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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10704248 No.10704248 [Reply] [Original]

February 10-13, 2022 @ Hyatt Regency Columbus

Does anyone know how strict they are with masks? Especially for cosplay photos etc.

>> No.10704355

Started the previous thread (the one that was flying there). Pto got denied so I’m not going either

>> No.10705728

Columbus has a mandate that in every indoor building you have to be masked unless eating or whatever. Security usually has a god complex. I would bet you will still have to wear masks for pictures indoors.

>> No.10706334

No one is enforcing jack here, my guess is they won’t get to harsh on masks off for a picture, if they do there is an exemption in the ordinance for people who’s “job or activity required one to not have a mask on.” If public speaking counts then you can argue modeling for a photo counts too.

>> No.10709444

Apparently, they're moving ahead without the rave/dance which ... oof. That's one of the main reasons a solid amount of folks go to Ohayocon. I booked my hotel *today* & there were plenty of spots left; that never happens. I've gotten shut out of hotels 6 months before this con before.

I can't imagine the con is going to recoup what they spend if they can't drag some more of the normies into the mix. Ohayocon has grown rapidly since I started going, like, 10 years ago. It takes up a lot of space now. If you keep the major ballroom open Friday & Saturday nights, you're just dumping money out.

In regards to masks: it's probably like most things in Columbus. Wear it when you walk in. Try to keep it on when walking around in public spaces/through people & when you're in smaller rooms. No one is gonna police you. They may say "hey, put that up" when you're walking in a room but that's about all.

>> No.10709457

Copying a comment from the gaming director on their Facebook group:

>This entire thread is completely out of hand. Whether you believe it or not, the science shows wearing a mask is effective at stopping the spread. To deny the research of scientists around the world puts you on the wrong side of history.
Even beyond that, Ohayocon 2022 is an entirely masked event, and there's nothing anyone can do to change that. If you don't want to wear a mask, don't come. If you don't wear a mask on premises, you will be removed. Sorry, but that's the line, and we will not budge on it.

>> No.10709485
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>wrong side of history
Yeah, that's we call a "Kill yourself, my man" moment right there. Good thing this isn't the owner because if it were, I'd be tempted to just lobby con and troll these shitstains till they booted me. NO REFUND...but oh, right. I didn't pay either.

>> No.10709709

Anon I’m sorry I know you’re trying to be some kind of badass outlaw right now but that’s some CWC shit and I’m laughing at you.

>> No.10709724
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sounds like a very productive use of your weekend anon

getting kicked out of an anime con you're not allowed in and which doesn't want you is very sexy and powerful

>> No.10710229
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>> No.10710465

"We" like you are gonna do anything. Muzzle on and head down, let the staff do the usual power trip.

>> No.10710580

YouTube Poop has been waitlisted and because it takes effort to put together if we don't hear a yes from Ohayocon before the end of the year then we're not gonna bother putting it together.

>> No.10710786

Oh no the normies won't be there that's terrible
For real though I really enjoyed the raves but that wasn't all I went for

>> No.10710929
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the ytp panel is unironically my favorite panel I've ever attended in my entire life. I thought it was retired in 2018 but if it's coming back I'll literally shit

>> No.10710930

that was the quoted comment you turbo autist

>> No.10711260

We did it 2009-14 and then again 2019. Had three nights planned, a new power hour, but I don't want to put it all together and then not get called up from the wait list. We don't do any other cons anymore so we'd just have complete panels sitting there doing nothing.
It was always a really fun time and I love laughing along with you guys but we aren't "let's play Jackbox" or any of the other dumb shit that already got approved

>> No.10711344

Yeah maybe if you shit on the other panels on /cgl/ some more then they'll want to pick you, retard

>> No.10715405

Who hasn't already shit on that panel? I've been hosting panels at Ohayocon and Otakon for years [including this coming con now] and I agree with that guy. A Let's Play Jackbox panel is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. Who tf is going to want to sit around for an hour, or more, and watch people play that game?

Sounds like a waste of time. I'd rather watch that cuck Samurai Dan pretend to know what he's taking about or that tranny shilling their cash app than attend a panel about a lame game by a bunch of nobodies.

God I already miss Sarge.

>> No.10715407

You guys were the highlight of my con trips. I think in 2019 I almost choked to death on my drink when one of your guys fell back off the stage.

We've been lucky the last few years at not having our panels scheduled at the same time as you guys

>> No.10715409

Says the guy on /cgl calling people retards

>> No.10715433

I was the local that offered to show you around town, I felt bad about you showing up since I was going to skip but I guess I don't feel bad anymore. Sorry about your PTO being denied.

>> No.10715460

I know I already shit on it but it could be fun if it's 18+ and the audience all joins in. But cell service is so bad and so is the wifi so I don't have high hopes
He fell off the stage in 2012 as well, so it was extra funny. I already have a second power hour ready so if we get picked from the waitlist we can do that easily.

>> No.10716449

I was at origins game fair last year and masked were enforced. I believe its the convention centers policy to be masked due to Ohio state regulations. but staffing wasn't really supporting it I actual had a cop tell me to put one on.

>> No.10716451

>"wrong side of history"
>using peer pressure tactics for people not even born or existing yet
this shit doesnt even make sense lol, weebs doing gymnastics to fit in and be accepted. covid was such a successful psyop, you faggots dont even know how hard youre conditioned to appease the narratives you read on screens

>> No.10716571

It’s not state regulations, it’s entirely the convention center, they were trying to hold strict ass mandates in place last spring when Dewine pulled all state orders. That’s why Matsuricon was forced to cancel, they were trying to say they had to limit it to 500 people. I half suspect they are trying to chase everyone out w>>10716451
while that new hotel finishes.

>> No.10716706
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Yo Burger King Rei, I know you hit me up awhile back about Ohayocon over fedi. If you’re still dumb enough to fly over, let me abduct you for a few hours and take you out to Skyline Chili at the very least.

For the people actually going and don’t know food choices;

>North Market is two blocks over, behind a few hotels. It gets cold in February, bring a coat.

