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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10702530 No.10702530 [Reply] [Original]

/c(gl)ancelled 5.0+1.0: The Last One For Now(?) edition

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All cancelled con talk, doom talk and speculation shenanigans go here since it’s kinda gone out of hand.

>> No.10702535

i ain't even nervous, to be perfectly desu

>> No.10702563
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>ALA has a Black Friday sale on their badges while AX doesn’t

>> No.10702583
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>> No.10702678

>Countries have already shut down borders and cancelled flights were omicron has been detected
So it begins.
Why should they? Any 2022 cons in LA County are likely to be cancelled before the end of the year. Starting with ALA.

>> No.10702682

They’re losing money, just like Otakon

>> No.10702730
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>Mfw AX Lite for the 3rd year in a row

>> No.10702742

The real question how can otakon start earning money and be the black.

>> No.10702776
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>AX Lite for the 3rd year in a row

>> No.10702781
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>AX Lite for the 3rd year in a row

>> No.10702782
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>Cons are slowly coming back in a smaller scaled back capacity
>AX is still doing virtual conventions

>> No.10702798

Honestly glad. As a casual cosplayer, I dgaf about the exposure or the connections that come from larger cons and smaller tend to not have 1 million lines that take 2 hours to do anything and everything. The more smaller cons, the better. AX is legit the worst con for a casual experience.

>> No.10702813
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By start bringing in acts that are worth traveling for. For an example, be the first con to host a few Japanese citypop/Jpop artists like Anri, Meiko Nakahara, Mariya Takeuchi and Chisato Moritaka. Just getting even one of these legends to show up and perform at Otakon would massive boon for them.

>> No.10702819

So it looks like E3 and auto shows aren't coming back.

>> No.10702823

There's no such thing as "smaller scaled back" when it comes to AX.

>> No.10702824

Yes because there is nothing like putting on an anime con and stuffing thousands of people in a convention center that is located in the one of the strictest places with Covid restrictions during a global pandemic.

>> No.10702825

If AX wants to come back at all, it has to scale back to the point it feels like ALA.

>> No.10702831

Don't worry, attendees can protect themselves from infection by saying "black lives matter" when they pick up their badges.

>> No.10702919

Cons aren't even scaling back either, lots are in full operating and only limited by the amount of vendor applications and attendees not afraid to go outside

>> No.10702927
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>ALA happens in a month
>a bunch of blm and covid ribbons are gonna be all over that con

>> No.10702988

Leftists can't meme.

>> No.10702991

>Cons aren't even scaling back either, lots are in full operating
Where? Many cons and trade shows had to scale back due to government restrictions.

>> No.10703011

Neither can the right.

>> No.10703018

>No u
Simply epic. Wasted dubs btw

>> No.10703084

No seriously, a Republican used the attack on Titan opening and had Biden and AOC as Titans.


>> No.10703092

Based. Fuck Biden and AOC.

>> No.10703093

>People are giving on conventions because they don't want to get vaccinated.
Good, the less people the better.

>> No.10703122

I like to consider myself someone of integrity, and was ready to read this to the end, or at least until we hit the weasel words. It actually took longer than I expected with "crackpot". Was even feeling generous and let that "unhinged" from right out the gate slide, but that was enough for me. Let's go, Brandon.

>> No.10703131

The fact that leftoids actually got offended by this is further proof that they have no sense of humor

>> No.10703135

jan 6th proved that deaths threats aren't just jokes.

>> No.10703154

Yup republicans are the most dangerous racists in the world, January 6 just proved what we all knew.

>> No.10703189
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2019 was my first full year out of college and I was able to make it out to cons beyond small local ones and go to Japan for the 1st time. I was really excited for another year of that and thought being an adult would actually be great, then Covid happened & I've been pretty miserable since. I still play vidya with the friends I made from cons basically every day and have gone to a couple Covid ones, but they aren't the same. I'm really fearful that this shit isn't going to end until I'm North of 30 and I'll forever be chasing the high of being 23 again. I'm not looking forward to another year of gimped & cancelled cons.

>> No.10703225

Illinois, Texas, every state that has a colossal con. Cons are either fully open or heavily restricted based on what state they're in.

