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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 189 KB, 919x919, 1626715705992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10651575 No.10651575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old do you think is too old for the convention scene?

Personally, I think it depends on a number of factors including your gender and what type of convention it is. If you're female it can be acceptable to go all the way up to 30, but I'd set a hard limit at 25 for scrotes (blame the con creeps for this). These age limits are a bit more lax for general conventions than for anime-specific ones. If you go to a con mainly for degenerate shit (raves, orgies, etc.), then the age limit is maybe 22 max. I've never been involved in that kind of depravity, so I can't say too much about it, but keeping gross boomers away from that kind of thing goes without saying.

>> No.10651577
File: 53 KB, 576x512, 1626444302831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're older than 24 and still go to cons you need to grow the fuck up. Take a step back and ask yourself why you're still so heavily involved with a medium targeted at teenagers and in a community mainly composed of teenagers. Stop watching cartoons. Stop playing dress-up.

>> No.10651582

You need to dress age appropriate
You can still go to cons at 25+ but do not cosplay the young or sexy characters anymore

>> No.10651583

Can’t wait for dozens to take the bait.

>> No.10651584
File: 390 KB, 1100x733, Cosplay_of_Alcina_Dimitrescu_(Resident_Evil_Village)_•_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take that back, if you're over 25 and in good shape go ahead and cosplay sexy older characters, please i'm so sick of all the high school cosplays

>> No.10651586
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you LOOK older than 29.9 then please just fuck off unless youre with your kids in some marvelshit con.

Notice how I didnt say actual age? Its cause white people have crazy jowls, loose skin and balding hair(even girls) in their early 20s so they shouldnt get a pass

>> No.10651589

I'm 26 and look exactly the same as I did when I was 18. Unless I suddenly hit the wall, I doubt I'll look any older than your average college student at 30. It's mainly being out of touch with zoomer culture that gives me away as a boomer to others.

>> No.10651594

Post face and physique Creatura

>> No.10651597

It’s too older when I decide it is.
My bio mom was 51 when she when to her first one, my adopted mom was 64 at her first.
I saw a 75 year old once in a very toned down cosplay.

I guess it depends on when you say it’s enough

>> No.10651617

as generations of anime fandoms get older, the range of average con-goer ages will become wider

>> No.10651625

I know this is bait but it really depends. People that go to cons just to cos and party with/hang with friends? Any age, who cares. It doesn't affect anyone and older people don't just lose the right to have fun at 25 or whatever. For people that fuck around at fandom events, probably 25-30 max. It's weird because those events are the sort of thing targetted at teens and early twenties people. Dunno why a grown ass adult needs to try to make friends at the bnha photoshoot or whatever
Also echoing people should at least cos their age. I don't really think there are hard limits here besides thirtysomethings cosplaying 15 year old kawaii uguu anime girls.

>> No.10651629

who is this chick shes hot afffff she can get itttt

>> No.10651631

I don't think it really matters as long as you're not hanging around teenagers like a creep. Y'all are gonna make yourselves feel like shit when you get older and realize interests don't just magically disappear or change with age.

>> No.10651637

You're as old as the ones you feel up with permission

>> No.10651638

Why? Thats fucking retarded.
As long as youre fit and hot who cares about age?
Id rather see grown women cosplay sexy characters than teens

>> No.10651639

Same and I am turning 31 this year. I feel like I stopped aging though at around 16.

>> No.10651644
File: 43 KB, 589x590, 5515d340914f9.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can really tell someone is a teen when they act like this is what a 30 year old looks like.

>> No.10651648

convention "scene" lol

too old is reading that and laughing i guess

>> No.10651651

Wow, an actually sensible post in a bait thread

>> No.10651660

i don’t think there’s any limit unless you’re specifically using cons as a facilitator to bone nerds or party, which i think is slimy regardless of age (but gets slimier every year older you turn, like a quadratic curve upward. slime factor = your age^2)

but if you’re just going for wholesome fan purposes it doesn’t matter at all

>> No.10651663

One of my teachers in high school was a based boomer who still cosplays and goes to cons, I don't think there should be an age cap

>> No.10651665

isn't this that one girl who dressed up as the columbine retards? fucking kek

>> No.10651697

this. cons in the 80-90s were nothing but middle aged + trakkies and wars nerds. anime cons are aging up as the 2000s toonami crowd hits 30+

>> No.10651713
File: 980 KB, 932x597, 1552318547697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao yeah. Her name is Astrid Lockhart and, to the surprise of absolutely no one, she is a psycho BPD bitch who completely rebrands herself every few months. Tried to be a columbiner, tried to be Varg Vikerne's tradthot dream girl, tried to be a skinhead. She is now LARPing as a 80s hair metal groupie and even admitted to having Jewish ancestry

>> No.10651715

pretty sure she disavowed the racism and now claims to be bi

>> No.10651720

This Jewish racist clout chaser is not honest in any of her actions or associations. Imagine literally joining skin heads as a person of Jewish ancestry. That is so disrespectful on so many levels.

>> No.10651733

I remember this girl for making a very weird poetic/wistful Instagram post about dumping her metalhead boyfriend that was really cringe for everyone involved. It was something like “don’t be sad for you were my first love” or something Idr. if someone I was dating insta-clout-monetized our breakup I’d be mortified

>> No.10651984

>For people that fuck around at fandom events, probably 25-30 max.

Depends entirely on the fandom.
Game fandoms like warcraft and final fantasy are fair game even for boomers.
Same with comics and star wars(i mean their cons were literally made by them)

Anime is sketchy as fuck. I dont want to see 40 year old weirdos and old wine aunts in a demon slayer or BNHA meetup

>> No.10652000

what there are orgies at conventions wtf?

>> No.10652001

You didn't know? You have to be really unattractive to not get invited.

>> No.10652004

well that makes me kind of sad I feel like I must have somehow missed out on this experience. I feel like it might be a good way to meet people just because I like comic books, anime, pop culture and art a lot in general and it's hard to find other people with similar interests. I don't show my age and am considered good looking so I don't know, I can pull of varying ages still I am not stuck in my ways.

