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File: 613 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20210626-222429_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10638408 No.10638408 [Reply] [Original]

Why are english lolita youtubers so goddamn ugly?
Any good and nice looking lolita youtuber recommendations? Please anons

>> No.10638409
File: 594 KB, 885x547, pearliecute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vague bait post vibes, but i'll bite: i like pearlie cute's videos. she's adorable and i also enjoy her humour

>> No.10638410

I can’t stand this girl after she made that video complaining about prices and laughing at her own jokes for an hour straight

>> No.10638411

ayrt, well i tried lmao

>> No.10638414

Not bait post, just really need someone good to watch. Thanks anon, I will check her out

>> No.10638415

Can't take it seriously when someone on here suggests her after she openly talked about coming on this board. Just makes me think it's self-posting.

>> No.10638417

This. Her content is painful to watch, it’s gotta be her

>> No.10638422

this is for sure a self-post.

>> No.10638424

Same. I really like her content but I just can't watch her videos anymore. If she shortened them and edited out laughing at her own jokes, I'd probably give them another try

>> No.10638426
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe someone else then?

>> No.10638427

She has a gummy horse smile, it’s very unpleasant to look at

>> No.10638430

I think she looks really cute when she smiles without teeth and like her coords online and vids where she doesn't talk (like one of them), I just don't like her voice/manner of speaking. Not quite the accent but her intonation and pacing.

>> No.10638431

maybe try tiktok instead? lolitas on there do tend to be wokefags but if you're looking for nicer looking lolitas that don't look too old for the fashion like most lolita youtubers then that's probably your best bet

>> No.10638433

Because lolita is a fashion for ugly, autistic, women with princess complexes.

>> No.10638434

Tiktok disgusts me, but thanks anyway.

>> No.10638435

She’s very homely but go off

>> No.10638437

alright sperg-chan

>> No.10638446

Recommending yourself isn't a good look.

I have to wonder why this girl deems it necessary to give advice when she can barely dress herself.

>> No.10638463
File: 1.08 MB, 1214x795, Pure Rae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PureeRae has some good content and she's actually cute.

>> No.10638469

and somehow looks like she has a 5 o'clock shadow, idk if it's the make-up or lighting or what. her hair is cute tho

>> No.10638518

The collar on whatever she's wearing in this screenshot looks cheap af. What style does she wear and what does she tend to talk about?

>> No.10638526
File: 923 KB, 810x666, sweetsprout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really like any of the yt lolitas really... Most of them are ita most of the time.

I do watch Sweetie Sprout sometimes (she has a lot of content I dont care about though, general weeb shit that people might care about, just not for me) and she is an ita a lot of the time, but it is lolita content and not the worst.

>> No.10638529 [DELETED] 

I do like how she does some of her dress videos, showing details and how it looks with different amount of petti, etc.

But like I said, she is pretty ita most of the time imo.

Better than a lot of other content though.


>> No.10638530
File: 561 KB, 517x693, sweetiesprout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10638526 (You)
I do like how she does some of her dress videos, showing details and how it looks with different amount of petti, etc.

But like I said, she is pretty ita most of the time imo.

Better than a lot of other content though.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oct17otF8E4& [Embed]

>> No.10638534
File: 780 KB, 1307x739, pinkfakeflowers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinkfakeflowers is probably my favorite though. She doesnt have as much content, but she is usually pretty cute and her editing is fun. She also does things with other lolitas, showing different substyles and stuff, I guess.


>> No.10638535

Tried to watch this girls videos but she goes on and on and on and on about nothing and her voice is pretty grating.

She also seems like she likes drama. Pass.

>> No.10638536

I do like her and some of the other people she's had on her channel. Solid content.

>> No.10638538

Anon… it’s not that a lot of English lolita youtubers are ugly, it’s just that a lot of lolitas are ugly. If we were hot enough to be well adjusted we wouldnt have been drawn to this hobby

>> No.10638541

There’s plenty of hot lolitas who are also fucking crazy. Ugly or hot, anyone who’s a lolita is batshit

>> No.10638549


There are really homely creators who are well adjusted, and completely insane people who are popular.

>> No.10638551

She copies others videos and makes them more boring. One example is shoving her boyfriend in her videos like Tyler.

>> No.10638558

I agree, most of her content sucks and I do not care for it, but anon was looking for lolita content and apparently some people like her stuff, so there is that.

Her dress detail videos are nice at least, but she is usually ita.

>> No.10638564

Seems like she might not stick around for long but I'll take what I can get. Probably better that way since most lolita YouTubers seem to get hammered down for sticking out.

>> No.10638565

>Her dress detail videos are nice at least
No they aren't. They put me to sleep with her monotone voice. Literally any other YouTuber does better dress reviews.

>> No.10638572

Calling yourself sweetie is cringe af. Also her wigs are cosplay tier garbage. She should learn ow to style her hair or get better wigs from taobao.

>> No.10638579

I think she started out as a cosplayer so it seems about right. A lot of her coords look cosplay tier as well.

>> No.10638604

This thread is why we’re fucking stuck with Lor for content.

>> No.10638611

Fuck off, scrote

>> No.10638633

This girl can't wash her hair for life

>> No.10638635


shoehorning your s/o into videos has been a thing since the beginning of youtube.

>> No.10638656

Tried to watch; she bitched about the sweet boom and then gratingly laughed at herself. I had to turn it off. Callista is better.

>> No.10638706

Those are two different anons (I'm the one who said I like her ig but hate her way of talking). I'm not recommending her, I literally don't really like any but one of her videos (the one wardrobe one, and even then her lip syncing along to LaLa Land was a little cringey but overall it was a cutely edited vid) because it's the only one she doesn't talk in.

Just because someone doesn't hate someone as much as you do doesn't mean they're self posting kek.

>> No.10638708


"but go off" implies someone is arguing; people are just expressing their opinions and saying that she looks cute when she smiles without showing teeth basically is just agreeing her gummy teeth don't look good.

>> No.10638712

Seconding Pure Rae, she is cute. I also like Pink Fake Flowers.

>> No.10638761

lol she had the twinkle mermaid lolita on as a newbie. her desperateness shows in the interview

>> No.10638837

Literally who.

>> No.10638842

She’s an ugly horse faced attention whore

>> No.10638847

Are you seriously saying you don't know who clown chan is

>> No.10638858

Yes I'm a dumb 20 yo zoomer who's new to all that lolita stuff, now spoonfeed me you woman-children.

>> No.10638859

Lurk moar

>> No.10638901

Literally. If we want more creators, we need to not rip everyone who tries.

>> No.10638918

It was obvious in your first post. Imagine being this dumb.

>> No.10638926

Make videos yourself then.

>> No.10638979

While I agree, the girls going in should also be aware of the potential hate or criticism that will come their way.

YouTube, if you're lurking here, take comments with a grain of salt. Consider things that you may be able to change for the better and ignore things you can't help. For example, if someone calls you ugly for a facial feature? Don't worry about it. If someone comments on your wig being ill fitting or or poor makeup? Take a second look at these things and consider how you can improve. Same with comments about how you present your content. Stay on topic and don't ramble.
Topic ideas
>Dress history
>Where to shop for accessories
>Ita vs lolita
>How to videos on sewing or making accessories
Or hell, channel could be about something else entirely and you just wear lolita in it like that German chick who's channel is about reviewing Japanese people and Japanese news.

