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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 179 KB, 1564x1564, 373506C1-9043-4C9E-8B43-B9DEE5FD0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10576205 No.10576205 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>10573871

>> No.10576206
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>> No.10576207
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>> No.10576209
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>> No.10576227
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>> No.10576228

I hate how the mask just looks like gore from father away. Gross.

>> No.10576257

the sweet irony of a fatass covered in food

>> No.10576260

Not ita, just not good either. Coords can be lame/lackluster without being ita.

>> No.10576275

I kinda don't think this is ita I think she just got posted here beacause shes kinda fat

>> No.10576278

The ears tho

>> No.10576280

Her hair is completely dead yet her bangs look greasy and her tights are way too bright to even come close to matching the almost yellow blouse. And a bag and mask don't really tie that in in any way, it just makes it look from "I didn't have ivory tights nor a white blouse yet because I'm new" to "I shoehorn white near ivory but the bag ties in the tights and the print ties in the blouse". Aka a deliberate bad choice instead newfags not having items yet. She either need a different blouse or different tights & bag (I don't care for non matching masks if they're kinda generic), but this way it looks crap and belongs her.

>> No.10576282


this is just like... furry cosplay is it not? COF just allows whatever at this point. so much for “lolita is not a costume”

>> No.10576286

I'm gonna call nitpick on this one, the only thing I would change is the normie socks for lace topped ones and the headbow for one that doesn't stick out so weirdly. The pic is weird and the girl is kinda ugly but that doesn't make it ita.

>> No.10576287

That's a lot of words to say that it's still nitpicking. Are you a jealous fatty?

>> No.10576288

Nayrt but that coord is objectively bad and if you think otherwise you’re probably ita too.

>> No.10576290

That’s not a nitpick when you look at how many items would need to be swapped out to fix it. It’s a mismatched coord and it belongs here. Just because she’s skinny or pretty doesn’t give her a pass, and calling anon a jealous fatty doesn’t change anything about her shit coord. Grooming/hairstyling also impacts the aesthetic. If your hair is oily it’s so easy to put it up and just wash your bangs out in the sink and blow dry. Her ends look fried, braids or buns would have been just as quick and easy and would hide that. Split ends and greasy bangs are not kawaii.

>> No.10576291

I really don’t see what’s ita about this unless this was posted by the newfag who thinks everything bodyline is ita.

>> No.10576292
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>> No.10576296

both of these are ita but they show how much better a skinny person can look in a bad outfit versus a fat person

>> No.10576297
File: 74 KB, 960x960, 159666590_10217199007107079_5186102702235095947_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576300

I know we've had the "ita posing" argument before, but if we're going strictly by coord, the only ita thing about this is the super wrinkled blouse.

Yes, she's huge, but everything fits, and there's actually a petti there--I'm impressed. Better shoes and hair and it's fine (for a hamplanet coord).

>> No.10576303

>everything fits
How are you missing the straining on that blouse anon? Next to that, these kind of aprons are supposed to cover your front, but it barely covers her tits, and the straps are super close looking super weird. Also, the front is pushing up because the torso part is too short for her massive fatty tits. How is that a good fit?

Beside, the mask looks super weird. A pie was not the best motive for a mask.

I agree >>10576206 isn't too bad tho. Although there is something about it that also looks super off and I'm not 100% sure if it's just the pose or not. I'm willing to give it benefit of the doubt in that.

>> No.10576305

i actually think this is fine, without the mask

>> No.10576306

Are you the anon/s who are obsessed with calling everyone’s hair ugly? Please give it a fucking rest.
Shocked that we haven’t had the replica vs real argument yet on this one.

>> No.10576307
File: 2.65 MB, 1820x3471, 0F6867EB-56B4-464F-9B76-EF6F0D825079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have an ita for your travels~
i'd consider this a nitpick, mostly because of the clashing ivory blouse/white tights. it really does look like she tried to bring out accents in the skirt print, but it would've looked best paired with pink, like her mask.
not ita just large
this one angers me bc i actually love that apronskirt and if anyone should know how to demonstrate a love for pie it should be a fatty
what got me is her socked feet peeking out like the wicked witch
this isn't lolita, definitely closer to punk/goth casual la bpn or FRILL. it would have been super cute with an old school skirt. did she try to pass this off as EGL?

>> No.10576308
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>> No.10576311
File: 149 KB, 1079x1076, AD4F320E-48DB-4265-9C39-770C2BDEC2DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

described as "ironic gothic itacore" ... drama in the comments as well over the upskirt angle

>> No.10576312

Can we just have a nitpick thread already? This isn't ita, it's just not great. Not every coord that you don't love is ita.

>> No.10576313

Looks fine for punk/casual IMO

>> No.10576314

Where was this posted? COF?

>> No.10576315
File: 311 KB, 960x1278, 846CB2C2-62CE-46FF-A581-5188E69AD1B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plebbit, naturally

>> No.10576316

instead of complaining and doing nothing, you make it

>> No.10576318

Ironically, I looked at my boyfriend and said.. "what the fuck is wrong with their body?"

"Man. This is why lolita sucks" and he had to point out it was a guy.

I just realize there's way too many men that just don't know how to dress in this Fashion, now..

>> No.10576319
File: 554 KB, 1441x2433, CDE13B7F-ECCD-41D5-8A3C-15CBFAD53CCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576320

Wouldn't call this one a nitpick. It might usually be, but they look pretty strange honestly. The dress is ill-fitting, because their rib cage is too wide for it.

>> No.10576322

Gonna be real with you newfags.

Large and in lolita = ita as well. If you really think the lolitas in Japan aren't screaming "ITAI!" when they see fat lolitas, then you got another thing comin.

>> No.10576325

They could really benefit from some false lashes and some blush, different legwear and different shoes.

>> No.10576326
File: 1.01 MB, 1170x1445, 507ED819-B713-449A-8567-AD837754B53B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576327
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>> No.10576328
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>> No.10576329
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>> No.10576330
File: 189 KB, 720x822, 7C16E234-3A9C-4530-BF75-A626F79E55AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576331

It’s not a nitpick. There’s so much wrong with it

>dress does NOT fit
>blouse doesn’t fit but it’s less noticeable because of how terribly the dress fits
>legwear throws off color balance
>shoes that don’t work with the coord at all
>shitty regretsy tier headwear
>shitty regretsy tier jewelry

>> No.10576332

This is horrific. She looks like a busted can of biscuits

>> No.10576333
File: 189 KB, 827x1037, 8798FEA8-359F-4503-81AA-5206A29AF6B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576334

Why does she have a random macaron necklace when theres nothing with macarons at all on the rest of the outfit? literally could've been a simple strawberry or chocolate

>> No.10576336
File: 282 KB, 824x1019, 845DBEA7-392C-4113-B226-604202BE404F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK why this cracked me up so much but it's either the tea setting on the floor or the fact that she willingly posted this photo?

>> No.10576337
File: 380 KB, 828x812, 50251CF2-4AB3-4E0E-8F15-15BA8017553A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576338

This one takes the cake.

