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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10613885 No.10613885 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>10611970

>> No.10613897
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>> No.10613901

What’s wrong with this ?

>> No.10613915

colours all over the place and the top of the dress is super weird

>> No.10613919

When you get posted, just stay quiet! But since you asked: You are missing headpiece, dress is cheap chiffon, doesn't appear to be able to hold a petticoat, blouse doesn't work and is wrong color.

>> No.10613921

Kek, assuming everyone posted here is commenting on their own posts.

>> No.10614015
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>> No.10614028

nayrt but I think as long as you genuinely want to improve I don't see a problem with people saying that it was them who got posted. olive oyl-chan did that a while back and was really mature about it, trying to genuinely learn and improve.

>> No.10614029
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>> No.10614030

This coord feels more nitpick than ita, I would just change the blouse and wear a headpiece. Other than that, seems fine for casual hot weather wear.

>> No.10614035
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>> No.10614037
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Yes, this was tagged as lolita

>> No.10614039
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>> No.10614042
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>> No.10614047

This has been posted in like three threads now

>> No.10614048

stop gate keeping

>> No.10614056


>> No.10614059

its legit not lolita

>> No.10614073

>didn’t wear lolita in public due to “bullying”
Huh I wonder why

>> No.10614080
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>I am not a huge fan of coording with bags because I usually wear a backpack - it's easier as a cane user and someone with joint/balance issues
Why do people feel the need to make up excuses to not include things in their coords?

>> No.10614081
File: 140 KB, 600x750, goods_1672_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus, cute backpacks exist

>> No.10614088

kek this is ugly

>> No.10614096

Lack of a bag does not make this ita, morons. Many people take photos without bags.

The only thing off with this outfit is the bright red shoes, change them out for dark red or black and it’s perfectly good. Christ.

>> No.10614129

Anyone else feel like if she wasn't wearing a blouse her boobs would be falling out?

>> No.10614136

That's the whole point of wearing a blouse under jsks with a lower neckline...

>> No.10614145

Holy shit, you’re right! I bet you’d be able to see her shoulders, too. What a whore!

So, what exactly did this girl do to you?

>> No.10614157
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>> No.10614158
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cosplayers have no taste

>> No.10614166
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>> No.10614168
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please buy dresses that fit and don't make you look like an age player

>> No.10614171
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>> No.10614176
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let's try posting things that haven't been posted several times in many previous threads

>> No.10614179
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>> No.10614180
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>> No.10614182
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>> No.10614184
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>> No.10614185
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>> No.10614186
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>> No.10614188
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>> No.10614190
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>> No.10614191
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>> No.10614194


>> No.10614197

Is this a beach umbrella?

>> No.10614205

this is fine but her attitude is shit

>> No.10614206

needs ironing

>> No.10614216

Nitpick, looks like a casual coord. At worst, needs a necklace and maybe a ring

>> No.10614217

Same anon, I'm blind, there is a necklace rip

>> No.10614260

That text(?) make me cringe so much... It's hurts to read without bleeding from the eyes.

>> No.10614261
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>> No.10614262

doesn't make something ita thread worthy desu, she never leaves her house anyway

>> No.10614264

no that's a perfectly loliable, cute af parasol

>> No.10614265
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>> No.10614280

Already posted >>10614182

>> No.10614282

This is cute wtf

>> No.10614287

Probably some sort of vendetta.

>> No.10614289

She's just tall. Not ita.

>> No.10614296

Not ita, very cute honestly

>> No.10614300 [DELETED] 

>ITT: insecure femoids projecting
Most of them aren't even that bad

>> No.10614301

Why would you out yourself as a newfag like this

>> No.10614305

I cant not be sure bc i cant identify this hideous bodyline tier dress,
but is he actually wearing the fuckin thing backwards?

>> No.10614310

it is not bodyline

>> No.10614312
File: 235 KB, 828x812, 8F19D3FA-E781-4B8D-9608-E49D429D29A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is okey to post here. I literally screamed when I saw this. Who is making these tents for her??

>> No.10614316

Why did they construct the waist so low i wonder? I feel bad, she should have had the waist line taken up.

