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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 48 KB, 693x509, Colossalkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10591546 No.10591546 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here /cgl/, Colossalcon just announced they're going through with the con in June and as expected people are reeing about how they are singlehandedly executing grandmas in the streets. What do you think?

>> No.10591552

Colossalcon can't even check badges, I seriously doubt they'll be able to manage preventative measures like temp checks at the door, enforce mask-wearing, etc; Plus, there's the whole issue of getting people to wear masks in general at a water park.
Other cons are already kind of pushing it by reopening while vaccination levels won't have reached herd immunity by the time the event arrives... It might be a better idea for Colossal in general to just wait it out until September for CCE so that they can get information from other cons about ways to effectively enforce safety measures instead of going in quasi-blind.

>> No.10591558

I personally find it hilarious that "vaccines work!! Get the jab!" until it comes time to have an event and suddenly the exact same virtue signalers are now saying "There's no evidence that the vaccines work well enough to have large gatherings of people safely..."
Literal clown world

>> No.10591567

bruh it's not that they don't work, it's that they work and are effective through herd immunity like literally any other vaccine. we won't be at herd immunity by june.

>> No.10591572

The goalposts shift again. What happens when we hit the magical 70% herd immunity? Oh, suddenly there's a new variant and now the goalposts have moved again.
Don't you get it? It will never be enough for them.

>> No.10591578

is your whole thinking/conception of how a global pandemic works really based on an "us versus them" model? I know we're on a board that talks about dressing up as 2d Chinese cartoons for fun but damn you're delusion, I do not envy you friend

>> No.10591581 [DELETED] 

literally fucking kill yourself.

>> No.10591582

great argument, plague rat

>> No.10591583

If you're talking about the same people who, in the beginning months of an allegedly deadly pandemic that we had to cripple the economy for, lose jobs and any semblance of normalcy for, decided to endorse protesters gathering en masse because "white supremacy is a greater health threat than Corona", then yes, it is and has been an us vs. them thing.

>> No.10591584

I agree it's kind of bullshit that people still think they won't go to a con until at least 2022. Ohio's doing pretty well at 30% vaccination rate at the moment. in a month or so it's not impossible to think it could reach 60%, which is pretty damn near herd immunity. Still, it's ultimately up to whoever would want to go.

>> No.10591603

I guarantee you a good chunk of those complaining will still go anyway.

>> No.10591626

I think they shouldn't reopen just because the world is still so messed up from covid right now.

For example, how are they going to get guests from Japan? Everyone will still have to wear masks with cosplay. The water park makes that a unique issue. Both water parks and cons are just crowded by default. If for some reason it's not crowded, it's not much of a con.

>> No.10591632

Everyone knows the complainers are still going. Every con that is reopening is a break down of these posters
>10% actually going
>45% saying they won't go and holier than thou, already booked
>45% just buttmad that it's not the con that THEY wanted to reopen instead of being canned

Looks at this post right here >>10591626
>how are they going to get guests from Japan?
What the fuck kind of nigga looking forward to that at a party con like colossal? Like lmao retry that bait hombre

>> No.10591635

Not bait. Serious question. If I were from Japan, I'd stay the fuck away from disease ridden American pools.

>> No.10591636

Yeah I agree. I mean one of the big appeals of colossal is that it’s a waterpark con. People are not going to wear masks while swimming and they certainly aren’t going to wear them while doing photoshoots

>> No.10591638

No, I'm saying who the fuck actually looks at colossal con and thinks "yeah, I want to go to that for the Japanese guests." There are infinitely better cons for that

Like holy fuck thanks for the laugh

>> No.10591642

No one will answer this because they know it was extremely hypocritical to have those protests even for something as serious as BLM early on in corona days

>> No.10591645

Most people were not apart of those Soros funded protests, anon. Anyone legitimately scared of the pandemic stayed home and far away.

>> No.10591656

>Don't you get it? It will never be enough for them.
Can you fucking losers not wait until early 2023? Do you REALLY have to go to a con in the next two years? is that all your life amounts to? Just going to anime conventions, spending money, and meeting unwashed dorks?

You're the reason why we're still going to be quarantining until 2024. You.

>> No.10591662

100% this, one of my friends posted about how it's so dangerous and then messaged me about how she's going anyway lol

>> No.10591666

>"Can you not wait 2 weeks to flatten the curve?"
>"Just put your summer aside this year, it's worth it if we can save lives!"
>"Okay, we know it's been 9 months, but it's just Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Is that small sacrifice not worth it to you if we can save lives?"
>"Can you not wait until we're at 70% vaccination and have herd immunity? Stop being so selfish!"
Now >"Can you not wait until 2023?? It's selfish to go out and see your friends and do the things that make your life worth living! Stay home forever and be miserable for the rest of your life!"

>> No.10591667

>Just going to anime conventions, spending money, and meeting unwashed dorks
you say it like it's worse than sitting your ass indoors, spending your time virtuesignalling online and spending money online

>> No.10591725
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>thinking corona is bad
>not realizing you have to go to ohio for this
Priorities man, think about being stuck in ohio. Covid would be the sweet release.

>> No.10591737

jealous califag
enjoy your lockdown

>> No.10591738

>Can you fucking losers not wait until early 2023? Do you REALLY have to go to a con in the next two years? is that all your life amounts to? Just going to anime conventions, spending money, and meeting unwashed dorks?

>> No.10591755

Fuck grandma.

>> No.10591756

Nah not cali, just spent too much time in ohio

>> No.10591764

people didn't wear masks or stop going on vacations or avoid gatherings for holidays so none of that shit worked lol

it was only ineffective because people are too retarded to delay gratification for a month so now we're in year two of this hell

>> No.10591767

>people didn't wear masks or stop going on vacations or avoid gatherings for holidays so none of that shit worked lol
Explain sweden

>> No.10591768

How many grandmas do I need to kill for this to be over?

That aside hotels already sold out, clearly enough people don't give a fuck.

Everyone who will want a vaccine by the end of may will have one, it's time to let go

>> No.10591778

Based response. Libs will seethe about things re-opening this summer, but the reality of the situation is that no-one is going to give a FUCK about self-quarantining once the vaccination rate hits 60-70%. The vast majority of people have only been waiting for the shots to get back to normal, no more, no less.

>> No.10591785
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>hotels pretty much sold out all around the con
oh wow look at that the ability to go to the con came and went without even noticing

>> No.10591800

GWL and Comfort Inn sold out already? there were rooms available as recently as yesterday.

>> No.10591806

Not sold out exactly but the prices are near 1000 for the weekend or some absurd number, comfort inn is like 700 dollars

>> No.10591819
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Found a cheaper hotel up the street, holy shit I hope the blue line is running that weekend because I have no idea what uber/lyft is like that far south.

>mfw it doesn't run that weekend and stuck

>> No.10591831

way less people, way less stupid people, and free healthcare

>> No.10591841

>way less stupid people
What do you mean, the IQ is about the same
> free healthcare
What the fuck are you talking about? because it isn't most basic OTC medication requires visiting the doctors offices

>> No.10591859

FYI, that's 30% with one dose. 20% fully vaccinated, which is pretty much on par with the rest of the country.
But yeah, by the time June hits the majority of people in the country that want the vaccine will have gotten it.
Doomerfags in the comments of that tread talking about the indoor gathering limits (500 people or 25% or whatever the fuck it is) as if they're permanent. Are they that fucking dense that they can't realize those numbers are going to go up (possibly WAY up) come June?

>> No.10591861

Seriously. The Kalahari never wanted to shut down in the first place, it even sued the state of Ohio over it. They DGAF.

>> No.10591866

I'm grinding my teeth as I type this, because I hate the faggot, but....
Based Donnell. (And yes, he's the one making these decisions, and not whatever figurehead they have "running" Colossalcon now lol).
On one hand it seems like it would have been wise to postpone it a few months, but that could have ended up fucking over Colossal East in some way, and that's all I really give a fuck about.

>> No.10591904

What kind of pathetic loser still cares about covid?