>Built in Max and Ermas across from the Con center. There’s a skybridge to get there.

>a few blocks south of the red roof there’s a Pins, has decent food options.

>If you can get an Uber, there’s Dirty Franks next to Midnight Slice.

>If you don’t mind the cold, there’s a Montana Ted’s and a Mongolian BBQ in the arena district.

I have not been in ages due to work but I think the Greek couple still run the gyro place in the food court, nice folks. The Chicken and Waffles are alright too, and Donatos is always a solid local pick. Food court always going to be packed though but it’s your stomach and wallet. As for liquor store, Brewery District Kroger’s on South High street has a built in shop.

>> No.10716789

Posts like yours make me laugh. You act a though a bunch of retards who volunteer at an anime convention cannot will do anything involving confrontation. It’s going to be like colossalcon.

>> No.10716815

Pins is a bar, it doesn’t sell food.

>> No.10716848

Staffers will let their power go to their heads and if you don't comply they will get security. At that point if you don't comply I would assume you'll have your badge removed and if you continue to not comply they will involve site security/officers. Columbus policy is still mandatory masks while indoors. I don't care what you do but why do you even want to patronize them if you don't agree with their policies?

>> No.10716879

Again, volunteers at an anime convention have never and will never do shit to anyone, for any reason, ever. They sign up for the small morsel of power they may have for the first time in their live but the second they’re challenged they fold like sewing pattern paper.

As to your question, hell if I know. Maybe they want to play IRL metal gear solid and see how long they can sneak around the spergs.

>> No.10717214

please please please come try this dumbass "the con staff won't do shit" thing at the con. I live to see drunk randos get thrown out of cons and start bitching about it online. remember to film horizontally.

>> No.10717241

Who has the video of that girl getting arrested yelling about her truth

>> No.10717261

you missed a spot, keep licking that boot

>> No.10717262

>wear mask when con staff are around
>take it off when they aren't

>> No.10717267

Weird, I remember going there for one of the old company meets I used to work for and specifically remember food. Must have been catered.

>> No.10717408

Sorry, let me fix that:

Con staff won't do shit *unless* you're either so fucked up you can't even stand, or a physically handicapped person, because they are pussies at heart. Even then, I'd put my money on the angry wheelchair bound bowling alley worker from that episode of The Fresh Prince over a small village of fat retards.

The fact you're cheer-leading for a battalion of manchildren is also sad.

>> No.10717411
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Well, then. This was unexpected. A fellow gull from the Midwest thread told me something very interesting and it guarantees I'm going now. This shit's gonna change my life I can pull it off. I'll tell you about it in a more secure setting.

>> No.10717481
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Well, I do live in Columbus. After reviewing your situation, I seriously think you're getting fleeced... Like unless you got a girlfriend here or something, I wouldn't bother.

>> No.10717599

So is attendance really on track to be much lower this year?

>> No.10717611

Yes, it's going to be like 2004 all over again. I can't post the screenshot for some reason but from discord

"Our co-owner has decided that we are to have specific quantities of each type of badge and once we're out, we're out. But there are 17,000 possible badges divided among the four types (weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday), and we don't think we'll come close to that cap this year with so many people sitting out.
I promise there is no scarcity. Pre-registrations are sitting at around 3500"

>> No.10717648

Honestly I'm ok with it being more chill this year, it was starting to get too crowded from what I remember in 2019

>> No.10720158

looks like they still have rooms open at the Hyatt, which is rare this close to the con.

>> No.10720206

Is their a Discord or anything? Wanna meet new people. Find it easier to talk VIA Discord and meet than just meet in person at first.

>> No.10721303
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if anyone sees someone cosplaying as a nostalgia critic, will you say hi to me?

>> No.10722212

Why are drag queens even scheduled for this, and in main events?

>> No.10723780

COVID is cucking japanese guests

>> No.10724379

they've always been in main events, just way later. my question is why are they so early? 4 p.m.?? who the hell wants to go to that in the daylight?

>> No.10724599

any cute girls going this year?

>> No.10724672

No it'll all be 65 year old grandmas who have smoked a pack a day and subsisted off McDonald's for 40 years

>> No.10724696

I meant from /cgl/

>> No.10724715

would anyone be interested in hanging out at the con? I want to go but havent been since I was 15 and I dont really have any friends into this kind of stuff and i feel like walking around aimlessly by myself would not be very fun


>> No.10724801
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>tfw I should’ve been gorging food at Skyline chili inbetween weebjng out

Please tell me the canned Skyline chili is good or do I actually have to go to one of the restaurants?

>> No.10724811

Skyline and Goldstar suck, if you actually come down to Cincy there are a lot of better chili places that aren't big chains

>> No.10724816

To be fair I’m >>10704355

>> No.10724825

Sure but I guess my real question is why are drag queens even at an anime / pop culture convention? Also I watched the performance online last year and it was just them shilling their cashapps and whatever for money. And it was terrible so I just don't get the appeal

>> No.10725060

Anime conventions may as well double as far-left fagfests. Perhaps it wasn't like this before the 2010s but I've been going for a decade now and there's always been freaks using cons and cosplay as an excuse to live out their fetishes in public.

>> No.10725252

It’s better fresh, honestly at that point I would just take an Uber down to Dirty Franks if you’re in the area.

Cinci’s based. Love Arcade Legacy.


Rainbow flags are whatever, but it’s a gigantic eyesore seeing an entire pride parade in the middle of a con, imho.

>> No.10725444
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>Watching a drag show

>> No.10725472

So, even from a newbie perspective, skyline and gold star shouldn’t be my first taste at Cinci Chili?

>> No.10725475

I wanted to see the train wreck I don't have a good excuse

>> No.10725550
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Bro if it sounds like something you want to eat, just give it a shot. Worst case, you’re down 10~13 dollars and that is honestly the least of your worries when it comes to a con. I like Skyline, a few Ohio Anons do too, others prefer Goldstar or are M*chigan apologists. I’d say try it if it fancies your taste to begin with. Anyways, I really don’t feel like paying a vax pass forger 100 dollars ontop of a 120 dollar day pass for a dealers hall. Have your share of fun for me dude. I was going to mention meeting up at Colossalcon Sandusky but it looks like my group wants to do Momocon instead, so that’s like my next venture until Colossalcon Texas.