>> No.10576339
File: 245 KB, 816x1025, 45A033B6-3CAD-4DC0-97B5-8F566F1EAC55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576340
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>> No.10576341
File: 194 KB, 828x819, 2DE09C31-77F2-455D-BD1D-AA78BFECF6AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending dump with a toast from my new favorite ita: unibrow-tan.

>> No.10576343

this looks fine she just has shitty makeup skills and an ugly background

>> No.10576346

I really like this. It's more general j-fashion than lolita though so I guess you could call it ita? Still cute.

>> No.10576347

There are macarons on the dress though.

>> No.10576349

Are the white blobs supposed to be macarons? I thought they were just hearts I can’t really see

>> No.10576352


nonny this is a man

>> No.10576353

I think they are like, paper doilies or whatever. The macarons are the hearts I think. They have cream filling, etc.

>> No.10576355
File: 298 KB, 1600x1066, Chocoberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576356

The apron is wrinkled, but this is fine....?

>fatties are ita
>if you disagree, you're a newfag
>everyone in Japan thinks so
Kys troll

Also fine? Maybe I have shit taste.

Wine aunt kei

Passes the sticker test

>> No.10576358

Yeah I thought there wasn't any

>> No.10576359

Woops, meant to type that they are chocolates, not macarons.

>> No.10576365



>> No.10576368

hi hair sperg, do you still have nothing better to do than shit up threads with irrelevant nitpicks? please get a job or education, maybe then your life would gain some meaning again beyond sperging out on a taiwanese underwater basket weaving forum

>> No.10576369

NTA but sorry you got posted

>> No.10576372

whoa anon you sure showed me, you're totally an oldfag wow you're so cool and definitely not new

>> No.10576374

even if someone has bad greasy hair I don't think it should be counted as being ita because that person's hair would still gross no matter what other clothes they wear.

>> No.10576375
File: 304 KB, 1364x2048, nonita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen Lovely Lor? She's large too, it doesn't make her an ita. You can be plus size and carry the fashion well, it's not mutually exclusive. Unless you mean the obese lolitas, because yeah that can be hard to be and stay in the lolita silhouette

>> No.10576376

I'm pretty sure it's a thinly veiled vendetta at this point that started last year or so, wouldn't be surprised if it's a newfriend who's bored in quarantine. We're in eternal summer now...

>Have you seen Lovely Lor
Oh summer when will you end

>> No.10576377

Lor is widely known as ita for her shit coording abilities though. What a bad example to pick. That coord is the only decent one she’s done in like five years

>> No.10576378


>> No.10576379
File: 176 KB, 1080x1350, f1fa5061cff4fb8a3bdcb8c01fe5631b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate her whole stupid clown lolita thing she had going on. Just makes the fashion look like even more of a costume to normies

>> No.10576380

>those gloves

Literally party city kei

>> No.10576381
File: 71 KB, 640x853, wear.what.makes.u.ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading full comments
You may think you're better but really you are not. I was not pointing to her channel but her size, retard.
She's not an ita for being big though, point still stands. She can be ita for her costumes but not her size.

Idol dress for this thread for all those who saw on reddit the encouragement to cosplay as an idol being a great start.

>> No.10576382


>> No.10576383

those looks more like slippers which is common when people are just dressing up and not going out anywhere

>> No.10576384

Her being big contributes to how ita she is though because most of her stuff no longer fits and it looks bad

>> No.10576385

Agree it looks bad, but I don't get why people are so pressed about appearing valid to normies. They're going to think you're wearing a costume either way.

>> No.10576386

either way if people thought I was wearing costume atleast I'd want it to look good

>> No.10576392
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>> No.10576394

extremely basic and ill-fitting. I'm laughing at all the old schoolers seeing her call this "old school". I wonder how they feel about this kek

>> No.10576397

I guess ita's don't actually exist anymore huh

>> No.10576398

This coord is lors fault

>> No.10576399

Apron Mc 3 Dicks

>> No.10576409

How? Is it because she encourages sissies?

>> No.10576410

How new can you possibly be...

>> No.10576411

you seem mad bro.

ita threads be getting itas posted. if you mad, then get better and you won't get posted. Highly doubt anyone posted you out of a personal attack, so just be happy about that shit because then that means you'll always get posted. GL.

>> No.10576415

You must've found lolita through youtube. No one cares what is 'plus size.'

Fat, idiot. If you look like shit, you get called an ita. Doesn't matter who you are.

>> No.10576417

she looks like she smells and likes naruto

>> No.10576438


>> No.10576468

>did she try to pass this off as EGL
From what I can tell yes she posted it as a casual lolita coord. I agree that it would be cute with and old-school skirt. I love the t-shirt skirt combo from back then. But this skirt is simply not lolita and elastic bands rarely look good over a t-shirt. She would be better off putting the shirt over it instead. Wear a black camisole underneath if you're scared of it riding up.

Kinda hating the shoes and make-up too tho (think she would benefit from some softer eyebrows and not drawing a fake mole under her eye), and those bangs look a bit cheap. But those things are minor on itself.

>> No.10576478

>Are you the anon/s who are obsessed with calling everyone’s hair ugly
nyart but too many people have completely damaged hair without noticing it or thinking it's normal. Especially since dying it weird colours became a trend and everyone started bleaching it at home for that.

I'm not saying everyone should switch to professional products only. But more people need to let professionals do their hair if they want weird over the top stuff done or not do it at all. I'm really tired of hair looking like spider rags, even more so of people acting like it's a normal way for hair to look. Hair should not look like that, ever. If you can't even keep it from becoming all dry and split, that's just sad and looks like a lack of selfcare. I get sad every time I see someone asking about getting hair colours done, and people with very damaged hair comment how easy it is to do yourself at home and act like going to a (decent) salon is a waist of money. That really should be normalised as much as it is. Same counts for bad faded hair, greasy hair, and other things that look unkept or simply damaged because people wanted something and didn't think trough what the upkeep would be or wanted to get it done quick and cheap.

>> No.10576481

How can real hair/bangs look cheap?

>> No.10576483

Lor is at least once a week talked about here how bad she dresses, so I'm guessing you're newer than a week here if you think Lor is a great example of plus size lolita's being not ita.

>She's not an ita for being big though, point still stands.
Nyart but not really since it was used as a example why fat lolita's aren't ita. I still haven't seen a single fat lolita that isn't, so no point was made.

>> No.10576484

what dress is this?

>> No.10576485


>> No.10576489

>because that person's hair would still gross no matter what other clothes they wear.
So if you look gross at any time you don't need personal care and hygiene in lolita? By that logic, why even shower and brush your teeth in general? Also by the same logic, if I wear clothes that don't fit at all I look bad in any kind of fashion. Is that also ok then? What is that kind of logic?

Washing your hair and using dry shampoo in between washes when needed isn't that much of an effort. It's a bare minimum. And being gross in lolita makes you an ita, also if the same thing would be gross outside of lolita too.

