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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 70 KB, 401x599, e166e44481feeb61a9f2829076d7fc5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10728687 No.10728687 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10728711

Great start to the thread OP. It's the best lolita general we've had in years.

>> No.10728768

It's very general, not about anything in particular, kek

>> No.10728808

Is the board dead now?

>> No.10728860

I guess I have such weird requirements about bags and after looking for something I would want and not finding it… I’m just going to commission someone to custom make me a lolita bag. I just need to design it first. And i might as well go for real leather over pu. I guess it will be interesting

>> No.10728864

It's been dead for a while now.

>> No.10729648
File: 725 KB, 1536x2048, FLOX1TiaUAEDiUG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moitie is releasing Candlestick Strap Pumps and Bat Shoes Clip in black and blue. They are scheduled to be released in March.

>> No.10729650

This looks so cheap

>> No.10729672

ded general ded community

>> No.10729838

Nothing to talk about no interesting releases and the global economy still struggling along post COVID

>> No.10729846

Why did they feel like the bat wing was needed? It's so cheap looking

>> No.10729869
File: 212 KB, 800x935, embroidereddoublezipbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta is releasing the Embroidered Double Zip Bag. It is faux leather (sigh) and comes in black, "shiny pink," brown, and blue green.


>> No.10729870

It's cute! I like the green colorway a lot, I may end up picking it up if it goes on sale.

>> No.10729872

I really want the green colourway too, but I worry that it isn't super versatile for lolita. That said, I have a black bag that fits all my darker coordinates, so I suppose I could pick up this one and keep it for daily wear. I love blue green and have a lot of normie pieces in that colour.

>> No.10729873

faux leather can be nicer than "genuine leather" crap though. and meta doesn't have a terrible reputation for peeling. an old purse of mine by them only has the peeling on the seam of the straps.

>> No.10729874

I like it, I just wish they released it in white. I don't know who was waiting on a "shiny pink" bag.

>> No.10729934

>Metamorphose temps fille

>> No.10729943

love this pic so much, please someone recreate it with me !

>> No.10729962

What are your requirements? How are you going to commission it?
I had been searching for a white bag for ages and finally found one simple enough that I can throw some bows and flowers on it and it wouldn’t detract from a co ord. It’s still not perfect but the market is so limited for good selection.

>> No.10729967

I bought the shiny pink because it looks to be ivory and I want a crown label ivory bag. If it does end up being slightly pink I’ll let you all know!

>> No.10729972

I think it's cute. Well, you always have the option of removing the wings..

>> No.10730299

Has anyone received their Hawase Doll MTO yet? I see them popping up for sale more frequently, but have yet to get any updates or shipping notification from Baby.

>> No.10730317

I was assuming it was pink to match the weird pink shoes they released. It’s this champagne rose gold silvery blush that matches nothing I’ve ever seen before. I was pissed the shoes were such a strange color

>> No.10730322

I bought a faux leather crown label bag by meta about ten years ago and it held up the best out of any of my faux leather brand bags. It was also the most convenient bag I had in terms of size. I'm quite tempted by the blue-green or the brown of this new release since I got so much use out of the other meta bag.

>> No.10730336
File: 1.36 MB, 399x270, is this what friendship feels like.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jp lolitas are wearing western brands like Violet Fane, Kuroneko, or Miss Danger
>tfw jp lolitas stumble across lolibrary and rejoice over it
>tfw if you quietly follow jp lolitas long enough, they also quietly follow you too

>> No.10730370
File: 76 KB, 1318x1318, 8383302_master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I guess this would be the closest bag I have found to my requirements. also this one is like over $600 secondhand.maybe getting one commissioned would be the same price. I am also like autistic about certain brands and i hate kate spade as they use this leather that feels like shitty plastic to me.

requirements: white leather, rectangle or boston bag shaped with structure, feet on the bottom. and scalloped leather. I've been trying to find plain bags that i can decorate with some bows but i don't like the shape of them, or they have ugly hardware like the brand logo on it.

I found some custom leather bag makers that I might reach out to after i design what i want (or if i just decide to get picrel).

>> No.10730432

If you also got it from Baby SF, they told me they haven't received it.

>> No.10730436

is there no lolibrary equivalent in Japan? That's weird

>> No.10730453

idk about japan, but china has logirl.wiki

>> No.10730559

the lolita subtypes thread reminded me how much i miss punk lolita.

>> No.10730562

Be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.10730583

I did, thank you! Now I can stop worrying about it

>> No.10730585

I know that "having too many main pieces, not enough blouses" is a pretty common newbie problem, but does anyone have the opposite issue? I have so many blouses but only like, 3 or 4 main pieces I actually regularly wear.

>> No.10730604

That Lolita Updates thread...Have people never heard of the phrase "if there's nothing good to say, don't say it"?

>> No.10730612

Yeah, same! I need to stop stocking up on blouses.

>> No.10730618

It's a mirror of lolibrary though.

>> No.10730782

doesn't look like it. it has a ton of taobao stuff listed and properly categorized, unlike lolibrary which is very limited in that respect

>> No.10730801

Lolibrary has a ton of taobao these days last I checked.

>> No.10730857

it has some but it's listed under "taobao" instead of the actual individual brand names. unless it changed since i last looked

>> No.10731262

K. Feel free to confirm by asking them then.

>> No.10731278

Pretty sure the brand name is in the name of the piece (e.g. "[brand name] ~ [name of the piece]")

>> No.10731298

Is it just me or has wunderwelt been starching their stuff WAY more than they used to? I bought 4 cotton BTSSB blouses from them since the year started and they were all crispy as hell. Like, to the point it was kind of unpleasant to touch before I washed them. Am I going crazy?

>> No.10731327

I'm busy being the Bloodborne npc I want to see in the world

>> No.10731338

but doesn't have its own brand tag. the chinese version has specific brand tags for all of the taobao brands. i appreciate that

>> No.10731419

I don't think WW does anything to the clothes after they buy them from people. I got a cotton AP blouse not too long ago and it was normal.

>> No.10731579
File: 159 KB, 1433x692, 184805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eternal curse of "loliables" on LM

>> No.10731589
File: 753 KB, 1200x691, 20220215_meiji_product2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's buying the meiji chocolate x btssb collab?

>> No.10731595

ah shit that's cute

>> No.10731605

What are you sighing about, their original bags are a flaky mess if you own them for longer than 3 years.

>> No.10731606

This seems to be the general experience of owning brand bags.

Out of curiosity, is there even anyone who didn't have their brand bags fall apart after less than 3 years of use?

