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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10732388 No.10732388 [Reply] [Original]

>Who are you favorite jfash/cosplay accounts to follow? Any new ones you'd like to share?
> What's helped improve your reach/engagement? What has hurt it?
>What are your "dos" and "don'ts" for posts? Any current trends that you like or dislike?
>Do you frequently post reels? Why or why not?
>How do you prevent or limit Instagram from negatively affecting your mental health?

> Self-post if you can't handle concrit
> Shit up the thread and derail it with drama. Take it to the farm/LC

>> No.10732392

I thought I remembered seeing a link to a blog discussing the Instagram algorithm
with the ideal number of posts and reels each week. I wasn't able to find it, but if anyone has it, please post it again!

>> No.10732521

Engagement is shit for stories pictures and reels. Sorry anon I don't see the point in this app anymore after Instagram dropped the reach for all their users. I switched to Twitter.

>> No.10732527

reels are the worst thing ever. it's like the wish version of tiktok. the fact that i have to use capcut or just repost tiktoks shows how much of a mistake they're making.

>> No.10732530

As someone who doesn't use TikTok, why is it so much worse? The editing capabilities?

Interesting, I thought that Instagram was really rewarding reels with engagement. They always seem to stick out on the explore page and definitely get more reach than my posts. The post I was referring to in >>10732392 also mentioned that Instagram was rewarding users who post reels with a wider reach.

>> No.10732533

All reels I posted after Jan 24th get 500 likes if I'm lucky. I used to get between 10-50k consistently. Views are down for all content I post as well.

>> No.10732537

Jeez, if I get 500 likes, that's a good day for me. How long have you been on Instagram if you don't mind? are you into J fashion or cosplay? I'm pretty new to it so I'm kind of curious where I stand, given that fact.

>> No.10732550

editing is terrible. it's really clunky.

>> No.10732565

I can't figure out Instagram at all.

To my understanding, it used to be post photos, add hashtags for people to find similar, and everything from people you're following shows up in chronological order?
Now it's a mess, I can't ever tell what I've seen or missed from friends and things keep rearranging with ads every other post (or more). What's the point of it anymore unless you're just there for views and clout?

>> No.10732578

I wear J-Fashion and have used Instagram for five years.

Reels used to get better views compared to photos. At the end of January most IG users experienced tanking engagement, even for reels. Has this happened to you as well?

>> No.10732584

I don't regularly put out reels, but my engagement tanked for my consistent posts. I thought it was just me

>> No.10732600

Instagram is dead. Zucc tried way too hard to monetize the app and turn it into a selling platform, but ruined the whole thing instead.

>> No.10732601

What style do you wear? How often do you post reels?

The one I posted today didn't perform well even though they're my bread and butter.

>> No.10732606

Agreed but where else can we even go?

>> No.10732614

I wear decora and fairy kei and I post anywhere from three to five a week.

It's ok nonny, we're in the same boat.

>> No.10732619

When you say 3-5, do you always post on the same days for those 3? I post 3/week, always on the same days and times, but have a little bit of a backlog so I was wondering how to best pepper in additional posts

>> No.10732621


Yeah. My account exploded in late 2021 but it's meaningless now I can't get my reels views up at all. At first I thought it was because I was trying out different content. I went back to my bread and butter content but now my engagement is the worst it's been.

I saw something where zuck is panicking that IG and FB dropped users for the first time ever so maybe this is another algo rehaul.

>> No.10732627

Are there any other good programs to edit reels besides TikTok? I just don't want to be keylogged

>> No.10732636


I use capcut. Quality get quashed but is extremely easy to use and I like their filters. The watermark is also very easy to cut off at the end once you export it.

>> No.10732649

Anyone have a good experience with an external analytics subscription, or is it not worth it? I've been trying one out but it doesn't really tell me much that I can work with.

>> No.10732651

Whispers in your ear
*come back to tumblr*

>> No.10732657

Thought about it but there's too many SJWs, it's worse than instagram.

>> No.10732681

There's a tiy community of lolitas on Dreamwidth right now, it could work

>> No.10732695

Might try it out

>> No.10732775

I actually feel like it's the opposite because most SJWs left out of spite after tumblrs porn ban, you just need to find your niche. Generally, the good thing about tumblr is that you get to decide what comes to your dashboard for the large part. So unless you actively follow SJWs, activists or blogs that are connected to that bubble, there's high chances you won't see it.

>> No.10732784

can't the same be said for instagram? i guess i'm just not seeing how tumblr would get me much more engagement than instagram these days

>> No.10732799

I don't care so much about engagement nonny, I just want to share my pics and see other's. I stay on the gram because there's a large community there, including foreign lolitas.