>> No.10614318

there has got to be a better way to cut these dresses for her body shape as large as it is good lord

>> No.10614323

it's not too bad, but that wig is just awful

>> No.10614342

It’s because her tit flaps end where the waist would be.

>> No.10614347

She gets everything from Oo Jia

>> No.10614351

They're still in business?!

>> No.10614359
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>> No.10614368
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>> No.10614370

For you but not for me.

>> No.10614375

this is mad cute. like reminiscent of the kind of style/coord that got me into lolita back in 2009/10

>> No.10614387

At least it's not a weeb.

>> No.10614388
File: 633 KB, 1080x1315, Screenshot_20210517-205545_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am once again asking for you to not fill the AP tag with ita shite

>> No.10614389
File: 171 KB, 1170x1715, KjdWdnXZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she single handedly keeps them open. Her blog also mentions she gets stuff from Dream of Lolita

>> No.10614390

aint that this bitch?

>> No.10614391
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>> No.10614392
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>> No.10614394
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everyone in this cursed photo

>> No.10614401

this is cute, works for summer for sure

>> No.10614402
File: 88 KB, 960x960, 120190849_2885241451695710_6066744992326937897_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10614403

are you fucking blind

>> No.10614405

just why

>> No.10614414

Good thing she's wearing a blouse then you dumbfuck

>> No.10614417

3 of them are fine

>> No.10614418

this just in, cgl newfags are so new that they've never seen a blouseless coord before. Let me blow your mind and tell you people used to wear the heart sunglasses with lolita a fair amount, before you sperg about that too.

>> No.10614420

Gulls, I wish I could have taken a pic of an ita I have seen today. She was wearing this dress https://www.amazon.com/Topin-Lolita-Princess-Sleeves-Chiffon/dp/B083ZGLDQF/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=Lolita+dress&qid=1621282460&sr=8-4,
The cheapest headdress you can get from aliexpress, untied.
She was barefoot and wearing beige flats. Her hair was loose with no effort also.

>> No.10614422

How did that one in the middle fit into Little Witch? That dress is unforgiving

>> No.10614433
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>> No.10614435

its still ugly as shite

>> No.10614436

All i see is weirdly placed monster high dolls?

>> No.10614442

Blouseless coords are fine and a halter JSK is a good way to do it, but I kinda wish she had used some of those nice open toed shoes or sandalish things some brands put out rather than socks since socks kind of equal=this is going to be a bit warm to me.

>> No.10614445

Not the Amazon shoes.....

>> No.10614448
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>> No.10614450

It's like she has the right idea generally (chocolate, fur, browns), but the execution is truly terrible.

>> No.10614451
File: 1.43 MB, 1421x933, Screen shot 2021-05-17 at 22.51.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad how stupid you guys are

>> No.10614459

Maybe I have shit taste but I don’t see how this is ita… even her glasses match pretty nicely

>> No.10614464

I like that she used an actual kimono in her coord as the top, I just wish she'd gone with a plain skirt. It looks super busy, and a bit grandma's wallpaper and carpet.

>> No.10614469

As much as I agree, the egl community has always been on the fence about blouse-less coords in the 10+ years I've seen the topic come up. I think it's fine for some girls and bad on others.

Blouse-less is really unforgiving. You better have the physique of an asian girl.

>> No.10614477

fucking degenerates
What next? Brolitas with chest hair blouseless?

>> No.10614479

She has the correct arms to be doing a blouse-less co-ord imo, i don't understand why everybody is mad at it, but i guess different strokes for different folks.

>> No.10614481

she looks like a washed up 30-something scene kid , not a lolita.

>> No.10614483
File: 116 KB, 540x628, 2085a258d129a414f1d660ed14a1e614_cdf837f1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10614484

I have a feeling she's actually posting here right now

>> No.10614485

>not knowing how to reply to specific posts
Well, way to out yourself

>> No.10614487

>he doesn't post like that for the effect
Way to out yourself newfag

>> No.10614488

The majority of /cgl/ posters are women, newfriend. This is a female-centric board.

>> No.10614491

>btw I'm a girl
Really shows you're not familiar with posting on this website.