>> No.10591963

Sounds pretty normal to me. $700+ is standard even before corona, get someone to split it with you

>> No.10592006

I'm sitting on five Kalahari rooms and have no intention of going. Still waiting for Colossalcon's details but if they don't move dates or cap, that's a no go for me. I'd rather cancel and return them to the $300/night rack rate fee than trade them off to some selfish weeb.

>> No.10592011

Everyone still does

>> No.10592014

>less people, way less stupid people,
That's not an answer: The Swedish government was prepared before the rest of us, but took so light an action that they quickly had a problems with the virus.

I'm all for free healthcare, but the USA is giving vaccinations for free, so that's not relevant in this case.

>> No.10592015

>That aside hotels already sold out
>clearly enough people don't give a fuck.
pick one.

>How many grandmas do I need to kill for this to be over?
>Everyone who will want a vaccine by the end of may will have one, it's time to let go
are you okay?

>> No.10592022

I don't and haven't for some time

>> No.10592049

Only virtue signalers and mentally fragile zoomers who think that they will die if someone uses the wrong word on the internet or breathes in their direction

>> No.10592054

When this con still existed did people actually swim and play in the waterpark? I can't imagine this goes very well with cosplay unless you have a swimsuit

>> No.10592070

>we will be releasing more details over the next week

Translation: We'll let you know all the bad news in like a month or so after we've sold more tickets, and more people are committed to going.

Masks on at all times except when in the water. Anything that would gather people in close proximity (game room, etc.) will be cut.
I generally like Colossalcon, but at best this year will be dull, and more likely will be just an overall miserable experience.
You'll only be able to take your mask off long enough to pour some of your $50 Kalahari drink into your mouth in hopes that it will make you forget how terrible everything is.

>> No.10592076

>this fucking doomer shit


>> No.10592077

A fairly large percentage of cosplayers bring swimsuit cosplays to wear at the waterpark. It's one of the main draws of the event.
It's mainly for photos, most people aren't going to "swim and play" in their full cosplay. There's an after-hours party they have during the con. They open up the waterpark during the late night hours, and a lot of people will wear regular swimsuits and get on the slides and stuff at that time, rather than during the day.

>> No.10592169

Yeah, especially in the hot tubs, the wave pool, and the lazy river. The wave pool and outdoor area were basically packed with cosplayers doing shoots. Some people also rode the slides out of cosplay like >>10592077 said.

>> No.10592192

the con is secondary to the fact that it's a water park. a lot of people wear a wig at most while hot tubbing, some tryhards have waterproof costumes, but the con isn't much like what you'd see in the music videos

>> No.10592193

>if they don't move the dates
They won't. That would have already been mentioned if they were.
>or cap
Yeah, they might be forced to do that.

They're withholding details so people won't cancel. And I wouldn't expect those details to come in the next week like they said. Any post they make within a week will be a minor update and end with "we're currently working out the other details, and will get back to you soon!"
Followed up by a post six weeks later with all of the stuff that they know will be unpopular "Sorry we took so long to get back to you, we were so busy working on things...."
Do yourself a favor and make a fucking decision on your room within the next week.

>> No.10592214
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>7,000 person cap
>no photoshoots
>25% capacity at panels
>masks required indoors and outside in mixed company
>no day passes
>no console gaming
>no food or drink indoors

whew lads

>> No.10592216
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Just capped the full list of requirements. Kek no drinking indoors already makes it a bust

>> No.10592217

Yeah that sounds about right, other than the no food or drink indoors. Those overpriced drinks are a huge money maker for the Kalahari, and they ain't gonna do anything to discourage people from buying them.
>7,000 person cap
Anyone have any idea what the typical attendance for the con is? Colossal has always been super fucking secretive about their numbers for some reason.

>> No.10592224

Other than shit they can control like 7k people, panel, and shuttle stuff is the only thing they can hard enforce.

Like otakufest in Jan and Anime Dallas in December, went to those and same shit was said. Once you "leave the con event area" they don't give a fuck. For photo shoots just go do your own small meets in the parking lot, then walk back in.

>> No.10592228

And just lie about being in the same room group as others, unless they decide to start branding people based on their room numbers lmfao

>> No.10592231

I did kinda feel like a doomerfag when I wrote that post. But take a look at the restrictions they've posted now.
Tell me about how much fun the con is going to be.

>> No.10592236

yeah it's gonna be pretty stiff, you're right anon

but the water park and outdoor areas are still open, and not under the con's jurisdiction. just hang out outside and you'll be relatively in the clear, that's the whole point of the con anyway

>> No.10592243
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This is literally a "We are enforcing this to cover our ass to not be sued", like the disclosure was probably drafted by a lawyer which is smart. Basically if parties get to big or loud and people get sick, con can claim no fault. By the time June rolls around though I figure most of Ohio will be vac'd at least by the first dose anyways.

Probably a fair bit of fun honestly. I'm not staying at the con hotel as not only is it sold out but; It's far easier for me to do a small room thing of a handful of friends, and not be rolled into security checking on me or randos trying to sneak into a room party getting it busted.

Like I said shit was the same at OtakuFest and AnimeDallas when I went, just be smart. Don't come if you are at risk groups, and follow the rules at the con during the con. Tada, there is your answer. At the prior cons, people would just find the empty spaced out parts of the parking lots to do their photoshoots with their friends or related cosplay people, then return to the con.

Either way looking forward to it.

>> No.10592247

>It might be a better idea for Colossal in general to just wait it out until September for CCE

for the 1000th fucking time

the con literally does not have a say in whether or not it cancels

only the government can shut it down

if the government does not shut it down and the con cancels on its own, they will get sued out the ass by their vendors and contractors and that will be the end of the con for good

this applies to every con

>> No.10592248
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/cgl/ midwest discord, channels for cons around Chicago, greater Chicago, and Ohio, including this con.

have a safe and fun water park con

>> No.10592268

Yeah but like... can't you read minds or just make a time machine?!?! I want to me a cooming doomer like okabe

>> No.10592298

Holy shit, this sounds awful. But thank you to all those that attend and support this con, since you're helping keep CCE alive.
I sure as hell hope that CCE won't have anywhere near that many restrictions.

>> No.10592301


I can't play the consoles I have at home at a con?

>> No.10592434

Sucks for you son, you can't have that drank anymore. You will just have to swallow sadness with your mask on always

>> No.10592443

You're an idiot

>> No.10592460

I'm excited for this. For every person who posts on Facebook how they don't feel comfortable there's 5 that are mashing the purchase now button for passes. Got my bois. Gonna have my booze and cosplay. And all you got to say is you got asthma or some shit and boom. You are walking mask free. This will be a great time. Scared? Stay home. I guess I'll die like I was supposed to at every event I went to last year. Or you know. Working everyday in close proximity to everyone last year.

>> No.10592473

What are you gonna do about no indoor drinking

>> No.10592479

No drinking in the convention center. Rest of the resort is open. Plus drinking in your room with friends is 100x cheaper. Then you run around enjoying the buzz.

>> No.10592483
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40oz in the Mobil parking lot across from the con

>> No.10592491 [DELETED] 
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>For every person who posts on Facebook how they don't feel comfortable there's 5 that are mashing the purchase now button for passes.
Who cares about facebook drama, it's literally just going to be a bunch of "holier than thou art" shit posting worse that what is currently going on. Meanwhile, they slide into the con and already purchased tickets en mass because they want to go anyways. Prob just running with the B side cosplay this round. If you wanna have a good time at this con and other cons for the foreseable future stay off facebook lmao.

I've seen worse shit with boomers on planes when I had to travel during shit
I see worse when I go to the gas station or grocery store

Just be fucking smart, use the brain that is on your shoulders to fucking think for a moment.

The bar according to the website is open right now and serving guests, at worst I take a uber/lyft or blue line bus up to texas road house and slam some beers before going back to the party. I just wanna have a good fucking time without people screeching about how the world will literally end because some one wanted to do something similar to what March Madness is doing currently but that's okay somehow because ~reasons~

>> No.10592520


masks don't stop viruses, sweetie

>> No.10592573

Thanks anon, your incredibly insightful and well thought out argument totally made me rethink my stance on this virus that is so deadly that you need to be tested to know if you have it or not.