>> No.10725588
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I know. I was just aiming for the canned versions since my pto got denied to fly over for Ohayocon.

Also looked up the whole Skyljne / gold star debate and pic related describes that to a T

>> No.10725647


OH THE CANNED VERSION. Fuck I actually can't answer that because I just get it from actual Skyline when I do want Chili.

>> No.10726258


>> No.10726263

I live in Columbus, is it worth it to just come for the Tekken/Melty Blood tournament?

>> No.10726562

If you're willing to deal with all the FGC niggers and that one Asian who always goes deep in the tournament then sure.

>> No.10726713
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>Skyline and Goldstar suck
Gold star is based tho

>> No.10726750

Uh, assuming you're a facebook nomie, you could always see if the Columbus FGC plays in the basement of the Donatos over by Campus still. I don't like the idea of paying 100+ dollaridoos for no cash payout to winner.

>> No.10726880

So do you all think turnout will still be decent this year or is it gonna be dead?

>> No.10727350

probably gonna have at least a decent amount but considering that theres no rave then i don't think it'll be TOO packed :/

>> No.10727371

do that many people go JUST for the Rave?
just go clubbing lol it's cheaper

>> No.10727424

>just go clubbing lol it's cheaper
Yeah, but regualr clubs are full of normies. If you want some nerds go to a con rave.

>> No.10727452

These people really make no sense to me. Out of an untold number of con raves, I've been to exactly ONE (1) worth a shit. All the others are empty, dead or worst of all, just a big circle of people watching one person do a few moves then switching out for another. The last one I went to, I was even pleased we weren't doing that for all of 5 minutes before two dipshits cleared everybody out...to form a big circle. No matter which crew I'm hanging with or which con, someone's always insanely antsy about the rave and I have no idea why.

>> No.10727455

Anime con “raves” exist for three purposes;

1: for all the weird sheltered young kids to act as weird as the shit they see and read online (MHA cosplayers wearing harnesses and dog leashes) because they’re finally not under the watchful eyes of mommy & daddy.

2: for pedophiles to prey on the aforementioned children. My first one ever I saw what had to be a middle-aged man making out with a teenage girl.

3: obnoxious normie douchers to come out and be drunk/on drugs. These fags aren’t nerdy at all and are just their to show off their emaciated barely visible drug-induced skinny packs (and of course to also prey on the children/fucked up girls.)

>> No.10727461
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Thank Christ I've only ever been on the periphery of weird drug and sex shit involving teenyboppers. Girl I talked with a couple weeks ago told me about her first con ever and she found both of them, along with physical abuse (kids attacking each other). The worst I ever saw was a ~16 year old L who wanted a Satsuki to step on him (he explicitly stated he's into that). Also a quick aside, but My Hero cosplay is clearly being phased out.

My theory on con raves is that they're for people looking to loosen up but don't know about hotel parties, can't find a way in or are too shy to bother. Whatever the case, they are nowhere near an acceptable substitute and I pity anyone who thinks they are.

>> No.10727485

holy fuck anon that's awful im sorry

>> No.10727515
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umm, sweaty why don't you just get vaccinated and stop being so cheap

>> No.10727519

Which one you are referring to. Because anime matsuri rave effectively rivaled otakon's in 2021. Why? Because otakon canceled their dance out of hysteria and had a subsitute one that was trash because it was held in the video game room

>> No.10727531

The only good con rave I've ever seen was Supercon 2016, because several people danced with me, it wasn't a big circle, and quite full. Anime Matsuri had some weird app that you needed to do anything and the chatroom feature was full of people getting mad about the rave thanks to the "fashion show" they ran in the same room for some reason, and that there were tech fails. The line to get in was also 300+ feet long and when I got in, I was legitimately terrified the floor would cave in because it was shaking so bad.
>a subsitute one that was trash because it was held in the video game room

>> No.10727543

Otakon has been holding the best races since they have been starting doing them. All of them were good or great. 2021 was a replaced with a smaller crabby jam, which I would not mind if it was operating from the opening of the video game room to closing. They canceled the main otadance (rave) for 2021. Thankfully I refused to attend 2021s because raves are the highlight of any anime convention where I live.

>> No.10727666

just get a negative test for free lol

>> No.10727667

maybe without the rave this year hotel parties will be even crazier

>> No.10727831

good idea Satan

>> No.10728512

seems to be pretty hit-or-miss from con to con. Colossal was fucking packed beyond what it was in 2019 but Tekko was a ghost town. I personally think it will be pretty tight. They're saying the con is only on the Hyatt side of the convention center, so without the massive ballrooms and hallways on that side, things will be pretty cozy. Anyone know if there's any truth to that?

>> No.10728517

>be oldfag
>live in Columbus
>realize it's literally been 10 years since my last Ohayocon
fuck, where did my life go.

>> No.10728831

I'm unsure on the turnout. Ibwas basing alot on the fb page. Usually a fuck ton of comments but their main page like 20 likes max on some posts. Don't have a fb anymore so I don't know what their cosplay groups are saying.
Me and a couple buddies are coming by for Friday evening. But its just to wander the halls and hit up the Hyatt bar. If they require a pass to get into the halls then fuck that. I really don't have a reason to spend 80 bucks just for a dealers room/artist alley that i have no intention to buy from.
Got a friend going Thursday to see what the details are.

>> No.10729002

Ohaycon's rave is better than most I go to every single year, as it is one event in one space. It's the main attraction for a lot folks & has built a decent reputation over the years. Everyone is so damn happy the entire time. World of difference vs. a club. There are people that just stick in their room all weekend & come out at night for it.

For me, it has always been my main attraction but I Love cosplaying & some of the other events, too. Luckily, Callahan's is saving the dance Saturday night!

lol @ 3. You sound miserable.

>> No.10729164


Have your buddy post up or report about it somehow, kind of curious myself.