>> No.10731609

I have older Meta and AP bags (from like 2010-2012) that are still good.

>> No.10731610

Yes, plenty. You just hear from the whiners.

>> No.10731618

It seems to be totally random. I've had some brand bags start flaking after a few uses, others last for years. One of my tankiest bags is Meta from like 2005 lol

>> No.10731625

I have 3 Meta bags from 2000-2001 and the leather is still in perfect condition, it really depends on the type of PU used

>> No.10731633

Don't you mean "lolibals", anon?

>> No.10731634
File: 89 KB, 1000x1000, st,small,845x845-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tf even is that? I don't think that's right

>> No.10731642
File: 79 KB, 991x242, AC18A689-B03E-4DE9-A351-D185CBAEC882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta ask the OP, I'm just as confused as you are

>> No.10731645

me. i have been waiting for this all my life.

>> No.10731672

ugh i want to love it but there are so many little tweaks it needs to look more cohesive. the kumyas look way too washed out

>> No.10731675

I have AP bags from 2008-2010ish that are in like new condition. I wish they’d go back to using that PU, it held up so nicely.

>> No.10731692

IW fell apart at like 4 years. Meta is staying strong at 3-4 years. I don't think I have firsthand an AP bag but I do have a flawless btssb bag from last year and also had some secondhand btssb and AP that lasted 5 years of use with minimal damage. IW and 10 year old BTSSB is all that fell apart completely

>> No.10731707

seriously considering it

>> No.10731715

What about it isn't cohesive to you?

>> No.10731724

I don't wear sweet, but that's so cute. Kumya releases always make me smile.

The only brand bags/shoes that have held up for me have been real leather. I live in a really humid area, so it's hard to take care of PU well.

>> No.10731747

Baby are killing the game. This is so cute!

>> No.10731748

I think it depends on the pleather that is used. moitie pleather seems pretty good.

>> No.10731751

Thank god the wing is removable. They remind me a lot of those meta stripper heels, i wonder how they compare to those.

>> No.10731753

as i said, the very washed out kumyas. the kumya she's holding doesn't even really match the coord well because of it, and the horizontal lines stand out more than the actual border print itself. the waistbow also just awkwardly blends into the print.

i think this would be a prime dress for frillyfix to have a go at because i'm no expert.

>> No.10731779

Are you like mentally retarded? There has never been consistency with the shade across prints, let alone prints and plush items. They're not even that "washed out" to begin with. It's like you've never seen a print.

>> No.10731840

I'd place my trust in BTSSB if I were you. Their stock photos rarely do their pieces justice.

>> No.10731853

Imagine getting this mad because someone doesnt like a print. Seek help

>> No.10731881
File: 105 KB, 1024x1024, hannibal-lecter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's someone who eats lolitas

>> No.10731893

Who's mad? It's a fair question.

>> No.10731926

my first thought when seeing >>10731589 is i wanted to bite it

>> No.10731931

then it's a success! (stay away from me though)

>> No.10731960

I’ve gotten smelly WW before, I’m pretty sure it’s just however the person dropped them off. My guess is they think they’ll get a better price from WW if it’s crisp and new feeling so they starched the shit out of it, but yeah senpai. Wash your WW.

>> No.10731962

It absolutely is washed out compared to plenty of their other prints. It doesnt stand out on the dress at all.

>> No.10731966

i think it looks adorable but also something's a little off about it. i think i might be a bit nitpicky though

>> No.10731980

the OP said the kumyas on the print are washed out not the entire print, can you read?

>> No.10731985

>the print is washed out, not the print
what are you even arguing about. everyone is talking about the kumyas

>> No.10731987

>everyone is talking about the kumyas
no. learn to read.

>> No.10731990

Anon, the kumyas are part of the print. You're losing it

>> No.10731998

I feel very victimised by this collab! Friendship ended with Strawberry Loves Chocolate

I think it’s a design choice to have the horizontal stripes stand out so much on the lighter colourways (I’m assuming there’s ivory and pink in that image, although the difference is very subtle) but I get ya. I like the brown best

>> No.10732001

you're losing it.

>> No.10732074

Uh, anon the OP was explicitly saying the entire print looks like shit.

>> No.10732105

the OP explicitly said "the very washed out kumyas"

>> No.10732125

>(I’m assuming there’s ivory and pink in that image, although the difference is very subtle)
Nayrt and I think that these particular photos are just a bit washed out looking. I am going to try to order it via my friend who lives in Tokyo and see if she can get pics to confirm the color.

>> No.10732126

OP did point out multiple things she didn't like, including the kumyas.

>there are so many little tweaks it needs to look more cohesive.
>so many little tweaks

And in >>10731753 she gives her reasons for disliking the entire print.
>as i said, the very washed out kumyas. the kumya she's holding doesn't even really match the coord well because of it, and the horizontal lines stand out more than the actual border print itself. the waistbow also just awkwardly blends into the print.

I am the one who posted the collab picture in the first place and I don't care if she likes the dress or not. I was just curious what about it she didn't like so I asked. None of those other replies were me. But yes she said she didn't like a lot of things about the dress. That's fine. No one needs to like every print.

>> No.10732204

Would an OTT AP fan be too sweet to eat? or would she be too bitter?

>> No.10732216

fake sugar, i wouldn't recommend.

>> No.10733016
File: 267 KB, 1080x1076, Screenshot_20220218-004730_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally etsy tier. what the fuck, moitie

>> No.10733017

Dated Etsy tier on top of that. This is like something you’d get in the artist alley in 2011 and then immediately regret when you get home

>> No.10733020

makes me feel nostalgic lol

>> No.10733022

They're back to milking their supporters' money with nonsensical, cheap shit that didn't even take a single minute to come up with. They have been doing this for 10-ish years now but shit like this, or the fuckin mouse pads, or the oversized printed shirts, make it extra obvious.

>> No.10733027
File: 64 KB, 800x800, FLx230tUYAEKCrT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on, let the designers have their fun. It's not like they didn't release an EGA set beside it.

>> No.10733065

it's a way to build capital to do real shit down the road. it worked well enough to get an IG rerelease.

the necklace is awful but MmM has been doing this stuff to bring itself back to life enough to truly shine again. it somehow survived Boz which has always had a broader customer base

>> No.10733068
File: 17 KB, 251x170, 693D38BC-37DC-4031-9D6D-5761DDE0DCA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was this JM necklace at first, they look so similar

>> No.10733070

>moitie is rereleasing the Cross two-tiered JSK 2 days after i buy Iron Gate


>> No.10733072

how's moitie's quality nowadays?