I appreciate the recs and I'll check out Tumblr and dreamwidth. Thank you nonnys.

>> No.10732804

Am I supposed to hashtag my reels? I haven't been doing that...

>> No.10732827


>> No.10733271


So after bitching about it looks like one of my videos is on someone's explore page and I'm getting a ton more likes again. So maybe bitch here, idk, and maybe you'll go viral lol.

>> No.10733288

it kind of seems like theyre just randomizing high and low engagement to keep people addicted like a casino, or to get them to pay for ads. i think your best bet is to just keep at it

>> No.10733290

I just upload mine to tiktok unlisted and use snaptik to remove the watermarks.

>> No.10733505

It's deep in one of the previous threads (maybe 3-4 back?). I remember because I posted it. I'll try to dig it up if I can again, but it's pretty outdated at this point.

>> No.10733514

Found it!

>> No.10733595

Thank you!! What's outdated about it btw?

>> No.10733626


It pretty much changed again. Off the top of my head favorites don't count into pushing the post into high engagement territory anymore, and videos are being phased out in favor of reels. Also reels are heavily pushed to the point where this a program to give money to creators for only reel views. Idk what is the optimal amount anymore but the blog is outdated by now.

>> No.10733627

Also I just looked at the blog and it's from 2020. So yeah, the structure of how to get more engagement on ig has drastically changed since then. Just do reels. If you are on YT btw, it's the same damn story with shorts.

>> No.10733628


How is the resolution on that?

>> No.10733640

I really hate reels. How do you guys even keep them interesting for jfash? Seems like everyone is just acting for videos in their bedroom, but these get old and repetitive quick

>> No.10733641

I post mostly in my room and got roughly a couple hundred followers in one month off reels alone

You don’t have to switch up too much, just make it good quality and start off using trending audios imo. Also have an aesthetic and stick with it

>> No.10733647

Do you make several in one go, or do you change outfits for each?

>> No.10733714

I wear something different for each reel but also my wardrobe is pretty limited so I will the same shirt or bracelet in a different reel.

I try to post a reel every other day along with a post and some stories though I’m still trying to figure out how people are getting thousands of followers with limited stuff on their profile

>> No.10733727

Any gay and lesbian cosplayers on instagram?

>> No.10733744

What’s wrong with straight ones? Are you discriminating based on sexuality?

>> No.10733753


>> No.10733769

No, I can add those for straight.couple instagrams too?

>> No.10733936

So how DO you reach people on Instagram nowadays other than paying for ads? Tag spam no longer works, constantly posting no longer works, Reels no longer works…

>> No.10733940

We move to another platform until the shitty algorithm changes.

>> No.10733946

Again… which platform? Twitter is a hugbox for itas and all cosplayers are expected to be OF thots because no one cares about cosmakers there. Tumblr is still swamped with SJWs and again is a hug box for itas.

>> No.10733966

Dreamwidth has a small community. Bring your friends, help it grow. Come relive the old days.

>> No.10733989

This looks like shit, stop with this retarded suggestion. If the issue is lack of reach, then moving to this website is pointless

>> No.10733997

Kek enjoy your fucked algo then.

>> No.10734006

I would happily deal with this algo forever than switch to whatever garbage you're pushing

>> No.10734029
File: 341 KB, 1055x627, 519AF60F-3BF6-442E-85BC-74007B1D3CDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>site design that hasn’t been updated since 2009
>site isn’t optimized for mobile
>have to pay $35-50/year for basic features like analytics, notifications, and using their equivalent of the explore page
I’d rather just deal with Instagram’s awful algorithm

>> No.10734036

Most of my reach probably comes from larger accounts sharing my posts on their stories ("large" meaning 2k+ followers, that's enough), I don't use hashtags and don't interact much yet I still get a decent amount of likes on my posts because they get reshared.

>> No.10734037

Samefag but before that you must of course interact with said large accounts first to get their attention, like, follow and comment, become mutuals if lucky. For getting jfash mutuals all you need to do is to post decent-quality content that is generally appealing to look at and keep that interaction going.

>> No.10734151


Nta but yeah, I try to. If you are, make sure your bg is nice and interesting. I get a lot of comments on my bg furniture actually lol.

If you want easy content just lip sync to those trending audios and make up a cringey joke. People hate on it here but you can't lie the masses find that shit "relatable."

