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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 265 KB, 1848x2163, vpuyxsel6hw71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10693620 No.10693620 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10693621
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>> No.10693622
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>> No.10693623
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>> No.10693631

fuck off this is cute

>> No.10693632

not my style usually but this is really cool

>> No.10693652

it's definitely not lolita it looks like an emo weeb's myspace pfp.

>> No.10693657

Yeah I love this

>> No.10693671

ya'll are literally not from the time when this was actually what we call ita. just cause you gen z newfags found a purpose for the ita clothes, doesn't mean we forgot. don't bring it into our space with your trash chinese designs

>> No.10693672

i said it wasn't lolita you dumbass. calm your blind rage.

>> No.10693681

how many of you fuckers are even old enough to even have a MySpace

>> No.10693686

Not lolita, but cool af

>> No.10693712

>cool af
I smell an egirl

>> No.10693733
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>> No.10693740

the itas are coming from inside the thread

>> No.10693741

Not painful to look at

>> No.10693746

>the itas are coming from inside the thread
OH GOD THEY'RE HERE >>10693741

>> No.10693749
File: 114 KB, 751x1024, 4877272270_ab192b660e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and I'm going to get you my pretty!

>> No.10693750
File: 81 KB, 1080x1321, FB_IMG_1635623936841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My eyes

>> No.10693752

She really just took 3 different patterns/prints and decided they match

>> No.10694023

Ngl, I have bad taste and I enjoy the jacket skirt combo. Simple socks and a more intricate hairstyle would be a drastic improvement. Those long bloomers look like a droopy diaper too. I would've brought white into the bottom of the coord and changed the bag out for something themed to bridge the jacket/skirt disparity.

>> No.10694034

>Ngl, I have bad taste
That's obvious. None of this works together. Her blouse and skirt are both far too busy to work. Just shut up already.

>> No.10694035

you do realize this genre of clothing was derived off ita made chinese garbage right? You think just because egirl has adopted many fashion styles, we can't still call the same ita chinese made wannabe lolita clothing ita garbage? well then, you're mistaken because you obviously don't know the origin you shit. are you even old enough to be on 4chan?

Yes. Lolitas are still GOING to laugh at you for wearing the same shit we watched itas flood into our community with. If you think otherwise, you're mistaken. We KNOW where that clothing originated from.

Unlike half of your egirl garbage #jfashion tags on instagram, we actually fucking know the origins you dumb bitches.

>> No.10694039

Otl honestly anon even if they did know the origins I doubt they would give a shit. Ethots are the same people who worship trashy mallgoth shit. They just can't help loving ugly cringe because they identify with it on a personal, spiritual level.

>> No.10694051
File: 113 KB, 719x1080, Goya-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These girls really getting their panties in a twist because someone likes something they don't. I know you're very defensive of lolita fashion but that doesn't mean that you can't like things outside of it. It's not that deep.

>> No.10694053

It's not about someone liking something they don't.
It's about the pervasive and obnoxious culture of egirls trying to shove their way into spaces they don't belong (i.e. goth and lolita) with their shitty AliExpress knockoff versions then crying when they get called out for being posers/itas.

>> No.10694055
File: 59 KB, 750x500, fashion-collaborations-750x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then go yell at the ethots? Anons stated that they're aware it's not lolita but still like it. The real issue would be claiming it to be lolita when it's clearly not, and you're acting like they are.

>> No.10694056

You clearly missed

>> No.10694057

You missed that >>10694035 specifically quoted the ones that said it wasn't lolita.

>> No.10694058

why the fuck are you wking for itas with these weird runway pics to boot

>> No.10694059

Well I'm not that anon and don't give a shit. I was talking about everyone else itt not the ONE person who still has shit taste but admitted it isn't lolita.
Now stop with your (You)s

>> No.10694065
File: 30 KB, 392x588, 331517ab4e78bfa2024fe9ce3e230146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why did you bring up posts that wasn't even part of the conversation? Why not respond to the ones you actually have an issue with? Seems like you misunderstood and jump to conclusions. It's alright, we're human.

>> No.10694073

Are you really that stupid or just trolling?
Just because you respond to an anon doesn't mean you're responding to EVERYONE they responded to.

>> No.10694077

I think you lost track of the conversation. It's okay.

>> No.10694127

just cause anons said it looks cute doesn't mean they think its lolita lol

>> No.10694132

egirl lolita sounds like it could be a successful lolita style. it doesnt even have to be it's own thing but a branch off of more popular ones like egirl sweet, egirl gothic or egirl lolita costumes (halloween specific). if you anons want your niche hobby to become bigger you have to stop putting down people that innovate new styles.

>> No.10694146

You gen z lolitas are a different breed, Jesus….

>> No.10694149

Samefagging but we don’t WANT that. Look at the idol thread when they let cosplayers act like idols. E-girls just need to come to terms with the fact that no one wants them here or in the goth loop and they need to just create their own community

>> No.10694151


>> No.10694157

Oh shut up, no one likes you. Don’t you have some hair to dye?

>> No.10694158

Nta but honestly looks like an ita from the 2000s would wear posted on MySpace along with Misa Misa as her profile image.

>> No.10694179

stop fucking quoting me then you sperg.

>> No.10694184

I'm pretty old soup. Come over to see how a real woman treats you.

>> No.10694189

>who still has shit taste but admitted it isn't lolita.
She didn't say she liked it, tard.

>> No.10694247

cant tell if that's an invitation to a good time or a trap to steal my cats. are you a cat lady trying to add more to your collection anon?

>> No.10694783
File: 914 KB, 2048x2048, 58C30D1F-D662-41C1-8778-9078DB6C5FCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty amazon dress
>replica shoes
>wore it as a costume
More than 200 upvotes on r/lolita. The fashion really is dying.

>> No.10694786

r/lolita is mostly larpers and newfags. I'm not sure what you're expecting.