>> No.10614494

ant picture for ants

>> No.10614495

Better legwear and she's fine

>> No.10614496

She took possibly the worst quality photo ever and yet it still can't hide the garbage quality of the dress

>> No.10614498

you're prettier when you're quiet

>> No.10614501

Same could be said about you scrote. Stay out of women's business and go back to your porn.

>> No.10614502

ok scrote maybe stop thinking about taking creepshots of random girls for 3 seconds?

>> No.10614511
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>> No.10614513

Sounds cute dont be a weirdo. Beige flats with a cutesy dress and casual hair is not lolita just a cute outfit

>> No.10614514

If she fixed her hair and lack of makeup (no, the sunglasses don’t hide it) this would look fine

>> No.10614515

pixyteri vibes

>> No.10614540

It’s weird watching this girl accumulate brand but never improve her coords. The fit is awful

>> No.10614564

She is too big to fit into the dress so she had to cut it open in the back. She wears it like this now. Looks horrendous.

>> No.10614565

It looks like this dress was made out of baby blanket fabric.

>> No.10614566

Trash the background and the coord.

>> No.10614567

Why is a white lolita being into anime worse than a white lolita being into American childrens' fashion dolls?

>> No.10614568

it's either a vendetta post or some idiot who thinks that because her hair is blue or because she is bigger that it's ita when the coord looks totally fine.

>> No.10614569

Because cheap dresses are ita.

>> No.10614570


>> No.10614571

How do you know what the weather was unless you're the one wearing it. Stop defending yourself for wearing a cheap ass dress, wrong cut blouse in a wrong color and no headpiece. Coord is ita. Try harder. Burn that dress.

>> No.10614572

I hate when the skirt waist becomes a boob rest.

>> No.10614573

This is the result of no gate keeping, and watching Lor. Ita breeding.

>> No.10614574

I see shit like this and scream, "Fuck you Lor and your clown coords."

>> No.10614590

This girl is always so happy

>> No.10614591

Yep, it's not lolita, it's ita af

>> No.10614603

that dog is so ugly

>> No.10614610


>> No.10614612

That's the stupidest nitpick I've ever heard. The dog is not an accessory.
I get that you have a vendetta but there isn't anything ita about the coord, she just needs to iron her shit better.

>> No.10614631

Can’t be ita unless it’s an attempt at lolita, stupid. The dress is a casual piece not a lolita dress

>> No.10614640
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>> No.10614642
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>> No.10614667

What about it? Selfpost??

>> No.10614673

>holds giveaway for followers
>gently used AP socks

Just why???

>> No.10614674

When I saw this I was grossed out.. They should offer new unworn socks or no socks at all. Ew.

>> No.10614675

>not knowing what >>10614484 is referencing
crossboarding larpers pls go

>> No.10614678

Lolita is about quality of presentation. If one does not bother to iron their clothes to present their dress properly their lazy ass coord becomes ita.

>> No.10614680

Nobody in their right mind considers wrinkly clothes as ita, larper chan. Way to out yourself as someone who doesn't wear the fashion.

>> No.10614681

How to tell someone’s a conlita or doesn’t wear the fashion at all, lmao.

>> No.10614684

>implying they wear the fashion in the first place

>> No.10614685

yes! god I thought I was the only one

>> No.10614686

This looks like a replica kek and in case it's not then that's some very sad qc even for Liz Lisa

>> No.10614688

So many colours, yet none of them match. That's honestly kind of impressive.

>> No.10614691

It's sold as a lolita dress, retard

>> No.10614693

This is maido

>> No.10614697


Nitpick/vendetta. This is a cute, simple wa lolita coord. Sweetfags just don't appreciate a good grandma couch IW print

>> No.10614699

Cute casual but not really lolita

>> No.10614701

You can wear lolita dresses and items in a non lolita way, retard

>> No.10614707

I'm a classic fag but even I agree that it's an eyesore. The patterns clash too much and the socks are too stark white against the muted colors of the top.
If this was on a white girl it'll 100% be ita. I think the purple skirt needs to be plain for this coord to work better. And I'd switch out the white socks for cream ones. Black boots would also work better instead of the shoes she has on now.

>> No.10614708

you mean meido. just call it a maid outfit fag.