>> No.10639109

>that German chick who's channel is about reviewing Japanese people and Japanese news

>> No.10639112

Pretty girls don't have to dress up to look nice and get attention. Same reason anime/ vidhan cosplayers are all ugly

>> No.10639116


>> No.10639118

Was meant to put vidya fml

>> No.10639122

and especially

Would it kill you to stop being racist for a few moments? The OP didn't specify white youtubers

>> No.10639124

Do point out where these people put her down for her race.

>> No.10639126

This girl doesn't seem to have very good hauls whenever she makes a video https://youtu.be/iqw_nHSdKt4

>> No.10639127

I don't see any of these other white youtubers being called out for their looks, meanwhile the only person of color here apparently has horse teeth.

>> No.10639134

You're reading too far into it, horse face

>> No.10639142


Did you ignore the last couple of threads revolving around how "ugly" Lor is? Lol.

>> No.10639146

I would say your point could be valid but people shit on Lor all the time (though they claim she could look pretty if it wasn't for her makeup which is just false, she is just truly unfortunate looking), and one of those anons said Callista, another black and also plus sized lolita YouTuber, who even alters her brand sometimes, despite cgl hating fatties and alterers generally, was better.

>> No.10639147


there are times where cgl is casually racist or users show their subconscious bias against black lolitas or clear eurocentric or asian fetishizing beauty standards for sure, but this is clearly not one of them

>> No.10639175

No one said anything about her race though? I said she went on and on and on and had a grating voice, but she could be white or asian and I would say the same.

>> No.10639207

You must not pay attention to ita threads or YouTube threads because they call everyone ugly. Did you not see OP and the comment made about her? Regarding her horse smile, that has nothing to do with race either. Some people have more gum showing when they smile and that anon was poking at that. That's not a race specific thing.

There are plenty of racists on this site but these comments aren't them so far. Stop jumping at every negative comment toward a black person, we can take care of ourselves. You're only putting the young ones up on a pedestal by defending them over every little thing. Hold it off until you see someone start calling people nappy headed niglet monkeys like others do.

>> No.10639311

I've been watching this lolita lately, her videos are kinda cute https://youtu.be/hH25KTyXQp0

>> No.10639315

As a slightly older lolita, I like how she does her makeup, it honestly makes me want to try it with sweet but I don’t feel I could pull it off as much. Her content is alright and her coords are well put together from what I’ve seen but if this is the standard, I sorta just want more/better content?

>> No.10639336

If you are older than her, I think it is going to make you look older than you are. not sure how old that girl is but she looks about 28+ with so much makeup on. I think it would only emphasize aging

>> No.10639351

Not only that, but she was openly selfposting one of her videos minutes after she published it when she was a smaller youtuber.

>> No.10639352

Honestly, I do my makeup pretty similarly, excluding having my eyebrows out.. I'm sure you can pull it off. Just make tweaks based on your own face type.

>> No.10639353

>about 28+ with so much makeup on.
It's not an age-thing, honey.

>> No.10639364

Because all the cute ones are full of themselves and only can do low hanging fruit content like look what I bought and tend to use dumb voices.

The ugly ones try to make decent content (though not always good).

>> No.10639432

it may be hard to find but desu ur better off finding someone that makes other content primarily while wearing lolita rather than having their content solely be lolita-based, im still looking for twitch streamers that just happen to wear lolita and talk about it while they play games

>> No.10639434

If I had more time I would love to twitch stream while wearing lolita. Though if I were to do so, I'd likely never really address what I'm wearing unless someone in chat specifically asks. (and isn't a dick about it) I'd love to be a streamer who happens to wear lolita rather than a streamer whos point is to wear lolita.

>> No.10639487

What would you stream? I don't watch streamers since all I've heard is vidya or softcore porn as far as I know.

>> No.10639490

Why would anyone stream softcore on twitch?

>> No.10639507

>W-we didn't explicitly state that her race was the reason for our ridiculous nitpicks about her fucking gums and the tone of her voice even though she has a decent amount of quality content!

Never change cgl, jfc

I would love to see more YT content about specific dresses, new collections, reviews, actual fashion related content and it doesn't need to be from a 1000% pure Aryan or Japanese waifu.

>> No.10639512


>> No.10639520

Way to ignore the comment I made about how someone even complimented a fat black lolita YouTuber (Callista) in comparison to Pearlie Cute so you can pretend any of this critique was racist. I'm a black lolita and when cgl actually does racist shit it sucks, don't go pretending any of this was and ruining the word for when it actually applies.

>> No.10639521

What in the hell does tone or gums have to do with race? Fuck off back to Twitter, wonderfuck.

>> No.10639532

Callista is actually amazing and has a sweet voice. She is so sure of her femininity and its lovely to see how innate it is to her, her content flows well.

PC honestly just feels like a drag to watch and honestly is just unpleasant to look at, listen to and her content is bland if not just regurgitated with cold twitter takes that could be summarized in 2 sentences instead of 5 mins

>> No.10639583
File: 12 KB, 248x204, 54367835421..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes a qt3.14 desu

>> No.10639593

Callista is a fat ugly ita. Dont gas her up lmfao

>> No.10639594

it is the british or whatever accent that I cant stand. I cant stand that on anyone though. she could be the whitest or most asian chick ever and I would still find her accent annoying. has nothing to do with being black.

>> No.10639596

She doesn't really have quality content though. She cant stick to her point and get it across in a timely manner. She has to make hour long videos saying about 5 minutes worth of content.

>> No.10639597

Just saying that when people wear too much garish makeup that it makes them look older usually.

>> No.10639598


board tourist here

she is ugly. she is also a moolie

>> No.10639611

I can’t be bothered to check if anyone has already mentioned her but I really like princess peachie. She doesn’t post regularly anymore and switched to fairy kei but she has a gold mine of old videos that are focused on EGL and are super entertaining.

>> No.10639627

She actually privated or deleted a lot of her old stuff.

>> No.10639629

This is something I've been thinking of doing, but have always wondered whether there'd be a demand for this..

>> No.10639633

I kinda liked Unicorn Princess of yt before the covid thing started. Her content after covid was mostly just her sperging and bitching about covid and her drinking. But the precovid stuff is decent for yt lolitas.

>> No.10639634

This. I hope she privates her videos like rose and peachie so there's less garbage to sift through.

>> No.10639638

I have to say I don't think she is horrible, but she could easily edit a lot of her videos better and make them much shorter and to the point.

>> No.10639659

you realize she's probably doing that for more ad revenue right? yt has video length thresholds for ads and you don't get the ads if your video is too short. not saying it's a good practice, but it's likely the real reason for the rambling.

>> No.10639672

You should if you’d like to, I think it would be entertaining to hear lolita commentary over gameplay similar to commentary videos on youtube

>> No.10639676

She should fill her videos with more information then

>> No.10639679


You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.10639690

I actually quite liked her lolita iceberg video as there were a couple things in there I didn't know, and i enjoyed the nostalgia of old jokes. I haven't really watched a lot of her other content as I prefer to read over watching a video, but I don't really understand the amount of hate, either. It's not like there's any lolita youtube content that's perfect. It's good lolita adjacent backround noise.

>> No.10639835

…OP literally started the thread by calling a white british girl ugly.

>> No.10639840

Are you kidding? People shit on Lor and Tyler for being ugly all the time. The thread started by calling a white girl ugly. It has nothing to do with race, retard.

>> No.10639846
File: 1.60 MB, 2600x3316, 08945483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10639850

I really like her videos too. She comes across as very down-to-earth while also being cute.

>> No.10639859

You need at least 8 minutes to put ads in, an hour is excessive you moron.