>> No.10733078

Yep. I’ve got about 25 blouses and 7 main pieces (just did a massive downsize)
It’s mostly because blouses are more of a pain in the ass to sell than main pieces so I pull them out then procrastinate and then get sick of seeing the items sitting in the corner and just put them back in my closet to get the room cleaned up. Repeat cycle x 10

>> No.10733079

I guess it makes sense if all your blouses are different

>> No.10733708

Shit. Been disappointed with basically every garment I've bought from nu-Moitie. Flimsy fabric and poor fit on everything, and I've bought both blouses and dresses.

The only items I've been happy with are the accessories, especially the socks. The socks are actually quite nice quality.

>> No.10733709

Had the same thought... This is just embarrassing.

They have actually released some nice items recently, though- I really wanted that skirt, but it won't fit my trunk torso. I wish they had released it in both a 9 and a size 13 that went up to 74cm waist or so.

>> No.10733718

How to know which substyle is for you? When I started wearing lolita I was sure I'll collect more gothic pieces but now I have closet full of solid sweet pieces in black and red. Every time I buy something my mind just goes "wow cute frills and lace" etc. However I don't like pastels and sweet prints at all. Am I just edgy sweet lolita in the end..

>> No.10733720

you don't have to confine yourself to just one substyle anon. just follow your heart

>> No.10733724

I like it but I had old Moitie that also used weird chiffon that would snag. The new chiffon is nicer imo

>> No.10733725

I wear both 2010s AP pastel vomit and super dour gothic/gothic-classic. Free your mind and open your heart and the possibilities are endless

>> No.10733729

Who even needs a substyle? Just make sure your coord is cohesive and cute. Stop caring about categorizing.
There are no substyles. This is only lolita.

>> No.10733732

I don't know how far I should take this? is it like an eating disorder or something?
I have no problem fitting into any jp clothing or even mary magdalene (unless it's pants maybe) but i still think i am fat when i see picture of myself and that i need to lose weight.
I want to lose 10 more pounds . but i worry that i will still think i look fat and that i will never be ok with how i look.

>> No.10733758

Get an unbiased opinion if you want a reality check, and maybe see a therapist if their perception of you doesn't match how you see yourself. I personally can't picture someone who fits in MM being fat, unless you're extremely petite, but even then there's no way you'd be fat with those measurements.

>> No.10733767

you're being very critical of yourself. if you have been previously heavier it's normal that your brain will keep thinking about your old self image for a while. remember that losing too much weight will have negative consequences too and then you will be sad about stuff like your hair being thin and shitty. try to be realistic.

>> No.10733770

Sounds like you suffer from being skinny fat and/or bloating. You should try out a low carb diet combinied with bi-weekly exercice for 30 minutes. Your goal is not to lose any more weight but to concert that body fat into lean muscle mass.

>> No.10733773

I think it's in your head anon. Instead of telling yourself youre fat, tell yourself that you are thin and look good instead. It sounds silly and obviously you won't believe it at first but it eventually helps your self image if you keep doing it.

>> No.10733858

Anyone have any recommendations for a good minimal poof petticoat? I want some subtle poof just so my dresses aren’t flat. I used to have a daily a-line from classical puppets but even it was more poof than I want. I want one that’s in stock right away as I have an urge to wear lolita casually again for the first time in a while.

I went on Wunderwelt and bought a few cheap deflated looking ones to try, but not sure I’ll have any luck with those. What about the ones from Emily Temple Cute? It’s a little more expensive but maybe along the lines of what I’m looking for.

>> No.10733885

Aurora and Ariel have a low poof petti (the one with the lowest amount, I think it's called mini size?) that's good for daily wear. I bought the second poofiest size (labeled as a daily petti) and it's a little too voluminous.

>> No.10733886

I meant to say the second lowest poof size, sorry anon.

>> No.10733893

The blouses are a hard pass. it just sucks there's no good blouses for gothic nowadays unless you snag something good second-hand. The main pieces are hit or miss, mostly miss. You can kind of tell just from the pictures on the site which ones seem like they will be flimsy and that ones that aren't thankfully. I 100% recommend their socks, very comfy and stretchy.

>> No.10733900

You’re probably seeing them because the first release went out some months ago and everyone who bought it from FOMO are realizing they don’t really want it after all. But also the second round of reservations are about to go out so people probably want to get rid of theirs for a higher price before more of them are available on the second hand market.

>> No.10733903

Who is available to get this? I usually use Tenshi but she said she can’t get it.

>> No.10733910

BABY already closed the in store only reservations because there was too much demand. If you wanted to try and get an in person SS you need someone who lives in Tokyo to get the Harajuku exclusive pink color.

>> No.10733914

I have gotten unbiased opinion by posting myself on /fit once and they said i'm slim. and i know objectively i am not fat. but i guess i compare myself to like misako, but she's honestly probably only 10 pounds lighter than me max, if we are the same height. I will think about a therapist

Yeah i used to be chubby. so i still look at myself through those lens. i don't want my hair to be thin. i'll try to be more realistic

i'm already been doing keto for years and even when i lifted weights and didn't have a lot of body fat... i thought i was fat looking still.

thank you anon i will try this. i think it will work eventually

>> No.10733990

Thanks anon! I’ll check this one out if my Wunderwelt ones don’t work out.

>> No.10734771

Suggestions on where to get plus size blouses? I have big boobs so blouses that fit my waist don’t fit my chest. If they fit in the bust I can tailor them to fit my waist if needed, although it doesn’t matter if it’s under a dress I guess. I’m trying to avoid making them myself.

>> No.10734774

Maxicimam's lovely line might work if you're looking for a cotton blouse

>> No.10734778
File: 102 KB, 1200x675, Macklemore-Thrift-Shop-Music-Video-macklemore-38317134-1920-1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your favorite thrift finds to wear with lolita?

>> No.10734795
File: 147 KB, 665x1000, 6512986959_0e6da10753_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love this topic.

>T classic fag

Vintage hats, bags, and jewelry are my main go to's. I think everything else including tops can be a bit hit or miss, and not really worth it when more affordable jfashion is available through closet child. But nothing feels better than finding a nice hat for $10 or less and having it go well with your coord. I also really like cameo brooches and tapestry bags since they go with a lot of my coords.

>> No.10734799

mink stole

>> No.10734948

Thanks for the response! I've been looking for tapestry bags recently but haven't had any luck. I grabbed one off Mercari though.