>> No.10652005

no, tell me more about this, I think conventions are more of a thing in America.

>> No.10652013

Sometimes, but you have to be invited to one. The are always jokes about "the orgy", but there are also actual orgies.

>> No.10652151

23-year-old dude here. While OP is bait I will say that yes, it's weird to be like 27 and show up to an anime con in full cosplay, alone, just to go to shit like a bnha meetup primarily composed of 15-yos. That's weird.

At the same time, going with friends in normal clothes, toned down/joke cosplays (or even real cosplays if you've got a dedicated group/are hosting a panel for fun) is pretty normal throughout your 20s. The people who go to play smash and shit and drink at the hotel bar are all in their mid-late 20s, so who cares as long as you're not being a sperg loner who spends too much time drifting around the really teenage-centric fandom meetups and shit. If you're actually involved in the voice acting/anime translation/animation industry and going to a more industry-centered con like AX, that's normal too.

And this is all just for anime cons, which have an aging demographic already. It's pretty normal for people of any age to go to normie boomer shit like a comic con/book con. If you have kids and they want to go that's obviously fine too. Basically there are a lot of caveats and it all depends on why you're going and what you want to get out of what kind of con. Also policing anyone's enjoyment for any reason as long as they aren't an actual confirmed creep or some shit is a pretty shitty thing to devote your attention to.

>> No.10652157

>30 for women
>25 for men
But men literally age better than women? By the time you hit 30 as a woman you're basically done.

>> No.10652161

There is no too old. I don't care what anybody under 25 thinks on a real level, honestly

>> No.10652163


>> No.10652171

>By the time you hit 30 as a woman you're basically done.
you have like 3-6 years more, but then it's R.I.P. in pepperonis

>> No.10652177

>By the time you hit 30 as a woman you're basically done.
only true for fully white women t b h

>> No.10652178

Do what you want no matter the age. I'll do it anyways no matter what you retards say

>> No.10652180

The only men that look good in cosplay are twinks and shotas. I don't care about your autistic age limit stuff though

>> No.10652181
File: 110 KB, 750x813, a6a8b55af47bf12f610e859c48c1db77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in death this lady is cooler than OP

>> No.10652199

your receding hairline says otherwise

>> No.10652204
File: 199 KB, 1024x683, howl_and_sophie_cosplay__howl_s_moving_castle_by_hakucosplay_da23pnp-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not really an age limit. Have you literally ever been to a con? Everyone is chill and no one gives a shit as long as you're well behaved.

>> No.10652219
File: 712 KB, 2477x2480, thinkingg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 27 and I was thinking of attending my first con, but I'm a manlet and people constantly tell me I look late teens. I've been a major weeb since the early 2000s so I always felt like it was something I should do at least once, and if I cosplay it'll be a good reason to get back in shape.

>> No.10652229

As long as you aren’t doing pedo shit or behaving like an asshole/creeping on people, and you enjoy what you’re doing there, any age is fine. When I was a kid, there were adults I could learn shit from like cosplay/sewing/art.

Personally I love seeing old people cosplay old characters. I’ve seen grandparents be yugi’s grandpa and yubaba.

>> No.10652230

BPD as in Borderline or Bipolar? It seems like cosplay attracts both types

>> No.10652233
File: 1020 KB, 933x1400, E6N3BU2VgAEQn3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, just wear a fullbody cosplay if you think you look to old. For reference, this guy is 70 and still cosplaying school girls.

>> No.10652318

She's also really ugly kek

>> No.10652329

Bait, but the people who run the cons you attend are 30+.

>> No.10652333

Pedoroastie kek

>> No.10652334

Don’t listen to any of these stupid fucking zoomers and gen alpha asses.

You go. You go, you have fun, and you make memories. Be the adorable manlet I know you can be anon, and remember that no one under the age of 25 runs a legitimate con, so who gives a shit what they think.

>> No.10652405

Cope harder gull.

>> No.10652429

Careful anon, seething will only speed up the hairloss

>> No.10652430

I'll be smoking weed on the kitacon steps at 65 years old and there is nothing you zoomers can do about it

>> No.10652447

Dangerously Based

>> No.10652450

25+ is where men start getting creepy, especially if they're balding. 30+ for women.

If you're a 31 year old person i don't want you near anything that isn't a 21+ event at a con. i don't see how this is controversial

>> No.10652466

desu anything after 23 for a woman is soiled eggs and pretty gross.

>> No.10652468

I paid money to be there and until they have "only under 18" I will continue to go where I want no matter how ugly bastard I get.

>> No.10652476

All cons are 18+, fuck off zoom zoom, you're the one who shouldn't be here, go back to comic con or whatever with your marvelshit.

>> No.10652526

the anime convention "scene" is (surprise?) full of sexual predators AND con creepers,. At least this is what it seems like in the southern california anime convention "scene".

>> No.10652534

Man, its going to be a fun show when zoomers hit their 30s. Anyways once you get older, hopefully you'll have more money to spend on shit like having a hotel room to yourself and not have to worry about sharing a room with 8 other weebs. More money to spend on cosplay. Take note that the god tier cosplays you see at SDCC, AX and Dragon Con are done by people over 25 with decently paid careers.

>> No.10652544


But I’m gonna continue being a 30 year old “boomer” with cash to burn and cosplay whatever I want (within reason) to my heart’s content. I still get mistaken for a high school sophomore anyway lmao

>> No.10652620

I know this thread is bait but still.

The scene would not exist without older people. When I atteneded my first anime con in 1994 it was 95% male and less than 500 people. The drive for better cosplay materials wouldn't have existed if it weren't for us. The accessiblity of better wigs exists because of us. Thermoplastics exists because of us. Online fabric dealers exist because of us. We aren't the ones that destroyed the cosplay scene due to online popularity and the ideal that you could be a "professional cosplayer." It was you tik-tokers and patreon whores that destroyed it trying to get simps to give you money rather than just doing it for the joy of your fellow con-goers.

So go ahead, try to make a 25 and under con. See how that works for you. The reality is that you can't exist without us. As much as you try to bitch and whine and complain, we're the ones bankrolling your entertainment events.

