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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10594039 No.10594039 [Reply] [Original]

Post unpopular opinions

>> No.10594041

Cgl is the only online community that I enjoy using. It's hateful but even with all the larpers it's less fake than cof and instagram

>> No.10594043 [DELETED] 

Baby’s designs are hideous 95% of the time. I’ve been in the fashion since 2008 and I’ve always hated their style of lolita.

>> No.10594045

There’s nothing wrong with being a sex worker and a lolita

>> No.10594047

AP has a lot of age play looking designs.
Sweets and ageplay looking dresses should be in separate categories.

>> No.10594048 [DELETED] 

I can sorta understand not wanting concrit sometimes like if you're just posting a pic of you enjoying yourself I a coord that's extremely basic/cookie-cutter or if you're a daily lolita and need to not follow the rules for your own comfort. That being said, you shouldn't throw a hissy-fit if somebody gives you criticism, even when you asked them not to, and hiding behind the term 'experimental' is no excuse. In fact, experimental coords should be given more feedback as not all experimental god as good. Saying something isn't lolita is also valid criticism as it's often shorthand for 'this aspect of the coord seems unpolished due to it lacking the detail appropriate for lolita, as the garment wasn't intended to be made for lolita'

>> No.10594050

Trans have no place in lolita. Idgaf if a guy wears a dress, but I don't want to hear the politics around it and if you look bad then you look bad.

Want to be a girl? Then maybe you should learn to take being judged like a girl by girls. You don't look pretty, just because you want to be a girl.

>> No.10594051

I can sorta understand not wanting concrit sometimes, like if you're just posting a pic of you enjoying yourself in a coord that's extremely basic/cookie-cutter or if you're a daily lolita and need to partially break the rules for your own comfort. That being said, you shouldn't throw a hissy-fit if somebody gives you criticism, even when you asked them not to, and hiding behind the term 'experimental' is no excuse. In fact, experimental coords should be given more feedback as not all experimental are good. Saying something isn't lolita is also valid criticism as it's often shorthand for 'this aspect of the coord seems unpolished due to it lacking the detail appropriate for lolita, as the garment wasn't intended to be made for lolita'

>> No.10594057

I sorta hate when people call sweet lolita age-play-ish, and this is coming from elitist classic lolita. Just say 'juvienille' and 'childish'. Not everything that's childish looks like DDLG shit

>> No.10594063

Baby is really Oldschool trad sweet to me, like kamikaze girls sweet, and mostly a completely different style to frilly fairy princess glittersweet that AP puts out, but honestly baby feels more in the lolita spirit than fairy princess AP

>> No.10594064

Tattoos in lolita are fine.

>> No.10594087

I love the fashion but I can't stand the amount of SJWs and mentally defective individuals in the fashion. This fashion attracts the worst of the worst that humanity has to offer.... Lonelita forever.

>> No.10594089

I hate online meet ups and tea parties.

>> No.10594090

online shit is hell.

>> No.10594099

It really is, I want meets back as soon as possible but worried they’ll be full of covid itas

>> No.10594102

Lesbians that like lesbians in Lolita are a lot less creepy than men who like lolitas and try to date them.
>>10594087 agreed.
A lot of poorly developed eternal weeaboos are in this fashion that try to police how others act, think and speak and it's hard to get rid of them since they are usually trained well in manipulation.
They like to put a lot of people at risk for no reason and have a vendetta over prettier, smarter, more selective. thinner or otherwise perceptually superior lolitas. T
hey're toxic and are often genderspecial enablers.
They do it because they think that if they hurt someone they get ahead of others (comparatively).

>> No.10594106

No one cares if you're a sex worker and a lolita
People just don't want you putting lolita in sex work

>> No.10594117

Lolitas care way too much about what other lolitas (and normies) think and a lot of people are just seeking validation from a collective group rather than themselves.

not everyone needs to be a representative of the community at all times and what someone does with their cloths (and online life) is their business. the block button is easier to use and makes you look less unhindged.

>> No.10594124

Online meets bar few exceptions are so unrelentingly miserable that I'd rather have a tea party in a KFC than spend my afternoon on zoom trying to interact from the waist up with people in ""comfortable coords""

>> No.10594128

a lot of lolita's are classist as fuck

>> No.10594129

I used to love it but lately in recent years I've been using it on and off. I don't really like it that much anymore but I'm a retard and keep coming back.
I'm not sure if it's me that'd changed or the vibe of this place.

>> No.10594133

Agreed, I feel as though using the term "age-play" emboldens DDLG types more than weeds them out. Keeping it in our vocabulary, even as an insult, does more harm than good.
> t. Another elitist classic lolita

Neo-oldschool (on average) tends to look better than the original scans

>> No.10594135

Where is the lie?

>> No.10594136

I agree, but I wish this was a discussion that was possible to have somewhere else than cgl. I really don't like the direction in which the community is going

>> No.10594138

Poorfag spotted.

>> No.10594142

It sucks honestly. I can only truly speak my mind on cgl because of anonymity.

>> No.10594147

Oh no the vibe has definitely changed; COVID has both brought in a lot of LARPers and made other existing lolitas completely unhinged. It's been an endless summer

This isn't an unpopular opinion.

>> No.10594155

on cgl it is like this type of shit >>10594138

I'm not saying you should only buy taobao and aliexpress because fuck no, but not everyone can afford a whole ass brand coord and when you say that you get called a poorfag immediately

>> No.10594175

getting mad about classism...in a luxury fashion hobby

brand isn't even expensive firsthand in comparison to actual luxury/designer fashion, and a lot of brand goes for cheap secondhand. if $100 for a dress is too much for you maybe find a different hobby.

>> No.10594179

as a gothic lolita, agreed, but i got into lolita through visual kei so to me, tattoos and piercings are completely fine. maybe some large piercings/gauges should be removed or toned down, but the amount of whining i see about tattoos/piercings is just proof that the OTT sweet boom was a mistake.

>> No.10594188

As much as I respect Mana-sama for his influence, Moitie is boring. I may be biased because I'm a sweetfag, but imo Motie is dull even by gothic standards.

>> No.10594206

>not everyone can afford a whole ass brand coord
Well no one is going to lower their prices for you dumbshit. Everyone knows lolita is expensive, complaining about it is pointless especially now.

>> No.10594212

>I may be biased because I'm a sweetfag
You've almost achieved self-awareness. Almost.

>> No.10594216

AYRT, I'll level with you; there are a non-nominal about of gulls that knee jerk that reaction, and it's gotten worse in recent years. Some of it is trolling, some of it is classism, some of it is frustration. Lolita, at its core, is a "luxury" hobby, where luxury means something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary. A lot of the frustration comes from the fact that there is a robust secondhand market and guides on how to source good-quality chinese indie (on taobao or otherwise) and people still choose things that are objectively bad because they refuse to do the research. Poor people deserve nice things, it's when people feel they're entitled to have items at the price point they want and/or use price as a rebuttal to criticism about something not meeting the lolita aesthetic that the waters get murky.

>> No.10594217

The problem is a lot of people will wear sweet coords with ratchet tattoos as a focal point and not understand that a tatt of a flower or heart is not the same as a sex scene

>> No.10594223

Nah I'm strictly gothic even outside of lolita and I think Moitie is pretty dull. It sucks because I want to love it but honestly Mana dresses way better than his own clothing line. I suspect this is part of why Japanese lolita's consider him so passe and Moitie struggled so much.

>> No.10594228

I’m not talking about a $100 dress?! Where did u even get that from, I meant like having brand blouses petti’s bloomers etc not brand dress

And I’m not asking for lower prices either? Where are you guys getting these things from jesus fuck this is exactly what I meant, can’t even talk about it and y’all already attacking me with things I didn’t say or don’t even do

>> No.10594230

Bitch please this is why you save up and buy pieces over time. Suck it up.

>> No.10594234

Secondhand brand is pretty cheap desu if you can't afford even that lolita is not for you. Might wanna try GAP instead.

>> No.10594236

Lor is way too entitled and her fans are annoying.

