all though. I don't mean it as an insult, I quite like this dress, but I thought Prophet said it was going to be OTT?

>> No.10746951

Anon, the style that AP puts out is an OTT style. that dress is an OTT dress. otherwise it'd be traditional sweet or old school. Angelic pretty primarily focuses on OTT sweet style.

Newfags just don't understand the delineation, because they think OTT sweet = sweet and it's never been the case.

>> No.10747155

Depends on whether or not ap is going to rerelease the original colorways and if the material will be different

>> No.10747192

>style that AP puts out is an OTT style

>> No.10747198

Still waiting for the announcement.
You're right, I was talking about a different dress. There have been some pretty good guesses in the previous threads.
I don't know if the rerelease is possible in this case, but I would love it. Soap Bubbles has a relatively simple construction yet the design and material choice convey that soap bubble feeling perfectly. I haven't seen anyone wear it for ages.

Anyways, here's the news:
Another rerelease of a solid that has been pretty popular in the past couple years. There will be a few new colours this time. And before anyone asks, it's not Little House.

>> No.10747199

kill yourself

>> No.10747200

Stop replying this in every thread dumbass

>> No.10747202

she should really do it. she has a shit attitude.

>> No.10747204

I really like those, cute as fuck

>> No.10747213

Is the other rerelease Colorful Drop? It's pretty similar to Candy Pop so I'm really hoping for it!

>> No.10747218

hey anon. it's really not my fault that you're this late into the game to not know those rules. this was established a long time ago, it's just you newfag sweets think ott = normal

>> No.10747220

imagine thinking nu AP is ott.

>> No.10747224

oh yes, because the context of Candy Pop is nu AP.

at least try to follow the conversation, newfag

>> No.10747226

candy pop isn't OTT at all, retard. it was released during the time when OTT was more popular but it's really plain compared to actual OTT releases.

>> No.10747228

Unfortunately no.

>> No.10747229

do you know what you're even fucking comparing to for traditional sweet lolita at all? I am so fucking tired of you newfags talking on shit you don't know

>> No.10747230

How soon are those solids comin'? I need to know whether or not I should blow my money on other things right now

>> No.10747237

Thank you for blessing us, Prophet.
So, there's two rerelease solids? (The OTT solid, and the new one you just mentioned?) Sorry for being clueless. The new colors sound interesting.

>> No.10747251
File: 258 KB, 1080x1642, APharajukuCFupdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harajuku posted another update about Candy Fairy.

>> No.10747252
File: 526 KB, 1080x990, APharajukuCFupdatetranslate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>late April
Pure ugh. Is this the largest delay they've ever had? It doesn't bode well for Nakayoshi Bunny.

>> No.10747253

Sorry for spamming, just went back and checked.
The estimated dates for Nakayoshi Bunny were May for Japan and June for USA/Paris. So yeah, this is gonna be a shit show. I highly doubt they'll hit the May target if CF was two months late and is butting right up against it.

>> No.10747255

Nice to see a post from you again. I look forward to seeing these re-releases.

>> No.10747318

Thanks for the updates. It's my first time with an MTO and using Tenso, so this has made me very nervous. I'm glad there is some news.

>> No.10747382

hoping the other solid is Milkshake. really hoping it's not Topping Heart again. thank you Prophet for ruling out Little House, I was gonna puke

>> No.10747385

Milkshake would be so good!

>> No.10747388

They may be using a different factory for NB so relax. They’ll post about delays when they happen.

>> No.10747406

>Topping Heart
Oh please god no... that fits the description though

>> No.10747417

I wouldn't mind Topping Heart as long as they bring back the socks too. Topping Heart socks are among my favorite generic socks, they're so cute and can be worn with almost everything.

>> No.10747418

i agree here.

>> No.10747474

I expect the newer one to come out in a couple of weeks. Maybe even this Saturday.
I'm not sure about the OTT one. Looks like it's going to be a release dedicated to some event or a shop anniversary.
The Topping Heart OTKs are coming back as well as the blouses.

>> No.10747480

I love the design and colors of the Topping Heart socks, but the new way AP produces socks in general makes them almost unusable. I tried to sell some of mine below cost because I had some doubles, but no one wanted to buy them.

