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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 180 KB, 496x594, 68f5c4e9fc70916bb8e0d89f01c60dfa755c2495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10736836 No.10736836 [Reply] [Original]

The russian cosplay community is imploding due to sanctions.

>> No.10736837


>> No.10736841

I get that their leader chose war without their say but there are citizens of their country and another currently fighting their slav bretheren for their lives and they're whining about cosplay prices?

>> No.10736843

All the onlythots have been banned and lost their income

>> No.10736863

Also artists, musicians, IT professionals, small business owners - real, hard-working people who were most likely already struggling to get by in that shithole country

>> No.10736864

I'm shocked people didn't stop Putin before it got this far.

>> No.10736881

Russians get assaulted, arrested and thrown in jail for posting "Putin sucks" on their social media, let alone showing up to protests, even peaceful ones. Putin has been controlling them with an iron fist for decades, ensuring that those who do want change are too afraid for their lives to take action. I sincerely hope they get to a point where the entire country gets sick of this and decides to rise up.

>> No.10736882

Maybe they'll have the time and redirect their anger now to rally for change in the country. I know it's going to be tough and potentially fruitless, having lived through Tiananamen, but maybe Russia will do something.

>> No.10736884

he literally threatened to destroy anyone who gets in his way, including with nukes so... yeah. nobody's going to touch that

>> No.10736998

People are dying, Kim. Cosplay can wait.

>> No.10737005


I meant his advisors or military leaders who could have told him this was strategically a poor choice. I guess he's surrounded himself with yes-men or other psychotic oligarchs. Sanctions alone are fucking over Russian citizens and the military's ability to even purchase resources with the ruble cucked by the dollar at this point.

He won't nuke Ukraine if his goal is to take it over and make any use of it. But the people will not stop fighting. You'd think he and any analysts he would have had learned from how Afghanistan, Vietnam, and the like went down that this was not going to end well.

>> No.10737033
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Some cosplayers have evaded sanctions.

>> No.10737038

Russian population is 144 mln people. Moscow itself has 12 mln people.

If Russia wanted it would.

>> No.10737370

No you idiot, they literally can't earn money for food now.

>> No.10737390

Have you seen the video where a group of 30 or so protesters are running away from a single riot police scumbag with a baton? That's how demoralized and scared Russian people are, it's easy to look down on them when you don't know the full story that involves decades worth of conditioning

>> No.10737391

Not to mention there's still a large older population that's pro-Putin, since they consume nothing but propaganda-ridden state media and don't even believe there's a war going on

>> No.10737393

This is different than western nations... how...?

>> No.10737395

You've clearly never lived in Russia if you don't think what's been going on there is different. Other western nations at the very least have an illusion of freedom and basic human rights.

>> No.10737396

Meanwhile there are almost no consequences for posting the president sucks for Americans and yet almost none of them have "risen up" over the last few decades of America invading various countries and killing their citizens for dumb as fuck reasons.

>> No.10737400

Brown countries, Anon. Those aren't real people, they're more like... beer pong counters.

>> No.10737401

I don't think Americans care about events that don't directly affect them, or know enough about what's going on to care

>> No.10737407

Look how americans can speak about their president, how the left did about Trump, how right does about Biden.
In Russia many of those people would be dead by now.

>> No.10737408

You are legitimately retarded if you think that

>> No.10737423

Do you even know any? I'm in the US and no one will shut up about it

>> No.10737424

Americans protested a ton during Vietnam and Iraq, what are you talking about

>> No.10737439

Cosplaying isn't exactly a stable income source regardless. Yes the ruble being worthless is a bad situation for everyone but cosplayers whining about prices on wigs is kinda...dumb considering their country is bombing people's homes right now and people are struggling to eat, much less buy their anime wigs.

>> No.10737458
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>> No.10737485

>oh no my digital whoring robot got blocked, now I don't have a job
sic semper sluts

>> No.10737540

THe worst part is all these innocent people will get no mercy. If Russia does lose you can bet NATO are going to send every last Russian to the death camps. They have been treating this entire thing like WW2 and it's sadly working.

>> No.10737542

>If Russia does lose you can bet NATO are going to send every last Russian to the death camps.
you ingest too much propoganda

>> No.10737543

A lot of these sanctions feel more like cancel culture than some thought out reaction to punish Russia. Some feel like they're aimed at punishing "Russians" rather than "Russia", I guess that ultimately the consequences may be the same but it just feels petty and mindless.

>> No.10737544

Truthfully, if you think about how cancel culture works then yes it's likely it's to punish all russians. Cancel culture/SJW culture group in people ignorantly quite often: see hate on 'white people'. Russians unfortunately are now victims of it, it's just another ethnicity. It's nothing new.

>> No.10737545

People only care because the media is telling them to care. Look at how many people cared about Yemen, almost none, because it wasn't blasted on the media 24/7 because oops, it involves the US and trusted allies.

>> No.10737569

Sanctions work by fucking a country's economy which sadly fucks the people in that country over. The hope is that the loss of money at the higher up level will force the government to play nice.

I'd hardly call it cancel culture, Russia invaded another country years ago and launched a massive invasion again now, and on top of that is threatening to use their nukes and actively committing actual war crimes. Yes, America has done the same but no one cared on a larger scale because the countries they invade and destabilize aren't usually white and "developed". I feel bad for their suffering but sanctions are just part of how we avoid nuking the shit out of each other when leaders pull dumb shit like this.

Don't pretend this is anyone after "the whites" but themselves (Russia and its puppets after Ukraine, then NATO and Europe after Russia) in this case.

>> No.10737571

It's like cancel culture but in this case the person is a bad person.
Russia is invading, they didn't just have drunk sex with Ukraine 5 years ago.

>> No.10737576 [DELETED] 

I get that the sanctions are to punish Russia, but many of the things that are done especially by companies feel more like cancel culture. Like, blocking Visa cards? That's one of the biggest examples. Does it really hurt the Russian economy, or is the main purpose to make Russian people suffer by not giving them access to their money? Also, not releasing Hollywood movies in Russia, does that really accomplish the goal? If anything, having movie tickets siphoning money out of the Russian economy to be sent to the US would hurt their economy. Hollywood movies are also pro-western propaganda pieces, should we really prevent Russians from watching that? Should Putin have monopoly on entertainment in Russia? And the removal of Russian products from store shelves is another thing that reeks of cancel culture, one thing is to not order new to replace what's sold, but to remove what's already in stock?