>> No.10639957

Being a lolita content creator is a double edged sword. People complain because there is a lack of content but then proceed to complain about literally every piece of content. Same goes for anyone who even attempts to run a convention, blog, app, whatever. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

>> No.10639959

It’s almost as if there’s different people with different opinions contributing the conversation and not just a hivemind that collectively agrees on things

>> No.10639960

NTA but it's mostly the same negative replies over and over. Complaining about itas, being sick of hauls but wanting to see new releases, berating some girls for their looks, hating on some for their obnoxious personalities while others have none, wanting juicy gossip but bitching over it because they lurk CGL, crying over Lor-ita, pointing out FKJs nose and so on. What's the point of creating content for this niche when it'll get torn apart no matter who makes it.

>> No.10640028

Exactly, nobody's saying that you have to like everyone's content. But there's a difference between disliking someone's content, and then coming to cgl to make the same negative, completely subjective opinions about their appearance/personality over and over. Atleast these people are actually benefiting the lolita community by trying to keep it alive with new content, when most people here are just dragging lolita down with their god awful unwanted opinions on everyone without actually bringing anything positive to the community themselves. I'm so done with hearing the same junk about these youtubers repeatedly, if you don't like them then don't watch them? some of you guys make hating other people your whole god damn personality.

>> No.10640034

TheJunnnu has some cute content imo. Maes Mortem talks about true crime and cults but happens to wear lolita if anyone is looking for something like that.

>> No.10640042

>Maes Mortem
kinda cute most of the time, not too annoying, a slight bit cosplay lolita/ita every now and again (might just be my tastes though, I prefer the less fake look, no wigs, etc, but she looks fine regardless), but still cute. Thanks for the channel anon.


>> No.10640070

You should start a channel because you want to share something and not because you seek asspats.

>> No.10640071

The thing is that none of them create anything, they just ramble infront of a camera. With that absolute minimum bottom barrell of """content""" of fucking course the attention is on the person speaking, how they look, how they act and what they say.

>> No.10640143

isn't that literally more of an issue you have with youtube style content itself, rather than the specific lolitas that make this kind of content? it really doesn't seem rational to direct hate to the 'flaws' in their appearance due to you not liking their content style? just literally get off of youtube if you don't like 'rambling infront of a camera'

>> No.10640275

not that anon, but most people do not "ramble in front of a camera". Just because you are sitting in front of a camera and talking doesn't mean you are rambling. There are quite a few very good videos as such. You just need to have a clear idea of what you want to put in the video, then edit out all the extra ummmmms and like, and bad jokes, etc.You do not need an hour long video for 10 minutes of actual, informative and/or fun content.

>> No.10640278

Who is doing this besides pearlie? If the channel your watching rambles, watch someone else. It's not that hard nonnie.

>> No.10640282

Like oil and water

>> No.10640283

since you have the attention span of a fly, go to tiktok if you want short and sweet content without "rambling"

>> No.10640340

Every time there’s a discussion about lolita youtubers and people who should “represent” the fashion the conversation is exactly the same. Don’t you gulls ever get tired of saying the same thing over and over?

>> No.10640341


>> No.10640660

>We're going to target to PISS OFF KARENS
Cringe doesn't even begin to describe this youtuber.

>> No.10640695

Itas. We need a lolita/ita cringe compilation. I need some fodder to laugh at cringey idiots.

>> No.10640696

Do they realize, that they themselves are Karens for the sole fact that it's now a white derogatory term? Kids aren't excluded just because they are part of the idiots that pushed this. Reap what you sow, idiots.

>> No.10640698
File: 867 KB, 599x600, dumpsterita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, this girl is a train wreck.

>> No.10640744

You completely missed my point. If all you have to offer and show is you talking on a camera, mostly of not that interesting or stimulating topics either, of course the focus and critic will be on how the person speaking appears. There's literally nothing else.

>> No.10640747

Can you suggest any lolita channels who do anything else, something actually creative?

>> No.10640750

Lol I thought I was on /biz was about to flip out... carry on.

>> No.10640833

What the hell do you think most of YouTube is? You talk in front of a camera about specific topics. Make your own channel with content you want to see if you don't like what's out there instead of bitching.

>> No.10640835

I hate the 'Karen' bullshit in general, it's literally just devolved into the politically correct way of calling a woman a cunt.

>> No.10640855

This. And the fact that they chose Target to find "karens"? I feel like that's a Walmart thing.

>> No.10640857

Target is peak Karen. Walmart is peak Kyle

>> No.10640858

over 30k followers and can't even get ant recent video over 1k watches, wow

>> No.10640873

If someone is being a cunt regardless of gender, they're a cunt. Asshole, dick, whatever, if you want to use a gendered neutral term do it but Karen is basically a bad/annoying as shit person, and used to mean a specific type of bad person that is often a middle class middle aged white soccer mom type with an A line bob or the like. When white people or the media appropriate the terms minorities or young people have always been using it tends to lose meaning and become a cringe fest desu.

>> No.10640891

Karen lost it's meaning when the zoomers got ahold of it. It's a white derogatory term, now.

>> No.10640907

They're definitely bought followers

>> No.10641542

I have been watching lolita youtubers due to this thread, so I got recommended a channel. My first impression based on this one video is that it is terrible, so I am using this thread to complain rather than recommend


High voice? Check. Miku wig? Check. Cat ears? Check, maybe. Second thought: it might be a head bow cut off. Whatever, she gets more views from me posting about her, so karma evens out with me hateposting.

Your comment gave me cancer. You're out of touch. "White derogatory term" lmao

>> No.10641640

I am not really sure how I feel about this girl, UnicornPrincess. I actually like a lot of her strictly lolita videos, but she does tend to whine about covid a lot recently, and some other sjwish stuff, but I think if she does decide to do a series of videos about specific lolita topics (like how to wear circle lenses, how to decorate your feet (it was just something she mentioned at the beginning of the vid, maybe a joke maybe not, either way it is perhaps interesting and or new content)), it might be interesting.


I do not wear circle lenses, or any lenses, nor do I have the desire to, so her info might be wrong, not sure, but otherwise I think this could be interesting, especially for newer lolitas. I tend to prefer videos like this rather than random live vlog shit or hauls, so if that isn't something you care about you probably wont like it. I like that it was related to lolita without being a circle jerk of political opinions and sjw bullcrap, and would love to see more of this type of content, even though I have been in the fashion for over a decade.

>> No.10641645

She's cute and has good fashion sense but her takes on the lor-ita and tyler situation were as retarded as lor and tyler themselves are. I def agree with other anons that this seems like a self post and I think she was using the lor-ita situation for clicks just like she accused other people of desu and now she's taking the attention grabbing to here

>> No.10641691

>What the hell do you think most of YouTube is? You talk in front of a camera about specific topics
I'm honestly sorry for you if this is all you find and consume on youtube.

>> No.10641741

What about youtubers who just dress in lolita and talk about other things? I was thinking of a lolita book channel where I talk about things I'm reading and such.... lolita would just be a nice touch

>> No.10641745

Late af, but vidya. I have many game and it'd be fun to talk to chat as I play.

>> No.10641765

Someone posted a couple above. I think it is cool. One of the girls posted does true crime and cult stuff while dressed in lolita. Tbh any lolita content is fair game, even if it is just wearing lolita while doing something else. Especially if it is somehow something lolitas would be interested in... and as long as you aren't ita.

>> No.10642075

>doesn't understand what the word 'most' means
Sorry you're openly admitting you're stupid and can't read properly.