>> No.10747486

>The Topping Heart blouses
Fuck yeah, I hope they re-release lavender. Weird choice to bring them back since the white & pink/blue are still available online, unless they’re all gonna be new colours? I hope so, I love the Topping Heart blouses.

>> No.10747504
File: 171 KB, 1080x1648, 005I9RAigy1h0s4z2eykmj30u019s0wy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the new LARME

>> No.10747505
File: 224 KB, 1080x1507, 005I9RAigy1h0s4z3ccl0j30u015v7a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10747510

You're retarded. Please stop pretending you know anything, anons are correct. It's not OTT. OTT is either how a coord is styled or refers to a piece that cannot be styled casually. It's not even exclusive to sweet lolita, let alone AP.

>> No.10747515

Can we please have this model as the main model instead of Risa? (Sorry Risa)

>> No.10747517

Milkshake or Milky Fawn (velvet applique)?

>> No.10747518

What, how they're weirdly tight now? I haven't liked a pair of socks in years, I wear my old OTKs all the time and rarely ever the new ones. I don't think I've gotten a pair in the past few years that was soft and comfy at all

>> No.10747531

Long ago, we identified prints as OTT, like Angelic Pretty prints and cuts/designs typically are as opposed to their solids.

Again, newfags don't know this shit because you weren't there.

>> No.10747532

>Or a piece that cannot be styled casually.
Wow nice reading comprehension.

>> No.10747535

nta, but you realize you come off as a tiktoktard larper who thinks they know everything because they watched some lolita 101 video, right? things like scatter prints and plain all over prints(like polkadots or stripes) weren't OTT compared to milky planet or sugary carnival, you seem stuck on the time period. you're arguing that candy pop is OTT when it's clearly not and definitely wasn't in the 2010s. even solids like colorful sherbet or candy shop were more OTT than candy pop is.

>> No.10747538

imagine thinking OTT prints can be casual. sounds like you came into lolita in 2022

>> No.10747539

Fucking this. Calling everyone newfags and claiming they don't know what they're talking about just because they don't agree with you is exactly what larpers do. It's great you just learned the term OTT, but forcing it down everyone's throat when you're wrong is embarrassing. It honestly sounds more like you're directly comparing Baby to AP than you are AP to itself. Candy pop doesn't have many of the elements that OTT pieces usually have, it's plain and can easily be toned down. Think of it this way, if it can be worn with few accessories and plain tights, it's not OTT if you try that with actual OTT pieces it would look like something is missing and probably be posted as a nitpick in a ita thread. OTT pieces can't be balanced or dressed down enough to be casual. Period.

>> No.10747540

Yep. I keep getting baited into buying the new OTKs because some of the designs are pretty cute, but they just suck. Even the foot part is tighter than before. There's just barely any stretch at all.

>> No.10747541

>i can't read! dur dur.

>> No.10747544

this board is so chock full of newfags that you retards really come in here to defend each other at this point

>> No.10747546

Cgl needs a new title for the GL / Gull side.
>echochamber of romanticized misinformation and newfaggotry
can't tell you shits anything. you reek of Gen Z or younger

>> No.10747547

>gull side
holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.10747550

>inb4 you call me a newfag
the egl side isn't the "gull" side. anons barely call eachother gulls anymore, but it never strictly referred to egl, the cosplay side just stopped having board culture because it's 90% men.

>> No.10747552

seagull originated from a seattle post with tidus and some dumb ass seagulls, retards. ok I get you weren't there, but your zoomer newfaggotry is completely insufferable

>> No.10747553

Anon, it's because cgl sounds like seagull...I know this is bait but come on.

>> No.10747624


>> No.10747626

love this dress, don't know about the yellow thrown in there, but the dress is fucking beautiful

>> No.10747633

the hair clip and brooch also have yellow. it's perfectly cohesive and cute

>> No.10747650

AP isn’t going to release a velvet dress in the spring or summer. Use your brain.