I almost always look for loliables but very rarely find anything. Once I found some bodyline rhs. I'm a dedicated thrifter though, and enjoy hunting, so I'm always looking even though I know it's unlikely. I'm always amused when I find a square dancing dress or handmade dress that wants to be Lolita but isn't - I saw a really cute handmade pink fully shirred lacy dress a couple of weeks ago that could have passed for cult party or some other jfashion but it wasn't quite my style so I passed. I also found a cool homemade teddy bear that I'm hoping to make into a bag.

>> No.10734960

hats! also bags. I've also found some country lolita dresses that must have originally been some kind of 1970s era high school theatre costume. weirdly they do need a petti.

>> No.10734976


Ahhh the rhs sounds like a good find though! I used to thrift hardcore for loliables but not as much anymore because I don't have the time. I also tend to be more on the lookout for vintage clothing these days since my lolita wardrobe is pretty complete. That being said I did see a replica dress at a vintage store once, made me chuckle.

>> No.10734999
File: 29 KB, 800x400, carpet-cleaning-meme-feat-good-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for first VM dress in the mail for a month
>nervous, measurements were inconsistent and it's older so I'm worried it won't fit
>Finally get it
>Dress fits over hips, that is a good sign
>Zips past stomach with some room, aw yeah
>Zips up over bust, could have a little more room but not really loafin
>zips all the way
>Shoulders fit
>Sleeves long enough
>Neck is too small
>Fuck yeah, this dress is so beautiful and it fits grea-
>Neck is too small
T-this is not what I expected to go wrong, gulls.
I'm probably going to alter it - it's high necked and had this little band under the collar that just chokes me.
I hate altering shit but it's not super rare/desirable and fuck it it's so close

>> No.10735147

There are many factors to this. Pleather isn't expected to last like 10+ years even if it's decent quality. That being said material quality, climate/humidity in is stored in, usage, etc all play a factor into how fast it can fall apart.

>> No.10735152

So close, anon! I support you in altering!

>> No.10735179

I have a Mulberry Bayswater in tan, and it’s one of my favourite bags. Nearly 20 years old and still going very strong, even with every day wear. I would definitely recommend getting the one you posted!

>> No.10735288
File: 671 KB, 1564x1564, FMWxlsOVUAMl6aP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some new releases by Pina Sweet Collection

>> No.10735293

that tiny flower fabric is horrible quality

>> No.10735359

>tfw jp lolitas are wearing western brands like Violet Fane, Kuroneko, or Miss Danger
do you have any pics? i'd love to see it

>> No.10735398


>> No.10735408

It's so amazing to me that this brand is still alive

>> No.10735481


Yeah of all the classic brands not dying for some reason it's the wonkiest, least known ones that keep churning out releases. Chocochip cookie and this boi won't die while who knows where MM is

>> No.10735642

Anyone getting that tiered Hawase OP announced today? I want it but the bodice looks off on their model

>> No.10735647
File: 214 KB, 1152x2048, FK4Kig8aIAAbNee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese selfies are the worst (this is @empti_es_cape with a VF skirt)

>> No.10735648
File: 671 KB, 1115x2048, FI0OlrSaAAMbORc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10735649
File: 784 KB, 1516x2048, FIQ20ZraIAAdnlx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from Otona Alice Walk

>> No.10735650
File: 703 KB, 2010x2010, FHIXmXMaIAILwck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@sasakilolita, who works at a shop that sells VF so there may be a conflict of interest

>> No.10735651
File: 104 KB, 960x1280, FHDCn1TaMAMFXwf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@toropy_stbs in a casual coord

>> No.10735652
File: 494 KB, 1535x2048, FHC4qLbaAAYJ6Hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@noanon08 decides to go against stereotype by taking a coord shot from miles away

>> No.10735653
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>> No.10735655
File: 609 KB, 1536x2048, FEeK932aQAApMnB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10735656
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>> No.10735657
File: 357 KB, 1365x2048, FC-8omeaQAIIS0I (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that should be a good cross section of Japanese VF wearers. pics are from Twitter between now and around Halloween.

also, other lolitas spoke well of the brand but did not photos.

>> No.10735723

Now I need a maid cap. What did you do, anon?

>> No.10735741
File: 695 KB, 1279x1920, E4-sX7SUUA0FYtX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@69r0 in Miss Danger and other western brands

>> No.10735742
File: 639 KB, 2048x2048, EzybXtdUUAIL3rE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she debated between the silk and velvet jacket

>> No.10735743
File: 648 KB, 2048x2048, EjUal9IVcAA1rvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss Danger and Violet Fane are carried by AtPie, but the next two may have been ordered directly from Etsy

>> No.10735744
File: 562 KB, 2048x2048, E5ceusgUYAAsWCV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queen of Hearts coord using Empire Noir's Rhapsody Heart OP

>> No.10735745
File: 843 KB, 2048x2048, Ei2GnNqU0AAgBzg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she used a shopping service to get this from Enchanted Dream Couture

>> No.10735764

General question: Would you guys be interested in joining a vetted CoF community outside of FB? Vetted as in no one allowed in if they can't fucking dress themselves.

>> No.10735767

Yes please, I would love a page/community consisting of only nice coords. Would be a bonus if it also excluded men (like that guy who has a beard who posts regularly in cof)

>> No.10735770

Unfortunately we don't intend to exclude men entirely because we'd like to allow aristo and ouji. But no brolitas.

>> No.10735772

so it's going to have fugly dandies and tall dudes who don't fit in their burando

>> No.10735780

If they look like shit they wouldn't be allowed, period.

>> No.10735789

Unfortunately having issues with finding shit that fits my bf, so yeah I think that is going to be a struggle. Ouji / dandy is almost purely "no tall buff dudes"

>> No.10735791

trans bf for life, he fits into ouji so well and actually looks right for it in the face. western cis men look like hapsburg cosplays when they wear ouji

>> No.10735792

Yes, but only if you're not the edgy goth girl that tried to invite popular lolitas and doesn't even wear lolita+trans

>> No.10735800
File: 76 KB, 778x972, 53391363_148884759475197_5163689173964902399_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no brolitas
Mana is disappoint

>> No.10735801

yes please

>> No.10735809

Every time i see/hear a lolita refer to any and all flat lolita shoes as "tea parties" it takes so much strength to not correct them. Lord help me.

>> No.10735821

The recent BABY Hawase embroidery release is gorgeous. They are crushing it

>> No.10735824

Hard pass for me. The bodice is far too small for my liking. I am glad the released a good skirt though, I'm contemplating getting it, but i would prefer a round 3 of the hawase doll op.