>> No.10594245

Literally no one gives a fuck about off brand accessories/pettis/bloomers items unless they're ugly and bring down your outfit.

>> No.10594259

Agreed, anon if you're feeling this defensive about things that literally no one cares about you might need to take a break and think about why this is triggering for you.

I feel like tattoos and piercings are fine when they're done well, the issue is a lot of lolitas with tattoos have shit taste and have gaudy dark blobs in the middle of their sheer pastel blouse

>> No.10594275

I appreciate that this board cuts the bullshit that spineless lolitas on every other site perpetuate but some of you are filled with so much needless vitriol I wonder just how sane you are.

>> No.10594280

BSoLF is a fucking weird group and I hate that it gets recommended so much. Half of the time the "big sisters" don't answer the question that was asked and get weirdly invasively into the "role" - disgusting

>> No.10594289

Agree, middle sisters are usually the only ones to give "answers" and they're always full of shit.

>> No.10594290 [DELETED] 

Ok poorfag

>> No.10594294

it was about
>not everyone can afford a whole ass brand coord
as if brand is expensive/unattainable when there's multiple blouses, dresses, etc for the same price as offbrand

I've bought brand jsks for $30, blouses for $10, you can have an entire brand coord for $100

>> No.10594296

well, you're here with us :)

honestly, I think the big Facebook groups are just owned by sissies or fetishists because way too much time is spent defending clearly not passing, larpy trannies than defending lolitas from not wanting to see deranged and predatory stuff.


>> No.10594298

>Post unpopular opinions
Loolitaz became 2 much fast fashion. It needs more D.I.Y. and shopping outside like 3 brands that everybody buys.

>> No.10594301

^^^ this!! I could put together a whole brand coord on closet child for the price of one gaudy taobao monstrosity. Like you could probs buy a brand coord for the price of taobao shopping service >>10594290
fees and shipping alone.

>> No.10594302

Other than AP, what brands are you referring to

>> No.10594303

Lmao didn’t mean to tag >>10594290 I’m typing with one hand and OOPS

>> No.10594305

Moitie und aobao der frieunde

>> No.10594306

und I leave a courtain of silence on "brands" like Restyle.

>> No.10594318

agreed. I love seeing people make their own skirts, accessories etc. I think the main problem is that sewing takes experience. A lot of DIY projects end up in the ita thread and it discourages people from trying.

>> No.10594319

I think people can wear Lolita forever, but they have to drop the "kawaii desu neehh~" sh*t after 25 or it's cringe.
I know a lot of people who believe in a hard limit, but they are also the people who don't act their age and are struggling to hide the crows feet on their face. They'll say "you can't wear it after 25" but they're all older then that and trying to conceal their age.

>> No.10594322

The "kawaii desi neehh~" shit is always cringe, no matter how old you are. No one wants to hang out with people like that, they're a public embarassment.

>> No.10594324

I agree 1000%.

I hate that we created a fashion to escape the male gaze and now we eagerly welcome in the same people we created the fashion to rebel against; men who fetishize women.

>> No.10594325

>we created a fashion to escape the male gaze
lolita has nothing to do with the male gaze.

>> No.10594346

I wish lolitas stopped rallying for more plus size dresses and blouses and would rally for SOCKS.
Thigh highs
they're all for very thin legs. Fucks sake I just want some socks my former soccer playing self can wear. Big calf/thigh gang.

>> No.10594350

Poor people don’t belong in lolita

>> No.10594361

I wish fatties would shut up and stop whining to brands to make bigger sizes. AP has already been increasing their sizes to the point where an average chubby girl should fit them fine, and Meta's plus size goes up to 125cm waist. Beyond that size, not only is it hard to look good in lolita but cute clothing becomes rarer even in normie brands.
Crying that a niche Japanese fashion won't fit your fat ass when you're in American plus sizes is so ignorant. At least Taobao has some fatty options, they don't deserve anything better than that.

>> No.10594365 [DELETED] 

I’m a hiker and have defined calves and I never have an issue with AP legwear. Maybe you’re just fat?

>> No.10594376
File: 32 KB, 550x633, xkEKqQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go be an illiterate somewhere else.

>> No.10594379

They can be okay but someone was sperging out hard during the Minrorin one

>> No.10594381

Anon, you are truly speaking the words of God. Bless you.

>> No.10594384
File: 53 KB, 570x760, c79da34c13d25858ba1da3f8532c099c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is an unpopular opinion irl and will get you canceled but this 1000%
It is incredibly uncomfortable having to walk on eggshells around the trans and gender specials of the week and I hate how if you so much and sigh in their direction you will be dogpiled by their flying monkey defenders.

>> No.10594386

I don't wear brand, only offbrand, maybe that's why. I also am on the bigger side. If you have any reccs for over 45 cm calves I'd love to hear them

>> No.10594389

AFAB people who identify as male wearing sweet lolita should wear sweet ouji instead.

>> No.10594392

do tell

>> No.10594398

Eh I have pretty thick calves and thighs and have never had an issue with brand socks

>> No.10594404

Basically during the introduction segment, some really poorly dressed ‘kawaii’ person just kept sperging out about their love for Minori or Rinrin not sure. Like they dragged it out and it was so embarrassing.

>> No.10594409

Yep. Shouldn't have to accommodate for special snowflakes exclusively.

When did inclusivity turn to exclusivity? Lmao.

These trans usually look like a fat unkept long haired guy with titties that decided they had all the parts to be a woman typically

>> No.10594411

the problem isn’t how big brand socks are. the real problem is how few of them they’re selling. it’s the literal only thing no one wants to buy secondhand

>> No.10594412

White girls are ugly and look like shit in lolita.

>> No.10594413

what race are you and what races do you find look better in lolita than white girls?

>> No.10594419

I'm white, and Asians are much prettier and suit the fashion much better.

>> No.10594431 [DELETED] 

Your yellow fever is disgusting. We don’t want you fetishizing us.

>> No.10594449

can you stick to your containment thread please

>> No.10594485

COF and RC should shut down. Now, both of them are full of stupid dumbfucks who don't even wear the fashion, give shitty advices and want to normalize weird shits in the fashion.

>> No.10594507

Asians are just white people with slanty eyes desu

>> No.10594537

it's weird though because i feel like asian lolitas (in the west) don't get as much attention

>> No.10594578

Lolita is toxic, but at least it's not full of alt-right trad wives like cottagecore and history-bounding.
I started to shift towards those two trends and I couldn't stand all the closet racists.

>> No.10594598

Nahhh they're far more petite, way less fat, have sleeker hair, and most importantly don't have apocrine sweat glands.

>> No.10594610

Most Lolita's are prudes and it makes them extremely boring to talk to

>> No.10594661

Go back to /r9k/ you /pol/ reject. Not even /pol/ want you.

>> No.10594664


>> No.10594673

Disagree, I've had the complete opposite experience. None of them are really that degenerate though which is nice.

>> No.10594676

Sorry you have stinky apocrine glands and are hangry cause you're afraid of getting fat

>> No.10594684

That’s not an unpopular opinion here

>> No.10594686

I feel the same way about CGL. I like being able to talk to other gulls about lolita while remaining anonymous. I have to maintain a certain image for my job so I can’t really dress in lolita in public, join comms, or go to meets. I don’t have social media either so I feel left out from the Facebook groups.

>> No.10594697

I totally understand how unnerving it is to see SJW virtue signaling going wild in comm discussions, while you know that speaking your true opinions will get you banned, though

>lonelitas on general lack social skills or are as annoying as the comms they claim to despise
Obviously, if there is few to none other lolitas in your area, that's a whole different matter. But lonelitas "by choice" give off autistic vibes. It's not hard to get along with people, even if they don't have the same political opinions than you.

Please never reproduce then, the white race needs to be purged of pathetic elements like you

>> No.10594706

Hard agree. FB used to be fine but since a few years it's too full of snowflakes who likely do everything wrong they're harassing others about when they're not recording it on social media and freaks who make you the villain for not loving them and their lack of effort. cgl has its bad moments, but I take it over that shit any day.

