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10699403 No.10699403 [Reply] [Original]

The event is happening now.

Are you attending?
Which guests and panels do you want to see?
What is on your itinerary?
What are you looking forward to at this event?

>> No.10699610

Social Justice? What did I miss?

>> No.10699637

Honestly, nothing of value.

>> No.10699652

>smoke filled hotel that is bad for dresses
>expensive as fuck rooms+resort fee :)
>those rules

Giving Sin City Anime a shot instead, at least this place has an out door gazibo and no smoking or rather any smoking around.

>> No.10699655


First panel is starting soon if anyone at home wants to experience the cringe

>> No.10699664

How many people at the con are wearing pronoun badges?

>> No.10699668

So far pictures coming out of the event look fine, seeing an expected volume of itas for the sort of audience this con wanted to draw. If nothing catastrophic happens I might consider going next year despite the cringe rules since it will likely be my last year living in Vegas.

>> No.10699695

Oh god the panels have all been empty so far.. This place is barren.

>> No.10699715

There's no smoke where the con is and you can avoid the casino floor to get there. I don't get why anyone thinks Sin City is better. It's at a shit hotel, there's STILL no schedule posted even though it's going on now. Someone (probably you) probably has something to gain by constantly trying to promote it over this. I expect the tea party tomorrow to be seriously cringe.

>> No.10699728

The event is too expensive for *most* itas. Except for the ones they invited anyways.

>> No.10699730

I think they made a mistake thinking anyone going to this gives a fuck about any of the panelists. We didn't come to hear their shitty guests, we came to get frilly and hang. Tbh it's been pretty chill so far. Some slight smoke smell issues, but I'm also just super sensitive to that.

>> No.10699732

ah yes i wish i would have spent my weekend with brand itas.

>> No.10699745

Do you have an idea of the head count? It's really hard to tell with the panels.

>> No.10699772

Kek the irony. Sounds like you have something gain by constantly shitting on Sin City Anime.

>> No.10699779

NTA and I’m really bad with counting crowds but I’d say less than 200 for sure.

>> No.10699801

Tell me what's actually good about Sin City.

>> No.10699816

Its not RVR

>> No.10699836

Check the old threads.

>> No.10699846

>here right now
>walk to the elevators
>literally through people smoking
okay I guess I need to bend reality, spotted someone who uses aliexpress

>> No.10699916

>There's no smoke where the con is
There def is. I'm super annoyed about it desu because I have allergies and now I've got a rash flare up.

This. If you were to judge solely by panel attendance you'd think there was like 5 people at this con. I think the screening will be the best estimate.

I'd probably say there's 80-100 people maybe. 150 even seems like a stretch. The vibe is pretty chill though. Def some itas in he mix, but desu the worst offenders are their own invited guests kek.

>> No.10699944

Found the person running this sad excuse of a lolita event or one of her friends. MGM is by no means a great hotel either and RVR doesn't even have any special guests that are relevant to the industry.

>> No.10699955

Vegas is a shithole. It's basically Disney for stupid adults who want to throw money away. Most of the shows and night life are just there to funnel more money into casinos. And everything in Vegas is trashy. Even the nice hotels are only nice to people with no fucking taste. Everything is designed for Americans and Chinese men. There is literally nothing there for lolitas and I can't imagine most of my comm having fun other than maybe sheltered girls being impressed by it.

>> No.10699956

they're literally automatically attached to the passes. everyone is wearing them kek

>> No.10699974

There's some great afternoon tea, shows (cirque du Soleil), hello kitty cafe, a great Asian district, great Asian food. It's not the best city, but there's enough to do and everyone I've talked to is keeping themselves busy. Some have preferred this over Paradiso because of the location.

They're optional. They're just available at the registration table. Quit being dramatic.

I'm having a nice time. My focus at the con has been meeting and getting to know people. The mixer last night was sort of corny but also really fun to have a few drinks and let loose. When it was all over at 10:30 there were still over 40 people hanging around.

>> No.10699984

Those nice things exist elsewhere. If you weren't a flyover you'd know that. Vegas is trash for hicks who want to gamble. And the con is in a casino hotel not a nice one.

>> No.10699992

>she thinks 40 people is a lot

>> No.10699995

Going about 15 minutes off the strip there are some cute cafes to get tea at so there’s that
For a lolita specific event in an expensive location it’s not bad

>> No.10700000

Nta and I am not even attending this event but good God yes Vegas is trashy and yes nice things exist elsewhere but no one has to be "impressed" by Vegas to want to have an excuse to hang out with friends or chill with other lolitas, to to a swap meet, etc.

The organizer picked Vegas so that's where people went. I'm sure you could have bad a similar event in numerous cities in Texas, in LA, NYC, Toronto, etc. with nice cafes or tea spots and Asian districts or areas and there are big comms in those places who would attend too but the reality is people went to what someone was willing to put together. I don't want to be one of those "well if you hate then let's see you do better" kind of people cause it comes off as wking but the reality is no one in this community likes stepping up to plan stuff because of the scrutiny it leads to and the effort, criticism, and all that is all rolled together, so if we want to see something different we literally would have to do it ourselves.

This is just a bigger extension of the lolita influencers threads and how people complain that there is nothing good but no one wants to sign up to do work for people who will sneer at them or anyone who likes the work, and would rather just let others do it. Someone actually did the RVR event and some people wanted to go and are enjoying themselves in the city its hosted in even if the event itself is lackluster. I'm sorry you don't have friends or a comm or something that would allow for you to do that or that you're in Europe and it's not worth the trip or whatever else, but it's really not that complicated to think that one of then first irl lolita events since the pandemic would be fun for people to use as a reason to have fun and do stuff in lolita regardless of how mediocre the event is.

>> No.10700006

I'm from a large destination city, but I still know how to travel and have fun. It doesn't take much to fill a few days.

A lot of people had a long day and went to bed or had Vegas things to do. The point is it was enough to have great vibes. People did karaoke, drank, and got into it.

I think Vegas was an okay pick because flights are cheap, it's one of the better central US cities, it's near the airport, and there's a good amount to do as a visitor. For a first year event it's pretty nice.

>> No.10700007

>most of my comm having fun
tell me your from Dallas without telling me your from Dallas.
>people complain that there is nothing good but no one wants to sign up to do work
This. DESU I was really put off by the whole code of conduct fiasco and I found it super cringe, mostly because we all know IRL that none of the organizers would ever actually enforce any of it anyways because they're actually noodles. This means that it was basically all to virtue signal online and give a practice run to a third rate senior thesis at bumfuck university.

That being said it's been fun. I have gone to literally 0 events besides the mixer because the panels are crap and the guests are crap, but hanging out in a lolita space has been pretty fun on the whole. The only issue I had/have is their weird thing with Tyler. I think the event is going well and that they'll do another, but they've basically black-listed her over nothing and I think that it will really cripple any future attempts to get interesting guests.

>> No.10700009

Then you are the hick moron in my scenario. Vegas isn't a central city unless you have never traveled anywhere in the Eastern US, again proving hick idiot point.

>> No.10700010

the square peg doesn't go in the round hole

>> No.10700011

>tell me your from Dallas without telling me your from Dallas

There are other comms where a lot of comm members are attending too. Dallas comm (similar to NYC comm) just happens to have a lot of people who hang out and post on socials with each other a lot. Just because people aren't making themselves super visible online doesn't mean they aren't there with their comm.

>> No.10700012

these events are difficult to host and there's not a large local market for it so they become huge money sinks. deposits and fees that won't be refunded no matter how many guests attend. and you can't plan before booking venues and such. there are not enough lolitas for these to be viable unless they are rare and overhyped like this one. this event sucks because almost all lolita events do. the people hosting it are the only ones retarded enough to do it. there's a reason comms exist and why we go to cons and it's not because people aren't willing to "step up", it's because they know better.

>> No.10700013

>it's been fun.
>I have gone to literally 0 events besides the mixer because the panels are crap and the guests are crap, but hanging out in a lolita space has been pretty fun on the whole.
What is this, dashcon? Everyone is getting stockholmed to shit.

>> No.10700014

Vegas is literally the West/Southwest geographically. Maybe they mean central as in a big busy city but that still applies to Vegas. Trade shows and expos and conferences and other conventions are huge there; its a busy place. Seems like the ayrt is a Euro trying to larp as a rich American kek. I bet if the event was in a major Texas or Southern city they would have ignorantly claimed it was in bumfuck nowhere just to complain.

>> No.10700017

I think anime cons suck at times because it furthers the association of lolita with cosplay and being a costume and you get ita weebs wanting to talk to you, shit like John Lei sexually harassing minors and running shit events and other issues that ruin relationships with Japanese brands, or the Kopf cons that led to minors getting signed up on weeb dating sites unknowingly and whatever else.

Anime cons attract types I don't like being around (as well as tons of normal people, I like anime too, but just look at con threads on cgl). The lolita community is large enough to sustain separate events. People are just too whiny and opposed to participation in a lot of things sometimes for it to ever work out because the peer pressure to be salty and judgemental instead of just having a fun time always wins out in this community. It's possible to do better but everyone is too mad all the time to let anyone who tries have a fair shake.