>> No.10729167

I've done a lot of cons this past year, the harder they shove the mask bullshit the more their attendance suffers, but at least their con goes bankrupt to the virtue signal of being on the right side of history.

>> No.10729435

I've been wanting this con go bankrupt for years. It was so good until that jew bought it from the original owners, and it's just been steady downhill from there.

>> No.10729591

I had issues with the Jackbox panel at Animaticon not clearing out on time. Like, I can't setup for my panel when you're in there for 10 minutes past your ending time >_>

>> No.10729756

Colossal (assuming you're talking about Prime in Sandusky) was way less packed than 2019. It was still a good sized crowd though, felt like it did in 2014 or so.

>> No.10729764
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>> No.10729767
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>> No.10729768
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>> No.10729785

People are saying pre reg pickup line is a couple hours long

>> No.10729795


Wow, this con is popping off

>> No.10729798

Was like that during the last Ohayocon.

>> No.10729819

Line is fukkin massive. I dipped out ame went back to my room.

>> No.10729832

Yeah I don't know what Anon is talking about, that was one of the smallest Colossalcons I can remember. The hallways were practically empty after like 9PM, in 2019 especially things were been feeling "illegal crowded" since they've long past outgrown the Kalahari in Sandusky.

>> No.10729834
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>Line is heckin massive
>No one took pictures


>> No.10729845

Gonna go to the con on Saturday. How much time should I plan get my badge? Would buying it online helping any way? Also where is everyone staying. I booked too late so the hyatt was full so i got one of the other hotels in the area.

>> No.10729850

You have two choices.
>pay less with pre reg but wait for millions of years in line
>pay full price ('member NO CASH) and wait five minutes in the line

>> No.10729970

Columbus doesn't really have raves or clubs. Con raves have been a haven for those who want to go to raves in this city for years now

>> No.10730014

lol this was Thursday. Ain't nobody going to Ohaycon on Thursday. There's literally nothing to do but wait in line for your badge for hours because only 2 volunteers are helping. Because it's Thursday.

See y'all degenerates tonight!

>> No.10730016
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>Stick a Q tip up nose to enter con center.


>> No.10730036

I'm too lazy to copy the pictures from the cons discord. Badge pickup this morning took 5 mins

>> No.10730037

dead con

>> No.10730045
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Yeah since no one wants to post pictures, I just went through twitter and found this. It doesn't look like staff is doing much against normies passing through.

>> No.10730050

How long was the wait in line today?

>> No.10730065

>The virgin con goer vs. the chad bag holder

>> No.10730077

The general consensus I heard (though not universal) was that smaller is better. And while definitely not even in the top 3 biggest events I went to even last year, it was certainly big enough. If that's what a "small" one is like, I can certainly say this year's is sounding more promising by the minute.

>> No.10730112

are they enforcing the mask cuckery?

>> No.10730137
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post your asshole

>> No.10730141

It's a fucking rave and you are mad about people being intoxicated. Can't make this shit up.

>> No.10730142

are we having fun yet

>> No.10730144

Ohayocon staff might be pussies but you're forgetting about Hyatt Security and Staff as well as CPD. Please get dragged out like that chick who allegedly tried to stab someone last year.

>> No.10730146

Not till I get there which will be tomorrow ;^)

>> No.10730152

I was wearing a suit jacket, hoodie and an old newsie hat. I was cosplaying as a homeless man. If anyone recognizes me tomorrow, can you say hi? I was there tonight but kinda bummed since I'm socially anxious.

>> No.10730156
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Dead con huh

>> No.10730201

Honestly after 9pm I bet everyone was getting ready to go to the late night waterpark, throwing or going to a room party, or going out to the villas.
It really was a comfy size this year.

>> No.10730206

any popping room parties?

>> No.10730213 [DELETED] 

any traps at this convention this year?

>> No.10730214 [DELETED] 

any traps at this convention this year? I think I saw some but didn't want to be rude

>> No.10730216

any traps at this convention this year? I think I saw some but didn't want to be rude. otherwise just enjoying the convention and panels

>> No.10730217
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While I WAS about to say "Who in the hell went to Colossal for any other reason than to party?" but just remembered somebody in here was whining about not finding any. Then when people (including myself) popped in to laugh at them, they immediately got all defensive like "PFFF here comes the virgin squad to defend this shitty con". How did I forget till now? It was even funnier than watching the vaxmaxxer rage. "Lol no one in this thread. Colossal really is dead."

>> No.10730224

this convention has been pretty lame compared in the past though. maybe I'm just getting older and should stop going to conventions though. unfortunately, I think it's one of those things that have an expatriation date

>> No.10730227

Any girls or passing crossplayers want to party? Me and my friends are in room 628 at the Hyatt pregaming and planning to go clubbing tonight

>> No.10730228

do trans girls count as passing crossplayers?

>> No.10730230
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I had a buddy drop in and do some scouting for me while I was at work. Mask enforcement is a thing but you can walk through most if not all of the con center aside from dealers room. In order to register you need a photo ID and either a negative test (there’s a rapid response on site) or proof of vaccination.

I was going to pop in tomorrow because I know one of those dealers has a Figma Hikaru Shidou and a Thunderforce Figma. But I think it’s more productive to just go play Ace Combat 7 & King Of Fighters for the weekend.

Maybe if things arnt as dramatic next year.

>> No.10730231

Kill yourself holobrony

>> No.10730232
File: 189 KB, 750x1000, Borg Qwene Rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figures you'd show up here before too long. I kept meaning to say I couldn't make it, though I fully intended to go. Just wasn't in the cards, and exactly not feeling great that I traded this off for an Indiana one in two weeks.

>> No.10730233
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>> No.10730234
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post hotel room numbers NOW. I WILL be coming to inspect those bootyholes

>> No.10730240

not the other anon but do you want to hang out for a bit tomorrow?