>> No.10592576

fuck off retard

>> No.10592577

We are on a board a fucking retards. They don't know, care, or could give any shit.

Can half of the people fuck and drink at a con? Yes. This is all that matters to them.

Can the other half scream profits over pandemic? Sure. The event places could give a rat ass shit as their bosses need the events going to get bills paid.

A binding contract is a contract that can not be stopped because no one in the government is going to stop it. Stop blaming the event you fuckwit retards.

>> No.10592582
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So just to get it out of the way

gull meetup plans? I'm a bit off site so eh, limited to what I can do. So why not brain storm now

>> No.10592600
File: 125 KB, 731x411, Colossalmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you dare criticize us on our page!
I mean, fuck virtue signalers and everything, but a post like this is kinda pointless.
The passive aggressive shit at the end is a bit cringe. I feel like whoever runs the page could be on the verge of a meltdown, which would be hilarious.
I wonder if one of their "former" staffers that they claimed were "fired" wrote that post. That snide remark at the end sure reminds me of the old guard.

>> No.10592644

Just registered, but will only be there saturday and sunday because im a wagie from another state. I'll try to go to a meetup if there is one.

>> No.10592692

Whats the best way to get roommates?

>> No.10592699

if you're too much of a coward to go then stay home

>> No.10592701

go quarantine yourself til the end of time if you want to
why bother if it'll be like that

>> No.10592727

>REEEEE I'm scurrrrrrrd
Isolate yourself forever then, virophobia-chan, the rest of us will have fun.

>> No.10592728

have friends irl anon

>> No.10592737

I would actually love to meet they types of people who browse this board AND are willing to have fun in a pandemic. Thursday or Friday maybe?

>> No.10592812

Any predictions on if/when they'll sell out of tickets? About what percentage of their normal attendance is 7000 anyways?
I feel like they might struggle to sell tickets with the huge amount of restrictions they have, but idk.

>> No.10592820

i dont wanna room alone do you think more people will be interested in the con closer to the event?

>> No.10592878

I strongly believe they will sell out. People are screaming for some kind of escape from covid hell. Mandates are falling off in states. Dewine will cave to pressure. Hes bitch made.
I'm guessing you got a month before passes sell out. Once the room crowd see no hope in moving their rooms to next year they will buy them immediately.

>> No.10592940

Anyone looking to room transfer? Got a suite now I gotta get rid of my spare room

>> No.10592960

This con will never be colossal. You will never have a colossal thread, it will soon wither and die.

>> No.10592972

I would imagine 7k is between half and a third of their normal attendance in recent years. I'd say to buy your badge sooner than later

>> No.10592973

also everything this anon said is correct and wise.

>> No.10593015

Yeah, I had a giggle at the amount of people asking if they could carry their rooms over to next year, which of course was totally ignored by whoever runs the Colossalcon FB page.
No you fucking dimwits, you can't carry them over until next year. The situation does suck because you're going to have to choose between giving up your room, or going to a subpar convention this year. But it is what it is, and no amount of angry reacts on FB is going to change anything.
And for future reference, when your questions go ignored, it's because the answer isn't what you want to hear. Like when people asked "Is Donnell still going to profit from Colossalcon?" after he "stepped down" (Yes, he will.)

>> No.10593017

Aight, depending on the size of people showing up could dictate it. Suggestions, all I was thinking was maybe meetup at a bar or something during a food break.

There is a Japanese steak house with a few things north of the con.

>> No.10593022

Check the discord link, room share shit is being done there

>> No.10593042 [DELETED] 
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Dead con, this is now a Sneed thread

>> No.10593043
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>> No.10593044
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Pretty much.

>> No.10593045
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Colossal to attendees

>> No.10593046
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>> No.10593047
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>> No.10593049
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>> No.10593050
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>> No.10593051
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Sneed > Colossalcon

>> No.10593052


>> No.10593053
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Like this?

>> No.10593054
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i'll be there
willl you??

>> No.10593055


>> No.10593171

Dude, same. "BUT IT WONT BE SAFE TILL NEXT YEAR THEN COVID WILL MAGICALLY BE GOOOOOONNNE" Fucking idiots. This is literally the stupidest time in human history. Not to mention people don't seem to understand contracts or how business actually works and that you can't keep pushing shit like this back.

For some reason these people think they are special and their opinions matter. Weird as fuck. Social media rots the mind though.

I dont do any of the panels or extra shit from cons, mostly stick to people watching and rave. So the restrictions don't bother me too bad. And kalahari has stopped giving a fuck a while ago. Last year there were videos of a packed Waterpark.
Meet up at the bar outside the convention center. Then tell the staff to fuck off if they say something. I'm not looking forward to the ones that are still mad with "YOU HAVE TO WEAR A MASK IM AN OFFICIAL VOLUNTEER DONT YOU CARE ABOUT GRANDMA"

>> No.10593176

Went to the Kalahari fairly recently as a family trip. Staff really doesn't care about masks and they can't really discriminate against you if you are anti vaxx cause of Ohio laws.

>> No.10593177

Pretty sure no one can discriminate against antivax because some ruling about medical history.. Those court cases haven't been popping up yet, but they will.
That is solid to know though. Thanks anon!

>> No.10593182

Ohio made a law about it this year. People are scared but I can promise you, the entire cons going to be packed and plenty of people won't be wearing masks or give a flying fuck. This will be like a normal colossalcon

>> No.10593186

For those curious about the waterpark
-all indoor and outdoor jacuzzis are open
-all waterslides and wavepool are open
-florider is open
-monsoon saloon and swimup bar along with many other nice things are open
-yes they still have the giant refillable souvenir cups

>> No.10593188

Oh I believe it. Social media pushes the "we are all scared and you should be too" agenda hard but majority do not give a fuck. It is gonna rule this year. And I plan on getting completely fucked up.
Based information anon. We were talking to a security guard at colossal east one year about those cups. They bring them in by the pallet for cons, east of 2019 made some absurd money that year.

>> No.10593192

If you need anymore information about the con feel free to ask. The entire waterpark is pretty much open and so is the 7D stuff and the escape room.

>> No.10593194

You know if they are doing rave or night swim? Night swim was lit last time I went.

>> No.10593198

Until colossalcon says otherwise I'm pretty sure nightswim will be around.

>> No.10593221

Colossalcon tickets are officially soldout! Sorry guys!

>> No.10593258

I love that you cucks don't care about what others think so much that you obsess over other people disapproving of your actions. Very alpha

>> No.10593268

This is main part of colossalcon opening that I don't like. If it was locals sure whatever. I just don't want a bunch of these out of state rats coming into my state right now.

>> No.10593274

In '15 they were at 20k so 25-30k? This is badged too. Lota of people attend and never buy a badge to the con.

>> No.10593275

You're talking about the water park you need to buy a wristband for go through a secured check point to get to? That area of free movement?

>> No.10593286

No. Stop, anon. Colossalcon tickets are not sold out and will not sell out for a few weeks at least.

That got me to thinking though. It seems likely that water park tickets will sell out, considering they probably are selling a limited amount each day due to covid restrictions.
Might not be a bad idea to buy those online ahead of time, because without the water park, Colossalcon is a total bust, especially this year.

>> No.10593318

They come with the room. Me and my bois are gucci.

>> No.10593326

Worry not fellow ohioan. The corn protects the faithful.

>> No.10593338


I hope there will be Corona Chan cosplayers.

>> No.10593361

I don't care what others think of me, I just think it's funny to laugh at the mentally fragile doomerfaggots screeching about covid.

>> No.10593383

>lmao u mad that I'm not wearing a muzzle, doomercuck?
>reeee why won't the pandemic end?

>> No.10593443

>Frames entire thread around people's reactions to the announcement
>Acktully I think this funny
Sure bud

>> No.10593444

I was under the impression people as retarded as you had handlers to keep you from being a nuisance.