>> No.10735832

i got the skirt and blouse! they look beautiful. wasn't a huge fan of the buttons and ribbons on the OP

>> No.10735834

Just got a shipping notification from Baby SF! So excited

>> No.10735916

I need to vent somewhere and the feels thread is on autosage, so... Is it normal for shopping services to not notify you that someone placed a bid with them before you did, and therefore they will prioritize them in the end, regardless of how much higher your max bid was? Because I assumed I won an item for $14 (the end price makes it so much worse) when my max bid was $35, and they only let me know I'm SOL after the fact. I was so happy when I saw I won a high priority wishlist item for so cheap, never using this SS again for any auctions I actually want to win.

>> No.10735921

Is it just me, or has Wunderwelt not updated their stock for a while? I can see their new arrivals on facebook, but not on their actual site?

>> No.10735934

It's not just you. I notice they stopped adding new stock yesterday (USA time), and there's nothing new today either.
I'm not sure if it's an error or what. They hardly ever go a full day without listing new things.

>> No.10735957 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 482x400, unknown-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanting to get the word out about this girl who recently joined my comm's Discord. She made a lot of us uncomfortable and you may want to block her or keep her from joining other comms. She was just kicked thankfully.

>> No.10735959 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 654x634, unknown-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10735960

i seriously hope she kills herself. jesus.

>> No.10735961
File: 58 KB, 674x238, unknown-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10735962
File: 243 KB, 1564x1410, IMG_20220225_231359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10735966

have you retards never heard of the farms

>> No.10735968

They're all new as shit, as is most of cgl these days so of course they haven't. This situation is an obvious prank/troll trying to see how far they can go in an "inclusive" comm/discord before being banned, and not worth posting here or on the farms.

>> No.10735969

KEK this is an extremely obvious troll parodying snowflake itas and fucking with you guys. And your comm must be a bunch of retards not to see it.

>> No.10735970

this just makes your comm look stupid desu

>> No.10735972

Accurate. Lolita's are easy to troll, being they are autistic and also trying far too hard to virtue signal

>> No.10735980

Guys, she's calling out the account BECAUSE it's a troll.

>> No.10735987

We're a disabled jfashion server.

>> No.10735990

you're clearly disabled.

>> No.10736001
File: 316 KB, 1028x1517, 20220215_161157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We even had to honor her stupid pronouns!!

>> No.10736030

but no one in the screenshots could see it and keeps harping about "using trigger warnings!"

>> No.10736031

>shame schlarf for doing Onlyfans

>> No.10736042

Pronouns are not stupid, rather they are valued. We can't hire a private investigator to check everyone. We have to accept until they show otherwise. If you aren't happy in our discord leave.

>> No.10736043

>Pronouns are not stupid, rather they are valued.
imagine making people use your shitty imposed nicknames to talk shit about you.

>> No.10736076

based as fuck

>> No.10736079

It looked hideous, anon

>> No.10736087

Even if you are some stupid SJW, how can you fall for the pronoun "schnarf".

>> No.10736088
File: 260 KB, 500x341, 8l2sja1yttk31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That second paragraph though, bit tm huh

>> No.10736089

The skirt and blouse? Not at all. The OP was meh

>> No.10736223

I wish they released it in black, it's gorgeous

>> No.10736291
File: 418 KB, 478x673, Screenshot (42).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I weird for thinking that cider (a regular fast fashion brand) made a replica of one of Lief's dresses? I know that the print might be public domain, but I wouldn't be suprised if it was intentional since it's common for fast fashion brands to rip off indepedant brands

>> No.10736292
File: 656 KB, 483x671, Screenshot (43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10736293
File: 127 KB, 700x1018, lief1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Lief dress

>> No.10736294

Yes you are weird. Its a normal dress cut in a commercially available fabric. That isnt what a replica is.

>> No.10736299
File: 191 KB, 689x448, 5u57i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the design and cut of the dresses is completely different. Just two different companies using the same fabric.
If you want to see a real rip off, look up the Alannah Hill/ETC thing, picrelated

>> No.10736338

Damn I need this fabric. I want a dress with it, but a plain wine velveteen bodice with pintuck detailing and a pleated skirt like the Lief one.

>> No.10736500

We've set it up. Email us if you're interested. Anyone else is free to as well.

>> No.10736824

What happened?

>> No.10736826

That peach one would be pretty if it weren't exactly my skintone. Maybe I should buy it, bead it, and live out my "Kim K in that one beaded corset dress but make it lolita" fantasy.
Or, y'know. Not.

>> No.10736831
File: 144 KB, 850x850, Surface Spell Playful Cats Goblin JSK 1-850x850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surface Spell also did a dress with the fabric, it's commerically available.

>> No.10736857

i want to open up a size discussion.
metamorphose is getting bigger and bigger lately because of its plus/plus plus size and still have amazing quality.
moi meme moitie has size ranges and their newer OPs are more accommodating to larger people (Iron Gate, Silent Moon, Summer21 Happy Bag JSK for examples)
so, what is exactly stopping AP from giving into the wishes of shirred OPs or or or MULTIPLE size selections? they could even get more money from it too if they made the fatties pay up MORE for the extra fabric used for the size/shirring.

so, what is exactly stopping AP? no one needs to pander to fats or anything, but truly it seems like a horrible marketing choice not to.

>> No.10736861

Those are all different situations

1. Meta- Actually is a whole new pattern that is made for plus size, the financial cost of doing this is pretty big btw. The most legit way of doing plus sizes but if you look at fashion brands outside of lolita after a few years if it isnt profitable the plus size line dies. Meta has a chance mostly because its market is fat westerners, and desu may not be that financial stable.

2. Moitie- Iron gate op and silent moon op was always that roomie, but the Sleeping garden op which was huge in the size 13 and did poorly. Has been on sale for months. Its actually a sign that they wont do that big of a size again, and that its not worth the investment. Moitie has always done that full shirred empire dress cuts and its always kinda not flattering but popular because its roomie but there isnt enough to do what meta is doing.

3. Ap- Ap's market is not fat westerners and they dont have a reason to increase their size range because the lions share of their market is japanese and chinese girls who do fit into it. For them its not like they dont have the money, it just isnt a profitable enough move to do so when you arent suffering because of sizing. Its clear based on people's reactions to releases that current trends dont even suit us so why would they care about fatties?

Honestly most people who cry about ap sizing wouldnt buy it anyways, they are always poor people who just want to say something that isnt I dont have money.

>> No.10736883

They don't want undesirables wearing their clothes, get it through your head.

>> No.10736887

chinese girls love ap and they sell out of almost everything immediately. those girls fit into their dresses just fine as is. no need to cater to larger westerners as they're not hurting for sales. meta is nowhere close as popular and high-selling as ap so they felt the need to cater for more sales

>> No.10736889

can anyone identify the shoes?