>> No.10594710

If you don’t wear the absolute BARE MINIMUM of makeup (concealer or a light foundation, a touch of blush, mascara, a sweep of a nude shimmer eyeshadow, lip tint, and a dusting of powder) you look awful in lolita.

The contrast of a beautiful coord and a naked face is awful and jarring. I hate it when people say that they don’t wear makeup because they don’t like the way makeup feels. No one does, it takes time to get used to. Eventually you will forget it’s there. If makeup breaks you out find a brand that won’t and wash your fucking face at the end of the day. It’s not that hard.

>> No.10594711

>if you're a daily lolita and need to partially break the rules for your own comfort
You don't need to post daily tho. I mean, if you post on your timeline or on insta about your day and happen to wear lolita that's something else. But why would you post an outfit to show off the outfit when it's purposefully tuned down and made look worse for the sake of daily comfort? I just don't get why people feel the need to show it off if it's purposefully not good and show-off worthy?

Again, I'm specifically talking about those who post to show off the outfit then complain about people talking about their outfit. Not casual shots that just happen to wear lolita.

>> No.10594712

I feel this in my soul. OTT classic isn’t trendy yet all BTSSB produces is sheet lacy shit. All AP releases is ankle socks, and never enough in good colors like red and white

>> No.10594714

>The contrast of a beautiful coord and a naked face is awful and jarring. I hate it when people say that they don’t wear makeup because they don’t like the way makeup feels.
I disagree that minimal make-up is always bad, but I do agree that a completely bare face looks bad. But honestly, most American make-up is way too overdone to my European taste. Looks more fake than a sex doll. I always laugh when I watch American TV and after a while they have lines from all the make-up that get stuck in their frown lines. You look like clowns kek

I think a suitable foundation, eyeliner, mascara, eyebrows, etc it's fine. Doing full face can look good, but than rather more Asian style than American. That is assuming, you apply it in a way it brings out the best features and suits your face.

>No one does
Hard disagree. It really depends on the product. I don't mind wearing make-up on my whole face and never did, but you need to get products that are comfortable to wear. Just don't buy shitty uncomfortable make-up products.

>> No.10594718

People need to stop acting like all lolita is amazing quality becose many releases even from precious burando aren't that amazing to anyone who knows more than H&M. And same counts for saying it's a luxury fashion. I don't mind people saying it's a luxury to own/participate, which is true. But calling lolita a luxury fashion kinda sounds like those people who talk like Micheal Kors is designer as if it's on the same kind of prestige as real luxury designers.

Both just make you sound like a retarded poorfag who wants to prounce around how rich and fancy they are without actually being that, and make a lot of newbies think it's true because they've got no reference.

>> No.10594720

Any solutions for us stuck in the makeupless ita phase because of hand tremors?

>> No.10594721


>> No.10594722

Poorfags need to get the fuck out lolita. I'm tired of people asking for help with a whole list of demands then end it with their small budget. Feels like 80% of the people asking for help are like this. Go to the Primark and come back when you improved your income.

>> No.10594723

Anon from >>10594714
My apologies. I read it wrong. I taught you said the bare minimum looked bad, but you didn't my bad. I agree then, besides on the point that make-up is never comfortable when you first start.

>> No.10594726

lmao I bet you've liked my makeup-less coords on social media before
only ugly people with bad skin need makeup

>> No.10594729

>The contrast of a beautiful coord and a naked face is awful and jarring

I can bet you that nobody has ever said to a man who's well-dressed that they need to wear makeup

>> No.10594732

proper skincare > makeup

>> No.10594733

You could go for semi-permanent makeup options done by a professional so you don't have to do them? Eyeliner tattooing (it's come a long way and doesn't look terrifying now), microblading/eyebrow tattooing or dyeing, eyelash tinting, would probably take out the three parts of makeup that require the most hand control. Then it's just light coverage foundation, minimal eyeshadow (you could get away with one or two colours if you want to keep the makeup natural looking), and a light lip color, and if you get a tremor during any of those you can probably buff any mistakes out or wipe them off easier than with the others? I don't get tremors, I just have shaky hands when I'm trying to do detailed stuff, and sitting down and resting my elbow on a table with a mirror in front helps me keep my hand more stable.

>> No.10594734

Most people probably disagree but there should be a maximum weight limit for tea parties and meet ups.
Nobody over 150lb should be allowed.

Honestly imo 120 should be max. But I guess I have seen 1 or 2 ex army girls who weren't totally ita but were toned and weighed more.

>> No.10594745

Men would look so much better with a touch of concealer or foundation

You're not as pretty as you think you are

>> No.10594752

iirc there was a makeup brand for people with limited movement-hand control. The designer has parkinsons... let me check.

Oh, it is called https://www.guidebeauty.com/

>> No.10594753

How is it less classist to be willing to let poor women die in shitty factories just so you can participate in a luxury hobby though? I’m not saying brand lolitas are not classist (they are) or that brand isn’t made with slave labor as well (it probably is), but with cheap taobao lolita it’s 100% guaranteed. Seems hypocritical to me

>> No.10594755

Back to tumblr with you m8

>> No.10594759


>> No.10594763

alt right tradwives are easy to laugh at and ignore. sjws however are out for blood

what the actual fuck kind of doohickey small town do you live in where you can't even go to the next metro area over and bust out your frills? are you like a newscaster or something?

people who talk nonstop about being a lonelita or base their identity on it are super offputting. but the base expectation that lolita be a social hobby at all is sort of weird. not many other hobbies are like that, like if i pick up embroidery or a new video game, sure there are comms/groups i can join, but it's just as normalized to do that stuff on your own as it is with others. but in lolita there's almost an expectation that you're part of a comm or at least have an internet presence.

>> No.10594766

Honestly, get into skincare and have your brows shaped. But I think bare-faced is fine, just know for pics it won't look as good. I wouldn't get permanent makeup. Maybe get your brows tattooed/microbladed.

>> No.10594770


>> No.10594784

Ayrt I'm jell. The ones I meet have this 'holier-than-thou because I'm wearing a MODEST fashun and I'm not walking around with my tits out like a whore!!1!1!' attitude. So boring.

>> No.10594786

sweet ouji is fugly

>> No.10594787

>lists a whole face routine
>everyone's got masks that cover half their face anyway and most lolitas have bangs that cover more of their face

i'll just stick with my mascara rn

>> No.10594788

Asians have way less muscle tone which makes them look a whole fatter though

>> No.10594789

Literally any race other than white people looks better in lolita. White people in general are just really ugly in comparison

>> No.10594791
File: 179 KB, 362x207, purple wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10594794


>> No.10594797

I was going to say. How the fuck does this board complain so much about muh patriarchy muh unfair standards and then turn around and tell women they need to funnel more money into a billion dollar industry run by men capitalizing off of standards they made up for the sake of profit.

>> No.10594798

>muh patriarchy muh unfair standards

not a lot of people on this board complain about this, sounds like your gripe is with the pastel infographic lot. I mean cgl isn't exactly body positive (thank god)

>> No.10594801

This board is infested with radfems. Are you new.

>> No.10594802

hard agree. it's really embarrassing to see people fighting over who's the poorfag for half a thread when, guess what, basically everyone is a poorfag when it comes to real wealth and luxury items. spending 3/4 of your paycheck on hauls of a specific brand every other week does not a rich person make.

i don't doubt that there's a few people from real family money who post here (hell, i know one), but people like that don't tend to shitpost about how much money they have because they're very private, so...

>> No.10594807

>it’s the literal only thing no one wants to buy secondhand
I don’t get this, they’re just socks? You can wash them like anything else?

>> No.10594809

the radfem anons are not the same anons that tell other anons to wear makeup

>> No.10594810

/cgl/ isn't a hive mind, you autists

>> No.10594813

Tell that to footfungus-chan

>> No.10594816

I thought cottagecore was full of lesbeans?

>> No.10594819

And feminists. The other most insufferable of people.