>> No.10593446

ableist bigot. There is nothing wrong with being neurodivergent.

>> No.10593462


I know people on the spectrum who say otherwise.

>> No.10593504

Shut your tardhole, plague rat.

>> No.10593558

fuck you nazi bigots

>> No.10593561

fully half of my group of 10 people are just going to fuck around at the water park and zoo for five days. badge cap or not the con's gonna be packed

>> No.10593605
File: 103 KB, 600x338, 5b92fc10d684c2a4d7ded96fc2a9d476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao I wear a mask every single time I go out because I don't want to deal with autistic screechers. I can still laugh at retard virtue signalers on Facebook. What is nonbinary thinking?
I'm not even going to Colossal and never planned to lol I moved out of the area. It's just hilarious to watch the shitshow go down

>> No.10593972
File: 12 KB, 724x94, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: They're letting people whose badges transferred from last year get forwarded to 2022 or to the other cons. It's a good move, I think, and will definitely win back a lot of the crowd, but without affecting room reservations I wonder how many people will care.

>> No.10593998

Hi donnell

>> No.10594174

>win back a lot of the crowd
Not really. People just like to virtue signal on social media. That crowd will continue to shit on Colossalcon, and every other con that happens in the next several months.
Ultimately, Colossalcon will sell all 7000 badges, and those regulars that shit on the con this year will all be back next year.
It's all just empty virtue signaling.

>> No.10594266

also they're saying kalahari room reservations might be able to get moved back

>> No.10594295 [DELETED] 

I’m healthy, 23 years old, and all my elderly family are vaccinated. Why should I give a fuck about covid? Because apparently 1% of health people still die or have long term symptoms? Yea I’ll take my chances at that over losing what little remains of my youth.

>> No.10594297

I’m healthy, 23 years old, and all my elderly family are vaccinated. Why should I give a fuck about covid? Because apparently 1% of healthy people still die or have long term symptoms? Yea I’ll take my chances at that over losing what little remains of my youth.

>> No.10594390
File: 116 KB, 1080x692, Screenshot_20210412-212327_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no one wants to go to your stupid munch with your husband that looks like a third generational result of incest you greasy hog

>> No.10594394
File: 45 KB, 540x960, 20046430_1216870558446639_2516381204599746317_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but think of the potential, the standards will never be lower! don't you want to discover new and exciting forms of degeneracy? they might even name a disease after you!

>> No.10594677

Do... do I even want to know what a "munch" is?

>> No.10594724

>2016 I hate grandma and grandpa for voting trump
>2020/21 Stop having fun you’ll kill my grandma and grandpa

>> No.10594730


No you don’t. I had a friend who was into that scene and I learned way more about it than I ever wanted to.

>> No.10594772

fetlife brand orgy

>> No.10595362

no raves.

announcement will be later this week.

>> No.10595453

we raving in the waves anyway

>> No.10595457


You can simultaneously dislike someone and not want them to die horribly, anon.

>> No.10595502

I'm surprised that wasn't already on the lengthy list of "health procedures" for the con.
Basically, no fun allowed at Colossalcon. You may have fun in your rooms until someone complains and shuts your party down.
Then you can sit quietly and drink until the weekend is over.
If they have even half of those restrictions at CCE I'm gonna be fucking livid.

>> No.10595507

whatever you fuckin old woman

>> No.10596004

Nah. No ones gonna shut down anything at this rate. Kalahari knows who pays for what. Gonna be a bunch of maskless drunk anons ready to fucking go hard on cosplay. The rest of the con stuff will get pushed to the side when you can actually socialize again.

>> No.10596377

>herd immunity meme
>unsourced announcements
what a shit thread already

its not a sex thing they literally meet for lunch to get to know eachother. Boring unless you bang someone after, and keep in mind also most these people are boomers.

you mean bring your own console? if thats how its going to be it'll be overcrowded as shit for just one game.

>> No.10596566

>Kalahari knows who pays for what
I mean, I you'd assume that was the case, but they sure gave zero fucks about that when they basically ended the con a day early at CCE a couple of years ago.
I'm not anticipating anything that extreme happening, but if you get a few guests or anyone on staff with some authority that decides they don't like all the young people around, watch how fast they suddenly pretend to care about covid regulations just to fuck with you.

>> No.10596582
File: 14 KB, 522x76, unknown-27[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This fucking doomer shit
>fake virus
sup fag?

>> No.10596601

this is the funniest fucking shit omg. played stupid games and won stupid prizes.

>> No.10596670

Why are male Touhou "cosplayers" so fucking gross? Not sure why'd you want to party with a guy like this who doesn't shower.

>> No.10596672

Shit thread fits the shit con

>> No.10596677

Didn't you already try this in the otakufest thread where it failed miserably?

>> No.10596681

that wasn't me, I just hate this dudes avatarfagging, selfposting ass

>> No.10596682

In general they're not fat, while only 12% of burgers are metabolically healthy, the Japanese guests will be fine if they're under fifty.

>> No.10596684

>cant push rooms to next year
>friend who has 2 rooms is assmad

>> No.10596685

>gran in her nineties survived the coof and two rounds of vaccinations
>meanwhile "completely healthy" teens and people in their twenties die the media tells us
>99% of the time their pictures tell us these super duper healthy young peeps where super morbidly obese and anywhere between 350 and 750 elbees
What if they limit registration to people with a BMI under forty? That should cut down the risk and still allows fatties within reason.

>> No.10596687

>normies out there worrying about corona and mask policies
>meanwhile on fatlife YOLO obeasts having orgies

>> No.10596688


how bout 25 instead, better on the eyes

>> No.10596692

I'm sure you're an ok dude in person, but why do you feel the need to avatarfag here?

>> No.10596694

Let's go full /cgl/ and make it BMI of 18 and under

>> No.10596717

Wow, this thread.... is something else, catching up I thought I clicked on /b/ given the level of this absurd posting and I've seen my fair share of shitposting on this board throughout the years. Is this what post covid cgl is going to be from now on? Just the 12 months, and counting, of being shut in with all the PMS'ing releasing at once? I get we all we've all gotten a bit stir crazy after all this time, but didn't expect this level of shit.

If anything there is to tear into on it's about the offensively bad aliexpress level dress. I am not exactly sure what board you are originally from but this is a board for hosting cosplay pictures and posts, even if it's bad.

>> No.10596765

Now THATS a con crunch

>> No.10596766

I literally just takes one pissy Karen within earshot of your room party to shut you down

>> No.10596796

Oh yeah, the dress is shit. I've just seen this dude avatarfagging on a bunch of different threads and I just don't get why he does so.

>> No.10596812

that anon is still him, retard.

>> No.10596906

Sneed's feed & seed

>> No.10597007

>Practically zero flu during the 2020-21 flu season (check the cdc)
>BuT No oNE WaS MasKiNg AnD SoShuL DisTaNcIng
Want to know how I know you're full of shart, filthy virtue signaler?

>> No.10597015

>why are people mad at me for saying a pandemic that killed their family members is fake?
damn I fucking wonder

>> No.10597020

that's... 134 pounds for someone of my height

sounds doable, let's get crunching

>> No.10597318

>we won't be at herd immunity by june.
Ohios vaccination rate by may is likely going to be over 50%
Add that to people already resistant from getting it due to factors like youth, blood type, or previous infection, and yeah, june is a pretty reasonable expectation.
July would be better, but waiting until labor day would be minimally improved at a lot of lost revenue.
Remember, cons require attendees. If all the cons are pushing back to the end of summer, most conventions won't survive.

>> No.10597393

Interesting. Does one of these exist for the southeast?

>> No.10597400

How much do you have to drop anon?
24lbs over here. Let's do it together

>> No.10597446

Ohio won't have a 50% vaccination rate "by May" (that would mean by the first of May), but it should be at that rate by THE END OF May. I don't mean to nitpick, but people keep using that phrase incorrectly.
I certainly wouldn't say waiting until labor day would be "minimally improved", because by then everyone in the country that wants to have the vaccine will have been able to get it. The difference between 50% and 75% or so is significant. This is why Colossal East will have a lot fewer restrictions in comparison to the horrible shitshow that Colossal Ohio is shaping up to be.
That said, I don't think Colossal really had any choice in the matter when it comes to Ohio's dates. They would have likely had to pay a stiff penalty to the Kalahari to postpone it, if they even would allow it at all.