>> No.10730241
File: 27 KB, 640x638, EtG0dXYXMAI2MeJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I've been at work all day. I figured if you were going you probably would have gotten at me in one form or another. Otherwise, I've been reading up on twitter on my off time on shift... So many kigu trannies... Have fun at the Indiana con, I think if I don't show up to Colossal Sandusky, it'll probably be Colossalcon Texas for sure since I was the OP for last year's general to begin with.

>> No.10730243
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It was more to say that I wasn't being a careless jerk than anything else. Just kept putting it off and did so well past the last minute. Colossal Prime is a guarantee (and is for life). Texas is very likely, though I'm extremely annoyed they booked the exact same dates for the debut of Colossal North.

>> No.10730244
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Why don't you 2 just DM eachother instead of talking in a public thread if you know eachother you faggots?

>> No.10730245
File: 69 KB, 936x702, 1619753051008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the courtesy, but I'm a big boy so I usually don't take any offense to people I see once or twice a year bailing out. Yeah, Colossalcon North I feel like is an alternative for people who can't make Texas because of the distance, and I'd probably drive from Ohio to Wisconsin myself if it wasn't for the fact that Wisconsin still has some strict mandates here and there, and the fact that my group is doing Texas for our meet up instead. I might have an Ace Combat 7 group for that con, and I'm doing SRW30 cosplay regardless so I'm pretty excited.

>> No.10730246
File: 1.96 MB, 854x430, dfgdfgsdg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you guys a little old to be watching little girl cartoons and trying to meet up and fuck other old men trying to cover up their receding hairlines with pink wigs? Give it up already

>> No.10730248

sure, you wanna meet up for lunch tomorrow?

>> No.10730249

tfw your discord got banned so you can't get ahold of your other con goers anymore.

hope if anyone from the/cgl/ midwest discord is here, they're having a good time

>> No.10730256

I mean, that'd be sweet yeah. I'm pretty shy when talking to people at conventions and would be with some friends. I'm helping my brother out and guiding him around tomorrow because he doesn't get out much and wanted to help him.

you have a discord?

>> No.10730258
File: 31 KB, 224x225, tumblr_a7b2c8f2a2dc73c809c7c8798d41bf8c_0bdf521a_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wisconsin still has some strict mandates here and there
Do they really? Having only been there once (and very recently), it was clearly far more loose than Chicago, where they're outright demanding vax cards now. No mask requirement + half the tax rate made it look like a godsend for the whole three hours I was there.
>/cgl/ midwest discord
Yeah I'm in there...and haven't gotten back in cause I don't like their stupid new verification process.
>tfw still no damn clue what made Arby flip out and run away even though it (apparently) involved something bad at the 2hu meetup in
Anime Midwest, which I was present for

>> No.10730262

anyone who goes to a bunch of Midwest Cons know what happened to that MAGA Momiji cosplayer? I always thought she was pretty cute but never had the balls to say anything to her...

>> No.10730263
File: 16 KB, 276x276, 0cxcMMng_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didnt have the balls but she did

>> No.10730264

SHE was a HE?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!

>> No.10730265

their verification process is that someone there will vouch that you aren't a shitbag, doesn't honestly seem that bad to me...unless you are a shitbag, which of course you aren't, right anon?

>> No.10730266
File: 36 KB, 640x640, smhelN3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest eggs in the Midwest, Jack. The mother of all omelettes.

>> No.10730267

can't fret over every egg

>> No.10730268

idk, I can be pretty shy at these conventions and then hating it later on for not talking to more people. I feels pretty lonely but oh well, that's life I guess I just gotta put myself out there.

>> No.10730269

Well who do I talk to to get back? I was in the OG channel before discord murdered my account.

Shame about Arby splitting tho. Last one I was at was Ohayo19 so idk what happened either.

>> No.10730270
File: 145 KB, 376x332, image_2022-02-12_011548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked up the general state rules and said "I'll reschedule for next year" looks like most of my group is sold on Texas anyways, but maybe next year.

Casval anon are you familiar with Roko by any chance?

>> No.10730271

speaking of eggs, have you got the chicken and eggs chicken basket? It's really tasty
there's a discord?

>> No.10730272

Literally who I just mentioned above you.
It's more of an issue with me getting annoyed about how serious some will take Discord, with things like "contracts", phone verification, banning people for advertising their server like it's somehow "stealing business". And yes, I know they're not too severe by comparison.
Colossal Texas Year 2 should hopefully prove to be a good metric for North Year 2. I mean the one in November was fine...but definitely not what it could have been either.

>> No.10730273

Find someone who'll vouch for your previous account in the welcome channel

>> No.10730274

There is one yes, but last I knew it was invite only, and all my old contacts are on my old account.

>> No.10730275
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Yeah, of course. Roko used ideas in decision theory to argue that a sufficiently powerful AI agent would have an incentive to torture anyone who imagined the agent but didn't work to bring the agent into existence. The argument was called a "basilisk" because merely hearing the argument would supposedly put you at risk of torture from this hypothetical agent — a basilisk in this context is any information that harms or endangers the people who hear it.

Roko's argument was broadly rejected, with commenters objecting that an agent like the one Roko was describing would have no real reason to follow through on its threat: once the agent already exists, it can't affect the probability of its existence, so torturing people for their past decisions would be a waste of resources. Although several decision theories allow one to follow through on acausal threats and promises — via the same precommitment methods that permit mutual cooperation in prisoner's dilemmas — it is not clear that such theories can be blackmailed. If they can be blackmailed, this additionally requires a large amount of shared information and trust between the agents, which does not appear to exist in the case of Roko's basilisk.

>> No.10730276

maybe don't molest people at colossal you faggot

>> No.10730277

I don't know how to get in touch anymore. I have a photo from last Ohayocon but I don't want to post without permission. Ah well, fuck me I guess

>> No.10730278

throw your old username (without the numbers obviously) and see if someone step up

>> No.10730279

Ive gone by Horsechan, Unicornofohio, and Goat Boy (tm). The accounts name itself was probably Disaster or something similiar. It's been over a year.

The pfp is a black silhouette of a guy on a pinkish background?

>> No.10730323

that weird ryuko guy tried to touch my ass

>> No.10730329

Was he short, had a weird voice and was balding?

