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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10601857 No.10601857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Skinny cosplay thread to inspire gulls to stop being fat

>> No.10601867

She should cosplay Papyrus instead

>> No.10601893

Tfw your arms are so skeletal that your sleeves can't even hope to stay on so you just settle with a hands up pose in defeat wasting the 0.01% of energy you have left

>> No.10601908

That's a fucking armature. Is this a fatty psyop?

>> No.10601931

no it's thinspo

>> No.10601954

Ok this is disgusting die already

>> No.10601980

I’d rather be dead than look like this kek

>> No.10601990

how is she alive

>> No.10602015

This is just as bad as a fatty to look at. Hopefully someone in her life cares enough to help her.

>> No.10602023

I'm all for a good thinspo thread but eugenia isn't good thinspo. she looks disgusting.

>> No.10602026

So do most visibly anorexic people (unless people use thinspo as a general weight loss inspo term now without being ana chans)

>> No.10602038

She's making Jack Skellington next to her look fat

>> No.10602047

teenage bodies are pretty resilient. Most anorexic that die of starvation die in their 20s, or so I've heard.

>> No.10602051
File: 232 KB, 1000x1133, BrosnanQA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then a hero comes along

>> No.10602057

Ashley Isaacs will always be the Lich Queen. Eugenia is a whale.

>> No.10602068

unironically this.

>> No.10602074

I don't think Eugenia is even a teen anymore. She's still alive because she was in recovery for a short period of time and gained some weight back before spiraling downward again.

>> No.10602081


>> No.10602106

She's mid 20s

>> No.10602108

lmao nice

>> No.10602138

isn't she like 26? The really deadly effects of being ana chan are going to hit her soon, or already have

>> No.10602144

Yeah she's turning 27 this summer. We should have a deadpool for her at this point.

>> No.10602146

She will die before the Lich Queen. There's no surpassing her. There will only be one supreme anachan bonelord left standing, and it won't be Eugenia.

>> No.10602154

Yeah Eugenia already started having extreme issues in her legs or something weird making them hella red before her partial/temporary recovery and her face never got as bony nor skin as wrinkly, there is no way she is going to outlive or get as thin as AshLich, who is already 30 I'm pretty sure.

>> No.10602157 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 592x597, E73C0220-F8A4-4498-B72B-1181DED47603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eugenia is fat and normie tier

All hail the true skeleton queen

>> No.10602159


>> No.10602160

it doesn't look like it

>> No.10602162

>using a wheelchair because you can’t walk due to your own stupidity
>having to buy children’s sizes to be clothed
>looking worse than prince philip at age 30
>v e i n s

Why wouldn’t someone just off themselves? It can’t be any quality of life to continue going at this point... Just a burden on yourself and your family. And then on someone else once they die and you’re inevitably incapacitated from being so ‘XD quirky and mentally ill’. Are people like this too far gone to see that shit? Or do they even care?

>> No.10602163

Every time someone asks something like this it just adds another year on to her life

>> No.10602165 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 500x667, 71966B2D-C98C-43EB-9951-92A8CF59C944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re all just jealous of her

>> No.10602168

I mean honestly I genuinely wondered though anon. I don’t know, I just guess I’m not crazy enough to understand. People like that make me feel relatively sane.

>> No.10602169 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 500x667, 09ECF0A6-A9A2-4769-945D-A9E63F80F576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being ableist.

>> No.10602170

If I looked like that I would honestly just kill myself

>> No.10602178 [DELETED] 

And she would kill herself if she looked like you.

>> No.10602179

wow was hoping to get some cute thinspo but instead im just gonna get off cgl and eat dinner thanks for the reminder that ana isn't kawaii gulls

>> No.10602181
File: 49 KB, 1009x1200, b4c61d0c73a179943eead9fe646a311b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>morbidly obese thiccfags and Pierce Posters
Super cringe.
>Average body lovers
Cringiest of then all

>> No.10602182
File: 224 KB, 1200x1876, 45b8f764d5873b7a4380e49a066dc9b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I wanted to post this really good cosplay from MGSV with a close up on the girls abs but couldn't find the photo.
Also could not resist Giga-Chad Giga-Stacy posting.

>> No.10602187

With her mentally ill brain, probably

>> No.10602204
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, lancer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter thread out of morbid curiosity
>see >>10602165
>takes me a full minute to understand that's a leg

>> No.10602212

How is she alive?