>> No.10700018

I've lived East, central, and west. When you eliminate coastal states for ease of traveling from the other coast, the selection goes way down. It's pretty much between Vegas, Chicago, and Austin at that point. Everything else is way too small or total garbage to be at.

But hey, you do you with being a miserable cunt and all. I'm going to finish getting ready so I can shop at a swap meet and start my day. Feel free to continue feeling superior.

>> No.10700020

Nta but if Austin is on your list you may as well swap it with Dallas since it's further north in Texas (more central to the rest of the country and more flights in and out, more direct flights to Asia if you wanted Japanese guests) and often has cooler weather.

>> No.10700021
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Dashcon had a ballbit.
RVR doesn't even have a ballpit.

>> No.10700022

What's the point in bitching about an event you didn't attend?

>> No.10700024

I'm the anon. I rarely go to panels when I go to cons anyways. I mostly go to hang out with people and vibe in the con atmosphere, but occasionally if they have something really interesting I'll go check it out. Panels aren't what makes or breaks an event for me, but I'm def going to sit there and listen to the itas they invited give me "advice" about how to color coordinate when they can't dress themselves that's gonna be on a pass.

I would have gone to a panel with the girls who wrote that book, or even somebody who actually knows what they're doing but even in a general anime con it's pretty rare for me to find panels/events enjoyable.

>> No.10700028

For US flights Denver is also a huge connection point and could have been a contender for this event. Vegas does have cheap flights, cheap venues, and top tier asian food though. I think it mostly comes down to cost, and there are few places in the country with more event planning infrastructure than Vegas.

>> No.10700036

I'm only now regretting my choice not to attend. Haenuli has a few dresses for sale at the con and I've been trying to track down A Full Moon Night for a while and it's available.

Would it be forward/unhinged to offer payment to have someone attending buy the dress on my behalf? I'm local and could meet up right next to the con to pick it up.

>> No.10700037

I don't think it would be rude or weird to ask. Or maybe contact Haenuli directly and ask if they can hold it if you pay for it and have them bring it to you/you could pick it up?

>> No.10700041

I've never purchased through her distributor at this event, Iris Garden, so I'm not sure how to contact her exactly or what to expect, but thank you nonnie! I'll try to figure that out, I wouldn't have considered that option.

I'll also throw my email up here since I'm willing to link to my LM feedback or willing to discuss details if any gulls want to assist. I'd be more than happy to pay someone directly what I would have otherwise paid in shipping when I hunted this down secondhand.

>> No.10700074

I'm currently at SCA, not trying to shitpost in the thread, but damn the lolita tea party out here was actually well done. I'm actually surprised since I walked by RVR yesterday and wow was it a throw back.

>> No.10700075

Also yeah anyone saying the smoke does not exist is kidding themselves, I still smell it on me even after a shower

>> No.10700110

kek fags

>> No.10700130

>throw back
A throw back to what? RVR was a throw back to another time/event or SinCity Anime Con was?

>> No.10700167

the announcer/mc for the fashion show was so fucking hot

>> No.10700230

Lol wut. That tea party was garbage. The room smelled, everyone was hungry but all we had was cheap chocolate snacks, it was unorganized, it ran an hour late while everyone was hungry and craving real food. People were leaving early. There were 10+ cosplayers/normies. The only saving grace was how charming Rinrin was.

>> No.10700239

10 is an exaggeration but that was annoying as fuck

>> No.10700258


No finger sandwiches or scones? Yikes. As a RVR attendee I'm holding my breath now as our tea party is tomorrow. Other than the 10 normies there, how many others attended (like actual Lolitas)?

From what I've been seeing at RVR, attendees that came with friends or significant others are having a good time. Definitely an amount of technical issues around though so maybe it will be a learning experience

>> No.10700284

Do you have pics of the food and the tea party itself?

>> No.10700317

It was mostly lolitas (around 30) and like 3 normies and 2 cosplayers
Most people actually looked really cute, only 2/3 itas
I think part of the room and food issue was last minute sign ups from RVR people
The organizer didn’t think that many people were going to show up since Vegas comm is small

>> No.10700326

There were about 6 normies and cosplayers at one table alone, 2 non-lolita adult men at the center table, and 1 at a VIP table.

>I think part of the room and food issue was last minute sign ups from RVR people
The issue was the food selection, not a shortage of food. Your comment makes no sense.

Full menu was tea and coffee that ran out (paper cups, and they ran out of lids), chocolate triffles that were cut up brownie and weird mousse with cans of reddi-whip on the side, chocolate covered fruit skewers (apple, honeydew, cantaloupe, strawberry, grape, watermelon), chocolate cookies from a package, chocolate-covered Oreos, and chocolate drizzled popcorn and almonds. All of the chocolate used for dipping and drizzling was like milk chocolate candy melts.

Unfortunately the only pics I took would show where I sat and out me. I really hope someone posts some though because there is no exaggerating in this post (unless I confused an ita for a cosplayer).

>> No.10700330

Did anyone get anything good from the swap meet?
I hope no one dropped $320 on the fancy hospital cutsew dress that was covered in cat hair

>> No.10700336

Cat hair can be easily removed. But if $320 is a lot for fancy hospital generally then yeah sounds like a waste.

>> No.10700348


people were leaving early because it was pushed late but rinrindoll and the simple snacks were cute and thats all i asked for. if i was looking for an actual tea party why would i go to some greasy anime con in vegas? i ended up enjoying myself because i liked the people i was sitting with and the people i got to chat with.

the 2 annoying normies in the back who were like 40 years old and not in cosplay made me uncomfortable though. i feel bad for the people who had to sit at their table.

and yeah, it was really cramped, and hard to get to stuff. but like i said, i still ended up enjoying myself. you paid 40 dollars for a "tea party"( rinrindool meet and greet) in some weird ass resort in vegas. you get what you pay for lmfao.. i dont know what you guys expected.

>> No.10700349

Ayrt, I completely forgot about the two emo looking people at that one table my bad
That overly obnoxious couple kind of overwrote all the others in my memory

>> No.10700355

People are claiming the SinCity anime con stuff was better because Rinrin would be there and shit talking RVR so hard so people had higher expectations. Just goes to show that guests aren't everything. Mediocre con tea parties aren't unheard of but the SinCity shill(s) in this or previous threads acting like their con is so superior somehow just look dumb now.

I'm not attending either event but I anticipate purely because of the dress code and price as a barrier to entry that the RVR tea party will be less uncomfortable because the whole event is lolita VS one small thing.

>> No.10700356

$320 is steep for pretty much any cutsew dress except for maybe the super rare holy lantern hoodie. Cutsew dresses look retarded on you unless you're basically flat chested to, so they tend to go for a lot less than that.

>price as a barrier to entry
DESU this is why I honestly think RVR will go well in terms of experience. My refusal to attend was based solely on the virtue signaling antics of the founder and not wanting to spend a weekend in a smoking venue.

>> No.10700357

ah, i see. sorry, i forgot about those posts. im also expecting the RVR one to be better ( no weird normies) as well. theres obviously more space and they will hopefully have actual snacks, too. also, a good amount of people were in really really pretty coords IMO. the con looks empty but i think its because they literally had no interesting events sans the tea party and swap meet. its enough people attending overall for me to be stopped and asked 20 times by randoms asking why people are dressed like this, though.

btw, the fashion show was super cringe . i wish i recorded it.

>> No.10700361
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also, the strip IqS a shithole with people smoking everywhere, but theres enough people for you to not be concerned about randomly getting attacked vs other shitholes. its a good time for people-watching if you have someone with you, and arent too stuck up to just walk down the strip and people-watch. i ended up enjoying myself a lot just doing that.

>> No.10700362

DESU I don't know why they bothered with panels. Literally I have not walked by any of them and seen more than 5 people. OOF

They streamed the fashion show so maybe they'll drop the recording? But yeah it was hella cringey. The only thing that was even moderately ok were the modern kimono brand, which was basically normie clothes and KK, which resells meta. The models on the whole were pretty bad too.

>> No.10700363

>My refusal to attend was based solely on the virtue signaling antics of the founder and not wanting to spend a weekend in a smoking venue.
Same. I actually thought about attending before, until they made it apparent they weren't actually inclusive of people with differing beliefs.

>> No.10700369

Honestly I haven’t seen tooooo much performative woke shit. There’s def some questionable coordinates though.

>> No.10700374

I just don't like the chance of running into someone that wants to get bent out of shape over dumb crap, anyways. Just sick of this """"inclusive"""" bullshit parade. If they wanted to be actually inclusive, then they would have realized that you have to be neutral on political fronts in order to be inclusive.

>> No.10700376

This. It's pretty chill. There's some gender specials and cringe pins/trans-themed coords but if you can't stand being in the same fucking exhibition hall as them you're a retarded snowflake who shouldn't be allowed outside anyways.

The only thing I was concerned about was it being a sea of virtue signaling (which it isn't) or that the staff would flip the fuck out over a non-issue (which aside from Tyler, hasn't happened). Tbh the biggest annoyance for me has been the smoking. Indoors, outdoors and pretty much everywhere.

>> No.10700393

Honestly the smoking was my main reason for not attending even though I knew many people who were going. I am sensitive to it and don't want smoke on my dresses.

The SJW stuff is weird and unnecessary but truly easy to ignore if you are thwre just to hang out with your friends like most people are and not worried about meeting anyone new. Only super conservative snowflake lonelitas would feel alienated or have a hard time at the event.