I get that Russia is evil and must be punished, and many of the sanctions seem reasonable, like blocking airplanes and most of the things that governments have come up with, but many of the other things just seem to be to punish Russians, without much thought behind how much it affects Russian economy vs. individuals. And yes, the separation may seem artificial because attacking Russian economy also hurts individuals, but at least it doesn't feel like that's the main purpose of doing it.

And I'll just make it clear that I'm not siding with Russia, actually I may even have some tiny bits of Ukrainabooism in me.

>> No.10737578

Yeah the main problem is the west is run by short sighted retards

>> No.10737579

Those people ARE trying to punish Russians for not overthrowing their overlords.

>> No.10737581

I'm sorry, I deleted my post, I try to avoid talking about politics on /cgl/ so I think I'll just keep quiet.

>> No.10737621

>If Russia does lose you can bet NATO are going to send every last Russian to the death camps
Hi Russian bot, stop your leader from invatding an innocent country, thanks!

>> No.10737635

Countries are made up of people, retard.

>> No.10737636

They can pay for their complacency with money, or they can hold their government accountable. That's how it works.

>> No.10737660

they mean citizens vs government. russia is a huge shithole but it's because of the government. citizens can't affect their government that much.

>> No.10737729

I mean they literally can't get paid because of bank sanctions.

>> No.10737731

Fuck no we're keeping all the cute girls and boys.

>> No.10737734

>hold their government accountable
This is russia. They'd get executed you retard.

>> No.10737735

nta but the army is busy executing ukranians for literally no reason rn so they can't get all of them. starve to death or die fighting for what's right, their choice

>> No.10737736

That's a small fraction of the russian army, and you're not considering who deals with civillians is the police force who are still very much in russia.
It's easy to say "die fighting" when you never actually had your life in any danger.

>> No.10737740

It's easy to assume someone has never had their life in danger but the reality is I have had to physically fight and run for my life in a mass shooting incident. I was lucky enough to only have to see other people murdered and not be dead myself. Not to mention the somewhat lower level but constant danger of being a homeless teen because of running away from abusive parents when I was younger.

>> No.10737741

Also if their options are die or die may as well die trying than not

>> No.10737791

They cosplay in a country where you can get thrown into the gulag just for dressing up?

>> No.10737793

Not my problem. Get fucked.

>> No.10737811

>t. Full bore maniac
Ease up on the krokodil lad

>> No.10737812

This. You can't fucking equate war crimes with hurting the feefees of the world's most sensitive person, who has also actively weaponized her oversensitivity.

If there were any justice, the thermobaric bombs would be hitting the cancelers and Russia would be rewarded with cash and prizes.

>> No.10737975


many people arent educated what non-representative governments look like. that poster may literally be ignorant about how nonsensical what they posted was.

>> No.10737977

It takes 10 minutes tops to learn this kind of thing yourself. Ignorance is no excuse.

>> No.10737978

Absolutely this. What the shit is wrong with some people on this board?

>> No.10737980

TAke your pills, schizo. The only thing NATO cares about are Russia's nukes and Putin's expansionist belligerence. Once Putin pulls back from Ukraine, NATO will continue not giving a shit about the Russian people.

>> No.10738187

>Killing people because they are killing your people that live in their country
Putin did nothing wrong.

>> No.10738257

The Russian cosplay industry is huge.

>> No.10738269

How big is their con scene?

>> No.10738272

>t. Vladimir

>> No.10738396

Really fucking big. Do you have instagram, probably the hottest cosplayers in Europe are all Russian. The horniest too. If a girl is a Russian cosplayer, chances are she has an OF account with nudes or almost-nudes.

>> No.10738430

Because you probably live in a free country, senpai. I have permanent nerve damage that affects my life every day that I got after baton massage on a protesy. My small business was destroyed by the government in retaliation for voicing my opinion.
T. Russian

>> No.10738431

> horniest
No dude, they have an OF account because they need to earn money for food, shelter and probably to support their family also. It's that simple.

>> No.10738432

>No dude, they have an OF account because they need to earn money for food, shelter and probably to support their family also. It's that simple.
Okay, bro. Whatever you say.

>> No.10738443

>thinking women do porn because they're horny and not because they're trafficked or desperate

>> No.10738472

I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.10738474

Yeah you can tell that anon is a scrote

>> No.10738479

>slav bretheren
If they were brethren they would be part of the same nation.

>> No.10738482

Imagine thinking people sell porn because "they're so horny!" and not the easy money from retarded scrotes like you. If they were just "horny" they'd do it for free.

>> No.10738488

I asked about their con scene, not e-thot presence. You are confusing the two.

>> No.10738500

Same difference.

>> No.10738523

actually he probably took note of how china successfully took back over hk despite the protests and backlash. and he will probably manage the same with ukraine bc people just stop caring after a while

>> No.10738530

You forget Ukraine is a white country though so people care more. People in media have even said as much on live TV. And those were the liberals. The media conservatives are unironically just pro-Putin cucks.

>> No.10738558

>trafficked or desperate
This is just as fucking dumb though, you think JNig is trafficked? Or desperate? Which is it? No, it's >>10738482
>easy money from retarded scrotes

>> No.10738560

>You forget Ukraine is a white country though so people care more.
This plus Russia is a regional has-been. It's like being intimidated by the Congo. China is an actual big deal.

>> No.10738583

thought I saw pugoffka recently go after some folks, but couldn't read it

>> No.10738627
File: 101 KB, 768x1152, FMisHKFXoAA9tFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are your fav russian cosplayers?

>> No.10738643

you should have known better
>t. what my Siberian friend who works at RT and hates this war would probably say

>> No.10738644

HK has been a recognized part of China by the entire planet since the British lease expired and they willingly handed it over. There was no "takeover" just a change in local ordinances. Not even remotely similar.

