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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10528172 No.10528172 [Reply] [Original]


Jan 23 and 24, 2021
Miami Airport Convention Center
>official hotel?
Doubletree right next to the MACC
Small second year con during a "muh global pandemic," expect literally whos
Masks required, distancing enforced, hand sanitizer stations set up, capacity limits, etc
$45 for a weekend pass
Chill, had a decent pretty decent number of people for its first year (about mid 4 digit attendance?). Mostly cosplayers, not too many screeching fourteen year olds, not much noticeable clout chasers or ethots. Had a /comfy/ and non corporate feel to it.

This con really can't get fucked enough with its 2019 event happening right before a big hurricane was supposed to hit and 2020 getting pushed to this year because of memeflu. Hoping all goes well and it sets a good precedent for cons in the state for the rest of the year.

>> No.10528882

What’s capacity?

>> No.10528884

Fucking gross lmao

>> No.10528923

>masks and social distancing enforced
Well what's the fucking point then?

>> No.10529233
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OtakuFest 2019 was decent enough for a first-year con. Certainly not my favorite, but at least it got a LOT of activity going around here as it was happening. Of course, I can overlook its shortcomings (namely, the lack of interesting shops) now, as I haven't been to a con at MACC since then.

2500, and they emailed yesterday to say they're about to sell out for both days.

>> No.10530630

Super excited for this. Its been too long since the last con down here!

>> No.10532428

Ight I'll go might be fun

>> No.10532967
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Threw my hat into the ring last night, figured at worst out 45 bucks at best I have a con in 2021 even if it's shit.

Anyone familiar with that part of town? looking on google shows up outside a wendys for food, is there anything else note worthy there? Everything seems 10-15 minutes away which isn't the worst thing but would like to keep a parking space if I can.

2500 seems reasonable, at least they are stating the number cap.

>> No.10533050

>Anyone familiar with that part of town
Yep. Wendy's is the best you're gonna find around there. Either that or "Cafe Kabana" right next door. The closest shopping center is half an hour on foot.

>> No.10533071
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Great... Hope they have some kind of decent food truck that isn't just a shitty ass ramen for 15 dollars. While I'm not a picky eater, during cons I would like something that isn't Wendy's or questionable quality of overpriced truck food. Could suck more I guess.

Oh well here's to hoping this doesn't suck.

>> No.10533082

You can always try food ordering apps if you don't mind the service premium, there's so much shit around here you can order from

>> No.10533087

At that point I might as well drive, 8 bucks of fees when I could drive is meh. I'm mostly just going off they are nearing the 2500 mark and looking at the parking lot it seems like an eh with parking. Not trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill here, just weighing the options out there. Worst case I just eat at the hotel cafe.

Enough about food tho, is there even a panel list or are they going to suicide run it and do it last minute?

>> No.10533106

Wow this is so fucking problematic, I'm willing to bet that at least half of the attendees are going to be Magatards.
Actually, I'm thinking about compiling a list of everyone who supports this fucking convention so we can doxx them and get them fired from their jobs, and eventually expelled from society as soon as God Empress Harris rises to power.

>> No.10533113

I don't recall ever seeing any food trucks at the convention center itself but maybe that's just me. What I can tell you with certainty is that I've seen a food truck hanging around across from the place at NW 6th Street. Not sure what they sell though.

>> No.10533116

Looked it up, seems like generic mexican dishes. Finally ready to get into cosplay again

>> No.10533289

Just bring your own food bro.
Pack some protein bars and microwavable stuff

>> No.10533293

Was pleasantly surprised by this con's first showing. It had a sense of soul, and that was thanks to panels as always. I am not taking chances with COVID but it was a good con last year by SoFlo standards.

>> No.10533650

I'm going, will bring some huel bars that are healthy but taste terrible.

Any meetup chats yet or should I make one?

>> No.10533653

>20k new cases a day
>Over half of confirmed new variant cases on Florida

Y'all are fucking selfish retards. Enjoy your con full of magafaggotry.

>> No.10533654

Also big question, since a lot of places require masks how do you avoid messing up your makeup when wearing a mask?

>> No.10533658
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None that I know of, looking forward to it. Going to follow the thread a bit and go from there.
The variant is only more contagious not a new strain. Besides at this point I probably had it, if you don't want to go don't. Curious how you go shopping for food since most people at the grocery store have fuck all consideration when it comes to distancing.
> since a lot of places require masks how do you avoid messing up your makeup when wearing a mask?
If it's like anime dallas you just gotta try hard or accept that it will possibly smudge some shit. Lots of people would simply go outside into the parking lot for a photo shoot drop the mask and get all set back up before going inside. Which reminds me should probably go buy some spares for the con along with some fairy wings for my cosplay.

>> No.10533662

Thanks for the info. Gonna have to stock up on extras. Just finished booking!

>> No.10533663

I do curbside pickup and delivery because I'm not retarded.

>> No.10533665

I take it as a blessing and skip doing makeup for my nose, lips, and chin. You're not supposed to touch the mask anyways while wearing it unless to change it for a new one.

>> No.10533667

>I do curbside pickup and delivery because I'm not retarded.
Yes because those people shower and clean each time after dealing with one person, they never ever do multiple interactions with people ever. We all also have unlimited cash to constantly do uber eats.
Word, looking forward to it traveling through FL has been a bit of a bore so far. Hopefully this can make it a little more noteworthy. Need to find a place to wash my dress though.

>> No.10533672

Corona is spread through droplets being breathed in. As long as you're not talking to the person unmasked you're not going to breathe in covid from them placing groceries into your trunk while you sit in the car with the windows up. I'd ask "are you dumb?" But you're going to a con in florida during peak plague so you are dumb as shit.

