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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10723127 No.10723127 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from just looking cheap, what design elements make a dress or outfit look "clolita"? I see a lot of people call it a different style but I don't know what defines it aside from looking cheap and bad.

>> No.10723131

people just refer to all chinese made lolita as "clolita".
not all clolita is cheap and ugly, but their lolita style is different than the original japanese style

>> No.10723132

Yeah I get it, but what aspects put it apart specifically from the Japanese style? I kind of get it when I see it but I'm interested in the details of what's different.

>> No.10723133

There's a bunch of things. It's the way an outfit gets coordinated, which might also consist as ita in lolita. Clolitas do clutter shit a lot more or have wonky styling across the clolita pieces in a coord. It's been starting to get labeled as a clolita, because China even has substyles that aren't originally Japanese. Some dresses are even far too cosplay. Along with very specific patterns that are used across most of their pieces from indie brand to indie brand: the same type of beige ruffle at the bottom of a dress. The same weird puff long sleeve sleeve where it starts mid arm or along the top of the arm and buckles out.

They aren't going to be stopping anytime soon with their production on lolita, so it's better to classify it as another style at this point rather than lumped in with the original lolita. They are almost getting to a fast fashion level of production.

I don't look at people who buy strictly taobao as someone who even is in the same fashion. It doesn't light up my eyes to see a piece from taobao. It's boring. It's very rare I'll see something that even comes close to any Japanese brand, even the indie brands. They always make questionable design decisions.

>> No.10723134

Also the really slouchy, collarless blouses are pretty major in it. It's not great though.

>> No.10723135

>China even has substyles that aren't originally Japanese
What are they?

>> No.10723136

Also prints are tackier, they are more experimental than even how Meta was looked at as experimental. The colors contrast way more and have far too many patterns, so they just are far more in the tacky domain for prints.

>> No.10723138

Length is a big factor too. Clolita tends to favor shorter lengths, even for a shorter population. It’s not uncommon to see almost mid thigh levels of short without being ero or even ott sweet. Knees are almost never covered unless it’s intentionally longer tea length.

>> No.10723157

There was a bunch of memey drawings by chinese lolitas describing it: overly ott taobao dresses just to do something mundane, spending wayy more on the dress and cheaping out on accessories, those ugly af black mary janes, wearing nonlolita blouse/sweaters. I’m sure there’s more

>> No.10723164

the extreme level of photoshopping in the product photos

>> No.10723186

I'm planning on posting them when I get a chance

>> No.10723188

those weird crew socks with the cabbage fringe that are always slightly beige or ivory

>> No.10723190
File: 169 KB, 720x973, 96B8BD3E-3DFA-40D2-A786-44777556FCD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some clolita memes straight from the horse's mouth

>> No.10723192
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>> No.10723194
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>> No.10723200

These are gold

>> No.10723201

clolitas skip wristwear and pay for professional photoshoots that can also erase the personality from their faces

they are also more into the image of dainty femininity

>> No.10723204
File: 2.72 MB, 3024x3024, 007bZNklgy1gwcvkkpf75j32c02c0npe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weibo also lets you upload fuckhuge photos so you can get a good look at the lack of detail

>> No.10723206

It feels like there's a big difference in attitude between lolita and clolita. Like, the whole vibe of lolita, especially old school, is offensively feminine but decidedly still grounded clothing. Clolita just gives off "i'm such a dainty and smol fairy elf princess uwu teehee". It lacks the same personality and charm.

>> No.10723210
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>> No.10723214

It's very cosplay e girl

>> No.10723216
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>> No.10723217
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>> No.10723220
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i think wristcuffs may be outlawed in China

>> No.10723221
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>> No.10723222

is "daily lolita" common for Chinese lolitas or do they mostly wear it to meets only? Almost everything on taobao is so gaudy and OTT. Obv there's a ton of JP brand in China too but if it's not really seen as regular clothes that could explain the crazy designs at least

>> No.10723230

Yeah it honestly feels like they're cosplaying high elves, idols, or Rose of Versailles characters.

>> No.10723237

I live in an area with a lot of rich Chinese people, I see lolitas out and about very rarely. One time it was a girl commuting wearing a taobao dress with no petti and sneakers, another time it was someone on a date in a full Misty Sky coord. Maybe they're more likely to save the gaudy shit for meets.

>> No.10723249

In Japan lots of girls are very into fashion, brand names, and so on. So they approach lolita from a framework of "offbeat styled clothing", like VW or Pink House. There's not a huge difference between wearing a funky coat from Moschino or AP, they're just different fashion brands/styles. This mindset is part of why you see many Japanese lolitas wearing weird combinations of clothing even if it breaks the rules.

Western lolitas and clolitas both definitely place lolita more as a "special" or "costume" experience. It's not just some clothes, these are special clothes with special rules. But while western girls focus a lot on following the rules and sticking to a traditional lolita framework, Chinese girls seem to focus a lot on capturing specific feelings and looks. Like they want to dress like a literal princess, or elf, or doll, or vintage little girl. They take the inspirations for lolita and make them very literal.

>> No.10723251

it's so interesting that japanese/chinese girls willingly break lolita rules but white women screech about rules every 2 seconds

>> No.10723264


Classic lolita who follows maybe 10 Chinese classic lolitas on Instagram? I feel like the Chinese classic lolitas are much more into just pure ootds rather than putting effort into photoshoots. They also love their status pieces too and you'll find them wearing a lot of rare MM and VM. I find their IGs very calming and reminiscent of old j-blogs.


I guess it's an off shoot of the cosplay experience everyone wanted to capture when asian cosplayers would go for atmosphere over accuracy. I can definitely see where it came from. Chinese also love fancy photoshoots so lolita was likely an opportunity to expand on it x10000

>> No.10723268

>Clolita just gives off "i'm such a dainty and smol fairy elf princess uwu teehee"
>Chinese girls seem to focus a lot on capturing specific feelings and looks. Like they want to dress like a literal princess, or elf, or doll, or vintage little girl. They take the inspirations for lolita and make them very literal.
That makes a lot of sense actually, I never could quite put it into words. Even Chinese lolitas seem to notice it too going with the drawings that other anon posted.

>> No.10723275



>> No.10723280

Is there a place to find the untranslated versions of these? I’m studying Chinese and am super interested in seeing the og captions

>> No.10723283
File: 231 KB, 1200x1198, somefinditcostumelike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clolitas wear the lace monsters. They don't just wear them but style them too. That's a clolita. Everything looks liker Versailles.

>> No.10723284
File: 56 KB, 372x645, bopeep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolitas remind you of Bo Peep. Clolitas are Bo Peep. Some find it too costume like for their tastes.

>> No.10723288
File: 924 KB, 750x1124, fancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it looks a bit much, it might be 'clolita'.

>> No.10723289

Polyester and masses of overkill ruffles and lace which are poorly sewn

>> No.10723291
File: 182 KB, 712x1000, lacelotsoflace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And most here saying polyester make the biggest point. Clolita often feels like it looks which is highly uncomfortable. It's not anything you can remotely lounge in for it'd be like trying to kick back in a prom dress.

>> No.10723293
File: 160 KB, 750x1000, animedress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they look like they're wearing a dress straight out of an anime, it's likely clolita. Please note that most Japanese brands also make the same styles of dresses. You just don't see them that often. That's partially because they're absurdly expensive so a lot of clolita is providing that kind of thing with cheaper materials so its more affordable. That however will also make it feel like wearing a prom dress.

>> No.10723294
File: 250 KB, 1080x1619, lotsofdetail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you thought laundry was hard with lolita, it's about to get a lot harder with clolita as in pretty much all of it will fall apart in the washer. You're going to be doing a lot of dry cleaning, spot cleaning, or just trying to not get your clothes dirty altogether.

This goes back to if it looks a bit much, it's likely clolita

>> No.10723295
File: 333 KB, 1215x1822, chineselolitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is Clolita?

It's short for Chinese lolita. 'C'-lolita. It just refers to trends seen in Chinese wearers of the fashion style. They tend to go for something way more OTT then elsewhere including the U.S. & most of Europe.