>> No.10602215

>be me, 26 yo
>fall for the /cgl/ ana meme
>start restricting to 0-500 cal per day, occasionally have 1000 cal days
>losing weight quickly, this is pretty nice!
>do this for 1 year
>mfw hairline and gums have receded, sudden visible wrinkles
>my hair is now so thin and patchy that I can't tie it up or you can see my bald spots
>mfw it seems I've botched my metabolism, can't lose weight, eating more than 1,000 cals makes me gain weight (I'm 168 cm)

My hair is pathetic now and I aged so rapidly, and I'm not even thinspo material. Don't be me gulls

>> No.10602216

She's still young enough to get away with being this ana and not dead but that's all gonna catch up to her fast

>> No.10602219

>32 yo
>eat 3000+ calories a day
>weigh 135 pounds
Jesus Christ is it really that hard for you to go running or cycling a few times a week?

>> No.10602220

I honestly didn't know it was possible for the human body to survive and look like that. Even photos of victims from Auschwitz didn't have legs that malnourished

>> No.10602221

She isn't even that young. Not old but she is 30 or older. At this point her skin is barely holding her bones together. It is almost certainly impossible fot her to ever recover, her body is probably just acknowledging her current state as its homeostasis now.

>> No.10602224

I've started lifting weights and doing cardio to try and repair my metabolism and my body. I've never been a particularly athletic person and depression, low self esteem, coupled with lockdowns kind of made a perfect storm for me. It's honestly easier not to eat than to work out when you hate yourself and have no energy

>> No.10602227

Lockdown is unironically why I started lifting and running. I used to be 110, then I went up to 150 because I kept eating delivery pizza. Then I cut that shit and soda and candy completely.

>> No.10602232


>> No.10602254

the point of being anorexic is to be thin and PRETTY if your skin already looks like prince philips and you’re only 20 you might as well kys now.

>> No.10602255

Mental illness doesn't have a point

>> No.10602264

No dumbass, there's no point in anorexia. It's an awful mental illness not a diet.

>> No.10602294

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.10602299

eugenia clearly isn't doing this for positive attention, she's just mentally ill

>> No.10602301

Neither of you clearly understand serious anorexia. When you get to the point where she's at you do it because you WANT to look so horribly deathly ill so can you prove to yourself how sick you are. She likes the attention she gets from everyone saying "OMG YOURE SO SKINNY YOU'RE GONNA DIEEEEE!!!!" because she wants to beat everyone at being the most sick. Anorexia doesn't make sense like that because it's a mental illness.

>> No.10602303

Okay but if she were an older anorexic she would be dead. That's my point. She's young enough to get away with it for now. You're essentially just parroting what I already said but in a slightly different way.

>> No.10602305

she's 26 which is still relatively young

>> No.10602308

>tfw tiktok insta and tumblr all have anachan stuff blocked so i cant find good thinspo anymore
>tfw male thinspo is rare

>> No.10602309 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares about men here

>> No.10602318


>> No.10602319

Which is based.
t. Man.

>> No.10602335

why cant you just go on /lgbt/ or /fa/?

>> No.10602336

i want cute, not gross.

>> No.10602341

well shit, pro anorexia shit isn't cute. go find a forum or go join your comrades on the queer and queer aspiring boards.

>> No.10602342

That's good. Get help and be stop destroying your body.

>> No.10602405


I'm talking about Lich Queen, not Eugenia. Eugenia is in her mid 20s, Ashley is 30ish and definitely doesn't have much time left and is far more extreme.

>> No.10602426

im not this bad, but i need the motivation to not be a fatty.

>> No.10602432
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, avocado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much cellulite concentrated in this thread, sorry annonettes.

>> No.10602433

Aren’t there enough rail thin models out there for inspiration without going down the anorexia rabbit hole? I’m assuming you’re not after a fit body.

>> No.10602434

You got anymore beached whales to share? That’s always good inspo for me to keep my gorging in check.

>> No.10602436

normie models are boring as shit, desu. give me the cute goth girls/boys, the punks, any kind of alt fashion.

>> No.10602440

you need mental help not thinspo

nice selfie anon

>> No.10604012


>> No.10605183

I don't think you will really gain even if you eat more than 1000kcal. You most likely gain the water weight back first and that may seem like gaining weight but it is really not weight in a sense of fat etc. But if you continue to eat maybe like 1400kcal a day you most likely are going to lose more weight again as you are not super short. Unless you have super low weight already but it did not sound like you have. And with only 1400kcal I recommend really thinking about what you eat. Like try adding a lot of low calorie healthy snacks like cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes, grapes, pieces of melon etc. but of course don't only live with these. Try also eating things with healthy fats sometimes.

Also I agree with anon who said to do a sport. Except I don't think everyone needs to run. I hate running but I like dancing. So I mostly dance even alone in my room may it be how embrassing.
So maybe try to find a sport you like.

