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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10725084 No.10725084 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for you frilly folk who dye old pieces, sew your own repairs, make custom accessories, and so on.

>What are you currently working on?
>Any questions for this board?

Bonus points:
>What are some other projects you have in the works?
>What are some crafting projects you wish you knew more about, but haven't tried yet?
>What's a craft you're proud of?
>What was a bad craft?

>> No.10725085
File: 977 KB, 1238x1222, Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 9.49.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start:

>What are you currently working on?
Pic related – ordered an “all wool” capelet from WW – going to try to oxiclean the stains out for a long time. Any other cleaning/stain removal tips (especially for fur) would be appreciated. Anything that remains I might embroider over.
>Any questions for this board?
I know people are like “don’t bleach wool!”, but I really wanna bleach it. I don’t want to cut off a piece to have to try out the results…but I might just to see the effect. Does anyone have experience bleaching brand?

Bonus points:
>What are some other projects you have in the works?
To name a few, three headpieces (flowers and ostrich feathers from etsy), going to re-dye a black jsk, and want to paint some black shoes a deep green.
>What are some crafting projects you wish you knew more about, but haven't tried yet?
Jewelry making beyond throwing some beads on elastic. Resin jewelry would also be cute someday. Anyone have some good diy blogs?
>What's a craft you're proud of?
Turned a non brand dress into a tiered skirt, hemmed it well and added buttons. It looks so much cuter now.
>What was a bad craft?
Shoe-gooed some black pleather boots that were peeling, but now they have a terrible pebbly texture. Now sure how to bring them back from the dead just yet.

>> No.10725091

>I know people are like “don’t bleach wool!”, but I really wanna bleach it.
People say “don’t bleach wool” because bleach eats through protein, including animal fibers like wool.

>> No.10725092
File: 3.66 MB, 4032x3024, 16435146950907606354243848479466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on this JSK

>> No.10725093

Anon, if it’s actually wool do not bleach it! The bleach will eat the fiber! It would also possibly remove the ivory dye, and it might not be super white after. It might be splotchy. I would only chance dying it if it’s not wool and you are willing to have it be a total loss if it turns out badly.

>> No.10725109

Are you the same anon who tried dyeing your shit black? Because it explains a lot.

>> No.10725110

Makes sense about the fiber. I wish there was a different way to lighten animal fibers in this kind of scenario, I'll look more into it and also probably do a flame test to make sure it's not secretly polyester, also it was like $30 so it wouldn't be the end of the world if I ruined it.

lol, no but fair point

This is confusing me, are you sewing the bodice details on the inside of the dress? Why are the side seams still raw?

>> No.10725115

This is the front piece, I haven't sewed it to the back piece yet, that's why the edges are raw. And the details are on the front piece, not the inside.

>> No.10725118

Buncha Farmers Stain Sticks are wool safe and effective stain removers. Baby Castile soaps can also be used on wool. These are both used regularly to get stains out of expensive, custom wool cloth diaper covers.

>> No.10725125
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 96134877-4982-4AEA-A855-7E256D2E7C21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I acquired a bag of nice lace doilies from my grandmother, planning to make a canotier similar to picrel. I’d love to hear any other suggestions for what could be made with them as well.

>> No.10725134

Rosettes maybe? Have fun anon!

>> No.10725142

If they turn out like that pic I'd so buy them

>> No.10725192

Anyone knows if this typical grandma lace fits for sock topping or wristcuffs? I have a bunch but it seems kind of rought and sturdy to touch

>> No.10725195

I personally don't like for the very reason you mentioned. I feel they don't get "fluffed" enough. But there are some brands that have used them in the past, making layers of them to substitute the impossibility of shirring them together.

>> No.10725204

Good for oldschool and proto, I wouldn’t wear them in modern

>> No.10725209
File: 14 KB, 240x320, ec68b8d8-490a-5a1f-a63b-b62eff033f11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That poor poor poor Baby JSK. I've always wanted the OP with apron set and this absolute dick-splash has destroyed it.

>> No.10725240

Interesting way of creating it, I would want to have the general shape down first before the details, personally. But this is going to turn out nice with your attention to craftsmanship.

>> No.10725260

Thanks! I did it this way to secure the ribbons and ruffles into the seams, and I think it's good to have the details finished before the lining is completely sewn in.

>> No.10725261

If they are rough to touch, likelihood is it's going to get bashed on for being low quality. The reason why people started liking raschel is because the quality used by brands is usually better, there was just stigma created from all the itas / chinese lolita replicas.

>> No.10725280 [DELETED] 

>the reason why people started liking raschel is because the quality used by brands is usually better
Meta and Marble have always used nice raschel lace, westerners are just retarded and have no eye for quality so they need to be given strict guidelines.

>> No.10725283

Accurate, but it took everyone awhile to recognize and differentiate. But the scratchy stuff is still questionable truthfully.

>> No.10725289

This is cute, is it for Valentine's Day? It looks like you embroidered the trim at the ruffle, I've never seen that before it's very clever.

>> No.10725294
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, 73E24C42-FE5E-4D9A-9E9B-9FF83C0A7948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished hand sewing a tiny replica of my dream dress/first lolita piece I've ever gotten for my doll. I've been meaning to do it for years, but kept putting it off, and now it's finally done. Made some tiny rosaries for her as well, so we can truly twin.

>> No.10725298

This is so cute anon!

>> No.10725305

Goddammit that was the cutest thing I’ve seen all day. Good job anon

>> No.10725306

This is so delightful. Do you have pics of the doll wearing it?

>> No.10725310

That's adorable, where did you get the fabric from?

>> No.10725313

Thank you, anons! I'm quite happy with the result myself and I'm glad I could make your day better.

Not yet, but I'll take one tomorrow and post it here!

I found it while browsing the fabric selection at my local craft store. Thankfully, I haven't discarded the packaging yet - it's patchwork cotton by a brand called Peppy. It doesn't have a name, but I believe the item number is 4523. Hope this helps!

>> No.10725319

that bitch just threw it away like it was nothing too. fucking tragic.

>> No.10725323

Does anyone know what dress this? Or the lolibrary link? It's gorgeous.