>> No.10614713

I...I honestly love this.

>> No.10614729

Maybe I have bad taste, but I weirdly like the print with the kimono. It's loud in a way that kimono-obi pairings should be. But I agree the shoes and socks don't match at all, boots would have been much better.

>> No.10614736

She seems like such a sweetheart but oh god I hate that blouse. I just want to give her a make over.

>> No.10614742

>having shitty wrinkly clothes and thinking it isn’t ita

nayrt but Jesus you both sound like larping idiots

>> No.10614744

ffs make a nitpick thread

coronafags have seriously outdone summerfags at this point, every ita thread lasts maximum two days and is overwhelmingly retarded as far as choice in “itas” goes...

>> No.10614745

Whatever makes you feel better vendetta chan. I never said it was good but slightly wrinkly brand does not an ita make.
You 100% sound like some delusional lolita at heart who expects people to have perfect coords all the time.

>> No.10614749

Because those dolls can be passed off as collectors’ items if ever an excuse is needed.
Weebs aren’t redeemable.

>> No.10614752

You can't pretend that the dolls are collectors items if you've opened them, played with them, and hung them on your curtain rod to collect dust. You sound like a faggot.

>> No.10614755
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>> No.10614758

>vendetta chan
kek I didn’t post her newfag, get your bloomers out of your ass and just iron or steam your clothes. it takes maybe fifteen minutes of your precious time to instantly look better by not having copious amounts of wrinkles on your 300+ dollar clothing.

>> No.10614761
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>> No.10614762
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>> No.10614764


>> No.10614766
File: 992 KB, 1830x2048, 5BE9A383-0C9C-4562-BFBB-A0D511BFAA4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10614767

Not ita

>> No.10614768
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>> No.10614772
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>> No.10614779

>assuming I'm her
Seethe harder larper chan, maybe you'll get some motivation to afford burando someday.

>> No.10614781

ITT: larpers or itas that think taking care of clothing that they spend a shit ton of money for is hard work.

I'm so tired of having to iron a shit ton of wrinkles out of brand because some of you dumb fucks wad up your clothing in the corner of your closet before I buy it from you. This is a hobby. If you're not ironing your clothing, then you suck at your hobby. God forbid this is your only hobby too. I know some of you fucks are boring as shit.

>> No.10614782

This is not how ero lolita should look like

>> No.10614786
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>> No.10614787
File: 533 KB, 1060x1350, Screenshot_20210517_233057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10614792

Early 2000's emo kid kei

>> No.10614797

Cry harder vendetta chan. You sperging all over this thread doesn't make a slightly wrinkly coord ita, take it to the farms if you want to be petty.
>assuming we all have wrinkly dresses just cause we don't agree with your tantrum
Get your brain checked.

>> No.10614822


Not lolita at all, but I think she’s a really pretty girl. I’m sure she’d look good in proper classic lolita like Victorian Maiden or Juliette et Justine.

>> No.10614823

She appears to be some kind of Russian instagrammer; if she can’t look like a trophy wife, she won’t want to do it.

>> No.10614825
File: 93 KB, 718x960, FB_IMG_1621362238711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.10614828

My god.

>> No.10614832

Same I think some sandals would be super cute instead, the footwear throws the look off

>> No.10614835
File: 119 KB, 720x960, 6ECAA7E0-6679-49F6-ADDF-61F0F8D840F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single coord this person posts is the same. It’s so bad.

>> No.10614838

>Plus-size inclusive clothing
This desire for eye-bleach is brought to you by Bodyline.

>> No.10614852

This is why AP refuses to make inclusive sizing.

>> No.10614854

she looks like she was told by her bf or manager that lolita is very pretty and feminine and she decided to just buy a set and wear it without research

>> No.10614889
File: 95 KB, 640x1138, fhn9m9uktxz61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10614890

she probably just got paid to model someone's shitty brand. The background masks give it away.

>> No.10614892









these are all at least fine if not cute, if you wanna nitpick at least explain why you're posting decent coords

>> No.10614893

Someone ban this fucker. Spamming nitpick is toxic. You're toxic.