>> No.10597477

Because they are trannies.

>> No.10597502

Any other caps of this fucker?

>> No.10597505

I appreciate the enthusiasm but I'm 6'1" and I would need to lose roughly half my body weight in a month and a half to meet 134. I'd be happy to try to lose 24 lbs with you though and we'll both come out better for it!

>> No.10597572

Oh. I took "sounds doable" literally kek

>> No.10598093

Ive never had any issues with him but I always hear bad things

>> No.10598338

Who even is this guy?

>> No.10598975

>What do you think?
If by June you haven't gotten on board with a jab, it's because you chose not to. If that's the case, fair play to you if you'd like to roll the dice and take your chances. We can't keep waiting forever.

>> No.10599031

This is what will happen if Dragoncon goes on.

>> No.10599280

So, are people bothering with cosplay at all this year? Incorporating masks into their costumes?

>> No.10599348

A lot of people go mainly to do swimsuit cosplay at the waterpark, where masks generally aren't required.
Actually, Kalahari staff is fairly lax with masks in general. There shouldn't be any problems unless some of their staff decides they hate all the cosplayers/young people there and wants to fuck with them, which is a possibility.

>> No.10600294
File: 635 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210421-131805_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you or someone you know has a Kalahari room, be sure to (tell them to) check your email for something from the resort. You need to confirm or decline your room by the end of the month if you want to keep it, or else they're keeping your deposit and kicking you off the room.

>> No.10600336
File: 193 KB, 1080x1892, FB_IMG_1619104004057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least use a better screenshot than half the email from someone's phone.

>> No.10600500

You just say you are medically exempt. No one can question you. Maskies hate confrontation as well. They expect to shame you. But when you make them question their beliefs they just shutdown. Its the npc way.

>> No.10600624

yes i can confirm that I am absolutely not interested in talking with someone who doesn't wear a mask, this is correct

>> No.10601443

A bit over two weeks after tickets went on sale, and they are nowhere near selling out.
They have 6 pickup time options, and only 1 of them has sold out.
There's no way of telling exactly how many tickets have been sold, but it's likely around 1500 - 2000. Still a long way to go.
Shocking that they may not be 7000 people that want to sit quietly and drink in their rooms for three or four days.

>> No.10601828


I wonder if only having badge pickups on the first two days has anything to do with it. I’d be willing to pay the money if I could pick up my badge on Friday or even Saturday.

>> No.10601835

Shit doesn't sell out instantly. They'll get far more sales when it rolls up closer to the con.

>> No.10601876

>make con when most people can't go
>don't have to refund tickets to pre-sales that no-show
>make money with an ultra-low-budget con to cancel out last year's lack of revenue

>> No.10601877

They have badge pickup hours listed for every day of the event. My understanding is those pickup times are just the earliest you can pick up your badge.
Well, there is some truth to that. Whether or not they'll get "far more" sales closer to the con remains to be seen.
I think a lot of people are really hesitant to pull the trigger on buying a badge due to the overwhelming number of restrictions.

>> No.10602132

>when most people can't go

normal people can schedule a weekend vacation when given two months notice anon, not all of us are scraping our food stamps together to keep warm in our cardboard boxes beneath the overpass

>> No.10602594

I'll be fully vaxxed this weekend. My entire group will be fully vaxxed before this con. I am absolutely going to this. I'll wear a mask when necessary & for, like, a week or so after just out of courtesy for those I may possibly come in contact with.

But this is why we got a vaccine in the first place. To be able to live normally again. The people I will be conversing with (most) will be 100% vaccinated. Just because some random 20-25% of jackasses in Ohio refuse to get vaccinated does not mean I'm going to be a bow to their whims. If they're simply never going to get vaccinated for political reasons, we're essentially never going to live again - unless we get vaccine passports. We don't have that now. We may never. For now, this is a calculated risk I feel comfortable taking - virtually zero risk to me, severely mitigated risks for those around me (mask + distance + being vaccinated + those around me are almost 100% vaccinated already).

>> No.10603398

this is how I am, having graduated from a doomer

thank you for putting it into words

>> No.10604211


NYC fully reopening on July 1.
NYCC & ANYC are pretty much 100% confirmed to be happening now. Whether or not they decide to cuck themselves by running at a reduced capacity will remain to be seen.

>> No.10604948

Dude thats awesome! My group is not going to be vaxxed at all! And we won't be wearing masks! And we'll be living life like we've been living it since this pandemic started. You know, going outside, continuing to meet with family, literally going to work and being surrounded by people who are also unvaxxed. So see you there dude, have fun and make sure to wear triple masks, Dr. Fauci said thats more better for stuff and things.

>> No.10604953

Kek imagine being such an insecure asshole that someone being happy and excited for a fun event makes you mad

>> No.10604969

Whose mad? I'm super excited for this event. I'm gonna be there with my friends and its gonna be rad. This anon chose to share that they WILL wear the mask, THEY DID take the vaccine and they are going to be the best person the media tells them they can be! Nothing wrong with reminding them that triple masks work.

>> No.10605002

mental illness

>> No.10605662

Imagine only 7000 people at Dragoncon. Would it even be worth them having the con with that low of a headcount??

>> No.10605678

You can't compare a con in June, in Ohio, that normally gets around 20K people to a convention that's in September, in Georgia, that normally gets around 80K people.
Georgia is one of the less strict states when it comes to covid restrictions, and they rolled back even more a few days ago. It's also three months later in the year than Colossal, which is a big difference.
I'm not saying there won't be restrictions at Dragoncon, but if there's an attendee limit, it won't be anywhere near as low as the 7000 Colossal has.

>> No.10605777

how do you manage to get dressed without strangling yourself in the shirt

>> No.10606525

So, what is Colossalcon usually like? Whats the vibe? Do people even cosplay?

>> No.10606533

It's hard to say what CC will be like this year seeing how covid has changed a lot of things one way or another.

>Whats the vibe? Do people even cosplay?
it's a party con with cosplay all over, but from memory not all that much 'professional' cosplay. Vast majority of it is stuff you'll see is ebay/etsy/aliexpress level stuff, I mean it's an ohio con if you're looking for something big just skip and hope anime midwest happens.

>> No.10606780

Whats the likelyness of getting laid?

>> No.10606869

A lot of people do swimsuit cosplays at the water park. A lot of times these are pretty simple, just a swimsuit and a wig. Sometimes people may have a few accessories, etc.
Plenty of people do non swimsuit cosplays too, but you won't see a whole lot of extremely high end, hundreds or hours of crafting type cosplays there.
It's usually a good, chill time. I'm not sure how much fun it will actually be this year though, with their overbearing restrictions that don't allow for much of anything but sitting quietly and drinking in your room.
Maybe Colossalcon will start dropping some of those restrictions before the con, especially considering that tickets aren't selling very fast.
I'd love to see that happen just to see the meltdown that the cancel culture crowd has.

>> No.10606880
File: 160 KB, 1820x1712, image0-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10606911

Dragoncon will go full capacity mark my words.

>> No.10606946

I hven't been keeping up to date on anything and yes I am NOT going to read the thread. How is the con looking so far? I ususally do the /cgl/ meet ups for the midwest cons and I live close by from Colossal. I was thinking about just doing a simple meet up, buy yall some hot n readys, party and then pass out in my car for a night. Should I even bother with it? I know a few other cons have been having security called on cosplayers hanging out and I really don't see any crazy room parties happening and I'm not going to buy a 4 day pass just to go for a single day.