>> No.10725325 [DELETED] 
File: 1.58 MB, 2160x952, 20211022_222146_mh1643572802670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just been doing a lot of commissions for Little Cat Sambo jewelry lately. Who knew this little guy would be so darn popular!!

>> No.10725356


>> No.10725373

It actually was a bedsheet that I got at a thrift store for $6, the embroidery was already on it. I thought it would make a pretty dress so her we are! I probably will wear it on valentines <3 will also add a waist bow

>> No.10725391

How would you even advertise this without getting shit on for racism

>> No.10725393

How can I order some, if your commissions are still open? I love him

>> No.10725395

these are still shitty. polymer clay is always awful.

>> No.10725397

They are actually are actually made from resin. I'm not really a fan of polymer clay.

>> No.10725399

then why do they look so awful? i use resin all the time and would kill myself if it was this horrid.

>> No.10725418

Post your work then.

>> No.10726140


>> No.10726155

i love this. they look so similar, you really nailed it.
why are they so lumpy? the paint is all thick and sloppily applied too.

>> No.10726578
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, 20220201_205225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished, still gonna add detachable straps. I'm still pretty new to lolita and somewhat of a beginner at sewing, but I think it's decent for my first attempt at a lolita style dress. Now I gotta figure out what to coord it with! Also question for the more experienced: Could a strapless JSK like this be considered "Ero Lolita" if worn without a blouse?

>> No.10726581

don't want to out my shop but honestly i feel bad for you...

>> No.10726584

I'm not the OP lmao.

>> No.10726588

i still feel bad you're defending this mess. i would rather they were a good product so people would shut the fuck up about them being racist.

>> No.10726590

All I did was tell you to post your work and you're sperging.

>> No.10726592


This is such a dumb comeback. No one needs to make art to know that art is bad.

>> No.10726593 [DELETED] 

nta but just say you're mad about the wacist cat

>> No.10726595


No, the resin's just shit. But go for it, no one is stopping you and your garbage taste.

>> No.10726596

can you make little mask for them too

>> No.10726598

Can you read?
>i use resin all the time and would kill myself if it was this horrid.

>> No.10726600

you're so mad. calm down. learn to use resin.

>> No.10726602 [DELETED] 

hope your resin skills are better than your ability to follow a conversation

>> No.10726604

Yeah I don't think a comparison would help you since you're blind

>> No.10726612 [DELETED] 

It's just a cat. Imagine wonderfuck screaming about an innocent cat being a symbol of racism in no less than twenty tweets.

>> No.10726613

Stop projecting

>> No.10726920

I want to submit a commission too, it's black history months after all

>> No.10726923 [DELETED] 

It's literally named after a racist caricature

>> No.10726932
File: 309 KB, 678x550, 22968_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could a strapless JSK like this be considered "Ero Lolita" if worn without a blouse?
no, but I would avoid strapless JSKs if it's your first time coording.

Anon, do you want concrit on this piece of yours? You need to straighten the ribbon and, to reflect on the decoration you've made. It's nice that this is your first attempt, but try comparing this finished dress to your source of reference. The details in the bodice seem a bit rough = non delicate.

My suggestion would be that, next time, decide your coord before sewing the dress, so that you can already plan the decoration, the theme, motifs.

>> No.10726933
File: 18 KB, 250x333, 00aba44774c335a00f4195ec5a7657ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pics just to show some examples of decorative corset ribbons on the bodice that could inspire your next attempt.

>> No.10726945 [DELETED] 

It's based on a book that had a black boy in place of a cat. when it got to Japan they redid the book with a black dog instead to escape the already well known racism in the original illustrations, but that made things worse. Then somewhere along this journey they transformed the dog into a cat. Still, it's all about the black sambo, an Indian boy portrayed as a black boy from plantations in the US.

>> No.10726949 [DELETED] 

imagine frothing at the mouth over a cute kitty cat

>> No.10726953

You're the only one worried, anon. We're just informing your uninformed self.

>> No.10726997 [DELETED] 

It's a children's book about a dark skinned South Indian boy who outsmarts tigers and eats pancakes.... Have you read it or are you just regurgitating woke talking points?

>> No.10727000

can we get back on topic? the thread is full of back and forth arguing now

>> No.10727003

Hey Anon, thanks for your help and thanks for the reference photos. By rough do you mean that you think the ribbons & ruffles on the front are too thick? Or should it be more complex/detailed like the photos you posted?

I will try to find better materials for the next one.

>> No.10727008
File: 2.91 MB, 1125x2436, 394CEFA2-9B1B-4143-A6EE-32CAE049A9E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but the front looks rough because there’s nothing there for my eye to focus on. Needs more. It’s plain, so also think about adding lace. The ribbon for the corset lacing is also too thick.
you should also use picrel for your corset lacing. Good job on what you have so far, excited to see how it turns out in the future

>> No.10727012

This is adorable!

>> No.10727034

What term would you use to search for this?

>> No.10727036

Loop trim. It’s sometimes marked as button loop trim as well but those will be elastic.

>> No.10727037

Thank you anon!

>> No.10727041 [DELETED] 

Have you ever seen the original one? There are many discussions on it in the academia, anon. It's ok if you don't have the brains for it, you can stay with the surface level interpretation.

>> No.10727043

That's so sweet! Did you do it by hand? Major kudos, sewing tiny little things is so hard.

>> No.10727052

Are you making and selling bad quality replicas?? Wtf

>> No.10727055

Awww someone is jealous of another person's success. Are you a Millenial? Because Zoomers dont get so salty

>> No.10727058

You're so stupid, JM released a set of black cat sambo bracelets back in the time and these anon is making are the exact replicas. You sound the like the newfag, supporting replicas while at cgl

>> No.10727059

anon please don't engage her, she's just baiting you

>> No.10727060

>another person's success

>> No.10727072 [DELETED] 

design replicas are fair game

>> No.10727083

Nayrt but this is artwork replica, not design replica.

>> No.10727110

This looks very poorly and cheaply made, anon, maybe it would help if you bought a proper dress first for reference

>> No.10727118

how is a black cat's face trademarked art?