>> No.10736891

I hope ap doesn't increase their sizing, I'm petite and some of their new stuff I already swim in it. I can't buy any recent release that doesn't have waist ties because it'll look like a sad bag, I can't imagine how it'd look on their actual market of Chinese and Japanese girls if they changed the sizing just for westerners.

>> No.10736893

Basically what the other anons have said. Making more sizes is expensive and it would be a horrible marketing choice to do so when they already have the Chinese market eating out of their hand without ever having to lift a finger. The western community in general already has little buying power compared to the Chinese, so why would they spend the time, money and resources to cater to the even tinier niche that is fat westerners who want to wear lolita? Honey cake MTO is proof that they could make larger sizes if they wanted to, but they don't. People bought it as a one off thing, but like >>10736861 said, a lot of the people who cry about sizing are too poor to actually consistently support the brand the way Chinese lolitas do. They'll just find something else to complain about and AP knows it.

>> No.10736915

>may not be that financial stable.

Just about every single release from plus size Meta has sold out and kept a ridiculously high after market price. It getting to the point where Meta is becoming a bloodbath.

Fat lolitas wont spend the money on dresses that claim to be plus size, but end up being high-waist and cut weirdly aka a size zero with more fabric. Like that Sleeping Garden OP, that cut wont look good, so why buy it?

That's why other brands' plus size range have failed in the past, because they're skimped out production. Just like how a normal size lolita won't buy from a brand that constantly has shitty construction, why would a plus size lolita spend money buying dresses that won't fit (after it was claimed it would)

Meta put in the effort and made designs that flatter plus size people. Empire waist doesn't look good on fat people which is why they rarely make a +size dress with that cut. In fact, I don't think they've put out a +size dress empire dress yet.

I know it's a shocker to know that fat people want to spend money on quality dresses. But I do agree with you about AP+ not selling.

Not because fat people are poor or anything like that, but because, knowing AP, it'll be a ugly cut dress with an half-ass design that nobody will want.

>> No.10736916

not to mention a lot of the previous plus sizes brands tried to put out were boring solid color releases. Meta gets sales because they realized that prints are what gets plus size girls to pay.

>> No.10736919

Plus… how big do they want shit to be? Most releases have an option with full back shirring which fits up a 42 inch bust or more. That’s already pretty big, especially for a Japanese company. And if it’s not big enough, the people who really want it (and aren’t trying to get social media clout) will get it altered to fit. Most fatties just want to reeeee about how life is so hard for them, but won’t put their money where their mouth is. I’m willing to bet a lot of people buying Meta plus size want a more flattering fit and could fit the regular size

>> No.10736920

The plus size is not just wider but also longer, so it's probably tall girls who are not huge but would hulk out of an AP dress because of the proportions.

>> No.10736933

Ayart. That’s what I meant… most of the people buying the plus size Meta dresses could probably fit into at least some of the regular size Meta dresses, but it will look better to have the plus size because of length and more ease in the fit. A lot of Western girls who wear AP technically fit it but it looks kind of wonky because it’s too short and/or the bodice isn’t made for people with boobs.

>> No.10736944

That’s still considered plus size dumbass

All this talk about how fatties never buy shit is moot with the existence of Meta fatty-chan line. It doesn’t matter if you’re a landwhale or not, having sizing options in desirable colors is going to sell well.

This, like did we forget how much the mto of honey cake goes for? What about Melty Berry Princess? The bigger dresses still go for a lot because fatty-chans actually put their money where their mouth is and buy shit.
All this bitching about crying fatty never buying anything is just straight up copium from people whose only personality trait is that they fit into AP lmao

>> No.10736951

How about we legalize meth for all the fatties

>> No.10736964

based af

>> No.10736974

go back

>> No.10737002

>people whose only personality trait is that they fit into AP
While I agree AP can make bank without adding extra sizes and their greed for the max payout with minimal effort is real, it's also pretty obvious the people who say "AP doesn't want fatties in their clothes" are just coping hardcore and want to feel special. AP doesn't want to put in extra effort to make money which means they have no incentive to cater to westerners or plus sizes, but lack of incentive is a far cry from the wannabe elitist fat hate that AP stans on cgl wish it was. That's why they hate alterations too. I alter my shit smaller but I see how much those people seethe over enlarging pieces.

It's always "don't squeeze into a dress that doesn't fit" but when someone alters a piece so it fits it's "they did it wrong they need a professional", and when it's well done it's "they should have used matching fabric" but the second they support the brand or show demand for a piece by buying multiple dresses to have enough matching fabric it's"I can't believe they WASTED 2 dresses" and "they frankensteined 2 dresses together they must be a hambeast" because they don't understand how sewing and fabric matching works. It's clear THEY don't want fatties in AP and reverse engineer that to mean that AP isn't offering plus sizes because of some made up moral reason against fatties when it's actually just their lazy but extremely profitable business model.

>> No.10737011

This. On one side we have fatties complaining that AP is excluding them because they don't make plus sizes and on the other side we have smug thin lolitas acting like AP has some kinda vendetta against fat people wearing their clothes because they do. Truth is AP isn't thinking about fat people at all. They're thinking about what cheap cost cutting polyester nightmare they can sell to the Chinese.

>> No.10737040

socks & accessories are fine
avoid the knitwear like the plague

>> No.10737057

>it will look better to have the plus size because of length
When will womanlets get that the only people who benefit from Meta's extra length is tall lolitas? How many people do you know with so much girth that it's regularly resulting in too short dresses?

>> No.10737123

The fatter lolitas who can't fit AP are often taller too and older dresses are just shorter generally. Chubby midgets like myself actually look fine in AP cause we're overall smaller even if a little big for our height health wise.

>> No.10737141
File: 47 KB, 700x700, w-77627-00_1080x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone id this btssb jsk?

>> No.10737146

AP’s sizing is nonsense anyway. Most older OPs are shirred, and I have a couple unshirred pre 2008 OPs that fit just fine. all their modern OPs are unshirred and really tight on me, I’m just at the cusp of not fitting due to the lack of any shirring or elastic in the arms. It’s just laziness on APs part, they save money on production and fabric costs by not using shirring on OPs.

>> No.10737149
File: 418 KB, 1500x1920, cb5d0cd4d978066a8f672eee4936345d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 'is lolita dying" talk is so annoying, it just evolves and changes and its genuinely not close to dying at all, most lolitas now are chinese so chinese brands are opening and making new things, less lolitas in japan and the japanese brands make it hard for chinese and western buyers to get their stuff, so japanese brands close circle of life yadda yadda, yes i know a lot of you hate taobaolita but it is the future, i just wish we treated the good chinese brands with the same respect as japanese brands.