>> No.10576497
File: 425 KB, 1080x1745, Screenshot_20210315_160136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the person who commented
he does it for the ass pats

It's why the other 5 comments are all complements from other itas despite this MAN being a creep fetishest drag stripper who roleplays as a "13 year old girl with body hair" (his quote not mine)

>> No.10576498

It's clearly not real hair/bangs anon. In case you didn't notice (although it's pretty clear) that comment refers to >>10576297 where both the bangs as well as the knots are super shiny. Even the most healthy silk-like natural hair doesn't have that kind of shine, those are clearly plastic. Not 100% sure about the rest, those parts may be clip-ons on her real hair, but those parts are fake as fuck.

Also, speaking like that sounds like you're the one posted trying to defend. She never said it was real and you can't tell if it's real or not with a good wig. So if you feel like you can say "it's real" that's generally because you think to have more knowledge than the crowd. Which means you're the one posted or a friend whiteknighting. Don't do that on 4chan, especially when it's clearly false to anyone who has been in fashion for a while, it never ends well. Just take the concrit and let it go otherwise.

I'm in a nice mood and it's honest advice. Take it as you will.

>> No.10576501

Eew. I thought it was just a bad coord by a fatty-chan who didn't do her eyebrows and had gone on the short hair trend, but that makes it so much worse. Now that you say it tho, I see the facial hair peeking out beneath the mask so I believe you.

>> No.10576506

>How can real hair/bangs look cheap?
On a side note aside of the fact those are clearly fake, hair that's so far faded it looks like it should have been touched up weeks ago looks cheap despite being real for example. Because it looks like you didn't have the money to get to the salon again or to get dye to fix it up (something that happens to teenagers a lot). Obvious grown out roots too.

There are more ways, but those are some examples. Basically anything that looks like you where too cheap to give it the care it needed for the hairdo you choose.

>> No.10576511

Post your ends then you cope too hard.

>> No.10576514

That's bloated corpse chan. The hairiest.

>> No.10576516

Was genuinely just curious! Thanks for the insight. Didn’t realize they were fake.

>> No.10576518
File: 474 KB, 998x1344, Screenshot_20210315-161646_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sensitive baby. Must be part of his SEXY BABY roleplay.
Since you clearly read here. Gtfo lolita. You're a fucking creep and everyone is afraid of you sexual assaulting them. If I ever see you at a brand event I will call the authorities.

>> No.10576522

I know your legal name. Get the fuck away from girls and minors in this community.

>> No.10576523

Yoooo yes. And it is definitely not transphobia. I give zero shits about that. I give a shit that they are a known fetishist and wearing lolita as a kink.

>> No.10576526

Sissies aren't trans. This predator is co-opting the trans movement for his own sick pleasure. Go away sexy baby!

>> No.10576531

I cant believe they allowed this

>> No.10576537

I’m not surprised. So many creeps in COF now.

>> No.10576538
File: 526 KB, 798x966, image0-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576544

Issue is that you know the LGBTQ culture is facilitating this kinda shit and it's nearly impossible to fight against people who might be sexualizing or even making unwanted sexual advances towards you if they claim 'trans.'

Imagine sharing a bathroom with a fetishist like this. Guy will probably be jacking off to the sound of you pissing in the next stall.

>> No.10576546

Since when is the lgbtq culture saying people can unwanted sexual advances towards you? I'd love to know. Do you have any examples?

>> No.10576548

Nayrt but there is a HUGE subsection of troons who insist you’re transphobic if you don’t accept their advances or want to date them.

>> No.10576549

All someone has to do is scream 'transphobia' when they get kicked out of anything for unwanted sexual advances, my friend.

If you really think the personal army of LGTBQ & cancel culture isn't that brutal, then you haven't been on 4chan long enough to see the /i/ board or personal army posts.

People lie about shit all the time. There's a lot of power in someone screaming 'transphobia' right now. That's why everyone is afraid to say anything to the fetishist on facebook.

Welcome to oppression, friends.

>> No.10576566

>Welcome to oppression
Ok, I find sissies and pushy troons as annoying as the next person but being on a social media platform that currently favors them is nothing like actually being part of an oppressed group in an oppressive place.

>> No.10576567

This exactly.

He’s infiltrating a fashion where under 18 girls often come. COF mods are retarded to continue letting him flaunt the fact that nobody has the guts to ban him over being a “sexy baby” and sexualizing children, but they were sure quick to ban DeeDeeIta for her Nazi modeling gig.

I disagree and am grossed out with both of their actions, but why ignore one just because you’re scared of fake woke backlash?

>> No.10576568

Huh I've never seen this happen. That's wild. You must have a crazy group of friends.

>> No.10576595

viva the terfvolution

>> No.10576617
File: 60 KB, 827x832, 1615782976353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a FTM though. I thought that still makes someone a woman??? Surely she's allowed in female spaces as a woman with female chromosomes. Can any terf explain what the issue with this is?

>> No.10576618

he has a penis hes admitted it and has images of himself shirtless
they dont let women be drag queen

if he was a women id hate him less

>> No.10576620

Lmfao you think that's a woman? Retard

>> No.10576632
File: 73 KB, 520x960, A8AE6003-B113-4D9F-B8F1-1DA0AC727127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coord for a socially distanced meet yesterday with two comm members bc
Sundays Are For Lolita
Concrit always welcome

>> No.10576633

predator of who tho? he's a gay man, not a woman and not into women

>> No.10576634

Those are ears and tail I made! She must have bought them from my shop or at a con. No clue who that is, but those ears and tail was made by me lol

>> No.10576638

She's at a store, not posing for a magazine. get a life.

>> No.10576639

people in the lgbt community can be gross predators too dumbass.

>> No.10576648

Its cause they don't want to be labeled as anti-queer. Plus the fact that men get a special pass because they're the minority while women will be dragged through the mud on a rumor

>> No.10576654

>they dont let women be drag queen
Oh boy I have some news for you

>> No.10576664

not going to engage the whole battle of the TERFs ITT right now but i just checked this post and someone commented GASB and OP asked what it meant.......my fucking sides

>> No.10576666

The balls.

>> No.10576674

kek that fat drag queen ita girl who’s for some reason still allowed to mod a fuckload of lolita groups would beg to differ

>> No.10576676

just dismiss them, anons like that are always gonna assume every lgbt person is a creep/predator out to crucify everyone else, because anon seeks out only things that confirm their own bias. 'there is an lgbt person who is pushy or a creep, therefore all of them must be (bc I need an excuse to hate them as much as i do)'

>> No.10576677

It wasn’t a rumor, there are literal pictures, but okay I guess.

I’m a lesbian and I truly don’t give a fuck about all the stupid “muh womenz” shit, Deedee got what she deserved.
I don’t want gross shit stains like Nazis, kinksters, and people who sexualize children intruding on an elegant and cute alt fashion space. Nobody with any fucking modicum of common sense would think that sentiment is “anti-queer”, those freaks simply have no business being in lolita fashion.