Anons above who claim you have to be politically neutral to be inclusive are being retarded. No one is actively discriminating against conservatives at the event at all as far as people attending have said. Just being overly nice to SJW types online basically. But we all already knew no one was gonna get canceled for not wearing pronoun badges or whatever, conservative crybabies on cgl just needed something to vent about so they picked this event because it was an easy target.

>> No.10700396

>they picked this event because it was an easy target.
DESU this event picked itself as an easy target. I think CGL would have shat on it regardless, but the organizers were also being so actively cringe they brought it on themselves. Feeling the need to specifically ban Native American headdresses at a lolita event? really? The whole no cops thing and their response about Tyler not taking them up on their offer to help her "become accountable" is actual lunacy. For that reason I'll never support the event if it's run by these people, even if the actual event atmosphere is more relaxed. I'm actually pretty damn liberal, but I'll never get behind supporting this performative crap.

>> No.10700398

>Only super conservative snowflake lonelitas would feel alienated or have a hard time at the event.
I'm not conservative and I live in a liberal state. I don't like hard left values, nor the need to force your politics on anyone. Realistically, expectating that everyone should be ok with forced view points is special snowflake AF.

>> No.10700414

No one is forcing you to believe or do anything. None of what they banned was ever going to happen which is why it was silly. You act like someone was going to shove a pronoun pin down your throat or make you hang out with someone you don't like. No one is forcing your beliefs on you by having a dress code anon.

It was all excessuve and unnecessary but not the fake oppression you gulls are pretending it is.

>> No.10700496

Ironically, the victim complex of conservatives is every bit as sensitive and over dramatic as the far left kek, yet they bitch about others being too sensitive all the fucking time.

>> No.10700502

How's the RVR tea? Anyone brave enough to post a pic?

>> No.10700508

Very impressive actually
Room is gorgeous and food is good

>> No.10700513

It's dumb on the organizers part to coddle the wokesters with their TOS and mention they wouldn't call the police. No one is oppressed, I'm just not giving my money to an event that thinks it's ok to squeeze that unnecessary shit into their event to pander to a specific crowd. None of my comm members went for the same reason so this event truly shot itself in the foot.

>> No.10700520

Glad I’m not at the con being cucked by Big Pronoun

>> No.10700528

Ya anon acknowledging your gender/that you're a lady is so cucked kek

Imagine feeling this attacked by a laminated piece of paper on a lanyard

>> No.10700562

I didn’t know the Dallas comm brought so many people. Did any other comm have a big number of attendees too??

>> No.10700563
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>btw, the fashion show was super cringe . i wish i recorded it.
kek this is all i found

>> No.10700564


Not brave enough to post a pic but it definitely beat SCA's RinRinDoll tea party. Imo it became obvious where most of the admission fee went-into the catering(?) done by MGM. Starters included small but reasonable scones (2) and a fruit tart. There were packets of tea (4 flavors to chose from) and there were actual servers who came to & fro to refill the water pots and serve/take away plates. (desu big kudos to the MGM hospitality workers who worked the tea party). 3 different finger sandwiches were served & RVR worked with the catering to designate if there were any dietary restrictions & substitutes were provided. And of course to end, 3 types of desserts were a lovely finish.

To me, the tea party was worth waiting for. For a 1st year in-person event, of course RVR had its hiccups (needed more content panels, guess, staff & volunteers) and there were technical/audio issues, but I thought it went surprisingly smooth.

Basically if you came with friends and made to have a good time, you had a good time.

>> No.10700565

Eh I thought the coord contest was more cringe. Fashion shoe could have been worse

>> No.10700577

I'm from the East Coast and I'd take Vegas over Philly, D.C., Baltimore, or NYC any day of the week. The reason being is that most homeless in Vegas are white drunks and they're pretty harmless compared to the feral black drug addicts who scream at you and grab you on the East coast.
>inb4 racist
Proving you're a hick moron who's never had experience in a big city. Vegas people are pretty chill desu and it includes the homeless and staff workers

>> No.10700581

Maybe other Texan comms since DFW is a pretty big area and Kskawaii is there and is from Houston area. I think the Dallas comm is just so active online it's easy to tell what they're doing and who's joining them.

I don't come across much activity online from other US comms besides the NYC one that includes the girl who runs an accessory shop on etsy and the girl who sells the milklim dupe cotton candy shirts.

>> No.10700585

If they're pandering to a crowd that isn't you and the rest of your hick comm, why are you still complaining? You aren't the target audience. They don't want you.

>> No.10700589

Wearing a pronoun badge is like wearing a kick me sign

>> No.10700590

Better than having someone scream at you

>> No.10700591

You say that as if anyone but actual brain deficient children would ever actually kick someone with a kick me sign on their back.

Using a simple badge is probably easier than trans people or brolitas getting upset or sad they got called the wrong thing by mistake. Just helps people not accidentally hurt someone's feelings when they don't mean to. It is truly as harmless as a name tag, which I assume is the main purpose of event badges beyond confirming you've paid to get in.

>> No.10700598


The pronoun thing wasnt even specifically on the badge itself, they were optional ribbons that attendees could choose to attach to their badge.

>> No.10700605

Seeing that the weekend ran pretty smoothly, had a beautiful tea, and hearing very minor complaints considering it's a first year event in the midst of a pandemic - think I'm going to try to attend the next one tee bee h.

>> No.10700615

I think it did well for a first-year con. If it happens again, it could grow into something really good provided it have more attendees, sponsors, guests, vendors, staff & volunteers, etc.

Basically a "people love to complain but dont wanna help contribute to making it better" situation.

>> No.10700625

With all things considering it seems like it went about as good as it could have been. Any international guests for a first year event with no connections nor credibility, while international travel is still fucked up, was never a feasible possibility. If the worst that can be said about it was the optional pronoun pins and the smoke, that's honestly pretty amazing.

>> No.10700629

Just got back from this. It was fun, relaxed, and the food was amazing. The “SJW” stuff was unobtrusive.

>> No.10700633
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>> No.10700634
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>> No.10700636
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The afterparty stuff was pretty impressive, too.

For all the whining in the threads I was pretty impressed.
Someone else can post a pic of the venue.

>> No.10700643

After all the complaining I saw on here I had really low expectations, but I had a great time. The programming was boring but Vegas is full of things to do, and getting the chance to hang out with friends and also meet new people was really fun. The tea party was one of the best I've been to, also. If they decide to do this again when there are less restrictions, I think it could be really great.

>> No.10700681

They’re messy desu

>> No.10700723

I wonder if they'll actually try to amend things with Tyler? Because desu that was total BS and I'm not even a huge Tyler fan but what they did was really fucked up.

>> No.10700738

Probably not. Most normal people wouldn’t want to catch smoke from associating with her. I’d imagine only clout chasers would actively try to be around her

>> No.10700750

She's vanished from social media anyway. Wonder if she'll ever be back.

>> No.10700762

Can't blame her. There are about 99 things you could do and easily make 5x the money on or the same amount of effort it takes to maintain a social media presence like that.

>> No.10700772

The Church posted a picture of her from one of the nights they were open. Maybe she’s just taking a break

>> No.10700789

Yea this was a great event, what a weekend. I do have to concede that the cigarette smoke is way worse than I remember (I went as a lil kid) but the food and actual things to do, and doing them in lolita, way exceeded my expectations. The asian food was bomb.

>> No.10700818

Our room smelt like raw sewage at night.

>> No.10700822

you sound like you have brain damage. my comm blacklisted everyone who attended this event to keep out autists.

>> No.10700824

You really that bothered??

>> No.10700825

God you people are so fucking poor. Honestly, I'm not even trying to brag, i just live in a huge metropolitan city that isn't mostly a burning trash pile. This kind of thing isn't fancy to me because I can walk to a high end dessert bar from my house and have nice high tea for only $80 usd or so.

>> No.10700829

>you sound like you have brain damage
KEK the irony.

They're not comparing it to other fancy places, they're comparing it to other tea party events, which are notoriously cheapo and lackluster. Learn to read you bitter cunt.

>> No.10700830

If the event was good, I'm a little jelly, but I hate Vegas so I would have never gone and it's a bit far (I live in NE) Hopefully more events happen closer to the middle or eastern side of the country in the future. Criticism seems valid, though I am highly asthmatic so the smoke issue would have been huge. Vegas isn't really a good destination for these kinds of small events unless the people are really into the Vegas scene. I'd definitely go to this if it was hosted in a more neutral city though and no0t a huge tourist trap.

>> No.10700831

I never said it was fancy to me bwahaha
I only came here because I had money to blow and I didn't know if other people would document it. Like I said, I was only impressed because of how much people like you made it out for the whole thing to turn out like a shitshow, which it mostly was (no interesting panels, cringey ass shows, vendors area with like 5 booths or something), but it was better than the SCA tea party. The food was tasty and I enjoyed myself.

It was pretty good for a first year con ran by weirdos and I dont regret spending 3 days in Vegas.

>> No.10700832

NTA but you sound bitter. if you weren't upset you wouldn't respond. why give trolls the satisfaction?