>> No.10727124

I think it's pretty good for a newbie attempt. The trim is what's standing out to me. I'd get more familiar with what detailing Lolita dresses usually have. The construction looks pretty good especially for someone new to sewing.

>> No.10727125

Ah, that makes a lot more sense than what I did with sewing the ribbon into the front panel. Thank you for your help!

>> No.10727137

I did order a few things, they just haven't arrived yet.. in the meantime gotta satisfy the urge to sew things because spergs. And yeah I'm practicing with cheap materials until I get better and feel more comfortable with higher quality materials.

>> No.10727139

i think it's a good first try. you're right it's best to practice with cheap materials before moving on to quality stuff. my first attempt wasn't even wearable.

>> No.10727175

You can whiten wool and remove certain stains with a hydrogen peroxide solution. Do your research.

>> No.10727240

honestly I think your construction is pretty clean. I think you have a ton of potential. the skirt is not bad at all, it's just the design of the bodice that's a bit iffy.
I think this dress would have turned out better if the lacing did not taper towards the skirt, but went straight down. And as other anons pointed out, it would have been better to use proper trims. Use lace with loops, and then instead of the white ruffle, nice white embroidered lace would have been better. Your ruffles are also not very full. I would have gathered them more tightly. A ruffle or lace trim on the skirt might have been nice, too.
What's great is that your skirt definitely has enough volume for a petti. Maybe some time down the line, when you have more experience, you could redo the bodice assuming you have enough fabric. Or just make a waistband and turn it into a skirt. It would work as a skirt just fine.
You can get some lovely trims on taobao, or aliexpress if you're not sure about the former. Just learn from your existing brand pieces first so you know how to find the good stuff.

>> No.10727353 [DELETED] 

The original Sambo story was actually the first book to have a black protagonist, written in 1899 when black people were still tranistioning from slavery to being veiwed as normal people. This book is a great win for black history and normalizing black people in literature and culture. And not portraying black people as subhuman. Sambo in the book outsmarts the tigers who are trying to eat him and saves the day. I'm so sick of wokefags shitting on legit black history and calling it racist. Wokefag erasure of black history is truly despicable.

>> No.10727354


>> No.10727362

Anon I found this millefleurs dress that reminded of you:

Not saying you should copy this and do ruffles and corset boning, I just thought the lace and corset lacing on it might give you some inspiration.

>> No.10727387

That's really pretty, thank you! I can see how they did the lacing dufferently, I will have to try to do it more like that next time

>> No.10727392

This honestly looks like a cosplay dress of some anime ita.

>> No.10727397

when does the next otome no sewing come out?

>> No.10727416

The last one was just released, anon. You'll have to wait at least 10 months for the next one.

>> No.10727417

Low quality bait

>> No.10727457 [DELETED] 

do some research for once. leftist have been perverting the narratives. they want to get rid of anything good that has happened for black people and make it racist. black people are only allowed to be oppressed and dependent on their white saviors.

>> No.10727460 [DELETED] 

again, very low quality bait. Sambo is Indian, not black. That's one of the controversies of the original book, my child. You're too young and too naive it seems.

>> No.10727513

Does anyone have experience vending through Atelier Pierrot, Wunderwelt, Lolita Collective? Ive been making simple cutsews but I don’t want to run a shop by myself to sell them. Mostly wondering what quantity of product they’d expect.

>> No.10727528 [DELETED] 

Then Little 'Black' Sambo shouldn't be racist towards black people at all...Since he is actually Little 'Indian' Sambo. We all know Indians don't matter. Only Black Lives Matter kek. So I guess we can un-cancel Little Cat Sambo right?

>> No.10727534

Unless you’re Japanese, this won’t be viable. Just take after something like the black ribbon and open your own thing, it’s not like selling through a japanese source would make it any easier, probably the opposite

>> No.10727535

oh man. i looked it up and the latest issue just isn't for me. thank you anon, i guess i have to wait indeed.
hey friends, please stop filling this thread with some pointless argument please.

>> No.10727545

Sell through the lolita collective because they sell trash like puvithel and a gato anyway.

>> No.10727547

>is on 4chin
>expects not to see pointless arguments

>> No.10727596

I've been working on some simple pieces just to do something and wanted to ask if there's a wrong way to put in shirring for jsks. Ons has like 3 different ways to do it, random tutorials all do it differently. I was just going to sew one side of the front/back bodice, sew down strips for elastic channels, and then sew the other side of the bodice together once I get the elastic threaded.

Would that still be alright or should I just do the elastic channels on the front and back separately then sew together once they've been individually done?

>> No.10727662

This really stamped out any inklings of my ideas to try and dye a bonnet. I thought it would look terrible but not THIS terrible. What did you use op? Rit?

>> No.10727774

The picture is taken from here >>10724127 so the creator might not be in this thread although they probably are

>> No.10727802

You'll be fine, I dye things all the time. Just remove the metal inside first

>> No.10728206

This is horrible advice.

>> No.10728243

If you're too scared to dye your clothes just say that and go

>> No.10728268

If you're doing channels I recommend sewing the latter option of sewing the front and back together after elastics so your shirring doesn't end up uneven (bunched up to one side etc) when worn.

>> No.10728292

Has anyone tried embossing velvet? I've seen people do it with rubber stamps and an iron. Could the same be done to velveteen?

>> No.10728300

I've made a couple of headdresses with that method, I'll post some pics tomorrow.

>> No.10729619

NTA, but I would love to see these pictures!

>> No.10729999
File: 160 KB, 741x1024, ots8-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you currently working on?

I am making two versions of picrel in some nice wool, one converted into a shorter coat in red, and one in brown. I want to customize it by making the front a single row of buttons, with scallops around each button like on some brand coats I've seen. Planning to do decorative welted pockets with bows on the front as well to make it more interesting and match the bow on the back.

>> No.10730631

Dude use a diluted bath of hydrogen peroxide. Wool is keratin just like human hair, you can bleach it with peroxide as long as you're gentle and don't fry the shit out of it

>> No.10730633

Rit is garbage. Use fiber reactive dyes for plant based fibers (cotton, linen, rayon) and acid dyes for protein fibers (silk, wool, mohair, cashmere) instead of that shit. Literally the only extra chemicals you need beyond the dye itself are sodium carbonate (aka washing soda, available in most supermarket laundry aisles) for fiber reactive and distilled white vinegar or citric acid for acid dyes. I suggest dharma trading for buying dyeing shit

>> No.10730638

Sounds great, anon. I'd love to see the finished coats.