>> No.10747679

They probably aren’t going to release a velvet dress at all. They changed the material for Nakayoshi Bunny and haven’t released any velvet dresses in years.
Also, why would they release Milky Chan appliqué and not the print? Pretty sure the print is more popular and has a higher profit margin.

>> No.10747760

>Pretty sure the print is more popular and has a higher profit margin.

Idk about that. If they went the NB route and just did applique on cotton it would be easier because they don't need to have fabric custom printed, but the appliques still need to be done so it would probably work out either equal or slightly cheaper. Custom fabric even in large AP quantities is costly so solids and prints with equally complex cuts will probably end up with the solid costing less.

>> No.10747788

Even so, Milky Chan isn’t what you think of when you think OTT solid. It will be something like Princess of Heart, Princess of Dreams, Romantic Princess etc. Something with a lot of design elements like ruffles and bows.

>> No.10747789

Yes you're right there, I just wanted to point out that, assuming dresses are priced the same, the print is more likely to have a lower profit margin.

I also forgot to mention how matching prints at seams results in wasted fabric cuts so there's also that aspect increasing the cost of fabric alone for prints. But it will probably be a more detailed dress, not another cotton spin-off of an applique velvet piece.

>> No.10747928
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>> No.10747935

that doesn't look casual whatsoever

>> No.10747943

I wouldn’t say it’s casual but it’s a simple lolita coordinate, not OTT at all.

>> No.10747944

What do you mean by casual? I see an outfit with minimal styling, slim accessories, a cutsew and a small petti. Her hair is pulled back and the makeup looks light but touched up in an app. To me this is casual, what makes it not casual for you?

>> No.10747969

It sure as fuck isn’t ott.

>> No.10747975

but anon! all AP is OTT! you must be a newfag retard larper to think otherwise!

>> No.10747981

Jesus christ. It's Topping Heart again... in yellow and full on pink. And I still hate it.

>> No.10747988
File: 2.01 MB, 1024x514, stopitpleaseimbegging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>topping heart is the new holy lantern

>> No.10748006

angelic cunt lied to us again.

>> No.10748008

This looks so much cuter here than the awful catalogue photos >>10746040, I think styling is part of the problem with modern AP. Risa is boring.

>> No.10748009

The Prophet didn't lie though.
They mentioned that a recent solid would get a rerelease, then someone guessed Topping Heart, and the Prophet said the blouses and OTKs would also be released.
Please take your hate obsession somewhere else.

>> No.10748010

NTA but she definitely knew, and said she didn't know, but knew everything else? She doesn't add anything to the thread at all.

>> No.10748011

I think everyone here is getting their terms mixed up.

Casual lolita is used in two ways, to refer to a coord casual by lolita standards and casual by normie standards. Typically will feature minimal accessories, simple hair, skirts and cutsews, or parkas. This would be the lolita equivalent of clothing for daily wear or errands.

A regular lolita coordinate will have all the staples, slightly more accessories than casual, maybe a moderately more elaborate hairstyle. This would be the equivalent of being dressed nice for work.

Then there’s Deco Lolita, which later just turned into OTT Lolita when the deco trend died and classic-sweet took over. This started out as a a combination of Lolita with decora elements lie hair clips then later evolved to include big colored wigs, wings, props, etc. this would be worn to cons, meetups, photo shoots. This is the lolita equivalent of getting extra dressed up for a big event.

Prints like sugary carnival, milky planet, etc can all very easily be worn in any of these forms, depending on the coordinate.

>> No.10748022

>>10747382 here, mad that I was right, was hoping for Milkshake. at least Retro Diner has similar design points.

>>10747988 honestly wouldn't even mind a HL rerelease at this point

>> No.10748026

the only ones getting mixed up are the newfags trying to use terms they don't understand. the person claiming AP was an OTT brand sounded like she had just finished learning the terms she was using. but i definitely agree here with all you're saying.

>> No.10748078

Can we pin this to every AP Thread?

>> No.10748110

Oh my God THANK YOU. if i see another newbie call a print "OTT" or say all AP is OTT I might die of an aneurysm

>> No.10748112

Dude I've seen people say decora lolita was never a thing and called people newfags over it. I fucking hate this board nowadays.