>> No.10594822

History bounding is definitely filled with more of what anon is talking about but I can see some people who like cottagecore thinking the same way

>> No.10594823

Go back to /pol/

>> No.10594826

It is, they’re confusing cottagecore with those photos of white women running through wheat fields wearing sundresses.
Cottagecore is more secret garden or Anne of green gables sort of thing.

>> No.10594830


I heard both, since incel men looking for tradwives often sniff around cottagecore communities. Although honestly I sort of keep to myself and just use the tags since it's not really that deep anyways.

>> No.10594848

cottagecore is for retarded white girls anyway. incels are just trying to get girls who have the same limited brain functionality as them, of course they would look there.

>> No.10594883

Perhaps the reason for this is that Lolitas are into a very specific look that's not popular with modern fashion designers, so they don't have a really wide breathe to compare quality? I mean, trends come in and out (there are a lot of ruffles on the runway right now) but generally how often do we run into pin-tucking and inserted lace?

But see, the annoying aspect is watching a trad wife do a styling video and a bunch of radfems filling the comments section with their virtue signalling high-fives all around about how "alternative" they're being. I mean, It's funny in a way because it shows how out of touch they are about what they believe or "fear", since they clearly hate the trad gals but can't identity/realize they are surrounded by them. The Mormon trad wives I'm sure don't care who their followers are either way, since it's making them a bunch of money in ad cents.

There are LGBT+ people, but it's one of those situations where one person is gay/lesbeian so that person has to say it's ALL GAY and SUPER GAY and make it about stapling a sexuality to a fashion. Really the movers and shakers making social media money out of this are the trad and conservative women who are keeping their mouths shut and racking it in.

>>10594822 >>10594830
This is true, but as weird as it might sound I find them easier to shoo away then the guys that try to hover around Lolita.

>> No.10594890

That’s really nice, I’m so glad someone made this.

>> No.10594909

FYI the platform for earning ad revenue on YouTube is called AdSense, it’s a play on words. Not trying to be a jerk, just thought you’d like to know so you don’t look silly on non-anonymous platforms

>> No.10594930

The fuck are you complaining about then?

>> No.10594954

Anything over 150 is obese. Over 120 is fat.

>> No.10594956

No, you're wrong. Anything over 80 is obese. Over 50 is fat.

>> No.10594961

Resorting to strawmanning to hide being a fatty is unbecoming.

>> No.10594962

Incorrect. Anything over 5lbs is obese. Over 1lb is fat.

>> No.10594963

Wrong again. Anything over 33.8oz is obese. You must not weigh any more than the average shampoo bottle to be in this fashion

>> No.10594967

This shit right here

>> No.10594972

That I can't find socks that fit my large calves. IF YOU HAVE RECCOMENDATIONS THO FOR NON-GAMBLE BUYS....
Brand is a gamble, you don't know if its gonna fit or not so

>> No.10594975

not an unpopular one

>> No.10594990


>> No.10594993

the weave on AP's "Princess Logo" series is very forgiving. I'm a super pear with thick tree trunk legs and that specific series (which they restock regularly on the websites) works for me.

>> No.10595014

I don't like Honey Cake, I think it's a weird print choice and really ugly, especially the pink colorway. The yellow is the least ugly but you could not pay me to wear it. I don't understand why it's selling for so much, is everyone blind.

>> No.10595016

Lose weight is the best recommendation you're going to get. Lolita looks like shit on fatties.

>> No.10595022

>concealer or a light foundation, a touch of blush, mascara, a sweep of a nude shimmer eyeshadow, lip tint, and a dusting of powder
>Whole face routine
Nyart but you know heavy foundations, highlighter, bronzer, contour, lipsticks, lipliners, and eyeshadow that exists of multiple shades are pretty normal to wear daily in the USA right? Also common on photoshoots, proffesional make-up, and events all over the world. It's not even half a full face routine.

I feel light foundation, eyeliner, mascara and eyebrows do the trick, no need for eyeshadow and liptint per say (for lips just do keep them healthy and don't let them dry). Doing something like that takes like 10 minutes, and as anon said just find products that DO work for your skin. But to say that what anon said is a whole routine just shows you have not even cared to look into make-up and went into complain mode right away like the snowflakes do. If you're only gonna wear some mascara, don't be mad you get posted for looking ugly and getting worn by your coord.

Did you stop for a second to think there are more than one person on this board, and that those two groups are likely not the same people instead of thinking it's one hypocrite?

>> No.10595023

Maybe because a well dressed man is still looking masculine, and having some blemishes and shit is fine in a masculine look? I mean, they still need to look groomed otherwise they also get hate. Beside, in many places it's also normal for a men to wear foundation...

But lolita on the other hand isn't masculine. It's feminine. And without make up your coord wears you.

So sure, if you go for completely different kind of fashion rules change. Go be a tomboy if you hate masculine looks requiring stuff more to your liking than feminine ones...

>> No.10595026


Cottagecore isn't even really a community desu, it's just a couple of lesbians who think the world revolves around them and a bunch of aping white chicks.

>> No.10595031

Anon who made original post here
>Perhaps the reason for this is that Lolitas are into a very specific look that's not popular with modern fashion designers, so they don't have a really wide breathe to compare quality?
It's not just that. The whole muh quality muh expensive thing when not true also happens in normie fashion. It stems from people wanting to be special, play make-believe about it hoping others buy it. People with racks of Michael Kors bags tend to feel like they have closet full of designer bags, but no rich person will care that much & to many huge branding is tacky. But at least when someone says Michael Kors is designer people either realise it's not like, say, Versace, or correct that it isn't thát special. Yet in lolita, everyone is acting like it is truth to the point where shit quality that's worse than H&M (which most people should be able to compare with) still gets praised for its quality regularly. Guess it has to do with higher amount of snowflakes, as they tend to enjoy feeling more special & exclusive, the amount of poorfags that don't know premium clothes cost the same for better quality, combined with masses of noobs following their example to fit in the community.

Real rich people on the other hand will be able to tell quality, even if it's just from people around them or clothes they need for work. Beside many people who are regular midclass but love fashion or just rather invest in premium clothes so they'll last longer will know too. It's sad no one is trying to teach the noobs, but in the current state it just ends up with snowflakes shouting their crap is totally high quality in rl.

In general people loose their sense of quality nowadays. Just look how many people, also out of Lolita, complain you can get the same stuff on AliExpress and that Ali has great quality stuff. It's saddening. I guess I'm just tired of people being like this in general, it's just that I'm confronted with it the most in Lolita communities.

>> No.10595033

i had a revelation re: how shitty a lot of nu-AP actually is and it made me sad. maybe it's not unpopular? but just pull up the lolibrary listings for 2007 AP vs 2020 AP. all of the charm is gone, aside from rereleases.

i wouldn't even care if AP increased their prices to account for inflation so they could use better quality fabrics and more detailed construction. actually, i think a lot of people would pay the higher price and that they'd still sell out weekly. it just sucks that it's a fever dream and all i can do is pick at scraps secondhand.

>> No.10595034


>> No.10595036

> you can get the same stuff on AliExpress
I honestly think people parrot this idea because they've never felt and seen the difference themselves.
It's all too easy to look at a picture of a brand dress and think "the lace and cloth don't look much better than ali/taobao quality!" until you actually get the dress and notice all the fine polished details pictures just don't capture.
Even if the lace is "scratchy" it's likely far more intricate and only scratchy because it's stiff to hold up/last and not necessarily poor quality.
I have so many dresses that have small details just on the cloth itself that don't show up on photos and really give that extra air of refinement.

>> No.10595037


This. Their quality is also kind of weird and their fabric/lace choices have the same haphazard quality to them as taobao where rarely you get really lovely gobelins but other times it's limp polyester that makes their structures design elements like bows incredibly floppy.

>> No.10595038

Hard agree I've seen a lot of new releases that look like ugly taobao prints and had to double take at the brand logo. I blame modern lolita for the current scourge of taobao/ali litas.