>> No.10606953

The con has a long list of restrictions including a 7000 attendee limit. Tickets are selling at a fairly low pace, probably due in part to the restrictions, and the uncertainty of whether or not they'll be strictly enforced, along with the general uncertainty due to the pandemic.
I think most potential attendees are waiting to see how things look in a few weeks before deciding to go or not.
So in answer to your question, things don't look good right now, but things could turn around by the time the con is here.
Sorry for giving you a kind of wishy-washy answer, but with this being the first notable convention to happen this year, it's hard to call this one.

>> No.10607116

Its gonna be a blast. The only actual restrictions are in the convention center. The rest of the resort don't give a fuck

>> No.10607119

Vaccines work on an individual basis. Get vaccinated and then go to the con. It's that simple.

>> No.10607235

brush your teeth and wash your ass and your chances will skyrocket, but again, COVID, so people are going to be less likely to let randos stick their dicks in them

>> No.10607987

Cons a flop right?

>> No.10608121

Going by the amount of hotels near the con that have sold out, I think it's going to be pretty successful. My friend was trying to book a place last night and pretty much every hotel was sold out leading to the con place

>> No.10608178

There's still 10 rooms available at Kalahari right now. And who knows how many people will still cancel last minute. Plus, off-site hotels not having a shuttle is going to hurt attendance also. So it's really kinda hard to say how successful it'll be

>> No.10608189

I'll be surprised if they let you cancel last minute without forfeiting your deposit after making such a big deal about it

>> No.10608193

>Plus, off-site hotels not having a shuttle is going to hurt attendance also. So it's really kinda hard to say how successful it'll be
The bus is still running, uber is available, people can drive or have their DD drive, etc.

Not a huge issue really.

>> No.10608241

Someone needs to keep the general updated. New rooms are still available and there is still tickets.

>> No.10608242

their site still says the shuttle service is down. where are you seeing that it's up? because that's great to hear if real

>> No.10608249

>their site still says the shuttle service is down
Shuttle is down where did I type shuttle, BUS. BUS

The blue line goes from downtown and loops around from 6am to midnight.


>> No.10608265

didn't realize one word would send you into a full autist meltdown about bus schedules, I'm sorry for shattering the delicate gossamer fabric of your entire life with a single question anon

>> No.10608271

Just wanted to make it clear anon, when someone says the word 'bus' it usually does not mean 'private hotel shuttle service'. Do people forget that public transportation is a thing when referencing bus services?

>> No.10608277


What's the chance of room parties being a bust at the convention? few rooms open left but thinking about staying with some friends instead. Last thing I want is security kicking me and my friends out for having a few people over for drinks in our room

>> No.10608344

I'm hosting a room party and I'm aware of a few others doing the same. The nightlife will be there. Most people do open door but if you're not into that you can probably travel with a few friends.

>> No.10608419

It's interesting to hear that so many hotels are sold out, yet tickets are selling at a snail's pace. Looking at the website, they've probably sold less than a quarter of their meager 7000 limit.
I'm sure there will be a chunk on people buying tickets right before the con and on-site, but I still would have anticipated that they would be a lot closer to selling out by now.
I have the feeling that a lot of people are just gonna go hang out at the water park and skip the actual con entirely.
It seems the actual con may be a bust, but it could be a good time overall aside from that. It will be really interesting to hear feedback after the event is over.

>> No.10608425

People are not going for the con

>> No.10608436

>Looking at the website, they've probably sold less than a quarter of their meager 7000 limit.
There is a counter?
Also >>10608425
>I have the feeling that a lot of people are just gonna go hang out at the water park and skip the actual con entirely.
Honestly, I don't see why anyone would go to this con for anything other than the party, cosplay silliness, and maybe vendor hall. Anime Midwest is a month out from this and way more impactful with panels, shows, etc. If you're going for actual panels and content like that, why you wouldn't skip this con to save for a better weekend there is beyond me.

>> No.10608463

>There is a counter?
There isn't a counter, but tickets are divided up into six different pickup start times. As of right now, only one of those slots has sold out (the earliest start time, as expected).
There's no way to tell the exact amount, but I can sort of extrapolate and estimate that they've likely sold less than 2000 tickets so far.

>People are not going for the con
Yeah, that's kind of the way Colossal always is. That said I'm pretty fucking sure they're way behind the curve on selling tickets this year. With less than a month to go until the con, only having a couple of thousand tickets or so sold is fucking laughable.

>> No.10608508

I recall reading that a con badge is now required to buy night swim passes. Are people just going to skip that as well and do room parties instead? The night swim has been huge the past two years, but the cost of going may be too high for some now, I guess?

>> No.10608517

Source? It's never required a badge

>> No.10608518

Yeah it's supposedly a requirement, but there are ways around it. I recall some people mentioning they were allowed to buy multiple night swim passes (to give to their friends that didn't have con badges).
You could of course just barrow a con badge from someone and buy a swim pass. That's exactly what I did last year. Even as a loner with no 'real' friends at the con, I was able to barrow a badge from an acquaintance for 10 minutes to get that done.

>> No.10608536

>There isn't a counter, but tickets are divided up into six different pickup start times.
Which has no real backend metric, we can only assume it's divided evenly.
>As of right now, only one of those slots has sold out (the earliest start time, as expected).
Assuming we only see 1 sold out that means 1166 are sold thus far and the rest could be any other number of sold capacity; meaning the next slot could be 95% or maybe friday's slot is both at 80. It's impossible to speculate at this point since we have no hard metrics.
>I can sort of extrapolate and estimate that they've likely sold less than 2000 tickets so far.
It's a complete shot in the dark, for all we know the first badge pickup is under a limited number of staff limiting to the first 500 people.

It's stated on the website but it could also be one of those, and looks to be, a CYOA kind of deal. Any law office probably told them to put that there in the event the state of OHIO or someone raised hell. In that event they could easily pull the "well we only sold X number of badges which allowed Y number of people in" and have it all on paper be by the letter of the law following capacity rules laid down. It being properly enforced or not is a completely different story and would all be hearsay impossible to prove one way or the other.

>> No.10608715

>Which has no real backend metric, we can only assume it's divided evenly.
Since this is something they're doing to mitigate crowding, it's a very safe assumption it's divided evenly, otherwise it would defeat the whole purpose.
The tickets split up by the earliest start time you can pick them up, which means the earliest ones are the "best" ones. This is why the earliest ticket time sold out first, and the second earliest will sell out next. There is no benefit to choosing a later pickup start time.
Yes, there is no telling what percentage of the next slot is sold, but there is absolutely no reason to believe the 3rd/4th/5th slot will have any significant amount sold.
There are a number of variables that can't be accounted for, but it isn't a complete shot in the dark. It's pretty clear they have a LONG way to go before selling out.

>> No.10608869

What are your cosplay plans?

>> No.10609801

three more weeks

>> No.10610432
File: 20 KB, 328x366, 1557491988112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10610456

>Outdoor events

>> No.10610470
File: 84 KB, 1001x846, parachute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure it's one of these types of things that elementary kids play with.
Should be a blast for the dozens in attendance!

>> No.10611040

if you don't enjoy the parachute don't even speak to me

i've been chasing the high of parachute day since I was in grade school

>> No.10611323

Not an argument

>> No.10611558

Health orders will be lifted on the 1st, look for the Kalahari to remove all restrictions then.

>> No.10611693

As soon as that happens I'm buying a badge and airfare.

>> No.10611747

Colossalcon is now offering single day passes to the convention. This change was made in the past day or so, and I haven't seen them make an announcement on social media about this.
This is no doubt due to their 4 day passes selling at a very slow pace (I estimate that they have only sold around 2000 tickets at this point, with three weeks to go until the event).
Amusing to see the hypocrisy of them going back on their decision to only sell 4 day passes "because covid".

>> No.10611753

>Because covid

Because they can't mention government lockdowns.

Have them drop the rest of the hygine threater BS and then I will go.

>> No.10611793

Ohio Drops all Covid mandates June 2nd FYI

>> No.10611811

You're going to buy airfare on the 1st for a convention that starts on the 3rd?
I guess that's probably not what you mean, but the con is three weeks away now. Doesn't airfare tend to be very expensive if you're buying just a couple of weeks or days ahead of time?