>> No.10748132

I don't know if it's crap trolling but I've gotten in similar cringe arguments lately on this board with obvious newfags calling other people newfag, it's weird

>> No.10748145

The Girly Sticker socks are great, its strange how there's such a difference in socks.

I don't think old socks were always great either though? Sometimes they felt weirdly plasticky and didn't stretch that much.

>> No.10748277

Why did Topping Heart fail so badly on the Paris release? Are westerners really bored of it? The only colorway that sold out was the pink x sax that has been rereleased 3 or 4 times...
I can't figure out if I like yellow or not. The yellow seems too dark? I'm not sure. I want to like Topping Heart, but something about it seems off. Does anyone feel the same?

>> No.10748285

>Are westerners really bored of it?
Literally yes

>> No.10748295

Japanese and Chinese lolitas love TH. Who is AP’s target demographic? It’s not Westerner’s.

>> No.10748296

learn to spell and don't rely on autocorrect you fucking retard.

>> No.10748303

Ayrt and I'm bored of it too. But so many people made a huge fuss about ~yellow~ that I was sure that colorway would sell out no matter what.

>> No.10748306


>> No.10748314

Immediately no

>> No.10748343

Kill yourself next time you think of bitching about something so irrelevant lmao.

>> No.10748345

so angwy!

>> No.10748346

Projecting much? >>10748296

>> No.10748369

it's so cute you learned a new word even though you can't spell!

>> No.10748370 [DELETED] 

imagine being this autistic.<span class="xae" data-xae="nerd">🤓[/spoiler]

>> No.10748372

Imagine being autistic at all

>> No.10748376

Pastel yellow was Pantone color of the year 2021. Every year the color changes and people freak out in every industry over that color. Now that it's 2022 along with trends dying faster online and pandemic still being around keeping a lot of people online as they're hiding out during different waves of cases and variants, I anticipate whatever this year's color is going to permeate normie and lolita fashion as usual. For 2022 it's a dark periwinkle/blue color I think. It's not even always direct or intentional but it tends to happen.

With AP having a history of blues as special set or limited colorways anyway, I would not be at all surprised if blue is the color people cream themselves over this year. I think it already happened with Girly Apples and Fresh Strawberry Diner too.

>> No.10748437
File: 1.15 MB, 1440x2438, Screenshot_20220402-013545~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot topic is just making replica AP socks now...

>> No.10748442

They've done this before. It's not new.

>> No.10748445

why do companies try to invite lawsuits like this?

>> No.10748447

for you, you don't even have to imagine

>> No.10748465

why do bootlegs always have the letter "m" on them?

>> No.10748468

they probably all get it from the same (probably chinese) supplier

>> No.10748540

Imagine being so retarded you confuse a grammatical error as a spelling mistake, then get assmad about it in an AP thread lmao.

>> No.10748546

are you guys just bored lol

>> No.10748553

AP's severe lack of quality and continual rereleases of Little House and Topping Heart have made us all go insane.

Can't wait for 14 year old itas to tell us how great they are at lolita after buying these

>> No.10748554

>Can't wait for 14 year old itas to tell us how great they are at lolita after buying these

You just called out the majority of the population of this board in 2022. Most of the people in this thread probably aren't actually able to even buy much in the ways of new burando, at this point. We've been overrun by kids.

>> No.10748557

angelic pretty is not going to sue hot topic lmao

>> No.10748562

Fukken saved dude. Impeccable explanation!

>> No.10748574

I work there, we're getting more sweet lolita-adjacent shit since it's gotten popular with zoomers. In the last couple months there was an AP moon bag knockoff, an actually kinda cute pink heart bag, and some shitty low-tier axes femme-esque blouses.

>> No.10748634

>shitty low-tier axes femme-esque blouses.
They've always had those, dude.

>> No.10748720

>generic bow/candy socks with no logo
not how it works

>> No.10749514

why not? assuming it's a proper design replica

they don't need to have a logo to get sued. i assumed anon meant this was an exact replica of the socks, with logo removed

>> No.10749521

>doesn't understand copyright law

>> No.10749531

knockoffs are items that don't try to deceive the buyer into thinking it's the original thing, unlike counterfeits which try to pass off as the original. knockoffs aren't illegal. google it

>> No.10749532

that's not correct, but keep thinking that.