>> No.10614896

You’d be amazed at how many people will buy opened dolls.
You sound like a bitch

>> No.10614899
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>> No.10614906

you're a retard lol

>> No.10614907
File: 1.24 MB, 1170x1334, 059ACD3A-6F42-4794-B601-C97894B742FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10614918

This is some kind of fetish, ain't it?

>> No.10614924
File: 125 KB, 1080x2160, 8dac5c24-0872-4149-a831-67d50a5f355b._FMjpg_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10614927

Invest in a steamer

>> No.10614929
File: 1.05 MB, 1170x1174, 969CC7D8-880A-4483-98DE-5BA03149B7FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10614935

>Itas think taking care of clothing is hard work
Extremely ironic considering you're complaining about having to iron yourself.
If it's not hard work then stfu about it, follow your own advice, and just do it.

>> No.10614944

I kinda hate this but I also don't.

>> No.10614952


>> No.10614969

NTA, but curse you and curse this half-ita, half-nitpick hybrid thread.

>> No.10614978

Hate it as lolita but cool for a different style

>> No.10615008
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>> No.10615009
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>> No.10615011
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>> No.10615016
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>> No.10615060

Are these teachers at a public school?

>editing in facial hair

>> No.10615065
File: 55 KB, 640x960, zkkyzwx7fxz61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "but is this an attempt at lolita?"
Yes, according to them.

>> No.10615066

she does this cringey editing to most of her pics

>> No.10615067
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>> No.10615069
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>> No.10615070
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>> No.10615076

this is cute?

>> No.10615078


>> No.10615081

She's wearing the lolita-appropriate raincoat, boots, and umbrella for rain what's the issue here

>> No.10615082

I guess the colors aren't a perfect match so people are bothered

>> No.10615117

This is cute

>> No.10615125

Or that could just be her actual walk in closet, which I kinda low-key envy, not guna lie.

>> No.10615126


She kinda reminds me of Innocent World’s former Caucasian model? I think she was also Russian I believe. Also that model for Lock shop wigs. With some proper styling, she could potentially be a Fannie Rose tier lolita.

>> No.10615127


>> No.10615129

Oh shit you’re right. I’m stupid. Now that I look closer, I see that cameo logo thing on the masks and on the shelf that’s identical to the one on her dress. This could have been some paid photo shoot gig for someone else’s product.

>> No.10615155

lol yes but also who has empty boxes in one colorway in their closet? Mine is bursting with normie clothes

>> No.10615157

Larpers and conlitas have ridiculous standards but when they're outed here they're the worst itas. I wouldn't take their opinions and salty tears seriously.
If you wear the fashion regularly, not every coord will be perfectly matched but life goes on.

>> No.10615174

as a conlita this made me feel better about the standards I give myself, I feel that if I can't match the colors perfectly I shouldnt go out but your comment is making me reconsider that

>> No.10615177
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>> No.10615178
File: 84 KB, 650x975, c7d4bc6368f0b6ef89b2ca02a8eb70bc2108f116r1-650-975v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10615182

I like this

>> No.10615189

disgusting haircut

>> No.10615190

I hate this blouse so much every time I see it
It's so fugly

>> No.10615194

This looks like her dad bought her egl clothes that sort of looked emo/alternative after she mentioned it once in hopes that she stops calling herself "androgynous" infront of his highly religious family

>> No.10615199

I hope drag make up would get banned in lolita spaces

>> No.10615208

I've been wearing lolita for over 10 years, and I used to be like you at first but after a while I realised it's just clothes after all. Have fun and wear your favourite clothes, life is too short to care about every single detail in a coord. I only do that if I want to post my coord on SM, what you see is very curated there anyways.

>> No.10615220

Thank you <3 this was very validating

>> No.10615228

I hate this description because it does make it about men. Nothing against this girl, but lolita was more about saying fuck you to the system and expectations of marriage from their parents than men in general, if you were to go with the feminist theory surrounding lolita (although people wear lolita for their own reasons even outside of feminism-the politics surrounding lolita are very individualist).