>> No.10694787

there's so much else actually wrong here but you call out "replica shoes" and "/r/lolita"? How new are you? Newsflash, reddit has always been LARPer garbage and design replica shoes haven't been controversial for ages.

>> No.10694789

Oh sorry let me spend an hour talking about everything that’s wrong. See you all in a week. Obviously the dress and shoes are the most noticeable, it’s not the only thing.

>> No.10694829

i said design replica shoes are not an issue, retard. learn to read

>> No.10694992
File: 330 KB, 720x892, 20210713_180607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was posted under #gothiclolita and #lolitacoord

>> No.10695033


>> No.10695056

God I can't wait for efags to die out and quit inserting themselves into every alt fashion

>> No.10695090

not lolita but still cute, wouldn't look out of place in a circa 2009 ad for MAM or putumayo

>> No.10695098
File: 30 KB, 500x368, 04b9f7dd7789690b60a8723a2320af45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wouldn't look out of place in a circa 2009 ad for MAM or putumayo

>> No.10695100
File: 179 KB, 688x913, 2ca21636e48d988179fa24b5157c0927--japanese-clothing-punk-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that you're right about this

>> No.10695101

How is she wrong though?

>> No.10695108

Didn't say she was wrong. She just told the truth and I hated hearing it.

>> No.10695127

Would pet the cat tho 10/10 catto >>10695033

>> No.10695338
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>> No.10695354

Bottom girl on the right I would go lesbian for.

>> No.10695441
File: 276 KB, 785x429, 234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can a dress listing be ita

>> No.10695662

can’t wait for the weird pidgeon-toed pose to stop being popular. i associate it with the worst of the tiktok alt kids now

>> No.10695664
File: 203 KB, 600x800, 1365133151321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been popular in general since forever. It still can look cute on lolitas poses, as long as they don't over exaggerate it.

>> No.10695872

i miss smileysquid so much

>> No.10696075


>> No.10697362
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>> No.10697363
File: 15 KB, 193x193, 0AAD619F-5B6B-4C0C-B6EB-7C710BAF7ACB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what she thinks she looks like?

>> No.10697375
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>> No.10697414

I actually really like this…. A cute basic day to day style with normie bits sequestered in isn’t necessary ita

>> No.10697421

its a mall goth outfit...you really thought this wasnt ita?

>> No.10697431

Needs a nice blouse and headwear and it’d be decent.

>> No.10697451

round as a pumpkin

>> No.10697453

preteen emo =/= gothic lolita

>> No.10697465

Explain to me how it is lolita.

>> No.10697467

Now put this on a skinny japanese girl in a street snap and watch people seethe over it being posted in the ita thread

>> No.10697474
File: 95 KB, 460x691, 9c4fb45f6c8997a362d253b6071c46e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me, no matter who wears it it looks more simple emo than lolita. The fishnet on her arms is what does it for me.

>> No.10697480

>pretty thin people make outfits look better
what’s new? i feel like this argument is always kind of weak. when someone sees a good coord on someone skinny they don’t usually flip it and reverse it into “this would look shit on ugly fat people”

>> No.10697489

give her a headpiece and some more poof and she's 10/10 casual. some jewelry wouldn't be amiss but there's nothing glaringly wrong here. Fishnets aren't evil, it's just another tool to be used and i think she did it okay.
Besides at least she isn't wearing those shitty boots every ita tries to wear.

>> No.10697521

Are you blind? The bottom half is great but the top half is just shitty. I love fishnets and fishnet tops but this looks tacky and mall goth tier ugly.

>> No.10697524

How is that outfit lolita?

>> No.10697560

Oof. She has one video where her boobs are to her stomach in a high waist cut dress.

>> No.10697612

and its not her being skinny and japanese this fit is actually decent unlike hers

>> No.10697616

just because the bottom half is nice doesn't make the whole outfit not shitty

>> No.10697662

how does that work, it looks like she has none

>> No.10697666

Nitpick but this is mall goth, not emo. Emo was skinny jeans, black karen hair, and band tees.
People lately seems to be overlapping mall goth, scene, and emo into the same thing and just calling it emo.

>> No.10697676

Idk I've seen that quite a lot on here though

>> No.10697677

I see, I don't know much about either of those alt fashions. I was going to say "punk" at first but didn't know for sure, all I knew was it wasn't lolita. Thanks for the correction.

>> No.10697678

scene and emo were basically the same thing and they still both used skirts often. they're not even real anyway.

>> No.10697698

For outsiders, all those fashions blend together into one big edgy black hole. Same thing happens when you try to expain the difference between sweet lolita, decora, and fairy-kei. It's all just pastel vomit. I've heard someone call my sanrio merch "Sailor Moon fashion"

>> No.10697704
File: 377 KB, 1576x2098, 71D17ECF-2152-48FE-838F-4BF333C78D96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r/lolita loves their hot topic itas

>> No.10697708

holy shit, that 40 yr old face paired with the fake-cutesy shy pose of a 13 yr old is what does it for me

>> No.10697709

emo was more dark and sad and toned down. scene had the crazy hair, more bright colors, more girly

>> No.10697717

I created an alt fashion thread in /fa/ if anyone wants to talk more about the different types. differences, and so on if the conversation wants to continue further.

>> No.10697727

no one wants to go to that cesspool.

>> No.10697730

Right, but I'm doing what I can to have actual discussion for other types of fashion. It's also to test if /fa/ can actually have those type of threads. Made a pastel feminine fashion thread as well for any that may be interested.

>> No.10697779

That is absolutely not mall goth. Mall goth was the term the pretentious elder goths used to describe hot topic kind before emo and scene entered the common lexicon.

Japanese punk and goth has always looked like mall goth because it’s not shy about using colors, but it’s not a term that the model in >>10697474 would use to describe her own style.

>> No.10697813

This is why I wasn’t gonna argue.