>> No.10749536


>> No.10749544

The sock has a design on it anon. It's stealing the art

>> No.10749685

>imagine being this new

This is what I mean about the newfags on this baord. They argue despite not knowing jack shit or having any fucking knowledge

>> No.10749773
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Old release, I know, but hot damn these plush bags look terrible.

>> No.10749789

they look like they just saw themselves in the mirror, poor things

>> No.10749837

quote the article: "Counterfeits are items that actually have copies of a brand's labels or trademark symbols." knockoffs aren't the same as counterfeits and cannot be prosecuted. "art theft" is just something people screech about on the internet, not a valid legal issue. for ex, look at how the recast bjd market thrives because they don't mention the brand names or show logos. the companies can't touch them

>imagine being this confidently incorrect while not citing any evidence whatsoever

>> No.10749840

Leg Avenue made knock off candy borders in like 2009. AP doesn’t care because it’s a completely different market. People buying Hot Topic knockoffs aren’t going to put in the work or spend the money to get real AP socks, and the people who buy AP socks aren’t going to buy the HT version.

>> No.10749846

Anon, a bunch of us were literally hot topic weeb teens years ago when we got into lolita. It's an alt fashion/music store so it's not crazy to assume. They've even sold visual kei stuff there

>> No.10749861

got it, forgot you have been around for the numerous replicas and yet you are bitching about something in 2022. so educated. is that what you wanted, newfag?

>> No.10749869

If angelic pretty can’t even legally effect Bodyline, a company that operates in Japan, then they aren’t going to bother going after hot topic.

>> No.10749889

Most of the people here are too new to remember the og replica

>> No.10749896

Speak for yourself, some of us have taste

>> No.10749907

Like it or not, it's true for many

>> No.10749954

anon, companies do sue the fuck out of bjd recasters, you retarded?

>> No.10749959

this is the actual problem with this board lately.. too many newfags pretending to know shit

>> No.10750088
File: 211 KB, 1237x1371, SaltyMarine_dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick refresher on copyright and fashion/clothing; there are TWO legally-recognized forms of replica;

>Design Replica / Dupe / Knock-off
If a person makes a pattern free-hand (not tracing or using exact measurements) in an attempt to copy a garment; this is legal. Copyright law limits how much a clothing designer can protect their intellectual property, to prevent people from having an unfair hold on say, the concept of pants.

>Print Replica or Fake / Deep Fake
The copycat is not creating an object that is remonistrant, or a close-copy of the original, but instead makes a 1-to-1 Replica of an object with (perhaps) the hope people will mistake it for the real thing. This includes using the FABRIC PRINT, which is actually 100% copyright-protected like any piece of art separate from the physical garment it is made into.

The hot topic socks might actually be a print replica, but AP would need to show that there is little or no "creative differences". If the only difference is the logo has been removed, there's additional charges as it's seen as a pre-meditative attempt to dodge lawsuits.

Basically this is why original prints in Lolita fashion are not only a popular thing with the customers, but popular with the designers; it grants them protection over their products. The replicas Bodyline makes count as Design Replicas, because the fabric is not owned by AP.

>> No.10750090 [DELETED] 

FWIW this is my first time weighing in on the socks, but I definitely think that they're borderline. While AP doesn't own the concept of ribbons, wrapped candies, or stripped socks, an argument can be made based on the placement of them as a pattern as their own design in which Hot Topic is clearly trying to replicate as the designs, shapes, and placements and position on the socks are 1:1.
Additionally, someone at AP took the time to draw up the design and specifically how the ribbons fold the way they do, the wrappers twisted the way they are, the placement of the polka dots, and the way the ribbons and candies are falling.
If clip art was used in either or had hot topic totalyl redrawn their own candies and ribbobs, it'd be a lot more in favor of fair use towards hot topic. But they are still someone's hand drawn ribbons and candies that hot topic is mimicking.