>> No.10642407

Kimbuucha and merry moons have okay content

>> No.10642461

>thinks people on 4chan would ever hide or sugarcoat racism

That's how you know her race isn't the issue here but dumbfuck tourists wouldn't know that

>> No.10642519

Kim is a clout chaser. She's dying for crumbs of attention

>> No.10642622

This. Over half her content isn't even lolita adjacent, she should be a normie YouTuber.

>> No.10644697

I like Merry Moons. Her content is decent and she has a really peaceful energy overall

>> No.10644700

It's typical black mentality.
>>It's because your RACIST, that you don't like me ISN'T IT.

No. It's because you're a cunt, you just want it to be about race so you get the upper hand. Tired of the bullshit.

>> No.10644708

>It's typical black mentality.
I'm pretty sure half the people telling that anon off for being stupid and accusing cgl of racism when it wasn't are also black though, it's not black mentality, it's retard mentality. The same reason some white people are disliked and blame it on reverse racism when really they're just lame. Same with Pearlie Cute; people dislike her bc of her personality or video choices, not her race.

>> No.10644738

Do it anon! I love reading just about everything, you'll have my watch

>> No.10644754

>Reverse Racism

Do everyone a favor and just shut up. Racism is racism, no matter the skin color you ignorant cunt.

>> No.10644777

I agree, as much of a rude dumbfuck as you're being, I'm only using the term "reverse racism" because that's what some people use as an excuse for why they're disliked, the same way someone upthread called people's disdain for PearlieCute "racism". In either case it's untrue, even if reverse racism is a dumb term.

>> No.10644935

Merry moons looks like the type of passive aggressive cunt. She just gives me vibes she’s a gatekeeper and just outright rude to people.
Narcissistic, stuck up and egotistical af but that’s just my impression of her.

>> No.10644940

I've thought about this. I am working towards my BA in psychology and I wanted to talk about misconceptions and misinformation about mental illness that have cropped up in the past few years... but in lolita. You know, for flair lol

>> No.10644989

please do so we can all make fun of you. not only are those kinds of youtube videos usually the cringiest most self important crap. you will look even more mentally ill in lolita. imagine thinking a BA in psych is literally anything.

>> No.10645009

This would probably work for TikTok in short bites though.

>> No.10645020


>> No.10645040

Yeah... and who wants to bet the "misconceptions" end up being valid generalizations people make. That's a running theme with "misconceptions on mental illness" shit
I can't see her sub count... did she hide it or am I retarded

>> No.10645044

>le /cgl/ boogeyman
Most english speaking lolitas visit /cgl/, it would be nice to stop the hypocrisy around this board. If you're not a cunt that post comm members on the ita thread, or derail threads with vendetta, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Idk why people dislike this youtuber. I enjoy her videos playing in brackground while i draw or make some crafts.

>> No.10645056

>If you're not a cunt that post comm members on the ita thread, or derail threads with vendetta, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Agreed. I've been coming here since 2004. I'm not going to stop just because I joined the lolita community in 2007. None of ya'll even posted on this board, back then.

>> No.10645060

>Idk why people dislike this youtuber
I mean, people listed a lot of reasons as to why they disliked her videos in this whole thread. Seems like you just want to get another hate train started.

>> No.10645109

cgl only exists since 2006

>> No.10645112

Yes, smart ass. I'm talking about 4chan as a whole. I started off on /c/ (cute anime girls)

>> No.10645119

>If you're not a cunt that post comm members on the ita thread, or derail threads with vendetta, there is nothing to be ashamed of.
There’s no way of telling who does and who doesn’t though which is why I’m wary of anyone who openly posts here.

>> No.10645227

You also can’t tell who does this between people who are not open about coming here

>> No.10645253


So are you wary of yourself?

For real though, other people post here and don't say it, just like you sweetbuns. By that logic you honestly should be wary of your entire comm.

>> No.10645256

>being this defensive

>> No.10645258

Not everyone is part of a comm you know. Having your own group of friends is better. There are decent gulls but sometimes you just never know

>> No.10645284


>Being this hypocritical


Nice to know you're not open even with your close circle of friends

>> No.10645436

>wanted some decent reccs
>it all just devolves into infighting
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.10645731

What is your guys' opinion on T-cake?

>> No.10645741

I'm too scared to post my recs because of the infighting.

If the current ones we have are supposedly not great, what makes a good lolita YouTube channel?

For me, the sound and lighting is important. When you hear the difference between the on board sound on a camera versus an external microphone, it's night and day. If the video is well lit that makes me more likely to watch longer.

I also don't like YouTubers with overly exaggerated movements and speech a la TikTokers. It comes off as annoying. Your video isn't a live stage play so the theatrics aren't necessary. I think a parody video would be the only time exaggeration could work seamlessly.

>> No.10645742

She's really cute and I enjoy her videos but she always manages to make her coords look so cheap with the accessories and wigs she uses. I want to see her get better.

>> No.10645750

Her content is fine but she reminds me of yanderedev

>> No.10645754
File: 493 KB, 2048x1536, 1609549605957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that candycarnival girl and sweetbunnyblushes
>inb4 that one psycho anon comes back

>> No.10645773

Are you the anon who thinks only one person doesn't like dreamy pastel princess too? I'm not a fan of candy and am not the sole person who shares this sentiment.

>> No.10645784

Nta but you’re allowed to dislike her but there is one sperg that’s always calling her “old”. Which has nothing to do with her coords or content.

>> No.10645787

I've agreed with the other anons that called her old looking in the CoF threads. It's not one person who has posted that. Why is it hard for idiots like you to think it's one sole vendetta poster?

>> No.10645788 [DELETED] 


>> No.10645790

Please not this thread too. One sperg or a group of them you guys are fucking annoying.

>> No.10645800

>multiple people don't like our perfect queen candy?
>it can't be true
>it's only one person because it's impossible for the most famous lolita in 2021 to not be worshipped by all

This is what you candy stans sound like. You're the annoying lot. You must be the same schizo that defends meow tan the same way. Shut the hell up about candy already and move on.

>> No.10645881

I like both their content and coords. They have a more chill vibe. I personally like haul videos and dress showcases the most.

Kek way to prove their point

>> No.10646123

I thought the wig and accessories in her lastest video were toned down from usual


>> No.10646139

Would a streamer who draws submitted outfits while dressed in decent (hopefully) coords be interesting to watch? The main drawback to this that I can think of is visibility of waist/bustup only, which sort of defeats a lot of the purpose.

>> No.10646144

I think this would be cute, and art streams are popular. Most lolita youtubers don't show their feet other than outfit vids so no reason why you can't just start your stream with a coord rundown image/photo or angle and then sit down or just only show yourself bust or waist up since that part of the coord is still cute.

>> No.10646467

what happened to rose nocturnalia? There’s no vids on her channel and no updates on her Instagram since 2020

>> No.10646473

I checked her insta and it looks privated for me. I really enjoyed her content but maybe she’s done with YouTube and taking a social media break from insta? Her blog is still up and updated a few days ago though so she’s still around

>> No.10646475

You ain’t even wrong. This community can be a real spergfest sometimes.

>> No.10649195

She confirmed she's moving away from social media because its nonsense and focusing on more "constructive activities." Still will be blogging regularly though.

>> No.10649217
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>> No.10649249

i guess after she got featured in that one article she decided she's too good for everything

>> No.10649253

Or she wants a break because she’s human and people being up in your business is stressful?

>> No.10649262

it's not like people being up in your business when you're trying to get attention comes as a surprise. sounds like she wanted a french vanilla fantasy experience and didn't get it.