If you want something more serious on your feed, it's a bit harder. Coord videos, "aesthetic" videos to an interesting sound, and tutorials are all viable but it's up to you to create the feel of your feed. It's just like making photos but there are a lot more directions your content can take. Look at someone you like and you can take inspiration from how they edit videos.

>> No.10734308

I know you can't have it both ways but is anyone else a low ig user (doesn't use explore, doesn't look for new accounts, doesn't really comment) but also post goof content consistently and have a group of regular friends (in lolita or cosplay) and have really low engagement? I suppose that's the way it's "supposed" to be as they want to hook you on using the app constantly but I just post, like my friends stuff, and leave. But deep down I want more internet points.

>> No.10734313
File: 7 KB, 233x184, guess i'll die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but I don't post consistently. Honestly I don't really want thousands of followers, but it would be nice to be able to interact with a small community of followers. Yet I have no interest in putting in the work to grow that following. Oh well.

>> No.10737256

Yup that's pretty much me. I mostly comment on other people's cats at this point.

>> No.10737336

Same. We need LJ communities back.

>> No.10737698

Has some funny/sexy plus-sized cosplay and sometimes cooks on Twitch :)
I like her

>> No.10741555

The most embarrassing thing is this account which makes it very obvious they're trying too hard saying shit like "here's more ___ content" or "omg this got so many likes!!". But when you check their number of followers they have, it's even less than my private personal account because their actual content is garbage. Have some dignity and stop trying to look like an algorithm slave. Actually posting good content is far more important.

>> No.10741560

Yeah, people care too much about numbers and get weirdly upset when they their posts "flop", even if they're in a number range that doesn't matter one bit for the algorithm (aka below 10k followers). Knowing that, you should simply stop begging for likes and trying to attain e-fame because it makes you look like a desperate, whiny idiot and guilts your followers into liking your shit content.

>> No.10741562

Yeah I understand that. I have a few friends who are like that on insta and it feels so weird and artificial. It’s like they think they have to act and talk like that to get popular. I wish they would just act like themselves. Honestly if they did act like themselves, they’d probably get more followers. Who wants to follow a bunch of cosplayers with the same bland personality over and over again?

>> No.10741597


I've had a literal who shove a business card for her lolita account at me and she had maybe several hundred followers at best. Most embarrassing behavior.

>> No.10741605

>business card
at an in-person meet or online?

>> No.10741697

For a lot of people, it isn't like they necessarily have a business. It's kind of just a calling card for keeping in touch. I don't really take issue with it and I think it's kind of cute desu

>> No.10741720

In person. Not really sure how you'd do it online, posting the URL of your social seems way more convenient


If she talked to me at all, maybe that would have made sense. But she didn't even bother making conversation after I complimented her outfit so it didn't really feel like friend making, it felt like irl follower harvesting which put me off.

>> No.10741734

this happened to me with someone, added their insta and they never contacted me there.

>> No.10741794

I was too young at the time to enjoy those. What was it like?

>> No.10742078

I think the bullshit captions are the worst, especially when the style has clearly been copied from someone more popular, but badly. No amount of slightly out of context synonyms that you used an online thesaurus for will make your poorly replicated content less shitty.

>> No.10742125

The San Francisco comm is notorious for follower harvesting. They ask to keep in touch but never follow back or message you. They only want another follower on Instagram.

>> No.10743792

Are there any western Instagrammers who wear a lot of pink house?

>> No.10743796

Dreamwidth is similar to LJ and has a small community, try there.

>> No.10744199

Saw something the other day where the person claimed they talked to IG PR and they said now you have to start tagging IG shop products for engagement to go up. Would take it with a grain of salt but it makes a depressing amount of sense considering that zuck just wants IG to be a gigantic advertisement now.

>> No.10744230

What's the point of gaining a following on insta anyway, why do you care? This is a niche foreign fashion hobby so you'll never make income off it, the most you'll get is sponsorships from clolita brands a la Lor, who doesn't even have 50k followers and her life seems like a living hell. What is the end goal here, just to pretend you're popular?

>> No.10744293


Other than for the generally unhealthy concept of seeking validation from SM, I did receive a tiny amount of zucc bucks and although I didn't need it, it was nice. That, and it's just disappinting in general that my feed is going to be full of schilling from now on instead of cute lolitas.

>> No.10744336

How many followers and how much did you make?

>> No.10744356


About 10k and for the first couple of months 400. Then zucc caught on and now I make closer to 150. Also the payments are weird and sometimes delayed. I have a full time job so it didn't matter but I wouldn't bet my rent on it. C'est la vie I suppose, but it was nice while it lasted.

