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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10699585 No.10699585 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts when you see this?

>> No.10699593

Obviously it's a skit.

>> No.10699595

yes but it happens for real too
but when a woman is the groper no one cares

>> No.10699601

If I get jacked I'll be drowning in weeb pussy

>> No.10699606

This thought process is exactly why you never will get jacked.

>> No.10699607
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>> No.10699805

Imagine letting a disgusting fujoshi touch you.

>> No.10699823

they're married...

>> No.10700103

Even worse.

>> No.10700131

He's not cute at all even with a decent body so I'd say they're both average looking/butter faces that are perfect for each other if they both have nerdy interests.

Caring her a gross fujo when we know darn well tons of dudes on cgl would simp for her if she was in a loli gawrgura cosplay with normal Asian cosplayer levels of shoop and makeup is hilarious.

>> No.10700133
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I'm literally shaking rn, did he really objetify him and touch-rape him? this is not ok, calling tumblr police. She didn't even asked xir teym pronouns.

>> No.10700334

Can these jocks cosplay anything other than goku

>> No.10700404

Nah, a lot of women like big aesthetic chests.
I know because i caught two girls who liked me talking and looking at it

>> No.10700418

Fujoshis are not butterfaces. They are just butts.

>> No.10700543

This but unironically.

>> No.10700907

u saltier than a smash player lmao

>> No.10700915

I'm not mad, I think they're a cute couple together and clearly enjoy each other's company and humor. My relationship with my bf is similar as far as really loving being around each other and being goofy together. It's just funny that the girl is called a gross fujo immediately even though the dude isn't attractive either beyond kind of having muscles.

>> No.10700919

anon is just an incel and is mad the guy didn't pick a hot stacy like he would kek.

>> No.10700935

Holy shit, the insecurities, lmao.

>> No.10700937


>> No.10700948

>not wanting to get touched by women who appreciate the male body

>> No.10701112

Fujoshis are not women.

>> No.10701136

why do you think she's a fujo, she's cosplaying with him, that's not her clothes.

>> No.10701141

Fujoshi isn't a cosplay.

>> No.10701152

again, why do you think she's a fujo?

>> No.10701554

You expect me to know? Blame God.

>> No.10701573

No one cares when a male is a groper either. Women get told they asked for it or that it didnt happen so suck it up retard

>> No.10701574

Fujoshis are just women who like hot anime guys. Are you an autistic trans man mad at “MMUH MLM FETISHIZATION” or just a straight guy who dislikes hot guys? Kek

>> No.10701585

Fujoshis are literal garbage. Keep your disgusting 2/10 ass indoors in a cage where you belong.

>> No.10701586

ok aiden

>> No.10701592
File: 1.18 MB, 718x404, Geekssociated-Press-Cara-Nicole.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J-Nig touched breasts without consent

>> No.10701610

She's a gross hack though

>> No.10701687

does this actually work?
do cosplay girls actually just come up to you if you're buff

>> No.10701701

Touching without consent isn't a problem until you do it to somebody who does have a problem with it, and the more attractive you are, the less likely it is somebody will have a problem with it.
That's why Momokun gets blasted to fuck for shit like this and nobody cares that Jesus Nigga did it too.

>> No.10701713
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>> No.10701747

Nothing. If he's fine with it, I don't care. If he's not fine with it, he can tell her to stop. I've done this myself but I always ask first and the guy always say yes. Slutty men that show off like this like to be touched by women, it gives them a confidence boost. Doesn't work the same way with women because women are always desired and always, even if fat and ugly, will have someone try to touch them. Men don't get that because men are not listed after as much as men list after women so most will take any opportunity to be touched in some way.

>> No.10701837

Seen it happen to a friend who's buff so yes.

>> No.10701869

aren't girls that go to cons weird though?

>> No.10701884

I cannot believe there are seagulls on this board who are not lifetime /fit/izens as well. do you even get strange in con bathrooms? this is pathetic truly pathetic.

>> No.10701886

He's got the body but he looks kind of short. Not that that's a bad thing, but would be nicer if he was a bit taller.

>> No.10701892

They're just attracted to muscular men and I don't see a problem, it's really no different then women who approach buff guys in bars and clubs. It's the same concept as men being attracted to a woman with large tits, ass, and a small waist.

>> No.10702177

Women can't fully appreciate the male figure, not the way another man can.

>> No.10702233
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Oh my god. Those poor victims. If a hot girl grabbed my ass I would be devasted. Have they no shame? Shouts out to the fallen. Keep strong, my brothers. It's not your fault.

>> No.10702236

she's not even hot unless you like busted porn stars.

>> No.10702239

there's always a good amount of people that think that buff = instant chick magnet, but at cons it works against them half the time. there's always several ultra entry level dudebros that are cosplaying goku/ippo/some other shirtless char while lacking a wig or any of the makeup, and it always looks halfassed. everyone knows what you're doing and it's an instant -10 opinion, so even if you DO like that character you're already branded with that reputation

i've cosplayed muscular characters and i've cosplayed prince charming types, and prince charming types get way more attention from girls. the only people that like muscular characters are guys.