>> No.10730646

Which brand of dye do you suggest anon?

>> No.10730651

Maybe I'll post them. I don't usually post photos of my projects because I'm plus-sized and don't have the stomach to hear anons berate me for not being thin enough.

>> No.10731992
File: 370 KB, 1059x1575, 20220216_025406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this tonight, this is my second attempt at a maxipad headdress and it turned out much better than the first, though it still has issues. looks alright enough for me though. need more practice making smaller pieces, little details frustrate me in ways large items like dresses don't.

seconding a request to see your work, I've also wanted to try embossing velvet and I'd love to see how yours turned out!

>> No.10732005

That looks really good!

>> No.10732009

the fuck it does. shit is too narrow and the lace is too big for the lacing. this is why the comm is so ita.
learn to sew.

>> No.10732024

You could've at least put a little more effort in your shitposting...

>> No.10732032

sorry you're shit at sewing. the lace isn't even evenly sewn. don't post shit if you don't want criticism.

>> No.10732037

How is this shitposting? Did she hurt your feels?

>> No.10732045

I'm not even the anon that posted her headdress, I just find your "criticism" to be nothing but useless.
Usually people who scream nothing but "IT SUCKS" aren't actually there to contribute to a thread. Shocking, I know!
Claiming something is shit and then substantiating that claim with personal opinions is pretty much the standard of shitposting.
That post was as contributing to this thread as me going:
>your post is shit, it contains only sentences ending with question marks
>learn to write better

>> No.10732048

Are you the same retard posting "nazis" in the ita thread?

>> No.10732050

What the fuck, no

>> No.10732051

Then stop acting like a faggot.

>> No.10732055

Make me, faggot.

>> No.10732058

now kiss

>> No.10732059

I can't work miracles.

>> No.10732485

I like the lace on this, mind sharing where you got it from?

>> No.10732589

It kinda looks like you freehanded your fabric, forgot to press it and trim the seams when you turned it, and then sewed the lace on to try and cover up the uneven-ness. On the other hand, probably no one will see any of that when you actually wear it.

>> No.10734777
File: 2.27 MB, 2268x2747, 20220222_213800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I made over Presidents Day weekend, first try with fabric that I would consider wearing. Definitely some things I would change next time and I wanna use some better lace and lolita fabric for the next one.

>> No.10734900

lace aside nonny this is real fucking cute

>> No.10734903

the bows are really sad.

>> No.10734905

Bow are really trick in the beginning, because we usually assume that they are super easy to make. My suggestion would be to use interfacing to give some structure to your waist bow next time. The middle part might be a little wide too.

>> No.10734912

this could be cute if you tried harder and didn't use the cheapest materials available

>> No.10734913

Funny, that's how I feel about >>10734777

nayrt btw

>> No.10734921

Anyone have advice on how to reshape a bonnet?

The seller folded it in half to ship and now it sits on my head weird, feels bad gulls.

>> No.10734946

I would steam it. Eiher use the steam on an iron or just leave it in the bathroom while you take a hot shower.

>> No.10734950

There's some interfacing in there but it's pretty thin. Also I was wondering why the bows I made looked off, gonna change that next time.

>> No.10734981

How would I go about laundering/ironing something with synthetic raschel lace? Will machine washing on cold and steaming work?

>> No.10735013
File: 22 KB, 639x830, tumblr_ojjuwx1IBe1w21qoxo5_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made a dozen bows wrong before finally getting the hang of it, anon. Don't worry, practice does make perfect in sewing.

>> No.10735022


>> No.10735364

Sorry you're too dumb to understand why that's a horrible idea. Depending on the materials it can be pretty difficult to dye everything an even color even if you use dyes for both synthetic and natural materials. Not to mention that if the cloth has a print it can be completely ruined by the dye. There's so many things that can go wrong and just blanket telling someone to dye their brand because you did it once is dumbass territory bad advice.

>> No.10736591

I just received an off white wool Baby coat with a bunch of undisclosed tiny yellow stains. I'm assuming it's yellowing that appeared in storage, since it's scattered all over the coat. How would I go about removing them without taking the coat to a dry cleaners? Dry cleaning services over here can't be trusted, they'll ruin it irreparably.

>> No.10737039

Start with handwashing the whole thing with wool/delicates detergent if the spots are everywhere. The "dryclean only" recommendation is just that, if you look at people who restore and sell vintage clothing (which is usually far more delicate and older than most lolita) they aren't drycleaning, they are just using gentler detergents and making sure they don't go anywhere near a washing machine or dryer.

>> No.10737789

It looks like you just did a single 'layer' for the top of the larger bow as well judging from where the topstitching is. If you want it to sit better, you want to double it over like in the ribbon bow pic so there's a fold on the outer edge >>10735013 otherwise it will look sad and flat.

>> No.10741481
File: 15 KB, 285x380, 8354ED80-D8C0-45DD-8DBF-9F99417E7713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally decided to dye this 2012 atelier pierrot skirt. Loved the black color way but never found it for sale so I bit the bullet today, will post updates

>> No.10741485
File: 1.34 MB, 4032x3024, 4DC590E2-1ACF-4E8C-B5D6-31FE45FE02F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update she is in the dye bath! Wish me luck!

>> No.10741493
File: 27 KB, 441x294, 6c30b16d26263edaf6fa86a76e7991c3 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried turning a plushie into a bag before? If so, how did it work out?

>> No.10741496

it's not going to work...

>> No.10741511

it will work perfectly!

>> No.10741512

I can smell your pro ana bullshit from here. Sorry you didn't have a good relationship with your dad but you won't get his approval by bashing gulls on here. This is embarrassing, honestly.

>> No.10741531

I tried way bag when I was new. I made bad choices from the ground up, with a stuffed animal not suited to it, bad lining choices, and a lack of skill. That's not to say it's a bad idea, i'd just practice on bargin bin stuffed animals before you try for the one you really want, but that' snot news.