>> No.10744553

Oh interesting. So did you do sponsorships or are you saying it was just because of your follower count?

>> No.10744596


No sponsorships, just literally IG paying me for posts. They're supposed to expand it this year to smaller accounts. But they pay you based on viewership. I do the same content I've been doing for a year so it's just nice to get paid for what I enjoy doing.

>> No.10744601
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Been struggling with the IG game recently, trying twitter but I don't have the energy I used to have to chase social media clout. Ngl I'm just curious if y'all think my content can make it in terms of reaching enough clout to sustain the hobby/myself to begin with. Thoughts? I do some lewds too, sometimes

>> No.10744608

you're way too ugly.

>> No.10744611

Orz, thought so. Having a big nose hurts x.x
I guess I'll try in my next life then HAHA

>> No.10744612

well no it's that you clearly look like a dude.

>> No.10744615

I mean, yeah, I'm a dude, cosplaying a dude... But I gets :((

>> No.10744620

your nose isn't the problem its the "chasing instagram clout" personality that's bad. are you incapable of having hobbies or posting without a payout in either money or fame down the line?

>> No.10744621

HAHA no I think you got me wrong. I'll cosplay eitherways because it is my hobby, along with other shit like playing magic and the guitar but like, I guess I was just curious if it's worth it to buy into the clout chasing? I mean rn I cos when I feel like it, take a bunch of pics and upload them for fun. I know that if you (actually) want a decent following, you've gotta stick to schedules, be constantly online, tick off tags, do coses of popular characters... Etc... And I guess I was just curious if it was worth it to do that since I know you can actually earn a decent amount if you try for it. And I guess I'm just curious if it's worth trying to do that given my very average/uggs face and gender at birth (male). Thought I'd ask since I was always curious but only got the omg u go get that bag huggboxing elsewhere. Ik cgl ain't full of shit so why not ask?

>> No.10744624

nta but men in this hobby need to be hot as fuck. women are fickle and you don't seem to be ripped or stick thin, which is what women want.

>> No.10744628

Instagram is banned in my country. It fucking sucks

>> No.10744629

Yeah I'm unfortunately just average. I feel like I try to put in a little more effort than most of the dudes in my country in terms of makeup at least... Tho atm most of my following seems to be male according to instagram.

>> No.10744630


>> No.10744632

share your insta anyway lol i'm a hot girl

>> No.10744640

Oof, that's a toughie
LMAO sure @PikoyoCos

>> No.10744643

followed you even though i am a literal newbie nobody.

>> No.10744645

I followed you back anyways awooga grill!!

Sonico cos when?

>> No.10744648

soon actually...i don't know which outfit to do haha.

>> No.10744654

Her og hoodie always bangs imho, but i feel like half the people on ig nowadays wouldn't recognize her HAHA
At least my local comm has had most of the older cosers retire... Currently it's the demon slayer/genshin gen

>> No.10744657

well i'm already doing genshin anyway feel free to hit up my dms so we don't clog the thread haha.

>> No.10744703

NAYRT but you seem to be doing alright on insta follow wise for someone just considering getting into the clout chasing trend. I think it only really makes sense if you have some sort of end goal for it; like you said it takes so much fucking effort and kissing ass.

I personally sew my cosplays so I can't be one of the cloutchasers since it takes me so much more time to pump out new stuff. if you're trying to make money, you'll probably need to kiss a whole lot of ass to get bigger.

>> No.10744739

Define a lot. I wear it and haven't posted it yet but I'm not rich so I only have maybe 5 main pieces. The coords are fine I think? Idk if people would like them or not

>> No.10744794

You're not very attractive, and your body is average so you can't even use that to compensate for not being good looking. So you won't get enough income to completely sustain yourself.

>> No.10744798

Do people actually enjoy the content from lolitas that put out incessant reels like m*ntypiles and fr*llypotate? They're not even well dressed but they pump out reels often enough for the algo.
I prefer reels that show off the actual coords, but they don't seem as popular.

>> No.10744842


I really hate their content lol. They maybe have 1/20 reels that are actually funny and the rest misses pretty hard. If you look at their pages, you'll see too they just churn out a bunch until one hits as well.

Unfortunately reels is preferring a very certain format that trends towards tryhard joke videos like those so unfortunately we'll likely see more, not less of these in the future.

>> No.10744915

You'll notice their engagement is extremely low considering their follower count. No one likes their stuff, it's just weird algorithm shit that gets them more followers. Their coords still look like garbage and everyone can see it

>> No.10744918

One girl used to be very good, her @ is honey_cot, she goes by other names though, Mocha Bean and something like BobbyBoinkers?