And ubereats is unnecessary stop being a lazy retarded fatass and learn to cook.

>> No.10533673

CDC says it can also survive on surfaces for some time depending on the level of humidity in the environment.
> As long as you're not talking to the person unmasked you're not going to breathe in covid from them placing groceries into your trunk while you sit in the car with the windows up.
So just like me wearing a mask and doing proper distancing in a hotel, I'll be fine. By your own logic so long as you follow the guidelines your fine. Where is the issue then?
>And ubereats is unnecessary stop being a lazy retarded fatass and learn to cook.
Yeah so back to my original point, I usually need to go to a grocery store for that shit.

>> No.10533682

>Common question
Is the coronavirus transmitted by food?

There is no evidence the coronavirus is transmitted through food, food containers, or food packaging. As always, it's important to follow the four key steps of food safety: wash, separate, cook, and chill.Dec 14, 2020

All grocery stores offer delivery and/or curbside pickup. Curbside pickup is free at walmart. Stop being fucking obtuse. People will be taking their masks off in the convention center. If you're inside one spot for over 15 minutes, that's when you risk covid infection, even if you're masked and distanced.

>> No.10533683

I hope you end up with permanent organ damage, kek. You deserve it.

So does everyone going to this con.and I hope your grandparents die too.

>> No.10533685

>Is the coronavirus transmitted by food?
The bag or surface the food is located in can carry it dip
>All grocery stores offer delivery and/or curbside pickup.
Not in my state
>People will be taking their masks off in the convention center.
Not proven yet I could say people do that when delivering your food

If you don't feel comfortable going to a convention don't, otherwise we will enjoy it while practicing safe distancing measures and adhering to the guidelines in place. Until then go ree on facebook with the other karens.


>> No.10533686

Have fun getting the rona losers. Hope none of y’all are obese.

>> No.10533692

So the event is saturday and sunday, do people cosplay in the area on Friday as well?

>> No.10533704

I'm checking in on Friday and will be in cosplay. Feel free to say hey or hang out just look for the 2hu cosplayer.

>> No.10533705

You have to be shitting me. Cases in Miami are already rising. Just a few months ago that con in Texas ended in multiple cases. None of you can do the bare minimum to act as responsible adults. Enjoy your con you cunts, I hope spending a weekend with a bunch of sweaty autists is worth it.

>> No.10533707

>Just a few months ago that con in Texas ended in multiple cases.
I was there, aside from something about the dude running it being in contact with a covid person the few weeks before the con this is news to me.

Everyone was social distancing, events were capped properly and spread out, most everyone adhere'd to the guidelines or were ejected from the con.

>> No.10533709
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Here's what your average panel looked like. As you can see masks and distancing were enforced and done by everyone

>> No.10533712

Oh so you can't read? "There is no evidence the coronavirus is transmitted through food, food containers, or food packaging."

Walmart offers free curbside pickup in ALL states you fucking moron.

>> No.10533716

>Walmart offers free curbside pickup in ALL states you fucking moron.
Yeah because everyone lives right by a walmart because we live in burger land right?
CDC acknowledges it is possible to be spread via surfaces but also acknowledges it is not the main transmission of it. So, again if everyone is using social distancing and adhering to guidelines set out and enforced by the con, where is the issue? It's cool you can live in such a life where you can easily not interact, lots of us have to live life and can't get that luxury that you do.

Going to enjoy the con and have fun, if you don't feel comfortable or have medical issues where rona would affect you severly, don't attend it's just that simple.

>> No.10533721

Nayrt, as someone who is super vigilant about COVID and hates when people are irresponsible with it, you seem like you're planning to be perfectly responsible and the other anon is overreacting and being a dick and just making everyone pushing hard for distancing and guidelines followed look worse. They're silly for being upset despite your insistence that you plan to follow guidelines and be responsible about things. Don't waste your breath arguing with them, it's all posturing. Like my friends who I am in a social pod with were eating in person at upscale restaurants until we told them we were uncomfortable with it if we planned to have mask off distanced meetups, but then when I mentioned how some people forget their masks in their car and have to run back to get them at the store, they started acting like anyone who does so is lying and just an anti masker who should be punished and shamed...people have no nuance I guess.

>> No.10533730

Nah I feel ya, still trying to figure out what to do friday night. Probably going to drink a bit, not sure if cgl has any light meetup plans or what not. There is a Japanese/korean place around the corner, would be down for a meetup to do korean bbq or something if enough anons are down on sat or something.

If anyone has ideas for friday all ears on stuff, if anyone wants I have no problem doing a mini meetup with some drinks and anime watching

>> No.10533774

Ppl who I was going to go with have school and work keeping them busy so I'm down to meet new people.

>> No.10533825

kinda unsure if I want to go rn cuz I dont really have anyone to go with. Will there be an option to just buy tickets at the door or are they gonna sell out soon?

>> No.10533830

You have people afraid of the coof, if you can overcome that there's no reason not to get over talking to new people.

>> No.10533832

yeah ive been shut in mode for a while and need to go out and do smthing or make some friends
Im not too terribly afraid of the coof where Im scared of going out or anything but I do take precautions when I can.
biggest thing is I dont want to go all alone really and I havnt been to a con in a long time

>> No.10533843

According to an email they sent out recently, they will sell out soon and tickets will not be sold at the door.
If you cosplay it shouldn’t be hard to make some friends for the day. Keep in mind this is a small con and it’s during a ‘pandemic’, the only people going to it will be hardcore congoers. That type of person is usually open to speaking to new people.

>> No.10533853

Probably going to end sales early, they said that it was capped at 2500 so for insurance and hotel deals I'm fairly sure they stop before hand.

>> No.10533858

>If it's like anime dallas
>That picture
If this is who I think it is, I briefly met you there on Saturday. Hm. Now I'm really curious.