The point I was making is that only selling 4 day passes because of covid makes no sense.
I wouldn't anticipate them dropping the rest of the "hygiene theater". They're scared shitless of the backlash they'd get. I guarantee you they're shaking in their boots just trying to come up with a way of announcing that they're selling single day tickets without looking like complete fucking hypocrites.
Con organizers need to realize that the people complaining were never potential attendees. They're empty virtue signaling cunts that need to be ignored.

>> No.10611825

I'm buying my ticket two weeks before the con starts.

That is the deadline for them to drop all hygine threater

>> No.10612051

>They're empty virtue signaling cunts that need to be ignored

he vaped to other gulls on a message board populated by ghosts

>> No.10613108

It's been several days since they started selling single day passes to the con, and they still haven't made an announcement about it on social media.
These motherfuckers are confirmed too chicken shit to face a little bit of backlash from the virtue signaling crowd. Pathetic.
Just make a post and be done with it you fucking cowards. It's clear your tickets were selling at an abysmally low pace, and you need all the promotion you can get.

>> No.10613312

They made a post now.

>> No.10613356

Thanks for the heads up anon. Yeah, they're deleting comments at a feverish pace. It says there are 24 comments on the FB post they made at the time of this post, but there are actually only 10 comments visible. I tried to 'like' one of the posts and it said something like "the comment you are trying to react to is no longer available". Kek.

>> No.10614463

Anyone oldfags kinda excited about the convention being smaller this year? Kinda nostalgic for the early 2010s era of the con.

>> No.10614553

>Amusing to see the hypocrisy of them going back on their decision to only sell 4 day passes "because covid".
I think doing 4 day passes was the only way to effectively have numbers of how many were going. Having a bunch of day pass sales + weekend sales could make people raise eyebrows to how many people at one time could be in the event halls to follow rules.

Now that shit is dropped before the con, they don't need to really be all that careful outside fire codes.

I'm fine with it, if anything I hope there are less kids running around Colossal con has always been a colossal fucking clusterfuck. If there are only 3-4k people at colossal over the 7(ish)k that usually are there I'll be happy.

>> No.10614563

Wonder how much "smaller" the convention will actually be. From prior years a lot of weeby boomers often used this as a family vacation+anime con bringing their kids along with them easily inflating the numbers. I expect the con to hover around the 3-3.5k mark now that day passes have been offered, if that number means the con is basically 18+only then I am all for this.

>> No.10614879

>I think doing 4 day passes was the only way to effectively have numbers of how many were going.
I don't understand how adding single day passes makes tracking attendance harder. The 7000 attendee limit would be that many per day. 4 day passes would count as one for every day.
So if 1000 4 day passes were sold, and 2000 Saturday passes were sold, that'd be 3000 attendees on Saturday.
Am I missing something?
They're selling single day tickets now because they're desperate after seeing how slow the 4 day passes were selling. Even with that addition, I don't think they're going to hit the 7000 attendee limit, if that limit is still even in place.

>> No.10614884

From what I understand, this con usually gets 15K - 20K attendees. That 3K number you're predicting is definitely a hell of a lot smaller than the usual, if that's the case. Personally I think it could be up to maybe 5K, but yeah, either way, that's a lot less tickets being sold.
However, there are always some people that go just to mainly hang out at the water park and don't bother getting a badge (maybe they'll borrow one for a while or whatever).
I think that there is going to be a higher percentage of people doing that than ever before. Due to that I foresee the actual con feeling a lot more empty than the water park and rest of the venue.

>> No.10615797
File: 218 KB, 788x778, ColossalRestrictions02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They posted an updated list of restrictions on their website yesterday. The original list was capped and posted here >>10592216 in case anyone wants to compare.
Masks requirements aren't quite as strict, but they're still required in the main convention areas. Temperature checks are still going to be done.
Single day passes are now being sold (as mentioned earlier in this thread). There is no mention of a badge sales cap on the updated list, although considering the lethargic pace at which tickets have been sold so far, they probably won't hit that 7000 number anyways.

>> No.10616276

Damn, time flies. Just two weeks Colossalcon: Covid Edition.
It will be interesting to see if the drastically reduced attendance make this a comfy/chill con, or if it just ends up being a bust overall.

>> No.10616310

>con 2 weeks away
>schedule out
>thread at snails pace

Feels weird man. Usually threads like this would be popping or be on thread #2 at least by this point. Looking at the schedule glad karaoke is back hoping to do some of that again, other panels don't look half bad either as I was expecting something like 200% filler of "HOW I MAKE MY MLP COSPLAY STILL RELEVANT TODAY!" or some such thing.

>> No.10616311

It's because of attendance dwindling, anon.

>> No.10616312

Yeah but seeing as everyone being so eager to return to conventions would think at least something would be popping around the thread with some kind of hype.

>> No.10616323

Well if it means anything. I'm hyped and attending. I even got a suite.

>> No.10616330

Yeah same, looking forward to it just odd to see such low posting about this con. Then again, I can understand people not wanting to trigger the Karen of how this event will be the sole responsible cause of killing grandma or other useless shit. So in that aspect I can understand a fair bit just sticking to whatever group people usually hang in with.

I think the only thing I am not looking forward to is the 14 dollar sandwich prices. If uber isn't running down there going to be a serious downer.

>> No.10616437

Guess we are adding id verfication for room checks

>> No.10616458

The people going to cons right now don't have social media induced covid 19 psychosis

Online spaces for cons have always been barren populated by a very niche and specific group of people.

>> No.10616800

That’s a nice cope but considering the amount of people seeking roommates and the fact that there’s still rooms available at the Kalahari there’s just not that many people going and a lot of them probably aren’t all that psyched about it. Have fun mingling with the bottom of the barrel I guess

>> No.10616991

Its right around the corner

>> No.10616992

You can go to little caesars or stop by walmart or something to stock up on snacks. You should have full accomodations.

>> No.10616998

Well yeah cons are catering to the social media group with all of their restrictions, people who are interested see all that shit and pass and doomers aren't going to accept a con in any respect so you have this weird middle ground of desperate people willing to go to a shitty con.

People are eager to return to events with no restrictions.. Like the half dozen events Texas/Florida have packed to the brim.

Imagine if they were putting blockers on the events like don't yell or shout during this UFC match, we will kick anyone out not wearing a mask, stay far apart from each other, etc..

>> No.10616999

Yeah, some of these cons act like they're trying to please everyone, but end up pissing off everyone instead.
I'll give Colossalcon some small amount of credit for rolling back a few of their restrictions. But the real problem is that they even listed restrictions well ahead of the con to begin with.
There are still numerous states that haven't opened up fully, and it's impossible to say when that's going to happen in each state.
Despite that, we have conventions scheduled in the fall and beyond that are already listing restrictions (including and especially masks).
It's a completely fucking stupid practice that really needs to stop.

>> No.10617295

I think most people just left cgl or simply don't care over their facebook/discord/etc to post here to be completely honest. The con threads around conventions that have happened all but were(and are) on life support with people keeping them alive by sneed posting(scroll up) to just random bullshit that has nothing to do with anything.

I think a fair bit also has to do with how going outside seems to be stepping on eggshells. One discord I was in someone said they were going to attend anime st. louis, was banned and the owner had to make a big statement about how if anyone was going to cons before the vacciniations were complete would also be kicked. While extreme, seen similar bullshit across various platforms. It's just not worth talking about going to cons the way precovid was due to how many people will just REEE about something insignificant related to it. I mean hell I had to make my own small discord chat group for a con of people I know going simply because discussing it on other places makes me seem like some anti masker boomer brains. Honestly just not worth the headache to talk about going to cons anymore unless you know some people close to you who are going and won't flip out about it.

I'm going, a group of my friends are going too, hope to have a good time and see some interesting cosplay. Will be nice to get back out there.

>> No.10617383

I think Discord just moved discussion away from cons. That's a big factor into the activity of conventions. I'm going and I plan on bumping the thread with photos and fun stuff.