>> No.10595048

I actually don't mind seeing lolitas posting pictures of their children sometimes, as long as they're not whoring them out. It just kind of reminds me that adult women can have a life and be interesting outside of their family obligations and it makes me happy to see women with kids pursuing their hobbies and having a life outside their identity as a mother

>> No.10595049
File: 155 KB, 1080x1920, received_1100949927074104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree stuff like pic rel is very charming in the sense that they still look cute/polished and haven't lost their sense of self in the midst of child rearing

>> No.10595053

What does one do if they’re having sudden allergies to makeup! I’ve been using it for ages and always wear it in lolita but lately I’ve been randomly breaking out or having like...eczema around my eyes from eyeliner. Should I just sticker my face?

>> No.10595085

I think this is a common sentiment outside the AP general and one of the reasons old school is big right now. Nu-lolita is very different from the style that got me and many others into the fashion.

>> No.10595086

this pic made me feel 60% more positive about having kids someday

>> No.10595087

Also Jelly candy toys is ugly as fuck

>> No.10595098

How old is the eyeliner you're using? It might be time to toss it.

>> No.10595103

Chubby lolitas are cuter (not pork moons, like slightly on the upper side of the normal weight range). Like, Voldie before her recent weight loss was way cuter.

>> No.10595104

>Voldie before her recent weight loss was way cuter.
something wrong with you.

>> No.10595105

I have really bad allergies to most makeup. My skin doesn't break out but my eyes and nose run like crazy.

I skip foundation or any kind of moisturizer, and just use a blurring primer and spot concealer. I also do my eyeliner and brows with eyeshadow on little flat angled brushes. I make sure my makeup brushes are cleaned regularly, especially my bigger brushes like for blush or highlighter bc they seem to trap more allergens (the smaller brushes I just clean on a makeup wipe after I use them, then wash them thoroughly every few weeks). And I keep my makeup palettes and stuff very clean, and change out my wet products when necessary.

>> No.10595108 [DELETED] 

Voldie was obese

>> No.10595110 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 1242x1229, 7EB12A77-2B00-4C94-B894-771C60567614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voldie was obese

>> No.10595119

To me it's a print that goes into a weird middle ground of not being sweet like Sugary Carnival or Milky Planet but isn't toned down enough compared to some IW border print dresses. I can't find a lot of those types of dresses so prints like Honey Cake and Osanpo Candy-chan were high tier dream dresses. That being said, the poly tent release going for so much is a mystery to me.

>> No.10595122

I agree and I'm entire wardrobe is AP. Every time I criticize a release in the AP general people start screeching. Sometimes I feel like I must be hallucinating the horrible main pieces because people defend them so readily. All I see is a disappointment and a ghost of what AP once was.
I've said this multiple times on cgl, but I haven't bought an AP new release main piece in 4 years (I buy secondhand and new accessories, just no new dresses). People tell me I'm lying, as if I can't be selective when choosing what to buy. It feels like everyone else is sucked into the hype and ignores how bad the releases are because "omg it's AP!" I am still convinced a lot of these people must not own any AP release before 2016, because how could you honestly lay them side by side and think anything released in 2020 (besides MTOs) even compares?

>Nu-lolita is very different from the style that got me and many others into the fashion
This is also very true and hits the nail on the head. Whatever AP is releasing now is not what got me into the fashion. Even stuff like Jelly Candy Toys and Ice Cream Parlor just feels like someone is trying and failing to imitate AP.

>> No.10595125

Tyler is a shit person and a hypocrite, and although she is a good friend to Lor, they both worked hard to make space for sissies, trannies and fatties. Both of them can get canceled and replaced by black disabled lesbians in drag. They worked really hard to make it happen and its time that they get cannibalized by what they created.

>> No.10595127


>> No.10595128 [DELETED] 

Lor has done more damage to the western lolita community than any other individual lolita(yes, including k8). She has enabled people to be permaitas, and created a space for them to thrive. She has also created a space for predatory troons to thrive and harass real women in a space that was once considered space for real women.

>> No.10595129

I would title this pic "dreaming of lace" or "me on the inside outside"

It's very sweet, it shows her "inner self" and "real world self" combined. We all dream of Lolita fashion and she is dreaming and living her dream together without conflict.

>> No.10595131

I really fucking wish I could meet some of the gulls here. Like, the sane ones. I like cgl and as OP said, there's a weird fake aura to cof, instagram, etc. I find this place to be the least BS and I enjoy using it. Only reason I'd be against meeting some gulls is precisely because it's anonymous-- I don't really want to be speaking to somebody who thinks a tranny who's literally living their life, being normal and not being a creep should die, or that a 70cm waist is a 'whale'.

>> No.10595139

>I really fucking wish I could meet some of the gulls here. Like, the sane ones.
There aren't any.

>> No.10595159

AP hasn't had any good designs since Princess Cat, Meta on the other hand has been killing it even if they're the fatty-chan brand now

>> No.10595160 [DELETED] 

Shit opinion. Princess cat was larme garbage and has aged like milk

>> No.10595167

Go back to wearing your Tom and Jerry OP, you filthy animal

>> No.10595181

There are some, but they know better than to engage with people on here because most are crazy. Just go to Lolita events and look for normal people. You'll probably meet some by accident.

>> No.10595196

I wear makeup infrequently enough that I wash my brushes after every use. I got new eyeliner but liquid seems to heck up my skin, and I dislike pencil liners. Skincare products seem to be fine but mascara and eyeliner apparently bother my eyes. I also have excoriation disorder so using a heavier foundation is normally preferable for me when in lolita...

>> No.10595209

Did k8 ever really negatively influence lolita? At her most influential I just remember her having shit makeup and being a stereotypical AP lolita. But I agree on lor/kawaiijo/the influx of poorly dressed lolita "influencers" only making things worse. The bar for western lolitas nowadays is so low, it's embarassing.

Princess Cat marks the time where AP's designs truly started to circle the gutter; between that and their disney princess collab dress (which I get was a lower price point because it was being sold at disney, but still)

My hot take is that post-2010 AP hasnt lived up to the hype and I never quite understood why it's considered the de facto "lolita" brand

>> No.10595215

Did you like her because she was chubby or just Drake's face?

>> No.10595219 [DELETED] 

The whole LACE debacle really threw a wrench into the community and allowed for people to start attacking each other more frequently under the guise of uwu chasing out the buwwies

>> No.10595232 [DELETED] 

K8 shidded and fardded. Never 4get

>> No.10595235

k8 has essentially ruined a lot of the separation of Lolita and personal life. The fact that we know she has a thing for poop, she cheated on her husband with some dude who wore diapers, says enough about that.

>> No.10595240

I appreciate this sentiment, simply because I have kids and there's just a lot of pressure to drop everything and make motherhood literally your entire identity, so sometimes I feel like a selfish person for having an expensive hobby when the money could be spend on my children's future. But if your spending is budgeted, why repeatedly deny yourself happiness? Happy and well rounded people make much better parents than unhappy ones with no hobby or lives of their own (And of course normies drop just as much money on wine or scensty or mlm girlboss shit so really I shouldn't feel bad either way, but yknow)

>> No.10595244

Not to mention you're a role model for your child and having a unique interest or really any kind of interesting and positive personality/hobby will be good for your children to be around.

>> No.10595368

>blemishes are inherently masculine
nah, it's just men don't wear makeup, that's why you view blemishes are something unfeminine/masculine. Also, I don't see what wearing frills makes you need to wear makeup. The only thing these 2 things have in common is that they fall under the western idea of 'femininity but, aside from that, they have absolutely nothing to do with each other

>> No.10595373

Lolita isn't a modest fashion. Covering body =/= modesty

>> No.10595377

Completely agree.

>> No.10595391

Lolitas that have a parasite, fungus, strange disease or deformity need to please stop mentioning it in their posts when trying to show others a new coord or talk about something they bought.

Also don't talk about it in the feels thread either, there are surely better places to go to discuss your health problems...