>> No.10576678

anon specifically mentioned young girls. a gay dude has no interest in girls at all. logic is hard, i know

>> No.10576681

your the only one talking about her

anon ment that if bloatedcorpsechan were a cis women they would be long gone from lolita for all the kinkster shit he does
theres a video of him with penises on his head being sucked by another man and several video of him stripping at venues in lolita
yet guess whos still in most lolita groups and gets hundreds of likes per post

>> No.10576686

this one is cute

>> No.10576689

wow shes living her best life.

>> No.10576693
File: 405 KB, 973x1702, A69A2785-3285-4C73-8FEA-8A8F6CEF7CC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576718

is there a gun pointed at her behind the camera??

>> No.10576726 [DELETED] 

She needs to move so I can see that cat.

>> No.10576729

no, she's the one with a gun in her frills. now tell her she's pretty.

>> No.10576733

No mask?
Your meet only has 2 members attending? what's the point then, are you not one of them and meant to say 3?
There's nothing special about sundays in particular

Your coord is hideous, i don't even know where to begin, I don't think any constructive help would be useful because the whole thing is awful from the bottom to the top. Nothing matches not even in the slightest. Not even the socks and shoes. Why the fuck would you use that skirt, ugh everything about this is disgusting, please start over and stick to 2 colors. The legwear isn't even close to lolita

>> No.10576735

You obviously can’t read.

>> No.10576739

I wish people would shut up about their transphobia so this person can get kicked out for being a fetishist without the community being accused of being ‘bigoted meanies’. It would be much easier that way, and people who aren’t predators can then feel welcome. Transphobia sucks and it’s honestly a pain to sift through in the community, but this person is using other’s fear of looking bad to bring age play into lolita which is unacceptable

>> No.10576742

A couple of tweets does not count as a ‘huge subsection’, anon

>> No.10576743

God, imagine having your head this far up your ass.

>> No.10576745

go away sexy baby? or what does it mean lol

>> No.10576752

Did anyone cap the replies before GASB got deleted on his post?

>> No.10576754

Cringe to the max

>> No.10576767

Seconding this. Would like to see plz

>> No.10576770

Has a legit trans person ever been dragged here though? Legit question. Mandrea doesn't count, a prime example that Frozen dresses in a grown adult just shouldn't be tolerated trans or not. Usually there is not so fine line between looking bad and getting kicks out of it and yeah most of us can tell. I find it hard to believe a normal person with good intentions would face outright transphobia but I guess the community is also fatphobic, ableist and classist for some people. Lolita community is just highly focused on looks, what a surprise. The treatment is same regardless of your reason to look bad.

>> No.10576794
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>> No.10576823
File: 190 KB, 720x960, 8E9DBBE1-ED27-4A15-B7D2-330D06BEAB34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576843

"Good attempt, superb" is what I'd tell him desu

>> No.10576848

You're the new fag. Gtfo outa here with your gatekeeping ass.

>> No.10576849

So? Your hair is either dead or not, you can't magically get it undead for a magazine. That's just taking care of basic personal care it in everyday life. Putting on a white blouse or ivory tights also isn't store unfriendly and would stop to huge clash making it go from horrible to fine casual.

It's ugly as hell, also when in a store, so it belongs here. Why you keep replying how it's a fine coord? It looks like shit and was posted on publicly CoF, so it's fair game. If it's so casuall you don't care about looking horrible and completely mis-matched you shouldn't post online. Sorry you got posted.

>> No.10576850

>Has a legit trans person ever been dragged here though?
The problem is not that they're dragged here, the problem is the SJW who will dragg them on non-anon social media for kicking these people out after the creep shouts lies saying it's due to transphobia.

>> No.10576851

How are we still arguing about hair

>> No.10576855

NAYRT but you're really dramatic lol

>> No.10576856

You're autistic

>> No.10576857

Burn the 1980s shotgun wedding honeymoon bustier

>> No.10576859


The absolute state of ita threads. These arent even a nitpicks. The coords are fine.

>> No.10576860

I feel like it has to be one person this fixated on hair.

>> No.10576866

Tbh i feel like a lot of anon's range of ranking is "dog shit" or "ok, i guess" black and white thinking, only it caps out at mediocre lol. Makes me wonder if they've ever seen a coord they find amazing? Sounds like a dreary life.

>> No.10576889

Nayrt but all of these look pretty terrible to me except maybe the casual cutsew one. I guess because the wearers are uniformly fat or really ugly, and the materials look cheap — but I guess that’s just the state of modern lolita.

>> No.10576902

Imagine being ignorant to shit already going on. Just stay in your basement.

>> No.10576903

I can taste your salt from here. Gb2gaia newfag.

>> No.10576904

The current state of lolita is pretty fucking wacky compared to 10 years ago. There's a lot of boundaries that are getting crossed and it's not even "lightly" crossed. It's like someone goes full on for the cosplay, rather than a theme.

Shit's not even lolita for some things, now.

>> No.10576907

I'm an oldfag and most of these would have been considered nitpicks back then.
But I think think the truly monstrous era of lacemonsters are over, this might just be the new breed of ita these days.

>> No.10576914

hair-chan, stop sperging out in every fucking thread
we get it, you’re highly autistic, but just shut the fuck up

>> No.10576918

I wish lace monsters would come back honestly

>> No.10576922

If behind the bows can come back with the force we’ve seen in the last month of two, maybe lacemonsters can too lmao

Certainly there are enough cringey egirls buying aliexpress shit that it doesn’t seem impossible

>> No.10576942

Sorry anon but those ears look really low quality.

>> No.10576960

It is. There's more resources available.

Also an oldfag, but imagine if back in the day we literally had loliable socks every where and resources easily available to us from all locations. We made due with what we had, just like goth fashion in 2002.

Aliexpress accessories have become the hot topic equivalent to bad decora in this age. I think it's just a new brand of itas. Lace monsters are a thing of the past, since China started amping up things to a certain standard but there's still a lot of shit quality that comes out of Chinese companies. There are some ITA ASS prints for example. They just can't be saved.

It's just all new definitions. Gotta adjust to what is available and what people choose to coord into things despite so much availability.

>> No.10576989

>Aliexpress has become the new hot topic

this explains the new age of ita so well
ty anon

>> No.10577014
File: 203 KB, 1345x2015, oof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10577019

how does she manage to make everything she puts on look so cheap?

>> No.10577021

vendetta-chan or selfpost? you decide

>> No.10577023


>> No.10577025

Probably self post. Shoes are kinda god awful tho, but I can't take her posts serious either.

I think anyone who does is a fucking loon.

>> No.10577032

that leg edit

>> No.10577033

Very edgy of her

>> No.10577034

I think the outfit and the background looks really cute and mellow looking I love it
But her herself make it feel kinda weird idk how to explain it

>> No.10577036

Neither. I don't use social media that much so idk who she is. Just thought this coord was ita material.

>> No.10577037

Yeah it's honestly the shoes and the bag for me that make it ugly.

>> No.10577038

This is vendetta posting 101. If she weren't ~le edgy upskirt edit~ it wouldn't have been posted at all.
But you don't use social media right? You just found this image randomly, right?
Edgy does not = ita imo, it's low hanging fruit.