>> No.10723323

It's a nice casual outfit, it looks more general cute asian fashion than lolita though

looks better than 90% of american comms lel

>> No.10723325

to be fair everyone in this picture has their wrist covered in sleeve

>> No.10723330
File: 795 KB, 1440x1920, a805de78gy1gyibbfobuyj21401hctts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of talk about fancy lace fuckery, what about the super casual direction clolitas take the fashion? often they wear a wig, dress, and the rest is casual.

>> No.10723332
File: 317 KB, 1620x1080, 008q32G9gy1gyqwajwlyvj31900u0wmv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Western lolita would be covered in jewelry in this pic

>> No.10723333

>everything is polyester

So are most Japanese brands at this point. Even shit that should be made from literally any other fabric.

>> No.10723335
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>> No.10723336
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>> No.10723338

Why can’t my comm be half this cute. I guess in general, full on itas are rare in c lolita in the way we see them in the west. Based on the comm/meet photos I’ve seen on weibo, most clolitas are average, and there isn’t even one glaring ,god awful ita in the bunch. My comm is a solid 30-40% god awful ita levels. Most western comms have several realllllllyyyy badly dressed members. Maybe clolitas just bully people out of there kek.

Do clolitas deal with scrotes too?

>> No.10723339
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>> No.10723340
File: 818 KB, 1438x1842, 007w4dJmly1gygyka4krwj313y1f67q5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are the accessories? this coord could be going places

>> No.10723341

From what I could apprehend, the skirts have a more dramatic puff (extreme A-line), lots of ruffles and lacing, and coords usually incorporate transparent elements such as the sleeve in the OP picture. It has more of a fantasy or even costum-y quality to it.

>> No.10723342

Clolita polyester is different from Japanese lolita polyester though. Even though burando pieces use polyester, the quality of the fabric is still halfway decent. Clolita polyester is disgusting Chinese garbage that looks and feels like plastic garbage bags and is made with slave labour.

>> No.10723343
File: 124 KB, 1200x1200, 1301DCC9-E50C-495D-A563-0512B03E7A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do clolitas deal with scrotes too?
Yes. Not only do they deal with creeps but normie scrotes actively invade their spaces like that incident when a bunch of males showed up at AP Shanghai on the morning of a release to snap up items to scalp. They shoved female lolitas to the ground to get to the front of the line and broke the metal security gate and the store window.
>pic rel from the incident. You had to wear AP to get in so some scrotes showed up and changed while standing outside the store.

>> No.10723344
File: 3.79 MB, 4032x4030, 005SffIagy1gymcul55d8j334033yqv7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you can see, in addition to lack of accessorizing, the non-prom clolita coords have very simple styling. simple cheap footwear, basic headwear. not much of the rosettes, wristcuffs, waist chains, necklaces, chokers, halters, rings, etc., that Japanese and Western lolitas wear.

>> No.10723350

the lack of petti makes this look so flat and sad, almost wet-dog-like.

>> No.10723361

There's some weird lolita version of the cheerleader effect happening here where as a group they look well put together, but if you actually single in on any of the coords they look cheap and ita.

>> No.10723385

clolita sucks because they are princess larp dresses. chinese girls who wear clolita are perma ita and have bad taste. that's why you see them with pudgy, unkempt boyfriends, and why they do the spinning. they are cringe. clolita dresses are just a new iteration of lace monster. overdesigned(usually with too much lace) and bad materials(poly chiffon and upholstery trimming for lace). they all look like bjd clothes or princess costumes. and chinese girls are obsessed with disney and bjd style beauty, both things that don't translate irl.

>> No.10723388
File: 275 KB, 512x512, tfw_muslim_genocide_in_the_middle_east.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Cloita?

That's enough cgl for today



>> No.10723392

Realistically all these replies saying it's chinese girls, it's chinese lolita. the actual dresses made, not the girls. the styling, etc, sure they might be ita but we see the same people in western lolita now because of clolita. it's not the people, it's the outfits, dresses, cheaply made, poorly coordinated clolita style.

It's more than just in China at this point, because it's infected every newbie in the western lolita community.

>> No.10723424

Some areas have more than others, in Guangzhou I saw a good amount of Lolita out and about downtown

>> No.10723425

I would also say that clolitas do that really... Off-putting sick looking makeup way more, and especially to make them look whiter. It looks honestly bizzare

>> No.10723431

Kek each of these girls looks better than 90% of my comm individually.

>> No.10723434

The brand ass licking cope in this post kek. Chinese poly IS brand poly. They’re both made in China and yes, some Japanese brands use notoriously low quality polyester. RPA, AP, and Baby all have some releases that are honestly criminally poor quality for the price. And some taobao brands have pretty damn good quality. Yolanda even has a gold-leaf style cotton print.

>> No.10723435

>some taobao brands have pretty damn good quality. Yolanda even has a gold-leaf style cotton print.

They still look like clolita.

As I said, you noobs are talking about chinese lolitas, it's chinese LOLITA indie brands that clolita represents. Not the god damn girls, no one cares about them. The shitty indie brands with bad designs have spread into the western community and it's so prevelant and not the same thing, so it's been coined as Clolita.

Seriously. No one fucking cares about Chinese lolita girls.

>> No.10723436

No one is talking about them except you? Almost every reply in this thread is just talking about the clothes

>> No.10723439

you must not read well

>> No.10723440

Ap looks like clolita too. Cry about it.

>> No.10723442

Honest to god truth. I would kill for a comm that looked like this in public instead of the hot topic trash XXXL itas who literally don’t know the first thing and don’t even bother trying to make a cohesive presentable coord.

Clolita fills a gap in the market and has its place, just like bodyline. There are great options in Clolita if you know where to look and find the goodies.

>> No.10723443

>being in a comm instead of just going out with your friends
Well there's your mistake right there

>> No.10723444

You don't own brand, do you? They're not only literally the same, they're many time worse than Chinese made pieces. Moitie in the last years sucks so much that even my Nameless Poem feels sturdier and better finished.

>> No.10723446

Might wanna look in the mirror first

>> No.10723448

I will say something that you clolita shills forget is that the Japanese Brands still have 1) better designs/patterns and 2) better craftman's ship. There's not loose threads all over the place or poor construction. Ok so the fabric quality is faltering for some things, but realistically ya'll are just trying to justify why you're wearing some cheap chinese cat ears and demonia boots with lolita

>> No.10723453

Sure but that has nothing to do about wanking off on the glory of Japanese poly as if it's not coming from the same sweatshops as any other poly

>> No.10723457

Atelier Pierrot sells these too, so I don't think it really counts. That's just what modern lolita is like

>> No.10723469

Real Lolita is basically dead, even the brands are just high end clolita now. Chinese girls bought out the market and this is what we get

>> No.10723473

>There's not loose threads all over the place
I beg to differ considering the two moitie blouses I bought last year

>> No.10723478

Atelier Pierrot is more Classic lolita/EGA and an indie brand that resells things from China.. lmao

Sure they have some good stuff, but it's not all good.

>> No.10723488

Can you please link some of these accounts? I'm very curious and would like to give them a follow

>> No.10723498


You know every brand manufactures some stuff in China right? This is such a dumb comeback. Is AP also an "indie brand that resells stuff from China" too?

>> No.10723505

it's their tastes driving it. clolita is popular with zoomers thanks to ali and tiktok, but chinese girls are the ones who it is mainly marketed to.

>> No.10723512

No, they actually resell products. It's fluffy jo tier. But yeah go off, autist.

>> No.10723527

I feel people in this thread tend to forget that c-lolita encompasses a very wide variety of "Chinese lolita" so it's almost impossible to define them exactly. However I wanted to get some things straight:

1/Yes, you will find costumey, way too short dresses. But I honestly noticed that c-lolita dresses actually tends to be longer than Japanese ones (a lot - not to say most of them) will be +100cm long (I wouldn't count the 130cm long as lolita, even if they're labeled as lolita)

2/You WILL definetely find tons of Hime style, princess-y dresses, but I think it's just because c-lolita just has sooooo many brands compared to Japanese lolita. So, ultimately it's just a matter of proportionality (more brands => more princess-y shit).