>> No.10738651

are you retarded?

>> No.10738782

jnig is not from a third world country like russia. russian girls are not doing it for clout or funsies, they're doing it to survive

>> No.10738831

>they're doing it to survive
No you dumb bitch, there's no big tragic dramalama behind it, they're literally just doing it for
>easy money from retarded scrotes
because they like
>easy money from retarded scrotes
and they realized they could get
>easy money from retarded scrotes,
>easy money from retarded scrotes.

>> No.10738945

If you will do a lil digging to find private instas of some of these russian OF girls you'd be surprised that some of them have actual fucking toddlers/crippling disabilities, so they actually earn money not for luxuries, but to raise a kid or survive, lol. They just don't openly advertise it on their main pages. Not counting ppl like rocksylight or that asuka cosplayer that have massive following though.

>> No.10738955
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>> No.10739020

I hope the anglo menace is kicked out of europe :)

>> No.10739069
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This. NATO has done nothing but bring misery and suffering to the world.

>> No.10739079

Lmao keep dreaming, did you think they call us the temporary anglo

>> No.10739104

Definitely these two lesbos there, and Shirogane Sama.

>> No.10739116
File: 62 KB, 366x615, e857f5d3749927f18c37e9d42b47f8446007d55e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

russian cosplayers are now blocked from posting on tiktok

>> No.10739220

Lol comparing actual war tactics to cancel culture is hilarious.
These sanctions were put out to literally stop Russia from purchasing parts to build more weapons, and demoralize those who are in support of war in Putin's camp. Sure individual companies like ikea and coke are pulling out either due to their own moral choice or it being too difficult to operate to move money and supplies in russia, but banning imports such as raw material and car chips or freezing assists are legitimate war tactics. It's unfortunate that the side effect is that these sanctions punish everyday Russians, but what is NATO suppose to do? Keep letting Putin and friends have access to all their funds to buy more chips or weapons from countries trying to destabilize NATO?

>> No.10739222


blue box clearly written by someone who doesnt understand the user and their time/attention are the product.

>> No.10739228
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cancel culture

>> No.10739240
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And yet

>> No.10739248

Womp womp.

>> No.10739282
File: 266 KB, 538x921, 54ded86c3ffb4baa90653106d874cba6684192c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another cosplayer ruined

>> No.10739288

Its not surprising. Many sex workers are poor and have rape trauma and mental illnesses and need money to survive but this is 4chan where retards believe the 0.01% of OF represents everyone. Funny thing is male thots make a lot of money but i dont see anons trying to do OF cuz they just wanna hate on women

>> No.10739289

Hang yourself and get raped moid. Ypu make me glad moids i know got raped

>> No.10739329

cry more wow

>> No.10739330

wahh i cant buy wigs from china anymore

>> No.10739334

>Funny thing is male thots make a lot of money
they do? don't you need to be super hot

>> No.10739349

Let me tell you a secret, anon: OF models are mostly average irl, male or female. Their online personas are 95% Photoshop, filters, heavy makeup, liquify, amazing professional lighting etc. Nothing stops a male from learning this skills and promote himself.

>> No.10739358

It might not be a moid, there's a small but loud contigent of e-whores who wail every time anyone brings up trafficking because it hurts their feelings to be lumped in with icky, sad trafficked women when they want to be viewed as empowered, savvy businesswomen. Yet another reason why I fucking hate e-whores.

>> No.10739374

I’m shocked that North Koreans didn’t stop Kim Jong Un before it got this far.

>> No.10739379

Maybe you should consider history lessons.

>> No.10739380

>I guess he's surrounded himself with yes-men or other psychotic oligarchs
He actually gets everyone who disagrees with him killed, so of course nobody did stop him.

>> No.10739381

Fuck Russia and fuck Ukraine, I just don't want to have to pay 4.99 a gallon for has. The idiot libs need to let us use the oil we have in this country. They're only hurting the poor low-income families who now can't afford to go to work. But lefty fags don't actually care about poor people in THIS country, only about shit that doesn't affect them.

>> No.10739415

Lmao China will never stop doing business with Russia. If anything, they’re scrambling to make it even easier to sell Russians their shit. It’s not like the west is actually manufacturing anything themselves…

>> No.10739706

Russia is the one that will make the death camps, and it will be for Ukrainian POWs civilians and Russians who won't toe the party line.

>> No.10739767
File: 150 KB, 1381x516, Why should I give a shit about anyone dying when it affects my bottom line t. American Bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10739768

Calm your tits, negro.

>> No.10739769
File: 57 KB, 500x638, main-qimg-11ed0cfa49a853f1a29ddbe38c973ced-pjlq.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in the den of seething holes. Calming down is not part of their agenda, now or ever.

>> No.10740189

How's this make sense though since TikTok is Chinese?

>> No.10740191

I personally don't hate those types but rather see them as victims. I do however refuse to legitimize prostitution by calling it "sex work" when in reality civil society should be providing them better, more legitimate and less exploitative/dangerous labor.

>> No.10740195

If a male thot makes money its from gay guys

>> No.10740200

do you have any idea how much money fujos have?

>> No.10740202

>fujos wanna see actual men and not cartoons

>> No.10740204

kpop fujos exist. if you think fujos don't want to fuck shoop'd cosplayers you're retarded.

>> No.10740215

Ok, Chang

>> No.10740221

Look anons, different nations have different tolerances and standards. Westerners forget that and then they scratch their heads about why certain ideas don't get traction elsewhere or why other people aren't up in arms about their politicians. Don't get me wrong, fear and cracking down goes a long way. But not everyone values freedom and fairness like you do. Some people value stability more. Other people have the mentality of "if you are getting away with it then you are doing good because bad things have consequences". A society of bullies will give rise to bully leaders and won't see their behaviour as out of the ordinary.

>> No.10740779

Wow, you're an absolute idiot, parroting everything Fox and Qanon is spouting. Bah bah! Good little sheep, just go right into this corral now!