Just because it doesn’t fit the 2021 era of style doesn’t mean it wasn’t cute or couldn’t pass for casual.

>> No.10697855

You are so very very stupid and clearly have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.10697856
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>> No.10697857

Other anon is right and you're probably too young to post here. Shoo shoo, back to tiktok.

>> No.10697858

Bitch please I'm old enough to know that Japanese punk and goth was heavily influenced by British punk and goth in the 80s and originally looked more like those traditional styles than the newer cringe mall goth shit you absolute child.

>> No.10697867

no one in japan has ever used the phrase mallgoth until right now, when its become a catch-all term for faux "visual kei" styles of the late 00s/early '10s.

mallgoth isn't a real style prior to tiktok zoomers. it was a pejorative used to make fun of young hot topic tripp pants wearing edgy baby goths. they were called mallgoths because the term came from combining the term mallrat with goth.

japan doesnt have a mallrat equivalent culture.

also the japanese streets entry for >>10697474 still exists, and the style is labeled as goth

http://www.japanesestreets.com/photoblog/1917/harajuku-tokyo-ozzcroce-g2-sword-fish-demonia.. her name is Lisa and she was photographed pretty often in 2012/2013. She had a tumblr and would tag her own outfits as #goth or #emo.

not mallgoth, because that term hadnt come back yet in 2012.

>> No.10697868
File: 105 KB, 480x640, lisa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her tumblr is https://lisa-j-poole13.tumblr.com/ and i recommend looking through her archive and going back to 2012 because theres some really cute photos here for outfit inspiration. original anon here >>10697474 was right in saying that this outfit looks emo, because Lisa seemed to take inspiration from 2008 era emo style, which was having a slight trend revival in 2012/2013

>> No.10697942

what's with the heart...? did she try to hide her face and miss?

>> No.10697944

> I'm old enough to know that Japanese punk and goth...looked more like those traditional styles than the newer cringe mall goth

Yes...? So why are you angrily disagreeing with the person who's saying it does not look like mall goth? Did you click the wrong anon?

>> No.10697984
File: 235 KB, 750x1052, 285ECED9-676C-42E7-A995-87051DFEFDE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10697990

Coord looks fine, mask even matches

>> No.10697991 [DELETED] 
File: 662 KB, 1364x2044, 4A95D8DA-F8EA-4F99-978C-4DD55EB5DA02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10697994

but coord is fucking ugly mate
tacky clolita at its finest

>> No.10697998

I come here for poorly put together coords. If you want to make a thread on ugly lolita dresses then do so.

>> No.10698000

my god......

>> No.10698007
File: 43 KB, 748x444, 4BEFE141-B61D-463D-A2E2-914E291502E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you post this….

>> No.10698025

adorable coord, op either has a vendetta, is blind, or hates fat people

>> No.10698026
File: 715 KB, 2173x3258, 637F45C9-D5BE-4A7F-8DAB-0886A96AB9E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit never fails to amaze me

>> No.10698027

The dress is fine, everything she coorded it is fucking awful.

>> No.10698030

Thats literally an AP dress, just say you're new and go

>> No.10698034

That proves that modern AP is clolita level but APfags would eat any shit AP releases om nom nom so yummy

>> No.10698036

>om nom nom so yummy
What are you, 5?

>> No.10698045

Can you not read? I called them stupid because they claimed Japanese goth has always been mall goth shit.

>> No.10698102

It’s always looked similar to mall goth but that’s just a couincidence

>> No.10698143
File: 136 KB, 1125x1976, oocbxhejrhz71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10698158

a coord can be clolita style while having a ap dress, everything else on that coord is from taobao so that makes a majority of clolita items. that coord hurts my eye so I find it ita

>> No.10698161

It's the lack of a petticoat for me.

>> No.10698170

nta but PUNK was similar, not goth. this board just reeks of newfags to jfashion.

>> No.10698171

I'd just say it's the sleeves, personally. I'm not sure why anyone is using these massive out of place sleeves with sweet like they are at a renne fair.

>> No.10698173

This thread is for homos and dumbasses take a moment to consider which one you are

>> No.10698176


>> No.10698179

Is this FKJ? I think she looks nice here. The only thing I would change myself would be losing the bear bag and steaming the dress.

>> No.10698184
File: 41 KB, 375x515, f812fc1d7e64a05207c728357f904876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit has been around much longer than mall goth so please stop commenting like a child who isn't old enough to know the difference and thinks it's all just mall goth

>> No.10698192

sorry you got posted

>> No.10698233

This applies to everyone who goes on /cgl/. I thought that was obvious

>> No.10698235

I'm a dumbasses

>> No.10698236
File: 65 KB, 422x750, FE6342D6-7A09-4AC0-8076-F50D4A680723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lor…

>> No.10698252

desu if i wasnt a lolita or knew anything about lolita i would say she looks cute, im a sucker for rainbow aesthetics

>> No.10698253

I didn’t like this specific coord but I appreciated her showing so many different ways to style a dress. I liked the second one she did. Sometimes you make mistakes, and I think sharing them is an important part of the process. I want to see more lolitas’ bad coordinates, desu.

>> No.10698280

i dont

>> No.10698289

That's what cof, reddit, and ita threads are for.

>> No.10698341
File: 63 KB, 640x853, ppg1t2qaioz71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10698345

What is this? Why is this? Is it trying to be ouji and failing because it sure as fuck ain't lolita in any way.

>> No.10698360
File: 788 KB, 1355x1695, 142C5A92-10ED-42E9-8548-F4D5598A2430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shocked she went outside with hair this bad, it’s fried to the point that shaving would be the only solution.

>> No.10698362

please can she use a wig

>> No.10698365

Pixielocks approves

>> No.10698372

Why do people dye their hair if they either can't afford or are too lazy to invest time and money into basic fucking maintenance? Just buy a colorful wig if you so badly want to be special

>> No.10698383

why the fuck did they do the crying mascara makeup for 'boy style?'