>> No.10617404
File: 16 KB, 350x300, 1587615079608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>/biz/tard who misclicked a banner ad
>scroll anyway
>find thread
>full of based and win

you give me hope anons

>> No.10617463

>I think Discord just moved discussion away from cons
Nah if anything discord moved con discussion from cgl into it

>> No.10617546

Any specific discord(s) that discuss Colossalcon?

>> No.10617554

There was a link posted in the thread earlier though not sure if it works still. I was more or less doing a general statement towards con discussion, seems like it's more or less moved to those kinds of platforms.

>> No.10619137

can we get some hype for this con? jesus fuck everywhere I look it's like people are at a child's funeral.

>> No.10619168

>jesus fuck everywhere I look it's like people are at a child's funeral.
Because most discussion of it just invites that kind of posting, which I think is a lot of the reason that discussion just is kept with small groups going.

Really interested to see what the vendor hall will be like and the prices, I seriously hope it's not completely fucked post covid with people attempting to recoop losses. karaoke looks fun though not sure how it's being handled. Really just looking to share some beers with anons and just be out and about for a change.

>> No.10619195

I mean I'm excited but what is there to talk about? I'm not cosplaying, just going to get drunk and high with friends. I'm happy all the covid restrictions are going out the window just in time, I guess.

>> No.10619206

> I'm happy all the covid restrictions are going out the window just in time, I guess.
Is this really impacting the con much, though? The only rollback on restrictions I notice that Colossalcon made was now you won't have to wear masks in the hallways. But you'll still have to wear them when you're in any of the major areas of the con (dealer's room, autographing areas, etc.).
That aside, it could still be a good time. If we're gonna be real here, the actual convention part of Colossalcon was always mediocre at best. It's mainly about the waterpark, parties, drinking, etc., and that stuff shouldn't really be hampered by covid stuff.
The big question is if the reduced attendance is going to make the con more comfy, or if attendance will be so low that it ends up being really dull.
Here's hoping it's the former.

>> No.10619236

Is anyone cosplaying? If so what?

>> No.10619260

>The big question is if the reduced attendance is going to make the con more comfy, or if attendance will be so low that it ends up being really dull.
I'm going to go out on a short limb here and say reduced attendance is going to be a major bonus here. I'm expecting the ~15-18 y/o crowd to be all but missing at the con with parents saying no to events just yet, same with some of the <21 crowd who couldn't get a hotel room without an adult agree'ing.

I expect the parties to be more wild and the people(both sides) be thirstier after a year locked up. Only gripe is no real "rave" announced but guessing something will be happening in the out door pool at least, so hopefully it's not a lost cause.

>> No.10619262
File: 37 KB, 777x432, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This line alone makes me feel like confrontation of anyone not wearing masks even in the dealer's room and such will be overlooked. The only time I could see it being enforced is during autographs and some panels(which nobody goes to anyways)

>> No.10619274

I feel this is more to just shut up any possible moron screeching about things regardless what side of the fence they happen to be on. I kinda expect the dealers hall to recommend masks inside it, but hallways and such be mask free. Panels/autographs make sense I don't see how anyone would screech too hard other than some random drunks trying to argue with staff

>> No.10619621

You sound unstable. 3 people in my crew got Covid, including myself. It was hell on Earth - & we're considered "healthy" & young. At this point, the vaccine will save the logical ones. The rest of y'all can endure 1 week of horrendous flu, 1 month of brain fog & whatever else. I'm not worried about you. I'm not worried about anyone who gets vaccinated.

I'm just going to go about my business. No mask - because I'm effing vaccinated & science says you don't need it. I'm going to cosplay. Get shit-housed. Kiss strangers & live my full life again because I know the most vulnerable will be protected.

>> No.10619622

Miu Iruma, the Joker (because it is comfy & I haven't been able to in so damn long) & just a general pirate wench as part of a giant group of pirates. Nothing too crazy, but something to shake off the rust.

Also. If there's no rave, I'm going to be distraught! We're planning on having room parties to fill the void tho. I just want to have so much fun that Sunday feels like coming down from a heavy Molly trip - ya know, like it used to!

>> No.10619842

I would also make the most of my remaining years of life if I were you.

>> No.10620281

I just wanna say I hope everyone who attends gets COVID.

Not because I'm against social meetings or whatever at this point in time, but because I just really hate Ohio.

>> No.10620284

two more weeks

>> No.10620287


Save a kiss for me anon ;)

>> No.10620294

Midwestern gull discord.


>> No.10620295

Actually, it's only 8 days away now, anon.
Or one week exactly if you want to pretend it starts on the 2nd, like Colossalcon advertises it as. Even though there's absolutely no programming or events whatsoever on the 2nd.
Yeah, it's just kinda disingenuous and bugs the fuck outta me way more than it should.

>> No.10620308

Kalahari sent an email blast, still trying to fill up rooms for the con. Oof

>> No.10620380
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So how is this con going to go?
>ok i guess
I am considering going only because i havent done anything fun in two years. I am vaccinated, but the concern is money. I could really use the money that i would be wasting at this con but i really need a damn vacation. I do not want to waste my money if its going to end up being like animarathon or zipcon but with kalahari prices.
Is it going to be worth going to? Or will it be a bust? I need professional opinions here.

>> No.10620493

Seeing how other cons in the area are still kind of a dice roll, this is probably the safest bet for a party+pre covid like con out there for a while since it's not in a major city. At worst I am expecting some meh-ness along with some people screeching about masks, with room parties being alright, at best I am expecting silly drunken antics with most people being chill since they are willing to poke their heads out early and make it all the way to sandusky.

>Is it going to be worth going to?
Still a good few anons I think looking for roommates at least from what I've heard anons talking about, dunno how to find them. Most hotels are a bit pricey to the point of staying onsite being worthwhile. Not a con I'd drive more than 2-3 hours for if that's what your asking unless cabin fever has really pushing you to get out of the house.

>> No.10620791

I don't care what you do, and actually, I'd prefer that you NOT go so there are more cute cosplayers for fearless fungoing people who are itching for con times like me. I'll bring weed from Michigan just for schizos like you.

>> No.10620815
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Wait, how am I a schizo? I was just asking if people thought that this con would going to. I am worried it will be a small con with big con price.

>> No.10620931

Think about it this way. When fall rolls around and the covid numbers mysteriously skyrocket like some other disease we used to have but is in no way covid like wink wink, then we get mask orders again and no cons. Then you'll say man, I wish I could have went when I could. Now ill just have to wait another 200 weeks to flatten that new curve.
I think it will be great if you go with friends. An escape from the soul crushing reality of 2021.

>> No.10621057

I really think we should start memeing that anyone who attends cons durring the pandemic are antivaxxer trump supporters. It would be hilarious watching all the normies freakout.

>> No.10621151

autismal as fuck

>> No.10621182

You need to be 18 to post on this webzone

>> No.10621186

How many people do you think will be there?
Will they reach the 7000 limit?

>> No.10621187

Highest I can imagine is ~4000, realistically looking at the 2-3k range of attendees doing weekend/day mix.

No way 7k will be hit unless there is some huge surge this weekend for ticket sales

>> No.10621349

Even on cgl orange man lives in your head rent free.

>> No.10621612

No, they won't even hit the 7000 limit. I kinda wonder if that limit is even still officially in place since Ohio is fully reopening. But it doesn't even matter because they aren't hitting it.
Based on the lethargic ticket sales so far, I'm estimating 3000 - 5000.
I think with the 7000 limit, they thought people would rush to buy them, and they'd sell out quickly. Then shortly after they'd be like "Great news, we're making more tickets available!"
Just my own personal theory. I just never trust anything that comes out of the mouth of Colossalcon management after years of slimy behavior.

>> No.10622848

Looking for some seagulls to hang out with. Bought lots of weeb beer and snacks for the con.

Any word on the dealer room? I'm guessing it'll be barren this year, yeah?

>> No.10626070

No, they are too busy handling your chimp ass

>> No.10626413
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The weak should fear the strong.