>> No.10744935

I would definitely like to see anything, I tried looking through the tag but there is a lot of random shit. I don't know of anybody western who wears it

>> No.10744937

The only people I’ve actually seen enjoy mintypiles’ content are lolita at hearts and ita newfags. Everyone else just interacts with her content for clout.

>> No.10745932

that is weird then. business cards as calling cards are cute but not if you barely spoke to the person.

meh, i've definitely exchanged IGs with someone before, but then unfollowed them once i either saw their coords were garbage or they posted more cosplay shit than i cared about. if it's someone i have to follow because they're in my comm or something, then i usually just mute their posts.

yeah i think just posting good content on a regular basis seems to be the best way to grow if you actually care about what you're putting out. trying to act like an influencer is just embarrassing. and churning out shitty reels might get a bunch of random normie followers but you'll get little respect or engagement from the actual lolita comm.

>> No.10745942

To be fair, most content anyone puts out is going to have a pretty shite hit rate. Look at that unnamed cupcake on tiktok. She's been accussed of buying followers, but desu I think she has just grown fast by posting constantly. Some of her stuff is good and funny, but most of it is bad, and that will be true of anyone who is putting out daily content to try and grow fast.

I also think it doesn't help that insta is basically dead. On tiktok though, most of the lolitas with 20k+ followers have very little post engagement on 90% of their stuff. Only stuff good or well-timed enough to make the fyp gets any degree of engagement that's proportionate to their following.

>> No.10745944

This was what I was thinking about when they were talking about her. Every lolita with a big following on tiktok has really bad engagement compared to their follower count, but she's the only one that they accused of buying followers?

Legit didn't realize how dead insta was till I joined tiktok. Not gonna out myself with specifics but I got over 5k followers in less than a month without a ridiculous amount of effort. That's more than I had after two years of about the same effort on my lolita insta.

>> No.10745945

I don't know the specifics of tiktok because i don't use it. but if you're talking about Instagram too, this is false. i consistently get more likes on my posts than those two mentioned above, even though they have over 15x my follower count. i have to assume this is because of the type of followers they amass through repetitive low quality reels.

>> No.10746008

Are you the retard accusing these two of buying followers on the farms? Who actually gives a fuck about some itas follower count? I'm not defending them because they look like they just rolled out of bed in all of their posts but if they bother you this much, block them.

>> No.10746030

No? You're the one who seems really bothered about it though.

>> No.10746078

You're right anon. I'm so bothered that I was the one who brought them up.

Stupid retard.

>> No.10746081

What the fuck even is the secret to good engagement other than paying for your content to be shown as sponsored posts? Cutting back on tags doesn’t work, tag spamming doesn’t work, reels are no longer favored… Nothing seems to work.

>> No.10746082

Posting good content with the appropriate tags works for me. Paying for sponsored ads hadn't gotten me jack shit and is essentially worthless.

Though if anyone knows effective ad targeting demographics, let me know.

>> No.10746083

Kek who peed in your cereal this morning.

Good content and having followers that reshare your posts seem to help.

>> No.10746158

Tbh the secret is switching to an app that isn't dead. Seriously. I know you old farts hate tiktok, but I thought it was me not knowing how to use the algorithm, or that my content wasn't great or something. But when I used tiktok and followed basic strategies I built my following very quickly and had lots of genuine engagement with my posts that was actually fun and interesting. Even pretty low-quality lolita accounts can easily get 10k on tiktok if they post everyday for a month and have even the slightest ability to play to the trends. Instagram isn't really the place to try to grow anymore, and it's been like that pretty much since FB took it over.

>> No.10746160

>Good content and having followers that reshare your posts seem to help.
That's actually the only thing that helps

>> No.10746164

One thing I've found interesting is how tiktok evens the playing field a bit. Major players on instagram have their following carrying over from back when usership was much higher and content standards were much lower. This is why I think someone like k8, who has nearly 100k followers on insta can't seem to really catch on tiktok, and clearly gave up after what appears to be about a months worth of posts and only 1200 or so followers.

>> No.10746201


Now it's tik-tok and onlyfans. Facebook, twitter, tumblr and instagram are dead. Not to say deviantart and those specific cosplay websites, like coscom, acp, world cosplay and ohers that are not known at all. I thought everybody knew.

Another website that still has people lurking in it is pinterest. It's full of people searching for images, so it's a good idea to upload your cosplays there.

>> No.10746204

>Who are you favorite jfash/cosplay accounts to follow? Any new ones you'd like to share?