>Enjoy your con you cunts
Thanks, bitch, I will.

If it's any consolation, I will likely be alone on Sunday. Not sure since my "cosplay partner" is very unreliable.

>> No.10533860
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>If this is who I think it is, I briefly met you there on Saturday. Hm. Now I'm really curious.
Maybe, idk. I'm just driving around the US exploring nature so maybe? Figured since I am near FL already I might as well stop in for this con since I got my dress in my bag.

>> No.10533865
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Well, that was quick. The guy I'm thinking of said he traveled a lot, too. So you WERE Cirno at Anime Dallas? I was there as tracksuit Ryuuko. It's fine if you don't remember, you talked more with my friend while I was in a panel anyway.

>> No.10533870

Nope I recall I was a little tipsy then but yeah, AD was interesting to say the least lol. Just stuck in a hotel watching the stoolers fuck up the playoffs and had this tab open.

Feel free to say hey, I am thinking I should be getting in around 6ish or so to the doubletreee. Down for drinks or whatever if you wanna shoot the shit and hear dumb travel stories about shit.

>> No.10533920

Yeah, I'm open to the possibility of a meetup. I'm usually working at that time (and the weekend), but I'm sure I can think of some excuse to get over there.

>> No.10534016
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Sure hit me up, I'll watch the thread but don't risk your job though.

Down for a mini cgl meet depending what people wanna do

>> No.10534840
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Thanks for the concern. I'm not risking anything though, since it's a meme job and it's just a matter of me usually only taking one day off a week or none. Nobody will care though. And yeah, I wanna see if maybe somebody else would be interested in joining in the meantime.

>> No.10535217

I got into cosplay over quarantine and this seems really fun. I live in florida too but i don't want to take any risks with corona, do they do this every year in florida?

>> No.10535226

Love that I get banned for not being a leftist extremist and this cunt can stay on

>> No.10535468

I have fire emblem Yuri cosplay ready for saturday, not sure if I can finish the sword prop in a week though

>> No.10535666

Same. Friend doesn't wanna go so there's no reason for me to risk going. I'll just wait for Super or Metro in the summer.

>> No.10535875

I still need to finish my costume and start my prop lol. Make your sword anon and we will crunch together in spirit.

>> No.10536925

>Just realized events only till 8pm Saturday
Anyone planning on anything? 8PM on a saturday is stupidly fucking early to call it quits, obviously not thinking a huge ass room party wall to wall shit will be going on but anyone got some ideas of something basic to do? Feels like this will be the only con in a good while so want to at least make the day worth while.

>> No.10536935

Agreed, but...

>obviously not thinking a huge ass room party wall to wall shit will be going on
Don't discount the possibility just yet. There was a party at Anime Dallas. Not massive, yet sizable enough. Of course I don't know much about these things, since that was my first time at a con party, and it was only through word of mouth. I wasn't even gonna mention anything about that unless someone else brought it up, but yeah. No real ideas for now desu. Sorry.

>> No.10537198

I haven't found a chat for otakufest yet so I made one, will delete it if I find a real server/chat


>> No.10537290

No thanks. We can chat perfectly fine in this thread.
Can’t see this happening since Otakufest isn’t yet established as a party con or anything like that, and taking place in a convention center as opposed to a hotel hurts the likelihood too. Would love to be proven wrong though as I’d be down for a reasonably sized post-con get together since the con closes so early.

>> No.10537313

You're probably right, honestly. I'm just holding out hope, since it was a lot of fun last time. Though again, I probably wouldn't know where to find it anyway. Also worth noting that Anime Dallas was at a hotel as well. I'm definitely down for something after, whatever happens

>> No.10537866

FYi for those not in the discord, thinking about going to a Korean BBQ place saturday or friday night if anyone is down.

>> No.10537910 [DELETED] 
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>florida con before vaccination
lmao what the fuck are you all teens

>> No.10537921

I don't know why everyone's so against this con. I've been to several of them since The Corona started. Everyone wears masks, everyone social distances (as best they can), and the con is kept so it isn't that crowded.
I've been going to all the cons I can and so far there hasn't been a single incident I've heard of. Everyone is being really careful.

And even if somehow someone does get it despite all the safety precautions it's not the end of the world. It makes you sick for a week or two then you'll live. None of you have ages in the triple digits so it's fine.

I hope you detractors are having fun sitting at home and twiddling your thumbs for the next year desperately waiting for NBC or whatever to tell your brainwashed ass it's ok to leave your home.

>> No.10538035

>I've been to several of them since The Corona started.
Wait, really? I've known about maybe three that actually happened since March: Anime Dallas, one in South Dakota and "Nashville Anime Day", if that even counts.

Also, thank you for being positive. It's very much needed and appreciated.

>> No.10540239

Was actually looking for info on this to see if it’s worth driving down from Orlando for. Hopefully it goes well, cause that will bode well for MegaCon and HolMat.

Any other Florida or Florida adjacent cons that have a chance of happening this year?

>> No.10540253

http://animecons.com/events/ This link shows 10 cons happening in Florida this year, not including one in Ft. Lauderdale the first weekend of March or possibly Supercon in summer. Not holding my breath for that one except that they sent an email a few months ago, saying "they want to hold live events again". MegaCon I would also put in the ambiguous zone, though I will definitely go if it happens.

>> No.10540264

HolMat is what I’m most hopeful for, but MegaCon would be great too. Mostly I’m just not looking forward to waiting another 11 months for a con, much less another 2 to 3 years! Thanks for the link. Hopefully we get something.

>> No.10540266

>HolMat is what I’m most hopeful for
How is that one, in terms of size and quality? It was on my list for last year until they cancelled like 4 months before it was supposed to happen. And you're welcome.