I also want to add that maybe start with a bit higher calorie intake than the 1400 I gave as an example. As you have been eating so little for a year that it would be better not exactly diet for a while.

>> No.10605192


ana, not even once

>> No.10605316

here is a free (you)

>> No.10605381
File: 170 KB, 1280x1920, model sexy pretty bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't all cosplayers like this?

>> No.10605387

That shoop between her legs is entertaining

>> No.10605389

there's shoop all over her body, the edges of her arms, legs, shoulders, and torso are all blurred and yet the hands are perfectly in focus

>> No.10605400

It looked good until It got to the hips. Looks weird and reminds me of those ugly shooped Japanese weight loss adds where they give women chicken legs, and her feet look gross and kinda huge. I normally don't mind hip dips but on her it looks manly because of how small they shooped the legs.

I know this is "elbows too pointy, wouldn't bang" tier, but any average not fat woman with a C cup looks more attractive cosplaying a sexy character than the woman in this picture.

>> No.10605415

Of course, but it was specifically the wonky vag that got me giggling

>> No.10605451

I don't think this pose and constipated expression are doing her any favors but she just looks bony and cold

>> No.10605516

>that one missing fake nail

>> No.10605530
File: 62 KB, 656x624, FED794AF-757C-404A-A742-AC1D33580281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it reminded me of these types of spooky weight loss ads that used to be all over gal magazines

>> No.10605546

I saw a psicologist tell how he treated an anorexic and she couldn't gauge sizes, he sat next to her and asked her if she thought her wrist thick thighs were thinner or thicker than his normal man thighs and she couldn't tell.

>> No.10605560

Severe BDD will do that to a person. You legitimately don’t know what you look like anymore. You see someone else entirely in the mirror. I’m sure Eugenia thinks she’s an enormous elephant even though she’s so wasted away that it’s sad and pathetic.

It’s really hellish. Like a psychological horror movie you can’t escape from, except you’re the main character. I really wouldn’t wish severe body dysmorphia on my worst enemy honestly.

>> No.10606306

Best way to lose weight? Anyone have any workout routines the recommend?

>> No.10606330

count calories. working out wont do anything on it's own, you'll probably gain weight from muscle if you're working out properly.

>> No.10606343

These ads were part of the reason I devolved into full on anorexia in college. Can’t believe people ever really wanted to look like that.

>> No.10606391

Please see a nutritionist or dietician, anon. Like the other anon said, you won't gain beyond water weight on 1,000 cals. Your metabolism is not irrevocably fucked, you really can return it to a healthy state, but only with help. You don't need to live the rest of your life like this, you deserve to recover.

>> No.10607290

Jelly fatties are jelly mad as fuck.

>> No.10607291

Btw, here is her onlyfans:


>> No.10607293
File: 156 KB, 905x1200, 7269614d588e7a55223c3cea993701c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't all the female cosplayers be like this girl????

>> No.10607308

Nice self promo

>> No.10607330

French women are the worst. Built like a pile of twigs (because of all the cigarettes) and look middle-aged at 25 (also because of the cigs).

>> No.10607347

t. Jealous fat limey Chav

>> No.10607348

I see the vag.

>> No.10607372

Lol, implying she would ever waste her time here on 4chan.

>> No.10607424

also fell for the /cgl/ ana meme. At bmi 16 I lost my period, had a neutrophil count of someone going through chemo, my hair & nails looked like shit. Yeah I looked cute in my lolita, but literally felt like I was dying. Doc almost put me in the hospital bc of my wbc. I've been in recovery a few months & at bmi 18 I feel so much better. Definitely was not worth it.

>> No.10607426


>> No.10607428

What happened to her? Is she still alive?

>> No.10607429

you can always go back. Prenatal vitamins are your friend.

>> No.10607435
File: 114 KB, 1259x811, karl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking hate obese pieces of shit destroying their dresses(and my eyeballs).

Is it seriously that hard to stay under 140lbs (120 if really short)?

>> No.10607462

It is literally mental illness, anon. What do you expect? Of course no one who is sane and rational would starve themselves to death.

>> No.10607482

i mean yes? if your metabolism is fucked up it can be pretty hard if you aren't actively dieting and exercising but regardless being over 140 lbs is still well within a healthy range for average height and taller women any bmi chart could tell you that

>> No.10607496
File: 84 KB, 960x960, f5oivi3gxaj11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10607501

Just seems like an average BMI tall woman

>> No.10607504
File: 670 KB, 540x811, 1ea89a844fb368b8b0c8b21f8fcab530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10607529

You know that for anyone 5'3" and above 140 pounds is still in the healthy BMI range?