>> No.10700838

Everyone I talked to seemed to have a decent time. As long as you weren’t a miserable cunt and had decent social skills you should have be able to have a decent time and meet some cool people.

>> No.10700841

Our room also smelled like sewage but we called them and they switched our rooms at no extra cost.

>> No.10700842

Damn I wish we had done that. One of the girls who was staying a few floors down told us to crank the AC down to air it out. Eventually it would go away but god it was gross

>> No.10700843

Did anyone in this thread who went go solo? It sounded like most of the fun times that were had this weekend were outside of the con, and more as a destination get together for friends who hadn't had a chance to hang out since lockdowns started. I still can't really wrap my head around the idea of needing an event like this as an excuse to go somewhere and have fun if all you're doing is going with friends to one thing at the con (since it sounds like everything but the tea party was pointless) and otherwise just enjoying the city - why not just organize a friends-only get together and skip the con entirely?

>> No.10700845

>they're comparing it to other tea party events, which are notoriously cheapo and lackluster
This. Most tea party events are really underwhelming in the catering department and this was surprisingly good. It's not Joel Robuchon, but it's very good compared to other events I've been to. The only con tea party I've been that was better was the Tekko tea party at the four seasons. For a first year event the tea party was really good, and I say this as someone who hates the event organizer and everything she blathers on about. You can hate her without pretending that every part of the event is a shitshow.

>> No.10700848

Because the event did all the work of picking location and dates and hotel, etc. And it's fun to go to a different place, especially in the US where all our cities are so different.

As someone who had comm members go: people in my comm are great but I don't think anyone would have had the bandwidth to plan this without a bunch of difficulties (not wanting to take more time off work if it was a big multi day getaway, disagreements on best location, feeling like they would rather just do something local within our own city cause its easier, having to coordinate a fancy tea like RVR but for only a smaller number of people in a city where we don't know the best caterers, etc.) that would ultimately lead to it not working out. In this situation no one has to do work beyond what in Vegas they want to do on the less interesting days of the event because RVR has made all the difficult decisions for them.

The reason it's a good excuse to go is because someone else already planned it. Attending and coordinating/planning an event are vastly different experiences and the former is much easier to get people to agree to do.

>> No.10700850

Are you unemployed or something? Planning a comm meet to the fucking mini mart is headache enough, let alone having the time and energy to plan a full scale weekend in another city. It's the same reason why people go to anime cons just to hang out with people they already know. Somebody else does the planning and it's entirely off your plate besides getting food and exploring on your own.

>> No.10700851

Just to add: I know different cities in Europe, Asia, etc. are all very different too but the US has a broad range of climates and stuff while it still being a domestic trip and we're talking about US lolitas who would probably never plan a lolita group international trip beyond maybe a vacation around brand tea party? But unlikely given the lesser degree of brand loyalty amongst Western/US lolitas compared to Japanese ones for example.

Idk there are so many bitter nitpickers itt I just didn't want anyone to think I was somehow slighting other places because I was mentioning factors about the US.

>> No.10700863

Appreciate the thorough explanation, I find planning/scheduling/logistics to be a fairly entertaining game since it's my day to day work and wouldn't working through that sort of thing for a group of people I like, so thank you for explaining your point of view. Makes a lot more sense now. It just sounded like it was a shame that most of the other planned things weren't that great, but I'm glad you had a good time with your comm.

>> No.10700869

The con could have done with more panels/content but it was surprisingly very chill & nobody was pushing the whole pronoun thing anyway.

Seeing LovelyLor and Fluffy Kawaii Jo in person, they don't look as bad in person as in photos so it was kind of a weird trying to reconciliate that.

Tbh I was expecting a lot of cattiness & snobbery but everyone was shockingly nice & helpful toward each other.

>> No.10700872

Lor and Joel were also out and about mingling with everyone, not like a lot of con guests who are much more private. They were both really nice.

>> No.10700874

I still wish there were better guests but yes, they were nice and not as annoying as I expected. I think all the budget went towards catering. I hope the organizer considers setting aside a bigger budget for guests in the future. I think she only paid for flights and rooms, which is enough for the average influencer. She claims that she wants to expose guests to less accessible brands but I think she’s just too cheap to pay appearance fees and all the costs bigger brands require to attend events. The mask mandates, pronouns, and SJW hype were such nonissues. If you raised a stink about it and boycotted RVR, it’s probably for the best so nobody has to put up with oppressed snowflake behavior

>> No.10700875

oh definitely. whatever type of camera lore uses makes her look much chubbier than she really is, desu

>> No.10700879

>my comm blacklisted everyone who attended this event to keep out autists.
Yeah that happened.

>> No.10700880

lor still looks like a horse and she will never be pretty.

>> No.10700882

People just don't like Vegas since it's full of men and gambling and strip clubs where as most nice large US cities don't allow much of that. It's not a women's destination unless you are trailer trash.

>> No.10700890

did anyone actually spot wondercunt at this event? i didnt see any sign of her

>> No.10700898

The implication that women don't smoke gamble or visit strip clubs is silly. Sure smoking is bad for you and gambling is a waste of money, but they're not trashy. Strip clubs are trashy but not all women are straight and some women are into it too.

That said Vegas isn't just those things, which is obvious based on all the stuff people did there outside of the event. Most cities have a lot more going for them than the main thing they're supposedly known for. That's like seeing an event hosted in NYC and complaining there is nothing to do there but go to central park or Time Square or being in Paris and whining that Disney and the Eiffell tower are the only things to enjoy. Same with weebs who only ever go to Tokyo but complain of boring tourist traps everywhere because they didn't try anything different.

>> No.10700910

I don't even know how to respond to this other than sorry that you live in Vegas. (And smoke and gamble because those are literally for low class trash) Other cities weren't built around gambling, Vegas was and is literally built around that kind of thing. It's not up for debate. Sorry you can't handle that, but thanks for verifying your opinion is totally worthless, like Vegas.

>> No.10700914

>Sure smoking is bad for you and gambling is a waste of money, but they're not trashy.
god this is cringe.

>> No.10700917

Agree. Also the rest of anon's points are like what people do. Vegas sucks because it's shit. Sorry, but any other nice city would have been better. Vegas just looks like a theme park so brainless morons get distracted.

>> No.10700922

I don't like Vegas because it's an ugly city with a bunch of stinky drunk smokers. I would never visit this city outside of some event happening that I care about. That said, I had an amazing time checking out the city. People had some of those most polite comments to say about our outfits and were usually polite when asking. I went out and had amazing food and saw some great shows. This place is awesome for a shirt weekend and kept me from being bored when the content at the con didn't interest me. I met up with friends, I made new friends, it was a great weekend.

>> No.10700923

Have you never met a non North-American? I don't smoke or like it so I didn't attend this event but smoking is just normalized in a lot of other places. It's behavior I dislike and it's unhealthy but there isn't any indicator that it's considered universally trashy.

Likewise I don't gamble and find it wasteful but depending on the type it's at best a weird hobby and at worst exploitative and addictive.

And even if those things are objectively trashy...people smoke and gamble in so many other cities that are still destination cities and my point was really that you are less likely to have fun in a place if your sole focus is on the touristy/stereotypical aspects of it you already dislike. I wouldn't go to a Vegas event and it's fine not to want to but there were very clearly other things to do besides light up and gamble and throw money at strippers for many lolitas in that city.

>> No.10700924

And that's good, but you can still agree the event would have been better elsewhere. Butthurt Vegas anons can sit the fuck down. It's good input that many anons would have gone if it was in another city. Some people I know didn't go because they are against gambling and don't want to support businesses who profit off of it, which is totally fair. The con being fun is one thing, and totally separate from the city itself, but many people understandably won't set foot in Vegas.

>> No.10700925

itt: people who didn't go to royal vegas retreat coping and butthurt cause other had fun kek

>> No.10700926

>there isn't any indicator that it's considered universally trashy.
NTA but are you really serious? Also you are missing her point no one is saying there's nothing else to do there, but the city is designer for that kind of "sin" where as other cities aren't. You're being dense as fuck.

>> No.10700927

sorry you live in vegas.

>> No.10700928

The event could have been so much better in a different city obviously. I don't think anyone was ever saying Vegas was their first choice. Every city has it's pros and cons and for lolitas Vegas was a shit choice purely for the smoking issues alone, among other things.

But some people have a weird vendetta against the event and are just calling anyone who can acknowledge that it was possible to have gone and had a nice time in spite of the glaring flaws idiots or locals

>> No.10700932

I don't see anyone doing that, just people saying that Vegas isn't a good city and others sperging out. Some of us have actually been to Vegas before and fucking hated it, so just try to use your brain before you white knight. Defending your nice time doesn't mean ignoring actual criticism of Vegas as a poor location choice.

>> No.10700934

Maybe I misunderstood but I'm also >>10700928

I get that Vegas wasn't the best spot. I didn't go because of that. I never said it was perfect or it was a good choice. I was just initially calling out the assumption that only men smoke or gamble, etc. Not saying those were good options for lolitas or that Vegas was the perfect or even an ideal spot. I would have much preferred an event in another city and will support the next one if it is in a place I actually like. It's the tradfem judgemental tone I was disagreeing with and associate with the same people who were crying about the pronoun badges or "don't wear a Chinese straw hat" rules and acting like it is physically impossible for anyone else to have had a good time. I didn't go but it looked fun enough.