Suck it.

>> No.10652635

I for one as a "professional cosplayer" am thankful for all the 30+ yo perverts out there for their patreonage. This whore salutes you. Simp on bitches.

>> No.10652649

Anything over 18 is too old.

>> No.10652662

Did a groomer make this thread?

>> No.10652680

>doesn't know that the majority of cons is run by old men to begin with

>> No.10652707

Why are zoomies so ageist? When I was a teenager I had a couple of friends old enough to be my parents, and one of said friends is back in touch with me again a decade later. Not every 25+ or 30+ year old is a creep/groomer/bad person, some of us just don't fit in with the "kids and mortgage" crowd and never left our old nerd hobbies.

>> No.10652738

They just love playing the victim for getting pity points on social media.

>> No.10652745

I remember when /b/ was shit but was much better than the corpse of a chan we have now

>> No.10652747

plus it is so fucking ironic, cause precisely 16-19 year old girls #1 hobby is fucking "older" guys

>> No.10652749

Thanks to some creepy scrotes like >>10652747

>> No.10652773

Get a load of this crayon eating brainlet. I'm sure restricting cons to 18-30 would be a great biz idea.

>> No.10652784

Hitting 30 soon but I don't go to cons to make friends anymore. Just go with my group, cosplay a bit a do the rave/barhopping, room parties with people we know, ect. Anyone older then 22 trying to make friends with con goers is trying to creep.

>> No.10652786

>Why are zoomies so ageist?
It's the "I have infinite time" mindset when they don't realize they too are aging. The funniest shit to me is I have a friend who's going on 32, stays in shape, young face, and does decent cosplay. Earlier this year went to meet some people at the hotel bar after a pool party the night before and the bartender got his ID out and mentioned he looked good for 32. The looks on the other people who wanted to drink with us was priceless, everyone thought he was just out of college 25/26. It was fucking priceless. Weebs don't realize how eating right, shower and shave, staying active, proper sleep, and basic hygiene can shave off years on your looks.

I get women age a tad different, but it's still possible to look good if you keep at it.

>> No.10652846
File: 174 KB, 1296x864, white women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao white women look like this at 23. Cope more you ugly fuck.

>> No.10652850

10/10 in bongcuck

>> No.10652851

this is bait, but I've met folks like this.

it's seriously fucking retarded. what the fuck is the point of a con, then? just play dress up and fucked up at someone's house.

>> No.10652866
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1559677811332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true answer is: No one cares so long as you look good and aren't a creepy orbiter.

>> No.10652878

A lot of people who became friends at cons in the past live far apart, and the only time they see each other is at said con

>> No.10652886

Yeah I’d party with them

>> No.10652907

>Anyone older then 22 trying to make friends with con goers is trying to creep.
But if you remove that stigma wont there just be 23 or olders who can now make friends with each other?

>> No.10652933

how u know, anon?

>> No.10652935

All that heavy drinking and drugs fucks them up something fierce. By 30 they look like the rough side of a mountain. Seriously people, drink more water, get plenty of sleep and cut back on the heavy liquor.

>> No.10652942

They look like normal adult women? Like they don't seem out of the ordinary as far as looking bad or anything compared to white women I see irl and online all the time. The one on the left is a bit tubby tho.

>> No.10652944

It depends on the cons you go to as well. In places where I live we mostly only have tiny shitty one day cons. Even at the "big" cons in the state there's basically no action. The second you step over the Texas border, however...

>> No.10652955

God Im so sick of people acting like when you turn 23 you transform into an elderly person and cant enjoy anything anymore. When I was a teen I thought being my age I would look so different, but now being almost 30 most people wouldnt guess unless I told them.

>> No.10652959

No such thing as too old to be in cons. A lot of the vendors, managers , panelists, artists skew older.

I do notice that anime in general has a much lower average age and people quit the hobby pretty early.

No one seems to have a problem when theres 40-60 year olds religiously attending trekkie, star wars, medieval conventions. Its about how you conduct yourself

>> No.10652961

Dashcon should have been a lesson on why you need veterans in your scene and that younger doesnt always mean better

>> No.10652963

let's talk about the real problem - creepy con photographers that prey on young girls.

>> No.10652970
File: 833 KB, 500x340, gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are zoomies so ageist?
Its not just Gen Z


>> No.10652972

people who care about age are cons are either angry sjw 19 year olds who think any man over 23 is a trying to sleep with them or angry incels who have no idea how old women are and assume ugly ones are old

>> No.10652975

Echoing this one. I've told myself when I started going to cons in my early 20's I will continue to go as long as I had friends who also went. As soon as I hit the wall where none of close circle who I room with h consistently withdon't want to go any more then I have to stop too. You can't go around picking up a new group of 20 years to just keep going to cons; but if you're crew still wants to and likes going? No reason to not to imo

>> No.10652977

There are Ukrainian Nazi's, which is maybe the most clicked thing in the world. So I can believe it

>> No.10652979

>toned down/joke cosplays (or even real cosplays if you've got a dedicated group/are hosting a panel for fun)

Joke cosplays are a crutch for people with no confidence. Which ironically is most guys getting into cosplay.

>> No.10652980
File: 1003 KB, 1575x2100, 7DE81CCC-3331-49FD-A0FA-ADD684FEC1CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing

>> No.10653106

Here's an uncomfortable truth about groomers. They don't go after the "hot cosplayer" but the chubby shy girl with low self esteem. No one will chech this because the shy girl is feeling validated by the groomer and the outsiders dont give a fuck.

>> No.10653111

Joke cosplays are also sometimes just cool and funny. Why complain about people having fun or cosplaying in the way that makes them more comfortable?

>> No.10653216

My hairline is fine, how are your dusty eggs?

>> No.10653220

Done at what?

>> No.10653229

They're great, I get new ones every month for free! can you believe it

>> No.10653262

Chubby shy girls with low self esteem are always the biggest sluts. They get drowned in cum from chad-lites weekly and always cheat on their bfs.