>> No.10741606 [DELETED] 

Are you that anon that's too retarded to know how to dye fabric?

>> No.10741609

Please do post the results when it's finished, anon!

>> No.10741616

a fully made piece of clothing isn't fabric.

>> No.10741633 [DELETED] 

What exactly do you think garments are made of?

>> No.10741691

Nta but dyeing garments is nothing like dyeing fabric. Just from the pic of the skirt it's obviously not going to take dye well.

>> No.10741698

are you zoomers still in here arguing that shitty RIT dye from joann's is good for dyeing lolita? the absolute state.

>> No.10741703


>> No.10741761

Op here, for everyone asking to post results, it’s going to need a second round of dye to fix some patchiness in the polyester lining so I will go tomorrow to buy some synthetic fabric dye and update again. I will also dye the cotton one more time but with more dye since I don’t think I used enough the first time

>> No.10741769 [DELETED] 

Just because you're inexperienced with it doesn't mean every gull is.

>> No.10741799

You're an idiot.

>> No.10741810

Are you that anon who's too retarded to accept that garment dyeing is extremely variable and some fabrics are nearly impossible to dye

>> No.10741817 [DELETED] 

Kek seethe and cope. My pieces have always come out consistent after 1-2 dye baths. Particularly black dye is easy to get consistent results from. If you can't read package instructions then get a translator.

>> No.10741821

Retard confirmed. Black is literally the easiest color to dye so you have nothing to brag about. Have fun getting an even color with your mixed blend fibers, trims, and stitching. Kek. Even pro dyers will tell you to just forget it when trying to dye polyester. I'm sure the majority of things you've dyed turned out uglier than when you started.

>> No.10741822

weak bait bro.

>> No.10741823

Kek this scared the shit out of me I thought it was a real Robert

>> No.10741826


>> No.10741828

>My pieces have always come out consistent after 1-2 dye baths.
post before and after proof of your brand or admit your dye jobs are as bad as op

>> No.10741829

spoiler, she is OP

>> No.10741845

you guys will fight about anything. i just want to see crafting pics, i don't mind if they weren't successes

>> No.10742072

nyart, but what is good dye,then? Any suggestions for under informed gulls?

>> No.10742083

the suggestion is don't try to dye things. the dyes they sell at craft stores are for things like white tshirts or children's activities. most people know that dyeing premade items is unpredictable at best, despite the many trolls and zoomers trying to convince you it works. hell, the skirt anon was dyeing had both polyester and cotton in it, so it was always going to be a patchy mess. she'll never post the results because it's not going to be good enough. even professional dyes don't always work. just think of it like dyeing hair.

>> No.10742093

>the dyes they sell at craft stores are for things like white tshirts or children's activities.
Also for dying faded clothes to freshen them

>> No.10742096

ya this too, but most normies will just toss their faded clothes. the real point is they're not good for totally changing the color of a garment. the many anons who claim it's super easy should share their dye brands though.

>> No.10742163 [DELETED] 

It is easy, I think you guys are just using shit dye from the sound of it.

>> No.10742169

post dye or die.

>> No.10742195
File: 977 KB, 1478x1478, DFB2E9F2-0B47-4E06-848C-FC163E7A8B71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we are sharing dye fails I am owning up to my mistake of trying to color this Jane Marple OP grey. I don’t know exactly how or why but it turned green and I completely ruined this piece before I even wore it out. This was last year, I’ve learned from my mistakes

>> No.10742206
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x2731, Tumblr_l_9719551950977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of any patterns for a dress similar to this? I found some really lovely vintage dark auburn plaid fabric and think it'd be good for a dress like it

>> No.10742220

Any lolita crocheting schemes?

>> No.10742221

I think there was something posted in the GLB thread

>> No.10742233

https://youtu.be/5uBLQXwdD5Y this has similar feel but the straps are different. Just search shirred dress or shirred top patterns.

>> No.10742248


>> No.10742992

Has anyone tried to make their own custom lace?

>> No.10742999


Depends on the quality of the fabric. I have dyed fabrics for cosplays and the good ones look perfect after the dye. The bad ones end up with ugly stains.

>> No.10744156

I have almost finished crocheting a detachable collar

>> No.10744158

People are talking about pre-made items, not just fabric. Dyeing a pre-made item is even more unpredictable because of seams and thread, and different types of fabric being used.

>> No.10744166

Show it to us, nonnie, when finished

>> No.10744427

Try this https://sew-loli.livejournal.com/208428.html

I think I saw some tatted lace from an anon a couple years ago on a crafting thread, but it's very time intensive to do properly

>> No.10744572

I'm really glad to see you're going to give the doilies a second life. I crochet lace with thread a lot so I know the time, effort, and skill that goes into doilies and it always breaks my heart to see people throw them out

>> No.10744577

Yes, but not on a large scale. I'm talking by hand here. I crochet, knit, tat, and would like to learn bobbin lace and how to make embroidered laces like Limerick and Carrickmacross lace.
I'm really anal about using only natural materials since I'm a bit of a tree hugger so naturally it irritates me that a lot of commercially available lace is synthetic or made from something like rayon that's terrible for the environment (not to mention that rayon isn't very colorfast)
I have access to a commercial embroidery machine and I know you can create FSL with those but once again... A lot of embroidery thread is synthetic or rayon.
I have an autistic amount of patterns, new and vintage, for most kinds of lace making so if there's anything you're looking for I probably have it.
Also unfortunately I don't remember her name but I do remember coming across a lolita on tik tok who makes bobbin lace. It is NOT that woman with the ugly eyebrows who talks about lace history, this was a completely different user and I remember her making some kind of lace brooch with an animal in it (a rabbit or bear, I don't remember)

>> No.10745028

A detachable bow ripped a slit into the front of one of my velvet JSKs, is there a way to fix this seamlessly? Or is my only option to cover the repair with a bow?

>> No.10745227

Yes, it can be fixed. You just have to be careful about ironing.

>> No.10745232

Godspeed, nonnie

>> No.10745259

it's 10 days old. bitch isn't coming back.