>> No.10700936

It just gets so old seeing comments shitting on stuff that is harmless and since this board is slow its easy to feel like it's just the same people looking for new nitpick because they were biased from the start (the previous 2 or 3 threads sort of set the tone for that well before the thing even happened). Sorry if I am interpreting things as more of the same angry anti-SJW whiners when it isn't. It can be hard to tell sometimes.

>> No.10700939

No, I wouldn't agree. I was happy to explore Vegas and see shows. If it was in Arizona or Colorado or something, what the fuck would I do in those cities. I'd probably have to rent a car to find some cafe the locals like. I loved Vegas for the trip and would happily go back and see a couple different shows.

>> No.10700947

Big cities in Colorado have decent public transit for the US at least. Can't imagine a similar event being hosted in a desert state or super dry part of a state like Texas or Cali. If people think Vegas is miserable imagine being in Arizona or West TX.

>> No.10700955

Irvine CA would be lit actually. Right outside of LA, Massive asian population. Spectrum center has tons of japanese shops including a hello kitty bar. Plus it's 20 minutes from Disney for people who want to combo up their vacay.

>> No.10700956



Front end is a cafe, and they have this cute little backroom speakeasy. But yeah, tons of great asian food, incredibly safe, no smoking anywhere, and there's lots to do in the area.

>> No.10700960

Hello Kitty Cafe truck sucks but I think the full cafes seem nice.

>> No.10700962

NTA but the full cafe is amazeballs. First off the pic vibes are to die for, and the DL bar in the back has the cutest drinks.

>> No.10700968

What happened to the people who ran PMX fashion? I miss them. Southern California is long overdue for a big lolita event

>> No.10700972

Overall a pretty fun weekend. The tea party food was good and people were friendly. The smoke was a little much especially if you were walking from the hotel to the con center. Some of the tourists were fucking obnoxious though and wouldn’t leave us alone unless we told them what we were doing. I would want to see this in another city with less tourists.

>> No.10700975
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Ita mating dance

>> No.10700978

>I would want to see this in another city with less tourists.
Sadly I think any city with fun stuff to do would still have annoying tourists who dont know how to fuck off. Normies are just like that half the time in so many places.

>> No.10700979
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Those digits dont lie

>> No.10700982

She actually is pretty cute normally if you've seen her in the kskawaii posts about their photo booth and stuff. At least if its the shopgirl that I think it is. This is pretty funny though. I love her casually skipping away after she failed to play it off smoothly lol.

>> No.10700983

ngl never even gotten trips before so five in a row is pretty cool

>> No.10700984

What happened to Zippercut? They hosted the best meets

>> No.10700988


I wouldn't call 'we won't have the police come' in terms and conditions harmless. It's a real cause for concern and just because there wasn't the need for it this time doesn't negate the concern. Whether or not they would call the police, the wording really puts both attendees and organizers at risk. Hopefully this doesn't propagate in other events' forms. Nonetheless, I am genuinely glad you all are safe and didn't need to consider that.

>> No.10700991

I think the organizers are spineless weenies and it was apparent to everyone they or attendees would have just called the cops or 911 for whoever they needed themselves if something went wrong. They definitely were laying on the SJW stuff thick online, but according to everyone who went it really didn't impact anyone at all.

I guess if you're someone who takes that stuff super literally it could cause discomfort or anxiety if you're not savvy enough to gauge or realize what they would or wouldn't do and that's fair and a good reason to be wary of attending for your own comfort.

>> No.10700994

Joelle was pretty rude to the models, that’s why she only showed 2 dresses during her segment of the fashion show.

>> No.10700995

Isn't she French? I think they're just all rude.

That or language barrier.

>> No.10700997


Nah, I just don't like being in the middle of potentially messy situations, particularly legal ones.

Most people in general, and particularly in these types of communities, are not savvy enough is the problem. You're assuming a lot from a bunch of people who may or may not have been in an emergency before, so assuming 'common sense' will prevail is very optimistic at best.

>> No.10700999

No she’s Swedish? Or Swiss.
She avoided people unless they were apart of her ita army

>> No.10701002

Here’s my experience: the hotel was very smelly with smoke, tourists were okay, only had one weird experience, and the convention was overpriced if you got VIP, okay if you got gen. The items given to VIP sucked except the BB and Deco gift, the coord contests suffered from favoritism, and the staff was kinda rude/dim. Most of the people there seemed okay, lots of it as who wore dresses that were too tight and short, and no bloomers of course so lots of ass ahoy, and a lot of people with weird and cringe personalities were there. The vendors sucked ass, imo, mostly because they were either shitty kawaii brands, sold crap tier items, or didn’t seem that into lolita. The food was good, surprisingly, but the partner pass was super limited and not worth it.

>> No.10701008

I guess I'm optimistic in general yeah. Considering so many people went with their friends, I'm sure if they felt someone needed cops for whatever reason they'd call them for each other regardless of what the organizers say. I am also optimistic that adults with jobs who flew out to Vegas for a hobby get together can handle themselves or in the case of a serious enough emergency that police are needed would be able to judge and know to do so even if the organizers were somehow too pussy to do it. Even if somehow literally every lolits froze from the adrenaline there's hotel security who would have been notified and got the process started of handling stuff or contacting emergency services.

If you expect the worst to happen and only the worst to happen then yeah it could all devolve into chaos but at that point depending on the context even police can't help. See: Astroworld and how the cops just sat there while people died because they were afraid to forcibly stop the show. Not saying that means don't call them but if you're going worst case scenario that hard then you also have to consider the odds the cops can't help much and are basically there to do write a shitty report and never follow up if shooting someone can't fix the problem. If you're to the extent the problem is something shooting someone could fix, then the cops have already been called by attendees, organizers, hotel staff, and 20 other people. There's a balance between feeling prepared in case of an emergency and expecting the worst possible emergency situation will occur and that no one will respond appropriately between all attendees, hotel staff, and security. It was a bad call for the event to put that statement out there though.

>> No.10701011

Yeah Kawaii Fluffy Jo was not as ugly but then again her issue is her nose/haggard face. Not a fan of seeing Avina around, but I don’t think wonderfuck went so that was nice. The rest of the staff was a bit rude, especially when it came to dealing with them in any capacity.

>> No.10701012

I wish they had more actual lolita clothing in the dealers room. The rings, pins, and accessories are all cute, but when every booth just does that it lessens the appeal. I also thought the swap meet was a little disappointing. A lot of random crap. I thought there were only a handful of bad coords, most people were dressed pretty decently.

>> No.10701013

desu the only complaint I have aside from the lung cancer from secondhand smoke im inevitably going to get, it was how far the hotel rooms were from the actual con. It was like a 20 minute walk which is kind of absurd considering its all in one building

imo the staff were really nice and helpful, as was Joel.

>> No.10701015

Oh I just assumed it was because no one wanted to be seen in those hideous dresses. They don’t look great in photos but in person you can actually see the vector edges from the photoshop assets that make up the Willy Wonka looking print. Tbh I didn’t interact with her at all really so idk if she was actually rude to her models tho.

>> No.10701016

This. I think a lot of actual Lolita brands/retailers were too cautious to try a first time event, especially given the organizers reputation and the general BS on the coc. If they have a next year and the sellers did well they’ll attract more. I was also disappointed by how little Lolita fashion was in the show.

>> No.10701017

>20 minute walk in one building

That’s pretty much all of Vegas anon. In peak heat you literally can’t go outside without risking heat stroke if you’re not acclimated so they build these mega buildings that try to be all inclusive in case it’s too hot to leave.

>> No.10701018

Can we make a thread or list here what the biggest cons are for Lolita fashion? The best part about rvr was honestly just being at an event that had a really big Lolita presence. Even if it’s not as saturated, I’d love to hear about cons that a lot of Lolita’s tend to go to.

>> No.10701021

There was Paradiso but I think it's canceled or virtual again this year because they wanted to postpone rather than have it be sub-par.

This pretty much. Tbh in lolita depending on your coord it can be nice to have the constant AC and not have to go outside or sweat in hotter weather. The only downside is the smoke sadly.

>> No.10701023

There’s also Tekko. As far as I know they’re the only con that gets legit Japanese guests. They were mentioned up thread but they’re run by a non profit Japanese culture society, so they get really good guests. They had mana before ‘rona and have had AP designers etc…

I’ve heard ohayocon has a good Lolita turnout but I’ve never been.

>> No.10701025

A lot of tables were empty, so I don’t think there were a lot of sellers. I don’t blame people for not wanting to fly all their crap out. All the good stuff sold quickly

>> No.10701045

Kek, way to prove you aren't from the area. Irvine is a trashy college town that has the worst traffic congestion in OC.

Anaheim or some place by LA's convention center would make much more sense for a California event.

>> No.10701049

I literally live in woodbridge but ok

>> No.10701053

And Irvine is still shit. Try again.

>> No.10701073

Oooh what a zinger kek. Imagine being this much of a loser

>> No.10701078

what does that have to do with anything? weird flex but ok

>> No.10701086

>to put up with oppressed snowflake behavior
Just chiming in. You're using snowflake wrong. Snowflakes are SJWs, you can't turn it around on the people who literally made that definition for people who want to whine about every little detail not being accommodating for them, for their niche "interests or identity." It just doesn't work like that. The majority of us are accepting and accommodating for *everyone* not the whiners. You literally *can not* use that definition for anything else.