>> No.10649269

Fatties came after her on yt and tiktok so she's laying low

>> No.10649274

I highly doubt it was that, just sounds like she couldn't handle the backlash after stirring shit on her YouTube channel.

>> No.10649277

She riled up a bunch of fatties in one of their YT videos. Every single person involved in this situation needs to take a hiatus especially the fatso's. Their bullying is not welcome here.

>> No.10649322

What did she say?

>> No.10649324

Full story on lolcow lolita general with caps

>> No.10649325

Caps are on the farm in the lolita thread. I'm not catching a ban by reposting them here. She or the person who made the YouTube video deleted Roses comments.

>> No.10649374

Because they're english, they're all ugly.

>> No.10649449

Usually the jealousy from cgl sour grapes is less overt, this is just sad.

>> No.10649478

Good for her. Self posting, shamelessly sharing your own stuff and just kind of being your own annoying advertiser are the fastest ways for small creators to become big or at least noticeable. I’m always still salty because that’s how momokun became so well known originally. She would literally post her new pictures every other week in basically every convention Facebook page until admins had enough and limited posting.
Even if you have detractors, by self promoting your own content people who will like your content will find you and eventually give you there cash.

>> No.10649496

>that’s how momokun became so well known originally.
no she became famous because she posted here and leaked her own nudes.

>> No.10649561

Nayrt but she seems like the sort of person who doesn't really want much e-fame and is pretty private (unlike, for example, sorry to bring her up, but Lor is the best example here).
I'd hide too if the fat ita brigade came for my ass ngl

>> No.10649602

>she seems like the sort of person who doesn't really want much e-fame and is pretty private
She was fine posting on social media until a couple anons in past YouTube threads and the fat thundercunts disagreed with her. If anything she's too sensitive and shouldn't make videos or comments that could be controversial in this SJW infested community. She cant stand counter arguments and chimps out when that happens.

>> No.10655597

Tyler's eye make up game seems to become as bad and scary as lor's. I'm cringing seeing her lately..

>> No.10655606
File: 585 KB, 1080x1085, 1627405289773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why she has to point out the "bi" colors too. Like, you're with a man in a straight relationship lmao no one cares about your sexuality

>> No.10655610

Honestly I think it would look okay with that coord if she cut the heavy liner and lashes. They just make her eyemake up and her whole vibe look too severe and too dated.

>> No.10655613

I think the heavy makeup doesn't match the coord. Also, out of curiosity are her lips always like that or does she do a small duck face in all her pictures?

>> No.10655625

Her makeup is slowly turning into Lor makeup

>> No.10655627

She has an unfortunate eye shape and needs to trim the eyelashes to fit her eye because right now its making her eyes look droopy in an ugly unflattering way.
If she's going to continue with the heavy eye makeup look then she needs to start wearing mascara on her bottom lashes or adding some eyeliner to the outer corner below the waterline to balance it out.

>> No.10655629

When straight girls can't stand the idea of not being a trendy queer. God forbid she admit she is straight and in a straight relationship... Must obtain more 'oppression points' by claiming LGBT status. Must appeal to SJWs.

Also just because you think women are pretty, beautiful, hot etc. It doesn't make you queer. I've seen so many straight girls in straight relationships, who've only ever dated men 'come out' recently. So brave, need asspats uwu

...Meanwhile they continue to never date or sleep with women. They just go on thinking women are 'hot'. You aren't gay. You can admire other women without being gay. Fuck. This shit is retarded.

>> No.10655632

I know a lot of girls in the Seattle area that date guys and claim to be gay/bi. Pretty common, honestly because of the virtue signalers.

Also cheaters lmfao.

>> No.10655637

They want the oppression, without the struggle. It's so fake.... not that being gay amounts to any bit of oppression these days. LGBT is the mainstream. When every fortune 500 company sports your rainbow flag. YOU are the mainstream. YOU aren't oppressed.

Being gay is clearly cool. So cool that every SJW straight girl will pretend to be gay to 'fit in'.

>> No.10655671

I don't like niggers but nobody mentioned race you stupid dyke

>> No.10655676

Don't blame the people who do it. Blame the pride crowd for making it socially untenable in some places to admit you're completely straight. Your opinion basically gets written off if you aren't part of the alphabet-rainbow crowd.

Hence why so many people claim racial heritages which aren't their's for oppression points. I lied about my racial heritage and said I was a gay on an employment form just because I knew it would give me an advantage in getting the job and they cannot ask me to prove it. Got the job lmao.

Why would anyone not participate in the oppression Olympics when it actively disadvantages you if you don't?

>> No.10655679

Hot take, I feel like the blackfishing trend came partly from how when media companies started to diversify they would open only one spot on the team (news anchors, talk show hosts, etc.) for a minority and try to fit as many minority checklist items as possible into that one slot. So they basically profiled for an "exotic" woman, whose heritage is difficult to visually identify - someone who looks black, Hispanic, and Asian all at once - to appeal to as wide an audience as possible. In a way, they were trying to make a positive change but it took us to this awkward transitional stage in social progress.

>> No.10655683


In addition, a lot of large companies fill diversity quotas not because they give a shit about minorities but because to secure government contracts they need to prove they employ a certain percentage of minorities. These government contracts could produce revenue for 30-40 years. So employing a couple of black and gays who are under-qualified really isn't a big financial hit when taken into the bigger picture.

>> No.10655685

I agree, but I'm not against it. We may have some coworkers that are less qualified for the job, but that opportunity will allow them to give their kids a better education so that the next generation will be able to compete on merit instead of being held back by their status quo of being underprivileged. And >>10655676 lying on their forms took a calculated risk for the betterment of their own life. So I have no issue with that either. Everybody wants a better future for themselves and their family - I can't be mad at that.

>> No.10655687

Considering all highschool kids are now into somehow defining themselves as some LGBTQ character or definition, yeah it's what is mainstream. I agree.

Ignoring the fact that being mentally ill is now also apparently widely accepted and their "delusions" are praised. Don't worry bro, you really do see little green friends next to you.

>> No.10655688

Sort've. Apple is actually not hiring white straight men anymore, based on the message they've sent out. I think it's actually moving backwards, the more people think we're being more 'progressive.'

Did I forget to mention that the locations that Apple exists in is actually very diverse already? So, that's where it gets weird.

>> No.10655690

God damn it Tyler, go watch some eyeshadow tutorials while your videos render and ask for hime bangs the next time you get it cut. Also some blush wouldn't hurt, just don't go lor levels of application and stop making that stupid duck face in photos jfc.

>> No.10655732

why are you talking to yourself lol

>> No.10655746

I think it's stupid because it does nothing other than create resentment in society and makes countries less competitive.

If the government keeps raising the bar on what percentage of minorities need to be hired, which they keep doing because of societal pressure, then a business will just fold because their positions are being filled by incompetent people or positions will go vacant because of the lack of competent people. South Africa is a great example. They have a shortage of doctors in hospitals. Not because they have a shortage of doctors in the nation, plenty of them actually, just a shortage of black people qualified as doctors since hospitals need to have open am equivalent amount of black positions open to positions for white doctors. So qualified white specialists who can't find work just leave the country to somewhere else which will employ them and pay them, leaving South Africa worse off in all regards. Now apply this to all specialised fields and you get a chronic brain drain.