>> No.10703237
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concerts are the same, some businesses just implemented the rules and just didn’t care if people followed the mandates if it screwed over the bottom line
>go to Porter Robinson concert
>security didn’t ask for vaccine cards aside from concert goers who willingly showed it to them
>absolutely no one wore their masks because of course

>> No.10703245

Just have to be a little less selective and not mind smaller cons. Annicdoltal, but I've been to 3 cons in the last 6 months (which hits my typical 3-5 a year) and have 3 more planned in the next 6 months.

>> No.10703265

Why are conventions not canceling? Omicron strain is out there.

>> No.10703266

must be venue by venue, because I also went recent and they definitely checked and most people were masked.

>> No.10703273

I moved a bit before Covid & live alone so I'm limited to going to cons alone now, and Covid makes socialization a lot harder.

>> No.10703284

You went to the Porter concert too?

>> No.10703288

yeah, but was definitely a different venue than yours so I'm not sure what was up there that they didn't check vax cards or mask up. very different from my experience.

>> No.10703323

>First USA Omicron strain found in San Francisco
It's ogre

>> No.10703343

There was already consensus it was spreading within the US already.

On the bright side since Americans catch COVID en masse like a well trained dog catching a frisbee we'll probably get to see whether or not the strain is more or less deadly than previous ones, or if it's just more contagious.

Interesting thought: is any disease that is more contagious with nothing else changing inherently somewhat more deadly because more people can catch and spread it? It also suggests more chance of breakthrough infections that while they rarely kill the person infected still means they're an additional vector to spread the disease further than the strains vaccines are more resistant to, and eventually that gets around to the immunocompromised right? Idk how science models work but it's an interesting thought.

>> No.10703371

Who cares, the federal government will shut down everything once cases start rising.

>> No.10703390

Jokes in you, I live in Texas lol

>> No.10703397

ok doomer

>> No.10703415

Because it's a nothingburger like every other variant we've seen and will see

>> No.10703423
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Looks like Omicron just cancelled its first major event. It won't be long until conventions start cancelling.

>> No.10703429
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>Comicon just finished just as Omicron was announced


>> No.10703443

AX fucking never

>> No.10703447

>It's been 10 months AX refunded everyone because they were looking for a new ticketing provider
I'm slowly believing that the SPJA and AX did not survive Covid.

>> No.10703543
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we're done for

>> No.10703545

Who exactly is "we"?

>> No.10703547
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>> No.10703548

oh no we're totally dead this time guys for real

>> No.10703551

>I'm slowly believing that the SPJA and AX did not survive Covid.
It's okay, AniManga or Anime Midwest will pick up the pieces and become the next big convention.

>> No.10703595

Yeah fuck them. I wish ALA would take the reigns but they're run by arrogant people.

>> No.10703617

E3 was always on life support and most people only tuned in to E3 for Smash reveals but now that Smash reveals are over, there is no longer any reason to watch E3

>> No.10703684

We can afford to go back into a lockdown and have no cons for another year if Omicron worsens.

>> No.10703692
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Looks like /c(gl)ancelled/ got renewed for another season

>> No.10703717

How do people even afford to go to multiple cons in one year? I don't even know of any job that would tolerate someone taking all of that time off from work for vacations.

>> No.10703740

do you work 7 days a week for min wage, anon? Its incredibly easy to take a day off work and pay ~$50 for a weekend pass

>> No.10703741

>work friday
>go to con after work
>there on saturday and sunday
>go home sunday night
>work monday morning

whats not to get

>> No.10703752

What about travel, hotel and food?
And if you're traveling you'll probably have to call out for 2-3 days.

>> No.10703754

>What about travel, hotel and food?
driving doesn't cost much and you don't need a hotel unless you are attending a con over an hour away. And what do you mean by food? Do you not eat during regular days? How is that an extra expense?
>And if you're traveling you'll probably have to call out for 2-3 days.
2-3 days? Most cons are only 3 days, do you work 7 days a week? Most people work 5 days a week, anon, that means just taking off 1 day or just going after work.

>> No.10703755

>Omicron now in LA

>> No.10703756

I work on Saturdays so would have to take 2 days off normally for any travel, plus they aren't paid so my paycheck will be crap on the following week

>> No.10703759

Probably the only doomer in this thread who has a point

>> No.10703776

>Cons are either fully open or heavily restricted based on what state they're in.

Otakon got whipsawed both ways. Initially cancelled after public events were restricted, then when restrictions were lifted, the convention center insisted that the event contract be honored, on short notice.