>> No.10730349

Was hoping I could talk to a cross player or tranner? If not just to hang out?

>> No.10730350

How tight is security for the dealers hall? Think a pass is mandatory?

>> No.10730352

Idk, I got yelled at by an old man because I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

>> No.10730386
File: 40 KB, 259x154, 1640206193423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more people are shitposting this thread than are actually at the con

>> No.10730396

I guess I'm not grabbing lunch with that crossplayer that was here. bummer

>> No.10730403

>tfw still no damn clue what made Arby
Literally a few people who left her discord over it being essentially pol-lite showed up at midwest and went "ugh is arby still doing that dumb maga cosplay?" around her. This somehow equates to EVIL ANONS who want to harass they/them for their dumb hat that no one actually cares about aside from some dorks on discord telling her to fuck off.
That's it. I wish I was joking but that's it.

>> No.10730410



Sky eye status from yesterday. Dealers Room looks over saturated, and you can actually walk, which is fucking weird considering Ohayocon is usually shoulder to shoulder with dealers room.

Oh if you see him, pass the word that HG's are only good for kitbashing and that MG's are way fucking better both aesthetically and from a building perspective.

>Caring about /pol/ shit posts in 2022
Christ, even youtube commentators grew out of Bloodsports and into different niches...

>> No.10730412

I don't think anyone really cared that much it's just that when she had a hot take done on her about her stupid maga hat she flipped out.

>> No.10730415
File: 1.44 MB, 1201x1250, AWOO Dark Souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny too, because I distinctly remember the day I met someone from Arby's friend circle, he paused to seriously say "I have an important question. How do you feel about MAGA?" And it was a build up to show pictures of their trip to Japan (in the costume of course).

>> No.10730417
File: 311 KB, 868x770, 1619610495913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I warned her before Midwest that people had organically found her and were following her as a lolcow. No one believed me, and then wow, Arblarg runs into someone who apparently knew a lot about her that she had never met.
Being a retard and having a big costume that brands you as a pol user, and quoting controversial pol memes IRL tends to do that. Random people snap photos of you, they talk, they make fun of you. It spreads past your little 4chan circlejerk and then suddenly you wake up and realize you're a lolcow.

>> No.10730418
File: 24 KB, 345x354, 757B75AB-03EC-436F-9C33-9C90A85892BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking hell people, this is why you just wear costumes and stick to your own lane.

>> No.10730419

MAGArgle this nuts in your mouth

>> No.10730424
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1040, Char-s-Cartoon-Villainy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I will

>> No.10730425

>costume that brands you as a pol user, and quoting controversial pol memes IRL
Literally me, alongside the vast majority of people who come to /cgl/ meetups I attend, yet no one cares. Of course, Squatting Slav is nowhere near as incendiary as MAGA.

>> No.10730428

i think i know exactly who you're talking about and literally every conversation with that guy he somehow manipulates it to talk about his vacations and spam pictures wether its online or in person. in another server I'm in the mods literally had to make a #japanadventures channel just for him so he would stop spamming general. He's also literally scary to talk in person he basically remind me of lenny from of mice and men

>> No.10730431

So anyone actually want to talk about the convention itself?

>> No.10730433
File: 1.47 MB, 1680x2091, __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_yunekoko__80ec259d6c1845aa0cabfe4f65ee9579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you do. Everyone around these parts knows him. Here's about a post about him from last night, actually. >>10730308

(Also kinda further confirming further the Midwest scene has worse drama than any others I've been through)

>> No.10730434

Never had an issue with the guy myself he just seriously needs needs to look up what a blog is and make one rather than use discord as it. He's definitely a bit odd but my irl interactions with him were just pretty silly and I always just see him drinking at the bar at cons.

>> No.10730435

Yo wtf is Anime Hell?

>> No.10730437
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It wasn't in regards to your particular post, just that this thread is heating up, and not in a good way. To be expected, honestly.
>I always just see him drinking at the bar at cons.
Sounds about right. We've only done that at like...7 cons in the last year now, and more than once for each of them. Chances are fairly high you saw me at least one of those times.

>> No.10730439

seagull meet up at 3pm eastern at hyatt bar. meet by the fake grass near the escalators

>> No.10730441

Is the pedo rapist coming? I saw him once already.

>> No.10730443
File: 3.50 MB, 4000x3000, 20220212_143501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone from the old discord is kicking around today, or anyone else in general, feel free to say hey. Will be in cosplay til about this evening

>> No.10730447 [DELETED] 

Yeah him, I never thought I could see a cosplayer turn a shitpost anime talk into a job interview. I moved out from Chicago last year and met him at a convention in Denver, he somehow managed to take a conversation with some boomers about the con to getting the guys card and getting asked for an interview in the span of 2 drinks. I wish I had recorded it because no one would believe me.

Dude needs a reality check but if it works for him then whatever. Just wish he would stop blogging so much about his life on discord.

>> No.10730450



>> No.10730451

As I said, never had an issue with the guy but I do not know how to gauge him at all. Like at one time he took a normal bar talk into a job interview and was handed a card to come for for some security company. He is definitely weird, but I can't complain about a dude who pays for my bar tabs.
dunno I kinda liked the pictures, his advice on traveling cheap has paid he goes to japan a lot. My point stands as stated, that dude seriously needs to learn what a blog is.

>> No.10730452

>Is the pedo rapist coming?
Which one?

>> No.10730454
File: 901 KB, 900x506, Big_G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walking around in a Robin robe from FE or Unit 2 Eva kigirumi.

Say hi and win an edible

>> No.10730455

Any pics? Anyone show up?

>> No.10730457
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Fuck, if you're going to other Ohio conventions and in the same gimmick I'll get at you. Been meaning to find someone not cancerous to trade with for a minute anyways.

>> No.10730460 [DELETED] 

Reisen is the pedo rapist IK is at the con
>inb4 "not convicted"

>> No.10730461

Next I'm prob gonna go is Colossalcon, had so much fun last year

>> No.10730529

What are current fun events here?

>> No.10730543

The server is still up what are you talking about?