>> No.10737153

>the good chinese brands
name one

>> No.10737154

It's not on lolibrary, so probably not. It looks like the hem scallop JSK, but without the scallops.

>> No.10737158
File: 27 KB, 388x503, classical_puppets_romanticism_one_piece_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infanta, Surface Spell, Classical Puppets etc? Jp brands aren't even top quality anymore, its all crunchy polyester for new releases

>> No.10737167

I couldn't find it either, but thought it was maybe mistagged. It does look like that. I thought it might be an old lucky pack jsk since it's a partner version of the hem scallop they've been releasing since forever.

>> No.10737168

*Plainer not partner

>> No.10737800

What the fuck is with Wunderwelt's second hand pricing? Their '50% off sale' items only seem 1000 yen cheaper than the same item not on sale, it seems like they're building in their special offers etc. into the pricing structure of all their items. I'd rather have no special shipping offers / no sale and actual reasonable prices.

>> No.10738164

huge girl at swap meet keeps going over to the small stuff to complain that its "made for children" the entire meet
have to hold in the temptation to go over to her stuff and say its made for elephants

>> No.10738166

Same, which is why I need use WW unless they have a dream item or like rn their free shipping offer. Fuck WW.

>> No.10738208

Tell her to stop infantilizing Japanese women

>> No.10739183

Hey, I don't post but this is some very concerning news and it doesn't seem like it's been talked about at all except briefly in the RRMemorandum thread.

It seems by no later then Mar 11, Russia is going to disconnect from global internet. Livejournal is on very limited time before it can no longer be accessed on a worldwide scale. If any gulls out there have the ability, mass archiving efforts are needed to keep a good chunk of western lolita history from vanishing ASAP. Individual users may also want to back up their accounts and then possibly delete?

>> No.10739185

Damn, I meant the Old School thread.

>> No.10739215

Where are you getting this news from, with specific dates no less? So far it doesn't look like this will happen

>> No.10739224

LJ is hosted from Russia? I wouldn't have thought that... So much is hosted in US/ NZ/ SE

>> No.10739232

A Russian company bought LJ years ago.

>> No.10739335

Damn, well RIP to my old posts but it's for a good cause. Not going to try to save or back them up

>> No.10739341

Anyone gonna archive btb? Just to have a fun memory to laugh at.

>> No.10739347

This probably just means Russia wants all Russian sites hosted in Russia and not relying on outside servers. I don't think it means lj is going away.

That said lj had been dying for a long time and people should still archive it while they can

>> No.10739382

This reminds me of when photobucket went to shit a couple of years ago and nobody was giving a damn or archiving anything until it was already too late. I used to be able to browse through peoples albums and find tons of old stock pictures from the early 2000s. Unfortunately I only saved few images, I always thought there would be enough time to do it later... Sometimes when I browse through lolibrary searching for an item I clearly recall having seen the stock pictures of that item before but all they have is the shit quality image of some second hand site or the grainy thumbnail. Let's not make this mistake again

>> No.10739405

On one hand I very much feel the same. The internet isn't as permanent as people always thought it was. It frustrates and saddens me when people just let things vanish without a trace.
OTOH I just don't have the energy to spend forever fiddling with the wayback machine or something. I do a little bit but honestly the bit that I do feels like a drop in a bath tub sized bucket. Makes a bitch feel tired to put in effort and then not feel like anything got done

>> No.10741473
File: 535 KB, 369x529, happy tartans-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know when the pre-order for Happy Tartans is ending?

>> No.10741486

I think I made a huge mistake ordering this. It's not really what I have in mind when I think about what I'd like, but I got carried away and ordered anyway.

>> No.10741489

Impulse control, anon! I don't think VF let you cancel orders, but perhaps you will still end up liking whatever items you got when you see them in person.

>> No.10741524

For what its worth, it looks like this release has cute and versatile items. Hope you can turn the mistake into a positive.

>> No.10741536

I like tartans, and those look ok-ish, but tartan-wise, they're absolutely trash as a tartan, very low quality, still, they look ok

>> No.10741539

You could probably sell it to someone if you don't like it.

>> No.10741546

Anyone here ever try ordering from Physical Drop directly via email? How long does it take to get a response?

>> No.10741547

VF accept returns, literally states that on the website

>> No.10741699

Just order via Atpie and get the free shipping

>> No.10741731
File: 49 KB, 400x632, 70726f647563742f32303232303331335f6664336331312e6a706567003430300000660066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I would have but the JSK I want isn't on their site (yet?)

>> No.10741739

They said you can DM @atelier_pierrot on IG to purchase if it’s not yet on the site.

>> No.10741765

This is up on WunderWelt

>> No.10741853

enjoy your overpriced shipping if you buy from WW

>> No.10741903

I just bought their original petticoat and the shipping was 1000yen cope harder anon.

>> No.10741910

Speaking of shipping, Closet Child are only offering DHL right now and its so pricy fml. Any gulls used DHL lately and was it fast?

>> No.10741945

DHL is ridiculously fast, usually takes about 3 days for me but I literally got something next day after it shipped once. In southern US for reference

>> No.10741948

DHL is king. I always pay more for them because of how fast and reliable they are. For months now they've been cheaper than EMS too.

>> No.10741957

Oh thats good to hear! I'm in Europe so it hopefully will be similarly fast.

>> No.10741968


Ems is unfortunately more expensive these days too. DHL gets there usually before the estimated date for me. It's so fast it's unreal. EMS is offered in my country now but I only use it if I want to dodge customs

>> No.10741973

I really, really wish that lifaau scalper on yahoo auctions would kill himself already.

>> No.10741983

I only use DHL, I don’t fuck with ems anymore. I’m willing to throw the extra money at them because my packages arrive to me super fast and not dented or ripped.

>> No.10742251

I posted this before maybe itt or the last, but CC's shipping is auto calculated and you will likely get a partial refund after it ships if the price seems weirdly high.

>> No.10742537

Shipping is fucked in Japan at the moment. Not every country is accepting EMS and even fewer allow the cheaper shipping methods. FedEx Yamato and DHL are expensive but don't have as many restrictions.

>> No.10742590

Why are Wunderwelt so slow to ship ffsss

>> No.10742591

CC claims that DHL doesn't have any default insurance, so be careful.