Has some funny cosplays :) I like her.

>> No.10746212

This. I notice that a lot of the big players on other apps aren't really big on TikTok. Even Lor is smaller than some literal whos, and has the same following size as someone like arigateaux who has basically nothing on insta, but matches Lor on TikTok.

I hate a lot about tiktok. But I do like that it isn't enough to just take an edgy pic of your coord in front of a dumpster, you have to actually participate and generate content. Lor struggles because she clearly doesn't get that tiktok isn't just YT with shorter vids- it has its own style of content, and if you can pick up on it, it really doesn't matter what your following is elsewhere.

>> No.10746248

Nah I don't want to become a dancing meme monkey. I'd rather have no following than a tiktok.

>roughly one billion monthly active users
Do you retards even listen to yourselves? How did you convince yourself that this major platform is dead? Because no one will follow your garbage on it?

>> No.10746274

>you old farts hate tiktok
It’s not just an age thing. Some of us just have no interest in posting cringe ass videos

>> No.10746276

tiktok sucks, you have to post constantly and follow the algorithm. it's also a tool the ccp is using to make chinese pop music popular on a global scale and to create trends to sell chinese products.

>> No.10746330

>how did you convince yourself this major platform was dead

Anon, by your metrics Facebook should still be popping. It has nearly 3 billion users after all! But yeah basically every news outlet has reported on instagrams declining engagement and loss of value. Even the highest engagement posts in the Lolita community are super slow and stale compared to even just 2-3 years ago. You can keep living in denial but the writings been on the wall for Instagram for awhile.

If there’s a criticism of TikTok it’s def the CCP using it to data mine and sharpen their oppressive tools.not that zuck is doing a whole lot of good for the world with meta.

>> No.10746368 [DELETED] 


Anon, that person probably bought followers on insta, or had some app for incresing bots as their followers there. Which they can't do in tiktok. Those 1200 followers in tiktok are their REAL followers.

>> No.10746370


Anon, that person probably bought followers on insta, or had some app for incresing bots as their followers there. Which they can't do in tiktok. Those 1200 followers in tiktok are their REAL followers.


Lor is an ugly clown who is unable to match her make-up with her clothes. She looks hideous AF. Her followers are probably bots.

If a user followers were real on Instagram, they would have the same followers on Tik-Tok.

>> No.10746423

Lower engagement doesnt mean it's dead at all, especially when it has a billion users

>> No.10746428

what a pathetic cope.

>> No.10746429

Nayrt but its pretty dead for niche fashions as most lolitas have indeed moved to tiktok. How many lolitas out of the billion active users do you really think there are?

>> No.10746432

Almost all the lolitas I know have an insta. But not even close to all have a tiktok. Do you only hang out with zoomers?

>> No.10746437


Those users don't use their accounts anymore. That is why Instagram is dead.


Ok, Lor. Go to clown yourself on Tik-Tok.

>> No.10746486


Just like the move from Tumblr it's going to take time. Instagram is trying to transform itself into a storefront website which is not attractive to a lot of people for a lot of reasons. Not a huge fan of TikTok but that's where people are going. It's a battle of the shitty social media and it shouldn't really that emotional to anyone that one is dying vs the other. Both are shit.

>> No.10746492

I can only speak from my own experience. I have less than 5k followers on insta and pretty meh engagement. I have more than 40k followers on TikTok, and decent engagement/comments from people who are clearly in or around the Lolita community. I have never paid for followers or even paid for any exposure marketing on TikTok. I learned about the algorithm and I post daily using trending sounds and hashtags. This took me about 1.5 years. So sorry. People aren’t buying TikTok followers, the platform is just growing that quickly.

>> No.10746568

Having 40 thousand dumbass zoomer followers on TikTok sounds terrible. They ask about plus sized items and where to buy lolita on each and every one of my posts and it drives me nuts. It's as if they never read the replies. The only lolitas I can think of with those numbers on TikTok aren't the best dressed or are tubs of lard like DPP but I guess zoomers flock to those kinds of girls

>> No.10746571

She's not fat she's just short.

>> No.10746658

NTA but the whole point of this thread is about trying to build your following. If you’re at all seriously interested in growing your platform and you’re not learning how to use tiktok, then you’re incredibly out of touch. But that’s kind of confirmed by the fact that you don’t realize just how many Lolitas have cleared 40k on tiktok, including one girl who almost has broken 100k.

Tbh people asking stupid questions is the best thing that can happen to your algorithm. As annoying as it is, if your goal is to grow you should be happy that you’re getting engagement, especially since it’s people who are interested in lolita on some level.