God newfags are so idiotic.

>> No.10701087

>I was also disappointed by how little Lolita fashion was in the show.
Dress code for the con, but no dress code for the fashion show.


>> No.10701089

>You literally *can not* use that definition for anything else.

t.butthurt conservative snowflake

>> No.10701091

>accommodates "everyone" but not the whiners
>whines about getting called a name

You're the same retard, the more you talk about your beliefs or how "inclusive" or "accommodating" you are the more everyone wishes you'd shut the fuck up. Nobody cares which color you voted for if that's your whole personality.

>> No.10701092

Should’ve stayed in the con block, those rooms were nice

>> No.10701095

Just because someone doesn't agree with snowflake extreme behavior, doesn't make them a conservative. I totally am not, but you shits are literally destroying the liberal party.

>> No.10701097
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Also all it takes to win your votes is nail every hot topic from the early 20's hired on campaign team. You thoroughly enjoy being lied to by old 70 year olds, who hired a bunch of kids to tweet bullshit they don't even believe. Extremists are *easy* to appeal to. Because you shits are simple minded and can't think for yourself.

>> No.10701101

>liberal party
kek ok

the whole whiny rant was about how 'you LITERALLY CANNOT call me a snowflake cause that's for liberals wahh', everything about that whining is snowflake behavior, idgaf about your political affiliation but i call it like i see it, whiny bitches are whiny bitches and you can't use stupid political logic to pretend like you can't legally be called a snowflake lmao

>> No.10701107

Man what was up with that one booth in the vendor room? The one with the handmade accessories? I think the person who made that stuff must be colorblind.

>> No.10701109

epic tier thread derailment 10/10

>> No.10701154

what booth was it? the vendors were a really mixed bag imo

>> No.10701158

I bet you're the kind of person that runs around bastardizing memes, too. Don't worry, special snowflake we already know your mental facilities are fucked up. It might be time to refresh your hair dye btw

>> No.10701164

nayrt but the questionable vendors include the bath bomb table and the corner vendor selling “it’s a boy/girl” accessories

>> No.10701165

hard agree there. the bath bomb table had like 3 things on it in total kek
sad about the ageplay table though bc their stuff was kinda cute other than... well, the ageplay stuff. im sure as hell not giving those creeps any money.

>> No.10701196

I think those accessories were meant to be inspired by Nile Perch cause they have pieces that say “it’s a boy/girl”

>> No.10701202

>no u
keep seething

>> No.10701205

Looked it up, it was Kira Kira Kawaii Shop. I wish I had snapped a photo of it because it was a shitshow of mismatched colors.

>> No.10701224

have you retards never heard of fairy kei? baby decor is literally one of the most popular motifs in the style

>> No.10701230

Essay incoming. I went alone and had a blast because everyone was really friendly and it was easy to get invited to do things. Here are my thoughts on the con:

1. The con program sucked really bad. There's a reason the panels appeared deserted on stream. On the day of the tea party, I was shocked that the room was full of people, because I only ever saw maybe a quarter of the people there at a time. If they want me to come back again, they are really going to need to step it up.

2. That said, the tea party and VIP after party were great. The after party didn’t have a bar, which was very odd, but the food was delicious and basically fed us for dinner. Waiters were walking around with hors d’oeuvres on trays, it was really nice. Everyone had a full belly by the end of it, and they had to practically kick us out of the room because so many tables were still enjoying themselves chatting. I think the only other VIP perk I enjoyed, other than the 2 free meals from the mixers, was the little RVR pin.

>> No.10701231

I literally wear it you nerd. Won't stop me from thinking a certain motif is weird as fuck.

>> No.10701232

3. I have to assume that all the people shitting on Vegas for having nothing to do but gamble and smoke have never actually been there. None of us gambled, but we spent practically all weekend doing things we enjoyed. I can understand smoke is an issue for those who are sensitive to it, but there are so many top-notch restaurants and shows within a stone's throw of every single hotel that you have to try pretty hard to have a bad time. There’s multiple science, art, and history exhibitions. Not to mention the themed bars and cafés that are basically made just for Instagram. Whoever suggested that Irvine of all fucking places would somehow be more entertaining is hilariously naive. This entire strip is built to entertain massive amounts of people with varying interests. I heard even a big Magic tournament was happening that weekend, which entertained a bunch of the boyfriends which were dragged to the con. The reason no one went to any of the panels was precisely *because* the city's entertainment was way out of its league. Why would you sit and listen to some ita drone on about her trash tier coording advice when you could be doing literally anything else in Vegas with a bunch of lolitas? The real reason everyone had fun was hugely due to the location.

>> No.10701233

4. I was initially really concerned about safety with all the drunk people around, but everyone was *shockingly* nice. Nearly everyone who wanted a photo asked first, which is way different than all the other cities I've visited. I have to assume that they thought we were in a show or part of an event or something, so they really didn't see us as "freaks" as people might elsewhere. In the MGM, over 50% of the people who approached us said some variation of "I've been seeing these outfits everywhere, is there an event happening?" and were generally really positive about it. I am also sure that the heightened security in casinos and cameras everywhere also contributed to keeping us safe. That said, I wouldn’t walk along the strip at night even in normie clothes. Luckily, you almost never have to with the abundance of cabs and interconnected hotels.

5. I didn’t personally go to the Rin Rin tea party but, from the girls I talked to, the general consensus seemed to be that while Rin Rin was amazing, the organization of the tea party was awful. Since I don’t much care about Rin Rin, I’m glad I didn’t go.

>> No.10701238

Anime Central used to get a pretty large lolita showing and had many brand guests, but I don't know the current state of it/lolita comm representation there

>> No.10701239

Anon that was in the late 2000s. Acen hasn't given a shit about lolita in ages, same with AX (aside from Metamorphose being in their fashion show around 2 years ago.)

>> No.10701244

The few tik tok lolitas that were there were pretty insufferable but most people were pretty chill. I was expecting more drama from them desu

>> No.10701246

There were three fame thirsty girls barging into every group of people they encountered and that was peak cringe. They must have been desperate for attention in person too. Other than that even the itas were chill and other attendees were friendly.

>> No.10701248

Oh which ones anon?

>> No.10701252

Yeah it’s a questionable level of inspiration imho

Yeah but the baby theme is still kinda weird, especially for a western brand. 90% of their customers in the US are 100% adult babies.

>> No.10701253

I saw those and quickly walked away kek

>> No.10701254

This. There’s a lot to do in Vegas and most of it was more interesting than 99% of the events. I actually think they shouldn’t have done panels at all, and instead dedicated some resources to directing people to what’s up in the shows. All they needed was a swap meet, the screening and the tea party. Maybe a fashion show if they actually have Lolita fashion brands worth seeing or even just Lolita brands at all.

>> No.10701259

Come on nonny spill the milk

>> No.10701263

Thanks for the essay, anon. What would you say the average age range of attendees was like? Closer to late 20s/early 30s/possibly older, or early-mid 20s? I'm assuming former since that group tends to have more spend for this sort of thing.

>> No.10701264

I only met one person all weekend who I would describe as cringe-inducing, which is far less than I expected. Even then, they were still talkative and friendly to me.

>> No.10701266

Late 20s was probably the biggest group, but it certainly wasn’t uncommon to see women in their 30s. Early 20s was probably the smallest group

>> No.10701267

Yeah I think the youngest I knew was 20.

>> No.10701269

The SCA tea party looked like a bunch of children's snacks compared to RVR. I mean they literally served us Oreos. Were madeleine cookies really just TOO expensive compared to fucking Oreos?

Also the woman organizing it tried to pretend like she had no idea RVR was happening. Just embarrassing

>> No.10701271


May I ask who organized the SCA tea party? And yes, from looking at the photos that tea looks sad compared to the one at RVR.

>> No.10701275

The owner of the con iirc but I cannot remember her name

>> No.10701276

I can definitely guess one but curious about the other two

>> No.10701278

Was it the spoonie and the age player?

>> No.10701279

Thanks for bringing #4 up. I agree, all the normies were by and large very nice and respectful. Also the security in the casino is super high so I never once felt unsafe in the MGM. The staff of the MGM was very helpful and nice, and the catering was wonderful.

>> No.10701280

An age player? Name and shame.

>> No.10701281

Genuine question and not trying to derail, but why are there so many fat girls there? Is it because 'merrica?

>> No.10701282

Was it that toast girl? She was like a fly that just wouldn't go away.

>> No.10701283

I can think of one but I’m not sure if it’s the same person. She’s got a lot of followers

>> No.10701284


>> No.10701285

And the other two?

>> No.10701288

One made her entire personality centered around YouTube (not Lor but she does that too) and the other is from Texas.

>> No.10701289


>> No.10701290

Who else has a big following from Texas?

>> No.10701292

This girl is American and doesn't have a big following.

>> No.10701293

Maybe the Dallas admin?
I think the RVR organizer invited her

>> No.10701296

I never said they did? They're a big SJW if anything.