>> No.10540269

I am new to the con scene (Megacon 2017 was my first). And between MegaCon and HolMat I definitely preferred HolMat. Staying in the hotel and doing all the late night events was enjoyable. It’s a more fun and relaxed atmosphere, but still a huge number of people. The organizers are also really passionate and the hotel venue is great. If I had to choose one con out of those two it would be HolMat.

>> No.10540273

Ok it's pretty big then. In that case, it might be ambiguous too, except that it's still a ways off. And hey, I'm still pretty new to this too (started with Animate 2015). The late night stuff is always the best time to be there certainly, but even if they hold it, I expect those won't be happening due to the current state of things. Even before all this madness began, Supercon 2019 cut back on a lot of its more adult-themed events. Either way, if HolMat happens, I will also be there.

>> No.10540726

So huh guess this is actually happening then
Looks like the schedule is up so that makes it official.
Seems pretty bare but guess I can't say I am surprised by that, so really hoping anons who said they were down for some kind of meetup weren't japing. Ending at 8PM seems a bit rough/early.

>> No.10541161

Holmat is probably the best con in Florida.

It's big, anime themed, full of cosplayers and right next to disney springs.

>> No.10541358

We are at the hotel lobby if ppl want to hang out

>> No.10541374

Are you making sure people are hanging out 2 meters apart and no more than 15 minutes? We all know that covid waits and only jump on you after exactly 15 minutes have passed

>> No.10541383
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I just drank a whole bottle of smirnoff OWO

Lost my glasses tho 2 a qt :)))))0

>> No.10541408
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good first day 0
>Go to steak house eat too much
>go to walmart for booze and condoms
>drive to liquor store that looks like if you stay too long they will rip your kidneys out and wake up in a tub of ice
>get back to hotel and drink a fuck load downstairs not giving a fuck
>talks from anal fisting to naruto flash games from ebaumsworld and adultswim VHS
>random dudes appear asking for CGL meet since wild cirno spotted
>drink heavily for a bunch of hours
>talk about the good ole days of cons
>yell about furries and stuff for ??? reasons I think someone brought up inuyasha
>shitslaying incurrs
>people pass out drunk least they took their shoes off

Good time

>> No.10541437

>It had a sense of soul, and that was thanks to panels as always. I am not taking chances with COVID but it was a good con last year by SoFlo standards.
You should have taken the chance anyway.

>> No.10541439

>Cases in Miami are already rising.
Tell that to the governor and mayor and I'm sure it's fucking nothing.

>> No.10541743

If this con is actually happening should I have high hopes for Anime Expo in July???

>> No.10541747

It's a different state with a very different demographic and leanings so I wouldn't bet on it at all. Plus AX relies much more heavily on industry and international guests who are much more unlikely to show up vs. a small local con that only hosts a handful of domestic guests.

>> No.10541749

Enjoy your covid

>> No.10541769
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never, this con is p kino tbqh S3npai

>> No.10541952

This shit actually happened
A month after Christmas/New Years
Spikes every month now

>> No.10541979

you guys make me fucking sick. i hope you got coughed on by some dumb maskless teenagers. you won't be able to scream and get rowdy once covid takes your voice.

>> No.10541997

did anyone in the artist alley yesterday see any mgs/eva stuff. my boyfriend and i are desperate

>> No.10542118


con was fun even if I got cockblocked both nights. 99% J

>> No.10542121

>trying to hook up during a pandemic

Disgusting, glad you got cockblocked. I can understand wanting to go to a con, even though I wouldn't personally. You can wear masks and stay distanced. But seriously, fucking a rando during a pandemic? Foolish and disgusting.

>> No.10542125

fat chick spotted lole
gg rn @ lyfe tho

>> No.10542128

Yeah I'm quite the chonker at 5'5 and 105 lbs. Cope harder.

>> No.10542135

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.10542142

adults can be thin too anon

>> No.10542145

return to your bodies owner skeleton

>> No.10542147
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>17.5 bmi

pick one anon

>> No.10542154

okay that's not you though so what's your point

>> No.10542171

I dont care if you're fat or not, but not everyone has to stay holed up and live like you.

It's anons right to be "foolish and disgusting" if they want to

>> No.10542232

>Its an anon's right to die if they want to!
not paying for your funeral costs tho

>> No.10542316


>> No.10542320

Just left a few hours ago and had a blast meeting and talking with everyone. Nowhere near as good a Holmat but w/e. Y'all are great!

>> No.10542330
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>> No.10542336

Shit I have that laptop too

>> No.10542361

Hell yeah, love seeing this. The weak can hide. Cuts the super awkward trash and quite a hit of obesity out of the picture. Hoping collosal follows suit.

>> No.10542401

This is so fucking sad lmao

>> No.10542415

shit con desu. did not stay the entire time either day and do not regret it. here’s to hoping none of the underage dangan ronpa cosplayers gave anyone the coof

>> No.10542453

Well that makes two cons in two months that actually happened. This my favorite con going experience ever, though that was entirely due to all the...ahem, *unofficial* con-adjacent stuff. Ended up running into four people from Anime Dallas, for example. Also, really hope there's more or at least better, panels in the future, cause I only bothered with one about cosplay in Cuba. I also didn't get as much attention this time either, but that's fine.

Oh, hey. I was there for this and also took a picture (for whatever reason) but it looked terrible.

>> No.10542476

Nothing and non stop bitching and moaning
Insanely fun and wild times like I didn't expect. Seriously if this is the con that kicked off the decade to come, hell fucking yes.

>that cirno cosplayer who I thought would be cringey shit was legit a fucking walking legend
That dude can drink like a fucking tank and is actually insanely fucking chill to talk to it's so weird how he just fits into any convo we had. He kept showing up everywhere I didn't expect him to either, didn't know what to think as I think I saw his picture in a few other threads. Dude just got hoes being mad or some shit for real.
Holy fuck that guy!