>> No.10607540

There's some buckling on the door and halo around the legs. Likelihood is the thin-ness is shooped.

>> No.10607553

super wobbly door and the mirror has been angled to make them look taller/leaner - but even without these they probably still look fine? hopefully they can work on their body image issues

>> No.10607651

bodybuilders, maybe.

>> No.10607655

I just know that you're a fat neckbeard

>> No.10607659

lmao “maybe bodybuilders” 140-145 is objectively in the healthy weight range for most people sorry your ed has rotted your brain away past the capacity to do a basic google search

>> No.10607663
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10607664

i’ll pay my entire stimulus to someone who can actually post thinspo where the subject isn't photoshopped to hell and back or wasting away from disease

>> No.10607667

right i’m the one who needs help for stating an objective medical fact on this mental illness ridden thread... got it...

>> No.10607676

No,like scientifically, 140 is in the healthy range of 18 - 24 BMI for anyone 5'3" and a foot above that

>> No.10607680


I hate to break it to you, but the healthy BMI range is actually 18.5-24.9. If your BMI is 18 seek help.

>> No.10607686

Why would a man want to be thin and weak?

>> No.10607687

sorry was ballparking the numbers from memory, regardless I don't think 18 BMI is ghastly when it's like what 5-10 lbs under healthy. A woman would have to be 6'2" and above to be 18 BMI at 140 lbs anyways, pretty sure only extreme supermodel cases would ever get up there.

>> No.10607694

Ntayrt but seek help and talk to an ED psych

>> No.10607722

prime proof of how scrotes and anachans are stupid enough to fall for shoop

>> No.10607756

some of us want to be delicate

>> No.10607765

not trying to be an asshole and sage for this armchair psych derail but that sounds slightly troonish... Not sure of your sexuality or involvement with the cosplay/lolita community, but you’ll look better to pretty much everyone as a lean/fit, not on your deathbed. Because you will never stop once you start. It will never be enough.
I’m fem but I’ve been there with the ED and not being comfortable in my body thing. I used to cosplay a lot of young male characters at the worst of my time of my life and anorexia. I was a fairly prominent Ciel way back when, lots of pictures of other cosplayers lifting me up. Hope that doesn’t give it away too much but oh well that time has long past.

Do some introspection. Think about why you want those qualities, to what goal. I mean really ask yourself some hard to confront questions.
Is it because you want to appear feminine? Would you be happier as a woman?
Were you bullied for weight/appearance? Do you have something you want to prove to people who no longer matter?
Did your parents create an unhealthy relationship with food for you? Do they still comment on your body even as an adult?

I’m sure you have people who care about you, anon. You don’t have to kill yourself to get a body you can be comfortable with. It’s not worth it.

>> No.10607767

nah, no troon. i just love that ethereal thin look. Plus most alt fashions look better when you're thin. i know it's bad, but the heart wants what the heart wants

>> No.10607769

I don't think it's troonish at all desu. There's a mostly male thinspo thread on /fa/, and most posters are gay and want to look like bony twinks, not women

>> No.10607776

it’s still a question you can ask yourself in these situations at times; really not my place to judge one way or another either. I was obsessed with looking as waifish as I could, so I understand the desire to want that sense of frailty.

everyone I’ve known or met irl from /fa/ is highly addicted to cocaine. once again not trying to be an asshole, it’s just an observation I’ve made. I’m sapphic but my gay friends often go for the lean/fits I described in my comment above. While I’m not really sexually attracted to men, I do think that’s the top tier body type.

>> No.10607794

cocaine is the most /fa/ drug so that makes sense kek

>> No.10607795

"Healthy" people can have muffin tops and double chin.

You can be healthy and still have a gross body. Its only when you go to lardass territory that it becomes "unhealthy"

>> No.10607883

That's not what the original post stated though, just a warped weight requirement. A majority of women aren't obese at 140lbs. And you can be thin, or even fit or underweight and still have muffin tops and/or double chin - muffin tops are caused by hip dips or an improper fit in clothing, and double chins are caused by genetics or jaw position.

>> No.10607886

Double chins are also caused by fat, but I have met some thin people with weak chins that basically have a double chin.

>> No.10608010

i know its shooped but this is a nice figure ;-; need to start working out again

>> No.10608070


>> No.10608129

Why are white girls so fucking ugly? She’s skinny, but her body looks like shit compared to skinny Asian girls who look a lot more natural with this body type. And that’s not even getting into her face, which is also ugly as hell, like all white girls.

>> No.10608201

because you have yellow fever

>> No.10608254

Thanks for letting /fit/ shit up the board with this off-topic garbage, janny.