>> No.10740780

Funny, I don't watch fox or follow Q shit. There are more parties than just left or right, faggot. I've been alive long enough to know that environmentalist legislation has been stopping us form using our own natural gas more and more for decades, and it's currently the worse its ever been.
>bah bah
You sound like a literal child. Go to bed, you have school in the morning, kiddo.
All I care about is citizens below the poverty line not being able to go to work and feed their families, but I guess you don't give a fuck about the working class huh?

>> No.10740866
File: 658 KB, 1200x938, Narga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always had a sweet spot for Narga as a WoW nerd. Hope she´s doing ok.

>> No.10740875
File: 164 KB, 1000x1500, FB_IMG_1647115324705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naga Lifestream. Her Jaina cosplays are a 10. Why are russian genes so fucking amazing ffs?

>> No.10740878
File: 104 KB, 1000x1500, FB_IMG_1647115525024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Fuuuuuck she's so hot. Cosplay girls tend to be pretty ugly when they take the make up off. But Narga is a 10 in a baggy hoody.

>> No.10740884

She’s still wearing a full face of makeup in this picture. Are you literally retarded?

>> No.10740886

Hot damn I'd lick her from the feet up

>> No.10740899

yes, men are retarded. they're still fooled by the ridiculous waist and hip editing, what makes you think they can spot makeup?

>> No.10740912
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>yes men are retarded

>> No.10740914
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>WW3 happens
>/cgl/ beckys still seethe over Stacys.

I hope you never find out about V-tubers for your own sake.

>> No.10740945

The idea is to use other countries resources before your own dumbass

>> No.10740947

That's stupid. You wanna kiss ass to countries that hate us and be severely indebted to them just for oil? Cause when we go to war with those countries or put hesvy sanctions on them over petty shit, gas prices go up and hurts our own citizens. We have plenty of oil here retard.

>> No.10740949

She has pictures of herself without make up in her IG profile and still looks highly bangable.

>> No.10740951

This is the slavic goddess that has a couple of roasties here seething about


>> No.10741055

Because as we all know all Germans are a part of the same nation.Euros love having sectional fights with people who are basically the same as them.It defines them as European. There is a lot more nuance to this conflict, it's also a resource war, it's also a war about geopolitcal positioning, but who is dictating the direction of slavic world is definitely a factor.

>> No.10741058

Russia is a second world nation specifically because of decades from exile from the rest of work followed by the dismantling of their country by western capitalist, with it then being handed over to literal gangsters to make sure the copper wire striping of the state continued to happen. Russia is the land of hard knocks.

>> No.10741062

imagine thinking the citizens of western nations are less cucked than russian citizens when in almost every single western nation the people hate and distrust their governments, are extremely vocal about it and after trying to influence change though legal means, seeing it does nothing, then just going back to complaining about the same govts they dislike and distrust but doing nothing else but going about their lives. Westerns are less cucked how?

>> No.10741065

Those protests were so effective that both wars lasted 10+ years lol

>> No.10741067

Like how Americans hold their leaders to account for maintaining almost every conflict zone in the world to continue weapons sales? Americans don't even hold their leaders to account for denying them a livable wage and health insurance that covers anything, but yes all the Russians must suffer because of Putin's war. Those Moskovite dogs deserve the punishment.

>> No.10741068

Yes, when the soviet union was dismantled under their feet russian girls as young at 12 went in prostitution because they were horny.

>> No.10741069

a good portion of our oil comes from OPEC. The current high gas prices are literally the saudi's twisting our nuts because they know we have nowhere else to go. We don't have enough domestic oil to support our current economy on it's own.

>> No.10741070

>We don't have enough domestic oil to support our current economy on it's own.

Not completely true, and it's not just the Saudis, it's the oil industry in our own country too. There are thousands of drilling permits approved in the US that no one has started on, and while I'm sure that some of it is for logistical reasons and a point someone brought up of using imports before tapping out our own supply, we are not lacking in supply of oil.

The reality is similar to that of food price inflation. There is some natural inflation over time but the real culprit is actually many food production companies are hiking prices far higher than they need to just to "offset" costs because of shortages or increase in their own prices. They are boasting RECORD profits and blaming stimulus packages or the economy when in reality they've posted literal memos and reports saying "yeah we're shocked no one stopped buying our food when we jacked up the price unreasonably high so we're gonna keep doing that shit and make bank" but the news cycle is so focused on blaming inflation and whichever opposing political party so consoomers ignore that and blame governments for private businesses voluntarily raising prices past what would be enough to have normal and stable profit and growth because they know people will blame big government and let themselves be sucked dry.

>> No.10741194

So food production and distribution has become too concentrated in too few companies to allow for enough competition to pressure prices back down?

>> No.10741222

Somewhat, but in addition to that the companies are all just doing it because they know they can, competitive or not.

The truth is companies don't care about competition. If everyone else can get away with raising prices they all just want more profit and will do the same, it's almost like they're competing to see who can make the most money more than competing in any way that aligns with customer interests. Unfettered competition isn't ever going to happen with more or less regulation because companies with more money eventually buy competition and monopolize things regardless and if you create laws to stop it they can still collude without officially owning everything under a single umbrella.

Like how forcing tech companies to break up with antitrust laws doesn't stop any of the problems that tech companies have caused with their services or practices, the same can be said for food companies.

>> No.10741420

>Americans have to suffer for their bad decisions and not stopping their government
>But Russians shouldn't have to suffer just because of their bad decisions and not stopping their government!?!!11
You sound so fucking dumb rn

>> No.10741427

Are you autistic?

Everyone hypes up nuclear war is a possibility if the west gets involved directly but nuclear war would never happen. If NATO were to go to war with Russia there would be a sort of gentleman's agreement that the fighting would be localised to Ukraine and Belarus to avoid the destruction of Russia which would cause nuclear weapons to start flying. NATO would opt to simply establish a ceasefire and create a demilitarised zone on the border. Similar to Korea, Cyprus or Israel.

I.E. you're a moron. NATO would absolutely never invade Russia proper less they wanted nuclear holocaust, which they don't.

>> No.10741429

>by the dismantling of their country by western capitalist

>>It's the west's fault Russia is a shithole. No it has nothing to do with the fact that they had some of the worst economic and social policies in the world for 70 years, it's definitely the west's fault.