>> No.10542495

>lots of us have to live life and can't get that luxury that you do.

Bitch, excuse me? You don't HAVE to go to a con. You won't DIE if you don't socialize. Going to work or the grocery is one thing, but you do not have to go to a fucking convention in a pandemic. Masks, especially the handmade or stretch ones people use, are not 100% effective. Probably a fair bit less even if both people wear one. So many people have tried to be safe, and still gotten it. Why would you knowingly increase your risk? If you haven't had this virus, you don't know how much it ruins your life when your symptoms last a a stupidly long time. I'm not even 30 yet but here we are.

>> No.10542504

It's especially dumb to be doing this shit now of all times. Cases are worse than ever and there's a vaccine on the horizon.

If it was just the dumbasses that were being infected I wouldn't care, but dumbasses spread it to people being safe just trying to buy a loaf of bread at the store which is what pisses me off.

>> No.10542514
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Man this thread

>> No.10542599

RECORD CASES REPORTED TODAY! Stay scared kid. Worked in manufacturing all year, went about my business as usual all year, didn't get covid at all. Psh, pretty crazy for a disease that's so super spreadable.
All this scared shit and no one promoting healthy life choices, clean eating, exercise to help actually fight sickness. Stay inside. Make sure you avoid all friends and family. Be alone.
Like I said, very excited for these cons because the fear spazzs won't be around. Its like an autism filter.

>> No.10542617
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Was at otakufest both days but only wore my unicorn costume breifly on the first since I didnt have my usual helper around and didnt want to push my luck with a crowd. Attendance looked good, much better than I expected considering this is the first real event I've been too since covid popped off a year ago. There were plenty of sanitation stations and pretty much every booth had sanitizer. Temp checks at the door as well. Idk what else people want. If you think the media is ever going to come out and say "ok guys it's all over go back to work and your lives now" your delusional.

Didnt get to rly see any of the panels or anything but the schedule was sparse since I'm sure alot of the regulars who might apply for panels were probably expecting the show to be dead or get delayed/canceled. Otherwise I was at the flynns booth helping them do sales and talking gundam models with passerbys.

Tldr I think it's a good sign of things comming back. Looking forward to superfancon in a few weeks to see if that trend continues.

>> No.10542678

Bro I saw you yesterday I was the cat maid with the guts with bloody sword. Based chad

>> No.10542948

Nobody asked you to?
What an odd cope.

>> No.10542985
File: 387 KB, 1080x1528, 20210125_201459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masks enforced? Bullshit. You Americans aren't looking too hot from here. This is literally the stupidest shit. One of the vendors came KNOWING they were covid positive. I want to be back at cons too, but this is just fucking retarded

>> No.10543065

>You Americans aren't looking too hot from here.
Stay locked down Europoor trash

>> No.10543116

Had a lot of fun over the weekend! Very glad this happened, my mental health needed it.

>> No.10543129

>Its like an autism filter.

Yes, but not the way you're thinking.

>> No.10543140
File: 944 KB, 1440x2115, Screenshot_20210125-220903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otakufest will keep giving for a month

>> No.10543143
File: 61 KB, 1280x1232, 7C66F969-97D2-482F-9C20-19C88A317F1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl gets covid at the very beginning of the moment
>shows up to Otakufest 3+ weeks later
????? Yes and? Do people seriously think she was still contagious at that point? Let’s stop freaking out and instead listen to science.
Some of you really are worse than the anti-maskers.

>> No.10543146
File: 450 KB, 720x405, 1609823925061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source dude: trust me!
>ur going to dyee as a semi healthy person! even though .001% chance
No one cares who went to this con, seriously most people in FL have forgotten covid is even a thing.

>Some of you really are worse than the anti-maskers.
Nah most of us have to actually work, interact with people daily, and shit. We all can't live NEET MODEO

>> No.10543148

the month*

>> No.10543151

>most people in FL have forgotten covid is even a thing

I'm seriously considering moving at this point.

>> No.10543152

Come on over to Canada

>> No.10543153
File: 61 KB, 425x471, 1611397919279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good less bitchy people at cons

>> No.10543161

>hey guys so I heard from someone who knows this guy who's dad literally works at nintendo about this one artist(out of the 60 there) had covid
>now I can't back up these claims with proof of who, why, how, or cause as this could be damanging to people

Yeah this is total bullshit, it's like the girl who was complaining about someone making out with her when she came on to him and the dude was just like no.

>> No.10543169

I mean I probably had it and I still went, and I'm definitely not the only one. Who cares, everyone there had masks, and even if they didn't they are young and will laugh off the symptoms. I lost my sense of smell and had a mild headache, so what, this virus is literally nothing.

>> No.10543362

I still went because I was being safe. But my mom literally died from covid. don't be selfish by calling it nothing. It was a mild cold for me too back in June, but not everyone is as lucky as us

>> No.10543374

Youre a prick to know you have it and still go. I wouldn't go to my friends house with the common cold. Why would you be okay with getting people sick?

>> No.10543389

There is no possible context in which going to a convention in the middle of a pandemic is "being safe". I'm glad that you regard your mask as a magic totem that renders you invincible, but you were being irresponsible and it would be adult of you to own up to it.

>> No.10543420

You responded to that comment and not the guy who went saying he probably had covid?

>> No.10543450
File: 47 KB, 812x758, covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You responded to that comment and not the guy who went saying he probably had covid?
Pro tip, lot's of people PROBABLY had it. There are a large number of cases where people who had it experienced no symptoms or nothing over that of being a small case of the sniffles.