>> No.10608408

Cry moar fat landwhale.

>> No.10608409

All you have to do is eat less garbage.
and eat more vegetables.
And drink a lot of water.
Never drink soda.

>> No.10608411
File: 2.11 MB, 1080x1620, e551808a5a2adb85b93839baa0f49701a7219db2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the female cosplayers should aim to have this type of body.

>> No.10608414

holy photoshop

>> No.10608415

So... get leg-lengthening surgery?

>> No.10608416

That's too skinny for my aesthetics personally.

>> No.10608608

Or bad posture.

>> No.10608612

the actual girl in the photo doesn't even have this type of body

>> No.10608726

Seethe more fatty

>> No.10608731

This and asians are have a lot less muscle tone so thats why when they gain sone weight that look fatter

>> No.10608894

>Never drink soda.
I hear this a lot, is it a burger thing? 2 litres of store brand diet coke has like 10 calories in it.

>> No.10608908


Even diet soda is bad for your teeth, but on top of that the majority of Americans don't drink diet soda; everyone I ever saw drink it often was a diabetic switching drom full sugar soda. I think it was even a joke on kids' shows when I was younger that diet sodas taste awful. I think if you have soda and soft drinks in moderation it's fine whether it's diet or full sugar, Americans are just notoriously bad at moderation and portion control.

>> No.10608911

The only people here who drink diet soda are teachers, fat people, or anachans

>> No.10608912

Artificial sweeteners aren't good for you either, but like >>10608908 says, what's important is moderation. Which is something that's not pushed in Burgerland, I guess.
Where I live, they don't even sell bigger soda bottles than 1,5 liters, and a large sized fast food soda is 0,5 liters. I have no idea how Burgers manage to drink as much soda as they do.

>> No.10608915

Interesting, I only drink diet stuff and afaik that's not uncommon here, the full sugar stuff just tastes like syrup to me, way too sweet.

>> No.10608918

>Where I live, they don't even sell bigger soda bottles than 1,5 liters, and a large sized fast food soda is 0,5 liters. I have no idea how Burgers manage to drink as much soda as they do.

In America, a large at some fast food restaurants is like a 1.5L cup. There are even 3L sodas that sell for a under a dollar at the 7cent store. And parents buy cheap drinks for their kids like that all the time and don't teach them how to control themselves. When I was younger my parents almost never bought any soft drinks or juices so when we did get them my siblings and I tried to make them last and not drink them all since we knew it'd be a while before we got any more, or it would be a nice treat to have it along with some water at a restaurant.

As an adult I kind of find sodas too sweet but appreciate getting used to not having a soda at every time I get thirsty like some people. Once dated a guy who drank like 3 cokes a day and only drank sparkling water because to him regular water "tasted bad". I proceeded to tell him it tastes like nothing and he responds "exactly, bad". Some burgers are just concerned about their own hedonistic desires and have no desire to be healthy. That's probably why for most men their weight loss or diet stories are usually driven by a near death experience or huge health issue being discovered. At least women have the desire to be pretty indirectly motivating them to try to stay healthier.

>> No.10608920

fake sugar is really bad for you and is linked to diabetes because of how it affects your insulin.

>> No.10608923

So is real sugar though, and it's probably worse.

>> No.10608924

That's crazy. If Americans really drink more soda than water then I understand why the country has an obesity problem.

>> No.10608925

no. you really need to research things before ingesting them.

>> No.10608936

Either in excess are bad for you. Real sugar consumed in fruit and all is fine because of the finer and whatnot and every artificial sweetener is different so it really depends.

Excess real sugar 100% correlates to diabetes. That's why type 2 diabetics literally switch to fake sweetened drinks and shot to keep their blood sugar down.

>> No.10608938

she's skinny but she got no ass and no thighs, it's sad. i don't find skinny girls appealing for that reason there's nothing to squish or cuddle. Not into fatties with several fat rolls either but there is a healthy inbetween

>> No.10608940


My bf used to be like that, thank god he listened to me and drinks water now. It's crazy how much soda the US drinks, shit is so bad for you and doesn't even hydrate you.

>> No.10608949
File: 1.43 MB, 1068x734, thin girl long legs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, she really has thin long legs.

Unless someone made a software that can make people's legs longer horizontally too without creating distortions.

She is on the front.

>> No.10608950

When I was in elementary-middle school I would drink around 2-5 cans a day and it made me fat and gave me a bunch of white spots all over my face. Drinking water is the way to go now I only drink soda when getting fast food and even then it takes me like 3 hours to drink the whole thing.

>> No.10608979
File: 154 KB, 792x658, thin legs are the best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thin long legs are the best.