3/ Inversely, the under-accesorized cords I've seen posted here are literally whether just casual lolitas) tf, yall can't tell ?) or just plain itas that even Chinese lolitas as well consider itas

4/ One anon has mentioned how tacky c-lolita prints are. That's mostly the case of sweet. Their Classic and Gothic prints are pretty much ok. In fact, you will find classic c-lolita is in fact kinda nice, once you find out what the few good brands are (because no, not everything they make is made for princess LARPing)

>> No.10723528

Holy shit. Why would anyone let in a man dressed like that?

>> No.10723529

But back to OPs question, I'd say the main differences between lolita and c-lolita would be IMHO a) the way the dress "flows". Because even if both are made of poly, I find lolita dresses to be kinda stiffer and perfectly holding the "lolita shape". And they actually look bad without a petti. Whereas c-lolita dresses most of time will feel like something very "flowy" if you know what I mean. And they tend to look like very normie dresses when petti-less
b) As anons have mentioned before, c-lolita is very often overstuffed with useless bows, ruffles, cheap lace etc that just cheapen their look. And I think every c-lolita brands is hit by that plague, from the smallest, ugliest ones to the biggest names like Elpress and Hinana
As much as lolita is evolving (dying, for some) I don't think it'll ever end up looking like c-lolita tho, as everyone has said, lolita and c-lolita are just too different in their core

>> No.10723530

So how exactly do they get professional photos all the time? Do they just have friends that take them, or do they literally pay for them on a weekly basis? How much does that cost?

>> No.10723531

this. It both looks and feels a cheap costume, not practical or expensive clothing you would comfortably wear all day.

>> No.10723533

Honestly, a lot of them look like they model for the small indie brands and get free shit.

>> No.10723538

>waist chains…chokers…halters

*side eye*

>> No.10723539

I really don't think that's the majority of them though.

yeah that also had me do a double take kek

>> No.10723621

I admit this skirt looks bad without the petticoat, but is it really so bad that it reflects they're likely wearing it to way more than a meet?

>> No.10723625

How the fuck does it reflect that at all? I rarely bother with meets but have never once worn lolita outside without a petticoat.

>> No.10723629 [DELETED] 

As much as people will rag on you, I get what you're saying. I'm sure most in China wearing lolita would get what you're saying too hence why they like some brand.

It's not that all Chinese dressmakers use cheap material, just a majority are to make it more accessible.

>> No.10723632
File: 162 KB, 1011x608, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe as a whole we're mad they have cheap clothing and still look better then us as a whole?

I didn't fire those shots.

Also, anon, you may find the following article interesting. It's about people in China wearing lolita.


>> No.10723633

Anon, I wear a big ass petticoat everywhere too & lolita isn't my cup of tea even, but we gotta' realize most just won't commit to the petti.

>> No.10723634

In fact, I was in the dumpster today in a big ass petti helping the neighbor who tossed her keys by accident, but most just aren't gonna' make that kind of commitment.

>> No.10723653

you know it's true

>> No.10723654
File: 1.61 MB, 3024x4030, 8618d225gy1gyp5xncfhbj22c033ykjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taobao anime tights are fine too

>> No.10723655
File: 344 KB, 1426x1080, 008fXQUaly1gypze1lwm9j313m0u0k05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another group

>> No.10723658
File: 411 KB, 1080x1440, 726d91baly1gykcz8ue3fj20u014013k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a squad that looks better than u

>> No.10723660

Clolita doesn't feel like lolita but they still dress better than most western comm snaps I see. Why are westerners so bad at dressing themselves?

>> No.10723661
File: 844 KB, 1832x2443, d841ac60ly1gylk524vc4j21ew1vv4l2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is creative and still somehow minimalist and cheap

>> No.10723662

OK? And some people don't commit to brushing their hair or wearing socks. It's just stupid and lazy. not every petticoat has to be enormous

>> No.10723663
File: 3.29 MB, 2648x3563, 007Ru1W5gy1gylhiblvn9j321k2qz7wj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clolitas AND korean lolitas love big ass poofy sleeves

>> No.10723664

Speak for yourself. They don't look better than me in their cheap garbagr, they look better than some it's newfags in my comm. And by no means does that consist of the majority of my comm.

>> No.10723665
File: 3.27 MB, 2654x4032, 919b4daagy1gyl5sda8qnj221q3407wj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indulgently large files approach 4chan's limit

>> No.10723666 [DELETED] 

Seething chink

>> No.10723667
File: 2.35 MB, 2160x3840, 005E5yvIgy1gymqnu3ljaj31o02yob2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a nice tea party coord that could be anywhere in the world

>> No.10723669
File: 405 KB, 1024x1366, 005AJ3TEgy1gyfelt0rdnj30sg11yaj7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wristwear is ok if it's a lace glove

>> No.10723671
File: 1.46 MB, 1597x2840, 005CazaZgy1gyr5rjsj5vj318d26we81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kind of UTK is not common outside of clolita. bobby sock looking things

>> No.10723672

Does she realize you're supposed to hide the petticoat?

>> No.10723673
File: 120 KB, 1080x1085, ee0a211dly1gygwpif6uej20u00u5775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a meme

>> No.10723674
File: 55 KB, 1018x1024, 0085Ffxfly1gygwo0fcy3j30sa0sgjsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the template

>> No.10723675

showing petticoat is a clolita staple

>> No.10723676
File: 102 KB, 1018x1024, 0085Ffxfly1gygwnyl3t9j30sa0sgq5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more examples

>> No.10723677
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>> No.10723678
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>> No.10723679
File: 73 KB, 563x769, TB2GRoqdYsTMeJjSszhXXcGCFXa_!!2955346338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. When will the lolita handmade breathable fabric uprising happen? I'm waiting. To be honest I've ordered poly pieces from taobao with the intention to take them apart and use the pattern to create a better quality "replica" out of cotton. Picrel is a super cute design but would look and feel way better in a breathable fabric.

>> No.10723682

>2) better craftsman's ship.
kek. Yes, sure. My bet is that you have one single piece from Japan and you're completely blinded by it, too worried that its artificial value will drop in face of the amount you've paid.

>> No.10723685

>Inversely, the under-accesorized cords I've seen posted here are literally whether just casual lolitas
Ah yes. Something really important about Lolita in China is that it's worn much more casually than in the west, and much more frequently. I've managed to find lolitas multiple times in big cities while simply going out to a stroll. Not to mention the possibility of finding entire floors dedicated to the fashion in some shopping buildings. I've seem many wearing lolita dresses like any other normie dresses in their wardrobe, and I find it really cool.

>> No.10723687
File: 77 KB, 780x784, FJRt86PUUAElfLs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723691

that's actually a cute meme

>> No.10723692

My guess is all you own is taobao, nice try. I've been in this fashion longer than you've been alive.

>> No.10723693

yes, grandma.
keep repeating that and maybe you'll feel something.

>> No.10723695

anon if you think >>10723687 on the right and >>10723678 are the same, then you're not even old enough to be on this board. Imagine thinking you're part of the lolita community with >>10723678

>> No.10723699

Don't worry grandma, shirred pieces will still fit your saggy tits and if you wear a bra no one will notice. don't forget to use a sticker to hide your wrinkles, grandma.

>> No.10723700

What does it say

>> No.10723722

>part of the lolita community
You sound autistic af

>> No.10723723 [DELETED] 

shut up nigger

>> No.10723726

I remember reading something about Japanese girls being very brand focused and I found that very interesting because most people that follow fashion in the West aren’t like that at all. Got anywhere where I can find out more about this anon?

>> No.10723732

Clolita is cuter than lolita desu

>> No.10723734

Chinese girls just have more fashionable body type
White girl look like orc, scary

>> No.10723735

they all look the same

>> No.10723737

but they look cuter than japanese lolitas too

>> No.10723738

Even on averages, Chinese have less curves than Japanese
Uglier faces, but you can't have everything

>> No.10723742
File: 219 KB, 720x540, 1529038hh192155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I hate clolita but they all at least look ok. It's kind of embarrassing how hard it is to find an western comm where all members look good.
Chinese lolitas probably have the pleasure of not having screaming sweaty hambeasts walking around either

>> No.10723744

they have shooped their own faces into the uncanny valley

>> No.10723752

Well he’s TECHNICALLY wearing AP so they have to let them in. At least he actually put it on instead of just putting a the jsk on a hanger around his neck like the Japanese scalper scrotes.