>> No.10741433

>Russia theatening to nuke anybody

How are you people so gullible? Russia and Putin for that matter has absolutely everything to lose by use nuclear weapons. They will never, I repeat never use nuclear weapons unless Russia as a political entity itself is threatened. Putin claiming he'll nuke anybody who gets in his way is to scare people like you who just cum guzzle fearmongering on a daily basis to avoid western nations becoming involved.

>> No.10741551

The most drastic drop in life expectancy in modern history happened after '91 bc the new capitalist regime that was being installed really had the good of the people in mind. Their new capitalist economy collapsed in less than 8 years bc it wasn't a wire stripping operation. lol
I don't know how you get this reading. The op is just pointing out the differences in expectations of the people of each nation to enact reforms
I'm inspired by your confidence but I don't really want to test your theory given stakes. It seems to ignore the current Russia regime sees Ukraine as Russia territory. So an invasion of Ukraine would be taken as an invasion of Russia. Putin has said as much

>> No.10741566

oh, so sorry, I didn't realise I got the wrong door and entered /pol/

>> No.10741567
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>> No.10741585

To explain the vax comment, the Russian Sputnik vax isn't accepted by the EU.

>> No.10741645

Why the fuck should a hobby that came from man children be the only source of income in a country with free post secondary education (if your first degree wasn't free your second will be)?
You literally get a stipend during your bachelor's if you study in Russia. Education if you have to go paid is cheap as fuck too. Cosplayers just want free money for playing dress up.

>> No.10741670

>Russia is a second world nation specifically because of decades from exile from the rest of world
So why is it supposed to be a problem to exile them then? Shouldn't make any difference if that's true.

>> No.10741700

Exile from the rest of the word did hurt the Soviet Union but at least at its peak their was the larger communist bloc they could rely on. The Russian Federation is far more isolated now than the USSR every was. After it spending 30 years becoming more integrated into the world system those connections were just cut over night. People just unable to even touch their own money bc their banking system got closed off. The West never had that kind of leverage against the USSR.

>> No.10741721
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What's the whole context behind what Yukeshiro put up on her story about Shirogane though? Genuinely confused.

>> No.10741964
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Oop it disappeared already so this is what I'm talking about. Machine translations really seem to suck here.

>> No.10742203

Maybe blame the monopolies and corporate profiteering causing inflation instead of deep throating that boot?

>> No.10742228

A ukrainian cosplayer called shiro out on twitter for whining about onlyfans and talking about going to cons in europe now that she moved but not mentioning who started war or blaming russia.
Then shiro and her friend (ovsyan) replied back and forth on tweets.
A lot of the ukrainian cosplayers are really angry at some of the russian ones so maybe yukeshiro being polish took the anti-russian side.

>> No.10742229

Ooooh BLM 2.0

>> No.10742236

does the tweet still exist? I can't find it on her twitter page

>> No.10742254

here's some translated tweets from the Ukrainian cosplayer
>You're a coward, you're a clown, you're a lacey lacey lacey lacey lacey lacey lacey. Fucking Russians are finished, you deserve to be idiots.
>I look at Kharkiv and I want to break the fucking face of every pussy who complains about onlyfans.
>No, I don't think so. I absolutely do not give a shit about every Russian. Thank you.
>My father was mobilized. My brother will be taken away in a month. My mother is crying because she does not know where she will go. But I have to worry about the feelings of the fucking Russians, who allowed the war.
>Die, you bitch, I wish you all the fucking horror. You scum without humanity. I pity you.
>No, we are better, because we are only writing this to you, and your mothers' whoremongers are killing our people, you fucking bitch.
>Hey, Russian, who complains that we hate them! How do you feel when you see photos of these people who died from what you fucked on TV? This is your fault. EVERY RUSSIAN IS A RUSSIAN NATIONAL. And you will be responsible for it.
>No, I don't think so. I absolutely do not give a shit about every Russian. Thank you.
>This video is a very good proof that all 148 million Russians were born with crumbs instead of brains. Listen to what these idiots are saying.
>Russians do not have anything of their own, everything is borrowed from other cultures. They appropriate history and traditions by rewriting books, as it was before and so it is now.
>Fuck, I recognize that fence. Fucking Russians, you fucking cripples, I hate you all.
>So, your army is killing our people, killing, shooting but we are fascists? Goddess, make sure that all of Russia drowned in the mud
>Russia is a cancerous plague for all the neighbors
>All Russians will always remain Russians. They fuck everyone fucking like that.
>I have never seen a video of Ivan's heads being cut off, and I always feared war and death. But if now all of Russia died, it wouldn't affect me

>> No.10742257

I mean I can see why they're passed off. This isn't BLM SJW shit, people's families are being killed and their lives uprooted, homes bombed to the ground. You can morally grandstand and say that you have to be better than the bad people but fuck that shit, eveeyone isn't emotionally mature and zen and shit and people who have had their lives literally destroyed and seen tons of death and suffering in a short span of time have every right to be mad and every right to admit they don't give a fuck about how whiny cosplayers feelings are hurt when they make generalized statements about hating Russia.

You can say it isn't the average Russian's fault, only politicians and soldiers, but when they at least still have a home, it's hard to feel sympathetic about them getting butthurt over comments made by someone who doesn't because of their government.

>> No.10742258
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Thanks friends. It looked like to me through the machine translation lens that it was some sort of animosity between her and the rest of the eastern EU scene or a distrust of what she wrote up, having seen Shiro's post about her GTFOing to Istanbul first and then this.
I suspect this probably wouldn't be the only incident where EEUeans would be pressing X to doubt how genuine some of the inevitable exodus feels.

>> No.10742259

this was the main tweet aimed at shiro

>> No.10742260

Aren't Russians the best cosplayers in the whole world? Every time I see a Russian cosplay of any character, is always the best one.

Poor Russian people. It's not their fault they live in a crazy oligarchy. Nobody asked them if they wanted to invade Ukraine.

>> No.10742262

It was in Russia. They got their income in euros or dollars, Russian money is a lot less valuable.

Being a professional cosplayer in Russia is probably the most profitable job there.