>> No.10745326

I mean, we all knew it was destined to failure. Probably too ashamed to show how badly she ruined it.

>> No.10745730

NTA but I have done a little of both tatting and bobbin lace, and if you have any favorite patterns/patterns you think would work especially well for lolita stuff I would love to see them!

>> No.10745815

What color was this originally?

>> No.10745849

Honestly I thought that poster was going to troll us by having the black version all along and showing us that as the "result", since she did not show us the pink version initially, just some cloth in black water. Turns out she was just an idiot though

>> No.10745860

this desu. it's obviously not even in dye. i don't know why some anon is so set on convincing people you should attempt this. is it like an elaborate bait?

>> No.10745870

What do you mean? It's clearly in a black dye bath in the photo op posted

>> No.10745949

>need to replace clasp on a necklace
>buy pack of 4 lobster clasps at jo-anne
>go home and install it
>go to put necklace on, clasp wont open
>no motion in mechanism at all, chip a nail trying to get it to open
>check the others, only 1 of 4 functions
>didnt' take receipt
just holy fucking shit i'm so angry. what should i even do, is this normal? its' made in china silver plated junk but i dont think a functional product is too much to ask for

actually bought 2 necklaces recently and both arrived already broken. one had mangled jump rings that snapped, other had a nonfunctional clasp. couldnt even return them, just decided to repair it and this happened to me.

>> No.10745959

don't buy that kind of thing from joann's, michael's, hobby lobby or any chain crafts store. it's always going to be overpriced aliexpress shit. do you have any local beading shops around?

>> No.10745964

Op here, it didn't go well and I'm kind of embarrassed. I couldn't fix the patchiness even with multiple rounds. I guess it's another sacrificed skirt. At this point I don't think there was anything that could help it, the fabric just wouldn't take. Had to pitch it. Hurts too much to look at it. Especially after waiting 10 years for it. Rip. Hoping the black colorway pops up someday

>> No.10745965

Even though you are getting clowned on, thanks for update posting. I love me some closure.

>> No.10745966

it's a learning experience i guess. but big i guess, since it's been said multiple times why dyeing isn't recommended.

>> No.10745969

I'm sad you didn't post the lack of result, given how many people still think it's possible to dye their frills with good outcomes.

>> No.10745970

there is one an hour by bus which is a lot just for this. is there a good online vendor?
i had no idea those stores were bad. thanks anon

>> No.10745974

While entire thread telling you it was a bad idea and why, so I don't have much sympathy for you. Good job ruining something you waited 10 years for.

>> No.10746059

you could gather the center and make bows perhaps? or put them under the center section as an additional layer of texture

>> No.10746060
File: 113 KB, 645x645, 20211223_002951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other crocheter gulls here? I'd love to see your projects/inpsos/patterns! I'm currently working on a red beret that I'll either add some lace applique like pic related or a pom pom

>> No.10746061

Hope you find the black one nonna

>> No.10746069

thanks for posting an update despite all the catty posts itt. would've been funny to see a picture of the skirt but oh well.

>> No.10746071

they're not catty, stop being a retard.

>> No.10746074 [DELETED] 

It's obvious their not posting a picture because it turned out fine. Post proof it was ruined OP, you had no problem posting it being dyed.

>> No.10746075

kill yourself

>> No.10746113
File: 2.68 MB, 4032x3024, F8BC349A-97AA-486E-89DA-8BA3AE361FCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone with otome no sewing 5 take a picture of the sewing instructions for this skirt?
My stupid ass forgot the book at home and only brought the patterns with me

>> No.10746130

you could have taken the ruined one to a seamstress and had them turn it into a pattern, as a place holder until you get the real deal. Handmade and commissioned replicas of solids aren't looked down upon as much, as long as they're not held up as original goods and not mass produced.

>> No.10746974
File: 914 KB, 1740x2296, IMG_20220329_121919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have OnS 5 but I do have the first collection with a similar skirt pattern - would those instructions possibly help?

>> No.10748111

Does anyone have the lolibrary link for OPs Pink Baby JSK?

>> No.10750065

nyart but other anon literally lists a recommended brand in the post

>> No.10750301

I order mine from eBay, usually from shops who only sell jewelry supplies like gemstone settings, findings, etc. Maybe order stainless steel lobster clasps, they'll cost a bit more but are better quality. Etsy has them, too.

>> No.10750317

>not chinese garbage
anon i...

>> No.10750524

this board is genuinely the last place I would have ever expected to see someone discussing cloth nappies.

Sage for obvious reasons

>> No.10751983

Got a really old ivory btssb dress in the mail today, and it's a just a bit more yellow-y than anticipated from the pictures (could be from age as well idk) and a few small stains. I thought I might try to use bluing on it but I've never really done that before, any tips or warnings?

>> No.10751985

I should add that I don't expect it to turn white or anything but I think that brightening it a little could really make it look a lot nicer, but im pretty inexperienced with this kind of thing

>> No.10751997

why not try something like oxiclean or just regularly washing it first

>> No.10752012

Yeah you're probably right, ill give it a wash or two and see if it looks any brighter before attempting to experiment !

>> No.10752089

Clean it first and remove the stains.

>> No.10752122

I use the Mrs. Stewart's bluing stuff occasionally and haven't had any issues. I just follow the directions as for how much to use and mix it with the water well before putting any garments in, to avoid drops of color that might stain one area. It's not magic but it's worked decently without issues for me.

>> No.10752314

I'm currently working on getting yellowing out of a bunch of older blouses. I've given them a good long oxyclean soak and I'm gonna rinse them and follow up with baking soda as well. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Most places recommend things like bleach, lemon juice, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, etc. UV light also bleaches so drying clothes in direct sunlight helps brighten them. I've not tried the bluing liquid yet but it might be my next step. I second removing the stains first though, I usually use laundry soap (it comes in yellow bars), I rub it on the stain, let soak in for a bit, then gently rub the stain and it helps brighten most stains at least a little. Be very careful when you're rubbing prints though as it can cause the print to fade or get splotchy (I know that doesn't apply here, but in case anyone else is reading).