CGL somehow amazes me of being the board that is all about going to tea parties and other events, yet somehow never has to go to the store for food, clothing, supplies, etc. Dunno how you all do it unless ya'll be fucking made of money for 100% deliveries, or just ask mom/dad to get it. Pretty much everyone I met at the con agree'd that the shit done and seen there is head and shoulders above the average dipshit stuff that goes on at your average publix.

Pic related, I have a bigger chance of dying from crossing the street on a daily basis from the whack jobs around here than covid has done to my age group in the past year.

>> No.10543479

Yeah it's unlikely you're going to DIE but the chance of suffering from permanent organ damage as a result of COVID is 50/50. And a huge chunk of people that have found out they've got irreversible organ damage from COVID were people who had no symptoms. It's not just a cold and it's not just something that impats old/unhealthy people.

>> No.10543489


>> No.10543493

>Yeah it's unlikely you're going to DIE but the chance of suffering from permanent organ damage as a result of COVID is 50/50
Source needed

>inb4 link to some "perfectly healthy" land whale with a slew of undocumented issues all get dogpiled into covid boogieman

>> No.10543511

Different anon. Im a competitive swimmer, but I developed breathing issues after recovering from covid. I haven't looked into it much, but its awfully coincidence given that everyone says there's longterm health implications

>> No.10543513

I guess I should say *was not is. Cant do fuck all anymore in the water now that I suddenly have shit lungs

>> No.10543586

Is this what we have to look forward to in terms of anime con threads moving forward? Because holy fuck it's going to be awful.
>stay home then retard
>okay I understand the risks and still going following any mask guidelines laid out
-long winded rants about shit everyone knows unless they just got out of a coma-

>> No.10543589

The "longterm health implications" are such a lie it's not even funny. There's no actual evidence of longterm health problems just as there's no actual evidence of the Corona being any more than the flu. (((They))) probably just made it up to make the Corona sound eVen SPOOkiER.

And about your problems, it really is just a coincidence. You know I used to run daily for several years and was in the peak of health. Suddenly, in mid 2018, my normal routine was making me more and more tired and eventually I had to stop running cause my body just said it's done for life. I've been practically bedridden ever since. Bodies are weird like that, it didn't have to be because of the Corona

>> No.10543598

I think there could be issues with covid affecting people, HOWEVER I also believe it's more likely these people were walking with ailments long before covid and just never been to the doctor to get it diagnosed. COVID just did more damage to what was already there and infested itself

>> No.10543608

That could be true... I definitely am getting older lolol, not a fit 18 year old anymore I guess

>> No.10543611

Thanks captain obvious. Toot toot

>> No.10543616

don't agree with that idiot. he doesn't even believe in doctors.

>> No.10543617

Im not a covid denier, but this definitely could actually just be me aging. I think until we study the bodies of people who have recovered (over the next few years) i can't really agree or disagree if long term health issues are actually real

>> No.10543634


>Young, low risk patients with ongoing symptoms of covid-19 had signs of damage to multiple organs four months after initially being infected, a preprint study has suggested.
>Initial data from 201 patients suggest that almost 70% had impairments in one or more organs four months after their initial symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

So yeah my bad. Turns out the chance of long term organ damage is 70/30, not 50/50. I underestimated how many young people are going to live with lasting damage from this ""flu""

>> No.10543640

>The research has not yet been peer reviewed and could not establish a causal link between organ impairment and infection.

Congrats on reading the fact this hasn't been reviewed and was only noticed in 200 people. Not to mention it does not have any data about before or after, just says patents who came in with covid also had these signs. It's like "Hmm people with covid also had hang nails, could this mean that our nails will never grow correctly again?!?!"

>> No.10543642

i have a few friends (early 20s) who have similar lung issues after getting it, and that's one of the long term symptoms that's been cited. just don't listen to people referencing the illuminati.

>> No.10543673

>Stay locked down Europoor trash
As if Australians haven't been having maskless cons for months now because they stopped the spread via masks and lockdown asap bc they're not entitled retards

>> No.10543711

>Young, low risk patients with ongoing symptoms of covid-19 had signs of damage to multiple organs four months after initially being infected, a preprint study has suggested.

"201 Sample size and low risk"

>20% were obese
So, like if you have a fatigue and shortness of breath for 2-3 months; you might have heart or lung impairments?

>Second, the study does not compare the bodies of people with lasting symptoms after Covid-19 with similar patients who have no symptoms. The abnormalities found are minor, and it may well be that some of them are found in patients whether they experience lasting symptoms or not. Medicine is full of conditions where there is little connection between experience of symptoms and bodily damage. 1/3 participants had no organ system impairment. Why? What causes their symptoms?

It sucks that people have long lasting issues from Covid still.

>Researchers estimate about 10% of COVID-19 patients become long haulers, according to a recent article from The Journal of the American Medical Association and a study done by British scientists. That’s in line with what UC Davis Health is seeing.

So, if you take your study with that study.
10% of people have long lasting effects and of those 10%, 70% of people have organ "impairments". Which they also state as mild.

Still scary, but no need to be all doomer.

>> No.10543722

The problem is there is no base reference, most people regardless the country often don't go to the doctor regularly enough to have proper documented shit.

Oh dude who drinks nothing but gamer fuel and Mt. Dew while eating sweets n shit, has something weird with his kidneys? Oh Covid happened to compound that? This dude also last visited the doctor 10 years ago when he was perfectly fine.

Everything is estimated since for the most part there is no control group to reference anything to. If anything, covid probably is just like any other illness out there and only accelerates other possible prexeisting conditions that could be nothing until they are flared up.

>> No.10543756

I'm not going to miss out on a weekend of fun after I've spent so much time in quarantine. Everyone there knew the risks and accepted it, I have nothing to feel bad about.