>> No.10595397

We know those things because she's such a shit person, people won't keep her shitty secrets. And it's really a small portion of the comm on the farm. I have a hard time thinking of her as influential, but that might be me.

>> No.10595415

She was back in the "olden" days (mid-2010's), mainly because she had some rare/coveted AP and posted regularly. She's gotten more and more openly unhinged as time has gone on, so I understand why it's weird to think about now.

>> No.10595427

Seriously. They’re like “here’s my coord but I have xyz so no blouse no petti no anything. Here’s my normie dress.” Then 400 comments saying “I love your coord!!!!”

>> No.10595430

If you're active in your comm, you probably have already and just don't know. I'm pretty sure I've recognized some of my friends on here from their typing style and the kind of shit they say. I just don't admit I'm a gull because my comm is very anti-cgl and I don't want to start drama. We all know anyways.

And for the record, I only think trannies that are sexual predators should die. Well behaved and well groomed trannies are fine by me, all two of them. And whale status doesn't start until 85 cm waist. Let's be friends .

>> No.10595451

For real. Social media is teaching a new generation of lolitas that the "I have crippling hyperhydrosis and my pronouns are shartself" caption is more important than the actual clothes.

>> No.10595651

Legitimately ill lolitas, those who look ill, kind of repulse me. I don't want to see deformity on a regular basis. I don't want to see ugly, fat or misshaped lolitas. It's fucking disgusting and pity likes keep bumping them up

>> No.10595720

It's awfully impolite to tell everyone about about illnesses jfc.

>> No.10595841

Larme is what really killed Lolita....

>> No.10595846

who is k8 im a newfag so i dont know shit

>> No.10595847 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.10595848

>I'm a newfag

We can tell, go ask in one of the appropriate threads

>> No.10595851
File: 504 KB, 1560x2015, F73A854E-CB89-4973-B003-ACC3DE251436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you have the money, doesn’t mean you should buy it

>> No.10595852

Wonder how much it cost. I'm planning to go to Houston soon to visit family, might be worth checking out.

>> No.10595858

mad terf detected

>> No.10595860

it's definitely worth stopping by imo

>> No.10595866

Speaking of KSK, anyone know when they're set to deliver the preorders of those long Meta Strawberry JSKs and blouses? Still haven't gotten any updates from them.

>> No.10595870

would that thing even fit into that dress

>> No.10595882

Anon did you have a stroke...?

>> No.10595886

nah they're just German

>> No.10595887

They have a secondhand section now, right? How is that going? I love the idea but LM is already so prevalent, I'm curious on how it's working out

>> No.10595897

Fuck, I remember that. Pixielocks jumped right into that too. I had almost forgotten she was a lolita at some point.

>> No.10595901

I feel like LACE was dumb but the claim that k8 trying to draw attention away from her literal massive public shit is the reason people nitpick each other to death in this community on every level is dumber.

>> No.10595920

Ich heisse Nina, Ich habe ein hund. Mein hund ist blau.

>> No.10596030

If you want to shock yourself, go look at what pixie is up to now. She's settled into being a completely different person. She seems happy now, but it's still shocking how her parents just let her flounder for so long.

>> No.10596031

I want that damn grandfather clock desu

>> No.10596036 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 828x466, 72E02EA7-DC43-4DBB-88D7-C70CDF86516D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit she got so fucking fat. What happened???

>> No.10596038 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10596039

Age, meds, mental illness, complacency and a sedentary job after she did YT full time, and no longer being a wannabe anorexic and shooping herself smaller than she ever actually could have restricted down to.

>> No.10596110

>Nyart but you know heavy foundations, highlighter, bronzer, contour, lipsticks, lipliners, and eyeshadow that exists of multiple shades are pretty normal to wear daily in the USA right?
Women in most normal countries don't dress up like burger clowns. Quit acting like the US is the standard.

>> No.10596120

Lor is right, concrit culture is bullshit, we shouldn’t care if people are dressing themselves badly. Lolitas are seem by normies as clowns even without itas, they don’t make any difference in our lives.

>> No.10596121

I'm in the US and I rarely wear makeup at all, and very little with lolita. All burgers aren't cakefaces.

>> No.10596123

Lolita is even more so seen clownish by Lor wearing literal clown makeup. One thing is poofy skirts and lacey tops and another is trying your best to look like a circus clown.

>> No.10596124

Aliexpress isn't that bad for simple socks and stockings

>> No.10596142

You're ragging this down with terf logic. The actual reason coords look better with a bit of makeup is that it helps balance it out, especially more sweet ones. But blemishes, face texture, or any of those "ugly" things we cover up with makeup are natural and show up naturally on women's faces. Your idea of femininity has been skewed by instagram and the pressure from society that women have to cover those things. I'd like more coords without makeup, or very minimal coverage on real imperfect faces. Itd help de-stigmatize these things that are visible on most of us.

>> No.10596145


>Lor is right
>Lolitas are see[n] by normies as clowns
>Not implying Lor is the only clown seen as a clown by lolitas as well as normies

Well, you're posting in the right thread, at least.

>> No.10596156

Nayrt but I'd rather not be reminded my skin is incorrigably zitty, thanks. It doesn't take Instagram to realize that shit looks gross.

>> No.10596157
File: 630 KB, 1121x1600, GLBcomic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10596158

>She has also created a space for predatory troons to thrive and harass real women in a space that was once considered space for real women

I’m starting to become convinced that half this board saying this bullshit are either single lolitas or are 19.
Trans lolitas have existed in the hobby for well over a decade. I’ve been in the fashion since 2008 and trans lolitas have been there the entire time, welcomed by the community.

>> No.10596170

I feel like you're just proving my point here. Acne is normal and idk abt your skincare situation but I just don't think people with bad texture or things like cystic acne, or even just the normal couple of pimples should have to cake on makeup to cover it up to avoid being called masculine or gross. And if there wasn't such a high stigma around acne I feel like you wouldn't act so repulsed of your own skin.

>> No.10596173

Ntayrt but thing is it objectively just doesn't look good. I don't understand why people try to force the idea that infected hair follicles and scabs are beautiful?
It's healthier to accept that we all have flaws and that's okay. None of us are perfect but we don't have to pretend that we are 100% beautiful all flaws included. That's just deluded thinking.
You can always look better though and put effort into improving your flaws even if it's just on the surface.

>> No.10596175

Thing is I never said they were beautiful. I just want them to be acceptable and neutral. Youre going for the same thing I am but I either wasn't clear or you misinterpreted me. I just don't want people with things like acne and texture to be seen as gross (especially bc a lot of acne has nothing to do with hygiene) or dragged just for having problematic skin. If im being honest I'm only talking about this in the first place because I thought it was stupid how that one girl in the ita thread was getting shit on for having textured skin. The coord Was shit but her having acne had nothing to do with her bad coord. I am a weirdo who thinks most acne is charming but I really just think it needs to be normalized.

>> No.10596176

To add to your point, people can be beautiful despite having acne. If someone is pretty enough, a bit of acne isn’t suddenly going to turn them into an ugly hag.

>> No.10596185

Lolita looks best on chubby girls

>> No.10596189

Its stupid when people talk about literally anything but the coord and like makeup/hair styling in the its thread. I rlly don't give a shit that someone's fat or has a bigass pile of clothes in their floor. They can live their life I wanna roast the COORDS.

>> No.10596196

I unironically agree, why the hell should I care how someone else dresses themselves, especially some stranger. I don't like Lor or her style but I don't have to be the one wearing it so what does it matter to me?
Gulls like to act as if every ita personally ruins the "reputation" of the fashion just by existing. Also if you care that much about what normies think this just might not be the right style for you.

>> No.10596199

>lolita reputation ruined by X
What "reputation"? Only reputation it has is of grown up women who do not want to grow up mentally.

>> No.10596207

lolitas have brain damage so they think normies can differentiate girls dressed poorly from ugly girls dressed in ill-fitting clothing that technically matches. it's really just embarrassing.