>> No.10698433

Lor is cringe but thank god she’s self aware enough to not go down the hole Pixie went down. That’s a mess and a half. Seeing her devolve from a cute lolita into whatever she’s doing now is… downright sad actually.

>> No.10698461

I'm not a lolita myself, but I never understood the culture of making fun of bad outfits. I mean all lolitas look like awkward manchildren playing dress up as a princess anyway, why can't they just have fun together instead of judging people for not looking like a weirdo in the right way?

>> No.10698462

Next time just say you have no fashion sense! All lolita stands out and "looks weird", sure, but there is a massive difference between a put together outfit made with quality material, and a shiny, cheap, mismatching mess.

>> No.10698464

A gold plated turd is still a turd

>> No.10698466

For the same reason as any other fashion. If it doesn't look good, it's going to be pointed out. Several new lolitas some here to learn what not to do and look their best. Others come for gossip and a laugh. If you let people run wild with it, the fashion loses it's style. There's also people that think it's a kink showing off their cleavage, diapers, panties and spread misinformation about it to normal people and we don't want to be associated with it.

>> No.10698467

Oh you're just here to troll, I though you genuinely wanted to understand. Disregarded.

>> No.10698468

If it was a kink like with furries, I'd still understand it. But being serious about wanting to look like an uwu little precious princess is cringe as fuck. No amount of gatekeeping will change that. So why not just embrace it? Furries are doing that, and it doesn't make their fursuits look worse.

I get that I'm being mean, but I'm not trolling

>> No.10698469

You seem to already have a fixed mindset that isn't going to change regardless of what we say so it's a waste of energy to continue with you. Have a good day.

>> No.10698475

>uwu little precious princess

That's... that's not what lolita is about

>> No.10698476
File: 182 KB, 1440x1440, tuucxiufwrz71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10698477

>Bare shoulders
The nerve.

>> No.10698479

If you genuinely wanted to argue against gatekeeping, you should've drawn parallels to other fashion communities and not furries who had different origins. Right now, you sound like a scrote trying to stir shit up. Other fashion communities gatekeep just as hard as lolita. There was gatekeeping in the emo/punk/goth community in the heyday. There's elitism and brand gatekeeping in streetwear. People get snobby about Gucci, Hermes, Louis Vitton, etc handbags. I don't know why you thought lolita would be different than any other fashion. There's also a problem where a lot of lolitas enter the fashion in their teens but there are malicious kinksters fetishizing the fashion. We're gonna gatekeep.

If you're still gonna argue, I don't know what to say. Maybe grow some thicker skin if you're worried about others' opinions that much

>> No.10698480

tallitas...please wear tights or OTKs. nobody needs to see your midthigh

>> No.10698482

Isn't this AtePie?

>> No.10698486

>it was a kink like with furries
>I get that I'm being mean, but I'm not trolling
Oof. Just admit you got posted and you're lashing out because you can't dress yourself out of a paperbag. (get it? haha ita.)

>> No.10698489

moid coomer detected and opinion discarded

>> No.10698497

I'm a cis woman and if I'm going to spend 200$ on a fucking dress, it better make me look good to people that matter. That's all

>> No.10698499

Anon, keep proving that you're an ita in this thread. My boyfriend and many other men in my life (assuming that's who you're appealing to, because women default think lolita is cute unless they are trying to do sex appeal) have thought I look good in lolita. It just sounds like you're ugly. No clothing can fix that. Sorry.

>> No.10698501

Yeah I wouldn't tell a friend that a dress makes her look weird if she really likes it either

>> No.10698502

Imagine not getting lolitas dress for their own enjoyment and not to appeal to other people. Must suck having to be this unhappy and codependent.

>> No.10698504

Listen here baby girl, you're going to get a lot of mean comments but I ain't about that...
Anyway, we buy the dresses because we like them. That's it.

>> No.10698505

I'm married and my husband loves how I look in lolita, stay mad you're too fat or mannish to pull it off I guess.

>> No.10698507

the only person that matters + that you should look good for is yourself

>> No.10698511

But that's exactly what I mean. If you do it for yourself, why do you make fun of people who do the same thing, just because they aren't up to your standards? We're in the ita thread, remember?

Calling me ugly won't make me ugly. Stay mad

>> No.10698513

>her look weird if she really likes it either
Trust me, when I took hiatus people actually brought it up to say I should continue doing it and it looked natural on me / looked good. So yeah, keep being mad that you don't suit lolita. I can wear plenty of different fashions and look good. Chances are you're just ugly.

>> No.10698515

uh because it's fun? are you really looking for a good reason KEK

>> No.10698516

>thinking $200 is expensive for clothing
Ask me how I know you only shop at forever 21 and shein.

>> No.10698518

Think of it this way. If you're playing a tabletop game with a bunch of people that also love the game, wouldn't you be upset with the person that isn't following the rules and just doing what they want? Then they go on to teach those incorrect rules to other people? So when you play with a new set of people, the game you're playing with them changes to something completely unrecognizable. There are people that break the rules of lolita and end up turning it into something it isn't. Part of the fun is playing within the rules of the game. There's a challenge in finding pieces that match together in just the right way or combing colors. The ita threads are for those that go far outside these rules whereas you'll see in the other threads, you'll see nitpicks that just mean there are little things that could help the outfit look better.

>> No.10698525

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king

200$ is indeed pricey for one item of clothing, and I'd expect more for that money than some cotton dress with very particular cleaning requirements, that can't be worn to any professional or formal occasion

Thanks, this actually makes sense.
Still kinda seems like bullying but eh

>> No.10698529

>cotton dress
There's a joke here. But there's a whole discussion and debate about quality within the fashion going down but regardless, the details and effort that goes into making the dresses is like buying art and being able to wear it.
>that can't be worn to any professional or formal occasion
Believe it or not, some of us do and people generally like it. Of course it's not fitting for all places but most of us know where we can and can't.
>Still kinda seems like bullying but eh
Of course it is, this is 4chan.