>> No.10608981
File: 96 KB, 720x1280, thin long legs are the best 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one.

>> No.10609062

found the hamplanet

>> No.10609187
File: 538 KB, 825x3016, thin long legs are the best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10609188
File: 2.20 MB, 1080x1620, 44a6176893687293b73791853d769a930115f188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10609190

Why the tape on the feet?

>> No.10609196

Probably because she shoes get off while she is dancing.

>> No.10609197

She is wearing the same shoes here, also taped.


>> No.10609198

Ive seen this on runway models before its to prevent the shoe from comming off but whoever wrapped her feet sucks at doing it

>> No.10609333

nah i prefer my girls with thicker thighs, i guess they're kinda cute but they look so frail it's unattractive

>that sad, pancake ass

>> No.10609347

lawd those calves must be strong

>> No.10609370
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>>that sad, pancake ass
Nah, her ass is small and cute.

>> No.10609395
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>> No.10609412

/cgl/ doesn't consider this "skinny"

>> No.10609433

Imagine the landwhales at /cgl/ trying to do this very same move. They would end on a hospital.

>> No.10609437

sorry, too skinny. i just don't find the super skinny carbon copy korean girls attractive in general. Sure, they're definitely pretty but they just look like the way unseasoned chicken taste to me you know

>> No.10609449


I bet his girl makes gulls seethe hard.

>It is photoshop, her legs aren't that long
>sees video
>oh nonononono

>> No.10609505

scrote alert.

>> No.10609631


>> No.10609634

post your body

>> No.10609647

I think it looks normal. I have about same looking and my boyfriend does not think it as flat but round. I also feel like it could be smaller as it can even look a bit too big on my otherwise very skinny body.

>> No.10609649

She is not even super skinny. She has quite muscular thighs and butt I think. Looks like a dancer.

>> No.10609651

At least from this picture and the video she seems to have quite normal length legs about 47-48% of her height. She seems to be a pretty girl but her legs are not abnormally long or skinny.

>> No.10609652

In this picture her legs seems to be ~48% of her height so still not abnormally long. But she looks here skinnier than on the video or the pictures with black clothes. Maybe because of the angle, photosop, clothes etc.

>> No.10609707
File: 40 KB, 596x628, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shoop

>> No.10609761

Seethe harder land whale.

>> No.10609793
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>> No.10609816

these look proportional to me, not extra long. u confused by the heels + shorts or something?

>> No.10609818

Eugenia ? she like so close to dying loll im suprised she's made it this far

>> No.10609819

anything to be skinny~!

>> No.10609856

Fat women cosplayers should buy a mirror first.

They want to cosplay expecting other people will praise them.
When people actually look at them with disgust, they begin to hate skinny girls.
Just lose weight.

>> No.10609901

MIRIN those ab lines

>> No.10610240
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>> No.10610242

Normally anorexia doesn't start having drastic health implications until you get to your 30s, which she is approaching soon. I'm sure she has had medical issues already but doesn't disclose them.

>> No.10610244
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>> No.10610245

This looks still ok to me

>> No.10610248
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>> No.10610329

I love fat lolitas and cosplayers because they inspire me to lose weight
I wish there were more compilations of them

>> No.10610344
File: 1.08 MB, 1728x2304, 1353889261227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, Michelle, what a throwback. She was cringe but I do miss her online presence. Too bad she was never actually the deathly thin anachan queen she wanted to be, she just did those weird poses in selfies to make it look like she was.

>> No.10610346

She looks like the size anachans want to stop at but never do cause they always see themselves as fat.

Like other than her wrists being a bit bony here she doesn't look more than a kinda lanky person, but even so, anorexia is a mental illness; she was probably still not treating her body well to even be only moderately thin

>> No.10610496

This girl is perfect, she is thin, but not anorexic.

>> No.10610582

She's definitely a thin girl in this picture, definitely borderline.

>> No.10610617

thought this was a midget from the thumbnail ngl

>> No.10611042

She was definitely thin, yeah, but she always tried to pawn herself off as a sub-15 BMI spoop when in reality it was likely around 18-19. She had all of the anachan selfie tricks perfected (lower your face, suck your cheeks in, wear your pants lower, strain your arm muscles, bend forward to give illusion of larger thigh gap, spread your feet apart especially at the heel.) The difference between how she looked in selfies and how she looked in pictures taken by other people is noticeable.

>> No.10611078
File: 500 KB, 1407x2906, 006CGoMggy1gpfygsmvcfj323s35gkjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of this girl.

Fatties are jelly as fuck.