>> No.10596210

>lolitas have brain damage so they think normies can differentiate girls dressed poorly from ugly girls dressed in ill-fitting clothing that technically matches.

bbbbbuttttt... anon, they are dressing for themselves, not for publicity.

>> No.10596288

i love this comic no matter how many time i read it thanks anon

>> No.10596405

Not sure who thinks that, but an ugly girl is going to get more nasty comments from normies than a not-so ugly one in weird clothing.

>> No.10596406

Idk where you live but women get harassed for being pretty by men and other women all the time.

>> No.10596485


No matter how often this gets posted, I'll always remember being an ita mess as a loliable Misa wannabe babbylita and everybody practically giving me the evil eye and trying their best not to be near me. I went into a shop to buy something and the sales attendant was giving me the evil eye the entire time.

Then I finally got my first AP and while it was missing a lot of accessories I also put more effort in my hair, my makeup, and generally looking more presentable. So much difference. So many smiles. So many compliments. Random normie asked where my clothes are from. It was a small meetup where the wait staff photobombed the group photo and it was so enjoyable.

It either sounds like trolling or a cope if people really can't tell between your worst outfit and your best.

>> No.10596519

I think trans women in the fashion are fine. As long as they act like regular ol' women and aren't retarded genderspecial mental cases. Some trans women just want to be socially accepted as women and don't make a big deal of their identity. I appreciate this. It's very natural and easy to accept trans girls like this. When they just act like another of my gal pals and want to talk about clothes and makeup and stuff like that. Literally just one of the girls.

It's the fake-bois who look like women, act like women and make no effort to socially and physically transition then they put on hyper feminine clothes and demand to be addressed as he. This is literally the behavior of an insane person. And I want nothing to do with someone who is so mentally defective. It's not genuine. It's a woman just trying to get an 'oppressed minority status' so they can have more reason to whine and cry. 'Waaaahhh people misgender me! I'm such an oppressed 3rd class citizen.' They want to be trans without putting in the effort. I can't respect that.

But I can totally respect a trans woman who is literally just being a normal woman and not making some big uncomfortable thing out of it.

>> No.10596522

'harassed' is subjective. I live in a progressive state/city and I have had more positive commentary from strangers than friends do.

>> No.10596523

If they acknowledge they'll never actually be women they're usually ok people. imo

>> No.10596526

Agreed. But I'd still rather interact with people with no dick between their legs or raging testosterone.

>> No.10596542

Hard agree. Normies don't know what lolita is, or fairy kei, or what makes a coord lolita, or anything else. But they damn sure can tell when an outfit sucks and whether or not you put effort into your appearance, because that's universal regardless of what style of clothes you wear. And people LIKE seeing interesting clothes and unique fashions, no matter what it is, because literally every normie has at some point wished they had the balls to wear whatever they fuck they wanted.

And even more important than your outfit is your behavior, grooming, and how you carry yourself. If you look nice and clean and sane, people will like what you're wearing no matter how ridiculous it is. If you act like a creepy weirdo with the 'tism they won't like it no matter how pretty it is.

>> No.10596545

>tfw ugly but have overwhelmingly positive reactions in lolita

>> No.10596562

I’m sick of seeing coord pictures loaded with filters. We all know the blurry alien child face in the pic isn’t your real appearance and always trashes resolution and erases details on the clothing. I’d rather just see natural, imperfect faces

>> No.10596571

maybe this is just me but has anyone else here felt not included by the Lolita community at all, like I've been to meetups and tried to talk to people and I've
somewhat felt pretty ignored anyway.

>> No.10596572

Let's all ignore anon for keks

>> No.10596573

I'd rather they sticker it

>> No.10596576

PLEASSE Ive had enough أأ

>> No.10596577

okay maybe this is also just me but does anyone else like not find Lolita humor funny at all, the Simpsons memes with bows make me want to pull my hair out and the Naruto run is enough to make me want to leave the community forever

>> No.10596579

maybe its just cuz im younger then most people in the community and the millennial Tumblr/ Simpson memes really just don't do it for me

>> No.10596603


>> No.10596610

you have to be 18 or older to post dumb fuck

>> No.10596611

see >>10596572

>> No.10596612

Someone report it to the mods.

>> No.10596617

Gulls have the most retarded opinions i've ever read. You somehow manage to make the dumbasses over on twitter sound intelligent. This would be fine if you at least acknowledged that you gave no actual thought to your opinion and are just reacting out of pure emotion. I think what makes me cringe the most is that most of you act as if you has any idea about what you were talking about and will have day-long debates that mostly consist of absolute dumbfuckery. This goes for debates about mental health, politics, gender, relationships... Genuinely, you guys are dumb as fuck. Talk to an other human. Read a book. Know when to shut up. Stop letting mentally ill 30 year old women on cgl dictate what your opinions should be. Do better.

>> No.10596618

Most people are dumb as shit. 4chan isn't any different, it's just anonymous.

>> No.10596623

Yes and I swear all the good ones sell out so fast! I need more pink socks!

>> No.10596624

Facts. I still lurk them in disgust.

>> No.10596625

I blame lovely lor to an extent.

>> No.10596628
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talking about lurking in disgust

>> No.10596631

Aren't most trans girls on hormone blockers so they wouldn't have any testosterone?

>> No.10596632


Imagine being this dumb

>> No.10596634

With hormonal therapy they have the same testosterone levels as any cis woman

>> No.10596638 [DELETED] 

Do you also think that women don’t have any testosterone? How are you this uneducated

>> No.10596657

>Then I finally got my first AP

could have stopped reading right there - your issue was mostly not the way you dress or do your hair but the way you feel and exclaim that in your body language

>> No.10596665

>Agreed. But I'd still rather interact with people with no dick between their legs or raging testosterone.

>> No.10596686

is the joke that you can the names through the blue marking? or am i dumb?

>> No.10596693

I'd rather be called a fatty whale than deal with social justice warriors desu

>> No.10596696

this is incredibly based

>> No.10596697
File: 39 KB, 495x700, 7E4A6674-1DA8-4E28-8CD1-BAD3A741B5D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t tell if you actually don’t get it or are fucking with me? It’s a very iconic Moitie dress and that photo is a model wearing it, not the person that submitted it. Someone tried to give concrit to a stock photo and also asked where the dress was from.

>> No.10596701

People like that can call themselves MS but I didn't even have my BS application acknowledged kek

>> No.10596702

>Want to be a girl? Then maybe you should learn to take being judged like a girl by girls. You don't look pretty, just because you want to be a girl.

Ah yeas, because toxic femininity is obligatory part of life of every XX chromosome wielding female.

>> No.10596711

most of them are.

>> No.10596712

I stay far far away from that group. Painful.

>> No.10596714

I saw a MS say they'd never heard of apron skirts last week. That group seriously needs better mods.

>> No.10596721


>missed the "babylita loliable mess" in the paragraph before
>"I'll pretend my conclusion"

Wow you really weren't kidding with the "not reading" bit.

>> No.10596747

I'm 26. Troons were tolerated but weren't a protected class

>> No.10596749


>> No.10596752 [DELETED] 

What’s a troon?

>> No.10596754

Why are you even here. wE tOo DuMb fOr yOu.

>> No.10596756 [DELETED] 
File: 478 KB, 1284x1242, 6D7DD63B-9CE4-4541-B1EE-C479ED21655E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A severely mentally ill man who for whatever reason(usually sexual/fetish caused) believes he is a woman. Unfortunately for some reason society seems hellbent on encouraging these men to mutilate their genitals and inject themselves with cancer causing hormones. If that wasn’t bad enough, these men prey on women and children.

>> No.10596758

I hate empire waists and how popular they are. I just don't think they're very flattering and prefer a defined waistline silhouette.

>> No.10596770

They look good on trannies and fatties since they obscure the waist. They started flooding the market so the market adapted to them.
I also hate it. That and overly long skirts/dresses/jsks. It looks so sloppy

>> No.10596790

I think they look better on petite woman since the chest areas of most empire waist lolita dresses are very unforgiving.