>> No.10730545

I’ll get at you if I remember. Have fun for me champ

>> No.10730574

Sure. I'm too old for this con and how stupid the majority of attendees act. Also masks fucking blow get too hot

>> No.10730577


>> No.10730578

post your arsehole

>> No.10730580

you first

>> No.10730581
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>> No.10730596

Anyone at the sonesta wants to hang out?

>> No.10730603

Thoughts on the cosplay expo?

>> No.10730677
File: 181 KB, 699x591, picturefromss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone recognize me? I was cosplaying as a muscle guy char.

>> No.10730697

So Saturday was absolutely packed. I hadn't been in about 10 years and the amount of people everywhere was a too much. Did they reduce the venue space or did it just get that much more popular in 10 years? Ended up skipping today because fuck that.

>> No.10730743

The venue space has significantly gotten small.

>> No.10730749

This is the first year I've skipped in a long while. How much of the convention center did they cut off? In the last few years we pretty much had full reign of the entire center.

>> No.10730752

>Wanted to go this year after having a mental break
>Got Covid, still positive on Friday
God damn it

>> No.10730773
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>Absolutely packed
>Cut off venue space

>> No.10730790

It was only on the Hyatt side. Everything past the glass walkway and down the escalators was not used.

>> No.10730795

That's what I was asking. I hadn't been in 10 years like I said.

>> No.10730798

welp, that was a rather depressing con. I didn't talk to anyone out of anxiety and went to a couple panels that were cool like the bob paranormal one and wtf japan.

Overall, 4/10 experience. Probably just getting too old for these types of things anyways, I think I might just enjoy anime the way I did before, alone in my man cave with a beer.

>> No.10730799

Feeling this. The whole thing was somewhat depressing. Felt like a sardine in a can. Only a handful of panels were even mildly interesting. Maybe I'm just getting too old or maybe shit like MHA just drastically reduced the average age.

>> No.10730808

I'm getting there too. I'm lucky that I had a younger sibling and others so I got to be the cool big bro for a while by buying food and keeping them out of trouble. They're now old enough to take care of themselves so all that's left for me is hanging out a couple hours with them before wandering the dealer's room, game room or drinking in my hotel.

>> No.10730838
File: 621 KB, 589x809, 1615818344346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you people like this?

>> No.10730840

Wtf am I looking at? Is that partly costume or were 3 people doing that in the bleacher section?

>> No.10730842
File: 180 KB, 677x678, 1594958359945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad dude, it sounded like this was the first year you skipped over all. Yeah, I don't think Ohayocon utilizes it's space properly mainly because of

>Stale Guests and management
>GCCC really loves to double book conventions.

Usually the under side has either a Volley ball, a cheer leader, or in some cases, a Christian Convention on the underside of the con. But I didn't get any reports of that this year.

I really just think it's that age where most of us who went to cons for a decade decide if it's still right for us or not. I've seen a lot of folks switch over to either running panels, just going to see old college friends or just there for dealers hall since it's like right in their area. Personally, I just build shit and show off to the locals or play tourist when I'm in a different city most of the time nowadays.

>> No.10730860

I'm glad I wasn't the only one. In the past I had a group of nerd friends probably 7-8 people. It always felt like a huge party and talking to strangers was a lot easier and just making con friends during the event. I just went with one good buddy of mine and nobody seemed interested in talking. A lot of the panels were either boring or idk, they felt more exciting in the past.
yeah, I think a huge part of it is just getting older and moving onto our own craft or careers? I'm not that old, but maybe I just feel like I'm trying to fit into an environment that was meant for college.
it least you still have that excuse I guess. It stinks because ohayocon and matsuricon always held a special place in my memories as being care-free and acting like a total weeb. Now I'm just a sad older guy that should probably cosplay older anime characters.

I'm also gonna blame covid too for why people didn't want to talk.

>> No.10730926

I had a blast, was anyone else from /cg/ at the Attack on Titan photoshoot?

>> No.10730928

>I didn't talk to anyone out of anxiety
same but then I went to the bar and drank and then I had a great time

>> No.10730969

>I think a huge part of it is getting older and moving on with our craft and careers.

Half and half. As you get older and become a (hopefully) responsible adult, you can usually pick your own battles. A lot of folks I know of who live in the Columbus area, myself included usually just go to bigger cons like Katsu or fly out to other states.

>I'm going to blame COVID for people not talking.

I... don't know if it's COVID or if it's a generational thing. When I went to Colossalcon Texas we had a bunch of goth stoners for our neighbors, and they had the same weird conclusion that I did where most of the older folks are super cool with people talking to them and actually -want- people to talk to them, but most of the younger crowd seemed to be busy either doing something for Tiktok or had no fucking interest at all.

I always just blame it on people being antisocial, but it is a bit fucking weird that you would go to a convention and not attempt to hit it off with other nerds. Yes, you will make an ass out of yourself, but part of growing up is failing. Come to think of it, maybe that's why people don't want to talk, too spooked by that concept to try.

>> No.10730980

Supposedly they were just taking a photo but one of the girls is mad everyone is posting it everywhere

>> No.10730982

>Supposedly they were just taking a photo but one of the girls is mad everyone is posting it everywhere

Prolly just pissed because it was supposed to be some shitty OnlyFans content. Either way fuck them, thats what they get for defiling the big steps. Thats holy ground.

>> No.10730983
File: 11 KB, 300x314, 1597982248687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of bringing a blow up doll and doing a shitty softcore threesome photo in public, and expecting people not to take shots is hilarious in general. More so if these folks had a hotel room.

>> No.10731103

Zoomies are genuinely knocked in the head. It's beyond being antisocial and really getting into feral, just not socialized, territory.

It's largely from my interactions at cons that I actually believe that internet brain poisoning is a genuine thing. That maybe our dumb monkey brains were designed to actually handle something like the modern internet. Bc yeah we had obtuse Tumblr kids with the younger millennials but still socialized. Idk, everyone seems weirdly hyper atomized now.