>> No.10702240

No one cares what jealous fujoshis think.

>> No.10702241

Nigri is a girl who gropes other girls so the equivalent would be if a man groped your ass

>> No.10702253

no i just like real women. once you've driven a luxury car it doesn't matter how many upgrades your shitbox has.

>> No.10702281

Imagine being this retarded, I'll pray for you sweetie

>> No.10702282

die pls

>> No.10702312


>> No.10702354

How so?

>> No.10702604

its true tho no homo
mostly because, even "fit" women, don't tend to focus on the upper body (66% of lifting), and even then don't try to go for hypertrophy and progressive overload since they don't really have to
that and not being responsible for the years of training it takes to look good, which women can do in months with just dieting and squatting
as well as not being the "strong" gender, sort of like how men don't understand how difficult makeup is (weight training is a lot harder imo, but still)
t. did theater and weight training for years and learning how to apply eyeliner when I started was a bitch

>> No.10702660


>> No.10702917

>Guy is ripped
>"He is average"

>> No.10702930

You can have a muscular body and still have an ugly or below average face. Guys can be butterfaces too. Many men try to compensate for height and face by working out and it helps a bit but can't totally offset the unattractive qualities.

>> No.10702942

Go back to your yaoi mangas, fujo.

>> No.10702951

I actually like muscular men who also have handsome facial features. Sorry you're a bald ugly manlet.

>> No.10702961

The closest you will ever get to one is the ones you draw, fujoshi filth.

>> No.10702965

Every woman who isn't attracted to ripped manlets isn't a fujo just because they won't fuck a midget like you.

>> No.10702990

Sorry, fujo. I'm taken. Enjoy your husbandos and cats.

>> No.10702993

stop replying to him
its probably the only attention he gets

>> No.10704293

That woman has no teeth

>> No.10708240
File: 196 KB, 1537x1662, 1639385568631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Have been groped a handful of times by women, have no real problem with it since I could kill them in a few seconds if I *had* to, so it's not the same as a 200 lbs dude groping a 140 lbs broad. My only worry is getting falsely accused of sexual assault as punishment for not reprocicating.

Ceteris paribus having a FFMI of 25 will get you much more pussy more than having a FFMI of 16. This being said, just like the other dude was telling you, unless your face looks as if was scuplted by angels (halo effect is very real) you'll come off as cheap or too cocky. Same reason you don't post pics shirtless pics posing on the mirror in tinder if you want to attract the most ammount of women possible because there's no plausible deniability, it's saying "i'm such a sikkunt that my fyseek will be enough to make you want to sex me". Again, if you are Brad Pitt tier you might be able to pull it off, but for the vast majority of dudes a better funneling strategy is to post pics in which their apollonean fyseeks are an accident and not the main purpose of the photo. If you do take this kind of pics you'll atract fitness chicks who havent had their period in 3 years.

>> No.10708264

A girl having her tits/ass groped by a guy is not the same as a guy having his muscles fondled by a girl. If a guy explicitly doesn't want to be touched, fair enough, but most don't mind especially if it is a cute girl.

>> No.10708394

Men are horny and enjoy this. Women are emotional and only want the chosen ones to do this to them.

>> No.10708440

I hate women

>> No.10708445

If I was buff I would reject a lot of strangers grabbing me just to be an ass. I'd be sexy enough I could get away with it.

>> No.10708450
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can't relate

>> No.10708542

there's a delicate balance in where people will talk to you all the time but if you go a little bit past then nobody wants to talk to you.

>> No.10711046

Just slightly push them away (don't be retarded and completely throw her to the ground, use like 1/4 of the force you use for dumbbells) and look at her like if she had just said some dumb shit/look annoyed, don't get all offended and she will probably leave you alone specially if her friends are close.

>> No.10711069

>if you get sexually harassed just play it cool

>> No.10711618

Reminder the people like this are anti-natalists who hate spontaneity because it's the hottest and creates more babies. Faggots who ask for affirmative consent and plan each step of a sexual encounter beforehand are probably cucked enough to wear condoms, too.

>> No.10711621

Not gonna read through this thread but tell me if I'm right:

>Ugly fujoshi femcels get triggered at the sight of a random buff guy
>incel gets mad and calls her ugly and fat (not wrong)
>femcel calls the poster an incel and ugly/balding (also not wrong)
>repeat ad nauseam

>> No.10711641

>fujoshi getting triggered by a buff guy
Do you...know what a fujo is?

>> No.10711642

Lmaooo the sheer incel quality of this post with a bonus cringe name is meme quality
Nice bait bro

>> No.10711679

Don't know if its actually him but the original anon with that namefag was infamously caught with cp. He's out of prison now and last time I saw him post was on /co/ when he got out of prison.