>> No.10723756

Are baggy AP dresses clolita?

>> No.10723760

Clolita probably looks weird because it’s like if the Japanese community was overrun with a million Bodyline knockoffs. For every decent taobao brand, there’s probably 5 so-so ones. It’s cheap to produce clothing in China, they have more options and most people are going to go for the cheap or flashy options over the quality options.

>> No.10723763

> For every decent taobao brand, there’s probably 5 so-so ones.
This is generous, anon. It’s more like 500 ita brands to each so-so brand. I’ve never seen a decent Taobao brand.

>> No.10723768
File: 138 KB, 1080x1528, EA6141E9-D486-4B54-B38E-BC0621031C05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are out there so it depends on your taste. For sweet, CC Cat (RIP), Bacio Bouquet, CuteQ, Sheep Puff, Yukine’s Box are all what I would consider decent.

>> No.10723771

>print looks like shit
>weird cheap looking design on that OP torso
>you can feel how shitty the fabric is from here
Sot his is what passes for decent in clolita

>> No.10723772

honestly i think CC Cat is very cute and actually Lolita. too bad the brand shut down though

>> No.10723773
File: 134 KB, 724x1024, 64E00549-8677-41B0-A431-DFFADA6C18D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I’m sorry I wasn’t aware a brand releasing a design you don’t like means it not lolita. Does this mean I can revoke APs lolita status for releasing that ugly map print?

>> No.10723774

Sure it's lolita in that it's maintaining the sillhouette at least, but that's a pretty low bar. It looks like it was made from bedsheets

>> No.10723776

Considering fabric quality is declining with Japanese brands too, it’s not something we can use to judge taobao brands

>> No.10723781

It's not a good look for taobao if their best is the equivalent of the worst of Japanese brands

>> No.10723794

This looks awful. Look at the visiblY pulled fabric in the princess seams, and what the fuck, does it even have a lining?

>> No.10723857

Yes. I feel the same! Currently I wear cotton tank tops under my polyester OPs. Planning to use it as a pattern once I have time to resew it.

>> No.10723858

don't worry clolitas don't know shit about quality, they just keep on comparing AP to clolita garbage bags.

Hey, noobs. We complain because the quality has degraded. It's called a exaggeration. I'm sure you should know what exaggerations are in 2022. It's STILL better quality than trash AF clolita.

>> No.10723861

>and if you wear a bra no one will notice.

lmao, if you're out there wearing no bra to begin with I got news for what's about to happen to you.

Also who says this in regards to lolita? bro, we can see your nipples when your tits are exposed like that in lolita. it don't look good. go fetish wear model somewhere else.

>> No.10723866

>I got news for what's about to happen to you.
Are you implying a good amount of girls into lolita fashion arent mentally ill degenerate rape fetishists who were molested as children? I've go some news for YOU

>> No.10723876

> does it even have a lining?

Many AP dresses and Lolita dresses in general dont have lining. CuteQ reminds me of Emikyu and I don’t have a single lined piece from them

>> No.10723877

All my AP dresses have linings. Which dresses are you talking about?

>> No.10723878
File: 183 KB, 400x400, 51A7CC7A-8C5B-419F-9BFB-D64D25148618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, when people talk about “decent” taobao dresses, they are taking not just quality but price into consideration. It’s ridiculous to nitpick about the most minor of details over a dress that costs less than $100, while AP has declining quality and designs with stagnant or even raised prices. There is shit taobao out there but you are in denial if you insist it’s all universally bad.

>> No.10723879

Nayrt but I never wear a bra in lolita and my nips are never visible. I don't have big boobs tho, so there's no bouncing or sagging

>> No.10723880

This is the most hilarious excuse I've seen yet. "Well I'm not paying much for my garbage so you can't critique it for being garbage!"

>> No.10723882

Third from the left and the one on the far right. Yep.

>> No.10723894

Anon, they are larping. It's really shitty bait. They don't own brand, so they are mad and want to troll people who do and also shit on a brand they have no knowledge of.

>> No.10723895

Imagine. At least my garbage at 300$ resells almost aimmediately when it hits the market. Imagine trying to get rid of trash bag taobao. you'll just have to throw that garbage bag to the landfill

>> No.10723896

ok sure moron lol. I can tell you're underaged, because you don't even know what your body works like.

>> No.10723899

You're just jelly she doesn't have disgusting fat cow tits like you grandma
Take your menopause pills you're getting catty, fatty

>> No.10723903

samefag moron. you realize that your typing style is garbage tiktok egirl shit. anon, people can see your fucking nipples you fetishist

>> No.10723904

btw you *will* get posted to the ita thread for showing them on lolita spaces. just watch me.

>> No.10723907

Sorry sweaty, not a samefag. In fact I despise lolita fashion, it's completely tasteless and anyone who doesn't agree if pathetic.

>> No.10723909

I don't know how my body works? Kek then explain to me how it does. Because I post to Instagram all the time and there's not a single visible nipple. If I was showing them or sagging, I'd be ridiculed. Sorry I don't have saggy tits like you

>> No.10723910

Taobao goes just fine secondhand, just not on places like lacemarket

>> No.10723911

nice one. I see you deleted your photo on instagram. your samefagging sucks. at least wait a little bit inbetween. you type like a moron

>> No.10723912
File: 1.37 MB, 1242x2167, A9E6ADC1-3E7A-4E56-9998-CD68AF4AEDF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even on lacemarket it goes at or a little below retail

>> No.10723913

btw you suck at dressing and you're brand spanking new to the fashion and dress like shit. now eff off little underaged faggot

>> No.10723914

This is actually schizo. I only just joined this convo like 2 replies ago, and I'm not the dipshit repeatedly spamming "hurr durr menopause grandma". It's just fucking dumb that you think women with small chests can't go braless

>> No.10723915

Considering anon posted her whole ass fetish nipple photo on instagram, she's got other ideas.

>> No.10723916

I have no idea who you're talking about. Post her here.

>> No.10723918
File: 109 KB, 1125x397, 38CCEC13-B0B1-4576-A852-E4C2D093CCB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are obviously not the same person, stop being a schizo.

>> No.10723920

the fucking freak ass fetishist had no blouse on and just a dress, so yeah. it's EZ to tell who they are. they deleted the photo for obvious reason lmao

>> No.10723922

btw anon the reason why no one said anything is because you're literally a fucking nobody with no engagement

>> No.10723924

Literally who? Post them to lolcow already or fuck off with this schizo shit, because I'm not whoever you have a vendetta against

>> No.10723926

>Literally who?

Yes. Keep it that way. Because you're literally not relevant. Anyone that posts that shit on insta is trying to get attention and just going to let you know, since you're new. People will block you from following them for that shit. So fuck off from our community.

>> No.10723929

I'm telling you to ridicule them on lolcow and you still think I'm them? Are you really this stupid or just stubborn beyond reason?

>> No.10723936

You're delusional

>> No.10723938

Imagine a world where OTT is considered casual daily wear. That’s Clolita.

>> No.10723943

Whatever you say ESL chan.

>> No.10723944

Don't even start me on my autistic rant about poly and Japanese brands.

>> No.10723946

English, first language. IQ, mine is bigly.
Believe me people. Science people, they're baffled by IQ, so high. Incredible.

>> No.10723949

why the cow spotted dresses tho ? they look hideous

>> No.10723952

This types very Chinese or Japanese. Hella awful to read in English though. Can't be that big of an IQ if you have to use Google translate

>> No.10723953


>> No.10723954

You know how they call people who only speak one language, right? You must be Murica at this point. Only those whales would ever make fun of someone who managed to learn another language besides their first one.

>> No.10723956

...you're stupid for falling for this kind of obvious bait.

>> No.10723974

Looking like something was done in google translate, doesn't look like obvious bait anon. No one fell for anything. Just because someone replies doesn't mean 'HAHA GOTEM'

>> No.10723975

Anon, Google translate is actually pretty good, it would never yield results like that. That's obvious baiting, it's someone trying to mimic the stereotypical "broken English" that people in the US think Japanese and Chinese people have.