>> No.10653263

The girl in the green shirt looks good. The others are just a bit overweight, they don't look "old"

>> No.10653264

Man fuck covid. I would have been in the acceptable age range before but now 2 years have vanished and I'm an aging boomer.

>> No.10653266

The range is 16-32

>> No.10653268
File: 141 KB, 699x985, 1615069305623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm 20 now and there's no way I'm gonna still be into this shit when I'm 25. Now that would be pathetic.

>> No.10653276

I'm about to be 35 and have been feeling pretty damn ancient at cons for the last few years. Sucks because they were pretty much my entire social life since I was like 14 and without them I have no fucking clue what to do with myself.

>> No.10653291

The fat girls at cons get as much attention as the skinny girls thanks to simps fucking up the game. In fact the big girl's DMs are flooded more than the skinny girl because of the presumption of fat girl = easy sex. This isn't the early 2000s anymore.

>> No.10653292

Lol whoever picked this picture 10/10 troll

Looks like a 40 year old small asian mon

>> No.10653519 [DELETED] 

sauce? who's she?

>> No.10653555


>> No.10653557

Cons are full of 30 and 40s who grew up with anime / comics and bring their kids to the cons, it feel more like a family event now.

That's completely fine, the 20s and 40s don't need to mix, cons are big enough for everyone to coexist.

>> No.10653745
File: 116 KB, 584x413, patrik_fatman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I WILL attend cons as a 30 yo man
>I WILL bang minimum age of consent girls in my state (17)
>I WONT be vaxxed
>I WILL bring normie/coworker friends to gawk
Check em

>> No.10653890
File: 602 KB, 1920x1080, Jecht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about being too old. It's about being ugly; not directly about age.
The problem is that people have shitty habits/age genetics. The vast majority of adults ride the wave of their puberty to look good.
Everyone at a con would love to see an older guy cosplay as Jecht. He'd be a con hero and no one would care about his age because he'd look amazing.
But most men can't cosplay as Jecht because all they do is watch netflix, eat takeout and have never exercised a day in their life.
No one wants to see ugly cosplayers unless its an obvious joke cosplay.

>> No.10654029

Best way to make the zoomies seethe is to flex on them with your higher incomes.

>> No.10654069
File: 125 KB, 1440x1080, 00E913CB-D235-4A8D-B7B3-35B97EE3620D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will continue being con mom for the younger generation and you will deal

>> No.10654217

more con moms is what we really need to offset the con creepers

>> No.10654221
File: 776 KB, 682x1000, 42spl4r-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing as too old. There's a character for any age and passing is relative. Yaya Han is almost 40 years old and she's still cosplaying sexy characters.

>> No.10654223

I don't get it, do zoomers not WANT to still be having fun at cons when they're 25, 30? Do they think they're gonna turn into a pile of dust

>> No.10654234

Contrary to arbitrary mathematical femoid advice, just don't do anything illegal. :)

>> No.10654240

yaya should have never cosplayed sexy characters to begin with. she is proof that yellow fever is real. she looked like a 40yo bag lady in her clover cosplay from 15+ years ago too.

>> No.10654251

To most zoomers, being older than 29 would be torture. I’m sure many already have their suicides planned.

>> No.10654281

Most people aren't willing to physically fight anymore, otherwise con creeps wouldn't feel so bold.....

>> No.10654435

>Most people aren't willing to physically fight anymore
Because they might come back with an AR-15 and shoot up the place.

>> No.10654547

Yeah, I'm thinking based.

>> No.10654555

I totally understand that..... And frankly, I don't blame people for it, especially with how times are now.....
I've just always found it extremely pussy to shoot someone just because (metaphorical) you can't fight with your hands, ya know?

>> No.10654581

I find that I'm no longer interested in series that skews toward younger fans like non-midnight anime, Hero Academic, etc. as I get older. I cosplay from series that generally have like-minded people in my age group and meet up with them at cons, so no conflict or age awkwardness.

>> No.10654596

Yaya has implants
Maybe all women over 30 should be forced to get implants if they want to show their boobs off because no one wants to see that saggy shit

>> No.10654609

not everyone over 30 has saggy tits though.

>> No.10654737

I'm 26 year old, I only have sex with women under 20. No exceptions. Don't care about the rest. You don't decide who I find attractive just like I don't decide what food you like.

>> No.10654741

Women who designate themselves "mom" tend to be the biggest creeps in groups, both online and offline

>> No.10654743


>> No.10654750
File: 43 KB, 960x692, 2BB775D1-D76E-4BA7-9A54-7C74CEFF800D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you’re the creep in your group, don’t project that shit onto the rest of us

>> No.10654752

no I'm the victim of a MMO "mom" who tried to groom me when I was 16 and having struggles with my parents at the time

>> No.10654753

36 year old male here, going to Otakon to find some young 20s girls to charm and hook up with. You zoomers can't stop me. I'll keep doing it as long as it works. I just don't hang out with cringe fanbases like MHA

>> No.10654755

I'm in my mid 30s and I've been thinking of going to cons again to meet up with people near my age. A lot of my friends all had kids and don't really want to hang out anymore. I'm never going to have kids so it's not like I can make mom friends. So I'd like to just enjoy the stuff I like and share it with like-minded people. I don't think you should listen to a troll post.

>> No.10654760

Can you give me some tips on how to even begin to approach that scene

>> No.10654763
File: 12 KB, 235x217, 074CA62D-8331-42E0-ADEC-3E92171586EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that human turned out to be a flaming pile of shit

>> No.10654769

Women the age cutoff for anything sexy is 19. Beyond that ya'll look like leather handbags with an arby's double meat n cheesy between the legs. For men, there is no age limit but a bmi over 15 bans you from the con

>> No.10654770

Men age like milk so their cut off age is 21.

>> No.10654774

You wish. As a 54 year old triathlete I pull easy zoomzoom puss all day. Seethe more tho roast.