>> No.10746694

>if you want to be an influencer and you’re not in TikTok you’re out of touch.

THIS. You can’t honestly think there’s still a ton of influencer perks on Instagram? TikTok allows you to directly monetize your content and the days of “I have 500k followers give me free shit’ have left such a bad taste in peoples mouths that you’d literally get laughed out of a place for saying that.

TikTok isn’t going to be permanent either, but you must be either old as shit or living under a rock if you don’t see that TikTok is clearly the more active platform for Lolita/jfashion/cosplay. Even mediocre cosplayers get like 25-35k followers with a few months of posting.

>> No.10746696

DPP is stuck at 22k for 2 years

>> No.10746709

Fix your eyes love. She's fat and short.

>> No.10746724

I just want to share outfits, not pretend I'm funny with retarded skits or dance around like an idiot. I don't like seeing Tiktok content from others either, guess I just have to bow out of social media

>> No.10746765

Is there any actual evidence of it being a tool for the CCP? Genuinely curious, I always thought it was just some anti-China boomer tinfoil hat theory.

>> No.10746796

No, so in China the ccp has legal access to any and all data collected by “private companies”. That’s in quotes because in China there’s not really any such thing as a truly private company because the ccp has no real boundaries on their reach. The facial recognition technology of TikTok and the data it’s collected on Uighurs has absolutely been used to target them. Not just in xinjiang, but in the global Uighur diaspora since the ccp frequently targets Chinese dissenters who live abroad. It’s a whole thing.

>> No.10746797

It copies your clipboard. They lied and said they would stop doing this, but they haven't. Pretty similar to keylogging since people frequently copy sensitive info.

Also pretty much every large social media group used in China has to bow to political pressure if they want access to the Chinese market. They have to censor their content and I wouldn't be surprised at all if they handed over information as well.

>> No.10746798

She is obviously very fat, are you blind? Her hands are like Shreks

>> No.10746799

Most Lolita’s don’t do stupid dances and stuff anyways. It is usually coords or jokes/statements about new releases, the community as a whole or dream dresses. I don’t think I’ve actually seen even one Lolita tiktoker who even mostly does weird dance trends. Dance trends in general aren’t the center of TikTok and haven’t been for awhile now. Make an account and poke around before you decide. AP Paris has some fun TikTok’s too!

>> No.10746800

This. I don't give a shit about amassing an audience of literal children on TikTok who want to see me churn out unfunny skits

>> No.10746802

Their TikTok's are just them doing unfunny shit in the clothes they're trying to sell. I've seen them on Instagram, they suck

>> No.10746821


You say this but p much everyone is kinda cringe in their own way on every app. If you aren't I appreciate you, but whether it's cringey engagement farming questions, performative sjw, edgy posting, or whining about low engagement, there's a lot of cringey shit on IG too.

>> No.10746834

Ok then go drink sour vinegar I guess? I actually really like seeing the dresses in motion on video. It shows a lot more about the draping, fabric, and details than the stock photos.

>> No.10746835

This. Once again, the point of this thread is to help people figure out how to build/grow their following. Tbh even wanting to build or grow a social media following is inherently cringe in a lot of ways. Most of the proven ways to increase your engagement are also pretty cringey, so if you’re really that concerned about looking stupid on the internet you’re probably better off not posting all together and just sticking with irl interactions and connections.

>> No.10746934

yea anyone using tiktok is handing over private info to the CCP. ofc this happens with other social media too so it's not an isolated issue, tiktok is just a little worse.

>> No.10746993

>engagement farming questions, performative sjw, edgy posting, or whining about low engagement
i do none of these, and i don't plan on adding "doing shitty skits like a dancing monkey" to that list. instagram is perfect for me because i like to see and post pictures of coords. none of the other garbage diluting it.

this thread isn't solely about growing your following, it's just a general thread about instagram. you can literally even just post your favorite instagrammers and nothing else.

>> No.10747018

>What's helped improve your reach/engagement? What has hurt it?
>>What are your "dos" and "don'ts" for posts? Any current trends that you like or dislike?
>>Do you frequently post reels? Why or why not?
Anon 3/5 thread topic questions are about growth and management. It's pretty clear what this thread is for.

>> No.10747022

3/5 is not 5/5. this thread is about all things instagram, including but not exclusive to engagement.

>> No.10747028

nta but they were replying to posts about engagement. keep up.

>> No.10747030

NTA but no one really uses this for anything other than complaining about the new algorithms and trying to figure out how to game it. Don’t you have a geriatric clinic to get to or something?