>> No.10698535

>200$ is indeed pricey for one item of clothing

>> No.10698540
File: 175 KB, 654x2560, 10-Year-Anniversary-Speicals-final_2_final_1-1-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$200 is pricey
You meant $2000 right?

>> No.10698543

Confirmed. Anon got posted and started whining.

There's no reason for this anon to be on here, whining about LOLITAS and then WHINING ABOUT ITAS. Man. >>10698525 you must really be ugly

>> No.10698544

Found anon

>> No.10698545

See I can't even tell what's wrong with it because y'all look equally cringe

>> No.10698547

No, I don't think so. I think it's a namefag from /fa/ because they were saying something similar yesterday. Not everyone that gets pissy here are itas being posted, some are just scrote trolls or wandering crossboarders. I'd tell you that accusing everyone of being posted seems like a weird paranoia but really it doesn't matter.

>> No.10698549

Skirts are not supposed to be that high on lolita. A little above the knees is fine but she's so tall the dress comes off as much shorter. As another anon said, it would be best she wore stockings/longer socks.

>> No.10698553

nice larp

stop posting, you shit troll. There's no way you can reference
>ita threads being bullying
and so on, without you being a lolita. No one is going to look the other direction with your shit misdirection. Anon, you're seriously pissed you got posted and it shows.

Also you suck at trolling. Like I care what some dumb ass anon thinks of "paranoia" when you've outed yourself by knowing what lolitas consistently talk about or post.

>> No.10698554

Also to note, /fa/ bullies far more than us. You're not gonna larp as /fa/ because they would justify bullying shit itas.

You're a shit troll and an ita, obvi

>> No.10698556

I'm a different anon than the one you're talking about unless you just accuse everyone as ita. Anyway here was the name fag I was referring to. If you still wanna get upset over nothing that's your business not me.

>> No.10698560

Why do you have to be a lolita to reference cotton and bullying?

I'm not on /fa/, I'm barely on 4chan anymore, so at least you won't have to see my posts again

>> No.10698788
File: 1.18 MB, 1242x1968, E68163EF-A86C-4E5B-9DA1-218AEED27ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“ Do the black tights stand out too much? I have black hair but I’m not sure it balances it out”
>active in race play asking for a white master
>posts ass pics with captions like “cute” “innocent”

>> No.10698803

Hi S.

>> No.10698809

are you sp00? anyways, r/lolita has always been the place for teens to go and be ultra cringy until they sober up in their thirties. I'm not surprised

>> No.10698818

Whats sp00 actual question. I saw someone say hi S. Is it the way I formatted the post? I haven’t been on the threads in a few months so I feel like I missed something

>> No.10698819

Clearly covering up her double chin. God forbid she actually tried to get rid of it the proper way

>> No.10698854 [DELETED] 

the dirty crocs

>> No.10698855 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 1151x2048, 9D3EBB48-589D-45F1-9CE6-C23257BF7233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops. anyway, the dirty fucking crocs

>> No.10698856
File: 228 KB, 1151x2048, 76D1ABCF-0B9D-4734-BC04-81665D7CFC8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god. The fucking crocs.

>> No.10698886

this was clearly referred to as "filthy and casual" by the poster so this feels like low hanging fruit

>> No.10698901

oh christ is this neo rococo

>> No.10698911

why not just learn out to use photoshop, you know like everyone else

>> No.10698924
File: 397 KB, 828x816, 6F522B99-8470-4B04-9B21-39E9FB730005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to wonder what’s the point of all these indie brands of all they’re going to put out looks like you just walked out of a Claire’s.

>> No.10698941

This is shitty and calling it casual is a cope. Why would anyone even want to share a coord they makes them look like a dirty homeless person

>> No.10698950
File: 122 KB, 640x843, osilpyah92081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10698952

To be fair she said herself it was a bad coord

>> No.10698961

It's you isn't it

>> No.10699008

This one is actually pretty cute, not gonna lie. Definitely looks like a claire's ad though.

>> No.10699009

Why would you admit to having taste this bad

>> No.10699015

Not saying its lolita, just that it looksess awful than what she usually does

>> No.10699027

Anon this looks like a high or middle school

>> No.10699028

Dear diary,
another month, another /cgl/ poster proved to have zero knowledge about lolita styles.
I'm starting to believe that western comunity have very cringy and narrow understanding of tat style.

>> No.10699033

please wash everything pictured.

>> No.10699064
File: 63 KB, 638x640, 1635019208156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof. china has literally no clue of the substyles, in case you haven't noticed.

>> No.10699102

Her face is covered with a sticker, how can you tell?

>> No.10699103

Anon… the school behind her…

>> No.10699231

Are you fucking blind? The dress is fugly, esoecially the lace sleeves. Brand loyalty is actual cancer, jfc.

>> No.10699236

That's the blouse retard.

>> No.10699238

Please take your pills.

>> No.10699559
File: 52 KB, 520x720, 257343769_6651937744880117_1150570024626030645_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how this kind of shit makes it onto CoF

This is very not in line with lolita

>> No.10699747
File: 726 KB, 1080x1362, Screenshot_20211120_044506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why the thread is almost dead

>> No.10699748
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>> No.10699749
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>> No.10699751
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>> No.10699753
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>> No.10699798

Yeah but she's a genderspeeshul now who has gone off the deep end.

>> No.10699837

there's no way they called this lolita..

left in pink is the only nice one

>> No.10699972

That's depressing to hear.