>> No.10654780


Nothing too specific, I'm at the age where I can still be "fun" but also mature and fatherly which a lot of young women like. All you really have to do is find common ground with them and just be interested in what they have to say or their fanbase. This is a con so a lot of young women have their guard up. I good ice breaker is to be knowledgeable about the cosplay they have on, not just the character but be able to identify the fabric they use and talk to them about that. Overall just chat with people, if they are engaged continue chatting, if they are neutral or clearly want you gone just find an excuse to leave. If they are truly engaged invite them out for drinks or to a panel. Maybe talk about personal lives if you bond enough.

>> No.10654782

Thanks, makes a lot of sense. I'm not going to go to a con to have sex specifically but I don't want to be oblivious to it either.

>> No.10654784

nah you're a creepy old man and are a pedo on top of it if you're into girls under 18 and think at 19 they are old. Just a pedophile

>> No.10654788

C'mon man, your LARP is embarassing....

>> No.10654790


I've only had about 7 con fucks my entire life but the one thing they all have in common is. Post bedroom talk when the woman and I were more open, I always asked why we goto these things. At the end of the day, myself and the 7 different women admitted its basically to find somebody to fuck and or long term relationship. Nobody likes normalfags that is why they goto cons to meet other nerdy people. Even the hottest women that goto these things are just looking for a mate, nobody admits that outloud.

>> No.10654794
File: 1.96 MB, 460x460, 1612313194692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice in a way, maybe I'll meet someone special.

>> No.10654806

personally, I don't think there's such a thing as being too old for the convention scene. don't get me wrong, there are definitely factors that affect this, but it's kind of cute seeing friend groups 30+ still dressing up for cons together, or older people putting together genuinely cool cosplays that a younger person couldn't put together.

i think the only few factors that change this is if you're either going to cons alone or if you're dressing in a certain way. if you're going to cons by yourself in your 30s+ it's a little weird, especially if you're male, but if your cosplay is really really cool (like along the lines of a mech suit or fictional demon or something) this can be excused. and what i mean by dressing in a certain way is that if you're past your early 20s and are practically wearing nothing but a bikini at a public convention, it's weird. it's one thing to wear very minimal clothing at a con while you're young (which has its own problems), and it's another to be older yet still dressing like slave Leia. also, another factor i didn't think about is your behavior; if you're acting like you're 13 years old and glomping people and busting out the yaoi paddle despite being old enough to know better then you really shouldn't be at cons. to add to the last point, if you're in your late 20s and are still hanging out with teens at conventions, even if they're in their late teens it's weird.

overall, if you act mature and put time into your cosplays i don't think you should ever stop doing it. I actually really like it when older cosplayers continue to have fun at cons, it's sort of wholesome.

>> No.10654820

>even if they're late teens
Really? I don't think most people would find 18-19 year olds haging with 26-28 year olds as all that weird

>> No.10654826

I meant late teens like 15, 16, and 17, not necessarily teens who are legal adults. Looking back I wrote it weird, but I'm absolutely fine with 18 year olds and older adults being friends

>> No.10654842

Not every skinhead is a nazi or racist.

>> No.10654878

As far as going for the cosplay experience, aesthetically speaking, the worst is seeing knobbly kneed slouching kids dressing as older characters. Of course if you're having fun, go for it. Personally I started going as Iwai from Persona 5 when it came out since I actually look similar to him (and he's an awesome character). But now after a few years, I'm 34, have maybe a few more lines and I've got a bit of grey in my stubble, so the next go will be the best yet.

>> No.10654920

lmao you're actually retarded

>> No.10654926

Look at those 50+ filters she used kek.

Go look at her photos a decade ago lmfao

>> No.10654928
File: 44 KB, 181x186, 6469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>targeted at teenagers

Theres plenty that goes on at cons that isnt for teenagers

>> No.10655042

I have the same question about rave festivals. I think I'm transitioning away from the con scene. People give a lot less fucks at raves. Must be the drugs.

>> No.10655047

Wow its like you think you'll be young forever. Why are people so abhorant of aging?

>> No.10655056

Went to my first con with 25
Basically two reasons
First time a con was nearby me
Second, I now have the money and time to visit them

>> No.10655057

>The second you step over the Texas border, however...
Not even austin has con-orgies?

>> No.10655058

Post patreon
Or better, your onlyfans

>> No.10655060

Cause aging means, that you are getting uglier and die one day...
I'm 28 by the way, and I'm already thinking I'm getting older

>> No.10655061

>You zoomers can't stop me.
Not a zoomer, but even if I would be one, why should I

>> No.10655062

Was it at least a real woman?

>> No.10655064

>Even the hottest women that goto these things are just looking for a mate, nobody admits that outloud.
Sounds great, but what is, if they are already in a relationship?

>> No.10655070

>I find that I'm no longer interested in series that skews toward younger fans like non-midnight anime
Unfortunately younger trending series like MHA, Danganronpa and AoT STILL make up the bulk of todays conventions, kinda proof that the scene is too focused on adolescents

>> No.10655074

Those are implants.

ANy age is too old provided you have your life in order.

Wife and I peaced out in our late 20s, but by that point we were just there to do some peoplewatching and load up on import Laser Disks and not dealing with shipping.

Did a shit-tier cosplay of Popuko & Pipimi just so that we could be in character and flip everybody off too. Was great.

>> No.10655078

I unironically enjoyed cons more as i got older and established.

Its seriously wasnt fun the the very first con i attended at 14 years old, Too lanky to cosplay, Too busy with school to go more than a few hours and lastly too broke to even afford any of the shit.

>> No.10655095

implants sag worse tho cause they're made of dense garbage. sag has nothing to do with age, it's a myth.

>> No.10655109

only children think that cons would have age restrictions when their purpose is money. unless alcohol/adult events are involved, no reason to restrict anyone. OP and most people who think 30 is old is under 22.

>> No.10655116

And they want people who can actually afford shit on their own hard earned dime like hotel rooms, drinks, merch, art etc etc.

Not too much on teenagers with their lunch money/allowance.

>> No.10655146

>Did a shit-tier cosplay of Popuko & Pipimi just so that we could be in character and flip everybody off too. Was great.
Are there pictures of it?