>> No.10615234

This is a nitpick. That dress is super awful quality though, she's cute, deserves better than garbage. Some nice lace topped socks would be good, too.
Same with her. cute girl, awful dress. We all deserve better than garbage.
This is fine, would barely call it a nitpick either. Nice and simple.
Love these.
its not lolita, but it's cute for western goth.
If someone tells you your coord is bad because the shades are off, they're probably not a lolita. Everything brands sell are a slightly different shade of whatever, it's so hard to perfectly match colours. There's also the online factor, sometimes you buy something that looks like it'll be the same shade or close, and it arrives and it's not. I'm always really happy when things perfectly match, it's like a rare treat.

Sorry for the long post, this thread is a mess.

>> No.10615235

can we stop posting her since we all know she's mentally ill & her eating disorder is messing with her perception? just let her be

>> No.10615243

Live your best life and be happy in cute clothes anon. You deserve it.

>> No.10615320

painfully new
painfully male

>> No.10615323

Why don't you go buy them dresses yourself instead of wking itas

>> No.10615385
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>> No.10615388
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>> No.10615398

No, it's been a long time that the lolita community says a coord is bad due to mismatched colors/shades. The "pinks don't match" issue has been around for ever. Stop asspatting yourself for bad coordinates, newfag. The only people that run into mismatched coordinates are the ones who don't have the wardrobe big enough to coordinate the right colors, despite that. Don't blame larpers for your failure.

>> No.10615406

this isn't even ita what is your vendetta ffs

>> No.10615407

this is cute go be salty elsewhere

>> No.10615432

I hope the word 'spaces' would get banned, period

>> No.10615452

she's pretty but in a very boring normie model way

>> No.10615459

no, her behavior is ita and so are her coords. >but she's sick :(
do you know where you are?

obviously ita anon, please

>> No.10615466

She literally posted this same exact coord back in January.

>> No.10615468

The hug box admins who delete any comment that isn't
>OMG so brave and kawaii desu
Yeah good luck there. Not sure whats worse the sissies/age players or the women they bring into the spaces who wear drag makeup to look like their own sex but ugly af

>> No.10615467

This is fucking adorable.

WTF Vandetta-Chan?

>> No.10615475

Someone needs to just make a new fucking lolita daily page. CoF is aids. I say this routinely on here, though.

There's too many larpers in that group and it shows.

>> No.10615482

get that disgusting thing groomed

>> No.10615490

ngl I love her poses
She can't dress herself but she's got that energy

>> No.10615497 [DELETED] 


>> No.10615500

Maybe the energy of fat bastard. Her damn face is a meme.

>> No.10615501

>she's got that energy
yes that pixyteri energy

>> No.10615512
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>> No.10615536
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>> No.10615540
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>> No.10615554

very broad for an asian

>> No.10615557

it's a guy

>> No.10615558

She literally wrote in her post that she’s saving for a proper jsk. Posting her pic here when she just got this dress from her mom is uneccesarily mean. That being said, she needs better shoes and to get rid of the wig.

>> No.10615561

insta-influencer kei

>> No.10615562
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>> No.10615567

The fuck happened to her (his?) legs? And why are the bloomers sticking out? Gods this is awful.

>> No.10615606

That coord is actually really cute just not on her since she’s way too skinny to fit it

>> No.10615611


>> No.10615613

What's wrong with this? Seems like an okay casual coord to me.
Maybe I'm not seeing something.

>> No.10615615
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>> No.10615616

vendetta chan

>> No.10615619

Nah, but also this is not lolita. This is just goth e-girl.

>> No.10615623

Every individual item looks pretty cheap and the socks don't look Lolita. But I agree overall it looks okay.

>> No.10615628

she needs to wear it lower, it makes her look bigger than she is. I hope she buys a cricut and cuts sublimation ink designs that matches her coords because without socks or something it looks like an incomplete thought.

>> No.10615630

This makes me so uncomfortable, literal ageplay level coordination skills

>> No.10615631

her mom gave her that dress? That's actually really sweet, I see it everywhere and its not bad for a casual lolita look

>> No.10615643

Nitpick, peeking bloomers are stylish and she's adorable.

>> No.10615653

You're smoking hard crack, ita-chan.

Not everything that looks 'old school' is good. That dress is crap. Might as well be Milanoo. Love to see what coords you wear.