>> No.10543781

You Americans are selfish bastards.

>> No.10543783


You goddamn right.

>> No.10544082

Cry more europoor. If the Dutch are tired then I know you must be

>> No.10544485
File: 14 KB, 522x76, unknown-27[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Besides at this point I probably had it, if you don't want to go don't.

Image related sup retard lmao

>> No.10544488

>in miami

God damn it. I wish it was in orlando or tampa. Being a plant city anon is suffering

>> No.10544495

Going to a con alone is fucking awful. I'd go alone if It wasn't a 4 hour drive to miami from where I live though.

>> No.10544497

well yeah, that's why we have the by far the highest # of cases and deaths worldwide

>> No.10544504

I can't tell if the post is satire or the anon here really doesn't get that discord screencap seems like a intentional shitpost or parody comment given the way it is typed. Either way, obsession isn't healthy anon.

>> No.10544511
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x1300, EveryDayUntilYouLikeIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe and cope.
>posting discord screencaps

>> No.10544523 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10544527
File: 29 KB, 407x204, good shit fam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least fucking try dude, like fucking damn. We get it you don't like the guy... holy shit.

At least learn to use photoshop, I was wondering why the other post had weird text fonts

>> No.10544534

Have you never used discord before? Posts your mouse is hovering over are darker than the background. Try again.

>> No.10544612

Just to cover some bases here:

> If you're scared then don't go
> if you're young and healthy it's not that bad

Thank god that when you fuck around and get sick you get to choose to only spread it to young and healthy people. People are infectious before developing any symptoms so unless you're fully self isolating for 10 days afterwards you're potentially risking the health of your family, roommates, and anyone you come in contact with while grocery shopping, getting food, or doing any unnecessary outing you cockroaches decide to do

> But look at all the precautions we took!

Temperature checks, covid tests, sanitizing stations, and honestly even spacing out chairs is just covid safety theater. People are contagious before they show any symptoms and before they reliably test positive so it's not an effective safety precaution. Masks help, but they're not perfect and when you have that many people gathering it's just not enough protection. None of you are wearing properly fitted and sealed n95s so you're all still ultimately breathing the same air which is the primary mode of infection.

> Not everyone has the luxury of staying home 100% of the time!!

Going to an anime con is a luxury. Unless you live in bumfuck middle of nowhere I guarantee there's at least one grocery store that does curbside pickup for free. CVS and many other pharmacies will deliver your prescription for free.

Seriously you all act like your actions have no impact on anyone around you. I'm not afraid of getting covid because I'm young and healthy and the chances of it being horrible for me are pretty low. What I can't believe is how so many of you literally don't care if you spread it to someone who ends up dying because you thought going to a big event during a global crisis was justifiable. I really didn't think I had a lot of faith in humanity before, but I realize now how stupidly optimistic it was to assume that the average person cares whether the person next to them lives or dies.

>> No.10544689

I wish that, if someone got the Corona from me, I'd get a notification that I got +1 to my kill counter

>> No.10544692
File: 50 KB, 728x678, k0IGUXxg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10545086

Orlando here. You aren’t missing much.

>> No.10545111

>there's a vaccine on the horizon

Vaccine is already obsolete. New strains easily bypass it. Fact of the matter is that cons will and must end. There is no longer a safe way of having face to face human interaction. This virus isn’t going away. Our only effective weapon is total physical isolation. We all must do our part to rethink and revamp how we live. No more in person jobs. Grocery stores and restaurants should be shut down as we prepare a new food distribution model for this changing world. Housing and food should be provided by the government, so that no one lacks the means to shelter in place.

>> No.10545140


>> No.10545146

Nayrt but obviously.

>> No.10545230

Yeah, at least this thread has attracted all the trolls and containing them hopefully. I don't like how the echo chamber solidifies their intent though.

>> No.10545236

Unironically what the communist wanted all along

>> No.10545663

Aside from the fact you tried this shit on another member of the server, like the exact same shit a while back. Not sure why you are still trying to cause drama yet again to other gulls but whatever helps get you off dude.

have you, idunno, maybe thought of not trying to so obviously cause drama for a change?

>> No.10546005

Actual cirno here

1. That screen cap was me making fun of boomers who refuse to wear masks and bullshit on planes.I travel for my work so yeah it was something I was bitching about before I was trying to get to brasil after AD. I don't know how I could have made it more obvious with the use of HURRR DUUUR and retesteded... Like come on.

2. Not sure why you are actively making up shit since yeah, you pulled this shit before and somehow weren't banned from cfl midwest server. Yeah I know exactly where you got that from and after talking with some other users, know who the fuck you are. Don't bother playing chummy or meeting me ever again if you're going to spread bullshit rumors like that again.

3. You didn't even go to this con so why you are doing this stalky crap yet again is beyond me. You're as bad as the girl who tried to give me a condom with a hole in it once.

Seriously please stop, you're only digging yourself into a pit and everyone already kinda knows who you are pulling this shit since you did nearly the exact same thing on another user as posted before. Maybe just chill out have a beer or two and calm the fuck down. Why you need to make drama in a time like this is beyond me, like just chill for a few.

>> No.10546009
File: 2.34 MB, 4624x3472, PXL_20210124_210144456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic but w/e

Stay safe people who went to the con.

Loved the props man
ye man nice getup, if you need a copy of any of the photos we took lemme know. I don't usually post on cgl but will keep this thread pinned

>> No.10546107

One week since the con and I still feel perfectly normal... going by the doomers itt shouldn’t I be dead by now? Especially considering I went to room parties...