>> No.10731117
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>> No.10731139

were you the Inosuke? Those swords were sick but I'm surprised you were let in with them

>> No.10731159

>Zoomies are feral

That makes almost too much sense. I guess you’d have to treat them like a stray cat in any case, and I know those fuckers hate being interacted with unless you have food or something they want in general. It’s funny you bring up tumblr in general, because I’ve slowly seen them take over the scene since I began back in like 2008 as a high schooler myself, and it’s just been worst and worst with the trends in general. Like, Yaoi Paddles were cringe as fuck, but it’s devolved to blatant BDSM gear and now eventually just people thinking that taking shitty soft core porn scenes in public is fine. Yeah, feral behavior but I also felt like we should’ve curbed it when we had a chance to. I understand why we didn’t though, most of us were out at cons through the 2010’s getting plastered as fuck in costume to see it.

>> No.10731165

nah, I saw some shorter muscle guys running around though. they looked way more fit, they probably got laid that night Im guessing

>> No.10731168


Gimme the tl;dr.

>> No.10731258

The thing that is going to drive me out of hobby is that influencer/grind culture is fast becoming the dominant strain in the community. It infects some of the weaker willed millennials but it if pretty fully internalized by the zoomies. A thing isn't worth doing if it's not worth posting. The lack of solidarity is a real bummer. It won't feel like a community if no one wants to participate.

>> No.10731277

I went to the v-tuber panel and it was just this woman bragging about how she has 1000 followers or something lol. Idc, nobody really cares. Even if you're an artist with talent. showing your follower count is very anti-community. I'm there to hear and discuss anime. I guess it was my fault for even going to that panel but I left it early, no worries

>> No.10731328

The v-tuber panel was a trainwreck in general, especially with the guy spouting the Coco/Kson shit right at the start and getting told off.
Also the stench was pretty bad.

>> No.10731331

>>10731277 (checked)
>Even if you're an artist with talent. showing your follower count is very anti-community
Not a perfect analogue, but you're still reminding me of Anime Matsuri last year. There was one panel that was essentially the perennial "Con Horror Stories"...except one person is telling all of them. I did not make it to the end. Rando talking about themselves for an hour isn't unheard of, but at least have SOMETHING more interesting to say than this, good God.

>> No.10731382

This is going to sound retarded but the best cure I've seen for the Grindfest / Internet Influencer culture is literally to cut off major social media. It's fine to use it for meet ups but a major part of cosplay and con burn out ( at least for me) was going to them back to back and grinding out shit without any break.

Lately I've enjoyed cons again as a con goer because I wasn't stuck in the grindfest. There are people out there who don't grind it out that hard, it's just a matter of finding them... It kind of gets easier if you're proactive at taking pictures or are a solid cosplayer yourself.

>Viewing people like followers instead of legitimate people.

Dude, you're reminding me of when good cosplayers used to hand out their business cards 24/7. That shit felt fucked up to me because I felt like those folks didn't even want to bother establishing friendships, they just farmed followers. Lo' and behold where we are now.

>> No.10731433

long time no see, TV box head kun. I remember helping you find your phone at... ohayo 18? ironic username

>> No.10731436

The fucking ESA whiners on the FB page good god. Why is this con so fat? Have I been out of the American Midwest for so long I’ve forgotten how fat the people are?
But more than anything the masks on everyone in every picture are fucking depressing. Completely soulless.

>> No.10731449
File: 77 KB, 270x271, 1431031639607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the s h i t

>> No.10731581

Yo, anyone went to Anime Ohio last year? Went through pictures, doesn’t look like masks were a thing. Might be worth a day trip if there isn’t other caveats behind it.

>> No.10731647

Yeah, social media is a fucking cancer. I am in a few con discords, but fuck facebook/insta/tik tok posting

>> No.10731671

>That's it. I wish I was joking but that's it

That absolutely wasn't the case and proves that you know nothing. It was over something much more sordid

>> No.10731683

>trust me bro my dad works for arbys

>> No.10731689 [DELETED] 

Being an absolute whore sleeping around with everyone in a 4chan server full of incels might have had something to do with it

>> No.10731719

no way, did he really

>> No.10731728

I'd believe it with the kind of messed up shit people do in hotels at cons.

>> No.10731745

Why does Midwest thread have to mention Arby. I hate him as much as the next guy but at this point it’s so dragged out and annoying to see that name when they don’t deserve the attention. We all know they are a shitty person why keep talking about it

>> No.10731855

did anyone get raped this year or shit in public? bummed I couldn't get the weekend off

>> No.10731957

I got eyeraped by this tall skinny guy crossdressing in a cow print bikini not even joking

>> No.10732250

Good, good. I personally just use discord for hentai, and organize my cosplay meet ups through Fediverse but that’s a diff story altogether. If it makes any sense, I think there’s two con scenes now. Grind / Influencer culture over took the normie side of the cosplay scene, but there is definitely an underground movement trying to get shit back to the OLD days.
Yo Stoner Asuka, my group decided to do Momocon instead of Colossalcon this year. Hit me up if you’re going to Colossalcon Texas though.

>> No.10732363

I took a bite out of you

>> No.10732640

Not when there was cops guarding every side of the convention center.
Not enough drunk people this year.

>> No.10732648

there were plenty of drunk people by the bar, I know I got pretty drunk but I handled it without becoming a retard

>> No.10732693

Highlight for me was seeing rape Loki walk into the bar and booing him as he walked past. Then I sang happy birthday to some Sokka.

>> No.10732709

I get the hopeful sentiment but let's call it what it is. The old way is dying. There's no shame in it. It's how time moves forward, but let's not act like there is some insurgent movement to prop up the old ways again.

>> No.10732734

The flag only dies if you let it die, just saying there's a lot more people than us who feel the way we do about it.

>> No.10732807


What's the link? I was in back before the channel got nuked. Never had anyone on a friend list so I've been out of contact since. I just assumed it was never coming back. Didn't make it to Ohayo so I was surprised to see this mentioned.

>> No.10732863

>rape Loki
who or what is that?

>> No.10733385

a loki cosplayer who is a well known rapist