>> No.10750091

FWIW this is my first time weighing in on the socks, but I definitely think that they're borderline. While AP doesn't own the concept of ribbons, wrapped candies, or stripped socks, an argument can be made based on the placement of them as a pattern as their own design in which Hot Topic is clearly trying to replicate as the designs, shapes, and placements and position on the socks are 1:1.
Additionally, someone at AP took the time to draw up the design and specifically how the ribbons fold the way they do, the wrappers twisted the way they are, the placement of the polka dots, and the way the ribbons and candies are falling.
If clip art was used in either or had hot topic totally redrawn their own candies and ribbons, it'd be a lot more in favor of fair use towards hot topic. But they are still someone's hand drawn ribbons and candies that hot topic is mimicking.

>> No.10750104

Samefagging to add something on- this in no way means I think AP is going to court over the socks. Just pointing out that from a legal standpoint they'd have a (Candy) borderline case for themselves. They likely won't pursue any sort of action as they haven't done so historically in the past at all.
I also shoehorned that joke in there because I'm mad at myself for not putting it in originally.

>> No.10750150

NTA but BJD collector here, and I have never seen a company try to sue recasters at all. They send C&D letters or make announcements asking customers not to buy the fakes, but they never actually took them to court or managed to stop the production.

>> No.10750154

Korean companies have sued successfully iirc. Most of the issue is that the recasters are in china, not that it's legal.

>> No.10750185

The Bodyline that is being referred to isn’t the design replicas. Back in the day, Bodyline made a Fruits Parlor skirt knockoff that was exactly the same save for removing “Angelic Pretty” from within the print. It was the first real print replica, and a few years later the first Chinese replicas started getting made. And then Angelic Pretty contacted the mods of the EGL livejournal community and asked that they not allow replicas to be sold. Since things like design replicas and shoes aren’t protected, they were still allowed but any print replica was banned.

Damn, is everyone so new that they don’t know about the Fruits Parlor knockoff?

>> No.10750193

>Damn, is everyone so new that they don’t know about the Fruits Parlor knockoff?

Yep.. I fucking keep saying it. The newfags run their mouths like no tomorrow, too

>> No.10750233

they're just spouting off what they read immediately after they read it without actually absorbing the meaning.

>> No.10750242

It's fucking wild that people are this new

>> No.10750243

I feel like AP is slipping down a hill that it can't climb back up. The best days are over.

>> No.10750248

We've known this for years.

>> No.10750250

I know. But the feeling never stops sucking.

>> No.10750265

They don’t even read. They reinvent the history of whatever they don’t fucking understand to prove their point and try to act “above” others. Just peek into the old school thread and you’ll see how idiotic they are.

>> No.10750272 [DELETED] 

You will never be a real anime character. You are not a 2 dimensional drawing. You are a westerner twisted by attention and clothing into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even cosplayers who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected vagina.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a person is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably human.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.10750279

Lemons this week.

>> No.10750285
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>> No.10750286
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>> No.10750287
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>> No.10750289
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Special cut for Shibuya, Nagoya, Sannomiya, and online shop

>> No.10750290
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>> No.10750291
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>> No.10750293
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Flower Garden Teatime jewelry

>> No.10750294
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>> No.10750296
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>> No.10750311

such a cute cut wasted on an ugly print

>> No.10750312

I don't like the print either, which is a shame because I love all the cuts and much prefer the chiffon over the normal shiny polyester they use.

>> No.10750313
File: 273 KB, 600x720, maira_1649206285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this model is so much cuter than Risa. The way the JSK is styled here is quite nice too.

>> No.10750315

The only good cut

>> No.10750316

The necklaces are so fucking ugly I'm crying

>> No.10750320

Why do the necklaces look like a bunny’s ass with a ribbon around the anus

Wtf the model and the dress look much better than Risa’s half assed attempt at modeling

>> No.10750323

good taste gulls. risa always had this weird vibe to me, i can't really put my finger on it.

>> No.10750342

Can AP transition to using Myla more often, please?
She makes everything look cuter, especially since she actually tries to smile

>> No.10750346

they don't even really match the print. why the random gold ribbon? and they're so bright despite the print being muted.