>> No.10701297

Nawww it wouldn’t be her. Shes mellow af

>> No.10701300

Good to know
I saw her with the influencer crowd but didn’t get desperate vibes from the little I saw

>> No.10701303

It was the sissy age player in the Ali express knockoff

>> No.10701305

Really tho, the only person that comes to mind is joelle. She was so annoying and self centered, all she cares about is her Walmart kids’ Line -tier clothing. It’s honestly pretty sad.

>> No.10701306

It wasn’t Joelle. Someone already stated above that she didn’t interact with anyone who wasn’t in her ita army.

>> No.10701307

Does anyone have pics of the person in the pvc lady Gaga Linebacker get up?

>> No.10701308

It was Tyler

>> No.10701309

I’m sorry- the WHAT

>> No.10701311

How were they allowed in? SJWs and gender specials get a pass but literal ageplayers and sissies were there? Wtf?

>> No.10701312

I need to find someone who had a pic so I knew it wasn’t a hallucination. Tall person, brown hair, no-make-up-mousy kind of look. She was wearing a cap sleeve/ corset top made out of black and clear pvc. She had a cage skirt and pvc pannier. I guess it was trying to be an ero look but it was weird. I saw them before the tea but I don’t know if they were at the tea— maybe they got turned away?

>> No.10701314

No it wasn’t a hallucination
I saw them briefly when people were taking photos after tea

>> No.10701316

Oh you should have seen this other person. She was wearing a Miku wig, the Amazon Liz Lisa boots, and some wrinkled ass bodyline dress. She said that she had a tiktok, but I forgot what it was. I’m pretty sure her boyfriend was 30 something and she was like, 19 at the oldest.

>> No.10701317

kek that was probably me

>> No.10701318


>> No.10701319

Did anyone else clock the sissy??

>> No.10701322

No, but I fucked my girlfriend on the MGM elevator cause the hotel room smelt like a taint train

>> No.10701326


I was hanging around registration when they were checking in that person and it was awkward. The guy was exuberantly friendly to the point where I thought he was high or possibly really drunk. He gave a girl's name for checking in and I could tell that the registration person was confused but sporting their best poker face

>> No.10701327

i think she was a volunteer but idk what for

>> No.10701328

They came over to talk to me and I complimented their dress. They just said “it’s a brand”. They didn’t know what BABY was so that was my red flag to dip

>> No.10701335

She wasn't a guest like Lor or Jo so it was annoying.

Speaking of guests, why weren't the other girls booked to do panels sticking only to their group of friends or hiding out? They got compensated for the event, right? How embarrassing, imagine if Lor was that anti-social. She'd be torn apart.

>> No.10701337

How do you know this was a sissy and not an older brolita? I met an older guy who was wearing lolita for the first time and he was genuinely an awesome person who is an old-school crossdresser that wanted to try lolita. Way more interesting than some of the 20 y/o cunts I met at the con who I overheard complaining about a sissy.

>> No.10701341

not to wk but i don’t think a panelist has an obligation to chat everyone up outside of the panel if they’re just a regular lolita and not a “special” guest on par with lor or whatever. hell even someone like lor has no obligation to mingle with everyone, if you really wanna hang out with a panelist taking the initiative to talk to them yourself is probably the move

>> No.10701343

What I thought was embarrassing was some girl freaking out on the registration volunteers because she reserved a ticket but never paid the full amount. Like girl, there was so many notifications. Why did you think you could ignore all of them and roll up after only paying $5 and be let in? I had to walk away, she was such a disaster.

>> No.10701344

Kek I was there and heard the whole thing, she didn't freak out. She just sounded disappointed and didn't put up much of a fight. I'm not sure what she was expecting though. Is she a local?

>> No.10701346

Did she think that you paid the rest at the door or something??

>> No.10701347

Did she leave? I’m genuinely curious what happened here. There are so many itas behaving like Karens lately

>> No.10701358

She said she pre-registered for $5 but never paid for the full ticket online and thought she could pay at the door. Idk if she was expecting to or just shooting her shot. After being told she couldn't, she just asked her friend "so what should I do" then left the conference center. It was stupid of her but anons are trying to act like she full-Karened and threw a fit. I didn't see that at all unless she came back later?

>> No.10701361

No, she just left and didn’t make a huge deal about it. I’m assuming she just found something else to do since there’s a ton of other stuff to do in the city. Idk why people are over exaggerating

>> No.10701362

Sure, according to him. He was acting creepy and quiet which made everyone's sissy alarms go off even more. If an old man was genuinely into Lolita, being outgoing, friendly, and confident is the only way to convince people you're not in it for the humiliation aspect. He's a grown man with a job, not a wounded deer who needs to be handheld by a bunch of women half his age.

>> No.10701363

>Idk why people are over exaggerating
Look at how many people who love to exaggerate and make up lies. Unfortunately it's a lot of those types in lolita. Gulls will dox, harass and make up lies just because they don't like someone.

>> No.10701364

Yeah the Dallas comm leader girl is the nicest sweetest person desu. I assume whoever they're talking about is also a Dallas comm member though cause they're some of the most social media savvy/active lolitas compared to other Texas lolitas.

The toast girl is super excited about everything and high energy which can be tiring if you're looking for more chill vibes. I wonder what her age is because she seems to behave in a way I expect a younger like high school or college student to act in a lot of ways. Not saying high energy people can't be mature but idk. Nothing against her besides her wearing that brand bag apron to a panel with RinRin. I legit thought she made it as a joke but she seemed to be wearing it seriously?

>> No.10701365

No one has to fit into a personality type to get your approval. He was nervous because he didn't know anyone and didn't know how a much of girls over half his age would respond. If you actually talked to him for a bit instead of looked for reasons to hate him you'd know.

>> No.10701366

As much as I understand how gulls will blow things our of proportion and all, this post reeks of wking. There are normal brolitas and I can see how it might be awkward if you were looking for lolita friends but went to RVR and everyone is kinda either weird or there with their existing friends. Even so, if he is so shy or whatever why attend a big event like this? No one owes anyone certain personality traits but it seems odd to go to this event and just stare at people.

>> No.10701369


Hmm I might have encountered a different male then. The one that I saw was very talkative and jovial. I thought when he gave the female name he was there to pick up a badge for his daughter or granddaughter (even though I'm aware the rules stated you can't do that).

I think I also encountered him the next day (Saturday) and he was straight up dressed in a passable Lolita coordinate.

>> No.10701370

The troon/brolita who won second in the coord contest *nearly* passed at a quick glance. But when I saw him walking down the runway I was like "oh that's definitely a man's body". Confirmed it when he spoke into the mic and out popped a gay man's voice kek

>> No.10701372

I definitely briefly remember seeing someone in a cage skirt, but I have no memory of what else they were wearing

>> No.10701375

Who cares
He looked better than some of the bio women in this fashion

>> No.10701376

This might be a dumb question, but I heard a couple of people lamenting the fact that the room block wasn't an actual block of rooms next to one another and we weren't neighbors with each other. They were completely separated around the hotel on all different floors. Is that normally how it is? My roommate and I have never been to a con before so we had no expectations.

>> No.10701393

Whatever their gender ID, they were freaking gorgeous. I think they should have won 1st place, they were robbed. What was going on with that coord that won??

>> No.10701394

kill yourself

>> No.10701441

its honestly this whole thread reeking of butthurt and projection for no reason

>> No.10701444

You sound bitter that a man could possibly look better thank you

>> No.10701497

Saw their Instagram and I’d must say the dude is pretty handsome. Typically a majority of Asian males passes in lolita or cross dressing. I’d say the guy is least insuffferable than the itas. Congratulations to him

>> No.10701500

>Asian male
Well that explains it

>> No.10701502

People are like this all over the internet. I don’t know why anyone takes any of it seriously

>> No.10701504

I don’t look like a man, so no

>> No.10701506

There was this one girl who had a orgy session in her room. She had a on a red wig wearing AP holy lantern. I think she wanted money for the vendors room and Vegas strip activities. I saw her hanging out with CO comm and it’s shocking that she wasn’t banned. Not only that, but she had apparently been racist towards others and does webcam porn wearing lolita. I saw her at the tea party sitting across room. She had on a light pink Btssb dress with legal replica AP bag. She was all over the place trying to build her following

>> No.10701513

>she had apparently been racist towards others
Based. Now I wish I had gone to Vegas instead

>> No.10701526

omg hahahahahahaha

>> No.10701527

I heard from a group of girls that fluffytori was rude to some attendees. That’s why all of her models called out from her fashion show.

>> No.10701529

Isn't she from another country? Behaviorisms/personalities are very different from US' and especially the safe space shit. Surprises me she is so into PC culture, being from Germany. All my German friends are blunt, "rude", and it's just really how they socialize.

>> No.10701530

She wasn’t too fluffy. She loves to stick pop tarts up her ass pretending to be some icon. Seats were empty at her Panel and I had to be there bc I was volunteering. I guess free pass to watch a shit show

>> No.10701532

I dropped from modeling because I didn’t want to wear her ugly ita shit

>> No.10701535

She’s Swiss
She wouldn’t talk to anyone who wasn’t doting on her or who she could get some fame from

>> No.10701543

Yet She was running all over the place to bother people by filming them. She hardly engaged with anyone being a RVR guest. Her show was trash and lor was pretty much the guest there that everyone acknowledged. As much shit lor gets she actually engages with people and seems rather friendly.