>> No.10753821

Here's a ton of free sweets crochet patterns

>> No.10753896

Honestly I always use oxiclean for yellowing. Of course do a test patch to be safe but it works really, really well in my experience. If all is good then I soak the piece in a tub full of lukewarm water and a scoop of the stuff.

>> No.10754150
File: 2.13 MB, 4958x6874, ons5_SK_1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon

>> No.10754151
File: 2.88 MB, 4958x6874, ons5_SK_2-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2 of 3

>> No.10754152
File: 2.54 MB, 4958x6874, ons5_SK_3-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3 of 3

>> No.10754447

Dos anyone have recommendations for a designer on Spoonflower or any similar site that makes designs appropriate for lolita? I'm mostly looking for sweet, but please give me anything you've got. If I'm not intrested, someone else probalby is!

>> No.10754557
File: 1.19 MB, 3024x4032, panel removal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preparing for a reverse alteration.
I haven't done this before but I know how to sew so can someone check my plan?

Remove top and sides
From both sides then since its sewn between the lining and front fabric, I would need to open it up
Remove the whole shirring section and maybe pin or base stitch the elastic to keep it in place
then I would attach it back to the back of the dress by stretching it to the bottom while stitching then attracting it to the sides

>> No.10756117

Check what they've done with the skirt before stretching the shirring to it - you might need to regather rather than just stretch to fit.

>> No.10756191

>reverse alteration.
Like someone else already altered it and you're undoing it? Or just making a dress smaller in general?

>> No.10757005

Is it feasible to try to fix the rubber band on OTK socks? I have a couple of AP socks that have started sliding down a lot but I'm not too sure how I'd go on about it or if I should even try since I'm a noob when it comes to sewing and I'm afraid of ruining them. I've tried sock glue too but in my experience it doesn't work too well most of the time.

>> No.10757020

Can you post a pic, specifically the inside area where the elastic is so we can see if it's feasible? I mostly have OTKs where the elastic is built in, so I couldn't tell you unless I saw your situation.

>> No.10757208

I've gotten to the part where I removed the shirring (the ends of the shirring panel where sealed off so I don't need to worry about that). Now I just have to reattach it (the dress has a lining and front fabric so does the shirring panel.) I'm currently trying to figure out how to reattach it like before and couldn't figure it out as I was seam ripping. I tried to examine my other dresses with the same layout but still can't figure out how to attach it cleanly. There is a large piece of elastic between the lining and front fabric layer so I would need to make a casing with the dress and the panel. I tried to look up a tutorial but I guess my search term was too specific so I couldn't fine anything like it.
I'm undoing the alteration because it was much cheaper and because I like to torture myself lol. jk it's relaxing and makes me feel like I'm part of mensa.

>> No.10757219

you can, but I'd just pay a friend who can sew to do it for you if you aren't very experienced. sewing on stretchy materials is hard. I've said this in other threads before so yall are probably sick of me, but if you want to attempt it, I strongly suggest sewing lace onto the top to hide the stitches/ seams. Also it is extremely important that you stretch both the sock and the elastic as you sew to it can properly accommodate a human leg.

>> No.10757371

typically the lining panels are all sewn together and all the shell panels are sewn together and then the two completed pieces are joined such that all the seams end up sandwiched on the inside between the two. you're doing things out of order from a construction perspective which is why you're having trouble figuring out your next step here. on that note, sew the shell pieces back together first, then do the lining pieces by hand using a ladder stitch.

>> No.10758146

No, not if you're a noob. Stretching socks evenly to reattach elastic is tricky to do right, and you'll still have to cover it up with lace unless you want ugly stitching to be visible at the top.

>> No.10762723
File: 246 KB, 936x697, marbleabomination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got that fucking ugly yellow/ Pompompurin ass looking jacket from the Marble lucky pack and thought theres no way in hell I'll get more than $20 selling it so made a dye attempt.

I was aiming for black but the poly took a deep brown, which is still okay for me as at least now it matches my wardrobe. Unfortunately it looks like I have also cooked the wrinkles into it so will have to deal to that.. but overall? At least its something wearable now!

>> No.10762736

You can't iron those out...?

>> No.10762737

polyester needs to be boiled to take dye, so wrinkles are probably like...steam pressed into the jacket. Probably a commercial steam press from a dry-cleaner could get them out, but it's a bitch and an half to do with a regular steam iron without causing shiny/melting fabric.

>> No.10762771

This is too chunky to be elegant, you should have worked the lace and the motif in size 10 crochet cotton or smaller

>> No.10762789

It actually looks better now, congrats

>> No.10762794

You're kidding me right? >>10762723 looks like shit. that is horrible lmao. it doesn't even look consistently brown

>> No.10762795

>steam pressed
that's not how that works.

>> No.10762828

it looks a bit weird an unevenly dyed but maybe that's just lighting? i hope to see more pics after it's been de-wrinkled

>> No.10762832

we won't. bitch is going to ghost.

>> No.10762855

Could be lighting but it still looks splotchy anon. Steam it and try again. Make sure to follow directions carefully and leave longer if need be. I like it in brown, I think it looks better than it would in black because the trim and bows were already brown.
Also do some research into dyeing, being able to get a garment a good deep black depends on several factors; you can almost never just throw black dye on it and call it a day.

>> No.10762856

the bows and trim can't be dyed. many garments can't really be properly dyed at all. there are too many factors that go into it that you can't be sure of.

>> No.10762864

we'll know who she is when she posts coord pics somewhere. waiting to see that disaster attempt

>> No.10762899

I think the sleeve that looks lighter is the light reflecting from a light outside my door. Its definitely not that drastically different comparing sleeves side by side. I actually ended up putting it through the dye twice to try and get a better even dye, but honestly I haven't given it a good inspection yet and I did save a few more packs of dye incase it needed a round 3!

I think mainly the half/ half color look is lighting, but thank you for the tips! It was a really rigged job to see what I could do to save it and then chuck it if it turned awful. I definitely dont think I boiled it hot enough, mainly in fear of the pot boiling over as I was doing it in my tiny apartment kitchen, but it was boiled for around 4 hours total and left overnight. But i will keep that in mind if it does need another go.

That's interesting! I didn't realise this when I chucked it in, so I guess the brown look probably works better overall in this case.