>> No.10703822

I get by going to several cons with air travel and hotel splits on a $1200 bi-weekly paycheck

>> No.10703850

The real reason the 2020 convention was canceled was before the dc mayor imposed her lockdown, the dc government used the convention center as a field hospital (along with 14 other locations) which ended up barely even used. This was mentioned explictly in their cancelation notice and anyone that says otherwise is lying to your face.

>> No.10703864


>> No.10704052

There are tons of locals cons.

>> No.10704618
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>> No.10705099
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>muh Jan 6
>boomer rednecks being let in by police
I fail to see what Jan 6 has to do with death threats or why it’s relevant to a retarded AOT meme. If you’re trying to start a argument about how “violent” or “dangerous” it was but ignore the summer riots or the daily actual state of any shithole city then you come off a sheltered smoothbrain. If you wanna circlejerk about REPUBS BAD that much then go shit up your tranny discord server not /cgl/

>> No.10705105
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You forgot the part where burning things in the name of dead criminals is justified, especially if you're born with the right skin color. Walking into the White House with the *wrong* skin color, on the other hand, is quite literally genocide and should be punishable by public execution for high treason, without trial.

>> No.10705160

>I fail to see what Jan 6 has to do with death threats
Republicans killed people while raiding the government. Death threats matter when its not an empty threat. Jan 6th proved the threats aren't empty threats.

>> No.10705165
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>Ashli Babbitt, 35, of San Diego and an Air Force veteran, died on the day of the riot after being shot in the shoulder by a Capitol Police officer as she attempted to force her way into the House chamber where members of Congress were sheltering in place.
>Three other Trump supporters also died: Rosanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Georgia, Kevin Greeson, 55, from Athens, Alabama, and Benjamin Philips, 50, of Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.
>Brian Sicknick, a United States Capitol Police officer, died on January 7, 2021, the day after he responded to the storming of the Capitol. He was pepper-sprayed during the riot, and had two thromboembolic strokes the next day, after which he was placed on life support, and soon died.

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were (you) even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award (you) no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.10705227

Trump hid the real death count of how many republicans killed people, it's disgusting how much of a vile man he is.

>> No.10705234

I would rather have Trump back in office over the retards currently in charge.

>> No.10705236
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I'd love to see how you'd react with the tables turned, with an "argument" as pathetic as this.

>> No.10705244

I genuinely don't understand the point of your reply
So you want more lock downs? More canceled cons? It wasn't under Biden that cons were forced to be canceled.

>> No.10705307

Cons closed because the world was freaking out and states weren't allowing large scale gatherings. Many of the cons didn't cancel themselves but held out until their states forced them to close, which let them save some money due to contract terms and insurance. But now that time passed and we all found out how mild it actually was, states either don't care about maskless cons or are at minimum operating under injection to attend policies. Cons are much more dependant on local gov regulations than federal, no matter who holds that office.

>> No.10705312

AX is less a con for fans and more giant trade show/ press conference. They are just clearly telling you what they think of themselves

>> No.10705316

We are never going to see another shut down or stimulus check. Americans have largely metabolize covid as just another thing that can kill us that we/our govt, has no will to stop or change.

>> No.10705351

>we all found out how mild it actually was
huh? By what metric is covid mild?

>> No.10705359

The metric of "not being a whimpering coward"

>> No.10705362

why are you arguing with someone who probably thinks that getting sick means you have symptoms, of any disease.

>> No.10705363

Can you go into detail of this metric of yours? Just want to make sure you aren't just making things up.

>> No.10705618

Take two.
>Biden hid the real death count of how many died from the vaccine, it's disgusting how much of a vile man he is.
>Biden hid the real vote count of how many people turned out for Trump, it's disgusting how much of a vile man he is.

>> No.10705619

By needing to get tested to know you even have it, or if you just have regular conflu that people have gotten for decades.

>> No.10705661

I don't understand what you mean. Of course you have to get tested to know you have it. How else would you know?
>bro, trust me

>> No.10705748
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>killed people
>4/5 who died were Republicans
>one boomer cop who got maced
That Travis Scott concert was more “dangerous” than Jan 6 ever was. What about how many death threats are put out daily through Twitter. You wanna talk about threats? How about people getting doxxed over a wrong opinion and getting violent groups sent to their houses or property and trying to destroy their livelihoods. Most of these are done by overly political liberal people btw. It just proves their threats aren’t empty threats per your own logic.