>> No.10611085

we get it, you're into the 12yo boy look

>> No.10611089

fetishist scrotes legit will COOM to this

>> No.10611090

post your body

>> No.10611093

Fake sugar gives people a false sense of "this is fine, I can drink as much as I want" just because of the low calories, when in reality it's still destroying your pancreas. Once your insulin regulation is all messed up, you get fat + diabetes. Better to just enjoy a regular coke sparingly.

>> No.10611100

Anything in excess will fuck with your body, genius. Of course you can't have as much of everything as you want all the time, diet drink or not.

>> No.10611104
File: 1013 KB, 1863x3351, 125435gfg3231312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry moar landwhale.

>> No.10611352

Why would people want to be portrayed as anorexic?

>> No.10611368

Mental illness

>> No.10611413

you and every other mentally ill anorexic in this thread are cranky from hunger. sit down. chill. relax. eat a burger

>> No.10611415

>not anorexic
>kpop chick
anon, I...

>> No.10611421
File: 715 KB, 1170x869, 068DF10D-8D0B-44D2-A221-D861FF9A0D47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10611455

attention and pity

>> No.10611457

Hey you might want to take a break from kpop and anime for a while. Your view is getting distorted.

>> No.10611458

Nah anon, you post your body.

>> No.10611459

The most popular female girl group in kpop is TWICE and they are all in their 20s now and none of them have any EDs

Not every Korean pop star is anorexic. And most anime girls are like, thicc or have ass if no tits. I'm not even ayrt you just sound like a retarded normie.

>> No.10611461
File: 1.21 MB, 1242x1858, DE36414A-8B4A-4724-9A12-D325A3B7FFEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of them have EDs

you know this because why? they talk about how much the eat in interviews? they do variety shows where they eat dinner a few times? that’s all scripted, anon. kpop girls are all obsessed by the proana girls for a reason, because they’re all thin and the industry is known for its open pressure on idols to diet

>> No.10611469

One of them talked about how in the past she did a dangerous thing where she didn't eat for a week, once, which was like, 5 or 6 years ago before their first debut, and now she has gained a lot of muscle and healthy weight as she was always interested in being fit and exercising, but still had a huge appetite.

Jihyo in particular had gained excess weight due to stress or a canceled debut, and was chubbier than her usual size and slowly lost weight over time once she was dancing and working all the time; you can tell she isn't ana just by her huge titties; she'd have lost some of that if she was unhealthy but she went from a fine chubbier size to a healthy slim size over a long period of time.

All of them started at a fairly young age (around 17-18 yrs old) so most of their faces and bodies have also lost some baby fat as they are aging and all.

Sure, some of them could have EDs theoretically but none of them have dangerously thin weights. Jeongyeon actually gained a lot of weight recently as a result of injury and likely the medication that she took for treatment and Koreans were shit talking her for even performing or being seen at that size, so she clearly isn't the super thin standard and definitely not low enough weight to be considered anorexic. Most of these girls lose weight when they are working and doing promotions because they perform and practice hours a day as their job, and gain more back when they are less active, or in poor health mentally or physically.

A lot of idols do have unhealthy habits and yeah some are definitely ED thin like IU has been at times, but saying every kpop idol has an ED is silly. Asian women in Asia are more conscious of their weight but also are smaller to begin with height wise on average so their healthy weights are lower and negative health effects of excess weight become more apparent for them at lower weights than westerners.

>> No.10611472

Long story short they DO discuss their diets which is how we do know of which idols actually do have EDs or choose to crash diet, and if they feel they have recovered. Like the sweet potato a day shit that IU did was made known because she spoke about it herself on TV. It isn't some industry secret when they are unhealthily thin and dieting.

>> No.10611479

the shoop going on here is so bad honestly. Whoever did it should lose their job, if it was paid. I would literally be so embarrassed if someone did me that dirty.

>> No.10611484

>you can tell she isn't ana just by her huge titties;

Anon those are mostly padding, idols wear hip and breast padding all the time

>> No.10611486

A lot of them do but if you compare her to other girls in TWICE it's a known meme that Jihyo has big tits.

>> No.10611533

Wow, they were all obese before.

>> No.10611534

Lose weight!

>> No.10611535

that's her government manufactured sexy quirk, anon.

>> No.10611549

Post more thinspo

>> No.10611554

stop sucking shooped idol girldick

>> No.10611561

Lmao what a sad thread, I cannot wait for all anachans to die in their mid 20's or just off themselves because of body dysphoria

>> No.10611589

Wouldn't you rather just catch AIDs? It's easier to do and already has a more established support network.