It also makes small business impossible. If you just happen to live in an area with a certain minority and your government mandates that your employs be diverse, then you can't grow or have to attract a minority by paying them a inflated wage which hurts you. So then the only businesses are massive corporations which can either pay bribes or take the financial hit of acquiring some token black or gay and then use their massive influence as a monopoly to fuck with consumers and the environment. Just like South Africa.

>> No.10655750

>Without a certain*

>> No.10655754

Ok Sweetie

>> No.10655767

this. if a girl tells me she's bi but i know she mostly dates guys im like "ehhh u sure about that?"

idk, like ur right a lot of girls just place the bi label on themselves for just thinking women are hot. i mean i think a lot of women are hot, that doesn't make me gay though. pretending to be gay is easy to fake if you just call yourself bi instead ig.

>> No.10655822

This is gonna come as a shock to some of you so you're gonna wanna sit down for this one but a cool thing about being bi is that you can in fact date men and women and still be bi. You don't have to actively be in a same sex relationship to be bi... if she only dated women, she would be a lesbian lol. a girl isn't either gay or straight, that's literally the entire point of being bi lol. besides, unless anyone here can without a doubt prove Tyler has never in her life dated a girl and has Only been with men, the point can't be made anyway.

anyway that aside I think her make up would be better if she invested in nicer lashes from a Japanese brand, even just top lashes. The ones she has are too thick and western style lashes tend to push "sexy" which isn't exactly what she's going for

>> No.10655829

Her eyeshadow is way too heavy and clown like. Her natural makeup looked better before even if it was minimal.

>> No.10655832

No one likes it when someone in a het relationship tries to squeeze themselves in with the gays. It’s much more complicated than you think.

>> No.10655838

The way she's pouting makes it look like she's trying to make her already barely existent lips look smaller, going for big eyes + small lips = dolly makeup a la venus angelic circa 2012. It's really outdated and unbalanced. The way there's nothing on her bottom lashline and the highlighter pink eyeshadow goes almost up to her eyebrows with little to no blending makes it looks a failed attempt at drag. I don't care about her sexuality but the darker bi colors just look shoehorned in to her otherwise pastel outfit. They don't match. With a brighter coord it might've worked better.

The eyelashes also don't match her style at all but apparently they're the magnetic kind so I assume that's why she couldn't get more cutesy japanese style ones? They're not even trimmed and one straight up fell off in her other video. She has an amazing wardrobe, would it kill her to pick up a GLB or watch some tutorials on how to style her hair and makeup for lolita? Or at least learn how to use eyelash glue? Like the fake bangs she's gonna look back and cringe at this.

>> No.10655906

I've never seen a straight dude who only dates women call himself bi. Or a gay dude who only dates men call himself bi. Why do women do this shit? Why are SJW women always so desperate to be some form of LGBT? It's cringe as fuck.

>> No.10655907


>> No.10655908

I have known guys who say they are bi but only date women. Just because they have not dated a guy doesn't mean they wouldn't though.

>> No.10655911

> if she only dated women, she would be a lesbian lol
Right. So if she only dates men that makes her straight... and just thinks women are hot.

>unless anyone here can without a doubt prove Tyler has never in her life dated a girl and has Only been with men, the point can't be made anyway
She herself only JUST came out. And she's been with 'camera man' for yeeeears. She grew up Christian and conservative. Definitely wasn't messing with women in her early years. Just because she thinks women are hot it doesn't make her bi. It's just some lame attempt to appeal to her SJW fans.

And it's basically what >>10655676 says.
>Your opinion basically gets written off if you aren't part of the alphabet-rainbow crowd.
It's pretty plain to see this is the case. And it's pathetic. Also deceitful.... but everything SJWs do is deceitful, so I shouldn't be surprised. But it's shit like this that validates SJWs and their terrible behavior. So they keep behaving the way they do and keep getting worse. Just another example of someone cowering to wokefags. She's soft and weak... despite how she tries to portray herself.

>> No.10655913

Seems like these guys are just as sorely confused as the women who do this shit.

>Just because someone hasn't done something doesn't mean they won't
Sounds like some guilty until proven innocent bullshit. 1984 logic right here.

If someone doesn't date or sleep with the same sex or actively seek them out to date or sleep with they aren't gay/bi. It's a simple fucking concept. I don't know why you people need to try and murky the waters.

If someone is attracted to the same sex ei. 'thinks they are hot'. But doesn't act on it... They are straight. This isn't rocket science. Straight people need to quite shoving their selves into LGBT for SJW acceptance.

>> No.10655914

tana mongeau face

>> No.10655916

>If someone is attracted to the same sex ei. 'thinks they are hot'. But doesn't act on it... They are straight.

Yep all those closeted gay people out there are straight. And single gay people are also straight apparently.

>> No.10655917

Tyler has no incentive to appeal to SJWs. Her fans are anti-SJW but still liberal types who are there because she is "edgy". If she was appealing to SJWs she wouldn't have had the tone or attitude she did in the defending Lor video. And SJWs who liked her prior to that would have jumped ship but no one really did.

>> No.10655918

Her constant complaining about capitalism and shit talking people who lean right definitely doesn't appeal to libertarians or right wingers.

>> No.10655919

Yeah like I said she appeals to wannabe edgy anti-SJW liberals. Not conservatives. Just moderate or liberal people who don't like conservative stuff but also don't like the SJW end either.

Tyler's whole shtick is being a contradiction to lolitas being lovelies in a performative persona.

>> No.10655991

She is def an SJW. Just not as obnoxious as the most of them. SJW for sure though.

>> No.10655992

Gay single people have probably had gay sex or previously been in gay relationship. And are probably seeking out a new gay partner. Someone in the closet will come out at some point and do the same.

These examples are not the same as a straight woman who has only ever been in straight relationships and currently in a long term straight relationship and claims LGBT... Which they are not.

>> No.10656013
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I miss her and her content so much.

>> No.10656032

Are single gay virgins not really gay or straight and asexual until they get laid? Do the religious gay men who marry women and have kids for years even after coming out and acknowledging they are sexually attracted to men not count as gays since they never fucked or dated a man?

I am bi and had sexual/romantic encounters with girls before guys but because of homophobic family I never went on dates with girls until college. Now I'm dating a guy and in a ltr and it's my only ltr ever. Still not straight. Some of the girls I went on dates with didn't want to be in a ltr because I was bi or biphobic assumptions that I was being the horny flirty bisexual when interacting with people when I wasn't.

It's just literally easier for a bi woman to find a guy to be with than another woman half the time because of biphobia and the straight passing privilege aspect. Biphobia is real and for bi women it causes some of these relationship issues while for bi men it ends up with the whole "well really he's just gay but hesitant" trope.

>> No.10656042


>> No.10656106

I almost think the weird makeup is a psyop statement against Lor, but I am also schizo, so.

>> No.10656124

So here's a simple concept for you since you seem to have a thicker skull than most: are you attracted to both diff and same gender as you? y/n. If yes, congrats! you're bi! NOWHERE in this statement does it say that you must prove to some silly, random internet karen with your dating profile that you have indeed dated or pursued the genders you're attracted to because sometimes life doesn't work that way and comphet is a real thing, you absolute fucking weirdos. Why is it so hard to just let people be themselves and kindly mind your goddamn business. Also straight people lying about being lgbt, suuure have fun with that lmao.

>> No.10656127

You sound super defensive just because it's fact that being white means you can't experience racism.. guess you wanna be included huh

>> No.10656129


This kind of gatekeeping was why I really disliked my LGBT college group in hindsight. A lot of people kept telling me I was confused instead of bi and maybe just straight and being young and impressionable it really dealt a blow to my confidence that I could date a woman.