>> No.10705752

So do these threads always get derailed or….?

>> No.10705755

>Of course you have to get tested to know you have it. How else would you know?
Exactly! To the point of it being mild as mentioned, you can't tell it apart from any other common cold or flu symptom and thats 'if' you even get symptoms.

>> No.10705822

>That Travis Scott concert was more “dangerous” than Jan 6 ever was.
By what metric?
>What about how many death threats are put out daily through Twitter.
Can you explain how that connects to covid, anime cons, or republicans? Or are you deranged and obsessed over twitter?
yes, that is true for literally every non-body deforming disease. I don't get it. Are you actually saying if you can't tell what disease you have without testing, its not bad? Have fun with cancer I guess.

>> No.10706004

Is this (You?) >>10705227

Need to confirm before answering any further.

>> No.10706077
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>comparing a government insurrection to a dumbass mumble rapper's negligence.

>> No.10706087

Your comparison to cancer makes no fucking sense because cancer will literally kill you if you leave it unchecked. You don't just "get over" cancer like you do with covid. Covid certainly won't kill you if you don't even notice symptoms of it. It's not going to gradually worsen over months and years like cancer.

>> No.10706094
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>the right can't meme
>posts an example of the right memeing

>> No.10706109

>It's not going to gradually worsen over months and years like cancer.
Source? People who have caught it are already having permanent respiratory problems.

>> No.10706118

yeah and people die from the flu, too. sometimes bad shit happens to a very small percentage of people with every disease

>> No.10706141

i could probably be able to attend 2-3 spaced out cons in a year.

Not cons but our family went to yosemite in april then vegas in august

>> No.10706826

uhh, you realize the reason covid has such a low death rate is because of treatment, right? A lot more people would be dying if no one who got covid was treated in a hospital. But thats besides the point. You can die of cancer and no know you had cancer. Most diseases have to be tested to know what it is.

>> No.10706846

Lmfao I love you guys

>> No.10706852

>uhh, you realize the reason covid has such a low death rate is because of treatment, right?
yes, retard, that's literally the point. cancer won't just "get better" on its own like most cases of covid or the flu. if you just let cancer be, it will almost always get worse.

>> No.10706906

The original claim was you won't know you have covid unless you get tested. You also won't know you have cancer unless you get tested. You can die of covid or cancer without ever knowing you had either. Most people who died of covid in later 2019 and early 2020 had no clue they had covid as testing was hard to come by. Many cancers will live in your body for months or years without any noticeable affects. You could die from unrelated causes (car crash, etc.) while unknowingly having cancer.
For example: "With most breast cancers, each division takes one to two months, so by the time you can feel a cancerous lump, the cancer has been in your body for two to five years."
You can live for years with cancer and not know it. Meanwhile, you catch covid and can die within 2 or 3 weeks.

>> No.10706949

no, the original statement was about asymptomatic covid. if you literally don’t have any symptoms at all, you will not die from there symptoms. If you’re asymptomatic and you test positive, there’s literally no treatment they can even give you. The same cannot be said for cancer, because it always winds up being symptomatic eventually and just gets worse and worse with time.

>> No.10706973

The word "asymptomatic" does not appear anywhere else in this thread.

>> No.10706975

However the word symptom has 10 results!

>> No.10707377
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>Europe about to do full lockdowns again
>Already one American university went into lockdown
How long before cons are cancelled again?

>> No.10707392
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Wow, he is LITERALLY you!!

>> No.10708289

>Sporting events have begun to either cancel or postpone
Conventions are next

>> No.10708296
File: 965 KB, 1722x1125, 4A5F42A8-90DF-4AB6-9652-49689DD5F014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more anime cons possibly being cancelled or ridiculously nerfed to shit because Republicans are traumatized by a jab in the arm and a piece of cloth

>> No.10708392

Why should I get a shot that doesn't work and wear a mask that doesn't protect me?

>> No.10708393

>ridiculously nerfed to shit because Republicans
This! So much this !! ...Except the part where that's actually 100% wrong and you're fucking retarded if you actually drank your own Kool-Aid.

>> No.10708399

... I don't recall republicans being in Canada

>> No.10708410

you shouldn't. Thats why you should get a moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and wear a disposable mask, preferably n95

>> No.10708412

>People who tested positive for omicron were already fully vaccinated and had a booster
>The only death recorded so far from omicron was also fully vaccinated
>N95 masks still show no evidence of protection from covid droplets
Stop sucking Fauci's dick for once.