>> No.10546136

Yeah, you and everyone you love deserve divine retribution for your foolishness. Guess it didn't come this time though. :^) And you were at those too huh? I was gonna keep that little detail to myself desu, but I guess it's not a big deal if it comes out

>> No.10546152

retards will say objective truth is bait

>> No.10546154
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>> No.10546174

Tell that to the poor cirno that has to deal with kaposi's sarcomas from now on

>> No.10548587
File: 3.93 MB, 4032x3024, 20210124_162210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope I see you there next year

>> No.10548606

>nose out

God Floridians are dangerously retarded

>> No.10548624

What the fuck does this even mean

>> No.10548626

It means I wasn't going to make any mention of room parties that happened. Even though somebody else brought it up first, I don't really mind all that much.

>> No.10548628

Then why did you say anything in the first place

>> No.10548631

Cat's already out of the bag, whether I say anything or not. Guess I was hoping for a response from them too. Seems that's not gonna happen. Oh well.

>> No.10549634

Haha sorry fren I’ll respond. The room party Saturday night (the one with the two split rooms and beerpong table setup) was pretty fun. I think you left a little earlier than my group did but a bunch of people ended up getting kicked out for being too drunk and acting weird lol. After a few hours some of us who remained went back downstairs, jumped the fence into the pool area, and chilled by the hot tub for a while before an employee came and (very politely) asked us to leave. Think we ended up getting back to our room at like 4:30am. Luckily the Doubletree gave us a very generous 1pm late checkout for free.
All in all a really nice experience. I’d been going on over a year with no cons so I’m glad Otakufest was a good time and that there were enough non-doomers to hang out with.

>> No.10550344

Yep, I was part of the group that got kicked out from that room. Sounds like you all had some good fun during the after-after hours. Wouldn't have minded sticking around for that except 1) The cops got called and broke up the Anime Dallas party 2) security came to the room I stayed in Friday while I was asleep as you can see here >>10541408 3) hotel staff said to leave the pool at 11 4) the previously mentioned room party had security show up like three times. So even if they were nice, I think I've had enough incidents like that for a while.

And yeah, it was a great change of pace from how everything's been lately. Hopefully the upcoming cons can even come close to matching. Speaking of, I'll make a separate post about that some time later.

>> No.10553621


>> No.10553941

Alright, now that the dust is settled, let's see what's coming up next.

>Orlando Anime Day
February 13 (Just found about this right now)

Delayed to May 21-23

Ft. Lauderdale, March 5-7 (probably going to this one)

Orlando, March 6

>MegaCon Orlando
Delayed to August 12-15

>> No.10554397

MegaCon Orlando might be the biggest one for the Southeast. I can see a ton of people showing up there by that time we will have a full crowd and I'll be there as well.

>> No.10554401

If any big con happens, this is probably the one. Of course, I'll believe it when I'm actually there, as it's definitely one to attend if they pull it off.

>> No.10554410
File: 474 KB, 1080x1080, 1612821172856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will stop Florida man.

>> No.10554658

DeSantis for President when?

>> No.10554699


>> No.10560465

So who is going to Megacon?

>> No.10560584

If it's gonna be packed fully then you should go.

>> No.10563716

Anyone hear about this photog/cosplayer meetup that happened recently in St. Pete?

>> No.10564047

check facebook or instagram for that.

>> No.10564062


Ft. Lauderdale, March 5-7

Is this worth flying out for

~$100 plane tickets roundtrip is nice..

>> No.10564073

oh the con closes at 8PM nvm lol

>> No.10564090

Same question but MegaCon
Is it fun? What's the party level like?

>> No.10564208

Worth it for sure.

>> No.10567385

Not in Florida but close enough, Cubcon had its little 2 day mini con in Valdosta Georgia last weekend. Surprised it’s still going after the clusterfuck that was Tigercon

>> No.10575722


>> No.10579170

As much as I want to keep this bumped, nothing in Florida happening for a while unless I'm severely missing some comic con out there.
Who the fuck wants to go to a discord moderator meetup?

>> No.10580434

Do we have any decent cons in early Summer now that Mizucon moved to September? I think Metro is the soonest but even that isn’t until late July.

>> No.10583850

I mean the last two times I went I was still a semi normie and only walked around the main event showroom. Doing the hotel thing this year so will probably get a better idea of the party scene then. It’s a pretty huge con and it’s Orlando so probably pretty good scene. That being said HolMat is my favorite Florida con and since it’s in December it actually has a chance of happening this year.

How is Mizucon generally? Haven’t heard much about it.

>> No.10584615
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20191101_185257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mizucon is a comfy smallish con, would suggest. It was my first con back in 2019 & I had a good time. I would volunteer for it too if you have the chance, it's fun.

>> No.10590446

I think that I will check it out if I can fit the trip into my budget. Of course this also depends on how Megacon turns out, that will affect most other cons.

>> No.10590629


Ok retard. Just be sure to have your cosplay and brand organized to be sold after your death.

>> No.10597399


Bump for Anime Fest. Just learned about this one a few hours ago, and it's been added to my list of cons to attend this year. Anime Midwest was my top contender for the late June and early July period, but I doubt they'll go through with it, so this is a nice alternative. Glad I don't have to wait till September for something (fairly) close by like Mizucon, which I have no expectations for, given how small their location is.

>> No.10605689

Metro in a couple months

>> No.10610536

Your state still not allowing cons? Have fun locked inside while everyone has fun nigga.

>> No.10610545

Hope all these coof doomers stay this way when next AX comes around so I don't have to deal with those dumbasses crowding up the halls.

>> No.10611048

I am new to this board, reading through this thread I am experiencing culture shock from all of the zealotry coming from the COVID doomers. Wild.

>> No.10611071
File: 25 KB, 427x384, Smug Ryuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're at an actual con, they're very easy to forget about. (It's not like any of them are gonna be there, after all.) Just ya know...so long as you're not coming here for constant updates about how you and everyone you know is gonna die.