>> No.10577042

it's clearly a selfpost, anon. you should know.

>> No.10577043

Kinda digged the creepy no eyes thing on the last one (the blue/white one), but those shoes where aweful then and are just as aweful now. That swoop is just ugly. Like, I don't like the idea but if you go for some weird creepy swoop, at least do the effort to make the legs look properly shaped. Those legs look more wonky than most phone edited pictures. While her background doesn't despite that more often warping unnoticed. Also horrible angle, upskirt photos just look 99% of the time like you're a creep trying to secualise shit, others 1% being candid shot where someone walks from a stair etc.

>Tfw you came her to post her but she already posted herself.

>> No.10577044

I don't dislike it for the edgy camera angle, I just personally do not like the coord as a whole. But we can agree to disagree on that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.10577049

Sober up before you post.

>> No.10577053

Image board.

>> No.10577063

Not to tinfoil; but this feels like someone trying to imitate her dyslexia.

>> No.10577121

They're very basic and only $10. Not gonna pretend my ears are great, but they are better than walmart tier ears.

>> No.10577135

Omg I thought I recognized the bus seat and then I saw the map, I live in the same city... The outfit itself isn't ita. It's the freaking upskirt picture that makes me think of creepshots and other awful behaviour. Considering how easy targets lolitas can be, this isn't something you should want to normalize.

>> No.10577138
File: 556 KB, 1259x2023, 7CA68DD0-B343-4379-896D-6436D0853CCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10577141

Is this even intended to be lolita? There's no petti and it looks like a tryon pic. That headbow lace is really dirty tho.

>> No.10577144

Same anon, that being said the slenderman level shooped legs makes me feel like this has to be some kind of shitpost?? >>10577036, where did you find this?

To quote someone else ITT, not ita just large.

>> No.10577147

Anon.. you need your vitals checked

Please iron your headbow and clean up your play toys
That's all
this is almost a nitpick

>> No.10577148

Lol she literally posted it on COF today

>> No.10577150

It was on COF. They are lying saying they don't use sm

>> No.10577152

>Anon.. you need your vitals checked
How? For thinking it isn't ita but also doesn't seem like an intentional complete coord? Especially considering the shoes aren't showing and she usually shows her shoes. Or for mentioning her headbow lace is yellow?

>> No.10577154

if u go to an anime con u will see the milanoo-chans come out to play. It's wonderful how even now they still manage to stay off the grid and be their natural ita selves.

>> No.10577162

couldnt find their CoF post but their twitter is Eggienut, only know because someone retweeted them to my timeline

>> No.10577163

Hair down to her legs and her legs down to the floor

>> No.10577165

I think the coord is fine from what I can see? Posting a pic from this angle doesn’t make sense in a group designed for showing off your coord. Go find a group suited for lolita related art.

>> No.10577166

Ayrt, curiousity got the better of me and I took a peek at their profile. Between their pfp, that coord pic of them in the shower, and the Berserk references, the OP definitely feels like one of us LOL. Now I'm wondering if the legs are actually shooped or she's just got thin legs and a fantastic angle with some sort of fisheye effect.

>> No.10577169
File: 254 KB, 1058x1628, EqY5zdFWMAILttX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10577171

That doesn't exist.

>> No.10577177

>I'm not racist
but what's with black girls and wearing greasy pink eyeshadow and lipstick with too much white undereye

>> No.10577196

The white under eye is so that your eyes appear bigger

>> No.10577202

I think what you interpret as grease is just shimmer. It looks bad in shades not well suited to people's skin temperature and tone, and for lips many black women like lip glosses on top of lipstick, so it could look weirdly shiny in pics. The white undereye is them doing tear bag makeup without using the right shade for their skin tone.

>> No.10577203

i think its a weeb thing, not a black thing. people wanting to look like uwu animu magical girl cosplay.

>> No.10577206

I am so sick of her thunder thighs

>> No.10577207

she definitely shoops her legs to be longer, because she has photos of her wearing mini skirts/skirts and those thighs are massive

>> No.10577211
File: 18 KB, 308x400, 5e7f0ab4904b5c54ea0002e38d0eadf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10577217

This. Fuck SJWs that reee into the sun.

>> No.10577261
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, qdsdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10577285

Anon I think you misread, we were asking >>10577036, who posted >>10577014.

>> No.10577290

unironically really enjoy this, and yes i do see the crocs

>> No.10577296

When is this picture from though? Recently she looks a lot bigger and most of her stuff looks ill fitting which does make it ita

>> No.10577307

>tfw lor obviously only likes this clown shit because she's ugly as fuck otherwise
just look at >>10576379 vs >>10576375
lor is the kind of dumpy, fat cunt that makes me want to be a lonelita.

>> No.10577376

It’s definitely shoop, she’s obsessed with being thinspo when she’s just slim-average.

>> No.10577390
File: 1.21 MB, 3000x4000, 2D050A75-6F75-4D0C-A27F-3D8F0C38CB57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10577460

Hi I'm Sexy Baby!
I’m genderspecial, public decency law nonconforming, fat, a sexual predator, and a drag queen.
On my personal Instagram, I post lolicon and drag looks. On past posts about LGBT issues, a lot of lolitas have said they consider drag to be a fetish like sissies.
Last night I posted on CoF and two people commented a hilarious acronym on the post. This morning I was sent a screenshot from Behind the Bows where someone 1. Called me "fatty fatty fat fat" 2. Misgendered me (a man with mental health issues) and 3. Implied my drag (which was involving sexualizing minors) was a kink, and started a challenge where people would post the acronym on my posts “for eternal internet fame”.
And this was in the last 24 hours.
I am now cutting the words "daddy's little cum dumpster" into my hairy chest and shitting in my diaper.

>> No.10577470

Transphobia where? Pretty sure this is just a full on MAN. I'm so sick of this guy attention whoring just because he is out here wearing dresses. SO FUCKING WHAT??? If you want validation stop posting on cof and go post on the trans reddit, there are so many shitshows over there, you will feel right at home pedo fuck.

>> No.10577525
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>> No.10577538

He needs something to jack it to.

Comments from girls is what he wipes his cum up with.

>> No.10577585

Feel like that whole comment thread was nonbinary snowflakes who don't actually wear the fashion or are always posted in ita thread especially mister "why should we improve"

>> No.10577588

"I do take extra positive ass pats from echo chambers only"

>> No.10577592

Pls be joking

>> No.10577593

Caps for the BtB fame?
Don't do FB

>> No.10577594

Dam why did no one think to do this

>> No.10577644

We get it vendetta chan you hate her stop posting this pic in every thread

Can barely even see the full coord but Jesus fucking wept

When will itas stop trying to match these ugly ass metallic gold shoes with yellow/ow dresses

Die escum

This is extremely threatening

Did you just cover your eyes and pick items from your closet at random? Please never wear any of this ever again.