>> No.10711714

Obviously fake. No one is attracted to asian guys.

>> No.10711716

We like lanky pretty boys, not ugly buff manlets.

>> No.10711717

Now in english, faglord

>> No.10711730
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I like both, sans the ugly. Twinks were good when I was in highschool but now variety with good anatomy is top tier.

>> No.10711952

If you think about it, most of the japanese guys fujoshi love so much are manlet status

>> No.10712182

Cope pinkcel

>> No.10712194
File: 128 KB, 1203x617, Bara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that and beefy boys t b h
Manlets are ok as long as they aren't butterfaces.

>> No.10712196

In most aspects of society you'd be right, but fujoshis are another story. Fujos who go to anime cons LOVE asian guys because they are associated with male characters from anime and manga. I've seen the nerdiest, most autistic asian dorks get laid at anime cons just by cosplaying and getting swarmed by nerdy white women.

>> No.10712198

Nothing other than the guy's face looks pretty ugly. I'd rather have a guy with a good looking face but an average body than a ripped ugly guy.

>> No.10712211

Pretty uncommon for a fujo but I can respect that. Unless you're a fudan?

>> No.10712284

Anyone have that screen cap?

>> No.10712354

imagine saying this on a board full of weebs. the femcels here fucking love asians

>> No.10712464
File: 1.62 MB, 3996x996, D3376386-4EC5-4D8C-88D8-717C1AAEFC1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s do a test then. Which one of these guys is the most attractive to you?

>> No.10712467

all ugly but if you force me no1

>> No.10712469

The black dude because he can actually take a decent photo. The one on his left could be okay but you can't see his face at all. Black guy has glasses but you can at least see the rest so as long as he isn't cross-eyed he seems cool. The others might look better if they had visible faces and were not making derpy faces.

>> No.10712499

Coal burner detected.

>> No.10712502

How many years has this guy been posting these images and asking the same question now?

>> No.10713643

I've partied with that black guy before. He's a friendly guy. He usually hangs out with this like asian or half asian looking guy that's like 5 feet. I wonder if they're still around. Both are short as fuck but that doesn't hold them back. They work with what they got. Also that black guy has like a Michael Jackson type feminine kid voice. I just remembered that lol. But cool guys overall.

>> No.10713659
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Fuck I sometimes forget what normies consider ripped. God bless.

>> No.10713660

Hey suicider didn't know you posted on /cgl/. Haven't been on /fraud/ in ages, thought you had killed yourself.

Love, crucy.

>> No.10713814

I think it's more about accountability than feeling assaulted. don't #metoo and then get grab hands because you also have tits. catcunt can eat the same sand she shits in. is cosplay isn't consent still a thing or no?

>> No.10714541

What's his name or social media info?

>> No.10714569

Unless you know the person in question this is completely inappropriate behavior.

>> No.10714582

Jeffrey Tambor?

>> No.10714631

Not always, I've seen (and had this happen to me) countless times during con parties and such where alcohol is involved (big surprise).

Honestly, the bar for any type of fitness in general life let alone at cons is so low, especially for guys, that even the tiniest bit of muscle will be grabbed and felt by girls* (and guys, if that's your thing). Unless you're literally walking around shirtless though they aren't going to know.

*unless you're ugly. You could be fucking ripped but if your face looks like a log of shit that got runover by an 18-wheeler, there's no hope.

>> No.10714785

I don't remember honestly this was like in 2016 or 2017. The only thing i remember is that there was this facebook group that threw like regular house parties (not for cons) all over LA. I don't know if you guys remember those parties that would come out on the news sometimes in those days for being clusterfucks. I think they were called like project x parties. But that same party group would host crazy parties at ax sometimes. They had lingerie parties and sex orgies. But it was one of those things you had to know someone to get invited. I didn't know them but my friend was apart of that group that's how i tagged along. I think they used to stay at the westin before they cracked down on the parties there.

>> No.10714794

he's a faggot

>> No.10714795

One of my life regrets is not asking Billy Herrington if I could try punching his abs to see if he could kick my ass. I mean, he absolutely could but I wanted a shot.

>> No.10715114

You saw that black guy participate in sex orgies?

>> No.10715129

oh I've been too one of their parties too but when they were coming back from escape.

sex orgies? wasn't that the one where they set up a listing on craIglist but it was only dudes that came

>> No.10717816

And came they did

>> No.10718019

>lingerie parties

>> No.10718144

RIP Aniki

>> No.10718194

>t. Fatfuck fujoshi

Keep your unwashed hands to yourself

>> No.10718492

nothing ruins an orgy more than only guys showing up kek

>> No.10718517
File: 189 KB, 1440x1677, 271890717_10116508351133928_7155681197507592318_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon, who WOULDN'T wanna grope this fine piece of ass right here?