>> No.10700043
File: 108 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1637434134772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is terrible and not lolita. I stared at it for so long and couldn't come up with a nice way to say it but this abomination absolutely shouldn't be worn

>> No.10700073

Did she make this herself? Fuuuuuuck everything from cheap lace to the kraft mac and cheese color scheme is so so very ugly. What the hell is going on with the placement on those shoulder straps?

>> No.10700091

is the girl on the left wearing niqab?

>> No.10700109

this bitch is always posting everywhere. always looking like shit too.

>> No.10700120

Her bf made it. I want to leave concrit but I feel like he would just throw a fit.

>> No.10700122

surely they know it's shit

>> No.10700123
File: 424 KB, 1334x2048, ExvwKvJWgAM0kI9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread's edition of "just because you call something casual lolita doesn't give you an excuse to be lazy"

>> No.10700124

I...I don't think they do. The people in the comments sure do though. In general people who are new to lolita and or sewing, create some awful shit that they think is good.

>> No.10700345

oh no the bottom ruffles… if you’re gonna sew dresses then learn to gather properly jfc, it’s not even particularly hard.

>> No.10700408

including the person

>> No.10700428

I can literally see the dirt embedded into that cardigan

>> No.10700459
File: 187 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1637528061742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this scrote even try?

>> No.10700464 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1637528373491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10700529

Ngl he looks vaguely reminiscent of a trad goth

>> No.10700651

This isn't even lolita

>> No.10700760

The unfinished lace trim on the shoulder strap is what's doing it for me. It's like you can see where she ran out of "buy-the-spool" JoAnn's fabrics budget lace.

>> No.10700767

Apparently that was on purpose to follow the design lol

>> No.10700769

I don't get why this girl gets so many asspats, her hair and coordinates are hideous.

>> No.10700817

her hair looks like that stuffing you get in plushies lol

>> No.10700827

people called her out multiple times but sjws just want to wk any black woman with "natural hair". her hair got fucked by bleaching, but don't try to explain that to all the white twitter fags because they will just call you racist.

>> No.10700833

it's sad because her hair is probably really beautiful naturally but she totally fucking fried it

>> No.10700839

she's black. there's so many people who don't need to try to get clout right now, just for the color of their skin.


>> No.10700953
File: 847 KB, 1440x1789, Screenshot_20211122-180828_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10700958

Tbh of all the complaints about her no one has ever brought up her hair much in a constructive way. It's always been "wahh she's black so she's an SJW they/them reee" and people just seething over every coord of hers, mediocre, decent, and bad equally.

I don't know what her hair was like pre-bleach but depending on it's natural texture she may just have super kinky hair she blows out or something to get more length and volume. Or if she was more like a 3b or something it probably is fried if it looks like this now it really depends. It's not racist to be like "damn I feel bad for how fried her hair is", but you have to remember every black person's natural texture is different so sometimes from a distance what is fried for one person's hair texture might just be what a other person's hair texture does when styled a certain way even if healthy. And hair doesn't have to have a defined curl pattern or tons of product to make it look like some other texture to be healthy.

I honestly wish more black girls wore braids with lolitas in addition to wigs rather than unhealthy breaking off relaxed hair or natural hair with little effort when they could have put a nice wig on. We have such versatile hair and seeing girls look mediocre when I know other girls are doing a good job irl and online with lolita/jfashion and natural hair wigs, or protective styles it frustrates me cause there's no excuse.

>> No.10700974

is that... an op under a salopette?

>> No.10700996

All of this, but this is also 4chan. They would still dog on her if her hair was styled literally any other way.

>> No.10701003

Ewww minion colors. Burn it.

>> No.10701237
File: 53 KB, 800x800, FB_IMG_1637667975901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10701249

This just looks like casual, ugly casual but casual.. no eye bleach, here. idk.

>> No.10701395
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>> No.10701396
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>> No.10701398
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>> No.10701399
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>> No.10701408

was this just a try on or the finshed look?

>> No.10701410

does that matter? look at the hoarder nightmare she blurred out. she's wearing a wig too so it's probably more than a try on.

>> No.10701411

All brand no taste

>> No.10701417

doesn't matter, was just wondering. at least it'd make it a little less worse

>> No.10701430

This is a hot mess

>> No.10701431

I’m so sick of this dress. I’ve never seen anyone make it look good

>> No.10701446

Unless the cavernous void of shadow at her neck is supposed to balance those dark shoes, this coord is rough.

>> No.10701463

I agree with you and I just wish black girls in general would take note of their hair period. There’s so much we can do with it, but bitches insist on the broken Afro look….
If you can’t afford braids, fine but just…. Sculpt the Afro and add embellishments if you insist on wearing it out. No need for it to look dehydrated af

>> No.10701466

I think the skirt has tones that match, personally. It's not nearly as bad as some coords, honestly. It just looks like classic-casual to me. Realistically, browns and classic get away with more than your matchy matchy coords with sweet. So I can't judge it the same way, personally. I'm not a classic lolita, but I also don't think it's bad either due to the way normie clothing rules work with browns.

>> No.10701474

I get what you're saying, though I'm gothic not sweet so that's another difference in sensibilities when looking at what's not working here. I'm not a huge fan of the skirt, and with the solid sweater and solid tights the skirt's pattern is doing a lot of the heavy lifting in making this cohesive at all. So, I guess to circle back, it's ugly classic casual. From a closer look, her hair accessory might be a darker brown to try to balance? The image is so blurry it's hard to tell.

>> No.10701477

Yeah, it's probably ugly classic casual. Sweaters were/are a common thing for casual however. You don't see it as often, because casual lolita is seemingly frowned upon nowadays as "doing it wrong." I think the hair accessory is trying to balance it. I don't like the skirt, either however lol. But at least it matches with her hair.

I guess if you saw this 10 years ago, everyone looked like this honestly. It's nothing special, no. Haha. I just wouldn't call it ita, either.