>> No.10577675
File: 1.27 MB, 1242x2114, C321453B-887E-40A7-BD53-C1BEEFC01430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10577679
File: 564 KB, 1079x1046, Bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a hot mess

>> No.10577680
File: 373 KB, 796x1141, Screenshot_20210317-092147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagging your reply only to keep a thread about sexy baby linked.

Apparently the character is satire, what does cgl think?

>> No.10577682

Next it will be some drag queen's fault he mixes lolita and drag

>> No.10577684
File: 1.18 MB, 2117x2117, 82A41120-C841-47C3-AFBB-B910E4BB5C3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10577685

hooooonestly I kinda believe him. is he a few shillings short? probably. is he a fetishist out to get underage girls in the comm? probs not, honestly

>> No.10577686
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210317-093118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to brave the highlights reel but first this treat

>> No.10577687
File: 911 KB, 2448x3264, 9470050E-3710-4E34-8B77-180F2E89C8E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10577688

op here just realised “a few shillings short” is a briticism — basically just means he’s not 100% normal, usually refers to people with learning disabilities or mild autism

>> No.10577690
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>> No.10577691
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>> No.10577692

>Which just means they're homophobic or transphobic
Wot you're not trans you're a snowflake and no it doesn't if anything it would be kink shaming but thats not even it either honey. People just trying to protect the minors.

>> No.10577695
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x1671, 20210317_094528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save the Gals!

>> No.10577698

Tiktok should be canceled

>> No.10577701
File: 876 KB, 2448x3264, 10F099EF-CC21-41C3-8026-ED06917A8757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10577702

His reply honestly makes him look worse and like he cant even accept himself and his kinks. Good try sexy baby. Even if this was true his co-ords are shit and it has nothing to do with what is between his legs.

>> No.10577703

I’m scared

>> No.10577707

I know sexual predators are the most common but you can get violent and abusive predators too who tend to seek out the weak for gratification that way.

>> No.10577717

He can still manipulate with verbal and possible threats of violence against the weaker members of the group which still makes him a predator dipshit. The way you are defending I’m guessing you either him or one of his hand maiden victims. The world isn’t black or white because you are use to one term being used one way often doesn’t make it the only way it is used.

>> No.10577736
File: 201 KB, 1012x493, AAA8FA29-4A42-44F4-B230-44D524DC9B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I think he is just saying that we’re transphobic/homophobic because he knows people will side with him

>> No.10577738

Transphobic AND homophobic AND might as well throw racist in there too1!!1!!1 if you don’t agree with my kinks

>> No.10577740

God he is deflecting so hard. He has a bunch of adult baby and the "other" lolita shit all over his social (or at least did at one point). He mixes drag and lolita with his kink all in one and gets mad that anyone points it out.

No one gives a damn that you're nonbinary they're annoyed that you're using a fashion group that involves minors as part of your sissy kink dressup fetish.

>> No.10577742

Tyler is an annoying cunt but I want her to make a video about this guy so her simps online will shame and push him out of more spaces. If she gets "cancelled" again for being a supposed transphobe I don't really care. I just want him to be bullied hard enough to go away cause I'm sick of him.

>> No.10577750

we do not want him

>> No.10577752

He’s removed most of the posts from his ig from what I’ve seen. He’s an admin for a server I’m in and has been posting about harming cgl boolies because he has weapons and guns and wants to bite people. What a psycho

>> No.10577753

Can you screenshot that and post it? I want to see how the woke folk react to him now.

>> No.10577755

He keeps using those words without knowing what they mean

>> No.10577757

Is that the echo chamber I mean safe space for the snowflake lolita hivemind server he's always recruiting fellow itas for lol

>> No.10577758

I’ll try to be back after shift ends with caps but unfortunately most others in it are in agreement with him

>> No.10577761

>People have valid criticism

Since he is trying to own sexy baby I vote he is now scary baby or scat baby.

>> No.10577774

If it was a "joke" and nothing to be ashamed of as he claims why is he scrubbing his socials of it

>> No.10577776

He obviously knows he’s in the wrong lmao cant wait for the next person to call him out on his and get called -phobic as he screams and shits his sexy baby diaper

>> No.10577796

But he was never not owning it? I thought it originated from his own “satire” on ig?

>> No.10577806

Way to proof being someone that should be kicked away. Didn't surprise he turned out to be the most toxic cry baby afterall kek.

>> No.10577885

"b-but it was joke. I was only pretending to be a sexy baby for satire!"
You sexualized children, it doesn't matter the context you sick fucking lunatic.
>He also sexualized "being a 13 y/o girl" too.
>He's nothing but a creep.

>> No.10577886

Yeah. This right here! As a mother, I find this shit super creepy and scary. Your “satire” isn’t funny “sexy baby”.

>> No.10577887

kinda agree

>> No.10577891


>> No.10577892

I hate them as much as anyone else but god this pearl clutching is embarrassing

>> No.10577894

What she does is always terrible in such a weird way that i end up loving it. Those shoes really take the cake

>> No.10577899

I think what’s embarrassing is... sexy baby.

>> No.10577902

This. You’re just as bad as the SJW lynchmob circle jerkers in the RC thread. If he removed the content, it doesn’t prove one way or the other if it really was satire or if his intent was to actually sexualize minors, but there is a clear distinction between the two. Or is everyone that makes fun of DDLG age play kinks also sexualizing minors? Context matters a lot. People saying the tags he used to say it’s for sure not satire don’t have a solid argument either. lots of people on IG use trending tags that don’t make any fucking sense, tags stir the pot or start controversy and get people to interact to boost their post.

Just because he participates in drag or other fetishes doesn’t automatically mean he’s into every kink there is or that he can’t make fun of any other fetishes/kink communities. If he made those posts in the context of a drag performance it makes the whole sexy baby thing being satire more likely. Anyone actually involved in drag or any drag fandom knows that performers and the art form itself rely heavily on satire.

I do agree that he needs to pump the brakes on posting certain content to groups containing minors. But ffs he’s not the first to post a controversial coord, and drag in and of itself is not a fetish. no one cries “omg your seXuALlizing minors in this community” when others post coords with harnesses or holding link props like paddles/whips in their posts.

If you don’t like drag looks in lolita because “lolita is not a costume” boo hoo. I don’t like OTT sweet or Lor’s clown shit for the same reason but they’re still allowed and not that different. Lolita in general is a costume to 90% of the normies that see it, and it will never not be. Trying to distance yourself from that is a soap box not worth the time nor energy.

>> No.10577903

Lor didn't always have awful coords but ironically her coords went downhill at the same time she was gaining weight.
Not saying that's what caused it, but.

>> No.10577904

i love that blouse desu

>> No.10577906

Someone not being able to put together cohesive coords because their weight gain limited the clothes they could wear from their closet? Shocker lol

>> No.10577907

lmao I'm one of the ones who angry reacted.
I did it because it makes me angry that you're allowed there despite being a creep. I've seen a lot of bad coords on CoF and just scrolled past because they have a right to be there even if their coords suck. Has anyone actually spilled the beans about him to the CoF mods and they just didn't care?