>> No.10708414 [DELETED] 
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If anyone shows up in an Eighty Six cosplay, you deserve a ribbon.

>> No.10708427

>the same two polschizos have them replying to themselves in these threads for over 2 months now

>> No.10708428

>Stop sucking Fauci's dick for once.
Why are you making this political? listen to the people whose jobs are on the line to get the facts right, not political leaders. The facts are vaccines and masks reduce getting covid and reduce deaths. Just talk to literally any hopital employee, and they will tell you the vast majority of people in there with covid are unvaccinated. Stop trying to make this into some political game, this is people's lives we are dealing with.

>> No.10708434

>listen to the people whose jobs are on the line to get the facts right, not political leaders.
They get paid by said political leaders to spew crap that is no longer making any sense.
>they will tell you the vast majority of people in there with covid are unvaccinated.
Both vaccinated and unvaccinated are ending up in hospitals. Sure unvaccinated are still the majority but if you received both doses and a booster you shouldn't be lying in a hospital bed fighting for your life.
>Stop trying to make this into some political game, this is people's lives we are dealing with.
I'm vaccinated, but I'm done with this mickey mouse game by politicians and "medical experts" that have now become mouth pieces for them in the name of science. I'm glad I live in a city in California that told Newsom to go suck dick and won't enforce his mask mandate.

>> No.10708479

Then you clearly aren’t paying attention. They are currently the ruling party, the name is just pronounced weird.

>> No.10708503

Conventions need to ban all republicans and all republican-identifying attendees. They are complicit with violence and they spread hared.

The world would be a better place if they stopped going to coventions.

>> No.10708507

>They get paid by said political leaders to spew crap that is no longer making any sense.
How could I change your mind?
>Sure unvaccinated are still the majority but
There is not "but". You just said it right there, vaccines work. When you get vaccinated, your risk of hospitalization plummets.
>I'm done with this mickey mouse game by politicians and "medical experts" that have now become mouth pieces for them in the name of science.
Who are you listening to then?
>I'm glad I live in a city in California that told Newsom to go suck dick and won't enforce his mask mandate.
Why are you glad about that?

>> No.10708578

>How could I change your mind?
Don't bother
>There is not "but". You just said it right there, vaccines work. When you get vaccinated, your risk of hospitalization plummets.
People are still dying just for taking the vaccine.
>Who are you listening to then?
Definitely not the media and the doctors that they constantly interview. Many doctors are against mask and vaccine mandates, but the media constantly silence them or they get called a quack by their peers.
>Why are you glad about that?
Because Newsome can eat a dick and everyone is tired of enforcing a memo that doesn't work.

>> No.10708781

What are you doing going to conventions? Shouldn't you be quaranting and avoiding public gatherings like your government masters told you to do? Stay indoors and keep getting injected with mystery science juice or you're proving that you don't care about humans.

>> No.10708784

I didn't even give that tard a (You) because it's so bad, it reads like a parody. So it might just be that.

>> No.10708791

>being this desperate to feel oppressed

>> No.10708866

I hope they all get cancelled and all the organizers go bankrupt. If I can't be at your shitty convention without getting the jab, then no one should be able to go to your shitty convention at all.

>> No.10709026
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Double dubs of based fact spitting. I never even thought about taking it that far, but you're absolutely right. Fuck these people, especially the Anime Frontier ones who straight up broke the law by demanding tests in Texas.

>> No.10709045

Based. Yes conventions should demand voter registration cards and matching photo ID from all attendees to confirm they aren’t registered Republican. If they are and already bought tickets they should be barred with NO REFUNDS. Organizers need to be courageous and stand strong even in the face of mass litigation.

>> No.10709049
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Yeah we have a word for that already. It's called "discrimination" and in some places it is explicitly illegal. So get fucked. Also, you're not going to cons anyway because shitheels like you don't anymore. They'd rather come here to complain nonstop. Having the last year off at 12+ cons without you whinging cunts was a true pallet cleanser and I look forward to never seeing such worthless subhumans ever again.