>> No.10747033

maybe don't project your obsession onto other people anon. go dance around on tiktok or whatever new low your dignity has sunk to

>> No.10747041

Maybe read the insta threads before spouting nonsense kek. I’ve seen maybe 2/3 non algorithm related discussions in the entirety of all the insta threads. No one wants to post or share profs because it’s such a self post move.

>> No.10747103


Ok good for u. Do you want a gold sticker?

Contribute other things if you want the bitching to stop about engagement.

>> No.10747123

She's not like *other* girls anon...

>> No.10747241

>literally talking about other things and saying I don't care about engagement
>wHy DoNt YoU cOnTrIbUtE oThEr ThInGs

No, I'm not like faggot TikTok zoomers.

>> No.10747262

Cringe. Eek

>> No.10747278

The content on Instagram isn't based on being cringe though. On Tiktok you literally can't get big without basing your identity around cringe, instead of just asking a dumb question in your caption a few times.

>> No.10747284

>The content on Instagram isn't based on being cringe though.
what are reels? also anon is saying wanting online clout at all is cringy.

>> No.10747295


You're almost getting to your goal of not talking about it anon, I believe in you.

Lol. Instagram was always fake and cringey, you just got used to it.

>> No.10747308

It is though? Instagram is every bit as cringey. It’s a bunch of old hags in their late twenties early thirties who still cling to this idea in the back of their head that they might become an “influencer”. At least tiktok has some fresh energy in it. Instagram is just where dreams go to die at this point.

>> No.10747320

Instagram for the mundane people.

>> No.10747390

If by fresh you mean cringe, poorly dressed and grating then yes.

>> No.10747575

>cringe poorly dressed and grating.

Ah yes, Instagram is totally free is such things. Tbh tiktok is cringe but I have to agree with >>10747308. There’s a special kind of cringe for women approaching 30-35 that haven’t “made it” yet but still insist on posting and riffing on insta as if they’re still 20, and its back in 2015 when insta was actually relevant. It’s both cringe and sad.

>> No.10747594
File: 1.18 MB, 544x956, 165884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh out the fucking dumpster, it's not a surprise that any "hag" over 25 has no patience anymore for having to watch this kind of shit

>> No.10747603

Not everyone on Instagram wants to become an influencer, some just like photos

>> No.10747606

this. I use it to connect with other lolitas. If I wanted to be an influencer, I would be breaking into communities and things that are more relevant/popular than lolita is. Lolita will never have a large following and that is fine. I like my niche hobby.

>> No.10747609

Yeah I don’t have the attention span to watch a bunch of videos, let alone make them myself. I’d much rather just post photos and look at other peoples photos. I also have no interest in being an influencer, I just want to meet other cosplayers who enjoy the craft and don’t look totally batshit crazy like >>10747594

>> No.10747611

can we stop with the #notallinstagrammers shit and pay attention? the conversation was focused on people talking about influencing.

>> No.10747644

List your favorite shops on instagram! Everybody's leaving Etsy these days. I want to collect quality shops!

>> No.10748868

Instagram is barely useable. For every post from someone I follow, I see 1 ad plus 1-2 suggested posts. It's insane. Maybe I'll switch to dreamwidth after all...

>> No.10748875

i need to move my stuff over to insta, i am just too lazy.

>> No.10748876

Same. Going through stories is a nightmare, I just don't anymore. I report every ad I see but it's like trying to mop up the ocean.

>> No.10749235

Reporting ads won't do anything except discredit the reports coming from your account for so many false flags. You're better off just blocking them

>> No.10749500

Does anyone ever get bizarro meme accounts following you who post creepy, grotesque, occasionally bizarrely sexualized memes? They post things like nasty food concoctions, dirty houses, hideous looking people, youtube poop, and other weird shit. And the sexual stuff is always grotesque, offputting, and inconsistent for any specific fetish. I can never tell if these are bot accounts or run by edgy teens, but there are multiple which follow me and it's kind of unnerving.

Maybe I'm just getting old and don't get it?

>> No.10749539

This app gets on my damn nerves with all the damn advertisement. Do they want IG to become some sort of marketplace now? Jesus christ

>> No.10749560

Yes that's literally what they're trying to make it. It's not social media anymore, it's for selling. That's why etsy sellers are moving there.

>> No.10749571

I'm 90% sure that those accounts are throwing content spaghetti at the wall to see whatever gets followers to stick.

>> No.10749587

But it all seems to just be unnerving memes. People really want to see that repulsive garbage?

>> No.10749881

Yup, IG is for shopping