>> No.10615655

You don't have to post something on the internet if you have an incomplete coordinate. She chose to post this. Especially to a LOLITA community.

>> No.10615656


>> No.10615664

I don't think I've actually bust a gut laughing at someone in a making fun kind of way since middle school. This image ruined that streak.

>> No.10615666

no fuck you. if they were "peeking out' i would agree, but they are straight up shorts. dress too small. this does not look good at all. you are on drugs

>> No.10615690
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>> No.10615698
File: 40 KB, 425x859, EXUqYr8WkAA_v7_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daikon legs

>> No.10615699

It looks very cute on anime characters at least.

>> No.10615748

Same person

>> No.10615789

I hate to be that person but the same goes for obesity, you know? It’s also an eating disorder and mental illness. Don’t wk some ana chan or if you aren’t doing the same for every cow posted here.

>> No.10615791

She’s a huge cunt. Nobody on here gets a pass because of muh mentals if they act like an axewound

>> No.10615795

This, fatties are occasionally nice, ana-chans are almost always self absorbed and consider their mental illness a badge of honor.

Anyone that did group with an anorexic knows what I mean, they're almost always shitty people.

>> No.10615802

I mean, it is literally a dude, so likely.

>> No.10615803

>>editing in facial hair
Because she is a tranny. She is a ftm

>> No.10615804

other than the agp smirk, this man looks better than 95% of the other tranny lolitas. Sad.

>> No.10615807

I mean, the dress is bodyline.

>> No.10615812

generally you're right about the peeking bloomers but in that case the dress is just way too short which makes her look like an ageplayer by default. just buy clothes that fit and you'll be fine.

>> No.10615818

This is why kuro is the path of salvation.

>> No.10615819

Meant to quote >>10615398

>> No.10615821


>> No.10615873
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>> No.10615874

They look like bodyline bloomers which don’t always come with leg shirring new fag

>> No.10615882

that's not what anon meant, retard. the dress is too short so the bloomers look like shorts with a top.

>> No.10615903

She still decided to post it on the lolita subreddit

>> No.10615912

I think that's a dude. Look at those forearms

>> No.10615917

Is that a fucking day dream carnival replica? Ouch.

>> No.10615921
File: 776 KB, 828x811, 92B31BCA-B7A5-4081-83CF-F38EF556C63F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jo and her troons

>> No.10615922

That is retarded. Anyone who actually wears all black would know that not even black matches other blacks.

>> No.10615923


>> No.10615942

Is this the girl who looks like an actual blobfish

>> No.10615948

nta but

here we can see why some pieces get damaged and stained all to red hell: lazy fatties who can’t be arsed to steam or clean their shite wardrobes.

literally how fucking hard is it to steam a dress before you wear it if it has wrinkles? thank fuck I’m certain that most of the people saying it’s a waste of time to care for clothing in a hobby based on damn clothing are itas, male larpers, pervasively smell like body odor, or all of the above.

>> No.10615952

This is honestly okay a brett might not have been the best headpiece to wear with the salior theme but the color matches

>> No.10615961

her hair is adorable

>> No.10615968

yes it's called masking

>> No.10615970
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>> No.10615971
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>> No.10615972
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>> No.10615973
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>> No.10615974
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>> No.10615976
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>> No.10615977
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>> No.10615981 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10615995

Being this to the new thread >>10615989

>> No.10616014

They were posted before there was a new thread

>> No.10616037

Disgusting, you can barely tell one's a woman.

>> No.10616295

>nitpicking a literal dog
Holy fucking kek I could not imagine ever having this much salt in my vagina

>> No.10616319

OK larper chan. Nobody said any of those things but you can cry about your vendetta all you want.

>> No.10616368
File: 67 KB, 484x526, wardrobe 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like one of those tumblrinas that finds a new word and uses it without having a clue as to what it means. Who is there to even have a vendetta against?

Here, since I didn’t get a chance post my wardrobe this year. C’mon, before the thread’s gone anon, I’d love to see some of your pieces too since you love accusing everyone else of being larpers :^)

>> No.10617202

bro i am literally blind when it comes to matching colors. but this... it hurts