>> No.10750532

Losing all hope AP will ever rerelease Milky Fawn or Milky Planet. Feels like all the hype died down, and AP won't really pay much attention to them anymore.

>> No.10750533

If they announced it, it wouldn't be at random. They might want to wait for a good announcement opportunity like Grand Bazar, AP Paris tea party or Tokyo tea party

>> No.10750536

Oh shut the hell up already. It took years and years for shit like Honey Cake to get a revival.

>> No.10750604

I wish all you whiny newfags we’re around back before they rereleased stuff and everyone just dealt with it and tried to get it secondhand. You’re all entitled and AP doesn’t owe you a rerelease because you don’t want to pay for the dress secondhand. Go cry about it with all your covidlita buddies on tik tok

>> No.10750761
File: 1.85 MB, 640x1386, 9A448D65-1287-4CD9-B4FD-99ADD5AAE50B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone already dumped their Girly Apples at CC

>> No.10750791

Watching people buy nu AP and then immediately resell it, is my new favorite thing. Even the lolitas in Japan know it's bad.

>> No.10750822

Who is pricing this shit at Closet child? It’s not even a rare or popular print…..

>> No.10750828

Yeah but it's new so it's worth more. The whole reason prior to the sweet boom stuff was so cheap secondhand at CC is because it was BOTH old/worn a lot and not trendy. Secondhand prices in shops in Japan tend to price based on popularity but also how close to NWT something is and how recently it was released.

>> No.10750848

Just bc someone hopes for something doesn't mean they feel entitled, pop a xanny

>> No.10750849

nta but it does come off as entitled bitching, because you guys get the luxury of re-releases brand new to lolita

>> No.10750850

forgot to mention, partially because ya'll newfags shit up the LM thread with whining about prices of releases that were released a very long ass time ago. then you come into this thread and bitch about it not being re-released for cheaper. just pay the second hand prices, because it's unlikely AP is just going to pander to your specific interest in a print being released. If you're willing to wait 2 years or more for a cheaper version, then so be it but who knows if you actually will be into lolita anymore since I get the vibe a lot of you are trend hoppers.

fyi, the re-releases don't always drop the second hand prices.

>> No.10750856

Wow, I'm so glad I don't read into things this much. Seems exhausting.

>> No.10750860

seems exhausting to find something to get mad about all the time, especially including prices in a niche hobby that you just joined.

>> No.10750887

They don't seem that mad to me, but meh what do I know lmao

>> No.10750891

Yep, this. These new kids think that because AP did MTOs for 3 old dresses (that none of them were around for original release in the first place), suddenly AP is going to rerelease a bunch of other dresses that they want. Those dresses were released for the 20th Anniversary of the brand, the rest of the rereleases have been much more recent. There’s the solid dress that the prophet mentioned, but there’s no reason to believe there will be any others in the near future.

TLDR: either save your money and pay the second hand market price for what you want, or stfu. Don’t join an expensive collectors fashion if you’re going to whine about paying for it.

>> No.10750927

That’s not true at all, stop talking out of your ass. I’ve been a regular CC customer for a decade. They had NWT items that are relatively cheap. They also price stained items high like the old Sugary Carnival JSK they added a few weeks back. Then there’s shit like Girly Apples which wasn’t popular at all along with a number of stale releases from the last six years being priced over retail.

>> No.10750939

This is so much projection. I'm >>10750532 and I've been around since 2015.
My hope for MTO/rereleases is because most secondhand Milky Chan and Milky Planets are disgusting now. Faded, stained, hellishly altered, etc. I find that the most popular prints are the most horribly taken care of. I already have the OG Milky Planet and I want an MTO because I want the other colorways without paying $1k for a shitty, piled dress.
Yes, I wasn't around for the original release, but that was 12 years ago (and 13 for Milky Fawn). Maybe I'm cursed, but I tried buying both for years in the colorways I liked, but always had the worst luck with SS missing the listing or something with the dress being wrong.
Honestly you're being the whiny one. You sound like you're just threatened that if AP did a MTO, you'd have less ~clout~ because more people would be able to get their hands on older prints. You sound like ~the struggle~ of getting brand is the only thing you identify with.
AP has been doing tons of MTOs and rereleases recently, so it's only natural for myself and others to wish they'd continue doing it. It's not entitled to simply desire one or two highly desired prints when AP has shoved Topping Heart and Little House down our throats for the past two years.