>> No.10577908

Then block him and ignore him you fucking cringelord it’s really that simple. You want someone to live rent free in your head?

>> No.10577909

"haha im only pretending to be ita"

>> No.10577912

Omg its sexy baby

>> No.10577914

Sure sorry u got posted

>> No.10577915

Not sorry u got posted

>> No.10577916

Lolita is a luxury not a necessity. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it.

>> No.10577924

I don't see a problem with someone having kink interests outside of lolita, or doing drag. what i DO have an issue with is the fact that his instagram description includes a quote from Lolita as in the book. THAT'S the most incriminating thing imo.

you can go ahead and change it, but don't worry, I already have a screenshot

>> No.10577934

It doesn't explain how her makeup skills suddenly took a nosedive too.
Or why she insists or dying her hair an unflattering color or perpetually having crooked bangs.

>> No.10577935

>implying that CGL doesn't live in your head rent free


>> No.10577942

Post screen shots

>> No.10577947
File: 391 KB, 577x1015, Untitled494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its seperate why do you wear drag makeup in lolita
Why do you advertise your drag shows wearing lolita
Why do you wear lolita to your drag shows
You can delete your own posts but you can't erase your tagged posts
We can all see them

You are obviously not over the sexy baby thing if your still roleplaying as an underage girl in drag/lolita
It's not better that your "new schtick" is a 13yo girl who died of mysterious circumstances (implying r*pe murder) it's so so so much worse

>> No.10577948

Hoverlita potential

>> No.10577949
File: 21 KB, 388x289, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10577953


I am fucking amazed at the state of this community. Letting this fetishist run rampant. What the actual fuck is wrong with people.

>> No.10577954
File: 1.43 MB, 2117x2117, C0D3C457-8F2E-4A19-857D-299BCFD09F0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10577956

Bless u anon

>> No.10577957

Why is it always the same song and dance about the 13 year old drowned victorian child, why can't the sexy baby get some new material

>> No.10577962 [DELETED] 
File: 295 KB, 1242x848, EA4948A2-9322-49DD-8A9D-07D20CB2EF11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all know that it’s sexy baby but named blanked out just in case

>> No.10577963

I’m not saying one way or the other but context still matters and I don’t see any meaningful discourse happening anywhere else so might as well put it out there. All I see is cringey pearl clutching and mob mentality. It’s just as much of an echo chamber as the SJW safe space. Not everyone that reads or quotes that book is a pedo/ kinkster. That book is studied in University courses and it’s still a classic like it or not. The book isn’t written to elicit sympathy Humberdink even though the character is narrating it. If you haven’t read it but are familiar with American psycho, it is written in a similar style and the point isn’t to make you feel sorry for Bateman or excuse his actions.

>> No.10577964


>> No.10577968
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Youre right, context does matter. which is why it's important to consider that this is someone participating in lolita fashion while also proudly displaying a quote from the child character (who is groomed), specifically about how she's been corrupted. feels sus since with the context of >>10577947 with pretending to be a 13 year old girl

i do think a lot of it is pearl clutchy and largely has to do with the fact that this is a fat and masculine person in the fashion, which people are justified to be wary of imo. but I'm still going to be immediatly suspicious of someone who uses a quote from the book in a clearly fetishy way, even if it's a classic piece of literature

>> No.10577971

Samefriend, but in a community where one of the mantras is basically: "it has nothing to do with the book!", it's definitely not a good look overall

>> No.10577977
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It took a couple pictures of deedee-doodoo to get her banned but endless proof and disgusting statements and behaviour from a predator and he's still has people protecting him

Oh and on his instagram with all the attention he gets from kinksters he's letting them know how easy it is to infiltrate this community
(He tags his things with
ABDL "for attention")
There are lots of minors who are into lolita who are being put in danger by letting people like this stay around

>> No.10578023

>tfw no one realizes that lolita was chosen because of the book since it deals with a girl being unwillingly sexualized by a man

>> No.10578040

i think a lot of us realize i just personally don't want to admit it to people who don't possess a crumb of nuance in their bodies and will weaponize it as another excuse to call the fashion pedophilc

>> No.10578045

Let lolitas hate kinksters 2021

>> No.10578047

I can agree that it’s not a good look, and I get why it’s looked down on. Similarly, as someone who also wears lolita, I am not going to pretend the book exists purely as pedo fodder or assume that anyone quoting it is fetishizing it, or that the quotes have the same meaning as they do in the original text. The context doesn’t read as fetishizing the character, to me. He isn’t roleplaying as Delores, from what I’ve seen and there’s nothing sexual mentioned explicitly in his bio. The quote outside of the context of the book, like on his IG, can be referring to just about anything since quotes don’t have to mean the same thing outside their literary context. It’s cool to disagree. I’m still wary as well just not 100% convinced that he warrants this much attention. The community in trying to separate the fashion from the book of the same name, is too quick to vilify anyone who references the book in almost any context that isn’t bashing it IMO.

I don’t find him making up a story line about a dead young ghost girl any creepier than people over 18 cosplaying as under 18 minor characters at conventions or on SM.

I am not saying that the comm being wary of men in this fashion isn’t justified either. But this is not that, now it’s just mob mentality harassment.

>> No.10578058

He’s not the first edge lord to take a toilet picture and his description is still accurate. He is wearing lolita.
This proves that he wore to drag events/promos not that he’s a predator.
How is this that far from Lor wearing lolita to her horror gigs, or lolitas going to dive bars to hang out, or lolitas posting on their SM behaving badly or smoking and drinking? I get that a lot of that is looked down on but it doesn’t make them all sickos.

>> No.10578066

You must not know him personally bc he's just as insufferable of a person irl.

>> No.10578067

I’m actually really irritated she was shocked that people started sexualizing her....
>please don’t specialize me
Hon you did an upskirt, what was the game plan?

>> No.10578071

I'm fairly sure it's NOT that deep and unless you have sources you should probably go to the ER for that dislocated shoulder you no doubt gave yourself performing such a stretch.
I get that the novel is a classic in the Western world, and Kubrick directed the first adaptation, but that doesn't mean that a bunch of Japanese fashion designers in the 1970s knew much about it. Had the book even been translated to Japanese by that time, or the movie screened in Japanese theaters?

>> No.10578082

Do you know what happens at drag shows

>> No.10578087
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I'm surprised this guy is still relevant. I just remember him crying about transphobia and lolitas being anti-men because he couldn't accept that his coords were just straight up ugly.

>> No.10578099

There was a bit of a cultural lag with American movies and stuff at the time, but they were/are obviously still popular. The real answer is that some people would have had an awareness of the book/movie, some wouldn't have and just thought the name sounded cute. i personally think it was probably more of an outsiders who were aware of the implications coming up with a name in a derogatory way, and girls dressing that way then deciding to reclaim it

Yep I definitely feel like a lot of it is taken way too far and becomes an echo chamber without a ton of other evidence besides very surface level stuff. Agree to disagree regarding the quote stuff. I feel wary of him because of it, and understand why others do as well, but I think a lot of people take that immediate revulsion and then run with it and it becomes much more of a he said she said situation

>> No.10578105

And he wears Rockstar Wigs? yikes. So much for him calling out racism when he can't even do it himself.