>> No.10701548

Lor is really nice in person. Joelle however, isn’t the friendliest. Her boyfriend/husband also looked pretty miserable in the outfits she put him in.

>> No.10701572

It's not like this is a change from her online behavior. She doesn't tag or engage with anyone who doesn't seem like they could boost her presence. It's kinda sad to be looking for e-fame at her age, especially given how unsuccessful she's been. She doesn't even have 4k followers despite having over 500 posts. I really didn't understand why they invited her if international guests were on the table. Her content is somehow cringier than Lor, she's less likeable than even Tyler, and her brand is worse than most Taobao brands you could snag at 1/4 of the price.

I think people don't like her because it's like a combination of the e-fame you secretly wanted at 16, with the cringe personality you had at 12, with the body/face you might have at 45. It's like everyone's worst possible version of themselves. Combine all that with her kind of off-putting attitude and it's just unbearable.

>> No.10701576

where is she from again?

>> No.10701587

It’s always shocking to me when people don’t interact with anyone who won’t "make them famous". The very first step in becoming famous online is appearing likable. Just talking to new people around the con would probably have made people want to check out her videos. Ignoring your primary audience makes no fucking sense to me

>> No.10701593

Joelle is known for wanting woke points. Why do you think she always interacts with sissies?

>> No.10701598

Since international lolitas were invited, why couldn't they have replaced Jo with another person? I can think of a dozen other girls who are more likable with a similar sized following.

>> No.10701614

Naturally Racist?

>> No.10701620

lmao what.

You can't post this bombshell without dropping a name attached to this train wreck.

>> No.10701622

Ageplayer you say? Name and shame

>> No.10701626

Stop being desperate for drama anon it's clearly bait

>> No.10701628

Do you retards actually think someone had an orgy in their room and this isn't just obviously someone trying to stir shit up? How's would they even find out if anyone *did* have a room orgy?

>> No.10701630


Why are you so mad lmao

>> No.10701632
File: 77 KB, 1125x505, 084020B5-D7C0-4C47-B439-127416973637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somehow thinking we're the same person when we responded to the same person saying the same thing
I get you're retarded enough to fall for bait but this is just a weird conclusion to come to

>> No.10701635

You're unusually upset about the orgy and being an ita bit. Sorry it struck a nerve.

>> No.10701651

Someone tried to sell a dress that smell like ass

>> No.10701653

Not surprised desu bc we literally have pisschans and sex pests lurking in this community

>> No.10701655

She posted it on a group chat and it made its rounds

>> No.10701656

This reeks of something Houston sissy would do

>> No.10701657

A famous lolita brought bedbugs and was taking photos with everyone. This bitch even modeled with her bed bug ridden ass.

>> No.10701658

I'm not "upset", I just want to humiliate and laugh at anyone who would fall for as incredibly obvious bait as a fucking orgy.

>> No.10701659

screenshot it then, pussy

>> No.10701662

Cope Ashley we know it’s you
Stop shitting up this board

>> No.10701663

Who the fuck is Ashley? The one you think had an orgy? if she actually posted it in a group chat, why would she deny it and call it bait while asking for proof? None of what you’re saying makes sense

now post proof or gtfo

>> No.10701665

Stop being a fatty and maybe you’ll fit into brand

>> No.10701669

Most of the drops weren’t from her brand. It was pretty random desu. People probably got cold feet or simply didn’t feel like it anymore.

Joelle was a bit cold at times but I figured it was because she was jet lagged or shy. She wasn’t outright rude or mean to anyone I know.

>> No.10701672

Wasn’t the modeling applications picked by the designers? I think once people got called by fluffytori they backtracked before being involved in a ita disaster show.

>> No.10701674

>argument proven to make no sense
>"a-anon u must be fat"
kek im not even close to being a whale, do better

>> No.10701675

Don't try to drag the CO comm into your weird ita orgy fantasies.

>> No.10701688

> has bed bugs

K8 skipped this one anon. Or at least she hasn’t posted anything about it

>> No.10701692

What famous lolitas even went besides Lor?

>> No.10701698

Oh is there a second bedbug chan?

>> No.10701719

Pretty sure the CO comm was mostly staff so if they were ever seen with anyone outside of their clique-y selves or the other staff, it was probably to help some dumb degenerate who was lost or had a question. Even if this “red-wig in holy lantern” idiot had an orgy, there’s no way the CO Comm was involved - they’re too innocent and bougie for that shit.

>> No.10701725

Was she banned from PA comm

>> No.10701726

Wasn’t wondercunt supposed to go?

>> No.10701746


I was working the front & don't recall seeing her go through so I don't think she went.

>> No.10701805

Is this the girl from lolcow? I’m genuinely curious how a age player was able to come to this con.

>> No.10701807

Or is it diper Aussie?

>> No.10701817

Newfag here, Who’s the girl from lolcow?

>> No.10701836

She reports any post mentioning her name so it's not worth catching a ban.

The first part of her handle is dreamy and the last is princess if it's the same person >>10701805 is referring to.

>> No.10701875

She was there

>> No.10701891

I know, she was loud and annoying with her other comm members.

>> No.10701894

>innocent and bougie
Pretty sure it was CO girls that brought white claw to the tea party.

>> No.10701896

Looks like M has joined the chat

>> No.10701898

That’s incredible

>> No.10701899

It definitely was, it was hilarious

>> No.10701907

When in Vegas

>> No.10701911

At least I don’t have crotch rot Jessica

>> No.10701913

Keep fucking for the rent, we all know you have bedbugs and roaches.

>> No.10701916

Who is M? Sounds strangely specific or maybe you have a vendetta. Report the posts all you want, you're still annoying kek.

>> No.10701988

You bitches are unhinged
Seek help. Nobody wants your bedbugs infestation

>> No.10701993
File: 198 KB, 826x1587, FE17FFB9-9979-4A03-A2A4-DB3C5DD10ECC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can die bitch. Too broke to buy shit from vendors

>> No.10702004

Yes. I think the ban covers Ohio too.

>> No.10702019

Are you sure about that nonny?

>> No.10702026


>> No.10702070

You annoyed entire comms worth of girls at RVR with your cringiness but all you can think about is your hatred for Momo. She wasn't even there. You're so unhinged, L.

>> No.10702084

Seethe harder

>> No.10702091

A guy offered me $200 to suck his dick in my coord. He was staying at Caesar’s Palace with his wife. Kinda wish I took him up on it

>> No.10702099

Only 200? Raise your standards anon

>> No.10702101

I would have for $300. His wife wanted to watch but desu he was old and uggo. I should have fucked his wife

>> No.10702103

Okay Ashley

>> No.10702107

Who the fuck got wasted and vomited at the Kamikaze Girls screening? I think it was some scrote, wasn't it?

>> No.10702112

All the models were doing this insane fast shit for both shows. I couldn't even get a good look at the details for the few articles of clothing I was interested in because they were jumping around erratically.

>> No.10702122

Sounds like you're the one seething from getting called out kek.

>> No.10702167

Eh if I was into him I’d totally do it for $200 but that def seems like a good way to get murdered kek

>> No.10702248

The bath bomb table was Twootie Tarte, she's a very reputable vendor and member of the community down South. I heard some things happened to her stock, a recent rumor about UPS loosing packages of stock? Idk if this is true, but I do know she was remote vending. That seems to check out. It was bare, but she is definitely not shady.

>> No.10702252

It was Rudeboob.

>> No.10702269

Sorry you got posted

>> No.10702288

Kek sorry you got posted but by “questionable” I don’t think OP means “shady”, they mean like questionably relevant, as in why are they here.

>> No.10702295

I'm not the owner and have never worked for her, I dont think she pays any attention to cgl desu. I just know her as a neighboring comm member. Not everything is a wk, was just clarifying some things. If its any consolation, I thought her table was extra bare, too. There's no drama here.

>> No.10702298

So /cgl/'s own Cirno man was here and he dropped in on the Latin Grammys for an appearance on Telemundo. If anyone here saw that and has a link or screencap I would greatly appreciate it. Please, I really don't want to ask Plebbit.

>> No.10702336
File: 98 KB, 500x667, Cirno_Teh+Cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this him?

>> No.10702343

I’m wet

>> No.10702348


>> No.10702656


Rudeboob? Do tell

>> No.10702726

On the topic of other j fashion cons, does anybody have any experience with anime weekend Atlanta? It seems like they have a pretty big presence, they had baby as a guest this year.

>> No.10702756

Start a thread for it, this one is sage

>> No.10702956
File: 240 KB, 548x708, 538E31A3-3FB0-4215-BF0C-FF1A8A9EA45F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?

>> No.10702957
File: 427 KB, 522x645, 8531CF56-67C1-43B8-ACAF-FD09CF76B7DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That model looks sad

>> No.10702998

The fact that people want to spend money on that

>> No.10703000
File: 51 KB, 373x498, 7BBE8FA6-8EDE-4158-9778-A2DB44BC3320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just disgusting

>> No.10703125

Kek thats gnomie

>> No.10703257
File: 2.51 MB, 1200x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't know who [Rhubarb] is just ask anyone you know that helps events organize lolita guests. They're generally an awful person to work with, but the only option for some godforsaken reason.

>> No.10703437