>> No.10750946

It varies. Popularity AND condition play into it.

>> No.10750947

Just ignore cunty-chan, they're most likely just an oldfag who's bitter that they paid a fortune for some nasty stained SC. AP's been doing re-releases for literally over a fucking decade now, maybe longer? MP already had a re-release ffs, so it's not a stretch to imagine it getting another.

>> No.10750950

This is not long

>> No.10750958

>been around since 2015
>bitching about Milky Chan
Nice role play. You’ve had years to pick up that print before it became popular and the price got inflated. It wasn’t on anyone’s radar a year after it got released up until 2020, so it’s a newer hype piece. What was wrong with the ones on Lace Market or on Japanese sites between then? The majority were in perfect condition. Oh right, it’s because you’re a crusty role player acting like you were actually a lolita back then.

>> No.10750967

Not everyone has a complete wishlist of items ready to go when they enter the fashion. It's pretty easy to imagine a scenario where someone enters the fashion and then wants to buy a certain print a few years in after getting other releases or whatnot. Why are you so salty about this? Did you spent your stimulus checks all in the same place?

>collectors fashion
It's really hard to take you seriously. You are part of the problem.

>> No.10750970

There were a ton of cheap ($100-200 range) good condition milky chans from 2017-2019 though... I explicitly remember a pink op set that sat at 10,000 yen on yahoo auctions for months. I bought my pink skirt for $70 and brown high waist jsk for $100. Both were in great condition at the time.

>> No.10750974

>stimulus check
Oh it’s not only a newfag, it’s a retarded burger.

The post >>10750939 made reeks of entitled newbie energy and they only care about Milky Planet and Milky Chan because they’re current hype beast prints. Obviously you can want older dresses as your taste changes but those two prints are dead giveaways they’re a painfully new covidlita. Find me an oldfag who deeply cares about either of those prints or is whinging for re-releases.

>> No.10750979
File: 16 KB, 250x333, 12ab19c3-d70a-56da-a614-a194f0dfc0cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is the rerelease

>> No.10750981

They still had 4-5 years to get it cheaply. There is no way they searched for Milky Fawn “for years” and never found one in good condition.
Which means they’re either lying or they just want it because it became popular. Milky Planet is more believable because it was always quite popular, but they aren’t all in shit condition like she’s saying. She either doesn’t want to pay for good condition or is lying.

>> No.10750985

OP isn't as desirable as the JSK, and neither is the skirt. Also brown is the worst colorway. I remember the pink and white jsks being much harder to find.

Milky Planet and Milky Chan the Fawn are the two most likely prints to get a rerelease and this is why they are mentioned so often. They fit the same story as Sugary Carnival (widely popular during the sweet boom,, started selling at $1-2k, everyone hated it, finally got a MTO).

>> No.10750998

same, please...

>> No.10751002

Milky Chan was nowhere near as popular as MP or SC lmao. It had its fans when it first came out and during the sweet boom. Stop rewriting history.

>> No.10751028

Shut the fuck up with your lies already. White and brown were the most common colours on Lace Market and both cuts of the JSK were not hard to get a hold of for 200 euros or less, even as late as 2019.

>> No.10751033

The only people who reject skirts and OPs are fatties who can’t fit them.

>> No.10751049

Sorry anon but I bought my pink Milky Chan jsk around 5 years ago for around 6000 yen, it was sitting on the website for a little while. I only just sold it recently

>> No.10751051

i would cry tears of joy

>> No.10751069

>newfags talking about a history they weren't around for
lmfao big larp energy exposed. so sick of you guys. lurk more before you speak you retarded twats.

>> No.10751203

I bought the white necklace JSK for 80 dollars and it was in good condition. I remember sweet prints like Milky chan, Toy Parade, Magic Princess as well as solids and appliqués rotting on LM for months with the prices going under 100 dollars. I don’t know why the anon you replied to had trouble finding MC.