>> No.10578110

Yes, do you? it varies a lot from burlesque, lipsyncs, satire, standup, skits, to ballroom and pageants. Some are more lewd than others or 18+ only. Drag is performance art and shows aren’t inherently sexual or predatory so Idk what your point is or why anyone cares if he does drag. Are we banning all drag performers now or people that go to drag shows and post about it? As long as no one is posting any lewd pics from their shows to a comm like COF with minors where it would be against the rules, then I don’t care what anyone does in their clothes or what they post on their own SM. I didn’t get banned from COF for posting pics of me and my girlfriend at a drag show on my own SM after posting a coord shot before the show to CoF. Literally no one gave a fuck. So it doesn’t make sense to me when there is no actual evidence of him being predatory. Everything I’ve seen has been in the context of his drag, which is performative and not indicative of any genuine intent or interest in the kink he and his commenters(mostly other queens) are sartirizing. Implying that all drag shows are inherently sexual or lewd is misinformed the same way that normies are misinformed that our fashion is kink.

Banning someone over posting about their participation in LGBT events or culture, like drag shows based on that kind of misinformation and no other clearly defined bannable offense per the comm’s rules, it sets a homophobic tone.

If his ban is related to any real threat to the comm, or violation of comm rules, I haven’t seen it. It would make a lot more sense if there were threats of violence, or lewd comments or pics posted to the comm. so far all I’ve seen is the circle jerk around his drag and personal SM.

True, so I don’t have an opinion of him either way. Im only speaking to the knee jerk reactionary policing of the comm.

>> No.10578116

I hope the SJWs crying he is racist for wearing the wigs is enough to shut him up

>> No.10578121

Woah chill
The drag he does is specifically very sexual there are lots of clips of his performances out there. One were he even dances around sexually dressed like a teenage scene kid.
It's why we are going after only him and not every lolita who has ever done drag makeup

>> No.10578124

All his white knights are as good as him leaving out key details.
>If you give concrit or just don't like my shitty co-ords you are transphobic and homophobic
>I only play the victim and always bring up to my fellow smooth brains about all the transphobes and homophobes and their evil concrit they tried to give me
>I will force drag into lolita and if you don't reply the way I want I will find the one fellow special snowflake mod to ban you for not agreeing and doing as I say
>My personal SM has "nothing to do with the lolita community and I can do what I want on it" but I will also shove it down everyone's throat publically on every post and my posts do get high interactions because FB groups full of my kinds of people
>Makes discord server to hate on people for being born straight, white or cis ect but cries about people who "apparently" do that to him. Apparently even threatening violence?
Toxic is an understatement and people have been bounced for a lot less but enjoy licking his shit stained boots I guess because this is just a very very small part of the scat baby saga

>> No.10578143

Ayrt, no where in my post am I licking his boots or praising him at all. Good job missing the point.

>> No.10578158

Honestly just sounds like youre him instead

>> No.10578191

Sounds like a cop out for your poor reading comprehension.

>> No.10578268
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Question is how can we get rid of the sjw plague in egl? Literally I remember being 120 lbs stressing how I wasn't thin enough to be in lolita meanwhile >>10577138
has no issue wearing it and posting herself petti-less in a coord group. You can't even advise her on not choosing stained bows because you could be seen as racist/transphobic just like that SB.

Can we form some comms outside of sjws already? They're ugly and as we saw plenty of times they have violent thoughts actual lolitas.

>> No.10578307

Honestly I find it alot more funny to be in a comm with sjws just for free drama.

>> No.10578352

RC and CoF will always have that though

>> No.10578378

>I remember being 120 lbs stressing how I wasn't thin enough to be in lolita
That's not something to be proud of what the fuck. Get therapy.

>> No.10578395

the game plan was attention as usual

>> No.10578439

I did start an online comm with no sjws allowed. It's really nice. I'm so sick of sjws and radical people. They are the worst. They ruin everything and no fun can be had around them...

>> No.10578443

>Lor didn't always have awful coords but ironically her coords went downhill at the same time she was gaining weight.
How does this change my point? If anything, it sounds like an argument in favour for fat people being ita since even someone who proved she could dress herself stopped making good coords after becoming fat. Not proof that fat people aren't ita...

>> No.10578445

>in the Western world
You mean USA

>> No.10578448

I would agree if it wasn't the same bullshit all the time. Much like jokes, after a while it gets old and we need some fresh drama instead of the same bullshit over and over again.

>> No.10578519

that sounds like heaven. anon pls let me in

>> No.10578597

How can I get a hold of you? Email?

>> No.10578600

Serious question. What's worse being ita or being an SJW? Obviously, being both makes one absolute trash.

>> No.10578683

This sounds like heaven.

>> No.10578685

Being a SJW is ITA as hell.

>> No.10578687

SJW. Itas can learn to be better. SJWs are in a cult.

>> No.10578708

Sounds like an ita fest in its own right.

>> No.10578712

This bitch has a beard
Also this is just so ill-fitting and looks so bad who tf it’s defending this

>> No.10578713
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>> No.10578718
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>> No.10578719
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>> No.10578730
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>> No.10578731

If you're going to go without a blouse, at least do something about your bra straps

>> No.10578754
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>> No.10578759

why do they keep trying to push demonia shoes in it? the weird danganronpa people on tiktok already ruined them

>> No.10578833

This is cute af as a casual outfit, not really lolita though

>> No.10578836

As much as I hate blouseless coords, I can’t really even see her bra straps here? Am I blind?
I like this idea but the magic princess socks don’t really match, despite the fact that they’re the same colors and have star motifs, they just don’t look right there
Would’ve been cute if it weren’t for the damn shoes
I hate these shoes with a burning passion at this point, they ruin EVERY coord

>> No.10578891

I don't think he's a sissy or sex pest but he clearly has an issue with sexualizing children and romanticizing pedophilic content, that alone should be enough to have him banned because any women doing the same would have been by now

>> No.10578909
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>> No.10578910
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>> No.10578912
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>> No.10578913
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>> No.10578919
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>> No.10578921
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>> No.10578922
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>> No.10578923
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>> No.10579048

she likely didn't go outside in those shoes, probably just a stay-at-home/virtual meet coord

>> No.10580083

you really couldn't tell, anon?

>> No.10587198

This isnt ita she just doesn't have good makeup on thats it.
Someone who isn't attractive doesn't make them automatically ita . Not everyone uses apps to make themselves look perfect too like I'm sure most you insta bitches do.

>> No.10587211

Holy shit this would be fine if they had shaved their weird neck beard. Thats so ugly who even has facial hair like that normally? Let alone for cross dressing . Jesus christ

>> No.10587259

Wtf is wrong with those legs. Obviously edited but I can't figure it out

>> No.10587464

I’ve seen solid black demonias work well in old school, but that’s about it.