>> No.10655205

Two hard drives ago there were. It was literally us wearing proper black suits + ebay tier 2d masks of the characters, lol.

>> No.10655303

Hello youngster. Skinheads were originally a working class culture, racists and Nazi skinheads are boneheads.

>> No.10655305

Don't they usually have raves at cons

>> No.10655306

If you're a teenager and you go to these conventions about cartoons for kids, theres something wrong with you. That's the age you should be out interacting with other teens and young adults. Not placing your hormonal, sexually developed ass in the middle of a gathering place for children.

>> No.10655307

Only in the US.

>> No.10655311

Anime is less for kids than comic books are.

>> No.10655313

Sweety, no. The average age demographic for anime is 10.

Going to a convention as a teenager means wilfully inserting yourself into 10 year olds friendgroups. It's creepy and predatory as all hell

>> No.10655315

Yes all 10 year olds should watch berserk, attack on Titan, gantz, and higurashi.

>> No.10655317

If those ""adult"" anime had their own convention youd have a point but you dont. Shonen anime is the most popular by far and its for literally children. Stay your hormonal pimply ass away from spaces for kids

>> No.10655318

I know you're clearly a troll because anime is for toddlers children are too old and are just creeping on babies when they get to conventions.

>> No.10655319

Now, sure. But in the past, it absolutely wasn't popular with kids. Just because zoomers are all about anime, doesn't make the majority of the older crowd invalid. Anime cons are absolutely NOT for kids.

At this point I think you're a LARPer that has never been to an anime con before, because there are a ton of 18+ events/panels.

>> No.10655320

Wtf argument are you making

It's like you going to a playground where 10-year-olds play as a 17 year old guy with raging hormones and saying, "This is ok because this area used to be used as a teen recreation center"

You're forcing yourself into a place for kids on the shakiest logic

>> No.10655322

>But in the past, it absolutely wasn't popular with kids
every millennials first experience with anime is around the age of 8-12 on saturday morning blocks

>> No.10655326

Yaya was never good.

>> No.10655327

Swing and a miss; you're gonna be down by the river in a van where you belong.

>> No.10655328

Shut the fuck up zoomer…..

>> No.10655331

Is the a forum post from Something Awful circa 2001?

>> No.10655332

Getting conflicting signals from you pedos rn.

Keep justifying going to children's events as a teenager, pedo goobers.

>> No.10655334

I live in russia and there is local cons every month and thats what i do. Although i am not 30 yet i will do it then as well. a lot of the teenager girls prefer guys older than me, however, i know a lot about anime so i am easyer to talk to.

>> No.10655337

Based. A Russian anime convention sounds cool.

>> No.10655387

Men age like absolute dog shit. A very small selection of men age well and scrotes all think they will be that guy. Trust me, you're not that guy.

>> No.10655434

35 year old boomer checking in. Go fuck yourself. You will never get rid of me.

>> No.10655436

You missed the golden age, but they are still worth attending. Go have fun.

>> No.10655437

I fucking kneel.

>> No.10655447

I would reverse uno this and say, I wish cons were 19+ events. Kids are annoying who cannot read social cues, and the 18 year olds who can only just buy alcohol legally are a mess at con raves. I don't mind going ham with a 90 year old grandma if she's fun, but no 16 year old is actually entertaining

>> No.10655448

I think it’s okay to go if you’re older as long as you hang out with people your age there. So many 20 year olds at conventions hang out with teenagers, it’s just weird.

>> No.10655456


But if that’s the case, I shudder to think what you think of the con heads running the events kek

>> No.10655465

There were no cons or interest clubs when I was young. I grew up with almost no toys. Screw "too old". I will continue to attend cons in full cosplay for as long as I like.

>> No.10655509

You're another zoomer that's going to kill themselves when you hit 30. Y'all are unironically living the "Logan's Run" lifestyle.

>> No.10655521

What’s the fucking point of scribbling out the faces? You didn’t even get all of them - look at the girl on the right.
No one’s going to internet stalk you, you’re not worth shit

>> No.10655527

> I cosplay from series that generally have like-minded people in my age group
Based Precure enjoyer

>> No.10655745

You clearly aren't Canadian.

>> No.10655758
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Started staffing pic related when I was 31

Was pushed out the door when I turned 50

>> No.10655776
File: 9 KB, 228x221, Meds schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one’s going to internet stalk you, you’re not worth shit
Holy shit schizo, who hurt you?

Its just a picture of older people cosplaying that i readily found

>> No.10655780

Sounds right. The fucks who run it now are the biggest bunch of pants shitting retards who Ive ever come across.
Real shame.

>> No.10655781

>Busted up trailer park roastie trying to find a sugar daddy in her limited pool of crusty old welders.

>> No.10655790

Uhhh NAYRT but saturday morning Fox Box / 4kids was absolutely the first bit of anime that hit me as a Canadian.
They did some stuff on YTV but that was on later at night so I only got to see the Zatch bell / Bleach / MAR / etc.
And pokemon of course, but that was so pervasive that I didn't even think of it as something different

>> No.10655792

Which is fucking sad since the new gen of con owners can barely keep cons worth a damn from running into the ground….

Nothing but fighting, scamming and sex scandals.

>> No.10655810

>be in my 30s
>have way more money than when I first started going to cons
>still relevant to my interests
>still have fun
why stop?

>> No.10655863
File: 3.85 MB, 3999x2747, DSCN1040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of it is the don't really respect their old staffers, and eventually drive them out.

There are older dudes than me staffing, and some of the people from the pre-BCC days have small jobs here and there.

>> No.10655933

>why stop
Because 19 year old trannies and hamplanets might call you a pedophile on an anonymous Mongolian basket-weaving forum while high on copium from being poor

>> No.10655935

I don't understand the issue. I'm 29 and never hung out with anyone under the age of 21, since I was 22. It's not difficult. If you're concerned, card people. I don't even consider hitting on people under 25, but more to the point I have no interest in drinking with under age little and being held liable for their intoxication. Like, that's a pretty normal protocol for adults imo.

>> No.10656123

>19 year old trannies
These are part of the group who'll be seeking out sugar daddies though.