>> No.10742699

Insurance is overrated, USPS refused to return my money when I sent something fully insured and it was return to sender. They said the return was "delivered" after I paid them fucking $60 for their services. I also had a dress go missing fully insured, and they refused to pay out because "delivered." So why fucking bother, I use the cheapest shipping now because of them refusing to reimburse anything

>> No.10742706

Seriously, I had a package from Baby that took literally a month to get to me, sent EMS. There was no rush so I didn’t really care but how annoying. I’m on the west coast of the US too, airmail is usually faster than that.

>> No.10742710

Yes. It's taking nearly 3 weeks to get something from my SS on the West coast. It's bad.

>> No.10742865

That's it? Whiney burgers, kek. Some countries are taking up to three months to get items through EMS.

>> No.10743022
File: 72 KB, 1612x312, Screenshot 2022-03-18 at 14.09.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting such weird sissy/roleplaying vibes from this person's descriptions on LM

>> No.10743041

real ems not epacket

>> No.10743045

does anyone have a photo saved of the red runway version of Milky-chan the Fawn? Trying to show a friend bc we were talking abt it and I can't find it anywhere for the life of me bc I'm stupid.

>> No.10743056

>other people are more miserable so you can’t be upset about anything

>> No.10743071

There are children in Africa!

>> No.10743079

Dude thinks he's J Peterman. Not necessarily a sissy but definitely autistic lol

>> No.10743080


>> No.10743719

Anyone get anything from the Boz reservations?

>> No.10743722

>no option for paypal in the checkout
>literally listed as available on the item page
>cc option never works on jp sites for me

I would be more upset, but I get the feeling that theres going to be a lot more restocks. Hopefully I get my shit sorted before then.

>> No.10743725

Was going to go for the Carol OP, but I wanted the short sleeve version so I'll pass

>> No.10743750

it doesn't say that at all, retard.

>> No.10743759

paypal is listed at the very bottom of the 'payment method' tab, retard

>> No.10743762


>> No.10743763

Nta but it wasn't actually an option in the checkout

>> No.10743785

it's using the paypal checkout API. lmao, what a moron.

>> No.10743884

So where can I buy brand from Russian Lolitas since rubbles cheapy

>> No.10743909

Nowhere rn nonny do you live under a rock? Shipping is suspended to and from their country and gl finding a payment processor that accepts Russian transactions.

>> No.10743926
File: 45 KB, 608x851, payment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of these is paypal?

>> No.10743945

DHL comes with high custom taxes in Europe, don't forget that.

>> No.10743995
File: 362 KB, 1207x1500, 2696566980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to ask if I should bother messaging l'esprit de noblesse about my shit. I know the cash system was stopped, but I preordered months ago. Didn't know shipping was stopped too, thanks anon.

I probably won't be getting my dress or my money back huh.

>> No.10744004
File: 161 KB, 1071x884, xd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just here, on the page for the product. They also have Amazon Pay here, which doesn't show in the checkout.

>> No.10744009

do you know how to read japanese or nah?

>> No.10744068

Literally everything does unless you get someone to mark it down. Europe is suffering.

>> No.10744513

Genuine question- why is it that lolitas all seem to be some kind of in love with peepys? Out of all the hobby/subculture groups I talk to, no other one seems to have as consistent awareness of peepy and his crimes.

>> No.10744515

Yeah free healthcare and education and legal drinking at 16-18, such suffering.

>> No.10744516

Those plush things? I'm guessing because a lot of lolitas already like plushes and kitschy things inherently, plus they're pretty funny.

>> No.10744813

Wtf, custom charges do not change based on the type of shipping you use.

>> No.10744814

You have absolutely no idea how much in taxes we pay to get the ”free healthcare and education”, you absolute moron.

>> No.10744820

who cares about taxes, if you get cancer or break all the bones your legs your healthcare system wont leave you to die. sleep soundly. burgers may have more disposable income but it’s to keep us consuming and coping knowing that an extra 20k a year wont do shit for healthcare or education

>> No.10744827

Anon probably means the extra fees DHL now automatically charge for "processing taxation" (aka transporting it from your local customs to your home) regardless of item value.

>> No.10744829

Go to burger land and stop your bitching then. You can go bankrupt over small health issues and god forbid you get cancer or something life threatening.

>> No.10744830

I'm sorry but our taxes are chill in comparison to the cost of American (or literally anywhere else's) healthcare. I'll take the high-ish taxes any day.

>> No.10744836

oh hell yeah, when i read the lolita general thread i really want to see people argue about taxes and healthcare in america vs europe

>> No.10744852

Really? DHL in my country doesn’t charge you any extra fees if you choose to do the customs declaration yourself online.

>> No.10744855

The free healthcare is shit though and actually will leave you to die lol. Public healthcare doesn’t give a single shit about anyone’s health. Any real help you need will cost you quite a lot of money and trust me I have a lot of experience with that with the health problems I’ve had in my life. At least that’s how it is in Finland nowadays.

>> No.10744877

Ayrt, I know how much taxes you pay, you just have no idea how fucking awful it is for the average person in America even with private health insurance, and our costs for everything are increasing despite the lack of taxes, all due to corporate greed taking advantage of people's misconceptions about inflation and economics.

I'm someone luckier with good healthcare, a salaried job, and living in a nice neighborhood, but I've lived in enough places abroad like Japan, among others, to know socialized healthcare, good transportation infrastructure, and more is better than the highway robbery America is fucking with.

Pay your fees or mark down your purchases idk but I find it annoying when you bitch about how much you're suffering because of customs. I am sympathetic to other real suffering Euros deal with though like the current war, etc., just not the imagined oppression of customs fees.

>> No.10744901

>comparing japanese healthcare to european healthcare
How about you try living in some european country before thinking healthcare here is anything compared to japan.

>> No.10745127

>I find it annoying when you bitch about how much you're suffering because of customs
Why? Do you want to pay almost double for any of your purchases too? lmao

>> No.10745222

Japan's healthcare is overpriced and one of the worst out of the G7 nations. You would know this if you knew what was spewing out of your mouth.

>> No.10746247
File: 2.22 MB, 1000x944, 1640712398973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything like Rustic/medieval/woods/nature inspired lolita fashion?

>> No.10746346
File: 139 KB, 480x640, B46SK507_BK-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have anymore information on the Baby Yokohama store special advance reserve Kumya-chan's fluffy sky with Tea Party pattern.
Is this suppose to be a soft pre-sale?


>> No.10746347
File: 3.67 MB, 1444x1438, Screen Shot 2022-03-27 at 2.45.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10747402
File: 744 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220330_144012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get it in black or purple?

>> No.10748385

If no one else makes a new thread soon I might do it myself. And I know nothing about lolita so it'll be a low effort opening post, possibly with an ita opening pic.