10 years later it doesn't matter anyways but this is probably how people end up accidentally pushing bi people back in the closet.

>> No.10656170

this is misslillith. she stopped posting a few years ago. she was posting on tumblr up until 2019-2020? but hasn't posted anything for a long time. it seemed like she still had some lolita in her wardrobe but not like she use to, she did a heel turn and started to focus on otome games and husbando/weeb culture

>> No.10656173

>Why is it so hard to just let people be themselves and kindly mind your goddamn business.
This bitch really says this on /cgl/ of all place HAHAH

>> No.10656188

NAyrt, but 0/10 lmao

>> No.10656263

Idk why they're even responding to a post not directed to them so late when I already responded to that anon raging by agreeing reverse racism is dumb but that I used the term to mock the people who claim that people who don't like them are just racist meanies.

And anon never said anything back because no one ever replies to reasonable cgl posts and replies, only the inflammatory ones because people literally come here to fucking argue half the time it feels like, and not even the fun arguing about who has shit taste or which substyle is better.

>> No.10656313

Aww, poor white South Africans. It's really unfair how things are stacked against them in their ancestral homeland....oh wait.
Don't you have a Bible that need thumping? You sound like a sanctimonious cunt with an unshakable yet extremely tiny minded view of How Things Should Be.

>> No.10656327

Why are the english so goddamn ugly?

>> No.10656333

Victorianme is the only lolita youtuber I watch, i'm not super into youtubers, her videos are in chinese with english subtitles.


>> No.10656335

Damn those coords and the t party in her jetj video are gorgeous. I can't believe the designers actually had cat ears though in the fashion show for their cat themed dresses lol. Thanks for the share!

>> No.10656516


I miss victorianme so badly. She still posts once in a while, but i guess school and work has kept her busy. It's nice to see other lolitas doing great things in life though so I wish her the best.

>> No.10656630

So let me get this straight (pun not intended) if I were to date a guy in high school, first ever relationship, and we got married and never divorced, I would be straight by virtue of not being a relationship failure?

That's stupid lmfao. It sounds like yall just don't know how bisexuality works. The literal only requirement are attraction to more than one gender [i.e. not exclusively men and not exclusively women]. You could literally date no one and be bi. You could be in one committed relationship tour whole life and be bi.

Sounds like you believe bi people have to have multiple partners/relationships to valid their bisexuality to you... cringe. Sorry about your unloved loins.

>> No.10656632

same, honestly. a lot of lolitas are either gold star lesbians or straight women who are threatened by bi women so im pretty sure that's insecurity is what it all boils down to. who cares if tyler is bi? its her own business lol. the way people are so pressed about it is creepy

>> No.10656663

kek some of you really haven't been exposed to the retarded shit bi people do.

>> No.10656668


we get it, some bi chick broke your heart years ago and you can't afford therapy.

>> No.10656694

bisexuality actually means attraction yo both sexes, you’re welcome

>> No.10656696

It means being attracted to more than one gender, so man/women but also non binary people and anyone who chooses to identify differently
I know it’s hard for you rightwing 4channers to understand don’t worry

>> No.10656698

You guys really need to stop projecting things onto people who disagree with you . God it feels like I’m on twitter

>> No.10656699

Sexuality has to do with the sex of the person, fool. As in male and female that’s it. Gender is just a trivial label.

>> No.10656700

>rightwing 4channer
lmao okay you narrow minded, neoliberal leftist wannabe.
anyways does somebody know anything about pastelbat? IIRC she had a yt channel

>> No.10656702

like I said I know its hard for a rightwing 4channer to understand, maybe one day you will <3

>> No.10656712


literally right back at you sis. I'm not the one who has such a raging hate boner against an arbitrary group.

>> No.10656734

i like milkbox, she's down to earth and doesn't try to play a character.


>> No.10657264

>if I were to date a guy in high school, first ever relationship, and we got married and never divorced, I would be straight by virtue of not being a relationship failure?
Yes, you would be straight.

A woman who thinks women are hot is not bi. She is only bi if she has relationships with them or sleeps them or tries to sleep with them.. or in the very least wants to sleep with them. I think tons of women are sexy and beautiful. But I don't want to sleep with them. This is why I'm not bisexual.

Simply having an attraction makes pretty much everyone bi based on this definition. This is why the left ideologies are retarded. Everyone is everything, there are no clear definitions. Straight girls are gay because they think women are hot. Everyone is LGBT. Congrats you've diluted what it even means to be LGBT. This is why no one takes these ideologies seriously.

>> No.10657289

>or in the very least wants to sleep with them
Yeah that's generally what people mean by 'attracted to' men or women anon, that they want to fuck them. Acknowledging someone is attractive to others VS personally being attracted to them are two different things and until this post you've been conflating the two.

>> No.10657301

Anon, milkbox left lolita and hasn't posted llolita content in at least a year.

>> No.10657349

I love how the state of the world is. You can't make "living as a asian lolita" or "living as a mexican lolita" etc videos without getting cancelled/doxxed/crucified. You're only a minority if you're blac apparently. Thanks burgerland for fucking everything up.

>> No.10657377


Would the second one be canceled tho? And as for the first I do note some asian lolitas blogging about their experiences being in this fashion, particularly with the rise of anti asian hate. But certainly, it's not as widely received.

>> No.10657386

This is why you should be mean to American girls. They only do this because they were raised to be activists and feel in control. If you see someone try to cancel someone else, try to IP trace them and post their city as a reply. It makes Americans scared af.

>> No.10657391

because she isn't a bipoc, Mexicans can be white passing which is privileged (somehow)

>> No.10657393


Who are we talking about?

>> No.10657396

I don't know. It's kind of a stretch, but at the same time with how crazy retards went on Lor for mundane reasons anything is possible. I still think either groups should go for it though.

>> No.10657415

I hate burgerland and how they have fucked up the entire world with their militant virtue signal SJW ways. They have nothing better to do than complain, be entitled, eat themselves to death, and generally be toxic. That shit has spread to Europe as well.

>> No.10657421

Europeans that do it want to have jobs in the us or have similar quota jobs like the us has (diversity officers, equity officers, racial minority reps etc), they're cushy jobs and many are aiming for them

>> No.10657526

Some Mexicans are literally legally white by US standards and have blonde hair and blue eyes, and the white ones are often from the wealthier families in Mexico. Source: Seeing it all the time and every Mexican I have ever spoken to white or brown. I assume avoiding racism if you're white Mexican in the US and colorism as a white Mexican in Mexico, plus the high likelihood you'd be rich is why people might consider "white passing" Mexicans privileged.

Still there are things you can talk about as party of any racial or ethnic group in lolita that have nothing to do with discrimination, poverty, struggling, or whatever so there is no reason for people to attack a white or white looking person for wanting to talk about how their background affects the way they engage with the fashion. Lolita isn't about oppression or diversity anyway, it is about cute clothes and we have a diverse community that should be free to make content about the clothes or whatever regardless of race.

>> No.10657538

I didn't say anything back because I don't check every thread every day man. Also what am I supposed to say to 0/10. "Thank you motherfucker" LOL

>> No.10657558

Another horse face

>> No.10657641

Careful you’ll trigger the acefags

>> No.10657710

I said generally for a reason. There is romantic and sexual attraction but asexual people aren't even involved in this bisexuality debate.

>> No.10657869

SJWs are the real pandemic. Spreading and multiplying out of control. Why do we let them continue their bullshit?

>> No.10657909

because no one beats their teeth in the same way they like to threaten those who disagree or refuse to fuck them do. Girls will always be afraid of predatory men.