>> No.10742265

What an ugly name. It sounds like instant bullcrap. The original was better.

>> No.10742276
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>> No.10742317

their con scene healthy as shit
they have like loads of mini cosplay shows where amateur cosplayers go and do dances and performances for medium-small crowds and hang out do photos together etc

>> No.10742332

russians are too ugly though.

>> No.10742353

>Russians do not have anything of their own, everything is borrowed from other cultures. They appropriate history and traditions by rewriting books, as it was before and so it is now

This is Ukrainian national identity. Getting upset that their high water mark was in the 5th century and they weren't the one who became the power center of the Slavic world. lol

>> No.10742355
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>> No.10742359

Why are you on a cosplay board, then? Fuck off, dumbass.

>> No.10742362

They have the biggest cosplay industry in the world and also the best cosplayers out there, maybe because they are all professional and cosplaying in Russia is a career.

>> No.10742375

Sour grapes that Moscow was able to come out on top and actually resist the Mongols where Kyiv and what would become Ukraine just became a place where the local powers settled their score's for next few centuries. lol

Just of collective "It should have been Mmeeeee" for hundreds of years.

>> No.10742377

They also tend to work in teams. The model isn't necessarily the foam crafter and the seamstress but they come together to make top tier cosplays

>> No.10742378

Yep, agree with this. It would be completely mad to hold someone getting bombed to a standard of "don't get mad about it on Twitter". She has every right to get fucked off about a Russian ewhore making herself the victim.

>> No.10742379

>It's not their fault they live in a crazy oligarchy
Except it is, Russians are the most spineless of slavs. Rather than throwing their government out like Moldova, etc, they instead choose the easy route. Escape their country to continue playing dress up and being a whore.

>> No.10742380

>they instead choose the easy route
Not getting their teeth knocked out by the police to appeal to a a absolutist kleptocracy to stop a war they where just as surprised about. It's unreasonable to expect a population to do a people's revolution to suit your countries political interests

>> No.10742383

>Oh nooo the poor whorerinos maaan. Where is da juicestice?
Cry me a fucking river

>> No.10742394

How do they make a career out of this? Who is paying them?

>> No.10742396


Because Russia's money has no worth. Imagine that you get paid for posting your videos and photos online 10000 dollars each month VS 1000 dollars each month with a regular job in Russia.

That manchildren cash is worth more in Russia than any normal job.

>> No.10742397

>It's unreasonable to expect a population to do a people's revolution to suit your countries political interests
>your country
Not sure where you think I'm from lol. Russia had problems long before this war. Do I expect Russian cosplayers to take up arms and start a revolution within their shithole oblast? No, but I expect them to stop being whiny bitches.

Costhots who are temporarily fleeing Russia, simply because they can't make money. They will return to Russia once this is over, and will be content with Putin in power as long as they can make a living. That is no way to live when even your fellow Russians are dying.

>> No.10742399

>They will return to Russia once this is over
Yeah right. Immigrants return to their countries. The thots will just get their hooks on the richest foreigner they can find and retire early.

>> No.10742400

More like WLM, since these people are all white.

>> No.10742402

Perhaps. Either way they are traitors to their own country and people.

>> No.10742413


There definitely are ugly people in Russia, like in every country, but no. Most of them are the living representation of caucasian beauty. The ugliest person there is considered a stunning beauty in America, actually.

But I don't expect an American can understand this, since you guys are a mix of jews, blacks and native americans.

>> No.10742414


Foreigners with their dollars and euros. They win so much money this way, any other normal job in Russia barely let them survive.

Remember that Russia is a third world country. 1 euro is like 108 RUB. Every time a westerner gives them ONE dollar, is like giving them 100 dollars there.

>> No.10742417

No I mean educate me. I know completely nothing about the russian scene.

>> No.10742430

russians are all extremely ugly, especially since they're inbred so much. also, not american, sorry.

>> No.10742431

meanwhile it's russia that is butthurt invading everyone because of soviet collapse

>> No.10742565


Lonely men

>> No.10742583

Genuine question: Is there a way to jump on the exchange rate now or is it even possible? i feel really bad for russian citizens now and I don't really understand how any of the bullshit going on actually affects putin. especially not mcdonalds shutting down or not being able to see a movie. I guess anything you buy will probably go to the government in the form of taxes, but at least it wouldn't be an insane amount, i hope.

>> No.10742595

The west is trying to start a riot

>> No.10742629


Nope, you are american, fat, ugly and trolling. Russian women are the most beautiful in the world and the men are, too. I have met plenty and all of them looked like top models. And they were supposed to be the most normal people in their country.

>> No.10742631


Normal jobs in Russia barely let you survive. Russians depend on foreign money obtained online from 1st world countries so they can have enough to sustain themselves and not being Cuban level of poor.

If they can't cosplay anymore they will have to migrate to some rich European country to be able to have a decent job.

>> No.10742670

Plenty of racial groups have more than one nation. Germans have two nations, Chinese have three countries, Anglos have a half-dozen nations, Arabs have 22 countries.

>> No.10742964

>Germans have two nations
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, you must have learned a different way of counting to two in school than I did.

>> No.10742989
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>> No.10743012


The Netherlands is not a German nation. They actually fucking hate the Germans. They don't even speak German or look like the Germans at all, WTF. And Luxembourg is French. I don't know about Liechtenstein.

>> No.10743019

I'm not going to pretend for a moment that Russian nationalists aren't upset about the collapse of the Soviet Union. This war really is tale of two nationalists narratives which is why you don't need to be sports brained and "root" for either.

Russian nationalists want to recover from the humiliation of USSR being dismantled under their feet and reform a greater Russia again to prove to the world they are a world power (oh and get all the natural gas in Ukraine).

Ukrainian nationalists want to create a culturally pure Ukrainian state which means the suppression of Russians and Russian culture. They are making this big play that they are actually more western then they actually are and more democratic then they actually are and while this appeal works on know nothing foreign pelbs they mostly accept this bc they want to feel justified in hating their old rival the Russians. The fact is that Ukraine would have probably gone the way of Czechoslovakia if allowed to let things play out without direct Russian intervention. Ukraine was a deeply troubled state before all this.