>> No.10723980

So what? They can't turn away people using their own discretion and common sense? Retardation

>> No.10723987

cow patterns are in fashion right now, clolita is not exempt from picking up stupid microtrends

>> No.10723989

Looking at clolitas make me think of Love Nikki clothing, which makes sense since it's a Chinese game. Clolita ressembles "lolita" clothing depicted in anime with its OTT dresses and frills everywhere.

>> No.10724060

That's just not true anon. It has much more to do with style and trends than brand. I have a sweet wardrobe, and most of my Taobao sold actually slightly above what I paid for it. There's huge demand for sweet lolita that isn't $200+ so people will pay 70-100 for taobao dresses I bought for $50 or so and it does sell really quickly.

I sold some of my classic wardrobe and didn't get more than $200 out of a single brand piece. IW resells at 1/3 of what you paid, as do quite a few of the lesser known Japanese brands. Even my AP prints sold at just under $200. The whole ROI argument for buying Japanese brands over TaoBao is becoming less and less relevant. The price for TaoBao is so low, that they actually lose less value because they're already cheap as fuck.

>> No.10724092

Left is fat and about to pop the seams on that blouse and dress. Middle coord, why the plain black shirt and tights? Why bright red that isn't worked in at all? Right you can't even really see the coord so who knows. And they're all fugly so

>> No.10724093

Kek And yet still looks better than 90% of western group photos. Seethe.

>> No.10724095

I don't disagree that most westerners in the fashion look ugly and have bad cords I just don't think bug eyed chinks look better

>> No.10724098

I'd be willing to bet my milky fawn that you're nothing more than a fuggo gull... And before you assure me otherwise, pics or it didn't happen. After all, they've got their pics up here.

>> No.10724113

This is really fucking cute, except for the weird headbow. I think it could almost pass for Atelier Boz or Atelier Pierrot to the unsuspecting Western lolita.

>> No.10724115 [DELETED] 

Are you an overweight nigger by any chance? I can read resentment in your words

>> No.10724135

for asians, they aren't good looking lol.. not sure what your base line is off of.

>> No.10724137 [DELETED] 

Lol nice deflection you must be a fat Asian. Shoop doesn't make you cute btw try buying nicer clothes and losing weight to fit into them.

>> No.10724138

haha isn't it obvious when they are like
and are visibly racist in an anonymous place. surprise. they were always racist as a 'marginalized' group. lmfao

>> No.10724175

This. I've had more trouble selling my old Bodyline than my TaoBao. TaoBao is way easier to sell off than crusty, overpriced brand pieces that are out of style. You can't get rid of a lot of those old Baby prints for more than $100. I had an old Baby cherry print in good condition. I started at $120, figuring I paid $200 and kept it in good shape, plus it's berry themed, but still sweet lolita. I reduced all the way down to $75 and it still sat around for 2 months before I just took it down and gave it to a friend. Meanwhile, when I listed a bunch of To Alice and Yidhra stuff it sold out within a week at pretty much what I paid for it.

>> No.10724185

some people do not know how language works, so what should be a simple joke becomes a "gotcha" in their uncultured minds

>> No.10724186

yes. it is also influenced by idol fashion. while Japanese lolita is likewise influenced by anime, games, idols, etc., lolita emerged on its own in Japan. it influenced pop culture to copy it before it copied pop culture.

that is, if lolita fashion is a territory, then pop culture media is a map of that territory. clolita mimics the map.

>> No.10724189
File: 1.09 MB, 1600x2133, JESUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gulls trying to out-racist each other

y'all need a c-ouji missionary

>> No.10724192
File: 266 KB, 1486x2048, 272300563_4110030745765867_354756602263000474_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10724193

What are these BTSSB OPs doing here.

>> No.10724194


>> No.10724195
File: 599 KB, 1200x801, Toyouanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To you, anon. I hope it makes you smile.

>> No.10724196

Clolitas can wear BTSSB??? Clolitas can wear all brand. Brand knows no boundaries.

>> No.10724197

clolita isn't "chinese lolitas" it's supposed to be like ita for cheap taobao crap. say taobao or chinese brand instead of using derogatory terms.

>> No.10724199

4chan vernacular has no need for semantics.

>> No.10724201

>That being said it is C-lolita. That's where 'clolita' originated from. Racist ita association came later.

>> No.10724204 [DELETED] 

it's not racist. you're probably some ugly chinese girl, huh. poor bb you will never be japanese.

>> No.10724217 [DELETED] 

ugly chink newfags can't even post properly.

>> No.10724224

To be fair these designs are pandering hard to the chines audience. I’ve never seen non Chinese girls wear them

>> No.10724226

C-ouji is actually awesome. Really expanded the fashion. Yes there’s some cheap shit in there, but there’s also awesome brands that have done more work for ouji than any Japanese brand.

>> No.10724231

what a reach. all the shitty chinese brands are thr same fugly costume disney larp trash. just admit you have no taste/yellow fever.

>> No.10724235

what is up with all the infighting and schizoposting in this thread? this board gets worse every time I check in on it, is it just larping scotes or an influx of newfags or something else?

>> No.10724239

>surely if i point it out it will help!
kys faggot.

>> No.10724243

except for the shitty quality and anime/light novel aesthetics, anyway

not much c-ouji is as daily-wearable as Boz or IW ouji is, and c-ouji has single-handedly caused the pajamafication of ouji shorts that has subsequently infected western indie designers

>> No.10724246
File: 2.91 MB, 3224x2150, 20220127_201520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contribute or gtfo, friend

here are some more meetups from weibo. pic related was over 6gb. chinese social media is truly luxurious compared to instagram

>> No.10724247
File: 446 KB, 1620x1080, 8a344259gy1gxr7185i0ij21900u0n93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10724248

What makes something daily wearable or not? Quality aside. Even if a lot of clolita is costumey as hell, all Lolita looks like a costume to normies anyway.

>> No.10724249
File: 3.61 MB, 3024x4032, 0064PMSmgy1gy5la7eef6j32c0340hdv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10724252

>Quality aside.
that is the single greatest determiner

comfort and durability matter most.

>> No.10724253

chinese girls i know in real life have been using chinese vs japanese lolita to slam japan and lift china up (much like the girls itt) saying that clolita is better and that westerners like it more. i know a lot of you don't use tiktok but it's really obvious all over tiktok that china is trying to copy japan's cultural export formula from the 00s and 10s by legitimizing all their bootlegs. they're doing the same thing with cosplay via genshin as well. it's all chinese nationalist shit, like hanfu.

>> No.10724255
File: 3.87 MB, 3264x2448, 6cc4dad2gy1gxt0e1k8okj22io1w0npf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10724256

Normies wear garbage quality clothes every day though

>> No.10724257

That’s also just part of the crazy Chinese nationalism trend lately.

>> No.10724258
File: 557 KB, 1440x1920, 6b7e2a55ly1gxsuryrfgpj21401hc7jc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10724259

They will succeed. China has too much power and too many people. Everything you love will be bought out and destroyed by China if it hasn’t already

>> No.10724260
File: 2.47 MB, 3225x2150, 20220127_201759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lolita is not for normies. when ppl say c-lolita is fast fashion lolita, this is part of what is implied.

>> No.10724261

What’s with the girls in casual sweaters?

>> No.10724262

this isn't a dump thread, newfag, it's for discussion

>> No.10724263

take yer meds

>> No.10724264

discuss the photos

people said chinese meetups look better than their own meetups. this is a recent sampling for them to see if their impressions still hold.

follow the conversation

>> No.10724268

chinese and korean lolitas love the big poofy sweater look

>> No.10724270

Under a jsk is one thing but that red sweater is egregious, it’s not lolita or even clolita, it’s just a dollar store sweater

>> No.10724272

you're supposed to tag them when you dump. you're a retard.

>> No.10724274

idol lolita is one

>> No.10724277

>no fatties
>no troons
yes, my impression still holds. i'd gladly take any of these comms over most western ones

>> No.10724278

no they won't. the only use sjws serve is gatekeeping keeping everyone away from all this chinese cultural takeover. sorry

>> No.10724279

You have to deal with chinese neckbeard orbiters who will neg you at meets and then send you dick picks.