>> No.10658796

After watching Tyler's latest video and reading some of the comments. I'm now 100% positive I could be a semi-popular lolita youtuber just by sitting in my closet.

So many thirsty people in the comments asking dumb questions like "how many dresses do you have?" "I'm so envious of your collection."

>> No.10658802

Aren't most of her fans newbies/itas anyway? If you're collection is bigger I'm sure you could attract subs too.

>> No.10658813

I think I have an equal and comparable amount of AP sweet stuff. I'm also surprised people get jealous of her wardrobe because it contains barely any accessories. I have lot more AP jewelry/wristcuffs/OTKs. She seems to put together the same exact accessories in all her videos and I'm waiting for someone other than myself to notice lol

But anything over like 10 brand dresses always impresses newbies. I have nothing against Tyler, but there's always an annoying crowd that drools over her closet.

>> No.10658855


I'm guessing you need a personality - the more grating and out there the better. There are plenty of other youtubers with more impressive wardrobes imo but they tend to be more factual and get less views as a result.

>> No.10658893

yeah I'm sad about it too honestly, I really liked her content especially bc she did stuff on goth but also lolita
I don't think it's because of the fatties from YouTube because she hadn't posted anything since idek December 2020 or early 2021

>> No.10658894

Maybe it's just me or bc I'm not a sweet lolita but all her stuff looks the exact same even the accessories

>> No.10658903

I'll watch a factual lolita over a cunty one any day. I'm trying to watch content about new releases and brands, I don't want to get annoyed to tears by some salty edge lord.

>> No.10658919

same here
I personally also enjoy listening to longer video essays about lolita topics and watching vlogs (pretty sure lolitas do more things in their daily lives besides online shopping, especially if they're lifestylers) besides the casual brand news/reviews

>> No.10658922


Ok then make it, or support lolitas who actually do.

>> No.10658946

If there actually were lolitas who do it, I would support them lol
all I ever see is unboxings

>> No.10659003

There are though lol. I think a lot of them are just a lot smaller and normies don't support bigger numbers for them. Example, there's one girl who started posting detail shots and info dumps on some older AP pieces. She's pretty low in numbers and doesn't post a lot but it's different than the norm of unboxings. So they're definitely out there but not that big.

>> No.10659106

You first bbgirl.

>> No.10659162


I'm not the one complaining. If you YouTube lolita at all, look at your suggestions with low view counts. That's literally how I found them.

>> No.10659184

post link or username anon

>> No.10659201

I'm replying to the make it part of your quote you walnut. I'm sure whatever you shit out will be amazing.

>> No.10659205


Again, I'm not the one complaining. I'm perfectly happy with the content I have. You're the one bitching that there needs to be more factual content instead of just personality.

>> No.10659225

Imagine being fluent in English and your reading comprehension being this shitty. I said I'd take a factual YouTuber over one with too much edge like Pear Lie and Tyler.

>> No.10659245
File: 804 KB, 667x661, creepy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit she's creepy as fuck.
The dead stare, the fake high pitched voice, the ratty wig, the fucked up teeth...
She looks like a sleep paralysis creature.

>> No.10659246

I agree the wig needs some brushing but overall I think she looks pretty cute? Tons of street snaps have people posing with dead stares and gulls eat that shit up. Not sure how this is different.

>> No.10659248

She just looks like she has anxiety/ptsd honestly.

>> No.10659253

what did you expect in this hobby, pewdiepie? most lolita youtubers are not pros

>> No.10659278

I recently watched some of DD's videos and they are actually edited really well. And pretty funny. She's cringe. But still made me laugh.

>> No.10659434

Who is DD?

>> No.10659442

Personally I think she seems really sweet and genuine. There aren’t many classic leaning youtubers, so even though her videos aren’t the highest quality I don’t particularly mind them. Wish she brushed and styled her wig here though.

>> No.10659456

I like pink fake flowers but her bird is super loud.

>> No.10659479

y'all are so fucking pathetic. instead of just enjoying the fashion you thrive off of judging others doing the same cringey shit you are. grow up. not everyone has to be your "eye candy"

>> No.10659483

Are you lost? Go back to your Facebook hug box, uggo.

>> No.10659496

lmao imagine spending all day judging "spergs" and "ham planets" (its not 2012 anymore btw) to make yourself feel better. its 2021, the fashion isn't limited to "kawaii" japanese girls anymore. accept that the community is growing and people can do what they want or get the fuck out.

>> No.10659506

DD Zeta Her quality is actually fairly decent. And funny editing.

>> No.10659515

I like Pink Fake Flowers too. Merry Moons and Sapphira Doll are also some of my favourites. Clover is also fun in a chaotic kind of way. Wish more Youtubers would make look book content.

>> No.10659531

You know she's a fucking Nazi right? I don't know if it was on her main channel or a friend of hers but she was outed for posting extremist content and wore Nazi inspired uniforms to the strip club she worked at.

>> No.10659541

>accept that the community is growing and people can do what they want or get the fuck out
that's not how fashion works

>> No.10659543

>not knowing what playing a role is
you're developmentally delayed or stunted if you think actual nazis would defile nazi uniforms.

>> No.10659545

Anyone here watches candy carnival? I really like her aesthetic and the videos she does. I don’t watch youtubers anymore but she’s one I always check up on new videos

>> No.10659566

I like her generally but the latest DI sponsorship she did kind of turned me off

>> No.10659571

Her accent grates on my nerves and the sponsorship like >>10659566 said speaks volumes.

>> No.10659573

I like her as well. Good for her if she got a sponsorship if the dress was nice

>> No.10659581
File: 347 KB, 402x499, EzcAfASVgAAFuAi.png_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing what military aesthetic in goth fashion is
Fascist fashion was a whole ass mood. Cool af too. You wokefags are such sniveling little cry babies. No one wears cool stuff like this anymore because of you whiney turds.


>> No.10659582

Nice grammar. Hi Candy.

>> No.10659587

You took an extremely unflattering screenshot anon
She's been the first lolita youtuber I followed regularly. Her personality seems to be kinda shy but harmless and friendly

>> No.10659734

Wow, genocide uniforms. Very cool. Fuck off to /pol/, youtube doesn't need anymore Nazi content.

>> No.10659777

Sorry you have shit taste. Seethe harder. Nazi uniforms will always be based <3

>> No.10659918

There's literally no point in arguing with an underaged and/or mentally deficient edgelord but good luck with that attitude IRL and sorry for how hard you will cringe at your own behavior at some point.

Oh wow trips, so based. Cool internet words make you cool here right?

>> No.10660009

Good luck being a niggy

>> No.10660533

Actually, no one wears stuff like this because of people like you.

History time

People on western punk and post punk scenes liked to use it for shock value and to disrespect nazi iconography in a time where no one would actually think you were a fucking nazi if you were wearing spiky colorful hair and fetish gear, but now this isn’t true, there are people proud of wearing nazi iconography non ironically even on the alt scene and no one with an ounce of reason would go out risking being confused with nazis.

Japan on the other hand doesn’t have the same relationship with nazi iconography as USA or Europe. I don’t know the context of this image, but it isn’t a good illustration of military/fascist imagery on goth fashion.

>> No.10661280

She’s adorable thank you

>> No.10664667

Quit shilling

>> No.10665853

Anyone know WTF happened to Tyler? She seems to have dropped off the face of the earth on the 13th, no Patreon updates since.

>> No.10665861

she’s been doing that quite a lot recently