>> No.10656725
File: 10 KB, 253x199, 1584251993673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no way I'm gonna still be into this shit when I'm 25.
>that would be pathetic.
>that would be pathetic.
>that would be pathetic.
> no way
>that would be pathetic.
>when I'm 25.
>that would be pathetic.

>> No.10656730

this is unironically why rape should be legal. society keeps stagnating and noone's trying to stop it. we need a survival of the fittest situation where all the unfit genes get flushed out cold.

>> No.10656784
File: 43 KB, 960x640, D7F50468-6187-4816-AE25-E8102197D998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh F U C K you….
Maybe develop a personality that isn’t akin to a fucking cum sock, you dangerous degenerate

>> No.10656811

Bait, but i do want to mention that 25+ crowd is 10x better at cosplay than zoomers.

>> No.10656834

Don't take the bait anon. That edgelord knows that he would be the first to get cleansed from the gene pool in a survival of the fittest situation. Don't give coomers attention

>> No.10656870
File: 12 KB, 400x448, 5E459C96-D160-4ACE-A237-9DA523A346F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re right. My bad…. You’re absolutely right.

>> No.10657238

anon you were suppose to have kids by 30 so you could bring them to cons as a excuse. now your eggs are all dry, guess you could go to a ren faire like all the other old cat ladies.

>> No.10658831

I think it's more of a change in what you go to the cons for at first you go to socialize with younger people your age then later you get to be the people setting things up so kids can have their fun in a safe way.

>> No.10659138

That is just some random girl off of /soc/

>> No.10659139

That sounds so hot

>> No.10659141

Twinks hit the wall at like 19

>> No.10659143

Sounds like you've got major selection bias there. The 7 women women you hooked up with her looking for someone to hook up with, so obviously ever other woman must be the same....

>> No.10659152

This is a very real issue for everyone in our scene, whether they realize it right now or not. Cons attract a young audience, and you fit in best while young. Obviously older people go as well, and there’s a handful of popular older cosplayers with large fanbases who help to normalize this, but you won’t be getting the same social experience as someone in their teens-early 20s.
Everyone should be grateful that Dragoncon exists as a defacto Boomercon. The same fate awaits us all.

>> No.10659154

I thought I was in the feels thread. This post is way too general for this thread. Oh well.

>> No.10659159

I'm in my mid 30s and I am going to keep cosplaying whatever the future I want. Stay mad OP

Being an older con goer is great because:
I have disposable income and can afford more expensive cosplay materials, hotel rooms to myself, good food at the con, whatever I want in the dealers/AA

I don't give any shits about being a clout chasing instathot or keeping up with the "famous" cosplayers/fans

I just go to the panels I want, eat a great dinner and chill in my room when I'm tired.

>> No.10659160

I'm in my mid 30s and I am going to keep cosplaying whatever the fuck I want and going to cons. Stay mad OP

Being an older con goer is great because:
I have disposable income and can afford more expensive cosplay materials, hotel rooms to myself, good food at the con, whatever I want in the dealers/AA

I don't give any shits about being a clout chasing instathot or keeping up with the "famous" cosplayers/fans

I just go to the panels I want, eat a great dinner and chill in my room when I'm tired.

>> No.10659277

You're never too old for your hobbies.
You're just being a bitch about it because you think 'society' will stop you from enjoying the shit you like.

>> No.10659297

>How old do you think is too old for the convention scene?

Puberty. Need plenty of lolis for me to groom and no grandmas to interfere.

>> No.10659342

how will you cosplay roshi, sophie, old simon, zelda's old cave man, genkai, joseph jostar (aged), uh Link from botw???

>> No.10660196

I started going to cons as a teenager and now Im almost 30 and I have to say that going as an adult is way more fun. Im in complete control of where I go and what I do, I have the hotel room to myself, I actually have money so I can buy things unlike when I was a teen with no Job and I had to go with my mom. Not to mention I have way more resources to buy and make cosplays and more discipline now that Im older to actually try to get better at crafting things. I definitely didnt have the patience for it when I was a weeby teen.

>> No.10660253

you need us oldfags to run the show. Dashcon is what happens when the HS kids try to run a con.

>> No.10660435

that’s called semi retirement

>> No.10660438


>> No.10660440

Run the show, but stay off the playground. Collect your bones and do not pass Go.

>> No.10660445

No gonna happen unfortunately. These cons are secretly for us to enjoy younger things and also any room party that's worth going to is going to have a 30+ behind it paying for everything that you're going to need to suck up (or off) to eventually.

I personally look forward to the next 10 years seeing 30+ yo female desperates in their demon slayer garbs wanting out dandy attention even more than ever competing with the next wave of hololive sloots we'll be oogling.

>> No.10660475

based take anon.
Just chill with your friends in your favorite cosplays, sperg about weeb shit and have a good time, maybe get wasted or high later and get a good night sleep, that's the good stuff.
Anyone saying it's pathetic is a coward who unironically believes you're not allowed to have fun past 20 or you're (gasp) cringe. Enjoy being miserable, i'll take being cringe and enjoying myself over that anyday m8

>> No.10660552

I'm 29 and am going to start cosplaying and going to cons just so I can fuck hot little teenagers like in OPs pic.

>> No.10664282

>no snail trail
hard pass

>> No.10664283

yeah for darkies it's more like 19-22

>> No.10664879

Based anon
I‘m 53 right now and in the same situation.
Lots of disposable income, so every year I travel to cons around the world (well, I did before Covid): SDCC, NYC CC, Barcelona, Montreal, Paris, etc.
I‘m a comics geek, so I love to meet the artists and talk to them.
Always in cosplay. Highlight was Grant Morrison wanting to have a picture with me!!
Because I can.

>> No.10664914

As a 23 year old white male that as never cosplayed before, I'm wondering the same thing. I need to just do it and have fun before I turn to old.

>> No.10664916

Just turned 30 this week.
I used to shitpost and tripfag on this very board a decade ago.
Drank too much.
Made friends.
Dressed up in costumes.
Shared experiences.
It was a good time.
Get it out of your system while you are young, anon.