>> No.10724291

So same as in the west? Scrotes will always be scrotes

>> No.10724323

thing is, the girls here wearing brand don't look marginally better from a distance than the girls wearing taobao dresses.

>> No.10724326

That's because they mostly all look pretty decent

>> No.10724330

There's even some brolitas in there and everyone appears to be wearing actual lolita, which is pretty rare for a comm picture in the west. I guess C-lolitas have the huge advantage of having massive access to tons of different brands. They don't really seem to have the issue of someone showing up in hot-topic or some other similar shit, probably because there's so much lolita readily available.

>> No.10724331

no go off, i want to hear it

>> No.10724333

Clolita style but with good fabric/construction would be cute af and better than typical lolita, prove me wrong (you can't)

>> No.10724335

Depends. There are some things that could work, but there are also a lot of really uggo clolita pieces. To Alice is a perfect example. Having a low cost business model lets them experiment with all kinds of crazy stuff, but some of their stuff is just plain ugly.

>> No.10724343

Wish I could see bottom right full coord. The baby sets look ok but that one is super creative
Pink house Chan is cute.

>> No.10724345 [DELETED] 

If you think every Chinese girl wearing a frilly dress does so with a nationalistic agenda, your jaded anon.

I'm not saying that everything you're saying doesn't have some place somewhere but you're jaded if you think it's the whole.

>> No.10724346

If you think every Chinese girl wearing a frilly dress does so with a nationalistic agenda, you're too jaded, anon.

I'm not saying that everything you're saying doesn't have some place somewhere. However, you're jaded if you think it's the whole.

>> No.10724347


Not to mention 99% of this thread isn't even what anon is saying this is lmao, it's just people shitting on clolita. I think anon's perception is just kind of off in general.

>> No.10724348

Agree to disagree then. The stringy hair and costumey wigs look like shit. The girl wearing the same btssb red riding hood full set is the most noticable on this point, she looks like she just went jogging in the summer. Unflattering or no makeup and greasy hair

Westerners who can afford to put together full brand coords generally lol more well styled overall. Besides the Moitie itas

>> No.10724350

Whoops, that was me. Had to correct your to you're. Yeah, I know. I just figured I'd point out that maybe whatever they're doing in life has left them with a jaded perception of the world.

>> No.10724356 [DELETED] 
File: 372 KB, 366x450, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10724365

>westerners with brand usually dress better
Agree to disagree for sure lol. The ita thread regular sees brand coords. Money can’t buy you good taste.

>> No.10724449

I'm converting to clolita, this is adorable

>> No.10724450

That's not what anon said though. She said CCP is using it all for nationalism, nationalists just use it as well. This #notallchineselolitas thing you're doing is pretty cringe though.

>> No.10724470

Full brand coords. Most people are wearing replica or offbrand or cheap Chinese accessories and it shows. People who can do full brand generally are more passionate about fashion and style

>> No.10724475

Newlita here. So is it not okay to wear handmade jewelry? Money isn't an issue but I have a hard time finding accessories and jewelry that actually matches my coords that's actually is better quality. So I end up buying from taobao and etsy simply and now I'm seeing this isn't the way to go? Where do you get the good stuff?

>> No.10724482

It’s fine if it looks good, that’s the only rule you need to live by.

>> No.10724499

Bacio Bouquet's cotton solids are amazing. They have thicc built in petis and custom cotton lace. I was shocked the first time I bought one. Modern AP could never.

Are you thinking about Baby? I've never known AP or ETC to not line dresses since it seems like common fucking sense for something ¥30000

>> No.10724500

I'm seriously saying, most of the people who are hardcore repping taobao and bashing on brand really don't even know what brand is like. it's always soooo noticable on here that the larpers think they have an opinion

>> No.10724502

Baby also lines their dresses... I own taobao and the three major sweet brands (meta, AP, baby) and i only have 2 JSKs with an unlined bodice and the only skirt without lining that i own is bodyline. It's a super casual cotton summer skirt. I'm starting to think some people are right about LARPers...

>> No.10724504

That’s just not true kek. You need to check out the ita thread, there are tons of yes even full brand coords that get posted and there are also tons of really popular Lolita’s who wear taobao or have taobao accessories in a really cute coord. Brand don’t mean shit anymore. Just look at all the Covid-litas out here dropping $700 on a crusty old AP lucky bag and still can’t coord for shit. The opinion that brand=good coord is such newfaggotry.

>> No.10724507

God why does anyone ever buy used clothes, I can't think of something more disgusting

>> No.10724511

I have a set of purple labels from AP and none of them are lined.

None of my AATP is lined, including tarot card JSK. At least 3 BTSSB pieces, like Aristo Kitty's , I own in cotton are not lined either.

you all are simply delusional about the low standards of Japanese Lolita Brands as if they were something even close to design clothes

>> No.10724512

>what is a washing machine

>> No.10724515

this is how you know taobao clolitas are all up in our threads, larping

>> No.10724525

There are swathes more itas not in brand though. majority of itas are in clolita trash bags.

>> No.10724532

proportionately it’s probably the same in the west anon. It’s a running trope that money can’t buy you good taste.

>> No.10724633

so basicly like meta, aatp, etc

>> No.10724637

One of my older ETC dresses is unlined and all of my Baby has unlined bodices. It's not like lining is a mark of quality anyways though. I live in a hot area and if I'm buying a cotton dress I don't want to have polyester all in my pits, that defeats the purpose of buying cotton.

>> No.10724639

But that clearly doesn't apply to brands such as Akane&Alois, Hmmh, Krad, Surface Spell, CEL, Miss Point and so on. What you've described is the costumey sweet side of the fashion in China that makes to the west.

>> No.10724641

>It’s a running trope that money can’t buy you good taste.
Between clolita itas? lol. we're in a different era, anon. we have a lot less brand itas than we used to.

>> No.10724644

which is also why people are nitpicking more, just as a fyi. nitpick =/= ita. our standards are just higher across the board, because we have a lot of oldfags now with a ton of brand.

the majority of you clolitas are itas, tho

>> No.10724647

it's never been the same and never will because there are more non-brands than brands. there's probably more lolita garbage on amazon than all the pieces by all the japanese brands combined.

>> No.10724649

that's the point we've been trying to make. clolita isn't a catchall for taobao or chinese brands, it's an insulting term to distinguish taobao/chinese ita shit from good chinese brands.

>> No.10724658

Yes, I completely agree.

>> No.10724667

This clears a lot of wording up for me, but there are definitely some anons who find all taobao brands tu be "clolita trash"

>> No.10724671

Because there has always been brand elitism. Clolita isn't the same and won't be to the ancients. Sry.

>> No.10724682

I think you need to look up what “proportionally” means kek

>> No.10724688

But you're fucking wrong.

>> No.10724698
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Cabbage hems

>> No.10724699
File: 147 KB, 960x1381, FB_IMG_1643405050512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long boys

>> No.10724700

If you only own or even primarily own pieces from chinese "brands", you shouldn't call yourself a lolita.

>> No.10724701
File: 116 KB, 1000x942, FB_IMG_1643405094112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird colors, almost like they decided to pick the exact shade of an old Polaroid of a brighter dress

>> No.10724702

agreed. that's why I propose clolita is a seperate fashion entirely. just look at how far off a lot of these dresses are from the fashion and you know DAMN well they won't look like that when it gets to the person wearing it

>> No.10724703

it's also kind of a strange design choice, why is there shirring at the bottom half of the bodice? it's like having saggy boobs

>> No.10724713
File: 18 KB, 240x320, 976f330f-6e6e-5996-ac96-fc26f41d20d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that a common feature?

>> No.10724714

I think this one has function, the other one is a 'design choice' which is why there's also a questionable waist design.

>> No.10724719

Kek go cry about it anon no one cares

>> No.10724725
File: 634 KB, 828x1004, A1993CC9-0906-4754-A877-A64ED9662CF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s just a massive scope of lolita clothing being produced by Chinese brands and they’re less “rule bound” than Japanese & western brands. Consequently it’s a vast sea of a lot of trash interspersed occasionally with some great stuff and refreshing innovation. Personally I like that “Clolita” brands are not tied to strict requirements of length, silhouette etc.