They are both shitty right wing projects and you don't need to "cheer" for either. The people who matter and those suffering from this conflict. It's just really funny watch libs suddenly care about national self determination or the rules based order when it's another country acting like the U.S. does. Get use to it we are in the multi polar world now. Other countries are watching this very closely to gage how much they can get away with went those resources start to get tighter.

>> No.10743027

Foreign companies are stopping business there because their money is worthless right now.

>> No.10743028

>Ukraine was a deeply troubled state before all this.

No, Ukraine started being deeply troubled because Russia invaded them with no fucking sense. Russia is already enormous, they have enough resources. They don't depend on the tiny little space that is Ukraine.

This is Putin boomering crazily like Biden because he's 70 and starting to decline. He's mentally unstable. He clearly lost control of himself and I doubt he knows WTF is he doing.

>Other countries are watching this very closely to gage how much they can get away with went those resources start to get tighter.

The whole fucking planet is overflowing with resources everywhere. There are so many, they have no monetary value. We don't depend on the failed communist oligarchy and a tiny country nobody did know about.

This is good for the normal people. It's only bad for the greedy big companies and politicians who can't get more taxes or control the population. This is why they are forcing a nonsensical war and more nonsensical virus policies that don't work.

>> No.10743029

>The Netherlands is not a German nation. They don't even speak German
"Dutch" is literally the same word as "Deutsch", the German word for German, Oaf-chan. It used to be considered a German dialect for centuries, lots of people in the Low Countries still speak Plattdütsch or Frisian too.

>Luxembourg is French
The English standard spelling of the name is the French one but they write it Lëtzebuerg themselves and you can tell the French name is just the German one (Luxemburg) Frenchified. The culture is also more German than French.

>> No.10743030

>they mostly accept this bc they want to feel justified in hating their old rival the Russians
As if anybody needs a justification for this

>> No.10743033


Dutch is a different language than German, you retarded dipshit. I've been in both countries and they have nothing to do with each other. Their people look physically different: while the Dutch are like 2 mts tall, blue eyed and blonde haired, the Germans are midgets with brown hair and brown or blue eyes. Both countries have a different culture and attitude and they speak different languages. Also the Dutch fucking hate the Germans to a level you would know if you ever lived there.

I've also been in Luxembourg and everything was in French there. Even the radio. Their culture is French. They have zero in common with Germans. Stop lying, retarded nazi americunt.

>> No.10743039

lol you're confused. people from the Netherlands are only called Dutch in English. it was just a mistake.

>> No.10743126

>No, Ukraine started being deeply troubled because Russia invaded them with no fucking sense.
lol when history just started in February. This conflict started in 2014 when western backed nationalists couped the govt.

>They [Russia] don't depend on the tiny little space that is Ukraine.
For a lot of it's history Ukrainian territory is where Russia produced most of its food. The Soviets built up a lot of infrastructure in Ukraine you don't give territories you don't trust nuclear facilities. Ironically that same Soviet infrastructure is slowing up the Russian forces. There is also a lot of natural gas just east and the pipe lines go... straight through Ukraine. Ever since the right wing govts of Ukraine got into power they have begun charging heavy tariffs. Russians most import resource is natural gas. Before the conflict 50% of the NG in Germany alone was from Russia. This was such an issue that the Russians and Germans were funding new pipelines to get around Ukraine. Not going to say this war was some with sound judgment. But it is 100% a resource war as much as it's about Russian prestige. Russia is a world power but they are weak one, they know they are likely going bumped off the stage first. I think they were hoping for a fast victory to get resources and retrain relevance. Not going say Putin isn't boomering out but there was a reason to this madness.

>The whole fucking planet is overflowing with resources everywhere. There are so many, they have no monetary value. We don't depend on the failed communist oligarchy and a tiny country nobody did know about.


>> No.10743135

most intelligent post on this board rn

>> No.10743156

>Russian nationalists want to recover from the humiliation of USSR being dismantled under their feet
They did shit all to preserve the union when they were young men but now as old men have no problem sending young men to die for it.

>> No.10743158

>when western backed nationalists couped the govt.
Coup implies an ilegall seizure of power.
Yanukovych was legally removed from his position through the ukraninian parliament.

>> No.10743256

>No, Ukraine started being deeply troubled because Russia invaded them with no fucking sense

I'm against Russia's actions and even I know that Ukraine was corrupt up to the ears and people were self-serving cynics.

>> No.10743417

Well in '91 there was a referendum about trying to keep to Soviet experiment going forward and a majority of people in most of the member states wanted to keep it going, then the August coup happened and it was clear the old system didn't have the steam left to push back against reactionary and Western influence in Russia and if you don't have Russia (the largest state) you won't have a USSR. It was after the August coup that the various member states really went into the woods on their own. We can get into a whole conversation about the shot clock started on the USSR.
Yeah right wing militia snipers killing protesters and police to exacerbate the violence and polarize the two sides so that public option would be drawn towards a more eurocentric right wing footing. We all know you have a good democracy when you ban political parties and have state sanctioned suppression of specific languages.

>> No.10743424

Are Americans really this stupid?

>> No.10744055

Are Russian lolitas going to be unable to buy Japanese brands now? How about Chinese

>> No.10744117

>going to be
they have been for two years, anon.

>> No.10744237

Wait is Russia and Japan at war , why is trade forbidden

>> No.10744241

It's shipping disruptions due to covid.
I'm not sure about the details and I believe there have been ways for Russian lolitas to buy from Japan though.

>> No.10744312

Sanctions tho, can't pay for shit when all payment methods have your country blocked.

>> No.10744664

wtf is this shit about cakes and coins?

>> No.10744724

amazing ass

>> No.10744775

nice comeback

>> No.10744841

name of the girl cosplaying makima please

>> No.10744844

Not with that aids conversion rate and not to mention payment methods. Actually getting cucked harder than south american lolitas at this point. Having to scrounge up money five times or more the the price of the item out of no fault of your own, while everybody else blessed geographically can just buy items with their pocket change is pretty demoralizing. Shipping should still be available(?) but also expensive so what gives.
Maybe China's a teensy bit better? I haven't really been following the conversation between Russia and China.