Oh nooo :(((((

>> No.10762903

It looked really bad before though. I think it has an antique/steampunk look.

>> No.10762922

Exactly why it looks better brown than black, the trim matches.

Kek are you the anon that keeps sperging over people dyeing their clothes? Anything looks better than the before, that colorway was a mistake.

Good luck dye chan.

>> No.10762936

anon, it's worse now.

>> No.10762937

>you the anon
There are a lot of anons who warn against it because it doesn't usually work. This entire thread is proof.

>> No.10762971


if you think it looks even remotely 'good' or acceptable in a luxury fashion, we're just all going to laugh at you when we see you desu

>> No.10763006

Anon you have bigger balls than me, bc you couldn't pay me enough to post this mess online-much less cgl

>> No.10763010 [DELETED] 

>luxury fashion
kek you must be joking

>> No.10763015

are you stupid? just iron them out. they're not permanent

>> No.10763024

Not sure about you, Anon, but personally I don't consider over priced polyester to be luxury.

Meh, knew it would create a shitstorm, posted for shits n gigs. Surprised how pressed people get even over MARBLE of all shit hahah

Currently trying to steam them out, but they're not budging. I don't even own a proper iron cos the steamer is usually fine, but sorry, I am not going out of my way to purchase one to fix this jacket up.

I'll post an updated picture later in better lighting if I can be bothered, so we can all bicker over the dye job some more! I'll even try and steam out the wrinkles some more for us!

>> No.10763109

thanks for updating us despite all the negativity

>> No.10763160

Dyechan I had a polyester jacket that was too wrinkled for an iron and it looked totally fine after I took it to the dry cleaners - probably do that as your last step, perhaps after a second dyeing.

>> No.10769794


>> No.10769811
File: 13 KB, 284x439, 414aE8y39rL._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a thread for you frilly folk who dye old pieces
Howabout new pieces? And not frilly?
See I want to turn this puppet into a Canada Goose head/neck because I couldn't find a normal one. Or a pattern for making a new Goose neck puppet.
My primary thought was to remove the fluff down at the base of the neck, and dye the whole thing black but then I'm stuck with no idea how to do the chinstrap in white

>> No.10769812
File: 671 KB, 3888x2592, goose-face-close-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10769813

The other idea I had was trying to find the same thing but for a standard white goose and then just find a way to preserve a white chin strap while dying the rest of it black. Unfortunately I can't find that or just a standard Canada goose puppet because apparently it's either all small and full body or a white goose. And the white geese are also almost always small and/or full body whike the ostrich is a full sleeve

>> No.10769821

I make teddy bears and we tint the fur using oil paints mixed with paint thinner until they reach watercolor consistency. You could dye the whole thing and then paint the chinstrap over the black fur (might turn out grey and not a stark white), or you could opt to paint the black parts over white instead.

>> No.10769830

lmao what the heck. please post the end result here

>> No.10770194

Can't you just paint it black rather than dyeing?

>> No.10774716

Any good YouTube channels for sewing beginners?

>> No.10774724

Not really for beginners, but great to get you jazzed about the craft:
Ms Bernadette Banner. She sews historical dress with historically accurate method.

>> No.10774752

Can you please please tell me what on earth this project is for anon

>> No.10775175
File: 120 KB, 433x802, 2398E5D8-F414-46FE-93D8-B0CD397911A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you buy this?

>> No.10775179

Not op, but it's BTSSB.

>> No.10775187

I like her sewing work, but BB just seems like such a strange, insular person that it's kind of hard to watch her videos. What does she even do to make money? She lives in a high rise apt in Manhatten but she says she doesn't have a "job" outside of youtube.

>> No.10775189


>> No.10775408

IIRC she did costumes for Broadway shows. She probably saved up like a squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter so youtube i probably her only income while she 's coasting off savings

>> No.10775418

Like a lot of historical reenactors, you can tell she's trying to LARP a bit in her every day life by trying to act like a lady and even putting on a bit of an accent.

I don't mind it but I can understand why it would be a bit alienating.

>> No.10775484

She lives in London now. I don't think she's a duel citizen so I assume she got a visa for something last year. A work visa seems the most likely. She never mentions a spouse but that could be a possibility.

>> No.10775497

I've heard her family was loaded and owned the apartment she lived in, and that she was really sheltered so I guess that makes sense she's fully doing the historical LARP

>> No.10776559

Is there a way to make a channel, like one you'd make for an elastic, but in the middle of a fabric panel with gathers on both sides of it instead of just one? I'm a total novice, and I can't figure out how to make this work

>> No.10776643

Can you draw what you mean?

>> No.10776649

is it something like this?


the channel would be in the same place as the lace insertion, and you would have to sew each side of the channel separately, encasing the raw edges

>> No.10776660

Has anyone found any type of rubbery filler to fill cracks in pleather?
>pleather can’t be saved
Yes I have heard that many a time but I would like to try at least patching some wear. Any recommendations for the filler? I’m thinking something flexible but that won’t lift or separate from the pleather, and applying with a small spatula just to fill cracks.

I have plenty of junk shoes I can test on, just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for products

>> No.10778142

Shoe Goo is great for soles, dunno about pleather

>> No.10778894

Wait, don't they make a putty used to fill in cracks on leather seats in cars? That could be worth a shot. If that fails it's time to try ole reliable-real leather

>> No.10778895

Anyone have a magazine crochet pattern scans? I've been itching to make some accessories but I barely have jfash mag patterns.

>> No.10779258

I'd love more of these. I saw links and inspo posted in the handmade thread here >>10754851 but it wasn't much.

>> No.10782384
File: 88 KB, 794x926, 1656818549223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where I can find pleather stars to make star clips? All of the star clips I can find on etsy are holographic/glittery and I just want a plain color. I just figured I would assemble the damn thing myself but google, aliexpress, and alibaba have failed me. Looking for stars like in the pic.

>> No.10782522
File: 128 KB, 749x495, F1566CED-EA41-4B31-8BB1-C048B0E5E1EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently working on this IW headdress

>> No.10783234
File: 198 KB, 700x933, img_1512-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a scan, but a written crochet pattern for a cute straw mini hat