>> No.10724728
File: 434 KB, 632x972, BB869C43-0169-4D35-94DC-9FB2B0D5D866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I particularly like some of the designs nololita’s been releasing although the quality of the fabric does look like it leaves something to be desired. These shirred sleeves are cool.

>> No.10724730

I can't tell if this is a "realistic drawing" gone wrong or a horrifically shooped photo but jesus christ that's terrifying

>> No.10724733
File: 576 KB, 612x1081, 163D2617-BC11-43B5-950F-F21607DFEB5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I guess C-lolitas have the huge advantage of having massive access to tons of different brands.
I think there’s more to it than that. Being overweight is less common/acceptable and there’s less of a “participation trophy” culture of being nice to people just for making a bare minimum effort (if that makes sense?)

>> No.10724737

I guess we should also have a western lolita thread too. Western brands have a noticeably different aesthetic too.

>> No.10724739

Yeah but they're irrelevant

>> No.10724740

Do I have bad taste if I think this is really cute

>> No.10724742

No, that's really cute. Reminds me of an old IW Op I had in the past, only made.of heavier fabric.

>> No.10724744

NTA but there are a handful of pretty big western brands, and they do have a lot of stylistic choices in common.

>> No.10724745

Make the thread anon, no one is stopping you. Worst case someone will try to derail it, but that happens in every single thread around here.

>> No.10724746

>teeny cheap satin bows
>chiffon ruffles everywhere
maybe new IW but it doesn't look good.

>> No.10724764
File: 29 KB, 554x554, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teeny cheap satin bows
Anon, please...

>> No.10724765
File: 18 KB, 479x641, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teeny satin ribbons are so common it's ridiculous.

>> No.10724781

a lot of people do, actually, sorry you can't get over that we've always had elitists newfag :)

>> No.10724833

Purple labels? LMAO I bought like 6 AP releases the last two years and all are lined. Fucking larper.

Also what cheap ass old baby are you buying? We're talking current release quality, keep up

>> No.10724836

one day i'll get Nameless Poem for the standard gothic meme but eh

>> No.10724842

she probably got bootlegs from xianyu and doesn't know kek.

>> No.10724846 [DELETED] 
File: 3.76 MB, 4032x3024, 1556173080284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no anons, don't rip on other anons when you guys are the larpers. AP has used purple labels for their mature sweet releases for years. Mercator Antique Shop is just one of many. Do your archive reps before spouting bullshit.

>> No.10724847

Yeah owning old baby or aatp is pure larper.

Hot take- buying most dresses outside of MTOs at retail price is smooth brained behavior. Can the trolls get a better hobby than derailing any attempt to discuss what this board was literally created to talk about?
I find it hard to believe AP would release anything unlined under the lavender label, but who knows. Pics from anyone would be nice.

>> No.10724849

Well damn, I should have refreshed before posting.

>> No.10724850

>come play with us Danny

>> No.10724851

are you stupid? i know what they are, OP implied they were higher quality or something. retard.

>> No.10724853

the purple label is just to show it's from a more mature series, it's not different quality.

>> No.10724856

god i love autists, keep it coming! you're a natural, babe!

>> No.10724857

Why would I be crying about it? I'm not the one with a closet full of tacky plastic imitation lolita...

>> No.10724858

I love 2022 cgl, everything gets you labeled as a larper.

>you own old lolita dresses? larper
>you own new dresses? LARPER!!
>you breathe oxygen? Larper much!

>> No.10724891

>Doesn't know about purple labels
Larper, indeed

>> No.10724897

Wow you're literally insane this is incredible

>> No.10724909
File: 27 KB, 400x600, 720F0F72-ADE7-4FD8-A6AF-1DCE7B28947F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> White girl look like orc, scary
You probably mean american lolitas. European and scandinavian lolitas are usually the cutest ones, pic related.

>> No.10724912

You are giving the worst examples..
I get your point but these really aren’t helping prove it

>> No.10724924

>we’ve always had elitists
Yep. And they’ve always been cunts. No one who is actually confident in their wardrobe/looks/coord-ing skills is out here with a yardstick counting peoples brand. It’s always the uggos, insecure fatties, and newfags who act like that’s the measure of a real Lolita or not.

>> No.10724925

This. The only girl I knew who was like this irl was ugly as sin and kept trying to pretend that it only mattered what the dress looked like in Lolita.Having some cute burando ain’t gonna make your uggo face any less distracting.

Cute girls in taobao will always look better than unfortunate looking girls in full brand. Cope.

>> No.10724935

Anon, we don't always say something at meets. Some of us have social etiquette. We still think you're wearing trash, however.

>> No.10724937

It's just a shit ton of newfags and lolita at hearts (yes, if you're a clolita then you are a lolita at heart)

They think nothing is possible in the realm of being involved in this fashion for a long period of time, outside of halloween dress up

>> No.10725004

It's nothing I'd wear, but I'm kind of digging this anon. It's got early 2000 goth trend vibes with some of the goth girls wearing all white for effect. I'm talking about goth, not gothic lolita.

>> No.10725005

I don't care if it's cringe. I also don't put hashtags on everything. Only you do that, apparently.

>> No.10725006

Do you have any screenshots or anything? I'm interested.

>> No.10725019
File: 706 KB, 650x866, cee07f20ae0ef499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I found this and got me thinking about Classic and Clolita. It seems a lot of chinese brands have Classic--style pieces and a lot of the time it's not just victorian, but also empire style and at which point I start wondering if it's Lolita anymore.

Pic related, this would be okay as a formal dress if it wasn't cheap-looking, but it's not Lolita at all.

>> No.10725026

Surface Spell is not a lolita restricted brand, anon. It used to focus on goth-like alt fashion before actually making Lolita / loliable pieces. So not everything in their store will be Lolita Fashion appropriate, as it is common even within Japanese Brands.

In anyway, empire waisted dresses are rather common in Classic, specially in brands such as JetJ, although I don't recall seeing one that was both empire and tea-lenght,.

>> No.10725027
File: 9 KB, 244x304, 50a12a91-fc62-5204-b3c6-027a2827f113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, VM had some, how could I forget them

>> No.10725028
File: 9 KB, 240x320, d43212e6-4389-445d-9487-add0ea8fa8d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and moitie

>> No.10725029
File: 569 KB, 801x1036, 40252BA4-82D7-41D8-8E2D-CFAABB8D71B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d be interested to see this too

>> No.10725030
File: 734 KB, 828x1078, C343F1BF-868F-4FA5-AD49-1743D9C57D70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lolita inspired nololita jsk is kind of popular on xiaohongshu rn, it reminds me a bit of VW’s mini crini. I kind of want to buy it but I feel like the quality might be disappointing.

>> No.10725031
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Makes sense but that dress was tagged as Lolita so I got confused for a second. I like the design but the cheap look of the fabric makes me sad.
Heard Moitie is going down in quality. Sad, because I looked at some older stuff and liked them.
I like VM in general, though I don't think I could pull off a red like that.
Overall Clolita tends to intersect with Ita a lot due to a bunch of different factors, mainly China's mass-production, low-quality cheap stuff being very accessible to not only local girls but also westerners with questionable fashion sense, giving the idea that Clolita is bad. Some Chinese brands CAN have gems but it seems it all drowns in a Clolita/Ita ocean.

Pic related, the dress being white kinda hides the fact it's treading dangerously on the Lace Monster territory; hell, at first glance it may look cute. Purple version though does show its TaoBao stuff. Sad because I like the purple they chose for it.

>> No.10725032

ngl it doesn't really look good

>> No.10725035
File: 35 KB, 458x670, e81143088cc06a91829b08d1cd5fa447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't want to be that person, but Miss Point is another brand that makes clothes not only for lolita fashion, but also for "vintage" and "lady" aesthetic (just check their weibo. Although they have a huge Lolita following, their "British vintage lady from the past" following is even greater in numbers.). I haven't visited their store in a while, but they used to have really good quality cotton blouses (mainly because of the vintage thing that I just mentioned) that matched really well with MM's off-white. Their velvet adorned vest is the most popular piece here in the west and you may easily find people wearing it alongside classic Japanese Brands. They used to have some really nice tweed pieces too, but you may find these mostly in their weibo front. The thing is that they used to be quite expensive when compared to more popular and affordable Classic oriented brands such as Dear Celine.