>> No.10701696

This is a good post but it’s going to fall on deaf ears because it’s easier for anons to go “reeeee ugly hair how dare she get more likes than me!!” than for them to fix their own greasy ass limp hair.

>> No.10701720 [DELETED] 

Damn lor, tell us you’re single and desperate for a girlfriend without telling us you’re single and desperate for a girlfriend.
Makes me think it wasn’t “mutual”, Holly was smart and left her crazy ass.

>> No.10701732


>> No.10701771

it literally looks like a clown wig and doesn’t look lolita at all. There are plenty of black girls who style their hair to match lolita and look great. no one is jealous of her having a permanent clown wig, because we don’t want one either

>> No.10701816

Nta and I don't entirely get what their point was but no one ever claimed anyone was jealous.

>> No.10701850

they're trying to imply critics are jealous of her follower count. i'd rather have 0 followers than hair like hers.

>> No.10701865

Ayrt I was referring to the fact everyone who's ever been exposed for posting to this thread has had sad ass unstyled hair on top of dressing like crap. I wasn't even saying her hair looks good, I was just agreeing with anon that criticisms of it are usually stupid as hell and assume knowledge over some stranger's hair texture, e.g. calling it a clown wig.

>> No.10701867


Honestly, it's so hard finding examples of non-braid/twist styles for afro hair. Like, outside of buns what is there?

>> No.10701923

I hate the app with a passion, but TikTok has some really cute styles and tutorials. Otherwise, Google Afro styles and see what you can come up with.

>> No.10701926
File: 1.20 MB, 1242x1654, A772858C-8B2F-4CBB-ADB5-62976BB8BD35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t really follow lolita stuff as much as I used to, but I saw this post on r/lolita. This... isn’t a good coord right?

>> No.10701979

It's fine until you get to the shoes. Those shoes are terrible. I'm sure the excuse is muh disability. I know some don't care for the star underskirt, but meh.

>> No.10702005

i do like the capelet (but dear god, please steam the wrinkles out) and the blue/cream color scheme could be pretty. this may be nitpicky but i almost always register a garment with see-through fabric or more than a bit of chiffon as cheap-looking, even when it’s brand. i think it’s because some cheap fast fashion brands will use a lot of chiffon or flowy cheap fabric to give the look of an over the top luxurious dress, rather than the beautiful construction and high-quality fabrics and intricate thick lace that you see on a lot of (especially older) brand pieces. also the shoes are awful but that goes without saying lol

>> No.10702007

Nah it's terrible and I'm sure she knows it because she didn't want concrit lmao

>> No.10702013

It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, but matching ivory/beige with such a pastel sweet dress is weird.

>> No.10702017
File: 534 KB, 1078x1217, Screenshot_20211126-110719_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10702036

...eff. I hate those "doll eye" makeup itas..

>> No.10702056

the ribbons on the shoes feel like such an earnest effort it's sad to look at

>> No.10702211
File: 318 KB, 1080x1535, Screenshot_20211127_153235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10702215

Is that Mossbadger?

>> No.10702218

i kinda wanna see the entire coord (socks + shoes)

i want to hope that aside from the makeup and lack of headwear to balance everyting that the coord is otherwise fine

>> No.10702231

why would that even matter? in fact, if it's fine that means she's a lost cause and will add quirky shit to everything.

>> No.10702234

Nah she's from TX

>> No.10702243

It’s shit like this that makes me mad a person holding a panel at this con won the regular coordinate contest, considering they had mostly handmade items.

>> No.10702246

I'm real tired of amateur hour with handmade stuff. Most of the time it looks like a costume. The construction is never good and neither are the colour choices or lace choices. I know nobody is going to be good at handmade lolita right away but these people always skip learning good construction with smaller things first and go right to a jsk.

>> No.10702250

most of the people making handmade are lazy as fuck, self-taught simplicity pattern "seamstresses", it's literally wading through garbage to find anything nice.

>> No.10702258

Honestly the dress needs to go. And the shoes she's wearing cannot be any more comfortable than a pair of light colored sneakers, cmon. This is allover a mess. I'm disabled and I can still dress myself, ffs

>> No.10702259

I' so tired of people with foot problems not even trying. Just get a nice pair of clean orthopedic sneakers (keds has decent ones) and swap out the shoe laced for ribbons. Have different colored ribbons to go with multiple coords if money is that big of an issue. They honestly never even fucking try.

>> No.10702274
File: 35 KB, 573x477, 472E0C01-5B27-4D08-80B4-16CEE2FC0FFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

…. Yep that sure is handmade alright

>> No.10702276

When I went to Disney I bought a white pair of pumas and did exactly this. It’s actually a really cute look

>> No.10702323

it makes it look piss-stained

>> No.10702340

Zzzz this coord isn’t incredible but it’s not really ita. Smells like vendetta. It’s just a boring casual coord but not offensive.

>> No.10702355

you don't need to "assume knowledge" to recognize that it looks like a clown wig, especially because of the color.

>> No.10702362

I know this person. She is the first lolita I had ever seen irl.

>> No.10702363

we can literally see it.

>> No.10702387

This is exactly how you end up in the ita thread

>> No.10702438

Hey anon, just wanted to say thanks! I did want you suggested and I learned how to do my edges!

>> No.10702443


>> No.10702458
File: 191 KB, 840x1339, tumblr_4883adb21d0a99ee534e59d136d735ae_9b1a120b_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found in the yamikawaii tag on tumblr, captioned "Sweet lolita but make it Edgy™"

>> No.10702463

Jesus christ, this is what happens when egirls find lolita

>> No.10702464

My pleasure hon. We gotta stick together in these pixelated streets

>> No.10702471

sweet lolita but make it ita

>> No.10702473

Could fry an egg on that hair jesus

>> No.10702513

Oh jesus…

>> No.10702526

Newfag detected

>> No.10702556
File: 455 KB, 1536x2048, 11FDD784-A97F-4785-82BE-320214129307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone! I go by—-, my pronouns are They/Xe, I just learned the term Fairy Kei recently and decided to give putting a coord together a go! #fairykei

I've been interested in J Fashion for most of my life at this point, I've watched people wear styles like Lolita and Decora and thought it looked so fun!