>> No.10709069

>being this uppity over boomers not caring about a flu

>> No.10709177

Akshually sweaty it's not discrimination, it's called punching up. You can't discriminate against a group of people who are in power. It's like how you can't be racist towards white or how you can't be sexist to men. Because prejudice + power = racism/sexism. So *clap* there's *clap* no *clap* such *clap* thing *clap* as *clap* discrimination *clap* against *clap* Republicans *clap*

>> No.10710688

Physical vaccine cards and only physical vaccine cards (no negative covid tests or a snapshot of your vaccine card) should be mandatory

>> No.10710692

You necking yourself today should be mandatory as well, but we're not getting either, are we? Cry harder, not that you're ever going back anyway.

>> No.10710712


Democrats have been discriminating against blacks for years, They tend to germander to get a hold of poorer city neighborhoods and make laws that specifically hurt blacks (Like Gun and drug laws). I would say they hold a lot of power especially considering the father of the Crime bill is now our POTUS.

>> No.10713173


>> No.10714839

Even with the Omicron variant?

>> No.10714860

Most mild and boring variant yet, take your nyquil and you'll be ok

>> No.10714999

I don't like Biden either but this reeks of "how do you do my fellow kids".

>> No.10715003

>a piece of cloth
>survived a wildfire
>have trouble breathing
>"wah wah face masks give you hypoxia, it makes you breathe in carbon monoxide"
No sympathy for those whiny retards.

>> No.10715337
File: 356 KB, 2000x1109, 1640507840617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw most wagies really want the virus in them because it’s the only way they can spend their PTO

>> No.10716663

So how was magfest?

>> No.10717810

Magfest was dogshit.

>> No.10718495
File: 1.96 MB, 1200x863, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conventions need to ban all republicans and all republican-identifying attendees.
your coat, madam.

>> No.10718501

>Implying this landwhale cuntstain who isn't going to conventions anymore out of fear of someone coughing on her is this based
Fucking jej

>> No.10723158


>> No.10723379

>Preparing for ALA 2022 the week of
>began to show symptoms
>get tested
>ended up positive
>had to cancel EVERYTHING at the last minute
I hope this doesn’t happen for AX because I was fucking gutted when my ALA plans went down the shitter

>> No.10723386

mom, retards are confusing authoritarian dictatorships with totalitarianism again!

>> No.10723414

>authoritarian dictatorships with totalitarianism again!
it's the same damn thing, dumbass

>> No.10723415

>you WILL take your covid tests, boosters, and not live! You will stay seated and lying watching Disney+ and Netflix while your immune system takes a dump

>> No.10725221
File: 601 KB, 1653x1125, 61991E7E-889C-45F5-8103-2A67DEB036E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be wagie
>get tested positive for the virus
>only ended resting for three days because people were quitting left and right and the supervisor’s favorite went on vacation
>wagies still not expecting to work even if you’re not fully cured

>> No.10725338

Has any cons been forced to cancel so far?

>> No.10725502

Only one I can think of off the top of my head is Arisia in Boston.
I doubt we'll be seeing many cancellations this year. Magfest went on as planned at a time when covid cases were around 700,000 per day. Katsu appears to be going on as planned, and cases will likely be at around a quarter of a million at that point.
If those cons didn't cancel, I can't imagine any other ones will.

>> No.10725547

Everything is cancelled forever in the heads of the repugnant landwhale cowardly pukes who scour this board. Literally every time I see a cancelled event on animecons.com, it's in Europe or Australia.
>It was real in my mind

>> No.10725554


>> No.10725877

>it's in Europe or Australia.
USA should follow them and cancel unnecessary mass gatherings.

>> No.10725902

And thank God you're not in charge of making such decisions. Wasted dubs btw

>> No.10726475
File: 235 KB, 1080x1252, 20220201_185715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otakon is not even worth the 100 dollar admission fee for three days.

>> No.10727779


>> No.10732507

>not a “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt
4/10. Do better. Be better

>> No.10732978
File: 970 KB, 1440x1431, Screenshot_20220217-203249~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this one might be dead forever

>> No.10733172

At this point it's probably better to just wait for the Supreme Court to lift vax mandates on air travel and then get a passport and go to Comiket in Japan or cobs in Europe. The US convention scene is a woke trashheap.

>> No.10734648

Because of course

>> No.10734724

Antifa needs to be rounded up and shot like the pathetic human shit they are.

>> No.10734805

what the actual fuck does that have to do with this con?

>> No.10734810

Basodado based.

>> No.10740570

Wearing a trump shirt is subtler

>> No.10745348

It is

>> No.10748181

Subtlety is not part of any republican

>> No.10751031