>> No.10744875

As far as I know, shipping by seamail was the only option in Russia since March 2020, and it was then closed due to the customs collapse or something, this January. In 2021 people were waiting for their parcels for half a year, and still, the customs have only started registering the items sent out from Japan last August-September.

>> No.10744886
File: 31 KB, 707x258, JUSTEDruble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually getting cucked harder than south american lolitas at this point
You know shit's bad when you're hitting Argentina levels of inflation. Not quite Venezuela yet but still.

>> No.10744975
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> five times or more the the price of the item
samefag but christ I reread this like 20 times and I still missed this
Fucking hell. That's so miserable, I had no idea.
Even brazilian lolitas are having more fun at this point. I don't even know what I would do if my country's currency got JUSTed this hard. It's already kind of bad, but at that point I'd consider selling my entire wardrobe to feed my family or just rope and be buried with it.

>> No.10746495

Now all i can think about is a ukrainian naga cosplayer i saw a while back. she could be dead or in poland or who knows.

>> No.10746542

I miss that Russian ana chan who wore mostly AP, her coords were good albeit occasionally a little costumey

Hope she's doing ok

>> No.10746772
File: 2.68 MB, 960x720, PostSovietEasternEurope.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely in Poland or Germany whoring out like most Ukrainians there are rn. Like image being a Ukrainian man fighting for your life and your wife/sister/daughter is in a comfy western country being spitroasted

>> No.10746779

> poland
> comfy
Compared to a warzone, I guess.

>> No.10747157

moar of her ass please

>> No.10747818

Russia has every right to invade. Ukrain is a shithole that the US and other globalhomo have been trying to take over for years so they can set up shit to poke Russia with. Ukrain isn't all anti-russian and majority are perfectly fine with going back to Russia or having pro Russian policies, it's literally the US that doesn't want it.

>> No.10747869

this is hilarious!

>> No.10748012
File: 283 KB, 2048x1366, jannetincosplay - lenore 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that a large number of them (the successful ones?) don't live in Russia any more: jannetincosplay is in Milan and irine_meier has been living in Paris for a while IIRC.

>> No.10748024

t. someone gagging on Putin's cock

>> No.10748198

Why is it always something sexual with you western apologists? Why are your minds so warped? Is this all you think about?<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/f2ecf801_PepeHands.png">

>> No.10748212

Who here rooting for Russia?

As an American, I do not feel like going to war and protecting the Biden families oil money laundering pit.

>> No.10748218

I just want it to be over so as few people die as possible. I don't want Ukraine to join NATO though. It's just sad to see former brothers fighting.<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/f2ecf801_PepeHands.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/41a37aa0_ReimuPalm.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/7242c342_umaruCry.png">

>> No.10748223

>IT professionals
Most anyone with any tech skill has fled Russia.
Fun bit of trivia
The average age of engineers in Russia is around 50

>> No.10748253

Patreon isn’t banned in Russia (yet) so for now there’s still one revenue source left for cosplayers / e-thots

>> No.10748323


Trump is, he'll need them for his next ex-wife after Melania is thrown to the curb

>> No.10748366

This has nothing to do with it. People from former soviet and yugoslavian countries have been immigrating en masse since the 80s and 90s.

>> No.10748398

>Many sex workers are poor and have rape trauma

Who in their right mind would get into a sexually explicit job when you have rape trauma lmao

I guess girls just don't like actually working an actual job so they hop on OF and just whore themselves out for some quick cash and then they get used to it to the point where they could never go back to working and they're just kinda stuck.

>> No.10748418

>Who in their right mind would get into a sexually explicit job when you have rape trauma lmao
Nayrt and I don't even know what this conversation is really about but to answer this question, as someone who hasn't been in sex work but based on people I've met before one of two types of people:

1. You were raped and can't afford therapy and it fucks with you mentally, especially people for whom this happens to as children/teens. When you have lower self esteem you may end up not caring on the surface about things that are probably harmful to you because you both need a job and don't think very much of yourself or that you deserve better.
2. You got raped as a sex worker or had issues where you were severely pressured or forced to do something you didn't initially agree to and don't want to do on the spot on your job and you're afraid you won't get paid if you don't and since you're already in the middle of it you get mentally manipulated into doing something more extreme than you wanted.

>> No.10748756

More like hoe F amirite press F for hoes lmaooooooo

>> No.10748768

>Who in their right mind would get into a sexually explicit job when you have rape trauma lmao
Trauma works in weird ways. Sometimes rape victims will subconsciously adopt a promiscuous lifestyle because deep down, they believe that fucking a lot of people, but consensually, they're regaining control over their sexual autonomy, that was taken from them by the rape.

>> No.10749263
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Oof now they really have it out for her, going as far as saying she's a Kremlin simp. And to think they were commenting "oh welcome to Europe" just a few weeks ago when she made that post about fleeing to Istanbul.

>> No.10749308

Amazing what a couple weeks of propaganda can do

>> No.10749501

Sounds like Yukeshiro is being a jealous cunt. Shirogane only literal occupation is cosplay, apparently those retards want her to stop working and join a fucking breadline cause posting about Ukrainian charities all the time is clearly not enough to satisfy the mob.

>> No.10749538

>join a fucking breadline
Guessing they would prefer if she has to become a Turkish whore desu

>> No.10750700

my heart bleeds

>> No.10750732

brb, booking a trip to Istanbul

>> No.10754210


>> No.10754629

poltard detected. russia is a shithole that can't stand former USSR states going over "to the enemy", so they're trying to drag everyone else down to their level. ukraine saw that poland is balling out with that sweet, sweet EU money and NATO protection and wants the same. thinking russia is morally justified in any way is just being a contrarian fag.

ukraine was deeply troubled because russia has been meddling and preventing ukraine from joining the EU for god knows how long. every single post-USSR state is corrupt as shit, courtesy of USSR remnants and people that "remember the good old days", such as Putin. people making the "hurr durr ukraine is corrupt" excuse are geopolitically retarded.