>> No.10596792

Shrug I'm a petite woman and I really don't think they look good either way.

>> No.10596841

Anyone who says "lolita is a luxury fashion" is just a joke these days. There's always been Bodyline, secondhand, and taobao has made it into fast fashion. Only Japanese brands hold the line in quality. However, if you have $40 dollars or sometimes even less, you can seriously buy brand if you know where to look.

>> No.10596845


It's not aimed at that. It's aimed at all the really, really weird beggar poorfags who want to tell the world sob stories about how their families abandoned them, they lost their job, life is so cruel, their pet is dying (again), they haven't had a meal in weeks and their rent is overdue and their landlord is a pos and they might be homeless in a week.

~~Sooo, oh won't someone please buy their lacemarket listing, or donate them some burando so that they can feel cute. Or at least "allow" them some replicas because oh so poor but need lolita, lolita is so essential to life (like, apparently literally, and it's top priority over other problems??)

I really don't know what is wrong with people like these. Let lolita be labeled a luxury hobby, you're not supposed to be spending money on even Bodyline if you can't even settle your rent, should this not be basic financial common sense already.

>> No.10596849

only petite women with no tits you mean

>> No.10596862

It got deleted. OP confirmed lurker kek

>> No.10596863

Old school pieces aren’t tiny, you’re just fat

>> No.10596864

I submitted my BS application months ago and never heard back either

>> No.10596865

This is just a fact, not an opinion. Old school pieces can often be shorter though. But many tall people still fit them just fine.

>> No.10596866

>Wow you really weren't kidding with the "not reading" bit.
Wow you really weren't kidding with "being a mess" bit.

>> No.10596867


About that Bodyline & Taobao point... If someone were really that broke, but dedicated to the idea of having a "full wardrobe" yet it's all Bodyline and Taobao, well, that's just very unfortunate and they will likely look like shit.

I wouldn't promote that as an idea.

Lolita is a luxury fashion where REAL high quality brand dresses can run $300+ and up new, but yes with patience one can find very nice things secondhand for prices that are more doable for the average young adult paying their own bills.

I actually think the idea of peddling lolita as easy-entry/inexpensive is actually pretty misleading and contributes to newbies putting in very minimal effort. If you want high-quality items and to make cohesive looks, it entails much more than buying some "meh" quality JSK from Bodyline.

Consider that unless they plan on being a conlita, they don't only need to buy one (1) main piece on Lacemarket, but multiple, and then some lolita appropriate socks, shoes, bags, tops, petticoats, accessories, etc. You can't half-ass lolita looks, you really have to have the whole ensemble. Those kinds of minor-yet-integral things add up pretty quickly. To your average young adult, that's a pretty big financial commitment, therefore luxury.

>> No.10596868

Lolita fashion does look doll-like so I don’t understand why people get mad when they are compared

>> No.10596869
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>> No.10596872

You can buy big brand ops and jsks for $40-100 easy on places like closetchild anon. That's cheap af

>> No.10596881

not to mention mercari, yahoo auctions etc

>> No.10596894
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Yes, and that's not a bad deal or anything, but if you have literally not a single lolita item in your home, you don't buy the secondhand dress from Closetchild and call it a day! You still need to collect all the lolita appropriate and matching coord elements shoes bags blouses socks etc and it really adds up. Even shopping smart, after shipping and fees, you could easily end up spending $100+ on basic accessories for one outfit alone. It gets easier as you go, but starting out it's a pretty big investment, and I think newbies should know that especially if they intend on looking good- not be told to shop on Taobao or Bodyline just because it's cheap and readily available.

>> No.10596932

True, the initial investment sucks, however without actual research, they're gonna look like trash regardless. If the ita threads have proven anything is that you can look just as ita in a $500 get up as you can in $100. They might as well start cheap until they get a feel on the fashion and develop some sort of taste.

>> No.10596940

Me, too, and I am a fatty whale. Someone accused me of "body positivity" after being posted and I'm like, really? I have never touted my size as healthy. I'm trying to lose weight. The only thing is that nothing is going to stop me from wearing the fashion in the meantime. Any dress I let out, I can take back in.

>> No.10596941

as someone who wears it, I never understood either. I'd rather be compared to a cute doll than the book lolita.

>> No.10596968

I think they're really cute and they're so comfortable for lazy days too. I have no tits and empire waists have always been more flattering for me.

Lolita reminds me of those old dolls grandmas collect. I used to think those dolls were beautiful as a kid and I think it's part of why I love this fashion now. A lot of us hate the comparison from normies though cause they assume it's some sexdoll fetish or they think we literally want to be dolls.

>> No.10597239

i really didn't know, i just came here for the first time yesterday cause i've never noticed this board before.

>> No.10597484

Ngl a lot of it is just pent up frustration because if you say anything in a FB group that's not uwu lolita is for everyone or you don't sugarcoat your concrit you get banned or muted immediately

>> No.10597487

Sounds like it went bad. Toss it and get a new one.

>> No.10597581

Die Walkure looks nothing like a Nazi uniform and anyone who thinks it does is unobservant and retarded.

It's generic military inspired. The peaked cap vaguely resembles in shape only. But this cap shape is not exclusive to the Nazis. So it's generic. And the eagle is probably the only thing, but it's missing the swastika. So it's also just a generic eagle like literally every military on the planet uses.

The dress and rest of the outfit literally looks like nothing the Nazis ever wore. Calling people who own this outfit a Nazi is even more retarded. It's the most generic of generic military inspired outfits. People who do this are the weakest, cry babies I have ever come across. Mentally defective with wild delusions seeing Nazis everywhere. Weak, scared, sniveling faggots.

>> No.10597610

Puvithel jewelry looks incredibly tacky, It always looks like someone went into the toy dress up aisle of a dollar store, bought the stock and is reselling it online. It looks like aliexpress rip offs and it looks even worse irl than on photos.
The other product designs just look like they're trying to not be a replica but also heavily drawing inspo from known brand pieces. It's kind of unoriginal and watered down versions of actual creative pieces ands it is so transparent. It looks so cheap, trashy and tasteless that I feel bad for anyone wearing it.

>> No.10597720

People see vaguely military shit plus german name and immediately screech about muh nazis.

>> No.10597782

Prints that mainly feature humans/humanoid creatures freak me out/make me feel uneasy, especially if it features a storyline throughout the print (this is mostly seen in Taobao prints but Brand does that sometimes.) I don't know why. No matter how good/detailed the art is, it just drives me away from the dress. Like, I do appreciate the detail that goes into the art and I enjoy looking at the art it's just that it being on a dress seems weird to me.

>> No.10598155

The vast majority of lolitas who claim to wear gothic just wear sweet in dark Colorways/with a vaguely spooky theme and it's annoying af

>> No.10598549

>generic military inspired
>ww2 axis uniform
>named Die Walkure
>it's not nazi at all gaiz
>ur all faggots

Lol. You're also forgetting that after American people wrote to Meta about the set, it was renamed "Die Walkure." it was originally called "Dark Secrets." Meta knew about the connotation and went full in after Americans complained.

>> No.10598553

I honestly hate prints I don't get how people find them pretty especially ones newer than the 2010s ott era

>> No.10598748

Do you mean like Cinderella Bunny?

>> No.10598789
File: 483 KB, 480x640, 9JYJtaUx6FvWVwIxFuQ7E4D5D2W1KXngp548JKoU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but more so like a lot of taobao dresses like "Spring of Europa" op from Magic Teaparty or "Swan Lake" op from CEL or this btssb wizard of oz print. I like all the art as prints just not on dresses.

>> No.10599496

i think the real number of mid aged males participating in this discussion pretending to be lolis or whatever is out of charts, thats why as the most self entitled and prolific member of this community i propose a tit check algorithm, just to be safe

>> No.10601605

>if you dont look attractive you cant into lolita
tranny politics aside this is the kind of petty shit humans with fully functional pre-frontal cortex's capable of empathy look down on the fashion community for.

>> No.10604637

120 isn't even heavy if you're tall. I'm 120 and underweight