>> No.10664920

Thanks, anon! You said just what I needed to hear.

>> No.10664968

You are never too old as long as you have a significant other that goes with you. You aren't looking to join a group or hang with the teenagers, you might do some casual cosplay thing like Dragonball Z or Attack on Titan characters while catching some panels about new animes to watch. Just don't bother the kids too much.

>> No.10665041

I will be going to the upcoming convention in Detroit with my girlfriend because she insist I have to experience it.
I have never gone to anything anime and she knows this and thinks it's hilarious, she have worked as con staff in several different conventions so she's a veteran.
I'm 32 and a normie I guess, I dont plan on cosplaying unless I lose a bet.
Will I be seen as a faggot/creeper due to my age and not being dressed up.
Kinda don't give shit really but dont want to be guilty of a faux pas and make things harder for already non social weebs.

>> No.10665108

Keep crying im covered in Lolitas you daffy cow and im old enough to be their father. Hell they call me daddy anyway. True im unusually attractive and put on cons - making me kind of royalty. *shrug*

>> No.10665282
File: 36 KB, 400x607, Captain_America_Vol_1_605_Textless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just turned 23

Covid took a year off my 20s, so I'm gonna make the most of it, along with my gf I've been dating for 5 years

Once I turn 30 I'm ending my life, since there are no fun activities after you're 30.
The things you found fun will be consumed by young fags freaking out over your age.
>unless I have a child, in which case I will end my life once they turn 21

Aging is a curse, enjoy your life now and go out in a blaze of glory.
Also stop posting nazi bitches OP, that bitch is unamerican

>> No.10665297

It's about mentality you dumbass
30yr old male who looks like he's 21 is still a cringey out of touch millennial

>> No.10665335

Uhhh. Men do age better. Even the ones that work outside. Have you seen a thirty year old woman without makeup?

>> No.10667120


Young fags already think you’re ancient, but you shouldn’t give any fucks about it anyway.
>Knew this horrible 18 year old bitch when I was 22
>Kept going with me to cons/hang out for some reason, always saying "Aren’t you too old?" whenever I was having fun
>Too young to realize that’s bullshit
>Horrible bitch is now 25, having a crisis about her age, and posts that a woman’s age is a standard imposed by the patriarchy, that it is actually anti-feminist

Live your life however you want.

>> No.10668160

Post pics you LARPing faggot. You probably look like someone's dad.

>> No.10668163

>Once I turn 30 I'm ending my life
I burst out laughing as soon as I read this. Such a sudden turn from talking about making the most of your life and having a gf of 5 years

>> No.10668166
File: 140 KB, 567x850, Key cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started going to cons at age 13-14 (1999). Was easy for me to get along with anyone, since nerd talk is cross-generational, and anime con crowds had a healthy mix of Trek/Star Wars nerds mixed in. First con friends I made were in their 20s and early 30s while I was still a kid. Learned a ton of stuff from them, kept in touch for years.

I'll admit, anime cons are a harder thing for me now. I definitely feel like "the older guy" at the age of 36. But somehow, I still walk out of conventions with like 20 new contacts, and got to know new people. Probably works for me since my goal is to socialize, not fuck everything under the sun. But young people need to remember, it was our space first, and we shared it with older fans gladly. Nut up and shut up zoomerfags.

What the REAL problem is, is a lack intelligence in modern fans. They treat anime like a hot fad, then drop it when they turn like 26. During that time they shit up the entire medium with their shit taste, giving shit things undue attention and money/support.

Newsflash: If corporations make trash, and it sells, they won't make something better. They'll just make more trash. Leading to more trash fans.

Stop liking trash, get a sense of taste. Unironically stop liking things I don't like.

Pic unrelated. It's actually Kino

>> No.10668197

idk where you are but the cons we have for degenerate shit are like, half 50 year olds

>> No.10668622

Young girls love big old dick with money. sorry 18 year old incel. I WILL go to cons and I will FUCK 18-20 year old girls.

>> No.10668705

ill continue to go by myself no mayter how old i get
cause thats the thing about anime girls. i keep getting older while they keep being the same age (200yo loli)

>> No.10669054


>> No.10669070
File: 24 KB, 326x296, dogsmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
Nothing reeks of underage worse than faggots trying to police what certain age groups can and can't do. Keep bitching, I'm going to keep dressing up in sick cunt cosplays and having fun with my friends at cons. As long as I'm not sticking my dick in someone underaged, who the fuck cares what I get into at a convention? (not counting other cock smokers like yourselves)

>> No.10670347

Cringe boomer

>> No.10670390

kids arent old enough to run shit lol, they have no sway

>> No.10670403

>Cat ladies / dead eggers allowed up to 30
>men have to be cut off at 25.

Kill yourself.

>> No.10670547

that doesn't mean anything you fucking retard

>> No.10670548

>Why are zoomies so ageist
what? as opposed to all of the cool millenials on 4chan who let gen az live in their heads rent free?

>> No.10670561

it's Americano for British

>> No.10670565

No age is too old if you’re not a little bitch about it and you stop caring about strangers’ opinions.

>> No.10670611

Older guys are the ones that are creepy manchildren. The rules have to be more strict with them.

>> No.10670824

I was I think 23 or so when I realized I had outgrown my con stage. I was basically just going to hang out with my best bro who was the same age, I couldn't really relate to any of the new anime stuff or the kiddos attending.

We graduated to going to renaissance faires and LARPs like real adults.

>> No.10671201

Everyone shut the fuck up I will defend the 70-something year old Sophie cosplayer at Sakura-con to the death.
This thread is dumb and useless. What you enjoy doesn't make you a loser. Having a shitty hobby/rest of your life balance makes you a loser.

>> No.10671222


>> No.10671246

>We graduated to going to renaissance faires and LARPs like real adults
stolen valor

>> No.10671277

100% this. The anons asking this question are either baiting for reactions or took to heart what their Gen X parents told them about being too old for x hobby.

>> No.10671280

>Gen X.

I love my dad but he’s going to have to realize that I’m my own man with my own hobbies.