>> No.10725037
File: 736 KB, 828x1057, 79B02629-2C1F-436B-9D15-704F8A2EA508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.10725038
File: 741 KB, 828x1081, E7202E8E-3E10-40FC-8601-E4BF732C7331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then there’s this really disconcerting kigurumi clolita

>> No.10725040

this one looks like the same level of those Tales of Collab with Baby

>> No.10725041
File: 2.63 MB, 1000x1500, 3a5a182fbc968a19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be that person, Anon. I'm retarded.
While looking for pictures I did find some nice cotton blouses from Miss Point. It just seems they tend to let themselves go with some dresses, at least with their more recent releases.
I should look at their weibo, then. I love classic/vintage, Lolita or not, and having some of that to wear casually would be nice.
Purple version does let the Lace Monster show. Damn, I like the color. Mint version is a bit better.

>> No.10725043

don't orcs have large round faces and lack nose bridges?

>> No.10725045
File: 91 KB, 500x750, 1592482960607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bootleg lulu hashimoto kek they don't have a single original thought in the country

>> No.10725056

Anon, your racism is showing. These people with dollhead exist everywhere, and a bunch of them, from different countries, are really popular in different niches... Hashimoto wasn't the first one...

>> No.10725073

>looking cheap and bad
Anon I think the word you're looking for is ita and those exist in every country.

The main difference between amerilards and Chinese itas is that they actually not too fat for clothes and can afford them too. The Chinese market is the main thing that keeps brands like Baby and AP afloat these days.

>> No.10725083

>The main difference between amerilards and Chinese itas is that they actually not too fat for clothes and can afford them too. The Chinese market is the main thing that keeps brands like Baby and AP afloat these days.


>> No.10725116
File: 323 KB, 450x659, bluehair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let anon handle the Tiktok thing, but irrespective of if I think they're jaded. Check the company that created Genshin Impact: "On the 24th of September 2021, miHoYo got an official promotion to a Chinese Communist Party party committee."


Obviously it would be silly to think everyone playing or promoting the game in China has a nationalist agenda. However, it's also true that the company obviously has an agenda aligned with the promotion of their communist government. It's complicated.

>> No.10725150

>"On the 24th of September 2021, miHoYo got an official promotion to a Chinese Communist Party party committee."
That's really convenient when there were rumors MHY was looking for a way to leave China to avoid the CCP's censoring if it got way too out of hand. This is going off topic, but companies in China have tohave their agendas aligned with the Party if they want to work at all, though I heard the President of the of the big ones was against CCP.

If they really want to promote commie govts and nationalism with Lolitas then they need to step up on the quality of their brands aside from indies. There are good Clolitas out there but fuck, most look like, well, Chinese knockoffs.

>> No.10725193

That's the equivalent of getting a honor medal or a thank you from the government, as it happened in South Korea not too long ago with the popular K-pop groups that were promoting Korean culture out there in the world, or with the Japan government saying thank you to Misako for promotibg Kawaii and Japanese culture around the world. He'll, even US pop artists sing and make campaigns for their presidents.
It's the same all around the world, anon. Don't act surprised as if in China it's something worth considering it's a conspiracy for brain washing people outside its walls kek. You sound like those tinfoiled guys from /Pol/

>> No.10725207

As if artists from England weren't invited by the crown to get not only a party, but noble titles and so on.

>> No.10725219

>It's not anything you can remotely lounge in
It actually depends on how much you care about the dress.

>> No.10725250

Kek none of the other governments you mentioned will jail you for posting Winnie the Pooh online anon. Everything in China is sus. The whole fucking country is unbelievably corrupt and dishonest. All that ip theft, replica culture, and counterfeit industry comes from the top down.

>> No.10725279

You must be older than 18 to post in this board

>> No.10725299

Orc women are hot though

>> No.10725303
File: 619 KB, 828x1128, 861753F0-578E-4261-8811-92FE047A247A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else like these dopey chinese bootleg kumyas you can find on Taobao and aliexpress? i call them usacummies

>> No.10725308

You could replace China with US or France in that comment and it will stay basically the same, brainwashed-chan.

>> No.10725314

NTA but where in the US will you be jailed indefinitely for making fun of the President? Even outright death threats carry fairly mild sentences unless you’ve done enough to be charged with conspiracy to commit. China has no freedom of speech or protection. If you think it’s the same as the US or France why don’t you go over there with one of those Winnie the Pooh meme t shirts and see what it gets you.

Commie wannabes in the west have no clue how good they have it. China has disappeared people just for expressing discontent, or even just talking about the approximately 30 million people who starved to death in the 60-80s.

Even recently, the Chinese government arrested people for talking about their relatives who died in the tunnel flooding caused by bureaucrats pocketing infrastructure money and doing a shit job. About 6,000 people drowned, and if you try to mention it online you’ll be in deep shit. China is taking a hard fucking turn lately.

>> No.10725317

The us and France are both very strict about counterfeits and IP theft. Remember that dude who got a federal prison sentence for distributing Microsoft ip? Of course people shill dupes, but thats still a crime and customs routinely siezes shipments from China, who gives no fucks about it as long as it boost production. The problem is, now all the big names are pulling out of China because they can’t protect their investment.

China is a joke, and anyone in global politics knows it. They have no contributions to the world now that manufacturing is shifting to cheaper south East Asian countries, no real allies, and no human rights or cultural appeal. Plus their wolf warrior diplomacy has made them probably the most despised country on the planet right now. Not even close to the power and influence that any major western power has.

>> No.10725321

If China is so powerless then why do most countries at so squirrely about acknowledging Taiwan?

>> No.10725333

I’m guessing you haven’t been paying attention lately then. France just sent a delegation. Lithuania acknowledged them, and the rest of the EU backed them up. The US and Japan are also sending delegations later this year. That would have never happened in 2008. Taiwan is also pushing chinas buttons and being extremely vocal and inconvenient for them. The world is calling chinas bluff. They already have a population crisis, everyone knows they can’t send their young men into the meat grinder because they don’t have any social security, and it would cripple the economy even more. China is actually very similar to the Ussr. Always trying to convince the world they’re ten feet tall when in reality, their government is just a circle jerk of morons.

>> No.10725340

>The us and France are both very strict about counterfeits and IP theft.
Meanwhile no sanitary regulation and you can easily buy counterfeit makeup anywhere. Yes, really strict.

>> No.10725341

Ah, I see it now. Your tinfoil hat is visible from up here.

>> No.10725348

NTA but I thought it was pretty common knowledge that China is barely a second world country. Olympic athletes were literally warned not to eat anything because their food safety regulations are so notoriously lax.

the CCP modeled itself after the ussr so of course there are tons of similarities. They’re also hilariously bad at image management. Just google dr. Wilson Edwards, it’s actually really funny.

>> No.10725394

winnie the pooh isn't banned in china. theres shanghai exclusive disney pooh merch all the time. im not even a china shill like that but come on

>> No.10725416

It’s not banned irl. But it is banned on social media because xi has such a fragile ego. You can’t mention “Winnie the pooh” in comments because it’s a euphemism for Xi, who just declared himself leader for life and mandated that all elementary school students take a course called “Xi’s thoughts”. There’s tons of articles about the pooh debacle, which desu I never would have noticed, but now that they mention it, he does kind of look like Winnie the pooh lol


>> No.10725419
File: 136 KB, 1100x619, 9C0188E4-D468-4625-8B39-97FEFDD901CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally blocked Winnie the Pooh images from loading on weibo and removed all the Winnie the Pooh emojis. All because of this image, which is honestly funny and cute I think.

>> No.10725501

The irony is if I say it's tinfoil, people tell me my #notallchineselolitas thing is cringe.

Then if I say there's some truth, I get told I'm wearing tinfoil. I'm damned if I do & damned if I don't.