>> No.10611609

This was me a couple years ago too. Got tired of being fat and depressed so I jokingly went on a proana blog and followed the “instructions” as a meme. Saw that it worked and kept at it until I dropped below 100. I couldn’t think straight and was cold all the time, had trouble doing my job, so I would eat to get the energy. As soon as I was done I would throw it up out of guilt. Friends family and coworkers all told me how nice I looked and how skinny I was, I really didn’t want to go back to being a fat fuck.

I finally stopped after realizing I didn’t have any friends, nobody really cared for me. Food became my only comfort where I felt loved. It would immediately be followed by purging. Eventually, my mind would constantly call me a fat fuck, but I was so tired I just did nothing. Currently, I’ve gained back to my initial weight, I’m upset about it but I don’t have the mental capacity to push myself to go through it all again

>> No.10611756

i dont have cosppay thinspo but I have alt fashion thinspo I'll post if anyone wants

>> No.10611757

Take it to /fa/

>> No.10611854

You do know an ED isn't the only way to lose weight? It's far easier to just eat a few hundred calories under your TDEE and you will slowly lose weight without the brain fog of anorexia, it's far more sustainable and less likely for your will to break.

>> No.10611978

Do both

>> No.10612235

>Food became my only comfort where I felt loved.


>> No.10612263

shit bait

>> No.10612266

it's both with the cooney

>> No.10612284
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>> No.10612286
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>> No.10612287
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>> No.10612290
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>> No.10612291
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>> No.10612292
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>> No.10612293
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>> No.10612294
File: 639 KB, 680x685, Screenshot_2019-02-23-09-38-06-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you gulls enjoyed this small alt fashion thinspo dump

>> No.10612296

anorexia gave you brain damage

>> No.10612591

How do the Azn women do it gulls? I have literally no energy to even focus on my job and am risk of being fired because I can't think or function, and my heart randomly palpitates like I am about to have a heart attack.

>> No.10612594

it's a larping scrote with a severe fetish

>> No.10612597

For one, most of them are short. And they eat, just smaller amounts. And they get more exercise all day walking and taking public transport.

>> No.10612611

Being short means they have to eat less calories than the average non-short individual without getting fat. Also mfw I have a larger rib cage/bone structure in general and will always be considered unsightly large by Azn standards (no, I'm not a trans)

>> No.10612612

try intermittent fasting
may treat you better

>> No.10612615

Most tiny azn girls don't have eating disorders, they just eat a reasonable amount for their size and exercise/walk more. If you're starving yourself to the point of mental fog and physical side effects then you're doing it wrong. That kind of weight loss isn't sustainable, and is honestly fucking stupid compared to just losing weight naturally over the long term.

>> No.10612616

You have no idea what you’re talking about. The average Asian isn’t as thin as you think, and the ones you’re talking about are highly encouraged by families to be thin. And yes, encouraged to use extreme dieting methods.

>> No.10612619

Asian girls are not all thin but in Asia the majority are at a healthy weight for their height which for Asians can be lower than for westerners and they're shorter so they are overall smaller size than a height weight proportionate westerner, even if they look chubby. Family pressure in the majority of Asian families is to not be fat so your argument there makes little sense.

>> No.10612622

Being short means they have to eat less to avoid being fat but as I said they do objectivelyeat less. Portion sizes there are smaller and in Japan in particular you have access to a lot of healthy or low calorie options around every corner at various conbini, on top of the copious amounts of walking everywhere, almost zero public benches in a lot of places, and standing even when on the train usually. Plus if you are a small person in general you get used to getting full faster. If you just eat slowly and appreciate your food and stop before getting too stuffed it's easy to just not get fat since no one is born obese generally. Maintaining weight is easier than losing weight and being unhealthy and ana or bulimic is just making things unnecesarily harder on oneself. Some of the Asian girls shoop and have EDs too though but obviously not all.

>> No.10612850

Yes! Because when I was 118 pounds and 5'6 I was considered underweight, but because of my relevant mental illnesses and situation at the time I was eating far less than my body needed. I am now much happier and my partner and my clients at work have no issues with my current weight (145 pounds) and I'm still aiming to put cosplays together.

>> No.10612879

You are just dumb.
You have to lose weight on the long run, not on a short period of time.
You need to change your life style permanently.

>> No.10612951

Based /fit/ cross poster

>> No.10617754


>> No.10617883

>tfw people are calling this fake/shoop when your body looks almost exactly like this

>> No.10618057

You must be very hot then.

>> No.10618232

Can I have sex with you

>> No.10618695

Open OF account and I will send you money.

>> No.10618697

I also want to have sex with you.

>> No.10619863

.>posting a literal who

>> No.10619865

god damn i hate having nasty bony hips, i wanna look like this so bad