For a long time I wanted to get into Sweet Lolita because I love the cute asthetic but from a functional standpoint it just doesn't work for me personally. Similarly with Decora, I like the way the fashions look but I don't like the way it feels to wear them.

So when I started seeing cute outfits with soft colors and nostalgic motifs labeled Fairy Kei I got excited! These outfits had the kawaii elements I admire from sweet Lolita and the fun accessories I was drawn to in Decora just simplified.

After finding reliable sources within the J Fashion community to learn more about Fairy Kei I reorganized my closet with what I'd learned in mind. I've been pleasantly surprised to find that I already own several items that give me Fairy Kei vibes! As a fan of 80s cartoons and collector of 80s toys (namely My Little Pony and Care Bears) I feel that Fairy Kei suits me perfectly!

I'm so excited to experience Fairy Kei within its community, I'd love to hear what you think of my first coord! I'm also open to receiving tips for beginners, what do you wish someone had told you when you first started wearing Fairy Kei?

>> No.10702568

Ok first of all, wrong damn thread.

Second of all, you’re either new, brave or stupid for posting your face.

Good luck.

>> No.10702569

I'm confused, what is going on here? lol

>> No.10702570

is this a repost of something or are you just lost?

>> No.10702571

retarded newfags

>> No.10702572

None. This isn’t me.
I posted her because she’s ita and the comment she put was cringe.
Also that mess of house. Who posts that and thinks it’s ok??

>> No.10702573

Next time, greentext it and it will be more obvious.

>> No.10702574

would have saved some confusion…..

They didn’t green text it you stupid shit…… this happens often enough that it was a fair assumption

>> No.10702577

Can you lurk more before posting here

>> No.10702578

What I see in the corner of my room during sleep paralysis

>> No.10702579

Can someone get this bitch some conditioner

>> No.10702584
File: 410 KB, 1536x1536, 6A51D756-03B5-4530-9C2A-8D3AF5185D62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puvi’s “models”

>> No.10702585
File: 516 KB, 1536x1536, 5A17BB9E-9236-4B20-B7D5-9548D430F870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl on the right whole boob is out

>> No.10702586

holy shit the makeup on the girl on the far left... she looks like the bride of chucky

>> No.10702587

I mean, they ARE modeling a good representation of how it will look on her customers...

>> No.10702606

Seething ita detected

>> No.10702618

The one laying down shook the whole fucking stage and screen with her inexplicable jumping and stomping. It was like a goddamn earthquake and I half expected the stage to collapse beneath her.

>> No.10702623

not much else they can do with boobs that big

>> No.10702692

nayrt but we get it. You’re the type of nuisance that wears heels to amusement park meetups, how stunning and brave of you to slow everyone else down girlboss!

>> No.10702696

nah bro you're the newfag ita

imagine thinking tennis shoes are ok

>> No.10702697

>raging that other people find this ita

Don't wear lolita then if you're gonna be uncomfortable, idiot. Or maybe just don't post your shit tier coord on the internet if..you know, it's a shit tier coord to include things like tennis shoes?

>> No.10702741

the shoes being too big is the cherry on top here

>> No.10702745
File: 1.09 MB, 612x766, Screen Shot 2021-11-29 at 3.28.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy....

>> No.10702746

idk why the tag inside the umbrella is bothering me so bad considering everything else

>> No.10702762

Genuine question, how did Puvi get so popular? I feel like locals just asspat and fed her ego so much and they’re the reason she was ever a bit successful. I wouldn’t be surprised if none of them even liked her stuff but just wanted to ~support someone in their comm~ lovelies! It isn’t that hard to get your shitty things into a con but how she’s gotten this much business and a name for herself is beside me. It’s all shitty. And she isn’t even that likable of a person. Her coords have always been trash and she has a huge ego. I’ve met her a few times and all she talks about is her ugly merch and how successful she is.

>> No.10702771

>Passable but not great, just hangs off her. Also >>10700091 based Allah modesty
>Legs are so fat the heart on her socks (just like her real one) are stretched and disfigured. Ugly cheap looking dress that looks like it’s made out of construction paper
>Troon. No idea of putting colours together
>Last three legit look like they didn’t even bother. Like, they woke up grabbed a random thing in their closet and ran out in the span of 5 minutes. There’s a big difference between casual and crappy
Ita meet-up

>> No.10702772

Bitch you live like that?

>> No.10702773

They can wear clothes that fit
That’s a good start

>> No.10702799
File: 488 KB, 828x1013, 73349402-7576-4598-A10C-E908509BD726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would really allow THIS to represent your brand? why tho?

>> No.10702809

Jesus christ

>> No.10702828

Aside from the fact that you're so new you think the only lolita shoes are heels, why would you even wear lolita to an amusement park if you think HEELS are a nuisance? But we get it, you don't know how to walk in heels and by extension assume everyone else can't either. Sorry you're this much of an idiot.

>> No.10702839

Brands have literally released trainers. Grow up dumbass

>> No.10702903

People have no taste

>> No.10702921

I wonder this too. When I met her, she acted like I was useless to her because I wasn’t popular nor was I paying her her stuff. She’s really kinda rude too…

>> No.10703055

Inb4 she scream they're for fairy kei, despite the brands coording them as lolita.
Seriously, no one but newbs get this butt mad over people wearing clean, cute, and matching sneakers to meets with lots of walking or if they have foot issues.
Massive difference of that and dirty converse/pumas/random hiking boots.

>> No.10703421

She fakes having DID now too lmao

>> No.10703452

that dress is so cute.. what a shame

>> No.10703460

the average man walk